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เอกสารประกอบการสอนเพิ่มเติมภาคเรียนที่ 2 เล่ม 3 (ม.ต้น) เน้นแบบฝึกหัดและแบบทดสอบ

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Published by The School of Lesson Plans, 2023-10-13 04:39:40

Access to English Book 3 ราคา 200 บาท

เอกสารประกอบการสอนเพิ่มเติมภาคเรียนที่ 2 เล่ม 3 (ม.ต้น) เน้นแบบฝึกหัดและแบบทดสอบ

Access to English Book 3 95 Unit 7 Vocabulary Part of Speech Meaning 1. access n. ทางเข้า การเข้าไปได้วิธีเข้าอารมณ์รุนแรงและกระทันหัน 2. banner n. ป้ายประกาศบนผืนผ้า 3. behavior adj. / n. เกี่ยวกับพฤติกรรม พฤติกรรม 4. charity n. เงินบริจาค การกุศล 5. collection n. การรวบรวม 6. comment n. คำวิจารณ์ ความเห็น 7. condition n. สภาพ 8. connect v. / n. เชื่อมกับ เกี่ยวข้อง สัมพันธ์กับ การติดต่อความสัมพันธ์ 9. council n. สภา 10. critical adj. เกี่ยวกับการวิจารณ์ 11. cyclist n. นักขี่จักรยาน 12. demonstration n. การเดินขบวน 13. developing country n. ประเทศที่กำลังพัฒนา 14. disapprove v. ไม่เห็นด้วย ไม่ยอมรับ 15. donation n. การบริจาค 16. encourage v. กระตุ้น 17. exhibition n. การแสดงนิทรรศการ งานมหกรรม 18. fair price n ราคายุติธรรม 19. fair-trade n. การค้าที่เป็นธรรม 20. fundraising event n. การระดมทุน 21. insist n. การยืนยัน 22. integration n. บูรณาการ การรวบรวม การรวมตัวกัน 23. march n. การเดินแถว 24. mass n. ก้อน กอง มวลชน ความหนาแน่น 25. organization n. องค์กร 26. persuade v. ชักชวน ชักจูง 27. petition n. คำร้องเรียน คำร้องทุกข์ 28. pollution n. มลพิษ 29. protect v. / n. ป้องกัน การป้องกัน 30. protest v. / n. ยืนยัน การประท้วง

Access to English Book 3 96 Vocabulary Part of Speech Meaning 31. regard n. ความเอาใจใส่ ความเป็นที่นับถือ 32. satellite n. ดาวเทียม 33. sculpture n. รูปปั้น 34. sign v. / n. ลงชื่อ ป้าย 35. solution n. วิธีแก้ปัญหา 36. space n. อวกาศ ช่องว่าง 37. suppose v. สมมุติว่า คาดคะเน 38. tropical climate n. สภาพภูมิอากาศแบบร้อนชื้น 39. volunteer n. อาสาสมัคร 40. vote n. การลงคะแนนเสียง ลงมติเลือกตั้ง Come on. = ใช้พูดเพื่อโน้มน้าวให้อีกฝ่ายทำบางสิ่งที่ยังลังเลใจอยู่ ในทำนองว่า “เอาน่า มาเถอะ” หรือบางครั้งใช้แสดงความไม่เชื่อ ในนำนองว่า “ไม่เอาน่า” ก็ได้ I suppose so = ใช้เมื่อคิดว่าตกลงจะทำบางสิ่งแต่ก็ยังไม่มั่นใจแน่นอนในทำนองว่า “ก็น่าจะได้” You win! = ใช้พูดเพื่อยอมจำนนต่อความต้องการหรือคำขอของอีกฝ่ายหลังจาก ถูกคะยั้นคะยอ ในทำนองว่า “ก็ได้ เธอชนะ ฉันยอม”

Access to English Book 3 97 Part I : 1 - 30 Comparisons Instructions : Choose the best alternative. 1. Chloe has……………………………………than Violet. 1) books less 2) books fewer 3) less books 4) fewer books 2. Baron has……………………………………Dominic. 1) money less 2) less money 3) money fewer 4) fewer money 3. I have……………………………………my brother. 1) not as many books as 2) not books as many as 3) books not many as 4) not many books as 4. There are……………………………………than is your class. 1) students in my class more 2) more students in my class 3) in my class students more 4) students more in my class 5. Mr. Ethan is……………………………………man in his factory. 1) the most funniest 2) more funny 3) the most funnier 4) the funniest 6. People are getting…………………………………… . 1) lazy and lazy 2) more and more lazy 3) lazier and lazier 4) more lazy and more lazy 7. Belinda is two years……………………………………than her sister. 1) older 2) more older 3) elder 4) more elder 8. This is……………………………………you. 1) the same book as 2) the same book like 3) as same as book 4) as same book as 9. Stanard is……………………………………than you. 1) clever 2) more clever 3) more cleverer 4) cleverer

Access to English Book 3 98 10. Kennocha now weighs……………………………………he has ever weighed. 1) more 2) the most 3) much 4) much more 11. Nadia is……………………………………Ares. 1) big as not as 2) as not big as 3) not big as 4) not as big as 12. This is……………………………………pizza I’ve ever eaten. 1) bad 2) worse 3) the worst 4) the most bad 13. Jamille isn’t……………………………………her sister. 1) the same talent as 2) more talent 3) as talented as 4) talented as 14. Which ocean is……………………………………in the world? 1) smaller 2) the smallest 3) the most small 4) more small 15. A : What do you think of this material? B : It’s……………………………………than I expected. 1) better much 2) much better 3) better more 4) more better 16. A : Have you read his new book? B : Yes, It’s……………………………………interesting than his first four books. 1) the most 2) very much 3) much more 4) more 17. A : You earn more than Pascal does. B : Of course, I do. A : You’re……………………………………than he is. B : Of course, I am. 1) more successful 2) the most successful 3) successfuller 4) more successful 18. The more you talk about the matter,…………………………………… . 1) the situation seems worse 2) the worse the situation seems 3) the worse seems the situation 4) the situation seems the worse

Access to English Book 3 99 19. The more marks he gets,……………………………………he seems. 1) more happier 2) more happily 3) happier 4) most happy 20.The scenery looks……………………………………in winter than in summer. 1) pleasant 2) much more pleasantly 3) very pleasant 4) much more pleasant 21.The fewer luggage you take,……………………………………trouble you will have on the way. 1) the fewer 2) the little 3) the less 4) the least 22. My bedroom is……………………………………room in my house because it is mopped by my fussy aunt every day. 1) cleaner 2) more clean 3) the cleanest 4) the most clean Odin : There are a lot of students at Bodindecha (Sing Singhaseni) School. Do you know why? Zeno : I think because it’s (23)……………………………………than any other school in this area. Odin : But you know, the more student in the class there are (24)……………………………………for the teacher to teach. Zeno : So how do they teach in a large class? Odin : It’s up to a teacher’s technique, but the teachers will teach them as (25)……………….…………… they can. 23. 1) the best 2) good 3) better 4) best 24. 1) the most hard 2) the harder 3) more hard 4) the hardest 25. 1) better as 2) best as 3) good as 4) well as 26. The cost of living in the country isn’t quite……………………………………in the capital. 1) as high as 2) higher than 3) highest 4) more high 27. I figured……………………………………a razor cost……………………………………it would be. 1) the high / the better 2) the more / the more 3) the more / the better 4) the more expensive / the more

Access to English Book 3 100 28. The……………………………………we cook, the……………………………………we eat. 1) more quickly / the earlier 2) more quick / more early 3) the quicker / the earlier 4) quicker / earlier 29. My Mathematic teacher is……………………………………and……………………………………the History teacher. He never laughs and he makes us do a lot of more work. 1) more strict than / more unfriendly than 2) the strictest / the unfriendliest 3) more strict / more unfriendly 4) stricter / unfriendlier than 30. I think English is……………………………………and……………………………………subject in the world! 1) the easier / the more interesting 2) the easiest / the most interesting 3) easier than / more interesting than 4) the most easy / the most interesting Part II : 31 - 60 Compound Nouns Instructions : Choose the best alternative. 31. The relationship between women and their……………………………………is often fraught. 1) mothers-in-law 2) in-law-mother 3) mothers-in-laws 4) in-law-mothers 32. Are there any……………………………………nearby? 1) shoe shop 2) shoe shops 3) shop shoes 4) shops shoe 33. Take two……………………………………of honey before you go to bed. 1) spoonful 2) fulpoons 3) spoonsful 4) spoonfuls 34. The elderly spend most of their time looking at the…………………………………… . 1) passer-by 2) passers-by 3) by-passer 4) by-passers 35. They are……………………………………who never take responsibility for their lives. 1) goods-for-nothing 2) nothing-for-goods 3) good-for-nothings 4) nothings-for-good 36. I have three……………………………………from the UK. 1) penfriend 2) pens-friend 3) penfriends 4) friend-pens

