413 Al-Hulul Al-Shari'yyah Li Al- 2017 Mohd Mustafa Musa 978-967-418-897-9 190.00
Dicko, Hossam El Din 65.00
Duyun Al-Muta'thirah Fi Al- 115.00
Masarif Al-Islamiyyah 95.00
414 Al-Hadhana Fi Al-Fiqh Al- 2017 Nurul Syuhada, Abdul Bari 978-967-418-898-6 45.00
Islami Wa Qanun Al-Usrah Al- 95.00
Islamiyyah Fi Wilayah Kedah 120.00
415 Al-Huquq Al-Maliyyah Li Al- 2017 Miszairi Sitiris, Koutoub 978-967-418-899-3 135.00
Moustapha Sano
Mutalaqah Fi Qawanin Al-Usrah
Al-Islamiyyah Bi Malizya
416 Al-Jirahah Al-Tajmiliyyah Fi Al- 2017 Mardiah Saljuki, Hossam 978-967-418-900-6
El-Din Ibrahim Mohamed
Qanun Irani: Dirasah Fiqhiyyah
417 Al-Tawaruq Al-Masrafi Wa 2017 Subhanllah Muchtar, 978-967-418-901-3
Hossam El Din
Tatbiqatuh Fi Al-Masarif Al-
Islamiyyah: Bank Al-Rajihi Bi
Malizya Anmuzajan
418 Al-Tawjihat Al-Quraniyyah Fi 2017 Fatin Nur Syazana Aznan, 978-967-418-902-0
Raudlotul Firdaus Fatah
Islah Al-Tasawurat Al-Khatia: Al-
Maraa Al-Muslimah Fi Malizya
419 Al-Tafwidh Bi Al-Talaq Al-Mu'alaq 2017 Sharifah Nurul Huda Syed 978-967-418-903-7
Ab Latif, Abdul Bari Awang
Li Wuqu' Al-Dharar: Dirasah
Muqarinah Bi Qanun Al-Ahwal
Al-Shakhsiyyah Li Wilayah Kuala
Lumpur Al-Fidiraliyyah
420 Al-Tafriq Al-Qadhai Li 'Adam 2017 Miszairi Sitiris, Koutoub 978-967-418-904-4
Moustapha Sano
Al-Infaqfi Qanun Al-A'illah
A-Islamiyyah Bi Wilayah
421 Al-Tafriq Al-Qadhai Bayna Al- 2017 Hanifah Mazlan, Miszairi 978-967-418-905-1
Zawjayn Bi Sabab Dharb Al-
422 Al-Tatawur Al-Dalali Li Alfadh Al- 2017 Mohamed Ali Omar 978-967-418-906-8
Shiidow, Ahmad Shehu 978-967-418-907-5
Hayat Al-Ijtimai'yyah Fi Jaridah
Abdussalam, Abdul
Al-Ahram Rahman Chik
423 Al-Tadabir Al-Waqiyyah Min 2017 Anis Wizana Abu Bakar,
Mek Wok
Al-Zina Fi Al-Fiqh Al-Islami
Wa Tatbiqatuha Fi Wilayah
Trengganu: Dirasah Fiqhiyyah
Tahliliyyah Maydaniyyah
424 Al-Taamin Al-Ijtimai' Fi Iqlim 2017 Hezha Ahmed Najimaldin, 978-967-418-908-2
Arif Ali Arif
Kurdistan Iraq: Dirasah Fiqhiyyah
425 Al-Taasis Al-Maqasidi Inda Imam 2017 Amin Haji Muhammad 978-967-418-909-9
Amin Dusuki, Arif Ali Arif
Al-Haramayn Al-Juwini
426 Al-Taakhur Fi Al-Zawaj Bayna 2017 Siti Zaleha Ibrahim, Mek 978-967-418-910-5 55.00
Wok 60.00
Al-Muslimin Al-Maliziyyin: 85.00
Mushkilatuh Wa Hululuh 110.00
427 Al-Bid'a Wa Khtaa Fahmaha 2017 Muna Abdul Fatah, Mek 978-967-418-911-2 90.00
Wok 85.00
Lada Talabat Al-Jamia' Al- 205.00
Islamiyyah Al-A'lamiyyah Malizya 130.00
428 Al-Aslubiyyah Fi Shi'r Al-Sha'ir 2017 Dalal Mohamed Bandar 978-967-418-912-9 140.00
Hilalat, Nasreldin Ibrahim 85.00
Al-Imarati Mania' Said Al-
Ahmed Hussein 60.00
'Utaybah: Dirasah Dalaliyyah
429 Al-Adab Al-Qasasi Al-Malayawi 2017 Nasreldin Ibrahim Ahmad 978-967-418-913-6
Tarjamah Wa Dirasah Wasfiyyah
430 Al-Adab Al-Islami Wa 2017 Adli Yaakob, Nasreldin 978-967-418-914-3
Mafhumahu Bayba Al-Udabaa
Al-A'rab Wa Malayuwuyyin
431 Al-Imam Al-Jurjani Wa Manhajuh 2017 Muhammad Haji Ibrahim, 978-967-418-915-0
Nasreldin Ibrahim Ahmed 978-967-418-916-7
Fi Tahlil Surah Al-Kahfi 978-967-418-917-4
Hussien 978-967-418-918-1
432 Al-Ijtihad Bi Tahqiq Al-Manat Fi 2017 Fatimah A'syuri, Bouhedda
Qadhaya Al-Usrah Al-Mua'sira Ghalia
Muntaha Bin Artalim Zaim,
433 Al-Ijtihad Al-Maqasidi Fi Al- 2017
Mohamed El Tahir El
Ta'yush Bayna Al-Muslimin Wa Mesawi
Ghayrihim Fi Indonesia Izratul, Mohamad Sabri
434 Ishtirat Al-Siyanah Ala Al- 2017
Mustaajir Fi Tatbiqat Al-Masarif
435 Istratijiyyat Al-Qiraa Lada Talabat 2017 Nik Farhan Mustafa, Abdul 978-967-418-919-8
Rahman Chik, Wajdan 978-967-418-920-4
Al-Lughah Al-A'rabiyyah Wa Haji Soleh Kenali 978-967-418-921-1
Shuhaidah Hanim Muhd
Taathiruha Ala Istiabihim Al-Qirai Suhani, Nasr El Din
436 Itijahat Al-Nadhm Al-Qurani Inda 2017
Mohd Noor Habibi, Arif Ali
Aalam Al-Balaghiyyin Arif
437 Dirasah Tahliliyyah Taqwimiyyah 2017
Fi Dhawoa Al-Fiqh Al-Islami: Al-
Bursa Fi Malizya
438 Tasmim Barnamaj Hasubi A'bra 2017 Mohammad Taufiq Abdul 978-967-418-922-8
Ghani, Muhammad Sabri
Shabakat Al-Internet Li Ta'lim
Al-Lughah Al-A'rabiyyah Lil
Mutakhasisin Fi Al-Siyaha/
439 Tasmim Dalil Li Ta'lim Al-Lughah 2017 Muhamad Azhar Zubir, 978-967-418-923-5
Muhammad Sabri Sahrir
Al-A'rabiyyah A'bra Al-Hawatif Al-
Dhakiyyah Li Murshidi Al-Haj Wa
Al-U'mrah Al-Maliziyyin
440 The Effect Of Inter-Incisal 2017 Nor Asilah Harun 978-967-418-924-2
Opening On The Energy
Delivered By Light Curing Unit To
Simulated Dental Restorations
441 Clinical, Laboratory 2017 Nazih Shaaban Mustafa, 978-967-418-925-9 80.00
Basma Ezzat Mustafa
Histopathological And 70.00
Ultrastructural Study Of 70.00
