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2022 Utilization of Waste for the Generation of Value-Added
Doing Philosophy in Muslim Education to Enhance Edited by Hamzah Mohd. Salleh, Mohammed Saedi Jami
Thinking and Wisdom and Parveen Jamal
Wan Mazwati Wan Yusoff and Rosnani Hashim
ISBN : 978-967-491-116-4 e-ISBN : TBD
e-ISBN : 978-967-491-117-1 Year : 2022
Year : 2022 Pages : TBD
Pages : 242 Price : TBD
Price : TBD
‘Utilization of Waste for the Generation of Value-Added
The purpose of this work is to argue for the inclusion of Products’ deals with various methods of bioconversion of
doing philosophy in the curriculum of Muslim education. waste to wealth. The purpose of bringing out this volume
The method of deductive logic is employed in the argument is to present a conglomeration of articles comprising a
to serve this purpose. The argument is in the form of a variety of researches related to conversion of waste into
syllogism with the premises that “philosophy enhances value-added products and some treatment methods.
good thinking” and “good thinking is valuable,” therefore, The book consists of topics under broad areas of water
the logical conclusion that “philosophy is valuable”. In and wastewater management to recent advances in
order to prove the soundness of the argument in terms bioenvironmental engineering. The book also covers
of truth value, the researchers first clarify the meaning of diverse technologies including bioprocess technologies
philosophy and good thinking which is multidimensional encompassing production of carbon source, biofuel,
— critical, creative, ethical, and spiritual thinking. Values biodiesel and food application from natural resources
of good thinking are elucidated to demonstrate that or from waste products. Some novel disinfectants from
it is valuable. Second, the researchers analyze what natural sources such as Moringa oleifera in the context
philosophizing or doing philosophy entails, that is it of their synthesis and applications are also discussed.
requires the use of critical, creative, ethical and spiritual
thinking skills. From this analysis the researchers found Dirasat fi Ulum al-Dirayah: Tadribat wa Tatbiqat
that doing philosophy is in fact applying good thinking Saad Eldin Mansour Mohammad
to understand and make judgement in metaphysics,
epistemology, and ethics in order to develop a systematic ISBN : TBD
worldview and to achieve wisdom. Evidences from e-ISBN : TBD
empirical investigations and scholarly views of Islamic and Year : 2022
Western philosophers are presented to substantiate both Pages : 188
premises of the syllogism. Thus, the logical consequence Price : TBD
of the conclusion that “philosophy is valuable,” is
philosophy and doing philosophy ought to be included in This book is concerned with the study of the types
the curriculum of Muslim education. The book concludes of sciences of Hadith related to the understanding
with implications and recommendations for the curriculum of the Hadiths, a systematic analytical study, an
of Muslim education in moving toward this goal. explanation of the curricula of the modernists in
their study, and the presentation of each of them.
Sains Sosial Malaysia: Meneruskan Tradisi, This book is written due to the interest and passion of the
Menanggapi Transformasi Masyarakat main author in quantitative study in relation to Nursing
Abdul Rahman Embong and multidisciplinary healthcare research. The ideas
and materials was compiled and collected throughout
ISBN : TBD her experience in performing several research during
e-ISBN : TBD her studies (Master and Ph.D), teaching and consulting
Year : 2022 students locally and internationally on research. Experience
Pages : 304 and knowledge gained from several workshops attended
Price : TBD on research methodology and statistics has further
enriched the content of this book writing. The main author
Buku ini terdiri daripada enam ceramah (bersama dengan realizes that, research and statistics is interesting yet
soal jawab) yang disampaikan pada bulan Jun-Julai 2020 difficult but it depends on how the information is delivered.
kepada sekumpulan sarjana muda sains sosial yang A simple, interesting and applying a reality concept will
menggelarkan diri mereka sebagai ‘Naratif Malaysia’ further enhance the understanding of the reader. Thus,
sebagai sebahagian daripada program peningkatan she always consulted several colleagues who is a nurse
keupayaan mereka. Ini berkaitan dengan sejarah or medical experts with a background in epidemiology
dan perkembangan sains sosial di Malaysia, peranan and statistics in realizing the book chapters. This book is
dan orientasi sains sosial Malaysia, keperluan untuk written by applying the reality of research process when
mengembangkan sains sosial Malaysia yang autonomi, one embarks into a research project. The chapter begins
dan pentingnya memupuk generasi baru ilmuan sains by introducing the concept of a quantitative research
sosial muda yang komited sebagai penerus projek follows by the research process steps. Later on, the
dan tradisi sains sosial. Dua kuliah pertama mengenai chapter ends with several options for simple analysis such
megatrend di dunia kontemporari - yang memfokuskan as using probability technique or descriptive statistics
pada globalisasi barat dan globalisasi oriental dan along data presentation. This book is recommended
dinamika mereka di Malaysia yang diletakkan di awal buku - for fast reference to all undergraduate, postgraduate
berfungsi sebagai ‘pembuka selera’ untuk membangkitkan students and healthcare professionals in various
selera intelektual dan imaginasi sosiologi para pembaca. discipline including nursing, medicine, social sciences,
Tujuannya adalah untuk menggarisbawahi pentingnya allied health sciences along the laboratory sciences.
menguasai alat kritikal sains sosial (konsep, teori, kaedah,
dll.) Untuk memahami dan memahami trend ini, sebelum Leading the Way: Case Studies on the Role of IIUM
menyelami sejarah dan tradisi sains sosial di Malaysia Administrators
agar untuk memajukan batas pengetahuan dalam proses Edited by Nor Aminah Kostor, Kamarrudin Ali and Nur
mengembangkan sains sosial Malaysia yang autonomi. Khamsiah Ahmad
2021 ISBN : TBD
Nursing Research Made Easy: Basic Research Year : 2021
Methodology and Statistics Pages : 240
Siti Noorkhairina Sowtali, Nur Sabrina Che Soh and Price : TBD
Muzaitul Akma Mustapa Kamal Basha
This book is a unique collection of thought-provoking
ISBN : 978-967-491-131-7 and contemporary case studies produced by selected
e-ISBN : 978-967-491-132-4 administrators of the International Islamic University
Year : 2021 Malaysia (IIUM). It contains twenty-one (21) interesting
Pages : 130 cases written based on their managerial experiences at
Price : RM 45.00 various offices. It provides comprehensive coverage of
RM 22.50 (e-book)
the most important management problems, dilemmas Attributes of Muslim Professionals: In the Light of
and most timeless leadership wisdom. It highlights the Quran and Sunnah
various issues ranging from human resources, finance, Akram M. Zeki
customer service, administration, organisational
behaviours, and others. The cases demonstrate the ISBN : 978-967-491-120-1
breadth of administration and management practice and e-ISBN : 978-967-491-121-8
the increasing importance and sophistication of roles of Year : 2021
administrators at Higher Learning Institutions (HLIs) like Pages : 140
the IIUM. This book is an essential resource for students Price : RM 130.00
and working professional especially those in HLIs such RM 65.00 (e-book)
universities and colleges because it will help them test
and hone their management skills as well as guidance in The book Attributes of Muslim Professionals: in the
facing the challenges at some point in their careers using Light of the Qur’an and Sunnah aims to address general
cases and scenarios at an educational institution setting. standards, foundations, and primary rules emanating
from the Islamic concepts for employees in general. This
Suwarun Min Siratin Nabawiyyah book is divided into eight chapters. The first chapter talks
Wae Yosof Sidae about ethical foundation, followed by a general duties
and responsibilities of Muslims in chapter two. The third
ISBN : 978-967-491-133-1 chapter focuses on the duties and responsibilities of a
e-ISBN : 978-967-491-134-8 Muslim’s employees, while the fourth chapter addresses
Year : 2021 the institution’s duties towards its stockholders. Chapter
Pages : 400 five contains the duties and responsibilities of the Muslim
Price : TBD in the field of education, while chapter six discusses
the duties and responsibilities of the Muslim in the field
This textbook for study and teaching in the biography of of technology. Chapter seven highlights the duties of
the Prophet that we can use in our lessons is one of the the Muslim in the field of trade and business. Finally,
requirements for students in the Department of theology chapter eight discusses the duties of the Muslim in senior
(Usulluddin). The Department of Curriculum at Fatani management position.
University decided to deal with the following: Biography
of the Prophet and his Da’wah in the Makkah and Leading for Sejahtera: Humanising Education
Madinah, and a study on lessons in the various events Dzulkifli Abdul Razak
and challenges about the life of the Prophet (peace be
upon him). ISBN : 978-967-491-109-6
e-ISBN : 978-967-491-107-2
Year : 2021
Pages : 128
Price : RM 55.00
RM 27.50 (e-book)
The International Islamic University Malaysia is a
University with a difference whose members represent
many different talents and expertise engaged in
integrating the Revealed and acquired knowledge. Its
vision and mission statements are in tune with maqasid
al-shari’ah, sustainable development goals, and the
Malaysian National Philosophy of Education. The
University is moving further to become really a “global”
university. It focuses on conducive learning environments Dzulkifli Abdul Razak dan Percambahan Konsep
and on novel approaches to learning for greater justice, Pengajian Tingginya
social equity, and global solidarity, and thus evolve as Muhammad Haji Salleh
truly a clean and productive “Garden of Knowledge and
Virtue” and thus humanise education as spelt out in the ISBN : 978-967-491-090-7
Sejahtera Academic Framework. It abhors the pre-COVID (Soft Cover),
era education that is westernised, and dehumanising, 978-967-491-103-4
and the factory- like paradigm. It must, therefore, be (Hard Cover)
humanised again by “humanising education,” that is, to e-ISBN : 978-967-491-091-4
develop a complete person’s potential in a holistic and Year : 2021
integrated manner; to produce a balanced and harmonious Pages : 310
individual (insan sejahtera) laced with intellectual, Price : RM 80.00 (Soft Cover),
spiritual, emotional, physical elements; and with firm faith RM 100.00 (Hard Cover),
in and devotion to Allāh (SWT). Although machines can RM 62.50 (e-book)
replace humans in some facets of life, essential human
capabilities such as critical thinking and creativity, as Buku ini menemukan pemikiran dua orang tokoh
well as the “soul”, are irreplaceable. The International akademik di negara ini. Penulis buku ini, Muhammad
Islamic University emphasises the importance of ethics Haji Salleh dan tokoh yang dihikayatkan dalam buku ini,
and values as enumerated in the Malaysian Education Dzulkifli Abdul Razak. Kedua mereka adalah penerima
Blueprint (Higher Education) 2015-2025. This is the Anugerah Tokoh Akademik Negara. Tan Sri Dato’ Dzulkifli
essence of humanising (higher) education and this Abdul Razak yang kini memimpin Universiti Islam
amply justifies the University’s tagline “Leading the Way.” Antarabangsa Malaysia (UIAM) sebagai Rektor. Sebelum
ini beliau berkhidmat di banyak buah universiti di dalam
Stability of Family Institution in Malaysia dan di luar negara. Sebelum berpindah ke UIAM, beliau
Titah Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Seri Paduka ialah Pengerusi, Lembaga Pengarah Universiti Sains
Baginda Raja Permaisuri Agong Islam Malaysia (USIM) dan Naib Cancelor, Universiti
Antarabangsa Albukhary (AIU). Dzulkifli selama 11
ISBN : 978-967-491-111-9 tahun menjadi Naib Canselor Universiti Sains Malaysia
e-ISBN : 978-967-491-112-6 (USM). Sebelum memimpin USIM, sementara itu
Year : 2021 beliau berkhidmat sebagai Ahli Panel Penasihat Pakar
Pages : 20 Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia (WHO) mengenai Dasar
Price : RM 60.00 dan Pengurusan Dadah dari 1995 hingga 2010 dan
RM 30.00 (e-book) Jawatankuasa Saintifik WHO mengenai Peraturan Produk
Tembakau dari 2004 hingga 2006. Beliau pernah dilantik
Maintaining a stable family is one of the most profound sebagai Presiden Persatuan Universiti Antarabangsa dari
challenges in our present age where society has become tahun 2012 hingga 2016. Universiti 21 menganugerahkan
much more complex. Such complexity has manifested Gilbert Medal kepada Dzulkifli pada 4 Mei 2017 sebagai
itself in all sorts of ways, from positive to negative elements penghargaan atas sumbangannya dalam bidang
– ranging from being a much more affluent family to the pendidikan. Beliau menerima ijazah doctor kehormat
family unit itself being ripped apart often brought about by sains daripada University of Portsmouth, University of
economic realities. In other words, the contradictions in Nottingham dan Mykolas Romeris University, dan doktor
society have become much more acute and as such we kehormat sains pendidikan daripada Istanbul Commerce
are faced with the daunting prospects in the necessity to University. Pengalamannya yang luas di pelbagai institusi
deal with them. pengajian tinggi ini telah memberi peluang kepada
Dzulkifli mengembangkan pemikirannya untuk diterapkan
dalam pentadbiran pendidikan peringkat tinggi.
The Malay Concept of Sejahtera from an Islamic Several works of literature that are related to healthcare
Perspective utilisation are available; however, the psychological
Mohd. Kamal Hassan aspects and the level of health literacy that influence the
healthcare utilisation are hardly focused upon, specifically
ISBN : 978-967-491-058-7 in Malaysia. Thus, there is a lack of empirical evidence
Year : 2021 in the study area that needs to be linked. Realising the
Pages : 106 need to examine the determinants of elderly healthcare
Price : RM 40.00 utilisation closely, this discussion on the determinants
of healthcare utilisation among the elderly in Malaysia.
The word sejahtera (“well-being” or “prosperity”) is This book provides further insight into the determinants
widely used in Malaysia and Indonesia as a fundamental of healthcare utilisation on the elderly in Malaysia. The
concept of human existence which is usually applied significant theoretical contributions of the study include
to various dimensions of life: physical, ecological, extending the previous literature on healthcare utilisation
psychological, spiritual, intellectual, emotional, economic, and provide evidence for the healthcare provider and
political, governance, educational, social, cultural and policymakers to understand better factors that influence
religious. Given its importance and central role in the healthcare utilisation among the elderly in Malaysia.
building, nurturing and sustaining of a humane, peaceful,
balanced and prosperous civilisation in this period of Humanising Education: Maqāsid al-Sharī’ah and
heightened global crises, in which most of mankind are Sustainable Development
currently starving for kesejahteraan struggling against an Abdul Rashid Moten
unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic, the Malay concept
of sejahtera – in the present writer’s humble opinion – ISBN : 978-967-491-093-8
should be reviewed and re-examined by Muslim scholars e-ISBN : 978-967-491-092-1
and intellectuals for the purpose of building an alternative Year : 2021
paradigm of holistic and sustainable development from the Pages : 202
worldview of Tauhīd. Price : RM 80.00,
RM 40.00 (e-book)
Healthcare Utilisation among Elderly in Malaysia
Noor’ain Mohamad Yunus, Noor Hazilah Abd Manaf and The International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) is
Azura Omar devoted to nurture and train the mind, the physique, and
the spirit essential to realise the good wholesome life
ISBN : 978-967-491-058-7 (ḥayātan ṭayyibatan). It has a purposive curriculum for the
Year : 2021 Islamisation, Integration, and Internationalisation pushing
Pages : 144 the boundaries of human knowledge. It has also created
Price : RM 45.00 an environment that preserves and promotes the essential
sharī’ah objectives to promote the good life. It humanises
Population ageing is a significant demographic event in the education and provides a humane environment leading to
21st century. This phenomenon is driven by a demographic humane outcomes. Humanising Education explains, for
transition, which consists of a shift from high fertility and the first time, the performance of the University using the
high mortality rates to lower fertility and lower mortality maqāṣid al-sharīʿah framework, Sustainable Development
rates. The growing number of the elderly in Malaysia poses Goals and the 2030 Agenda towards realising the
new challenges to the government, as this will impact the overarching goal of raḥmatan lil ‘ālamīn.
national development, both economically and socially.
