RUIE B00lt anil S'tEllRRI0 $UIUE
? .1
[pail This first
The most important part of this expansion is the Aesther DivineL contained within the character tuck boxes.
She is immediately unlocked for use in any normal Gloomhaven campaign. Add the appropriate City and
Road Event cards included in the box for unlocking her to their respective decks now. Players also have the
option, if they have completed scenario #51, to delve into the new campaign presented in this book (it is also
recommended that players have completed the Town Records). lf players have not completed scenario #51,
they should still read the next page to learn about the new mechanics associated with the Diviner.
[om 0npnl5
Rule Book/Scenario l Character Miniature I Character Board racter Abil Cards Cards
Character Tuck Boxes 1 Character Pad 5 Character Tokens 5 Rift Overlay Tiles 6 Condition Tokens
23 Monster Standees 24 Monster Cards 7 Monster Stat Sheets 2 Monster Stat Sleeves Stands
4x 8x
t 20 ltem Cards Random Cards 2 Sealed racter rds Revised
,r "'a I
a EE zu=:
?. E o u
a.il* L
31 Event Cards 1 Sticker Sheet
ffi &S. &rr* +r* }i Looking for more official and fan-made
Gloomhaven scenarios?
': q"* s.3 Fj,. il
Road City Rift IEIETq$ Visit www.cepha lofa ir. co m/gh-ext ra
2x 9x ZOx
2 )
L. Ilptu Rules
t-a I
L_- Sorne monster abilities specify that the monster find a focus following criteria other than whoever is closest. Follow
the specified priority first, but if there is a tie, break the Ue using normal focusing rules.
REGENERATE is a positive condition. lf a figure has REGENERATE, it performs a "Heal | 1, Self" action
L_- at the start of each of its turns (even if the figure has STUN 9t. tt the figure suffers any damage, the
REGENERATE token is removed and the damage continues normally. lf a figure has both WOUND and
REGENERATE at the start of its turn, the REGENERATE effect happens first, removing the WOUND
token and healing normally.
Rifts are permanent overlay tiles the Diviner can create. Though the effects of a Rift ability usually last
until the end of the round, any Rifts created with that ability remain on the map to be activated by future
Rift abilities, as well. A hex with a rift is not considered empty, nor is it considered negative. The Diviner
can only have five Rifts on the map at once. lf a sixth were to be placed, remove one of the others.
-I +
d> Teleport is an ability that transports a figure to a specific location without evaluating moving through
{, all the hexes between where the figure currently is and where it is going. However, it is not considered
= a Move!.ability (and thus can be performed while the figure has IMMOBILIZE O ). lt is also not
-l inhibited by enemies, walls, obstacles, or any type of terrain when evaluating its path. The hex a figure
teleports to must be a valid hex for that figure to occupy, and any effects of entering that hex will trigger
normally, such as traps, hazardous terrain, or special character abilities. A figure cannot teleport into an
unrevealed room.
= Any overlay tile with a white border is considered a wall. All hexes that the tile occupies are walls, which
function exactly like the walls on the border of a map tile. They cannot be moved through, even with
Flying\,/or Jump4N, and block all line-of-sight. They are not considered obstacles.
-t d An element symbol showing art of two Base @ Enhancempnt [bst Basp 0lftpr tffpcls [osl
-.{ D different element icons can be considered to
be either one of the elements, but not both.
releport $, 4og n"s"n"r.t. $ 5og
--r ABILITY CARD LINES Regenerote can be ploced on any moin ability line
,_I thot olfects ollies or yourself.
These lines separate the individual abilities
,-{ of a card action.
Some event cards may contain requirements similar to scenarios. lf a party does not meet the requirements of an
:'' ert card, simply draw another one and shuffle the card with the unmet requirements back into the top three cards
:':he deck.
HALT! Do not proceed through the rest of this book until you hove completed scenario #57!
the uorils
lllepfts after thp ealamitg, llail srill refuses to talft atout tuhat fiappenoil in the Uoiil, fut gou can't 9pt
of tfre Gloom our of gour heail-thog [aun{ gour ilreams anil ua[ing hours. llail eallpil flim Bastian, anil llominir
gaup uou tne sroru of tris fall, [ut mang things arp still unelpar. The entitg gou foughl-uhal uas lpfl of Bastian't
ptprnal anil might, at lhis uorU m0ment, be plottinq
form-uas just a uessel. llhat possesseil nim is immortal anil
ilr reuengo. T[is tfiought, morp tftat anglfiing, ftueps gou on eilge'
ftnil ruhg ilops llail rpmain so speretiup atout it? Thprp is surelg somptning still to [e ilone, anil got, shp rpfuses
t0 frelp. llou ran this oath of hprs te so important?
llthat gou nepil is morp information, but gou hauo bpen barrpil from thp ruins feneath thp Uoiil. Some spcrptiue
group of milirant human$, funileil [g the 0eslin estatp, has eorilonpil off thp area for priuate stuilg. It is
otuioustU ttp uorft of ths Uigil, fut iittle ean [e ilone uith so much pouer fphinil thpm. ftt lpast for nou.
Tfrp scars of gour fattlps stillpersist, healing murh morp slotulg tfian theg shoulil. Thrpp horrifle rrpalures
pup5, can still spe lhpm clpar as ilag,
anil tfe $loom irselffpll to gour assaults, fut rnhpn gou elose Uour Uou
Iou sftuililpr, thinfting atoui ruhat horrors mag still eomp. for nout, U0u ilpeiilp a night of ilrint'ing is in orilpr-
gamtling anil ale to sutilup the mpmorips of the pasl anil tfru preilietions of thp fulurp.
Ilem [oration:
Unexpected Visitors @ iS-rS)
At this time, one player must create a new character of the Diviner class, following all normal rules for character
creation, except do ,,ot name her and do not draw a personal quest for her. Each numbered scenario in this book
requires this created Diviner to be played and will be lost if she is ever exhausted' Some scenarios will also require her to
be set up in a specific hex, denoted with the @ i.ott.
The "section Links" texts found throughout many of the following scenarios will direct you to the numbered sections of
this book when certain conditions are fulfilled. only r""d th" nt,-b"red sections of this book you are instru-cted to read,
do not look ahead in the book, and do not open a.y .""1"d envelopes unless told to do so' Because you will frequently
be switching between th" prrJ'rg", of this book, it i, ,".o--"r,ded that you bookmark the introductory page of the -l
scenario yol ." playing to easil-y reference it later. You will also come across a "scenario Goal" text in each scenario' -b-) I
when thi, go"l i, ruinff""a, i-rn"diat"ly read the appropriate numbered section for the conclusion. Do not play out the .-
rest ofthe round.
- I
5 eeial tonilitions for fliluanei thp Stor
tr Gain 2 "Knowledge is Power" global achievements: read section 27 on page 34
tr Gain "Through the Portal" global achievement: read section 33 on page 36
tr Gain 3 "Pieces of an Artifact" global achievements: read section 49 on page 41
O Gain "Mechanical Splendor" global achievement: read section 62 on page 45
tr Gain 2 'A Peril Averted" global achievements: read section 1l-8 on page 61
r .#96 plrpeeteil Uiritors Links: Gloomhaven
r_.I Xequiremerts: End of Gloom (Global) COMPLETE
6oal: Destroy altarc
L- O, O, and @ I
r-- -rr/ 6
L- Introiluetion: Track the number ofrounds throughout the Serrion lints:
H Yo,u are fond of the old, Emiliar atmoephere scenario, Starting from the fourth round, at The first time any character enters portal:
r Ttrc patrons ane more carefree, and some adjacent to a portal, in the order of @., read s".tion lif on page 16.
that has returned to the Sleeping Lion. the end of every round, one demon spawns
read section Ol on page 27.
guctts everr offer you a round of drinks, (Frost Demons), (Flame Demons),
read section 24 on page 34.
t-I rememberiag you as the mercenaries who (Earth Demons), r(Diat. A @,
stopped tllat crazy vortex of black sand.
1_- All demon spawns are normal for two Srpnario 6oal:
l- You are on your third round, however; when characters. Earth Demon spaw"ns are elite When all altars are destroyed, read section J8
a tear in the frbric of reality opens on the far for three characters. Frost and Flame on page 38.
wall, sending people into a panic. You've seen Demon spawrs are elite for four characters.
enough of this sort of stuffto know that what
follows can't be good.
A female Aesther stumbles out of the tear';
looking ragged and harried. "Please! I need
your assistancel" she shouts in your direction.
She turns to close the portal, but demons of
wind still claw their way through before it
shuts. t
I The chaos in the Sleeping Lion reaches a
, crescendo, and everyone flees the scene T
I screaming. Everyone but you, of course. You
grab your gear and spring into action, but not J
before three more portals open around you.
A variety of other demons emerge, destrofng
large sections of the bar. lf you weren't angry
about your night being intern:pted before, Illaps:
you certainly are now.
$pecial lules:
Dark corridors O, @, ""d O, are Ita
portals to different planes of existence. l2b
All non-adjacent portal hexes sharing the
same identiEer (e.g., O, O. or @1 are
considered adjacent for the purpo.-ses of
movement and finding focus but not for line-
Corridor (x3)
Boulders (xz)
a rilt @@em
L Earth Flame Frost Wind Treasure
r-_- Demon Demon Demon Demon Tile (xl) Barrel Boulder Cabinet Table
I_- ,
.# 97 n-v lore Untolil Links: Dimensional Travel I <
lequiremenls: None )
Goal: Loot four Goal treasure tiles
7 All doors are locked and cannot be opened a-.
Introiluetion: lnstantly upon entering the portal, you
Once you are prepared, Cassandra holds arrive in a pitch-black hall. After illuminating until instructed. a-r
up a sketch of a building layout. "We are the area, you notice several mechanical
r going to the Vault of Knowledge, and there apparatuses encased in an odd, black glass. r-
are four documents we need to find within Presumably, each must somehow connect to Seetion [in[s:
its vast halls. Bastian went to incredible and one of the four doors around the room. The first time any character ends their turn -d
alarming lengths to collect all the knowledge on oressure plate: --k
of the world in his quest to reach other 'Ah, I forgot to mention," Cassandra whispers, Ol, *"d section 23 on Page 33. a-
planes. Looking back now, it is easy to see the "Bastian most certainly put some traps in O, .""d section zto on Page l$.
influence of the corruption, but at the time, place to hinder any unwanted access to his O. ru"d section ll2 on page 6o.
we were blind to his true motives, even as we wealth of knowledge. lf we work together, (O7, t"rd section ll$ on Page 62. l-
disagreed with his methods." though, it shouldn't Prove too much of a
problem." I-
$eenario [oal:
She sighs and then continues, "The first scroll
we're after is a meticulous documentation of Sporial lules: When four Goal treasure tiles have been l-
Orchid history and their wealth of insight looted, read section 0/ on Page 28.
gained through meditation. The next is a Add two CURSEO cards to each character's l-
paper from a great biologist of our time, attack modifier deck as a scenario effect.
who studied the building blocks of life to l-
determine what gave people their various
traits. The third is a technical research l-
record, one of Bastian's own works, and
should contain his design for the rift device l-
that led to the Upheaval. Lastly, we seek an
atlas of the known world in those days, one }-
that contains the locations of all our nation's
labs, which we may need to visit."
""r""."h l-
Cassandra raises her hand and starts to draw ]-
strange markings in the air. They begin to form @@
complex patterns, and soon the tiniest of rifts
appears before you. With elegant gestures, @ _b
she widens it until the portal fully opens. "We
should move quickly. The corn:ption was
surely alerted to our interference when we @
destroyed those tainted spheres. lt may very L-
well be sending its agents after us even now."
lagout: :
lllaps: -l
Eta E=
Nta t t
l h-
Black Living Living Pressure Obsidian Wall ll-
l-P Bones Corpse Plate (x4) Glass (x4) Section (x{)
J# I
9B flamps Links: Gloomhaven
R,equiremells: None
Goal: Save one or both Orchid records before the flames consume them
-.-/ Introiluetion: Speeial lulps: Seetion tinft.s :
You set about gathering information on the Tiles Bta and B4a represent ship O. Tiles The first time any character enters a ship
possible whereabouts of Orchid scholars Bza and B3a represent ship Or. railing bordering ship Q or opens door
and learn an envoy from across the sea is O.r, r""d section o4 on pige 27.
scheduled to arrive this evening. Apparently, At the start oF every round, place I damage
t}ere is some sort of historical conference token next to both ship, @7 and @7. The first time any character enters a ship
at the University, which means the Orchids there are ever 12 or more t -"g" tof"r,t railing bordering ship Ol or opens door
should have important literature from their next to a ship, the Orchid record on that @l, r.rd section f,2 on Pilge f,6. 9
continent with them. Cassandra is quite ship is destroyed. lfboth Orchid records are I
certain theyve documented the Upheaval, destroyed, the scenario is lost.
the Demon War with the Valraths, and the Srpnario $oal:
founding of the city. Whenever the Ancient Artillery would lf the Record of Accounts is saved and the
perform a ranged attack, place I damage Record of the lourney is destroyed, read
You are on your way to the New Docks to token next to ship @ ir''rt"rd. lf that ship section 59 on page 44.
meet the ship, when a female Orchid runs has 12 or more damige tokens next to it,
towards you in a panic. "Raiders are attacking place 1 damage token next to ship @1 Ifthe Record ofthe ]ourney is saved and the
our fleet, looting and torching our cargol instead. Record ofAccounts is destroyed, read section
Please, you must helpl" 55 on page 43.
Wall sections @ ,r" ship railings and cannot
\ents of comrption!" Cassandra says. "We be moved or de-stroyed. lfboth Orchid records are saved, read section
are surelv on the right track. We must hurry, 82 on page gl.
betbre that which we seek is lost!" Any character adjacent to fountain @
may forgo a top action (discarding one card
As you run to the docks, you spot a group of instead) to pick up a bucket of water; signified
ruffians guiding tamed drakes, which spit fire by placing a water tile on that character's mat.
at the Orchid ships. Not only that, but they ve Each character can only hold one bucket of
brought a cannonade to bombard the fleet. water at a time. This water can be used later
You will need to work quickly to douse the to help dowse the flames on the Orchid ships.
flames, dispose ofthese interlopers, and save
as many ofthe records as you can.
{ I t
Bza @@
H3b rl @
-{ @ I s
-{ o Artillery Archer Bandit Spitting Fountain Section (x4)
I ,
I 7
_"i9gd ffftershoefts Links: Dimensional tavel
Requiremenls: None
6oal: Klll all enemies and protect at least four civilians @
Introiluetion: Speeial Rulps: Spetion [in[s :
"l think we should take a little field trip into All characters start the scenario with The first time any civilian @- is kllled, read
the city," Cassarrdra muses. "l am convinced MUDDLEQ as a scenario effect. section O8 on page 28.
there is more fallout from the eruption of the
Void that we are not seeing. Sometimes these Whenever a Cultist would summon a Living When any character opens door Q , read
things linger, but more corruption is soon Bones, it summons two normal Black lmps section loo on Page 57. LT
to emerge. lt's all cause and effect, and we instead.
should be there to stop it."
9 Sepnario $oal:
9 Civilians O, represented by numbered
You begin at the Void, watching the Vigil s tokens, hav6 zx(L*C) hit points. They are lf all enemies are killed and exactly four
cronies excavating while Cassandra sits in a allies to you and enemies to all monster types. civilians are alive, read section 2l on page f,{.
trance, murmuring, Eventua'l'ly, she moves They have an initiative of5o for the purpose
east, into the Traveler's District. The houses of monster focusing. lf five or more civilians lf all enemies are killed and five or more
get more and more extravagant the farther in are killed, the scenario is lost. civilians are alive, read section 16 on page JI.
you go until she guides you into the Sekhem
Gardens, a greenhouse featuring flora native
to the Red Desert. lt is a popular place for
wealthy Valrath merchants to wander and
feel at home.
She circles the grounds for a while, constantly
muttering under her breath, which elicits
quite a number of annoyed glances from the
civilians strolling about. Finally, she stops at
a bench and sits in silence for a minute. You
are still contemplating whether to sit yourself
when she abruptly stands and points to the
"Yes, there it is," she pronounces. You look
at where she is pointing and see nothing at
first, but then, all at once, a black fog rolls
through the gardens toward you, and the
Valraths in the vicinity suddenly freeze in
place, displaying shock and horror on their
faces. Hooded figures appear from the fog, a
strange emblem adorning 11611 1sls5-1v/s
horizontal lines crossing a crudely drawn
circle. They chant a short spell in unison,
and nightmarish creatures emerge from
the ground, set on attacking the paralyzed Illaps: lagout:
"They aim to kill the innocents!" Cassandra Lzb
I laments. "We can't let that happen!" NIb
00@0o@m -.-l
Black Cultist Deep Thorns Bush Stump Table Ti-ee
l-P Terror (*s) ('t) (*t) (rt) (*z)
t_ a#
[_.- 100 $ears Links: Dimensional Travel
[_- lequirements: None
6oal: Reveal all tiles and kill all enemies I
tj -.rJ Introiluelion: Speeial lules: Spetion linhs:
l-ia tn the adas you discovered, Cassandra Place four numbered tokens next Throughou t the scenari o, lvhcn an1, .-halacter
t_ indicates the location of one of Bastian's to the round tracker. 'fhese will be used to ends ii-reir rurn on pressure pl"t" @ o.
refer to the numbcr of
\--I subterranean workshops-northwest of keep track ofthe number ofgears deactivated @., .lose doors Q.,,
Gloomhaven, past the Still River in the throughout the scenario. tokens next to the round tracker, and read the
[_- section indicated in the table for the current
Copperneck Mountains. "lt will not be
\-I accessible from the surface, so we'll have Stone pillar @l cannot be moved or room (see below).
t_- to enter it another way. And it probably destroyed.
\-I goes without saying, but we're bound to be
t_ confronted by guardians and traps within." Doots Qr'are locked and cannot be opened Number Pressure Pressure
r-.I until instructed. Ifany figure occupies a door of tokens plrt. @1 plrt" @
\fter preparing the necessary equipment, when it closes, they suffer trap damage and 4 14 on 22 on
Cassandra lifts her hands and starts to draw move to the closest unoccupied hex on tile page 30 Page 33
signs in the air. A fissure in space opens wide, Fta.
and she gestures for you to enter. You brace If there are ever no numbered tokens next to
for the usual chaos ofdimensional travel. If players arrive at a previously revealed room, the round tracker, read section llo on page I
do not reset it. lnstead, leave it in its current 60. 0
An elongated chamber greets you on the state and place a damage token next to the 0
other side. ln front of you sits a complicated room. All characters will then suffer damage $rpnario Eoal:
apparatus of various pistons, springs, and equal to the number of damage tokens next
gears contained in a thick glass cylinder to the room, lf there are ever 4 damage tokens When all tiles are revealed and all enemies
that spans from floor to ceiling. Nearby, two next to a single room, the scenario is lost. are killed, read section J6 on page f,/.
operating pressure plates link to it. And at
the opposite end of the chamber; you see a
pair of doors adorned with more clockwork
Numerous glyphs are etched into the walls, Bzb
written in the ancient language you have 83b
encountered many times before. They seem Dta
random, however; not forming any words or Fla
sentences you recognize. There is also a glass Irb
control panel embedded in the stone to your
left, which Cassandra approaches, wipes the
dust offo[ and places her palm upon.
| 'lt's possible my old research credentials will I
I grant us access to this facility's systems," she
f *r..
