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เอกสารประกอบการสอนเพิ่มเติมภาคเรียนที่ 2 เล่ม 3 (ม.ต้น) เน้นแบบฝึกหัดและแบบทดสอบ

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Published by The School of Lesson Plans, 2023-10-13 04:39:40

Access to English Book 3 ราคา 200 บาท

เอกสารประกอบการสอนเพิ่มเติมภาคเรียนที่ 2 เล่ม 3 (ม.ต้น) เน้นแบบฝึกหัดและแบบทดสอบ

Access to English Book 3 45 89. If the floor, walls and ceiling of a room are made so that sound cannot pass through them, we say that the room is…………………………………… . 1) sound-proof 2) sounded-proof 3) proof-sound 4) proofed-sound 90. Sienna said that she saw the……………………………………man going into the shop. 1) thirty-year-old 2) thirty-years-old 3) thirty-old-year 4) old-thirty-years 91. They are looking forward to…………………………………… . 1) vacation’s week 2) a vacation of the week 3) a week’s vacation 4) a week of vacation 92. I would like to paint a rosebush in my…………………………………… . 1) garden flower 2) flower garden 3) flowers garden 4) garden of flowers 93. The temperature went below the……………………………………point last Monday. 1) freeze 2) froze 3) frozen 4) freezing 94.The……………………………………was a British Royal Navy expression for a powerful warship or frigate from the 16th to the 19th century.. 1) man-of-war 2) war-of-man 3) man-of-wars 4) wars-of-men 95. The girl made a pillow in the shape of a heart. She made a……………………………………pillow. 1) shape-heart 2) shaped-heart 3) heart-shape 4) heart-shaped 96. The witness said that he saw the……………………………………boy go towards the car. 1) twelve-year-old 2) twelfth-years-old 3) twelve-years-old 4) twelfth-years-old 97. A : Do you think Alexander is a handsome man? B : I think he is a……………………………………man. 1) well-looking 2) good-looking 3) look-good 4) good-look 98. There is a……………………………………race in which a pair of runners has the right leg of one tied to the left leg of the other. 1) three legs 2) three-leg 3) three-legged 4) three-legs

Access to English Book 3 46 99. They’re digging a new swimming……………………………………in the park. 1) suit 2) pool 3) game 4) cases 100. The……………………………………looks a horse’s head, but in fact, it a fish. 1) seabass 2) sea cucumber 3) seahorse 4) sea cow 101. There is a……………………………………house. 1) badly-built 2) bad-built 3) well-building 4) good-built 102. A woman who has bad temper is a……………………………………woman. 1) bad temper 2) bad-temper 3) bad-tempered 4) temper-bad 103. We grow many different vegetables: potatoes,……………………………………., etc. 1)egg whisk 2) eggnog 3)egghead 4) eggplant 104. I was just enjoying a……………………………………about winning the Nobel Prize for literature. 1) daytime 2) dayspring 3) daydream 4) daybreak 105. She is just a.……………………………………who follows her sister’s lead in everything. 1)copyhold 2) copycat 3)copyright 4) copyboy 106. When the.……………………………………appears in the morning, the sun will shine brightly. 1)earthquake 2) earthman 3)earthnut 4) earthworm 107. My uncle Bradley tastes tea for a living. He knows all about…………………………………… . 1) testing-tea 2) tea-testing 3) tea-taster 4) tea’s tasting 108. My mother die when I was at school and now my father has just married again, and my ……………………………………is younger than I am. 1) stepmother 2) mother-in-law 3) goodmother 4) foster mother 109. Tyler bought his new shoes from the……………………………………near his house. 1) store shoes 2) shoe store 3) shoes store 4) storing shoes

Access to English Book 3 47 110. This machine is use for sewing. It is called…………………………………… . 1) a sew machine 2) a machine sewing 3) a sewing-machine 4) sewing a machine 111. Hearing a knock at the door. Matilda threw a……………………………………ever her pyjamas and went downstairs. 1) nightdress 2) dressing-gown 3) full slip 4) evening dress 112. Although my father likes classical music and my mother likes light music, I like…………………………… . 1) folk songs 2) song folk 3) folk’s song 4) dinging folks 113. I am late because I stopped at the……………………………………to pick up my television and was then caught in the heavy traffic. 1) repair TV shop 2) TV repair shop 3) shop repair TV 4) repairing TV shop 114. It’s only a……………………………………flight from Bangkok to Hong-Kong. 1) three-hours 2) three hours 3) three-hour 4) hour three 115. The……………………………………bell has just rung. 1) three o’clock’s 2) three o’clocks 3) three-o’clock’ 4) three o’clock 116. A……………………………………car is cheaper than……………………………………model. 1) two-door / four door 2) two-doors / fours doors 3) two-doored / four 4) two doors / four doors 117. Which compound noun is incorrect? 1) A water-proof watch 2) A snow-covered playground 3) A grass-cutting knife 4) A nut-brown eye 118. Which of these is a compound noun? 1) a clever boy 2) a light meal 3) an iron gate 4) a close friend 119. Which of these is a compound noun? 1) pancake 2) short-haired 3) old-fashioned 4) sugar free 120. Which of these is a compound noun? 1) a light meal 2) a film star 3) a handwritten 4) a black-eyed boy

Access to English Book 3 48 1 agree attempt hesitate afford appear arrange care decide determine deserve fail happen hurry manage offer plan prepare pretend prove seem refuse . 2 challenge command encourage force get instruct invite lead order persuade remind teach tell urge warm 3. want wish expect ask beg request intent promise choose 4. 5. good kind brave unless 6. 7. 8. clever difficult easy foolish hard impossible kind nice possible right silly wrong • It’s easy to sing the song, but it’s very difficult to sing well. • It was foolish of him to trespass against the law. S + V + to + infinitive S + V + Object + to + infinitive S + V + (Object) + to + infinitive S + Verb to be + adj. + of + (pro.) noun + to + infinitive S + V + wh - question + to + infinitive S + Verb to be / have / has + to + infinitive S + Verb to be + about + to + infinitive S + Verb to be + just + about + to + infinitive S + Verb to be + adj. + to + infinitive S + Verb to be + adj. + for + object + to + infinitive Law can never be enforced unless fear supports it.

Access to English Book 3 49 9. • Who told you to do that? 10. ought (ควรจะ), get used (เคยชิน) และ used (เคย) • You ought to do this project by yourself. • They get used to live in country. • I used to learn Italian 10 years ago. I used to agree with you that climate change was real… …until I found out how much it would cost to fix it. So…*YAWN*… Thisch ought to What is it? be good. Who + V + Object + to + infinitive S + ought / used / get used + to + infinitive

Access to English Book 3 50 Verb ที่ตามด้วย Infinitive with to afford มีให้จัดให้มีสามารถหาได้ agree เข้ากัน ลงรอยกัน ไปด้วยกันได้ appear แสดงตัว ปรากฏ arrange จัดเตรียม เตรียมการ ask ขอ ขอร้อง ต้องการ attempt พยายาม, การพยายาม begin เริ่ม เริ่มต้น care การดูแล ปกป้อง cease ยุติเลิก หยุด สิ้นสุด เว้น choose เลือก คัดเลือก เลือกสรร คัด claim เรียกร้อง อ้างสิทธิอ้าง สิทธิเรียกร้อง continue ดำเนินต่อไป ต่อเนื่อง decide ตกลงใจ ตัดสินใจ demand ต้องการ ประสงค์ปรารถนา deserve สมควรได้รับ ควรค่าแก่การได้รับ คู่ควร determine กำหนด ระบุ dread หวั่น หวาดกลัว เกรงกลัว กลัว expect คาดหวัง คาดหมาย fail ประสบความล้มเหลว ผิดพลาด forget ลืม จำไม่ได้ลืมเลือน หลงลืม get (be allowed to) ได้รับ happen เกิดขึ้น อุบัติอุบัติขึ้น hate ไม่พอใจ ชิงชัง ชัง เกลียดชัง hesitate ลังเล อึกอัก ละล้าละลัง ชักช้า hope มีความหวัง ปรารถนา คาด hurry รีบเร่ง เร่งรีบ รีบร้อน intend ตั้งใจ มุ่งหมาย เจตนา ปรารถนา learn เรียน ทราบ รู้รับรู้ like ชอบ ชื่นชอบ love รัก ความรัก manage จัดการ จัด ควบคุม ดูแล need ความต้องการ neglect ไม่สนใจ เพิกเฉย ทอดทิ้ง ละเลย offer เสนอเพื่อให้พิจารณา ข้อเสนอ ought ควรจะ สมควร ควร น่าจะ plan แผนการ แผนงาน แผน prefer ชอบมากกว่า prepare ตระเตรียม, เตรียม pretend แสร้งทำ เสแสร้ง หลอกลวง อวดอ้าง promise ให้สัญญา คำสัญญา propose เสนอ เสนอข้อคิดเห็น prove พิสูจน์ตรวจสอบ rail ต่อว่า ตำหนิ refuse ปฏิเสธ ไม่ยอมรับ regret ความเสียใจ ความเศร้าโศก remember จำได้ระลึกได้ seem ดูราวกับ ดูเหมือนว่า ประหนึ่ง ดูคล้าย start เริ่ม เริ่มทำ เริ่มต้น swear ปฏิญาณ สาบาน สบถ tend โน้มเอียง โน้มน้าว threaten คุกคาม ขู่เข็ญ try พยายาม vow สัญญา ปฏิญาณ ให้คำมั่น บนบาน อธิฐาน wish ปรารถนา ประสงค์ต้องการ would like อยากจะ wait รอ รอคอย want ต้องการ ปรารถนาที่จะได้อยากได้ yearn ปรารถนา อยาก ต้องการ

Access to English Book 3 51 1. ตามหลัง do, does, did 2.ตามหลัง Auxiliary Verb ( will, shall, should, would, may, might, can, could ) 3. ตามหลัง had better, would rather 4. let, make, help, have ต้องมีกรรมมารองรับเสมอ let make V.1 V.1 to V.1 obj. (คน) obj. (สัตว์, สิ่งของ) V.1 V.3 / V. ed 5. see, watch, notice, observe, hear, smell, feel • ใช้ infinitive without “to” กับการกระทำซึ่งเสร็จสมบูรณ์แล้ว • ใช้ present participle ( V. ing ) กับการกระทำที่ยังดำเนินอยู่ see watch notice observe hear smell feel object V. 1 การกระทำซึ่งเสร็จสมบูรณ์แล้ว something V. ing การกระทำที่ยังดำเนินอยู่ obj. help obj. have S “I would rather eat than work.”