Secondary Sjogrens Syndrome 155.00
442 Tasmim Barnaj Ta’limi Qaim ala 2017 Mohd Azrul Azlen Abd 978-967-418-926-6
Hamid 95.00
al-Ta’lim al- Tasharuki abra al-
Facebook 70.00
443 Maqamat al-Zamakhshari: 2017 Nurul Hanilah Mohd 978-967-418-930-3 70.00
Ismath 978-967-418-931-0 85.00
Dirasah nahwa al-Nass
Khairun Nisaa Mohd, 80.00
444 Ta’lim al-Lughah al-‘Arabiyyah 2017 Nonglaksana Kama 130.00
fi Masajid Kuala Lumpur wa
445 Socio-Political Role Of Adat 2017 Nur Asmira Anuar, Fauziah 978-967-418-934-1
Perpatih In Negeri Sembilan
During British Period
446 Muslim Diaspora And Its 2017 Suraiya Sulaiman, 978-967-418-935-8
Mohammad A. Quayum
Representation In Selected Post-
9/11 Literary Works
447 Child Abuse In Malaysia: 2017 Hazwani Hamdzah, 978-967-418-939-6
Raudlotul Firdaus Fatah
Contributing Factors And
Solutions From The Qur’anic
448 Binaa Manhaj Ta'lim Al-Lughah 2017 Siti Rusilawati Ramlan, 978-967-418-941-9
Asem Shehadah Ali
Al-'Arabiyyah Li Aghradh
'Ilmiyyah Li Talabat Al-Dirasat
449 Syeikh Muhammad Amin Al- 2017 Mohammed Obaid Al Haq 978-967-418-945-7
Kamali, Noor Mohammad 978-967-418-946-4
Islam Wamanhajah Fi Ta'sir Nur
Quran Majdi Hj Ibrahim
450 Al Tarjamah al-Aliyyah fi Tarjamt 2017
Nusus Hasubiyyah min al-
Inghliziyyah ila al-’Arabiyyah:
Dirasah wasfiyyah Muqaranah
bayna Nithamay Google wa ‘Ajib
451 Sorat al-Mar’ah fi Riwayat 2017 Majdi Hj Ibrahim, Maimana 978-967-418-947-1
Sammouri 978-967-418-948-8
‘Abdel Hamid al-Sajar
Abdul Halim Salleh, Munjid
452 Al-Wihdat Al-Dirasiyyat Fi Ta‘Lim 2017 Mustafa Bahjat
Al-Lughat Al-‘Arabiyyat Li Al-
Hajjaj Wa Al-Mu‘Tamiran Al-
453 T’alum ‘Ilm al-Bayan abra al- 2017 Muhammad Sabri Sahrir, 978-967-418-949-5
Muhammad Amnan Awang 978-967-418-950-1
Mudawanah al-iliktruniyyah
454 Al-Muwazanat Baina Al-Wazir 2017
Junaid Wa 'Isa Albi Fi Dau´I Al- Mohammad Jamiu
Shi‘Ri Al-‘Arabiy Al-Hadith Abdullahi, Rahmah Ahmad
H. Osman
455 Al-Muqaranat Baina Surat Al- 2017 Nur Aini Ariffin, Rahmah 978-967-418-951-8 55.00
Ahmad Osman 978-967-418-952-5 75.00
Mar´Ah Fi Hayatiha Al-Usariyyah 40.00
Nadwah Daud, Umi 77.00
Fi Al-Hikayatain Al-Sha‘Biyyatain Farhana Amir 172.00
456 Taqwim Kitab Muqarar lil 2017 150.00
Lughah al-‘Arabiyyah li Akradh 75.00
fi al-Jami’a al-Islamiyyah 75.00
al’Alamiyyah Malizyyah 45.00
457 Al-Ta’lum al-Thati al-Munadham 2017 Nadwah Daud, Nur 978-967-418-953-2 50.00
Amalina Ibrahim
fi Ta’lum al- Lughah al-‘Arabiyyah
Biwasfiha Lughah Thaniyyah wa
al-Ist’idad Nahwah
458 Ismail Haqqi Al-Barousawi Wa 2017 Sofiah Samsudin 978-967-418-954-9
Manhajuhu Fi Tafsirihi Ruh Al-
459 Al-Shaykh Muhamad Husni al- 2017 Muhammad Syahrial 978-967-418-955-6
Razali Ibrahim, Sohirin M.
Sidiqi wa Afkaruhu al-Mu’asirah
min Khilal Tafsirayhi al-Nur wa
460 Al-Tafsir Al-Maqasidi Lil Al-Quran 2017 Radwan Jamal Yousef 978-967-418-956-3
Elatrash, Nashwan Abdo
Lil Al-Quran Al-Karim: Ususuh 978-967-418-957-0
Khaled 978-967-418-958-7
Wa Tatbiqatuh Sanogo Oumar, Rahmah
461 Al-Qiyam Al-Islamiyyat Fi Adab 2017 Ahmad Osman
Mardiana Mat Ishak, Asem
Al-‘Arab Wa Al-Mading
Shehadeh Ali
462 Tahlil al-Kitab al-Siyasi lijalat 2017
al-Malik al-Hussein bin Talal fi
Dhawi ‘Ilm al- Lughah al-Nasi wa
Nadhariyat al-Itisal
463 Ma‘Alim Khitab Ma Ba‘Da Al- 2017 Amirul Hafiz Ali, 978-967-418-959-4
Rahmah Ahmad Osman,
Isti‘Mar Fi Riwayatay “Mawakib Muhammad Anwar Ahmad
Al-Aírar” Li Najib Al-Kailani
Wa “Usrat Harb Al-‘Iîabat” Li
464 Al-‘Arabiyyah li Akradh 2017 Ummi Farhana Omar, 978-967-418-960-0
Nadwah Daud
Akadimiyyah li Tulab al-Dirasat
al-‘Arabiyyah wa al-Islamiyyah
fi al-Jami’a al-Islamiyyah
al’Alamiyyah Malizyyah
465 Istratijiyat al-Kalam al-Fa’lah lada 2017 Sariyati, Nadwah Daud 978-967-418-961-7
al-Mut’alimin al-Natiqin bigayr al-
466 Al-Taghdhiyyah al-Raji’ah fi al- 2017 Nur Farhana Abdul Aziz, 978-967-418-962-4
Nadwah Daud
Qira’ bi al-Lughah al- ‘Arabiyyah
Lughatan Thaniyyah
467 Tatawur Al-Mufradat Al-Intajiyah 2017 Asma Fauzi, Nadwah 978-967-418-963-1
bi al-Nidzam Al-Istiqaqi fi al-
Lughah al- ‘Arabiyyah
468 Mashhad al-Shi’r al-Omani fi al- 2017 Muhammad Sayid Amir 978-967-418-964-8 225.00
‘Asr al-Bos’idi Hijri, Rahmah Ahmad 978-967-418-965-5 65.00
978-967-418-966-2 75.00
469 Mabadi’ al-Adab al-Islami fi al- 2017 Osman 978-967-418-967-9 82.00
Adab al-Malayawi Muhammad Taufik Abdul 978-967-418-968-6 90.00
470 Shawahid al-Mamnu’ min al-Sarf 2017 Talib, Rahmah Ahmad 125.00
fi Kitab Riyadh al-Salihin Osman 50.00
471 Al-Busayri fi hayatih wa Shi’rih: 2017 Munirah Ismail, Yasir 220.00
