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Everest Gala 2017 Program_final-2

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Published by ryep, 2017-02-23 15:55:35

Everest Gala 2017 Program_f

Everest Gala 2017 Program_final-2



Always Higher


Saturday, February 11, 2017

Carlisle Banquets

Lombard, Illinois

12 0 1 7 E V E R E S T A C A D E M Y A LWAY S H I G H E R B E N E F I T


儀甀愀氀椀琀礀 愀渀搀 挀漀洀昀漀爀琀 愀爀攀  䄀爀琀椀猀琀椀挀  “Christ is the
漀甀爀 琀漀瀀 瀀爀椀漀爀椀琀椀攀猀⸀   䐀攀渀琀椀猀琀爀礀 reason for this
school. He is the
伀甀爀 攀砀瀀攀爀椀攀渀挀攀搀 猀琀愀昀昀  Always unseen but ever
琀愀欀攀 瀀爀椀搀攀 椀渀 瀀爀漀瘀椀搀椀渀最  present teacher
礀漀甀 眀椀琀栀 挀愀爀椀渀最 猀甀瀀瀀漀爀琀  in its classes.
He is the model
愀渀搀 椀渀搀椀瘀椀搀甀愀氀椀稀攀搀  of its faculty and
琀爀攀愀琀洀攀渀琀猀 琀栀愀琀 眀椀氀氀 洀愀欀攀  the inspiration
礀漀甀爀 搀攀渀琀愀氀 攀砀瀀攀爀椀攀渀挀攀  of its students.”

挀漀洀昀漀爀琀愀戀氀攀 愀渀搀 

䐀爀⸀ 䨀漀攀氀 䄀欀爀漀甀猀栀 䐀攀渀琀愀氀 䌀愀爀攀 䘀漀爀 琀栀攀  Higher
䔀渀琀椀爀攀 䘀愀洀椀氀礀 BENEFIT
㄀㐀㠀㄀㄀ 匀⸀ 䘀漀甀渀搀攀爀猀 䌀爀漀猀猀椀渀最 DINNER
䠀漀洀攀爀 䜀氀攀渀Ⰰ 䤀䰀 㘀 㐀㤀㄀ 夀漀甀爀 猀洀椀氀攀 猀栀漀甀氀搀 戀攀 

⠀㜀 㠀⤀ ㌀ ㄀ⴀ㘀 㘀  愀猀 䈀刀䤀䜀䠀吀 愀猀 
䔀瘀攀爀攀猀琀 䄀挀愀搀攀洀礀 
昀愀挀攀戀漀漀欀⸀挀漀洀⼀䄀爀琀椀猀琀椀挀䐀攀渀琀椀猀琀爀礀倀䌀 猀琀甀搀攀渀琀猀 愀爀攀⸀⸀⸀

䄀爀琀椀猀琀椀挀  一漀眀 椀琀 挀愀渀 戀攀℀ Saturday, February 11, 2017
吀愀欀攀 栀漀洀攀 愀 䘀刀䔀䔀 娀漀漀洀℀  Carlisle Banquets
䔀砀挀攀氀氀攀渀挀攀 䤀渀 吀栀攀  吀攀攀琀栀 圀栀椀琀攀渀椀渀最 䬀椀琀 昀漀爀 
䄀爀琀 ☀ 匀挀椀攀渀挀攀  一攀眀 倀愀琀椀攀渀琀猀℀ Lombard, Illinois
漀昀 䐀攀渀琀椀猀琀爀礀
2 A LWAY S H I G H E R B E N E F I T 32 0 1 7 E V E R E S T A C A D E M Y A LWAY S H I G H E R B E N E F I T

EVEREST ACADEMY Dear Friends of Everest Academy,
BENEFIT DINNER This evening we unite to support our growing school. In our recent
history, we have grown our enrollment by nearly 200 students!
AN EVENING TO BENEFIT EVEREST ACADEMY Your generosity makes it possible to provide the Everest experience
that we all value so dearly. The funds we raise tonight are essential
Everest Academy Board of Directors to meet the financial challenges of a privately funded school.

Mr. Peter Colarelli - Chairman The mission of our school is a simple yet beautiful one-to teach
Mr. Jorge Ramirez - Vice Chairman our students to be Christ’s hands in today’s world. When I look
at the graduate profile of our students, I see young adults who not
Mr. James Beecher - Treasurer only lead in academics, but they lead in their faith communities
Mrs. Amy Scoville - Secretary and their humanitarian efforts. They have represented us very well.
This is a tribute to the Legionaries of Christ, the teaching staff, and
Everest Academy Board Members the parents at Everest who all work as a team to form our children.

Dr. Joel Akroush Our celebration tonight is the fruit of the labor, imagination,
Mr. John DeRoche and zeal of our many hard working volunteers and staff members.
Ms. Daire Ryan Thank you for attending this benefit to share our successes and assist
Mr. Edward Bleka, Jr. us with keeping the mission of Everest Academy alive and growing.
Father Michael Mitchell, L.C.
May God Bless each of you,
Ms. Lori Broncato, Principal

2016 Advisory Board Members

Mrs. Sue Zabilka, Mrs. Laura Kaminski,
Mr. Luke Lonergan, Mr. Umberto Brizuela

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EverAest cademy United and growing.

TEACHING THE MIND Everest Academy is This year’s theme of United & Growing
EDUCATING THE HEART an independent Roman truly reflects this chapter in Everest
FORMING THE CHARACTER Catholic school serving Academy’s history. We are united as
preschool through a school community and each year we
8th grade. Our 260+ are growing, not only in the number of
students come from over students, but growing as a faith community.
20 different towns to
experience a personalized, We come together from different cities,
nurturing environment, varied backgrounds and still, our
where Christian values Everest families find a home within
are taught, embraced, and our walls and halls. Our students
put into practice. Teachers cultivate life-long friendships, and
apply Integral Formation,® so do our Everest parents and staff.
a proven method of
education that provides We are Everest: United & Growing.
students with top quality
academics, character
formation, spiritual growth,
and opportunities to
exercise their leadership
in a spirit of service.