Access to English Book 3 52 1. love like hate dislike 2. remember forget regret 3. stop 4. try 5. need 6. advise advise allow someone to do (something) allow doing (something) permit permit to + V.1 = future action V. ing = habit V. ing = ทำไปแล้ว to + V.1 = ยังไม่ได้ทำ to + V.1 = หยุดเพื่อทำสิ่งใหม่ V. ing = หยุดสิ่งที่กำลังทำอยู่ to + V.1 = to attempt (พยายามที่จะ) V. ing = experiment (ทดลอง ลอง) to + V.1 = need to do something (จำเป็นต้องทำอะไร) V. ing = something needs to do (จำต้องได้รับการทำอะไร) I like learning! Really? I like to learn, too! I stop buying. I stop to buy.

Access to English Book 3 53 remember + to + infinitive I remembered to do something ฉันจำได้ว่าจะต้องทำอะไร และฉันก็ทำ ( ฉันไม่ได้ลืมทำ ) ใช้ remember to do something ก่อนที่จะทำสิ่งนั้นๆ เช่น • I remembered to lock the door, but I forgot to shut the window. ( I remembered that I had to lock it, and so I locked it. ) • I must remember to pay the electricity bill ( I must not forgot to pay it. ) remember + V. ing I remember doing something = ฉันจำการกระทำนั้นๆ ได้ ( ฉันจำได้ว่าฉันทำอะไร ) ใช้ remember doing something หลังจากที่ทำสิ่งนั้นๆ แล้ว เช่น • I know I locked the door. I clearly remember locking it. ( I locked it, and now I remember this.) • He could remember driving along the road just before the accident, but he couldn’t remember the accident itself.

Access to English Book 3 54 Part I : 1 - 15 “let, make, help” and “have” bare infinitive Instructions : Put the verb in brackets into the correct form. 1. We don’t let employees…………………………………………….(use) the office telephone for personal calls. 2. Hot weather makes me…………………………………………….(feel) tried. 3.The college’s aim is to help students…………………………………………….(achieve) their aspirations. 4. The machines have…………………………………………….(be) made of durable materials. 5.This charity aims to help people…………………………………………….(help) themselves. 6.You have…………………………………………….(believe) in yourself. That’s the secret of success. 7. She didn’t want to do it, but he made her…………………………………………….(do)it. 8. Her parents wouldn’t let her…………………………………………….(go) out alone. 9. I didn’t have…………………………………………….(make) my bed when I was young. 10. After Billy broke the neighbor’s window, his parents made him…………………………………………….(pay) for it. 11.They didn’t let us…………………………………………….(take) photographs inside the theatre. 12. The money raised will help towards the cost…………………………………………….(increase) of organizing the championships. 13. My ex-boyfriend loved sci-fi and made me…………………………………………….(watch) every episode of his favorite show. 14. Our teacher doesn’t let us…………………………………………….(eat) lunch at our desks; we have to eat in the cafeteria. 15. The teacher made all the students…………………………………………….(rewrite) their papers, because the first drafts were not acceptable. Part II : 16 - 30 “have” bare infinitive Instructions : Put the verb in brackets into the correct form. 16. The doctor had his nurse…………………………………………….(take) the patient’s temperature. 17.You don’t have…………………………………………….(hurry); we still have plenty of time. 18. He had his leg…………………………………………….(break) in a car crash. 19. I have my hair…………………………………………….(cut) every three months 20.They will have the painter…………………………………………….(paint) their house. 21. I’m going to have my apartment…………………………………………….(paint). 22. The soup has…………………………………………….(be) stirred continuously to prevent burning. 23. My washing machine is broken; I need to have it…………………………………………….(repair). 24. The businessman had his secretary make…………………………………………….(copy) of the report. 25. The teacher had me…………………………………………….(stay) after class to discuss my essay. 26. They would have…………………………………………….(buy) meat and fish if they wanted to make a curry. 27. Chris and Matt have had their assignment…………………………………………….(checked). 28. She had…………………………………………….(finish) the first book before the midterm. 29. I’ll have the bellboy…………………………………………….(take) up your bags. 30. I had my bike…………………………………………….(steal) last month.

Access to English Book 3 55 Part III : 31 - 50 “see, watch, notice, observe, hear, smell” and “feel” bare infinitive Instructions : Put the verb in brackets into the correct form. 31. I looked out of the window and saw a dog…………………………………………….(dig) up my flowers. 32. The police watched him…………………………………………….(take) the money and then arrested him. 33. He noticed someone…………………………………………….(watch) him from an upstairs window. 34. The police observed a man…………………………………………….(enter) the bank. 35. Maria heard him…………………………………………….(come) up the stairs towards her room, and felt scared. 36. I can smell something…………………………………………….(burn) in the kitchen. 37.She felt the bee…………………………………………….(sting) her just before she brushed it off her arm. 38. He saw her…………………………………………….(drive) off with a young man in the passenger seat. 39. We watched whales…………………………………………….(jump) out of the water. 40. I noticed him…………………………………………….(run) away from the house. 41. I observed him…………………………………………….(put) the watch into his pocket. 42. I didn’t see the bomb, but I heard it…………………………………………….(explode). 43. I smelled the meat…………………………………………….(have) burnt. 44. I can feel an insect…………………………………………….(climb) up my leg. 45. I saw the burglar…………………………………………….(climb) over the fence and break into the house. 46. I heard you…………………………………………….(break) something-what was it? 47. I can hear children…………………………………………….(play) in the street. 48. I saw Kim…………………………………………….(listen) to the radio while I was having breakfast. 49. At about one o’ clock in the morning I heard my daughter…………………………………………….(unlock) the door and come in. 50. Officers observed him…………………………………………….(drive) at 90 miles per hour. Part IV : 31 - 60 “love, like, hate” and “dislike” bare infinitive and gerund Instructions : Put the verb in brackets into the correct form. 51. I would love…………………………………………….(go) to your wedding, but I’m afraid it’s not possible. 52. I don’t like…………………………………………….(live) in this part of town, I want to move somewhere else. 53. The office I worked in was horrible. I hated…………………………………………….(work) there. 54. I dislike…………………………………………….(be) away from my family. 55. I’d hate…………………………………………….(think) we spent that awful morning with no results. 56. He doesn’t like…………………………………………….(be) interrupt while he’s working. 57.Sinners dislike…………………………………………….(go) and work in the vineyard, because of the hot weather. 58. When I was a child, I hated…………………………………………….(go) to bed early. 59. One of the main reasons many people dislike…………………………………………….(shop) online is the difficulty of returning merchandise. 60. My brother loves…………………………………………….(travel) and…………………………………………….(explore) in the rainforest and cloud forest of Panama.

Access to English Book 3 56 Part V : 61 - 75 “forget, regret” and “remember” bare infinitive and gerund Instructions : Put the verb in brackets into the correct form. 61. I remember…………………………………………….(watch) this film before. 62. I’ll never forget…………………………………………….(meet) you for the first time in this café. 63. I now regret…………………………………………….(say) what I said. I shouldn’t have said it. 64. He forgot…………………………………………….(lock) the door when he went out. 65. Please remember…………………………………………….(buy) some milk on the way home. 66. We regret…………………………………………….(inform) you that your proposal has not been selected. 67. I know I locked the door. I clearly remember…………………………………………….(lock) it. 68. Don’t forget…………………………………………….(write) to Aunt Stacie. 69. I regret…………………………………………….(not visit) her when she was ill. 70. Did you remember…………………………………………….(pay) the garage bill? 71. We regret…………………………………………….(announce) that the 9.30 flight had been cancelled. 72. I’ll never forget…………………………………………….(meet) the President of the United States. 73. It started to get cold, and he regretted…………………………………………….(not wear) his coat. 74. She forgot…………………………………………….(buy) lettuces and peppermint leaves from the supermarket. 75. He could remember…………………………………………….(drive) along the road just before the accident, but he couldn’t remember the accident itself. Part VI : 76 - 85 “stop” bare infinitive and gerund Instructions : Put the verb in brackets into the correct form. 76. We’ll have to stop…………………………………………….(get) petrol soon. 77. It’s stopped…………………………………………….(rain). Let’s go for a walk. 78. He stopped…………………………………………….(work) when he was sixty-five. 79. The teacher stopped the video…………………………………………….(ask) the students some questions. 80. On the way to Edinburgh, we stopped…………………………………………….(look) at an old castle. 81. I’ve stopped…………………………………………….(buy) the magazine because now I read it online. 82. We stopped…………………………………………….(have) something to eat at the floating market. 83. If we stopped…………………………………………….(go) to the gym, we will get fatter. 84. I saw my friend in library and I stopped…………………………………………….(talk) with him. 85. We’ve stopped…………………………………………….(use) plastic bags in supermarkets. We take our own bag with us now when we go shopping.

