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Aish UK Yom Kippur Companion - RIGHT HAND BINDING (opposite way to normal)

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Published by Dan Matalon, 2020-12-20 17:20:59

Aish UK Yom Kippur Companion

Aish UK Yom Kippur Companion - RIGHT HAND BINDING (opposite way to normal)

Morning Service 51 The Silent Amidah

The Fourth Blessing - The Festival's Holiness

You chose us from all the nations to bring a message to the world. You have
consistently expressed Your love for us and desire for us. You elevated us
above other languages. And made us sacred to You through Your Mitzvot.

[You taught us how to live in intimate relationship with You; how to translate Your love for us
and ours for You into the everyday acts of meaning and holiness]

And drew us near, our King, to Your service And Your great and holy Name
You proclaimed upon us.

[in an ultimate show of confidence You have tied Your destiny to ours]

On the Sabbath add the words in brackets:

Moreover, Adonai, You lovingly gave us this Day of (Shabbat and this Day
of) Atonement, a day of pardoning, forgiveness and atonement, a day that
allows forgiveness for our misdeeds (with love), a day that we declare holy, in
commemoration of the Egyptian Exodus.

God and God of our ancestors, May there rise up and come; arrive, be seen
and desired; be heard, recorded and remembered – our remembrance and
recollection, and the remembrance of our founding fathers. The remembrance
of the Messiah, descendant of David Your servant. The remembrance of
Jerusalem Your holy city, and the remembrance of Your people Israel before
You. For deliverance and for blessing; favour, kindness and compassion; life
and for peace on this Day of Atonement.
Remember us, Adonai, on this day for good, recall us for blessing and deliver
us for life. Also regarding salvation and compassion - as a nation – please
have sympathy and favour for us; have compassion on us, and save us. For
our eyes are turned to You, for You, God, are a King who gives beyond what
is deserved, with compassion.

[Favour us like a parent sees the good in each child, and have mercy upon us, giving us more
time to improve.]

YHoigmh KHoiplypuDarys


‫שמונה עשרה‬ ‫תפילת שחרית ‪52‬‬

‫‪On Shabbat, add the words in brackets‬‬

‫ֱאֹל ֵ ֽהינּו ֵואֹל ֵהי ֲאבֹו ֵ ֽתינּו‪ְ .‬מ ֹחל ַל ֲע‍ֹונֹו ֵ ֽתינּו (ְּביֹום ַהׁ ַּשָּבת ַה ֶּזה ּו) ְּביֹום ַהִּכֻּפִרים‬
‫ַה ֶּזה‪ְ .‬מ ֵחה ְו ַה ֲע ֵבר ְּפָׁש ֵ ֽעינּו ְו ַחּ ֹטא ֵ ֽתינּו ִמ ֶּ ֽנ ֶגד ֵעי ֶ ֽניָך‪.‬‬

‫ָּכ ָאמּור ָא ֹנ ִכי ָא ֹנ ִכי הּוא מֹו ֶחה ְפָׁש ֶ ֽעיָך ְל ַמ ֲע ִני ְו ַחּ ֹטא ֶ ֽתיָך לֹא ֶא ְזּ ֹכר‪ְ :‬ו ֶנ ֱא ַמר‬
‫ָמ ִֽחי ִתי ָכ ָעב ְּפָׁש ֶ ֽעיָך ְו ֶכ ָע ָנן ַחּ ֹטא ֶ ֽתיָך ׁשּו ָבה ֵא ַלי ִּכי ְג ַא ְל ִּֽתיָך‪ְ :‬ו ֶנ ֱא ַמר ִּכי ַבּיֹום‬

‫ַה ֶּזה ְי ַכֵּפר ֲע ֵלי ֶכם ְל ַט ֵהר ֶא ְת ֶכם ִמּ ֹכל ַחּ ֹטא ֵתי ֶכם ִל ְפ ֵני ְי ֹהָוה ִּת ְט ָ ֽהרּו‪:‬‬
‫( ֱאֹל ֵ ֽהינּו ֵואֹל ֵהי ֲאבֹו ֵ ֽתינּו ְר ֵצה ִב ְמנּו ָח ֵ ֽתנּו) ַק ְּד ֵֽׁשנּו ְּב ִמ ְצֹו ֶ ֽתיָך ְו ֵתן ֶח ְל ֵ ֽקנּו‬
‫ְּבתֹוָר ֶ ֽתָך ַׂשְּב ֵ ֽענּו ִמּטּו ֶ ֽבָך ְוַׂשְּמ ֵ ֽחנּו ִּביׁשּו ָע ֶ ֽתָך‪ְ( :‬ו ַה ְנ ִחי ֵ ֽלנּו ְי ֹהָוה ֱאֹל ֵ ֽהינּו‬
‫ְּב ַא ֲה ָבה ּו ְבָרצֹון ַׁשַּבת ָק ְד ֶֽׁשָך ְוָי ֽנּוחּו בֹו ִיְׂשָר ֵאל ְמ ַק ְּדֵׁשי ְׁש ֶ ֽמָך) ְו ַט ֵהר ִל ֵּֽבנּו‬
‫ְל ָע ְב ְּדָך ֶּב ֱא ֶמת ִּכי ַא ָּתה ָס ְל ָחן ְל ִיְׂשָר ֵאל ּו ָמ ֳח ָלן ְלִׁש ְב ֵטי ְיֻׁשרּון ְּב ָכל ּדֹור ָודֹור‬
‫ּו ִמַּב ְל ָעֶ ֽדיָך ֵאין ָ ֽלנּו ֶ ֽמ ֶלְך מֹו ֵחל ְוסֹו ֵ ֽל ַח ֶאָּלא ָ ֽא ָּתה‪ָּ :‬ברּוְך ַא ָּתה ְי ֹהָוה ֶ ֽמ ֶלְך‬
‫מֹו ֵחל ְוסֹו ֵ ֽל ַח ַל ֲע ֹ‍ונֹו ֵ ֽתינּו ְו ַל ֲעו‍ֹנֹות ַעּמֹו ֵּבית ִיְׂשָר ֵאל‪ּ .‬ו ַמ ֲע ִביר ַאְׁשמֹו ֵ ֽתינּו ְּב ָכל‬
‫ָׁש ָנה ְוָׁש ָנה‪ֽ ֶ .‬מ ֶלְך ַעל ָּכל ָה ָ ֽאֶרץ ְמ ַק ֵּדׁש ( ַהׁ ַּשָּבת ְו) ִיְׂשָר ֵאל ְויֹום ַהִּכֻּפִרים‪:‬‬

Morning Service 53 The Silent Amidah

On the Sabbath, add the words in brackets

God and God of our ancestors, Forgive our failures on this (Day of Shabbat
and) Yom Kippur. Wipe clean and overlook our wilful mistakes and errors from
before Your eyes [as if they had never occurred] on this day of Yom Kippur.

[We have moved away from You and want to feel You in our lives again. Open the door for
us to do so. As You consider us today, please don’t merely look at us as a single isolated self
with all our imperfections. For this is not how I see myself, nor how we as a community view
ourselves. We see ourselves as part of a four thousand year journey; as an expression of the
Abrahamic vision of a Godly world, and committed to achieving perfection.]

For it says in the Scared texts: “It is I, yes I, who eliminates Your willful mistakes
– for My sake. And I will no longer recall your errors.” Likewise it says: “I shall
wipe away like a cloud Your willful mistakes, and, like a mist, Your errors. Just
return to Me so that I can redeem you!” Also it says: “For on this day [Yom
Kippur] I will atone you, purifying you from all your errors; before Adonai you
will be pure!”

(God and God of our ancestors, May our observance of Shabbat please You)
Let us become intimately close to You through Your mitzvot, and grant us
our relationship through Your guiding Torah [Please help us to grow, one step at a
time, in knowledge and practice]. Satisfy us through Your goodness, and grant us
joy in Your salvation (and grant us, Adonai God, with love and desire, the gift
of Shabbat, that all Israel will find pleasure in it, sanctifying Your name). Purify
our hearts to serve You with sincerity - for You, God, are truth, Your words
are true and right forever. Blessed are You Adonai, King who pardons and
forgives our misdeeds, and those of all His people, Israel, wiping out our guilt
year on year; King of all the world, who sanctifies (Shabbat) Israel and Yom

[Please help us all. Please help us all to have clarity as to the purpose of life. Please help us
to focus on what’s truly important in this world, and not get obsessed with the pettiness,
irrelevancies, and distractions that ruin lives, destroy relationships, and make us trade
meaning for mediocrity.]

At the centrepiece of the Shabbat and festival Amidah is a blessing that
hones in on the essence of the day. It was designed in antiquity to be a
loyal summary of the day's key themes and message. It is the moment
we are finally able to ask God for all that we want in the year to come.
Touching that depth helps us focus on what we are living for and what our

goals should be for the year ahead. And that can help us to be the people
worthy of the blessings God seeks to give.

YHoigmh KHoiplypuDarys


‫שמונה עשרה‬ ‫תפילת שחרית ‪54‬‬


‫ְר ֵצה ְי ֹהָוה ֱאֹל ֵ ֽהינּו ְּב ַעְּמָך ִיְׂשָר ֵאל ּו ִב ְת ִפָּל ָתם‪ְ ,‬ו ָהֵׁשב ֶאת ָה ֲעבֹו ָדה ִל ְד ִביר‬
‫ֵּבי ֶ ֽתָך ְו ִאׁ ֵּשי ִיְׂשָר ֵאל‪ּ ,‬ו ְת ִפָּל ָתם ְּב ַא ֲה ָבה ְת ַקֵּבל ְּבָרצֹון ּו ְת ִהי ְלָרצֹון ָּת ִמיד‬

‫ֲעבֹו ַדת ִיְׂשָר ֵאל ַע ֶּ ֽמָך‪:‬‬
‫ְו ֶת ֱחֶ ֽזי ָנה ֵעי ֵ ֽנינּו ְּבׁשּו ְבָך ְל ִצּיֹון ְּבַר ֲח ִמים‪ָּ :‬ברּוְך ַא ָּתה ְי ֹהָוה ַהַּמ ֲח ִזיר ְׁש ִכי ָנתֹו‬

‫ְל ִצּיֹון‪:‬‬

‫‪'.‬הּוא' ‪', straighten up at‬מֹו ִדים' ‪Bow at‬‬

‫מֹו ִדים ֲא ַ ֽנ ְחנּו ָלְך ָׁש ַא ָּתה הּוא ְי ֹהָוה ֱאֹל ֵ ֽהינּו ֵואֹל ֵהי ֲאבֹו ֵ ֽתינּו ְלעֹו ָלם ָו ֶעד צּור‬
‫ַחֵּֽיינּו ָמ ֵגן ִיְׁש ֵ ֽענּו ַא ָּתה הּוא ְלדֹור ָודֹור נֹו ֶדה ְּלָך ּו ְנ ַסֵּפר ְּת ִהָּל ֶ ֽתָך ַעל ַחֵּֽיינּו‬
‫ַהְּמסּוִרים ְּבָיֶ ֽדָך ְו ַעל ִנְׁשמֹו ֵ ֽתינּו ַהְּפקּודֹות ָלְך ְו ַעל ִנ ֶּֽסיָך ֶׁשְּב ָכל יֹום ִע ָּֽמנּו‬

‫ְו ַעל ִנ ְפ ְלאֹו ֶ ֽתיָך ְוטֹובֹו ֶ ֽתיָך ֶׁשְּב ָכל ֵעת‪ֽ ֶ ,‬עֶרב ָו ֽ ֹב ֶקר ְו ָצ ֳהָ ֽר ִים‪ַ ,‬הּטֹוב ִּכי לֹא ָכלּו‬
‫ַר ֲח ֶ ֽמיָך ְו ַה ְמַר ֵחם ִּכי לֹא ַ ֽתּמּו ֲח ָסֶ ֽדיָך‪ֵ ,‬מעֹו ָלם ִקִּֽוינּו ָלְך‪:‬‬

‫ְו ַעל ֻּכָּלם ִי ְתָּבַרְך ְוִי ְתרֹו ַמם ִׁש ְמָך ַמ ְל ֵּ ֽכנּו ָּת ִמיד ְלעֹו ָלם ָו ֶעד‪:‬‬
‫ּו ְכתֹוב ְל ַח ִּיים טֹו ִבים ָּכל ְּב ֵני ְבִרי ֶ ֽתָך‬

‫‪If you forgot to say this, and became aware of your omission before saying the following blessing, you should recite it.‬‬

‫”‪ּ.‬ו ְכתֹוב ְל ַח ִּיים ‪ָּ” you should continue the prayers without saying‬ברּוְך ַא ָּתה ה'“ ‪If you have already said‬‬

‫ְו ֹכל ַה ַחִּיים יֹו ֽדּוָך ֶּֽס ָלה ִוי ַה ְללּו ֶאת ִׁש ְמָך ֶּב ֱא ֶמת ָה ֵאל ְיׁשּו ָע ֵ ֽתנּו ְו ֶע ְזָר ֵ ֽתנּו‬
‫ֶ ֽס ָלה‪ָּ :‬ברּוְך ַא ָּתה ְי ֹהָוה ַהּטֹוב ִׁש ְמָך ּו ְלָך ָנ ֶאה ְלהֹודֹות‪:‬‬

‫’ ְי ֹה ָוה‘ ‪ַ ’; straighten up at‬א ָּתה‘ ‪ָּ’; bow at‬ברּוְך‘ ‪Bend the knees at‬‬

‫‪Following this plea, we prepare to step away from our‬‬
‫‪encounter with the Divine by expressing thanks for the sheer‬‬
‫‪miracle of life; for all the minutiae of detail we so rarely notice.‬‬
‫‪But at the same time, we recognise that the world around us‬‬
‫‪is far from perfect, and that there is a desperately long path‬‬

‫‪stretched out ahead of us to reach that perfection.‬‬

Morning Service 55 The Silent Amidah

Modim - Thank You

Adonai, please find favour In Your people Israel, and their prayers, and return
the service to Your precious home [Jerusalem]. May the fire-offerings of Israel,
and their loving prayers, be received and desired. May You always be pleased
with the efforts of Your people Israel. May our eyes witness Your return to Zion
in compassion. Blessed are you Adonai, who returns His Presence to Zion.

Bow at 'We thank you', straighten up at 'our God'.

We thank You For You are our God and God of our ancestors, forever. The
rock of our lives, and the shield that saves us. It is You from generation to
generation. We thank You and sing Your praises for our very lives that are in
Your hands. And for our souls that are held by You; for the miracles that are
with us every day, and for Your wonders and constant goodness – evening,
morning and afternoon [Our lives are so rich, so full, and so bountiful. And the world we

live in is so stunningly beautiful. We cannot thank you enough for all that you have done and
continue to do for us every second of every minute of every hour of every day.]

The source of good – for Your compassion never ceases. The merciful – for
Your kindness knows no end. We always long for You.
Because of all these things we wish for an expansion and elevation Of Your
Name Our King, always and forever.
Please inscribe good lives for all those who have a relationship with You.

If you forgot to say this, and became aware of your omission before saying the following blessing, you should recite it.
If you have already said "Blessed are you Adonai", continue the prayers without saying "Please inscribe".

