SECOND EDITION NAME: ......................................... CLASS: ......................................... FORM 3 TEACHER’S BOOK B1
Mencapai perpaduan yang lebih erat dalam kalangan seluruh masyarakatnya; Memelihara satu cara hidup demokrasi ; Mencipta satu masyarakat yang adil di mana kemakmuran negara akan dapat dinikmati bersama secara adil dan saksama; Menjamin satu cara yang liberal terhadap tradisi-tradisi kebudayaan yang kaya dan pelbagai corak; Membina satu masyarakat progresif yang akan menggunakan sains dan teknologi moden; MAKA KAMI, rakyat Malaysia, berikrar akan menumpukan seluruh tenaga dan usaha kami untuk mencapai cita-cita tersebut berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip yang berikut: KEPERCAYAAN KEPADA TUHAN KESETIAAN KEPADA RAJA DAN NEGARA KELUHURAN PERLEMBAGAAN KEDAULATAN UNDANG-UNDANG KESOPANAN DAN KESUSILAAN RUKUN NEGARA Bahawasanya Negara Kita Malaysia mendukung cita-cita hendak : (Sumber:Jabatan Penerangan,Kementerian Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia)
F i r s t p u b l i s h e d 2 0 2 4 M i n i s t r y o f E d u c a t i o n M a l a y s i a A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . N o p a r t o f t h i s b o o k b e r e p r o d u c e d , s t o r e d i n a n y r e t r i e v a l s y s t e m o r t r a n s m i t t e d i n a n y f o r m o r b y a n y m e a n s , e l e c t r o n i c , m e c h a n i c a l , p h o t o c o p y i n g , r e c o r d i n g o r o t h e r w i s e , w i t h o u t p r i o r p e r m i s s i o n f r o m t h e D i r e c t o r G e n e r a l o f E d u c a t i o n , M i n i s t r y o f E d u c a t i o n M a l a y s i a . N e g o t i a t i o n i s s u b j e c t t o t h e r o y a l t y o r h o n o r a r i u m . P u b l i s h e d f o r M i n i s t r y o f E d u c a t i o n M a l a y s i a b y : S a s b a d i S d n . B h d . 1 9 8 5 0 1 0 0 6 8 4 7 ( W h o l l y - o w n e d s u b s i d i a r y o f S a s b a d i H o l d i g n s B e r h a d 2 0 1 2 0 1 0 3 8 1 7 8 ) L o t 1 2 , J a l a n T e k n o l o g i 3 / 4 , T a m a n S a i n s S e l a n g i r 1 , K o t a D a m a n s a r a , 4 7 8 1 0 P e t a l i n g J a y a , S e l a n g o r D a r u l E h s a n , M a l a y s i a . T e l : + 6 0 3 - 6 1 4 5 1 1 8 8 F a x : + 6 0 3 - 6 1 4 5 1 1 9 9 W e b s i t e : w w w . s a s b a d i s b . c o m E - m a i l : e n q u i r y @ s a s b a d i . c o m D e s i g n a n d t y p e s e t t i n g b y : S a s b a d i S d n . B h d . 1 9 8 5 0 1 0 0 6 8 4 7 P r i n t e d b y : P e r c e t a k a n R i n a S d n . B h d . 1 9 7 7 0 1 0 0 0 9 8 7 L o t 4 5 , P e r s i a r a n M e w a h , B a n d a r T u n R a z a k , C h e r a s , 5 6 0 0 0 K u a l a L u m p u r . K P M 2 0 2 4 I S B N 9 7 8 - 9 8 3 - 7 7 - 1 9 7 9 - 2 B O O K S E R I A L N O : 0 1 3 4
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS . T h e M i n i s t r y o f E d u c a t i o n M a l a y s i a ' s R e s o u r c e & E d u c a t i o n T e c h n o l o g y D i v i s i o n , t h e e d i t o r i a l t e a m f o r t h e i r d e l i c a t e r e s e a r c h a n d e d i t i n g e f f o r t s , a n d t h e i l l u s t r a t o r a n d d e s i g n e r f o r t h e i r c r e a t i v e c o n t r i b u t i o n s a n d g r a p h i c a l d e s i g n s a r e a l l g r e a t l y a p p r e c i a t e d b y t h e p u b l i s h e r a n d a u t h o r s o f t h i s F o r m 3 E n g l i s h K S S M t e x t b o o k . W e h a v e m a d e e v e r y e f f o r t t o d e t e r m i n e w h i c h m a t e r i a l s a r e c o p y r i g h t e d , a n d w e s i n c e r e l y a p p r e c i a t e a n y i n f o r m a t i o n t h a t w i l l h e l p c o r r e c t e r r o r s o r m i s t a k e s i n f u t u r e e d i t i o n s .