The Meaning of ‘Son of God’ without it. It is a truly interdisciplinary subject that draws
Ungaran Rashid from synergistic developments involving many disciplines.
The developers should be able to solve problems with an
ISBN : 978-967-491-094-5 innovation, creativity and active initiators of novel ideas.
e-ISBN : 978-967-491-095-2 However, the learning and teaching has been changed
Year : 2021 from conventional and tradition education to outcome
Pages : 128 based education. Therefore, this book prepared on a
Price : RM 45.00, Problem-based approach and outcome based education
RM 22.50 (e-book) strategies. Where the problems incorporate most of the
basic principles and proceed towards implementation of
The Meaning of ‘Son of God’ provides a Biblical more complex algorithms. This may include applications
interpretation of the term son of God. The term usually of image processing in computer vision, biometric, medical
interpreted in a different way by the Christians and the imaging and robotics. Students required to formulate in a
Christian’s explanation on this term responded by Muslims way to achieve a well-defined goals under the guidance of
through Islamic view, which considered as a mistaken in their instructor. The main aim of this book is to address the
terms of faith. As a result, there is a misunderstanding fundamentals of digital image processing and computer
between Christians and Muslims concerning the term vision i.e. image processing and computer vision taxonomy,
son of God. However, this book brings the readers to the typical problems (including image formation, quantization
understanding of the term from the primary resource, which and coding), application areas, hierarchical levels of
is the Hebrew Bible. This book is one of some important image processing, image enhancement, transformation,
resources for those who are interested in peace-building segmentation, compression, restotations, classification,
between Christian and Muslim communities. Besides, the recognition and Morphological Image Processing.
book is suitable for those who are concerned in the field
of comparative religions, especially the Abrahamic faith. Biology I Workbook
Edited by Muhammad Ng Chee Hong and Nor Sa’adah
Digital Image Processing and Computer Vision: Mohd Nasohah
Fundamentals and Applications
Othman O. Khalifa ISBN : 978-967-491-105-8
e-ISBN : 978-967-491-106-5
ISBN : 978-967-491-101-0 Year : 2021
e-ISBN : 978-967-491-102-7 Pages : 182
Year : 2021 Price : RM 35.00
Pages : 328 RM 17.50 (e-book)
Price : RM 100.00,
RM 50.00 (e-book) Biology I Workbook is specially written for foundation
students who taking Biology I at the Centre for Foundation
Due to the rapid development of technologies, digital Studies, IIUM. The purpose of this workbook is to provide
information playing a key role in our daily life and can be exercises to students to help them understand the topics
closely related to the social presence theory especially in Biology I. It consists of multiple choice questions and
when referring to the social media aspect of images structure questions for 13 chapters. The answer and
captured by our phones. The huge volume of stored and feedback schemes are provided at the end of each chapter
transmitted digital images, together with the efficient data as a guide for students to understand the concepts. The
acquisition and display techniques and devices demand questions in each chapter are tested on students and
novel, fast and intelligent algorithms for digital images moderated to confirm their validity.
manipulations. Therefore, Image processing has become
such a critical component in contemporary sciences
and technology that many tasks would not be attempted
Kaedah-Kaedah Tasrif Bahasa Arab: Peringkat Asas Monte Carlo was used to estimate the effective dose. The
Badri Najib Zubir experimental study utilized an anthropomorphic phantom
(PBU-50) and Leeds test object to compare the image
ISBN : 978-983-3855-83-4 quality. The best parameters were adapted to the patient’s
Year : 2021 AP thickness for the optimization study from the different
Pages : 132 technical parameters used in the experimental phase.
Price : RM 45.00
Buku ini menghuraikan kaedah-kaedah asas gubahan Contextualising Islam in Psychological Research:
perkataan yang melibatkan kata kerja-kata kerja Theoretical Foundation, Current Initiatives, and Way
Bahasa Arab. Kecekapan mengaplikasi kaedah- Forward
kaedah ini merupakan pra-syarat penguasaan bahasa Edited by Mariam Adawiyah Dzulkifli and Nor Diana Mohd
Arab. Kecekapan aplikasi bergantung kepada tahap Mahadin
pemahaman pelajar, dan buku ini cuba memudahkan
proses pemahaman tersebut dengan menyajikan huraian ISBN : 978-967-491-052-5
berdasarkan contoh selangkah demi selangkah. e-ISBN : 978-967-491-126-3
Year : 2021
Optimization of Dose and Image Quality for Computed Pages : 188
and Digital Radiography Price : RM 50.00,
Zubir Ahmad Shazli and Soo-Foon Moey RM 25.00 (e-book)
ISBN : 978-967-491-114-0 This book is intended to present a compilation of research
e-ISBN : 978-967-491-113-3 that has incorporated the Islamic philosophical, theoretical,
Year : 2021 and historical perspectives with the concepts, theories,
Pages : 182 and methods in psychology. While the relationship
Price : RM 90.00, between Islam, research, and psychology has been
RM 45.00 (e-book) studied previously, the effort to incorporate, integrate, and
use Islamic resources to examine phenomena related
Optimization of dose in radiographic examinations is to psychology through rigorous scientific methods has
essential since the utilization of x-radiation is related to been found to be lacking among Muslim researchers. At
increased cancer risk. The study’s objective was to guide present, most of the existing studies have not gone beyond
radiographers in ensuring best practices for common discussing the historical development, philosophical
radiographic examinations of acceptable image quality foundation, and epistemological issues in Islamisation of
in digital radiography while minimizing radiation doses knowledge. As such, there is a need for Muslim psychology
that could result in harmful effects. The study comprised researchers to demonstrate how issues on psychology can
of three phases. The first phase involved 90 respondents be investigated and critically evaluated from the Islamic
between 20 to 60 years of age and weighing between perspective. The present book, therefore, is an attempt to
60-80 kilograms for the following examinations: anterior- meet this need by incorporating the Islamic perspective
posterior (AP) abdomen, AP or lateral lumbar sacral spine in the conduct of research in psychology. It is also an
and posterior-anterior (PA) chest examinations. During attempt to contextualise Islam in the current efforts in
this phase, the radiographic examination’s technical research on psychology so that we can better understand
parameters for 30 radiographs for each examination the religion, both as an established way of life and as a
were at the radiographers’ discretion. Kerma X_plus, model of scientific inquiry. In contextualising Islam in
DAP (dose area product) meter was utilized to evaluate research related to psychology, the chapters in the first
the entrance surface dose (ESD), while CALDose_X 5.0 part of the book provide an overview of the philosophical,
theoretical, methodological, and conceptual foundations
that are related to Islamisation, Relevantisation, and
Integration (IRI) of research in psychology, while the
subsequent chapters present empirical studies that have it comes to envisioning the best needed transformational
applied these three processes in their research. Finally, effects and impacts of education in transforming a given
the remaining chapters are dedicated to the discussion country or a society, the long-term vision and foresight of
of the conceptual and strategic way forward for research the Malaysian political leadership then is thus correctly
in specific areas of psychology. In doing so, both the justified when the decision to facilitate the enrolments of
rationale and practicalities of incorporating, integrating, our Bosnian brothers and sisters was made. This move
and utilising Islamic resources in research on psychology has simultaneously forged deep and lasting constructive
have been provided. ties between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Malaysia.
Humanising Education: The Bosnian Experience in ICSI: IIUM Library Classification System for
Malaysia Knowledge Resources on Islam
Edited by Siti Aisyah Ibrahim Spahic Arfah Md Isa, Noraini Mukhtar, Siti Aidah Rabingan,
Rasyidah Mohd Daud and Latifah Ramli
ISBN : 978-967-491-077-8
(Soft Cover), ISBN : 978-967-491-079-2
978-967-491-080-8 (Hard Cover),
(Hard Cover) 978-967-491-078-5
e-ISBN : 978-967-491-081-5 (Soft Cover)
(e-book) e-ISBN : 978-967-491-086-0
Year : 2021 Year : 2021
Pages : 174 Pages : 620
Price : RM 120.00 (Soft Cover), Price : RM 250.00 (Hard Cover),
RM 200.00 (Hard Cover), RM 200.00 (Soft Cover),
RM 60.00 (e-book) RM 100.00 (e-book)
The Humanising Education: The Bosnian Experience This book is a classification system for knowledge
in Malaysia is an anecdotal recollection and heartfelt resources on Islam, revised and devised by the IIUM
reflections by IIUM Alumni from once war-torn Bosnia. Library to replace the currently used Library of Congress
The authors shared their memories in IIUM and reflected Classification (LCC), subclass BP-Islam. It maps topics
on how the knowledge and experience gained have befitting the supposed thesaurus-like arrangement of
helped them in scaling new heights in their chosen career. knowledge in Islam. It introduces subject headings
The authors represented different periods spanning appropriate to Islam. This publication is produced to
pre and post Bosnian war - a few came before the fulfill the need of the Muslim World for a comprehensive
commencement of the war, some during the war, and classification system for knowledge resources on Islam,
others joined IIUM after the war ended. At the onset of accommodate varying topics for the development of
this project, all have since left to serve their motherland literature on Islam and Islamic law, promote IIUM niche
in more ways than one. Falling back on the education area, that is Islam, facilitate research on Islam, and to
gained in IIUM, their contributions to their home country leverage the IIUM Library as an exemplary library to
Bosnia range from being teachers and educators; others.
shaping young minds and building personalities, to being
industrious corporate figures, cultivating and developing
the economy of Bosnia to new heights. This publication
chronicles individual experiences of some of the many
successful Bosnian IIUM alumni whose engagement in
social, economic, and political existence of Bosnia and
Herzegovina has irrevocably demonstrates the essence
and core values needed to shape the country anew. When
Sociology of Education with an Islamic Perspective Sustainable Development Projects by IIUM
Edited by Azam Othman Administrators
Edited by Nor Aminah Kostor
ISBN : 978-967-491-049-5
e-ISBN : 978-967-491-123-2 ISBN : 978-967-491-083-9
Year : 2021 e-ISBN : 978-967-491-088-4
Pages : 174 Year : 2021
Price : RM 50.00, Pages : 242
RM 25.00 (e-book) Price : RM 130.00,
RM 65.00 (e-book)
This book discusses basic principles of social foundations
of education and the mutual relationships between This book is the highlight of the successful contributions
society and its educational systems from both Islamic and achievements of International Islamic University
and Western perspectives. It represents the efforts of the Malaysia Administrators by showcasing their flagship
authors and the International Islamic University Malaysia projects conducted over a period of one year. It illustrates
towards propagating Islam and bringing out the beauty twelve (12) projects that cover different themes with a
of Islam, which was entrenched in its vision and mission variety of subjects ranging from edible garden, energy
statement. The readers will find this book interesting saving, stingless bees, sejahtera sports, eco-bags, library
for them in its quest for change and providing quality classification system, “adab and budi” (manners), health
education for all. The trend in sociology of education is and wellness and e-waste management. In taking up
closely related to the changes in external environments of the challenge, a group of International Islamic University
educational institutions. By broadening our understanding Malaysia Administrators with full commitment and passion
on the social foundations of education, we will be able have embarked on the projects, leading the way for other
to understand the nature of educational institutions and Administrators to follow and echoing the University’s effort
create effective educational policies for all students and in achieving the UNESCO seventeen (17) Sustainable
parents. Due to the demand of our changing society, Development Goals (SDGs). Each chapter narrates the
education is strongly influenced by social changes and stories of how each project was developed from start to
political forces. Hence, this book will add to the literature end as well as highlights the challenges and obstacles
on sociology of education and its significant forces, such the teams faced along the way. The success of the
as social class, politics, economic, and technological projects which gave meaningful and powerful impact to
revolution shaping education, especially in Malaysia. This the University was made apparent by the tables of figures
book also tries to analyze and develop an understanding and pictures. In a nutshell, this book is a testament and
of how social class, race, and gender effect educational culmination of administrators’ achievement in doing noble
opportunity, access, equity, and achievement. The things beyond their routine work.
authors, therefore, have presented the materials related
to educational problems and challenges for paving the Training Safe Doctors from the IIUM’s Perspective:
way to more future academic research on sociology of Application of Islamic Epistemology in Undergraduate
education from the Islamic perspective. Medical Training
Edited by Ariff Osman
ISBN : 978-967-491-045-7
e-ISBN : 978-967-491-096-9
Year : 2021
Pages : 114
Price : RM 35.00,
RM 17.50 (e-book)
This book addresses the experience of training medical
students within the framework of Islamisation of knowledge Al-Madkhal Ila Dirasat Usul Fiqh al-Islami
through its curriculum, Islamic Input in Medical Practice Mohd. Fuad Md.Sawari
(IIMP). It elucidates the importance of having the right
mind set and clear direction of the educational journey that ISBN : 978-967-491-071-6
each student should understand, internalize and actualize Year : 2021 (Second Edition)
throughout the training in order to achieve its noble Pages : 300
objective that is to become safe medical practitioners. The Price : RM 45.00
ideals of Islamisation of knowledge forms the foundation
for developing core values and competencies expected This book is a fragmentary notes that previously wrote for
of medical doctors such as professionalism, leadership, students of the College of Knowledge of Revelation and
management and team work, which are vital for safe Human Sciences at the International Islamic University
practice. Besides that, students also learn about fiqh Malaysia, and then we saw edited and published it in a
medicine and its implications to medical practice as well university book that is accessible to all, in an accessible
as developing decision-making skills in medical ethics by and concise manner that is neither concise nor boring,
application of the four ethical principles of Beneficence, and in simple language that students understand.
