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Omaha South High School Tooter yearbook for the 1923 January graduating class.

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Published by Omaha South High Alumni Association, 2020-12-07 22:46:57


Omaha South High School Tooter yearbook for the 1923 January graduating class.

Our thanks to the


for sponsoring the




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Omaha South High School



., .,


To Our ~uhsc-rihcn;:
\Ve li c r c w iil1 p 1cscn l t·o om· r c~i de rs t hP Crs! m icl -yc11r annual. W e have

: dvanced half way th l'ong h t hr yea r pub! s! i11 ;.. : hr 'I ooter as a " weekly·' and
ha \'l• he1·ome ac<: u ston~ed lo th e ad rantagc:· \\". ic h prop er ly come to th e school
as a n's tilt of t his pol icy. vVe trnst th is nu m be 1· wilt s11pplem c n t the week ly
p:i prr, hrin g-i n g t.o ou r s uhi-cribcrs 11ml fri rm:s 11111 11y thini-:s to whi c h a weekly
I 11 1.!icalion is J10t Ullap t·ed. sa tisfy in g tlrn: .l esirc fo r th e "something" we
1, ssc•d 011 clisconlill uing lh<' monthly, and wl:c1tin g our· appetites fo r th e good
I ! ·ugs w hich both th e week ly a ml th e annua l bold in s t or e for us n ex t sc•mester .

.All who nre in a u_v wny r c~po1:siblc for .J, r wo1 k c f publishing th e 'l'ooter
:i : t' sill(:erely g-l'alcfnl to thosr who g::ive of th ei r ti me by way of su ggest ion ,
1·ri1d1·ih11 l iou , 01· ot he r h e ir, and to ou:· advcrl i• ern whose pa tron age has mad e
. , p< ,sil·I<' for 11s lo kee p 01: r s<·hool r•11Llica tion up to a hi g h standard .

\\'p solie't .,·, 11 r conti n Ul' d co•op rat"o n a n I e nthus iastic help.
It i\l. ·Marrs.

( : ~ ~~ ----:·:::::::::'~~';'~ f;?~..Ll.)

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Mll.D ltED V. MO fUllS

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To Onr Sponsor
We, the M id-Year Class of 1923, d edicate this number
of the Toot er as an expression of om· appreciation of her
kindly i11tercst and her gene rous help through the four years
of 0111· h ig h s<'hool course.

=--====== = ========



TliE 8'l'AF.b'

A,\lONU- F.H.illNJJS


8 uper inlcn rlent of Schools


As!';i stant Superintend ent

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Mr. R. M. Marrs, Principal
M iss Stella Abraham, English

Miss Mary Bookmeyer, Home Economics
l\fiss Emma Bragg, Home Economics
1\1:iss Celia Chase, History
l\fr. S. E. Clark, English

l\lJ-. f '. E . Cook, E n glish
Miss Josephine Copeland, Latin
Mr. W . H. Deavee, Occupations
Miss Edith Dennett, Art
Miss J cannctt e Doyle, Girls' Physical Training

M isR Josephine Duras, En glish
M iss Zella Elmer , 'l' ypewri ting
Mrs. Hut h Forhes, Eighth Grade Subjects
Miss Grace Gannon, Latin
l\[rs. Emily Gentry, Home E conomics

f\1 is!-. ,J_vrtle Orn hum, E nglish

Mr <.'. A . Ifaif!ltt.. Telegr a p hy .

M:iAs .Mary A. Hansen, English
l\Iiss Alice G. Harvey, Shortha nd

:\Ji,, '.\I. N. UelligRo, Mecha nical Drawing
l\1r. J.J. H. ll i ll, Bool- k eep ing
Miss ;\[ina H u bbell. Typewriting
i\l r . R.H. Jo hnson, Office Trai ni n g
l\[isl'; T eresa Kopirt z, Home Economics

'.\I I s. Ka t hry n Kavanagh, Eng lish
l\lr . ,1. ' N. Ku r t z, Manual Tr aining
1\11-. Elmer C'. L o,v, Mcchan icn l Drnw ing
l\Iiss P e'lrl l\lcCray. l\Iatbem a t ics
:vf' s:· ('1:1 :·r l\'l.iek :11, f; ibraria n

~~y;.-~~-s:·:::::::::.'~~,-~~.:::.:.:.-~--~i:7[~1,..£.?.) r


Miss Grace McLain, 'rraining
Miss May Mahoney, F r ench, Spanish
Miss Mildred Mol'l'is, History, Mathematics
Miss Pat ricia Naughtin, Biological Science
Mr. J. M. Patton, Ma thematics, Athletics

Mr. W . F. Paulus, Penmanship
Mr. C. L . Premer, History, Civics
Miss Florence Rush Commercial Arithmetic
1\lr. W. A. Schlossin, Printing
Mi. s ·1rargueritc Seward, Sho1·tha nd

Miss Arla Shaffer, R apid Calculation
Mr. E. H. Shelley, Manual T1·aining
l\1iss Mabel Shiplrnrd, Chorus
l\lr. L . E. Smit h, General Scien ce
Miss Edna Spears, l\Jailicm11tics

Miss Darle Taylor, T~pewriting
Miss Ma1·guer1ic Walker, Dramatic Al't
Miss Amelia 'Wehrs, Physical Science
M.1·. A. A. W cisbecker, Salesmanship
Miss M. Rchmeckle, R.. N. School Nurse

Miss Alice Casteel, Assistant in Choru s
Mi~s Agnes Fox, Office Ass istant
·Miss Lydia R enni, Office Secretary
l\Tiss Ilelen Mullen, Ai;sii-.tant in Lihrury

Page Ten

Class Officers

President . . .. .... . ..... .. ................ . .... .. ........ William Hibbeler
Vice-President . ......... ........... .. ... .... . ......... . ..... . . Paul Ecker

Secretary .. . ...... .. . ....... .............. ...... ......... .... . Elsie Kirk

Treasurer ...... .. .... . . . .............. . ............ . ...... Gordon Holler
Student Council Member .............. ... . . ............. . .. . Robert Kibbie

• Tooter Reporter ... . .. . .... .. . ....... . .......... .. ......... Carmen Da.nze

Class Committees

Play- Ring-
Howard English , Chairman Robert Kibbie, Chairman
Elsie Kirk Mae Dawson
Prod Gernamlt Ray Palmer
l\hH• Dawson Carmen Danze

Senior Week- Baccalaureate--
Homer Hubbard, Chairma n Robert Kibbie, Chairman
Paul Ecker Gladys Matison
Canne11 D~mzc William Hibbeler
Elsie Kirk

Pnge E leven

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3111 South 22nd Street

Graduated from Vinton School. Book-
k eeping Course, P residen t 3 (1-2 ) , 4
(2) . Secretary 4 (1). H i-Y, "Vinton
School Club, Pres ident 3 ( 1), Honor
Society, Student Council, Deba ting Club ,
"Pageant Nebras ka," " A Dinne r w it h
Compl icati ons," Hall Com mittee, Cam-
pus Committee, All School P icnic Com-
mittee, All Committees 4 ( 2). W ill
enter bus iness world.