CEFR serves an extensive set of guidelines for language instruction, learning, and evaluation. It is a technique for standardizing language competency level descriptions in many contexts and languages. CEFR also serves importants in the listening skills like:- 1.Standardization of Proficiency Levels 2.Framework for Curriculum Development 3.Assessment Guidance 4.Progress Monitoring COMMON EUROPEAN FRAMEWORK OF REFERENCE FOR LANGUAGES (CEFR)
A1 (PRE-BEGINNER): -Learners understand everyday expressions and basic phrases, using listening activities to understand short, simple texts like greetings, personal information, and instructions, identify vocabulary, and respond to simple questions. A1 (BEGINNER): -Learners can understand basic everyday expressions and phrases, engage in listening activities, and respond appropriately to short conversations and announcements. A2 (ELEMENTARY): -Learners understand sentences and expressions related to immediate relevance, such as personal information, shopping, and employment. Listening activities cover familiar topics, basic opinions, and responding appropriately. B1 (INTERMEDIATE): -Learners understand standard input on familiar matters,engage in listening activities, identify opinions, and understand long spoken texts on personal interest, including presentations, interviews, and discussions.
B2 (UPPER-INTERMEDIATE): -learners can comprehend complex text on concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions. Listening activities cover lectures, radio broadcasts, and debates, focusing on detail, inference, attitude, and nuanced language features. C1 (ADVANCED): Learners can comprehend complex texts, recognize implicit meaning, and critically evaluate spoken discourse, including academic lectures, news reports, and formal presentations, requiring advanced comprehension skills. C2 (PROFICIENCY): -Involves understanding and synthesizing information from various sources through listening activities that challenge learners with authentic, extended texts and advanced listening skills.
Three graduates of the renowned Management and Science University in Malaysia, Mirashini d/o Kunard Sayagaran, Leenashini d/o Josep, and Vaisnavi d/o Kalaikumar, have all gone on to lead successful careers in teaching, with a focus on helping students improve their four language skills abilities. Inspired by their shared love of promoting clear communication and language learning, they all set off on a new writing adventure as English language resources designed with improving listening skills in secondary education in mind.Mirashini d/o Kunard Sayagaran, Leenashini d/o Josep, and Vaisnavi d/o Kalaikumar have years of experience writing books and editing them, so they bring a wealth of knowledge to their jobs as authors and editors. Individuals who are interested in their newest offerings can contact them at [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] MIRASHINI D/O KUNARD SAYAGARAN LEENASHINI D/O JOSEP VAISNAVI D/O KALAIKUMAR AUTHORS AND PUBLISHERS
INTRODUCTION This exercise book is especially made to help secondary school students improve their listening skills. It is based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). It offers a curriculum that is simple to comprehend and straightforward, suited for teachers and students in the twenty-first century. The book offers a methodical way to build effective listening skills in a classroom context by stepping readers through a variety of listening activities that are in line with the CEFR levels.
1.QR CODE USER GUIDE 2. GLOSSARY An alphabetical list of words relating to a specific subject, text, or dialect, with explanations; a brief dictionary. The free QR CODE READER apps can be downloaded from the Play Store or App Store. To view YouTube videos, scan the QR code.
CHAPTER 2 FOOD ,FOOD,FOOD! “Good food is the foundation of genuine happiness.” This chapter consists three parts:Part A, Part B and Part C.
Listening strategy : Top Down approach Topic : Food!Food!Food! Form: Secondary school (Form 3) Text: Conversation ‘at the Restaurant’ TA/Materials: 1) Audio of the conversation on the chosen topic 2) Comparative adjectives list based on the topic Content Standard: 1) Recognise features of spoken genres on familiar topics 2) Recognise with support typical features at word, sentence and text levels of a smaller number of spoken genres Learning Standard: 1) Understand independently longer simple narratives on a range of familiar topics. 2) Recognise with support typical features at word, sentence and text levels of a small number of spoken genres. Learning Objectives: 1) By the end of the lesson, students will understand and apply comparative adjectives to describe food, restaurants, and dining experiences. 2) Students will demonstrate their understanding of restaurant conversations by acting out scenarios including comparative adjectives and polite phrases.