Dirasah Tahliliyyah Ismail 95.00
472 Kitab A’yan al-Bayan li Hassan 2017 Bassam Mohammed
Ahmed Al-Sulaiman, 65.00
al-Sandusi: Dirasah Wasfiyyah Munjid Mustafa Dahjat 160.00
Iman Saad Abdel Rahman,
Munjid Mustafa Bahjat
473 Nizar Qabani fi Mandhur al-Adab 2017 Gibo Khaled, Munjid 978-967-418-969-3
Mustafa Bahjad
al-Firansi: Dirasah Tahliliyyah
474 Tarjamat al-Hathf fi al-Quran 2017 Aisyah Rabi' Muhammad, 978-967-418-970-9
Majdi Ibrahim
al-Karim ila al-Lughah al-
Inghliziyah: Dirasah Wasfiyyah
475 Istratijiyat Ta'ziz Dafi'yat Al- 2017 Nurul Husna Mohamad 978-967-418-972-3
Tawpik, Radhwa Abu
Talabah Ghayr Al-Natiqin Bi
Al-Lughah Al-'Arabiyyah Li Ta'lim
Al-Lughah Al-'Arabiyyah
476 Does clinical assessment really 2017 Khairul Bariah Chi Adam, 978-967-418-973-0
Siti Malzipah Ismail, Mohd 978-967-418-974-7
reflects what cleft patients
Haikal Muhamad Halil
Amr Moussa Ghadan,
477 Diwan Rawai' Al-Azhar Min 2017 Nasreldin Ibrahim Ahmed
Rawdhi Al-Jinan Of A Wazeer Hussien
Junaid Of Nigeria: An Analytical
Descriptive Study
478 Mafhum al-Hayat wa al-Maut fi 2017 Lah Sally @ Ghazali 978-967-418-975-4
Salleh, Munjid Mustafa 978-967-418-976-1
Sh’ir Abi Nawas
479 Impact Of Supply Chain 2017 Mahbubul Haque, Rafikul
Management And Knowledge
Management Practices On 2017 Islam, Moussa Larbani
Business Performance In 2017
Bangladesh Pharmaceutical Basma Ezzat Mustafa 978-967-418-977-8
Industry Alahmad
480 Leptin Hormone Changes Salleh Addin Talib Salamat 978-967-418-978-5
In Patients With Poly Cystic Farj, Arif Ali Arif
Ovarian Syndrome Treated By
Aromatase Inhibitors
481 Al-Fatwa Al-Shazzah Wa
Tatbiqatuha´ Al-Mu'asarah
482 Al-'Adat Wa Al-A'raf Al- 2017 Mualimin Mohammed 978-967-418-979-2 110.00
Shahid, Arif Ali Arif
Muta'allaqah Bi Al-Mara´Ti Min 98.00
Al-Manzur Al-Islami –Jaziratu
Jawa´ Namuzja 90.00
483 Al-I'lam Wa Ahkamuhu Fi Al-Fiqh 2017 Rakib Said Sharaf Al 978-967-418-980-8 80.00
Mazouri, Arif Ali Arif 978-967-418-981-5
Al-Islami Mohamed Rouh Amin, 65.00
Muhammad Amanullah 75.00
484 Idaratu Al-Sayala Fi Al-Masarif 2017 70.00
Al-Islamiyyah: Derasatun 95.00
Fiqhiyatun Maqaranatun Bin 160.00
Masraf Bangladesh Al-Islami Wa 65.00
Masraf Malijia Al-Islami
485 Qai’dat Muraa’t al-Khilaf inda 2017 Ahmad Ali Abuzraida, 978-967-418-982-2
Hassan Ben Ibrahim
al-Malikiyyah wa Tatbiqatuha fi 978-967-418-984-6
Hendaoui 978-967-418-985-3
al-Ijtihad al-Mua’sir Muhammad Faizul Haque,
Noor Mohammad Osmani
486 Al-Shura Wa Tatbiqatuha Fi 2017 Saleh Al - Mutrafi, Sohirin
Majal Al-Nushuz Wa Al-Shiqaq Solihin
487 Qadhayah Al-Marah Fi Afkar Al- 2017
Imam Al-Wahidi Wa Ibn A'shur:
Roayah Quraniyyah
488 Al-Tahlil al-Fanni wa Naqd 2017 Rahmah Ahmad Osman, 978-967-418-987-7
Maaruf Haji Wahimi
al-Tarjamah al-‘Arabiyyah li
Riwayat Qasab al-Mukhayam
489 Mafhum al-Shafaa’h al- 2017 Radwan Jamal Yousef 978-967-418-988-4
Elatrash, Luqmanul Hakim
Ukhrawiyyah inda al-Imam al-
Zamakhshari fi Tafsirih al kashaf
490 Al- I’jaz al-Qurani al-Bayani fi 2017 Radwan Jamal Yousef 978-967-418-989-1
Elatrash, Hossam El Din 978-967-418-990-7
Ayat Qisat Adam ‘Alayhi al-
Salam wa Ab’aduha al-Waqi’yyah Radwan Jamal Yousef
Elatrash, Mila Azkiya
491 I’lm al-Munasabat ‘Ind 2017
Sayyid Qutub: Surat al-Kahf
492 Shi’r al-Zuhd inda Abi al- 2017 Abdullah Yousef, Munjid 978-967-418-991-4
Mustafa Bahjat 978-967-418-992-1
‘Atahiyyah: Dirasah Tahliliyyah 978-967-418-993-8
Mohammad Sirajul 978-967-418-995-2
493 Al-Musinnun Wa Ria'atihim Fi 2017 Mohamad Sultan Ahmad,
Al-Quran Al Karim Dhawoa Sofiah Samsudin
Maryam Dawud Ahmad,
494 Manhaj Al-Quran Al-Karim Fi 2017 Radwan Jamal Yousef
Islah Al-Sarair Elatrash, Sofiah Samsudin
Ahmed Hasan Mohamed,
495 Mafhoum Al-Dhiyafah Al- 2017
Sohirin Salihin
Mua'sirah Fi Dawoa Al-Sunnoh
496 Al-Zuhd Wa Makarim Al-Akhlaq 2017 Abdullah Yusof, Munjid 978-967-418-996-9
Mustafa Bahjat 978-967-418-997-6
Fi Shi'r Abi Al-A'tahiyyah
Sabah Mirghani Othman
497 Maqasid Hiwar Al-Adyan: Roaya 2017 Mohamed, Sohirin Solihin
498 Al-Qawa'id Al-Usuliyyah Wa 2017 Mohamed Zaini Yahya, 978-967-418-998-3 140.00
Mohamed El-Tahir
Furui'ha Al-Fiqhiyyah Fi Nihayat Elmesawi
Al-Matlab Fi Dirayat Al-Mathab
Li Imam Al-Haramayn Al-Juwini:
Durasah Tahliliyyah
499 Muhamad Quraish Shihab: 2017 Muhammad Najib Abdul 978-967-418-999-0 120.00
Kadir, Sohirin Solihin 978-967-491-001-3 90.00
Minhajuh wa Afkaruh fi Tafsirih
Suriati Sidek
500 The Conceptualization Of Body 2017
Image: A Qualitative Exploration
In Overweight Adolescents
IIUM PRESS E-CATALOGUE 2021 languages other than English.