Access to English Book 3 57 Part VII : 86 - 95 “try” bare infinitive and gerund Instructions : Put the verb in brackets into the correct form. 86. Have you tried…………………………………………….(turn) the computer off and on again? 87. I’m trying…………………………………………….(learn) Japanese but it’s very difficult. 88. I tried…………………………………………….(move) the table, but it was too heavy. 89. I tried…………………………………………….(move) the table but it didn’t look right, so I moved it back again. 90. I was very tired. I tried…………………………………………….(keep) my eyes open, but I couldn’t. 91. I rang the doorbell, but there was no answer. Then I tried…………………………………………….(knock) on the door, but there was still no answer. 92. We tried…………………………………………….(put) the fires out but without success. We had to call the fire brigade. 93. Sue needed to borrow some money. She tried…………………………………………….(ask) Gary, but he was short of money too. 94. Don’t try…………………………………………….(have) some medicine without prescription from the doctor. 95. The car did not seem to be working, so I tried…………………………………………….(fix) but in vain. Part VIII : 96 - 105 “need” bare infinitive and gerund Instructions : Put the verb in brackets into the correct form. 96. People need…………………………………………….(know) one another to be at their honest best. 97. Mom, do you think my jacket needs…………………………………………….(clean)? 98. The vegetables on our farm need…………………………………………….(water) every day. 99. We need…………………………………………….(assess) the impact on climate change. 100. We need…………………………………………….(discuss) in detail about this situation 101. It’s a difficult problem. It needs…………………………………………….(think) about very carefully. 102. He needs…………………………………………….(work) harder if he wants to make progress. 103. The batteries in the radio need…………………………………………….(change) because they were deteriorated. 104. You need…………………………………………….(let) me know your decision by tomorrow if you would like to join our team. 105. My sink in the kitchen is a complete mess; I need…………………………………………….(clean) the sink and the dishes and need…………………………………………….(wash) before I am going out. Part IX : 106 - 115 “advise, allow” and “permit” bare infinitive and gerund Instructions : Put the verb in brackets into the correct form. 106. Police are advising people…………………………………………….(stay) at home. 107. They don’t allow…………………………………………….(park) in front of the building. 108. Experienced seamen will advise you about…………………………………………….(sail) in this weather. 109. The college doesn’t permit students…………………………………………….(smoke) on the campus. 110. Interviews allow you…………………………………………….(assess) the suitability of candidates.

Access to English Book 3 58 111. The prison authorities permit…………………………………………….(visit) only once a month. 112. I’d advise…………………………………………….(buy) your tickets well in advance if you want to travel in August. 113. Don’t allow your problems…………………………………………….(dominate) your life. 114. I advise you…………………………………………….(withdraw) your allegation before I contact my lawyer. 115. He has not decided yet whether his leg injury will permit him…………………………………………….(play) this weekend. Part X : 116 - 185 Infinitive with “to” or infinitive without “to” Instructions : Put the verb in brackets into the correct form. 116. Oliver helped the elderly woman…………………………………………….(carry) her shopping. 117. We all hate……………………………………………(wait) for a bus when it rains. 118. Edward intend. ……………………………………………(throw) a birthday party for their first child. 119. The pay raise has helped Peter…………………………………………….(feed) his family. 120. What do you intend……………………………………………(do) when you finish your degree? 121. I tried……………………………………………(make) chocolate cakes but they were burnt. 122. The bus stopped……………………………………………(pick) up passengers many times on the way to Chiangmai. 123. Blake stopped……………………………………………(smoke) because his son requested him to do so. 124. You had better……………………………………………(give) her what she wants. 125. Do I need……………………………………………(wait) any longer? 126. He began……………………………………………(get) up off the floor. 127. I don’t let my children……………………………………………(stay) up very late. 128. They made the child……………………………………………(drink) the milk. 129. We both heard him…………………………………………….(say) that he was quitting. 130. Could you help me…………………………………………….(fix) this radio? 131. He was made……………………………………………(pay) back the money. 132. It is easy……………………………………………(be) wise after the event. 133. It is better……………………………………………(travel) hopefully than to travel for fun. 134. It is pleasant……………………………………………(sit) by the fire at night and hear the wind blowing outside. 135. Lacey would rather……………………………………………(study) for her exam tomorrow. 136. Why you do not……………………………………………(ask) your neighbour for help? 137. The mother let her daughter……………………………………………(decide) on her own. 138. You had better……………………………………………(clean) up your room. 139. She would…………………………………………….(cook) a meal for his birthday. 140. I might……………………………………………(fly) to Africa this summer. 141. They offered her a job in Warsaw, but she said she’d rather……………………………………………(work) in a smaller city. 142. Annabelle agreed……………………………………………(lend) me some money. 143. They ask their teacher……………………………………………(explain) more. 144. You ought……………………………………………(finish) your homework at once.

Access to English Book 3 59 145. Finley used……………………………………………(learn) Chinese 5 years ago. 146. They are……………………………………………(be) married soon. 147. You have……………………………………………(come) back in 30 minutes. 148. You must……………………………………………(drive) on the left side of the road in Thailand. 149. Can you tell me how……………………………………………(get) to the bus stop? 150. I helped my dad…………………………………………….(clean) the car. 151. We arranged…………………………………………….(see) the bank manager and applied for a loan. 152. Mrs. Kayden asked us……………………………………………(call) in on our way home. 153. She would rather……………………………………………(have) spent the money on a holiday. 154. Did you remember……………………………………………(post) the letter to your mother? 155. Harley just wants everyone……………………………………………(be) happy. 156. I don’t need a lift, thanks. I’d rather……………………………………………(walk). 157. Evie felt the wind……………………………………………(blow) through the door. 158. A dog can……………………………………………(smell) better than a man. 159. We couldn’t see the birds……………………………………………(fly) from here. 160. Will you let me……………………………………………(drive) your car. 161. They are watching us……………………………………………(play) volleyball. 162. His wife makes him……………………………………………(do) the dishes. 163. I heard him……………………………………………(walk) downstairs. 164. My teacher didn’t notice me……………………………………………(copy) homework. 165. Thomas saw a woman.……………………………………………(run) across the streets. 166. Don’t allow children……………………………………………(play) matches. 167. It is difficult for her……………………………………………(understand) that lesson. 168. Max forgot……………………………………………(pass) the homework. 169. He heard someone……………………………………………(watch) TV in the living room. 170. Daniel was in a difficult situation, so I agreed……………………………………………(help) him. 171. Can somebody show me how…………………………………………… (use) this camera? 172. Don’t forget……………………………………………(lock) the door when you go out. 173. We regret……………………………………………(inform) you that your application has been unsuccessful. 174. Please try……………………………………………(be) quiet when you come home. Everyone will be asleep. 175. I’d like……………………………………………(come) to the party with you. 176The teacher asked me……………………………………………(turn) on the air conditioners. 177. These cakes are delicious; you should……………………………………………(try) one. 178. Amelia has finally agreed……………………………………………(marry) Mike. 179. Do you regret no……………………………………………(go) to school? 180. I told him about the plan……………………………………………(surprise) her. 181. I still don’t know where……………………………………………(go) for my next holiday. 182.They’d rather……………………………………………(go) to America than to England. 183. I remembered……………………………………………(lock) the door, but I forgot……………………………………………(shut) the windows.

Access to English Book 3 60 184. It’s much better……………………………………………(go) to a hairdresser than……………………………………………(try) to save time by cutting your own hair. 185. It is easy……………………………………………(see) animals on the road in daylight but at night it is difficult ……………………………………………(avoid) hitting them. Part II : 186 - 215 Multiple choices Instructions : Choose the best alternative. 186. I hope……………………………………from you soon. 1) hear 2) heard 3) to hear 4) hearing 187. Mr. Frederick failed……………………………………his goal in life. 1) having achieved 2) to achieve 3) achieve 4) achieving 188. We are prepared…………………………………….it regardless of the consequences. 1) being done 2) did 3) do 4) to do 189. They are determined……………………………………it at any cost. 1) to do 2) do 3) did 4) doing 190. I think you should arrange……………………………………there. 1) stay 2) to stay 3) staying 4) stayed 191. Please remind him……………………………………here punctually tonight. 1) being 2) to be 3) be 4) been 192. Ethan persuaded his daughter…………………………………….for a job. 1) looking 2) to look 3) look 4) looked 193. A : Did you advise him……………………………………to the police? B : No, I didn’t. 1) to go 2) going 3) go 4) gone 194. I warned him several times……………………………………me. 1) to stop to annoy 2) stopped annoying 3) to stop annoying 4) stopped to annoy

Access to English Book 3 61 195. Kian persuaded Jennifer……………………………………to school. 1) go 2) went 2) going 4) to go 196. I hope……………………………………you again. 1) seen 2) seeing 3) see 4) to see 197. The soldier pretend……………………………………dead. 1) to be 2) is 3) be 4) being 198. We try……………………………………the entrance exam. 1) passing 2) passed 3) to pass 4) pass 199. The teacher promised……………………………………me a reward. 1) give 2) to give 3) giving 4) gave 200. I forgot……………………………………fish sauce from the market. 1) to buy 2) buying 3) buy 4) bought 201. They agree……………………………………me a new dress. 1) made 2) make 3) making 4) to make 202. Last night I heard someone……………………………………in that room. 1) laughed 2) laugh 3) to laugh 4) laughs 203. My parents let me……………………………………to Ben’s party. 1) to go 2) going 3) go 4) gone 204. The police saw the thief……………………………………the wall. 1) climbs 2) climbed 3) to climb 4) climbing 205. It may……………………………………cold tomorrow. 1) being 2) been 3) be 4) in