Non-maleficence, Justice and Autonomy and the Islamic
ethical principles of the Maqasid and Qawaíd al-shariah. Al-Lisaniyat Al-Tatbiqiyat Al-Hadithat lil Mutakhasisin
At the same time, for Muslim students, it is obligatory on fi A-Arabiyah Wadabha: Madkhal Wasafiyun
them to observe and practice the true teachings of Islam Asem Shehadeh Ali, Majdi Ibrahim, Hanafi Dollah and
in terms of its Aqidah, Shariat and Akhlaq. Yasir Ismail
Al-Madkhal Ila Dirasat Al-Fiqh Al-Islami ISBN : 978-967-491-089-1
Edited by Mohd. Fuad Md. Sawari Year : 2021
Pages : 346
ISBN : 978-967-491-071-6 Price : RM 65.00
Year : 2021 (Second Edition)
Pages : 300
The book provides an introduction to the science of This book deals with several areas in applied linguistics
Islamic jurisprudence, stating the basic concepts of that is related to human sciences, by to emphasize
Islamic jurisprudence through discussions of the concept that the information has been achieved by universities
of Shariah and jurisprudence, the objectives of Shariah, and High college’s students, and highlights its role in
the general characteristics of Islamic law, and the history improving the relationship between the areas of Applied
of Islamic legislation and jurisprudence. This book deals Linguistics, and the effectiveness in the human sciences.
with the rules of jurisprudence by talking about the concept The problems which hit the ancient heritage makes us look
of jurisprudential rules and the history of their inception in all seriousness and insistence on practical solutions
and development, and presenting the five general rules. to the issues of Applied Linguistics, a science education
These topics were presented in a simple and easy-to-deal language, comparative studies or contrastive and error
manner, sometimes accompanied by tables and drawings analysis, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, geographical
that were almost absent in the writings of the ancients and language, science of computer-based language, industry
contemporaries, in order to bring the reader closer to the lexicon the science of translation, and other vital topics
intended meaning, mentioning the Qur’anic verses and that hit hard at times and lack of clarity for learners in
the hadiths of the Prophet as a problem, which may help universities, also opens the eyes on many responsibilities
the reader to read and memorize them. in the midst of this vast ocean of information
Family Law (Non-Muslim) in Malaysia This work is an attempt to provide some light into the basic
Norliah Ibrahim, Noraini Md Hashim, Najibah Mohd Zin, principles of Islamic law in order to understand the purpose
Azizah Mohd, Nora Abdul Hak, Normi Abdul Malek, of the revelation of rulings in Islam. This understanding is
Roslina Che Soh and Mohd Hisham Mohd Kamal very important to be understood particularly by students
and researchers in the field of Islamic law. This book
ISBN : 978-967-022-588-3 also examines five important legal maxims, namely:
Year : 2021 (Fifth Reprint) al-umūr bi maqāsidihā (matters determined according
Pages : 441 to intention), al-yaqīn lā yazūlu bi al-shakk (certainty
Price : RM 55.00 cannot be removed by doubt), al-mashaqqah tajlubu
al-taysīr (hardship begets facility), lā darara wa lā dirār
The book discusses on family law related to non-Muslims (harm shall not be inflicted nor reciprocated) and al-ʿādah
in Malaysia which is generally based on the Law Reform muhakkamah (custom is arbitrary). These are considered
(Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976 and several other as supporting sources of Islamic law. In the last part of
supplementary statutes. Over the years, it is noticed the work, the development of Islamic law from the time of
that there have been legislative delelopment affecting the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) till the present is discussed. Finally,
family law which need to be addressed and clarified. the work outlines about the present state of Islamic law
Thus, the primary aim of this book is not only to state and provides some suggestions for the way forward. It is
comprehensively the legal aspect but also to highlight hoped that this work will shed some light for those who
the recent developments and to suggest the necessary are interested in understanding the basics of Islamic law.
reforms to suit the modernization of communities and
the changing society. The topics presented in the twelve Indeks Syariah Malaysia: Aspek Perundangan
chapters are: historical outline: betrothal and domicile: Zaleha Kamarudin, Ainul Jaria Maidin, Sahari Nordin,
marriage requirements, procedural matters, status, rights Azizah Mohd., Badrudin Ibrahim dan Roosfa Hashim
and obligations: divorce and matters incidental thereto -
maintenance, division of matrimonial property and custody ISBN : 978-967-418-779-8
of child: legitimacy, adoption and domestic violence. As Year : 2021 (Second Reprint)
Malaysia is a member of the international treaties, this Pages : 168
book explains the effects of the treaties on certain aspects Price : RM 80.00
of the national laws. This book is a useful reference for law
students and practitioner. Similarly, for those in the legal Indeks ini merupakan satu produk pelengkap tadbir urus
fraternity and the public at large, it will make for a better Islam di Malaysia, yang boleh dianggap mempunyai
understanding of those principles of civil family law and to nilai-nilai perintis. Dalam erti kata ia adalah menyeluruh,
keep abreast with latest developments and reforms on the komprehensif dan yang pertama seumpamanya di dunia.
subject matter. Pada 10hb Februari 2015, YAB Perdana Menteri telah
melakar satu dimensi baru dalam pentadbiran Kerajaan
Islamic Law: An Introduction Malaysia apabila melancarkan Indeks Syariah Malaysia
Mohamad Akram Laldin sejajar dengan hasrat dan kesungguhan kerajaan untuk
melaksanakan pendekatan Maqasid Syariah dalam
ISBN : 983-3855-03-2 pentadbiran negara. Indeks Syariah Malaysia ini adalah
Year : 2021 (Seventh Reprint) model tadbir urus Islam yang pertama seumpamanya di
Pages : 240 dunia dan boleh dijadikan rujukan oleh negara-negara
Price : RM 46.00 Islam lain untuk mengukur tahap pelaksanaan prinsip-
prinsip Maqasid Syariah dalam semua aspek pentadbiran
Islamic Financial System: Theory and Practice are highlighted. This includes the operations of each
Salina Kassim component of the Islamic financial system, starting from
the Islamic money market, Islamic equity market, sukuk
ISBN : 978-967-491-036-5 market, Islamic unit trusts industry, Islamic banking
Year : 2021 (Second Reprint) institutions, and Islamic non-bank financial institutions.
Pages : 380 Also critical to the functioning of the Islamic financial
Price : RM 150.00 system is the monetary system, which in essence, relates
the Islamic financial system to the overall economic
Amid the rapid growth and increasing presence of Islamic Islam in the Malay World: Al-Falimbānī’s Scholarship
Finance industry across the globe, interests in detailed Mohammed Hussain Ahmad
information and knowledge in Islamic banking and
finance are increasing, not just by those involved in the ISBN : 978-967-418-430-8
industry for commercial reasons, but also by those who e-ISBN : 978-967-491-125-6
would like to have a deeper understanding of the Islamic Year : 2021 (Second Reprint)
financial system. Islamic finance now, is seen as a viable Pages : 416
alternative to the conventional financial system, which Price : RM 70.00,
has the prospects of high growth and application that RM 35.00 (e-book)
could potentially provide the panacea to address issues
and problems currently facing the conventional financial Islam in the Malay World has been developed by a number
system. Since Islamic finance is growing at a rapid of classical inellectuals, among them al- Falimbānī. Abd.
pace and has started to make a meaningful economic al-Samad al-Falimbānī is an eighteenth century Muslim
contribution in many countries, there is a growing interest Scholar from Palembang, located in the Indonesian island
on the role of Islamic finance in contributing to efficient of Sumatra. Through the examination of his unpublished
functioning of the overall financial system and its relation manuscript and published works, this book explores al-
to the real economic activities. The unique feature of Falimbānī’s biography, his various scholarly contributions,
Islamic finance which requires the compliancy to the Sufi orientation as well as theintellectual developments
Shariah in all its aspects, would result in an economy of the Malay Archipelago. It uncovers evidence of al-
achieving the maqasid al-Shariah, and obtaining the Falimbani’s great erudition in the major Islamic sciences
noble objective of socio-economic justice for all, which is by tracing his early education, the developments of his
the major characteristic of an Islamic economy.This book intellectual maturity and the influence of various well-
aims to provide a comprehensive understanding about known scholars who shared their expertise with him.
the characteristics, structure and operations of an Islamic This book represents the first product of research
financial system, particularly in performing its role as an which utilies a wide range of data and classical sources
integral component of the overall economic system. This relating to al-Falimbani, including manuscripts, Jawi
involves an understanding on the foundation as well as books, Arabic biographical dictionaries and many others.
evaluation on the concepts and structure of the Islamic
financial system, as well as the legal and regulatory Titian Akhir Zaman (Edisi Kedua)
framework facing the system. Comparisons are made Disunting oleh Mek Wok Mahmud, Raudlotul Firdaus
between the Islamic financial systems with its conventional Fatah Yasin dan Mohd. Puzhi Usop
counter-part so as to highlight the unique features of the
Islamic financial system in mobilising financial capital ISBN : 978-967-491-041-9
in a Shariah-compliant manner, while pointing-out the e-ISBN : 978-967-491-124-9
economic implications of the differences between the Year : 2021 (Second Reprint)
two systems. Key principles and characteristics of the Pages : 212
Islamic financial system, as well as the financial products Price : RM 30.00,
or instruments traded in various segments of the system RM 15.00 (e-book)
Akhir zaman merupakan suatu zaman menghampiri dentistry. There were some differences in motivation
saat berakhirnya usia dunia. Suasana mencabar dapat by school sector; either public or private and ethnicity.
dirasakan dengan hadirnya satu persatu tanda-tanda There is however no variations by sex, family income,
kiamat kecil dan sederhana sebagaimana ternukil dalam age or the school type (established or new). Career
hadis dan riwayat Nabi Muhammad SAW dan para sahabat. expectations focused on specialisation in the short- (46%)
Rentetan dugaan hebat yang melanda segala aspek dan and long-term (59%) for students, with a desire to achieve
penjuru termasuk akhlak, aqidah, syariat, ekonomi dan financial stability and work/life balance. The majority of all
ibadat, orang yang beriman pasti akan tercati-cari apakah respondents (64%) reported a desire to work in the private
bekalan dan persiapan untuk menyelamatkan diri dari sector. Only 66.9% of respondents considered working
fitnah ini dan apa yang dapat dibawa ke alam barzakh full-time in the long-term with significant difference by sex
nanti. Buku ini adalah yang julung kalinya diterbitkan [male (77 .7%) and female (62.5%); (p=0.036)].
sebagai salah satu usaha pengurusan Masjid Sultan Haji
Ahmad Shah, Pusat Islamisasi CENTRIS, Universiti Islam Democratic Transition and Constitutional Justice:
Antarabangsan Malaysia, dengan kerjasama Persatuan Post Reformasi Constitutional Adjudication in
Ulama Malaysia (PUM) bagi memberikan beberapa Indonesia
panduan dan pecerahan dalam memahami hakikat akhir Iwan Satriawan and Khairul Azmin Mokhtar
zaman dan tips menghadapinya berdasarkan dalil dan
nas yang sahih daripada sumber al-Quran dan al-Sunnah. ISBN : 978-967-491-031-0
Semoga dapat menjadi pegangan yang praktikal bagi Year : 2020
mendepani cabaran akhir zaman. Pages : 224
Price : RM 85.00
The fall of New Order Regime under President Suharto
The Dental Workforce in Malaysia: Career saw the emergence of Reformasi (Reformation) and
Motivation and Expectations Amongst the beginning of various institutional and governmental
Senior Dental Students changes done in the pursuit of democracy in Indonesia.
Muhd Firdaus Che Musa Constitutional justice is fundamental to the success
of democratic transition in the country. One of the
ISBN : 978-967-491-040-2 results democratic reform and constitutional changes
e-ISBN : 978-967-491-062-4 after Reformasi in 1998 is the establishment of the
Year : 2020 Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia.
Pages : 126
Price : RM 80.00, Essay on Sejahtera: Concept, Principle and Practice
RM 40.00 (e-book) Dzulkifli Abdul Razak
The aim of this book is to present findings on motivation ISBN : 978-967-491-061-7
and short- and long-term career expectations of dental e-ISBN : 978-967-491-068-6
students in the selection of dentistry as a professional Year : 2020
career in relation to individual ( demographic and socio- Pages : 62
economic factors) and school characteristics and make Price : RM 50.00,
recommendations for the future in relation to serving the RM25.00 (e-book)
population. Three hundred and fifty six final year dental
students (83%) across eight schools (73%) responded, The word sejahtera has its own place and meaning. Lest
comprising 66% of final years in Malaysia in 2013. There properly understood, the use can be baffling. For example,
were five motivational factors reported with ‘academic’ in the 2019 Budget, sejahtera was used to convey an
factors emerging as students’ main motivation to study aspect of socio-economic wellbeing of Malaysians, which
in Malay reads as memastikan kesejahteraan rakyat. but technologies could be the ultimate solution, but innovation
fall short when confined only to “socio-economic” aspect. comes to fruition if society plays a crucial role in the
Sejahtera is a rather multilayered concept that conveys development of electric vehicle focused on decarbonised
a deeper meaning than any single word can convey. As transport. Developing effective and affordable policies to
such it has no equivalent in other languages, neither can ensure the introduction of low carbon technologies in line
it be accurately translated into different languages due with political aspirations requires an understanding of how
to its close cultural learning and nuances to the local markets work to save fuel. Green Transportation System,
Malay(sian) tradition. First Edition, gives aspiring and practicing engineers a
fundamental understanding of technologies for electric
Forty Hadith on Leading the Way vehicle design and development that meet the national
Mohammed Farid Ali Al-Fijawi goal of environmental sustainability. Green Transportation
System presents the basic of design, components
ISBN : 978-967-491-056-3 selection and sizing, system integrations of electric vehicle
e-ISBN : 978-967-491-119-5 development, the utilizing battery recycling and policy
Year : 2020 for green transportation system initiation. This edition
Pages : 72 would receive a wide assessment at the system level
Price : RM 66.50, for electric vehicles. The authors bring this new edition
RM 33.25 (e-book) “Green Transport System” to a new level, significantly
expanding the possibilities of designing and developing
This second series of Forty Hadith Collection Series electric transport while maintaining an integrated systems
on Contemporary Fundamental Issues of Malaysia approach. This publication is presented as a resource for
deliberates on the four cardinal principles of “Leading practising engineers and graduate students interested in
the Way” the tagline of IIUM leadership. Khalifah the latest developments in electric transport.
(Stewardship), Amanah (Trust), Iqra’ (Knowledge),
and Rahmatan lil ‘Alamin (Mercy for the worlds) are Permisalan dalam Al-Quran
the ingredients for making balanced individuals (insan Rahmat Hidayat Lubis dan Gamal Abdul Nasir Zakaria
sejahtera). With acculturing these principles, educational
leaders can empower people, preserve the planet, build ISBN : 978-967-491-034-1
prosperity, and foster peace. This forty hadith collection in Year : 2020
relation to the four cardinal principles will open windows to Pages : 294
the vast realm of leadership and transformation in tandem Price : RM 80.00
with the Islamic worldview.
