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Published by Torah Academy of Jacksonville, 2019-05-09 09:06:55

Dinner Journal 2018

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Torah Academy Dinner, May 29, 2018 u 51

With admiration and respect to

Harry Frisch

for your dedication to
Torah Academy
and the success of

future generations.
Warmest wishes,
Sima & Barry Chefer

52 u Torah Academy Dinner, May 29, 2018

With deep appreciation to the many individuals
who spend countless hours to ensure the success of

Torah Academy.

Mazal Tov to tonight’s honoree

Harry Frisch

Thank you for being such a loyal friend
of Torah Academy!

Thank you to
Dr. Cantu, Morah Henny, Morah Chantel,
Rabbi Weiss, Mrs. Goldberg, Mr. Rodney,

Ms. Hanson and Mr. Tucker
for nurturing our children this year, and for always

encouraging them to strive higher and higher.

A personal thank you to Dr. Elliott Rosenbaum
and the Board of Directors for partnering with
us to bring excellence to Torah Academy and
cultivate an environment of joy in learning.

May we all merit to enjoy the nachas of all
Torah Academy students for many years to come!

Shaya and Yocheved Hauptman

Torah Academy Dinner, May 29, 2018 u 53

In honor of my beloved
children & grandchildren
Leah and Neal Finkelstein
Aharon, Nechama, Yehudis and Rivka

Jeanne Finkelstein

Mazel Tov to

Harry Frisch

on this most deserved honor
In memory of my husband,

Robbie Roth a”h
Founder of Torah Academy

Sandi Roth

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Mazel Tov to

Harry Frisch

Wishing Torah Academy
continued success!

DuBow Family Foundation

Congratulations to the

Torah Academy

on your continued success!

And thank you to Harry Frisch

for your years of generous support of
the Torah Academy and the entire
Jacksonville Jewish Community!

Gary & Susan Gendzier

58 u Torah Academy Dinner, May 29, 2018

Congratulations to
Harry Frisch

and best wishes to
Torah Academy

Mark and Nancy Green

Thank you

Mrs. Deese, Morah Devora, Morah Henny,
Morah Chantel, and Morah Caitlyn

for all the hard work, time, and effort
you have put into teaching
Akiva and Nava this year.

We are seeing so much growth and a love of
Torah and learning in both of them and are

so grateful for all you do!
Joey and Rachel Shyken

Torah Academy Dinner, May 29, 2018 u 59

A well deserved honor to
Harry Frisch

In gratitude for spreading the light of
Torah throughout the entire Jewish community

and especially Torah Academy.
Sincere appreciation to Rabbi Hauptman,

Dr. Cantu and Yocheved and the entire
Torah Academy Staff for raising Torah and

secular education to new heights

Bonnie Hardy

Yasher Koach to

Lisa Ansbacher

on a job well done!

Kim and David Robbins

In recognition of my cousins

Jerry, Elliott and Emily Rosenbaum

for their dedication to Torah Academy

Cousin Stewart Fordham

60 u Torah Academy Dinner, May 29, 2018

In loving memory of
Michael Estner, z"l
a founding member of Torah Academy.
Todah rabah to everyone who continues to carry out
his dream of an orthodox day school in Jacksonville.
Mazel Tov to Harry Frisch.
Fern, Rebecca, and Julia Estner

In honor of

Rabbi Shaya and Yocheved Hauptman
and family.

Shlomo and Elisheva Storch

The name his parents gave him, the name others call him and

the name he makes for himself. (Midrash Rabbah)
In honor of

Rabbi Shaya and Rebbetzin Yocheved Hauptman
Rebecca & Jay Karp

With gratitude to

Torah Academy

for educating and nurturing
our grandchildren.

Harriet and Jack Sonnenschein.

Torah Academy Dinner, May 29, 2018 u 61

In memory of Yasher Koach to
our dear friend Elliott and Emily

Robbie Roth Rosenbaum
for all your hard work
Marcia & Michael Schwarz
Sheldon Rosenbaum and family

In honor of In honor of the
Rabbi and Rebbetzin Jacksonville Hauptmans
who light up the world with
their beautiful smiles
Michael Platzer and keep on shining with their

beautiful deeds!

Gitel Kaluszyner

In honor of my grandchildren In honor of
at Torah Academy,
Harry Frisch
Yehoshua, Shalom,
and Rina Fisch Ann & Leon Silke

Esther Russak

In honor of In honor of
Sori, Beinish, Harry Frisch and
Chaya Bayla and Eli Torah Academy
Hauptman for all the great work they’ve
done toward the advancement of
Love, growing Orthodox Jewry
in Jacksonville.

Barb and Ed Feldman

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The details were unending
To create this special night,
With a theme of inspiration

A message full of insight.

But this team came together
Lighting the World so bright,
Portraying the values of Torah Academy
Achieving a new spiritual height!

Thank you for the tireless hours you put into making
this evening so special. May you merit all of Hashem’s
blessing and may He shine His Countenance upon your

every endeavor.

Rabbi Shaya Hauptman

Torah Academy Dinner, May 29, 2018 u 71

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