1 032 Atlas Street

Graduated from S t. J oseph's School,
attended Technical High School. Sales-
manship Course, Finish ed high s chool
in th r ee a nd one-half years, Vice-presi-
dent 4 ( 2) , Honor Society, Odds and
En,1s, HiY , Bus in ess Ma nago r of Toot-
er Annual, " Ak-Sar-Ben Pageant," Fi-
n a nce Com mittee. W ill enter bus iness
"· o rl u. Notre Dame later .
"Tile right man in the right place."

510 South 27lh Street

Graduate d fro m Vinton School, at-
tended High School of Commerce, San
Fra ncisco, Cali[., Commercial Course,
Treasurer 4 (2), Friend s hip 1-2, Hon-
or Society , Secr etary 2, Treasurer 4,
Frie nds hip Mass mee ting, "May Festi-
val," Play Committee 4 (20) , Finance
comm ittee 4 (20), H ike Committee 4,

4:!30 South 22nd Street
Grad uated from H aw thorne School. H is-
tory English Course, TrPnsu re r 4 (2),
Ha ·.-:t horn c Club, Hi-Y, Ex pression Club,
Manua l Ar s, Glee Cl ub, " 0" Club,
Overa ll Club, Sclenre Club, Stud ent
Cc unci l Co m mltteem:u , "De cla matory
Contest," "Pocahon tas," "Pngeant Ne-
bra l, a," "Ak-Sar-Ben P ageant, " " M)n-
s lr el Show," " Passing Show of 1920,"
" Slave wttb Two Faces," "Betty's An-
cestors ," "Love in Idle ness," "The Six
Who Pass," "Seven K eyR to Ra lclpate,"
r a ·kc. br II, Bnseb:1 II, Foolba ll. Will
Bl uely la .-.
RO :..:.ii;R 'r C. KIIlBIE

13n f'o u t h 28 , h Slt·eot
G r· .d u :tt r ti fron1 Lincoln Sch ool, Chi-
ca· o, 111:n cis, nttendod R. A. Wailers
L ,g:1, Ch ic;, g", lllin c i3, l•'oreig n La n-
g u ,1 e C Ju rJe, P r csicl c n t 2, Odd s a nd
L ch, 1 r s1clenl 4 (2), E xp ression Club,
"Wurze l Flumme ry," "Seven Keys to
Dald pate," "PJcahonta3 " 8 t ude nt Coun-
cil co::1111 i tu nrnn Rln -r Committee,
Part,- an I H11rn' Co m ~uiltcc, c lass
ba:,1.c. b:t li , unscb:1 11, Fu t ure pla ns
u nd ,•cic'. cl.

Page Twelve



2424 South 60th Street

Graduated from West Lawn School, at-
tend e d Central Hig h School, Normal
Tra ining School, Honor Society 4, S. T.
L. 3- 4, Odds and Ends 3-4, "Abbu San
of Old J a pan," May Festiva l, Six Who
Pass. W ill teach.
" P atien ce a nd Gentle n ess is Power."

58th a nd W Street ·

Gr a duated fro m S o uth Centr a l S ch o ol,
Sci e n t ific •Course, Finis hed Hig h Sch ool
in 3 ½ year s ; Vice Presi dent 1-1 " May
F estiva l ," "La d y of the L ake," Par ty
Committee 1-1. Will stu d y nurs ing.
" I love t r a nquil solit ude,
And s u ch society
A s is q ui e t, w ise, a nd good."

4 414 Sou t h 22nd Street

Graduated from Highland School, Sales-
mans h ip course, "Windm ills of Hol-
la nd," "May F estival," Gymna s ium a nd
Chorus Miass Mee t ing s. Will e nte r busi-
ness world.
"Ah , s he flavors ever yth ing ,
S he is t he vanilla of society."

3916 L Str eet

Gradua ted from South Franklin School
Histor y E n g lish Co urse, fin ish e d Hig h
School i n 3 ½ year s, Overall Cl ub, Presi-
d en t of Fr:rnkliu Sch ool club 4 (2), Re-
cPption Commi ttee 1920. Will study
i\Ie<lic ine and P h a rm acy.
"He t r ied th o luxury or d oing good."

5217 Sou th 25th Street

1Gra,l u ated from South Central Schoo l,
Steno r-raphic Co urse, F in i s h e d high
school in 3 ½ years, Tooter R eporter 2
(1). V e ll um 1-2-3, Toote r R e porte r 2
Frie1:dship 4, Expression Club 4 (2),
Student Cou ncil 4 ( 2). ''What Hap~
p e.n c cl to j o nes ,·• "Vli:1 dmi 1:s of Hol-
la n ,, ," " i'assing Show of 1 :J 2J ," " C om-
m 1:nit:;- Ce n ter," Friendship Mass Moo t-
ing, "J'.ctt.. 's J\ ncest o1 s," i\lay F est ival,
··s~ vcn !· C)S t ·i Baiclp.1 t: ." \ \' ill at-
te n d NdJr :t!:ka UnivEr ~il::.
·'/\ gi r l , h at is wi ;,ty
A •·· r l irnL is pretty
A giri with a jet bla ck eye."