Green Transportation System Salah satu kehebatan Al-Quran adalah keindahan
Ataur Rahman, Rafia Afroz and Abdul Hassan Jaafar bahasanya yang diungkapkan melalui ayat-ayat
permisalan. Kata Mathal tidak hanya bererti permisalan,
ISBN : 978-967-491-021-1 bahkan memiliki banyak erti, antaranya keadaan,
Year : 2020 persamaan, pengajaran, sifat, contoh teladan dan
Pages : 256 tandingan. Keindahan makna serta corak penyampaian
Price : RM 120.00 ayat-ayat tersebut akan memberi kesan yang mendalam
kepada minda dan jiwa pendengar dan pembaca. Al-
Environmental sustainability is largely measured by the Quran menyeru manusia untuk merenung dan memikirkan
transportation system. Green transportation revolves the ayat-ayat permisalan sebagai peringatan bagi mereka:
efficient and effective use of resources, makes the low Dan Demi sesungguhnya Kami telah membuat dalam
carbon and healthier environment for the nation by reducing Al-Quran ini berbagai-bagai-bagai perumpamaan bagi
the greenhouse gas emission. Promising innovative manusia supaya mereka dapat mengambil peringatan
(Al-Zumar, 27). Ayat-ayat permisalan dalam Al-Quran
menjadi salah satu korpus kajian dan pembahasan para
pakar ilmu balaghah, yang membincangkan tentang Spirituality and Sustainability: Experiences of the
keindahan makna, cara menyampaikan serta kesan yang International Islamic University Malaysia
ditinggalkannya. Terdapat beberapa keistimewaan ayat- Edited by Abdul Rashid Moten
ayat permisalan, antara lain: Pertama, permisalan dalam
Al-Quran tidak meniru atau mengambil daripada sumber- ISBN : 978-967-491-048-8
sumber terdahulu. Kedua, permisalan dalam Al-Quran Year : 2020
mengandungi keistimewaan gaya bahasa yang tidak Pages : 314
dimiliki dalam korpus bahasa selain Al-Quran. Ketiga, Price : RM 95.00
betapa tingginya nilai sastera pada ayat-ayat permisalan.
Jadi jelas bagi kita bahawa permisalan yang disebutkan The International Islamic University Malaysia has, since
oleh Allah membuktikan kehebatan Allah meletakkan 2018, redoubled its struggle to restore its wisdom,
sesuatu selaras dengan tempatnya, yakni memberi misal strengths, and dignity and promote comprehensive
sesuatu dengan sesuatu yang bersesuaian. Selain itu, excellence. Hence, the University adopted the United
permisalan turut menzahirkan hakikat sesuatu yang tidak Nations’ sustainable development agenda as a
terlihat agar terlihat. Buku Permisalan dalam Al-Quran complement to the University’s vision and mission
mengandungi tentang konsep dan teori ilmu permisalan; of Islamisation, Integration, Internationalisation and
kaedah baharu untuk mengenal pasti ayat-ayat permisalan Comprehensive Excellence. The book explains the ways
dalam Al-Quran; pemilihan ayat-ayat Al-Quran mengikut in which the SDGs will provide a new strategy to apply
kaedah tersebut; pembahasan ayat-ayat permisalan the concept of Islamisation, which has long been the
mengenai hakikat iman dan kufur; serta pembahasan foundation of the IIUM. Consequently, the university’s
ayat-ayat permisalan mengenai orang mukmin dan kafir. operations and facilities have been adjusted so that they
become mediums in applying and showcasing a lifestyle
Sains untuk Manusia that is sustainable. Everything in the university i.e. the
Dzulkifli Abdul Razak curricular and extra-curricular courses, the research
activities, and everyday operations in administrative
ISBN : 978-967-491-046-4 offices and other places are geared towards sustainable
Year : 2020 development in line with the maqāṣid al-sharῑ‘ah.
Pages : 154 Elements of sustainability are integrated in every aspect
Price : RM 30.00 of the university’s administration and, indeed, in teaching,
research and community engagement. Consequently, the
‘Sains untuk Manusia’ menumpukan kepada kesan IIUM has adopted “Humanising Higher Education through
terhadap penyelidikan dan pendidikan sains andainya maqāṣid al-sharῑ‘ah and SDGs” as its official strategic
kita tidak berhemah dalam menghadapi cetusan Revolusi mission.
Industri ke-Empat (RI4.0) di Malaysia. Tiga cabaran
utama bakal dihadapi dalam memajukan ilmu sains
pada era RI4.0. Pertama ialah kesan dan impak kepada
ketamadunan manusia yang bakal diubah oleh ledakan
RI4.0, malahan daripada revolusi-revolusi terdahulu yang
telahpun merosakkan alam sekitar. Cabaran kedua adalah
pemupukan insan seimbang melalui pendidikan sains
untuk generasi mendatang. Akhir sekali, kemelut arah
penyelidikan sains yang jauh menyimpang dari ‘akar’ ilmu
ditekan pula kepincangan yang di’bawa’ oleh RI4.0 kerana
hanya menekankan kepada sentuhan teknologi. Lantas
meninggalkan masyarakat hanyut dalam gelombang
RI4.0 tanpa sebarang sentuhan insani dan hati budi.
Pentafsiran Baharu Falsafah Pendidikan This book concerns itself mainly with the law of diyah
Kebangsaan Dan Pelaksanaannya Pasca 2020 as compensation for homicide and wounding. It is an
(Edisi Semakan) attempt to show that this idea of victim of compensation,
Disunting oleh Dzulkifli Abdul Razak dan Rosnani that conforms to the dictators of reasons, justice and
Hashim humanity, is applicable as common law for all Malaysians.
Human life is sacred and historical survey of how earlier
ISBN : 978-967-491-059-4 communities responded to homicide and wounding shows
(Hard Cover), and underlying common thread of victim compensation.
978-967-491-057-0 The notion of crime against society later superseded
(Soft Cover) this practice. Society vindicated itself by punishing
Year : 2020 (Revised Edition) the offender with death, in prisonment or find and the
Pages : 448 idea of conpensating the victim or his family when into
Price : RM 95.00 (Hard Cover), oblivion. There is a growing acceptance amongst western
RM 70.00 (Soft Cover) and common law countries on the importance of victim
compensation. It has brought them closer towards the law
Falsafah Pendidikan Negara (FPN), dan kemudiannya of Diyah. The syari’ah has in variably upheld the victim’s
Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan (FPK) sudah berusia right to compensaion and a study of recent legislation in
tiga dekad. Dalam jangkamasa 30 tahun, dunia telah Pakistan, Sudan, Iran and the state of Kelantan in Malaysia
banyak berubah, sesetengahnya berpaksikan kepada in implementing the law of Diyah shows its suitability for
perkembangan pesat pendidikan tempatan dan sejagat, application in Malaysia. The practice of punishing the
dan sebaliknya didesak pula oleh pelbagai pihak, offender with fines payable to the state of homicide and
khususnya industri serta ideologi lain, ke atas dunia wounding need reappraisal in favour of compensation
pendidikan. Faktor ini sudah cukup memberi isyarat to the victim. A compulsary insurance scheme using the
bahawa pendidikan wajardipandu dan dibimbing system of takaful will ensure compensation to all victims
supaya ia tidak diheret ke sana ke sini hingga terkeluar of homicide and wounding. Without such a scheme, the
daripada matlamat serta acuan kita sendiri. Ini sekali gus state should compensate victims in cases where the
meletakkan keyakinan bahawa apa juga penilaiannya offender is impecunious.
kelak, FPK masih relevan dan sesuai untuk abad ke-21
dalam melangsungkan agenda pendidikan negara dan Islamic Banking
sejagat. Malah, ini adalah anatara tujuan utama buku Hassanuddeen Abdul Aziz
ini, iaitu untuk memberi FPK nafas baru sesuai dengan
zaman dan keadaan semasa. Untuk tujuan ini beberapa ISBN : 978-967-527-248-6
orang penulis yang pakar dalam bidang masing-masing Year : 2020 (Second Reprint)
telah diundang khas agar dapat berkongsi ilmu serta Pages : 94
pengalaman mereka dalam mengemudi FPK ke alam Price : RM 35.00
baharu tanpa mengenepikan sejarah, hikmah dan liku-liku
yang dialami dalam membentuk dan mencorakkan FPK
sebagai kerangka utama pendidikan negara.
Al-Diyah as Compensation for Homicide Wounding in Islamic Banking is designed to provide an introduction to
Malaysia Islamic banking and finance for students at universities
Syed Ahmad S. A Alsagoff and similar tertiary institutions. This book also a source of
general understanding of the concept of Islamic banking
ISBN : 978-983-385-504-9 and finance and it will be beneficent not only for students but
Year : 2020 (Second Edition) also for the laymen. I believe that the approach to Islamic
Pages : 436 banking and finance taken in this book will provide a solid
Price : RM 45.00 foundation towards understanding the concept of Islamic
finance. An effort has been made to provide an overview
of the principles of Islamic commercial law in business and wants to study the legacy of Prof. Izutsu’s scholarship on
Islamic financial dealings. This book has been written with Islam.
the objective of conveying an understanding of Islamic
banking and finance, without introducing unnecessary Madkhal ‘Ila Al-Sunniyyah Al-Hadithah Litalabah Al-
technical terminology and procedures. It was written to Marhalah Al-Jami’iyyah Al-’Ula (Second Edition)
develop a clear understanding of the prohibition of Riba, Asem Shehadeh Ali
the instruments of products offered by Islamic banks, the
contemporary approaches and practices across banks ISBN : 978-967-491-037-2
worldwide, and the challenges and future prospects of Year : 2020 (Second Edition)
Islamic banking. Pages : 198
Price : RM 40.00
Japanese Contribution to Islamic Studies: The Legacy
of Toshihiko Izutsu Interpreted Language studies are currently one of the main topics that
Edited by Anis Malik Thoha students in universities should be familiar with the various
topics that focus on the study of the Arabic language at the
ISBN : 978-967-527-263-9 four levels. In this sense, contemporary linguists began
Year : 2020 (Second Reprint) to study contemporary linguistics through different titles.
Pages : 370 These books introduce the concepts of language, the view
Price : RM 54.00 of points of ancient Arabs and contemporary westerners
of the scholars. These books including levels of language
This volume is a selection of papers and essays that have and details, and address the position of the issues related
been improved throughly by their respective authors based to linguistics; in this study, we dealt with various topics.
on the discussion, comments, remarks, suggestions, The first chapter studied the ancient Arab language
criticisms etc, transpired at the sessions of the three- theories, interpretations of the origin of human language,
day-conference, i.e., the International Conference schools of contemporary linguistics the development of
on Contemporary Scholarship on Islam: Japanese linguistic studies, the efforts of contemporary scholars
Contribution to Islamic Studies – The Legacy of Toshihiko and their contribution to the development of linguistic
Izutsu (ICONSIST), 2008, in Kuala Lumpur. It contains 19 studies, and the principles of descriptive linguistics
essays covering different issues and topics relevant to schools. In the second chapter, we have the theory of
Izutsu’s works, ranging from worldview (weltanschauung), transformational generative theory of Noam Chomsky and
philosophy, mysticism/sufism, semantics, linguistics and the developments based on Chomsky’s idealist theory,
ethics to scientific study of religion. It includes also three and the relationship between language and thought.
articles in Arabic, which evidently show that the interest in Third chapter conducts linguistic analysis, the vocal
Izutsu’s thought and works have gained a good deals of level, the morphological level, and phonetics lesson of
attention among the Arab scholars and readers as well. ancient Arabs, the definition of phoneme and its concept,
Not only are the topics of these articles varied, but so are the stress, the syllabus in Arabic, the intonation and the
the methods and approaches adopted by their respective morphology. The second examined the grammatical level
authors. Some fall under the so-called “descriptive in the synod structure and its analysis, and the verbal
approach”, and some is analytical in nature. Still some and moral clues; the semantic level is aware of the
others are critical and “normative”. However, we believe meaning of the ancient and temporary level of language,
that this should be academically acceptable as long as the relationship between heritage and contemporary in
all are based on the sound arguments from academic linguistic studies, the position of contemporary ancient
perspective. Needless to say, the book taken as a whole, linguistic heritage, and Islamic principles in linguistics.
shall undoubtedly be of a great interest to anyone who
Madkhal Ila Dirasat Wujuh Al-‘Ijaz Al-Qurani (Third A special topic on Muslim society is also included at
Edition) the beginning of the book. The contributors of these
Radwan Jamal Al-Athrash essays are experts in their field. They have also helped
developed and taught the course. In this first edition,
ISBN : 978-967-491-042-6 most of the examples and discussions are based on two
Year : 2020 (Third Edition) Muslim societies, i.e., Peninsular Malaysia and Indonesia.
Pages : 384 This is understandable because most of the writers in this
Price : RM 55.00 first edition are from the Malay world. We hope to include
examples from other Muslim societies in the next edition
This book reviews the hierarchical structure of the secrets when we get contribution from writers from other parts
of the Qur’anic expression by focusing on the aspects of the Muslim world. Finally, we welcome criticisms and
of miracles that ancient scholars have dealt with, such suggestions to improve this book from our readers. We
as the system, Al-Jahid, Al-Rummani, Al-Khattabi, Al- shall certainly consider these criticisms and suggestions
Baqalani, Abdul-Jabbar Al-Hamdhani, Al-Jarjani, Al-Qadi in the next edition.