Journal Publication Unit Index: Google Scholar, Malaysian Citation Index (MyCite),
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INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS, Index of Islamic Literature, UDLedge Social Sciences &
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the Kulliyyah and the University, the Journal is dedicated journal, published twice a year, with a dedicated
to the development, promotion and understanding of mission of publishing manuscripts on legal issues and
Islamic Economics in its widest sense, including issues developments relating to any area of Civil and Shari’ah
related to management and accounting, in order to keep and laws. The journal welcomes original works based
scholars and relevant institutions informed on research on high quality researches. The Journal considers
in the field of Islamic Economics. Based on the Islamic three types of contributions: articles reporting findings
worldview concerning God, man, nature and the concept of original research; case notes analyzing current and
and purpose of religion, this Journal promotes the idea that landmark decisions of domestic and international courts
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foundations of revelation and reason. In the Islamic
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the great strides in conventional economics, the Journal Editor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ishtiaq Hossain
is committed to the idea that ultimate solutions to
human problems cannot be sought without reference e-ISSN : 2289-5639
to revelation and the Divine. Within this framework, the ISSN : 0128-4878
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contemporary economic issues. The editorial board php/id
welcomes original submission in the areas of Economics
(including relevant fiqh deliberations), Management and Intellectual Discourse is a multi-disciplinary, peer-
Accounting to cover historical and case studies, as well reviewed, flagship journal of the International Islamic
as methodological, conceptual, theoretical, analytical and University Malaysia. First published in 1993, it is dedicated
applied issues. Apart from discussions from the Islamic
perspective, articles can also be of the conventional
sense, preferably pertaining to Muslim countries for case
studies. The Editorial Board also welcomes book and
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education, psychology, sociology, law, literature, religion,
philosophy, international relations, environmental and AT-TAJDID – A REFEREED ARABIC BIANNUAL
developmental issues. The journal is international in Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. Nasr El Din Ibrahim Ahmed Hussein
its range and coverage. It is intended to be a forum for Editor: Dr. Muntaha Artalim Zaim
scholarly dialogue and communication on issues related
to Islam and the Muslim world. e-ISSN : 2600-9609
ISSN : 1823-1926
Scopus Journal Ranking: Q2 in Philosophy Website : https://journals.
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American Theological Library Association (ATLA), December) since 1997 to 2020, and begin from 2021
SCOPUS and Index Islamicus (UK). the publication will be biannually (January and July)
is a flagship journal in Arabic, and consider as the first
AL-SHAJARAH: JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL refereed journal in Arabic South East Asia, at-Tajdid is a
INSTITUTE OF ISLAMIC THOUGHT AND CIVILIZATION peer-reviewed open-access journal of the International
(ISTAC) Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM).
Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Datuk Dr. Osman Bakar
Editor: Prof. Datuk Dr. Ahmad Murad bin Mohd Noor Merican at-Tajdid Journal publishes original research findings as
regular papers, review papers, short communications and
e-ISSN : 2735-1866 technical notes. At-Tajdid focused on tajdid thought, and
ISSN : 1394-6870 address Islamic social science issues from an Islamic and
Website : https://journals. multidisciplinary perspective.
iium.edu.my/shajarah/index.php/ Index: Arab Index, MyJurnal
Al-Shajarah is a refereed international journal that IIUM ENGINEERING JOURNAL
publishes original scholarly articles in the area of Islamic Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. Ahmad Faris Ismail
thought, Islamic civilization, Islamic science, and Malay Editor: Prof. Dr. A.H.M. Zahirul Alam
world issues. The journal is especially interested in
studies that elaborate scientific and epistemological e-ISSN : 2289-7860
problems encountered by Muslims in the present age, ISSN : 1511-788X
scholarly works that provide fresh and insightful Islamic Website : https://journals.
responses to the intellectual and cultural challenges of iium.edu.my/ejournal/index.php/
the modern world. Al-Shajarah will also consider articles iiumej
written on various religions, schools of thought, ideologies
and subjects that can contribute towards the formulation The IIUM Engineering Journal, published biannually
of an Islamic philosophy of science. Critical studies of (January and July), is a double blind peer-reviewed open-
translation of major works of major writers of the past access journal of the Kulliyah of Engineering, International
and present. Original works on the subjects of Islamic Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM).
architecture and art are welcomed. Book reviews and
notes are also accepted. The journal is published twice a
year, June-July and November-December.
The IIUM Engineering Journal publishes original research Islamic University Malaysia. It serves primarily as a
findings as regular papers, review papers (by invitation).The forum for education and intellectual discourse for health
Journal provides a platform for Engineers, Researchers, professionals namely in clinical medicine but covers
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in contributing to the Engineering disciplines, and Applied as well as medical developments and research in basic
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an Islamic and multidisciplinary perspective. and multidisciplinary readership and include current
thinking across a range of specialties, ethnicities and
Subject areas suitable for publication are as follows: societies.
• Chemical and Biotechnology
Engineering Index: SCOPUS,WoS ESCI, DOAJ, Index Copernicus,
• Civil and Environmental Engineering Western Pacific Region Index Medicus (WPRIM), MyCite,
• Computer Science and Information Google Scholar.
• Electrical, Computer, and JOURNAL OF ISLAM IN ASIA
Communications Engineering Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Mohammad Farid Ali
• Engineering Mathematics and Applied
Science e-ISSN : 2289-8077
• Materials and Manufacturing ISSN : 1823-0970
Engineering Website : https://journals.
• Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering iium.edu.my/jiasia/index.php/jia
• Mechatronics and Automation
Engineering The Journal of Islam inAsia is published by the International
Islamic University Malaysia. A peer-reviewed international
Contributions from other areas of Engineering and Applied Arabic-English online journal, published biannually in June
Science are welcome. and December. The Journal includes articles, selected
A manuscript undergoes a double-blind review process. studies, book reviews, reports of conferences etc., which
are relevant to Islamic thought and Muslim concerns. The
Index: SCOPUS, Google Scholar, DOAJ, ISC Master Journal sees itself as an instrument, and an extension,
Journal List (Islamic World Science Citation Centre), WoS to promote the IIUM’s mission of (IIICE); Integration,
ESCI, ACI, MyCite. Islamicization, Internationalization and Comprehensive
Excellence. The Editorial Board invites scholars and
IIUM MEDICAL JOURNAL MALAYSIA (IMJM) researchers to submit contributions to the Secretariat of
Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. Nasser Muhammad Amjad the Journal.
Editor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ailin Razali
Index: MyCite, Google Scholar, Genamics Journal Seek
e-ISSN : 2735-2285
ISSN : 1823-4631
Website : https://journals.
