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Published by Flash Group, 2019-04-22 09:24:24

NUM Secreteriat Report 2012

NUM Secreteriat Report 2012

less than four years of experience poor and the condemnation of
and 46% of municipal managers their children to a life of poverty
were in their position for less than for years to come. Whilst it is
one year. In addition, the level of tempting to muddle through
skills mismatch and vacancies in these critical and thorny issues,
local municipalities was as high the political leadership has to rise
as 40%. The implications of such to the occasion, create a vision,
infrastructural deficiencies for carve out the roadmap, and
local economic development, stay the course until the issues
social welfare and economic are tackled conclusively. For a
competitiveness are considerable. glimpse of what is required, the
contemporary experience of
Closely linked to poor India, South Korea and Vietnam
infrastructural planning has offers much to emulate.
been a pervasive and damaging
‘coordination and integration 4.5.2 National and urban infrastructure
failure’ within and between investment backlog
government departments. This
is true for inter-departmental Empirical evidence suggests that
relations within each sphere of infrastructure in South Africa has
government, for intra-spheres influenced growth positively, with
of government, as well as electricity capacity having the
within state-owned entities. greatest and most robust impact.
Furthermore, operationally the Yet there has been a long-
public sector lacks efficiency term decline in infrastructure
and systemic dynamism, despite investment and capital stock,
initiatives such as Batho Pele, the dating back to 1970s. This is
new Public Service Act and the true of both economic as well
PFMA. as social infrastructure. Urban
infrastructure has been left in
In this light, the more complex the general and gradual decay for
public investment programme, years. Whilst the government has
the more likely it will entail rising revived the public sector capital
fiscal risks. As such, the much- investment programme since
desired ‘developmental state’, 2004, the level of investment and
requiring complex public sector the pace of capital formation are
planning and coordination, and out of sync with the requirements
driven by fiscal resource, faces of the economy. Electricity
an insurmountable start-up shortages due to under-
obstacle. investment in the electricity
grid remain a risk to economic
In this light, it is vital that the growth, and need to be carefully
upgrading of state capacity managed. The availability of
be given top priority, and be water has also become a recent
implemented with the urgency focus of concern. Public transport
that it deserves. Procrastination has long been recognised as an
in this regard is the recipe for the area of under-investment.
continuation of suffering of the

201 Secretariat Report to the 14th National Congress 2012.

Public investment in infrastructure budgets, infrastructure or other
to remedy this situation teaching resources alone, but
constitutes an opportunity to also of improving departmental
improve economic productivity, and school management. Very
provide a platform for sustained often, the problem seems to be
economic growth and create operational inefficiency, rather
employment. Public capital than allocate inefficiency per
constraints have begun to se, since increased resources
receive extensive policy attention devoted to education have
(e.g. significant expansions have not, by and large, improved
been planned in successive educational performance at
budgets since 2005). The needs many public schools. Similarly,
of the 2010 Soccer World Cup with regard to health spending,
also provided increased stimulus it is not the quantum of fiscal
for infrastructural investment. allocations, but rather the
Yet much remains to be done. inefficiency of management,
Whilst there is no shortage of that has caused poor health
political awareness of the issues outcomes within society.
associated with the shortfall in
infrastructure provision, there is That our social infrastructure
a manifest lack of political will to needs radical upgrading is
plan and implement effectively beyond debate. Communities
and in time. have even taken to the streets to
demonstrate their displeasure,
It is critical to recognise that anger and frustration at endless
the existence of infrastructural procrastination in service delivery
backlogs provides an opportunity or the gradual degeneration of
to introduce meaningful service quality. Going forward,
fiscal interventions only if the therefore, what is required is not
planning, coordination and so much ‘analysis of needs’, but
implementation of such projects rather the meaningful overhaul
and programmes happen of the political and managerial
effectively and professionally. structures and inefficiencies
that have beset the operational
4.5.3 Socio-economic infrastructure systems within the state machinery
controlling such services. Therein
In certain provinces and lies a great opportunity that may
municipalities, there is a backlog not necessarily require more
of hospitals, schools and clinics. fiscal resources; indeed it may
In addition, the existing social even save some.
infrastructure stock needs to be
upgraded and maintained. As 4.5.4 Expunging Operational
importantly, each of the sectors Inefficiencies and Raising Public
requires its own specific solution. Sector Productivity
For example, it is increasingly
clear that the problem in respect Generally, operational-inefficiency
of schooling is not one of takes numerous forms and appears