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Our 2017 Semper Altius Winner


A B O U T T H E S E M P E R A LT I U S AWA R D Sheila Liaugminas is an Emmy Award Entering radio broadcasting as a regular
winning journalist with extensive experience contributor, Sheila then hosted the popular
Semper Altius is our school motto, which means “Always Higher.” The in both secular and religious journalism. radio shows The Right Questions and Issues
school motto challenges our students to strive for excellence in all areas She has reported for Time magazine for more and Answers on Relevant Radio, heard
of their education: intellectually, spiritually, in their character and service than twenty years and has been published throughout the United States. She has served
development, in order to be fully prepared to fulfill God’s plan for their lives. in the Chicago Tribune, Crain’s Chicago as guest host of talk shows on Relevant Radio
Business, the National Catholic Register and Ave Maria Radio, and hosted America’s
The Semper Altius award taken to the level of the community is intended and the National Review Online. Sheila is Lifeline on the Salem Network. She has also
with thanksgiving, to recognize the transforming works of great and married with two sons: one is a priest for appeared on the BBC World Have Your Say.
generous Catholic lay persons and Catholic Religious leaders. The award the Archdiocese of Chicago who just received
is presented in recognition of the recipient, as a means to highlight their his STL degree in May and the other a Sheila currently hosts the daily program
dedication, fidelity and work of Christianizing society and building the graduate student and writer, studying A Closer Look on Relevant Radio, and
Kingdom of Christ in the world through their God-given gifts and talents. abroad. She resides in Chicago, Illinois. serves as Network News Director.

Recipients of the Semper Altius Award display these qualities: Sheila has been active in the religious media,
with contributions to the National Catholic
Authenticity in living according to the Gospel values in the Register, Crisis Magazine, Adoremus
community, at home, in the workplace and in the Church. Bulletin, and Voices, the magazine published
by Women for Faith in Family.
An apostolic heart – a genuine concern for others – as one
who seeks to serve others, especially those in need.

Leadership that is instrumental in transforming
and re-Christianizing society.

Since 2007, this award has been presented
to many outstanding Catholic leaders:

Virginia McCasky 2007 Ernest Waud III 2009 Jerry Rich,
Cardinal George 2014
Bishop Paprocki, The DeRoche, Guzior,
Bishop Gustavo 2008 Bleka, Akroush, and Bishop Wypych 2015
Diamond families 2010
Jason Scott Jones 2016
2017 EVEREST ACADEMY 8 92 0 1 7 E V E R E S T A C A D E M Y A LWAY S H I G H E R B E N E F I T

The 2017 Everest Academy Benefit would not be Thankful
possible without the support of its volunteers. and grateful
Thank you to the 2017 volunteers for your dedication
and hard work! Thank you to all Everest Academy We gratefully acknowledge
parents, grandparents and friends for your generous those who have
donations to our silent and live auctions.
2017 Always Higher Benefit Chair generously underwritten
Mrs. Laura Fairclough this evening:

We walk byFaith, not by sight. DR. & MRS. JOEL & JEANETTE AKROUSH
Marketing Committee Chaired by Renee Yep
Renee Yep, Keith Nowakowski, Steve Gumm, Audrey Campbell, Barb Sweeney FUNERAL HOME & CREMATORIUM

Auction Committee chaired by Laura Fairclough CHERISHED PETS REMEMBERED
Rosie Nardulli, Laura Henze, Irene Lindow, Cindy Flores, Audrey Campbell,
Sue Zabilka, Susie Lambert, Kim Ceyhan Batovski, Room Ambassadors MR. & MRS. JORGE & CATRINA RAMIREZ

Event Night Committee chaired by Ella Plahm

Alumni Volunteers, Nicole DeRoche, Robert Gath, Laura Kaminski, Anne Lee,
Peggy Magdziarz, Laura Henze, Mark Kaschube, Katie Brousseau, Amy Scoville



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Evening Schedule Menu

6:00 p.m. Arrival & Check-In, Cocktails HORS D’ OEUVRES
Silent Auction Opens, Games
Appetizers Served Meatballs, Spinach/Cheese Blossoms
Veggie Tartlets, Assorted Cheeses
7:00 p.m. Welcome and Blessing
Volunteer & Special Guest Recognition SOUP | SALAD
2017 Semper Altius Introduction
Award Acceptance Presentation Potato Leek
Pearlette Vinaigrette
8:00 p.m. Live Auction Begins
Everest Video ENTREE

9:00 p.m. Games Filet Mignon
Entertainment Chicken Medallions
Harvest Blend Vegetables & Rice Pilaf
10:00 p.m. Silent Auction Closes

Hot Fudge Brownie with Ice Cream

12:00 a.m. Open Bar and Entertainment Ends

Photography Special thanks to our DJ for the evening, Jeff Hawthorne

JMotive Photography will be taking candid shots throughout the evening.
Electronic photographs will be available to school families in February.


Joe was originally inspired (i.e. dared) to M.C. and auctioneer for his own
children’s event at Montessori School of Lemont. After a record-breaking night,
he has since followed this “calling” for the past seven years at over 40 events
across the country, exclusively as a volunteer for non-profits. As local business
owners, Joe and his wife Angela have co-chaired many auctions, sit on several
non-profit boards and are proud to play a part contributing to this event!