IIUM Medical Journal Malaysia (IMJM) is the official
journal of the Kulliyyah (Faculty) of Medicine, International
ASIATIC: IIUM JOURNAL OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE Asiatic invites original research works containing profound
AND LITERATURE ideas and insightful thoughts that can potentially open
Editor-in-Chief: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Md. Mahmudul Hasan avenues to new perspectives in the fields of language,
literature and culture.
e-ISSN : 1985-3106
ISSN : 1985-3106 Abstracting and Indexing: Asiatic is currently indexed
Website : https://journals. in AustLit: Australian Resource for Literature, Clarivate
iium.edu.my/asiatic/index.php/ Analytics’ Web of Science (ESCI), Directory of Abstract
ajell Indexing for Journals (DAIJ), Duotrope, EBSCOhost,
Eurasian Scientific Journal Index (ESJI), Google Scholar,
A peer-reviewed online journal published biannually in InfoBase Index, Journal of Commonwealth Literature’s
June and December. ISSN 1985-3106 Annual Bibliography (UK), JournalSeek, Malaysian
Citation Index (MyCite), Malaysian Abstracting and
Scopus CiteScore Rank 2019, Literature and Literary Indexing System (MyAIS), MLA International Bibliography,
Theory #329/823 SCOPUS, The Year’s Work in English Studies and UDL
Ranked Q2 in Literature and Literary Theory and Q3 in Edge (Malaysia).
Language and Linguistics
Asiatic is a member of the Council of Editors of Learned
Aims and Scope: Asiatic is the very first international Journals (CELJ).
journal on English writings by Asian writers and writers
of Asian origins. Englisih writings on Asian socieites and JOURNAL OF LINGUISTIC AND LITERACY STUDIES
cultures are also within the scope of the journal. Currently, (MAJALLAH AL-DIRASAT AL-LUGHAWIYYAH
the only one of its kind, it aims to publish high-quality WA AL-ADABIYYAH)
researches and outstanding creative works spanning the Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. Asem Shehadeh Ali
broad fields of literature and linguistics.
e-ISSN : 2637-1073
Asiatic will contain a rich collection of selected articles on ISSN : 2180-1665
issues that deal with Asian Englishes, Asian cultures and Website : https://journals.
Asian literatures in English, including diasporic literature iium.edu.my/arabiclang/index.
and Asian literatures in translation. Articles may include php/jlls
studies that address the multidimensional impacts of the
English Language on a wide variety of Asian cultures The Journal of Linguistic and Literary Studies (JLLS)
(South Asian, East Asian, Southeast Asian and others). is currently indexed in Google Scholar, the Malaysian
Subjects of debates and discussions will encompass Citation Index (MyCite), Malaysian Citation Centre
the socio-economic facet of the Asian world in relation (MyJurnal), Arabic Impact Factor, UDL-Edge and EBSCO.
to current academic investigations on literature, culture It is the very first international journal on the Islamic
and linguistics. This approach will present the works of world and Arabic writings by Arab speakers and Arabic-
English-trained Asian writers and scholars, having English speaking diaspora writers. Articles must have abstracts
as the unifying medium of expression and Asia as the and keywords in Arabic and English. Papers must be
fundamental backdrop of their study. submitted with the understanding that they have not been
The three different segments that will be featured in each published elsewhere (except in the form of an abstract or
issue of Asiatic are: (i) critical writings on literary, cultural as part of a published lecture, review or thesis.
and linguistics studies, (ii) creative writings that include
works of prose fiction and selections of poetry and (iii) Index: Google Scholar, MyCite, MyJurnal, Arabic Impact
review articles on books, novels and plays in English Factor, UDL-Edge & EBSCO
(or translated into English) that deal with Asian themes
. These works will reflect how elements of western and
Asian are both subtly and intensely intertwined as a result
of acculturation, globalisation and other cross-cultural
IIUM JOURNAL OF CASE STUDIES IN MANAGEMENT Management is biannually published journal by Kulliyah
(IJCSM) of Architecture and Environmental Design. It is observed
Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. Rafikul Islam that in the specialized fields of Architecture, Planning,
Editor: Dr. Nazrol Kamil Mustaffa Kamil Landscape Architecture, Quantity Surveying, Building
Technology and Engineering, Applied Arts and Design,
e-ISSN : 2710-7175 Construction Management and others but related to the
ISSN : 2810-2327 built environment there is a general lack of scholarly views
Website : https://journals. and research reports, either collectively or individually,
iium.edu.my/ijcsm/index.php/ that are closest to Malaysia, Asia and the Islamic
jcsm perspectives. Consequently, the Kulliyyah of Architecture
and Environmental Design at the International Islamic
The IIUM Journal of Case Studies in Management is an University Malaysia (KAED, IIUM) considers it to be timely
internationally refereed journal published twice yearly by and appropriate for a journal i.e. Journal of Architecture,
the Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences, Planning and Construction Management (JAPCM) to be
International Islamic University Malaysia. The journal established. The key aim of JAPCM is therefore to provide
is dedicated to the development and promotion of case a platform for such ‘gap’ in the body of knowledge to be
studies in the field of management and related disciplines addressed.
for the purpose of enhancing our knowledge and
understanding in the areas. Cases selected for publication Index: Google Scholar, Open Access, MyJurnal
are expected to deal with important issues related to
the discipline, which may be used, among others, by REVELATION AND SCIENCE
instructors of Bachelor of Business Administration, Master Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. Kamaruzzaman
of Business Administration, Master of Management or Hj. Yunus
similar programs. Special consideration will be given to Editor: Prof. Dr. Shahabudin Saad
cases that deal with management issues in the Asia-Pacific
region. Cases based on both research and secondary e-ISSN : 2229-9947
sources, will be considered. Also, papers on case writing, Website : https://journals.
case teaching and case analysis will be accepted for iium.edu.my/revival/index.php/
publication. Occasionally the journal will publish empirical revival
papers on current issues in management, but the
manuscript should be prepared as a case write-up. Revelation and Science is a refereed academic journal
published by the Kulliyyah of Science, International Islamic
Index: Google Scholar, i-Journals, i-Focus University Malaysia. The journal aims to comprehensively
integrate dimensions of knowledge conventionally
JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURE, PLANNING AND regarded as separate and strengthen the efficiency of
CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT human intellectual progress. In line with the objectives of
Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Ar. Dr. Abdul Razak Sapian the Kulliyyah and the University, the journal is dedicated to
Executive Editor: Dr. Aniza Abu Bakar the integration of science and religion, and the promotion
of universal values. While acknowledging the substantial
e-ISSN : 2462-2222 progress that has been made in the scientific fields, the
ISSN : 2231-9514 journal is committed to the idea that the search for solutions
Website : https://journals. to human predicaments can be enhanced by reference
iium.edu.my/kaed/index.php/ to an epistemological framework that is not restricted to
japcm/ reason and observation alone but acknowledges the role
of Revelation (wahy). The Revelation and Science journal
Journal of Architecture, Planning and Construction covers pure, theoretical and applied sciences as well as
studies related to the integration of scientific knowledge IIUM Journal of Educational Studies is a peer-reviewed
and revelation. The journal is a compilation of academic scholarly journal concerned with interdisciplinary and
and research articles, review articles, conference reports multidisciplinary educational issues, published twice a
and abstracts that address contemporary issues within its year by the Kulliyyah of Education, International Islamic
scope. University Malaysia. The Journal publishes:
Index: MyCite, Google Scholar. • High-quality empirical, theoretical and
review articles
JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC FINANCE • Articles that connect the knowledge of
Editor-in-Chief: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Razali Haron research to real social practices
Editor: Dr. Anwar Hasan Abdullah Othman • Articles that represent the interests and
concerns of a range of stakeholders,
e-ISSN : 2289-2117 such as interest groups, civil society,
ISSN : 2289-2109 non-governmental organizations and
Website : https://journals. policy-makers
iium.edu.my/iiibf-journal/index. • Reviews, interviews and special
php/jif features on topical issues in Islamic
Journal of Islamic Finance (JIF), published biannually • Debates (academic, professional and
(June and December), is a double blind peer-reviewed societal) on topical educational issues
open-access journal of the IIUM Institute of Islamic • Special issues on contemporary themes
Banking and Finance (IIiBF), International Islamic in Educational Theory and Practice.
