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Published by Torah Academy of Jacksonville, 2019-05-09 09:06:55

Dinner Journal 2018

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TUESDAY, MAY 29, 2018

Dear Friend of Torah Academy,

Thank you for joining us and participating in our special evening.
Tonight’s event provides a rare opportunity for the diversity of the
Jewish People and our dear friends to come together with a single,
unified goal: Lighting the World.

Living in a world where so much darkness exists, Torah values shine
through. The determination to continually grow, learn and change is
the cornerstone of our great heritage and the light which guides Torah
Academy’s mission to consistently strive for excellence.

This evening, we celebrate Mr. Harry Frisch, an individual who is
known to all for his generosity and commitment to furthering Jewish
education and making this world a better place. It is so appropriate
that tonight’s theme of Lighting the World be dedicated to a man who
has devoted his life to chessed, lovingkindness and Jewish continuity.
He and his wife Lilo, of blessed memory, partnered to illuminate G-d’s
world through their every action, and their joint life’s work shines
daily in the halls of Torah Academy. Years ago, it was Harry’s dream
that Jacksonville would one day have a thriving Torah Day School.
Today, that dream is a reality. Watching the love that Harry has for
our children has been one of the most inspiring experiences of our

We are indebted to our wonderful dinner chair Lisa Ansbacher, her co
-chairs Rachel Smith and Rachel Shyken and committee members
Miriam Cohen, Bonnie Hardy and Kim Robbins for making tonight
such a glowing success.

We want to thank you for playing an integral role in helping us shine
the light of Torah in Jacksonville and beyond. Your support is essential
for sustaining what we have built together. Thank you for joining us at
our annual dinner and for all that you do to ensure that our highest
values continue to burn bright. With your love, guidance and support,
we look forward to a future of growth and excellence.

Dr. Elliott Rosenbaum Rabbi Shaya Hauptman
President Head of School

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4 u Torah Academy Dinner, May 29, 2018

Mr. Harry Frisch

Guest of Honor

Mr. Harry Frisch was born in Vienna, Austria. In 1938, Mr. Frisch was a
teenager when the Nazis invaded his country. Barely escaping with his
brother, Fred, they travelled all the way to British Palestine. As the State
of Israel came into being, Mr. Frisch joined the Israeli Army and he still
speaks a fluent Ivrit to this day.

In 1953, he immigrated to Jacksonville with his wife and two sons, and
not a penny to his name. Through hard work, Mr. Frisch and his family
founded Beaver Street Fisheries and built the company into a half billion-
dollar sales company with hundreds of employees.

Mr. Frisch has become famous throughout Jacksonville and beyond as a
generous supporter of community non-profits, charities, and Jewish day
schools like ours, Torah Academy of Jacksonville.

Mr. Frisch at 94 years young continues to go to work at Beaver Street
Fisheries each day. He loves the city of Jacksonville and he loves the
Jacksonville Jaguars. Mr. Frisch also loves the Torah Academy of
Jacksonville and all of you in this room — and we love him.

It is our distinct privilege to welcome Mr. Frisch to our school and to
afford him this much deserved honor tonight.

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In tribute to our dedicated

Board of Directors

for the many things we know you do and the many
more we never find out about.

Elliott Rosenbaum, PsyD, President
Deborah Shapiro, Executive VP
Sima Chefer, VP Education
Joey Shyken, Treasurer
Rachel Shyken, Secretary
Scot Ackerman, MD
Lisa Ansbacher
Ernie Brodsky
Harriet Brodsky
Bonnie Hardy
Iris Kraemer
Gary Perlman, DDS
David Robbins, Esq
Sandi Roth
Tzippy Zaguri

Past Presidents
Larry Appel
Leslie Held

David Robbins, Esq
Robbie Roth, z”l

Rabbinical Advisor
Rabbi Yaakov Fisch

Community Advisor
Collen Rodriguez

The Grateful Staff and Students of Torah Academy

6 u Torah Academy Dinner, May 29, 2018

Dear Friends of Torah Academy,

Thank you for joining us for our 15th Annual Torah Academy
Dinner. We are grateful for the opportunity to show our
appreciation and pay tribute to Harry Frisch, a civic leader,
generous philanthropist and pillar of the Jewish Community.
His dedication to Torah Academy and Jewish education is
truly inspirational.