Pa,:rt• 'Th i rt een

3021 South 23rd Street

Graduated from Vinton School. Steno- -
graphic Course, Honor Society 4 ( 1) ,
Tooter R eporter 4 ( 2), Vinton School
Club Student Council, Commer cia l Con-
test 'Booster Committee, Rin g Commit-
tee,' Finance Commit tee, Ha ll Commit-
tee, "!\lay Festival," " Windmills of Hol-
land." Future und ecid ed.
"Her livel y looks a s prightly mind dis-


3301 Q Street
Graduated from St. Mary's School.
Sales man ship Co urse , "0" Club, Expres-
sion Clu b, M,an ua l Arts , Hall Comm it-
tee, F'ootball, 2-3-4, Class Bas ke tball,
2-3 -4. Will a tte nd Notre Dam e.
"Why don't you s peak for yourself,


211 South 33rd Street
Gra duated f rom Omha Cen tral School.
Foreign Language Course. F inish ed
high school in three and one-ha lf years.
Odds and E nds, 4, Scie nce Club, 3 (2),
r,}xpression C lu b , 4 ( 2), President, 4
(2) , "Passin g Show of 1 921 ," "Lady o f
the L ake," Friends hip Mass Meeting,
Party ant Ilike Committees, 4 (1 ) ,
H i lrn Committee, 4 (2) , Fri e nd s hip
Ca rniva l 4 ( ~ ) , Kid P a r ty Chara cl en,
Fr:encls hip Ca i>i net 4 (2), Tooter An-
nual Cc m miltre, "Seven K t•· s to Il a ltl-
pa .e." Will attn:id Princi pi a Uoll ege,
" Su~h ha rm ony In m otion, speech, and

aJ r ,

'J r uly mnl,cs he r more th a n fa ir. "

3305 Q Street
Gradua ted from South Contra! Sch ool.
F oreig n Lan g ua ge Course, Tooter R o-
p or ter 4. Pa r ty Committee, 2 (1) , Hike
uomm it tee, 4 ( 2 ), Too ter Commi ttee,
3-4, " May I~c:;tival, " Alt-3ar-ll c n Pa-
::;c.1.n t , J unior Senio r R ecer, Lto n P rn--

1' n c1, a (:.. ), v ·olin 1st of 1111113 110 1 r,rom -

iJe, Mem be r of Jun ior Muoical Club.
Fut ure pla ns und ecided.
"A 'Rose' of pl ea s ure wi thout Llrn th orns."

1821 Binney Street
Gra dunted f rom Vln•on School. Book-
keepin g Cou rse, Preside n t 2 (1) , 'l'rc _,1-
u rer 2 ( 2 ), Vini on School Club, Hi-Y.
Ca m pus Commi ttee 4 (1). Fi u:1nco
Com mi tte e 4 (2), P lay ,com m itLcc, "A
Din ner vrlth Comnli callon s ," "Seven
K eys to Dald l)at e." Fu tu r e plans un-

d e ci decl.

l':, ge F ou rtN•n


, . -~'SJ.~· -( - • - - - .._I"_ ...::.•••


4 50 9 South 16th Street
!Gra duated from Brown Park School.

Salesma n ship Course, Vice-president 4

(1 ). Manua l Arts, Brown P a rk Schoo l

Cl trb, P r eside n t 2-3- 4, "Sylvia." Fu-
t u re undecided.

"Trut h publis bed with honest motives

And n o t for profi ta ble ends."


4810 South 36th Street
Gra duated from Holy Ange l's School,

Gary, Indiana . Attended Boyles Col-

lege ,s tenographic Course, Finish ed
h igh schoo l in t hree a nd one-half year s,
" A Dinne r with Complicat ion s ," Com.-
muni ty Cen ter, Party Committee 4 (2) .
W i11 attend Eastern College.
" It is mor e necessary to study men th a n


200 9 Atwood Ave nue

Gra dua ted from Vinton School, Book-
keepin g Course, T ooter R eporte r 3 ( 1 ) ,

Vinton Sch ool Club, Hi-Y, "0" Clu b,
De batin g C lub, Mass M;~eti ng 2 (1 ),
Chorus Mass Meeting , "A Dinne r with

Complications," Basketba ll Team , Base-
ba ll T eam . ·w ill be a m ember of Oma-

h a Baseba ll T eam in \Vest ern L eague.
Got bis start as pitche r at South High.
" I awoke one morning and fo und my-

sel f 1amo us." Sci-

Route 5, For t Crook Boulevar d
Graci uated from /Garfield School.

entih c Course, Vice-presiden t 2 ( 1), 3
( 1 ), t r eas ure r 2 (2) , Ho nor Socie ty,

H i-Y, l:l ig Fo ur , '"l'be Di st rict Attor-
i.e,, • .. 1:-oca ho n tas: · "\>Vind mills of

Holia nd," Basketball, F oot ball, Lette r-
man. Wi ll atte nd Ne braslca Univer-

s1t y .
•·\, hJJ e we lil'e , let's li ve in cl over

F or whe n we' re dead, \vc' r e dead all

ov e r."

4410 So uth i2nd Street

Gr::duated 1rom Accel erated School.

ALLencled CeDLral H igh School. i\lanual

T rall,ing Cot, rse, Finis he d high sc,1 001

in three and on e-ha l f yea r s. Hi-Y, 2-

3-~. ;\[anua l Arcs Clu b 2-3-4 , Sc1cnce
cl ub 3-4, Garfleicl School (;, ub, "1he

District At.orney,'' "Pageant Nebras-

k a, " "Cornm unity Cente r ," "Passing
::;how or 1 920," Booster Commi lLee,
\, ireless Committee. \\"ill enter busi-

r.r.s,-; ,1 o r iel.
"Come not within the measure of my

\ , r at h. '
vVho gaze upon her unaware .

P age" b'i!tcen

~ = : ; ·,::·- ~=:,:!u~g=~-==>"~"'-c:::::,=""'' ::;:;,;,-;2


Foot Crook, Nebraska

Graduated from St Agnes school. Sten-
ographic Course, Odds and E]nds Club.
F uture plans undecided.
"Thinking is but an idle was te of

Ralston, Nebraska

Graduated from Ralston public School.
Man u :i l Trainin g Course Finish e d high
school in three and one~half years, Hi-
Y, Manual Arts, Orchestra 1-2-3-4, Ral-
.s;.on Club 3-4 , Hike Committee 4 (1),
Aun ounceme nt Committee 4 (2 J , Toote r
s ~bscri ption 4 ( 1), Future pla ns unde-
cid ed.
"True wit is n a ture to advantage d r ess'd,
What oft was thought, but ne'er so we ll
expressed ."