Access to English Book 3 62 206. We will……………………………………Donovan tonight. 1) see 2) to see 3) seeing 4) seen 207. She might……………………………………to the market. 1) gone 2) to go 3) going 4) go 208. They watched Evan……………………………………songs in his concert. 1) to sing 2) sings 3) sing 4) sang 209. Dexter helped me……………………………………the baggage. 1) carried 2) carry 3) to carry 4) carries 210. I heard my sister……………………………………in her room. 1) to cry 2) cried 3) cries 4) cry 211. Layla asked me……………………………………her to the airport. 1) accompany 2) to accompany 3) accompanied 4) accompanies 212. The boys……………………………………with us. 1) prefer to come 2) prefer come to 3) to come prefer 4) to prefer come 213. We……………………………………a nice trip. 1) have you to wish 2) have to wish you 3) wish you to have 4) you have to wish 214. ……………………………………with me? 1) Would you to dance like 2) Would dance to you like 3) Would you dance to like 4) Would you like to dance 215. The students want……………………………………in their lives. 1) want to succeed 2) succeed to want 3) to want succeed 4) to succeed want

Access to English Book 3 63 1. admit appreciate avoid consider delay deny detest enjoy escape finish forgive imagine mind miss postpone practice prevent suggest • Would you mind showing me how to use this camera? • We enjoy swimming very much. • Avoid changing lanes suddenly. • She is considering going to Phuket this summer. 2. can’t bear can’t help can’t resist can’t stand give up go on keep on insist on be accustomed to object to be used to be opposed to be tired of be tired with it’s no good it’s no use look forward to feel like • We couldn’t help feeling sorry for him when we heard all about him. • I’m looking forward to seeing you soon. 3. • He was fined for driving fast. • Her friends suspect her of cheating. • He left without saying a word. • She is fond of talking. 4. • My brother will go sailing tomorrow. • They like going skiing every winter. 5. ใช้ gerund + noun เพื่อให้รู้ว่า noun ตัวหลังมีไว้เพื่อทำอะไร • I saw her at the dancing-room last night. • Donna would like to buy a washing-machine. 6. ประโยคคำสั่งสั้นๆ การห้าม การไม่ให้กระทำ (No + V. ing หรือ No + คำนาม) Stop taking No parking. ตามหลัง V (กลุ่มคำ + gerund) ตามหลัง preposition + gerund ตามหลัง go / come + gerund S + V + gerund I’ll never forget seeing her the first time. It was love at first sight!

Access to English Book 3 64 Verb ที่ทำให้ infinitive และ gerund มีความหมายต่างกัน stop, forget, remember, regret, try, need ถ้า + infinitive = มีความหมายเป็นอนาคต คือจะทำในอนาคต ถ้า + gerund = มีความหมายเป็นอดีต คือได้ทำไปแล้ว stop + infinitive = หยุดเพื่อจะทำอย่างอื่น stop + gerund = หยุดหรือเลิก ทำในสิ่งที่ทำมา forget + infinitive = ลืมที่จะทำ forget + gerund = ลืมว่าได้ทำไปแล้ว remember + infinitive = ไม่ลืมว่าจะ remember + gerund = จำได้ถึงสิ่งที่ผ่านมา regret + infinitive = เสียใจที่จะทำนั้นๆ regret + gerund = เสียใจในสิ่งที่ทำไปแล้ว try + infinitive = พยามที่จะทำสิ่งนั้น try + gerund = พยายามกับสิ่งนั้นมาแล้ว need + infinitive = จำเป็นต้องทำอะไร need + gerund = จำเป็นต้องได้รับการทำอะไร When I try doing stuff I think he like to do. When I stop trying.

Access to English Book 3 65 Verb ที่ตามด้วย Gerund admit ยอมรับ appreciate ชื่นชอบ นิยม avoid หลีกเลี่ยง consider พิจารณา delay ล่าช้า ช้า deny ปฏิเสธ detest ไม่ชอบ รังเกียจ enjoy ชอบ สนุกกับ escape หนี รอดพ้น fancy จินตนาการ ปรารถนา finish ทำเสร็จ forgive ให้อภัย ยกโทษให้ mind รังเกียจ miss พลาด postpone เลื่อนเวลา ผลัด practice ฝึกฝน prevent ป้องกัน กีดกัน suggest แนะนำ imagine นึกเอาเอง คาดคิด กลุ่มคำ ที่ตามด้วย Gerund can’t bear ทนไม่ได้ (ไม่ชอบ... มากๆ) can’t help ช่วยไม่ได้ หยุดไม่ได้อดทำไม่ได้ can’t resist ต้านทานไม่ได้ can’t stand ทนไม่ได้ give up เลิก go on ทำต่อไป keep on ทำต่อไป ดำเนินต่อ insist on ยืนยัน ยืนกรานในเรื่อง be accustomed to คุ้นเคยต่อการ object to คัดค้าน ต่อต้าน be used to เคยชินต่อการ be opposed to คัดค้านกับการ be tired of เบื่อในการ be tired with เหนื่อยหน่าย ระอา it’s no good เป็นการไม่ดีที่จะ it’s no use ไม่มีประโยชน์ที่จะ look forward to ตั้งตาคอย รอคอย feel like อยาก it’s worth เป็นการสมควรที่จะ leave off หยุดการกระทำ look forward to ตั้งตาคอย (อย่างใจจดใจจ่อ) prefer ชอบมากกว่า put off เลื่อนออกไป object to คัดค้าน think of คิดถึง Would you mind ...? คุณรังเกียจไหมที่จะ Do you mind...? คุณรังเกียจไหมที่จะ

Access to English Book 3 66 Part I : 1- 11 Gerund (Gap-filling) Instructions : Complete the sentences, Use a verb in brackets into the correct form. It’s my first year at college, and I’m doing to have a roommate. I know I’m going to enjoy (1)……………………………………(live) with a roommate. It will really be fun! I won’t even miss (2)……………………………………(have) my own room. I haven’t met my roommate yet, but I keep (3)……………………………………(think) that we’re going to be great friends. I’ve already finish (4)…………………………………(clean) the room, and it looks nice and neat! A week later: I hate (5)……………………………………(be) in a dirty room, so I do the chores. But Jack who is my roommate enjoys (6)……………………………………(live) in one-he hasn’t does any chores yet. I try to talk to him about sharing chores, but he avoids (7)…………………………………(talk) to me. He also keep (8)……………………………………(play) his music really loud, especially when I try to talk to him about sharing chores. Two months later: Help! I can’t stand (9)……………………………………(live) with Jack anymore! He keeps (10)……………………………………(throw) his clothes on the floor. And he won’t stop (11)……………………………………(use) my things. He says he’ll stop, but then he uses them again. I’m spending a lot of time in the library, so I can avoid (12)……………………………………(go) back to my room now. Part II : 13 - 50 Meaning in Context (Gerund) Instructions : Complete the sentences, Use a verb in brackets into the correct form. 13. My house is very dirty. It needs……………………………………(cleaning). 14. Last Sunday I spent three hours in the morning……………………………………(walk) up in the mountain. 15. Did you remember……………………………………(meet) a super star at the theater last night? 16. I can’t stand……………………………………(repeat) the same word many times. 17. The couple are looking forward to……………………………………(go) on vacation next week. 18. The students dislike……………………………………(disturb) when they are absorbed in their studies. 19. I don’t understand what you say. Would you mind……………………………………(speak) more slowly? 20. Most of the teen agers spend a lot of time……………………………………(dance). 21. Most people enjoy……………………………………(write) letter to their friends. 22. Oscar avoids……………………………………(study) his lessons as long as possible. 23. William finished……………………………………(write) the report about 4 o’clock. 24. Have you consider……………………………………(try) something different? 25. Are you going to suggest……………………………………(travel) by train? 26. I would appreciate……………………………………(hear) from you as soon as possible? 27. They should postpone……………………………………(leave) for another week.

Access to English Book 3 67 28. Did the student practice……………………………………(use) the new words? 29. Would you mind……………………………………(wait) for him for fifteen minutes? 30. Why do you always put off……………………………………(write) to your friends? 31. Those men deny……………………………………(know) anything at all about it. 32. Do you mind……………………………………(open) the door? 33. I am Thai. I am used to……………………………………(eat) Thai food. 34. It’s no use……………………………………(talk) with a deaf man. He can’t hear your voice. 35. The doctor advised the patient to give up……………………………………(smoke). 36. People usually regret……………………………………(tell) lies when it’s too late. 37. Do you remember……………………………………(visit) the zoo when we were small. 38. I won’t forget……………………………………(spend) that night all alone in my house. 39. The naughty boy objected to……………………………………(be) punished. 40. The rain prevented me from……………………………………(go) to the meeting. 41. Would you mind……………………………………(lend) me 100 Baht? 42. Zara always thinks of……………………………………(go) to The United Kingdom. 43. Dylan succeeded in……………………………………(learn) English at Oxford University. 44. That boy takes……………………………………(collect) stamps and coins. 45. We are prohibited from……………………………………(smoke) in the public area. 46. I am looking forward to……………………………………(read) your letter. 47. I can’t help……………………………………(cough). 48. Stop……………………………………(argue) and start……………………………………(work). 49. The students like……………………………………(play) games, but hate……………………………………(do) lessons. 50. If you want to be good at…………………………(speak) English, you should practice………………..………(speak) every day. Part II : 51 - 100 Multiple choice Instructions : Choose the best alternative. 51. Holly kept……………………………………during the film. 1) to talk 2) talk 3) talking 4) to talking 52. I’ve finished…………………………………… . Come and eat! 1) talking 2) talk 3) to talk 4) talked 53. Most teachers insist on their pupils……………………………………the homework. 1) do 2) doing 3) to do 4) to doing 54. It was a good holiday. I enjoyed……………………………………by the sea. 1) to be 2) be 3) being 4) were