University Malaysia (IIUM). The journal is designed to
provide a platform for researchers, academicians and All articles in IJES are indexed in Google Scholar and it is
practitioners who are interested in new knowledge and on its way to be indexed in Mycite and Directory of Open
discussing ideas, issues and challenges in the fields Access Journals (DOAJ) in the near future.
of Islamic banking, finance, accounting, business and
economics. The scope of the journal includes, but is not Index: Google Scholar
limited to, Islamic banking and finance, Islamic capital
markets, Islamic wealth management, issues on Shari’ah INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON PERCEPTIVE AND
implementation and practices of Islamic banking and COGNITIVE COMPUTING
finance, zakat, waqf, takaful and comparative analysis of Editor-in-Chief: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Amelia Ritahani Ismail
Islamic and conventional financial institutions. Editor: Dr. Adamu Abubakar Ibrahim
Index: MyCite, ISC, Index Islmamicus, ALMANHAL, e-ISSN : 2462-229X
Google Scholar. Website : https://journals.
IIUM JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL STUDIES The International Journal on Perceptive and Cognitive
Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. Noor Lide Abu Kassim Computing (IJPCC), published biannually (January and
Editor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tunku Badariah Tunku Ahmad July), and is a double-blind peer-reviewed open-access,
cross-disciplinary and international archive journal aimed
e-ISSN : 2289-8085 at disseminating results of research on the principles and
ISSN : 2289-8085 theories explaining how and why computers perceive
Website : https://journals. the environment and the users, on how computers
iium.edu.my/ijes/index.php/iejs simulate human’s thought process, perception, learning,
memory, language, motor control, problem-solving and
mental organization, on what and how human natural dissemination/article writing, provide chance and to review/
interfaces are used to interact with computers to extend share knowledge in the related research and professional
what humans or computers could do, and on the design, interest, facilitate academics and researchers to elevate
implementation, and evaluation of systems that consider their intellectual level interacting through this journal.
perceptual and/or cognitive among the factors that
influence their conception. Surveys of existing works are This journal will provide an avenue to the academics
considered for publications when they propose a new to enhance their intellectual level by reviewing and
perspective on this domain. submitting research articles. This journal broadly cover
The journal covers but is not limited to the following topics: disciplines namely Nutrition & Dietetics, Medical Imaging,
Intelligent Computing: Cardio Cognitive Computing, Biomedical Sciences, Physiotherapy, Speech & Audiology
Ambient Computing, Unconventional Computing, and Optometry. Furthermore, it cover the sub-disciplines
Evolutionary Computing, Swarm Computing, Autonomic within the Nutrition & Dietetics (Anthropometric,
Computing, Adaptive Computation, Computation Biochemical & Clinical Nutritional Status Assessments
under uncertainty, Intentional Computing, Indeterminist etc.), in Medical Imaging (Radiographic Techniques,
Computing, Soft Computing, Perceptive Computing Body, Breast , Musculoskeletal, Cardiovascular and
Paediatrics Imaging), Biomedical Sciences (Biochemistry,
Large Scale Computing: Parallel and Distributed Bioinformatics, Immunology, Biomedical Engineering,
Computing, Macro and Micro Computing, Grid, Cloud and Biophysics, Biotechnology, Cell Biology, Embryology,
on-demand computing, Cluster Computing, Data Intensive Endocrinology, Genetics, Medicinal/Pharmaceutical
Computing, Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing Chemistry, Microbiology, Parasitology, Pharmacology,
Physiology and Toxicology etc) Physiotherapy
Computing Technologies: Quantum Computing, Optical (Rehabilitation, Physical Therapy and Physiotherapy
Computing, DNA Computing, Molecular Computing, etc), Speech & Audiology(Clinical Audiology, Educational
Reversible Computing, Magnetic Computing, Peer Speech-Language Pathology and Speech Therapy etc)
to Peer Computing, Wireless, Mobile, and Internet and Optometry (Clinical, Industrial Optometry and issues
Computing, Trusted Computing, Sensor Based on Optometry etc).
Computing, Embedded Computing, Service Computing,
Entertainment Computing, Activity based Computing Index: Initially the International Journal of Allied Health
Index: MyCite, MyJurnal Sciences (IJAHS) will be indexed in the MyAIS (Malaysia
Abstracting and Indexing System), Open-J Gate, Directory
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ALLIED HEALTH of Open Access Journal (DOAJ), Index Copernicus and
SCIENCES will be tracked by Google and Yahoo search engines
Editor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Muzaffar Ali Khan
e-ISSN : 2600-8491 Editor-in-Chief: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Radwan Jamal Elatrash
Website : https://journals.
iium.edu.my/ijahs/index.php/ e-ISSN : 2600-8394
IJAHS Website : https://journals.
International Journal of Allied Health Sciences (IJAHS) is a al-risalah
peer-reviewed, English-language scholarly online journal,
published biannually by the Kulliyyah of Allied Health Al-Risalah is a peer-reviewed online journal, published
Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia. biannually in June and December by the Kulliyyah of
Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences
The main objectives of this journal are to nurture the (KIRKHS), International Islamic University Malaysia.
Allied Health Sciences Professionals on their research The Journal’s aim is to promote the talent and diverse
research interests of KIRKHS postgraduate students by AL-BURHAN: JOURNAL OF QUR’AN &
providing a platform for them to publish both independent SUNNAH STUDIES
research and research undertaken in collaboration with Editor-in- Chief: Dr. Khairil Husaini bin Jamil
academics. The scope of Al-Risalah encompasses the
various disciplines related to Islamic revealed knowledge e-ISSN : 2600-8386
and human sciences with the aim of Islamizing human Website : https://journals.
sciences and relevantizing Islamic revealed knowledge to iium.edu.my/al-burhan/index.
the modern context. php/al-burhan
Index: MyCite, MyJournal
AL-ITQAN: JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC SCIENCES AND al-Burhān: Journal of Qurʾan and Sunnah Studies is a
COMPARATIVE STUDIES bilingual (English and Arabic) internationally refereed
Editor In-Chief: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Wan Mohd. Azam Mohd. Amin journal published twice yearly by the Department of
Managing Editor: Dr. Masitoh Ahmad Qur’an and Sunnah Studies, Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed
Knowledge and Human Sciences, International Islamic
e-ISSN : 2600-8432 University Malaysia. The articles, based on original
Website : https://journals. research, are submitted by scholars and researchers who
iium.edu.my/al-itqan/index. are exploring novel ideas and crucial issues germane
php/al-itqan to the field of Qur’an and Sunnah studies. The primary
objective of the Journal is to promote theoretical and
Al-Itqan: Journal of Islamic Sciences and Comparative empirical studies in subjects and areas related to Qur’anic
Studies is an academic, a peer- reviewed and bilingual and Sunnah Studies alongside other related disciplines.