Ayyad, Al-Razi, Al-Qurtubi, Al-Zarkashi, Al-Beqai, Al-
Sauti, and others. In addition to what was dealt with by Monograph on Selected Malay Intellectuals
contemporary scholars who were interested in revealing Edited by Mohamad @ Md. Som Sujimon
these harmonious and tightly structured secrets such as
Al-Alousi, Al-Rafei, Abdullah Draz, Saeed Al-Norsi, Sayed ISBN : 978-983-295-702-7
Qutb and Ibn Ashour. The book reached results, the most Year : 2020 (Second Reprint)
important of which was that the Qur’an was miraculous Pages : 308
in its wording and meanings, and its methods made by Price : RM 70.00
means of the al-Jazzel system have made strides in which
the Arab masters were unable to match them and come The Islamic civilization created great minds like Ibn
up with similar ones, despite what they possessed of an Khaldun, Imam al-Ghazali, Imam Shafie and many more.
enormous ability to distinguish the balance of speech. In Malaysia where Islam is the integral part of the federation
and its people, the rise of its very own exemplary minds
Media & Muslim Society was only natural. Scholars like Idris al-Marbawi, Sheikh
Mohd. Yusof Hussain Daud al-Fatani To Kenali, Haji Ahmad Badawi, Ahmad
Ibrahim, Sheikh Mustafa, Dr. Burhanuddin al-Helmy,
ISBN : 978-983-385-508-7 Pendeta Zaaba, Yusoff Zaky and others greatly influenced
Year : 2020 (Third Reprint) the Muslim minds in the country. Another of Malaysia’s
Pages : 256 prominent Muslim was its father of independence Tunku
Price : RM 45.00 Abdul Rahman Putra al-Haj who played a pivotal role in
uniting the ummah at the global platform. Though they
The book contains twelve essays on topics related to the may not be with us anymore, the legacy that they left
subject “Media and Muslim Society.” It is compiled as a us is still very much alive. Muslims in Malaya and later
textbook for students taking the course of the same title Malaysia greatly benefited from their contributions. The
at the International Islamic Universiti Malaysia. Thus, book gives an overview of the role played by great minds
the topics selected are those covered in the course. The from Tanah Jawi in enriching the Ummah’s knowledge in
topics include media at various stages in the development Islam. This book also touches on the workings of their
of a Muslim society, the role of communication in a minds, the way they disseminated their thoughts be it in
Muslim society, media control, media effects on Muslim politics or education and their writings. The all had one
society and the roles of ulamas in influencing the media. thing in common, to help fellow Muslims to dwell deeper
into Islam and unite the ummah through their works and
thoughts. It is hoped that this book would help the readers Urban Traffic System (Second Edition)
to appreciate the contributions of Malaysia’s Exemplary Abdul Azeez Kadar Hamsa
ISBN : 978-967-491-050-1
Towards an Islamic Curriculum Principles and Issues Year : 2020 (Second Edition)
Rosnani Hashim Pages : 252
Price : RM 46.00
ISBN : 978-967-491-004-4
Year : 2020 (Second Reprint) The urban traffic system constitutes a group of
Pages : 320 interdependent and interrelated traffic, and related
Price : RM 50.00 components which are intended to form a unified entity
to accomplish smooth, orderly and safe movement of
Many books have been written on the principles of vehicles in an urban area. Trip attractions at urban areas
curriculum, its foundations, theories, designs, practices are normally very high due to high density commercial
and issues. However, these curriculum foundations and and business land uses. As a result, the increasing
theories are largely based on Western ideas knowledge number of vehicles especially private cars travelling
whose foundations is liberal and secular. Although towards city areas has caused tremendous pressure on
knowledge has been variously classified by great Muslim the limited road and related infrastructure, especially in
scholars, there is a dearth of curriculum texts based on the urban areas. Increase in traffic congestion, environmental
Islamic epistemological framework. This book was written pollution, travel time, discomfort and inconveniences, and
to fill this vacuum. The first part discusses the principles decrease in speed are the common and regular effects
and philosophical foundations of an Islamic education resulting from increased traffic volume and limited road
curriculum, and then moves on to deal with the problems infrastructure. Understanding the effects of increase in
of liberal and secular education, focusing specifically on traffic trends on road and related infrastructure is, thus,
dualistic educational systems that have beleaguered important. This book emphasizes on the characteristics
Muslim nations worldwide. As a resolution, several of traffic components which include road network and
curriculum models of higher education are examined. road geometrics traffic volume, speed, road intersection,
The second part examines the issues with traditional road capacity, level of service, parking, traffic control
teaching methods applied in Muslim education in light of devices, road safety, traffic management measures and
globalization. The curriculum of teacher education and traffic calming. This book is expected to further strengthen
Islamic Studies programs are evaluated. The third part the literature on each of the selected traffic components,
discusses the necessity of reclaiming Islam’s pragmatism especially in the local context. It is also expected to
and reviving philosophy and philosophical inquiry in benefits students, especially in higher learning institutions
Islamic education as a prerequisite for the advancement and professionals in the field of urban traffic system, traffic
of critical and creative thinking. Finally, the fourth part planning and engineering, to understand the methodology
examines in depth the identity issues affecting Muslims involved to collect and analyse traffic data to arrive at
as minorities in multicultural settings, and the nature and important decisions related to smooth, orderly and safe
role of women education vis-à-vis men education. The traffic movements.
objectives of the book will have been attained if readers
reach a better understanding of the principles and issues,
and are moved to act and transform Islamic education.
List of Award Winning Books
No. Year Book Title Authors/Editors Categories Award By
1 2021 Anak-anak di Lorong Kami Penulis asal: Naquib Buku Terjemahan
2 2021 Permisalan Dalam Al-Quran Buku Islamik Terbaik Anugerah Buku
Mahfouz Malaysia 2020
Penterjemah: Adli Anugerah Buku
Yaacob Negara 2020-2021
Rahmat Hidayat Lubis
& Gamal Abdul Nasir
3 2021 Islamic Financial System : Salina Kassim Buku Perniagaan & Anugerah Buku
Theory and Practice
Ekonomi (Ilmiah) Terbaik Negara 2020-2021
4 2021 Women in the House : Ummu Atiyah Ahmad Buku Sains Politik Anugerah Buku
Leadership in the Malaysian Zakuan Terbaik Negara 2020-2021
Rahmatan Lil 'Alamin Penyunting: Shukran Buku Islamik Terbaik Anugerah Buku
5 2021 dalam Konteks Masyarakat Abd Rahman & Negara 2020-2021
Haslina Ibrahim
6 2020 Pentafsiran Baharu Falsafah Penyunting: Dzulkifli Sijil Penghargaan Anugerah MAPIM-
Pendidikan Kebangsaan dan Abdul Razak & Karya Suntingan Terbaik KPT 2019
Pelaksanaannya Pasca 2020 Rosnani Hashim
(Sains Sosial dan
Internet Content Regulation: Sijil Penghargaan
Buku Ilmiah Terbaik
7 2020 Contemporary Legal and Mahyuddin Daud (Sains Sosial dan Anugerah MAPIM-
Regulatory Issues in the KPT 2019
Changing Digital Landscape
Pentafsiran Baharu Falsafah Penyunting: Dzulkifli Kategori Anugerah Anugerah Buku
Perdana Negara 2019
8 2019 Pendidikan Kebangsaan dan Abdul Razak &
Pelaksanaannya Pasca 2020 Rosnani Hashim
Edited by: Abdul
9 2019 Maqasid Al-Shariah: Based of Ghafar Ismail, Salman Buku Perniagaan dan Anugerah Buku
Socio Economic Development Syed Ali & Achmad Ekonomi (Ilmiah) Terbaik Negara 2019
10 2019 The Law on Domestic Daleleer Kaur Buku Sains Sosial Anugerah Buku
Violence in Malaysia Randawar & Najibah Terbaik Negara 2019
Mohd Zin
11 2019 Through the Years : “The IIUM Buku Mewah Terbaik Anugerah Buku
Debate Legacy of IIUM” Negara 2019
12 2019 Regulation & Supervision of Editors: Abdul Ghafar Hadiah Utama Anugerah MAPIM-
Islamic Microfinance Ismail & Abdelrahman Karya Suntingan Terbaik KPM 2018
Elzahi Saaid Ali (Sains Sosial dan
International Journal of Mohd. Nizam Barom Sijil Penghargaan Anugerah MAPIM-
13 2019 Economics, Management and Makalah Jurnal Terbaik KPM 2018
Saadeldin Mansour
Accounting (Sains Sosial dan Anugerah Buku
Edited by: Abdul Kemanusiaan) Negara 2018
14 2018 Dirasat fi ilm al-Jurh wa al- Ghafar Ismail &
Ta’dil: Tadribat wa Tatbiqat Abdelrahman Elzahi Buku Umum Terbaik
(Kategori Kewangan
Saaid Ali
15 2018 Regulation & Supervision of Buku Umum Terbaik Anugerah Buku
Islamic Microfinance (Kategori Kewangan Negara 2018
16 2017 Indecent Assault Under the Mohamad Ismail Buku Undang-undang Anugerah Buku
Criminal Justice System Mohamad Yunus Jenayah Terbaik Negara 2017
17 2017 Sejarah Masyarakat Cham Mohamad Zain Musa Buku Sains Politik Anugerah Buku
18 2016 & Nik Hasan Suhaimi Terbaik (Kategori Negara 2017
19 2016 Muslim Women Promoting Pengajian Tinggi)
Peace Nik Abdul Rahman Anugerah Buku
Zaleha Kamaruddin & Buku Sains Politik Negara 2016
Islamization of Modern Abdul Rashid Moten Terbaik
Science and its Philosophy Anugerah Buku
Muhammad Mumtaz Buku Islamik Terbaik Negara 2016
Ali (Kategori Pengajian
20 2015 Introduction to Medical Zainul Ibrahim Buku Umum Terbaik Anugerah Buku
Imaging Zainuddin (Teknikal) Negara 2015
21 2015 Architecture and Society Spahic Omer Buku Islamik Terbaik Anugerah Buku
Some Lessons on Muslim (Kategori Pengajian Negara 2015
Architecture from India Tinggi) Anugerah Buku
Negara 2014
22 2014 Issues of Islamization of Muhammad Mumtaz Buku Umum Terbaik
Human Knowledge Ali (Pemikir Islam Anugerah Buku
Kontemporari) Negara 2014
23 2014 Diwan Ar-Rahalah Ibn Jubair Munjit Mustafa Buku Umum Terbaik Anugerah Buku
Al-Andalusi (Kategori Bahasa Arab) Negara 2014
24 2014 IIUM: The Premier Global Zaleha Kamaruddin & Buku Umum Terbaik
Islamic University Abdul Rashid Moten (Kategori Korporat)
Pendekatan Mudah Belajar Ilmu Mustalah Hadis Alam Melayu merupakan rantau yang terpinggir dalam
Penulis asal: Mahmud al-Tahhan pengajian peradaban Islam meskipun ia mempunyai lebih
Penterjemah: Muhammad Hanief Awang Yahaya ramai umat Islam berbanding dengan pelusuk lain dalam
dunia Islam. Ia menerima Islam sangat awal dalam sejarah
ISBN : 978-967-491-063-1 Islam khususnya selepas kejatuhan dan penindasan orang
Tahun : 2021 Islam di Baghdad pada sekitar tahun 1258M. Masyarakat
Halaman : 244 Melayu mengalu-alukan ketibaan orang Arab Islam dan
Harga : RM 70.00 mereka telah memeluk Islam secara aman. Mereka
menyerap budaya baharu yang membantu mereka
Hadis ialah sumber kedua ajaran Islam selepas al- untuk memajukan lagi budaya mereka, meninggalkan
Quran, ia merupakan pedoman sekali gus pentafsir dan mitos dan kepercayaan karut dan menyerap budaya
petunjuk praktikal ajaran Islam. Para ulama sepanjang baharu yang lebih mementingkan literasi dan penulisan.
zaman telah memberikan sumbangan yang begitu besar Justeru, adalah satu kesilapan yang besar apabila orang
dalam memastikan hadis-hadis nabawi terjaga dari sudut Melayu dianggap sebagai bangsa yang tidak mempunyai
Riwayah dan Dirayah. Selain daripada menjaga aspek budaya yang tinggi kerana dibuktikan sebaliknya melalui
kesahihan riwayat para ulama juga bertungkus-lumus karya-karya mereka sendiri termasuk para pemikir yang
menjaga kesahihan kefahaman terhadap hadis. Dalam dinukilkan dalam buku ini. Hubungan dengan Islam telah
proses tersebut muncul cabang ilmu daripada bidang mencetuskan proses Islamisasi bemula dengan Islamisasi
‘Ulum al-Hadith yang dinamakan sebagai Ilmu Mustalah sakhsiah, cara hidup, bahasa dan akhirnya pandangan
al-Hadith atau terjemahan literalnya Ilmu Peristilahan alam. Hal ini merupakan pemodenan alam Melayu yang
dalam Bidang Hadis. Buku ini sudah sangat terkenal sebenar dalam konteks penghijrahan daripada mitos
dalam dunia akademik sebagai antara rujukan utama and kepercayaan tahyul kepada pemikiran rasional.
dalam bidang pengajiannya di seluruh dunia. Ini adalah Perbezaan dengan kebangkitan Barat adalah mereka
kerana keluasan cakupan dan sistematika penulisannya ini tidak menjadi sekular dan tidak meninggalkan asas
yang membahaskan definisi, kedudukan, perkembangan metafizik yang terkandung dalam Islam. Sebaliknya, para
dan pembukuan hadith Rasulullah SAW. Seterusnya karya sarjana Melayu ini menganggap metafizik Islam sebagai
ini membahaskan tentang Ilmu Rijal atau Rawi, Sanad, satu keperluan bagi kemajuan dan akar nilai etika mereka.