Steps: A) Introduction (10 minutes) 1) Teacher will greet the students. 2) Teacher will explain about the comparative adjectives. 3) Teacher will introduce the lesson topic and mainly focusing on understanding restaurantrelated conversation and vocabulary. 4) Teacher asks the students to describe their favourite foods or restaurants using comparative adjectives. B) Pre-listening activities (10 minutes) 1) The teacher will use flashcards to quickly introduce key vocabulary and comparative adjectives related to the restaurant scenario. 2) The teacher will show pictures of various restaurants and ask students to predict which will use certain comparative adjectives. 3) The teacher asks students to justify their predictions on whether adjectives are appropriate for specific sorts of restaurants. 4) The teacher explains how comparative adjectives can enhance comprehension of a conversation's context. 5) The teacher will discuss the purpose and benefits of comparatives during the lesson. C) Listening activities (25 minutes) 1) The teacher will provide a brief overview of the restaurant conversations. 2) The audio of the conversation ‘at the restaurant' will be played. 3) The teacher will provide worksheets containing 7 subjective questions. 4) The teacher will repeat the audio twice so that students can answer the tough questions.D) Post- listening activities (20 minutes) 1) The teacher will ask the students to exchange their answer sheets and discuss them in class. 2) The teacher will suggest to students to share their opinions and justify their answers based on the conversation. 3) The teacher will divide students into small groups to role-play restaurant conversations as waiters and customers. 4) Students will be asked to apply comparison adjectives and polite phases from the audio. 5) The teacher will evaluate students' language use, pronunciation, and overall performance after each role-play. E) Reflection and Extension (10 minutes) 1) The teacher will summarise the day's lesson and the comparative adjectives that students learned. 2) The teacher will ask the students for feedback on what they have learned. )hhilldhl
Part A Instrucutions: Based on the following pictures, create sentences using comparative adjactives . Glossary Comparative adjective -used to compare differences between the two objects they modify (larger, smaller, faster, higher).
What did Customer 1 want to know before placing an order? 1. 2.How did customer 2 customize their order? What was Customer 3's main course preference, and why did he select it? 3. 4.How did the waiter describe Amalfi Chicken? What drinks did the customers choose, and how did they differ? 5. How did Customer 2 convey their appreciation for the desserts? 6. What was the general atmosphere of the conversation, and how did customers interact with one another and the waiter? 7. Part B Listen Listen to the audio and answer the following questions.
Part C 1)In a small groups, conduct a role-play restaurant conversations as waiters and customers. 2)Students will be asked to apply comparison adjectives and polite phases from the audio. 3)The teacher will evaluate students' language use, pronunciation, and overall performance after each role-play. R O L E P L A Y
CHAPTER 3 THE WONDERS OF NATURE “Be a part of the solution. Take a stand for our planet and inspire positive change in your community. Together, we can make a difference!” This chapter consists two parts:Part A and Part B
Listening strategy: Bottom Up Approach Topic: The Wonders Of Nature Form: 3 Secondary School Text: Jason Mraz - Back To The Earth (Official Audio) Teaching Material 1. Audio from YouTube 2. Example list of stressed words & intonations 3. Story chain Content Standard: 1. Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts Learning Standard: 1. Understand independently the main ideas in simple longer text on an increased range of familiar topics. Learning Objectives: 1. Students able to identify stressed words from the audio 2. Students able to create a interesting story chain
STEPS: A) Introduction (10minutes) - Teacher greet the students - Teacher go through the previous lesson . -Teacher will ask students’ opinion on important aspects of nature. -Teacher will ask to list down natural place in Malaysia. B) Pre-Listening Activities (15 minutes): - Teacher will play a song . - Teacher will ask students to listen to the audio which related to the topic . - Teacher will play the audio twice. -Teacher will ask the students to list the stressed words in the audio. - Teacher will give 15 minutes to complete the task given. - Teacher will ask to everyone to stand up & say out the words. C) Listening Activity (25minutes) - Teacher will ask the students to form a group of 4 members. - Teacher willl ask students to create story chain in between groups. -Teacher will give one stressed words from the audio to each group. -From the given words students have to create a story in 12 sentences. -In that group each person should come up with 1 sentences which connect to first setences. Reflection (10min) -Teacher will recall back what they have learnt - Teacher will conduct a small Q & A section with students -Teacher will end the class