Access to English Book 3 101 37. Get off after two…………………………………… . 1) bus stop 2) bus stops 3) buses-stop 4) stopping-bus 38. The……………………………………was warm on my face. 1) sunshine 2) sun shines 3) shining sun 4) shine-sun 39. The……………………………………was too lazy to get up and answer the door. 1) couching potato 2) couch potatoes 3) couch potato 4) couching potatoes 40. They should put a…………………………………outside the school so that children don’t get run over. 1) crossing zebra 2) zebra crossing 3) cross zebra 4) zebra crosses 41. Cruz’ll never think of such a simple solution because he hasn’t got any…………………………………… . 1) sense common 2) common senses 3) sense commons 4)common sense 42. Who’s got the……………………………………for the TV? I’m bored with this programme. 1) controlling remote 2) remote controlling 3) remote control 4) control remote 43. After the last break-in, they decided to get a……………………………………installed. 1) burglar alarms 2) burglar alarm 3)alarming burglar 4) alarm burglars 44. When I don’t have time to cook I send the kids out to get some…………………………………… . 1) fast food 2) fasting food 3) food fast 4) fastest food 45. Is the……………………………………you get from your parents enough for your needs? 1) pocketing money 2) pocket moneys 3) money pocket 4) pocket money 46. Can you send the……………………………………quickly - the house next door is on fire. 1) fire brigades 2) fire brigade 3) firing brigade 4) fires brigade 47. Many of the human problems are often caused by a……………………………………in communications. 1) breakdown 2) breaking down 3) down breaking 4) break downs

Access to English Book 3 102 48. The consequences of……………………………………from Chernobyl are still being felt in some areas of Russia. 1) falling out 2)out falling 3) fallout 4) outfall 49. In response to the pay offer, there was a……………………………………at the factory. 1) out walking 2) walk-out 3) walking-out 4) walk outs 50. Some patients of AIDS are expecting……………………………………regarding the medical treatment. 1) breakthrough 2) breaking through 3) through break 4) through-breaking 51. The company is trying to find some new……………………………………to sell its products. 1) outputs 2) outcomes 3) outsources 4)outlets 52. I love watching……………………………………on cold winter nights. 1) firelights 2) fireflies 3) firewalls 4) firebases 53.Let’s watch the……………………………………come up over the mountain. 1) full match 2) full light 3) full night 4) full moon 54.Be sure to add bleach to the…………………………………… . 1) washing machine 2) vending machine 3) banking machine 4) reaping machine 55.Please remember to schedule your dog’s annual…………………………………… . 1)check-point 2) check-in 3) check-up 4) check-put 56.This city is vibrant, so it’s hard to believe it has a thriving criminal…………………………………… . 1) underwear 2) underworld 3)underwater 4) underwriter 57. We need a……………………………………of mulch for the garden. 1) truck crane 2) truck vector 3) truck map 4) truckful 58.Please erase the……………………………………for me. 1) blackboard 2) black paper 3) backyard 4) backdrop

Access to English Book 3 103 59.Let’s be sure to stay somewhere with a…………………………………… . 1) swimming trunks 2) swimming suit 3) swimming pool 4) swimming foam 60. While you’re at the store, please pick up some……………………………………, a six-pack of ginger ale, and some…………………………………… . 1) toothpaste / egg rolls 2) toothache / egg nests 3) toothless / egg yolks 4) toothpick / egg cells Part III : 61 - 100 Infinitive and Gerund Instructions : Choose the best alternative. 61. Would you mind……………………………………your name and address on the back of the check? 1) writing 2) to write 3) write 4) writes 62. Barnaby always eats a lot. This eating habit causes him……………………………………uncomfortable. 1) feel 2) to fell 3) felling 4) to be felling 63. When Tadeo was young, he used……………………………………his father. 1) obey 2) obeying 3) to obeying 4) to obey 64. Please remind him……………………………………here tonight. 1) to be 2) being 3) to being 4) be 65. I’d much rather……………………………………at home during the storm. 1) to stay 2) staying 3) stay 4) to have stayed 66. Let us not……………………………………to him. 1) to listen 2) listen 3) listening 4) be listening 67. Our landlord made us……………………………………hard. 1) working 2) work 2) worked 4) to work 68. While Genesis was knitting, she watched the children……………………………………rope. 1) played 2) playing 3) play 4) to play

Access to English Book 3 104 69. We observed the spider……………………………………a web. 1) made 2) being made 3) making 4) to make 70. We saw the dog……………………………………on the old woman. 1) to pounce 2) being pounced 3) pounce 4) pounced 71. Irene promised……………………………………for dinner. 1) staying 2) to stay 3) stay 4) stayed 72. Would you mind……………………………………the catchup, please? 1) to pass 2) pass 3) passing 4) passed 73. I look forward……………………………………from you again. 1) hearing 2) hear 3) to hear 4) to hearing 74. I couldn’t help……………………………………when I saw his funny face. 1) laughing 2) to laughing 3) to laugh 4) laugh 75. We never forget……………………………………our English grammar book to school. 1) bring 2) have bringing 3) to bring 4) bringing 76. When will you have finished……………………………………up your things? 1) packing 2) to pack 3) packed 4) pack 77. The house requires thorough…………………………………… . 1) cleaning 2) to clean 3) clean 4) to be cleaned 78. My girl-friend suggested……………………………………here for the picnic. 1) coming 2) come 3) to come 4) to coming 79. I remember……………………………………Mrs. Gabriella at the meeting last Saturday. 1) to meet 2) meeting 3) meet 4) being met

Access to English Book 3 105 80. Everyone hates……………………………………up early in winter. 1) get 2) to get 3) getting 4) to getting 81. Will you please stop……………………………………to him for a while tomorrow. 1) to talk 2) talk 3) talking 4) to talking 82. There is someone here who doesn’t like…………………………………… . 1) swimming 2) to swim 3) swim 4) to swimming 83. Dynadin has tried very hard……………………………………the guitar but he never plays well. 1) play 2) to play 3) plays 4) playing 84. They continued……………………………………the work until their friend arrived. 1) do 2) doing 30 being done 4) having done 85. When the teacher came in the class, Amada stopped……………………………………to her friends. 1) to talk 2) to talking 3) talk 4) talking 86. I can’t imagine Oscar……………………………………in the examination! 1) cheat 2) cheating 3) to cheat 4) chested 87. The doctor is glad……………………………………that his patient is getting better now. 1) know 2) to know 3) knowing 4) to knowing 88. I thought Edgard had come in; Lucy didn’t you hear him……………………………………the door? 1) open 2) to open 3) opened 4) opening 89. These sentences are easy…………………………………… . 1) to completing 2) completing 3) to complete 4) complete 90. My wife might not remember……………………………………you in London, but I remember the restaurant we met in and even the dress you wore. 1) meeting 2) to meet 3) met 4) meet

Access to English Book 3 106 91. I ought to……………………………………a present to my sister by now. 1) send 2) be sending 3) sending 4) have been sent 92. People used to……………………………………fire by……………………………………two sticks together. 1) make / rub 2) making / rubbing 3) making / rub 4) make / rubbing 93. An instructor is coming……………………………………us how……………………………………the machine. 1) to show / using 2) to show / to use 3) show / use 4) to showing / to use 94. The horse won’t be well enough……………………………………in tomorrow’s race. He doesn’t seem ……………………………………recovered from his long journey. 1) to run / to have 2) to run / having 3) running / have 4) run / have 95. Some children wish people wouldn’t keep on……………………………………out how, years ago, children were made……………………………………far more respect to their elders. 1) pointing / show 2) pointing / showing 3) pointing / to show 4) point / showing 96. Amory took some medicine, but forgot……………………………………it before…………………………………… . 1) shake / take 2) to shake / taking 3) shaking / taking 4) shaking / to take 97. I’m fond of……………………………………novels but I don’t like……………………………………them as films. 1) read / to see 2) reading / seeing 3) reading / to see 4) read / see 98. A : Would you mind……………………………………me 15 Baht? I want……………………………………a can of coffee. 1) lending / to buy 2) lending / to buying 3) to lend / buying 4) lending / buying 99. Goddard keeps……………………………………me about the time and I keep……………………………………him ……………………………………himself. 1) asking / telling / buying 2) to ask / telling / to buy 3) ask / tell / to buy 4) asking / telling / to buy 100. Ecio didn’t dare……………………………the house because he was afraid of…………………………someone who might……………………………………him 1) leave / meet / recognize 2) to leave / meeting / recognize 3) leaving / to meet / to recognize 4) to leave / to meet / recognizing