al-Jarh wa al-Ta‘dil, Gharib al-Hadith, ‘Ilal al-Hadith,
Mukhtalaf al-Hadith juga istilah-istilah berkaitan dengan Undang-undang Keganasan Rumah Tangga di
syarat penerimaan sesuatu riwayat hadith termasuk Malaysia
Ilmu Takhrij al-Hadith dan persoalan seputarnya. Karya Penulis asal: Daleleer Kaur Randawar & Najibah Mohd Zin
ini bertujuan melahirkan seorang ahli ilmu syariat yang Penterjemah: Wardati Md. Sheriff
juga menguasai Ilmu Hadith sehingga tahu membezakan
kriteria Hadith Maqbul dan Mardud, Hadith Sahih, Hasan, ISBN : 978-967-491-082-2
Da‘if dan Mawdu‘. Tahun : 2021
Halaman : 237
Harga : RM 140.00
Memugar Semula Tradisi Intelektual di Alam Melayu Buku Undang-undang Keganasan Rumah Tangga
Penyunting asal: Rosnani Hashim di Malaysia ini membincangkan mengenai jenayah
Penterjemah: Rahimah Embong & Rosnani Hashim keganasan rumah tangga oleh orang Islam dan bukan
Islam di Malaysia. Umumnya ia berdasarkan Akta
ISBN : 978- 967- 491- 074-7 Keganasan Rumah Tangga 1994 dan beberapa undang-
Tahun : 2021 undang tambahan lain. Dengan berlakunya perubahan
Halaman : 328 undang-undang dalam bidang ini, penting untuk buku
Harga : RM 80.00
ini menjelaskan mengenai pindaan dan perkembangan Majdulin
terkini, sama ada dari aspek pelaksanaan atau undang- Penulis: Mustafa Lutfi Al Manfaluti
undang kes. Buku ini menerangkan dengan jelas prinsip Penterjemah: Adli Yaacob
undang-undang Keganasan Rumah Tangga dalam aspek
perlindungan kepada mangsa. Rujukan silang juga dibuat ISBN : 978-967-491-047-1
dengan set undang-undang lain yang berkaitan dengan Tahun : 2020
keganasan rumah tangga yang mempengaruhi fungsi Halaman : 244
hukum ini. Analisis dan perbincangan yang diberikan Harga : RM 48.00
oleh penulis akan membantu pembaca memahami aspek
asas dan yang lebih rumit mengenai keganasan rumah Majdulin - sebuah novel percintaan dua insan yang tidak
tangga. Perbandingan dengan bidang kuasa tertentu direstui oleh keluarga dan terbelenggu oleh kelaziman
dipilih untuk memberikan pandangan dan mencadangkan adat. Cinta tulus dan murni Majdulin terhadap Stevan
pembaharuan yang diperlukan agar sesuai dengan arus itu terhalang dan berakhir dengan tragis. Stevan jejaka
kemodenan dan masyarakat yang berkembang. Buku ini yang dipandang rendah oleh keluarga Majdulin kerana
bertujuan untuk menyediakan sumber yang tidak ternilai perbezaan darjat serta dianggap tidak ada masa
buat para sarjana, pelajar, penyelidik dan pengamal hadapan. Keluarga Majdulin menerima Edward yang
undang-undang mengenai isu keganasan rumah tangga lebih setaraf dengan kedudukan mereka. Stevan dan
di Malaysia dan beberapa kes terpilih. Edward adalah kawan lama yang akrab. Maka berlakulah
konflik cinta segi tiga yang menjadikan Stevan sebagai
Zainab korban. Meskipun terjerat dalam perangkap percintaan
Penulis asal: Dr. Muhammad Husayn Haikal yang melukakan hati Majdulin dan Stevan, namun setiap
Penterjemah: Adli Yaacob insan ini masih waras dan menerima ketentuan takdir
dengan sikap yang terbuka. Novel ini pertama kali terbit
ISBN : 978 -967- 491- 051- 8 dalam bahasa Perancis pada 1832 oleh Jean-Baptiste
Year : 2020 Alphonse Karr dengan judul Sous les Tilleus bermaksud
Pages : 333 “Di Bawah Naungan Pohon Tilia.” Karya ini kemudian
Harga : RM 55.00 diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Arab oleh Mustafa Lutfi
AL Manfaluthi, seorang sasterawan terkemuka Mesir
Zainab sebuah novel yang mengisahkan kehidupan Zainab dengan menggunakan judul Majdulin.
yang berasal daripada sebuah keluarga petani miskin yang
mencintai Ibrahim, seorang pemuda yang juga datang Anak-anak di Lorong Kami
dari keluarga petani miskin. Walau bagaimanapun, selain Penulis: Naguib Mahfouz
Ibrahim, Zainab juga berdepan dengan kemunculan dua Penterjemah: Adli Yaacob
lagi lelaki yang juga berusaha untuk memikatnya. Lelaki
kedua, bernama Hamid, anak sulung seorang pemilik ISBN : 978-967-491-055-6
ladang yang kaya. Pemuda ketiga, Hassan, seorang petani Tahun : 2020
yang hidupnya lebih baik sedikit daripada Ibrahim. Walau Halaman : 524
bagaimanapun, Zainab dijodohkan oleh ayahnya dengan Harga : RM 60.00
lelaki kaya daripada tiga orang lelaki yang berusaha
menambat hatinya. Kisah ini dijalin oleh pengarangnya Novel terkenal Naguib Mahfouz ini telah menerima
dengan suasana dan kehidupan masyarakat desa yang sambutan yang luar biasa daripada para pembaca.
indah, tenteram dan aman damai di Mesir. Pada masa Akan tetapi, novel ini juga telah mengundang banyak
yang sama pengarang menyulam penceritaannya dengan kecaman daripada pembaca Islam. Isi dan jalan ceritanya
perubahan nilai budaya masyarakat di pedalaman negara
Mesir yang bergerak ke arah pemodenan.
mempersendakan Allah dan Rasulullah namun pada masa pengajian terjemahan, menjadikan himpunan makalah ini
yang sama membela Iblis. Ceritanya dipersembahkan sesuatu yang tidak dapat tidak mesti dimiliki oleh mereka
dengan penuh kesenian di samping penulisnya yang ingin meneroka ruang penyelidikan kala kini dan
memasukkan mesej-mesej tertentu secara halus. Penulis tersemasa dalam pendidikan penterjemah. Don Kiraly,
telah menampilkan satu idea yang tulen, itulah barangkali University of Mainz, Germany.
yang menjadikan novel ini ‘istimewa’. Ceritanya berkisar
‘di lorong ini’ yang merupakan perumpaan untuk ‘dunia Penyelidikan sebagai sebuah bidang dalam pendidikan
ini’ dengan watak-wataknya seperti Idris, Adham, Kasim, penterjemahan dan interpretasi semakin mendapat
Umayma, serta beberapa lagi watak lain. Naguib Mahfouz tumpuan dan perhatian sejak beberapa tahun
mengaitkan kisah yang ditulis dalam novel ini dengan kebelakangan ini, sejajar dengan berkembangnya
kisah al-Quran, tetapi dari sisi yang lain beliau telah profesionalisme sektor pengantara bahasa yang semakin
mendatangkan jalan cerita yang berbeza dengan apa menekankan perlunya pekerja mempunyai repertoire
yang terdapat dalam al-Quran. Inilah kebijaksaan Naguib bahasa yang lebih luas. Trend ini jelas terbukti dalam
Mahfouz sebagai seorang novelis. Dalam al-Quran, Nabi buku yang menghimpunkan makalah berkenaan isu dan
Adam dan Hawa dihalau dari syurga kerana digoda oleh aspek pedagogi dalam pelbagai ranah penterjemahan dan
Iblis sehingga memakan buah khuldi, sebaliknya dalam interpretasi. Para penyumbang makalah juga merupakan
novel ini Adham dan Umayma dihalau dari rumah agam itu warga global yang membincangkan isu pengajaran,
kerana dihasut oleh Idris sehingga melihat buku rahsia di penilaian, profesionalisme dan kompetensi dalam latar
bilik Gebelawi. Terdapat banyak persamaan pada watak, situasi pendidikan dan linguistik yang pelbagai.
latar dan plot novel ini dengan kisah al-Quran. Penulis
telah mengambil satu pendekatan yang berbeza dari The Ashes of Hiroshima
cerita yang difahami oleh kita sebagai Muslim. Ini adalah Author: Othman Puteh
satu helah bijaksana yang diambil oleh penulis bagi Translator: Atikah Halim
mempertahankan diri tatkala beliau didakwa menghina
Islam. ISBN : 978-967-491-070-9
Year : 2020
Pengajian Berterusan Bidang Penterjemahan dan Pages : 96
Kejurubahasaan Harga : RM 25.00
Penyunting asal: John Kearns
Penterjemah: Noor Ida Ramli A young Malay man had been exposed to the atomic
bomb in Hiroshima but turned out fine! At 8.15am on
Penyunting asal: John Kearns August 6, 1945, Abd. Razak Abd. Hamid was in the
Hiroshima University lecture room. Suddenly, a blinding
Penterjemah : Noor Ida Ramli flash of light brighter than the sun swept across his eyes.
In a split second the university building was left in ruins
ISBN : 978-967-491- and Abd. Razak had fallen into unconsciousness. Once
he began to stir a little, Razak and Pangeran Yusof, the
060-0 young man from Brunei got themselves out of the rubble.
What did they see outside? As far as the eye could see,
Tahun : 2020 there was nothing left, the city of Hiroshima was swept
away. The buildings were razed to the ground. Humans
Halaman : 301 were dying here and there. Those who had survived do
not look like humans, their skin peeled off exposing the
Harga : RM 180.00 the crimson flesh. People were screaming all over the
place seeking for help and begging for water. From that
Buku ini merupakan himpunan penulisan para ilmuwan
dalam pengajian penterjemahan, merangkumi kedua-
dua kumpulan penulis iaitu ahli ilmu yang tersohor dan
penyelidik yang sedang meningkat naik. Kepelbagaian
yang menyeluruh berkenaan kaedah-kaedah
penyelidikan yang inovatif telah ditampilkan dengan
baik, malah perbezaan serta keunikan telah diserasikan
dengan keterangkuman yang terjalin dalam ruang lingkup
moment onwards, Abd. Razak had had his fair share of Merintis Perjalanan: Keunggulan Universiti Islam
traumatic, disheartening and terrifying experience. He Antarabangsa Malaysia
began to gather the ashes of the lives of his friends and Penulis asal: Dzulkifli Abdul Razak
acquaintances while helping and rescuing other victims. Penterjemah: Noor Ida Ramli
This is a story of the horrible, grief-stricken, wretched and
tearful life experiences. In this dire situation the young ISBN : 978-967-491-067-9
Malay man picked himself up and kept living his life with Tahun : 2020
his body remains intact. What a wondrous miracle of life! Halaman : 83
This is a story that stood the test of time... a young Malay Harga : RM 72.00
man who experienced atomic disaster but survived the
whole ordeal. You should read this story because there is Buku ini berkenaan Universiti Islam Antarabangsa
no other book like this one! Malaysia (UIAM) yang dikenali sebagai Taman Ilmu dan
Budi beserta ciri-ciri kepelbagaian dimensinya. Matlamat
Naskhah dari Accra buku ini adalah untuk memugar kembali harapan
Penulis asal: Paulo Coelho terhadap Universiti ini ketika ditubuhkan 35 tahun yang
Penterjemah: Irni Fazrita Farid lalu sebagai sebuah Universiti Islam Antarabangsa
Malaysia. Tema yang menjadi fokus ialah PERUBAHAN
ISBN : 978-967-491-069-3 dan objektifnya adalah untuk membina strategi bagi
Tahun : 2020 memastikan Universiti ini benar-benar ‘MERINTIS
Halaman : 154 PERJALANAN’. Perubahan yang dititikberatkan bermula
Harga : RM 80.00 dengan integriti sebagai salah satu nilai budi yang sangat
erat dengan perkembangan masyarakat. Sebenarnya,
Novel Naskhah dari Accra ini ialah terjemahan yang Triple I-CE (Internationalisation, Integration, Islamisation
sah daripada edisi bahasa Inggeris berjudul Manuscript and Comprehensive Excellence) merupakan ilmu dan
Found in Accra terbitan Harper Collins Publishers. Karya budi bagi memupuk ‘Taman’ yang menjadi sumber
asli naskhah ini adalah dalam bahasa Portugis berjudul inspirasi, refleksi dan kesedaran. Terdapat beberapa
Manuscrito Encontrado em Accra (2012). Berputus asa strategi perubahan UIAM untuk berkembang menjadi
petanda orang yang kecundang manakala orang yang pohon utuh serta mengeluarkan hasil yang banyak dan
sebaliknya adalah pemenang. Setelah tersembunyi tanpa dapat dikongsi dengan semua orang, berkhidmat dengan
diketahui sesiapa lebih 700 tahun, terbongkar sebuah tujuan yang baik serta menjadi rahmat bagi seluruh alam
manuskrip yang mengandungi jawapan bagi persoalan- dengsn kata lain menjadi raḥmatan lil ‘ālamīn. Pohon
persoalan terakhir sebuah bandar. Berabad sebelumnya, yang baik adalah pohon yang mampu menaungi semua
pada malam pencerobohan Accra warga penduduknya orang daripada kelelahan dan tekanan hidup. Oleh itu,
berhimpun dan seorang lelaki berdiri di hadapan mereka pohon yang baik seharusnya segar dan mekar serta
lantas mengajak berkongsi rasa ketakutan mereka agar kuat untuk membolehkan semua kebaikan berkembang
mungkin dia menawarkan penawar hati dan harapan. setiap hari. Warga Universiti haruslah berusaha secara
Wawasannya yang luar biasa mengenai keberanian, berterusan bagi memastikan pohon ini memberi kebaikan
kesendirian, kesetiaan dan kehilangan telah ditranskripsi kepada alam. Ini memerlukan Universiti menjadi benar-
sebagai warisan generasi seterusnya. Penjelajahan benar berautonomi dan semua warganya sedar diri dan
abadi dan berkuasa untuk perkembangan peribadi, berdisiplin dengan amanah yang dipertanggungjawabkan.
kebijaksanaan setiap hari, dan kegembiraan hati. Warga UIAM mestilah bekerjasama antara satu sama
lain di peringkat individu, jabatan dan kuliyyah serta
berkongsi pengetahuan demi pembangunan lestari bagi
menghasilkan graduan yang seimbang dan harmoni.