I Certain glyphs around you begin to glow with
a viridian hue, and the machinery beneath @
irour feet begins to hum, but an ominous
| -"rrrg" then flashes across the screen: @
| 'Biometrics not recognized. Defense system
I activated. Unauthorized intruders will be
I dealt .uith accordingly."
-\\ell," Cassandra sighs, "it was worth a shot.
Sorn,, I guess we'll have to do this the hard
rsar instead."
Stone Pressure Stone
Golem Plate (xz) Pillar (xt)
a# l0l 9 Shrouilpil tr t Links: Dimensional Travel
Buquirements: None
Eoal: the source ofunnatural darkness
Introiluetion: Speeial [ules: Ooor QJ is locked and cannot be opened
You are carousing in the Sleeping Lion one Add three CURSE$cards to each character's until instructed.
evening when an lnox Keeper of the Oak attack modifier deck as a scenario effect.
approaches. She speaks so quietly, you can Any character may Forgo a top actio-n
barely hear her voice. "l've heard unsettling Tiack the number of rounds throughout (discanding on. ."id insiead) to PUSHO
news from my colleagues in the south. The the scenario. At the start of every round, boulder @; onto pressure plate O,. tf
Serpent's Kiss River has darkened to black, both Spitting Drakes gain lMMOBif-fze$. the pressui{ plate is occupied, the bdulder
corrupting the fresh water that is crucial to Additionally, they are immune to all forced cannot be moved onto iL
the marshlands. Can you investigate?" movement.
Spetion [in[s:
You swirl your drink in your mug, considering At the end ofevery even round, one Rending
her proposition while she and Cassandra Drake spawns at both @, and @, if tn" When boulder O o""rpies pressure plate
converse. You vaguely remember something adjacent Spitting Drake is alive andwithout (O; ,t th" end ofa round, read section 64
about a tainted crypt in that area... sruNo. on page {6.
I "We'll go at once," you hear Cassandra saying The drake spawns are both normal for two Sepnario Boal:
0 resolutely. characters, normal "t O, and elite "t OJ
for three characters, orloth elite for fodr Wh"n the source of unnatural darkness is
The lnox thanks you, disappearing as quietly characters. destroyed, read section 6f, on page {!.
as she came. Cassandra then waves her hand
t/ in the air and a portal appears beside your
table. You begrudgingly follow her through, lagout: Illaps
though you would have much preferred to \
finish your drink. Dtb
lt:'' , H3b
On the other side, you find yourselfknee-deep
in the Lingering Swamp, greeted by heavy
rain. You grimace and shiver as you trudge
behind Cassandra through the mire, sensing
a strange and ominous presence beyond
the mist. Eventually, you reach the desolate
entrance of a crypt that is overgrown with
swampland moss, its roof full of holes.
Black water seeps from the building,
funneled swiftly towards the river.
You wince as a wave of the oozing
liquid swirls around you, leaking into
your boots.
Just then, you hear the shrill cries
of drakes coming from inside the
I crypt. They seem to have taken up
permanent residence in the gateway.
A memory flashes through your mind for
the briefest of moments. lt is of you, mere
minutes ago, sitting by the warm hearth of
the Sleeping Lion, enjoying your ice cold beer. Section (xl)
\ Ren ding Spitting Pressure Thorns Damage Water (x4) Log Boulder Nest
Drake Drake Plate (xt) (*a) Trap (x2) (^z) (^z) (rz)
l- J#102 m Ie Bazaar of lhotulpil P
I Links: Dimensional Travel
X.equirements: Knowledge is Power (Global)x2 COMPLETE
6oal: Intimidate or persuade 6+C inhabitants without raisin too much suspicion
-.J Introiluction: attempt is successfirl and the inhabitant
A trip to Velcyll Harbor is inevitable. With is removed from the map. Otherwise, the
p*ph, wares, and secrets in the hundreds attempt is a failure and the inhabitant
passing daily through this Orchid capital city, remains, numbered token faceup, for players
surdy you wlll be able to find information to attempt to intimidate or persuade again.
pertinent to your quest. Tiaveling by ship
*ould take too long, so you naturally opt to lf a persuasion check fails, place I damage
rn rneuver through the dimensions again, token next to the round tracker. lf an
intimidation check fails, place 2 damage
Once there, you are overwhelmed by all of tokens instead.
the acrivity. Shops and stands amass on every
corner, and quite the crowd jostles through Damage tokens next to the
the streets. Orchids and Quatryls make up round tracker represent
most of the population, but a few other races the level of suspicion in
can be spotted among them, some unfamiliar Velcyll Harbor aroused by
to vour eyes. players' actions. Ifthe level of
suspicion ever exceeds l2-L,
You quickly realize your fame or infamy won't the scenario is lost.
amount for much in a p'lace so far removed
fiom Gloomhaven. Too few, if any, have heard
your name. lf you want to find out what the Intimiilation/
Orchids know about the time surrounding r
the Upheaval, it may not be as easy as Pprsuasion Ualues :
knocking a few heads. The Orchids guard
Token lntimidation Persuasion
their knowledge carefully, so some amount Shelf (xz) I
Value Value 0
of finesse could be required. Especially since
you don't want to arouse too many suspicions I 4 4
and have everyone clam up.
2 5 3
J 6 2
Speeial Rules:
4 4 J
Shuffle numbered tokens l-7 and place
them facedown on each @; throrghort th" 5 5 5
scenario. These represent important Orchid 6 5 4 Illaps:
inhabitants. Then shuffle numbered tokens
7 6 J Bta
S-tz and place them facedown on each Oi
I B2a
throughout the scenario. These represent 8 3 5
I important Quatryl inhabitants. 9 4 4 B3a
I Fta
lo 3 6 G2b
All inhabitants are neither allies nor enemies
I H3b
I to you. I1 4 5
I 12 5 4
I Arry character adjacent to an inhabitant may
I perform an Attack or Heal ability targeting
the inhabitant to make an intimidation or lagout:
persuasion check, respectively. In either Section [in[s:
case, the character ignores Advantage, all When anv character ooens door:
effects and range values, and draws an attack O r"ri section 03 on page 27.
modifier card, applying its value to the check. @1 ,.^d section 2l on page 32.
Each condition that would be applied, adds +t GII ,""d section ll5 on page 61.
to the result. O/ t""d section 12 on page 29.
O7 """d section log on page g8.
-,-ter calculating the final value of an
'-:imiJation or persuasion check, flip the
token faceup and refer to the Srpnario $oal: ,
::r'e tLr the right. lf the final value exceeds When 6+C inhabitants have been intimidated
:-i necessary value listed in the table, the or persuaded, read section ll4 on page 60. ll
a# 103 I lllhere It Is llpeileil Links: Dimensional Tiavel
[equirements: Knowledge is Power (Global)xz COMPLETE
$oal: Protect the Orchid .rratrt @ until it reaches safety @
Inlroilurtion: as she beckons you through. You suspect that the road to the east as a cloud of dust slowly
Cassandra examines her notes on the Orchid her smile, however, may be hiding a grimace approaches'
caravan that went missing during the early beneath. You decide to trust her judgment -
and step into the portal. Once the Orchids arrive, you greet them
years of Gloomhaven.
"There is no more information to find," she Ail of your senses are overtoaded at once wiy;*.:"J:im;:':i"lii:$tiJ
sighs in fi'ustration. "The only option we have ", you f"ll through an endless abyss. Relief offer to accomPany them, and they warily
left is to experience the events firsthand. Their orrl'y "o-., when-your very being is ripped agree. You don't get much farther down the
departure from Gloomhaven to the Capital is ,prrt, ,"p.r"ted into its billions of base road before the attacks come.
documented, and l surmise they would have components. Strangely, even without ears,
disappeared around here on the map, likely you begin to hear a screaming-a wave of
from raiders. lf we protect them, we can earn madness vibrating through your disparate Sppeial [UlgS :
their trust and learn about whatever it is they parts. The vibratiins get itrongea and your There are no defned monsters for this
were transporting." t.ing corl"sces back in-to a recognizable form scenario. lnstead, players will use the monster
or,""-"grir,. The residues of un infi.,it" pain cards from the Game Variant: Random
You stare at Cassandra dumbfounded as she ".ho t#ough your bones as you emerge from Dungeon Deck, and ^set up each revealed
gathers her belongings and concentrates on the other slde of the rift. room, including the first, as they would set
opening another rift. Her movements are r'"" PP' so-5r of the rule
more intricate, and you can see on her face And the screaming stir persists. you Iook ;:iH:'Hi]1
that the endeavor is causing great strain. lt across the grassy landscape and see Cassandra
takes time, but eventually a small, white at the top-of a ""rrby hiil, crouched with her lnstead of using the entire monster deck, use
-l tear appears in fiont of her, and she works face in her hands, wailing at the top of her only "Corrupted," "Cutthroat," "Drowned,"
towards making it larger. lungs. You race to her aJfast as your newly "Mangy," "Rotting," "Ttibal," "Venomous"'and
I reformed legs will allow, but by the time "Wild'"
I "Time is just another axis to travel upon," she you reach her side, she has collapsed into a
0 says, noticing your quizzical looks. "Given the tremblingheap. The orchid caravan @-,, ."pt"t"tted by a
proper procedures, ofcourse. We need to be
at the correct spot and tap into the right flow ,,rime does not rike to be probed or artered," H::tt;:'J;*::i:Jilf'#'XH;i:
in the fabric. lf we do so, we should end up she whispers. "lt fought back, but I prevailed tyPes. lt acts on initiative 99 each round,
whenwewant to be. Then again, on the other in the end." You notice Cassandra hr. b""o-" p".fotming "Move }l- 2" towards safery @,
axis, we still want to arrive wherewe want to almost entirely transparent, as though she is on tile Mtb, opening doors and springing
be. Hiccups may be unavoidable..." hardly even here. traps if necessary'
The rift is now large enough to enter, and "l'll befine,"shecontinues."ljustneedalittle If theorchidcaravaniskilledthescenariois
Cassandra ,""-, qrrit" pleased with herself time to recover." You sit in silence, watching lost.
Seetion [in[s:
Illaps: When the Orchid caravan O or any
@ ,-@ Cza character opens a door @, opdi the other
Dtb door @ and read section o! on page 2$.
@ \ o o Mtb la-
o Seenario $oal:
o o lagout: When the Orchid caravan reaches safety, read lr-
section 8$ on page $f,.
I o h-
,/ >-
r- 1. o o
ilI)i 1^@ @ *g)
{ E. L-
I a
\ f')
-o ,
Bush (xl) Log (xz)
.# 104 ot ff $apin lllounil Links: Dimensional Travel
Beguiremerts: Knowledge is Power (Global)x2 COMPLETE
6oal: Protect Hail @; until she seals porta,ls On O), @1 and @
-rJ Inrsiluetion: presence of a new rift in jargon
h *ep lnto drc Crooked Bone, you don't quite understand. The Harrower Sun
rA sure what to sp€cL As soon as discussion between the Aesthers lnfester Demon
Crandr? cno&s€s the threshold, lasts for at least a halfhour, and by
-- tlril inrmediate! materializes in the end, fueled by a new problem Lurker
to solve, it almost looks like Hail
has put her animosity aside.
'\ /hat is sie doing here?" The Almost. Spitting
tone in Hail's voice is different Drake
dran arythng you ve heard from A plan is formulated to close the
]rer before. rift. And so, after Hail grabs some
supplies, Cassandra transports
'l am here," Cassandra begins, "to you to the heart of a purple-hued @F
humbly ask for your help, Hail." fissure. At each end, your own
plane gives way to holes peeking at
I The enchantress chuckles at you other realms fi,rll of monsters.
c"r,ically. 'Oh, interesting, you just
lr"ant my help, huh? Thats rich.
Itell me, Cassandra. When you Sperial Rulps :
lask for my help, is that like when Place four numbered tokens as dt
Ithe Scienti6c Collective asked you shown. These represent portals
I for insight into what Bastian was O* @t
' doing up in his lab and you refirsed
to break his confidence? Or is it Hail o, represented I Tieasure
more like after the Upheaval, when by a numrbered Tile (xt)
all of us wanted to work together token, has 6+(zxL) -d
to reverse what Bastian had done hit points. She is Rubble
and you decided to go on some an ally to you and a
mad vision quest instead?" an enemy to all
monster types, She
"l am not denying my responsibility acts on initiative Rock
in what happened," Cassandra says gg each round, ( Column (x3)
softly. "lt has weighed on me for perForming "Move \-
thousands ofyears." Y 3" towards Stalagmites I
I 0
p"rrrt 0 . lf Hail is (rs)
"lt has weighed on all of us for killed, the scenario is lost.
thousands of years! I am crushed
under the weight of your mistakes, tack the number of rounds
and the last thing I want is you throughout the scenario. At the end
here, invading the only thing I have ofevery even round, one monster
left in this world, so please just-" spawns adjacent to a portal in the
order of Q (ur.kers), @ (sun
"The cornrption is not done with Demons), @ (Spitting Diakes),
us yetl" Cassandra pleads. "Hate O, (Harrower lnfesters), repeat. Tg
me if you want, but if you don't @
help us, the destruction that All spawns are normal for two
follows will be on your head, too! characters, Sun Demons and
ln your ange[ you will become Harrower lnfesters are elite for
what you hate." three characters, and all spawns
are elite for four characters. './
lftL"r" is a long silence as Hail Illaps
l*r"" at you, seething. "What do 87
!--- Seetion [in[s:
lpu want?" she asks at last. D2b
When Hail enters portal read \o Krb
I Q;, K2a
t-- ! Cassandra breathes a sigh ofrelief section $2 on page {f,. 2
r , r3
begins to explain the possible
a# 105 u lllon$trosities of a [ult Links: Dimensional Travel
lequifements: Knowledge is Power (Global)xz COMPLETE and Hunting the Hunter (Party) INCOMPLETE
6oal: Kill all enemies
lntfOilUftiOn: cooperate. "t, well, if you must know, I hid blades bellows a series of commands in an
Given your success at the Sekhem Gardens, behind a barrel and watched as an Aesther unfamiliar tongue, then vanishes without a
as you move about the city, inquiring about opened a gateway to a mountainous land. He trace.
the Cult of the Void attacks, people begin led the invaders into our square. Through the
opening up to you. portal, I saw an unfamiliar scene of a forest Speeial lules:
ear a lake." All characters start the scenario with
"They appeared out of nowhere," says a WOUNDO as a scenario effect.
Valrath woman, shaking her head in disbelief Cassandra nrminates on this information
Streaks of tears shine on her face. "They in her sanctum, sitting back to obsenre the lf "Dimensional Equilibrium" (Party) is
struck my brother down and poured a vial flow of dimensional energies. Her forehead incomplete, all Bandit Guards are one level
of liquid over him. I watched his form begin furrows in concentration. When she opens higher than the scenario level, up to a
to twist and turn. Then, he stood and fought her eyes, she begins to speak. "Yes, I can see maximum of 7.
against us-the very people he has known his the Cult of the Void's hideout deep in the
whole life. I tried to stop him, but he lashed Copperneck Mountains. When we travel
out at me, grabbing me by the throat. Were it there, we will face the victims of the assault Seetion linhs:
not for a brave Sawas, I d not be here today." in their new Valrath form. But make no When anv character ooens a door:
pis6l6-$sy are beyond help. Our best Q;, ,""j section o6 on page 28.
Leaving the woman in the arms of her family, course of action is to'lay them to rest." @), r" d section 28 on Page J$.
you locate the Sawas she mentioned. lt tells
you the cultists invading the city were led by Via a planar rift, Cassandra brings you to
Sepnario Boal:
a translucent being. The Sawas then sends a river near Copper Lake. Two cottages
you to the Sanctuary ofthe Great Oak, saying lie on either side of the stream. But as you When all enemies are killed, read section 88
the Head Keeper got a better look at the approach, members of the cult lunge forth, on page gJ.
whole ordeal. emerging from the river and from behind the
many trees.
You find old Athan Tiedan in his quarters,
annoyed at your intrusion but willing to ln the distance, a hulking Aesther with flaming
7 Bandit
I Guard
I Valrath
0 Tiacker
Damage .(
Trap (x6)
Water (xza)
Bush Iagout:
Frl: -)
Log (xl)
t2b L4
Tree (xl) t
t4 I
D# 106 P lllorft Links: Dimensional Tiavel
R.equiremerls: Knorvledge is Power (Global)x2 COMPLETE
- Ioal: Kll] all enemies
Introiluetion: Any erement on a stone pillar cannot be
You take a boat out to the twin lighthouses | = )pra P 3;P..P#"J
orr tfie Finge of Merchant's Bay, listening to :*::11:;l::LT'"':,:Iff l.::xli"" $g" s,
the sailors' many frr-fetched tales about the -,#
towers and how the structures ward off evil Any character adjacent to a stone pillar g;,= .9;,;. *
spirits" Lurkers, and every other manner of with an elemental token on it may spend a B d o/=fo-'
menacing creature an idle mind can conjure free action during their turn to release that on page {J
up. You circle the massive protrusions from element and place its token on the lnert O-o}O=O/O,= iO= )
the sea and can find no obvious entrance, column of the elemental infusion board. O = u"d (Si = ,;d section 67
Released elements may be infused normally. ,1, )
on page 53.
'l told you," the captain ofthe boat chides. "No
man has found a way to enter those things for lfan element is Strong, any character adjacent O= o @,o = )a=
blast could open up a hole, but no one has may spend a free action during their turn to 9= ) on.l @ 1 -,t read scction 9t )
as long as l've been sailing.'Maybe a cannon to a stone pillar with no elemental token on it
ever dared invite whatever misfortune such a suppress that element and place its token on Page 54'
baseless act would bring." the adjacent stone pillar.
"No need for that," Cassandra says, creating a
rift- "We could have done this from the town, Spetion linhs : "?r,,"i9
of course, but being this close to the target When any character opens door:
makes it so much easier." Q7, ."rj section 13 on page 30. Seenario 6oal:
O, read section J! on page Jf,
You arrive in a spacious entrance hall with When all enemies are killed, read section ll6
on page 6t.
illuminated power cables embedded in When the elemental tokens are arranged on
the floor. lnstantly, an ominous foreboding the stone pillars as follows:
overcomes you, possibly due to the six
contraptions installed into the supporting O,(),O ,O= ,O ),
pillars that circle the room. O 2 and ()1 O reatrsection ll6n
page 2$.
