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Aish UK Yom Kippur Companion - RIGHT HAND BINDING (opposite way to normal)

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Published by Dan Matalon, 2020-12-20 17:20:59

Aish UK Yom Kippur Companion

Aish UK Yom Kippur Companion - RIGHT HAND BINDING (opposite way to normal)


The Wigoder Family Edition

yom kippur


YHoigmh KHoiplypuDarys



I am indebted beyond measure to project manager Lee Jacobs, whose
tireless attention to detail, patience, dedication and meticulous handling
of logistics made this all possible. To our outstandingly talented graphic
designers, led by creative genius Dan Matalon, whose work brought these
publications to life. More than a token of thanks is owed to Rabbis Shaul
Rosenblatt and Daniel Rowe, who worked for years to develop a more easily
accessible translation and annotation of the High Holiday liturgy. That I
have only added translations, glosses and footnotes of my own sparingly is
testament to the quality of their work.
To Aish UK’s outstanding educational team of Rabbis and Rebbetzens
whose invaluable insights, comments and in-depth pieces have greatly
enriched the reader’s experience. To the team at Sefaria, whose superb
online resource was hugely helpful throughout. Finally, to the Wigoder
family foundation for their kind sponsorship of the machzorim. That over
ten thousand readers across dozens of communities throughout the world
will gain enormously from this project is down to the efforts of all of those
mentioned, and more.
On behalf of the whole team at Aish UK, I would like to take this opportunity
to wish you and yours a happy, healthy and sweet new year.

,‫תכתבו ותחתמו לחיים לשמחה ולשלום‬

Rabbi Eli Birnbaum

Director of Education
Aish UK



Shana Tova and welcome to the Explanatory Service Highlights machzor!
This machzor draws from the core High Holiday prayers, exploring them
through contemporary translation, explanatory footnotes, glosses and in-
depth pieces. All content and material is carefully designed to allow ease of
access and to encourage the reader to connect at a personal level to some
of the most familiar and beloved prayers in all of Jewish liturgy.
As we approach the end of the Jewish year 5780, pausing for a moment to
sit back and take stock is a task most of us will approach, I am sure, with a
sense of trepidation.
Covid-19 ravaged international healthcare, decimated global markets, and
killed hundreds of thousands around the world. And its relentlessly grim
march continues, with barely an end in sight. Even as 5780 comes to an end,
it refuses to go gentle into that good night; the virus’ full socio-economic
impact remains an unknown storm on the horizon.
But through the darkness, a glimmer of hope remained visible. As the
pandemic tightened its grip, unassuming and unsuspecting heroes stood
tall and strong, and raged against the dying of the light. Or, as in the case of
Captain Sir Tom Moore, they shuffled slowly around a garden with a zimmer
frame, beating back the despair one lap at a time.
And perhaps; maybe, just maybe, the historic peace accord between
Israel and the UAE points to a better, more hope-filled 5781. As the Talmud
notes, “May the previous year and its curses end. May the new year and its
blessings begin.”
It would be remiss of me not to take this opportunity to count my own
blessings in spearheading the educational content of this colossal project;
conceived and mapped out barely two months ago as we moved to service
the wider community to the very best of our ability as it contemplated what
will, sadly, be a very different High Holiday experience to the norm. We
hope that this machzor will greatly enhance that experience.

YHoigmh KHoiplypuDarys


4 4

Yom Kippur Eve 6 Contents
Blessing the Children 10
Kol Nidrei 12 ‫ליל יום כפור‬

Morning Blessings 14 ‫ברכת הבנים‬
‫כל נדרי‬
Modeh Ani 16
‫ברכות השכמה‬
Yigdal 18
‫מודה אני‬
Verses of Song 20 ‫יגדל‬

Baruch Sh'eamar 22 ‫פסוקי דזמרה‬

Ashrei 24 ‫ברוך שאמר‬
Hamelech 26 ‫המלך‬

The Shema 28 ‫קריאת שמע‬

Ahava Rabbah 30 ‫אהבה רבה‬
‫קריאת שמע‬
Shema 32
‫שמונה עשרה‬
The Silent Prayer (Shacharit) 38
Gevurot - The 2nd Blessing 44 ‫קדושת השם‬
‫קדושת היום‬
God's Holiness - The 3rd Blessing 46
The Day's Holiness - The 4th Blessing 50 ‫שלום‬

Blessings of Appreciation 54

Blessings for Peace 56


Vidui/Confession 58 ‫ודוי‬
Gevurot - The 2nd Blessing 64
‫על חטא‬
Yizkor 72
‫הזכרת נשמות‬
Books of Life & Death 74
‫ונתנה תקף‬
Memorial Prayer 78 ‫הזכרת נשמות‬

The Neilah Service 82 ‫תפילת נעילה‬
Introductory Verses 84
The Silent Prayer 86 ‫פסוקי נעילה‬
Blessings for Peace 100 ‫שמונה עשרה‬

Vidui/Confession 102 ‫שלום‬
Yom Kippur Conclusion 108

‫לשנה הבאה בירושלים‬

In-depth Pieces 110
Kol Nidrei: Infinity's Call 113 Rabbi Ari Kayser
Shema: Hearing is Believing? 115 Rabbi Gideon Goldwater
The Fragile Scales of Justice 117 Rabbi Daniel Rowe
Yizkor: Days of Future Past 119 Rabbi Eli Birnbaum

Please note that this abridged explanatory machzor does not
contain the comprehensive High Holiday liturgy. We have selected
key 'highlights' of the service in order to produce a meaningful and

enlightening introduction or companion to the full service.

YHoigmh KHoiplypuDarys



‫כל נדרי‬

yom kippur eve


In a world where vows
are worthless. Where

making a pledge
means nothing. Where
promises are made to
be broken, it would be
nice to see words come

back into power.


YHoigmh KHoiplypuDarys


8 8

Rabbi Gideon Goldwater
What an intro! Focusing on annulling
the commitments and promises
we made in such a serious manner,
with the tune and tone that so many
communities adopted - it is the
grandest of gestures we could possibly
do to amplify the message: “What we
do and what we say matters! It frames
the day of introspection that is to come.

Rebbetzen Adina Strom
We begin the holiest day of the year
by reminding ourselves: Your words are
powerful, and meaningful. Don't make
promises you can't keep. Our nature
is to bite off more then we can chew!
We make grand resolutions that we will
change entirely this year! This doesn't
last and is so difficult to keep up.
God wants us to start small. Let's just
start with the spoken word. Resolve to
take on just one thing and stick to it,
keep your word.
Start will end up big!


Ok I’m just going to
blurt it out:

kol Nidrei…what on
earth is it all about?!

Rabbi Refoel Sandler
Kol Nidrei - a tune that invokes
memories of Yom Kippur of old. The
beginning of this incredible day yet
seemingly so abstract and detached.
Annulling our vows? Is that really
the beginning of the repentance
process? The reality is Kol Nidrei is
a perfect beginning. It signifies that
what I say matters. We go through
life often saying what springs to
mind, rarely giving credence to the
things we say. Does it really matter?
The answer is YES! Kol Nidrei is the
perfect beginning to a perfect day.
Reaffirming to myself that throughout
this repentance process, and in fact
throughout life, what we say carries
weight! What we say really does

YHoigmh KHoiplypuDarys


‫ליל יום כפור ‪ 10‬ברכת הבנים‬

‫ברכת הבנים‬

‫‪For a boy‬‬

‫ְיִׂשי ְמָך ֱאֹל ִהים ְּכ ֶא ְפַר ִים ְו ִכ ְמ ַנׁ ֶּשה‪ְ ,‬י ָבֶר ְכָך ְי ֹהָוה ְוִיְׁש ְמֶרָך‪ָ :‬י ֵאר ְי ֹהָוה ָּפ ָניו ֵא ֶליָך‬
‫ִוי ֻחֶּנ ָך‪ִ :‬יׂ ָּשא ְי ֹהָוה ָּפ ָניו ֵא ֶליָך ְוָיֵׂשם ְלָך ָׁשלֹום‪:‬‬

‫‪For a girl‬‬

‫ְיִׂשי ֵמְך ֱאֹל ִהים ְּכָׂשָרה ִר ְב ָקה ָר ֵחל ְו ֵל ָאה‪ְ .‬י ָבֶר ְכָך ְי ֹהָוה ְוִיְׁש ְמֶרָך‪ָ :‬י ֵאר ְי ֹהָוה ָּפ ָניו‬
‫ֵא ֶליָך ִוי ֻחֶּנ ָך‪ִ :‬יׂ ָּשא ְי ֹהָוה ָּפ ָניו ֵא ֶליָך ְו ָיֵׂשם ְלָך ָׁשלֹום‪:‬‬

‫ִוי ִהי ָרצֹון ִמִּל ְפ ֵני ָא ִבינּו ֶׁשַּבׁ ָּש ַמִים‪ֶׁ ,‬שִּי ֵּתן ְּב ִלְּבָך ַא ֲה ָבתֹו ְוִיְר ָאתֹו ְו ִת ְה ֶיה ִיְר ַאת‬
‫ְי ֹהָוה ַעל ָּפ ֶניָך ָּכל ָי ֶמיָך ֶׁשּלֹא ֶת ֱח ָטא‪ּ ,‬ו ְת ִהי ֶחְׁש ְקָך ַּבּתֹוָרה ּו ְב ִמ ְצֹות ֵעי ֶניָך‬
‫ְל ֹנ ַכח ַיִּביטּו ִּפיָך ְי ַדֵּבר ָח ְכמֹות ְו ִלְּבָך ֶי ְה ֶּגה ֵאימֹות‪ָ :‬י ֶדיָך ַי ַע ְסקּו ְּב ִמ ְצֹות‪ַ .‬ר ְג ֶליָך‬
‫ָירּוצּו ַל ֲעׂשֹות ְרצֹון ָא ִביָך ֶׁשַּבׁ ָּש ַמִים‪ִ .‬י ֵּתן ְלָך ָּב ִנים ּו ָבנֹות ַצ ִּדי ִקים ְו ִצ ְד ָק ִנּיֹות‬
‫עֹו ְס ִקים ַּבּתֹוָרה ּו ְב ִמ ְצֹות ָּכל ְי ֵמי ֶהם‪ִ ,‬וי ִהי ְמקֹוְרָך ָּברּוְך‪ְ .‬וַי ְז ִמין ְלָך ַּפְר ָנ ָס ְתָך‬
‫ְּב ֶה ֵּתר ְּב ַנ ַחת ּו ְבֶרַוח ִמ ַּת ַחת ָידֹו ָהְר ָח ָבה ְולֹא ַעל ְי ֵדי ַמ ְּת ַנת ָּבָׂשר ָו ָדם ַּפְר ָנ ָסה‬
‫ֶׁש ִּת ְהֶיה ָּפנּוי ַל ֲעבֹו ַדת ְי ֹהָוה‪ְ .‬ו ִתָּכ ֵתב ְו ֵת ָח ֵתם ְל ַח ִּיים טֹו ִבים ַו ֲאֻר ִכים ְּבתֹוְך ָּכל‬

‫ַצ ִּדי ֵקי ִיְׂשָר ֵאל ָא ֵמן‪:‬‬

‫‪On Yom Kippur eve there is a beautiful custom for parents to‬‬
‫‪bless their children, praying that God guides them on a path‬‬
‫‪of truth, kindness and achievement - that they will grow to be‬‬
‫‪a source of pride to their family and to the wider community.‬‬

‫‪And, above and beyond all else, that they be inscribed and‬‬
‫‪sealed in the book of life.‬‬

Yom Kippur Eve 11 Kol Nidrei

Blessing the Children

For a boy

May God make you like Ephraim and Menashe. May Hashem bless you and
guard you. May Hashem shine His countenance upon you, and be gracious
to you. May Hashem turn His countenance toward you and grant you peace.