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Entertainment How to Bid With Greater
Giving Online Bidding
Music provided by Joe Fascetta Music
Register your mobile number at check-in:
Tonights Entertainment Sponsored by: • You will receive a text message, click the link
• A web browser will open taking you directly

to the bidder interface
• Search for packages by number or keyword using

the magnifying glass, or category under the menu
• You can Quick Bid the next increment,

set a Max Bid, or Watch packages
• If your max bid is the highest, the system will

automatically bid in your favor until you are
outbid or until the silent auction closes
• To place a straight bid, turn the max bid feature off
• To find packages with no bids,
select No Bid Packages under the menu
• If you are out-bid, you will receive a text message
• To get back to the main screen, click the House icon
• To view the packages you are bidding on,
click the button and select My List

142 0 1 7 E V E R E S T A C A D E M Y A LWAY S H I G H E R B E N E F I T 152 0 1 7 E V E R E S T A C A D E M Y A LWAY S H I G H E R B E N E F I T

games Class Project

Luck of the Draw — $100 per card This year our class projects are truly
one-of-a-kind. Keeping with our theme
Take your chances of The Luck of the Draw Game! Only 3 decks of cards will be of United & Growing, each grade has created
sold. A random card can be purchased for $100.One-half of the card is entered in something very special for you to bid on,
the drawing and the other half is kept by purchaser. During the live auction, after reflective of our rustic ambiance this evening.
the 4th item, ONE LUCKY WINNER will be drawn from the cards and winner may
select one (1) live auction item from the remaining live auction items (valid only on Each wooden piece is delicately decorated
items 5-16). If fewer than 52 cards are sold, this becomes a split-the-pot. Good Luck! in unique style with the help of our Everest
students and amazing parent volunteers.
Wine Pull — $25 each pull
Many thanks to the hands that built
Don’t leave empty handed! For only $25, take your chances in selecting each and every class project this year.

the highest quality wine that even a wine connoisseur will enjoy! Truly, each one is an amazing work of art!
At least half the wines are valued at $20 & up!

Heads or Tails — $25 each play

Play and Win! Rings are for sale for $25 each. You must purchase a ring to
participate in the Heads or Tails Game prior to the LIVE auction. The winner
receives jewelry, compliments of Oscar’s Watch and Jewelry! Only ONE WINNER.

Plinko — $25 per play

The Price is Right made this game famous: PLINKO! Take your chances at $25

each try and score some amazing prizes! Everyone is a winner playing PLINKO!

Raffle: Cooler of Spirits $25 each

At $25 per raffle ticket… your next party is complete with this raffle prize:

A cooler stocked with all your favorite spirits! 10 Bottles of varied liquors including:

Laphroaig Islay Single Makers 46 Kentucky Knob Creek Kentucky
Malt Scotch Whiskey Bourbon Whiskey Straight Bourbon Whiskey

Basil Hayden’s Kentucky Effective Black Cherry Tres Generations Premium
Straight Bourbon Whiskey Imported From Holland Vodka Organic Tequila

El Tesoro Platinum Tequila

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Party Sign-Ups

Paddle Party! — $100 per Couple Next Great Everest Baker Party — $25 per Person

Friday, March 4 — 7-10pm — Hinsdale Park District, Katherine Legge Memorial Join your friends Friday, May 5th 3:15-5:30 in the Everest gym for a kids cake
Join us to Play or Learn The Hottest Winter Sport! We will provide Food, Beverages, decorating class. All bakers will be taught how to use fondant and decorate an
Games and Professional Instruction for this exciting and Exhilarating Sport. What impressive cake to take home. Class will also include food & is open to bakers in
if it’s really cold? Great! We Play anyway. There is a Warming House, and when you grades 3-8. $25 per child with a max of 24 students. Party donated by Rhonda Olivares,
play, you warm up quickly! Hosted by and Special Thanks to Kate & Ed Rutledge. Robin Schaum, & Peggy Magdziarz
Space Available for 20 Couples.
Studio 54 Men in Black Party — $100 per Couple
Wine Tasting Party — $150 per Couple
Enjoy meeting our Legionary priests, at only $100 per couple, at Mrs. Laura
Join Mr. & Mrs. Scoville for a food and wine pairing in their home with fellow Everest Fairclough’s house! Come dressed in all your 70’s style, bell bottoms and wigs are
families. This evening is limited to 8 guests and will include a four-course meal with welcome! Limited to 20 couples, it’s sure to be a disco night to remember!
wine pairings. Mr. & Mrs. John Sebastian (grandparents of the Scoville children) will be
donating wine from their collection, cooking and discussing wine selections. Bucket A Day — $25 per Person

Mexican Rodeo! — $100 per Person (cap of $500 per family) Do you like the Batting Cages? Mini Golf? Golf Driving Range? Inviting all Kids:
Ages 5 - 15. Come out on Saturday, May20th between 2:00 - 4:00 pm for a fun-filled
There is nothing quite like a Mexican Rodeo! Special thanks to afternoon. Each participant will receive: 3 Batting Cage Tokens (12 balls per token),
Umberto and Marisol Brizuela for this amazing Benefit Party Package! 1 Round Mini-Golf, 1 Bucket-A-Day Golf Balls (Golf Clubs are not provided)
Package includes Rodeo Tickets, Pool Party and Lunch hosted by Brizuela’s. Gatorade and a snack. No attendee limit. Rain Date: May 27th , 2:00 - 4:00
Space Available for 100.
Mother Daughter Glam Party — $25 per Person
5 Seasons Tennis & Fitness — $100 each
MK Studios, Mother must be present. Beauty Products will be received at the party.
March 3rd, Tennis will run from 7 pm - 9 pm. Max 20 people total.
Players of all Levels will enjoy the drill and Open Play. Not a tennis enthusiast?
Come out for a fitness class, take a swim or shoot some hoops. Evening also includes Father’s & Father’s vs. Son — $25 per Father/Son
one drink ticket and appetizers. All attendees will be entered in Raffle Basket drawing.
(One-year membership (Value $1200) as well as some other fitness related item, Time to play some hoops! Mark your calendar for a Fathers vs Sons event. Twenty
water bottle, protein bars, etc.) Everest Dads will have the chance to play basketball alongside our favorite priests
6:45 p.m. Club Tour | 7:00 p.m. Tennis Drills, Yoga or Spin | 8:30 p.m. Open Play vs. their sons in an exciting game you’ll not soon forget.
Club closes at 10:00 p.m. Five Seasons, 6901 S. Madison, Burr Ridge, IL 60527 $25/Fr/son combo paid tonight & $15 for each kid after first paid night of game.

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Fund-a-Cause Helping Kids Come to Everest

Enhancing All Classrooms Photo Book and Canvas Prints

Our board challenged faculty and staff to find ways to reach You can help a student receive an education at
even higher for each of our classrooms. They worked together to Everest Academy by purchasing one of Fr. Brett’s
develop a dream list of improvements. The entire project will cost magnificent photo books or canvas photos.
approximately $120,000. Books, special assemblies and field trips,
additional educational tools and experiences are all part of the plan. All proceeds will be used for the Everest Academy
Thank you for your ongoing commitment and support. Tuition Assistance Program and Scholarship Program.