202 Secretariat Report to the 14th National Congress 2012.

in diverse guises within both private culture of its operations. It is not
and public organisations. For surprising that the same abuses
example, in the private sector of public resources that existed
once upon a time it was common in the dying years of apartheid
practice to have excessive have continued. Managerial
spending on ‘corporate jets’, ineptitude, misapplication of
‘chairman’s dining room’ and the public resources, and corruption
like. In short, operational-efficiencies are rife right across the three
arise out of those expenditures spheres of government. It is
that have no or little impact on this managerial culture that
‘the production or service delivery generates inordinate amounts of
processes’. In extreme cases, wasteful operational inefficiency.
operational inefficiencies may The welfare loss resulting from
have counterproductive results such inefficiencies is likely to be
within the working environment too. considerable.

Operational inefficiencies It has become common cause
that it is not the quantum
are common in public-sector of expenditure in health,
education, police services and
organisations and government other public arenas which is the
main constraint on achieving
departments. In practice, public service delivery outcomes. There
is instead growing recognition
service delivery is inherently that the binding constraint
is management capacity or
labour-intensive, and labour- management culture. So, for
instance, while there have been
intensive production processes significant budget allocations
for infrastructure in the past
more readily lend themselves five years, there has also been
considerable under-spending
to the systemic operational due to inadequate planning
and project execution. Annual
inefficiency syndrome. Such financial reviews of the Auditor-
General on the majority of
processes are typically far government departments bear
testimony to the existence of
more management-intensive a wide range of inefficiencies
within the state operations.
and system-intensive and These dysfunctions noted by
the Auditor-General recur year
require on-going performance after year, with little evidence of
proactive managerial response.
assessment. Yet these are the
The elimination of fiscal
very attributes that our public inefficiencies offers a ready
and meaningful opportunity
sector organisations lack.

Furthermore, it is a fact that since
1994, the social imperative for
black economic empowerment
has deepened the politicisation
of the public service. This is
not to say that prior to 1994 the
public service was not politicised;
indeed it was heavily populated
by the protégés of the ruling
National Party. The political
change since 1994 transformed
the racial composition of the
public service but did not
transform the managerial

203 Secretariat Report to the 14th National Congress 2012.

in the near future. In general, is a tax on the poor. A review of
when times are tough, money- the recent reports of the Office of
saving measures become a the Auditor General reveals the
necessity. Given that public extent and depth of corruption
sector expenditure constitutes in the use of public resources in
more than 40% of GDP, significant particular- the very resources that
improvements in public sector are designated to provide for the
productivity would translate into poor, or allocated to ensure that
increased productivity for the the children of the poor are given
entire economy. This in turn would the opportunity to break loose
have a positive indirect effect on from the bondage of poverty.
the overall resource availability
envelope as well. Corruption is also a break
on genuine and sustained
Last but not least, it should be investment by the public and
noted that the expunging of private sector. Job creation
inefficiencies is never an easy and social development suffer
task. It is not easy in the private where corruption prevails. In
sector, it is not easy in the union effect, corruption perpetuates
environment and it is even the socio-economic challenges
more complex in the public of the marginalised within the
sector. Moreover, it will not society. In a recent PWC survey
happen quickly. Changing the (January 2012) of SA business
operational culture of a complex executives, it is reported that over
and varied organisation such as 70% of SA business executives
the public service takes time and consider corruption as a threat
perseverance. At the same time, to their business and investment
in the absence of such a cultural opportunities. This is well over
transformation, the promise of twice the global rate. More
better public service delivery or often than not, corruption
cost-effective fiscal management affects more severely the small
of the country is bound to remain and medium businesses. This
a mere catchphrase. is particularly significant as
regards employment creation
4.5.5 Eliminating Corruption/Private and sustainability of decent jobs.
taxation The world over, it is the small and
medium-size firms that generate
It is common knowledge that most jobs and provide expansion
corruption has become a real opportunities. To the extent
threat to the sustainability of that this very segment of the SA
socio-economic development business sector is under threat
in the country. Both private and of corruption, it poses both a
public institutions are affected major risk and a real opportunity
by the scourge of corruption. for economic development,
However, it is the poor who suffer business expansion and job
most in this regard. Worldwide, creation.
it is recognised that corruption
Whilst it is true that the government
has publicly committed itself to