Access to English Book 3 107 Part I : 1 - 8 Comparisons (Cloze Test) Instructions : Read the passage and choose the word given to complete these sentences with the comparative forms of the adjectives and adverbs. If you begin to compare products (1)…………………………………… than you did in the past. You will probably be (2) …………………………………… and (3)……………………………………(with your choices. Of course, it’s (4) ……………………………………and (5)……………………………………to buy things without comparison shopping. But if you shop around first, you’ll probably get (6)……………………………………value for your money. You’ll be able to buy an item with (7)……………………………………and (8) ……………………………………features. 1. 1) more carefully 2) more careful 3) carefullier 4) careful 2. 1) more happy 2) happier 3) most happy 4) happiest 3. 1) more satisfied 2) much more satisfied 3) most satisfied 4) less satisfied 4. 1) easy 2) more easy 3) easier 4) easiest 5. 1) rapider 2) more rapid 3) less rapid 4) rapidest 6. 1) much 2) much more 3) more 4) most 7. 1) few useful 2) less useful 3) more useful 4) most useful 8. 1) advances 2) more advanced 3) advancer 4) most advanced Part II : 9 - 33 Comparisons Instructions : Choose the best answer. 9. Hannah has had……………………………………friends than me. 1) pretty 2) prettier 3) prettiest 4) more pretty

Access to English Book 3 108 10. I confirmed myself……………………………………than she. 1) little prestigious 2) more prestigiously 3) less prestigious 4) more prestigious 11. It is usually……………………………………here in May than is August. 1) warm 2) very warm 3) warmer 4) most warm 12. Ekon admired his grandparents……………………………………than Richard. 1) striking 2) more strikingly 3) less striking 4) the least strikingly 13. This film is……………………………………than that one. 1) more interesting 2) interesting 3) most interesting 4) interestingly 14. I am……………………………………than you. 1) fearsome 2) alike fearsome 3) much fearsome 4) more fearsome 15. This river is……………………………………than the river in this town. 1) shallow 2) more shallow 3) shallower 4) shallowest 16. This film is……………………………………than the last one. 1) exciting 2) more exciting 3) most exciting 4) not so exciting as 17. Phoenix is……………………………………Valdus. 1) a little humble 2) more humble than 3) most humble 4) the least humble 18. Soccer is……………………………………game in the world. 1) the most popular 2) more popular 3) less more popular 4) little more popular 19. Gannon works……………………………………of all the students. 1) the most diligent 2) most diligently 3) most diligent 4) more diligent 20. Caroline is……………………………………girl in that group. 1) most beautiful 2) more beautiful than 3) the most beautiful 4) the more beautiful

Access to English Book 3 109 21. She sang……………………………………than anyone in her class. 1) sweetier 2) more sweet 3) sweetly 4) more sweetly 22. Jolie is……………………………………woman I’ve ever seen. 1) the most strange 2) most strange 3) the strangest 4) strangest 23. Alano made……………………………………mistakes of all students. 1) more 2) the most 3) many 4) much more 24. This novel is……………………………………than the one I’ve finished reading. 1) the long 2) the longer 3) more long 4) longer 25. Natalie sang……………………………………in the contest. 1) the best 2) best 3) better 4) the better 26. Of the two children, Morgan…………………………………… . 1) lazier 2) more lazy 3) the lazier 4) more lazier 27. Between the two hotels, here is…………………………………… . 1) the more luxury 2) more luxury 3) the most luxury 4) luxuriest 28. Brandder’s one of……………………………………student in my class. 1) most diligent 2) more diligent 3) the most diligent 4) the more diligent 29. Felicity is the……………………………………and……………………………………of the two girls. 1) prettier / nicer 2) prettiest / nicer 3) pretty / nicer 4) pretty / nice 30. The first book I read was……………………………………, but the second was better. It was ……………………………………interesting. 1) the most diligent 2) most diligently 3) most diligent 4) more diligent 31. Which is correct? 1) Sofia has fairly skin. 2) The machine ran very fastly. 3) Jacob tried hard to meet his boss. 4) Look! The kite is flying high in the sky.

Access to English Book 3 110 32. Which statement is not correct? 1) Gus feels better today. 2) You must work much harder. 3) Mia ran more faster than Sam. 4) This car is bigger than his last me. 33. Which is incorrect? 1) Lana is much prettier than Blaze. 2) This room is more emptier than next. 3) Is this car more expensive than that one? 4) I feel more comfortable than I was yesterday. Part III : 34 - 63 Compound Nouns Instruction : Choose the best alternative 34. An old woman with a hunched-up back and a……………………………………was beckoning to her with one hand a few yards away. . 1) walking stick 2) walking-stick 3) stick-walking 4) stick of walking 35. She was fumbling around in the dark looking for the…………………………………… . 1) light-switch 2) lighting switch 3) light switching 4) light switch 36.The film appears to be quite complicated but it's basically a…………………………………… . 1) love story 2) love-story 3) loving story 4) story of love 37. The girl made a pillow in shape of a heart. She made a…………………………………… . 1) shape-heart-pillow 2) pillow-heart-shaped 3) pillow-shape-heart 4) heart-shaped-pillow 38. The witness said that he saw the……………………………………go towards the car. 1) twelve-year-old-boy 2) twelfth-year-old-boy 3) twelve-years-old-boy 4) twelfth-years-old-boy 39. A : Do you think Ricker is a handsome man? B : I think he’s a…………………………………… . 1) well-looking man 2) good-looking man 3) look-good man 4) good-look man 40. I’m looking forward to a…………………………………… . 1) vacation’s week 2) vacation of the week 3) week’s vacation 4) week of vacation

Access to English Book 3 111 41. There is a……………………………………in which a pair of runners has the right leg of one tied to the left of the other. 1) three legs’ race 2) three-leg race 3) three-legged race 4) three-legs 42. My grandfather is old. He has grey hair. He was a…………………………………… . 1) grey hair old man 2) old grey hair man 3) grey-haired old man 4) grey-old haired man 43. This is a…………………………………… . 1) badly-built house 2) bad-built house 3) well-building house 4) good-built house 44. A woman who has bad temper is a…………………………………… . 1) bad temper woman 2) bad-temper woman 3) bad-tempered woman 4) temper-bad woman 45. The……………………………………has just rung. 1) three o’clock bell 2) three o’clock’s bell 3) three-o’clock bell 4) three o’clock bell 46. A parent who suffers a long time is a…………………………………… . 1) long -suffering parent 2) long-suffering parent 3) long-suffered parent 4) long-suffer parent 47. A……………………………………is an establishment that primarily serves coffee, related coffee drinks. 1) coffeemaker 2) coffeehouse 3) coffee mate 4) coffee heater 48. The……………………………………hadn’t enough power to get off the ground. 1) airmail 2) airport 3) aircraft 4) airline 49. He was sprawling in an……………………………………in front of the TV. 1) armpit 2)arm guard 3) Arm pocket 4) armchair 50.The……………………………………allows the user to log into the system. 1) passport 2) passbook 3) password 4) passkey 51. You have to believe in…………………………………… . That’s the secret of success. 1) yourself 2) your connection 3) your day 4) your life

Access to English Book 3 112 52. I kept useless collections of stamps,……………………………………, postcards, rocks, delighting in their deadly neatness. 1) seaplanes 2) seashells 3) seafood 4) seaports 53. I woke up from the……………………………………in a cold sweat. 1) nightmare 2)nightdresses 3) nightstand 4) nightgown 54.The lock had been built on……………………………………, and gave continual trouble as the ground subsided and water seeped away. 1) quick bread 2) quicklime 3) quicksilver 4) quicksand 55. I’ll meet you in the……………………………………next to the fountain. 1) market price 2) marketplace 3) market target 4) market day 56. A……………………………………walks along a wild lupine leaf in Khao Yai National Park. 1) ladyboy 2) ladybug 3) ladyship 4) lady-slipper 57.She didn’t bat an……………………………………when they told her she'd lost her job. She just calmly walked out. 1) eyelid 2) eyeball 3) eyelash 4) eyebrow 58. A good education can be the……………………………………to success. 1) gateaux 2) gateman 3) gatehouse 4) gateway 59. Cara is just a……………………………………who follows her sister’s lead in everything. 1) copygirl 2)copyholder 3)copycat 4) copyright 60. A……………………………………is cheaper than…………………………………… . 1) two-doored car / four model 2) two-door car / four door model 3) two doors car / four doors model 4) two doors’ car / four doors’ model 61. Which of these is a compound noun? 1) bad temper 2) temper bad 3) bad-tempered 4) temper-bad