Donate $200 or more and receive a magnificent “Education cannot be
book of photography or wrapped canvas photo. neutral. It is either positive

All photography was taken by our very own or negative; either it
Father Brett on his trip to Italy. enriches or it impoverishes;

Improvements in Science, Additional opportunities either it enables a person
English, and Math to develop Art and Music to grow or it lessens, even
Introduce a formal Tutoring Program corrupts him. The mission
Expand and Improve our Continuing Education for our Teachers of schools is to develop a
After School Activities And more sense of truth, of what is

good and beautiful. And
this occurs through a rich

path made up of many
ingredients. This is why
there are so many subjects
— because development
is the results of different
elements that act together
and stimulate intelligence,
knowledge, the emotions,

the body, and so on.”


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Help Kids Get To Everest Bowling for Backpacks

Tuition Assistance Join us for a fun-filled evening of bowling, food,
games, and laughs. All proceeds from this event will
Children need the special formation proper Catholic support our Apostolic Event, the Back to School
education provides. You can make this formation possible Picnic, preparing disadvantaged children for their
with your support. Everest Academy prepares students upcoming school year.
to encounter Jesus Christ and bring Catholic teachings
into their lives and the lives of those around them. Evening includes two bowling games, shoe rental,
Donate $200 or more and receive an item that has pizza, soda, split the pot raffle, and door prizes.
been blessed by Pope Francis during Father Michael’s Donation is $75 per person, lanes are reserved for
trip to Italy. teams of six players.
Please help us raise at least $10,000 to start our projects.
All bowlers must be 21 to attend.
All of these were blessed by Pope Francis Space is limited so reserve your lane soon.
at the Sunday Angelus on November 13, 2016. BrunswickZone in Romeoville
Date: Saturday, April 15th | Time: 6:30pm-9:30pm

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SEED MONEY FOR APOSTOLIC PROJECTS Please help us raise at least $10,000 to start our projects.

Sharing The Faith

Our kids work on many service projects to make About The Artist: Patrick Pierre
a difference. Active participation in these types
of events helps the whole person formation. Patrick was just 14 years old when he started His wife sells cosmetics when tourism slows down.
This helps our kids become well rounded leaders.   selling chewing gum in the streets to help his He has the family home, so his main bills are to pay
family pay the bills. his children’s school and food. Three children are in
Some of the Apostolic Events Include: high school and two in college.
His dad was a wood carver, and taught Patrick
Haiti school Family Mission Sunday March for Life the trade. After his dad passed away, he took Patrick wants to send all of his kids to college, one
over the family carving business. wants to be engineer and another a doctor, so he has
Christmas Miracle Holy Week Missions 8th Grade Mission Trip a long way to go.
His brother did the paintings, he watched
Back to School Picnic and learned from his brother. Soon after, Patrick’s favorite thing to paint is the countryside.
Patrick himself began to also paint.
He gets up early to walk the streets to sell his
On Aug 11, 1991 he was baptized a Christian paintings and carvings.
and afterwards began to add Jesus and bible
themes to his work. He began to carve Jesus, His family shares all the money, he is the only one
crosses, and nativity scenes. who speaks English so he is the seller in the family
as well as the artist.
Patrick, his brother and cousin do all
All proceeds will be used to jump start our Apostolic projects. the production. Sometimes his 5 boys
and 2 granddaughters will help.

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AlwayHs igherPunch LIVE AUCTION ITEMS 101

Enjoy Tonight’s Signature Drink: Bar Service During Dinner
The Always Higher Punch and take home your
mason jar as a keepsake of this amazing evening! You don’t want to miss this one!
When the bar closes during dinner,
Flavors resemble a Moscow Mule, Enjoy! it won’t close for you!

Consider joining your table guests in purchasing
this one-of-a-kind LIVE auction item. Bar service
to your table during dinner keeps the merriment
flowing and the celebration uninterrupted! 

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Gourmet Dinner Bear Down Chicago Bears
with Fathers Jason & John

Gourmet Dinner by your favorite priests! Father Jason Chicago Bears Suite Tickets
and Father John will prepare an amazing meal of your 2 Tickets in a Suite for a TBD
choice, whether it’s Italian, Asian, American or TexMex Bears game in the 2017 season.
- the night is yours to not only delight in a fantastic All food and drink included.
feast, but to engage in scintillating conversation!  Includes Pre-game sideline access.

Meal Options American — special steaks (T-bone, Autographed football – Football signed by players of Bears team.
sirloin, NY steak strip), special sliced
Italian — appetizer dish with potatoes with rosemary and unions, grilled Chicago Bears Suite Tickets Bear down Chicago Bears! This is a once
prosciutto-mozzarella, several types vegetables from asparagus to zucchini.  in a lifetime opportunity to get close enough to smell the sweat, see
of pasta (mushroom, blue cheese, and hear all the action with the Monsters of the Midway! This auction
fresh tomato sauce with beef), cuts TexMex — fresh tacos chipotle style item is for two Chicago Bears tickets Suite including all food and
of steak with spinach and Parmesan – beef or chorizo, grilled unions and beverage. Invaluable pre-game side line passes to watch the warm-up
peppers on side, black beans and rice, and take photos are included as well. Game date to be agreed upon
Asian — fried noodles, egg rolls, pico de gallo with a guacamole dip.  during the 2017 season.
Korean BBQ, spring rolls and rice!
Thank you to Julie Munoz and Nino Alagna!