3935 S Street '

/Graduate d from Arthur LibbY Sch ool,
'Chicago, Illinois. Atte nd e d En gl e wood
High, Chicago, Illinois. Manual T~;tin-
ing Course, Odds and Ends Club, Pa-
geant Nebrask a, " Minstre l ShO\V, Glee
Club. Will e nte r bus iness world.
"Y o ung blood mus t h ave i ts course, Ind ,
And every dog his day."

'1 312 Sou th 16th Street

Graduated from Ga r fie ld School. Sales-
manship Co urse Garfield sct10ol Club.
1,' ut ure pla ns uo'decide d.
" On their own me ri ts modeat me n a re

2619 E Street

Grad u:1. ted frnm South Lincoln School,
H is tory b:n gli sh Co urse Finis he d hi g h
school in 3 ½ years.' President 1 ,
" W indmills of Holla nd," "Th e District
Attorney," " Passing Show," "Commu-
ni t y Cen ter ," "Betty's A nces tors ," "Pa-
geant Nebraska," "Seven J(eys t o Ba ld-
pa t e," Orches tra, Campus a nd H a ll
Committee. Wi ll continu e mus ical
"Wh o m ixes r eason with pleasure a nd
wisdom with mirth."

Page S i:-tteen

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5022 South 25th Street
Graduated from South Central School,

Salesmanship Course, Finish ed high
school in 3 ½ years, Tooter Reporter 1
(1), Expression Club, Orchestr a , Ove r-
all Club, Co mmun ity Center, Municipa l

Con cert, Debating Team 1922, Reporter,
Program committee of Expression Cl ub,
Will attend Creighton College.

"All have the gift of speech,

Bul few know how to use it."

5424 South 55th Stree t

Gr aduated fr om Ashland Park School,
Stenographic Co urse, Finis hed high
school in 3 ½ years, . Ashland Park
School Club, Mass l\reeling 1 (1) , En-
ter tainme n t Committee. Wi ll ent er

bu 8in ess wor ld.
"A heart to no fo lly or mischie f inclined. "

4016 South 39th Street

Graduated from Sout h Franklin School,
Nor mal '!'rai ning Course, Sou th Frank-
lin schoo l c lub, S. T. L. 3-1 , Vice Prcs i-
denl 4, "Abbu San of Old Japan,"
"\Vinclmills of Holland," " When Love
is Young," " Aunt Susan's For tune,"
,In vitat ion committee 4 (2), Boos t er
committee, S. T . L. P rog ra m commit-
tee, will a ttend P eru Normal.
";\lodesty,-B nuty's best companion."


R. F. D. 3 Soulh Side, Omaha

Gra duate d From Di strict 16 school,
Sa rpy County, Ste nog r n;phic course,
Finish ed hig h school in 3 ½ ye ars , Sec-
reta ry 2 ( 1), Ve llum, Oclds a n d End s ,
•·:.\IaY F estivnl ," "ChoruR i\lass l\l ect-
Jng." Fu t ure pl a ns undecided .
"Sil o is p retty to wa llc with,
,\ nd w i ltY to ta lk wit h,
And pleasa nt, loo, to lbink on.''

1 321 P olk Street

Grad uated from i\ladis on school, Com-
m e r cia l Course, ScienC'C C lub, H o nor
soc·etY, "Esmc r nldn," "Betty's An ces-
tor s," " Wind mi ll s o[ H o lla nd ," " ~l a y
F esti va l," " P agean t Neb raska ," Booster
com m ittee, ' Kid' Party com m ittee -1
( 2 ), t l~cli to r o f 1 outer 4 ( 2 ) .
Fut111 e pla ns un :lecicl ed .
" 'Th ough I a m yonn?; I scorn to ili l,
t , n t he \\ ings of bor rowed \I it."


4702 South 60th Street

rGraduated from As hlan d Park School,
Stenographi c Course, Finis he d hi g h
schoo l in 3 ½ ye a r s , As hland Par le
School Club. "\Viii e nte r bus iness world .

"F" w words s umce ."

2417 K Street
Graduated from South Ce ntral School,
Stenog r aph ic Course, V e llum 1-2,
Frieudship 2, "Wind mills of Holla nd,"
"Sylvia ," " The Deacon's H at," Refres h -
m e nt a nd Entertain men t committees.
W ill work until May and t hen go to

New York.
" One who halves o ur son ows ,

An.I doubles o ur joys."


F ort Croc k Boulevard
GradPated from Sou t h L incol n Sc hool.
Household Arts Cc urse, Sout h Lincoln

Club, Frien dsh ip 1, Expre!>s ion c lub 4
(2), "Windmi ll s of Holl and ," "Sylvia,"
" i'o~abo :-i tas," Party committee 4 (2) .

Will attend Sta te normal a l Cedar
Fa 11 -:;, I owa.
" :-So'h'n !' lo v li c r c:rn be ro und i n woma u ,

t han to st udy household good."

l"A TJ l llYN /1.. PA HKl!:Jl

'3 11 So u ' h 22 nd St:-oct
G a 1•ntcd f r o m Garfi e ld Schoo l. l•'or-

t g L 'IJl'nl'l ge Course . Filli'l h Cd hi gh
r~· r r l i n 3 ½ ., ea r s . Vc l: um. F'rie nrls hip,

E~· • r . s ion C lub, "A k-Sar-He n pagean t, "

·,, <"111 · e hr:is lrn," Cl ::sJ l r es id e nt 2

r 1 ) , S u ·1 c n t Co,. n cil, Sec r c: a r y 2 ( 2 ) ,

Pa·t .. Com mittee 1 (J-~ ) . Ex p ression

C r1 I ,· 'l•in an d Pos t e r uumu1ittec. \V iii

a t.e n.I 1m1.h ·t Univ err;l 'Y an ti stud /

vo cc wilh Mi ss Mun chh off.

"""'!l"All t h at mv fancy paints h er.
The rose in th o roseb ud g .u den ol'
,i;i rl s '·

Clil~STl':H G. PJ•;AftSON

,... 5~A() fo u th 48th Aveo n :l
Tl' '.,,, ' .-o;a Achl a ncl . n: k Rc'1o o l .

r c ,-~:p· h'c f'cu ,· c .• , ud tnt coun ci l 3,

.,sh lnnd Park Scho , l C lu b, SM'(' '.l l'Y,
T r tasnrer , O •·pr a1, Club , "P.~gea n U·
bras lra," TI003 ci· commi. oc, !•'n. r
pl a n s un ,Jrc'cle<l.