Part A Rules: i) Listen to the audio carefully. ii) List down stressed words from the audio DO SCAN TO GET YOUR AUDIO Listen Glossary Stressed words are those that are pronounced with greater emphasis than others. They are typically louder, longer, and have a higher pitch Example:- i)Computer: -Stressed syllable: kəmˈpjuː -Unstressed syllables: ˌpjuːˈtər Unstressed words are those that are pronounced with less emphasis. They are often quieter, shorter, and pronounced at a lower pitch. Example: - i)The: -Unstressed syllable: ðə Mixed Stress Patterns: Example:- i)Photographer: -Stressed syllable: fəˈtɑːɡ -Unstressed syllables: ˌfəˌɡrəˌfər
INSTRUCTIONS: Form a group of 4 member. The teacher will assign one stressed word to each group that the students identified from the audio. Students must make a chain of stories. For instance, the first student must construct a sentenceusing the provided words, and the second student must continue the second sentence that is related to the first. Part B
Listening strategy: Bottom up approach Topic: Special Relationship Form: Secondary school (Form 3) Text: Poem of “The Tyger” TA/Materials: 1)Video of the “The Tyger” poem 2)Short poems 3)Literary devices list Content Standard : Use appropriate listening strategies in a variety of contexts. Learning standard: Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by other words and by context on an increased range of familiar topics Learning Objectives: 1) Students will able to listen to the poem which was convey correct intonation,rhythm ,idiomic expression and stress the word correctly. 2)Students will able to answer the questions which is related to the poem that given. 3)Students will be able to understand and answer the literary elements’ questions.
Steps: A) Introduction (10minutes): 1.Teacher will greet the students. 2.Teacher will show some short poems 3.Teacher will explain about the basic poems 4.The teacher will discuss the importance of learning poem 5.The teacher will provide the literary device list to every students . B)Pre-listening activities(15minutes): 1.The teacher will play the video which is based on the related topic. 2.The teacher will ask the students give their opinion based on the poem that heard. 3.The teacher will ask the students to find the literary devices based on the list paper that provided. C)Listening activities (25minutes): 1.The teacher will ask the students to form a group of 4-5 2.Teacher will recite the poem by stressing the pattern and intonation correctly 3.The students need to recite it in front of other students . 4.The teacher will ask the students to answer the questions that given for Part A. D)Post-listening activities (20 minutes): 1. The teacher will discuss the answers with students. 2. The teacher will ask the students to work in pairs and create 3 different situation which define to the themes of this poem for Part B. 3.Students are required to ask the other students to identify the theme for the three different situation. 4.The teacher will ask the students about the mood of the poem based on their opinion.
E) Reflection and Extension(10minutes): 1.The teacher will recap the lesson of the day and the literary devices that they learnt. 2.The teacher will ask the students to give opinion or feedback on what they have been learned on the day. 3.The teacher will end the class.
THE TYGER by William Blake Tyger Tyger, burning bright, In the forests of the night; What immortal hand or eye, Could frame thy fearful symmetry? In what distant deeps or skies. Burnt the fire of thine eyes? On what wings dare he aspire? What the hand, dare seize the fire? And what shoulder, & what art, Could twist the sinews of thy heart? And when thy heart began to beat, What dread hand? & what dread feet? What the hammer? what the chain, In what furnace was thy brain? What the anvil? what dread grasp, Dare its deadly terrors clasp? When the stars threw down their spears And water'd heaven with their tears: Did he smile his work to see? Did he who made the Lamb make thee? Tyger Tyger burning bright, In the forests of the night: What immortal hand or eye, Dare frame thy fearful symmetry? Listen SCAN HERE Glossary Immortal -never dying/living forever Symmetry-the perfect proportion or beautiful form
Part A Answer the questions. 1)In your opinion ,why do you think William Blakepresent the poem’s title as “ The Tyger ” by using archaicspelling ? 2)What is the imagery element that you can found instanza two? 3)What does stanza 3’s mood refer to? 4)What is the repetition line in this poem?State one of it.What does it refer to? 5)What is the mood of this poem? 6) State one moral value that you found out in this poem. 7)Give your opinion what does the given wordssymbolized in this poem. TygerThe forest of the nightFireLamb- Glossary Mood-expression/feelings Repetition -the action of repeating Imagery-words that trigger the reader to recall images, or mental pictures, that engage one of the five senses: sight, sound, taste, smell, and touch. used to compare differences between the two objects they modify (larger, smaller, faster, higher).