Access to English Book 3 68 55. The water here is not very good. I’d avoid……………………………………it if I were you. 1) drink 2) to drink 3) to drinking 4) drinking 56. I don’t mind……………………………………home but I’d rather get a taxi. 1) to walk 2) walk 3) walking 4) walked 57. Ashton used to be a footballer. He had to stop……………………………………because of an injury. 1) playing 2) to paying 3) play 4) to paly 58. There was a very good reason for……………………………………in what he said. 1) not to believe 2) not believe 3) not to believing 4) not believing 59. Don’t forget to lock all the doors before……………………………………to bed. 1) go 2) to go 3) going 4) to going 60. I can’t stand……………………………………in this bad situation. 1) to live 2) live 3) living 4) to living 61. Flights kept……………………………………because of bad weather. 1) delaying 2) being delayed 3) having delayed 4) having been delayed 62. You should devote your time……………………………………your father. 1) to helping 2) to help 3) helping 4) helped 63. Lilly kept on……………………………………me. 1) interrupting 2) interrupt 3) to interrupt 4) to interrupting 64. When I’m on holiday, I enjoy……………………………………to get up early. 1) not to have 2) haven’t 3) not to having 4) not having 65. How often do you go……………………………………? 1) fish 2) fishing 3) fishing 4) to fishing

Access to English Book 3 69 66. It’s no use……………………………………about it. 1) worrying 2) to worrying 3) worry 4) to worry 67. Mason doesn’t allow……………………………………in his house. 1) to smoke 2) smoke 3) smoking 4) to smoking 68. My memories of……………………………………are well recorded in my albums. 1) travelling 2) to travel 3) to travelling 4) ravel 69.Elsie is now busy……………………………………her lessons for the coming examinations. 1) to prepare 2) preparing 3) prepare 4) to preparing 70. Caleb avoided……………………………………his girlfriend. 1) met 2) to meet 3) meeting 4) had met 71. Charlie got through……………………………………his exercise. 1) write 2) to write 3) to writing 4) writing 72. You must always keep on…………………………………… . 1) taking 2) talk 3) to talk 4) talked 73. Ask the visitor to come in; don’t keep him……………………………………outside. 1) stand 2) standing 3) to stand 4) to be standing 74. The surgeon postponed……………………………………the operation. 1) perform 2) to perform 3) performing 4) to be performed 75. The National Peace keeping Council enjoys……………………………………for the government. 1) to work 2) working 3) work 4) to working 76. The little boy is looking forward……………………………………his parents. 1) to see 2) to seeing 3) see 4) seeing

Access to English Book 3 70 77. Is it wise……………………………………with that stubborn person like Tony? 1) to quarreling 2) to quarrel 3) quarreling 4) to have quarrel 78.Practice……………………………………at least one or two hours every day. 1) to write 2) writing 3) write 4) writes 79. Did they hear the cats……………………………………on the roof of our house? 1) running 2) to run 3) ran 4) to be running 80. It’s too hot and my hair needs…………………………………… . 1) to cut 2) cut 3) cutting 4) to be cutting 81. They need……………………………………harder for the test. 1) study 2) to study 3) to be study 4) studying 82. Cameron dreads……………………………………to retire. 1) have 2) having 3) to have 4) to be having 83. It’s no use…………………………………… . 1) waiting 2) to wait 3) to be waiting 4) wait 84. Harvey advised……………………………………a new apartment. 1) to find 2) finding 3) find 4) to be finding 85. I can remember……………………………………very proud and happy when I graduated. 1) to be 2) be 3) were 4) being 86. Sorry, I forgot……………………………………in you place. Next time I promise I won’t. 1) to sit 2) sit 3) sitting 4) to sitting 87. Noah gave up…………………………………… . 1) gamble 2) to be gambling 3) to gamble 4) gambling

Access to English Book 3 71 88. Try to avoid……………………………………him angry. 1) making 2) to make 3) make 4) to be making 89. Are you keep on……………………………………? 1) to garden 2) garden 3) gardening 4) for gardening 90. Would you mind……………………………………your pet snake somewhere else? 1) putting 2) put 3) to put 4) to putting 91. You’d better consult your lawyer before……………………………………to buy the property. 1) decide 2) to decide 3) deciding 4) to be deciding 92. Is there anything here worth……………………………………? 1) to buy 2) buying 3) buy 3) have to buy 93. Lewis finished……………………………………and sat down. 1) speak 2) to speak 3) speaking 4) spoke 94. I suggest……………………………………another meeting next week. 1) to hold 2) hold 3) to holding 4) holding 95. Most Thai students have difficult……………………………………English. 1) speaking 2) to speak 3) speak 4) to speaking 96. It’s a waste of time……………………………………such a book. 1) read 2) reading 3) to read 4) to reading 97. We drove our time to……………………………………poor people. 1) help 2) to help 3) to be helping 4) helping 98. Would you mind not……………………………………in this office? 1) to smoke 2) smoking 3) smoke 4) to smoking

Access to English Book 3 72 99. Would you mind……………………………………the window and……………………………………the little air in? 1) opening / letting 2) to open / let 3) open / let 4) open / letting 100. You can become a member by…………………………………this paper and……………………………………150 Baht. 1) sign / paying 2) signing / paying 3) to sign / pay 4) sign / pay

Access to English Book 3 73 Infinitive with “to” 1. Subject + Verb + to Verb agree afford appear arrange attempt begin continue decide deserve determine desire forget happen hope intend learn manage mean offer prefer pretend promise prove refuse remember start try want wish 2. Subject + Verb + Object + to Verb advise allow ask beg cause command choose encourage except force get help intend instruct invite lead order promise permit persuade remind request teach tell want warn 3. Subject + Verb + object + Question word + to Verb 4. Subject + am / is / are / was / were + (too / enough) Adjective + to Verb 5. Subject + am / is / are / was / were + to Verb >> คำสั่ง 6. Subject + have / has / had + to Verb >> แผนการ Infinitive without “to” 1. Subject + Modal Verb + Verb will can may must would could might should 2. Subject + would rather / had better / rather than / had sooner + Verb 3. Subject + Verb ประสาทสัมผัส + Object + Verb see watch notice observe hear overhear smell taste feel Note! • Verb ประสาทสัมผัส + Verb => Complete Action • Verb ประสาทสัมผัส + Verb ing => Incomplete Action 4. let / make / help + Someone + Verb Gerund 1. Subject + like / love / enjoy / finish / stop / keep + Verb ing 2. Subject + can’t help / look forward to / get used to / be used to + Verb ing 3. I’m busy / It’s worth / It’s no good / It’s no use / I can’t stand + Verb ing 4. Preposition + Verb ing

Access to English Book 3 74 Part I : 1 - 5 Infinitive with “to” Instruction : Complete each sentence with infinitive with “to”. 1. A gardener didn’t want……………………………………(pick up) roses. 2. Jacob was pleased……………………………………(receive) the letter. 3. I want……………………………………(copy) your work. 4. A thief tried……………………………………(break) into Eva’s house. 5. Brain encourage us……………………………………(answer) the questions. Part II : 6 - 10 Infinitive without “to” Instruction : Complete each sentence with infinitive without “to”. 6. I help him……………………………………(iron) clothes. 7. Please let a dog……………………………………(go) out. 8. It’s cold today. You had better……………………………………(go) out with a coat. 9. Don’t let them……………………………………(cross) that dangerous road on their own. 10. I’d rather……………………………………(die) than suffer. Part III : 11 - 15 Gerund Instruction : Complete each sentence with “Gerund”. 11. Reece admitted……………………………………(steal) the jewels. 12. You shouldn’t risk……………………………………(enter) that building alone. 13. Are you afraid of……………………………………(be) alone? 14. The film isn’t worth……………………………………(watch). 15. It isn’t difficult to get used to……………………………………(eat) with chopsticks. Part IV : 16 - 120 Infinitive with “to”, Infinitive without “to” and Gerund Instruction : Put the verb in brackets into the correct form. 16. They denied……………………………………(steal) the money. 17. I don’t enjoy……………………………………(drive) very much. 18. I can’t afford……………………………………(go) out tonight, I don’t have enough money. 19. Has it stopped……………………………………(rain) yet. 20. We were unlucky to lose the game. We deserved……………………………………(win). 21. Why do you keep……………………………………(ask) me question? Can’t you leave me alone? 22. Please stop……………………………………(ask) me question! 23. I refuse……………………………………(answer) any more question. 24. The driver of one of the cars admitted……………………………………(cause) the accident. 25. Aidan needed our help, and we promised……………………………………(do) what we could. 26. I don’t mind……………………………………(be) alone, but it’s better to be with other people. 27. The wall was quite high, but I managed……………………………………(climb) over it. 28. I believe that what I said was right. I don’t regret……………………………………(say) it.