For a girl

May God make you like Sarah, Rebbeca, Rachel and Leah. May Hashem bless you
and guard you. May Hashem shine His countenance upon you, and be gracious
to you. May Hashem turn His countenance toward you and grant you peace.

And may it be the will of the Almighty, to place in your heart love and fear
of God. May the fear of Hashem be upon your face all the days of your life,
so that you will not sin. May your desire be for Torah and good deeds,
may your eyes look straightforward, may your mouth speak with wisdom,
may your heart meditate with reverence, may your hands be engaged
in good deeds, and may your feet hasten to do the will of the Almighty.
May God grant you children who will grow up to be righteous, occupying
themselves with Torah and good deeds all their days. May your essence be
blessed, and may God grant that your livelihood come with honesty, ease
and abundance, from His generous hand, and not from the gifts of others;
a livelihood that will free you to serve God. May you be inscribed and
sealed for good, long life together with all the righteous of Israel. Amen.

YHoigmh KHoiplypuDarys


‫כל נדרי‬ 12 ‫ליל יום כפור‬

‫כל נדרי‬

.‫ ְו ִקנּו ֵסי ִּד ְנַ ֽדְר ָנא‬.‫ָּכל ִנ ְדֵרי ֶו ֱא ָסֵרי ּוְׁשבּו ֵעי ַו ֲחָר ֵמי ְוקֹו ָנ ֵמי ְו ִכּנּוֵיי‬
‫ ִמּיֹום ִּכּפּוִרים‬.‫ ּו ְד ָא ַ ֽסְר ָנא ַעל ַנ ְפָׁש ָ ֽת ָנא‬.‫ ּו ְד ַא ֲחִרי ְמ ָנא‬.‫ּו ְד ִאְׁש ַּת ַּֽב ְע ָנא‬
.‫ ְּב ֻכְּלהֹון ִא ֲחַ ֽר ְט ָנא ְבהֹון‬.‫ֶזה ַעד יֹום ִּכּפּוִרים ַהָּבא ָע ֵ ֽלינּו ְלטֹו ָבה‬
‫ ָלא ְׁשִריִרין ְו ָלא‬,‫ ְּב ֵט ִלין ּו ְמ ֻב ָּט ִלין‬,‫ ְׁש ִבי ִתין‬,‫ ְׁש ִבי ִקין‬.‫ֻּכְּלהֹון ְיהֹון ָׁשָרן‬
:‫ ּוְׁשבּו ָע ָ ֽת ָנא ָלא ְׁשבּועֹות‬.‫ ֶו ֱא ָסָ ֽר ָנא ָלא ֱא ָסֵרי‬.‫ ִנ ְדָ ֽר ָנא ָלא ִנ ְדֵרי‬:‫ַקָּי ִמין‬
:‫ְו ִנ ְס ַלח ְל ָכל ֲע ַדת ְּב ֵני ִיְׂשָר ֵאל ְו ַל ֵּגר ַה ָּגר ְּבתֹו ָכם ִּכי ְל ָכל ָה ָעם ִּבְׁש ָג ָגה‬

‫ְס ַלח ָנא ַל ֲעו‍ֹן ָה ָעם ַה ֶּזה ְּכ ֽ ֹגֶדל ַח ְסֶּֽדָך ְו ַכ ֲאֶׁשר ָנ ָֽׂשא ָתה ָל ָעם ַה ֶּזה ִמִּמ ְצַ ֽר ִים‬
:‫ ְוָׁשם ֶנ ֱא ַמר‬:‫ְו ַעד ֵ ֽהָּנה‬

:‫ַוּֽ ֹיא ֶמר ְי ֹהָוה ָס ַ ֽל ְח ִּתי ִּכ ְד ָבֶ ֽרָך‬
:‫ָּברּוְך ַא ָּתה ְי ֹהָוה ֱאֹל ֵ ֽהינּו ֶ ֽמ ֶלְך ָהעֹו ָלם ֶׁש ֶה ֱחָ ֽינּו ְו ִק ְּי ָ ֽמנּו ְו ִה ִּגי ָ ֽענּו ַל ְּז ַמן ַה ֶּזה‬

Composed some time prior to the 9th century, the haunting Kol Nidrei service
has come to be perhaps the most recognised section of the Yom Kippur

liturgy. And yet, its background is not without controversy. In Medieval times,
it was manipulated into an anti-Semitic libel against the Jews that every

year they gathered in their synagogues and annulled the 'More Judaico' oath
of loyalty to the realm. Later, after the Spanish Inquisition, the Kol Nidrei
'annulment of vows' was used by 'Marranos' - Jews who had been forcibly

converetd to Christianity - who wished to revoke that conversion. Inquisitors
cruelly used this 'fact' to further slander the Jews. 12th Century Talmudist,
Rabbi Jacob ben Meir, fought to spread his ruling that Kol Nidrei is not an
annulment of past vows. Rather, it is a declaration that the promises we will

make in the year to come are not to be considered reliable. With this humble,
brutally honest moment of introspection, we enter the holiest day of the

calendar in precisely the right mindset. We are human. We are fickle. We are
dishonest - to ourselves and others. But we stand here today, willing and
ready to improve.

Yom Kippur Eve 13 Kol Nidrei

Kol Nidrei - Fallen Promises

All vows, prohibitions, promises, declarations, offerings or equivalent terms
we use to vow, promise, declare or prohibit from ourselves [from last Yom
Kippur until this Yom Kippur, and from this Yom Kippur] until the next one,
may it come to us for good. We regret them all. They are all permitted,
abandoned, cancelled, null and void, with no validity or standing. Our vows
shall not be valid vows; our prohibitions shall not be valid prohibitions, and
our promises shall not be valid promises.

May the entire Jewish people and converts who have joined them be forgiven,
because all of the people have made mistakes.
Just as Your kindness is unlimited, please forgive this people's error, like You

have spared them from Egypt until now. And there it was said:
"And Hashem said, I have forgiven according to what you say."

Blessed are You Hashem, our God, King of the Universe, who has kept us
alive, sustained us, and brought us to this period in time.

In-depth discussion
on p.113: "Kol Nidrei -
Responding to Infinity's Call."

YHoigmh KHoiplypuDarys



‫ברכות השכמה‬

Appreciation of Life


Dwell on the
beauty of life.
Watch the stars,
and see yourself
running with



YHoigmh KHoiplypuDarys


‫ברכות השכמה‬ 16 ‫תפילת שחרית‬

‫מודה אני‬

:‫ ַרָּבה ֱאמּו ָנ ֶ ֽתָך‬,‫מֹו ֶדה ֲא ִני ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך ֶ ֽמ ֶלְך ַחי ְו ַקָּים ֶׁש ֶה ֱחַ ֽזְר ָּת ִּבי ִנְׁש ָמ ִתי ְּב ֶח ְמ ָלה‬

‫אשר יצר‬

‫ָּברּוְך ַא ָּתה ְי ֹהָוה ֱאֹל ֵ ֽהינּו ֶ ֽמ ֶלְך ָהעֹו ָלם ֲאֶׁשר ָי ַצר ֶאת ָה ָאָדם ְּב ָח ְכ ָמה ּו ָ ֽבָרא‬
‫בֹו ְנ ָק ִבים ְנ ָק ִבים ֲחלּו ִלים ֲחלּו ִלים ָּגלּוי ְוָי ֽדּו ַע ִל ְפ ֵני ִכ ֵּסא ְכבֹוֶ ֽדָך ֶׁש ִאם‬
‫ִיָּפ ֵ ֽת ַח ֶא ָחד ֵמ ֶהם אֹו ִי ָּס ֵתם ֶא ָחד ֵמ ֶהם ִאי ֶא ְפַׁשר ְל ִה ְת ַקֵּים ְו ַל ֲעמֹד ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך‬
:‫ ָּברּוְך ַא ָּתה ְי ֹהָוה רֹו ֵפא ָכל ָּבָׂשר ּו ַמ ְפ ִליא ַל ֲעׂשֹות‬.‫ֲא ִפילּו ָׁש ָעה ֶא ָחת‬

‫אלהי נשמה‬

‫ ְנָׁש ָמה ֶׁשָּנ ַ ֽת ָּת ִּבי ְטהֹוָרה ִהיא ַא ָּתה ְבָרא ָתּה ַא ָּתה ְי ַצְר ָּתּה ַא ָּתה ְנ ַפ ְח ָּתּה‬,‫ֱאֹל ַהי‬
,‫ִּבי ְו ַא ָּתה ְמַׁשְּמָרּה ְּב ִקְרִּבי ְו ַא ָּתה ָע ִתיד ִל ְּט ָלּה ִמ ֶּ ֽמִּני ּו ְל ַה ֲח ִזיָרּה ִּבי ֶל ָע ִתיד ָל ֹבא‬
‫ָּכל ְז ַמן ֶׁש ַהְּנָׁש ָמה ְב ִקְרִּבי מֹו ֶדה ֲא ִני ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך ְי ֹהָוה ֱאֹל ַהי ֵואֹל ֵהי ֲאבֹו ַתי ִרּבֹון ָּכל‬
:‫ ָּברּוְך ַא ָּתה ְי ֹהָוה ַהַּמ ֲח ִזיר ְנָׁשמֹות ִל ְפ ָגִרים ֵמ ִתים‬:‫ַהַּמ ֲעִׂשים ֲאדֹון ָּכל ַהְּנָׁשמֹות‬


1. Rather than a word-by-word literal translation, we try to capture
the intention and ideas behind the prayers. Literal translation is rarely
possible since languages have different grammatical structures, different
conotations and so forth. Instead we have tried to capture the meaning in

the closest equivalent English expressions.

2. On occasion, we have provided an accompanying 'conceptual train-
of-thought'. The actual translation is in a larger font. The accompanying
glosses are parenthesised and in a slightly different font style. Many find
it difficult to relate to the language and style of the Siddur, and these notes
are designed to help bridge that gap. Thy are not intended to be said; merely


3. The four letter name of God: The full pronounciation is not permitted
outside the Temple in Jerusalem. Instead throughout the service, we use

the word “Adonai” (lit. “my Master”). Elsewhere it is translated
as “Hashem” (lit. “The Name”).

Morning Service 17 Morning Blessings

Modeh Ani - Begin Again Each Day

I give thanks to You living and everlasting King, for You have restored my soul
with mercy. Great is Your faithfulness.