Work in pairs.Create 3 different situation which define to the themes of this poem.Discuss it in the classroom. PART B ‘EXPLORE THE THEMES!’
CHAPTER 5 A PLACE TO CALL HOME This chapter consists two parts:Part A and Part B “Home is not a place,it's a feeling”
Listening strategy: Top down and Bottom up approach Topic: A Place To Call Home Form: Secondary school (Form 3) Text: Advertisement on “Southeastern Real Estate commercial” TA/Materials: 1)Advertisement video of the ‘Southeastern Real Estate commercial” 2) Noun list related to the place topics 3) List of places 4)A4 papers/Old newspapers Content Standard )Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts Learning standard: Understand independently more complex questions Learning Objectives: 1)Students will able to listen to the advertisement audio with visual and extract the key information . 2) Students will able to answer the HOTS question which is related to the topic that given . Steps: A) Introduction (10minutes): 1.The teacher will greet the students. 2.The teacher will introduce the topic which is related to places and home based. 3.The teacher will explain about the basic importance of having a home in daily basic life .
B) Pre-listening activities(15minutes): 1.The teacher will ask the students about the types of nouns 2.The teacher will teach and revise back on how to differentiate the twotype of nouns. 3.The teacher will show a simple advertisement and ask the studentsquestions like : What moral values or themes that are delivered in theadvertisement? 4.The teacher will explain the purpose of listening to an advertisementaudio C)Listening activities (25minutes): 1.The teacher will play the video which is based on the related topic. 2.The teacher will ask the students give their opinion based on theadvertisement. 3.The teacher will ask the students to find nouns that they heard in thevideo that they listened to. 4.The teacher will ask the students to answer the questions that aregiven for Part A. D)Post-listening activities (20 minutes): 1. The teacher will discuss the answers with students. 2.The teacher will ask the students to work in pairs for Part B and build ahome by using A4 papers or old newspapers. 3.The paired students need to demonstrate the built paper house toother students in the classroom. 4.The students need to role-play as real estate agents and try to sell thebuilt paper house.
E) Reflection and Extension(10minutes): 1.The teacher will recap the lesson of the day and the nouns that they learnt. 2.The teacher will ask the students to give opinion or feedback on what they have been learned on the day. 3.The teacher will end the class.
Part A Answer the questions. 1) In this video,what does the speaker emphasize to write his story 2)What does the family can find in a home? 3)Explain your own word what does the sliver space referred in this video? 4)What does the ‘ Fortress conquer gourmet bakery’ referred in this video? 5)In this video,whom did the speaker thanked lastly? 6)Why do you think the speaker thanked the company? Listen Glossary Conquer-defeat Gourmet-relating to
Part B ‘YOUR IDEAL HOUSE IS HERE!’ Work in pairs. Build a home by using A4 papers or old newspapers.Demonstrate the built paper house to other students in the classroom.Role-play as real estate agents and try to sell the built paper house.
CHAPTER 7 EXTREME SITUATIONS “Combine the extremes ,and you will have the true center” This chapter consists two parts:Part A and Part B
Listening strategy: Top Down & Bottom Up Approach Topic: The Extreme Situation Form: 3 Secondary School Text:He Failed 1000 Times (Real Life Story) Teaching Material 1. Audio from YouTube 2.Past Tense 3.Story Telling Content Standard: 1. Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts Learning Standard: 2. Understand independently the main ideas in simple longer text on an increased range of familiar topics. Learning Objectives: 1. Students able to listen to the audio and come uo with their own opinion. 2. Students able to list down past tense.