"They look like resonators that act to suppress
elemental energies," Cassandra says. "These
are surely Bastian's work. Discovering their
purpose could be a necessary but disastrous
Illaps: lagout
You can't help but also notice a set ofancient {
carvings etched into the far wall: t
I tqxr $/.Ki IrYt/,t\r(Y +\{ {\$.t\Y @ @
Yrlrr[{YrYlt /F/t$$, \rIT UYYX l
tt(xfin ntt\{ x/.nr$ {{{ K/.xtlYIT
{,t {,tllfi.
rl I 0
Hardly a moment later, you spot figures 6
forming from the shadows-yet another
ambush by agents ofcorn:ption.
Speeial lules:
Place all six elemental infusion tokens on 7/
stone pillars O. ,o O "r shown. These Aesther Stone Pillar
stone pillars .rniot be rf,oved or destroyed. Scout (r6)
H ,
t r5
a#107 4 Illeehanieal $enius Links: Dimen.lsn3l Jrsr ei r-r
lequirements: Knowledge is Power (Global)xz COMPLETE
$oal: Kill all enemies
Introilurtion: Speeial[UlpS: Line-of-sight may be drawn such th"t itl
"l asked some ship captains about Bastian's Doors Q; O are locked and cannot be starts and/or ends at the corner of arry wall, I
other facility along the eastern coast," opened Tntil inEructed. Placc a numbered so long as it-does not touch any Part of a wall I
Cassandra says when you meet in your token faceup on each, referencing the layout otherwise along its path'
quarters to discuss your next move. "The below for a complete depiction. Throughout
only thing they are aware of in the area are the scenario, players will be instructed to fliP
Vermlings. No signs of any structures. these tokens over (from facedown to faceup SgetiOn linh$ :
or vice versa). When flipping one facedown, The first time any character reveals tile:
"The facility is underground, of course, but the doorunlocks and can be opened normally. A2a, read section l$ on page Jl.
I suspect it may be completely cut off from When flipped faceup, it closes, locks, and A4b, read section )2 on page ${'
the surface. I can feel a faint energy signature, cannot be opened. lf any 6gure occupies a Lzb, read section {2 onpagef,).
though, even from here. I am sure I can get us door when it closes, they suffer trap damage Lla, read section $6 on page $$'
there using my powers' and move to the closest unoccupied hex not Ala, read section 95 on Page 55'
on tile Ntb. Bzb, read section 126 on page 6J'
"One other thing to note, however, is that the A3b, read section 127 onPage64'
blueprints we uncovered do not show how All unmarked doors can be opened normally.
the many rooms connect to one another. The SegnafiO Boal:
whole thing is just a mess of indecipherable All characters add +z Move!- to all their
scribbles, which is quite odd. Hopefully, we Move actions. The Aesthe, Dirine, may not When all enemies are killed, read section 48
can make some sense of it when we get there." Teleport$, any figure (including herself) on page 4l'
to any hex that cannot be traced back to
I Cassandra concentrates on creating a portal, th" o.igin of the Teleport$, without going
and you step through into a dimly lit, narrow through a wall or closed door.
corridor. The walls are confining and loom
over you, almost as if they are closing in. A
musty air creeps into your nose, bringing
with it the distinct smell of Vermlings.
"This is odd," Cassandra chimes in. "Have
you noticed the floor? There is some magical
aura about it, both empowering and draining.
Our normal movements will be quickened by Illaps:
its energy, but I also feel its tendrils snaking Ata
around me, binding me to this plane. I may Aza
have trouble using some of my abilities.
A4b I
"l think it best not to fret too much about Bzb
it. Let's just head through one ofthese doors Lla
and find this device as quickly as possible." L2b r/
0 lagout:
TI o \ tl
.l v.
l:lr Lta
@ @ I
B @ ,\3tr q Obsidian lron Wall (x6)
ffi@p B:1,
Glass (x6)
a# l0B olo e to lhp Enil Links: Dimensional Thavel
lequiremerls: Knowledge is Power (Global)x2 COMPLETE
6oal: Kill all enemies and loot all treasure tiles
-.-/ Introiluclion:
Casandn opens the first tome given to you by City I
dE hrq l(eeper and begins to read aloud. The Archer
urcrds written on the pages start to glow-a /
ilow drat soon engulfs the room and forms City
images around you. These images spin, and Guard
your vision fades into a swirl of vivid colors,
dre strands of which Cassandra grabs and Human
con&rrses into a circular shape of ethereal Commander
energy. You now stand in darkness before a
temporal gate. Beyond lie the grasslands of Valrath
Stormbrew, where human and Valrath wage a Commander
bloodv war.
'U/ell,l must admit, this process is much easier
when you have a reference manual," Cassandra
savs, ushering you through the portal. "Still, we
have only a limited time in this place." Tiacker
You step onto a battlefield, and lightning
{lashes through the purple-tinted night eky. lt
illuminates a scene of carnage-hundreds of
bodies litter the rolling hills, and still more are
I locked in desperate combat.
I "Everything you see has already occurred, and
I no matter what we affect, tonight is a drop
I of blood in the endless tides of the Demon
lWrr," Casr"ndra explains. "So, our purpose
I is to collect what knowledge we can from the
I opposing commanders, Diamara and Xangroth.
! lf we acquire one of their war diaries, it may
suffice, but both would be better. At any rate,
I let us make sure we don't join the corpses."
Spetion lints: Thorns (xf,)
Before starting the scenario, players must
choose how they will approach it.
Rubble (x6)
[ [mSg): lf they decide to assist the Valraths,
read section {{ on page {O.
B [nofmal): lf they decide to assist the humans, Bush (x3) I
read section 37 on page 37.
C [[aril): lfthey decide to fight both sides, read
section l0l on page 57.
Column (x2)
Boss Sperial l:
The commander summons one normal
monster for two characters or one elite
monster for three or four characters. \ I
naprtit 0
Boss Speeial 2: A4a
,he commander summons one normal
'-:Linster for trvo or three characters, or L3a
..re elite monster for four characters. Tree t7
a# 109 n-4 Epilo ue of a lllar
.K) Links: Dimensional Travel -r-J
lequirements: Knowledge is Power (Global)x2 COMPLETE -)
$oal: Survive for ten rounds and protect the monsters from each other )-l
Introilurtion: "So much easier with a firsthand account," their trap in an adjacent empty hex. -j
Cassandra opens the second tome given Cassandra muses, quickly closing the tome. -)
to you by the lnox Keeper and sighs. "This "But to the matter at hand. There is some lf "Diamara's Aid" (Parry) is complete, do -)
recounts the end ofthe Demon War, where an dark trickery at work, and these soldiers will not place Valrath Sarrg" du.ing ,"tup.
Aesther-my husband, \221s1-inlgrvened soon be at each other's throats. We must Characters may treat all City Guards and IJ
in the conflict." delay them until their commanders return. Archers as allies for Heal and Shield abilities. -)
Then we will find out from them exactly what Place one water tile next to each character I-J
She notices your surprise. "We were married happened to Naaret." mat. Any character may forgo a top action I
before the Upheaval and fought together (discarding one card instead) to place their
against the Gloom. After I was imprisoned, I water tile in an adjacent empty hex.
waited for him to find me and release me, but $peeial lulps:
he never did. Now that I am free, I still do not All Valrath Savages and Trackers are allies to lf 'Angels of Death" (Party) is complete, do
sense him anywhere." each other and enemies to you and all other not place Citv Guard O; ot Valrath Savage
monster types. All City Guards and Archers O d"rl"g setup. Place 6-ne boulder obstacle
Cassandra briefly hesitates. "l am sorry, but are allies to each other and enemies to you nu-*t to each character mat. Any character
this mission is personal. I need to know what and all other monster types. may forgo a top action (discarding one card
happened to Naaret, and his summit with the instead) to place their boulder in an adjacent *)
I commanders of the Demon War is the last A monster will always prioritize focusing empty hex.
I record I have of his activities. We must follow on an enemy monster over a character or
I this thread." character summon when they are the same lf C+t monsters are killed or any character -l
I distance away, regardless of initiative. becomes exhausted, the scenario is lost. rJ
Without further explanation, she begins to -)
read from the book, describing the scene lf "Xangroth s Aid" (Party) is complete. do
separated from their commanders. Your Characters may treat all Va-lrath Savages and Tiack the number of rounds throughout the f
Srpnario Goal:
of two armies lost in a fog, confi:sed and not place City Guard
dr.i.g r"t,rp.
vision goes black, but you can still hear her tackers as allies for Heal and Shield abilities. scenario. At the end of the tenth round, if rJ
hypnotic words. When your vision snaps Place one DISARM$ trap next to each no more than C monsters were killed, read -)
back into focus, you find yourselfin the very character mat. Any character may forgo a top section g8 on page {{. -_--J
fog she was describing. action (discarding one card instead) to place -)
7 -/4 Y
-.: )
( )-l
{ I *)
J. --f
@ --)
,t :)
94 -',^--,
l'l @l / _)
I d )-a
0@@s lltl @O ,/ L3a I
0 )
9 Illaps: H
City City Valrath Valrath Tieasure Rubble (x6) Bush (xz) Mrb
l8 Archer Guard Savage Tracker Tile (xz) Tree xZ
.#ll0 v 9 tireular Solution Links: Dimensional Tiavel
Illriremerls: None
3nl: Kill all named enemies I
-rJ The Valrath Tiacker is Selah Naberis and has
you to the hit points equal to an elite Valrath Tiacler's
Olchid High Cotmcil faracross the Misty Sea regular hit pointvalue. He adds "fa.get@C"
h\rdc,,ll thrbor. Someone named Ashtooth, and "PIERCE€)Io" to all his attacks.
dE lc€p€r of Secrets, is the one most likely
to harc dre Ondrids' accounting and insights The Vermling Shaman is Sraka the Wise and
of dE tirne anound the Upheaval. has CxH/z (rounded up) hit points, where
H is an elite Vermling Shaman's regular hit
Unfortunately, gaining access to the High point value. The value of all her heals are \
Courril is not a simple process, especially doubled, and all CURSE$ and BLESS
for outsiders. lt seems the only way is to conditions she applies are applied twice.
emerge victorious from the fighting pits in Any time she performs a Heal action, if the 7, I
the Colosseum of Refinement. All victors are City Guard is within range and is damaged,
awanded their prize in a special ceremony she will prioritize healing him.
with the members of the council.
The City Guard is The Steel Lion and
When you arrive, the whole thing is more has CxH/z (rounded up) hit points,
formal and composed than you expected. where H is an elite City Guard's FI
The arena is guite clean and the crowds regular hit point value. He adds
almost polite. The first few fights could pass +l to all his Move actions. As long
for cMlized, though they are easily won. as he is alive, all his allies gain
"shield !X", *h"r" X is the shield
Without all the dirt and carnage, you begin value printed on his stat card.
to wonder what the point of this spectacle The first C times he suffers 6
even is, especially given the stoicism of its or more damage from a single \a
organizers. Apparently, Cassandra tells source, he suffers no damage
you, these fights are an artifact of Velcyll instead. All attacks targeting his
absorbing another rebellious sect of Orchids. allies when they are adjacent to
The fights keep the newcomers hrppy. him, target him instead, regardless
of range.
"We may finally get a good battle for once!" r/
one of the organizers says. "Ever since the The Sawas Lavaflow is Uyart lkkuma
Stoneblessed crew showed up, the matches and has CxH/2 (rounded up) hit points,
have been a bit of a disappointment. They where H is an elite Sawas Lavaflow's
just destroy everyone. I hope you're able to regular hit point value. All its summons
put up a good fight!" are e'lite for three or four characters. Any
consume element effects on its ability cards
I Specialflulps: are applied if the element's corresponding I 5 tl
demon is present on the map.
Doors (t) and and cinnot be @
1 Ql.r.locked
onened u-ntil instfircted. Spction [in[.s :
I Track the number of rounds throughout the
I talout: scenario. At the end of the fourth round,
read section l2g on page 6zt.
-{ lllaps
At the end ofthe eighth round, read section :1
-{ lJ{ on page 69. Bzb
1 Sepnario 6oal: Cta
When all four named enemies are killed, c2b
-5 read section '/6 on page l). Mta
@s s@ lI!t OE
I ,
t City Earth Flame Savvas Valrath Vermling Tieasure POISON Stone
Guard Demon Demon Lavaflow Tiacker Shaman Tile (xt) Pillar (x4) l9
a#lll f( I T[e Shaeflps loosen
.lt' Links: Gloomhaven
lequirementS: None
Soal: All characters must an exit
I Intro0uetion: will. lt exists only to kill and destroy. lt will be Track the number ofrounds throughout the
You walk through the New Market at dusk nearly impossible to stop." scenario. At the end ofevery third round, the
after a storm, and Cassandra suddenly stops Husk gains lNVlSlBLEa.
in her tracks, a distressed look on her face. At this, the menacing Aesther once more
erupts into laughter. "Rationalize all you Escape occurs when all characters occupy, or
"lt was inevitable," she sighs. "l knew they want, oath-breaker. I know exactly what I am have become exhausted while occupying, an
would come for us eventually, with all the doing and what I am fighting for. That is what exit @ on tilc Cla. lf any character becomes
troub'le we've been causing. In a way, I guess gives me the power to crush all of you under erh",rs-t"d while not occupying an exit @ ,
I ve been counting on it. Cause and effect, of my boot. Can you say the same? lt seems to the scenario goal below cannot be achieved.
course," me you lack conviction."
Spetion [in[s:
You don't understand what she is saying at "We should perhaps consider running,"
first. There is no evidence anything is out of Cassandra says. This elicits one final bout of The first time any character opens a do"t Q,
the ordinary. But then again, maybe a lack laughter from the Husk. read section 67 onpage47.
of evidence itself is something worth noting.
The streets are eerily quiet, and you can see lf the Husk is ever reduced to t hit point, read
Special lules :
no one moving about. section 66 on page 46.
The elite Aesther Ashblade is the Husk.
Cassandra quickly turns and begins heading It has HxC hit points, where H is an elite
north. "Let's head toward the gatehouse," she Aesther Ashblade's regular hit point value, Srenario Goal:
I When all characters escape, read section gg
says. "We may need some help with this." and is immune to STUN$, DISARIUO
IMMOBILIZEQ, all forced movement. on page 56.
Still half-bewildered, you follow her anyway,
moving swiftly through the empty streets. The Husk cannot be reduced below t hit
Eventually, you see some figures in the point.
darkness ahead, but your relief quickly turns lllaps
to foreboding. These are treacherous foes.
You stop to draw your weapons and a hollow
laughter erupts from behind you.
"Like lambs to the slaughter!" a voice says. 7,
You turn around to see a hulking Aesther I
with flaming knives. "l thought you lot were E-
supposed to be cleverl but now I ve got you
surrounded. All your meddling, your nosing E-
about-it stops here! You've annoyed my
master, witch, and for that you will die, along F
with your consort of fools!" 'o
'A Husk," Cassandra says. 'An empty shell lagout:
filled with nothing but the corruption's evil t+i i
@ @ 1-1
Aesther Aesther Black Night Lr,-
Ashblade Scout l*P Demon
I t'
\ Water Damage DISARMS
(rt) Trap (x2) and CURSE{)
20 Trap (xl)
r tr #ll2 E 6 P Bottom of n Links: Dimensional Travel
r-I leguireuenls: None
lJ Eoal: Direct the beams emitted by altars @ ao fountain or survive for fourteen rounds
- Iutroiluetion: a hand in warning. "Two things. First, l'm except in the case of a mirror, wherein the
Csandm tmfurls the old atlas and points sure it will not surprise you that our lab had beam would continue outward in a 60"
* the central city on the map-the place significant security measures that could still or l8o' angle, relative to its entry point,
u*rere Gloomhaven now stands. 'After I left be active. Second, the prototype will still have depending on the mirror's orientation. To see
R di:n's research project," she explains, "l to be powered up through a carefirl alignment further details and examples of these rules,
Fined another team working on building of energy beams. It will not be easy, but I will read section I2l on page 62.
con&,nsed energy sources. This was our lab. do what I can to assist you."
Mirrors O1 ," @t correspond to the I I
'Not long before the Upheaval, Bastian came pressure plate of the same number. 2
Speeial [ules:
in and took our finished work, but there lf any character ends their turn on a
should still be plenty of prototypes lying Altars @ emit energy beams in the direction pressure plate, they may rotate the
around. The nrins would be deep under the of their stairs along a straight line of hexes. corresponding mirror by 60" or I2o' and/or
Old Docks-normally inaccessible, but that lf the path of any beam is interrupted by a move the corresponding mirror to an emPty
shouldn't be a problem." figure, obstacle, or wall, it does not continue, hex adjacent to its current position.
Cassandra creates a portal, but holds up
Seenario $oal:
When all four beam emitted by
u altars o have an unrblocked
path to fountatn a
read section 130 on
I Page
Tiack the number of rounds
throughout the scenario.
At the end of the fourteenth
\. round, read section 69 on page
t +7
@ l__l a
D2a /
@CI #CIc@@ee
) -,.,,--ts Stone Pressure Damage and STUN@ and AItar Fountain Mirror Stone
l-i-es Golem Plate (x6) IMMOBILIZEQ lorsoNQ, (*a) (*t) (*6) Pillar (x{
a I 2l
E# ll3 H 6 The lost Thrpail
t Links: Dimensional Travel
lequirements: None
Doal: D four seals @ and Naaret
Introiluetion: hovering in the darkness, as well as a pair Dark corridor. @7 O, ,"d @ are portals
"First, we must travel to the location where of tunnels leading away from the room, but to different locations-on the map. Portals
Naaret was abducted." Cassandra seems to be there are no signs ofany seals. @7 connect tiles Dzb and L3b, portals O.
talking to herself more than anyone else. "Of co-nn""t tiles Dzb and L2a, and portals @,
course, it would be easier if we could study You move to investigate, but a loud clanking connect tiles Lza and L3b. All non-adjacent
the site around the time of the incident, but noise echoing from one of the tunnels gives portal hexes sharing the same identifier (e.g.,
given a lack offirsthand accounts, that would you pause. You are not alone in here. A giant O, O,or (O/ arc considered adjacent tbr
I prove too risky." machine covered with crystalline plating th6 puftoses of movement and finding focus
and various steel armaments emerges from but not for line-of-sight.
She paces back and forth in thought, and the dark. lt looks deadly and invincible and
then suddenly opens a rift in front of herself determined to keep its prisoner exactly where The Stone Golem is the Warden. lt cannot be
and steps through. You follow quickly behind. he is. damaged in any way.
"There still should be enough of a trail
through the planar barriers to get an idea of Speeial [ulps : Seetion lints:
where he was taken," she continues. "lt was Seals @ have 5xC hit points. Any seal at or The first time any character reveals tile:
so long ago, but time is just another axis to beyond the threshold of having 5, lo, or 15 ]tb, read section 94 on page 55.
gaze across." damage tokens on it cannot suffer damage J2b, read section 6O on page {zt.
from any source until all other seals have at L2a, read section Io8 on page $$.