And please let all humanity know You; May they all truly reflect Your praise,
God, our savior and helper.

Bend the knees at ‘Blessed’; bow at ‘You’; straighten up at ‘Adonai’

Blessed are You Adonai, whose Name is ‘all the Good’ and to whom all thanks
are due.

The opening three blessings prepared us to encounter God. The central
blessing then allowed us to articulate our deepest longings and concerns.

The concluding set of three blessings help us to 'return' to a normal,
earthly focus. We begin this process with 'please find favour' - a simple
yet heartfelt plea that God accepts our prayers together with all prayers

uttered throughout the Jewish world today.

YHoigmh KHoiplypuDarys


‫שמונה עשרה‬ 56 ‫תפילת שחרית‬


.‫ִׂשים ָׁשלֹום טֹו ָבה ּו ְבָר ָכה ֵחן ָו ֶ ֽח ֶסד ְוַר ֲח ִמים ָע ֵ ֽלינּו ְו ַעל ָּכל ִישָר ֵאל ַעֶּמָך‬
‫ָּבְר ֵ ֽכנּו ָא ִֽבינּו ֻּכ ָּ ֽלנּו ְּכ ֶא ָחד ְּבאֹור ָּפ ֶ ֽניָך ִּכי ְבאֹור ָּפ ֶ ֽניָך ָנ ַ ֽת ָּת ָּ ֽלנּו ְי ֹהָוה ֱאֹל ֵ ֽהינּו‬
‫ ְוטֹוב ְּב ֵעי ֶ ֽניָך‬,‫ּתֹוַרת ַחִּיים ְו ַא ֲה ַבת ֶ ֽח ֶסד ּו ְצ ָד ָקה ּו ְבָר ָכה ְוַר ֲח ִמים ְו ַחִּיים ְוָׁשלֹום‬

.‫ְל ָבֵרְך ֶאת ַעְּמָך ִיְׂשָר ֵאל ְּב ָכל ֵעת ּו ְב ָכל ָׁש ָעה ִּבְׁשלֹו ֶ ֽמָך‬
‫ְּב ֵ ֽס ֶפר ַח ִּיים ְּבָר ָכה ְוָׁשלֹום ּו ַפְר ָנ ָסה טֹו ָבה ִנ ָּז ֵכר ְו ִנָּכ ֵתב ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך ֲא ַ ֽנ ְחנּו ְו ָכל ַעְּמָך‬

:‫ֵּבית ִיְׂשָר ֵאל ְל ַח ִּיים טֹו ִבים ּו ְלָׁשלֹום‬

If you forgot to say this, and became aware of your omission before saying the following blessing, you should recite it.

If you have already said “'‫ ”ָּברּוְך ַא ָּתה ה‬you should continue the prayers without saying ‫ְּב ֵ ֽס ֶפר ַח ִּיים‬.”

:‫ָּברּוְך ַא ָּתה ְי ֹהָוה ֹעֶׂשה ַהׁ ָּשלֹום‬

The silent Amidah continues with the 'Vidui'/Confession section.

'Shalom' is translated as 'peace', but actually its meaning
is far closer to the root 'SHALEM', which is what we call

'wholesomeness'. Wholesomeness describes a world
existing in a shared vision of unity and aspiration, which are

prerequisites for the peace we so yearn for.

Morning Service 57 The Silent Amidah

Shalom - Peace for All Humanity

Grant peace, goodness and blessing, endearment, loving-kindness and
compassion to us, and to all Your people Israel. Bless us our Father – all of
us, as one – with the light of Your Presence. For it is with the light of Your
Presence that You, Adonai our God, gave us: Guidance – Torah – for living and
a love of kindness, righteousness, blessing, compassion, life and Peace. May
it be fitting in Your eyes to bless Your people Israel in all times, in every hour,
with Your [gift of] Shalom.
In the book of life, blessing and peace, and financial well-being May we, be
remembered and written before You. We, amongst all the people of Israel,
for life, good and peace.

If you forgot to say this, and became aware of your omission before saying the following blessing, you should recite it.
If you have already said "Blessed are You Adonai", you should continue the prayers without saying "In the book of life."

Blessed are You Adonai, who makes Peace.

YHoigmh KHoiplypuDarys




confession (vidui)


When we are
no longer able

to change a
situation, we are

challenged to
change ourselves.


YHoigmh KHoiplypuDarys


60 60

Rabbi Dovid Lichtig
In this fast paced world we live in we
barely have a minute to spend with
our families let alone with ourselves.
Do we ever spend just a moment
contemplating our lives, thinking
about our priorities and what is really
important to us? While "confessing"
on Yom Kippur we're really taking time
out for introspection. We think about
the past year and the changes we can
make in the future to make sure we're
living our best possible life.

Rabbi Shauly Strom
We confess our sins, not to dwell on
the past. Jewish guilt is actually not a
Jewish concept (although your Jewish
mother would disagree!). Confession is
a crucial part of the three-part-process
of recognition, confession and resolution
- allowing us to distance ourselves from
our past misdeeds and propel ourselves
forward to become who we really want
to be.

61 61

What should I focus on
when ‘confessing’?
It doesn’t sound like
something Judaism

Rebbetzen Shalvie Friedman
Instead of seeing the confessions as
a beating of the chest, see that very
same action as the removal of our sins
in order to reveal our higher self. In
other words, confession is not about
seeing ourselves as sinners. Rather it
is about seeing our sins as something
external from us. With each motion of
the fist we grab hold of our past sins
and we peel them away.

Rabbi Shmuely Kott
We are not our mistakes! The Vidui
confession isn't about feeling guilt and
getting stuck in our past. It's about
taking an honest look at our behaviour
and realising and declaring that we
know we can do better than that,
empowering us to develop a new vison
for a brighter future.

YHoigmh KHoiplypuDarys


‫שמונה עשרה‬ 62 ‫תפילת שחרית‬


‫ ְו ַאל ִּת ְת ַעַּלם ִמ ְּת ִחָּנ ֵ ֽתנּו ֶׁש ֵאין‬,‫ֱאֹל ֵ ֽהינּו ֵואֹל ֵהי ֲאבֹו ֵ ֽתינּו ָּת ֹבא ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך ְּת ִפָּל ֵ ֽתנּו‬
‫ֲא ַ ֽנ ְחנּו ַע ֵּזי ָפ ִנים ּו ְקֵׁשי ֽ ֹעֶרף לֹו ַמר ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך ְי ֹהָוה ֱאֹל ֵ ֽהינּו ֵואֹל ֵהי ֲאבֹו ֵ ֽתינּו ַצ ִּדי ִקים‬

:‫ֲא ַ ֽנ ְחנּו ְולֹא ָח ָ ֽטאנּו ֲא ָבל ֲא ַ ֽנ ְחנּו ַו ֲאבֹו ֵ ֽתינּו ָח ָ ֽטאנּו‬

Lightly beat the chest over the area of the heart when reciting each of the categories below.

‫ ָט ַ ֽפ ְלנּו‬.‫ ָח ַ ֽמ ְסנּו‬.‫ ַ ֽז ְדנּו‬.‫ ְו ִהְר ַֽׁש ְענּו‬.‫ ֶה ֱעִֽוינּו‬.‫ ִּד ַּֽבְרנּו ּֽדֹ ִפי‬.‫ ָּגַ ֽז ְלנּו‬.‫ ָּב ַ ֽגְדנּו‬.‫ָא ַֽׁש ְמנּו‬
.‫ ָּפ ַֽׁש ְענּו‬.‫ ָעִֽוינּו‬.‫ ָסַ ֽרְרנּו‬.‫ ִנ ַ ֽא ְצנּו‬.‫ ָמַ ֽר ְדנּו‬.‫ ַ ֽל ְצנּו‬.‫ ִּכַּֽז ְבנּו‬.‫ ָי ַ ֽע ְצנּו ָרע‬.‫ֶֽׁש ֶקר‬

:‫ ִּת ְע ָּֽת ְענּו‬.‫ ָּת ִֽעינּו‬.‫ ִּת ַ ֽע ְבנּו‬.‫ ִׁש ַ ֽח ְתנּו‬.‫ ָר ַֽׁש ְענּו‬.‫ ִקִּֽׁשינּו ֽ ֹעֶרף‬.‫ָצַ ֽרְרנּו‬

‫ ְו ַא ָּתה‬.‫ַ ֽסְרנּו ִמִּמ ְצֹו ֶ ֽתיָך ּו ִמִּמְׁשָּפ ֶ ֽטיָך ַהּטֹו ִבים ְולֹא ָֽׁשָוה ָ ֽלנּו‬
:‫ ִּכי ֱא ֶמת ָע ִֽׂשי ָת ַו ֲא ַ ֽנ ְחנּו ִהְר ָֽׁש ְענּו‬.‫ַצ ִּדיק ַעל ָּכל ַהָּבא ָע ֵ ֽלינּו‬
‫ ֲהלֹא ָּכל‬.‫ ּו ַמה ְּנ ַסֵּפר ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך ׁשֹו ֵכן ְׁש ָח ִקים‬.‫ַמה ּ ֹנא ַמר ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך יֹוֵׁשב ָמרֹום‬

:‫ַהִּנ ְס ָּתרֹות ְו ַהִּנ ְגלֹות ַא ָּתה יֹוֵ ֽד ַע‬
‫ ַא ָּתה חֹו ֵפׂש ָּכל ַח ְדֵרי ָ ֽב ֶטן‬:‫ ְו ַת ֲעלּומֹות ִס ְתֵרי ָכל ָחי‬.‫ַא ָּתה יֹוֵ ֽד ַע ָר ֵזי עֹו ָלם‬

:‫ ְו ֵאין ִנ ְס ָּתר ִמ ֶּ ֽנ ֶגד ֵעי ֶ ֽניָך‬.‫ ֵאין ָּד ָבר ֶנ ְע ָלם ִמ ֶּ ֽמ ָך‬:‫ּובֹו ֵחן ְּכ ָליֹות ָו ֵלב‬

‫ ֶׁש ְּת ַכֵּפר ָ ֽלנּו ַעל‬.‫ּו ְב ֵכן ְי ִהי ָרצֹון ִמְּל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך ְי ֹהָוה ֱאֹל ֵ ֽהינּו ֵואֹל ֵהי ֲאבֹו ֵ ֽתינּו‬
:‫ ּו ִת ְמ ָחל ָ ֽלנּו ַעל ָּכל ְּפָׁש ֵ ֽעינּו‬.‫ ְו ִת ְס ַלח ָ ֽלנּו ַעל ָּכל ֲעו‍ֹנֹו ֵ ֽתינּו‬.‫ָּכל ַחּ ֹטא ֵ ֽתינּו‬

The 'Vidui' section of the silent Amidah is perhaps one of the most difficult
elements of the Yom Kippur service to connect to. Facing our own failure is never
a comfortable experience. Owning up to our shortcomings can be soul-destroying.
It is for this reason that the notion of 'confession' is not emphasised in Judaism to
the extent that it is in other religions. To dwell on guilt too much can be crippling.
But at the same time, too little - or not at all - can have disastrous consequences.

Just like any self-respecting company, school, business or otherwise sets aside
serious time for an annual review, we stand - humbled - before God, and simply

say: 'Here is where I have gone wrong. Please -help me fix these things.'

Morning Service 63 Vidui/Confession

Vidui - Confronting Ourselves

Our God and God of our ancestors, may our prayer come before You, and do
not ignore our pleas. Because, Hashem our God and God of our ancestors,
we are not so two-faced and stubborn as to claim we are righteous and have
never made any mistakes. On the contrary, we and our ancestors have erred.

Lightly beat the chest over the area of the heart when reciting each of the categories below.

We admit responsibility, we have betrayed, stolen, spoken slander, perverted
justice, caused bad things to happen, willfully done the wrong thing, taken
money by force, falsely accused others and given misleading advice. We
have been deceitful, we scorned, rebelled, provoked, ignored, have been
perverse, and we have acted carelessly. We have annoyed others, we have
been obstinate, and we have performed evil acts. We have corrupted,
followed our base desires, we have strayed from the path; You have let us

weaken our relationship with You.

We have turned away from Your commandments and Your good laws and
it hasn't worked for us. But You are right in guiding all that has come upon
us because You have acted truthfully and we have behaved treacherously.
What can we say before You, sitting up on High? And what can we tell You
who lives in the highest heavens? After all, You know all things hidden and
You know the mysteries of the Universe and the innermost secrets of every
living being. You search all inner feelings and analyse our deepest thoughts
and emotions. There is nothing we can hide from You, and nothing is hidden
from Your eyes.
And so may it be Your will, Hashem our God and God of our ancestors, to
forgive us for all our mistakes, and pardon us for all the wrong things we have
done, and grant us atonement for all our faulty behaviour.

YHoigmh KHoiplypuDarys


‫שמונה עשרה‬ ‫תפילת שחרית ‪64‬‬

‫על חטא‬

‫' ‪ַ '.Lightly beat the chest over the area of the heart when reciting‬על ֵח ְטא‬

‫ַעל ֵח ְטא ֶׁש ָח ָ ֽטאנּו ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך ְּב ֽ ֹא ֶנס ּו ְבָרצֹון‪:‬‬
‫ְו ַעל ֵח ְטא ֶׁש ָח ָ ֽטאנּו ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך ְּב ִאּמּוץ ַהֵּלב‪:‬‬
‫ַעל ֵח ְטא ֶׁש ָח ָ ֽטאנּו ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך ִּב ְב ִלי ָ ֽד ַעת‪:‬‬
‫ְו ַעל ֵח ְטא ֶׁש ָח ָ ֽטאנּו ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך ְּב ִבּטּוי ְׂש ָפ ָ ֽתִים‪:‬‬
‫ַעל ֵח ְטא ֶׁש ָח ָ ֽטאנּו ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך ְּב ָגלּוי ּו ַב ָּֽס ֶתר‪:‬‬
‫ְו ַעל ֵח ְטא ֶׁש ָח ָ ֽטאנּו ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך ְּב ִגּלּוי ֲעָריֹות‪:‬‬
‫ַעל ֵח ְטא ֶׁש ָח ָ ֽטאנּו ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך ְּבִדּבּור ֶּפה‪:‬‬
‫ְו ַעל ֵח ְטא ֶׁש ָח ָ ֽטאנּו ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך ְּב ַד ַעת ּו ְב ִמְר ָמה‪:‬‬
‫ַעל ֵח ְטא ֶׁש ָח ָ ֽטאנּו ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך ְּב ַהְרהֹור ַהֵּלב‪:‬‬
‫ְו ַעל ֵח ְטא ֶׁש ָח ָ ֽטאנּו ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך ְּבהֹו ָ ֽנ ַאת ֵ ֽר ַע‪:‬‬

‫ַעל ֵח ְטא ֶׁש ָח ָ ֽטאנּו ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך ְּבִוּדּוי ֶּפה‪:‬‬
‫ְו ַעל ֵח ְטא ֶׁש ָח ָ ֽטאנּו ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך ִּבְו ִעי ַדת ְזנּות‪:‬‬
‫ַעל ֵח ְטא ֶׁש ָח ָ ֽטאנּו ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך ְּב ָזדֹון ּו ִבְׁש ָג ָגה‪:‬‬
‫ְו ַעל ֵח ְטא ֶׁש ָח ָ ֽטאנּו ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך ְּב ִז ְלזּול הֹוִרים ּומֹוִרים‪:‬‬

‫ַעל ֵח ְטא ֶׁש ָח ָ ֽטאנּו ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך ְּב ֽ ֹח ֶזק ָיד‪:‬‬
‫ְו ַעל ֵח ְטא ֶׁש ָח ָ ֽטאנּו ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך ְּב ִחּלּול ַהׁ ֵּשם‪:‬‬
‫ַעל ֵח ְטא ֶׁש ָח ָ ֽטאנּו ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך ְּב ִט ְפׁשּות ֶּפה‪:‬‬
‫ְו ַעל ֵח ְטא ֶׁש ָח ָ ֽטאנּו ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך ְּב ֻט ְמ ַאת ְׂש ָפ ָ ֽתִים‪:‬‬
‫ַעל ֵח ְטא ֶׁש ָח ָ ֽטאנּו ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך ְּבֵ ֽי ֶצר ָהָרע‪:‬‬
‫ְו ַעל ֵח ְטא ֶׁש ָח ָ ֽטאנּו ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך ְּביֹו ְד ִעים ּו ְבלֹא יֹו ְד ִעים‪:‬‬
‫ְו ַעל ֻּכָּלם ֱא ֽלֹוַּה ְס ִליחֹות‪ְ .‬ס ַלח ָ ֽלנּו‪ְ .‬מ ַחל ָ ֽלנּו‪ַּ .‬כֶּפר ָ ֽלנּו‪:‬‬

Morning Service 65 Vidui/Confession

Al Cheit - Steps Away from Failure

Lightly beat the chest over the area of the heart when saying 'For the mistake'.