Asher Yatzar - The Marvel of Creation

Blessed are You Adonai, our God, King of the universe, who formed human
beings with wisdom, creating within them the numerous cavities and tubes.
Only to You is it fully revealed and known the extent to which a serious
rupture or blockage would make it impossible to survive and stand before
You. Blessed are You Adonai, who heals all flesh and enacts the miracle of life.

Elokai Neshamah - The Circle of Life

My God, the soul You have given me is so pure. You created it, fashioned it,
You breathed it into me and look after it inside me. Eventually You will take it
away from me, but return it to me in the future. As long as the soul lives within
me, I will thank You Hashem, my God and the God of my ancestors, Master of
all Creation, Owner of all souls. Blessed are You Adonai, who restores souls
to dead bodies.

When people focus on what they lack, no matter how much they have
they're miserable. When we focus on what we do have, no matter how
much we lack, we can be ecstatic. The siddur trains us to be constantly
aware of how blessed and fortunate we are. The Talmud lists a series of
morning blessings which (in ancient times) were recited as a person went
about their regular daily routine. A blessing for waking up, a blessing for
opening one's eyes, for moving, for getting dressed, for walking around,
and so on. Starting the day with a simple yet sincere 'thank you' is a
profoundly empowering and humbling practice. It prepares us to meet the
coming day's challenges head-on, in full awareness and appreciation of

the means and faculties we have at our disposal to confront them.

YHoigmh KHoiplypuDarys


‫ברכות השכמה‬ ‫‪18‬‬ ‫תפילת שחרית‬


‫ִי ְגַּדל ֱאֹל ִהים ַחי ְוִיְׁש ַּתַּבח‪ִ ,‬נ ְמ ָצא ְו ֵאין ֵעת ֶאל ְמ ִציאּותֹו‪:‬‬
‫ֶא ָחד ְו ֵאין ָי ִחיד ְּכִיחּודֹו‪ֶ ,‬נ ְע ָלם ְו ַגם ֵאין סֹוף ְל ַא ְחּדּותֹו‪:‬‬
‫ֵאין לֹו ְדמּות ַהּגּוף ְו ֵאינֹו גּוף‪ ,‬לֹא ַנ ֲערְֹך ֵא ָליו ְק ֻדׁ ָּשתֹו‪:‬‬

‫ַק ְדמֹון ְל ָכל ָּד ָבר ֲאֶׁשר ִנ ְבָרא‪ִ ,‬ראׁשֹון ְו ֵאין ֵראִׁשית ְלֵראִׁשיתֹו‪:‬‬
‫ִהּנֹו ֲאדֹון עֹו ָלם ְל ָכל נֹו ָצר‪ ,‬יֹוֶרה ְגֻדָּלתֹו ּו ַמ ְלכּותֹו‪:‬‬
‫ֶֽׁש ַפע ְנבּו ָאתֹו ְנ ָתנֹו‪ֶ ,‬אל ַא ְנֵׁשי ְס ֻגָּלתֹו ְו ִת ְפ ַאְרּתֹו‪:‬‬

‫לֹא ָקם ְּבִיְׂשָר ֵאל ְּכמֶׁשה עֹוד‪ָ ,‬נ ִביא ּו ַמִּביט ֶאת ְּתמּו ָנתֹו‪:‬‬
‫ּתֹוַרת ֱא ֶמת ָנ ַתן ְל ַעּמֹו ֵאל‪ַ ,‬על ַיד ְנ ִביאֹו ֶנ ֱא ַמן ֵּביתֹו‪:‬‬
‫לֹא ַי ֲח ִליף ָה ֵאל ְולֹא ָי ִמיר ָּדתֹו‪ְ ,‬לעֹו ָל ִמים ְלזּו ָלתֹו‪:‬‬
‫צֹו ֶפה ְויֹוֵ ֽד ַע ְס ָתֵ ֽרינּו‪ַ ,‬מִּביט ְלסֹוף ָּד ָבר ְּב ַק ְד ָמתֹו‪:‬‬
‫ּגֹו ֵמל ְל ִאיׁש ֶ ֽח ֶסד ְּכ ִמ ְפ ָעלֹו‪ ,‬נֹו ֵתן ְלָרָׁשע ָרע ְּכִרְׁש ָעתֹו‪:‬‬
‫ִיְׁש ַלח ְל ֵקץ ַה ָּי ִמין ְמִׁשי ֵ ֽחנּו‪ִ ,‬ל ְפּדֹות ְמ ַחֵּכי ֵקץ ְיׁשּו ָעתֹו‪:‬‬

‫ֵמ ִתים ְי ַחֶּיה ֵאל ְּברֹב ַח ְסּדֹו‪ָּ ,‬ברּוְך ֲע ֵדי ַעד ֵׁשם ְּת ִהָּלתֹו‪:‬‬

‫‪A common theme throughout Jewish liturgy is the‬‬
‫‪composition of often profound philosophical ideas in the form‬‬

‫‪of poetry and song. We do not merely study philosophical‬‬
‫‪ideas, but bring them to life through prayer. Prayer forms a‬‬
‫‪bridge, transforming abstract ideas into a living relationship‬‬

‫‪between Creator and creation.‬‬

Morning Service 19 Morning Blessings

Yigdal - The Foundation of Faith

(1) Magnify and glorify the living God, whose existence is not bound by time.
(2) Who is One, and there is no oneness like His. Inscrutable and infinite is His
(3) Who has neither form nor body, there is nothing comparably Sacred.
(4) Who was prior to all that He created, first, as nothing preceded Him.
(5) Master of the universe, of each creation expressing greatness and majesty.
(6) Who granted the flow of prophetic communication, to those He treasured
who glorified Him.
(7) There never rose in Israel another like Moses, a prophet who saw with
utmost clarity.
(8) God gave His people a Torah of truth, through His prophet, the most
trusted of His household.
(9) God will neither change nor amend His law, for any other one, forever.
(10) Who sees and knows our innermost thoughts, who planned the end from
the very beginning.
(11) Who ensures reward according to effort, and returning evil to the evildoer.
(12) Who will send the Messiah at the end of many days, to redeem those who
long for redemption.
(13) God will resurrect the dead, in His eternal goodness, let us bless forever
His praised Name.

The well-known 'Yigdal' poem, based on the content of Maimonides'
Thirteen Principles of Faith (marked in the translation), was composed

in the early 15th century by Italian poet Daniel ben Judah. He was so
concerned to reflect the Thirteen Principles through song with accuracy
and emotion, that he spent close to eight years editing this work before

submitting it to be published.

YHoigmh KHoiplypuDarys



‫פסוקי דזמרה‬

Verses of Song


Perhaps it is how we
are made; perhaps
words of truth reach
us best through the
heart, and stories
and songs are the
language of the heart.


YHoigmh KHoiplypuDarys


‫פסוקי דזמרה‬ ‫תפילת שחרית ‪22‬‬

‫ברוך שאמר‬

‫ָּברּוְך ֶׁש ָא ַמר ְו ָהָיה ָהעֹו ָלם‪ָּ ,‬ברּוְך הּוא‪ָּ ,‬ברּוְך ֹעֶׂשה ְבֵראִׁשית‪ָּ ,‬ברּוְך אֹו ֵמר‬
‫ְועֹוֶׂשה‪ָּ ,‬ברּוְך ּגֹו ֵזר ּו ְמ ַקֵּים‪ָּ ,‬ברּוְך ְמַר ֵחם ַעל ָה ָ ֽאֶרץ‪ָּ ,‬ברּוְך ְמַר ֵחם ַעל‬

‫ַהְּבִרּיֹות‪ָּ ,‬ברּוְך ְמַׁשֵּלם ָׂש ָכר טֹוב ִליֵר ָאיו‪ָּ ,‬ברּוְך ַחי ָל ַעד ְו ַקָּים ָל ֶ ֽנ ַצח‪ָּ ,‬ברּוְך‬
‫ּפֹו ֶדה ּו ַמִּציל‪ָּ ,‬ברּוְך ְׁשמֹו‬

‫ָּברּוְך ַא ָּתה ְי ֹהָוה ֱאֹל ֵ ֽהינּו ֶ ֽמ ֶלְך ָהעֹו ָלם ָה ֵאל ָה ָאב ָהַר ֲח ָמן ַהְּמ ֻהָּלל ְּב ֶפה‬
‫ַעּמֹו ְמֻׁשָּבח ּו ְמ ֹפ ָאר ִּב ְלׁשֹון ֲח ִסי ָדיו ַו ֲע ָב ָדיו ּו ְבִׁשיֵרי ָדִוד ַע ְבֶּֽדָך‪ְ ,‬נ ַהֶּל ְלָך ְי ֹהָוה‬
‫ֱאֹל ֵ ֽהינּו ִּבְׁש ָבחֹות ּו ִב ְז ִמירֹות ְנ ַגֶּד ְלָך ּו ְנַׁשֵּב ֲחָך ּו ְנ ָפ ֶאְרָך ְו ַנ ְזִּכיר ִׁש ְמָך ְו ַנ ְמ ִלי ְכָך‬
‫ַ ְל ֵּ ֽכנּו ֱאֹל ֵ ֽהינּו‪ָ :‬י ִחיד‪ֵ ,‬חי ָהעֹו ָל ִמים‪ֽ ֶ ,‬מ ֶלְך ְמֻׁשָּבח ּו ְמ ֹפ ָאר ֲע ֵדי ַעד ְׁשמֹו ַה ָּגדֹול‪:‬‬

‫ָּברּוְך ַא ָּתה ְי ֹהָוה ֶ ֽמ ֶלְך ְמ ֻהָּלל ַּב ִּתְׁשָּבחֹות‬

‫‪Though we acknowledge the inadequacy of words, words‬‬
‫‪are all we have. Jewish prayer is a bold attempt to capture‬‬
‫‪in language that which is beyond language; to relate to the‬‬
‫‪Infinite source of all existence. These paragraphs move from‬‬
‫‪grasping at the 'beyondness' of the Creator to declaring that‬‬
‫‪the mouths, words and tongues of man shall declare the praise‬‬

‫‪and blessing.‬‬

Morning Service 23 Verses of Song

Baruch She'amar - Creation's Blessing

Blessed is He Who spoke, and the world came into being, blessed is He.
Blessed is He Who maintains the creation; blessed is He Who says and does.
Blessed is He Who decrees and fulfills; blessed is He Who has compassion
on the earth; blessed is He Who has compassion on all creatures; blessed is
He Who rewards well those who fear Him. Blessed is He Who lives forever
and exists eternally. Blessed is He Who redeems and saves, blessed is His

Blessed are You, Adonai, our God, King of the Universe, the Almighty, the
merciful Father, Who is verbally extolled by His people, praised and glorified
by the tongue of His pious ones, and His servants. And through the songs
of David Your servant, we will extoll You, Adonoy our God, with praises and
psalms; we will exalt, praise, and glorify You; we will mention Your Name,
and proclaim You our King, our God. Unique One, Life of the worlds, King,
praised and glorified forever is His great Name. Blessed are You, Adonai,
King who is extolled with praises.