She stares ahead in silence for a long while, as least the same multiple of 5 damage tokens L3b, read section fo on page J$.
if watching a performance that is not there. on them.
'Yes! I see the threads now. And there, could
it be? I would recognize Naaret's energy Naaret @., .ept"t"nted by a numbered Sepnario $oal:
anywhere, but it seems faint and damaged. I token, hai-4+(2xL) hit points. He is an ally When all seals are destroyed, read section Il7
must move quickly!" to you and an enemy to all monster types. on page 6I.
He has an initiative of 5o for the purpose
Cassandra reaches out towards where her of monster focusing. lf Naaret is killed, the
eyes are fixed and grabs at the fabric of space, scenario is lost.
ripping a hole through to another plane. The
process seems more violent than usual, and
you can see a strange intensity in her eyes. t a
Still without acknowledging your presence, lagout:
she steps through the tear and you follow
close behind.
You find yourselfsurrounded by cavern walls, ] r Jrb
but as you turn your gaze to the ceiling, you
1 D
see there is none. You are looking at a sky
I filled with various streaks of colors beneath ,
clusters ofstars. /
Cassandra rushes to a male Aesther in the
center of the room, suspended unconscious Lza lzb
in mid-air by chains of clear crystal interlaced
with a cold, white light.
"Tiapped in this plane of endless suffering
for hundreds of years..." she whispers. "The IIlaps
monsters who did this will pay, but we must
first release him from these horrific bonds.
They are drawing their energy from four seals
spread throughout this place. Find them!"
Stone Crystal Stalagmites Dark
Startled by her assertive demeanor, you Golem (^z) (rl) Corridor (x2)
ook around the room and see two porta ls
*ll4r n[ Ilot ]et IlrU Links: Gloomhaven
Iequiremettls: None
6oal: Protect Hail (O until she reaches cabinet (D
-.J Introiluetion: she'll just come to you? Now we can kill you Hail @., represented by a numbered token,
This is odd,' Cassandra says as you appear all at the same time." has 4+(zxl) hit points. She is an ally to you
rr the street outside the Crooked Bone. "My and an enemy to all monster types. She acts
interrtion was to teleport directly inside. How "Blasted puppets!" Hail growls. "We need to on initiative 99 each round, performing
could rny calculations have been offon such get to my storage closet. Follow me!" "Move Y 2" towards cabinet O, opening
a dce iourne-y?' doors and springing traps if neceisary. lf Hail
is killed, the scenario is lost.
She fust shakes her head in annoyance and $perial Rules:
nms inside the building, calling out for Hail. All characters start the scenario with
POISONO as a scenario effect. Spetion [in[s:
'What is the meaning of-" An hate Hail When any character or Hail open, doo, Q ,
app€ars, but seeing Cassandra's erpression, During the first two rounds, the initiative read section l/ on page Jl.
her own immediately changes. values of all monsters are considered to lower
than the values on their ability cards.
$epnario $oal:
We need to get you out of here," Cassandra
xplains. "The agents of corn:ption will be All Aesther Scouts and Ashblades are immune When Hail ends her turn adjacent to cabinet
rere anv second-" She makes the motions to to all forced movement. @ , r""d section !8 on page !6. I
reate a portal. but nothing happens. 4
'Looks like they may have aheady an'ived,"
Hail says dryly. "You haw any other ideas?"
You move toward the door, but even that
seems to be barred from the outside. -------:-I
-Well, rvell. looks like you lot are trapped." A Illaps
sinister voice emerges Fom the other side of
the room. "Wtry hunt down the witch, when
) Ita
c o
Aesther Aesther I
Ashblade Scout
o I I T
Wind Rubble Stairs Barrel Crate Stone Shelf Table
Demon (xr) (rz) (*3) (rz) Pillar (xz) (rt) (r+)
r 2X
a# ll5 [.1 o future llneerlarn
.K' Links: Dimensional Tiavel
leguirementS: None
6oal: Kill the Manifestation of Corru on
Inlroilurtion: you is an ever-shifting mess of floating rock, A, if 'A Circular Solution (tto)" is complete;
There are still many things you could do interrupted in some places by colorless, B, if "The Shackles Loosen Qtt)" is complete;
to better prepare for this journey, but the glowing embers. C, if "The Bottom of tt (tz)" is complete; D,
corruption grows more dangerous and bold if "The Lost Thread (lS)" is complete. Shuffle
every day. You will not be able to surryive Then, just like in the image you saw, a mass of the remaining cards into a facedown pile.
its onslaught forever; and it is best to strike dark energy begins to grow in the middle of
quickly, before it grows further in power. lt is your group. As soon as you lock eyes upon it, At the start of every round, the Manifestation
time to cut this evil out by the roots. you can feel it clawing at your mind, bending of Corruption plays its top two cards
your will to its own. You fight back, and the facedown and reveals them normally, using
Cassandra begins the ritual, speaking in a psychic force is reduced to just a constant the 6rst as its lead card for initiative. During
strained voice as she performs gestures more throbbing pain at the base ofyour skull. its turn, it performs the bottom action of the
complicated than any you have seen before. first card, then the top action ofthe second.
"l have found where the corruption hides-a You draw your weapons to attack, but it
realm of pure malicious in1gn1-!ut that sends out a wave of hateful energy, knocking lf the Manifestation of Corruption has fewer
does not mean getting there will be easy. lt you backward. than two cards in its deck at the end of any
no doubt knows we are coming and will do round, it will perform a short rest, losing one
ill whatever it can to stop us." "Your defiance is meaninglessl" A malignant random level o card from its discard pile and
thought reaches through your skull and
shuffling the remaining discards into a new
Chaotic lines sprout from Cassandra's hands rattles your brain, forcing you to your knees. facedown pile, below any card that may still
as she moves, dancing and wrapping together AII around you rifts appear, bringing forth be in its deck.
to form an image in front of you-an image corrupted Aesthers and Valraths to aid in the
ofthe dark plane you seek. fight. "Look upon my endless servantsl They lf the Aesther Diviner is adjacent to altars
know what is inevitablel They serue because O7 or O, she may tbrgo a top action
I "The corruption will use every trick it has to they understand there is no other option!" (d-iscarding- one card instead) to place g
destroy your flesh and spirit. My protections damage tokens on it.
should shield you from the worst of it, but its The corn:pted manifestation continues
power is immense. We cannot give in!" Dark to grow, splalng out a chaotic jumble of Tiack the number ofrounds throughout the
tendrils gather in the center of the image and tendrils. They begin to shoot through the scenario. At the start ofevery round, remove
begin to slowly spread out. planes, pulling back crystal shards that it one damage token Fom each altar q and
feeds into its black heart. The shards contain o (or 2 damage tokens at the start
"lf we can subdue it, the corruption will most images of various creatures, a'l'l screaming the eleventh round). The Manifestation
definitely attempt to escape, so my primary and wailing, their faces each a mask of deep Corruption heals C/z hit points (rounded
concern will be to anchor it, separating the suffering. down) for each damage token removed.
entire plane from the interdimensional void
and its energy. With any luck, this will also "lt is gathering the power it has stored across At the end ofboth the fifth and tenth rounds,
lessen its power." The tendrils begin to claw the infinite realms!" Cassandra cries. "We spawr one Valrath Savage and Tracker at @.
at the edges of the image, reaching beyond it must strike now! Show this thing there is an if altar @, hut no damage tokens on it, and
into your plane. With a primal yell, Cassandra alternative to its corruptscl fir1u1s-6 fir1u1g tlrree Black lmps at @, if ultr. @, hur no
swipes at the shadowy fingers, sending them forged ofsteel and spells and blood!" damage tokens on it. All spawns ar-e normal
back through the portal with a powerful for two characters, Valrath Savages and one
pulse ofenergy. Black lmp per spawning are elite for three
Seelion linhs: characters, and all spawns are elite for four
"The time has come," she says. "Now we must Read section 2O on page 32 for the scenario characters.
act." The image expands, enveloping you and maP.
sending you cascading through the void. The Manifestation of Corruption cannot be
You can see, far ahead, your destination, but Speeial lulps: reduced below t hit point unless both altars
you feel the pull of an evil force, relentlessly Add three CURSE{) cards to each character's @ have at least one damage token
attempting to cast you into the endless attack modifier deck as a scenario effect. .9;*
abyss. You resist with all of your will and
are thankfully able to land safely at your Open envelope 0. At the end of the fifteenth round, if the
destination. Manifestation of Cornrption has not been
The Manifestation of Corruption does not killed, the scenario is lost.
You find yourself on a blackened landscape use the boss monster ability deck. lnstead, it
filled with apparitions that pulsate in a uses its own deck of ability cards found in
sickening blue light. The ground beneath this envelope. To build this deck, remove all Seenario Boal:
\ cards with a level higher than the scenario When the Manifestation of Corruption
level, plus the following legendary cards: killed, read section 5l on page 42.
2q I
tr9. t of thp Inpuita0lp Links: None
lequiremells: Diviner level 5
6oa} Unknown
I htroiluetion: from your hand (or two from your discard The elite Earth Demon has Hx3 hit points,
lTlE bool recowred Fom the Library of pile) to negate the damage. lf any rift is where H is an elite Earth Demon's regular hit
lr*- has givcn you much to think abouu lt destroyed, the scenario is lost. point value.
Itelb of an ancient place oFmeditation to the
I that is said to bring visitors great peace. You cannot place any more rift tokens.
"ast Any time you would place one, move a rift Spetion [in[s:
lCaining insight into the frrture does not currently on the map to the target hex When you open door $ , t""d section 2g
lcome just through knowledge but also instead. This rift retains any damage it has on page J$.
lcareful thought, and with all of the turmoil suffered. A rift cannot occupy the same hex
lhappening, it would be nice to find a quiet as another rift. Scpnario Doal:
lplace to think on occasion.
lf any monster enters a hex containing a rift The scenario goal is unknown at this point.
So on an uneventfirl day of studying tomes, token, or vice versa, that monster suffers 3
you travel there by yourself, hoping that this damage. Otherwise, all monsters cannot be
lspot will bring you some calm. damaged in any way.
lebout an hour into your study, howevex
la piercing pain in your head causes you to
llose focus. Something is attacking your mind
lhom bevond this plane. The torment grows
lsteadilv worse, and the only thing you can {
I think to do is open rifts around you, creating
makeshift wards against the psychic assault. L
The wards seem to fr.rnction well enough, and
with your mind back Fom the brink of chaos,
you surmise this is the work of some dark Illaps:
force, taking an opportunity to attack while
you are vulnerable. Gta
uzb )---=-1
Your thoughts race, but you are not sure L3a o
how to get out of this situation. So much of Mrb )
vour energy is being put into maintaining \-
the wards, vou cannot create a portal to t*
i -<
l.t.rp" this place, and if you were to drop the O, E
you wouldn't have the concentration @
necessary to create the portal, anyway.
As you are thinking things through, a
rumbling further complicates the issue. From
the ground in front of you, a massive earthen
creature of malicious intent rises, and nearby,
VaFaths-clearly agents of evil-gate into
vour plane as well. Without a better plan,
your only option is to run. Earth Valrath Thorns Log (xt)
Demon Savage (rz)
I Speciallulps:
|fi"." or," rih token at each @. th"r" fr
lhare f -L hit points and are immune to all -
l conditiorr. Thev are considered allies to you t
er,e-ies to all monster types, brt -"y
lstill be moved through normally. Any rift
lwithin three hexes of ,vou cannot be focused - J
lon or damaged in any way. Anv time a rift ,
hrould suffer damage, vou mav lose one card
J 25
rfiffi the Stars Links: None --
[equirempnts: Boldness
GoaL Reach the of the tower and kill all enemies
lf any character is exhausted, the scenario is -J
Inlroilurtion: SUeeial [ules:
You stand before a magnificent tower, This scenario can only be attempted once, lost. -J
stretching upwards as far as you can see. The then it is locked forever to all parties.
top-if there is one-is obscured by clouds. Sertion [in[s: '_l
ln front of you are two massive, black doors Throughout the scenario, only once all When all characters have ascended stairs
with no obvious means to open them. You monsters in a room are killed, may characters Q7, r"-ore everything from the map and 4
attempt to push hard against them, but as ascend to the next room by ending their turn reid section 47 on pa+e 41.
soon as you make contact, a ripple of light on a numbered stairs (".g., 0, @, etc.). -J
spreads away from where you touched, Remove their figure and any summons they
creating an elegant white writing as it moves. own from the map. Do not alter their current $renario $oal: a
hit point value, experience points, conditions, When all characters reach the top of the
"Before there was order to the world, or cards in any way. For now, they cannot tower and all enemies are killed, read section -J
everyone was their own mastel" the writing perform any abilities and are no longer 6g on page {6.
reads, then fades away to be replaced by considered to have a turn. -J
more words. "Elham spent his days traveling
the realm, admiring the great beauty of t-l
everything around him-the flowers, the -J
sparkling gems, the majestic animals, and r-l
most of all, the people. Not wanting the -J
beauty to fade, Elham created what you see
before you-a place to house and preserve
-r! all that was pleasing to him."
As the last of the words recede, there is a
E rumbling, and the two doors slowly swing r-l
E =
€ open. You hesitate briefly. The size of the
E t-/l
tower is imposing, and you have no idea what
awaits you inside. But you have come for --)
adventure, and so you step forward into the -J
You enter a dimly lit room filled with statues -)
of armed humans alongside their hounds )-J
and ancient cannons. You notice how lifelike -)
the figures look, and then one ofthe hounds t .-l
suddenly shakes. Like dust, its coating ofclay T I -)
flies from its fur. All around you, the other .J
statues begin to stir as well.
Illaps -_J
Nrb )-a
Ancient City City Hound Damage Stairs Stone Wall Section _)
Artillery Archer Guard Trap (xa) (rl) Pillar (xz) (rz) 4
\ .T
ends her turn adjacent to the altar, it is
$petion 0l destroyed. When the altar is destroyed, no Sertion 02 :
Flame Demon is spawned in the rounds in
Uokanie lllastelanil : which a Flame Demon would be spawned. Proceed to section gO on page {2
"There js an altar through each of those
riftsl the \esther calls out to vou. "They No figure can Teleport$ into or out ofthis
must be destq/ed to stop more demons room. Spetion 03
Fom coming through.'
Sapphire's lllinerg :
Asyou step dcer,lou notice a heat radiating
You step into a finely decorated winery and
from dre portal. lts swirling, colorful surface are greeted by a friendly female Orchid.
do* not allow 1ou to see what lies on the "Welcome to my humble establishment! We
odr.r dde- B?cing for the worst, you step carry wines fiom the world over and grace
druryh. your tongues with only the finest tastes.
We even have some very fine Valrath black
The nearly unbearable temperature almost
ftom the Red Desert. ls there something in
knocks you offyour feet. Around you is an particular you are looking for?"
inferno of demons and molten rock. Through
t}e smoke, you spot an altar not far away. Purchasing some of her stock may make it
A red sphere rests atop it, and within the
Flame Hot Coals easier to get the information you require.
sphere, you notice drifting, black swirls.
I c' Sppeial Rulps:
Sperial lulps:
The Altar of Wildfire (O; t,ur C+L+t hit Any character attempting to persuade the
Orchid nrerchant
spend 5 gold to
@ -uy
points and Shield l! z. lf the Aesther Diviner Dark Altar lowcr lrer persuasion value by I for the
Corridor (xt) (rt)
current check before flipping an attack
modifier card.
Section 04 Speeial [ules:
open door O; (if closed).
Barge fttlaze : hi' @
As you board the Orchid ship, you see your As long as ship (D; h"r less than 12 damage
a pack of lowlifes rummaging through the tokens, "rry "h"."-"t", adjacent to uble @7
cargo, looking for books, scrolls, or the like. may perform a Loot action or forgo a bottom
Anything found is immediately thrown into action (discarding one card instead) to save
the fire. Clearly, someone hired them to the Record ofAccounts.
commit this horrendous act.
Any character adjacent to hot "orlr @7
may forgo a- top action (discarding one
card instead) and remove a bucket of water
from their character mat to discard 8-C
C damage tokens from ship @.
Bandit 7ta a- ,/-
Barrel Shelf
('3) (*t)
Guard Sertion 05
Illouing lllalls :
u Speeial lules:
Flip over the numbered tokens on doors
Spitting @;' O, O, and @.
Drake Move the iron walls as follows:
o @ to rro.ition O.
S- to poritior, l)..
to position
Hot Coals Stairs Stone Pillar Table Alf others to fieir original
(r+) (rz) (rt) (*z) (rt) positions.
/ Seetion 06 Speeial lules:
Open both doot. Q.
l{pnnpl of Things :
From behind the door of the northern All Hounds are Wolf-Viper Abominations.
cabin, you hear guttural growls and They have H+3 hit points, where H is a
hissing noises that warn of impending Hound's regular hit point value.
danger. When you enter, you recoil at the
stench. You're greeted by an angry crowd lnstead of using all the Hound ability E
of slithering creatures baring jagged fangs cards, use only those with initiative
and covered in fr:r. values of 06, 72, and one of each t9
and 26. Shuffle these together with the
By the look of it, Valraths were not the Giant Viper ability cards with initiative
only thing these cultists experimented values of 4, 58, and one of each 32
on-you now face a vile pack of and 43. All references to Hounds
abominations. The beasts you see before or Giant Vipers apply to Wolf-Viper
you are held back by heavy leashes. They Abominations.
were genetically spliced together from
vipers and wo'lves.
Unimpressed by your intrusion, their s I
handlers snap loose the chains, setting ffir
the creatures upon you as they raise their
Bandit Hound Valrath Tieasure Barrel Shelf
Guard I racker Tile (xl) (rz) (*r)
past and present collapse on themselves- l#. U -Il it +'- Ir ri
Section 07
cause and effect, again and again!" t+ ;; *-u J n -d ,:d.
Fql ."+. lF .,1| -+ 'H
[onrlusion $7) t F-+ ;; P-- ;rj Fr- -+
lWith th" last of the necessary documents She suddenly breaks from the trance and FEL_ trt. .l-tr-. .-T. -]r- H *
+t ..T- l-+ +L' \r +1,
in hand, you follow Cassandra back to her stares at you with purpose. "Too much to do 14 -E'. .lt .Ft: .+. ./L .u F
gateway. She immediately gets lost in the time! These documents don't paint the whole + f . tsl F -EF
sanctum through another mind-bending at once. Too many places to be at the same
.) .!r,
'.E r r rr.r
in _i
literature, leaving you with nothing to do but picture. I need more to plan a course of action. H, _,+ tl Hl. . Jr fF-.