For the mistake we made willingly or under pressure before You.
And the mistake we made in front of You by refusing to open our heart.
For the mistake we unknowingly made before You.
And the mistake we made in front of You by saying the wrong thing.
For the mistake we made in public or in private before You.
And the mistake we made in front of You by engaging in immoral behaviour.
For the mistake we made through harsh speech before You.
And the mistake we made in front of You knowingly and with deceit.
For the mistake we made through hesitant thoughts before You.
And the mistake we made in front of You by deceiving friends.
For the mistake we made by insincerely admitting things before You.
And the mistake we made in front of You by taking part in immoral gatherings.
For the mistake we intentionally and unintentionally made before You.
And the mistake we made in front of You by mocking parents and teachers.
For the mistake we made in abusing strength before You.
And the mistake we made in front of You by giving Your Name a bad reputation.
For the mistake we made by saying foolish things.
And the mistake we made in front of You by saying spiritually improper things.
For the mistake we made before You because of our evil inclination.
And the mistake we made in front of You affecting those who know and those
who don't.
And for all these, God of forgiveness, forgive us, pardon us, atone for us.

YHoigmh KHoiplypuDarys


‫שמונה עשרה‬ ‫תפילת שחרית ‪66‬‬

‫ַעל ֵח ְטא ֶׁש ָח ָ ֽטאנּו ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך ְּב ַכַּפת ֽׁ ֹש ַחד‪:‬‬
‫ְו ַעל ֵח ְטא ֶׁש ָח ָ ֽטאנּו ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך ְּב ַ ֽכ ַחׁש ּו ְב ָכ ָזב‪:‬‬
‫ַעל ֵח ְטא ֶׁש ָח ָ ֽטאנּו ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך ְּב ָלׁשֹון ָהָרע‪:‬‬

‫ְו ַעל ֵח ְטא ֶׁש ָח ָ ֽטאנּו ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך ְּב ָלצֹון‪:‬‬
‫ַעל ֵח ְטא ֶׁש ָח ָ ֽטאנּו ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך ְּב ַמׂ ָּשא ּו ְב ַמ ָּתן‪:‬‬
‫ְו ַעל ֵח ְטא ֶׁש ָח ָ ֽטאנּו ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך ְּב ַמ ֲא ָכל ּו ְב ִמְׁש ֶּתה‪:‬‬
‫ַעל ֵח ְטא ֶׁש ָח ָ ֽטאנּו ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך ְּב ֶ ֽנֶׁשְך ּו ְב ַמְרִּבית‪:‬‬
‫ְו ַעל ֵח ְטא ֶׁש ָח ָ ֽטאנּו ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך ִּב ְנ ִטַּית ָּגרֹון‪:‬‬
‫ַעל ֵח ְטא ֶׁש ָח ָ ֽטאנּו ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך ְּבִׂשּקּור ָ ֽעִין‪:‬‬
‫ְו ַעל ֵח ְטא ֶׁש ָח ָ ֽטאנּו ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך ְּב ִֽׂשי ַח ִׂש ְפתֹו ֵ ֽתינּו‪:‬‬
‫ַעל ֵח ְטא ֶׁש ָח ָ ֽטאנּו ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך ְּב ֵעי ַ ֽנִים ָרמֹות‪:‬‬
‫ְו ַעל ֵח ְטא ֶׁש ָח ָ ֽטאנּו ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך ְּב ַעּזּות ֶ ֽמ ַצח‪:‬‬
‫ְו ַעל ֻּכָּלם ֱא ֽלֹוַּה ְס ִליחֹות‪ְ .‬ס ַלח ָ ֽלנּו‪ְ .‬מ ַחל ָ ֽלנּו‪ַּ .‬כֶּפר ָ ֽלנּו‪:‬‬
‫ַעל ֵח ְטא ֶׁש ָח ָ ֽטאנּו ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך ִּב ְפִֽרי ַקת ֹעל‪:‬‬

‫ְו ַעל ֵח ְטא ֶׁש ָח ָ ֽטאנּו ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך ִּב ְפ ִלילּות‪:‬‬
‫ַעל ֵח ְטא ֶׁש ָח ָ ֽטאנּו ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך ִּב ְצ ִד ַּית ֵ ֽר ַע‪:‬‬
‫ְו ַעל ֵח ְטא ֶׁש ָח ָ ֽטאנּו ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך ְּב ָצרּות ָ ֽעִין‪:‬‬
‫ַעל ֵח ְטא ֶׁש ָח ָ ֽטאנּו ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך ְּב ַקּלּות רֹאׁש‪:‬‬
‫ְו ַעל ֵח ְטא ֶׁש ָח ָ ֽטאנּו ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך ְּב ַקְׁשיּות ֽ ֹעֶרף‪:‬‬
‫ַעל ֵח ְטא ֶׁש ָח ָ ֽטאנּו ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך ְּבִרי ַצת ַר ְג ַ ֽל ִים ְל ָהַרע‪:‬‬
‫ְו ַעל ֵח ְטא ֶׁש ָח ָ ֽטאנּו ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך ִּבְר ִכילּות‪:‬‬

Morning Service 67 Vidui/Confession

For the mistake we made before You by giving in to bribery.
And the mistake we made in front of You claiming denial or empty promises.
For the mistake we made before You by talking badly about others.
And the mistake we made in front of You by mocking serious concepts.
For the mistake we made before You in business.
And the mistake we made in front of You because of how we ate and drank.
For the mistake we made before You charging interest and using extortion.
And the mistake we made in front of You through pride.
For the mistake we made before You with prying eyes.
And the mistake we made in front of You with gossiping lips.
For the mistake we made before You by being condescending.
And the mistake we made in front of You by being rude and disrespectful.
And for all these, God of forgiveness, forgive us, pardon us, atone for us.

For the mistake we made before You by throwing off all responsibility.
And the mistake we made in front of You by acting criminally.
For the mistake we made before You by tricking a neighbour or friend.
And the mistake we made in front of You by looking at things begrudgingly.
For the mistake we made before You by making things into a joke.
And the mistake we made in front of You by being stubborn.
For the mistake we made before You by rushing to do the wrong thing.
And the mistake we made in front of You by spreading gossip.

As per 'We admit' ('‫ )' ָא ַׁ ֽש ְמנּו‬above, the second section of the

Vidui follows the Aleph-Bet in order. Symbolically, this hints
to a painful yet liberatingly humble admission: Our mistakes
and shortcomings are so wide-ranging, it is as if the entire
alphabet could be used to chronicle the areas we desperately

want to improve.

YHoigmh KHoiplypuDarys


‫שמונה עשרה‬ ‫תפילת שחרית ‪68‬‬

‫ַעל ֵח ְטא ֶׁש ָח ָ ֽטאנּו ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך ִּבְׁש ֽבּו ַעת ָׁשְוא‪:‬‬
‫ְו ַעל ֵח ְטא ֶׁש ָח ָ ֽטאנּו ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך ְּבִׂש ְנ ַאת ִחָּנם‪:‬‬
‫ַעל ֵח ְטא ֶׁש ָח ָ ֽטאנּו ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך ִּב ְתֽׂשּו ֶמת ָיד‪:‬‬
‫ְו ַעל ֵח ְטא ֶׁש ָח ָ ֽטאנּו ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך ְּב ִת ְמהֹון ֵל ָבב‪:‬‬
‫ְו ַעל ֻּכָּלם ֱא ֽלֹוַּה ְס ִליחֹות‪ְ .‬ס ַלח ָ ֽלנּו‪ְ .‬מ ַחל ָ ֽלנּו‪ַּ .‬כֶּפר ָ ֽלנּו‪:‬‬
‫ְו ַעל ֲח ָט ִאים ֶׁש ָ ֽאנּו ַח ָּי ִבים ֲע ֵלי ֶהם עֹו ָלה‪:‬‬
‫ְו ַעל ֲח ָט ִאים ֶׁש ָ ֽאנּו ַחָּי ִבים ֲע ֵלי ֶהם ַח ָּטאת‪:‬‬
‫ְו ַעל ֲח ָט ִאים ֶׁש ָ ֽאנּו ַחָּי ִבים ֲע ֵלי ֶהם ָקְרַּבן עֹו ֶלה ְויֹוֵרד‪:‬‬
‫ְו ַעל ֲח ָט ִאים ֶׁש ָ ֽאנּו ַחָּי ִבים ֲע ֵלי ֶהם ָאָׁשם ַו ַּדאי ְו ָתלּוי‪:‬‬
‫ְו ַעל ֲח ָט ִאים ֶׁש ָ ֽאנּו ַחָּי ִבים ֲע ֵלי ֶהם ַמַּכת ַמְרּדּות‪:‬‬
‫ְו ַעל ֲח ָט ִאים ֶׁש ָ ֽאנּו ַחָּי ִבים ֲע ֵלי ֶהם ַמ ְלקּות ַאְרָּב ִעים‪:‬‬
‫ְו ַעל ֲח ָט ִאים ֶׁש ָ ֽאנּו ַחָּי ִבים ֲע ֵלי ֶהם ִמי ָתה ִּבי ֵדי ָׁש ָ ֽמ ִים‪:‬‬
‫ְו ַעל ֲח ָט ִאים ֶׁש ָ ֽאנּו ַחָּי ִבים ֲע ֵלי ֶהם ָּכֵרת ַו ֲעִריִרי‪:‬‬
‫ְו ַעל ֲח ָט ִאים ֶׁש ָ ֽאנּו ַחָּי ִבים ֲע ֵלי ֶהם ַאְרַּבע ִמיתֹות ֵּבית ִּדין‪ְ .‬ס ִקי ָלה‪ְׂ .‬שֵר ָפה‪.‬‬

‫ֶ ֽהֶרג‪ְ .‬ו ֶ ֽח ֶנק‪.‬‬

‫‪When the Temple stood, the process of repentance was often far more‬‬
‫‪complex than the mainly verbal procedure we follow today. Many sins‬‬
‫‪required what is called 'atonement'- an extra level of action, viscerally‬‬
‫‪hammering home the underlying message of sin's consequence. This‬‬

‫‪was achieved through ritual sacrifice or, in the most severe cases,‬‬
‫‪corporal punishment. It is beyond the scope of this work to discuss‬‬

‫‪these obviously highly nuanced subjects.‬‬

Morning Service 69 Vidui/Confession

For the mistake we made before You by making false promises.
And the mistake we made in front of You by hating people for no reason at all.
For the mistake we made before You by dealing with money dishonestly.
And the mistake we made in front of You by being confused in our thinking.
And for all these, God of forgiveness, forgive us, pardon us, atone for us.

And for the mistakes we must bring an Olah offering for.
And for the mistakes we must bring a Hatat offering for.
And for the mistakes we must bring an Oleh VeYored offering for.
And for the mistakes we must bring an Asham offering for a definite or possible
And for the mistakes for which we must incur severe punishment for rebelliousness.
And for the mistakes for which we must incur physical punishment.
And for the mistakes for which we are condemned to death by the Heavenly
And for the mistakes for which we deserve spiritual disconnection and
And for the mistakes for which we deserve the four death penalties of a human
court – stoning, burning, beheading and strangling.