Access to English Book 3 113 62. Which of these is a compound noun? 1) jigsaw 2) cloth cheese 3) dish-washing 4) wooddrift 63. Which of these isn’t a compound noun? 1) fourteen 2) catfish 3) butterfly 4) shellsea Part IV : 64 - 100 Infinitive or Gerund Instruction : Choose the best alternative. 64. Did you enjoy……………………………………the play last night? It was very interesting. 1) seeing 2) to see 3) to have seen 4) with seeing 65. They could barely……………………………………the instructions. 1) to finish reading 2) finish to read 3) finish reading 4) to finish to read 66. Do you think it will……………………………………by five? 1) stop to rain 2) stop raining 3) to stop rain 4) have stopped to rain 67. What caused you……………………………………absent from school yesterday? 1) be 2) are 3) to be 4) being 68. Mabel postponed……………………………………to USA until next vacation. 1) go 2) going 3) to go 4) be going 69. Alan is now busy……………………………………his lessons for the coming examination. 1) to prepare 2) preparing 3) prepare 4) at preparing 70. I think this book is well worth…………………………………… . 1) reading 2) to read 3) read 4) to reading 71. I do not get used to……………………………………Indian food though it is useful. 1) eating 2) eat 3) and eat 4) be ate

Access to English Book 3 114 72. It is better to have health without riches that……………………………………riches without health. 1) to have 2) will have 3) has 4) having 73. I am looking forward to……………………………………a bus trip to The North with you. 1) be taken 2) taken 3) take 4) taking 74. You aren’t……………………………………with anybody. 1) for communicating 2) to communicate 3) communicating 4) communicate 75. The boy’s father promised……………………………………for window to be repaired. 1) to pay 2) pay 3) paying 4) will pay 76. A : How did the thief get into the house? B : I forgot……………………………………the window. 1) to shut 2) shut 3) shutting 4) for shutting 77. You can’t force me……………………………………you his secret. 1) tell 2) to tell 3) telling 4) to telling 78. Do you mind……………………………………my dog run around your lawn? 1) let 2) letting 3) to let 4) be letting 79. I usually advise my students……………………………………to English dialogues. 1) to listen 2) listening 3) listen 4) have been listened 80. My staff and all the worker are ready……………………………………something new. 1) try 2) to try 3) trying 4) to be trying 81. Kardos accepted that he was good at drawing, but very bad at……………………………………films. 1) make 2) to make 3) made 4) making 82. Why don’t you let him……………………………………his own school? 1) choosing 2) choose 3) to choose 4) to choosing

Access to English Book 3 115 83. Renny prefers……………………………………the river to move the bulk of its rice. 1) to use 2) use 3) using 4) to be using 84. Don’t you know that I’m terribly bored with……………………………………in Lad Prao Road? 1) to drive 2) drive 3) driving 4) to driving 85. We noticed a boy……………………………………on a tug-boat moving down the river. 1) standing 2) stand 3) to stand 4) stood 86. Sarah doesn’t permit kids……………………………………in that playground. 1) to play 2) play 3) playing 4) played 87. My income usually makes the family…………………………………… . 1) to survive 2) surviving 3) survive 4) to surviving 88. We look forward to……………………………………your new book. 1) read 2) reading 3) be reading 4) have been read 89. I’m used to……………………………………breakfast at 7 o’clock. 1) eat 2) ate 3) be eating 4) eating 90. Is there anything there worth……………………………………? 1) buy 2) to buy 3) buying 4) to buying 91. Bella is one of those who enjoy……………………………………money. 1) spend 2) spending 3) to spend 4) to spending 92. Please continue……………………………………English. 1) study 2) studying 3) to study 4) to studying 93. It is no use……………………………………there again. 1) go 2) to go 3) going 4) to going

Access to English Book 3 116 94. Alexandra denied……………………………………that to him. 1) say 2) to say 3) saying 4) to be said 95. Has anyone explained him how……………………………………the problem? 1) to solve 2) can solve 3) solve 4) solving 96. Mr. Owen see……………………………………you……………………………………early in the morning. 1) hoped / to come 2) hope / come 3) hope to / coming 4) hoped to / come 97. A student stopped……………………………………when he saw a teacher……………………………………towards him. 1) smoking / to come 2) to smoke / comes 3) smoking / come 4) to smoke / coming 98. The study……………………………………that it’s necessary……………………………………the environment problems in Bangkok. 1) shows / to solve 2) shows / solving 3) to show / to solve 4) showing / solving 99. I heard the door……………………………………and saw a shadow……………………………………across the floor. 1) to open / to move 2) open / move 3) opening / move 4) opening / moving 100. You’d better……………………………………your exercise now than……………………………………off until tomorrow 1) to do / put 2) do / put 3) to do / to put 4) do / to put

Access to English Book 3 117 Part I : 1 - 187 Multiple Choice Instructions : Choose the best alternative. 1. I think running in the morning is……………………………………running in the evening. 1) less interesting than 2) so interesting than 3) as not interesting as 4) most interesting 2. Riley was planning on……………………………………married this coming June. 1) to get 2) getting 3) get 4) to getting 3. I attached a note to my report with…………………………………… . 1) clip paper 2) paper clipping 3) clipping paper 4) paper clip 4. Abbas is……………………………………than any other boy his class. 1) more clever 2) most clever 3) clever 4) as clever 5. The big boss gets a secretary……………………………………many business letters for him. 1) typing 2) to type 3) to be typed 4) types 6. Today your daughter looks……………………………………yesterday. 1) more stronger than 2) much stronger than 3) as stronger 4) much more stronger than 7. In winter the……………………………………often freezes up. 1) weather vane 2) weathering vane 3) vane weather 4) vane weathering 8. They could hardly……………………………………reading the instructions. 1) to finish 2) finish to 3) finish 4) finishing 9. Bangkok is……………………………………than any other city in Thailand. 1) bigger 2) more big 3) biggest 4) the most biggest 10. Charlotte is……………………………………of all the girls in the class. 1) as intelligent 2) the most intelligent 3) more intelligent 4) much more intelligent

Access to English Book 3 118 11. How can I tell the difference between a mushroom and a……………………………………? 1) toadstool 2) tooltoads 3) toading stool 4) tooling toads 12. New Zealand is……………………………………any other country in the world. 1) more attractive 2) more attractive as 3) more attractive than 4) attractiver 13. I had my brother……………………………………the newspaper to me. 1) to send 2) send 3) sent 4) sending 14. Lokasunder is……………………………………of the two. 1) shorter 2) the shortest 3) the shorter 4) the most short 15. A member of the……………………………………demonstrated the safety procedures. 1) cabin crew 2) cabins crew 4) crew cabin 4) crewing cabin 16. There is……………………………………traffic at Ramkhamhaeng Road than Lad Prao Road. 1) little 2) less 3) the less 4) least 17. My car is nearly……………………………………his. 1) so expensive as 2) as expensive as 3) as expensive than 4) expensive than 18. When one presses the buttons on a……………………………………and it comes up with a mass of information. 1) video screen 2) screening video 3) screen video 4) videoing screen 19. The teacher speaks……………………………………than you do. 1) fewer clearly 2) clearier 3) much clearly 4) less clearly 20. Our uncle is 65, but our grandmother is 80, so she is…………………………………… . 1) older 2) elder 3) the older 4) the eldest 21 Singing is……………………………………than playing cards. 1) much interesting 2) more interesting 3) less more interesting 4) the lest interesting

Access to English Book 3 119 22. Don’t give up studying. Please try a…………………………………… . 1) little harder 2) few harder 3) harder 4) lest harder 23. One more step could prove to be justified in certain jobs: should you request a……………………………… on the candidate? 1) security check 2) security checking 3) checking security 4) check security 24. There are……………………………………building in New York than any other city in the world. 1) more taller 2) many taller 3) much more taller 4) many more taller 25. Our papers are checked as we go through……………………………………at the airport. 1) passport control 2) passport controlling 3) controlling passport 4) control passport 26. Are you going……………………………………again this year? 1) to camp 2) to camping 3) camp 4) camping 27. Grace and Elle are friends. Grace is one year……………………………………than Elle. 1) old 2) elder 3) older 4) oldest 28. Lander had no abilities, but made up for this……………………………………with sharp elbows. 1) back draw 2) drawback 3) drawing back 4) backing draw 29. Don’t let your sisters……………………………………the present. 1) to see 2) seeing 3) see 4) sees 30. Colt is busy……………………………………his friends. 1) helping 2) to help 3) help 4) to helping 31. Each room is……………………………………than yours. 1) so small than 2) as small as 3) so small 4) smaller 32. Her essay is……………………………………than yours. 1) more interesting 2) much interesting 3) as interesting 4) the more interesting