YHoigmh KHoiplypuDarys


‫פסוקי דזמרה‬ ‫תפילת שחרית ‪24‬‬


‫ַאְׁשֵרי יֹוְׁש ֵבי ֵבי ֶתָך‪ ,‬עֹוד ְי ַה ְללּוָך ֶּס ָלה‪ַ :‬אְׁשֵרי ָה ָעם ֶׁשָּכ ָכה ּלֹו‪ַ ,‬אְׁשֵרי ָה ָעם‬
‫ֶׁשיהוה ֱאֹל ָהיו‪:‬‬

‫ְּת ִהָּלה ְל ָדִוד‪ֲ ,‬ארֹו ִמ ְמָך ֱאלֹו ַהי ַהֶּמ ֶלְך‪ַ ,‬ו ֲא ָבְר ָכה ִׁש ְמָך ְלעֹו ָלם ָו ֶעד‪ְּ :‬ב ָכל יֹום‬
‫ֲא ָבְר ֶכָּך‪ַ ,‬ו ֲא ַה ְל ָלה ִׁש ְמָך ְלעֹו ָלם ָו ֶעד‪ָּ :‬גדֹול ְי ֹהָוה ּו ְמ ֻהָּלל ְמ ֹאד‪ְ ,‬ו ִל ְגֻדָּלתֹו ֵאין‬
‫ֵח ֶקר‪ּ :‬דֹור ְלדֹור ְיַׁשַּבח ַמ ֲעֶׂשיָך‪ּ ,‬ו ְגבּורֹ ֶתיָך ַי ִּגידּו‪ֲ :‬ה ַדר ְּכבֹוד הֹו ֶדָך‪ְ ,‬ו ִד ְבֵרי‬
‫ִנ ְפ ְל ֹא ֶתיָך ָאִׂשי ָחה‪ֶ :‬ו ֱעזּוז נֹוְר ֹא ֶתיָך ֹיא ֵמרּו‪ּ ,‬ו ְגֻדָּל ְתָך ֲא ַסְּפֶרָּנה‪ֵ :‬ז ֶכר ַרב טּו ְבָך‬
‫ַיִּביעּו‪ְ ,‬ו ִצ ְד ָק ְתָך ְיַרֵּננּו‪ַ :‬חּנּון ְוַרחּום ְי ֹהָוה‪ֶ ,‬אֶרְך ַאַּפ ִים ּו ְגָדל ָח ֶסד‪ :‬טֹוב ְי ֹהָוה‬
‫ַלּ ֹכל‪ְ ,‬וַר ֲח ָמיו ַעל ָּכל ַמ ֲעָׂשיו‪ :‬יֹודּוָך ְי ֹהָוה ָּכל ַמ ֲעֶׂשיָך‪ַ ,‬ו ֲח ִסי ֶדיָך ְי ָבְרכּו ָכה‪ְּ :‬כבֹוד‬
‫ַמ ְלכּו ְתָך יֹא ֵמרּו ּו ְגבּוָר ְתָך ְי ַדֵּברּו‪ְ :‬להֹו ִדי ַע ִל ְב ֵני ָה ָאָדם ְּגבּורֹ ָתיו‪ּ ,‬ו ְכבֹוד ֲה ַדר‬
‫ַמ ְלכּותֹו‪ַ :‬מ ְלכּו ְתָך ַמ ְלכּות ָּכל עֹו ָל ִמים‪ּ ,‬ו ֶמ ְמַׁש ְל ְּתָך ְּב ָכל ּדֹור ָודֹר‪ :‬סֹו ֵמְך ְי ֹהָוה‬
‫ְל ָכל ַהּ ֹנ ְפ ִלים‪ְ ,‬וזֹו ֵקף ְל ָכל ַהְּכפּו ִפים‪ֵ :‬עי ֵני ֹכל ֵא ֶליָך ְיַׂשֵּברּו‪ְ ,‬ו ַא ָּתה נֹו ֵתן ָל ֶהם‬

‫ֶאת ָא ְכ ָלם ְּב ִעּתֹו‪:‬‬
‫ּפֹו ֵת ַח ֶאת ָי ֶדָך‪ּ ,‬ו ַמְׂשִּבי ַע ְל ָכל ַחי ָרצֹון‪:‬‬
‫ַצ ִּדיק ְי ֹהָוה ְּב ָכל ְּדָר ָכיו‪ְ ,‬ו ָח ִסיד ְּב ָכל ַמ ֲעָׂשיו‪ָ :‬קרֹוב ְי ֹהָוה ְל ָכל ֹקְר ָאיו‪ְ ,‬ל ֹכל ֲאֶׁשר‬
‫ִי ְקָר ֻאהּו ֶב ֱא ֶמת‪ְ :‬רצֹון ְיֵר ָאיו ַי ֲעֶׂשה‪ְ ,‬ו ֶאת ַׁשְו ָע ָתם ִיְׁש ַמע ְויֹוִׁשי ֵעם‪ׁ :‬שֹו ֵמר ְי ֹהָוה‬
‫ֶאת ָּכל ֹא ֲה ָביו‪ְ ,‬ו ֵאת ָּכל ָהְרָׁש ִעים ַיְׁש ִמיד‪ְּ :‬ת ִהַּלת ְי ֹהָוה ְי ַדֶּבר ִּפי‪ִ ,‬וי ָבֵרְך ָּכל‬
‫ָּבָׂשר ֵׁשם ָק ְדׁשֹו ְלעֹו ָלם ָו ֶעד‪ַ :‬ו ֲא ַנ ְחנּו ְנ ָבֵרְך ָיּה‪ֵ ,‬מ ַע ָּתה ְו ַעד עֹו ָלם‪ַ ,‬ה ְללּוָיּה‪:‬‬

‫‪'Ashrei' (Psalm 145) praises God with every letter of the alphabet,‬‬
‫‪implying that every aspect of creation demonstrates an aspect‬‬
‫‪of God’s praise. The Hebrew letter ‘nun’ does not actually begin‬‬
‫‪a sentence, but instead manifests in the word ‘noflim’ – 'those‬‬

‫‪who fall' – in the verse, ‘Hashem supports all those who fall’. The‬‬
‫‪implication is that sometimes, during difficulties, we can only see‬‬

‫‪God’s hand in retrospect.‬‬

Morning Service 25 Verses of Song

Ashrei - Prayer Through Joy

What a privilege it is to live in Your house! May those who do, continuously
acknowledge it! Happy are the people for whom this is so; Happy are the people
whose God is Hashem. A song of praise by David:
I will exalt You, my God the King, and I will bless Your Name forever - Each day I
will bless you, and praise Your name for ever.
Hashem is the great-giver, praiseworthy beyond words; his giving is unfathomable.
One generation will praise Your works to the next, and tell of Your powerful
Of the majestic honour of Your Presence, and accounts of Your wonders I shall
They will talk about Your wonders, and I will tell of the great-giving.
They will proclaim their awareness of all the good You do, as they sing of Your
Hashem is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and great in loving-
Hashem is good to everyone, His compassion extends to all His creations.
Your creations will acknowledge You, and Your followers will bless You.
They will talk of glory of Your kingship, and speak of Your power.
To make known to all mankind His great deeds, and the remarkable beauty of
His kingship.
Your kingdom is a kingdom spanning all eternity, and You rule over every
Hashem supports all those who fall, and helps straighten the deviant.
Everyone's eyes look to You for hope, and You provide for them food at the
proper time.
You open Your hand and fulfil every living creature with Your favour.
Hashem is just in everything He does and generous in all His deeds.
Hashem is close to all who call Him; all who will truly call out to Him.
He fulfills the will of those who revere Him; He hears their cry and saves them.
Hashem protects all who love Him and will destroy all evil.
May my lips declare Hashem's praise and may all humanity bless His Holy Name
for all eternity.
As for us, let us bless God from now and for ever. Halleluyah!

YHoigmh KHoiplypuDarys


‫פסוקי דזמרה‬ ‫תפילת שחרית ‪26‬‬

‫ַה ֶּ ֽמ ֶלְך ‪ּ -‬יֹוֵׁשב ַעל ִּכ ֵּסא ָרם ְו ִנָּׂשא‪:‬‬

‫ׁשֹו ֵכן ַעד ָמרֹום ְו ָקדֹוׁש ְׁשמֹו‪ְ .‬ו ָכתּוב ַרְּננּו ַצ ִּדי ִקים ַּביהָֹוה‪ַ .‬ל ְיָׁשִרים ָנאָוה‬
‫ְת ִהָּלה‪ְּ :‬ב ִפי ְיָׁשִרים ִּת ְתרֹו ָמם‪ּ .‬ו ְבִד ְבֵרי ַצ ִּדי ִקים ִּת ְתָּבַרְך‪ּ .‬ו ִב ְלׁשֹון ֲח ִסי ִדים‬

‫ִּת ְת ַק ָּדׁש‪ּ .‬ו ְב ֶ ֽקֶרב ְקדֹוִׁשים ִּת ְת ַהָּלל‪:‬‬
‫ּו ְב ַמ ְק ֲהלֹות ִר ְבבֹות ַעְּמָך ֵּבית ִיְׂשָר ֵאל‪ְּ .‬בִרָּנה ִי ְתָּפ ַאר ִׁש ְמָך ַמ ְל ֵּ ֽכנּו ְּב ָכל ּדֹור‬
‫ָודֹור‪ֶׁ .‬שֵּכן חֹו ַבת ָּכל ַה ְיצּוִרים ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך‪ְ .‬י ֹהָוה ֱאֹל ֵ ֽהינּו‪ֵ .‬ואֹל ֵהי ֲאבֹו ֵ ֽתינּו‪ְ :‬להֹודֹות‬
‫ְל ַהֵּלל ְלַׁשֵּב ַח‪ְ .‬ל ָפ ֵאר ְלרֹו ֵמם ְל ַה ֵּדר ְל ָבֵרְך ְל ַעֵּלה ּו ְל ַקֵּלס ַעל ָּכל ִּד ְבֵרי ִׁשירֹות‬

‫ְו ִתְׁשְּבחֹות ָּדִוד ֶּבן ִיַׁשי‪ַ .‬ע ְבְּדָך ְמִׁשי ֶ ֽחָך‪:‬‬
‫ִיְׁש ַּתַּבח ִׁש ְמָך ָל ַעד ַמ ְל ֵּ ֽכנּו ָה ֵאל ַה ֶּ ֽמ ֶלְך ַה ָּגדֹול ְו ַה ָּקדֹוׁש ַּבׁ ָּש ַ ֽמִים ּו ָב ָ ֽאֶרץ‪ִּ ,‬כי‬
‫ְלָך ָנ ֶאה ְי ֹהָוה ֱאֹל ֵ ֽהינּו ֵואֹל ֵהי ֲאבֹו ֵ ֽתינּו ִׁשיר ּוְׁש ָב ָחה ַהֵּלל ְו ִז ְמָרה ֹעז ּו ֶמ ְמָׁש ָלה‬
‫ֶ ֽנ ַצח ְּגֻדָּלה ּו ְגבּוָרה ְּת ִהָּלה ְו ִת ְפ ֶ ֽאֶרת ְק ֻדׁ ָּשה ּו ַמ ְלכּות‪ְּ ,‬בָרכֹות ְוהֹו ָדאֹות ֵמ ַע ָּתה‬
‫ְו ַעד עֹו ָלם‪ָּ :‬ברּוְך ַא ָּתה ְי ֹהָוה ֵאל ֶ ֽמ ֶלְך ָּגדֹול ַּב ִּתְׁשָּבחֹות ֵאל ַההֹו ָדאֹות ֲאדֹון‬