YHoigmh KHoiplypuDarys


‫שמונה עשרה‬ ‫תפילת שחרית ‪70‬‬

‫ַעל ִמ ְצַות ֲעֵׂשה ְו ַעל ִמ ְצַות לֹא ַת ֲעֶׂשה‪ֵּ .‬בין ֶׁשֶּיׁש ָּבּה קּום ֲעֵׂשה‪ּ .‬ו ֵבין ֶׁש ֵאין‬
‫ָּבּה קּום ֲעֵׂשה‪ֶ .‬את ַה ְּגלּוִיים ָ ֽלנּו ְו ֶאת ֶׁש ֵאי ָנם ְּגלּוִיים ָ ֽלנּו‪ֶ .‬את ַה ְּגלּוִיים ָ ֽלנּו ְּכ ָבר‬
‫ֲא ַמְרנּום ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך‪ְ .‬והֹוִֽדינּו ְלָך ֲע ֵלי ֶהם‪ְ .‬ו ֶאת ֶׁש ֵאי ָנם ְּגלּוִים ָ ֽלנּו ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך ֵהם ְּגלּוִיים‬
‫ִוידּו ִעים‪ַּ .‬כ ָּד ָבר ֶׁשֶּנ ֱא ַמר ַהִּנ ְס ָּתרֹת ַלי ֹהָוה ֱאֹל ֵ ֽהינּו‪ְ .‬ו ַהִּנ ְגֹלת ָ ֽלנּו ּו ְל ָב ֵ ֽנינּו ַעד‬
‫עֹו ָלם‪ַ .‬ל ֲעׂשֹות ֶאת ָּכל ִּד ְבֵרי ַהּתֹוָרה ַהּ ֹזאת‪ִּ :‬כי ַא ָּתה ָס ְל ָחן ְל ִיְׂשָר ֵאל ּו ָמ ֳח ָלן‬
‫ְלִׁש ְב ֵטי ְיֻׁשרּון ְּב ָכל ּדֹור ָודֹור ּו ִמַּב ְל ָעֶ ֽדיָך ֵאין ָ ֽלנּו ֶ ֽמ ֶלְך מֹו ֵחל ְוסֹו ֵ ֽל ַח ֶאָּלא ָ ֽא ָּתה‪:‬‬

‫ֱאֹל ַהי‪ַ .‬עד ֶׁשּלֹא נֹו ַ ֽצְר ִּתי ֵאי ִני ְכ ַדאי‪ְ ,‬ו ַע ְכָׁשו ֶׁשּנֹו ַ ֽצְר ִּתי ְּכ ִאּלּו לֹא נֹו ַ ֽצְר ִּתי‪ָ .‬ע ָפר‬
‫ֲא ִני ְּב ַחָּיי‪ַ .‬קל ָו ֽ ֹח ֶמר ְּב ִמי ָת ִתי‪ֲ .‬הֵרי ֲא ִני ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך ִּכ ְכ ִלי ָמ ֵלא בּוָׁשה ּו ְכ ִלָּמה‪ְ .‬י ִהי‬
‫ָרצֹון ִמְּל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך ְי ֹהָוה ֱאֹל ַהי ֵואֹל ֵהי ֲאבֹו ַתי ֶׁשּלֹא ֶא ֱח ָטא עֹוד‪ּ .‬ו ַמה ׁ ֶּש ָח ָ ֽטא ִתי‬
‫ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך ָמֵרק ְּבַר ֲח ֶ ֽמיָך ָהַרִּבים‪ֲ .‬א ָבל לֹא ַעל ְי ֵדי ִיּסּוִרים ָו ֳח ָל ִים ָר ִעים‪:‬‬

‫ֱאֹל ַהי ְנצֹור ְלׁשֹו ִני ֵמָרע ּוְׂש ָפ ַתי ִמ ַּדֵּבר ִמְר ָמה ְו ִל ְמ ַק ְל ַלי ַנ ְפִׁשי ִתּדֹום ְו ַנ ְפִׁשי‬
‫ֶּכ ָע ָפר ַלּ ֹכל ִּת ְהֶיה ְּפ ַתח ִלִּבי ְּבתֹוָר ֶ ֽתָך ּו ְב ִמ ְצֹו ֶ ֽתיָך ִּתְרּדֹוף ַנ ְפִׁשי ְו ֹכל ַהחֹוְׁש ִבים‬
‫ָע ַלי ָר ָעה ְמ ֵהָרה ָה ֵפר ֲע ָצ ָתם ְו ַק ְל ֵקל ַמ ֲחַׁש ְב ָּתם‪ֲ :‬עֵׂשה ְל ַ ֽמ ַען ְׁש ֶ ֽמָך‪ֲ ,‬עֵׂשה‬
‫ְל ַ ֽמ ַען ְי ִמי ֶ ֽנָך‪ֲ ,‬עֵׂשה ְל ַ ֽמ ַען ְק ֻדׁ ָּש ֶ ֽתָך‪ֲ ,‬עֵׂשה ְל ַ ֽמ ַען ּתֹוָר ֶ ֽתָך‪ְ .‬ל ַ ֽמ ַען ֵי ָח ְלצּון ְי ִדיֶ ֽדיָך‬
‫הֹו ִֽׁשי ָעה ְי ִמי ְנָך ַו ֲע ֵ ֽנ ִני‪ִ :‬י ְהיּו ְלָרצֹון ִא ְמֵרי ִפי ְו ֶה ְגיֹון ִלִּבי ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך ְי ֹהָוה צּוִרי ְוגֹו ֲא ִלי‪:‬‬

‫;’‪.‬הּוא ַי ֲעֶׂשה‘ ‪ֹ .’; Bow right and say‬עֶׂשה ַהׁ ָּשלֹום‘ ‪Bow and take three steps backwards. Bow left and say‬‬
‫’… ְו ַעל ָּכל‘ ‪Bow forward and say‬‬

‫ֹעֶׂשה ַהׁ ָּשלֹום ִּב ְמרֹו ָמיו הּוא ַי ֲעֶׂשה ָׁשלֹום ָע ֵ ֽלינּו ְו ַעל ָּכל ִיְׂשָר ֵאל ְו ִא ְמרּו ָא ֵמן‪:‬‬

‫‪'My God' - the concluding paragraph of the silent Amidah is written‬‬
‫‪entirely in the first-person. Deeply personal, it is our chance to ask God‬‬
‫‪to help us be better people; to treat others with respect and humility, to‬‬
‫‪explore the wonders of Judaism and to be protected as we take three steps‬‬
‫‪backwards away from the serenity of our conversation with God back into‬‬

‫‪the chaos and uncertainty of the world around us.‬‬

Morning Service 71 Vidui/Confession

For positive mitzvot [we have failed to do] and for negative ones [that we
have violated], whether they can be remedied by a positive act or whether
they can’t be. Those that are revealed to us and those that are not revealed
to us: those that are revealed to us we have already declared before You and
confessed them to you; and those that are not revealed to us are revealed
and known to You as it is said, “the concealed [mistakes] are for Adonai, our
God, but the revealed [mistakes] are ours and our children's forever [that we
may] fulfil all the words of this Torah.” For You are the forgiver of Israel and
the One who pardons the tribes of Yeshurun [the Jewish people] in each
generation. Without You we have no King to pardon and forgive us.

God, before I was formed I could not have been worthy. Now that I have been
created, it is as if I was not created – I am still not worthy of it. I am like dust in
life, and will surely be so in my death - before you I am like a vessel filled with
shame and humiliation. May it be Your will Adonai, my God and the God of
my ancestors, that I not err again and where I have erred before You, may You
cleanse with Your abundant mercy but not through suffering or serious illness.
My God, please ensure my tongue is not used to speak badly, and that my
lips not speak deceitfully. To those who curse me, help me have the self-
control that I should stay silent, and my soul should be [humble] as dust
before others so that I not belittle myself to react with arrogance or anger.
Open my heart to Your Torah that my soul should pursue Your mitzvot. As for
all those who desire evil against me, please speedily thwart their plans and
undo their intentions. Thwart the plans of those who wish harm to the Jewish
people, and those who wish harm to one another. Please act for the sake of
Your Name. Please act for the sake of Your right hand [Your desire to give]. Please
act for the sake of Your holiness. Please act for the sake of Your Torah - that
Your beloved ones can have strength. May Your right hand save and answer
me. May these words of my lips and the outpourings of my heart be desired
before You, Adonai - my rock and redeemer.

Bow and take three steps backwards. Bow left and say ‘He who makes..’; Bow right and say ‘May He make..’;
Bow forward and say ‘And upon all…’

He who makes peace in the heavens, may He make peace upon us and upon
all Israel, and let us say: Amen.

YHoigmh KHoiplypuDarys



‫יזכור ‪ /‬ונתנה תקף‬



We are all the pieces
of what we remember.

We hold in ourselves
the hopes and fears
of those who love us.
As long as there is love
and memory, there is

no true loss.


YHoigmh KHoiplypuDarys


‫ונתנה תקף‬ ‫תפילת מוסף ‪74‬‬

‫ונתנה תקף‬

‫ּו ְנ ַתֶּנה ּ ֹת ֶקף ְק ֻדׁ ַּשת ַהּיֹום‪ִּ .‬כי הּוא נֹוָרא ְו ָאיֹום‪ּ .‬ובֹו ִתָּנֵׂשא ַמ ְלכּו ֶ ֽתָך‪ְ .‬וִיּכֹון‬
‫ְּב ֶ ֽח ֶסד ִּכ ְס ֶ ֽאָך‪ְ .‬ו ֵתֵׁשב ָע ָליו ֶּב ֱא ֶמת‪ֱ .‬א ֶמת ִּכי ַא ָּתה הּוא ַד ָּין ּומֹו ִֽכי ַח ְויֹוֵ ֽד ַע‬
‫ָו ֵעד‪ְ .‬וכֹו ֵתב ְוחֹו ֵתם ְוסֹו ֵפר ּומֹו ֶנה‪ְ .‬ו ִת ְזּ ֹכר ָּכל ַהִּנְׁשָּכחֹות‪ְ .‬ו ִת ְפ ַּתח ֶאת ֵ ֽס ֶפר‬
‫ַה ִּז ְכרֹונֹות‪ּ .‬ו ֵמ ֵא ָליו ִי ָּקֵרא‪ְ .‬וחֹו ָתם ַיד ָּכל ָאָדם ּבֹו‪ּ .‬ו ְבׁשֹו ָפר ָּגדֹול ִי ָּת ַקע‪ְ .‬וקֹול‬
‫ְּד ָמ ָמה ַד ָּקה ִיׁ ָּש ַמע‪ּ .‬ו ַמ ְל ָא ִכים ֵי ָח ֵפזּון‪ְ .‬ו ִחיל ּוְר ָע ָדה יֹא ֵחזּון‪ְ .‬ויֹא ְמרּו ִהֵּנה יֹום‬

‫ַה ִּדין‪ִ .‬ל ְפ ֹקד ַעל ְצ ָבא ָמרֹום ַּבִּדין‪ִּ .‬כי לֹא ִי ְזּכּו ְב ֵעי ֶ ֽניָך ַב ִּדין‪.‬‬
‫ְו ָכל ָּב ֵאי עֹו ָלם ַי ַע ְברּון ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך ִּכ ְב ֵני ָמרֹון‪ְּ .‬כ ַב ָּקַרת רֹו ֶעה ֶע ְדרֹו‪ַ .‬מ ֲע ִביר ֹצאנֹו‬
‫ַּֽת ַחת ִׁש ְבטֹו‪ֵּ .‬כן ַּת ֲע ִביר ְו ִת ְסּ ֹפר ְו ִת ְמ ֶנה‪ְ .‬ו ִת ְפ ֹקד ֶ ֽנ ֶפׁש ָּכל ָחי‪ְ .‬ו ַת ְחּ ֹתְך ִק ְצ ָבה‬

‫ְל ָכל ְּבִרּיֹו ֶ ֽתיָך‪ְ .‬ו ִת ְכּ ֹתב ֶאת ְּגַזר ִּדי ָנם‪:‬‬

‫ְּברֹאׁש ַהׁ ָּש ָנה ִיָּכ ֵתבּון ּו ְביֹום צֹום ִּכּפּור ֵי ָח ֵתמּון‪ַּ .‬כָּמה ַי ַע ְברּון‪ְ .‬ו ַכָּמה ִיָּבֵראּון‪.‬‬
‫ִמי ִי ְחֶיה‪ּ .‬ו ִמי ָימּות‪ִ .‬מי ְב ִקּצֹו‪ּ .‬ו ִמי לֹא ְב ִקּצֹו‪ִ .‬מי ַב ַּֽמ ִים‪ּ .‬ו ִמי ָב ֵאׁש‪ִ .‬מי ַב ֶ ֽחֶרב‪.‬‬

‫ּו ִמי ַב ַחָּיה‪ִ .‬מי ָבָר ָעב‪ּ .‬ו ִמי ַבָּצ ָמא‪ִ .‬מי ָבַ ֽר ַעׁש‪ּ .‬ו ִמי ַבַּמ ֵּג ָפה‪ִ .‬מי ַב ֲח ִני ָקה ּו ִמי‬
‫ַב ְּס ִקי ָלה‪ִ .‬מי ָינּו ַח‪ּ .‬ו ִמי ָי ֽנּו ַע‪ִ .‬מי ִיׁ ָּש ֵקט‪ּ .‬ו ִמי ִי ָּטֵרף‪ִ .‬מי ִיׁ ָּש ֵלו‪ּ .‬ו ִמי ִי ְתַי ָּסר‪ִ .‬מי‬

‫ֵי ָע ִני‪ּ .‬ו ִמי ֵי ָעֵׁשר‪ִ .‬מי ִיׁ ָּש ֵפל‪ּ .‬ו ִמי ָירּום‪:‬‬

‫ּו ְתׁשּו ָבה ּו ְת ִפָּלה ּו ְצ ָד ָקה ַמ ֲע ִביִרין ֶאת ֽרֹו ַע ַה ְּגֵזָרה‪:‬‬

‫‪The second part of Unetaneh Tokef puts into perspective what is at‬‬
‫‪stake. Life itself hangs in the balance. Like an investor reviewing‬‬
‫‪investments, the investment placed in our lives comes under‬‬

‫‪scrutiny. Who will be given another year? And whose life will come‬‬
‫‪to an end? What have we done to justify the life invested in us? What‬‬

‫?‪can we commit to do if we are given another year‬‬

Additional Service 75 Unetaneh Tokef

Unetaneh Tokef - Books of Life and Death

Let us now relate the power of this day's holiness, for it is awesome and
frightening. Your Kingship will be praised on it, Your throne will be established
with kindness and You will sit upon it in truth. It is true that You alone are the
One who judges, proves, knows and bears witness; who writes and seals, counts
and calculates, who remembers everything we have forgotten. You will open the
Book of Chronicles. It reads itself; everyone’s name is signed therein. The great
shofar will be blown and a still, slight sound will be heard. Angels will rush, seized
with trembling and trepidation, they declare: "It is here! It is the Day of Judgment
all the heavenly forces will be considered in judgment!” For even they cannot
possibly justify their existence from Your perspective.
Every single person in the world will pass before You like sheep in a flock.
As a shepherd tends his flock, making sheep pass under his staff, so You will
pass, count, calculate and consider the soul of every living being, and You will
determine the fate of each of Your creations and write down their verdict.
They will be written down on Rosh Hashana and sealed on the fast day of Yom
Kippur. How many will pass away, and how many will be born; who will live and
who will die, who at their natural time and who not; who by water and who by
fire; who by the sword and who by wild animals; who by hunger and who by
thirst; who by storm and who by plague; who by strangling and who by stoning.
Who will rest and who will wander; who will live peacefully and who will be
restless; who will enjoy tranquillity and who will suffer, who will be impoverished
and who will become rich, who will be degraded and who will be promoted.

But Repentance, Prayer and Charity can
remove the evil of the decree.

The first part of Unetaneh Tokef depicts the heavenly courtroom
on Rosh hashanah. It invites us to take a step out of our prayers and
join the courtroom, watching ourselves as if from the outside. It is a
powerful perspective from which to reflect and consider our lives so

far, and how we would like them to be going forward.