"I .t m a pal'l or :i ll t h :t I h 1va m .,· ."

P. r Eii h· 1

5218 South 22nd Street

.Qraduated from St. Agnes School, Sten-
og raph ic Course, Finis hed high sch ool
in 3½ years , St. Agnes School Club,
T ooter Bookkeep er 3 ( 1) , 4 ( 1 ) . F u-
ture plans undecided.
"We g r a nt, a lthoug h, s be ha d much wit,

She was y shy or usin g it."


201 5 N Street
Gra duated from Jung ma n Sch ool, Ma n-
ua l Training Course, Finis hed high
school in 3 ½ years, T reasurer 2 ( 2) ,
Hi-Y 1-2-3-4, Jun g ma n s chool c lu b, wil l
enter bus iness world.
"Pleased , h e lrn o,vs n ot why
And cares not wherefore."

44 27 South 18 th Street

Gra duated from Garfield Sch ool. Nor-
ma l Tra ining Course, Gar fie ld Sch ool
Club, S. T. ! L. Vi ce-preside n t 4 , -Ar-
tist 3, " Wind mills of H olla nd ," " Abbu
Sa n o( Old J a pa n." Will a tte nd P e ru
Norma l.
"Sh e Is a wins om e w ee t hin g ,
She is a bonnie wee thing,
This wee classma te or ou rs."

432 8 South 16th Street

Gr ad ua te d fr om Ga rfie ld School. Sales-
mans hi p Course, Secre tary 4 ( 2 ). lii- Y
2-3 -4, Ma n ua l Ar ts 4, Ga rUe ld Sch ..iol
Club. Will e nter business wo rld .
" H e tha t complies ag ains t his will,
Is of his own opi nio n s Lill. "

2709 H iclrnr y Street

Grad uat ed from South Lincoln Sch ool.
Norma l Tra ining Course, Finished high
sch ool In t hree and one-ha ir rears , Stu-
de n t Council 3, Ve ll um 2, S. T . L . 3--1 .
s ecr e tary 3, P r eside nt 4, l• r ie ndsb ip 2.
" Abbu Sa n of Olrl J a pa n ." " Lad y or
the Lake," "Aunt Susan 's Fortune.''
c ampus Commillee :l, Di nner Room
com m ittee 3, Tooter S ubscri ption Com-
mittee 3-4, S. T . L . Yea r I.:ook Co a1-
mittee. W ill a tte nd Per u Nor ma l.
" Sunshine and g ood humor a ll over the
wor ld."

.Page Nlne t oen

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<: ,.~

2522 B Street

Graduated from South Lincoln School,

Salesmanship Course, South L incoln
School Club, Hi-Y, Futu re plans unde-

"Honesty is the best policy."

4733 South 18th Street

Graduated from Hawthorne School, Sci-
entific Course, Finis hed h igh school in

3years, Treas u r er 1-2, Friends hip 3-4,
Hawthorne Club, Expression Club, Or-
chestra, Booster Committee, W ill at-

tend Nebraska University.
"A pleasant smiling cheek, a s peaklug

A brow for love to ba nquet royalty."

3207 South 29th Street

Graduated from Cast e lar School, House-
hold Arts Course, Friendsh ip Club, Cas-
telar Cl u b, President, "Windmills or
Holland ," ••Sy lvia ," 11 Pocahantas," .. Ra-
dio Con cert," Cas te lar Party Co mmit-

tee. Will s tudy mus ic.
"A very gentle, modes t, a nd de mure little


566 2 South 48th Avenue

Graduate d fr om Ash land Park School,
Ma n ua l T raining Cou rse , Ash land Park
Cl ub, Vice President 4, Hi-Y 2-3-4,
Gl ee Cl ub 1-2, "Page ant Ne b ras k a,"
"Ak-Sa r-Ben Pageant." \ Viii e nter bus i-

ness wor ld.
" A n h on es t c hap w i t h a warm h Aart., too."

180 5 G Stree t

Graduate d from So uth Centra l Sch ool,
Hi story Englis h Co urs e , South Centra l
Club, Glee Club, Scie nce Club, Manual
A r ts, Expression Club, Hi-Y, "Poca-
hantas ," "Ak-Sar-Be n Pageant," "Min-
s trel S h ow," Hall Committee. Will
s t u d y Civi l En gineerin g a t Nebras ka

Univers ity.
" Ah, the stra nge, sw eet, lonely d elight,

0 [ t h e valleys of Dream! s ."

Page Twenly

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3225 South 23rd Street

Graduated from South Lincoln Gra de
School, Stenographic Course, Sou th L in-
coln Club, Vellum , "Deacon's Hot.·•
Will attend Nebr aska Unive rs ity.
"As the dove's say-Curu ck-cos,
You Jove me and I love you ."

917 So uth 25th Avenue

Gr a duated from Lafayette School , St.
Louis, Missouri, Attended McKinley
High School, Detr oit, Michigan, Norm al
Tra ining Cour se, F inished high sch ool
i n 3 ½ years, S. T. L., Odds and Ends,
"Abbu San of Old Japan," W'ill tak e
up Kindergarten work .
"Well begun is half clon e."

22 07 Deer P ark Boulevard

! Graduated fr om Vinton School.
Household Arts Course, Vi n ton School
Club, T reasurer 4-1, I nvitation Com-
m ittee, J unior-Senior Reception Com-
mittee 4-1, Hi ke Committee 4-1. Will
attend Univer sity · 111 East.
"Dignity without pride and condescension
without meanness.''