Access to English Book 3 75 29. Anna knew they were in trouble, but she regret……………………………………(say). She did nothing to help them. 30. When I came into the room, Lisa was reading a newspaper. She looked up and said hello, and then she went on……………………………………(read / look) her newspaper. 31. Isabel has been ill, but now she’s beginning……………………………………(get / feel) better. 32. The baby started……………………………………(cry) in the middle of the night. 33. When I’m tried, I enjoy……………………………………(watch) television. 34. I’ve decided……………………………………(look) for another job. 35. Let’s get a taxi. I don’t fancy……………………………………(walk) home. 36. I’m not in a hurry, I don’t mind……………………………………(wait). 37. Lola ran in a marathon last week, but she failed……………………………………(finish). 38. I wish that dog would stop……………………………………(bark) It’s driving me crazy. 39. Our neighbor threatened……………………………………(call) the police if we didn’t stop the noise. 40. Hurry up! I don’t want to risk……………………………………(miss) the train. 41. They didn’t know I was listening to them. I pretended……………………………………(be) asleep. 42. They don’t allow people……………………………………(park) in front of the building. 43. I’ve never been to Japan, but I’d like……………………………………(go) there. 44. I’m in a difficult position. What do you advise me……………………………………(do)? 45. The film was very sad. It made me……………………………………(cry). 46. Lisa’s parents always encouraged her……………………………………(study) hard at school. 47. If you want to get a cheap flight, I’d advise……………………………………(book) early. 48. Peter wouldn’t let her……………………………………(borrow) his car. He doesn’t trust her. 49. If you enter a country with a tourist visa, you are normally not allowed………………………………(work) there. 50. Ava needed to borrow some money. She tried……………………………………(ask) Sarah, but she was short of money too. 51. My grandfather isn’t able to look after himself any more. He needs……………………………(look) after. 52. The windows are dirty. They need……………………………………(clean). 53. Can you help me……………………………………(get) the dinner ready? 54. They were talking very loudly. I couldn’t help……………………………………(overhear) what they said. 55. Your hair is getting very long. It need……………………………………(cut). 56. I need a change. I need……………………………………(go) away for a while. 57. Paolo looks so funny. Whenever I see him, I can’t help……………………………………(smile). 58. The fine weather helped……………………………………(make) it really nice holiday. 59. I tried……………………………………(reach) the shelf, but I wasn’t tall enough. 60. Victoria reminded me……………………………………(not be) late for the meeting. 61. We went for a walk after we finished……………………………………(clean) up the kitchen. 62. When do you expect……………………………………(leave) on your trip? 63. The baby started……………………………………(talk) when she was about eighteen months old. 64. I’m getting tired. I need……………………………………(take) a break.

Access to English Book 3 76 65. The travel agent advised us…………………………………… (not wait) until August. 66. We’re going out for dinner. Would you like……………………………………(join) us? 67. Mrs. Darlene promised……………………………………(come) tomorrow. 68. My boss expects me……………………………………(complete) this work as soon as possible. 69. Leonard doesn’t mind……………………………………(be) alone. 70. The teacher seems……………………………………(be) in a good mood today. 71. Mrs. Maximus warned her young son……………………………………(not touch) the hot stove. 72. Hagan advised me……………………………………(rent) a new apartment. 73. His teacher encourages him……………………………………(study) harder. 74. Gianna pretended……………………………………(know) the answer to my question. 75. Could you please stop……………………………………(make) so much noise? 76. Zenon doesn’t let anyone……………………………………(smoke) in his office. 77. It’s good to visit other places-I enjoy……………………………………(travel). 78. I’m not quite ready yet. Would you mind……………………………………(wait) a little longer? 79. When I was a child, I hated……………………………………(go) to bed early. 80. When I have to catch a train, I’m always worried that I’ll miss it. So I like………………………………(get) to the station in plenty of time. 81. I enjoy……………………………………(be) busy. I don’t like it when there’s nothing to do. 82. I would love……………………………………(come) to your wedding, but I’m afraid it isn’t possible. 83. I don’t like……………………………………(live) in this part of town. I want to move somewhere else. 84. Do you have a minute? I’d like……………………………………(talk) to you about something. 85. If there’s bad news and good news, I like……………………………………(know) the bad news first. 86. We ran ten kilometres without……………………………………(stop). . 87. Waldo left the hotel without……………………………………(pay) his bill. 88. It’s a nice morning. How about……………………………………(go) for a walk? 89. We were able to translate the letter into English without……………………………………(use) a dictionary. 90. Before……………………………………(go) to bed, I like to have a hot drink. 91. It was a long trip. I was very tired after……………………………………(sit) on a train for 36 hours. 92. I was annoyed because the decision was made without anybody………………………………(consult) me. 93. After……………………………………(do) the same job for ten years, I felt I needed a change. 94. We got lost because we went straight on instead of……………………………………(turn) left. 95. I like these pictures you took. You’re good at……………………………………(take) pictures. 96. They decided……………………………………(hold) the meeting next week. 97. I hope you won’t forget……………………………………(give) this book to your father. 98. Garrick went on……………………………………(speak) although nobody was paying attention. 99. Why do you keep on……………………………………(make) the same mistakes? 100. I found him……………………………………(lie) on his bed. 101. The boss got me……………………………………(work) late last night. 102. Zander insisted on……………………………………(come) with us. 103. He advised me……………………………………(see) a doctor.

Access to English Book 3 77 104. If you can’t turn the key, try……………………………………(put) some oil in the lock. 105. The president is expected……………………………………(arrive) in a few days. 106. Please let me……………………………………(know) when you will be back. 107. They escaped by……………………………………(slide) down ropes made of blankets. 108. A : Does Christina know about the meeting? B : No, I forgot……………………………………(tell) her. 109. A : You lent me some money a few months ago. B : Did I? Are you sure? I don’t remembered……………………………………(lend) you any money. 110. A : I don’t think Donovan likes me. B : What make you……………………………………(think) that? 111. A : Would you like……………………………………(sit) down? B : No, thanks. I’ll stand. 112. A : Did you remember……………………………………(phone / call) your sister? B : Oh! No, I completely forgot, I’ll……………………………………(phone) her tomorrow. 113. The burger made me……………………………………(show) him how……………………………………(open) the safe. 114. I’ve enjoyed……………………………………(talk) to you, I hope……………………………………(see) you again soon. 115. You don’t need……………………………………(iron) that shirt. It doesn’t need……………………………………(iron). 116. I’ve decided……………………………………(stay) here over vacation and……………………………………(paint) my room. 117. Sometimes students avoid……………………………………(look) at the teacher if they don’t want ……………………………………(answer) a question. 118. Even though I asked the people in front of me at the movie……………………………………(be) quiet, they kept……………………………………(talk). 119. Bogart and Walker were considering……………………………………(get) married in June, but they finally decided……………………………………(wait) until August. 120. I’d rather……………………………………(go) out than……………………………………(stay) at home. Part V : 121 - 140 Meaning in Context (Infinitive and Gerund) Instruction : Choose the correct verb form 121. I’m very bad at to play / playing the piano. 122. Would you like to go / going horse riding with me? 123. Do you like to climb / climbing? 124. I hope to learn / learning to play badminton next winter. 125. To fish / fishing helps me to relax. 126. Thank you for to take / taking me windsurfing. 127. You can’t expect to be / being good at a sport the very first time you try it. 128. Could you teach me how to play / playing chess? 129. Orianna really loves to collect / collecting stamps. 130. I can’t live without to listen / listening to music.

Access to English Book 3 78 131. To parachute / Parachuting can be quite dangerous if you don’t know what you are doing. 132. I’m quite good at to waterski / waterskiing, but my husband can’t do it at all. 133. To speak / speaking when your mouth is full is not considered very polite. 134. I’d like to have / having more free time than I do have. 135. I enjoy to play / playing tennis, but I really can’t get excited about to run / running. 136. To work / working for too long on a computer can give you bad headaches. 137. They are not real old enough to go out / going out on their own. 138. Her doctor has told her to stop / stopping smoking. 139. We try to eat / eating good quality food at home, but I think the children eat a lot of sweets and junk food when they’re out. 140. I think to drink / drinking too much is his biggest problem. Part VI : 141 - 178 Gap-filling (Infinitive and Gerund) Instruction : Put the verbs in the brackets into the “Infinitive with “to”, Infinitive without “to” and Gerund My mother is an amazing woman, she is 87 years old and she still enjoys (141)……………………………………(go out) for a walk every day. She doesn’t mind (142)……………………………………(do) all her housework and she’s glad (143)…………………………………(help) her elderly neighbors when they can’t (144)………………………….……(go) to the shop. She’s too old (145)………….……………………(dig) the garden any more-she stopped (146)……………………………………(do) that last year-but she’s still healthy enough (147)……………………………………(mow) the grass! In the summer she still goes (148)……………………………………(swim) when it’s warm and she lets her grandchildren (149)……………………………………(bury) her in the sand. She often says “It’s no good (150)………………………(be) alive if you don’t enjoy yourself.”. I’d love (151)………………….………(be) like my mother when I’m her age. Uzi has decided (152)…………………………………(become) a mechanic, because he like (153)…………………………………(repair) cars. Max’s uncle has offered (154)…………………………………(give) him a job, but he would like (155)…………………………………(have) his own garage one day. Amity wants (156)…………………………………(be) a research scientist because she likes (157)…………………………………(do) experiments. She would like (158)……………………………(go) to university. She hope (159)…………………………(study) biology and chemistry.