YHoigmh KHoiplypuDarys


‫ונתנה תקף‬ ‫תפילת מוסף ‪76‬‬

‫ִּכי ְּכִׁש ְמָך ֵּכן ְּת ִהָּל ֶ ֽתָך‪ָ .‬קֶׁשה ִל ְכ ֹעס ְו ֽנֹו ַח ִלְרצֹות‪ִּ .‬כי לֹא ַת ְחּ ֹפץ ְּבמֹות ַהֵּמת‪.‬‬
‫ִּכי ִאם ְּבׁשּובֹו ִמ ַּדְרּכֹו ְו ָחָיה‪ְ .‬ו ַעד יֹום מֹותֹו ְּת ַחֶּכה ּלֹו‪ִ .‬אם ָיׁשּוב ִמַּיד ְּת ַקְּבלֹו‪:‬‬
‫ֱא ֶמת ִּכי ַא ָּתה הּוא יֹו ְצָרם‪ְ .‬ו ַא ָּתה יֹוֵ ֽד ַע ִי ְצָרם‪ִּ .‬כי ֵהם ָּבָׂשר ָו ָדם‪ָ :‬אָדם ְיסֹודֹו‬
‫ֵמ ָע ָפר ְוסֹופֹו ֶל ָע ָפר‪ְּ .‬ב ַנ ְפׁשֹו ָי ִביא ַל ְחמֹו‪ָ .‬מׁשּול ְּכ ֶ ֽחֶרס ַהִּנְׁשָּבר‪ְּ .‬כ ָח ִציר ָי ֵבׁש‪.‬‬
‫ּו ְכ ִציץ נֹו ֵבל‪ְּ .‬כ ֵצל עֹו ֵבר‪ּ .‬ו ְכ ָע ָנן ָּכ ָלה‪ּ .‬ו ְכֽרּו ַח נֹו ָֽׁש ֶבת‪ּ .‬ו ְכ ָא ָבק ּפֹוֵ ֽר ַח‪ְ .‬ו ַכ ֲחלֹום ָיעּוף‪:‬‬

‫ְו ַא ָּתה הּוא ֶ ֽמ ֶלְך ֵאל ַחי ְו ַק ָּים‪:‬‬

‫ֵאין ִק ְצ ָבה ִלְׁשנֹו ֶתֽיָך‪ְ .‬ו ֵאין ֵקץ ְל ֽ ֹאֶרְך ָי ֶ ֽמיָך‪ְ .‬ו ֵאין ְלַׁש ֵער ַמְרְּכבֹות ְּכבֹוֶ ֽדָך‪ְ .‬ו ֵאין‬
‫ְל ָפֵרׁש ֵעלּום ְׁש ֶ ֽמָך‪ִׁ .‬ש ְמָך ָנ ֶאה ְלָך ְו ַא ָּתה ָנ ֶאה ִלְׁש ֶ ֽמָך‪ּ .‬וְׁש ֵ ֽמנּו ָקָ ֽרא ָת ִּבְׁש ֶ ֽמָך‪:‬‬

‫‪In-depth discussion on p.117:‬‬
‫‪Unetaneh Tokef: The Fragile‬‬

‫‪Scales of Justice‬‬

‫‪The final part of the prayer reflects upon the fragility of human‬‬
‫‪life, and contrasts it with the eternity of the Infinite Creator.‬‬

‫‪Humans chase many things in this world, but nothing material‬‬
‫‪can accompany us beyond the grave. Our connection to the Eternal‬‬

‫‪Source of Life gives us the ability to touch eternity itself.‬‬

Additional Service 77 Unetaneh Tokef

For Your Name signifies Your fame – hard to anger and easy to appease, for
You do not want someone who deserves death to die, rather that he repent
from his ways and live. You await him until the day he dies. You will accept him
immediately if he repents.
It is true You are their Creator and You know their desires, for they are flesh
and blood. A person originates from dust and ends up as dust. He earns a living
to stay alive. He is like a broken shard, dry grass, a drooping flower, a passing
shadow, a disappearing cloud, a blowing wind, dust in the air and a fleeting

And You are the King, the living and enduring God.

Your years are without limit, and there is no end to Your days The glory of Your
vehicle is beyond imagination, nor can Your true Name even be pronounced Your
Name is so fitting for You, and You for Your Name, yet by that very Name You
have named us.

The third part of the prayer takes us out of the past, and challenges
us to confront the future.Repentance is about inner improvement,
our relationship with ourself. Prayer focuses on our relationship
with God. Charity exemplifies our relationship with others. The more
we can commit to each area, the more likely we are to use another

year for the good.

YHoigmh KHoiplypuDarys


‫הזכרת נשמות‬ ‫‪78‬‬ ‫תפילת מוסף‬

‫סדר הזכרת נשמות‬

‫‪In memory of a father:‬‬

‫ִי ְזּכֹור ֱאֹל ִהים ִנְׁש ַמת ַאָּבא מֹוִרי (פב"פ) ֶׁש ָה ַלְך ְלעֹו ָלמֹו ַּב ֲעבּור ֶׁשְּב ִלי ֶ ֽנ ֶדר ֶא ֵּתן‬
‫ְצ ָד ָקהַּב ֲעדֹוִּבְׂש ַכר ֶזה ְּת ֵהא ַנ ְפׁשֹו ְצרּוָרהִּב ְצרֹור ַה ַחִּיים ִעם ִנְׁשמֹות ַא ְבָר ָהם ִי ְצ ָחק‬
‫ְוַי ֲע ֹקבָׂשָרה ִר ְב ָקה ָר ֵחל ְו ֵל ָאה ְו ִעםְׁש ָאר ַצ ִּדי ִקים ְו ִצ ְד ָק ִנּיֹותֶׁשְּב ַגן ֵ ֽע ֶדן ְו ֹנא ַמר ָא ֵמן‪:‬‬

‫‪In memory of a mother:‬‬

‫ִי ְזּכֹור ֱאֹל ִהים ִנְׁש ַמת ִאִּמי מֹוָר ִתי (פב"פ) ֶׁש ָה ְל ָכה ְלעֹו ָל ָמּה ַּב ֲעבּור‬
‫ֶׁשְּב ִלי ֶ ֽנ ֶדר ֶא ֵּתן ְצ ָד ָקה ַּב ֲע ָדּה ּו ִבְׂש ַכר ֶזה ְּת ֵהא ַנ ְפָׁשּה ְצרּוָרה‬
‫ִּב ְצרֹור ַה ַחִּיים ִעם ִנְׁשמֹות ַא ְבָר ָהם ִי ְצ ָחק ְוַי ֲע ֹקב ָׂשָרה ִר ְב ָקה‬
‫ָר ֵחל ְו ֵל ָאה ְו ִעם ְׁש ָאר ַצ ִּדי ִקים ְו ִצ ְד ָק ִנּיֹות ֶׁשְּב ַגן ֵ ֽע ֶדן ְו ֹנא ַמר ָא ֵמן‪:‬‬

‫‪In memory of other relatives::‬‬

‫ִי ְזּכֹור ֱאֹל ִהים ִנְׁשמֹות ְז ֵק ַני ּו ְז ֵקנֹו ַתי ּדֹו ַדי ְודֹודֹו ַתי ַא ַחי ְו ַא ְחיֹו ַתי ֶׁש ָה ְלכּו‬
‫ְלעֹו ָל ָמם ַּב ֲעבּור ֶׁשְּב ִלי ֶ ֽנ ֶדר ֶא ֵּתן ְצ ָד ָקה ַּב ֲע ָדם ּו ִבְׂש ַכר ֶזה ִּת ְהֶ ֽיי ָנה‬
‫ַנ ְפׁשֹו ֵתי ֶהם ְצרּורֹות ִּב ְצרֹור ַה ַח ִּיים ִעם ִנְׁשמֹות ַא ְבָר ָהם ִי ְצ ָחק ְוַי ֲע ֹקב ָׂשָרה‬
‫ִר ְב ָקה ָר ֵחל ְו ֵל ָאה ְו ִעם ְׁש ָאר ַצ ִּדי ִקים ְו ִצ ְד ָק ִנּיֹות ֶׁשְּב ַגן ֵ ֽע ֶדן ְו ֹנא ַמר ָא ֵמן‪:‬‬

Additional Service 79 Yizkor

Yizkor - Memories

In memory of a father:

May God remember the soul of my father, my mentor, (mention his Hebrew
name and that of his father) who has gone to his portion [in the spiritual realm].
I pledge [without vowing] to donate charity for his name. In this merit, may
his soul be bound up in the bond of eternal life, with the souls of Abraham,
Isaac, and Jacob, Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah - together with the other
righteous men and women who are in the Garden of Eden (Paradise), and let
us say Amen.

In memory of a mother::

May God remember the soul of my mother, my mentor,
(Mention her Hebrew name and that of her father)
who has gone to her portion [in the spiritual realm]. I pledge [without
vowing] to donate charity for her name. In this merit, may her soul be bound
up in the bond of eternal life, with the souls of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,
Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah - together with the other righteous men
and women who are in the Garden of Eden (Paradise), and let us say, Amen.

In memory of other relatives:

May God remember the soul of my grandfathers / grandmothers / uncles
/ aunts / brothers / sisters who have gone to their portion [in the spiritual
realm]. I pledge [without vowing] to donate charity for their name. In this
merit, may their soul(s) be bound up in the bond of eternal life, with the souls
of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah - together
with the other righteous men and women who are in the Garden of Eden
(Paradise) and let us say, Amen.

In-depth discussion on p.119-
"Yizkor: Days of Future Past"

YHoigmh KHoiplypuDarys


‫הזכרת נשמות‬ ‫‪80‬‬ ‫תפילת מוסף‬

‫‪Memorial prayer for a man:‬‬

‫ֵאל ָמ ֵלא ַר ֲח ִמים ׁשֹו ֵכן ַּבְּמרֹו ִמים ַה ְמ ֵצא ְמנּו ָחה ְנכֹו ָנה ַעל ַּכ ְנ ֵפי ַהׁ ְּש ִכי ָנה‬
‫ְּב ַמ ֲעלֹות ְקדֹוִׁשים ּו ְטהֹוִרים ְּכ ֽ ֹז ַהר ָהָר ִֽקי ַע ַמ ְז ִהיִרים ֶאת ִנְׁש ַמת (פב"פ)‬
‫ֶׁש ָה ַלְך ְלעֹו ָלמֹו ַּב ֲעבּור ֶׁשָּנ ְדבּו ְצ ָד ָקה ְּב ַעד ַה ְזָּכַרת ִנְׁש ָמתֹו ְּב ַגן ֵ ֽע ֶדן ְּת ֵהא‬
‫ְמנּו ָחתֹו ָל ֵכן ַּֽב ַעל ָהַר ֲח ִמים ַי ְס ִּתיֵ ֽרהּו ְּב ֵ ֽס ֶתר ְּכ ָנ ָפיו ְלעֹו ָל ִמים ְוִי ְצרֹור ִּב ְצרֹור‬
‫ַה ַחִּיים ֶאת ִנְׁש ָמתֹו ְי ֹהָוה הּוא ַנ ֲח ָלתֹו ְוָי ֽנּו ַח ַעל ִמְׁשָּכבֹו ְּבָׁשלֹום ְו ֹנא ַמר ָא ֵמן‪:‬‬

‫‪Memorial prayer for a woman:‬‬

‫ֵאל ָמ ֵלא ַר ֲח ִמים ׁשֹו ֵכן ַּבְּמרֹו ִמים ַה ְמ ֵצא ְמנּו ָחה ְנכֹו ָנה ַעל ַּכ ְנ ֵפי ַהׁ ְּש ִכי ָנה‬
‫ְּב ַמ ֲעלֹות ְקדֹוִׁשים ּו ְטהֹוִרים ְּכ ֽזֹ ַהר ָהָר ִֽקי ַע ַמ ְז ִהיִרים ֶאת ִנְׁש ַמת (פב"פ)‬
‫ֶׁש ָה ְל ָכה ְלעֹו ָל ָמּה ַּב ֲעבּור ֶׁשָּנ ְדבּו ְצ ָד ָקה ְּב ַעד ַה ְזָּכַרת ִנְׁש ָמ ָתּה ְּב ַגן ֵ ֽע ֶדן ְּת ֵהא‬
‫ְמנּו ָח ָתּה ָל ֵכן ַּֽב ַעל ָהַר ֲח ִמים ַי ְס ִּתיֶ ֽר ָה ְּב ֵ ֽס ֶתר ְּכ ָנ ָפיו ְלעֹו ָל ִמים ְוִי ְצרֹור ִּב ְצרֹור‬
‫ַה ַחִּיים ֶאת ִנְׁש ָמ ָתּה ְי ֹהָוה הּוא ַנ ֲח ָל ָתּה ְו ָת ֽנּו ַח ַעל ִמְׁשָּכ ָבּה ְּבָׁשלֹום ְו ֹנא ַמר ָא ֵמן‪:‬‬

‫‪In memory of Jewish martyrs::‬‬

‫ִי ְזּכֹור ֱאֹל ִהים ִנְׁשמֹות ָּכל ְקרֹו ַבי ּו ְקרֹובֹו ַתי ְו ָכל ַה ְּקדֹוִׁשים ֶׁשֶּנ ֶהְרגּו ֶׁשִּנְׁש ֲחטּו‬
‫ְוֶׁשִּנְׂשְרפּו ְוֶׁשִּנ ְטְּבעּו ְוֶׁשֶּנ ְח ְנקּו ַעל ִקּדּוׁש ַהׁ ֵּשם ַּב ֲעבּור ֶׁשְּב ִלי ֶ ֽנ ֶדר ֶא ֵּתן ְצ ָד ָקה‬
‫ְּב ַעד ַה ְזָּכַרת ִנְׁשמֹו ֵתי ֶהם ּו ִבְׂש ַכר ֶזה ִּת ְהֶ ֽיי ָנה ַנ ְפׁשֹו ֵתי ֶהם ְצרּורֹות ִּב ְצרֹור ַה ַחִּיים‬
‫ִעם ִנְׁשמֹו ֵתי ֶהם ֶׁשל ַא ְבָר ָהם ִי ְצ ָחק ְו ַי ֲע ֹקב ָׂשָרה ִר ְב ָקה ָר ֵחל ְו ֵל ָאה ְו ִעם ְׁש ָאר‬

‫ַצ ִּדי ִקים ְו ִצ ְד ָק ִנּיֹות ֶׁשְּב ַגן ֵ ֽע ֶדן ְו ֹנא ַמר ָא ֵמן‪:‬‬

‫‪According to tradition, on Yom Kippur the souls of those who have‬‬
‫‪departed this world join us as we stand in judgement. Far more‬‬

‫‪than their future reflection or a simple continuation of their genetic‬‬
‫‪code, we are the sum total of our ancestors' decisions, personalities‬‬

‫‪and accomplishments. As we stand in solemn contemplation,‬‬
‫‪recalling their memory, we pray that our lives become a source of‬‬
‫‪pride to their legacy. Through emulating their positive attributes‬‬
‫‪and continuing to work on improving our own legacy, so that the‬‬
‫‪next thread in the great tapestry of memories - our children - will‬‬

‫‪truly stand on the shoulders of giants.‬‬

Additional Service 81 Yizkor

Memorial prayer for a man:

Almighty God, full of compassion, Who dwells on the highest heights, grant
true rest beneath the shelter of [Your] Divine Presence, in the exalted spheres of
the holy and pure who shine like the brightness of the firmament, for the soul of
(Mention the name of the deceased and that of his father)
who has gone to his portion [in the spiritual realm], for charity has been
donated in remembrance of his soul. May Gan Eden (Paradise) be his resting
place. Therefore, may the Merciful One shelter him in the shelter of His
wings, forever, and bind his soul with the bond of eternal life. May God be his
heritage, and may he rest in his repose in peace, and let us say, Amen.