Tonight we join to celebrate Torah Academy and to further
its mission of educating and inspiring young minds to become
a light unto the world. We are grateful and thankful for your
presence and support.

Thank you to the many people whose hard work have made
this evening an incredible success:

Rabbi Hauptman, our Head of School, for creating the
fantastic video, and for offering insight and advice.

Yocheved Hauptman, for her tireless efforts and endless
support behind the scenes in every aspect of tonight’s dinner.

David Robbins and Elliot Rosenbaum for their monumental
fundraising efforts.

Miriam Cohen, Kim Robbins, Caroline Lee, Ed Lee, Bonnie
Hardy, and all of the volunteers who put their time and effort
into making this evening so special!

With much appreciation,

Lisa Ansbacher, Rachel Shyken & Rachel Smith

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Education is not preparation for life;
education is life itself.
-John Dewey

Morah Devora Feigenbaum
Morah Henny Fisch

Rabbi Mayer Rabinowitz
Rabbi Ephraim Weiss

Your actions and lifestyles set the example
for your students. The children sense your
dedication to them and the care you pour into
every single one of their precious souls, and
they love you for it. May Hashem shower His
blessings upon you and your families and give
you the wherewithal to continue your holy work!

Rabbi Shaya Hauptman

Torah Academy Dinner, May 29, 2018 u 11

An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.

-Benjamin Franklin

Mrs. Nichole Deese
Mrs. Audrey Goldberg

Mr. Junior Rodney

Good teachers teach students,
but amazing teachers help students learn.

Thank you for all you’ve done to create
lifelong learners out of our students and

for making studying so much fun!

Rabbi Shaya Hauptman

& Dr. Tonja Cantu

12 u Torah Academy Dinner, May 29, 2018


To defend a country you need an army, but to defend a
civilization you need education.
-Sir Jonathan Sacks

Dr. Tonja Cantu
General Studies Coordinator

Ms. Karen Hansen
School Counselor

Mrs. Yocheved Hauptman
Administrative Assistant & Bookkeeper

Mrs. Sara Smolensky
Office Assistant

Morah Chantel Simmons
Preschool Assistant

Student Resources

Mrs. Sara Brown
Rabbi Yehuda Leib Brown

Mr. Barry Chefer
Mrs. Sima Chefer
Mrs. Cindy Land
Ms. Rochelle Miller
Mrs. Linda Rosenthal
Mr. Jerrod Tucker
Mrs. Sara Werner
Ms. Jeannette White

Thank you for your tireless dedication to what can,
at times, be a thankless job. Please know that your
work does not go unnoticed and that what you do

literally keeps our world turning!

Rabbi Shaya Hauptman

Torah Academy Dinner, May 29, 2018 u 13

“Let’s all put our hearts and minds together-
a thousand glowing candles burning bright.
We'll become a force that can't be measured,
and together, we can drive away the night.”

-Abie Rotenberg, “Candles”

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Mr. Harry Frisch,

As a true Macher in our community, you lead by
example. Your faith, focus and ingenuity built a
business and built a family—all poised for success.
And in the process, you always shared of yourself, in

tandem with your beloved Lilo (z’l), by your
presence and generosity.

Along with Torah Academy’s founders, educators,
parents and students, we congratulate you on your

honor this evening. May we all walk in your

Alex and Scot Ackerman

18 u Torah Academy Dinner, May 29, 2018


Harry Frisch,

We are profoundly grateful for your
consistent support of the Jacksonville
community and your dedication and
involvement in the lives of our Jewish

You are a hero among us!!

Kim and David Robbins

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Mazel Tov to

Torah Academy

and all who support
Jewish education.
Iris and Mark Kraemer

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In support of the educational and character
development programs for the students
at Torah Academy.
Shad Kahn and Harry Frisch Education and
Scholarship Fund at the Jaguars Foundation

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We are so proud
to be a part of

Torah Academy's

growth and success!

Fran and Russell Selevan

22 u Torah Academy Dinner, May 29, 2018


Thank you to Harry Frisch for all he has done and continues
to do for Torah Academy and for the Jewish community.
With heartfelt appreciation,
Lisa, Barry and Lily Pop Ansbacher

Torah Academy Dinner, May 29, 2018 u 23


Mazel Tov to

Harry Frisch

Thank you for all you have done
and continue to do for Torah Academy

and for the Jewish community.