'ffi- '--ri
wait. At least the expanse ofstars around you We need newer texts from the Orchid society iJ dj Fr- -
. t-El-. r+ .'1. . lI Y. l-P -F
(@. g,rt lrr -+F
offers plenty to ponder. at the same time, I have concerns ttt il,E[#
Yo,rt th" lasting effects the Void may have +
While reading, Cassandra falls into a deep had on the citizJns of Gloomhav"n @. rh" Ilptu [oralions:
trance, occasionally making cryptic utterances atlas did allow me to pinpoint one location
to herself "Duplicate the experiment to bring of Bastian's work on tlre rift device @. And Past in Flames @ {o-ts),
forth unspeakable horrors-circles within possibly related, I have recendy heard rumors
circles within circles, without 6 s6lu1i6n- of a tainted crypt that may hold more clues Qte-'01,
spinning back and forth, letters over letters @" Shifting Cears (ot) (E-9),
on stone walls-shrouded in a black veil, Shrouded Crypt@ (K-9)
poisoning their minds-setting ablaze their Cassandra slips a loose piece of paper from
most precious possessions-far and wide the folds of the atlas and hands it to you. ftpuarils:
we must search for more answers-fiunlscl "There is also this, written by Bastian himself
through the city, through the planes, through in some sort of language I am not familiar to gold each
time-caged, robbed of his voice, left 16 1s1- with. Maybe with time it could prove usefirl." Add City Events 88, 89,
and 9o to the deck
lnstead of dying, the red tone of her skin Speeial lulps:
Section 08 deepens. Her horns grow prominently from Place one elite Valrath Savage in the hex of
her head, and her whipping tail sprouts the civilian that was just killed. From now
fl t ife Taften, a t ifp Eiuen : spines at the tip. Her eyes open, imbued on, any time a civilian @-, is killed, replace
Regrettably, your aid comes too late for one with ferocity. She leaps to her feet in a them with one normal Valrath Savage.
of the civilians, and you watch while she completely feral state, ready to tear aPart
is mercilessly cut down before you. ln her anything in her way. Valrath Savages do not activate until the
final moments, one of the cultists produces round following their appearance. They
a vial of red liquid and pours the contents "l have not seen such features in a Valrath are enemies to you and allies to all other
over her. The fluid mixes with her blood since the Demon War!" Cassandra cries. monster types.
and her bodv. "Whatever is in those vials, it is bringing Valrath
back their original savagery instilled by the Savage
2sL GIoom!"
7 \ I
< Seetion 09 Treasure Spetion l0
[rossing a Strpam: Tile (xt) Illouing lllalls :
Tte caravan keeps a $"rel I I o Water The plate depresses easily, and at first,
pae 6 it advances down (,.s) you think perhaps it does nothing at all.
dre road. You stay close, @l It's possible all these little twigs have
dfoptuhng attaclers one Bush clogged up the underlying mechanisms.
afu drc odrer. Up ahead, ) But then the floor suddenly rumbles, and
) Gr) the loud sound of metal scraping against
)ur +ota srnall ributary of
dE Serpords Kiss River-a stone emanates from the main hall. Once
loc*bn read;rmade for an o Stump the cacophony subsides, you look through
amhdr- And sure enough, the door to see a vastly different scene
than the one you left. The positions of the
rrrcre highwaymen leap out,
iron walls have changed, opening up new
surrounding pur position. o passageways and closing offothers.
In the chaos, you try to get o
a peek at what is inside o, "Oh my," Cassandra muses. "This could
the cararran wagon, but an get complicated. Perhaps it might be
imposing Orchid blocks your view "We do o \ prudent to take some notes."
appreciate all your help," she says. "But be
warned that we will protect our cargo from €l Sperial lulps:
any agent, fi-iend or foe. Step back or you (
will be crushed with the rest of this rabble." Flip over the numbered tokens on doors
o (D @t -$t,O1,a"d @r'
Speeial Bulps: @, Move the iron walls as follows:
Gt) to position Ol.
Respawn any two monsters (if able) in the
@ to po.ition @.
previous room. These spawns must be
@; to position @;.
normal for two or three characters, or one Seetion [in[s:
normal and one elite for four characters. 6il; to position @.
When the Orchid Caravan O or arry AIT'others to theiioriginal positions.
character opens a door Q, opei thu other
doo. @ and read section 53 on page 43. $eetion ll
ftTpar in thp fabrir :
Seetion 12 lf any character without INVISIBLE| loots Arranging the last element into one of the
the treasure tile in this room, place 2 damage
0ililitips anilTrintpls: resonators, you notice all six start to glow
tokens next to the round tracker.
blue and hum at the same low frequency.
-= You are intrigued by this little shop on the The air begins to crackle and sparks jolt
corner and the tree sprouting through its
across the room erratically. You watch as
roof You step in the triangular door and find conduits in the floor absorb the energy
= the whole building has been constructed ol and guide it to a centralized point where
around this tree trunk-multiple planks
a pattern emerges. Over these enigmatic
= attach to it, forming ladders up to platforms markings, a projection of light arises.
storing heaps ofgadgets and trinkets.
It looks like a window into a foreign
'\h, come in, come in!" A disheveled Quatryl
dressed in a patchwork rug greets you. "lt's dimension. For some reason, yout gaze
is drawn to some earthen pots bound by
great to see new faces in here. Take your
ethereal chains. One sits on a shelf in an
time to marvel at my collection! I barter for old decrepit shack, a second is buried in
oddities from all corners ef 1lg \/erld-sns
a heap oftreasure, and the third lays next
man s trash is another man's treasure!" He
to a sarcophagus in an old tomb. But the
nicks up a small box and winds up a crank image then blurs and odd runes begin to
on the side. lt begins to play a wonderful form out of a black smoke. They read:
melodr. e lHt
Spprial[ulps: "The protectors of the faith led their
\n) character adjacent to the Quatryl Stairs Treasure marvelous creations to a war in the north.
The opposition held a guide to the ancient
me.chanr Q mav bu' anv number of (rz) Tile (xl) teachings in a bejeweled hand."
reputation apply as normal). Orchid and $ier Tree (xl)
available small items rvith a cost of 2o or
more gold from the shop (modifiers for
Quatryl characters receive an additional Bush Cabinet #*ffilffi
discount of5 gold on each item they buy.
(*t) (*t) CURSE
u $eetion l3 You move to get a better view of the
writing, but the statue suddenly comes
to life, channeling power from the altars.
Shrine of ftshtar:
Additionally, some defensive mechanisms
You enter what appears to be a small place power up around it.
of worship for an ancient god of revelry
community, and rejuvenation-Ashtar.
lntricate depictions of bonfi res and festivities Speeial flulps:
decorate two great altars at the back of the The Sawas Lavaflow is the Avatar of
room, each of which is inlaid with massive Ashtar.
elemental gemstones. However, a large
statue ofthe god blocks your access, its arms
outstretched toward the two walls flanking
it. Looking closer, you notice glyphs carved if
into the stone where the statue points. fl;H#*g";tr{r#'h
$YrnV {l(Y (xY\{r$Y u^rlt
>\rTrYx txYY \{ ,{{r, 4{n
$\rmzrqr \4YXKYF( IIY\firJ {l(Y
,\{/-x\F uq^Act.
Ancient Earth Flame Sawas Rubble AItar Wall
Artillery Demon Demon Lavaflow (rz) (rz) Section (x2)
Sperial [ules:
Spction 14
From now on, use stone pillar @ as the
The floor llloups : center of a circle around which tile Fta
You step on the floor switch, and the will rotate. Rotate tile Fla clockwise and
machinery below you immediately place tile Dla as shown. Open doorc Q.
kicks into gear. You can hear an engine r-t
powering up and water rushing through When any character ends their turn on
nearby pipes. lt almost sounds like the pressure plate @,, remove it from the =
thing is starting 1s hsa1fis-first slowly, map. and rrcmovd one numbered token
but now growing to a rapid pace. next to the round tracker.
The floor shifts under your feet. Scraping Spetion [in[,s:
and screeching-the sound of stone upon
Number Pressure Pressure
ms13l-gsfi.es through the chamber.
of tokens plate @, plate @
You feel the room rotate around the
central glass cylinder and then lock into 4 50 on 46 on
place before the machinery finally quiets page 42 page 40
down to a hum once again. 3 39 on 71 on
page f,8 page z[8
The glyphs on the wall blink and shift ) I
as a stern, mechanical voice begins to
speak. "You put things in motion that
you cannot bring to an end. Each gear
is needed to set you on the correct
path. Like a pendulum, you must swing
forward and backward at the same pace
to reach a standstill right back here."
Living Stone Tieasure Pressure Damage Water Boulder
Spirit Golem Tile (x2) Plate (xt) Trap (xz) (r3) (rt)
Sarcophagus (x2)
Seetion l5 Sprtion linhs: Seetion 16 \
\\/henever any character ends their turn on 1
Trash llump : pressure plrt" @ while there are no other [onrlusion [99) :
A Yil€ *ench of qcrement and rotten characters on tile Ntb, read section 3l on Thanks to your efforts, lives were saved
leftowrs rvashes ovrr you as you open the in the gardens, but it becomes clear soon
&or- Gnaurcd bones and other foul garbage enough that this was not an isolated incident.
lirter drc Roor; and t}e walls are riddled with Cassandra failed to predict the extent ofthe
hoks. You begin to wade through the refi,rse, corruption, as Valraths were attacked and
u*rsr a number of Vermlings emerge from converted to savagery all across the city.
sorrre of the larger of these holes, intent on
dcftnding this trash pile with their lives. Luckily, the insignia on the cultists' robes is i
familiar to a few of the survivors. Apparently,
this is the doing of a recently formed "Cult
Sperial lulps: of the Void". After a little digging, you 6nd
AII hqes in this room are considered difficultr a lead that may point to their location (8.
E e events. "This took a much darker turn than
terrain. Whenever any character elrters a hex
in this room, they gain POISONO. Cassandra is still visibly shaken by the
Vermling Vermling Plate (xt) I'd foreseen. Not only are they recreating the
Gloom's work, but the strength the cult was
able to wield across the city-l fear they
tr Seetion 17 may be drawing their power from a new
tear between the planes. I think it is time to
Special f,ules:
tseape is llor so Eass , TlP,,:"ff;i*ft:;n::'#i}: consult Hail about the possibility." You look
at her quizzically. She takes in a deep breath.
-Cursed "Yes, Hail and I are...familiar. Let's head to the
Crooked Bone soon (8."
mongrels!" Hail cries as a dagger gains POISOruQ. from now on, instead of
flies into her shoulder. She stumbles forward, performing "MoveYz" during her turn, she
a mix of blood and green poison oozing from only performs "MoveYr" and is unaffected Ileu [oralions:
her wound by difficult terrain.
A Gaping Wound @ 0 Sl
"The device I need is on top of that Monstrosities of a Cuti@ (e-ro)
cabinet," she grunts, nodding toward
the corner ofthe storage room because
$lobal flrhipupmpnl:
she cannot raise her arm. She continues
moving, determined not to die here. ) Knowledge is Power I
(lf this is the second "Knowledge is
The distance is not large, but Power" achievement gained, read
betr,rrcen you and the cabinet section Z7 onpage34)
stand yet more foes and traps, @ cCIe
as if they had anticipated your
every move. X.puarils:
Aesther Aesther Wind Damage Cabinet H
t-a Ashblade Scout Demon Trap (xz) (*t)
11 Section l8 It doesn't take long at all to realize you are
being poisoned, even before your throat
Torie fumes : tightens and your eyes start to bleed. You
$ection 19
Arranging the last element into one of try to cover your mouth and nose with cloth
the resonators, you immediately notice but to no avail. A dreaded feeling overtakes
Illouing lllalls :
something is amiss. The configuration of you-escape or suffocate.
Sperial lules:
the elements in relation to each other seems
Flip over the numbered tokens on doors
correct, but t}eir overall placement is not.
Speeial [ulps: Ol @'O-yu"d @,'
The glowing conduits in the floor quickly
blink out, casring Lhe room into darkness. All figures gain permanent MUDDLE$.
Move the iron walls as follows:
PO|SONC,, and WOUNDO. These
@ to positior' @.
Soon after, a stream of reddish energy flows corrditions cannot be removed in any way.
@ to position @.
back*,ards fiom the center of the room to Heal actions targeting any affected figure do
@ to position Q.
the resonators. All six pillars reveal small not increase their current hit point value.
AII others to their original positions.
hidden nozzles that begin spewing a peculiar
green gas.
Seetion 20
Planp of [orruption:
@ s C $
Aesther Aesther Black Manifestation o
Ashblade Scout '-'ffi"-b
"u.-"ui (xtz) Dzb
Valrath Valrath Treasure Hot Coals lllaps,
Altar Obsidian
(^z) Glass (x4)
Seetion 2l Speeial [UlpS ! dockworker Q, -,r..lower his intimidation
All hotes in this room are considered dlfficult value by t for ihe current check. lf this check
Uisrhargo lllarphousp : terrain. fails, place I additional damage token next to
Your entry to this building is impeded by the the round tracker.
departure of several busy Quatryl workers Any lnox, Valrath, or Harrower character
using mechanica'l carts to transPort loads of attempting to intimidate the Quatryl
heavy boxes. lt appears they are distributing
various ship cargo to the shops in town. You
thought the streets outside were bustling,
but it's even more crowded in here. Ships
are either being loaded or unloaded, so the
warehouse staff keeps a constant pace of
transporting and inventorying crates. -
A chief stands out in 1ls 616r /l-an Orchid
issuing precise commands to all of the
numerous workers. Currently, the chief is
yelling at a particularly timid Quatryl worker
who doesn't seem to be working fast enough
due to a faulty machine. He is trying his best,
but the steady stream of sharp rebukes has
left him in constant fear. He may be an easy
target for some intimidation.
Wall Section (x2)
cylinder and then lock into place before the rotate. Rotate tile Fta counterclockwise \r \
$petion 22 machinery finally quiets down to a hum once an.1 place tile B3b as shown. open doors
again. O
fl lumtling Sounil :
You step on the floor switch, and the The glyphs on the wall blink and shift as a When any character ends their turn on
rrachinery below you begins to rumble stern, mechanical voice begins to speak. "You pressure itrt" @, remove it trom the map,
Io"dly. You can hear an ergine powering up put things in motion that you cannot bring to and remove one numbered token next to the
and water rushing through nearby pipes. lt an end. Each gear is needed to set you on the round tracker.
ahnoc sounds as though the thing is starting correct path. Venture twice into the future,
to breat}e-first slowly, but now growing to then return to the present to afterwards Spetion linhs:
a rapil pace- meet the next hour alive."
Number Pressure Pressure
of tokens plrt" @ plrt" @,
The floor shifts under your feet. Scraping
Speeial lules:
and screeching-the sound of stone upon 4 39 on 7l on
mstal-gsft6es through the chamber. You From now on, use stone pillar @ as th" page f,8 page z[8
feel the room rotate around the central glass center of a circle around which tili Ha will
50 on
46 on
3 page 42 Page 40
O+OC@ A /
LMng Pressure IMMOBILIZE$ Damage Boulder
Spirit Plate (xt) Tiap (x2) Trap (xr) (rt)
Boulders (xt)
Seetion 23 [frest Inseription:
1e LtY\tYt TYqLrlt, >\F7
Ilamou Uault:
Y$Yx( {li4xl[ rr{YU {{>\xII$
A small room opens to the north, and {ltY Yr[. {r[Yr xY{/.x, {r t
numerous animated bones and undead
corpses spill out. Through more obsidian b+'Yb,<, Y\'Y' \11{A'J vIT FY{
glass, you spot a glittering heap. (l/.x {li{/.Jli{rr \MYr[.
"Something of value must be stored here,"
There are some more symbols scratched on
Cassandra remarks. "l should take a closer
the bottom ofthe chest. You are quite certain
look." Unable to reach it anyway, you are
that the two inscriptions must be linked to
happy to oblige her wishes.
each other. Together, they must provide the
key to opening this numerical lock.
Speeial lulps:
Open door @.
The treasure tile in this room is not a Goal
and can onlv be looted using a Loot action. @SEilercl
Additionallr,, it is locked and cannot be
opened unless the looting character guesses
the correct combination bv going to the Living Living Tieasure Obsidian
section indicated in the runic inscription. lf Bones Corpse Tile (xl) Glass (xt)
the character guesses wr E na> Z, V {rY tlY$Y, 7 ,ArY I YarF+r Z a {ltxYY
damage and gain por;31$ ":'rTf'i:1?
then perform another Loot action to try
Demon would be spawned.
a Spction 25
Spetion 24
No figure can Teleport$, into or out of this
[onrlusion [99) :
lllitherpi Group : room.
Many died here today, and it becomes clear
You hesitate to venture across the planar soon enough that this was not an isolated
barrier; which smells of must and decay, but
incident. Cassandra failed to predict the
you do and end up in a rainforest where all extent of the corn:ption, as Valraths were
the flora has withered, its life force sapped. attacked and converted to savagery all across
You spot, through the vines, a green orb
the city. Clearly, this was a highly coordinated
encased in black tendrils atop an altar.
assault, and while you couldn't have stopped
all ofit, you feel you could have at least done
More pertinent, however, are the hulking
a little more.
shapes of earth demons, none too happy
with your intrusion. You'll need to hack a
Cassandra is visibly shaken. "This took a
path through to your target.
much darker turn than l'd foreseen. Not
only are they recreating the Gloom's work,
Spoeial lulps: Demon Thorns but the strength the cult was able to wield
The Altar of Rot (O has (Cxz)+L+4 hit across the city-l fear they may be drawing
their power from a new tear between the
points. lf the Aesther Diviner ends her turn planes. I think it is time to consult Hail about
adjacent to the altar, it is destroyed. When the possibility." You look at her quizzically'
the altar is destroyed, no Earth Demon is Dark Altar (xt) She takes in a deep breath. "Yes, Hail and I
spawned in the rounds in which an Earth Corridor (xt)
are...familiar. Let's head to the Crooked Bone
toott @."
Seetion 26
llptu [oeation:
Sprret litrarg :
A GapingWound O*l
Moving through the secret door; you find @
yourself in a small, private library. ln
addition to the numerous texts, you Global ftchioupmpnt:
also see a glass display case full of fragile
mechanical parts. Before you can investigate
further, though, the floor opens and several
defensive machines rise up from below
Whoever designed this facility was clearly WE
not too keen on unwanted guests. *)
Srenario Boal: a-- e r leuarils: -_J
When the Goal treasure tile is looted, read ilil r-l
section 8o on page 5o. -)
Ancient Theasure Bookcase (x2) r-a
Tile (xl) -J
reminisces on the events since being with chaos will quell the hordes approaching @, -_J
Seetion 27 you, she gnows more transparent. Eventually, though itsgSasp may already have spread far
she sinks into a trance and begins to ramble. and Ude (g). )-!