Memorial prayer for a woman:

Almighty God, [Who is] full of compassion, Who dwells on the highest heights,
granttruerest beneaththeshelter of[Your]DivinePresence,intheexaltedspheres
ofthe holy and purewho shine like the brightness ofthe firmament, for the soul of
(Mention the name of the deceased and that of her father)
who has gone to her portion [in the spiritual realm], for charity has been
donated in remembrance of her soul. May Gan Eden (Paradise) be her resting
place. Therefore, may the Merciful One shelter her in the shelter of His wings,
forever, and bind her soul with the bond of eternal life. May God be her
heritage, and may she rest in her repose in peace, and let us say, Amen.

In memory of Jewish martyrs::

May God remember the souls of all my relatives and all the holy martyrs who
were killed, slaughtered, burned, drowned and strangled for the sanctification
of Your Name. I pledge [without vowing] to donate charity for the sake of their
memories. In this merit, may their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal
life, with the souls of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and
Leah, and with the other righteous men and women who are in Gan Eden
(Paradise) and let us say Amen.

YHoigmh KHoiplypuDarys




closing of the gates

(Conclusion of YOM KIPPUR)


May it be your will,
God who hears the
sound of our cry.
To forever treasure
our tears. And rescue
us from suffering and
pain. For our eyes gaze
to you for salvation.


YHoigmh KHoiplypuDarys


‫פסוקי נעילה‬ 84 ‫תפילת נעילה‬


:‫ ִּכי ָפ ָנה יֹום‬.‫ ְּב ֵעת ְנ ִֽעי ַלת ַֽׁש ַער‬.‫ְּפ ַתח ָ ֽלנּו ַֽׁש ַער‬

:‫ ָנ ֽבֹו ָאה ְׁש ָעֶ ֽריָך‬.‫ ַהׁ ֶּש ֶמׁש ָי ֹבא ְוִי ְפ ֶנה‬.‫ַהּיֹום ִי ְפ ֶנה‬
‫ ְּפ ֵנה‬.‫ ְס ַלח ּו ְמ ַחל ֽרֹ ַע ַמ ְעָּבִדי‬.‫ָי ְדָך ְּפׁשֹוט ְו ַקֵּבל ְּתׁשּו ָב ִתי ְּב ַמ ֲע ָמ ִדי‬
.‫ ְו ַא ָּתה ְי ֹהָוה ָמ ֵגן ַּב ֲע ִדי‬.‫ָנא ַו ֲעסֹוק ְּבטֹו ַבת ְמַׁש ֲחֶ ֽריָך ּדֹו ִדי ּו ְמעֹו ְד ִדי‬

‫ ְּכבֹוׁש‬.‫ ַּכֶּפר־ ָנא‬.‫ ַר ֶחם־ ָנא‬.‫ ֲח ָמל־ ָנא‬.‫ ְמ ַחל ָנא‬.‫ ְס ַלח ָנא‬.‫ ָׂשא ָנא‬.‫ָאָּנא ֵאל ָנא‬
.‫ֵח ְטא ְו ָע ֹ‍ון‬

‫ ֽקּו ָמה‬.‫ ֹחן ָי ֹחן ִּכי ִי ְב ֹחן ֵלב ָע ֹקב ְל ָה ִֽכי ָנה‬.‫ַי ְחִּבי ֵ ֽאנּו ֵצל ָידֹו ַּֽת ַחת ַּכ ְנ ֵפי ַהְׁש ִכי ָנה‬
.‫ ְי ֹהָוה ְלַׁשְו ָע ֵ ֽתנּו ַה ֲאִֽזי ָנה‬.‫ָנא ֱאֹל ֵ ֽהינּו ֻע ָּזה ֻע ִּזי ָנא‬

‫ ְּתחֹו ְק ֵ ֽקנּו‬.‫ ְׁש ַמע ְּפ ִגי ָע ִתי ִּכ ְפ ִגי ַעת ַּתָּמה‬.‫ַׁשְו ָע ִתי ְׁש ֵעה ּו ְת ִפָּל ִתי ְּת ֵהא ְנ ִעי ָמה‬
.‫ ּֽ ֹת ֶלה ֶ ֽאֶרץ ַעל ְּב ִלי ָמה‬.‫ְל ַחִּיים ְו ֵתי ִטיב ָ ֽלנּו ַה ֲח ִתי ָמה‬

Yom Kippur is unique to the whole Jewish calendar in that a total of
five services were instituted throughout the day. Neilah is that 'fifth
element'. A final opportunity as the sun sets and the holiest day of the
year fades to nothingness to stand before God and plead for a better

future. Just as Yom Kippur stands unique in the calendar, Neilah
stands unique on Yom Kippur. Above, we have cited excerpts of the
stunningly moving poetry contained in the full Amidah repetition.

Neilah's liturgy follows its own tune. It is straight-talking, bold,
urgent, intimate and soaringly heartfelt. In Temple times, the main
gates would be closed at sunset. Neilah jams a foot in the door, holding
those gates open for one final precious encounter with our Creator.
Together, we approach those gates. With the memories and triumphs
of hundreds of generations in whose footsteps we follow, we take our
place in a story stretching back over 4000 years; a story whose happy

ending we beg God to help us write, sign and seal.

Neilah Service 85 Introductory Verses

Neilah - The Fifth Element

Please open for us the gates, [even though] the time has come to close the
gates - for the day is fading.
The day will fade, the sun will set and fade, let us approach your gates.

Stretch out your hand and accept my heartfelt repentance as I stand. Forgive
and pardon the negativity that I have caused. Please turn instead to focus on
the good of those who rose early to seek you - my Beloved and trusted one.
God, may you be my protector.

Please, Almighty God, I beg. Please carry my burden. Please forgive. Please
pardon. Please take pity. Please have mercy. Please atone. Help us to conquer
our negative impulses and become better people.
May God shelter us in the shade of His hand, beneath the wings of His
presence. Please be gracious with us, even when you analyse the most
corrupt heart, to restore its purity. Please rise, our God, strengthen us - we
beg you. Hashem, hear our cries.
Please listen to my plea, and may my prayer be one of beauty. Hear my
supplication as if I were wholly innocent and righteous. Inscribe us for life,
and seal us for good - You who suspends all existence on nothingness.

YHoigmh KHoiplypuDarys


‫תפילת נעילה ‪ 86‬שמונה עשרה‬

‫שמונה עשרה‬

‫ִּכי ֵׁשם ְי ֹהָוה ֶא ְקָרא ָהבּו ֽ ֹגֶדל ֵלאֹל ֵ ֽקינּו‪:‬‬
‫ְי ֹהָוה‪ְׂ ,‬ש ָפ ַתי ִּת ְפ ָּתח ּו ִפי ַי ִּגיד ְּת ִהָּל ֶ ֽתָך‪:‬‬

‫’ ְי ֹה ָוה‘ ‪ַ ’; straighten up at‬א ָּתה‘ ‪ָּ’; bow at‬ברּוְך‘ ‪Bend the knees at‬‬

‫ָּברּוְך ַא ָּתה ְי ֹהָוה ֱאֹל ֵ ֽהינּו ֵואֹל ֵהי ֲאבֹו ֵ ֽתינּו ֱאֹל ֵהי ַא ְבָר ָהם ֱאֹל ֵהי ִי ְצ ָחק ֵואֹל ֵהי‬
‫ַי ֲע ֹקב ָה ֵאל ַה ָּגדֹול ַה ִּגּבֹור ְו ַהּנֹוָרא ֵאל ֶע ְליֹון ּגֹו ֵמל ֲח ָסִדים טֹו ִבים ְוקֹו ֵנה ַהּ ֹכל‬

‫ְוזֹו ֵכר ַח ְס ֵדי ָאבֹות ּו ֵמ ִביא גֹו ֵאל ִל ְב ֵני ְב ֵני ֶהם ְל ַ ֽמ ַען ְׁשמֹו ְּב ַא ֲה ָבה‪:‬‬
‫ָז ְכֵ ֽרנּו ְל ַח ִּיים ֶ ֽמ ֶלְך ָח ֵפץ ַּב ַח ִּיים ְו ָח ְת ֵ ֽמנּו ְּב ֵ ֽס ֶפר ַה ַח ִּיים ְל ַמ ַע ְנָך ֱאֹל ִקים ַח ִּיים‪:‬‬

‫‪If you forgot to say this, and became aware of your omission before saying the following blessing, you should recite it.‬‬

‫”‪ָ .‬ז ְכֵ ֽרנּו“ ‪ָּ” you must continue the prayers without saying‬ברּוְך ַא ָּתה ה'“ ‪If you have already said‬‬

‫’ ְי ֹה ָוה‘ ‪ַ ’; straighten up at‬א ָּתה‘ ‪ָּ’; bow at‬ברּוְך‘ ‪Bend the knees at‬‬

‫ֶ ֽמ ֶלְך עֹו ֵזר ּומֹו ִֽׁשי ַע ּו ָמ ֵגן‪ָּ :‬ברּוְך ַא ָּתה ְי ֹהָוה ָמ ֵגן ַא ְבָר ָהם‪:‬‬

Neilah Service 87 The Silent Amidah

Shemoneh Esrei - Conversations with God

When I proclaim Hashem's Name attribute greatness to our God.
Hashem, open my lips, that my mouth may declare Your praise.

Bend the knees at ‘blessed’; bow at ‘You’; straighten up at ‘Adonai’

Blessed are You Adonai, Our God and the God of our ancestors, God of
Abraham, God of Isaac, and God of Jacob.

[Almighty Father who created this whole Universe; who created time, space and matter. You
love us with a love that is beyond the love of any parent for their child. Your love has been
a love of 4,000 years and is not dependent on our actions. You love us because of who we
are, not what we do.]

A Power that expands [to give and to create] holds back [to let us exist, have free will
and to tolerate our mistakes] and inspires awe. The Ultimate Power; who bestows
beneficial kindness, and owns all, Who recalls the ancestors’ loving-kindness
To bring redemption to their children’s children For the sake of His Name
with love.

[You take personal interest in each aspect of your creation. You redeem us for the sake of
Your revelation in this world, because You have faith in our ability to serve as ambassadors
for You, and live lives that make this world a more Godly place.]

RYoeumresmakbee,rGuosdfoorflliiffee,. King who wills life, and write us in the book of life, for

If you forgot to say this, and became aware of your omission before saying the following blessing, you should recite it.
If you have already said "Blessed are you, Adonai” you must continue the prayers without saying "Remember."

King who assists, saves and shields.

[Every human being makes mistakes and, like a good parent, you don't condemn us for our
mistakes, You support us through them. You ‘assist’ - when we are struggling, ‘save’ - when
we have real problems ‘and shield’ - to ensure that future problems do not arise.]

Bend the knees at ‘blessed’; bow at ‘You’; straighten up at ‘Adonai’

Blessed are You Adonai Shield of Abraham.

Another way in which Neilah is distinct from the rest of
the Yom Kippur liturgy is in changing our request that God

'inscribes' us in the book of life, to ask that He 'seals' us
therein. We make this change in recognition of the idea that

the judgement inscribed on Rosh Hashana is about to be
signed and sealed for the year to come - we have one final

chance to change it.

YHoigmh KHoiplypuDarys


‫ שמונה עשרה‬88 ‫תפילת נעילה‬


‫ ְמ ַכ ְלֵּכל ַחִּיים ְּב ֶ ֽח ֶסד‬:‫ַא ָּתה ִגּבֹור ְלעֹו ָלם ֲאדֹ ָני ְמ ַחֶּיה ֵמ ִתים ַא ָּתה ַרב ְלהֹו ִֽׁשי ַע‬
‫ְמ ַחֵּיה ֵמ ִתים ְּבַר ֲח ִמים ַרִּבים סֹו ֵמְך נֹו ְפ ִלים ְורֹו ֵפא חֹו ִלים ּו ַמ ִּתיר ֲאסּוִרים‬
‫ ִמי ָכ ֽמֹוָך ַּֽב ַעל ְּגבּורֹות ּו ִמי ּֽדֹו ֶמה ָּלְך ֶ ֽמ ֶלְך ֵמ ִמית‬,‫ּו ְמ ַקֵּים ֱאמּו ָנתֹו ִליֵׁש ֵני ָע ָפר‬

:‫ּו ְמ ַחֶּיה ּו ַמ ְצ ִֽמי ַח ְיׁשּו ָעה‬
:‫ִמי ָכ ֽמֹוָך ַאב ָהַר ֲח ִמים זֹו ֵכר ְיצּוָריו ְל ַח ִּיים ְּבַר ֲח ִמים‬

If you forgot to say this, the same law applies as above concerning “‫ ָז ְכֵ ֽרנּו‬.”

:‫ ָּברּוְך ַא ָּתה ְי ֹהָוה ְמ ַחֵּיה ַהֵּמ ִתים‬:‫ְו ֶנ ֱא ָמן ַא ָּתה ְל ַה ֲחיֹות ֵמ ִתים‬

Do not bend the knees or bow at the conclusion of this blessing.

Second or Third Person? Often the Amidah switches between
second person ('You..') and third person ('He...'). We alternate

between talking directly to God, and reflect on what that
means. The Amidah allows us to talk to God, then to pause
and consider just how privileged we are to be able to do so. It
captures a delicate dance between speech and thought, as it

guides our conversation with God.

Neilah Service 89 The Silent Amidah

The Second Blessing - Omnipotent Creator

You have the power to do anything Adonai. You give life to the dead and have
immense power to save. He sustains the living with loving-kindness, and with
great compassion revives the dead.

[You constantly breathe life into our bodies. You are the force that holds together every
molecule in this Universe. You can bring the dead back to life as easily as you sustain the

He supports the fallen, heals the sick, sets the imprisoned free, and stays
faithful to those who lie in the ground. Who is like You, Source of all power?
Who is comparable? King who brings death and gives life, and makes
salvation grow.

[Although every life ends, and every moment goes, You hold each moment forever, and will
let us relive it forever in the world to come.]

Who is like You, loving Father, who remembers His creations, in compassion,
for true-life?

If you forgot to say this, the same law applies as above concerning "Remember.”

You are faithful to the dead to bring them back to life. Blessed are you Adonai,
who brings life to the dead.

Do not bend the knees or bow at the conclusion of this blessing.

The second blessing continues to focus us on what it means to be
talking to the Creator of the universe. We acknowledge that we
are not in control. God is. We often labour under the illusion that

being independent is being more powerful. But someone who was
‘independent’ of electricity would be left powerless. Likewise by
recognising that God has all the power to change the world, we
prepare to hand the direction of our lives over to God and to put Him
in control. The result will help turn us into better people and our

prayers into more effective prayers.

