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English Reading Street Grade 1 Phonics & Spelling Practice Book

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English Reading Street Grade 1 Phonics & Spelling Practice Book

English Reading Street Grade 1 Phonics & Spelling Practice Book

Name Henry and Mudge


Suffixes: -ly, -ful

Look at the word. Say it. Listen for two short sounds.

Write the word. Check it.

1. slowly

2. careful

3. quickly

4. useful

5. painful

6. playful

7. sadly

8. gladly

9. nicely

© Pearson Education 10. wonderful
High-Frequency Words

11. because 12. across

Home Activity Your child is learning to spell words with the suffixes -ly and -ful. To practice at home,
have your child look at the word, say the base word and the suffix, and then spell the word.

Spelling Practice Book 93Unit 4 Week 6 Day 1

Name Henry and Mudge


Suffixes: -ly, -ful

Spelling Words

slowly careful quickly useful painful
playful wonderful
sadly gladly nicely

Write the list word that means the same as the underlined words.

1. She said good-bye in a sad way. 1.

2. We had a very good time. 2.

3. Be alert when playing ball. 3.

4. The twins play in a nice way. 4.

5. Her foot was full of pain. 5.

6. I will be happy to help. 6.

7. The hamsters are full of play. 7.

8. Drive in a slow way. 8.

9. My pen is still full of use. 9. © Pearson Education

10. He finished his work in a fast way. 10.

Home Activity Your child spelled words with the suffixes -ly and -ful. Ask your child to explain what each
suffix means (suffix -ly means in a ___ way; suffix -ful means full of ___).

94 Unit 4 Week 6 Day 2 Spelling Practice Book

Name Henry and Mudge


Suffixes: -ly, -ful

Spelling Words

slowly careful quickly useful painful
playful wonderful
sadly gladly nicely

Write the suffix -ly or -ful. Write the word.

1. I went glad .

2. The swimmers were care .

3. It is a wonder party.

4. A cell phone is very use .

5. Mia plays nice .

6. We quick shut the door.

7. That’s a play kitten.

8. Cook the stew slow .

© Pearson Education 9. A bee sting can be pain .

10. He left sad .

Home Activity Your child used spelling words to complete sentences. Read a sentence and have your
child spell the list word.

Spelling Practice Book 95Unit 4 Week 6 Day 3

Name Henry and Mudge


Suffixes: -ly, -ful

Spelling Words

slowly careful quickly useful painful
playful wonderful
sadly gladly nicely

Circle the word that is spelled correctly.

1. sadly sady 2. galadly gladly

3. quickly quikly 4. wondrful wonderful

Write the list words in the puzzle.

Across 5. 6.
7. in a nice way 9.
9. in a slow way
10. full of use

Down 7. 8.
5. full of pain
6. full of play
8. not careless

10. © Pearson Education

Home Activity Your child has been learning to spell words with the suffixes -ly and -ful. Say a base word.
Ask your child to add -ly or -ful and say and spell the new word.

96 Unit 4 Week 6 Day 4 Spelling Practice Book

Name Tippy-Toe Chick, Go!


Vowel Sound in how

Look at the word. Say it. Listen for the vowel sound.

Write the word. Check it.

1. how

2. town

3. down

4. now

5. brown

6. cow

7. clown

8. frown

9. crowd

© Pearson Education 10. growl
High-Frequency Words

11. eyes 12. never

Home Activity Your child is learning to spell words with the vowel sound in how. To practice at home,
have your child say the word, write the word, and circle ow in each word.

Spelling Practice Book 97Unit 5 Week 1 Day 1

Name Tippy-Toe Chick, Go!


Vowel Sound in how

Spelling Words
how town down now brown
cow clown frown crowd growl

Name the picture. Write a list word.

1. 2. 3.
Circle the correct word in the phrase. Write the word.

4. up and down cow 4.

5. a brown cow now 5.

6. town how about that 6.

7. lost in the crowd down 7.

8. the brown growl of the lion 8.