Access to English Book 3 120 33. This……………………………………is used for modelling atmospheric dynamics. 1) soft ware 2) softwares 3) softing ware 4) software 34. The teacher will not allow us……………………………………in here. 1) to talk 2) talk 3) talking 4) be talking 35. Haidar is……………………………………than any other boy in his group. 1) much more handsome 2) handsomest 3) as handsome 4) more handsome 36.The police managed to piece together the……………………………and reconstruct the victim’s last hours. 1) jigsaw 2) bucksaw 3) seesaw 4) buzz saw 37. Clever students usually learn……………………………………than others. 1) most quicker 2) more quicker 3) more quickly 4) much quickly 38.The broth has a smoky, hearty flavor similar to that of beef bouillon and is…………………………………… and low in sodium. 1) fat-cat 2) fat-free 3) fat pad 4) fat cells 39. My son was only eight, but he ate……………………………………I did. 1) as much as 2) as more as 3) as much more as 4) as many more as 40. They bought……………………………………and ate them as they walked, spitting out the seeds. 1) pineapple 2) breadfruit 3) strawberry 4) watermelon 41. I’ll go to the Department Store. Would you like to go……………………………………with me? 1) to shop 2) shop 3) shopping 4) to shopping 42.You can find…………………………………ones in most streams simply by dropping in a piece of raw meat or liver. 1) catfish 2) freshwater 3) seahorse 4) cold-water 43. Of the five of them, the move-list seems to have the……………………………………money. 1) least 2) less 3) most 4) fewest

Access to English Book 3 121 44.Poor families spend about 80 to 90 per cent of their……………………………………on food. 1) income 2) input 3) intake 4) inform 45. I will never forget……………………………………you here today. 1) meet 2) meeting 3) to meet 4) to meeting 46. I have a good friend. Isabella is a girl of……………………………………me. 1) the same age 2) the same age as 3) same age as 4) as age as 47. Scarlett is……………………………………than silk. 1) as durable 2) more durable 3) much durable 4) much more durable 48. Karishma were already making plans to……………………………………the government. 1) overthrow 2) overthrowing 3) overring throw 4) throw over 49. Stop……………………………………that dreadful noise! 1) to making 2) to make 3) make 4) making 50. Besides……………………………………English, I am learning French. 1) learn 2) to learn 3) leaning 4) to learning 51. We studied a……………………………………subjects this year than last year. 1) few more 2) less more 3) fewer more 4) fewest 52. That man left without…………………………………… . 1) pay 2) paying 3) to pay 4) be paying 53. Mother wants to come……………………………………, but is too weak to walk; it'll take both of you to bring her down. 1) downstairs 2) downright 3) downloads 4) downcourt 54. Both of the students weight 50 kilograms. They are…………………………………… . 1) the same weight as 2) the same weight than 3) the same weight 4) as same weight as

Access to English Book 3 122 55. On page two of your……………………………………you will find a list of the books that I have referred to during the lecture. 1) handout 2) hand in 3)handover 4) hand down 56. I am sorry……………………………………late. 1) to being 2) to be 3) be 4) being 57. I’ll have a carpenter……………………………………this door. 1) mend 2) to mend 3) to mending 4) mending 58. Naomi doesn’t work quite……………………………………Phoebe. 1) so hardly as 2) as hard as 3) harder as 4) much harder as 59. The editor invites the readers……………………………………about their frightening experience. 1) to write 2) write 3) writing 4) to writing 60.The………………………………had a terrible accident as I was driving her home. She fell off the roof rack. 1) mother tongue 2) motherhood 3) mother-child relation 4) mother-in-law 61. Which one learns……………………………………of all? 1) the more quickly 2) the most quickier 3) the most quickly 4) quickier 62. A……………………………………is a device designed to improve hearing by making sound audible to a person with hearing loss. 1) hearing-aid 2) hearing-dog 3) hearing-test 4) hearing-center 63. The boy enter the room quietly because he was afraid of……………………………………the sleeper. 1) to disturb 2) disturb 3) to disturbing 4) disturbing 64. The wind seems very strong. It makes us……………………………………under the blankets. 1) shivers 2) shivering 3) shiver 4) to shiver 65. The new bridge will be……………………………………and the most expensive. 1) longer than 2) the longest 3) as long as 4) longer

Access to English Book 3 123 66. I felt annoyed with my students who enjoy…………………………………… . 1) to talk 2) talking 3) talk 4) to talking 67. I think the weather in Bangkok isn’t……………………………………it was last year. 1) as cold as 2) so cold than 3) as much cold 4) so much more cold 68. Andrew was given a……………………………………and some cocoa before he went to bed. 1) sleeping bag 2) sleeping carriage 3) sleeping sickness 4) sleeping pill 69. We met three girls yesterday, Mary was……………………………………one. 1) prettier 2) the most pretty 3) the prettiest 4) much more pretty 70. Mr. Waller looks a lot……………………………………than his two brothers. 1) as old 2) older 3) elder 4) much more old 71.They charge the same price for a……………………………………as they do for eating in the restaurant. 1) takeaway 2) takeoff 3) takeover 4) takeback 72. The couple look forward to……………………………………a family. 1) raise 2) raises 3) be raising 4) raising 73. One hour should be enough for students……………………………………reading it. 1) to finish 2) finishing 3) finish 4) to finishing 74. I think no other thing is……………………………………my diamond ring. 1) more beautiful than 2) as beautiful as 3) the most beautiful 4) much more beautiful than 75. DNA testing provides a genetic……………………………………that can be extremely accurate. 1) fingerprint 2) footprint 3) blueprint 4) imprint 76. Do you have your servant……………………………………your car every day. 1) to wash 2) washing 3) to washing 4) wash

Access to English Book 3 124 77. Zoey has the……………………………………money on her today. 1) less 2) least 3) fewest 4) more few 78. I want to know how……………………………………the broken car. 1) to fix 2) fix 3) to fixing 4) fixing 79. I did the exercise……………………………………my friends. 1) so carefully as 2) the same carefully as 3) more carefully 4) as carefully as 80. I had a……………………………………before going abroad. 1) checkup medical 2) medical checking up 3) medical checkup 4) medicaling checkup 81. This book is……………………………………that one. 1) as same size as 2) the same size as 3) same size as 4) so same size as 82. The hunters often hear the dog……………………………………the deer at bay. 1) chases 2) to chase 3) chase 4) chasing 83. Do you mind……………………………………me some money, please? 1) to give 2) to giving 3) give 4) giving 84. I’ve just broken a cup-have you got a……………………………………and brush? 1) dustpan 2) dusting pan 3) panning dust 4) dust-panning 85. There are the……………………………………people coming to the fair of this week. 1) fewest 2) fewer 3) least 4) most less 86. It’s no use……………………………………lies. No one believe you. 1) to tell 2) telling 3) tells 4) to telling 87.There is a hole in the bottom of the…………………………………, and the water has been leaking away. 1) watering tank 2) tank water 3) water tank 4) tanking water

Access to English Book 3 125 88. Of the two detective, Mr. Roger works…………………………………… . 1) more efficiently 2) the more efficiently 3) the most efficiently 4) much more efficiently 89. Don’t forget……………………………………your umbrella. I think it is going to rain soon. 1) to bring 2) bring 3) bringing 4) to be brought 90. Gurion is……………………………………with his job, so he’ll start looking for another one soon. 1) more satisfied 2) most satisfied 3) few satisfied 4) less satisfied 91.Kylie watched over us like a……………………………………over her brood. 1) mother wit 2) motherland 3) mother hen 4) mother wash 92. The baby knows how……………………………………the milk from the bottle. 1) sucking 2) to suck 3) suck 4) to sucking 93. Milada hung the towel outside on the……………………………………in order to cry it out. 1) clothesline 2) clothing line 3) clothline 4) clotheslining 94. The secretary……………………………………than her friends do. 1) as slowly 2) much more slowly 3) more slowly 4) slower 95. Bryant works……………………………………of all. 1) less clearly 2) few clearly 3) fewer clearly 4) least clearly 96. Ava was very glad……………………………………your wife at the party last nigh. 1) to meet 2) meeting 3) to meeting 4) meet 97. I think she is……………………………………most of the students here. 1) the smarter than 2) smarter than 3) smarter 4) the smartest 98. Of all the books I have read, this one is the……………………………………interesting. 1) most least 2) less 3) least 4) fewest

Access to English Book 3 126 99. Many students must……………………………………working because the time is up. 1) stops 2) stop 3) to stop 4) stopping 100. Please……………………………………to help the wounded. 1) try 2) tries 3) trying 4) to trying 101. Storms at sea are……………………………………of all for fishermen. 1) the more dangerous 2) the most danger 3) dangerousest 4) the most dangerous 102. The students are anxious……………………………………Maths and English on the first opportunity. 1) studying 2) study 3) to studying 4) to study 103.The……………………………………is a common blow fly belonging to the family Calliphoridae. 1) bottlebee 2) bottleneck 3) bottle beer 4) bottlebrush 104. Which is the train to London that goes……………………………………, please? 1) the faster 2) faster 3) the fastest 4) the most fastest 105. Don’t know which……………………………………chosen for my father’s birthday. 1) be 2) to be 3) being 4) to being 106.Trevor hung his clothes out to dry on the……………………………………across the doorway. 1) clothesline 2) clothespin 3) clotheshorse 4) clothespress 107.Today’s methods of……………………………………make it possible for a couple to choose whether or not to have a child. 1) birth certificate 2) birth control 3) birthright 4) birthday suit 108. This knife doesn’t cut……………………………………that one. 1) as well as 2) as better as 3) as good as 4) as best as 109. The roasted meat is good for me…………………………………… . 1) to eating 2) eat 3) eating 4) to eat