Available dates

March 18 or 19 Any day April 1 or 2

March 25 or 26 of spring break April 8 or 9

282 0 1 7 E V E R E S T A C A D E M Y A LWAY S H I G H E R B E N E F I T 292 0 1 7 E V E R E S T A C A D E M Y A LWAY S H I G H E R B E N E F I T

104 LIVE AUCTION ITEMS Luck of Draw Game

Day with Ms. Molly Maher Take your chances of The Luck of the Draw
Game! Only 3 decks of cards will be sold.
Take in the Windy City with A random card can be purchased for $100.
a day filled with adventure One-half of the card is entered in the drawing
with Ms. Molly Maher, our and the other half is kept by purchaser.
Dean of Students! During the live auction, after the 4th item,
ONE LUCKY WINNER will be drawn
You and 5 friends can spend from the cards and winner may select
the day in Chicago with 1 live auction item from the remaining
Ms. Maher. The exact details live auction items (valid only on items 4-16).
of the trip are up to you… do
you want to go to the beach? Hit the Magnificent If fewer than 52 cards
Mile to go shopping? Tour the museums? are sold, this becomes
Or maybe ride the L to Ms. Maher’s favorite a split-the-pot.
lunch spot. The day is sure to be a blast!
Good Luck!
A parent chaperone is welcome to join
but not necessary. This experience is
open to 2017-18 5th graders and older.

To be scheduled at agreed upon
date with Ms. Maher and winner.

302 0 1 7 E V E R E S T A C A D E M Y A LWAY S H I G H E R B E N E F I T 312 0 1 7 E V E R E S T A C A D E M Y A LWAY S H I G H E R B E N E F I T


Piano Man Billy Joel Ferris Bueller’s Day Off!
Crosstown & Boat Tour

Legendary musician Billy Joel will be returning Crosstown Classic Tickets for 4
to Wrigley Field Friday, August 11th 8pm. With Parking and Stadium Club Passes,

Seats are Section 105, Row 15, Seats 1 & 2. Chicago Architectural Boat Tour Tickets for 4

Hotel stay in the Marriott and includes dinner 1 Night at Westin Hotel
at Ralph Lauren Chicago. Perfect date night
for you and your loved one! Don’t miss the The never-ending rivalry of the
music, dancing, dinner and overnight stay! North vs the South continues
in Chicago baseball’s Crosstown
Donor: Mr. & Mrs. Daniel & Peggy Magdziarz Classic Wednesday, July 26th
at US Cellular Field. Enjoy the
game from behind home plate
(around 20 rows up).

This package includes 4 tickets, parking
pass, and access to the stadium club.

Mr. & Mrs. Ken & Pam Roessler
Dorothy Pauly
Friends of Everest

322 0 1 7 E V E R E S T A C A D E M Y A LWAY S H I G H E R B E N E F I T 332 0 1 7 E V E R E S T A C A D E M Y A LWAY S H I G H E R B E N E F I T


Call the Carline! Firetruck Ride & Police Ride
To & From School

What an amazing opportunity for your child and Every child dreams of riding in a firetruck or
for the whole school to hear your child’s voice a police car as a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
over the intercom calling the CARLINE. WOW! Lemont Fire Protection District and Police
Department to the rescue!
Don’t miss out! Ms. DeRoche will pass along Be the envy of the whole
the intercom to your child as each student’s name Everest car line when
will be called for pickup. you get to ride to and
from school with a
Exciting opportunity for your Everest Academy Student! friend (or sibling) on a
Lemont Fire Engine AND
in a Lemont Police Car!

If winner does not live in
Lemont: ride will consist
of a ride through Lemont.

Donated by Lemont’s Finest

342 0 1 7 E V E R E S T A C A D E M Y A LWAY S H I G H E R B E N E F I T 352 0 1 7 E V E R E S T A C A D E M Y A LWAY S H I G H E R B E N E F I T


Heads / Tails Game Premier Reserved
Everest Academy Parking Space
Play and Win!
Blinking rings are for sale for $25 each. If you’re looking for the best parking spot at
You must purchase a ring to participate Everest, then this is the auction item for you!
in the Heads or Tails Game prior to
the LIVE auction. The winner receives You will have
a jewelry set compliments of Oscar’s your very own
Watch and Jewelry! parking space in
Only ONE WINNER. front of the school,
identified with
your family’s name
on a customized
“Reserved” sign
for the 2017-18
academic year.

362 0 1 7 E V E R E S T A C A D E M Y A LWAY S H I G H E R B E N E F I T 372 0 1 7 E V E R E S T A C A D E M Y A LWAY S H I G H E R B E N E F I T


Notre Dame Tickets VS USC Principal for a Day
for a Child or Parent

Four (4) Notre Dame vs USC Tickets Your child or YOU, YOURSELF will love
Saturday, October 21st, 2017 the opportunity to be Principal for the day!

This is sure to be an The Principal for the day will greet students as
exciting match-up they arrive, help with car line, visit classrooms,
between two of the help with special events, and much more! They
best teams in college will help plan other exciting events like reading
football. Enjoy four to students or announcing a special privilege
tickets to the Notre Dame in recognition for all the students’ hard work.
vs. USC game on October 21, 2017.

Thank you to Mr. Peter Kilpatrick
and Father Kevin Baldwin!

Donor: Dr. Peter Kilpatrick

382 0 1 7 E V E R E S T A C A D E M Y A LWAY S H I G H E R B E N E F I T 392 0 1 7 E V E R E S T A C A D E M Y A LWAY S H I G H E R B E N E F I T


First in Line for Pick-Up Private Med Spa Party for 10

No waiting in the car line for Private Med Spa Party for 10
the entire 2017-8 school year!! at Rejuvenate Med Spa in Oakbrook

Package Includes Airbrush Tan
by Spray Tan 
Facial or Peel
ELMA MD Moisturizer Sunscreen & Gourmet Appetizers

100 Units of Botox (for winner or can
be shared with friends during spa party)

Pull right to the front of the car line to Plus 20% off Skin Care
be the first one to pick up your child 20% off CoolSculpting
(children) at the end of the school day. Huge Discounts for other Much more to be revealed!!”
products and services
This auction item could easily put an
extra 5 hours in your schedule each month. $10 unit Botox/Dysport

$100 off Dermal Fillers

Party to be set on an agreed upon date with Rejuvenate Med Spa
and the Winner of this Everest Academy auction item. Must be
redeemed by June 30th, 2017

Mr. & Mrs. Joshua & Amber Betley
Rejuvenate Med Spa

402 0 1 7 E V E R E S T A C A D E M Y A LWAY S H I G H E R B E N E F I T 412 0 1 7 E V E R E S T A C A D E M Y A LWAY S H I G H E R B E N E F I T