9. clown now and then 9. © Pearson Education

10. wipe off that frown down 10.

Home Activity Your child spelled words with the vowel sound in how. Ask your child to name two letters
common to all the spelling words. (ow)

98 Unit 5 Week 1 Day 2 Spelling Practice Book

Name Tippy-Toe Chick, Go!


Vowel Sound in how

Spelling Words
how town down now brown
cow clown frown crowd growl

Write the missing list word. .
1. We saw him milk a

2. Don’t get lost in the .

3. Her hair is .

4. Do you know to skate?

5. I heard the dog .

6. We have a park in our .

7. Let’s go the slide.

8. The best time is .

© Pearson Education 9. The was funny.

10. He had a on his face.

Home Activity Your child wrote spelling words to complete sentences. Have your child spell a list
word and use it in a sentence.

Spelling Practice Book 99Unit 5 Week 1 Day 3

Name Tippy-Toe Chick, Go!


Vowel Sound in how

Spelling Words
how town down now brown
cow clown frown crowd growl

Unscramble the letters. Write the list word.

1. l o c n w 1.

2. w o h 2.

3. b n r o w 3.

4. w l g r o 4.

5. o w c 5.

6. n t w o 6.

7. o n w 7.

Write the missing words.

8. The had to wait in a long line.

9. There was no place to sit . © Pearson Education

10. Everyone began to .

Home Activity Your child has been learning to spell words with the vowel sound in how. Give clues about
a word. Ask your child to guess and spell the word.

100 Unit 5 Week 1 Day 4 Spelling Practice Book

Name Mole and the Baby Bird


Vowel Sound in out

Look at the word. Say it. Listen for the vowel sound.

Write the word. Check it.

1. mouth

2. house

3. found

4. our

5. out

6. cloud

7. ouch

8. shout

9. round

© Pearson Education 10. count
High-Frequency Words

11. should 12. loved

Home Activity Your child is learning to spell words with the vowel sound in out. To practice at home,
have your child pronounce each word, study the spelling of the word, and then write the word.

Spelling Practice Book Unit 5 Week 2 Day 1 101

Name Mole and the Baby Bird


Vowel Sound in out

Read the clue. Write the list word. Spelling Words

It starts with h, and it It starts with cl, and it mouth
rhymes with mouse. rhymes with loud. house



1. 2. out

It starts with sh, and it It starts with o, and it cloud
rhymes with pout. rhymes with couch. shout

3. 4. round

Write the missing list word. count

5. Look at pups.

6. We them last week.

7. Can you them?

8. One pup wants to get .

9. He put an ice cube in his . © Pearson Education

10. The dime is .

Home Activity Your child spelled words with the vowel sound in out. Ask your child to name two letters
common to all the spelling words. (ou)

102 Unit 5 Week 2 Day 2 Spelling Practice Book

Name Mole and the Baby Bird


Vowel Sound in out

mouth Spelling Words out
cloud house found our count
ouch shout round

Read about finding bugs. Write the missing list words.

1. We some bugs.

2. They are .

3. Let’s them.

4. One got in my .

5. Did you ?

6. I said .

7. I spit it .

8. Look at that !

© Pearson Education 9. Will bugs get wet?

10. Let’s take them in the .

Home Activity Your child used spelling words to complete sentences. Read a sentence on this page.
Have your child spell the list word.

Spelling Practice Book Unit 5 Week 2 Day 3 103

Name Mole and the Baby Bird


Vowel Sound in out

mouth Spelling Words out
cloud house found our count
ouch shout round

Write the words in the puzzle. cloud
1. o u out
2. o u mouth
3. o u

4. o u

Connect the matching list words. 9.
5. 6. 7.
found round our house
10. found 8.
count count house

shout © Pearson Education


Home Activity Your child has been learning to spell words with the vowel sound in out. Draw a big
butterfly. Have your child write the list words on the wings.

104 Unit 5 Week 2 Day 4 Spelling Practice Book

Name Dot & Jabber


Vowel Sounds in book and moon

Look at the word. Say it. Listen for the vowel sound.