Biografi Ho Chi Minh Management of Halal Food Quality
Penterjemah: Noor Ida Ramli Author: Norazilawati Md Dahlal
Translator: Yumi Zuhanis Has-Yun Hashim
ISBN : 978-967-491-076-1
Tahun : 2021 ISBN : 978-967-491-073-0
Halaman : 202 Year : 2021
Harga : RM 80.00 Pages : 85
Harga : RM 30.00
Ho Chi Minh (1890-1969) merupakan seorang pemimpin Management of Islamic-based development is a new
revolusi Vietnam. Beliau berkhidmat sebagai Presiden mechanism in quality management including halal food
Republik Demokratik Vietnam dari tahun 1946 hingga quality. Considering the issue of integrity in halal food-
1969. Beliau kemudian dilantik menjadi Perdana Menteri quality management, efforts to empower the economy of
negara tersebut sejak penubuhannya pada 1945 hingga the country through halal food are faced with obstacles and
1955. Beliau merupakan tokoh penting bagi Tentera constraints. This book highlights issues commonly found
Rakyat Vietnam dan Viet Cong semasa meletusnya in the management field. This is seen important as those
Perang Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh dianggap sebagai pahlawan in the management of halal food quality are sometimes
terhebat dalam kalangan bangsa Vietnam atas jasanya trapped in issues that can tarnish Islam. The production of
memperjuangkan kemerdekaan dan penyatuan Vietnam. foods that are not pure in nature (halal status not genuine)
Bandar Raya Saigon di Vietnam Selatan yang ditakluk can also have a negative effect on the morals and souls
pihak Utara pimpinannya pada tahun 1975 dinamakan of Muslims. Recognising the fact that the development of
semula sebagai Bandar Raya Ho Chi Minh sebagai the food industry has been dominated by non-Muslims,
mengenang jasanya. how can halal food-quality management be implemented
in keeping with the true Islamic essence? This work is a
small contribution, derived from findings of a theoretical-
based research, to the implementation of Halal Standard
MS1500:2009. To meet the needs of the food quality
system and the requirements of Muslims, a new approach
is introduced in this book through the Islamic tasawur as
the mould of Islamic-based development management
which presents a more holistic and comprehensive
Backlist Titles
No. Al-Quran Year Authors / Editors ISBN Price
1 Al-Qur'an Al-Karim Dan Terjemahan 2017 Yayasan Restu 9789675296062 120.00
2 The Holy Qur'an Text And 2008 Yayasan Restu 9789834022990 100.00
No. Cataloging Year Authors / Editors ISBN Price
Arfah Md Isa, Noraini
ICSI IIUM Library Classification Mukhtar, Siti Aidah
1 System For Knowledge Resources 2021 Rabingan, Rasyidah 9789674910792 250.00
On Islam (Hard Cover) Mohd Daud, Latifah
Arfah Md Isa, Noraini
ICSI IIUM Library Classification Mukhtar, Siti Aidah
2 System For Knowledge Resources 2021 Rabingan, Rasyidah 9789674910785 200.00
On Islam (Soft Cover) Mohd Daud, Latifah
No. Translation Books Year Authors / Editors ISBN Price
1 Majdulin 2020 Mustafa Lutfi Al 9789674910471 48.00
2 Zainab 2020 Muhammad Husayn 9789674910518 55.00
3 Anak-anak di Lorong Kami 2020 Naquib Mahfouz 9789674910556 60.00
4 The Ashes Of Hiroshima 2020 Othman Puteh 9789674910709 25.00
5 Naskhah Dari Accra 2020 Paulo Coelho 9789674910693 80.00
Merintis Perjalanan Keungulan
6 Universiti Islam Antarabangsa 2020 Dzulkifli Abdul Razak 9789674910679 72.00
7 Pengajian Berterusan Bidang 2020 John Kearns 9789674910600 180.00
Penterjemahan dan Kejurubahasan
8 Biografi Ho Chi Minh 2020 IIUM Press Translation 9789674910761 80.00
9 Management Of Halal Food Quality 2020 Norazilawati Md Dahlal 9789674910730 30.00
10 Memugar Semula Tradisi Intelektual 2021 Rosnani Hashim 9789674910747 80.00
di Alam Melayu
11 Pendekatan Mudah Belajar Ilmu 2021 Mahmud al-Tahhan 9789674910631 70.00
Mustalah Hadis
12 Undang-undang Keganasan Rumah 2021 Daleleer Kaur 9789674910822 140.00
Tangga Randawar & Najibah
Mohd Zin
No. Coffee Table Books Year Authors / Editors ISBN Price
Abdul Rashid Moten
The International Islamic University 9789674910440 120.00
1 Malaysia The Garden Of Knowledge 2020 Abdul Rashid Moten
And Virtue (Hard Cover) Zaleha Kamaruddin
The International Islamic University 9789674910358 80.00
2 Malaysia The Garden Of Knowledge 2020 Zaleha Kamaruddin &
Abdul Rashid Moten
And Virtue (Soft Cover)
Authors / Editors
3 Through the Years: The Debate 2018 9789674184667 100.00
Legacy of IIUM Dzulkifli Abdul Razak
4 Professor Emeritus Ahmad Ibrahim 2018 Dzulkifli Abdul Razak 9789674910051 110.00
Memorial Lectures
IIUM Press
5 IIUM: The Premier Global Islamic 2014 Dzulkifli Abdul Razak 9789674182700 150.00
University Mohd. Kamal Hassan
No. Islamization of Knowledge / Year Abdul Rashid Moten ISBN Price
Philosophy (RM)
Nor Aminah Kostor
Dzulkifli Abdul Razak dan
Mohammed Hussain
1 Percambahan Konsep Pengajian 2021 Ahmad 9789674911034 140.00
Tingginya (Hard Cover) Dzulkifli Abdul Razak,
Rosnani Hashim
Dzulkifli Abdul Razak dan
2 Percambahan Konsep Pengajian 2021 9789674910907 80.00
9789674911119 60.00
Tingginya (Soft Cover) 9789674911096 55.00
9789674910846 40.00
3 Stability of Family Institution in 2021 9789674910938 150.00
4 Leading for Sejahtera Humanising 2021
5 The Malay Concept of Sejahtera 2021
from an Islamic Perspective
Humanising Education Maqasid
6 al-Shari'ah and Sustainable 2021
7 Sustainable Development Projects 2021 9789674910839 130.00
By IIUM Administrators
Islam in the Malay World: Al-
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Pentafsiran Baharu Falsafah
9 Pendidikan Kebangsaan Dan 2020 9789674910594 95.00
Pelaksanaannya Pasca 2020 (Edisi
Semakan) (Hard Cover)
Pentafsiran Baharu Falsafah
10 Pendidikan Kebangsaan Dan 2020 Dzulkifli Abdul Razak, 9789674910570 70.00
Pelaksanaannya Pasca 2020 (Edisi Rosnani Hashim
Semakan) (Soft Cover)
11 Essay on Sejahtera : Concept, 2020 Dzulkifli Abdul Razak 9789674910617 50.00
Principle and Practice
12 Sains untuk Manusia 2020 Dzulkifli Abdul Razak, 9789674910464 30.00
Rosdiadee Nordin
13 Spirituality and Sustainability: 2020 Abdul Rashid Moten, 9789674910488 95.00
Experiences of the IIUM Nur Jannah Hassan,
Md. Mahmudul Hassan
14 Forty Hadith on Leading the Way 2020 Mohammed Farid Ali 9789674910563 66.50
Rahmat Hidayat Lubis,
15 Permisalan dalam Al-Quran 2020 Gamal Abdul Nasir 9789674910341 80.00
16 Islamization of Modern Science and 2019 Muhammad Mumtaz Ali 9789674184360 40.00
its Philosophy (Second Reprint)
17 Issues in Islamization of Human 2019 Muhammad Mumtaz Ali 9789674183141 40.00
Knowledge (Third Reprint)
The History & Philosophy of
18 Islamization of Knowledge (Fifth 2019 Muhammad Mumtaz Ali 9789675272677 40.00
19 Issues on Harmonization of Human 2016 Sayed Sikandar Shah 9789674184186 69.00
Rights in Islam Haneef, Najibah Mohd
Zin, Mek Wok Mahmud
The Islamic Epistemological
20 Worldview and Empirical Study of 2016 Masudul Alam 9789674184117 55.00
Socioeconomic Integration in the Choudhury
21 A Critical Survey of Islamization of 2014 Prof. Dr. Mohamed 9789675272004 44.00
Knowledge (Second Reprint) Aslam Haneef
22 Islamization of Human Sciences 2009 Editor: Mohd. Yusof 9789675272080 48.00
(Second Edition) Hussain
No. Engineering Year Authors / Editors ISBN Price
Ataur Rahman, Rafia
1 Green Transportation System 2020 Afroz, Abdul Hassan 9789674910211 120.00
2 Solar Energy Fundamentals 2019 Othman O.Khalifa, 9789674184827 50.00
Inverters And Systems Musse Mohamud
Ahmed, Sheroz Khan
Pezhman Taherei
3 Physical Modelling of Scouring at 2017 Ghazvinei, Ata Amini, 9789674183882 60.00
Abutment Bridge Roslan Hashim,
Shervin Moramedi
4 Applied Information Theory and 2016 Othman O. Khalifa 9789674184087 65.00
5 Introduction to Lattice Statistical 2016 Nasir Ganikhodjaev; 9789674184278 60.00
Mechanics Mansoor Saburov;
Torla Hassan
6 Physical modelling of Local Scouring 2016 Seyed Ata Amini, 9789674183899 62.00
at Complex Bridge Piers Pezhman Taherei
Ghazvinei, Shervin
Motamedi, Roslan
7 Computational Methods and Statistic 2015 Faiz Ahmed Mohamed 9789674183189 65.00
Elfaki, Zaharah Wahid
Othman O. Khalifa,
8 Advancement in Computer and 2014 A.H.M. Zahirul Alam, 9789674182830 70.00
Communication Engineering Amir A. Shafie and
Wajdi F. Al-Khateeb
9 Introduction to Machine Element 2011 Waleed F. Faris 9789675272936 27.00
Design for Engineers
10 Wavelet Analysis, concepts & 2010 Othman Omran Khalifa 9789675272660 48.00
applications in image processing
11 A First Course in Control Systems 2009 Waleed F. Faris & Sany 9789833855650 45.00
Izan Ihsan
Abdi Omar Shuriye,
12 Ethics of Engineering Education 2009 Ahmad Faris Ismail, 9789833855674 45.00
Azweeda Dahalan
13 Fundamental of Fluid Mechanics 2009 Waleed F. Faris et. al. 9789833855889 32.00
14 Experimental Design for Scientists & 2008 Mustofa Usman, Faiz 9833855346 49.00
Engineers A.M. Elfaki, Jamal I.
No. English Language & Literature Year Authors / Editors ISBN Price
A Guide for English Placement Nesamalar 9789674184247 15.00
1 Examination Writing Papers (Second 2019 Panjalingam 45.00
2 Muslim-Majority Asian Languages 2015 Haja Mohideen 9789674183905 40.00
Contribution to English Mohamed Ali 65.00
3 Language & literature in research & 2013 Haja Mohideen 9789674182878 50.00
education: An Islamic perspective Mohamed Ali &
Normala Othman 16.00
Nor Faridah Abdul 50.00
4 Imagined Communities Revisited 2012 Manaf & Mohammad 9789674182151
A. Quayum
5 The Debris of A War & other poems 2010 Aladdin Assaiqeli 9789675272653
Editor: Normala
6 English & Asia 2009 Othman & 9789833855988
7 Writing a Nation, Essays on 2009 Mohammad A. 9789833855940
Malaysian Literature Quayum & Nor Faridah
Abdul Manaf
8 A Meta-Analysis of Research in 2005 Prof. Dr. Nuraihan Mat 9832957230
Computer Assisted Language Daud
9 An Islamic Interpretation of Tragic 2004 Nor Faridah Abdul 9832957257
heroes in Shakespearean Tragedies Manaf
Colonial to Global, Malaysian Nor Faridah Abdul
10 Women’s Writing in English 1940s – 2003 Manaf & Mohammad 9839727834
1990s (Second Edition) A.Quayum
11 Kaedah-Kaedah Tasrif Bahasa Arab 2021 Badri Najib Zubir 9789833855834 45.00
Al-Lisaniyat Al-Tatbiqiyat Al-Hadithat Asem Shehadeh Ali,
12 lil Mutakhasisin fi A-Arabiyah 2021 Majdi Ibrahim, Hanafi 9789674910891 65.00
Wadabha: Madkhal Wasafiyun Dollah, Yasir Ismail
13 Madkhal Ila Dirasat Wujuh Al-'Ijaz 2020 Radwan Jamal al- 9789674910426 55.00
Al-Qurani Athrash
Madkhal Ila Al-Alsuniyyah Al-
14 Hadithah Litalabah Al-Marhalah Al- 2020 Asem Shehadeh Ali 9789674910372 40.00
Jami'iyyah Al-Ula
15 Qadhaya Tarjamah al-Qur'an al- 2019 Akmal Khuzairy Abd. 9789674910150 55.00
Qarim Fi Dhaw' Dirasat al-Tarjamah Rahman
Abdul Hamid Ahmad
16 Miftah Al-Lughah Al-Arabiyah 2019 Hanado Az-Zawi, 9789674184698 30.00
Solehah Yaacob
17 Sharh Manzumat Wan Ahmad Al- 2019 Mohd Puzhi Usop, 9789674910204 40.00
Fathoni Hussein Mohd Gamiel,
Zairul Mat Zain
18 Uslub Al-Iltifat Wa Dalalatuhu Fi Al- 2018 Ma'ahad Mohtar 9789674184797 55.00
Qur'an Al-Karim: Dirasat Tatbiqiyah
Ta'lim Al-Lughah Al-Arabiyah Mohamed Eltaib
19 Linnatiqin Bi-Lughat Ukhra: Al- 2017 9789674184285 60.00
Qiraah Lilmustawa Al Mutaqaddim
Yasir Bin Ismail ,
20 Tasrif Al-Asma' Tadribat Tatbiqiyyah 2017 Muhammad Sabri Bin 978-9674184018 50.00
21 Ilm al lughah an nafs lil dirasat al 2016 Asem Shehadeh Ali 9789674184506 55.00
22 Ta'lim Al-Syair Al Arabi Min Diwan 2016 Faisal Muftah El 9789674184537 60.00
Taranim As Shaji Haddad
23 Muraja'at Fi Al-Naqd Al-Adaby Al- 2016 Nasr El-Din Ibrahim 9789674184520 55.00
Qadym Ahmed Hussein 9789674184032 70.00
Dirasat Ma'jamiyyah wa lughawiyyah Hanafi Dollah & Nur
Azalina Abdullah
24 ta qababuliyyah li al-Dorisin fi al- 2016
Jami'at al-Maliziyyah (Second