610 3 South 18th Street

l(}r a dua ted from Ma d ison School, Ste n -
ographic Course, Secretary 3-1, Chorus
Mass Meting , " Pageant Nebraska,"
"Wher e but in Am er ica ,·• "Windmills
of H olland ," "May F estiv11l," ,vill con-
t inue workin g Board of Ed ucation-
plans to go t o Los Angeles, Cali [ornia ,

"Bright as the s un her eyes the gazer

sAtur idkel,ike the s un they s hin e on al l a li kP-.' '

Pnge T wen ty-one

Now, t hat we've finished our lessons,
And r eceived our diplomas so neat,
We may think perhaps of the morrow;
And how its demands we shall meet.
We have t hot of our four y ears of working,
Of happin ess, joy, and delight;
Of problems, outlines, and readings,
And parties. a11d hikes, and t he like.
And yet as t he path parts befor e us,
Pmsuing life 's trail that's unknown,
Wr sha ll miss nil th e finest attention
Our teach er s and friends have bestown.
So, hel'e 's to you South High School!
'I'o you , we are linked by a chain
Or fii~est tl r-ught, and devotion,
l\foy we 1r r rit all praise that we gain.

Homer Hubbard, '23.

Page T wrnly-lwo

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HIS'rORY. OF 1923

to Someone has sa id, " It is better Lo be a l•' r eshman with fresh iuons ·0 hall
ve, y n otions growing whisl,CI's. " Not only as Fresli-
he ? Senior with his

111"11 d,rl t hc> class t!1at elltcred Son th Hig h School in J anuar·y, l!Jl9, Jrn vc .fresh-

11 ~ ,u~d orig inality bu t all t hrough th eir com sc t hey cont inued t o display

un mdiv,d ual p c1sonnlity. With Miss l\Iorris as class sponsor this ckss o.:

1• t·t·sh,nen was or ga nized and dipla.yed good judgment by electing as presiden ts

Dorothy L t>igh and Adal ine McCulloch respectively fo r t he first and secoud

i-emu,ter::,. Durin g the first semester t he members of 1923 became well schoole<l

Ill tlic> appropriate tre11tment t o be inflicted upon Freshmen and I daresay t he

knowledge was applied to advantage to other· subjects in the semesters t hat.

After one long year in hig h school, the garb of Sophomores was d onned.
JHmes Doty was chosen to take cha rge of the class by unanimous vote. In this
period of school life, the class began to sq uirm and wriggle and finally woke

up. A mnss m C'cting was Jannchcd, early in the g-arn e and t h1·oug h t his medium

sonic of the talen t oft.he class was introduced to the school. The big feature

of the mass m eet ing was the p ortrayal in life of t he cartoonist 's idea of t he

FreRhman, the Sophomor e, the Junior, and the Senior. If my memory serves

1M, the part of t he Senior graced with all feminine charms was taken by one

of the mt>mbt>rs of 1923 most prominen t in class affairs, today, William Hib-

lJ1'.!.-r. Ap ril Fool's Day afforclC'd occasion for a class p11rty and great origin-
1il,ty pr1•vailrd in the choice of costumes. In this year also 1923 stepped out

of t Ji,, rut wo m hy prc>vions second year classes and won second p lace in the

11111 uni Tooter 1mhHeription C'Onte'lt instead of thfrd.
'I h,• l"1trl(•ri.hip of f he C'lass passerl t hen from Howard English to W illiam

11,hhc>li•r. '\'illiu 111 Htlihf-11 r proved such a winner t hat he was r eturned for a
c1 1111d term. Hay Palnwr was pla(•c>d in cha rge of t he great event of the Junior
'"l' t', t hP ,Juu ior-Flc>n ior R eception. Ile handled this task with cr edit to him-

s If find hi s c>lnss and for the next i,emester lie was pl aced m t he chair of

r rcsu h•ut of 1923.

What had lwc>n a live Joyal and enthusiastic Junior Class blossomed now

1111 o n n•t•or<l l,reaking Ser;ior Class. I have two very good r easons for saying

· rr1•01u hreaking." Up to the present time, the Class of January 1923 is t he

I 1(l'"Rt mid year clai,s grad nated from South High School and t his class has

1 blninod a much Jnrger Tooter subscription per member than any previous

elnss. 1'he social events of the Senior year were a party at Hanscom Park, a
hike to .Mym;tc>r Rpri n{{s, nncl a " Ha ll owe'en K id Party. " It can n ever be said

,vof tlw clns!I thut th<'.}" do uot ap preciate a g o_od thing when they h a':e it,_ for

I fir rluss l'ln 111orl'd for illiam Hihbell'r to wield tho gavel for the t hird time.
~non the memht•rs of the C'lass will part a11d follow in the footsteps of the

ot hPr <'Ill r11, out i11to a bigg<-'r sph rre than we are now living in. .Also follow-
mg ti r>pa or the other classes, if one is not too busy to notice, individ-

11nl ,if th" rltt!IR will J," src>n from time to time returning to South High School

Jo g,,1 nnofhPI' glimpsl' of the "scc>11rs of their childhood."

Howard English '23

Pnge Tw<'nty-threc

,.. . .----:..__..__. .·.-.:·:.·:::-?-:--·-~-

t, _,

One morning late in January 2023 A.· D ., I decided to take a t rip arounJ
th e world, in my coupe La Delio-ht made by th e manu facLul'ing fi rm of Por t er.
E cker, and Haney, a plane of th; latest model gen erating its motive power frc rn

the sun. T he engine was the joir?.'.: iiwr r.tion of Irnw Su chy, 1\Iildred Tayl or

and Veda Lill ey. My instn~ct' ons t o t: e chief chauffeur, Billy Rwa nson, who

was great, great gl'anchon of t he 2xiator, Leonard Swanson, \\·ere Lo sci- till'

gauge at one thousand miks p :!r hou i' in O!·clcr to k cc,p p n<' C with the n m nncl
have daylig-ht all the way.