Write the word. Check it.

1. book

2. moon

3. took

4. food

5. look

6. pool

7. zoo

8. noon

9. good

© Pearson Education 10. foot
High-Frequency Words

11. instead 12. another

Home Activity Your child is learning to spell words with the vowel sounds in book and moon. To
practice at home, have your child look at the word and spell it out loud. Then cover the word and have
your child write the word.

Spelling Practice Book Unit 5 Week 3 Day 1 105

Name Dot & Jabber


Vowel Sounds in book and moon

Circle the words in the box that rhyme. Write them.

foot took 1. Spelling Words
look pool
2. moon
foot moon 3. food
book noon 4. look

Write a word that often goes with the list word. pool
5. bad 5. noon

6. hand 6.

7. drink 7.

Write the missing list word.

8. Greg wants to read a .

9. Ann wants to swim at the . © Pearson Education

10. Joe wants to feed deer at the .

Home Activity Your child spelled words with the vowel sound in book and moon. Ask your child to
pronounce each list word and identify the vowel sound.

106 Unit 5 Week 3 Day 2 Spelling Practice Book

Name Dot & Jabber


Vowel Sounds in book and moon

book Spelling Words look
pool moon took food foot
zoo noon good

Choose a word to finish the sentence.
Fill in the circle. Write the word.

1. I took look foot a sack lunch.

2. Read the took zoo book.

3. My foot noon took got wet.

4. We need more noon food look.

5. Bears are at the zoo moon foot.

6. That is look good took news.

7. We swim in the noon foot pool.

8. The look took moon is bright.

© Pearson Education 9. Did you pool look zoo at it?

10. I must leave at noon took moon.

Home Activity Your child wrote spelling words to complete sentences. Have your child create a
sentence using three or more list words.

Spelling Practice Book Unit 5 Week 3 Day 3 107

Name Dot & Jabber


Vowel Sounds in book and moon

Write the missing letters.

Spelling Words

1. oo 2. oo book



3. oo 4. oo look

Write the list word in the puzzle. pool
Across 5. noon
6. 12:00 6. good
8. you eat this foot
9. see


8. Down
10. 5. not bad
9. 7. opposite
of gave
10. animals live © Pearson Education

Home Activity Your child has been learning to spell words with the vowel sounds in book and moon. Write
oo and pronounce a list word. Have your child add letters to spell the word. Continue with other
list words.

108 Unit 5 Week 3 Day 4 Spelling Practice Book

Name Simple Machines


Vowel Sound in boy

Look at the word. Say it. Listen for the vowel sound.

Write the word. Check it.

1. oil

2. soil

3. voice

4. point

5. boy

6. boil

7. coin

8. oink

9. toy

© Pearson Education 10. join
High-Frequency Words

11. against 12. heavy

Home Activity Your child is learning to spell words with the vowel sound in boy spelled oi and oy. To
practice at home, have your child look at the word, say it, and write it on a piece of paper. Then have
your child spell the word.

Spelling Practice Book Unit 5 Week 4 Day 1 109

Name Simple Machines


Vowel Sound in boy

Spelling Words
oil soil voice point boy
boil coin oink toy join

Circle the rhyming words in each row. Write them.

toy oil boil 1. 2.
coin join boil 3. 4.
toy soil boy 5. 6.

Read the sentence. Write a list
word that means the same as
the underlined word.

7. Do you hear the big pig squeal? 7.

8. The farmer’s sound is loud. 8.

9. The post has a sharp end. 9. © Pearson Education

10. The ground is very muddy. 10.

Home Activity Your child spelled words with the vowel sound in book and moon. Ask your child to
pronounce each list word and identify the vowel sound.

110 Unit 5 Week 4 Day 2 Spelling Practice Book

Name Simple Machines


Vowel Sound in boy

Spelling Words
oil soil voice point boy
boil coin oink toy join

Circle a word to finish the sentence. Write the word.
1. Cover the seeds with soil toy.