Knouloilge isPouer2l4t I
'And ignore not the device that brought upon r-J
"Now that we better understand the "The flaming sails illuminate crystal scrolls. the Upheaval. Collect the parts, retrace its -_t
machinations of the corruption," Cassandra The blaze intends to bury their ashes in the
says, poring over the information you ve sea. Salvage the truth, for the secrets from steps, and redeem what's been don" @ @. -_J
gathered so far, "we may be able to interfere the east must be found. Venture to their
with its work, but we still need to be cautious. origin and make inquiri"t @. Or perhaps "Lastly, events of the Demon War are l-a
Weve not encountered the last of its agents, traversing a different axis is required. A shrouded in mystery. Witness the -carnage, _)
and it may have worse things in store for us." valuable item was stolen from the past. and take yor, .1r", fro- th" a""d @. n lo'tt -l
Returning it to its intended destination may love may be the only hope to stop the florv of
She places the old atlas recovered from the lead to nlw kno*ledge of the present @. blood @." 4
Vault of Knowledge on the table and starts
to circle various locations of interest. Each "But the Void will not sit idly. lts power calls Reuaril:
new marking makes your progress feel out to those weak in resolve, eager to serve,
more tangible. As she studies her notes and and easily convinced. Only settling the planar
7 T
and sruN@. Additionally, it is considered
Spetion 28 to have Flying \/. $ection 29 t
Serpnp Path:
B Bpar of a llrahp : lnstead of using all the Cave Bear ability
Some force is protecting these monstrosities.
Bursting into the srnaller shack south of cards, use only those with initiative values
You do not have the power to fight them,
dtc riwr, you internrpt an assemblage of of o3, t4, 6t, and 8o. Shuffle these together
so you flee, moving back down the path
cultists A burly Valrath stands in the center with the Rending Drake ability cards with
,l3, that brought you to your meditation spot.
of $€ crord, hunched over a pile of plans initiative values of t2, 25, and 59.
Unfortunately, escape will not be that easy.
and parchrnents- He looks up calmty as you
Ahead ofyou, more Valraths appear, eager to
cnter. His comrades dnaw their weapons,
but h€ rnerel,v reaches for a flask, uncorking sink their axes into your flesh.
and empt_virg it down his throat in one fuid
rnotiorr. Speeial [ules:
When you open door ," d section 73
You freeze as you watch the musc'les strain @,
on page 49
across his physique, ripping his clothes. Fur
and scales grow from his skin and both hands
sprout claws. His facial features contort
and yank at his mouth to form a muzzle of
r:avenous teeth.
]ust when you think his transformation is )
complete, a lizard-like tail wriggles its way @ )------
out of his back, and he sprouts a pair of T
leathery wings.
ffir )
Speeial luler: Bandit Cave Valrath t
Open both doorr @;. Guard Bear Tiacker
I r
The elite Cave Bear is the Bear-Drake
Abomination. It has (HxC)lz hit points
(rounded up), where H is an elite Cave
Treasure Table (xt)
Bear's regular hit point value, and it is -('
immune to lMMOBlLlZEg, DISARM$, Tile (xt) r
Seetion 30
Spal of ffttrartion: r
You feel there is something odd about this @
room as you ente; as if it is enticing you
to get closer; pulling at your mind and
body. You look up to see concentric rings of I 8ao
crystals, pulsating in a pattern that draws
your eye toward the centec where a glowing
white seal of power sits.
Valrath Water Bush
Savage (ra) (rt)
You do your best to resist the pull ofthe seal
and prepare to fight the skeletal warriors
and other strange horrors emerging from Spction 3l
the darkness.
Illouing lllalls :
Speeial [ules:
Speeial lules:
Flip over the numbered tokens on doors
Until the seal O, in this rlom is @, @t,@t'^"d @1.
destruyed, *her, irry monster suffers
damage from an attack in this room, Move the iron walls as follows:
that monstsr performs ?ULLO2" O to porition O.
ffi@r e @@ @, to position @..
targeting its attacker. @ to posrtion @.
to posirion
Deep Living Rock Stalagmites Dark AI[ others to their pos
Terror Bones Column (xt) (rl) Corridor (x2)
J .I
Spetiun 32 At the start of cvery round, place 2 damage Section 33
tokens next to ship @, instead of t.
flaming [araupl: Through the Portal :
lmagining the look of anger and despair on
Once on the deck of this ship, you realize the As long as ship @ hrr less than 12 damage
the face of the Sleeping Lion's proprietor; you
flames here had more time to tear through tokens, any character adjacent to bookcase
decide it more prudent to follow the Aesther
the wood, creating a much more dangerous O -ry perform a Loot action or forgo a
situation. With the raiders blatantly adding bottom action (discarding one card instead) through this newest planar rift. On the other
fuel to the fire, throwing every piece of paper to save the Record ofthe ]ourney. side, you stand inside a globe floating among
they can find into it, the boat is doomed for the stars. lt is a wondrous sight.
the bottom of the harbor. It will take all your Any character adjacent to hot .orlt @
effort just to avoid the same fate for yourself may forgo a top action (discarding one card "Welcome," the Aesther smiles. "Sorry, I didn't
instead) and remove a bucket of water from introduce myself earlier-l am Cassandra.
their character mat to discard 8-C damage ln my journeys, I learned that in the endless
Speeial Rulps: tokens fiom ship @. chaos of reality, universal patterns emerge.
Open door @ (if closed). If you can spot the patterns, what seems
like random chance instead becomes very
predictable. To some, it may appear I can see
the fi:ture, but it is all just cause and effect."
Cassandra paces as she talks, gently touching
various objects. "Centuries ago, once I was
confident with my gifts, I realized the Gloom
was not done with its destruction of this
plane, so I and...others tried to stop it. We
failed, and I have been a prisoner ever since,
Bandit doomed to watch the corruption's plan
unfold with no way to intervene. Until now."
Guard She hesitates a second. "So, well, I hate to =a
t I
! s ask, seeing as how so much has been thrust -J
upon you already, but I need your help. You
Spitting have already triumphed where I fell short,
Drake but the fight has only just begun. We-l -I-J
need to end the corruption once and for all." *)
I @ceec3 Cassandra looks at you expectantly, and you
of Bastian's texts buried deep in the ruins. = l=
Tieasure Hot Coals Stone Pillar Bookcase Wall nod in assent. "Oh, wonderful! Our first
destination is the Void. There is a vast library
Tile (xl) (,.4) ('s) (rt) Section (x2)
We'll need many oFthese writings to uncover
Demon is spawned in the rounds in which a
$pction 34 Frost Demon would be spawned. exactly what the corn:ption is planning and 5
how to react @."
Frozen laue : No figure can Teleport$ into or out ofthis =
A chill overcomes you as you approach the room. You are about to object, but she anticipates
swirling tear in reality. You are quite certain it. "l am aware the Vigil has blocked it ofi
more frost demons lay in wait on the other but I have other means of travel. I can bring
side, but nonetheless, you must trespass into us almost anywhere, although we might end E
their plane. up elsewhere first-navigating the infinite
Frost void is no simple matter." I t'-t
A cavern filled with llozen stalagmites Demon ''_J
and black ice welcomes you with a gust Ilpu [ulos:
of shivering air. Another altar sits here, a IH
glacial sculpture, with a blue sphere full of )
crystalline facets forming and unforming t4
Crystal t=
Speeial [ulps: (rz)
The Altar of Blizzards @ h". (Cxz)+L hit IH
points and Retaliate (ff zlL."g" X S. lf the .J
Aesther Diviner ends her turn adjacent to Ilpu [oeation: r-
q, the altar, it is destroyed. When
the altar is destroyed, no Frost Stalagmite Altar Dark Lore Untold @ 6i
36 (rz) (*t) Corridor (xt)
As you attempt to inspect the glyphs further,
Spetion 35 the statue abruptly cracks and begins to
move, drawing power fiom the altars behind
Shrinp of Thelija:
it. At the same time, a mechanical humming
Yqr errtcrwlnt appears to be a small place of alerts you to automated defensive measures
xdrip 6r an ancierrt goddess of company, as well.
solilarity, and crafumanship---:l'helija.
U€gant carving;s depicting communes of
Speeial [ulps:
snifts, carpefi€rs, leatherworkers, and
,anders Lb"rirg on some grand project The Sawas lcestorm is the Avatar of I
ae displqred on two great altars at the far Thelija.
d& of the room. Massive elemental gems
Arry character adiacent to altars
are ernbedded in each, but a well-crafted t or
staure of the goddess bars your path. lts , may spcnd a lrcc action .lurir{ thcir
outstretched arms guide your eyes to the ttlrn to inFuse ) o, 7, rcspectively, if
gb"hs etched in the walls around you. they arc not suppressed. il
/r4{ /Y>txY {\liY t\{\F Kli/{FF
rur4 tx/_/t{\/.F (Y\xt| {t o0@@scet
/1Lt^K KFr$Y \{ lt\rlT.
Ancient Frost Sawas Wind Rubble Altar Wall
Artillery Demon lcestorm Demon (^z) (*z) Section (x2)
let's be off Hopefully, we'll find a new lead after checking every salvaged scrap of paper
Seetion 36 somewhere e'lse." thrice, you realize you are no c'loser to any
clues about Bastian s device.
[onrlusion tl00] :
You grab whatever else you can, but hardly
Disposing of the last guardians within the any time passes before shes yelling again. 6lobal ftrhipupmpnt:
iicilitr'. vou begin to rummage through the "Hurry! The counter has reached zero!"
Knowledge is Power
leltover debris. You locate many statistical
(lf this is the second tftowledge is
records, various design plans, and a few Right on cue, you hear ominous creal.s
Power" achievement gqined, read
mechanical gadgets, but you cannot find any beneath you. Then, a heavy objea drops
section Z7 onpage 34)
research regarding the rift device. somewhere below, and a horrendous echo
resounds. The whole room begins to tilt and
Cassandra rvears her concern openly on her collapse, and a dark liquid pours in from Rpuarils:
lace. "l suppose it's possible we overlooked above. Cassandra appears beside you and
slrmething." She returns to the control panel rips open a rift, which whisks you away just Choose to gain one of the following:
"Telescopic Lens" (ltem 059),
in the central hall, but then gasps and points as the roof comes falling down on your head.
'Ancient Drill" (ltem ttz),
.:t a prominent set of numerical glyphs on the
"Curious Gear" (ltem 125), OR
scrcen, clearlv ticking down. "We don't have With the entire workshop destroyed, you can
"Remote Spider" (ltem tz6)
;nu.h time leftl Grab whatever you can, and only hope you rescued what you needed, but
the Valrath commander, and obtaining his When revealing monster ability cards, reveal
Seetion 37 diary, you signal your allegiance to the one for each commander from the boss deck.
humans by assaulting the Valraths' position.
fliiling lliamara:
When Xangroth, the Valrath Commander,
\ssessins the battlefield, you can tell the "Do not underestimate Xangroth," Cassandra is killed, he drops a Goal treasure tile instead
hu.rars are caught in a bad position, exposed warns. "He is a formidable opponent bristling of a money token.
anc utterlr exhausted. Protecting their with weapons and the skills to use them.
commanJer rvill be difficult, but Diamara Its not by chance or dumb luck that he lf Diamara is killed, the scenario is lost.
inspires tiith, clad in heavy armor and commands this force."
suinginq her tu,o-handed axe with ferocity.
Seenario 6oal:
Thoueh the battle has turned against her, she
Sperial Rulps:
presses onuard. All City Guards, Archers, and Diamara, the treasure tile is looted, read section llt on page
When all enemies are killed and the Goal
r The human troops feed off this energy and Human Commander; are a'llies to you and 60.
commit eventhing they have to the fray
enemies to all other monster g/pes.
through gritted teeth. You find yourself
drarvn to their struggle-who doesn't love
H an underdog? At the start ofthe first round, all City Guards,
Archers, and Diamara suffer L damage and
With your mind set on taking out Xangroth,
a Seetion 38 neck. lust who is this person? the Aesthers, eternal and without home.
We all returned to this plane, but it was too _1
[onelusion (96] : "There is much about the history of the d;fficult to remain and watch the destruction r-J
I You finally manage to destroy the last altar Aesthers that you do not know," she the Gloom brought forth. We vowed to let _J
and stumble out of the planar portal back continues. "Much is forbidden to tell you, but the deeds ofBastian be forgotten to history. r-a
into the ruined interior of the Sleeping Lion. these are dire times, and l am in desperate Then we all drifted offon our own journeys." _t
The mysterious Aesther mends the rifts need of help. I have seen what comes next..."
closed as you awkwardly try to somehow fix The Aesther suddenly snaps back to focus
the wreckage. There is a long pause as the Aesther stands on you. "But come, let us move to a more -
with a faraway look in her eyes. When she hospitable place, and I will try to explain
"l cannot thank you enough for your help," speaks again, the words seem to come from everything."
she says. "When I finally broke free of my somewhere outside her body. "The place you
prison, I guess it was inevitable that I would call the Void was once the site of a great tower. She turns and opens a portal. =
draw such ire from my captors. With their Bastian built it to house all of us who strove = a
power sources destroyed, howeve; we should to stretch the limits of our knowledge and Blobal flehipuempnt: a
be safe for the time being." understanding. When the Upheaval began,
this was where the Gloom took root, and the Through the Portal
You stare dumbfounded. "l ve been observing tower and all its inhabitants were scattered (read section f,l on page 16) a
your struggles against the creatures of across the infinite beyond. L-t
corruption for a while. In fact, your defeat of IJ
the Gloom is what freed me, but I am getting "Those of us who survived-those who lpuaril:
ahead of myself again." The utterance of that were able to find the shape of our bodies lo experience each
name raises the hairs on the back of your and of our minds once again-we became
Speeial lules: -
Seetion 39 Rotate tile Ha and place tile hb as shown' Ancient
Open doors O. Artillery
I ftnolher flpuolution : -
You operate the pressure plate, and the When any character ends their turn on (rt) ]-a
corridor is set into motion. You feel the pressure plate @, remove it from the PI ate -J
room spin in a full circle before continuing map, and remove one numbered token =
to move into its next fixed position. You next to the round tracker. Rubble
are not quite sure if this was an error or (r,6)
on PurPose. Seetion [in[,s: -
Number Pressure Pressure -
As you spin, the stern voice returns. "The (rz)
of tokens plrt" @ plate O
stagnation of progress is an excruciating
pain. How can one be satisfied with the 4 57 on ll3 on - L-I
page 43 page 6o I :J
knowledge of a single universe? We
reached the highest height and the deepest J 54 on 70 on t- { -
depth, and with that, my colleagues seem Page 43 Page 47 i Large -
content. They have nothing left to do Boulder (xz) -
2 77 on 02 on
but watch their sense of wonder slowly page 49 page 27
diminish, consoling themselves with -
physical comforts. I will have it all. The I 74 on 7O on
Page 49 Page 47
riddles of this world are not enough. I
seek what lies beyond. Something calls o 02 on lO9 on
to me from outside the borders of our page 27 page 59 =
knowledge." a
You end up in a large hall, which appears
to have once been the lobby of the -
complex. Now, however, most of the
room is buried beneath debris and rocks. ,
Luckily, the switch near the entrance looks
undamaged. =
What's not so lucky is that the mechanical
defenses seem to be intact, as well. They
turn and point their barrels towards you.
Seetion 40 $eetion 4l
= UenerateilTom6: L fl Sphere of llightmares :
-Ilrb room sewed as a lr Living Barely able to see your hand before your
hrtrl site for our prestigous Bones eyes, you spot the outline of an object
schohrs" cassandm says. in the dark. You feel the presence of
-ltrry *ere entombed with Living shadowy figures, and whatever the object
dreir rnost rerlowrrcd worlc Corpse is, they definitely don't want you near it.
ttrortunately, however, a
darl force is now keepirg Tieasure Cassandra comes close to you, her face
drern Fom rest-' Tile (xl) grim. "We must destroy that thing before
the growing evil cuts short our resolve."
Sppeial Bulps: 1
Speeial Rulps:
open door @.
At the start of every round, move the
Sarcophagus (x3) Dark elemental token to the Strong
column. At the end of every round,
Spetion 42 spawn one normal Night Demon for two
characters, or one elite Night Demon for
[ollapse0 fltrium : three or four characters, adjacent to altar
You come upon a spacious hall that looks to i (D,.
be the original entryway to the workshop.
The walls are covered in depictions of Y Altar (fl, is the source of unnatural
technological feats, but the teeth of time darknesi. lt has 2o+L+(zxC) hit points.
have chipped away at them-the colors fade
and the ornamentations crumble. Still, the Any character may forgo a top actio-n
images are enough to evoke something in (discarding one card instead) to PUSH_Q
Cassandra, who gazes upon them with deep bouldcr @, onto pnessure plrt" Q,.
nostalgia and sorrow. lf the pressure plate is occupied, the
boulder cannot be moved onto it.
ln addition to this deterioration, a large
cave-in has buried half of the room under Spetion lints:
impassable rubble. Broken statues and
other ruined art are strewn about. It is not I When boulder O occupies pressure
until they glow with a spectral aura that plate $ at the end of a round, read
you notice the bones, crrlshed under the I section 93 on page 54.
collapsed ceiling. Angry spirits rise from the E
dusty shards, forcing you to put them to rest.
Sppeial lulps:
All Living Spirits treat all wall overlays as c il[
normal obstacles, except they must still obey * o
the |ine-of-sight rules outlined previously.
Living Tieasure Pressure Rock Wall
Seetion lints: Spirit Tile (xt) Plate (xt) (rt) \ J
Whenever anv character ends their turn on
prressune pl"i @l while there are no other 5 I
characters on tile Nlb, read section Og on C
Rock Wall (x2) Huge Living Night Altar
Rock Wall x2 Demon
by strong vibrations in the floor; indicates Speeial lulps:
Sertion 43 something massive has shifted in the main Flip over the numbered tokens on doors
room. You peer through the door to see the o, o, o,,"d o.
Illouing lllalls : layout has completely changed. The iron
'Ybu step on the corroded pressure plate and walls are now in different positions, opening the iron as follows:
feel it scrape into the floor. Gears are set up new passageways and closing offothers. to position
in motion below your feet, and then some to position
grinding and screeching noises echo through "Oh my," Cassandra muses. "This could get position
the distant halls. A loud rumble, accompanied tricky. lt may be prudent to take some notes." positions.
Seetion 44 With your mind set on taking out Diamara, Whenrevealingmonsterabilitycards,reveal
ffiiling l(angrorh , ;:: ,i,T,'1"::;:iT*: one ror each commander from the boss deck _J
Assessing the battlefield, you see the Valraths Valraths by assaulting the humans' position. When Diamara, the Human Commander, is =
have the upper hand, holding a more killed, she drops a Goal treasure tile instead -l
defensible position by retreating into a nearby "Do not underestimate Diamara," Cassandra of a money token. _J
cave. lt should be quite easy to protect their warns. "She's a very capable leader and has r-
commander, Xangroth, who wields a massive amassed an incredible force at her side." lf Xangroth is killed, the scenario is lost.
bow with deadly aim. -J
Not onty that, but you see the Vatrath Speeial [UlgS: Sf enafiO 6Oal: a
warriors' numerous scars and a wildness in All Valrath Savages, Trackers, and Xangroth, When all enemies are killed and the Goal
their eyes. The demon blood flows strongly, the Valrath Commander, are allies to you and treasure tile is looted, read section lo4 on a
and you would be a fool to oppose them. enemies to all other monster tyPes. page 58.