All About the HAWKS Best Seats in the House & Lot

Blackhawks tickets, dinner downtown and No need to worry about where your family will sit or
this one-of-a kind Blackhawks painting! park for all the special events that take place throughout
the school year! Your spot has been RESERVED!
Own a piece of history with your very own original
Artbeat Live! Rendition of the Chicago Blackhawks Enjoy not only a reserved parking spot near the front door
logo. This one of a kind original painting is created for the special events, but also enjoy the view from the front
on canvas and mounted on wood stretcher bars row as well. Enjoy your VIP spots for the entire 2017-18
ready to hang on your wall. academic year at Grandparents’ Day, the Christmas show,
Day with Dad, Mother’s Day, Spring Concert.
Ticket information: 4 Tickets and parking
on March 21, 2017 playing against Vancouver! Seats reserved as needed up to 10 seats.

International expressionist speed painter

Elliott From of Artbeat Live gained world

wide attention at the 2010 Winter Olympics

performing with Olympic Gold Medalist Shaun

White, painting custom logos on snowboards.

• This Chicago born and raised artist’s

unique talents have made him a Chicago-land

celebrity. He works closely with local and

national professional sports teams. Most

well-known is his celebrated connection to

the 3-time Stanley Cup winning Chicago

Blackhawks with whom he has had an ongoing

business relationship for the last 5 years.

• Elliott’s artwork is owned by celebrities such

as, Jay Leno, Mike Ditka, Alfonso Soriano,

David Bolland and many others. The Hotel

Intercontinental O’Hare has three

of his original pieces in their private collection.

The Chicago Police Department proudly

displays a painting he created of the Chicago

police badge and WGN Radio owns 4 Artbeat

422 0 1 7 E V E R E S T A C A D E M Y A LLWiveA!YspSorHtsIpGaiHntEinRgs BthEatNhEanFgIoTn their 432 0 1 7 E V E R E S T A C A D E M Y A LWAY S H I G H E R B E N E F I T
corporate walls at the WGN radio station.


116 Cabo San Lucas Trip!

Cabo San Lucas is the greatest beach side /resort
city in all of Mexico. It beats the likes of Cancun,
Acapulco, and even Puerto Vallarta. 

Enjoy everything from whale watching and snorkeling for the family to deep Cherished Pets Remembered Pet Crematorium
sea fishing and scuba diving for the adventurous. Or play at the resorts Quivira
Golf Club featuring a Jack Nicklaus Signature Golf Course situated right next to We value the relationship you and your family have with your pet.
the Pacific Ocean. Come nightfall, stroll downtown Cabo (only a short 5 minute They truly are a cherished member of the family.
drive) and enjoy flavorful cuisine and an upbeat nightlife. Or stay at the resort We offer private/individual
and enjoy exquisite cuisine, family fun events, and/or quiet relaxation.  
pet cremation services. Ashes are returned at no additional
This hillside resort also features spa As this is a privately owned development project charge and made available to you within 24hrs
treatments, a 60,000 sq. ft. club house, and not an all-inclusive, you have the flexibility to Affordable prices, cremation witnessing
a beach house, a humble movie theatre, plan and cook your own meals (there is a Walmart, and private viewing room
and a large number of pools at ground level.  Costco and other very large supermarkets in the area), available at no additional charge.
have your own cook (for an additional fee) or enjoy
the various exclusive restaurants on property. The To learn more go to or
recipient will relish from owner discounts on all Pueblo call 1-800-497-4901.
Bonito restaurants and golfing. This donation package
will be available beginning November 1st, 2017 for Part of and a separate facility located in the
booking through September 30th, 2018 and will be Damar-Kaminski Funeral Home & Crematorium, 7861 S. 88Th Ave., Justice
for 7 days and 6 nights at the Pueblo Bonito Resort
(Copala at Quivira) in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.  Mark & Laura Kaminski Owners
The only blackout weeks are New Year’s 2017
Now for the best part, you and your family (Dec 27 2017-Jan7 2018) and Everest Spring Break
2018. Thank you for sharing in the success of Everest
will be staying at a newly built luxurious Academy! 

2 bedroom / 2 bathroom penthouse condo Donor: Ethan & Elliott Vargas

overlooking the Pacific Ocean. It boasts A LWAY S H I G H E R B E N E F I T

a large deck to relax as your drink your

morning coffee and plan out your day’s

events. The spacious kitchen allows you

to prepare your favorite meals & famous

margaritas! And it also includes an exclusive,

private rooftop deck which includes

a 4 person hot tub, Weber grill, fire pit

and refrigerator so you and your family

can live it up Cabo Style!   

2017 EVEREST ACADEMY 44 452 0 1 7 E V E R E S T A C A D E M Y A LWAY S H I G H E R B E N E F I T


Damar-Kaminski Funeral Home Thank
& You


7861 S. 88TH Ave., Justice, IL 60458

Located next to Resurrection Cemetery We would like to thank all the teachers, staff, and
priests. Your dedication is appreciated and inspiring.
We are a Catholic family serving our Catholic
community for 20 years. We are truly blessed to have
you in our children’s lives.
Visit our website to learn more about our services
and our other locations. The areas only funeral
home with our own on-site crematorium.

International services available; Services available
in Polish & Spanish.

Now serving a cherished member of the family your
pet. Please visit

Mark & Laura Kaminski - THE MANCARI FAMILY
Owners/Director and Proud to be part of the
Chris, Maria, Christopher, & Frankie
Everest Academy of Lemont Family.