2. He put a voice coin in his bank.

3. I will boil point to the answer.

4. Is this wagon your soil toy?

5. The pigs began to oink coin.

6. Did you voice join the club?

7. I saw a boy oil in the hall.

8. She spoke in a soft coin voice.

© Pearson Education 9. Did the water boil zoo?

10. Dad put join oil in the car.

Home Activity Your child wrote spelling words to complete sentences. Have your child identify and
spell the five list words that are most difficult for him or her.

Spelling Practice Book Unit 5 Week 4 Day 3 111

Name Simple Machines


Vowel Sound in boy

Spelling Words
oil soil voice point boy
boil coin oink toy join

Write these words in ABC order.

soil 1. 2.
voice 3. 4.

Use this code. Write the words.

b c i j k l no y

5. 6. 7.

8. 9. 10. © Pearson Education

Home Activity Your child has been learning to spell words with the vowel sound in boy spelled oi and oy.
Help your child brainstorm other words with oi and oy.

112 Unit 5 Week 4 Day 4 Spelling Practice Book

Name Alexander Graham Bell


Vowel Sound in saw

Look at the word. Say it. Listen for the vowel sound.

Write the word. Check it.

1. saw

2. draw

3. crawl

4. straw

5. law

6. jaw

7. paw

8. lawn

9. yawn

© Pearson Education 10. hawk
High-Frequency Words

11. through 12. science

Home Activity Your child is learning to spell words with the vowel sound in saw. To practice at home,
have your child say the word, write it, and then check the spelling.

Spelling Practice Book Unit 5 Week 5 Day 1 113

Name Alexander Graham Bell


Vowel Sound in saw Spelling Words

Write a list word that belongs in the group. saw
1. jay, eagle, draw
2. hammer, sandpaper, crawl
3. skull, ribs, straw
4. skip, walk, law
5. paint, sketch,
6. rule, order, jaw

Write the missing words.

7. I sat on the .

8. My dog sat on some .

9. He put his on my leg. © Pearson Education

10. We both began to .

Home Activity Your child spelled words with the vowel sound in saw. Have your child name the two
letters common to all the spelling words (aw).

114 Unit 5 Week 5 Day 2 Spelling Practice Book

Name Alexander Graham Bell


Vowel Sound in saw

Spelling Words
saw draw crawl straw law
jaw paw lawn yawn hawk

Write the missing list word.
1. The ____ says to wear seatbelts.

2. The baby is learning to ____.

3. Did you mow the ____?

4. Look at that ____ fly.

5. My ____ is sore.

6. Let’s ____ a picture.

7. We ____ a snake.

8. My cat has one white ____.

© Pearson Education 9. She drank through a ____.

10. I tried not to ____.

Home Activity Your child wrote spelling words to complete sentences. Help your child make silly
sentences by substituting other list words in the sentences. For example: The hawk says to wear

Spelling Practice Book Unit 5 Week 5 Day 3 115

Name Alexander Graham Bell


Vowel Sound in saw

Spelling Words
saw draw crawl straw law
jaw paw lawn yawn hawk

Draw lines through all the p’s and o’s.
Write the word that is left.

1. h o a p w p k o 1.

2. l o o a p w p n 2.

3. p c o r p a w p l 3.

4. y o a p w p p n o 4.

Write six list words that rhyme with thaw.

5. 6.

7. 8. © Pearson Education

9. 10.

Home Activity Your child has been learning to spell words with the vowel sound in saw. Help your child
use list words to make more word puzzles similar to those at the top of this page.

116 Unit 5 Week 5 Day 4 Spelling Practice Book

Name Ben Franklin


Prefixes un-, re-

Look at the word. Say it. Listen for the prefix.

Write the word. Check it.

1. unhappy

2. refill

3. untie

4. undo

5. repay

6. unkind

7. undress

8. retell

9. reopen

© Pearson Education 10. refund
High-Frequency Words

11. different 12. carry

Home Activity Your child is learning to spell words with the prefixes un- and re-. To practice at home,
have your child read the prefix, read the whole word, and spell the word.