Access to English Book 3 79 Trixie would love (160)…………………………………(have) an outdoor job because she likes (161)………………………………(work) with animals. She would love (162)………………………………(be) a game warden or a gardener. Lowell is learning (163)…………………………………(play) the guitar. He hope (164)…………………………………(become) a pop star because he likes (165)…………………………………(write) music. He wants (166)…………………………………(earn) a lot of money because he would like (167)…………………………………(buy) a big house for his family. Dear Madison, I am writing (168)…………………………………(thank) you for my birthday presents. I was so happy (169)………………………………(receive) it. I had so many lovely present, I don’t know what (170)…………………………………(do) with them all. On my birthday I went for a meal with some friends and afterwards we went (171)…………………………………(dance) at that new club Poplar Street. If you haven’t been, it’s certainly worth (172)…………………………………(go) there. Now that I’m old enough (173)………………………………(drive), I’m busy (174)……………………………(take) driving lesson. Dad has said he’ll let me (175)…………………………………(use) his car as long as I promise (176)…………………………………(be) careful. Well, I must (177)…………………………………(go) now. I hope (178)…………………………………(hear) from you soon. Love, Angelica Part VII : 179 - 260 Multiple Choice Instruction : Choose the best answer for each item. 179. They asked me……………………………………a song. 1) singing 2) to sing 3) sang 4) had sung 180. It is interesting……………………………………stamps. 1) collect 2) collects 3) collecting 4) to collect

Access to English Book 3 80 181. Ragnar avoided……………………………………his girlfriend. 1) met 2) to meet 3) meeting 4) had met 182. You didn’t tell me……………………………………to the airport. 1) go 2) to go 3) how go 4) how to go 183. Are you interested in……………………………………in the forest? 1) camping 2) to camp 3) have a camp 4) have to camp 184. Mason succeeded in……………………………………the test. 1) passed 2) to pass 3) pass 4) passing 185. Don’t let your daughter……………………………………the fire. 1) plays 2) play 3) played 4) playing 186. “Keep on…………………………………… .”, my father said. 1) to study 2) study 3) studying 4) studied 187. Please help me……………………………………this box. 1) to carry 2) carry 3) carrying 4) carried 188. Cassius asked the teacher……………………………………her some advice. 1) giving 2) gave 3) give 4) to give 189. My interests are…………………………………… . 1) singing and dancing 2) sing and dance 3) sang and danced 4) to sing and dance 190. Carolina avoided……………………………………math course. 1) to take 2) take 3) taking 4) took 191. Please tell me……………………………………the post office. 1) go 2) to go 3) to go to 4) how to go to

Access to English Book 3 81 192. We are looking forward……………………………………America. 1) go 2) to go 3) to going to 4) to be going to 193. You should practice……………………………………grammar exercises more. 1) do 2) doing 3) to do 4) to be done 194. Old people always think of……………………………………in the past. 1) working 2) work 3) to work 4) worked 195. Our teacher told us…………………………………… . 1) practicing writing essays 2) to practice writing essays 3) practicing to write essays 4) to practice to write essays 196. I don’t want……………………………………with him. 1) dancing 2) dance 3) to dance 4) danced 197. My mother told me……………………………………a good child. 1) is 2) be 3) am 4) to be 198. Need I……………………………………the washing up? 1) do 2) to do 3) doing 4) did 199. You had better……………………………………her what she wants. 1) giving 2) to give 3) give 4) gave 200. Olivia began……………………………………up off the floor. 1) get 2) to get 3) gets 4) getting 201. Do I need……………………………………any longer? 1) wait 2) to wait 3) waiting 4) waited 202. Need I……………………………………for the drinks? 1) paying 2) to pay 3) pay 4) paid

Access to English Book 3 82 203. I don’t let my children……………………………………up very late. 1) stay 2) to stay 3) staying 4) stayed 204. They made the child……………………………………the milk. 1) drink 2) to drink 3) drinking 4) drinks 205. We both heard him……………………………………that he was quitting. 1) saying 2) to say 3) say 4) says 206. Could you help me……………………………………this radio? 1) fix 2) to fix 3) fixes 4) fixing 207. Sophia was heard……………………………………that she was disappointed. 1) say 2) to say 3) saying 4) says 208. Did you feel the ground……………………………………? 1) shake 2) to shake 3) shakes 4) shaking 209. Gunnar was made……………………………………back the money. 1) pay 2) to pay 3) paying 4) pays 210. You can’t stop me……………………………………what I want? 1) doing 2) do 3) to do 4) that I do 211. I must go now. I promised……………………………………late. 1) not being 2) not to be 3) to not be 4) I wouldn’t be 212. Do you want……………………………………with you or do you want to go alone? 1) me coming 2) me to come 3) that I come 4) that I will come 213. I know I locked the door. I clearly remember……………………………………it. 1) locking 2) to lock 3) to have locked 4) locked

Access to English Book 3 83 214. Emma tried to be serious, but she couldn’t help……………………………………. . 1) laughing 2) to laugh 3) that she laughed 4) laugh 215. Christopher lives in Berlin now. He likes……………………………………there. 1) living 2) to live 3) lives 4) lived 216. It’s not my favorite job, but I like……………………………………the kitchen as often as possible. 1) cleaning 2) clean 3) to clean 4) that I clean 217. Neon doesn’t speak very clearly. …………………………………… . 1) He is difficult to understand. 2) It is difficult to understand him. 3) He is difficult to understand him. 4) It was difficult for him to understand. 218. I’d rather……………………………………anyone what I said. 1) you don’t tell 2) not you tell 3) you didn’t tell 4) you wouldn’t tell 219. Are you looking forward……………………………………on vacation. 1) going 2) to go 3) to going 4) that you go 220. When Lena came to Britan, she had to get used……………………………………on the left. 1) driving 2) to driving 3) to drive 4) drive 221. I’m thinking……………………………………a house. Do you think that’s good idea? 1) to buy 2) of to buy 3) of buying 4) about buying 222. I had no……………………………………a place to stay. In fact it was surprisingly easy. 1) difficultly to find 2) difficulty finding 3) trouble to find 4) trouble finding 223. I phoned the restaurant……………………………………a table. 1) for reserve 2) to reserve 3) for reserving 4) for to reserve 224. I’m tried. I’d rather……………………………………out this evening, if you don’t mind. 1) not going 2) not to go 3) don’t go 4) not go

Access to English Book 3 84 225. The path was icy, so we walked very carefully. We were afraid…………………………………… . 1) of falling 2) from falling 3) to fall 4) to falling 226. I don’t here you……………………………………in. You must have been very quiet. 1) come 2) to come 3) came 4) coming 227. I don’t mind……………………………………late today. 1) come 2) to come 3) coming 4) came 228. Hercules enjoys……………………………………in the lake. 1) swimming 2) to swim 3) swim 4) to swimming 229. The students are considering……………………………………the final examination. 1) take 2) taking 3) to take 4) to taking 230. Randel likes……………………………………in the sea. 1) bathing 2) bathed 3) bathe 4) to bathe 231. We shall be delighted…………………………………… . 1) coming 2) come 3) to have come 4) to come 232. Rihanna and Logan intended……………………………………their exercise. 1) written 2) write 3) to write 4) writing 233. Have you completed……………………………………your letter? 1) writing 2) to write 3) write 4) wrote 234. I detested……………………………………milk when I was a child. 1) drink 2) to drink 3) drinking 4) drinks 235. Let him……………………………………tomorrow morning. 1) come 2) to come 3) to coming 4) coming

Access to English Book 3 85 236. We appreciate……………………………………a conversation with you. 1) to have 2) having 3) have 4) had 237. Remember……………………………………me a letter when you leave here. 1) sending 2) send 3) sent 4) to send 238. Did Damon admit……………………………………a mistake? 1) to make 2) making 3) make 4) made 239. That seems…………………………………….a well-built house. 1) being 2) was 3) to be 4) be 240. Hurry up! We must run to the bus stop. I can see a bus…………………………………… . 1) come 2) comes 3) coming 4) to come 241. They forced us……………………………………their invitation. 1) to accept 2) accepting 3) accept 4) accepted 242. Duke said he would……………………………………me the next day. 1) to call 2) call 3) calling 4) called 243. Though Betty is a vegetarian, she is always forced……………………………………pork. 1) to eating 2) eat 3) eating 4) to eat 244. You shouldn’t risk……………………………………alone in the night. 1) walk 2) to walk 3) walking 4) walked 245. I forgot……………………………………my students assignments; they did nothing. 1) to give 2) giving 3) give 4) to giving 246. Don’t make the baby……………………………………; I’ll go out for a while, will you? 1) to cry 2) crying 3) cry 4) to be cry

Access to English Book 3 86 247. Claire denied……………………………………the book. 1) to lose 2) losing 3) lose 4) lost 248. Don’t let anybody……………………………………here. 1) sit 2) to sit 3) sitting 4) to sitting 249. Listen to the people. Can you hear them……………………………………? 1) shouted 2) shouting 3) shout 4) to shout 250. My boos promises the employers……………………………………their salaries next year. 1) raise 2) raised 3) to raise 4) raising 251. A : You seem……………………………………this area very well. B : Yes, I used to……………………………………here. 1) know / live 2) to know / live 3) knowing / living 4) to know / living 252. A : Need I……………………………………? B : No, you’d better……………………………………home. 1) come / staying 2) coming / staying 3) come / stay 4) to come / to stay 253. A : Would you like……………………………………in my car? B : No, thanks, I’d rather…………………………………… . 1) to come / walk 2) coming / to walk 3) come / walking 4) come / walk 254. I have no intention of……………………………………to that film; I couldn’t bear……………………………………my favorite actress in dreadful part. 1) go / see 2) going / seeing 3) go / to see 4) going / to see 255. I’d like……………………………………my hair…………………………………… . 1) have / cutting 2) having / cut 3) to have / cut 4) to have / to cut 256. I dislike……………………………………too long for……………………………………an appointment. 1) to wait / to make 2) to wait / making 3) waiting / making 4) waiting / to make

Access to English Book 3 87 257. Are you going…………………………………….me……………………………………a whole hour? 1) keep / wait 2) keeping / to wait 3) to keep / waiting 4) keeping / waiting 258. Maddox was encouraged…………………………………… ……………………………………for a better job. 1) to start / to look 2) starting / to look 3) start / to look 4) to start / looking 259. After……………………………………a hotel, we looked for somewhere……………………………………dinner. 1) finding / have 2) found / to have 3) found / having 4) finding / to have 260. ……………………………………all is……………………………………all. 1) To know / forgiving 2) Knowing / to forgive 3) To know / to forgive 4) Knowing / forgiving

Access to English Book 3 88 Comparison Positive Comparative Superlative Meaning good bad little few much / many far better worse less fewer more farther / further the best the worst the least the fewest the most the farthest / the furthest ดี เลว / แย่ น้อย น้อย มาก ไกล Equality 1. as + adj. / adv. + as 2. the same + N. + as 3. as + much + U.C.N. + as 4. as + many + Plu. N. + as Inequality 1. not + so / as + adj. / adv. + as 2. not + the same + N. + as 3. not + so / as + much + U.C.N. + as 4. not + so / as + many + Plu. N. + as Comparative 1. A + be / Linking V. + Adj. / Adv. + er + than + B 2. A + be / Linking V. + more + Adj. / Adv. + than + B 3. more + U.C.N / Plu. N. + than 4. fewer + Plu. N. + than 5. less + U.C.N + than Comparative 1. comparative + and + comparative 2. The + comparative + S + V, the + comparative + S + V Superlative 1. (Of all) + the + Adj. / Adv. + est (in the…) 2. (Of all) + the + most + Adj. / Adv. (in the…) 3. the most + U.C.N / Plu. N. 4. the fewest + Plu. N. 5. the least + U.C.N 6. the least + Adj. / Adv.