25 Mawsu'at at-Tullab al-Muhtasara lil 2016 Abdur-Razzak Abdullah 9785745184955 65.00
'Aqaid wal Adyan Hash (Co-published)
26 Nazariyat al-Istikhlaf fi al-Amwal fi 2016 Mohd Salleh Hamdi 9789777172653 50.00
al-Iqtisad al-Islami (Co-Published)
27 Namthu al-Lughah fi Ilmi al-Lughah 2016 Shamsul Jamili Yeob & 9789674184315 55.00
Al-Ijtimal madkhal Tadbiqi Li Tholibati Asem Shehadeh Ali
28 Al-Mabsut Fi Qawa'id An-Nahw 2016 Solehah Hj. Yaacob 9789674184292 60.00
Syurukhat Wa Tadribat
Al Madkhal Tadris al Lughah al Gamal Nasir Zakaria 9789674184322 65.00
29 Arabiah Linnatiqin BigharihaDirasah 2016
Al-Lisaniyyat al-Tatbiqiyyah al- Asem Syahadah Ali
30 Hadithoh lil Mutakhassisina fi al- 2015 Hanafi Dollah Majdi 9789674184063 70.00
Arabiyyah wa Adabiha Ibrahim Yasir Ismail
31 Al-Mar'ah al-Muslimah wa al- 2015 Saad Eldin Mansour 9789674184049 55.00
Mustajaddat al-Muasirah: Rukyah Mohammad
min Nafizah al-Sunnah
32 Dirasah al-Haiz al-Iqtisadi Li Takwin 2015 Amal Syutri 9789674184056 65.00
al-Mihni Bi al-Jazair
33 Ab’ad al-I’lamiyah Wa Atharuha Fi 2010 Muhammad Abdul 9789675272691 48.00
Talqin Nas Rahman Ibrahim
34 Al-Adab al-Islami: Dirasah Nazoriyah 2008 Nasruddin Ibrahim 9789833855292 42.00
Wa Tatbiqiyah Ahmed Hussin
Al-Ahraf al-Mushbihah Bil Fi’il Fil
35 Quran al-Karim, Dirasah Sorfiyah Wa 2004 Abu Saiid Muhammah 9832957168 38.00
Nahwiyah (Particles Similar to the Abdul Majid
verb in the Holy Quran)
Al-Amthilah as-Sorfiyah at- Abdul Razak Abdul 9789675272387 20.00
36 Tatbiqiyah, Tasrifan Mutthoridan Wa 2009 Rahman As-Sa’udi
Al-Andalus: Abhas Wa Maqalat
37 Fil Adab Wa Naqdihi (Articles and 2009 Munjid Mustafa Bahjat 9789675272356 44.00
Essays In Literature and Criticism)
Al-‘Awlamah al-Lughawiyyah: Ahmed Shehu 9789833855537 48.00
38 Taba‘at Hadariyyah Li al-Lughah al- 2009 Abdussalam
39 Al-Islam Wal Adab al-Malayuwi, 2008 Rahmah Ahmad H. 9733855414 54.00
Tahlil lil Naqashaat Fi Maliziya Osman & Adli Yaacob
40 Al-Lisaniyyat al-Muasirah al- 2013 Asem Shehadeh Ali 9789674182649 36.00
Muyassarah: Madkhal Wasofiy
41 Al-Lisaniyyat al-Mu’asarah Lil Darisin 2009 Asem Shehadeh Saleh 9789675272141 38.00
Fil Jami’at al-Maliziyyah Ali
42 Al-Lughawiyat al-‘Aamah, Madkhal 2009 Ahmad Shehu 9832957818 42.00
Islami Wa Maudhu’aat Mukhtarah Abdussalam
43 An-Nahu al-Arabi al-‘Asri ash-Shamil 2004 Abu Saaid Muhammad 983972777X 35.00
Min Khilal al-Quran al-Karim (Arabic Abdul Majid
Grammar Vol.1)
44 An-Nahu al-Arabi ash-Shamil Min 2005 Abu Saaid Muhammad 9832957397 35.00
Khilal al-Quran al-Karim, al-Juzu Ath- Abdul Majid
45 An-Naqd al-Manhaji Fi Kutub 2008 Nasreddin Ibrahim 9833855360 48.00
Thobaqat ash-Shu’ara Ahmed Hussein
46 An-Naqd Fil ‘Asri Al-Jahili Bayna 2008 Nasreddin Ibrahim 9789833855490 52.00
az-Zatiyah Wal Maudhu’iyah (The Ahmed Hussein
Criticism Between Jahili Era)
At-Tarjumah Baina al-Arabiyah Wal
47 Malayuwiyah, an-Nazoriyat Wal 2009 Majdi Haji Ibrahim 9789675272424 43.00
48 Athar al-Qiraat al-Quraniyah Fi ad- 2009 Abu Saaid Muhd Abdul 9789675272202 46.00
Dalalah as-Soutiyah Majid & Abdul Rahman
49 Az-Zauzani Wa Manhajuhu Fi Sharh 2009 Arif Karkhi Abukhudairi 9789675272233 45.00
Shair al-Mutanabbi
Balaghah As An Instrument of
50 Quran Interpretation: A Study of al- 2008 Badri Najib Zubir 9789833855452 41.00
51 Dalil at-Thulab Fi Lughah al- 2009 Muhammad 9789675272301 25.00
Bahas al-‘Ilmi (Students’ Guide on Abdulrahman Ibrahim
Academic Research Language)
52 Dirasah Taqwimiyah Li Kitab al- 2008 Muhammad al-Baqir 9833855407 50.00
Arabiyah al-Ittisoliyah Lil Sanatil Ula Hj. Ya’qub
ath-Thanawiyah Bi Maliziya
53 Dirasat Mu'jamiyah Wa Lughawiyah 2011 Hanafi Dollah Al-Haj & 9789670225401 60.00
Taqabaliyah Lil Darisin Fil Jami'at Nur Azlina Abdullah
54 Diwan ar-Rahalah Ibnu Jubayr al- 2014 Munjid Mustaf Bahjat 9789674182519 35.00
55 Diwan Ibn al-Jannan al-Ansori al- 2005 Munjid Mustafa Bahjat 9832957419 28.00
56 Diwan Ibn al-Labbanah al-Andalusi 2006 Munjid Mustafa Bahjat 9832957824 40.00
57 Evaluation of Arabic Language 2008 Ibrahim Sulimen 9789833855377 47.00
Software Programme Ahmed
58 Fa’aliyyah Ilmu al-Lughah an-Nasi Fi 2013 Asem Shehadeh Ali 9789674182632 44.00
Tahlil Ma’hud al-Khitob al-Arabi
Fa’aliyah Thariqah al-Kalimah al- Mufidah Abdul Razak
59 Miftahiyah Fi Iktisab al-Mufradat al- 2013 & Muhammad Al-Baqir 9789674182434 40.00
Arabiyah Haji Yaacob
60 Foreign Literature in Arabic, A 2011 Arif Karkhi Abukhudairi 9789670225111 35.00
Personal Experience
‘Ilm an-Nahu al-Mutaqaddim Li
61 Aghrad ‘Alamiyah, Dirasah Fi al- 2004 Hanafi Hj. Dolah 9832957117 42.00
Jumlah al-Ismiyah Min Khilal al-
Quran al-Karim
Ishkaliyah al-Iltizam al-Islami Fi Dhu’
al-Qissah al-Arabiyah al-Hadithah: Nasr Eldin Ibrahim
Ahmad Hussien
62 Dirasah Naqdiyah Tahliliyah (The 2008 9789833855230 48.00
Problem of Islamic Commitment in
the Arabic Narrative Literature)
63 Ishkaliyah an-Nizam at-Ta’limi Fi al- 2006 Asem Shehadeh Ali 9833855016 45.00
‘Alam al-Islami
64 Kamus al-Khalil al-Islami (Arab – 2012 Hanafi Hj. Dollah 9789670225395 130.00
65 Ma’aruf al-Rasofiy: an-Naqd as- 2013 Munjid Mustafa Bahjat 9789670225128 45.00
Siyasi Wal Ijtimaie Fi Shi’irihi
66 Madkhal Ila ‘Ilm al-‘Arudh Wa al- 2008 Majdi Hj. Ibrahim 9789833855216 48.00
67 Maknaz al-Majazat al-Qur’aniyah 2009 Ahmad Shehu 9789675272363 45.00
68 Manahij al-Adab al-Islami ‘Inda al- 2009 Adli Yaaqub & Rahmah 9789833855933 55.00
Udaba al-Malayuwiyyin Wa al-‘Arab Ahmad Hj. Osman
Fi al-‘Asri al-Hadith
69 Miftah al-‘Arabiyah, al-Kitab al-Awwal 2011 Mohd Phuzi Usop 9789675272950 40.00
70 Miftah al-‘Arabiyah, al-Kitab ath- 2011 Nuruddin Ahmad 9789675272967 40.00
71 Muqaddimah Ila Fannil Tarjamah 2005 Muhammad al-Baqir hj. 9832957761 35.00
72 Muqaddimah Fi ‘Ilm Lughah at- 2010 Ahmed Shehu 9833855091 45.00
Tatbiqi Abdussalam
73 Muqaddimah Fi ‘Ilm al-Aswat, Kitab 2006 ‘Adil Ash-shaikh 983295729X 36.00
Manhaji Mubassit (Second Edition) Abdullah
Muqarrar Ta’alim al-Lughah al-
74 Arabiyah Linnatiqin Bighairiha, 2009 Nurul Huda Osman 9789675272127 25.00
Madkhal Taqwimi
Nazariyah al-Uslub al-Adabi ‘Inda
75 al-Imam Abdul Qahir al-Jurjani (The 2005 Nasreldin Ibrahim 9832957524 38.00
Literature Theory in The Writings of Ahmed Hussein
Abdul Qahir al-Jurjani)
76 Syuhada’ al-Aqsa Fi al-Adab 2009 Amani Muhammad 9789833855759 45.00
al-Islami al-Mu’asirah, Dirasah Abdul Fatah Sulaiman
Tahliliyah Naqdiyah
77 Ta’allum al-Lughah al-Arabiyah ‘Abar 2006 Ibrahim Sulaiman 9832957869 46.00
ash-Shabakah al-‘Alamiyah Ahmed Mukhtar
78 Ta’alim al-Lughah al-‘Arabiyah Li 2006 Ibrahim Sulaiman 9832957842 42.00
Aghrad ‘Ilmiyah Bi Kulliyyah at-Tibb Ahmed Mukhtar 5583389879
Ibrahim Suliman ISBN Price
9789674910501 (RM)
79 Ta’ullum al-Lughah Bimusa’adah al- 2008 Ahmed & Muhammad 9789674910037 46.00
Hasub ‘Ulama’ Wa Majhudat Feham Muhammad 9789674184179 70.00
9789674184261 55.00
Ghalib 60.00
No. Architecture/ Urban Planning/ Year Authors / Editors 70.00
Quantity Surveys 9789674184162
1 Urban Traffic System (Second 2020 Abdul Azeez Kadar 9789674183714
Edition) Hamsa 62.00
2 History And Theory Of Islamic 2019 Spahic Omer 9789674183301 60.00
Architecture 9789674184025 60.00
9789674183288 50.00
Jamilah Othman, 58.00
3 Asas Pembinaan Taman Terapeutik 2017 Nurhayati Abdul Malik,
Nor Adeena Raslee
4 Cost and Contract Administration in 2016 Mohd Fairullazi Ayob
Construction Divine Perspectives & Mohd Shariffuddin
Rashidi Othman,
Qurratu Aini mat Ali,
5 Landscape Plantarum in Islamic Built 2016 Farah Ayuni Mohd
Environment Hatta, Razanah
Ramya, Anis Fatihah
Abu Yazid
6 Malaysian Parks and Landscape 2016 Nurhayati Abdul Malek
Mariana Mohamed
7 Planning for a Place: From 2016 Osman, Rustam Khairi
Conceptual to Masterplan Zahari, Syahriah
Bachok, Mohd Zin
Spatial Decision Support For Urban Davide Geneletti; Alias
8 and Environmental Planning: A 2016 Abdullah; Norzailawati
Collection of Case Studies Mohd Noor
9 Aesthetics in Built Environment 2015 Jamilah Othman
10 Architecture and Society 2015 Spahic Omer
11 Malaysia Case Studies of Urban and 2015 Mariana Osman,
Regional Planning Rustam Khairi Zahari,
Syahriah Bachok
Noor Aziah Mohd
12 Methodologies in Architectural 2015 Ariffin, Mizanur Rashid 9789674183318 60.00
Research and Nurul Hamiruddin
Noor Aziah Mohd
13 The Life of Place: Spaces, Places 2015 Ariffin, Mizanur Rashid 9789674183325 50.00
and Narratives and Nurul Hamiruddin
14 Urban Public Space in Kuala Lumpur 2015 Mazlina Mansor, 9789674183523 38.00
Khalilah Zakaria, Nor
Zalina Harun
15 A Manual for Data Collection and 2014 Abdul Azeez Kadar 9789674183356 55.00
Analysis on Traffic and Transport Hamsa
Sector for Planning Studios
16 Aesthetics in Built Environment 2014 Jamilah Othman 9789674183301 60.00
17 The Process of Design Thesis for 2014 Nurhayati Abd 9789674183073 60.00
Landscape Architecture Malek, Zainul Mukrim
18 Istana Kuala Cegar: Nostalgic 2013 Abdul Razak Sapian 9789674182724 40.00
Splendor Behind a Humble Facade et al.
19 Rumah Tok Menteri II: A Continuation 2013 Abdul Razak Sapian 9789674182557 40.00
of Generations et al.
20 Studies in the Islamic Built 2013 Spahic Omer 9789674182564 60.00
Environment (Third Edition)
21 Urban Traffic System 2013 Abdul Azeez Kadar 9789674182571 46.00
Abdul Azeez Kadar
22 Telecommuting & Transportation: 2009 Hamsa & Wan Nurul 9789675272073 45.00
Relationship & Implications Mardiah Wan Mohd
23 The Origins & Functions of Islamic 2008 Spahic Omer 9833855209 47.00
Domestic Courtyards
The Origins & Significance of
24 Funerary Architecture in Islamic 2006 Spahic Omer 9832957702 48.00
A Study on Parking Space Utilization Abdul Azeez Kadar 9832957338 22.00
25 at the International Islamic University 2005 Hamsa
26 Issues in the History & Character of 2005 Spahic Omer 9832957494 49.00
the Islamic Built Environment
The Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) Spahic Omer 9789832957273 50.00
27 and Urbanization of Madinah (Third 2005
28 Studies in the Islamic Built 2004 Spahic Omer 9839727702 50.00
Environment (Second Edition) ISBN
Ismawi Zen 5.00
29 Relevance of Tawhidic Paradigm to 2002
Environmental Design Authors / Editors Price
Human Sciences (History/ Politics/ Mariam Adawiyah
No. Psychology/ Communication/ Year Dzulkifli, Nor Diana
Sociology etc.) Mohd Mahadin
Siti Aisyah Ibrahim
1 Contextualising Islam In 2021 9789674910525 50.00
Psychological Research Spahic
2 Humanising Education The Bosnian 2021 9789674910808 200.00
Experience in Malaysia (Hard Cover)
3 Humanising Education The Bosnian 2021 Siti Aisyah Ibrahim 9789674910778 120.00
Experience in Malaysia (Soft Cover) Spahic
4 Monograph On Selected Malay 2020 Mohamad @ Md.Som 9789832957027 70.00
Intellectuals (Second Reprint) Sujimon
Democratic Transition And
5 Constitutional Justice Post 2020 Iwan Satriawan, 9789674910310 85.00
Reformasi Constitutional Khairul Azmin Mokhtar
Adjudication In Indonesia
6 Media & Muslim Society (Third 2020 Editor: Mohd. Yusof 9789833855087 45.00
Reprint) Hussain
7 Women In The House: Leadership In 2019 Ummu Atiyah Ahmad 9789674910297 40.00
The Malaysian Parliament Zakuan
Spiritual Health Conceptual, Abdul Latif Abdul 9789674910167 50.00
8 Philosophical and Practical Aspects 2019 Razak
of Iman Restoration Therapy
9 Kampung Malays Surviving 2019 Abdul Rashid Moten, 9789674910143 75.00
Modernity Mohamed Ridza
10 A Journey Through Prose And 2018 Zurinah Hassan 9789834919801 35.00
Poetry (Hard Cover)
11 A Journey Through Prose And 2018 Zurinah Hassan 9789834919795 25.00
Poetry (Soft Cover)
12 Harmful Algae of Malaysia 2018 Normawaty 9789674184674 45.00
Mohammad Noor et al.
13 Success Stories of Malaysia’s Global 2018 Syukran Abdul 9789674184681 50.00
Reach and CLMV Programme Rahman and Munir