Access to English Book 3 127 110.There is……………………………………traffic at Ram Indra than at Silom. 1) less 2) least 3) fewer 4) more few 111. I ate……………………………………mangoes than my brother this morning. 1) least 2) less 3) fewer 4) many more 112. I regret……………………………………you that your application has been refused. 1) inform 2) to inform 3) informing 4) to informing 113. Travel by car is……………………………………than travel by bus. 1) much more expensive 2) the most expensive 3) more expensive 4) expensiver 114. A soldier was surrounded so he pretended……………………………………dead. 1) to be 2) being 3) be 4) to being 115. The parents were surprised……………………………………my exams results. 1) hear 2) hearing 3) to hearing 4) to hear 116. Students should……………………………………more time on……………………………………books. 1) spend / read 2) spend / reading 3) spend / to read 4) spending / to read 117. ……………………………………the room is……………………………………furniture it needs. 1) The smaller / the fewer 2) the smaller / the more 3) the smallest / the less 4) the smaller / the less 118. Stop………………………………! It’s no use……………………………………a loud noise while everybody is reading. 1) to talk / to make 2) talking / to make 3) talking / making 4) to talk / making 119. Would you mind……………………………………for me and help me……………………………………the bags. 1) waiting / carrying 2) waiting / to carry 3) to wait / carrying 4) wait / to carry 120. I want to tell you that papa heard a………………………………sing in a………………………………on January 11. 1) bluebird / chestnut-tree 2) blue bird / chestnut-tree 3) birdblue / chest-nut-tree 4) bird-blue / tree chestnut

Access to English Book 3 128 121. The Maths is very difficult……………………………………so the teacher explains how…………………………………… the problems 1) to understand / to solves 2) understanding / solve 3) to understand / to solve 4) understanding / solving 122. Don’t forget………………………………to me. I’m looking forward to………………………………your letter again. 1) writing / seeing 2) to write / seeing 3) to write / seeing 4) to write / see 123. Cara has been able………………………………a foreign friend, and she isn’t afraid of………………………………… English anymore. 1) make / speaking 2) to make / speaking 3) to make / to speak 4) making / speak 124. You’d better……………………………………back home, I can’t let you……………………………………with me. 1) going / stay 2) go / to stay 3) go / stay 4) to go / staying 125. I’ll have maid…………………………………some food for me because I’m get used to………………………………… breakfast at 7 O’clock. 1) bought / eating 2) buy / eating 3) buy / to eat 4) to buy / eat 126. Students have to……………………………………more time on……………………………………books. 1) spent / to read 2) spend / read 3) spend / reading 4) spending / to read 127. Somebody who enjoys…………………………………as you will help you…………………………………your goal. 1) so activities / realizing 2) the same activities / realize 3) as activities / to realize 4) same as activities / to realize 128. I want to get a can of……………………………………but this……………………………………won’t work. 1) soft drink / vending machine 2) red beans / punching machine 3) tomato sauce / washing machine 4) fabric softener / cleaning machine 129. The hotel also offers laundry and……………………………………, a variety of business services, ……………………………………, and limited room service. 1) service dry-cleaning / sitting baby 2) cleaning-dry service / sitting baby 3) dry-cleaning services / babysitting 4) servicing dry-cleaning / babies sitting

Access to English Book 3 129 130. I used to……………………………………in Europe, so I am used to……………………………………in cold country. 1) live / living 2) living / living 3) living / living 4) live / live 131. My sister likes……………………………………cartoons, but I prefer……………………………………them. 1) to read / to drawing 2) reading / drawing 3) read / draw 4) read / to draw 132. ……………………………………he worked, ……………………………………ambitious he was. 1) The more / the lest 2) The most / the less 3) The more / the less 4) The more / the lest 133. The teacher mad many students……………………………………many exercises, and don’t let them ……………………………………out 1) to do / go 2) doing / to go 3) do / going 4) do / go 134. The prisoners were made……………………………………hard while……………………………………in jail. 1) work / live 2) to work / living 3) to work / to live 4) working / to live 135. There was a fire at the……………………………in Hua Hin. A witness said they saw smoke…………………………… from a food shop. 1) market floating / come 3) floating market / to come 2) floating market / coming 4) market floating / to coming 136. I am looking forward to……………………………………the examination with……………………………………waiting. 1) taking / excite 2) to take / exciting 3) taking / exciting 4) to take / excited 137. We needn’t……………………………………to see the movie. Let’s……………………………………at home. 1) go / stay 2) to go / stay 3) going / to stay 4) going / staying 138. Please don’t…………………………………… . You’d better stop…………………………………… . 1) to smoke / to smoke 2) smoking / smoking 3) smoke / smoking 4) smoke / to smoke 139. A : Which is affected by how many time they are turned on and off? B : The………………………………they are switched on and off, the………………………………their operating life. 1) more often / lower 2) most often / lowest 3) more often / highest 4) most often / highest

Access to English Book 3 130 140. After…………………………………for three hours we stopped to let the others…………………………………with us 1) walking / catch up 2) walking / catching up 3) walk / to catch up 4) walked / to catching up 141. I can’t help…………………………………; I caught a cold yesterday from…………………………………in a draught. 1) sneeze / to sit 2) to sneeze / sitting 3) sneezing / sitting 4) to sneeze / sit 142. Don’t let me…………………………………aboard alone; I can’t stand…………………………………without you. 1) go to study / to live 2) to go to studying / living 3) go studying / living 4) go studying / to live 143. At first I enjoyed……………………………………to him but after a while I got tried of…………………………………… the same story again and again. 1) listening / hearing 2) to listen / hear 3) listen / hear 4) to listen / hearing 144. A hose is heavy, a buffalo is…………………………………, an elephant is…………………………………of the three. 1) heavier / heavier 2) heaviest / heaviest 3) heavier / the heaviest 4) more heavy / the most heavy 145. Sven postponed……………………………………a decision until it was too late……………………………………anything. 1) to make / do 2) make / doing 3) making / doing 4) making / to do 146. It is no use……………………………………a bicycle if you don’t know……………………………………it. 1) to have / to ride 2) having / to ride 3) having / to riding 4) to having / to riding 147. Bastien took his……………………………………from his……………………………………and switched it on. 1) flashlight / jacket pocket 2) remote control / underwear 3) fireplace / sleeved shirt 4) hanging lamp / sleeve pants 148. Fiona isn’t used to…………………………………a car without using the………………………………… . 1) drive / seatbelt 2) driving / seatbelt 3) be driven / seats-belt 4) be driving / seatebelt 149. Emerson hates……………………………………the phone and very often just lets it…………………………………… . 1) answering / ring 2) to answer / ringing 3) answer / ring 4) answering / to ring 150. A : I don’t feel like…………………………………… . B : What about……………………………………to a disco instead? 1) working / going 2) to work / going 3) to working / to go 4) work / to go

Access to English Book 3 131 151. ……………………………………you eat,……………………………………you will get. 1) The more / the fat 2) The much / the fatter 3) The more / the fatter 4) The much / the fat 152. We are looking forward…………………………………the new steering wheel; …………………………………as yours. 1) to order / as same 2) to ordering / the same one 3) ordering / as one 3) to ordering / so same 153. Gaston seems…………………………………to go…………………………………this weekend with his roommates. 1) want / sail 2) wanting / sailing 3) to want / to sail 4) to want / sailing 154. The world wide web makes it easy for people………………………………around for the…………………………… price by moving from one website to others. 1) shop / low 2) shopping / lower 3) to shop / lowest 4) shopping / lowest 155. Austin lost his……………………………………a year ago for…………………………………… . 1) driving licence / drink driving 2) poetic licence / matchmaking 3) export licence / wash drawing 4) teaching licence / watchmaking 156. English is…………………………………important in Shenzhen. Shenzhen is a new modern city in the south of China but it’s not so…………………………………Hong Kong. 1) much and more / bigger than 2) more and most / bigger as 3) much and much / big as 4) more and more / big as 157. I’d like………………………………English because………………………………English is necessary………………………………… abroad. 1) speak / to speak / using 2) to speak / speaking / using 3) to speak / speaking / to use 4) speaking / to speak / to use 158. I suggest…………………………………the hospital before…………………………………the police………………………………… for him. 1) telephone / ask / look 2) telephoning / asking / look 3) telephoning / asking / to look 4) to telephone / asking / looking