Access to English Book 3 89 Compound Nouns 1. Noun + Noun หลัก = คำนามหลักอยู่ด้านหลัง เช่น road accident (อุบัติเหตุบนท้องถนน) 2. Noun + Noun = คำนามตัวแรกต้องอยู่ในรูปเอกพจน์เสมอ แต่มีความหมายเป็นพหูพจน์ เช่น book shop (ร้านหนังสือ) ***กรณีต้องการทำให้คำศัพท์เป็นพหูพจน์ ให้ทำเป็นพหูพจน์ที่คำนามหลัก เช่น a school girl => two school girls 3. Verb ing + Noun = คำนามผสมที่ใช้กริยามาช่วยขยาย กริยาตัวนั้นต้องเติม ing เช่น swimming pool, a washing machine หลักการเขียน Compound Nouns 1. เขียนติดกัน 2. เขียนแยกกัน 3. ใช้เครื่องหมาย hyphen (-) *** ไม่มีกฎเกณฑ์การเขียนที่ตายตัว หากไม่แน่ใจ ให้เขียนแยกจากกัน *** Compound Nouns เน้นคำนามหลักที่ตัวหลัง แต่เมื่อแปลเป็นภาษาไทย จะแปลคำนามหลักขึ้นก่อน เช่น school bus (รถโรงเรียน) water colour (สีน้ำ) Infinitive with “to” 1. Verb ทั่วไป + to Verb 1 2. Verb + Object + to Verb 3. ตามหลัง Question word + to Verb 1 Where to go… How to cook… 4. ตามหลัง adjective + to Verb 1 5. ตามหลัง verb to be + to Verb 1 >> คำสั่ง 6. ตามหลัง have / has / had + to Verb 1 >> แผนการ Infinitive without “to” 1. ตามหลัง modal Verb + Verb 1 2. ตามหลัง do / does / did + Verb 1 3. ตามหลัง would rather / had better / rather than / had sooner + Verb 1 4. ตามหลัง verb ประสาทสัมผัส + Object + Verb Note! • verb ประสาทสัมผัส + Verb 1 => Complete Action • verb ประสาทสัมผัส + Verb ing => Incomplete Action 5. let / make / help + someone + Verb 1 6. have + somebody + Verb 1 have + something + Verb 3

Access to English Book 3 90 Gerund 1. Verb + Verb ing 2. Verb + to Verb 1 + Verb ing ความหมายไม่เปลี่ยน love prefer like continue hate dislike start begin + to Verb 1 / + Verb ing ความหมายเปลี่ยน stop remember forget regret + to Verb 1 = ยังไม่ได้ทำ + Verb ing = กระทำแล้ว (อดีต) 3. ตามหลัง Preposition + Verb ing 4. ตามหลัง can’t help / look forward to / get used to / be used to + Verb ing 5. ตามหลัง sit / stand / go / come / busy / worth / no good / no use / can’t stand + Verb ing 6. ตามหลัง advise / allow / permit ระวัง 1. would love ’d like hate dislike 2. look forward to + Verb ing 3. used to + Verb 1 => เคย 4. to be used to + Verb ing => เคยชิน + object + to Verb 1 + Verb ing + to Verb 1

Access to English Book 3 91 Conversation 1 Tom What’s wrong, Ruby? You look kind of fed up? Ruby I am. I’ve done six hours of homework today! Tom Maybe you should take a rest. Ruby A rest? I wish! I haven’t even started my math, and that’ll be really hard… Ella You won’t have any problems with it, I’m sure. You’re great at math! But maybe you shouldn’t do all your homework on the weekend, Ruby. Ruby I don’t have enough time for homework on school nights. Ella Why don’t you talk to your parents about your chores? Maybe they can walk the dog in the evening, and you can study. Ruby No, they’re too busy. I might stop going to climbing club so I have more time. Tom I don’t think you should stop climbing, Ruby. You love it! The examples of using sentences in other situations from the above conversation. Ella I can’t find my school sweater! Tom Why don’t you clean up your room? Ella No, I can’t do that. I don’t have time now. I know! I can wear your sweater. Tom I don’t think you should do that. It’s too big. Maybe you should borrow a sweater from Ruby.

Access to English Book 3 92 Conversation 2 Ruby Hi, guys. What are you doing here? Tom We’re protesting. Ruby What are you protesting against? Ash The city council is going to close down the library. They say that people don’t use it. But that’s not true. Ella Will you sign our petition? If you sign it, you’ll help to keep the library open. Ruby I suppose so. Tom Hey, why don’t you join us? Ruby Sorry, I can’t. I have homework to do. Ella Come on, Ruby. It’ll be fun. Look, we have T-shirts with slogans. Ash And you can hold my sign. It’s better than doing homework. Ruby I don’t know. Tom But it’s important. We all use the library, and we care about what happens to it. If we don’t protest, they will close it. I’m sure you don’t what that to happen. Ruby Ok, I’ll do it. You win! Where’s my T-shirt?! The examples of using sentences in other situations from the above conversation. Tom This is hard! Ruby Come on, Tom. It’ll be fun. Tom I don’t know. This is the first time I’ve been on a skateboard. I’m going to fall. Ruby No, you’re not. I’m sure you’ll be fine. Tom Ok, you win! ...Hey, this is easier than I thought. Ruby Yes, and it’s better than playing soccer.

Access to English Book 3 93 Unit 6 Vocabulary Part of Speech Meaning 1. abuse n. การข่มเหง 2. activity n. การกระทำ กิจกรรม 3. argue v. ถกเถียง โต้แย้ง 4. author n. นักประพันธ์นักเขียน ผู้แต่ง 5. baggy adj. โป่งหรือพองคล้ายถุง 6. bullying n. การขุมขู่กลั่นแกล้ง การกระทำความรุนแรง 7. chore n. งานบ้าน 8. community n. ชุมชน สังคม 9. confident adj. มั่นใจ 10. confusion adj. สับสน 11. consequences n. ผลที่ตามมา ผลกระทบ 12. design n. / v. การสร้างสรรค์ การออกแบบ ออกแบบวางแผน 13. disagree v. ไม่เห็นด้วย 14. disappointed adj. ผิดหวัง 15. embarrassed adj. อับอาย 16. excuse n. ข้อแก้ตัว 17. fair adj. เท่าเทียม ยุติธรรม 18. fed up adj. เบื่อหน่าย 19. global warming n. ภาวะโลกร้อน 20. grateful adj. รู้สึกขอบคุณ รู้สึกสำนึกในบุญคุณ 21. guilty adj. รู้สึกผิดหวัง 22. habit n. กิจวัตร สิ่งที่ทำเป็นประจำ 23. hang out v. ออกไปข้างนอก สังสรรค์ ชะโงกออกไป 24. household n. ครอบครัว ครัวเรือน 25. instrument n. เครื่องดนตรี 26. issue n. ฉบับ ประเด็น ปัญหา 27. jealous adj. อิจฉา 28. laundry n. การซักรีด ร้านซักรีด 29. mental adj. / adv. เกี่ยวกับจิตใจ ด้านจิตใจ 30. multimedia n. การใช้สื่อหลายชนิดในคอมพิวเตอร์

Access to English Book 3 94 Vocabulary Part of Speech Meaning 31. nervous adj. ตื่นกลัว ประหม่า 32. obligation n. หน้าที่ สัญญาผูกมัด 33. production n. การผลิต การทำการประกอบ การสร้าง 34. prohibition n. การห้าม ข้อห้าม ข้อละเว้น 35. relieved adj. โล่งใจ 36. script n. บทละคร บทพูด 37. substance n. สะสาร ทรัพย์สิน เนื้อหาสาระ 38. trash n. ขยะ เรื่องเหลวไหล 39. virtual adj. เสมือน 40. witness n. พยาน What’s wrong? = “เป็นอะไรหรือเปล่า” ใช้สอบถามแสดงความเป็นห่วง พร้อมรับฟังและ ให้กำลังใจเมื่อเห็นคนกำลังทุกข์หรือไม่สบายใจ I wish! = ใช้เมื่อต้องการตอบรับความคิดเห็นหรือข้อเสนอแนะว่าเราอยากให้เป็น อย่างนั้นเหมือนกัน แต่ในความเป็นจริงมันเป็นไปไม่ได้

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