‫ַהִּנ ְפ ָלאֹות ַהּבֹו ֵחר ְּבִׁשיֵרי ִז ְמָרה ֶ ֽמ ֶלְך ֵאל ֵחי ָהעֹו ָל ִמים‪:‬‬

‫‪'David son of Jesse' - King David, second monarch of the Jewish‬‬
‫‪nation, is known traditionally as 'The composer of Israel's song'.‬‬
‫‪The vast majority of the 150 Psalms were written by King David.‬‬

‫‪Despite living a life filled with hardship and challenge, David's‬‬
‫‪faith was unwavering. Through pain, suffering and seemingly‬‬
‫‪impossible trials, David never stopped singing. And it is for this‬‬

‫‪reason that he came to be seen as the benchmark for Jewish‬‬
‫‪prayer for generations‬‬

Morning Service 27 Verses of Song

HaMelech - Coronating the King

The King Who dwells in a throne-world above and beyond all comprehension.
He inhabits eternity, His essence is holiness. And it is written: "Sing, you
righteous, to Hashem; For the upright, praising God is beautiful." By the
mouths of the upright You shall be praised. By the words of the righteous You
shall be blessed. By the speech of the devout You shall be extolled. And in the
midst of the holy You shall be sanctified.
And in the assemblies of the multitudes of Your people, Israel, with joyous
song shall they glorify Your name, our King, in every generation. For it is the
basic duty of every living being before You, Hashem, God and God of our
ancestors: To acknowledge and thank, to celebrate, praise, extol, elevate,
glorify, bless, raise-high and acclaim – even beyond all the words of songs
and praise of David, son of Jesse, Your servant and anointed one.

May your name be praised forever, our King– God, king, great and holy in
Heaven and Earth. For to you, Hashem, God, and God of our ancestors, it
is fitting: Song and praise, celebration and music, strength and dominion,
eternity, greatness and power, poetry and beauty, holiness and kingship,
blessings and thanks, for now and forever. Blessed are You, Adonai, God great
through gratitude, Master of wonders, who chooses poetic song, King, God,
Life-giver of all worlds.

'It is fitting'. This introduces a list totalling fifteen different expressions
of praise (from: 'song' to 'thanks'). The number fifteen carries great


from the Temple courtyard into the main sanctuary. As we conclude the
introductory sections to the morning prayers, we too strive to climb those

stairs and enter an entirely new plain of self-awareness, awareness of
God, and awareness of purpose.

YHoigmh KHoiplypuDarys



‫קריאת שמע‬

The Shema


Our generation is realistic,
for we have come to know
man as he really is. After
all, man is that being who
invented the gas chambers

of Auschwitz; however,
he is also that being

who entered those gas
chambers upright, with the
Shema Yisrael on his lips.


YHoigmh KHoiplypuDarys


30 30

Rebbetzen Shalvie Friedman
The proclamation of God's Oneness
can be perceived as somewhat
archaic. Afterall, we don't live in
a world of polytheism anymore.
And so it seems absurd for the
foundational motto of Judaism to be
the eradication of a now non-existent
belief system. But One is not just the
opposite of many. One is also the
inclusion of everything. When we say
the Shema we are recognizing the
interconnectivity of all that is created
and how it can all be traced back to
its Source- God.

Rabbi Eli Birnbaum
There is something profound and
powerful about a having a national
declaration. Perhaps even more
elemental than the meaning and content
of the text itself is the very fact that
we join together as a community - as
a nation - and affirm our commitment
to a set of ideals, goals and aspirations.
I find this incredibly 'anchoring' in an
increasingly rootless world.

31 31

What's judaism's

with the shema?

Rabbi Dovid Lichtig
The Shema defines our Jewish identity
and purpose in this world. It reaffirms
our knowledge that we are Jews and
live our lives in accordance with that.
It's essentially a contract between
the Jewish people and God and
encapsulates in one sentence the
basis for our survival as a people and
the reason we exist.

Rebbetzen Aimee Sandler
The Shema has always reminded us
who we are and what we stand for; the
oneness of God. This not only refers
to there being one God as opposed
to many, but implies the oneness of all
existence lies in God Himself; and so by
extension Godliness lives in each and
every one of us too.

YHoigmh KHoiplypuDarys


‫קריאת שמע‬ ‫תפילת שחרית ‪32‬‬

‫אהבה רבה‬

‫ַא ֲה ָבה ַרָּבה ֲא ַה ְב ָּֽתנּו ְי ֹהָוה ֱאֹל ֵ ֽהינּו ֶח ְמ ָלה ְגדֹו ָלה ִוי ֵתָרה ָח ַ ֽמ ְל ָּת ָע ֵ ֽלינּו‪:‬‬
‫ָא ִֽבינּו ַמ ְל ֵּ ֽכנּו ַּב ֲעבּור ֲאבֹו ֵ ֽתינּו ֶׁשָּב ְטחּו ְבָך ַו ְּת ַלְּמ ֵדם ֻח ֵּקי ַחִּיים ֵּכן ְּת ָח ֵּ ֽננּו‬
‫ּו ְת ַלְּמֵ ֽדנּו‪ָ :‬א ִֽבינּו ָאב ָהַר ֲח ָמן ַה ְמַר ֵחם ַר ֵחם ָע ֵ ֽלינּו ְו ֵתן ְּב ִל ֵּֽבנּו ְל ָה ִבין‬
‫ּו ְל ַהְׂשִּכיל ִלְׁש ֽמֹ ַע ִל ְלמֹוד ּו ְל ַלֵּמד ִלְׁשמֹר ְו ַל ֲעׂשֹות ּו ְל ַקֵּים ֶאת ָּכל ִּד ְבֵרי‬
‫ַת ְלמּוד ּתֹוָר ֶ ֽתָך ְּב ַא ֲה ָבה‪ְ :‬ו ָה ֵאר ֵעי ֵ ֽנינּו ְּבתֹוָר ֶ ֽתָך ְו ַדֵּבק ִל ֵּֽבנּו ְּב ִמ ְצֹו ֶ ֽתיָך ְוַי ֵחד‬
‫ְל ָב ֵ ֽבנּו ְל ַא ֲה ָבה ּו ְל ִיְר ָאה ֶאת ְׁש ֶ ֽמָך‪ְ ,‬ולֹא ֵנבֹוׁש ְלעֹו ָלם ָו ֶעד‪ִּ ,‬כי ְבֵׁשם ָק ְדְׁשָך‬
‫ַה ָּגדֹול ְו ַהּנֹוָרא ָּב ָ ֽט ְחנּו ָנִֽגי ָלה ְו ִנְׂש ְמ ָחה ִּביׁשּו ָע ֶ ֽתָך‪ַ :‬ו ֲה ִבי ֵ ֽאנּו ְלָׁשלֹום ֵמ ַאְרַּבע‬
‫ַּכ ְנפֹות ָה ָ ֽאֶרץ ְותֹו ִלי ֵ ֽכנּו קֹו ְמ ִמּיּות ְל ַאְר ֵ ֽצנּו‪ִּ :‬כי ֵאל ּפֹו ֵעל ְיׁשּועֹות ָ ֽא ָּתה‬
‫ּו ָ ֽבנּו ָב ַ ֽחְר ָּת ִמָּכל ַעם ְו ָלׁשֹון‪ְ :‬ו ֵקַר ְב ָּֽתנּו ְלִׁש ְמָך ַה ָּגדֹול ֶ ֽס ָלה ֶּב ֱא ֶמת ְלהֹודֹות‬
‫ְלָך ּו ְל ַי ֶח ְדָך ְּב ַא ֲה ָבה‪ָּ :‬ברּוְך ַא ָּתה ְי ֹהָוה ַהּבֹו ֵחר ְּב ַעּמֹו ִיְׂשָר ֵאל ְּב ַא ֲה ָבה‪:‬‬

Morning Service 33 The Shema

Ahava Rabbah - With Great Love

With immense love, You have loved us, Hashem our God. With great and
overflowing adoration You have adored us. Our Father, our King, for the sake
of our ancestors who trusted in You to whom You taught the rules of life.
So may You find favour in us, and teach us. Our Father, loving Father - ever-
compassionate, have compassion on us. Place in our hearts understanding
and capacity to listen, to learn and to teach. To guard, to observe and to
fulfill all the words of Your Torah’s teachings with love. Enlighten our eyes in
Your Torah, and let our hearts cling to Your mitzvot [instructions]. Unite our
hearts to love and revere Your name and never be ashamed of doing so. For
it is in Your holy name – great and powerful – that we have trusted. We will
dance and rejoice in Your salvation. Bring us in peace from the four corners
of the globe and bring us upright back to our land. For You are God who
brings salvation. And You chose us from amongst all peoples and cultures,
bringing us near to your great name in truth that we may acknowledge You,
and proclaim Your oneness in love. Blessed are You Adonai, who chooses His
people Israel with love.

‘Our Father, loving Father…’ We recognise that being a creation means
being loved and adored by a Creator, and turn to the metaphor of a child
and parent. The immature child may spurn responsibility and education,
but the mature child recognises them as some of the greatest gifts. We, as
‘children of the Creator’ recognise the profound love that lies behind the
veil of existence, and the hand that guides our lives. We express gratitude
for the responsibilities of life – the true measure of greatness – and for
the wisdom and teachings of Judaism. The metaphor of a child calling out

to their loving parent is revisited often through the prayers.