Access to English Book 3 132 159. It is usually easier……………………………………a subject by……………………………………books than by ……………………………………to teachers. 1) to learn / reading / listening 2) to learning / read / listen 3) learning / reading / listen 4) learn / read / listening 160. My train was delayed by fog so I had to wait……………………………… . I couldn’t help……………………………… late for work. 1) long and long / to be 2) longer and longer / being 3) longest and longest / to be 4) more and more long / being 161. If you go on…………………………………your dog…………………………………cars he’ll end by………………………………… run over. 1) letting / chases / being 2) letting / to chase / to be 3) let / chases / being 4) let / chasing / being 162. Many postponed………………………………a decision for the………………………………day of her…………………………… . 1) make / wonderful / anniversary party 2) to make / more wonderful / party annual 3) making / most wonderful / anniversary party 4) to making / most wonder / party anniversary 163. Iris enjoyed…………………………………on her first…………………………………; she learned more about acting and felt………………………………… . 1) to work / drama TV / relaxed 2) work / drama TV / much relaxed 3) working / TV drama / more relaxed 4) to working / TV drama / most relaxed 164. There is no point in……………………………………in a dangerous place if you can’t do anything ……………………………………the people who have……………………………………here. 1) remaining / to help / to stay 2) reman / helping / to staying 3) remaining / to help / stay 4) remain / help / to stay

Access to English Book 3 133 165. It’s easy…………………………………animals on the road in…………………………………because sometimes at night it is very difficult…………………………………them. 1) to see / daylight / to avoid hitting 2) seeing / daylights / avoiding to hit 3) see / nightlight / avoiding to hitting 4) to seeing / daylight / to avoid to hit 166. The more you give to others,……………………………………you will receive. So if you learn ……………………………………others without……………………………………in return, happiness will come back to you in the end. 1) the much more / giving / expecting 2) the much / to give / to expect 3) the more / to give / expecting 4) the most / give / expect 167. It is…………………………………to feel………………………………when they see other people in a………………………………… situation. 1) nature human / good / bad 2) natural human / best / worst 3) human nature / better / worse 4) human nature / more good / bader 168. The…………………………………from the……………………………………isn’t good. It’ll be easier………………………………… a taxi. 1) public transportation / airport / getting 2) transportations public / airway / to get 3) public transportation / airport / to get 4) transportation public / airline / get 169. On the way I drove to the south last…………………………………, I saw some people………………………………… pineapple at……………………………………along Phet Kasem Road. 1) endweek / to buy / stall roadsides 2) weekend / to buy / stall sideroads 3) weekly end / buy / sideroad stalls 4) weekend / buying / roadside stalls 170. Which sentences is incorrect? 1) Balthazar is as foolish as Jane. 2) Odin’s room is as dirty as Jack’s. 3) My dish is more durable than hers. 4) Margaret is clever than his elder brother.

Access to English Book 3 134 171. Which sentences is incorrect? 1) The driver drove dangerously than I did. 2) Art class more polite than musical class. 3) Today’s weather is as humid as yesterdays. 4) Of all the books I have read, this one is the least interesting. 172. Which sentences is incorrect? 1) It is usually difficult to find a place to park at downtown. 2) Did you have time to answer all the question in the exam? 3) They got into the house by breaking a kitchen window and climbing in. 4) They agreed to lending me some money when I told them the position, I was in. 173. Which sentences is incorrect? 1) English test is more difficult as math test. 2) Yesterday was the coldest day of the week. 3) The most interesting thing in my life is money. 4) Going by air is more comfortable than going by car. 174. Which sentences is incorrect? 1) Fishing is as exciting as Skiing. 2) The patient can eat less than a baby. 3) Her handwriting isn’t as good as mine. 4) Rachael speak the same language to me. 175. Which sentences is incorrect? 1) Daxton is the same as I. 2) The couple are the high. 3) The rivers are the same depth. 4) These roads are the same length. 176. Which sentences is correct? 1) Can you show me how to changing the film in this camera? 2) Ryder climbed through the window without anybody seeing him. 3) These days I don’t get much chance to watch television. I’m so busy 4) Cosmo admitted to steal the money from the Siam Commercial Bank. 177. Which sentences is incorrect? 1) Their house is as far as mine. 2) My sweater is lighter than his. 3) His sweater is much more heavy than hers. 4) The elephant is much bigger than the horse.

Access to English Book 3 135 178. Which sentences is incorrect? 1) Of all the ten, who composed best. 2) Of the two, Mark is the more selfish. 3) Richma is the wisest than another one. 4) It is the most available thing I’ve ever seen. 179. Which sentences is correct? 1) When I’m on vacation, I enjoy not having to get up early. 2) I’ll do the shopping when I’ve finished to clean the apartment. 3) I’ve got a terrible headache. I tried to take an aspirin, but it didn’t help. 4) Please try to be quiet when you come home. Everyone we will being asleep. 180. Which sentences is incorrect? 1) The seagull flies higher and higher. 2) The more she learns, the more she knows. 3) The more they learn, the more confused they become. 4) The least you worried about it, the better it will be for you. 181. Which sentences is incorrect? 1) My computer has paid for the value assed tax more than yours. 2) Ryker can explain about the economics crisis little than Jack. 3) Rocco is much stronger than his father. 4) Lemon is a bit cheaper than onion. 182. Which sentences is incorrect? 1) I can’t bear to live in the city. 2) Lucien doesn’t mind working at night. 3) I clearly remember locking the door before I left. 4) Students study hard in order to pass the examination. 183. Which sentences is incorrect? 1) Of the twins, who is the most intelligent? 2) Of the three things, which is the most valuable? 3) Between Rosetta and her brother, who is the more attractive? 4) All of the workers in the factory, my cousin is the most diligent. 184. Which sentences is correct? 1) I did the exercise so carefully as my friends. 2) I don’t have as much money as my sister. 3) A Koala is lovelier than any other animals. 4) This is the luxuriousest car in the town.

Access to English Book 3 136 185. Which sentence isn’t correct? 1) I’ve started drinking coffee lately. I never used to like it before. 2) We used to living in a small village, but now we live in Bangkok. 3) Do you see that hill over there? There used to be a castle on that hill 4) I am used to driving on the left because I’ve lived in Britain a long time. 186. Which sentences is correct? 1) The more we study, the wiser we are. 2) Fries don’t have as many legs as spiders. 3) This book is one of the interestest I have ever read. 4) America is attritiver than any other country in the world. 187. Which sentences is incorrect? 1) Hazel wants to buy a fifty baht shirt. 2) People who are addicted to drugs are drugs addicts. 3)Students staged a sit-in to protest the firing of a popular professor. 4)The witch looked through the looking-glass and asked “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the prettiest of them all?” Cloze Test 188 - 200 Instructions : Read the following text and choose the best alternative. Cloze Test 1 The Science Museum in London will (188)……………………………………its 100th year by (189)……………………………………what they consider to be the (190)……………………………………scientific inventions in history. The inventions chosen by the museum as the steam engine and (191)…………………………………… . 188 1) mark 2) marking 3) have mark 4) be marked 189 1) displayed 2) display 3) displaying 4) being displayed 190 1) same great 2) as great 3) greater 4) greatest 191 1) the x-ray machine 2) the time machine 3) the fruit machine 4) the washing machine

Access to English Book 3 137 Cloze Test 2 I bought this book after (192)……………………………………the (193)……………………………………, I was curious to know more about the princess. The book gives (194)……………………………………than the movies. 192. 1) to read 2) read 3) reading 4) to be read 193. 1) versions movie 2) version movie 3) movies version 4) movies version 194. 1) more detail 2) much detail 3) most detail 4) detail more and more Cloze Test 3 If you talk about your (195)…………….………………, somebody will help you (196)……………….….………… your goals. Try to save (197)……………………………………as possible so that you can afford to do the things you want in the future. 195. 1) plans future 2) future plans 3) futures plan 4) planning future 196. 1) reach 2) reaching 3) reached 4) to reaching 197. 1) the same money 2) as many money 3) much more money 4) as much money Cloze Test 4 Dion becomes a (198)…………………………………… . He has to get up much (199)………………………………… now than before. He finds this difficult because he isn’t used to (200)……………………………………up so early. 198. 1) manager hotel 2) hotel manager 3) hotel management 4) management hotel 199. 1) earlier 2) more earlier 3) early 4) earliest 200. 1) get 2) got 3) getting 4) be got