YHoigmh KHoiplypuDarys


‫תפילת נעילה ‪ 90‬שמונה עשרה‬

‫קדושת השם‬

‫ַא ָּתה ָקדֹוׁש ְוִׁש ְמָך ָקדֹוׁש ּו ְקדֹוִׁשים ְּב ָכל יֹום ְי ַה ְל ֽלּוָך ֶּֽס ָלה‪:‬‬
‫ּו ְב ֵכן ֵּתן ַּפ ְח ְּדָך ְי ֹהָוה ֱאֹל ֵ ֽהינּו ַעל ָּכל ַמ ֲע ֶֽׂשיָך ְו ֵאי ָמ ְתָך ַעל ָּכל ַמה ׁ ֶּשָּבָ ֽרא ָת‪.‬‬
‫ְוִייָר ֽאּוָך ָּכל ַהַּמ ֲעִׂשים ְוִיְׁש ַּת ֲחוּו ְל ָפ ֶניָך ָּכל ַהְּברּו ִאים‪ְ .‬וֵי ָעׂשּו ֻכָּלם ֲא ֻגָּדה ֶא ָחת‬
‫ַל ֲעׂשֹות ְרצֹו ְנָך ְּב ֵל ָבב ָׁש ֵלם‪ְּ .‬כמֹו ֶׁשָּיַ ֽד ְענּו ְי ֹהָוה ֱאֹל ֵ ֽהינּו ֶׁש ַהׁ ִּש ְלטֹון ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך ֹעז‬

‫ְּבָי ְדָך ּו ְגבּוָרה ִּבי ִמי ֶ ֽנָך ְוִׁש ְמָך נֹוָרא ַעל ָּכל ַמה ׁ ֶּשָּבָ ֽרא ָת‪:‬‬
‫ּו ְב ֵכן ֵּתן ָּכבֹוד ְי ֹהָוה ְל ַע ֶּ ֽמָך ְּת ִהָּלה ִליֵר ֶ ֽאיָך ְו ִת ְקָוה טֹו ָבה ְלדֹוְר ֶֽׁשיָך ּו ִפ ְתחֹון‬
‫ֶּפה ַל ְמ ַי ֲח ִלים ָלְך‪ִׂ .‬ש ְמ ָחה ְל ַאְר ֶ ֽצָך ְוָׂשׂשֹון ְל ִעיֶ ֽרָך ּו ְצ ִמי ַחת ֶ ֽקֶרן ְל ָדִוד ַע ְבֶּֽדָך‬

‫ַו ֲעִרי ַכת ֵנר ְל ֶבן־ ִיַׁשי ְמִׁשי ֶ ֽחָך ִּב ְמ ֵהָרה ְבָי ֵ ֽמינּו‪:‬‬

Neilah Service 91 The Silent Amidah

The Third Blessing - God's Holiness

You are holy and Your expression in this world is holy, And the holy ones
reflect Your praise daily.

[This world can be a Godly place, it and we can transcend our limitations and become Godly
people. We can emulate you to achieve true greatness, we can live in You and You in us.]

And so Adonai, give the proper awe of You, Over all that You have made and
the sense of vulnerability before You to all Your creations.

[let us feel the vulnerability and fragility of life; let us be conscious that our very existence
lies in Your hands]

That Your works should be aware of You, and all Your creations bow before
You. All people should unite together as one, to enact Your vision of the world
wholeheartedly, as we know, Adonai, that You could make it a reality – the
ability to do so lies in Your hand, and the power to do so is in Your right
hand [of loving-kindness]. Your name [revelation] inspires awe over all Your
And so Adonai, place honour upon Your people, praise to those who revere
You, hope for all who seek You, and give confidence and eloquence to all
those who long for You.
Bring joy to Your land and elation to Your city (Jerusalem), the flourishing
of pride to David Your servant, and a lamp laid out for his descendent, Your
anointed (the messianic leader), soon in our lifetime.

[May the messianic era come soon and bring the light of enlightenment, lifting the world
into a state of love and harmony and justice.]

Throughout the year we say a shortened version of this
blessing, the theme being that God is holy and His holy ones
bless Him. On Yom Kippur we elaborate upon this idea and
ask God to help humanity to come together as one to be His
‘angels’ in this world. It expresses a powerful belief that there
is incredible goodness within each of us, and that we really
could all come together and be partners with God in perfecting

the world.

YHoigmh KHoiplypuDarys


‫שמונה עשרה‬ ‫‪92‬‬ ‫תפילת נעילה‬

‫ּו ְב ֵכן ַצ ִּדי ִקים ִיְראּו ְו ִיְׂש ָ ֽמחּו ִויָׁשִרים ַי ֲע ֽלֹזּו ַו ֲח ִסי ִדים ְּבִרָּנה ָיִֽגילּו ְועֹו ָ ֽל ָתה ִּת ְקָּפץ‬
‫ִּֽפי ָה‪ְ .‬ו ָכל ָהִרְׁש ָעה ֻּכָּלּה ְּכ ָעָׁשן ִּת ְכ ֶלה ִּכי ַת ֲע ִביר ֶמ ְמ ֶֽׁש ֶלת ָזדֹון ִמן ָה ָ ֽאֶרץ‪:‬‬

‫ְו ִת ְמלֹוְך ַא ָּתה ְי ֹהָוה ְל ַבֶּֽדָך ַעל ָּכל ַמ ֲע ֶֽׂשיָך ְּב ַהר ִצּיֹון ִמְׁשַּכן ְּכבֹוֶ ֽדָך ּו ִבירּוָׁש ַ ֽל ִים‬
‫ִעיר ָק ְד ֶֽׁשָך‪ַּ .‬כָּכתּוב ְּבִד ְבֵרי ָק ְד ֶֽׁשָך ִי ְמֹלְך ְי ֹהָוה ְלעֹו ָלם ֱאֹל ַ ֽה ִיְך ִצּיֹון ְלדֹר ָודֹר‬

‫ַה ְללּו ָיּה‪:‬‬
‫ָקדֹוׁש ַא ָּתה ְונֹוָרא ְׁש ֶ ֽמָך ְו ֵאין ֱא ֽלֹוַּה ִמַּב ְל ָעֶ ֽדיָך‪ַּ .‬כָּכתּוב‪ַ :‬וִּי ְגַּבּה ְי ֹהָוה ְצ ָבאֹות‬

‫ַּבִּמְׁשָּפט ְו ָה ֵאל ַה ָּקדֹוׁש ִנ ְק ַּדׁש ִּב ְצ ָד ָקה‪ָּ .‬ברּוְך ַא ָּתה ְי ֹהָוה ַה ֶּ ֽמ ֶלְך ַה ָּקדֹוש‬

‫‪ַ and already moved on to the next blessing, repeat the Amidah from the beginning.‬ה ֶּ ֽמ ֶלְך ַה ָּקדֹוש ' ‪'If you forgot to conclude‬‬

Neilah Service 93 The Silent Amidah

And so the righteous will see this and rejoice, those of integrity will be elated,
and the holy will dance with joy and song, whilst corruption and cynicism will
be silenced and all evil will fade away like smoke as you remove its control
over society forever.

Then You and nothing else will rule, over all Your creations,

[No human will abuse another, nor be slave to their passions, drives, egos and other
destructive forces. Everyone will live to see the greatness and Godliness in one another,
and live in a perfect world.]

From upon Mount Zion, where Your Presence will be tangible, And in
Jerusalem Your holy city, As is written in Your sacred texts: “Adonai will reign
forever – Your God, Zion – from generation to generation, Halleluyah!”

[The world will be able to experience You and Your goodness directly forever - in this world
and the next. And the world will recognize and attain the purpose you had in mind from the
moment you created it.]

You are holy, and Your name inspires awe. Nothing but You has any real power,
as is written: “Adonai – master all forces – is elevated through judgment.

[When everything stands in judgment, realizing the tenuous vulnerability of our existence,
we become awakened to what life is really about; to You as creator; to the meaning and
purpose of our lives.]

And the transcendent God is sanctified through righteousness. Blessed are
you Adonai, Holy King.

[You are transcendent yet present; beyond creation yet manifest in justice and righteousness.
Our performing justice and righteousness sanctifies You – and in doing so, helps us to
become partners with You in perfecting this world.]

If you forgot to conclude 'Holy King' and already moved on to the next blessing, repeat the Amidah from the beginning.

YHoigmh KHoiplypuDarys


‫שמונה עשרה‬ ‫‪94‬‬ ‫תפילת נעילה‬

‫קדושת היום‬

‫ַא ָּתה ְב ַחְר ָּֽתנּו ִמָּכל ָה ַעִּמים‪ָ .‬א ַ ֽה ְב ָּת אֹו ָ ֽתנּו ְוָר ִֽצי ָת ָּֽבנּו‪ְ .‬ורֹו ַמ ְמ ָּֽתנּו ִמָּכל‬
‫ַהְּלׁשֹונֹות‪ְ .‬ו ִק ַּדְׁש ָּֽתנּו ְּב ִמ ְצֹו ֶ ֽתיָך‪.‬‬

‫ְו ֵקַר ְב ָּֽתנּו ַמ ְל ֵּ ֽכנּו ַל ֲעבֹו ָד ֶ ֽתָך‪ְ .‬וִׁש ְמָך ַה ָּגדֹול ְו ַה ָּקדֹוׁש ָע ֵ ֽלינּו ָקָ ֽרא ָת‪:‬‬

‫‪On Shabbat add the words in brackets:‬‬

‫ַו ִּת ֶּתן ָ ֽלנּו ְי ֹהָוה ֱאֹל ֵ ֽהינּו ְּב ַא ֲה ָבה ( ֶאת־יֹום ַהׁ ַּשָּבת ַה ֶּזה ְו) ֶאת יֹום ַהִּכֻּפִרים‬
‫ַה ֶּזה ִל ְמ ִחי ָלה ְו ִל ְס ִלי ָחה ּו ְל ַכָּפָרה ְו ִל ְמ ָחל ּבֹו ֶאת ָּכל ֲעוֹ‍נֹו ֵ ֽתינּו (ְּב ַא ֲה ָבה)‬

‫ִמ ְקָרא ֽ ֹק ֶדׁש ֵ ֽז ֶכר ִלי ִצי ַאת ִמ ְצָ ֽר ִים‪:‬‬

‫ֱאֹל ֵ ֽהינּו ֵואֹל ֵהי ֲאבֹו ֵ ֽתינּו ַי ֲע ֶלה ְוָי ֹבא ְו ַיִּֽגי ַע ְו ֵיָר ֶאה ְו ֵיָר ֶצה ְו ִיׁ ָּש ַמע ְוִיָּפ ֵקד ְוִי ָּז ֵכר‬
‫ִז ְכרֹו ֵ ֽננּו ּו ִפ ְקדֹו ֵ ֽננּו ְו ִז ְכרֹון ֲאבֹו ֵ ֽתינּו ְו ִז ְכרֹון ָמ ִֽׁשי ַח ֶּבן ָּדִוד ַע ְבֶּֽדָך ְו ִז ְכרֹון ְירּוָׁש ַ ֽל ִים‬
‫ִעיר ָק ְד ֶֽׁשָך ְו ִז ְכרֹון ָּכל ַעְּמָך ֵּבית ִיְׂשָר ֵאל ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך‪ִ .‬ל ְפ ֵלי ָטה ְלטֹו ָבה ְל ֵחן ּו ְל ֶ ֽח ֶסד‬
‫ּו ְלַר ֲח ִמים ְל ַח ִּיים ּו ְלָׁשלֹום ְּביֹום ַהִּכֻּפִרים ַה ֶּזה‪ָ .‬ז ְכֵ ֽרנּו ְי ֹהָוה ֱאֹל ֵ ֽהינּו ּבֹו ְלטֹו ָבה‪.‬‬
‫ּו ָפ ְקֵ ֽדנּו בֹו ִל ְבָר ָכה‪ְ .‬והֹוִׁשי ֵ ֽענּו בֹו ְל ַחִּיים‪ּ .‬ו ִבְד ַבר ְיׁשּו ָעה ְוַר ֲח ִמים חּוס ְו ָח ֵּ ֽננּו‪.‬‬

‫ְוַר ֵחם ָע ֵ ֽלינּו ְוהֹוִׁשי ֵ ֽענּו‪ִּ .‬כי ֵא ֶ ֽליָך ֵעי ֵ ֽנינּו‪ִּ .‬כי ֵאל ֶ ֽמ ֶלְך ַחּנּון ְוַרחּום ָ ֽא ָּתה‪:‬‬

‫‪The first three blessings spoke about God’s care, His power,‬‬
‫‪and His belief in us. Now comes the moment when we feel‬‬
‫‪God turning to us and asking what we want for the year ahead.‬‬
‫‪Before replying we refocus. We make sure not to think of our‬‬
‫‪own needs; not to be self-centred. Instead we speak as a part‬‬

‫‪of Israel- and the world - as a whole.‬‬

Neilah Service 95 The Silent Amidah

The Fourth Blessing - The Festival's Holiness

You chose us from all the nations to bring a message to the world. You have
consistently expressed Your love for us and desire for us. You elevated us
above other languages. And made us sacred to You through Your Mitzvot

[You taught us how to live in intimate relationship with You; how to translate Your love for us
and ours for You into the everyday acts of meaning and holiness]

And drew us near, our King, to Your service And Your great and holy Name
You proclaimed upon us.

[in an ultimate show of confidence You have tied Your destiny to ours]

On Shabbat add the words in brackets:

Moreover, Adonai, You lovingly gave us this Day of (Shabbat and this Day of)
Atonement, a day of pardoning, forgiveness and atonement, [a day] that
allows forgiveness for our misdeeds (with love), [a day that] we declare holy,
in commemoration of the Egyptian Exodus.

God and God of our ancestors, May there rise up and come; arrive, be seen
and desired; be heard, recorded and remembered – our remembrance and
recollection, and the remembrance of our founding fathers. The remembrance
of the Messiah, descendant of David Your servant. The remembrance of
Jerusalem Your holy city, and the remembrance of Your people Israel before
You. For deliverance and for blessing; favour, kindness and compassion; life
and for peace on this Day of Atonement.
Remember us, Adonai, on this day for good, recollect us for blessing and
deliver us for life. Also regarding salvation and compassion - as a nation –
please have sympathy and favour for us; have compassion on us, and save us.
For our eyes are turned to You, for You, God, are a King who gives beyond
what is deserved, with compassion. [Favour us like a parent sees the good in each

child, and have mercy upon us, giving us more time to improve.]