When Dominic sees you, though, the He concentrates on the parchment with a a
SeCtiOn 45 conversation ends abruptly, ,rd h" rushes puzzlcdlook on his face. "l have come across a
lleroiling rnith llominie : over to sreet vou' ;,.'{}'I:|. :fTl*",tn #:::l;:#:;: )-1
Entering the Town Records building, you are 'Ah, my dear friends. Wdcome! I was just starts turning it in all directions, then grabs a -)
light, he looks through the parchment and -J
briefly reminded of your first trip here, when talking about you, actually. How can I help?" blank sheet and a quill. Holding it against the }J
the shelves were bare and only one person
even cared about the place. The aisles are You explain about the Vault of Knowledge takes a couple ofnotes. _J
now lined with books, and it is hard to find and what was found within, including the '+=ew \F
Dominic among the many people perusing strange Aesther writing. =r w -J
' J 'L-'
about. Eventually, however, you catch him -#= o l. i+r =a g
near the back, conversing with a group about "Well, this vault has me intrigued, but for td=i t +e =nP -)
the nuances of his work, "The History of now, l'll take a look at this cipher and see
Gloomhaven." what I can make of it." ]4=nm F- -t a -J
these unpleasant experiencs5 31s inlsnclgfl- Sprtion [in[s: -J
Seetion 46 some terrible part of the "defensive measures"
against you. There is nothing to do but resign Number Pressure Pressure a,-l
QuiehTurn: yourself to more bruises. of tokens plrt" @ plrt" @ )
Operating the rotational control, you are 4 lO9 on 57 on r.-il
surprised by the speed at which the floor Page 59 PaEe 43 J
flies from beneath you. You lose your footing Speeial [ules: r-I
3 54 on 7O on
and slam into the nearby wall. Before you can Rotate tile Ha and place tile B3b as shown. _J
Page 43 page 47
recover, the rotation stops just as quickly, Open doors Q. )-l
hurtling you into the opposite wall. The 2 O2 on 74 on -_I
whole thing is very unpleasant. When anv character ends their turn on page 27 Page 49 -J
pressure itrt" @, remove it from the map, 1 77 on 54 on
As you rub your brruises, you begin to wonder and remove one numbered token next to the page 49 Page 43 -J
if perhaps the erratic nature of this rotating round tracker.
o 57 on l09 on
room is notjust caused by disrepair. Perhaps
Page 43 page 59 --t
Living Pressure IMMOBILIZEg Damage Boulder Large
4t Spirit Plate (xl) Trap (xt) (*t) Boulders (xl) D
Spction 47 Speeial lulps: Spelion [inhs:
All characters recover all their discarded When all characters have ascended stairs
llall of llorrors: cards and up to one card from their lost pile. o, remove everything from the map and
You ascend what feels like an endless fight Set up the characters on the starting spaces, reid section lOf, on page $8.
of stairs, but instead of being tiring, the and place all active character summons in
experierrce has the opposite effecl The tower empty hexes closest to their owner.
nenews you, encourzrging you to climb it and
read the story it has to tell.
And so, Elham collected all he could,
capturrrry the beauty of the world and
locking it within." More words appear on
the walls as you rise. 'And though life was
presewed, the beauty did not last. Tiapped
in this gilded cage, robbed of freedom,
all that was once pure became corrupt.
Happiness turned to pain. Serenity turned
to terror. And beauty turned to monstrosity."
Black Deep Harrower Damage and
l-P Terror lnfester IMMOBILIZEg
@ @
Stairs Stone Wall Section
(^z) Pillar (x4) (rz)
about where the next piece ofthe device is. Two hours lateq covered in foul-smelling
Seetion 48 brown liquid, you emerge from a narrow
You search through the rooms one more time tunnel under the roots of a tree, finding
lonelusion 007] :
but find no conspicuous metal parts. You are yourself back out in the daylight of a
You stand atop the last slain batch of already tired when Cassandra delivers the seaside hill. Luckily, you didn't encounter
Vermlings, surveying the carnage inflicted bad news. anymore aggravated Vermlings, but what you
upon them. They only tried to defend their experienced was still plenty for you to vow
home, which leaves behind a slight taste of "l still dont think I can employ any never to return,
regret in your victory. Not only that, but you dimensional travel with this restrictive aura,"
begin to suspect you missed something vital she admits. "l think our best bet to get,out of lpuaril:
exploring this labyrinthine workshop. With here is through one ofthose garbage tunnels." g experience each
nothing left to uncover, you have no clue
offering it to a flustered Quatryl. "ls this what gizmos in the various heaps. After an hour,
Seetion 49 you are looking for?" he turns back to you, the device still far from
Piprps of an flrtifafiXlX t "Well, now where was that hiding?" the
You feel very satisfied with yourselves, having Quatryl asks, amazed. "l'm sure I would "This may take some time, but you know
acquired all three pieces of the rift device. have spent half the day looking for this, and it's not going to work anyway," the tinkerer
Ttrey fit together well, but in order to fully some elegant Aesther walks in and just... well, waTTrs. "Not without a massively powerful
connect t-hem to one another, you will need an color me impressedl" He takes the lever from energ'y source-something bigger than l've
assortment of wire and technical knowhow. Cassandra and places it on a different heap. ever seen."
Lrckily, both are in plentiful supply in the "So what brings you to my shop, anyway?"
Mixed Districr You find a shop and enter. "Oh, yes," Cassandra says. "Sorry, that must
You show the tinkerer the pieces ofthe device, have slipped my mind, but not to worry. I
'\\ here is that blasted lever?" You hear a explaining how it needs to be assembled. His think we can procure a power source for you
small r oice cursing fiom behind a massive eyes go wide at the intricate mechanisms, and @. Rl"rt" just keep working on the device
pile of scrap. Looking around, you wonder if within a matter of minutes, he has cleared off until we get back."
mavbe vou took a u,rong turn somewhere. his workbench and is working intently.
{[ptp l#raslrt$a:
Cassandra, unfazed, grabs a long, silver You wait patiently in the shop while Cassandra
cvlinder and rvalks around the counter, around, and 4l
7 $eetion 50 yourwishes. ln her eagerness, on the brink of Spetion [in[.s: 'q
exhaustion, she missed a vital step and lost
Slotu Turn : her life. She is not to blame. I blame you." Number Pressure Pressure
of tokens plrt" pl"t"
The pressure plate sinks into the floor, and @, @.
the machinery comes back to life. This time, 4 7O on 77 on
Speeial [ulps:
however, the movement seems to last ages. Page 47 page 49
You lean against the wall with impatience. Rotate tile Fta and place tile BZb as shown.
J O2 on 74 on
open doors Q;.
page 27 Page 49
Around you, the stern voice resonates once
2 IO9 on 57 on
again. "Tianquility is one precious thing we do When any character ends their turn on
not have. The constant assault ofsupplicants pressure pl"t" @7, remove it from the map, Page 59 Page 43
pleading for the latest results. She worked and remove one iumbered token next to the 1 74 on ll3 on
oooco@ o page 6o Page 43
day and night to meet your needs and fulfill round tracker. Page 49 page 6o
ll3 on
54 on
Living Pressure IMMOBILIZEQ Damage Boulder Large
Spirit Plate (xl) Trap (xt) Trap (x2) (rt) Boulders (xt)
k l7 I 1
you realize that this will be the end for you, "l know I am supposed to see the fi:ture but
Seetion 5l as well. Caught up in Cassandra's ferryent what we did back there-it was beyond all
crusade to destroy the cornrption, you comprehension. lt was miraculous."
[onrlusion 015]:
didn't think about what would happen after.
With the manifestation nearly subdued, Perhaps she didn't either. You signal the barkeep for a round of drinks
Cassandra yells, "Nowl Bring it down!" and sit yourself down with a great sense of
"What are you waiting for?" Cassandra yells satisfaction. But Cassandra's expression turns
You strike the corruption with everything at you over the cacophony ofcrashing stone. mournfi:|, and she does not move.
you have left. lts tendrils dissolve away, and She points at a receding portal next to her. "l
the mass of pure darkness at its center lands created it right before the seal was completed, "You have my greatest thanks for everything
on the ground with a heavy thump. Ethereal and it's closing fast. Hurry!" you have done," she begins, "but I am afraid
shackles shoot out from the altars, wrapping it is time to part ways. Our fi:tures no longer
around the formless black. Cassandra You sprint forward, bounding across the depend on one another, and I have someone
conjures a net of glowing blue cables, which ever-widening chasms between you and your who has waited far too long for my attention."
spread over its pulsating surface, linking with escape. Cassandra jumps in, and you are
the chains. right behind he1 leaping through at the last With a hesitant flick of her wrist, Cassandra
possible moment. creates one last portal. "Enjoy your drink,"
ln a wild attempt to break free, the corruption she says as she steps through.
gathers the last of its power into itself sucking The universe shifts around you, and suddenly
in its minions until they too are assimilated you find yourself falling face-first onto the You will. Oak bless it, you will.
into the pulsing shadow. wooden, beer-soaked floors ofa bar; breaking
several chairs on your way down. Global flrhleupmpnt:
But it is not enough. The bindings hold. The G
mass grows smaller and smaller under the "Right where I found you." Cassandra's soft
weight, its power completely sapped. At long voice falls from somewhere above you. You
last, it is finished. roll over and glance around. lndeed, though flpuarils:
they are currently wearing expressions of
Your relief, however; is short-lived. The rocks shock and incredulity, you recognize the faces
you stand on begin to crumble, cracking and of many Sleeping Lion regulars. Cassandra
into the corrupted realm that extends an arm to help you up.
surrounds you. With this plane
I 42 I
cut off from everything beyond, "l cannot believe we did it," she says, smiling.
! 7 tlail reaches the first portal and sighs, "There 'i{h, hal" laughs Hail, focusing her energies on monsters with the ngw order .i O,, O, .l
Speeial [ules:
Spetion 52
the dimensional rift. "She does have thorns! Replace the original order for spawning
And here I thought you an ineffectual tulip."
Thp First Portal :
(starting with
@ ).
irne so mafiy of these wretched nuisances. I The portal widens, and through it you spot
no* moves towarcis portal
hatc a great many drings to do. you lcnow. I the northern shores of the Lost Sea. Several Hail
can't spend all day gllivanting about, closing more Lurkers emerge from the icy waters and
hundreds of ;fu for some whirry princess."
skitter towards you, but before they can cross
over, the portal collapses in on itself-fizzling
Spetion lints:
dre fouc' Cassandra replies. into thin air.
Thcn pu're Fee to go back to whatever
"Never liked those things," Hail yawns.
on page 5O.
visim q$est you're on."
Speeial [ules: When Hail enters portal @, read section /!
$ection 53
Respawn any three monsters (if able) in
fl Steep, [oe[g Path: the previous room. These spawns must be
normal for two characters, or two normal
Undeterred, the caravan marches onward. You ;--<
try to keep pace, but all this fighting is wearing and one elite for three or four characters.
on you, and Cassandra is looking more ragged a,
Starting next round, all elite monsters
than ever. Spirits are low as you approach a
rocky hollow, where the disadvantage of the will treat the Orchid caravan @ as if @
natural terrain will be tough to conquer, it has initiative ol instead of 99. o
especially as most of the Orchid guards arent
faring any better than you. Nonetheless, you o o
prepare for the worst and are not surprised @,
when more attackers charge at your position. r o o
- Large - )
What does surprise you, however, is that
Boulders (xz) I
some of your foes head straight towards the Q-y
caravan, neglecting attacks from the guards. ,tt
It seems they are determined to destroy
whatever is in the carriage, no matter the cost. @, \
Boulders .rt)
during the formative years of Gloomhaven,
but I can see the handiwork of corruption
Seetion 54 : Section 55
between the lines. We need to figure out
Proceed to section 50 on page 42. [onrlusion [90): what cargo was so impo.tu.,t (E."
You take a moment to watch the barge sink
into Merchant's Bay, engulfed in fire and Ilptn [oration:
Spetion 56 smoke. You failed to recover the Record of Where lt ts Needed
Accounts, but at least you got one ofthem. @ fH-al
lllouing lllalls :
Sporial Rules: Cassandra quickly unravels the scroll and 6lotal flehipupmpnt:
Flip over the numbered tokens on doors browses its contents. It details the Orchid
O O @,""a @. involvement in the founding of Cloomhaven, Knowledge is Power
and strongly focuses on their supply caravans (lf this is the second "Knowledge is
\'lore the iron rvalls as lollows: and routes to the city. Additionally listed are Power" achievement gained, read
6) to position @. foundation, political intricacies arising in L section 2'l onpagef,{)
findings in the ruins beneath Gloomhaven's
@ to position @.
@ to position @. the early decades, and raids by the wild lnox
\ll others to their original positions. and Vermlings. The account of a caravan [euarils:
carrying something of great importance
5 gold each
especially stands out, as it never arrived at
+l reputation
its destination.
$petion 57 : ,,
"Hmm, this is something worth investigating,"
Proceed to section /l on page {8. Cassandra remarks. "lt is a small footnote
I $pction 58 the strange circumstances, and inquire Spction 59
about her meeting with Naaret.
[onelusion 009] : [onrlusion [98) :
To calm two forces with so much dark "Hopefully, his words can bring peace to You take a moment to watch the caravel sink
history isn't exactly child's play, but you this conflict," Daimara says. "We must work into Merchant's Bay, engulfed in fire and
do your best. Eventually, the commanders something out with the Valraths so we smoke. You failed to recover the Record of
return, bringing order to the chaos. Those dont both destroy ourselves. Your friend the lourney, but at least you got one ofthem. l-
still alive mutter about translucent figures in was instrumental in getting us here. I d have
the fog, inciting them to violence. liked to take him back to White oak, but he Cassandra quickly unravels the scroll and
was joined by others like him, and though browses its contents. lt details the Orchid
"So the corn:ption continues its influence reluctant, he left with them. Vanished the trade agreements with other races, their
here, as well?" Cassandra says. "l can't say same way he appeared." partnership with Quatryls at important
I'm surprised." hubs, and every delivery they've recently
Otherwise, read: You approach the two made to Gloomhaven, most of which seem E--
lf "Xangroths Aid" (Party) is complete, read: commanders cordially, asking what became to originate from a rather large commercial
"Well, I didn't think ld be seeing you blood- of Naaret. 'After his speech to us, others of port across the Misty Sea by the name of r
thirsty hounds again!" Xangroth laughs as he his kind appeared. We could not hear what Velcyll Harbor. lt's a well-known place to
approaches. He has many more scars than was said, but there was conflict there. He trade not only goods but also information F
the last time you saw him. "The years of war followed them away but looked distressed and secrets. Needless to say, it would be wise
have not been kind to me, but they don't about something." to venture there and no." ,bor.rt @. F
seem to have affected you at all!"
Always read: "More corrupted Aesthers!" Ilpu [oration: F
You inquire about his meeting with Naaret Cassandra says, clearly upset. "He must
and he grows solemn. "He opened my eyes have Ieft with them quiedy to avoid any F
to a whole new way of seeing the world. My bloodshed. Wherever they took him, we will
people must know of their tainted heritage, surely follow, and I have an idea on how to Dlobal flrhieupmpnt: E-
so that we can rise above it. As for your do @."
friend, he left with more of his kind. Didnt 'o d
| ,""- too happy about it, though." Ilpu [oralion: ffiffi
lf "Diamarab Aid" (Party) is complete, read: F
"You again!" The armored Diamara marches
up to you in agitation. "Meddling further in lpuarils:
my affairs? State your business!" Reuarils:
lO experience each
5 gold each
You do your best to explain yourself given "Protective Charm" (ltem og2)
+l reputation
Seetion 60
Seal oflepulsion:
You enter the tunnel, and a lattice of glowing
crystals above your head begins to vibrate at Living Living
a disconcerting frequency. The waves rattle
your skull, throwing you off-balance and
making everything around you feel slightly
odd. lt seems as if even the smallest push
will send you hurtling offinto the unknown.
Rock Rubble
Column (xt) (13)
All the vibrations are emanating from a
single point-a glowing white seal of power.
It clearly does not want you to approach.
Sperial lulps:
Open door @ (if closed).
Until the s"al @ in this room is destroyed,
when any monster suffers damage from an A
attack in this room, that monster performs
"PUSHQz" targeting its attacker.
7 researcher and then wait for hours while The man then compares his sheet with the 't
Seetion 6l messages are relayed back and forth and the one you gave him. "Yes, they are definitely
rvheel of bureaucracy slowly turns. the same, although we found much simpler
lleeoiling uith thp Uigil : "So what is it that you want?" A thin man in versions of them. We only were able to fully
You generally steer clear of the Void during
translate one word so far, but I d need a copy
r your dealftgs in Gloomhaven. lt inevitably a Vigil uniform stares at you as you are finally You agree, and he scribbles a note on your
of this for our records."
brings back mernories of the monstrosity led under heavy guard into a tent near the
underground entrance. "Normally, no civilian
wi*in. Today, however, you approach.
would be let near this site, but I understand
paper and hands it back to you. "Here you
The whole area, though now devoid of any you may have had a hand in neutralizing it, so
go. That is really all the help I can offer. Now,
dark por,ver, is cordoned offby the Vigil, who I will extend you this one grace."
is octensibly researching the site for further
clues about what happened. The full extent You make up a story about how you ran
f 'r "-
u rl
of their purpos€ is unknown, but they must across these Aesther glyphs and then hand please leave us." r 'L-- f !' .
+- -J F H .. /'..- ..-' .i'
+ | I
= know more than they are letting on. over a copy of the writing. He grunts in mild
surprise, turning to fish out a paper from a probably: "treasury"
You petition for an audience with the head giant stack on his desk.
my fingers!" He opens the door wide and, after Cassandra
Seetion 62 mends his fingers, once again c'lears off
"Did you give him the device?" Cassandra his workbench. He rummages through
Illpefranieal Splenilor :
asks, clearly worried. various piles muttering to himself until he
With the power source in hand, you return lets out a celebratory whoop and holds up
to the tinkerer's shop, only to find the door "Of course not," the Quatryl replies, "but that the assembled device. You hand him the
barred tightly. doesnt help me with my fingers now does it? power source, and it is installed in a matter
Four! That's half the fingers I got!" 6f mlnglgs-a glowing core in a series of
"No one here!" a quivering voice responds concentric rings rotating in a complicated
from the other side. "Go away!" "We're the ones who brought you the artifact but mesmerizing pattern.
to fix," explains Cassandra. "Let us in, and we
"Surely, you can let us in," Cassandra replies. will heal your broken bones. Install the power "This should perfectly replicate Bastian's
"lt is the 'elegant Aesther.' We have business source we recovered, and this whole mess device," Cassandra says. "With the necessary
with you." will be behind you. We will make sure you are safeguards installed, of course, it will allow
not troubled again." for easier travel across the p'lanes. We should
"4s51hs1s-nsps1" the Quatryl yells. be able to use it to track down where the
"Definitely not opening the door for Aesthers! There is a long pause, and then the door corruption is hiding."
