Top box office Movies of 2019
$2.97 Billion $1.65 Billion $1.07 Billion $350 Million $1.12 Billion
$1.13 Billion $1.04 Billion 1.05 Billion 333.4 Million 211.5 Million
BSO Yearbook:
Favorite Music & Dances
Renegade 6%
Woah 6%
Roxanne 5%
Tahitian Dance 2%
Smeeze 1%
Floss 4%
The Git Up 1%
Disco 70s 1%
Hip Hop and choreography 1%
The shoot 1%
Bachata and Samba 1%
Dip and lean 2%
Club dance 1%
Savage 1%
Favorite Music Genres
Pop Country Indie-Pop Rap
(45%) (35%) (35%) (32.5%)
Hip-Hop Rock/Metal
(30%) (30%)
Familial Historical Famous
Inspirations Inspirations Inspirations
“My mom is such an inspiration to “Someone that inspired me in History “Malala Yousafzai, she has
me. She not only always was Abraham Lincoln. The way that endured many hardships and leads
encourages me to do my best, but he made such a prominent place in an example for girls of all ages to
she is generally awesome.” history for himself is inspiring.” stand up for what you believe in”
“My dad is a big inspiration for me. “Louisa May Alcott was one of the “The TV show Bones inspires me
He started out as just a YMCA most famous female writers of her to continue on my career path of
camp counselor during the time and nearly everyone still knows criminology and criminal
summers. He’s spent 30 years her work today. I find her very psychology.”
climbing the ladder and is now the inspiring.”
CEO and is helping his community “A famous example that inspires
constantly.” “A historic example that motivates me me is Chris Hemsworth. He
is Jesus Christ. He endured many donates to worthy causes like
“My whole family inspires me trials while he was on earth and by stopping the wildfires in Australia
because they all push me to be my thinking about what he went through and he plays a lot of versatile
best” helps me get through what I’m characters. He also seems to have
facing.” a good sense of humor. (Also, he's
really pretty.)”
Other Inspirations “I dunno, ... Han Solo?” “EXPLOSIONS!” “Another inspiration I have is small dogs. Even though
they're tiny, they are fearless and fierce.”