(English and Arabic) online and free accessed journal, The journal advances to integrate the living wisdom of
published twice yearly (June and December), by the the traditional Islamic revealed knowledge and heritage
Department of Usuluddin and Comparative Religion, with the contemporary designs and approaches of various
Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human disciplines of human knowledge and sciences. It serves
Sciences, International Islamic University of Malaysia. as a platform for researchers and academics to share
It publishes original articles, research reports, case their findings, new ideas, arguments, criticism, opinions
studies and book reviews on diverse topics related to and expertise in the field. The journal covers a wide range
issues, problems and developments of Islamic thought, of subjects including metaphysics, philosophy, theology,
Comparative religion, Philosophy, Social sciences, the linguistic and legal thought, socio-cultural dimension
Arts and Humanities and other related areas. The aim of classical and modern life, psychology, education,
of this journal is to provide a channel for academic staff communication and new media, information technology,
as researchers and practitioners to share and discuss gender and identity studies, creative development and
ideas, theories, views, research results on issues related future studies, and other relevant subjects as long as
to Islamic thought, Comparative religion, Philosophy, relevantisation and scriptural perspectives are observed.
Social sciences, the Arts and Humanities. The journal
also serves as platform for researchers and academics to The readership of the Journal includes academics,
share their original findings, new ideas, and expertise in professionals, researchers, and students. Keeping the
the field leading towards an integration of Islamic revealed audience in view, the referees are requested to advise on
knowledge and Human Sciences. The journal will also the suitability of the submitted manuscripts for publication
provide readers with a proper understanding on the issues in al-Burhān: Journal of Qurʾān and Sunnah Studies.
Index: MyCite, Google Scholar.
Index: MyCite, MyJournal
FIQH STUDIES Editor-in-Chief: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Salizar Mohamed Ludin
Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. Muhammad Amanullah Editor: Dr. Muhammad Kamil Che Hasan
Editor: Dr. Mustafa bin Mat Jubri @ Shamsuddin
ISSN : 2600-898X
e-ISSN : 2600-8408 Website : https://journals.
Website : https://journals. iium.edu.my/ijcs/index.php/ijcs
An International Journal of Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh Studies The International Journal of Care Scholars (IJCS) is
(IJFUS) is a peer-reviewed bilingual (Arabic and English) the official journal of the Kulliyyah (Faculty) of Nursing,
scholarly online journal, published biannually in January International Islamic University Malaysia. IJCS will publish
and July by the Department of Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh, original research articles and case reports as well as review
Kulliyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human articles in all related areas on the care of individual, family
Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia. IJFUS and community. Our expertise and interest, including the
publishes original research articles on various topics topics related to nursing care, medical care, collaborative
related to Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh. It seeks to enrich the care, transdisciplinary care, patient and healthcare
discussions on Fiqh and its Usul by serving as a platform provider education. It also covers management and
for fresh perspectives and insightful analyses on a wide ethics issues related to individual, family and community
range of jurisprudential issues. care. IJCS will publish twice a year. This journal is free of
The Journal’s objectives are as follows: charge, and the article review process usually takes four
weeks. IJCS is indexed in Google Scholar and Malaysian
To bridge the gap between classical Fiqh and its Usul, and Citation Index (MyCite).
the contemporary world; to allow scholars and academics
to debate on fiqh-related issues and thus provide a forum Index: Google Scholar, MyCite, MyJurnal
where diverse views can be expressed on the subject;
and to engage scholars from around the world in seeking BIOLOGICAL AND NATURAL RESOURCES
solutions to current fiqh-related problems and provide an ENGINEERING JOURNAL
internationalist perspective to jurisprudential issues. Editor-in-Chief: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ir. Sarina Sulaiman
The scope of the Journal is limited to issues related to e-ISSN : 2637-0719
Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh, the historical context of Fiqh and Website : https://journals.
Usul al-Fiqh, the application of contemporary issues in iium.edu.my/bnrej/index.php/
Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh, and the comparative studies of bnrej
Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh. The uniqueness of this journal lies
in the application of Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh to contemporary Biological and Natural Resources Engineering
topics and experiences. Journal keeps researchers with current and the latest
developments in biological and natural resources-based
Index: Google Scholar, DRJI, MyCite, ALMANHAL product as well as the related engineering fields that
push the product from the bench to the commercial scale.
It is indeed a multidisciplinary research which blends
science and engineering and enhances hand-in-hand
collaboration between the two fields. The Biological and
Natural Resources Engineering Journal covers areas such
as Molecular Engineering, Bioenvironmental Engineering,
Biomaterials, Green Nanotechnology, Bioprocess IIUM JOURNAL OF HUMAN SCIENCES
Engineering, Biomanufacturing, and Bioenergy. A Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dato’ Sri Dr. Syed Arabi Idid
manuscript undergoes a double-blind review process. Editor: Prof. Dr. Shukran Abdul Rahman
The Biological and Natural Resources Engineering Journal ISSN : 2682-8731
publishes full-length articles, short communications and Website : https://journals.
welcomes review articles in the fields mentioned above iium.edu.my/irkh/index.php/ijohs
especially those highlighting the latest technology.
Index: MyCite, MyJurnal
IIUM JOURNAL OF RELIGION AND\ CIVILISATIONAL The IIUM Journal of Human Sciences is a bi-annual
STUDIES (IJRCS) English journal, aimed at serving academics and
Editor-in-Chief: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elmira Akhmetova researchers who seek to disseminate their research
Editor: Dr. Alwi Alatas findings and knowledge discovery in the area of
behavioral sciences or human sciences. It is also an
e-ISSN : 2637-112x avenue for postgraduate researchers to publish their
Website : https://journals. research works, hence contribute to the development of
iium.edu.my/irkh/index.php/ijrcs human science disciplines and their application. Authors
are invited to submit their articles, book reviews, reports
IIUM Journal of Religion and Civilisational Studies on conferences and seminars, as well as abstracts from
(IJRCS) is a peer-reviewed online scholarly journal in Masters and Doctoral theses which are related to the area
English, published biannually in June and December by of human sciences in English. Each journal article will be
the Kulliyah (Faculty) of Islamic Revealed Knowledge subjected to review process involving first reading by the
and Human Sciences, International Islamic University IJOHS editorial team, followed by two reviewers in the
Malaysia. field, language assessor, and proof reader.
IJRCS offers an international platform for awakening IJOHS aims to facilitate the dissemination of knowledge on
the civilisational potential of the Islamic heritage. The issues related to the study of human sciences. It provides
aim and scope of the Journal covers the wide-ranging a publication avenue for academics and postgraduate
themes and issues that deal with religion and civilisational researchers in the human science disciplines, namely
studies, and embraces both Islamic and conventional Anthropology, Communication, Language and Literature,
approaches. It accommodates the diverse approaches Political Science, Psychology and Sociology.
within civilisational studies including revitalising synergies
between Islamic and other civilisations, renewal of Muslim The scope of IJOHS covers both Western scientific
societies, the conceptual and societal transformation approach and Islamic perspectives in studying
of Muslims and other societies, and the prospects of human sciences, in the disciplines of Anthropology,
dialogue and peaceful co-existence of world civilisations. Communication, Language and Literature, Political
A comparative study of religion and civilisational studies Science, Psychology, Sociology. The Journal also has
are given high consideration. an interest in publishing comparative approaches and
diversified themes in the disciplines. The article has to be
Index: MyCite, MyJurnal submitted in English.
JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND DIGITAL Halalpshere is a refereed academic journal published by
TECHNOLOGIES the International Institute for Halal Research and Training
Editor in Chief: Prof. Dr. Asadullah Shah (INHART), International Islamic University Malaysia.
Editor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Murni Mahmud The Halalsphere is an interdisciplinary journal that
dedicated to the integration of science and religion in the
e-ISSN : 2682-8790 field of Halal research. This is an emerging area, which
Website : https://journals. gave significant impact on multidisciplinary, including
iium.edu.my/kict/index.php/jisdt biotechnology, natural product chemistry, information
technology, engineering, laws, and economics and
The International Journal of Information Systems and Islamic studies. The Halalsphere adheres to the principle
Digital Technology (JISDT) is an international journal that human problems can be solved by the integration of
promoting the study of, and interest in, Information Systems various field of studies not only science and technology
(IS) and Digital Technologies (DT). The journal will cover in but also human science and religious study. The journal
depth and breadth the subject areas related to the fields of is a compilation of academic and research articles, review
IS and digital technologies and techniques. Articles in this articles and special issues that address contemporary
journal may be an outcome of latest research, practice, issues within its scope.
experience, current issues and debates related to the
fields. The JISDT will encourage submission that reflect Scope of Halalsphere: Halal alternative materials and
the wide and interdisciplinary nature of the subject and ingredients, Halal authentication and sensors, Shariah,
articles that integrate technological disciplines with social, management, marketing and contemporary halal issue
contextual and management issues, based on research
using appropriate research methods and paradigms of INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AL-TURATH IN
research and philosophies. ISLAMIC WEALTH AND FINANCE
Editor in Chief: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Azman Mohd Noor
OBJECTIVES: To provide platform for researchers to Editor: Dr. Habeebullah Zakariyah
publish latest research outputs in the fields of Information
Systems and Digital Technologies. e-ISSN : 2716-6856
Website : https://journals.iium.
AREA OF COVERAGE: The proposed journal will cover edu.my/iiibf-journal/index.php/
all areas of Information Systems, Digital Technology ijaiwf/index
and ICT and Islam as given below: Information Systems,
WEALTH AND FINANCE is A peer-reviewed international
Index: MyCite, MyJurnal Arabic online journal, published biannually in March
and September by the International Islamic University
HALALSPHERE Malaysia. JOURNAL OF AL-TURATH seeks to publish
Editor in Chief: Prof. Dr. Hamzah Mohd. Salleh high quality academic research in Arabic by establishing
a unique platform for Islamic heritage-based academic
Website : https://journals. research in diverse areas of Islamic wealth and finance.
iium.edu.my/inst/index.php/HS The journal would contribute to Islamic wealth and finance
research through an academic exploration of turath and
Islamization. The Journal includes articles, selected
studies, book reviews, reports of conferences etc., which
are relevant to Islamic wealth management and Finance.
The areas of coverage of the journal includes but not
limited to, Turath of Islamic Finance, Islamic Investment IIUM JOURNAL OF OROFACIAL AND
Banking, Islamic Capital Markets and Instruments, Islamic HEALTH SCIENCES
Wealth Management and Takaful, Islamic Social Finance, Editor in-Chief: Prof. Dr. Zainul Ahmad Rajion
Accounting and Auditing for Islamic Financial Institutions,
Waqf and Zakat and Sadaqah, Fintech for Islamic Finance, e-ISSN : 2735-0584
Issues in Islamization in Wealth and Finance. ISSN : 2716-5434
Website : https://journals.
Index: Google Scholar, MyJurnal iium.edu.my/ktn/index.php/ijohs
JOURNAL OF PHARMACY IIUM Journal of Orofacial and Health Sciences (IJOHS) is
Editor in-Chief: Prof. Dr. Md. Zaidul Islam Sarker a peer reviewed biannual international journal dedicated
Editor: Dr. Muhammad Salahuddin Haris to publish high quality of scientific research in the field of
orofacial sciences, health sciences and interdisciplinary
Website : https://journals. fields, including basic, applied and clinical research.
iium.edu.my/ktn/index.php/jp/ The journal welcomes review articles, original research,
index case reports and letters to the editor. Areas that are
covered include but are not limited to dental sciences,
The Journal of Pharmacy considers research findings oral microbiology and immunology, oral maxillofacial
internationally from fundamental research to clinical and craniofacial surgery and imaging, dental stem cells
investigations as original articles, systematic reviews, and regenerative medicine, dental biomaterial, oral
meta-analyses, general reviews and mini-reviews. maxillofacial genetic and craniofacial deformities.
The Journal provides a platform for Pharmacists,
Researchers, Academicians, and Practitioners who are DESIGN IDEALS JOURNAL
highly motivated in contributing to the Pharmacy and Editor in-Chief: Prof. Tpr. Dato’ Dr. Mansor Ibrahim
Pharmaceutical Sciences disciplines. The scope of this Executive Editor: Assoc. Prof. Tpr. Norzailawati Hj.
journal includes all areas related to pharmacy interest Mohd Noor
and not limited to drug development, pharmaceutical/
medicinal chemistry, drug targeting, structure-based drug e-ISSN : 2735-1785
design, computational chemistry, genomics, proteomics, Website : https://journals.
pharmacogenomics, bioinformatics, pharmacology, iium.edu.my/kaed/index.php/dij
toxicology, pharmacokinetics, pharmaceutical analysis,
pharmaceutical technology, drug delivery, drug The Design Ideals Journal (DIJ) of the Kulliyyah of
formulation, biopharmaceutics, industrial pharmacy, Architecture and Environmental Design, IIUM is dedicated
pharmacognosy, natural product research, cosmeceutical, to creative output, product and proposal of ideas and
nutraceutical, pharmacy practice, pharmacoeconomics, designs related to theory, experiments, research,
pharmacoepidemiology, clinical pharmacy, hospital
pharmacy, social and administrative pharmacy.
development and applications of the ideas and practices Surveying, Applied Arts and Design, and others related
of the built environment professions in Malaysia and to the built environment, there is a general lacking of
elsewhere. scholarly views and research reports, either collectively
or individually, especially on design features, that are
The objective of the journal is to promote the creativity closest to Malaysia, Asia and the Islamic world. Thus,
of the built environment profession through critique, the Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design,
dialogue and exchange of views. Design Ideals will the International Islamic University Malaysia (KAED,
welcome any news, feature articles, or peer-reviewed IIUM) ponders it to be timely and appropriate for a special
proposals (including book and article reviews, product dedicated journal i.e. Design Ideal Journal (DIJ) to be
design review, etc.) for publication. All articles should be time- honored. The key aim of DIJ is therefore to provide a
original work by the authors. Articles, views and features platform for such slit in the body of knowledge. Hence, DIJ
will not be taken to be the official view of the Kulliyyah offers an opportunity for researchers, research students,
of Architecture and Environmental Design (KAED), and and practitioners to share their views, theoretical and
IIUM unless it carries the name of KAED, IIUM as the empirical research findings; and readers, especially
author. This is to encourage open discussion on diverse academics and students to advance and value from
issues, critique and opinion for the advancement of built its contents. Research reports and theoretical papers,
environment practice. short practice notes, design reviews and abstracts from
portfolios and design theses are welcome.
It is observed that seemingly in the specialized fields of
Architecture, Planning, Landscape Architecture, Quantity
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