Access to English Book 3 138 Part II : 201 - 220 Miscellaneous (Error Recognition) Instructions : Choose the answer which is grammatically incorrect 201. A : this year we’ve played the guitar on TV show together. B : What are your shows live like? A : We try to be as energetic and entertaining as we can. 202. There are some simple things that you can do to help yourself safe from swine flu. When your hands often and use had gel. If you do get sick, you had better to see a doctor as quickly as you can. 203. After reading the news, I like the quiz column, and I learn new vocabularies from read the World News. 204. Lilly is so cool and one of the more beautiful singers around the world. I’d love to see her performance. 205. A : Where was the big concert that you have performed so far? B : In Mexico we played for around 80,000 people. That was the most amazing feeling in the world. 206. Improve your life by making a choice that will allow you using your skills to the best of your abilities. 207. Don’t let a last minute change stop you from going ahead with your goals life. 208. Be sure to find the information on Facebook. We’d love to hear from you and we’ll print so many letters as we can. 1) 1) 2) 1) 2) 3) 1) 2) 3) 4) 1) 2) 3) 4) 1) 2) 3) 4) 2) 1) 2) 3) 4) 1) 2) 3) 3) 4) 4) 3) 4) 4)

Access to English Book 3 139 209. Dolores would rather work harder than ask to receive money from her son so she can continue to drinking. 210. Our live show are more energetic than our studio record ones! They have to watch and decide for themselves what show they live. 211. The man broke into the mansion by smashing a downstairs window, but the alarming burglar apparently failed. 212. Susan would rather work harder than ask to receive money from her son so she can continue to drinking. 213. Although the student understood how to solve the difficult question, he was to afraid giving the answer to the mathematics teacher. 214. My father doesn’t mind to miss the television program because the book he is reading is more interesting. 215. Super Typhoon left as much as lots of people dead in the Philippines after storm flooded islands and gale-force winds knocked down buildings and destroyed an airport before moving toward Viet Nam. 216. According to the common rule, the more earlier we send in our tax forms, the sooner we will receive our refund. 217. Sally reminded me to ask you to tell Bob to remember bringing his soccer ball to the picnic. 4) 1) 2) 3) 3) 1) 2) 3) 1) 2) 3) 4) 1) 2) 3) 4) 4) 1) 2) 3) 1) 2) 3) 4) 4) 4) 4) 4) 1) 2) 3) 1) 2) 3) 1) 2) 3)

Access to English Book 3 140 218. The American Library Association (ALA), the oldest and largest library association in the world, has selected World as one of the 25 good free reference web sites. 219. In the normal course of birds migrations, it will fly more than three thousand miles to reaching their winter homes. 220. As the journey coach had taken longer than before, all the passenger were being to feel irritated, they thought that this was the most boring trip for them. 1) 2) 3) 4) 1) 2) 3) 4) 1) 2) 3) 4)

Access to English Book 3 141 Part I : 1 - 10 Vocabulary Instructions : Choose the best answer for each item. 1. The……………………………………explained his subversive activity under the banner of national interest, but his untrustworthy……………………………………had been commented on previously by his peers in the political community. 1) author / behavior 2) volunteer / comment 3) witness / solution 4) organization / embarrass 2. The Scientists fear that……………………………………has gone beyond the point of no return, they sent a……………………………………into Earth’s atmosphere to check how much had been destroyed and find a way to solve the problems. 1) activity / production 2) tropical climate / sculpture 3) production / substance 4) global warming / satellite 3. The……………………………………commissioned by the non-government organization, to reduce urban ……………………………………and combat global warming. 1) fair price / confusion 2) banner / multimedia 3) protest / consequence 4) petition / pollution 4. I……………………………with the solution to pollution in Bangkok; the government must…………………………… new laws to protect the air and environment. 1) protest / critical 2) suppose / protest 3) disagree / issue 4) disapprove / comment 5. Even in a…………………………………with a tropical climate, the committee supposed that there was no ……………………………………for failing to find a solution for sustainable power in every household. 1) exhibition / substance 2) developing country / excuse 3) fair-trade / banner 4) fundraising event / confusion 6. When teachers assign homework, students usually feel an……………………………………to do it and they will fell……………………………………after handing in it. 1) confident / embarrass 2) confusion / consequence 3) obligation / relieved 4) disapprove / integration 7. The Gambia said that Myanmar was……………………………………of human rights violations but after hearing the evidence in detail, much of the international……………………………………disagreed. 1) guilty / community 2) mental / organization 3) virtual / household 4) disappointed / fair-trade

Access to English Book 3 142 8. The ministry had always said that the English language would act as a/an……………………………………of societal……………………………………for new immigrants. 1) satellite / condition 2) production / petition 3) instrument / integration 4) sculpture / organization 9. The flight attendant must be more……………………………………during the speech while they are giving the……………………………………go the passenger on board. 1) mental / production 2) confident / demonstration 3) guilty / fair-price 4) critical / prohibition 10. The sculpture at the……………………………………was not physical, it was a multimedia hologram that had first been generated at last year’s……………………………………to protest the country’s lack of proposals for fair-trade. 1) demonstration / activity 3) production / organization 3) integration / community 4) exhibition / fundraising event Part II : 11 - 16 Conversation Instructions : Read the dialog and choose the best answer. 11. A : What’s wrong, Ruby? ................................? B : I am. I’ve done six hours of homework today! 1) You look blue today 2) You look kind of fed up 3) What has made you cry 4) Why do you look so serious 12. A : ................................? Maybe they can walk the dog in the evening, and you can study. B : No, they’re too busy. I might stop going to climbing club so I have more time. A : I don’t think you should stop climbing, Ruby. You love it! 1) Why can’t you handle your chores 2) You should stop going to climbing club 3) You shouldn’t tell your parents any things 4) Why don’t you talk to your parents about your chores 13. A : I can’t find my school sweater! B : ................................? A : No, I can’t do that. I don’t have time now. 1) Why should you clean your room 2) Why don’t you clean up your room 3) You should not clean your room 4) Where do you want to go

Access to English Book 3 143 A : Hi, guys. (14)................................? B : We’re protesting. A : What are you protesting against? B : The city council is going to close down the library. They say that people don’t use it. But that’s not true. A : Will you sign our petition? If you sign it, (15)................................ . B : I suppose so. 14. 1) Are you doing anything right now 2) What are you up to right now 3) What’s going on with you 4) What are you doing here 15. 1) protesting with us would really help 2) you’ll help to keep the library open 3) you should sign our petition 4) we want the library to close 16. A : Hey, why don’t you join us? B : Sorry, I can’t. I have homework to do. A : Come on, Ruby. It’ll be fun. Look, we have T-shirts with slogans. B : And you can hold my sign. ................................ . A : I don’t know. 1) After protesting, your can do your homework 2) My sign is better than your homework 3) It’s better than doing homework. 4) Please join us for the protesting Part III : 17 - 30 Structure Instructions : Choose the best alternative. 17. I have a…………………………………to wash. Can you show me the…………………………………? 1) blood-red blouse / washing machine 2) red blood blouse / washing machine 3) blouse red-blood / drying tumble 4) blouse-red-blood / tumble dryer 18. The teacher advised all the examiners…………………………………their information on the………………………………… before answering questions. 1) filling out / examination papers 2) filling out / papers examinations 3) to fill out / papers examination 4) to fill out / examination paper

Access to English Book 3 144 19. It’s not worth…………………………………your clothes on a day without…………………………………, your clothes might have a musty smell. 1) to drying / sun light 2) to dry / sunning light 3) drying / sunlight 4) dry / lighting sun 20. We regret…………………………………you that your…………………………………has been unsuccessful. 1) to inform / application form 2) informing / form application 3) informed / application form 4) inform / applications form 21. On the Island the…………………………………is very important to people and animals who live on that Island. The more environments they destroy,…………………………………fresh water they have got. 1) water footprint / the less 2) footprint water / the little 3) water foot-print / the least 4) watering footprint / the less 22. The more…………………………………you use,…………………………………your bill will be. 1) electricity / the higher 2) electricity / the highest 3) electric-city / more high 4) electric-city / the same high as 23. This building is now a…………………………………it used…………………………………a cinema. 1) furniture shop / to be 2) furniture shopping / be 3) shop furniture / to be 4) furniture-shop / being for 24. As I waited to meet…………………………………for the first time, I became………………………………… . 1) son-in-law / more and more nervous 2) son in law / nervous more and more 3) lawing son / more and most nervous 4) in-law-son / nervous 25. There are…………………………………people coming to the…………………………………this week. 1) the least / tour see-sight 2) the fewer / sightseeing tour 3) many more / seeing sight tour 4) much more / tour sight-seeing 26. This week has seem…………………………………amount of people on the………………………………… . 1) much more / tour sight-seeing 2) the fewest / sightseeing tour 3) the least / seeing sight tour 4) to much / tour see-sight

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