462 0 1 7 E V E R E S T A C A D E M Y A LWAY S H I G H E R B E N E F I T 472 0 1 7 E V E R E S T A C A D E M Y A LWAY S H I G H E R B E N E F I T

EVENT SPONSOR 6000 Southport Road, Portage, Indiana 46368 • 219.764.5200 • 219.764.5203 fax •

Our ILLINOIS McHenry Fishers Muncie
Semper Altius South Central
Award Winner Arlington Heights 4100 Albany Drive 9004 Technology Drive
McHenry, Illinois 60050 Fishers, Indiana 46038 3008 North Walnut Street
FROM YOUR FRIENDS AT MANCARI’S! 4 East College Drive 815.385.0021 317.849.8878 Muncie, Indiana 47303
Arlington Heights, Illinois 815.363.2580 fax 317.577.9551 fax 765.284.6852
765.284.6930 fax
60004 Niles Fort Wayne
847.259.5596 South Bend
847.259.0696 fax 6279 West Howard Street 1011 East Wallace Street
Niles, Illinois 60714 Fort Wayne, Indiana 46803 612 Chapin Street
Aurora 847.647.2333 260.744.4156 South Bend, Indiana 46601
847.647.5021 fax 260.456.2177 fax 574.288.4741
945 Aurora Avenue 574.233.5551 fax
(Route 25) Rockford Gary
Aurora, Illinois 60504 South Bend
630.844.9000 5206 Eleventh Street 2310 West 35th Avenue South Central
630.844.9008 fax Rockford, Illinois 61109 Gary, Indiana 46408
815.387.0230 219.887.0171 1643 B Commerce Drive
Chicago 815.387.0242 fax 219.887.8416 fax South Bend, Indiana 46628
825 East 99th Street Tinley Park Indianapolis 574.233.5277 fax
Chicago, Illinois 60628
773.978.4822 7635 West 183rd Street 1920 South State Avenue Valparaiso
773.978.6232 fax Tinley Park, Illinois 60477 Indianapolis, Indiana 46203
708.532.8100 317.787.2206 390 East State Road 2
Cicero/Berwyn 708.532.1689 fax 317.783.5549 fax Valparaiso, Indiana 46383
5430 West Roosevelt Road INDIANA Indianapolis 219.465.7437 fax
Chicago, Illinois 60644
773.473.8870 Bloomington South Central KENTUCKY
773.473.8874 fax South Central
1301 North Capitol Avenue Louisville
Elgin 3910 West Third Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46202
Bloomington, Indiana 47404 317.634.3762 4842 Jennings Lane
2761 Pinnacle Drive 812.332.9368 317.637.2802 fax Louisville, Kentucky 40218
Elgin, Illinois 60124 812.332.3296 fax 502.966.0808
847.783.4822 Lafayette 502.966.8380 fax
847.783.4848 fax Columbus
South Central 3845 Fortune Drive
Joliet Lafayette, Indiana 47905
3055 State Street 765.447.2300
2120 McDonough Street Columbus, Indiana 47201 765.447.0686 fax
Joliet, Illinois 60436 812.376.3343
815.725.4326 812.376.0556 fax Marion
815.725.4362 fax
Elkhart South Central
57561 Nagy Drive 3015 South Valley Avenue
1155 North DuPage Avenue Elkhart, Indiana 46517 Marion, Indiana 46952
Lombard, Illinois 60148 574.293.HVAC 765.664.2384
630.932.8777 574.293.9700 fax 765.664.9098 fax
630.932.1247 fax
Buy from your neighbor...

708.423.0910 4630 W. 95th St.

482 0 1 7 E V E R E S T A C A D E M Y A LWAY S H I G H E R B E N E F I T 492 0 1 7 E V E R E S T A C A D E M Y A LWAY S H I G H E R B E N E F I T

Congratulations to SHEILA LIAUGMINAS Dulany Consulting, Inc.

*** 2017 Semper Altius Winner *** Technology Training for Education
Get our animated "Puppy Love" Sticker Pack for iMessage!

“Serving your Wiping and
Janitorial Requirements
for every need………….

and then some !

“More than 200 years of knowledge,
experience, service and integrity

in the Sanitation/Maintenance Field”



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Rose Bonomo George Bonomo

(Friends of “The Zabilka’s – Frank, Sue, Frank, Jack, and Billy)

502 0 1 7 E V E R E S T A C A D E M Y A LWAY S H I G H E R B E N E F I T 512 0 1 7 E V E R E S T A C A D E M Y A LWAY S H I G H E R B E N E F I T

Law Offices of The Betley Family would like to
RonRLaoanwladOldfBfBicaaetsotoovsfvkiski Thank & Recognize


for their generous donations for our Annual Gala

Criminal Defense

• Drug Crimes Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
• DUI Honored by national media as
• Gun Charges “TOP DOCTOR” and as one of
• America’s Top Plastic Surgeons”
• Criminal DefenseJuvenile Defense
• Aesthetic Nurse Specialist
Traffic Tickets and Violations specializing in providing
Crimes • Violent Crimes nonsurgical cosmetic injectable
Immigration treatments to restore a more

We represent clients throughout Chicago including Cook County, Will County, Du Page County, Lake youthful look

County and Kane County.
Suburban Office: 1317 South 1st Ave. Maywood, IL Contact: 708-788-9900
nile Defense Contact: 773-521-3300
Chicago office: 3859 W 26th Street, Chicago, IL
ic Tickets and Violations

nt Crimes

clients t•hroughout Chicago including Cook County, Will County, Du Page County, Lake
• Federal Crimes
Kane Cou• ntCyri.minal Conspiracy
• Gun Charges

• Possession of a Firearm by a Gang Member

ffice: 1• 31Ju7veSnioleuDtehfen1sest Ave. Maywood, IL Contact: 708-788-9900
• Property and Financial Crimes

• Sex Crimes Contact: 773-521-3300

ce: 3859• WSta2tu6tothrySRatpreeet, Chicago, IL

522 0 1 7 E V E R E S T A C A D E M Y A LWAY S H I G H E R B E N E F I T 532 0 1 7 E V E R E S T A C A D E M Y A LWAY S H I G H E R B E N E F I T

CrossRoads Building Supply Oscar's Watch and Jewelry Company
Integrity † Servant Leadership † Operational Excellence
John & Mary DeRoche Love Everest Academy Community, Teachers, & Families! foErvthereeisrtcAoncatidneumedy swuopuplodrtliokfeotuorthscahnokol.