YHoigmh KHoiplypuDarys


‫קריאת שמע‬ ‫תפילת שחרית ‪34‬‬

‫שמע ישראל‬

‫‪The first verse is recited aloud with the right hand covering the eyes‬‬

‫ְׁש ַמע ִיְׂשָר ֵאל ְי ֹהָוה ֱאֹל ֵ ֽהינּו ְי ֹהָוה ֶא ָחד‪:‬‬
‫ ‬
‫‪ On Yom Kippur, the following verse is recited out loud‬‬

‫ָּברּוְך ֵׁשם ְּכבֹוד ַמ ְלכּותֹו ְלעֹו ָלם ָו ֶעד‪:‬‬

‫ְו ָא ַה ְב ָּת ֵאת ְי ֹהָוה ֱאֹל ֶ ֽהיָך ְּב ָכל־ ְל ָב ְבָך ּו ְב ָכל־ ַנ ְפְׁשָך ּו ְב ָכל־ ְמ ֹאֶ ֽדָך‪ְ :‬ו ָהיּו ַה ְּד ָבִרים ָה ֵ ֽאֶּלה‬
‫ֲאֶׁשר ָא ֹנ ִכי ְמ ַצְּוָך ַהּיֹום ַעל־ ְל ָב ֶ ֽבָך‪ְ :‬וִׁשַּנ ְנ ָּתם ְל ָב ֶ ֽניָך ְו ִדַּבְר ָּת ָּבם ְּבִׁש ְב ְּתָך ְּב ֵבי ֶ ֽתָך‬
‫ּו ְב ֶל ְכ ְּתָך ַבֶּֽדֶרְך ּו ְבָׁש ְכְּבָך ּו ְבקּו ֶ ֽמָך‪ּ :‬ו ְקַׁשְר ָּתם ְלאֹות ַעל־ ָיֶ ֽדָך ְו ָהיּו ְל ֹט ָט ֹפת ֵּבין ֵעי ֶ ֽניָך‪:‬‬

‫ּו ְכ ַת ְב ָּתם ַעל־ ְמ ֻזזֹות ֵּבי ֶ ֽתָך ּו ִבְׁש ָעֶ ֽריָך‪:‬‬

‫ְו ָהָיה ִאם־ָׁש ֽמֹ ַע ִּתְׁש ְמעּו ֶאל־ ִמ ְצֹו ַתי ֲאֶׁשר ָא ֹנ ִכי ְמ ַצֶּוה ֶא ְת ֶכם ַהּיֹום ְל ַא ֲה ָבה ֶאת־‬
‫ְי ֹהָוה ֱאֹל ֵהי ֶכם ּו ְל ָע ְבדֹו ְּב ָכל־ ְל ַב ְב ֶכם ּו ְב ָכל־ ַנ ְפְׁש ֶכם‪ְ :‬ו ָנ ַת ִּתי ְמ ַטר־ ַאְר ְצ ֶכם ְּב ִעּתֹו‬
‫יֹוֶרה ּו ַמ ְלקֹוׁש ְו ָא ַס ְפ ָּת ְד ָג ֶ ֽנָך ְו ִתירְׁשָך ְוִי ְצ ָהֶ ֽרָך‪ְ :‬ו ָנ ַת ִּתי ֵ ֽעֶׂשב ְּבָׂש ְדָך ִל ְב ֶה ְמ ֶּֽתָך‬
‫ְו ָא ַכ ְל ָּת ְוָׂש ָ ֽב ְע ָּת‪ִ :‬הׁ ָּש ְמרּו ָל ֶכם ֶּפן־ ִי ְפ ֶּתה ְל ַב ְב ֶכם ְו ַסְר ֶּתם ַו ֲע ַבְד ֶּתם ֱאֹל ִהים ֲא ֵחִרים‬
‫ְו ִהְׁש ַּת ֲחִוי ֶתם ָל ֶהם‪ְ :‬ו ָחָרה ַאף־ ְי ֹהָוה ָּב ֶכם ְו ָע ַצר ֶאת־ ַהׁ ָּש ַ ֽמ ִים ְוּלֹא־ ִי ְהֶיה ָמ ָטר‬
‫ְו ָה ֲאָד ָמה לֹא ִת ֵּתן ֶאת־ ְיבּו ָלּה ַו ֲא ַבְד ֶּתם ְמ ֵהָרה ֵמ ַעל ָה ָ ֽאֶרץ ַהּ ֹט ָבה ֲאֶׁשר ְיהָֹוה ֹנ ֵתן‬
‫ָל ֶכם‪ְ :‬וַׂש ְמ ֶּתם ֶאת־ ְּד ָבַרי ֵ ֽאֶּלה ַעל־ ְל ַב ְב ֶכם ְו ַעל־ ַנ ְפְׁש ֶכם ּו ְקַׁשְר ֶּתם ֹא ָתם ְלאֹות ַעל־‬
‫ֶי ְד ֶכם ְו ָהיּו ְלטֹו ָט ֹפת ֵּבין ֵעי ֵני ֶכם‪ְ :‬ו ִלַּמ ְד ֶּתם ֹא ָתם ֶאת־ְּב ֵני ֶכם ְל ַדֵּבר ָּבם ְּבִׁש ְב ְּתָך‬
‫ְּב ֵבי ֶ ֽתָך ּו ְב ֶל ְכ ְּתָך ַבֶּֽדֶרְך ּו ְבָׁש ְכְּבָך ּו ְבקּו ֶ ֽמָך‪ּ :‬ו ְכ ַת ְב ָּתם ַעל־ ְמזּוזֹות ֵּבי ֶ ֽתָך ּו ִבְׁש ָעֶ ֽריָך‪:‬‬
‫ְל ַ ֽמ ַען ִיְרּבּו ְי ֵמי ֶכם ִוי ֵמי ְב ֵני ֶכם ַעל ָה ֲאָד ָמה ֲאֶׁשר ִנְׁשַּבע ְי ֹהָוה ַל ֲא ֹב ֵתי ֶכם ָל ֵתת ָל ֶהם‬

‫ִּכי ֵמי ַהׁ ָּש ַ ֽמִים ַעל־ ָה ָ ֽאֶרץ‪:‬‬

‫‪The first paragraph began with the request ‘Listen Israel…’,‬‬
‫‪the second tells us the consequences of ‘if you listen…’.‬‬

‫‪It is an excerpt from one of Moses’ speeches before he died.‬‬
‫‪The theme is that Israel as a nation lives in a relationship‬‬
‫‪with God in the land of Israel. If we stay faithful to that‬‬
‫‪relationship, the land is welcoming and productive.‬‬

Morning Service 35 The Shema

Shema Yisrael - To Hear God's Voice

The first verse is recited aloud with the right hand covering the eyes

Listen, Israel, Adonai is our God, Adonai is One

On Yom Kippur, the following verse is recited out loud

Blessed is the Name of His honoured kingdom forever

Love Hashem your God with all Your heart, with all your being, and with all that
you have. These words that I command you today, place them on your heart.
Repeat them to your children and discuss them, whether you are settled at
home or travelling on a journey; when you lie down and when you wake up.
Bind them as a sign on your arm and let them be an emblem between your
eyes. Write them on the doorposts of your house and upon your gates.

If you would only listen to my commandments that I instruct you today, to
love Hashem your God and to serve Him with all your heart and soul, then
I will provide rain for your land at the proper time, the early and the late
rains, so you can gather your grain, wine and oil. I will make the grass grow
in your field for your cattle and you will eat and be satisfied. Beware, in case
your heart tempts you to stray, serving other gods, bowing to them, for then
Hashem will direct anger towards you. He will close the heavens, leaving no
rain. The earth will not provide wealth, and you will be rapidly exiled from
the good land Hashem is giving you. Therefore set these words of Mine on
your hearts and souls; bind them as a sign on your arm and let them be an
emblem between your eyes. Teach them to your children to talk about all
this, whether sitting at home, or traveling on a journey; when you lie down
and when you wake up. Write them as signs on the doorposts of your houses
and upon your gates in the land that Hashem promised to give your ancestors
– like the days of the heavens upon the earth.

The Shema represents an expression of the core beliefs of
Judaism. The first paragraph focuses on God's Oneness.
The second paragraph explores the concepts of cause and
effect, action and consequence. The third paragraph speaks

of God's providence and involvement in history, as
demonstrated through the Exodus from Egypt.

YHoigmh KHoiplypuDarys


‫קריאת שמע‬ 36 ‫תפילת שחרית‬

‫ ַּדֵּבר ֶאל־ְּב ֵני ִיְׂשָר ֵאל ְו ָא ַמְר ָּת ֲא ֵל ֶהם ְו ָעׂשּו ָל ֶהם‬:‫ַ ֽוּ ֹיא ֶמר ְי ֹהָוה ֶאל־מֶׁשה ֵּלאמֹר‬
‫ ְו ָהָיה‬:‫ִצי ִצת ַעל־ַּכ ְנ ֵפי ִב ְגֵדי ֶהם ְלדֹרֹ ָתם ְו ָנ ְתנּו ַעל־ ִצי ִצת ַהָּכ ָנף ְּפ ִתיל ְּת ֵ ֽכ ֶלת‬
‫ָל ֶכם ְל ִצי ִצת ּוְר ִאי ֶתם ֹאתֹו ּו ְז ַכְר ֶּתם ֶאת־ָּכל־ ִמ ְצֹות ְיהָֹוה ַו ֲעִׂשי ֶתם ֹא ָתם ְולֹא‬
‫ ְל ַ ֽמ ַען ִּתְזְּכרּו‬:‫ָת ֽתּורּו ַא ֲחֵרי ְל ַב ְב ֶכם ְו ַא ֲחֵרי ֵעי ֵני ֶכם ֲאֶׁשר־ ַא ֶּתם ֹז ִנים ַא ֲחֵרי ֶהם‬
‫ ֲא ִני ְי ֹהָוה ֱאֹל ֵהי ֶכם ֲאֶׁשר‬:‫ַו ֲעִׂשי ֶתם ֶאת־ָּכל־ ִמ ְצֹו ָתי ִו ְהִיי ֶתם ְקדִׁשים ֵלאֹל ֵהי ֶכם‬
‫ ֱא ֶמת‬:‫הֹו ֵ ֽצא ִתי ֶא ְת ֶכם ֵמ ֶ ֽאֶרץ ִמ ְצַ ֽר ִים ִל ְהיֹות ָל ֶכם ֵלאֹל ִהים ֲא ִני ְי ֹהָוה ֱאֹל ֵהי ֶכם‬

Clothing can be used to signal power and hierarchy. The Torah speaks
to this concept when it asks us that our clothing should have a built-in
reminder: Tzitzit - signifying God breaking our bondage in Egypt - are a

visual reminder that humans can only have limited power over each
other; that in truth every human is a servant of God, not of other people.
The ideas of redemption, and of God’s Sovereignty, prepare us to let go

of dependency on humans, and to turn to God in prayer.

Morning Service 37 The Shema

Hashem spoke to Moses saying: Speak to the Israelites and tell them to make
tzitzit [tassels] on the corners of their clothes for all generations. They should
attach to each corner-tzitzit a blue thread. The tzitzit will be for you such that
you shall see them and be aware of all of Hashem’s mitzvot and keep them,
not straying after your heart or after your eyes that might tempt you astray.
Thus you will be reminded to keep all My mitzvot, and be holy for your God.
I am Hashem your God who brought you out of Egypt to be for you as God. I
am Hashem, your God. It is True.

In-depth discussion on p.115:
Shema Yisrael:

Hearing is Believing?

YHoigmh KHoiplypuDarys



‫שמונה עשרה‬

The Silent Amidah

(Morning Service)


Yom Kippur, the Jewish day
of days, is a time when we
do more than confess and
seek atonement. It is the
supreme day of 'Teshuvah',

which means returning,
coming home. To come
home we have to ask who
we are and where we truly
belong. It is a day when we
reaffirm our identity.


YHoigmh KHoiplypuDarys


40 40

Rabbi Daniel Rowe
The Silent Amidah is about entering a
realm beyond that of ordinary speech.
In place of audible language, we reach
for the language of the soul as we
articulate the dreams of humanity and
our longing for a perfect world. We
take three steps backwards, creating
our own space, followed by three
steps forward to enter that space.
We stand before God alone and yet
at the same time - together with the
community and indeed the entire
Jewish world.