STEPS A) Introduction (10minutes) - Teacher greet the students - Teacher go through the previous lesson . -Teacher will introduce the new topic which is Extreme Situation. -Teacher explain few situation faced by her to students. B) Pre-Listening Activities (15 minutes): - Teacher will play a listen to the audio which related to the topic . - Teacher will play the audio twice. -Teacher will ask the students opinion based on the conversation between 2 people. -After that teacher will ask students to do a mind map on past tense. - Teacher will give 15 minutes to complete the task given. - Teacher will ask to everyone to stand up & deliver their opinion. C) Listening Activity (25minutes) - It will be a individual task which is story telling. - Teacher will ask students to tell any extreme situation faced by the sudents or even their parents & story should be short. Reflection (10min) -Teacher will recall back what they have learnt - Teacher will conduct a small Q & A section with students -Teacher will end the class
DESCRIPTIONS: Listen to the audio & then students should come up with their own opinion. Students should list down all past tense from the audio & create a mind map. Part A SCAN HERE TO GET THE AUDIO
CHAPTER 8 TIME T SPARE This chapter consists three parts:Part A, Part B and Part C. “Hobbies are great distraction from the worries and troubles that plaque daily living”
Listening strategy: Top Down Approach Topic: Time to Spare Form: Secondary school (Form 3) Text: Job Interview about hobbies TA/Materials: 1) Audio of the conversation on the chosen topic 2) Adverbs list based on the topic Content Standard: 1) Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts Learning Standard: 1) Understand independently the main ideas in simple longer texts on an increased range of familiar topics. Learning Objectives: 1) By the end of the lesson, students will be able to identify and correctly use adverbs to describe hobbies and daily routines in English sentences. 2) Students will demonstrate understanding of a job interview about hobbies by participating in a discussion, applying adverbs in their sentences.
Steps: A) Introduction (10 minutes) 1) Teacher will greet the students. 2) Teacher will begin the lesson by asking students about their hobbies and daily routines. 3) Teacher will introduce the lesson topic and mainly focusing on understanding a job interview about hobbies with a specific concentration on adverbs. 4) Teacher ask the students to create sentences about their hobbies or daily routines using adverbs. B) Pre-listening activities (10 minutes) 1) The teacher will use adverb cards and hobby cards to guide students in matching adverbs with hobbies to form sentences. 2) The teacher will divide students into small groups and shuffle adverb and hobby cards separately. 3) Students in each group will use an adverb card and a hobby card to build sentences including both. 4) The teacher will verify the grammar of the sentences. If the sentences are correct, students will keep the pair of cards until all are matched. 5) The teacher will ask students for an explanation why they choose a specific adverb for their hobby. C) Listening activities (25 minutes) 1) The teacher will explain about the audio of a job interview about hobbies. 2) The audio of the intrview will be played. 3) The teacher will provide worksheets containing 7 subjective questions. 4) The teacher will repeat the audio twice so that students can answer the tough questions. D) Post- listening activities (20 minutes) 1) The teacher will ask students to swap answer sheets and discuss them throughout class. 2) The teacher will encourage students to share their thoughts and justify their answers based on the interview. 3) The teacher will divide students into small groups to discuss similarities and differences in their hobbies and perceived benefits. 4) Students will use adverbs in their discussion sentences. 5) At the end of the activity, the teacher will emphasise the importance of hobbies and interests in enriching lives. E) Reflection and Extension (10 minutes) 1) The teacher will summarise the day's lesson and adverbs that students learned. 2) The teacher will ask the students for feedback on what they have learned. 3) The teacher will end the class
Part A Student from each group have to construct sentences based on the adverb card and hobby card. Swimming Cooking Painting Dancing gracefully passionately artistically swiftly Glossary Swiftly-quickly Perceive -recognize
Part B Listen to the audio and answer the following questions 1. How often does the speaker practice yoga? 2. Why does the speaker read the newspaper every morning? 3. Which type of reading does the speaker do for fun? 4. How does the speaker's reading speed in English compare to Spanish? 5. What benefits does the speaker perceive in practice yoga? 6. Why does the speaker promote yoga? 7. How do the speaker's activities affect their general wellbeing?
Part C In a group, discuss similarities and differences inyour hobbies and perceived benefits. Use adverbs in their discussion sentences.
Listening strategy: Top Down Approach Topic: High-Tech World Form: 3 Secondary School Text: How Technology Has Changed Our Lives? Teaching Material 1. Audio from YouTube 2. Word Search Puzzle 3. Recycle item Content Standard: 1. Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts Learning Standard: 1. Understand independently the main ideas in simple longer text on an increased range of familiar topics. Learning Objectives: 1. Students will able to understand what is HighTech World. 2. Students able to listen and cross down all 8 works word search puzzle.