• Albertville, AL • Augusta, GA Oscar's Watch and Jewelry CompanyThelovely7mmsingleknotpearlstrandnecklacew14Kclaspand
• Clanton, AL • Macon, GA
• Dothan, AL • Oakbrook Terrace, IL matfcohirnagtnh1d0Temaimrilsscignoagmnleetkiwnnaosut dpeoednaarlstebudrpaacgpealioentrtfthoriostyhfeeoaprurbiryzesOicsnchathro.eoHle. ads
• Fort Payne, AL • Bowling Green, KY
• Mobile, AL • Corinth, MS The lovely 7mm single knot pearl strand necklace w 14K clasp and
• Muscle Shoals, AL • Gulfport, MS matching 10mm single knot pearl bracelet for the prize in the Heads
• Rogersville, AL • Ethridge, TN
• Orlando, FL • Lewisburg, TN and Tails game was donated again this year by Oscar.
• Panama City Beach, FL • Lexington, TN
• Pensacola, FL • Beech Island, SC

20 Locations in 8 States and Growing!

AmyYoga WITH 3460 South Halsted Street
Chicago, IL 60608
Join a fellow Everest mom and
explore your practice in Phone: 773-376-5444
[email protected]
close proximity to the school.
Chicago, IL 60608
Take 10% OPfhf oInneT:h7e7S3t-o3r7e6W-5i4th44This Coupon!

[email protected]

S m a l l g r o u p a n d p r i vat e s e ss i o n s ava i l a b l e f o r b e g i n n e r s

54a n d s e a s o n e d yo g i s a l i k e , i n c l u d i n g c l a ss e s a f t e r d r o p - o f f . 552 0 1 7 E V E R E S T A C A D E M Y


Compassion THANK YOU
Integrity to ANGELVOIP
from all of us at
Clinical Excellence Everest Academy!

We put the dignity of the person
at the center of everything we do.

562 0 1 7 E V E R E S T A C A D E M Y A LWAY S H I G H E R B E N E F I T 572 0 1 7 E V E R E S T A C A D E M Y A LWAY S H I G H E R B E N E F I T

Twin Supplies, Ltd. Thank you to the
Annual Benefit Committee
High Efficiency Lighting

Twin Supplies, Ltd. is a full service company 
that specializes in the sale and installation
of energy efficient lighting. Our CHRISTOPHER & NICHOLAS
knowledgeable and friendly staff will guide SKOKNA
you through the steps needed to achieve the
savings gained through lighting efficiency. As 1010 JORIE BLVD
program allies to various grant programs, we SUITE 124
manage your project from start to finish -
beginning with a free energy audit and OAK BROOK, IL 60523
ending with final grant applications. You can
rest assured you are in good hands! (630) 590-5138

Congratulations to Everest Academy on
Another Successful Always Higher Benefit!

582 0 1 7 E V E R E S T A C A D E M Y A LWAY S H I G H E R B E N E F I T 592 0 1 7 E V E R E S T A C A D E M Y A LWAY S H I G H E R B E N E F I T

CONGRATULATIONS to We’re jumping for joy
because Everest is united and growing!
Sheila Liaug�inas

and may God bless

Everest Academy

with unit� and g�owth as you for� Christian leaders

With our prayers and blessings,
The Legionaries of Christ, Consecrated Women

and lay members of Reg�um Christi

Thank you to all of our benefactors, families and friends
who support Everest’s mission of forming Christian
leaders. May God continue to bless our school,

The Hamilton Family

Keith, Candy, Cassandra, Keiren, Caylee, Kolbe & Clare

602 0 1 7 E V E R E S T A C A D E M Y A LWAY S H I G H E R B E N E F I T 612 0 1 7 E V E R E S T A C A D E M Y A LWAY S H I G H E R B E N E F I T



622 0 1 7 E V E R E S T A C A D E M Y A LWAY S H I G H E R B E N E F I T   䐀爀⸀ 刀漀戀攀爀琀 䰀愀眀氀攀爀

䐀漀眀渀攀爀猀 䜀爀漀瘀攀 伀戀⼀䜀礀渀


匀栀攀椀氀愀 䰀椀愀甀最洀椀渀愀猀

倀爀漀洀漀琀椀渀最 䰀䤀䘀䔀 䤀渀 䄀氀氀 䤀琀猀 匀琀愀最攀猀

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632 0 1 7 E V E R E S T A䘀愀C挀A攀眀戀D眀漀E漀眀欀M⸀⸀䐀挀Y漀漀洀眀⼀渀䐀攀爀漀猀眀䜀渀爀攀漀爀瘀猀攀䜀伀A爀䈀漀L瘀⸀W挀攀漀伀A洀戀Y最S礀渀H I G H E R B E N E F I T

Nightblue Performing
Arts Company


Everest Academy


642 0 1 7 E V E R E S T A C A D E M Y A LWAY S H I G H E R B E N E F I T 652 0 1 7 E V E R E S T A C A D E M Y A LWAY S H I G H E R B E N E F I T

Everest Academy EVENT SPONSOR
Mary Kay Cosmetics
for your continued FUELING GOOD THINGS In Chicagoland
support each
and every year! In addition to providing an ample supply of good fuel, we’ve been committed to doing
good in your neighborhood. CITGO invests millions of dollars within the communities
Sue, 630.817.1507 we serve and our employees dedicate thousands of volunteer hours in social
Laura, 630.606.5297 development efforts, including many here in Lemont. CITGO is proud to support
Everest Academy’s goal of providing high quality education to develop intelligent,
responsible and positive leaders who will better society.

To find out more, visit

© 2017 CITGO Petroleum Corporation

thanks to…

1340 St. Vincents Drive, CITGO
Lemont, IL 60439
Phone: 708-987-1515 Our Birch Table Sponsor.
Email: [email protected]

66 A LW AY S H I G H E R B E N E F I T

FatheHr in ea ven

We praise You for giving us Your Son
To be our Savior and Lord.

Bless us all as we gather here tonight
And let us live happily in Your love.

Hear our prayer, loving Father,
For we ask this in Jesus’ Name.

Am en

Always Higher

11550 Bell Road, Lemont, IL 60439
Phone 630.243.1995

68www.everes2t0ad1v7anEtVagEeR.oErSgT A C A D E M Y A LWAY S H I G H E R B E N E F I T

Click to View FlipBook Version