Spelling Practice Book Unit 5 Week 6 Day 1 117

Name Ben Franklin


Prefixes un-, re-

Spelling Words

unhappy refill untie undo repay
unkind refund
undress retell reopen

Circle a word to finish the sentence. Write it.

1. Will you unkind untie my ribbon?

2. She looks unhappy repay.

3. Please refill reopen the book.

4. She will repay unhappy you.

5. Please retell undress that story.

6. I will retell undress the doll.

7. I got a refund undo for the cap.

8. Can you repay undo this knot?

9. He is refund unkind to the dog. © Pearson Education

10. He will retell refill the glasses.

Home Activity Your child spelled words to complete sentences. Read a sentence on this page. Ask your
child to identify the word with the prefix re- or un- and spell it.

118 Unit 5 Week 6 Day 2 Spelling Practice Book

Name Ben Franklin


Prefixes un-, re-

unhappy Spelling Words repay
unkind refill untie undo refund
undress retell reopen

Write the prefix un- or re-. Write the list word.

1. Dad will tell the joke.

2. I can tie my shoes.

3. Let’s do this puzzle.

4. He was kind to Sam.

5. She is happy.

6. You must pay the loan.

7. The men will open the crate.

8. I got a fund for the tickets.

© Pearson Education 9. Can you fill my water bottle?

10. I will dress now.

Home Activity Your child wrote words with the prefixes un- and re-. Have your child name the base
word in each list word and tell how adding the prefix changes the meaning.

Spelling Practice Book Unit 5 Week 6 Day 3 119

Name Ben Franklin


Prefixes un-, re-

Spelling Words

unhappy refill untie undo repay
unkind refund
undress retell reopen

Read the words in the box.
Add un- or re- to make a list word. Write it.

pay tell 1. 2.
fund fill 3. 4.

Find a list word in each row of letters. Circle it. Write it.

5. r u n t i e s t 5.

6. t h r e o p e n 6.

7. u n k i n d e s 7.

8. x u n d r e s s 8.

9. w i u n d o t s 9. © Pearson Education

10. s u n h a p p y 10.

Home Activity Your child has been learning to spell words with the prefixes un- and re-. Help your child
think of other words with these prefixes.

120 Unit 5 Week 6 Day 4 Spelling Practice Book

© Pearson Education Short a Short i VC, CVC Take-Home Word Lists

Unit 1, Week 1 Unit 1, Week 2 UNIT 1

1. at 1. in Short o CVC,
2. can 2. it CVCC
3. cat 3. did
4. back 4. sit Unit 1, Week 3
5. dad 5. six
1. mom
6. am 6. fix 2. hot
7. bat 7. lip 3. hop
8. mad 8. mix 4. pot
9. ran 9. pin 5. pop
10. sack 10. wig
6. ox
Adding -s Short e CVC, 7. lock
CCVC 8. mop
Unit 1, Week 4 9. got
Unit 1, Week 5 10. rock
1. nap
2. naps 1. bed Short u CVC,
3. sit 2. men CVCC
4. sits 3. red
5. win 4. step Unit 1, Week 6
6. wins 5. ten
1. run
7. fit 6. net 2. cut
8. fits 7. leg 3. must
9. hit 8. jet 4. sun
10. hits 9. sled 5. up
10. wet
Spelling Practice Book 6. bump
7. jump
8. bus
9. nut
10. rug