YHoigmh KHoiplypuDarys


‫שמונה עשרה‬ ‫‪96‬‬ ‫תפילת נעילה‬

‫‪On Shabbat, add the words in brackets‬‬

‫ֱאֹל ֵ ֽהינּו ֵואֹל ֵהי ֲאבֹו ֵ ֽתינּו‪ְ .‬מ ֹחל ַל ֲע ֹ‍ונֹו ֵ ֽתינּו (ְּביֹום ַהׁ ַּשָּבת ַה ֶּזה ּו) ְּביֹום‬
‫ַהִּכֻּפִרים ַה ֶּזה‪ְ .‬מ ֵחה ְו ַה ֲע ֵבר ְּפָׁש ֵ ֽעינּו ְו ַחּ ֹטא ֵ ֽתינּו ִמ ֶּ ֽנ ֶגד ֵעי ֶ ֽניָך‪ָּ .‬כ ָאמּור ָא ֹנ ִכי‬
‫ָא ֹנ ִכי הּוא מֹו ֶחה ְפָׁש ֶ ֽעיָך ְל ַמ ֲע ִני ְו ַחּ ֹטא ֶ ֽתיָך לֹא ֶא ְזּ ֹכר‪ְ :‬ו ֶנ ֱא ַמר ָמ ִֽחי ִתי‬
‫ָכ ָעב ְּפָׁש ֶ ֽעיָך ְו ֶכ ָע ָנן ַחּ ֹטא ֶ ֽתיָך ׁשּו ָבה ֵא ַלי ִּכי ְג ַא ְל ִּֽתיָך‪ְ :‬ו ֶנ ֱא ַמר ִּכי ַבּיֹום‬
‫ַה ֶּזה ְי ַכֵּפר ֲע ֵלי ֶכם ְל ַט ֵהר ֶא ְת ֶכם ִמּ ֹכל ַחּ ֹטא ֵתי ֶכם ִל ְפ ֵני ְי ֹהָוה ִּת ְט ָ ֽהרּו‪:‬‬

‫( ֱאֹל ֵ ֽהינּו ֵואֹל ֵהי ֲאבֹו ֵ ֽתינּו ְר ֵצה ִב ְמנּו ָח ֵ ֽתנּו) ַק ְּד ֵֽׁשנּו ְּב ִמ ְצֹו ֶ ֽתיָך ְו ֵתן ֶח ְל ֵ ֽקנּו‬
‫ְּבתֹוָר ֶ ֽתָך ַׂשְּב ֵ ֽענּו ִמּטּו ֶ ֽבָך ְוַׂשְּמ ֵ ֽחנּו ִּביׁשּו ָע ֶ ֽתָך‪ְ( :‬ו ַה ְנ ִחי ֵ ֽלנּו ְי ֹהָוה ֱאֹל ֵ ֽהינּו‬
‫ְּב ַא ֲה ָבה ּו ְבָרצֹון ַׁשַּבת ָק ְד ֶֽׁשָך ְוָי ֽנּוחּו בֹו ִיְׂשָר ֵאל ְמ ַק ְּדֵׁשי ְׁש ֶ ֽמָך) ְו ַט ֵהר ִל ֵּֽבנּו‬
‫ְל ָע ְב ְּדָך ֶּב ֱא ֶמת ִּכי ַא ָּתה ָס ְל ָחן ְל ִיְׂשָר ֵאל ּו ָמ ֳח ָלן ְלִׁש ְב ֵטי ְיֻׁשרּון ְּב ָכל ּדֹור ָודֹור‬
‫ּו ִמַּב ְל ָעֶ ֽדיָך ֵאין ָ ֽלנּו ֶ ֽמ ֶלְך מֹו ֵחל ְוסֹו ֵ ֽל ַח ֶאָּלא ָ ֽא ָּתה‪ָּ :‬ברּוְך ַא ָּתה ְי ֹהָוה ֶ ֽמ ֶלְך‬
‫מֹו ֵחל ְוסֹו ֵ ֽל ַח ַל ֲע‍ֹונֹו ֵ ֽתינּו ְו ַל ֲעו‍ֹנֹות ַעּמֹו ֵּבית ִיְׂשָר ֵאל‪ּ .‬ו ַמ ֲע ִביר ַאְׁשמֹו ֵ ֽתינּו ְּב ָכל‬
‫ָׁש ָנה ְוָׁש ָנה‪ֽ ֶ .‬מ ֶלְך ַעל ָּכל ָה ָ ֽאֶרץ ְמ ַק ֵּדׁש ( ַהׁ ַּשָּבת ְו) ִיְׂשָר ֵאל ְויֹום ַהִּכֻּפִרים‪:‬‬

Neilah Service 97 The Silent Amidah

[As You consider us today, please don’t merely look at us as a single isolated self with all our
imperfections. For this is not how I see myself, nor how we as a community view ourselves.
We see ourselves as part of a four thousand year journey; as an expression of the Abrahamic
vision of Godly world, and committed to achieving perfection.]

God and God of our ancestors, please rule over the whole world in glory, And
make all the world value You above all else,

[God, please help us all. Please help us all to have clarity as to the purpose of life. Please
help us to focus on what’s truly important in this world, and not get obsessed with the
pettiness, irrelevancies, and distractions that ruin lives, , destroy relationships, and make us
trade meaning for mediocrity.]

Manifest in splendour and power over all dwellers of Your world. Let all who
were made know that You are their maker, and let all who were formed-
uniquely understand that You formed them so, and all that have breath inside
them declare: ‘Adonai, God of Israel, is King! Let His dominion reign over each
of us!’

On the Sabbath, add the words in brackets

(God and God of our ancestors, May our observance of Shabbat please You)
Let us become intimately close to You through Your mitzvot, and grant us our
relationship through Your guiding Torah.

[Sometimes Your mitzvot seem distant or difficult. Please help us to grow, one step at a
time, in knowledge and practice.]

Satisfy us through Your goodness, and grant us joy in Your salvation (and
grant us, Adonai God, with love and desire, the gift of Shabbat, that all Israel
will find pleasure in it, sanctifying Your name). Purify our hearts to serve You
with sincerity for You, God, are truth, Your words are true and right forever
Blessed are You Adonai, King of the entire the world, who sanctifies (Shabbat)
Israel and the Day of Remembrance

At the centerpiece of the Amida is this blessing. It is the moment we are
able to ask God for all that we want in the year to come. We reply not with
our own answer, but with that of the whole of Israel. We do not ask for our
own needs. Instead we ask that the glory of God should manifest on earth.
In effect we say: “Your dream is our dream; we live to fulfil Your vision of

the world.”

YHoigmh KHoiplypuDarys


‫שמונה עשרה‬ ‫‪98‬‬ ‫תפילת נעילה‬


‫ְר ֵצה ְי ֹהָוה ֱאֹל ֵ ֽהינּו ְּב ַעְּמָך ִיְׂשָר ֵאל ּו ִב ְת ִפָּל ָתם‪ְ ,‬ו ָהֵׁשב ֶאת ָה ֲעבֹו ָדה ִל ְד ִביר‬
‫ֵּבי ֶ ֽתָך ְו ִאׁ ֵּשי ִיְׂשָר ֵאל‪ּ ,‬ו ְת ִפָּל ָתם ְּב ַא ֲה ָבה ְת ַקֵּבל ְּבָרצֹון ּו ְת ִהי ְלָרצֹון ָּת ִמיד‬

‫ֲעבֹו ַדת ִיְׂשָר ֵאל ַע ֶּ ֽמָך‪:‬‬
‫ְו ֶת ֱחֶ ֽזי ָנה ֵעי ֵ ֽנינּו ְּבׁשּו ְבָך ְל ִצּיֹון ְּבַר ֲח ִמים‪ָּ :‬ברּוְך ַא ָּתה ְי ֹהָוה ַהַּמ ֲח ִזיר ְׁש ִכי ָנתֹו‬

‫ְל ִצּיֹון‪:‬‬

‫‪'.‬הּוא' ‪', straighten up at‬מֹו ִדים' ‪Bow at‬‬

‫מֹו ִדים ֲא ַ ֽנ ְחנּו ָלְך ָׁש ַא ָּתה הּוא ְי ֹהָוה ֱאֹל ֵ ֽהינּו ֵואֹל ֵהי ֲאבֹו ֵ ֽתינּו ְלעֹו ָלם ָו ֶעד צּור‬
‫ַחֵּֽיינּו ָמ ֵגן ִיְׁש ֵ ֽענּו ַא ָּתה הּוא ְלדֹור ָודֹור נֹו ֶדה ְּלָך ּו ְנ ַסֵּפר ְּת ִהָּל ֶ ֽתָך ַעל ַחֵּֽיינּו‬
‫ַהְּמסּוִרים ְּבָיֶ ֽדָך ְו ַעל ִנְׁשמֹו ֵ ֽתינּו ַהְּפקּודֹות ָלְך ְו ַעל ִנ ֶּֽסיָך ֶׁשְּב ָכל יֹום ִע ָּֽמנּו‬

‫ְו ַעל ִנ ְפ ְלאֹו ֶ ֽתיָך ְוטֹובֹו ֶ ֽתיָך ֶׁשְּב ָכל ֵעת‪ֽ ֶ ,‬עֶרב ָו ֽ ֹב ֶקר ְו ָצ ֳהָ ֽר ִים‪ַ ,‬הּטֹוב ִּכי לֹא ָכלּו‬
‫ַר ֲח ֶ ֽמיָך ְו ַה ְמַר ֵחם ִּכי לֹא ַ ֽתּמּו ֲח ָסֶ ֽדיָך‪ֵ ,‬מעֹו ָלם ִקִּֽוינּו ָלְך‪:‬‬

‫ְו ַעל ֻּכָּלם ִי ְתָּבַרְך ְוִי ְתרֹו ַמם ִׁש ְמָך ַמ ְל ֵּ ֽכנּו ָּת ִמיד ְלעֹו ָלם ָו ֶעד‪:‬‬
‫ַו ֲחתֹום ְל ַח ִּיים טֹו ִבים ָּכל ְּב ֵני ְבִרי ֶ ֽתָך‬

‫‪If you forgot to say this, and became aware of your omission before saying the following blessing, you should recite it.‬‬

‫”‪ַ .‬ו ֲחתֹום ְל ַח ִּיים ‪ָּ” you should continue the prayers without saying‬ברּוְך ַא ָּתה ה'“ ‪If you have already said‬‬

‫ְו ֹכל ַה ַחִּיים יֹו ֽדּוָך ֶּֽס ָלה ִוי ַה ְללּו ֶאת ִׁש ְמָך ֶּב ֱא ֶמת ָה ֵאל ְיׁשּו ָע ֵ ֽתנּו ְו ֶע ְזָר ֵ ֽתנּו‬
‫ֶ ֽס ָלה‪ָּ :‬ברּוְך ַא ָּתה ְי ֹהָוה ַהּטֹוב ִׁש ְמָך ּו ְלָך ָנ ֶאה ְלהֹודֹות‪:‬‬

‫’ ְי ֹה ָוה‘ ‪ַ ’; straighten up at‬א ָּתה‘ ‪ָּ’; bow at‬ברּוְך‘ ‪Bend the knees at‬‬

‫‪Following this plea, we prepare to step away from our‬‬
‫‪encounter with the Divine by expressing thanks for the sheer‬‬
‫‪miracle of life; for all the minutiae of detail we so rarely notice.‬‬
‫‪But at the same time, we recognise that the world around us‬‬
‫‪is far from perfect, and that there is a desperately long path‬‬

‫‪stretched out ahead of us to reach that perfection.‬‬

Neilah Service 99 The Silent Amidah

Modim - Thank You

Adonai, please find favour In Your people Israel, and their prayers, and return
the service to Your precious home [Jerusalem]. May the fire-offerings of Israel,
and their loving prayers, be received and desired. May You always be pleased
with the efforts of Your people Israel. May our eyes witness Your return to Zion
in compassion. Blessed are you Adonai, who returns His Presence to Zion.

Bow at 'We thank you', straighten up at 'our God'.

We thank You For You are our God and God of our ancestors, forever. The
rock of our lives, and the shield that saves us. It is You from generation to
generation. We thank You and sing Your praises for our very lives that are in
Your hands. And for our souls that are held by You; for the miracles that are
with us every day, and for Your wonders and constant goodness – evening,
morning and afternoon [Our lives are so rich, so full, and so bountiful. And the world we

live in is so stunningly beautiful. We cannot thank you enough for all that you have done and
continue to do for us every second of every minute of every hour of every day.]

The source of good – for Your compassion never ceases. The merciful – for
Your kindness knows no end. We always long for You.
Because of all these things we wish for an expansion and elevation Of Your
Name Our King, always and forever.
Please seal good lives for all those who have a relationship with You.

If you forgot to say this, and became aware of your omission before saying the following blessing, you should recite it.
If you have already said "Blessed are you Adonai", continue the prayers without saying "Please seal".

And please let all humanity know You; may they all truly reflect Your praise,
God, our savior and helper.

Bend the knees at ‘Blessed’; bow at ‘You’; straighten up at ‘Adonai’

Blessed are You Adonai, whose Name is ‘all the Good’ and to whom all thanks
are due.

The opening three blessings prepared us to encounter God. The central
blessing then allowed us to articulate our deepest longings and concerns.

The concluding set of three blessings help us to 'return' to a normal,
earthly focus. We begin this process with 'please find favour' - a simple
yet heartfelt plea that God accepts our prayers together with all prayers

uttered throughout the Jewish world today.

YHoigmh KHoiplypuDarys


‫שמונה עשרה‬ 100 ‫תפילת נעילה‬


.‫ִׂשים ָׁשלֹום טֹו ָבה ּו ְבָר ָכה ֵחן ָו ֶ ֽח ֶסד ְוַר ֲח ִמים ָע ֵ ֽלינּו ְו ַעל ָּכל ִישָר ֵאל ַעֶּמָך‬
‫ָּבְר ֵ ֽכנּו ָא ִֽבינּו ֻּכ ָּ ֽלנּו ְּכ ֶא ָחד ְּבאֹור ָּפ ֶ ֽניָך ִּכי ְבאֹור ָּפ ֶ ֽניָך ָנ ַ ֽת ָּת ָּ ֽלנּו ְי ֹהָוה ֱאֹל ֵ ֽהינּו‬
‫ ְוטֹוב ְּב ֵעי ֶ ֽניָך‬,‫ּתֹוַרת ַחִּיים ְו ַא ֲה ַבת ֶ ֽח ֶסד ּו ְצ ָד ָקה ּו ְבָר ָכה ְוַר ֲח ִמים ְו ַחִּיים ְוָׁשלֹום‬

.‫ְל ָבֵרְך ֶאת ַעְּמָך ִיְׂשָר ֵאל ְּב ָכל ֵעת ּו ְב ָכל ָׁש ָעה ִּבְׁשלֹו ֶ ֽמָך‬
‫ְּב ֵ ֽס ֶפר ַח ִּיים ְּבָר ָכה ְוָׁשלֹום ּו ַפְר ָנ ָסה טֹו ָבה ִנ ָּז ֵכר ְו ֵנ ָח ֵתם ְל ָפ ֶ ֽניָך ֲא ַ ֽנ ְחנּו ְו ָכל ַעְּמָך‬

:‫ֵּבית ִיְׂשָר ֵאל ְל ַח ִּיים טֹו ִבים ּו ְלָׁשלֹום‬

If you forgot to say this, and became aware of your omission before saying the following blessing, you should recite it.

If you have already said “'‫ ”ָּברּוְך ַא ָּתה ה‬you should continue the prayers without saying ‫ְּב ֵ ֽס ֶפר ַח ִּיים‬.”

:‫ ַהְּמ ָבֵרְך ֶאת ַעּמֹו ִיְׂשָר ֵאל ַּבׁ ָּשלֹום‬:‫ָּברּוְך ַא ָּתה ְי ֹהָוה ֹעֶׂשה ַהׁ ָּשלֹום‬

The silent Amidah continues with the 'Vidui'/Confession section.

Unlike the other four services on Yom Kippur, the Vidui/Confession
section for Neilah is significantly shorter, switching from intricate,
analytical detail to broad, heartfelt brushstrokes. These paragraphs
remind us of the soaring potential of humanity's destiny, as we trace
the trajectory of our fall from Eden to where we are today. We begin this
process by outlining how - in God's eyes - humanity is inevitably flawed

and found wanting. But that isn't the whole story...

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