There were twelve in our p arty, four cl•::,~ffo ui s ,.n d eig ht of my frien ds.
Our th oughts and e:01n-er·sation natur:ilh· •, ,ii 1,c_- d to the w ond er : u l doings an d
per~onages of the 1923 class of old Sou t .! I li µh . A 1~rngno-d upl cx-rcLlec to ,~itli
which the car was equipped , was a p:·o 1, ct of the ti , m of P earson and Scov ille.
By_means of t~is equipment, we could fe:! <:lcr,rly in the mirror bcl'orc us eve ry
ob.1ect belo~- ma wide r ange of' \·isiou ro · h n ear and far. Leavin g Omah a at

one thirty P- m., so as to h ave t l.c snH in the rear and avoid t he glar e, w e fo l-

lo~ed th ? track of the Intet-occan Ship Can[ll to Ch icago. Tbis cen a l was
bmlt cl uring the presidential te rm 01 Robrrt Kibhie wh en Gcn1ldine Thompson
"·as leade1~ of the Senate au<l Gcorg-c Ile ring, s pea ker of th e H ouse. A s we
nea1·ecl Chicago, th e r acliop hone brouO'ht to our cars the ch eers of: a. quart-er

million people gathered in the Gerna~dt Amphitheatre, named for the great
pitcher Fred Gernanclt. 'l'he r efiecto brou ght to view John D avis, J r ., great

great g randson of the famo us athlete, John Dav is, making a home ru n .
. As we looped duwn upon the city, we saw t he fi rs t exclus ive aeroplane

<lP~J~C' l'Y and ~1ail order house conducted by the h eir s and s ncccssors of_t he

o!or,g~nators ~he exclusive air-mail-delivery-system who wer e Ru t h Oli v~l',

president; Lilban Perina, vice-pr esiden t and g-eneral manager; and M nr 1cl

Sch euer, secretary and t reasurer . 'l'he blue of the lak es appeared and a!most
before we k n ew it, we had gone ov ct· t he beautiful falls of th e gr eat a .
Tn less than an hou r, the spires of New York were in view. In the subu r bs of
this mighty city, about a hundred miles out, we saw the mammoth Uni ver sit-y

that specializes in the training crf teachers and we were r eminded of i ts fou nd-
ers, Carmen Danze, Gladys 11Iatison, Gladys Kurtz and Kathryn Thomns. A!l
w e passed over the city, we saw the wond er oE New York , t11e f amo us i\l ctro-
politan Building, one hundred stories high and a mile squar e, desig n ed hy t he
great architecturn1 fir~ 0f Rw:-in s-on, Haven, ancl Rubin and built by th e ban k -
in g firm of Fisb et·, Cbal oupshy, and Harding.

As we sp ed northward we (•ot1ld not help admire ·1lw e11 ~i nee rin g feat of

Messrs. Gillett, English an<l H nncoc:k , who had harn rssc·d th e ocea n tides at.
Newfoundland and supplied the Atlantic coai:;t states with lig htin~, heat i11 g.
power and transportation facilities. Tn three l1ours more we wer e sa iliug

swiftly over the once arid Sahara, now the garden of tlw worlcl a11cl ma.d e so

by the wonderful irrigation system devised hy Mae Dawsoo and K atl11·yn

Parker. It seemed as if we had just passed the pyramids of Egypt whe n we

wer e over t he g r eat Christian Center and 1\JJjssionary Rch ool founded by the

first missionaries to Afghanistan, D elsie Barker and Ruth 'J'homns.

Page Twenty-f our

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I became somewhat drowsy and 1:etired to my stateroom for a rest. When

1 awoke we were over Peking, where the re:flecto showed the famous Coren-

rnanu-Ander son 'rea Emporium that supplies exclusive brands of teas for the

'~ Ol"ld.. On t~e way to 'l'okio, we saw, t o the left, the world 's greatest suspen-
!;ion bridge, m a number of arches across the Japan Sea, connecting Vladi-

,·o_stoek with the island of Japan. This bridge was designed and erected as a •
tr1lmte to Elsie Kirk bv h er famous husband.

Soon we were on ·our way to Honolulu, the international capitol of the

world. This union of governments was organized when Doctor Kazlowsk.y

l'!'prescnted America at t h e council of the nations.

The nose of our p lane seemed to sniff the air of our native shores. Soon

we saw Los Angeles in the distance and the suburb of Hollywood with its

hugh Coliseum built in m emory of the famous playwriters and actresses Helen
Fitzpa trick, Rose Dubnoff, Vivian Roe, G1aire Carroll, Dotaline Matlick, and
<:ertrnde Kreeger. At Salt Lake, we h eard from t he r adio, records giving the

fn~10 11s address of Bishop IIubbard when he dedica ted the great templ e to a

11111vrr sal religion. '!'her e we heard also the far-famed opera singer, Belle

Olan<l, and the renown ed pianist, Clara Swanber g. One hour more and we

\\ c·r e n ear Omaha io s ig ht of the I-Iibbcler sky-scraper erected by William Hib-
h1• IN· LTT. in memory of th e man " ·hose chain of foorl centers was in every city
fro m <·oast to const . "\\ e landed a t Ak-Sar-Ben Field just at sunset. I awoke

1111d hP holcl I It wns but n dream l Gordon Willard Holler.

A Mystery Farce in Two Aots

P1·esenled b:v Clm;s of 1923, January 23, 24, 1923.
Ro uth H igh School Auditorium

Cast of Characters

hl1jah Quinihv. tlw ca r etaker of Daldpate Inn ... . .. .. ... . ... .Henry Porter
.,!rs. (J u1111hy, th e cai·etakrr 's wife . .. ... ............ . .... . . Muriel Scheuer
W 11,nm Tfo ll owc ll l\Iagel', the novelist ... . .. . ..... .. ....... Homer Hubb~rcl
,foh11 B lan d, the millionnirc's rig ht h :rncl m an .. . . .......... Howard English

In t.\ \fo1·ton . th e 1ww~pa pe r reporter ... .. . . . . .... ........ Kathryn Parker
~I t'H. lthocles, the cha rming widow . .. . .. ... .... . . ........ • .... .Mae D awson
PPt11 F th<' Ilnmit o f Bnldpate ...... .. . ... . ............. Harold Hancock
J\l ~ rn 'l'h<11 11hill, the hlackrnailer ............. . ... . ..... .... Sadie Coreuman
l j, 11 :\Tux tlw Mn yor ·s ma n "Pridny'' .......... . .... . ..... . . Gordon Holler

lirn I 'ar~1111, t ht' crookl'd nrn voi· of Heutoo .. . .... ..... ..... .Fred Gernandt
l ho11111H 1J n_ydp11, tlll' prN;idc~t of thl' H. and E. t:lub. R. R. .... Robert Kibbic
l1ggi; K1•11nt'd\' Chief of Poli(•c' of Asquewan Falls ... . .. ... ... Earl Gillette

1111• Ow11"r of 'u a ldpntc .... . . . .. . . .. . .... . ... . . ..... ... William Hibbelcr

HN'll(' is Juicl in t he office of Iln ldpate Ion

Time Tlw I'resrnt. •

l'ug<' Twenty-five

Senior Week Program
~unday, January 21-Baccalaureate Exercises.
i\Ionday, January 22--M:orning-Waffle Breakfast; Evening-Spread for

Cast, folJowed by a Dress R ehearsal.
T11esday, January 23-Matinee Dance at Library. Evening-Cl ass Play.
Wednesday, January 24--Afternoon, Or p heum Party. Evening-Class Play.