Digraphs sh, th Long a CVCe Take-Home Word Lists
Unit 2, Week 1 Unit 2, Week 2
1. ship 1. face
2. fish 2. made Long i CVCe
3. then 3. age Unit 2, Week 3
4. shut 4. safe
5. with 5. take 1. like
2. ride
6. rush 6. make 3. smile
7. shell 7. cage 4. time
8. shop 8. cake 5. white
9. trash 9. late
10. thin 10. name 6. bike
7. dime
© Pearson Education Long o CVCe Long u CVCe 8. hide
Unit 2, Week 4 Unit 2, Week 5 9. ice
10. kite
1. home 1. huge
2. hope 2. June Long e: e, ee
3. rose 3. rule Unit 2, Week 6
4. woke 4. tube
5. those 5. use 1. be
2. feet
6. bone 6. cube 3. he
7. hose 7. cute 4. see
8. joke 8. flute 5. we
9. rode 9. rude
10. stone 10. mule 6. green
7. me
Spelling Practice Book 8. she
9. tree
10. week


Take-Home Word Lists


Long e and Words with ng Adding -es
Long i: y and nk
Unit 3, Week 3
Unit 3, Week 1 Unit 3, Week 2
1. fix
1. my 1. bring 2. fixes
2. by 2. trunk 3. class
3. try 3. pink 4. classes
4. any 4. bank 5. wish
5. body 5. sang 6. wishes

6. fly 6. wing 7. kiss
7. cry 7. rink 8. kisses
8. lucky 8. blank 9. bus
9. silly 9. rang 10. buses
10. puppy 10. sunk

© Pearson Education Adding -ed Words with er, ir, Adding -er and
ur -est
Unit 3, Week 4
Unit 3, Week 5 Unit 3, Week 6
1. ask
2. asked 1. her 1. bigger
3. plan 2. first 2. biggest
4. planned 3. bird 3. faster
5. help 4. girl 4. fastest
6. helped 5. burn 5. slower
6. slowest
7. jog 6. were
8. jogged 7. shirt 7. shorter
9. call 8. fur 8. shortest
10. called 9. hurt 9. sadder
10. sir 10. saddest
Spelling Practice Book

Long a: ai, ay Long e: ea Take-Home Word Lists
Unit 4, Week 1 Unit 4, Week 2
1. train 1. eat
2. way 2. sea Long o: oa, ow
3. tail 3. each Unit 4, Week 3
4. play 4. team
5. day 5. please 1. boat
2. road
6. may 6. dream 3. snow
7. rain 7. treat 4. row
8. gray 8. beach 5. yellow
9. mail 9. clean
10. afraid 10. lean 6. loaf
7. coat
8. soap
9. blow
10. pillow

Long i: ie, igh Compound Words Suffixes -ly, -ful
Unit 4, Week 4
Unit 4, Week 5 Unit 4, Week 6
1. lie
2. tie 1. backpack 1. slowly
3. high 2. outside 2. careful
4. might 3. baseball 3. quickly
5. right 4. herself 4. useful
5. flashlight 5. painful
6. night
© Pearson Education 7. bright 6. bluebird 6. playful
8. light 7. lunchbox 7. sadly
9. pie 8. suitcase 8. gladly
10. tight 9. inside 9. nicely
10. brainstorm 10. wonderful

Spelling Practice Book 127

© Pearson Education Vowel Sound in Vowel Sound in Take-Home Word Lists
how out
Unit 5, Week 1 Unit 5, Week 2
Vowel Sounds in
1. how 1. mouth book and moon
2. town 2. house
3. down 3. found Unit 5, Week 3
4. now 4. our
5. brown 5. out 1. book
2. moon
6. cow 6. cloud 3. took
7. clown 7. ouch 4. food
8. frown 8. shout 5. look
9. crowd 9. round
10. growl 10. count 6. pool
7. zoo
Vowel Sound in Vowel Sound in 8. noon
boy saw 9. good
10. foot
Unit 5, Week 4 Unit 5, Week 5
Prefixes un-, re-
1. oil 1. saw
2. soil 2. draw Unit 5, Week 6
3. voice 3. crawl
4. point 4. straw 1. unhappy
5. boy 5. law 2. refill
3. untie
6. boil 6. jaw 4. undo
7. coin 7. paw 5. repay
8. oink 8. lawn
9. toy 9. yawn 6. unkind
10. join 10. hawk 7. undress
8. retell
Spelling Practice Book 9. reopen
10. refund


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