Rabbi Moshe Friedman
While the conventional wisdom says you
must "clear your mind" of all thoughts
before prayer, there is a beautiful
chassidic teaching that says you should
in fact acknowledge the random
thoughts swirling in your head. Once you
have given yourself acceptance to have
those thoughts, they will be less likely
to distract you as you begin to read the
words on the page with an open mind.

41 41

We do this three times
a day, right? Sounds
quite important. Any

Rabbi Ari Kayser
We take three steps back and then
forward before starting our Amidah to
remind us that we are stepping into
a different place in our mind. A place
that is unaffected by our surroundings,
where we are zoned-in - allowing us
to sharpen our focus for our silent
meditation or conversation with the

Rebbetzen Adina Strom
The Silent Amida is the pinnacle of the
prayer process! We stand in a personal
audience with God Himself. We have
metaphorically been working our way
through the palace, through the many
ante chambers, with our previous
prayers, leading up to this moment.

YHoigmh KHoiplypuDarys


‫שמונה עשרה‬ 42 ‫תפילת שחרית‬

‫שמונה עשרה‬

:‫ ְׂש ָפ ַתי ִּת ְפ ָּתח ּו ִפי ַי ִּגיד ְּת ִהָּל ֶ ֽתָך‬,‫ֲאדֹ ָני‬

Bend the knees at ‘‫ ;’ָּברּוְך‬bow at ‘‫ ;’ ַא ָּתה‬straighten up at ‘‫’ ְי ֹה ָוה‬

‫ָּברּוְך ַא ָּתה ְי ֹהָוה ֱאֹל ֵ ֽהינּו ֵואֹל ֵהי ֲאבֹו ֵ ֽתינּו ֱאֹל ֵהי ַא ְבָר ָהם ֱאֹל ֵהי ִי ְצ ָחק ֵואֹל ֵהי‬
‫ַי ֲע ֹקב ָה ֵאל ַה ָּגדֹול ַה ִּגּבֹור ְו ַהּנֹוָרא ֵאל ֶע ְליֹון ּגֹו ֵמל ֲח ָסִדים טֹו ִבים ְוקֹו ֵנה ַהּ ֹכל‬

:‫ְוזֹו ֵכר ַח ְס ֵדי ָאבֹות ּו ֵמ ִביא גֹו ֵאל ִל ְב ֵני ְב ֵני ֶהם ְל ַ ֽמ ַען ְׁשמֹו ְּב ַא ֲה ָבה‬
:‫ָז ְכֵ ֽרנּו ְל ַח ִּיים ֶ ֽמ ֶלְך ָח ֵפץ ַּב ַח ִּיים ְו ָכ ְת ֵ ֽבנּו ְּב ֵ ֽס ֶפר ַה ַח ִּיים ְל ַמ ַע ְנָך ֱאֹל ִקים ַח ִּיים‬

If you forgot to say this, and became aware of your omission before saying the following blessing, you should recite it.

If you have already said “'‫ ”ָּברּוְך ַא ָּתה ה‬you must continue the prayers without saying “‫ ָז ְכֵ ֽרנּו‬.”

Bend the knees at ‘‫ ;’ָּברּוְך‬bow at ‘‫ ;’ ַא ָּתה‬straighten up at ‘‫’ ְי ֹה ָוה‬

:‫ ָּברּוְך ַא ָּתה ְי ֹהָוה ָמ ֵגן ַא ְבָר ָהם‬:‫ֶ ֽמ ֶלְך עֹו ֵזר ּומֹו ִֽׁשי ַע ּו ָמ ֵגן‬

The first blessing focuses on the 4,000 year old
relationship between Hashem and Israel stretching back

to Abraham. When we stop to think of the incredible
nature of Jewish survival against formidable odds, we
start to recognise the subtle hand that guides history
and each of our lives. God is not just the ‘First Cause’ of
existence, but a presence that cares and can be spoken to.

Morning Service 43 The Silent Amidah

Shemoneh Esrei - Conversations with God

Hashem, open my lips, that my mouth may declare Your praise.

Bend the knees at ‘blessed’; bow at ‘You’; straighten up at ‘Adonai’

Blessed are You Adonai, Our God and the God of our ancestors, God of
Abraham, God of Isaac, and God of Jacob.

[Almighty Father who created this whole Universe; who created time, space and matter. You
love us with a love that is beyond the love of any parent for their child. Your love has been
a love of 4,000 years and is not dependent on our actions. You love us because of who we
are, not what we do.]

A Power that expands [to give and to create] holds back [to let us exist, have free will
and to tolerate our mistakes] and inspires awe. The Ultimate Power; who bestows
beneficial kindness, and owns all, Who recalls the ancestors’ loving-kindness
To bring redemption to their children’s children For the sake of His Name
with love.

[You take personal interest in each aspect of your creation. You redeem us for the sake of
Your revelation in this world, because You have faith in our ability to serve as ambassadors
for You, and live lives that make this world a more Godly place.]

YRoeumresmakbee,rGuosdfoorflliiffee,. King who wills life, and write us in the book of life, for

If you forgot to say this, and became aware of your omission before saying the following blessing, you should recite it.
If you have already said "Blessed are you, Adonai” you must continue the prayers without saying "Remember."

King who assists, saves and shields.

[Every human being makes mistakes and, like a good parent, you don't condemn us for our
mistakes, You support us through them. You ‘assist’ - when we are struggling, ‘save’ - when
we have real problems ‘and shield’ - to ensure that future problems do not arise.]

Bend the knees at ‘blessed’; bow at ‘You’; straighten up at ‘Adonai’

Blessed are You Adonai, Shield of Abraham.

YHoigmh KHoiplypuDarys


‫שמונה עשרה‬ 44 ‫תפילת שחרית‬


‫ ְמ ַכ ְלֵּכל ַחִּיים ְּב ֶ ֽח ֶסד‬:‫ַא ָּתה ִגּבֹור ְלעֹו ָלם ֲאדֹ ָני ְמ ַחֶּיה ֵמ ִתים ַא ָּתה ַרב ְלהֹו ִֽׁשי ַע‬
‫ְמ ַחֵּיה ֵמ ִתים ְּבַר ֲח ִמים ַרִּבים סֹו ֵמְך נֹו ְפ ִלים ְורֹו ֵפא חֹו ִלים ּו ַמ ִּתיר ֲאסּוִרים‬
‫ ִמי ָכ ֽמֹוָך ַּֽב ַעל ְּגבּורֹות ּו ִמי ּֽדֹו ֶמה ָּלְך ֶ ֽמ ֶלְך ֵמ ִמית‬,‫ּו ְמ ַקֵּים ֱאמּו ָנתֹו ִליֵׁש ֵני ָע ָפר‬

:‫ּו ְמ ַחֶּיה ּו ַמ ְצ ִֽמי ַח ְיׁשּו ָעה‬
:‫ִמי ָכ ֽמֹוָך ַאב ָהַר ֲח ִמים זֹו ֵכר ְיצּוָריו ְל ַח ִּיים ְּבַר ֲח ִמים‬

If you forgot to say this, the same law applies as above concerning “‫ ָז ְכֵ ֽרנּו‬.”

:‫ ָּברּוְך ַא ָּתה ְי ֹהָוה ְמ ַחֵּיה ַהֵּמ ִתים‬:‫ְו ֶנ ֱא ָמן ַא ָּתה ְל ַה ֲחיֹות ֵמ ִתים‬

Do not bend the knees or bow at the conclusion of this blessing.

Second or Third Person? Often the Amidah switches between
second person ('You..') and third person ('He...'). We alternate

between talking directly to God, and reflect on what that
means. The Amidah allows us to talk to God, then to pause
and consider just how privileged we are to be able to do so. It
captures a delicate dance between speech and thought, as it

guides our conversation with God.

Morning Service 45 The Silent Amidah

The Second Blessing - Omnipotent Creator

You have the power to do anything Adonai. You give life to the dead and have
immense power to save. He sustains the living with loving-kindness, and with
great compassion revives the dead.

[You constantly breathe life into our bodies. You are the force that holds together every
molecule in this Universe. You can bring the dead back to life as easily as you sustain the

He supports the fallen, heals the sick, sets the imprisoned free, and stays
faithful to those who lie in the ground. Who is like You, Source of all power?
Who is comparable? King who brings death and gives life, and makes
salvation grow.

[Although every life ends, and every moment goes, You hold each moment forever, and will
let us relive it forever in the world to come.]

Who is like You, loving Father, who remembers His creations, in compassion,
for true-life?

If you forgot to say this, the same law applies as above concerning "Remember.”

You are faithful to the dead to bring them back to life. Blessed are you Adonai,
who brings life to the dead.

Do not bend the knees or bow at the conclusion of this blessing.

The second blessing continues to focus us on what it means to be
talking to the Creator of the universe. We acknowledge that we
are not in control. God is. We often labour under the illusion that

being independent is being more powerful. But someone who was
‘independent’ of electricity would be left powerless. Likewise by
recognising that God has all the power to change the world, we
prepare to hand the direction of our lives over to God and to put Him
in control. The result will help turn us into better people and our

prayers into more effective prayers.

YHoigmh KHoiplypuDarys


‫שמונה עשרה‬ ‫תפילת שחרית ‪46‬‬

‫קדושת השם‬

‫ַא ָּתה ָקדֹוׁש ְוִׁש ְמָך ָקדֹוׁש ּו ְקדֹוִׁשים ְּב ָכל יֹום ְי ַה ְל ֽלּוָך ֶּֽס ָלה‪:‬‬

‫ּו ְב ֵכן ֵּתן ַּפ ְח ְּדָך ְי ֹהָוה ֱאֹל ֵ ֽהינּו ַעל ָּכל ַמ ֲע ֶֽׂשיָך ְו ֵאי ָמ ְתָך ַעל ָּכל ַמה ׁ ֶּשָּבָ ֽרא ָת‪.‬‬
‫ְוִייָר ֽאּוָך ָּכל ַהַּמ ֲעִׂשים ְוִיְׁש ַּת ֲחוּו ְל ָפ ֶניָך ָּכל ַהְּברּו ִאים‪ְ .‬וֵי ָעׂשּו ֻכָּלם ֲא ֻגָּדה ֶא ָחת‬
‫ַל ֲעׂשֹות ְרצֹו ְנָך ְּב ֵל ָבב ָׁש ֵלם‪ְּ .‬כמֹו ֶׁשָּיַ ֽד ְענּו ְי ֹהָוה ֱאֹל ֵ ֽהינּו ֶׁש ַהׁ ִּש ְלטֹון ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך ֹעז‬

‫ְּבָי ְדָך ּו ְגבּוָרה ִּבי ִמי ֶ ֽנָך ְוִׁש ְמָך נֹוָרא ַעל ָּכל ַמה ׁ ֶּשָּבָ ֽרא ָת‪:‬‬

‫ּו ְב ֵכן ֵּתן ָּכבֹוד ְי ֹהָוה ְל ַע ֶּ ֽמָך ְּת ִהָּלה ִליֵר ֶ ֽאיָך ְו ִת ְקָוה טֹו ָבה ְלדֹוְר ֶֽׁשיָך ּו ִפ ְתחֹון‬
‫ֶּפה ַל ְמ ַי ֲח ִלים ָלְך‪ִׂ .‬ש ְמ ָחה ְל ַאְר ֶ ֽצָך ְוָׂשׂשֹון ְל ִעיֶ ֽרָך ּו ְצ ִמי ַחת ֶ ֽקֶרן ְל ָדִוד ַע ְבֶּֽדָך‬

‫ַו ֲעִרי ַכת ֵנר ְל ֶבן־ ִיַׁשי ְמִׁשי ֶ ֽחָך ִּב ְמ ֵהָרה ְבָי ֵ ֽמינּו‪:‬‬

Morning Service 47 The Silent Amidah

The Third Blessing - God's Holiness

You are holy and Your expression in this world is holy, And the holy ones
reflect Your praise daily.