Sybil Ansbacher

on behalf of

The Lewis & Sybil Ansbacher Family Foundation

24 u Torah Academy Dinner, May 29, 2018


Mazal Tov to

Harry Frisch

on this well-deserved honor.
Thank you to the

Torah Academy teachers and staff
for all you do for our children every day.

Sara & Lon Smolensky

Torah Academy Dinner, May 29, 2018 u 25


We are honored to join in
congratulating and recognizing

Harry Frisch

on this prestigious honor
Your commitment to our Jacksonville
Jewish community is an inspiration.
With deepest appreciation and gratitude,

we wish the you and your family
continued blessings.

Mazal Tov to Lisa Ansbacher
& your dinner committee on all of your

incredible efforts in creating a most
memorable Torah Academy Dinner!
On behalf of all of us, thank you for your

hard work and Kol Ha-kavod!

The Jaffa Family

26 u Torah Academy Dinner, May 29, 2018


In honor of

Harry Frisch

& in memory of

Lilo Frisch z”l

Your steadfast support over the decades,
in challenging times & in good ones,
laid the foundation for our thriving
orthodox community.
Without you, there is no Etz Chaim.

Without you, there is no Torah Academy.

Thank you for your support,
for all you have done, and for

all you continue to do.

Steven & Deborah Shapiro
Zev, Ita, Shraga Feivel & Calev

Torah Academy Dinner, May 29, 2018 u 27


Yasher Koach

Harry Frisch

May Torah Academy continue to grow
and flourish!

Gary and Nancy Perlman

28 u Torah Academy Dinner, May 29, 2018


Mazel Tov to

Harry Frisch

for his dedication, vision,
and generosity in the building

of our Jewish Community.

Rabbi Yaakov and Henny Fisch

Torah Academy Dinner, May 29, 2018 u 29


In honor of our esteemed

Rebbeim, Moros,
Teachers, and Staff

Thank you for making
Torah Academy

the wonderful school that it is.

Mazel Tov to

Harry Frisch

Thank you for your commitment to
Jewish education in Jacksonville.

With much appreciation,
Rachel and Avi Smith

30 u Torah Academy Dinner, May 29, 2018



Mazel Tov on a well deserved honor.
We're so glad to celebrate with you!

May you continue to go
from strength to strength!
The Jaffe and Zimmerman Family

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Mazel Tov to
Harry Frisch
Kimberly and Richard Sisisky

32 u Torah Academy Dinner, May 29, 2018


In honor of

Harry Frisch
Lisa Ansbacher
& Rabbi Mayer Rabinowitz

I would also like to show appreciation
to all those who work tirelessly on behalf
of the next generation of Jewish people.

Thank you
Rabbi Shaya Hauptman
and all the staff and supporters of

Torah Academy.

Elliot Friedman

Torah Academy Dinner, May 29, 2018 u 33


Mazal Tov

Harry Frisch

Thank you you supporting
Torah Academy of Jacksonville

Ernie and Harriet Brodsky
Colman and Rachel Brodsky

34 u Torah Academy Dinner, May 29, 2018


Thank you

Torah Academy of Jacksonville

and your wonderful staff for
everything you do to keep

Jewish education alive
in Jacksonville!

David and Rise Pearl

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Mazel Tov to

Harry Frisch,

a most deserving honoree
Judy & Stephen Silverman

36 u Torah Academy Dinner, May 29, 2018



congratulations on being
honored by Torah Academy.

The Setzer Family

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Congratulations to

Torah Academy

and it's leadership on
another wonderful year!

Michael DeSanto and family

38 u Torah Academy Dinner, May 29, 2018


Mazal Tov Harry,

you are a shining light to our community.
Thank you for your mentorship.

A huge thank you to our volunteers
and board members who never get

enough thank-you’s,
to Dr. Cantu and our children's teachers

who teach & inspire our kids
and to Rabbi and Mrs. Hauptman
who do more than anyone can see.
Thank you to Lisa Ansbacher and the
Rachels for making this beautiful dinner.
Wishing Torah Academy many years

of inspiring the Jewish future
in Jacksonville.

Elliott and Emily Rosenbaum.

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