Thursday, January 25-Junior-Senior Dinner Dance at Rome Hotel.
Friday, January 26-After~oon-Movie Party. Evening-Commeu·cement.

:[l;Io,ny New Books by Prominent The Latest Song Hits
Authors. Who'll Take My Place '\¥hen 1 ' 111
Gone ?- Bob K ibbie.
·'1n ~Parch of a Sinner"- M r. Somebody Stepped In Wh en Yon
Stepped Out- P each Connell.
:\[a LTS. I W ish 1 Kne,v- Oeu Ry nJcos.
Twelve O 'cloek Gi rls in a N ine
'' The Boss' '-Barber. O'clock 'l'ow11- .lua11ita 13l'u ns, Al-
"Eat ancl Grow Thin " - " Bahe " ma K ohansky.
Hoffman. Three ·O'clock in th f' i\[0L'1ling-M11-
"Centnr.r H and-Pook of. Jokes" riel Roru ing el'.
- Mr. Weis beck et·. Broken Blossoms- Stanl ey S ie nko.
Dancin g Fool- F t·anklin DeVry.
"Ifow to Become Grnceful " - Blue- Son Smith.
Bob Reh. Lonesome Mnmma B in es-Pa-
t ience St el'lin g.
" Patented Ways of Dod g ing 'l'idding the Ivorics- Rnss 'fow 11 s-
C'las~·e " - Bob Kibbie.
"IJow T Beca me a Successful Pol-
itic ian ' '--Charles , 'eymonr. George H ering was s tiffering from
rh eu mat ism.
At The Gam e
Gor don: '' See t hat maJJ over '' Eve,·y bon e in m y body ach es, · '
there 7 H e '11 be om· best man some he complained to Mr. Haight.
Lu P liska: "Oh ! Gordon, this is "'foo b ncl you wer en ' t a J elly -
so sudden." F ish " wired back t he t elegraphcl'.

'23 : "You c1on 't mean t o tell "Why was Joe Bug pinch ed ?"
me y on don 't know Abraham Lin- " His folks let him take the car
col n ?' " for an h onr. "
'26: " No kicldin ', I don't know "He tried to 1:id e an honl' in
half the fellows in the Freshman twenty rn inutes.' '- Exchange.
class-E x.

Proof Reading
:tlfr. Cla rk r eading t he n otice.
'"fh ere will be a meeting or t he
Zero club today, the fourth pcriocl. "

page Twe nty - Rix



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June C- ::t:- : 19;;'.3

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• 11 ,, , .

.I. ,.,, 0 . . . ' . . . . ~I :,<; g ok:11 ::L'I'

Mary I'. :::.lo:,:


January C!ass 1
Honor Society ... . ....... . .Metha Priggr.
President ............... EYclyn Shoberg
Vice President. . ....... Cedric Bevington

Sp:msor ..................

Secretary .............Kenneth Okerherg
Treasurer................ Lucille Larkin
Tooter Reporter ......... Bessie Horwich

.... l\fr. Smith

. - ·--··'···· ·· · ----···-·· · ··t-~~ i!?:,r·("-.,~../. ~C·'-.l&~····- .-·····••••.,~\~'-"""'·-:·.:::::::---·-·········f,~,_ ~~rr-uix-iic'J·,/,j_~_--.---.--· :.t·.·.·.·.··•·······:...-..•...:..e--.-:--.-~-=:c :::.:::~,·.·.··•·········,-i:P··-·-=--.:-:',r:;-). .


J une Class 1924

H o no1· Society .. . ..... E milie Sr hn rrk l,,r h
Prrs.idc11 t .. . . .. .. . ..... . ·w illi a m l1 oll nw1
B ice P r esid en t . .. .. . .. . Tsnd orr Br ros te i11
Secr eta ry . . . .. . .... . .. . .. "iv' [ild r ed Royer
'l',·easur c r .. . . ... .. . . .. . . . . . JohJl IJuntet·
T oo te1· Br po r le r . ..... .. . ,frfl 1wtt r lfoPve,;
S po ns or . . . .. .. . .. ..... .. . . ... Miss R wd,

rn.r,ro Twonty-nlno

January Chss 192
Honor Society ........... Bessie Newma1,
Pre. ident ..... . ....... .. ...... Sam Eads
Vier Pre ident .. . .... . Wilberta Hanison

fpo nsor .... . .... . ........ M






Secret ary ..... . .. . .......... . .Fred l:Iill
Treasurer . .. .... . ........... Rut h Kelly
Tooter Reporter . .. .. . ..... Gladys Le,Yis

Miss Abral1<1m

Honor Society ........ . .. . . Charl es Dunn
P resident. ......... .... Gladys Mattingly
Vice Presid ent..... . .. .Louise :McDonald

Sponsor.... .....

ne Class 1925
Secreary............... . .... Melvin Cox
'l'reasurer..... .. . . ........ Joe Bernstein
Tooter Reporter .. . .. . . .... Erne. t Raven

....... . .. !\Iiss Copeland ,

Eighth Grade

President . ... ..... .. . .. . .. Frank Stanek
Vice President .. . ..... ... Martin Ki hltik

Secretary Treasurer . ... Th elma Goodwin
Tooter Reporter.. . . ..... .E mily Pospisil
Soccer Ball Captain .... Raymo nd H enkel
Basket Ball Captain ........ . John Owen
Sponsor ... . .. ... . .. .. Mrs. H.11 t h l•',,rbl!s

Page Thirty-four

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Charles Seymour, P resid en t of St udent Coun ciI
Mae D awson , Presiden t of Girls' Expression
H aro ld Dt1rn:i 11, .Pi-csitl cn t :Manu a l .A l't!'.


Russell Orabam, Presiden t of O 0111 b

Eleanor ConJJell, Prrs id ent of Fri endship
H oward E11glisb , L eacl c t· of 01·chestra

Pag·e Thi1·ty-sfx

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