[This world can be a Godly place, it and we can transcend our limitations and become Godly
people. We can emulate you to achieve true greatness, we can live in You and You in us.]

And so Hashem our God, give the proper awe of You, Over all that You have
made and the sense of vulnerability before You to all Your creations.

[let us feel the vulnerability and fragility of life; let us be conscious that our very existence
lies in Your hands.]

That Your works should be aware of You, and all Your creations bow before
You. All people should unite together as one, to enact Your vision of the world
wholeheartedly, as we know, Adonai, that You could make it a reality – the
ability to do so lies in Your hand, and the power to do so is in Your right
hand [of loving-kindness]. Your name [revelation] inspires awe over all Your
And so Adonai, place honour upon Your people, praise to those who revere
You, hope for all who seek You, and give confidence and eloquence to all
those who long for You.
Bring joy to Your land and elation to Your city (Jerusalem), the flourishing
of pride to David Your servant, and a lamp laid out for his descendent, Your
anointed (the messianic leader), soon in our lifetime.

[May the messianic era come soon and bring the light of enlightenment, lifting the world
into a state of peace, harmony and justice.]

Throughout the year we say a shortened version of this
blessing, the theme being that God is holy and His holy ones
bless Him. On Yom Kippur we elaborate upon this idea and
ask God to help humanity to come together as one to be His
‘angels’ in this world. It expresses a powerful belief that there
is incredible goodness within each of us, and that we really
could all come together and be partners with God in perfecting

the world.

YHoigmh KHoiplypuDarys


‫שמונה עשרה‬ ‫תפילת שחרית ‪48‬‬

‫ּו ְב ֵכן ַצ ִּדי ִקים ִיְראּו ְו ִיְׂש ָ ֽמחּו ִויָׁשִרים ַי ֲע ֽלֹזּו ַו ֲח ִסי ִדים ְּבִרָּנה ָיִֽגילּו ְועֹו ָ ֽל ָתה ִּת ְקָּפץ‬
‫ִּֽפי ָה‪ְ .‬ו ָכל ָהִרְׁש ָעה ֻּכָּלּה ְּכ ָעָׁשן ִּת ְכ ֶלה ִּכי ַת ֲע ִביר ֶמ ְמ ֶֽׁש ֶלת ָזדֹון ִמן ָה ָ ֽאֶרץ‪:‬‬

‫ְו ִת ְמלֹוְך ַא ָּתה ְי ֹהָוה ְל ַבֶּֽדָך ַעל ָּכל ַמ ֲע ֶֽׂשיָך ְּב ַהר ִצּיֹון ִמְׁשַּכן ְּכבֹוֶ ֽדָך ּו ִבירּוָׁש ַ ֽל ִים‬
‫ִעיר ָק ְד ֶֽׁשָך‪ַּ .‬כָּכתּוב ְּבִד ְבֵרי ָק ְד ֶֽׁשָך ִי ְמֹלְך ְי ֹהָוה ְלעֹו ָלם ֱאֹל ַ ֽה ִיְך ִצּיֹון ְלדֹר ָודֹר‬

‫ַה ְללּו ָיּה‪:‬‬
‫ָקדֹוׁש ַא ָּתה ְונֹוָרא ְׁש ֶ ֽמָך ְו ֵאין ֱא ֽלֹוַּה ִמַּב ְל ָעֶ ֽדיָך‪ַּ .‬כָּכתּוב‪ַ :‬וִּי ְגַּבּה ְי ֹהָוה ְצ ָבאֹות‬

‫ַּבִּמְׁשָּפט ְו ָה ֵאל ַה ָּקדֹוׁש ִנ ְק ַּדׁש ִּב ְצ ָד ָקה‪ָּ .‬ברּוְך ַא ָּתה ְי ֹהָוה ַה ֶּ ֽמ ֶלְך ַה ָּקדֹוש‬

‫‪ַ and already moved on to the next blessing, repeat the Amidah from the beginning.‬ה ֶּ ֽמ ֶלְך ַה ָּקדֹוש ' ‪'If you forgot to conclude‬‬

Morning Service 49 The Silent Amidah

And so the righteous will see this and rejoice, those of integrity will be elated,
and the holy will dance with joy and song, whilst corruption and cynicism will
be silenced and all evil will fade away like smoke as you remove its control
over society forever.

Then You and nothing else will rule, over all Your creations,

[No human will abuse another, nor be slave to their passions, drives, egos and other
destructive forces. Everyone will live to see the greatness and Godliness in one another,
and live in a perfect world.]

From upon Mount Zion, where Your Presence will be tangible, And in
Jerusalem Your holy city, As is written in Your sacred texts: “Hashem will reign
forever – Your God, Zion – from generation to generation, Halleluya!”

[The world will be able to experience You and Your goodness directly forever - in this world
and the next. And the world will recognize and attain the purpose you had in mind from the
moment you created it.]

You are holy, and Your name inspires awe. Nothing but You has any real power
As is written: “Adonai – master of all forces – is elevated through judgment.

[When everything stands in judgment, realizing the tenuous vulnerability of our existence,
we become awakened to what life is really about; to You as creator; to the meaning and
purpose of our lives.]

And the transcendent God is sanctified through righteousness. Blessed are
you Adonai, Holy King.

[You are transcendent yet present; beyond creation yet manifest in justice and righteousness.
Our performing justice and righteousness sanctifies You – and in doing so, helps us to
become partners with You in perfecting this world.]

If you forgot to conclude 'Holy King' and already moved on to the next blessing, repeat the Amidah from the beginning.

YHoigmh KHoiplypuDarys


‫שמונה עשרה‬ ‫תפילת שחרית ‪50‬‬

‫קדושת היום‬

‫ַא ָּתה ְב ַחְר ָּֽתנּו ִמָּכל ָה ַעִּמים‪ָ .‬א ַ ֽה ְב ָּת אֹו ָ ֽתנּו ְוָר ִֽצי ָת ָּֽבנּו‪ְ .‬ורֹו ַמ ְמ ָּֽתנּו ִמָּכל‬
‫ַהְּלׁשֹונֹות‪ְ .‬ו ִק ַּדְׁש ָּֽתנּו ְּב ִמ ְצֹו ֶ ֽתיָך‪.‬‬

‫ְו ֵקַר ְב ָּֽתנּו ַמ ְל ֵּ ֽכנּו ַל ֲעבֹו ָד ֶ ֽתָך‪ְ .‬וִׁש ְמָך ַה ָּגדֹול ְו ַה ָּקדֹוׁש ָע ֵ ֽלינּו ָקָ ֽרא ָת‪:‬‬

‫‪On Shabbat add the words in brackets:‬‬

‫ַו ִּת ֶּתן ָ ֽלנּו ְי ֹהָוה ֱאֹל ֵ ֽהינּו ְּב ַא ֲה ָבה ( ֶאת־יֹום ַהׁ ַּשָּבת ַה ֶּזה ְו) ֶאת יֹום ַהִּכֻּפִרים‬
‫ַה ֶּזה ִל ְמ ִחי ָלה ְו ִל ְס ִלי ָחה ּו ְל ַכָּפָרה ְו ִל ְמ ָחל ּבֹו ֶאת ָּכל ֲעו‍ֹנֹו ֵ ֽתינּו (ְּב ַא ֲה ָבה)‬

‫ִמ ְקָרא ֽ ֹק ֶדׁש ֵ ֽז ֶכר ִלי ִצי ַאת ִמ ְצָ ֽר ִים‪:‬‬

‫ֱאֹל ֵ ֽהינּו ֵואֹל ֵהי ֲאבֹו ֵ ֽתינּו ַי ֲע ֶלה ְוָי ֹבא ְו ַיִּֽגי ַע ְו ֵיָר ֶאה ְו ֵיָר ֶצה ְו ִיׁ ָּש ַמע ְוִיָּפ ֵקד ְוִי ָּז ֵכר‬
‫ִז ְכרֹו ֵ ֽננּו ּו ִפ ְקדֹו ֵ ֽננּו ְו ִז ְכרֹון ֲאבֹו ֵ ֽתינּו ְו ִז ְכרֹון ָמ ִֽׁשי ַח ֶּבן ָּדִוד ַע ְבֶּֽדָך ְו ִז ְכרֹון ְירּוָׁש ַ ֽל ִים‬
‫ִעיר ָק ְד ֶֽׁשָך ְו ִז ְכרֹון ָּכל ַעְּמָך ֵּבית ִיְׂשָר ֵאל ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך‪ִ .‬ל ְפ ֵלי ָטה ְלטֹו ָבה ְל ֵחן ּו ְל ֶ ֽח ֶסד‬
‫ּו ְלַר ֲח ִמים ְל ַח ִּיים ּו ְלָׁשלֹום ְּביֹום ַהִּכֻּפִרים ַה ֶּזה‪ָ .‬ז ְכֵ ֽרנּו ְי ֹהָוה ֱאֹל ֵ ֽהינּו ּבֹו ְלטֹו ָבה‪.‬‬
‫ּו ָפ ְקֵ ֽדנּו בֹו ִל ְבָר ָכה‪ְ .‬והֹוִׁשי ֵ ֽענּו בֹו ְל ַחִּיים‪ּ .‬ו ִבְד ַבר ְיׁשּו ָעה ְוַר ֲח ִמים חּוס ְו ָח ֵּ ֽננּו‪.‬‬

‫ְוַר ֵחם ָע ֵ ֽלינּו ְוהֹוִׁשי ֵ ֽענּו‪ִּ .‬כי ֵא ֶ ֽליָך ֵעי ֵ ֽנינּו‪ִּ .‬כי ֵאל ֶ ֽמ ֶלְך ַחּנּון ְוַרחּום ָ ֽא ָּתה‪:‬‬

‫‪The first three blessings spoke about God’s care, His power,‬‬
‫‪and His belief in us. Now comes the moment when we feel‬‬
‫‪God turning to us and asking what we want for the year ahead.‬‬
‫‪Before replying we refocus. We make sure not to think of our‬‬
‫‪own needs; not to be self-centred. Instead we speak as a part‬‬

‫‪of Israel- and the world - as a whole.‬‬

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