One came into my shop earlier, looking for cracks open just enough so you can see the
some artifact. Said he was searching every tinkerer staring at you. 'Ah, yes, I remember lpuaril:
tinkerer shop in Gloomhaven, and hed burn you lot now. Fine. You heal my hands, l'll
"Rift Device" (ltem t62)
them all down until he found it. I told him I finish the device, and then I hope I never see
didn't know anything, and he broke four of another Aesther ever again!"
Lion, eager to hear about your quest. Relief Ileu loeations:
Seetion 63 spreads across her face when you tell her of
your success. She presents you with a small Prologue to the End (o-D
lonelusion 001): sack of coins-her own personal thanks-
Epilogue of a War (N-+)
ln a last ditch effort, you pull together your and hands you two old tomes from the
remaining strength to smash the sphere of archives in the Sanctuary of the Great Oak
darkness into pieces. The impact sends out before leaving. Hobal flrhieupment:
a final shock wave of maligned energy, which
cn:mbles the altar to rubble. "lt took some convincing," Cassandra smiles, Knowledge is Power
"But while you were lost in your drink, she (lf this is the second "Knowledge is
"This uas surelv another conduit of power agreed to let us borrow these tomes for a bit Power" achievement gained, read
section 2'l onpagef,{)
for the corruption," Cassandra says. "l am as payment."
glad to be rid of it."
She begins to browse through the books,
The remaining fog around you slowly lifts, entering a trance as she reads. "-lt is wise flpuarils:
and you walk outside to see the water now to care for those who protect the knowledge 2o collective gold
fows clear. You rinse the black ooze from of the past-their records may narrate a tale
your boots and cup your hands in the water, that shall once be seen by your own eyes-" +l reputation
drinking from the purified stream before you Cassandra's face flickers for a moment with +l prosperity
make your way back to Gloomhaven. doubt and concern. You wonder just what
fi:ture events she has seen and if it is futile to
The lnox Keeper is waiting at the Sleeping try to change them @ @. 45
can move through figures but cannot end
$prtion 64 their movement on an occupied hex. When Spetion 65
any barrel enters water tile @, remove it
flooipil [atarom[s : Fom the map. [onelusion [[hallpngp) :
The pressure plate yields to the boulder's Elham looks at you with widened eyes as you
mass and clicks into the ground, but the Any character may perform a Loot action deliver the final blow. His mouth opens and
prominent door ahead remains tightly while adjacent to a barrel to remove it from you hear a faint whisper before he dissolves
shut. A moment later; the ground rumbles the map and gain J money tokens. into fine, white ash. lt feels like a cleansing.
beneath you, knocking you offyour balance
and sending you sideways. You land with a All Living Corpses are unaffected by difficult A rumbling goes through the pitch-black
splash in the thick, dark mud as the nearby terrain. walls, and stone by stone, they turn into white
wall slides open, revealing a passageway into marble. The ceiling fades away to reveal the
the cavernous crypt. night sky full of vivid constellations. At least
Spetion [in[,s : one thing in this place remained pure.
ln the distance, you hear running water and When any character opens door @ , t"rd
low voices that wail and groan. Two small section '/2 on page {8. After you take in the beauty of the sight
barrels sit in the middle of the catacomb, above, you look back to the room and spot
where rainwater gathers, flooding in from a pedestal holding a stone tablet. ]ust as
the holes in the roof Soon, the water will [T-l before, words begin to materialize.
carry the barrels away. I
"Bless you for cleansing this place of my sins.
No amount of thanks could do your actions
Speeial [ules: justice, but I offer you the contents of my
Place dark corridors O AS shown, tl vault, and I imagine the stars may offer
connecting the two rooms. thanks in their own way."
Place one barrel at each water tile ) As soon as you finish reading, a bright, clear
@. St *i"g next round, at the end of every ) humming sound enters your ears, Your gaze
m-und, both barrels move two hexes along is drawn upward once again, where the stars
the water tiles towards water tile @7 Barrels begin glowing in different colors, highlighting
the various constellations used to track the
passage of time. Those that glow brightest
match the ones you were born under. As
their light grows more intense, you feel an
immense amount of energy flow through
your body, filling you with newfound power.
With newfound resolve, you leave the tower
and seal the door behind you forever.
Partg flrhipupmpnl
Beauty in Freedom
Living Living Treasure
t5 gold each
Bones Corpse Tile (xt) r y'each
l! All characters may add one new card of
their class to their active card pool. The
card selected must have a level equal to or
Dark Barrel Rock Water less than the character's leve'l minus 2.
lt Corridor (x4) (*z) Column (xt) (rtS)
hunter. Know your role, fools, and flee my pointvalue(roundedup).ltisnowconsidered
Spetion 66
Sarilonir Smile : below t hit Point'
SPeeial RulPs:
With a wicked laugh, the Husk disappears
from in front of you, reappearing elsewhere Open doors O7 (if clo-sed) and read section
down the alley. Most of its scars are gone, but 67 on the next page (ifunread). SgetiOn [in[,S:
the patronizing grin remains. lf the Husk is ever reduced to t hit point
"Poor; delusional prey-they still Teleport$, the Husk to O (or the closest again, read section 128 on page 64.
think they can bring down the empty hex). lt heals half its maximum hit
r Seetion 67 A fork in the alley opens to three different Seetion [in[s: \
routes to the gatehouse at the city's entrance. Thc first time any character opens a door:
To your left, a path leads through a narrow O , .""d section 8l on page 51.
r Branehing fllleguag : which goes through an old, overgrown park. @. , read section 106 on page g!.
back lane, all the way around the block. The
road in the middle seems to be obstructed,
The location is infamous for being a host to @ffi
but there might be a way to pass. The most
direct route, however, is the one to your right,
the night activities of quite ruthless criminal
Section (xt)
Damage DTSARMO Water
Trap (xz) and CURSE\) (r8)
Tile (xr)
tA o C a coe
Trap (x+)
L. -.1
H (
Serrion 6g .l:T;]##ffi:":X;:;f,lu;::'# Spction 69
flTale lllell-leeiteil : dust like vour legacies"' lonrlusion 012] :
You place the last element into one of the The voice quiets, and Cassandra sinks to As you fight and try to align the beams, the
defensive machines in the lab slowly stop
resonators, and they begin to hum together the floot clearly shaken by the experience.
moving, apparently sapped of power. At first,
in a harmonious frequency. By all accounts, After a long beat, she composes herself and
you think this a boon, but then the energy
you've discovered the proper alignment. stands. "Let's go..,"
Streams of energy combine in the center of beams flicker and go out as well, leaving you
the room, and a beam of light shoots out at Speeial lulps: with nothing to show for your efforts.
one of the walls. There, the floor ascends Place a stair tile at O (see page 15) and a
into a set of stairs, and the ceiling gives way door tile on the hex to its left. Cassandra checks a nearby control panel,
to a new door. but it is of no use.
The scenario goal has changed. Open this
"The power to this facility has been drained,"
The color in Cassandra's eyes suddenly dims new door to reveal the new scenario goal.
she says. You can hear the disappointment in
and her expression wanes. Lost in memories
her voice. "We took too long. There is no way
not her own, she speaks with a deep and
foreign male voice: Spetion [in[s: of powering any of this up again, so the only
When any character opens the new door, thing left to do is go back to the tinkerer and
,l33 tell him the bad news. All our work on the
"Ashtar, your power is divided and broken by read section on page 65.
rny design. Thelija, I render your might to rift device has been for naught."
dust through technological marvel. Nyema, lagout: Rpuarils:
the eternal hunt ends here for you. Eliador; Ileu Illap:
I g experience each
lcnowledge you once hoarded I now call my 2g collective gold
"\'ou are all mvths of a bygone era, conjured I I t y' each I
fiom obsolescence by primitive minds. What t
Iittle porver vou have remaining, I have taken (
to create mv device. With it, day and night Spetion 70 :
are torn asunder. The stars are now within
Stairs (xt) Proceed to section 46 on page 40.
my reach.
too soon. To honor her legacy, I can
Sertion 7l only push onwards, striving beyond
the realm of man to attempt the
Quiet Iotation : impossible. A voice calls out to me
You step on a plate once again, and the in the dark. ls it hers? lt pleads for
mechanism quiedy whirls, rotating the me to bring her back..."
room at a steady pace. You're not sure
why it worked so smoothly this time, but With clenched teeth,
you'll certainly accept the brief reprise. Cassandra waves her hand
over the wall, and the voice
You notice the glyphs on the wall shifting, stops. "That is enough. We must
and the voice returns. "The gleaming continue our search."
gems in the night sky are so far-flung.
They sparkle as ifa source oflight refracts
within. To one day build ships that could Speeial [ulps:
sail high enough to reach them. To grasp Rotate tile Ha and place tile Dla as shown.
for these jewels and all that they have to open doors O.
offer. Would it be possible to reach them $,
by shrinking the space between?" When anv character ends their turn on
pressure pl"t" @., remove it irom the
Cassandra nods knowingly in response. "lt map, and remove'one numbered token
seems as though Bastian left behind his next to the round tracker.
thoughts within this place. They reflect Tile (xz)
his unquenchable thirst for something Spetion [in[s:
more in his research. I helped him on
Number Pressure Pressure Pressure
some ofthese projects and observed him
of tokens pl"t" @ plrt" @ Plate (xl)
I being consumed by this thirst.
4 02 on ll3 on
"l eventually chose to leave his side. page 27 page 6O Damage
Trap (x2)
I could no longer bear the horrible J 74 on 77 on
lengths he went to for his work, and my
J Page 49 Page 49
complaints to our colleagues only fell on Water
2 54 on 74 on
the deaf ears of those too enamored by (rs)
Page 43 page 49
his results. Perhaps ifl had stayed, I could
have..." Cassandra trails off then replaces I lO9 on 70 on Boulder (xl)
her frown with a resolute stare. "This page 59 page 47
is why I study the patterns of time and o ll3 on O2 on
space. Never again will I make a mistake page 6o page 27
like that." [U
Sarcophagus (x2)
After a moment of silence, the voice
returns. "Life is finite. Hers... ended much
Night Demon for two or three characters, or SpgtiOn [in[S :
Section 72 one elite Night Demon for four characters, When any character opens a door O,
I r"id .-t
adjacent rnJto th" right of any door @. remove @ fro- the map
flinging fog : "lidoor. ""d -l
section l2J on page 6J.
As you approach the black fog, it seems to L,-r
disperse just slightly, as though it is retreating :r
from the light of your torch. ln the distance,
you can barely make out another door. !.-r
You jump at the sudden sound of hissing
beside you. You are quite close to the source
now, and it appears that something is rather
desperate to protect it. =
= :l
Speeial lulps:
column. At the end of every e
At the start of every even round, move v I
the Dark elemental token to the Waning
t./ odd round, spawn one normal Living Night
48 Spirit Demon
Section 73 Spetion 74 :
Befleeting Ponil:
{ Proceed to section f,g on page f,S.
Your limbs grow heavy as you I
continue to move, doing your I I
,'( F
best to protect your rifts. You $pction 75
are hoping to find some peace
fln llnerpecteil finil :
by this small pond, but again,
you catch sight of another Rifling through the contents of this
well-hidden chest, you find a complex
foe emerging from the trees.
apparatus, which Cassandra immediately
You don't know how much
longer you can go on like this, recognizes as another piece of Bastian's
but you will have to find the \ J rift device.
energ'y to make it at least a
little farther. "Wonderful!" she exclaims. "Our work is
done here. There's no need to linger any
Speeial lulps: longer in this Vermling-infested ruin."
When you op"n door- @;,
read section gO on page ${. Speeial flules:
The scenario is now complete.
Valrath Thorns Water Bush
Savage (rt) (r6) (rt) Tiee (xt)
[onelusion 007] :
The High Council is now very interested in With the artifact now in hand, Cassandra
Section 76 the conversation, murmuring in agitation. breathes a sigh ofrelief,
Ashtooth just sits, a wry smile on his face.
[onelusion 010) :
"Of course," she says. "lt makes perfect
The crowd erupts in thunderous cheers as "That will certainly be a long conversation- sense in hindsight. The aura we were
you strike down the last ofyour adversaries. one to have behind closed doors," he says. experiencing-it was caused by the
After spending all day in battle, you are "Come to my quarters in the Library of lingering energy of this device, amplified
grateful that it is finally over. You d be happy lnquiry. There we can discuss everything you by the case it was in. Now that we have
to collapse with exhaustion, but there is one wish to know." removed it, I have full use of my powers
thing left t6 6ls-msgl with the High Council. once again.
While Cassandra is a tireless, eternal being,
You are summoned to the highest box in the the thought of hours of conversation at this
'And none too soon," she remarks as
colosseum, where the crowd watches on as point sounds overwhelming. You opt to rest in
you hear the howls of Vermlings in the
you are presented with a crystal tiara made by the comfort of the Sylmir lnn, and Cassandra
distance. "Let's get out ofhere."
a master Orchid artisan. All the High Council is there when you wake the next morning.
lounge in their seats with little interest.
Cassandra opens a rift and you quickly
"lt took some effort to get the Orchids to
make your escape, relieved to leave all
"While we appreciate the prize," Cassandra stop contemplating their actions and actually
those endless corridors, incredibly tight
addresses Ashtooth directly, "this was not act," Cassandra says, "but I now have what
spaces, and ever-shifting walls behind.
our motivation. I have an urgent matter to we came for. All the pieces are falling into
discuss with the Keeper, of Secrets." The place. Stopping this cornrption might yet be
Global flrhipupmpnl:
council members suddenly sit up in their possible after all."
Without another word on the matter, she
?nd you must be Cassandra," Ashtooth whisks you back to Gloomhaven.
replies. "She who carries the weight of the
entire world on her shoulders. I have been
= told of your coming. You were expected." Global ftrhieuempnt:
-4 flpuarils:
"lf we were expected-" Cassandra is cut E
-4 short as Ashtooth swiftly raises a palm. '11-:'l
"ls that really the question you came to ask?"
"\o," Cassandra replies. "We came to find lpuaril:
vour histories of the rvestern continent. What ffi Spetion 77 :
do vou knorv ofthe Upheaval and the events Proceed to section 7l on page 48.
that followed?"
scattering cards and coins everywhere, and "lnterestingl As luck would have it, I have
Section 70 starts screeching at you. seen something like this before, on an old
treasure map I once lifted off a traveling
I lleeoiling in the $inhing lllarftpt:
I "How dare you show your faces here! You Aesther." She disappears behind her desk
You head into the Sinking Market as the sun lot owe me five hundred goldl" The room for a minute, and you hear lots of shuffling
sets. The criminal element in this district is becomes dead silent for what seems like ages, noises.
incredibly active at night. The thieves are when the Vermling suddenly bursts out into
nothing you can't handle, though, and it's laughtex followed quickly by all her cohorts. "Here it is!" She holds up a yellowed
your best bet for finding a good information parchment and throws it to you. "Why dont
broker. After reaching out to some of your "Sor"),, just messing with you!" she says, once you just keep it? The treasuret long gone, if
contacts and taking down a few robbers again taking her seat. "You should have seen you know what I mean."
too stupid or desperate to realize they were the look on your faces! The name is Needle-
outmatched, you get a name and location: Eye, and it is a pleasure to finally meet you. You see a set of symbols in the corner of the
Needle-Eye at the Wrecked Dinghy. map, along with a scratched out translation.
"Though, honestly, maybe you should owe
The place is a derelict ship floating offshore, me something. You have no idea how many i ll
-JJ i , .-,-..-.
but you find a ferry and make your way over. people come in asking to have you killed. I --
You are led into the main cabin of the Dinghy, always refi:se, though. A fools errand, I say. = N 34" ,62'
where you meet a gathering of Vermlings
playing cards around a large table. 'Anyway, I hear from my people you have -l F I -- ', ,i 11,
some writing for me to look at?" You hand L ---- , .r rl
The one at the head, clad in plenty of over a copy of the cipher and the Vermling = E I8o ,95'
ostentatious jewelry, jumps up on the table, studies it intently.
me!" Hail yells. She almost has the rift closed, with this world, and these 'simpletons' are
Seetion 79 when it begins to widen and grow again. "lt our best chance at stopping it-something
was obvious those fools had been corn:pted you've already determined yourself-so you
I Thp Speonil Portal : even before the Upheaval. And what about might want to consider stepping down from
"You know, a part of me might even consider our pact, you entitled baby? What gives that high pedestal ofyoursl"
this fun," Hail says as she lifts her hand to the you the right to share our story with these
second portal, "lfshe werent here, ofcourse." simpletons? To risk having that knowledge
Sperial lulps:
corrupt the firture of ,rur world?" Hail regains
"l had lroped the years o[ rny absence worrld her composure and seals the rift. Replace the original order for spawning
hrve mellowed your hate," Cassandra says. monsters with the new order of O" O,,
"There werre many of us who worked closely "Hypocriry!" Cassandra btrrsts out in repeat (starting with @).
with Bastian that the lot of you couldn't even uncharacteristic anger. "When the Gloom
look at. ls it really such a surprise I went on emerged from the Void and threatened to Hail @ now moves towards portal O
my own journey? Maybe if you hadn't have destroy this city again, what did you do?" Hail instead.
shunned us, far less would have fallen under remains silent.
the influence of the Gloom." Section [ints :
"l am only doing the same!" Cassandra When Hail enters portal @ , read section 85
"You can't be serious, turning this around on implores. "The corruption is not yet finished on page 52.
Thankfully, another book provides the rough Ilou lorations:
Section 80 location to two more of Bastian's laboratories.
Comparing them to the atlas from the Vault lntricate work @81 (l-rz)
[onelusion tl00) : of Knowledge, it's easy to discern where to Mechanical Genius (r-t+)
You quickly fill your sacks with everything search next. @)
from the glass case, along with several books Clo[al firhipupmpnts:
offthe shelves and some of the more curious "The first is where Merchant's Bay empties
apparatuses in the workshop. Then you make into the Misty Sea," Cassandra points out. Pieces ofan Artifact
your escape through one of Cassandra's rifts. "Twin lighthouses rising from the water- Knorr4edge is Power
built before the Upheaval. They've weathered
(lf this is the second "Knowledge is
It takes days, but after searching through all the ages and remain untouched in modern
Power" achievement gained, read
the tomes, you eventually locate a passage times, mainly because they are completely
section 2'/ onpagef,{)
that indicates how the mechanical bits you inaccessible from the r"" @.
found fit together. Once complete, it forms
a perfect replica of part of the rift device. "The second is also not far from Gloomhaven
The passage goes on to note how the piece underground facility, located near
-3661hs1 (6.
functions but also alludes to two other the eastern sho,'Jof th" We mav be "Telescopic Lens" (ltem o59) and
parts necessary to get the device to work. able to reach it by boat, UrtY;r,g -y ,kill, 'Ancient Drill" (ltem ll2), OR
could still prove necessary." "Curious Gear" (ltem t2l) and
"Remote Spider"(ltem 126)