204 Secretariat Report to the 14th National Congress 2012.

tackling corruption, it is equally federation’s initiatives of setting-
true that the extent of the problem up a Corruption Watch.
is continuously underestimated
and the fight against corruption 4.5.6 Fine-tuning Macroeconomic Policy
is yet to be coordinated and
effectively managed. More often Sustainable growth and social
than not, the problem is dealt with development also requires
in a selective and ad hoc manner. some fine-tuning of the country’s
A systemic and transparent macroeconomic policies. The
approach is needed to ensure coordination of the industrial
that the scourge of corruption is strategy, as outlined in IPAP2
eliminated, and no group in private and the New Growth Path, with
or public sector is exempted from the foreign exchange policy
the fight against this cancerous is a critical and urgent one.
socio-economic disease. Far too often, the country’s
manufacturing and export
A bold, credible and frontal industries are undermined by the
attack on corruption will go a volatility of the rand as well as its
long way to create a favourable sustained over-valued levels over
environment for the promotion an extended period of time. In a
of investment and generation of recent report, the IMF documents
decent jobs- particularly by the the implied Rand volatility in
small and medium enterprises. comparison with a number of
It is for this reason that, we need peer countries. Fig. 10 captures
to welcome and support the this trend over the 2005-2011

Figure 10: Rand Volatility in Global Context 2005-2011

The above illustration highlights policy misalignment between the
the well-above average volatility domestic and global variables.
in the foreign exchange value of Continued misalignment of interest
the currency. When such volatility rates, exchange rates and global
persists,itindicatesmacroeconomic capital markets, in turn leads to

205 Secretariat Report to the 14th National Congress 2012.

the loss of competitiveness and Weak fiscal and financial management
job losses. Loss of competitiveness at departmental level, be it in the national
is not confined to manufacturing or sub-national spheres, perpetuated a
or mining industries. Activities such culture of poor management of public
as tourism and agri-industries also resources. Consequently, public service
suffer. delivery has suffered. In particular, the
quality of public services such as health,
A meaningful and effective policy education and policing has led to much
approach towards the remaining political economy concerns. Allocation of
socio-economic problems facing more resources to these sectors without
the SA society calls for an urgent addressing the chronic underlying
resolution of the above policy managerial and institutional dysfunctions
issues. At the level of the Tripartite is likely to perpetuate inefficient and
Alliance, this debate never ineffective service delivery outcomes.
reaches its logical conclusion. We The experience of the last decade is that
therefore call upon the Alliance to government failure has been more in
note that urgency has overtaken implementation rather than in formulation
the time for further debate. of policy. Notwithstanding the ugly GEAR
of the past. The temptation should be
4.6 Required intervention resisted to seek the solution for government
failure in the realm of policy development
In the midst of an unprecedented or in organisational reconfiguration,
global economic and fiscal crisis, simply because these are more politically
the world economy is facing growing visible and effected more quickly and
headwinds of a political, social and expediently, rather than grappling with
financial nature. Growth expectations the fundamental but more intractable
are downscaled regularly in the face problems of improving managerial and
of rising uncertainties, emanating from technical skills and other institutional
pan-European public debt crisis as well capabilities for effective service delivery
the crisis of unemployment facing nearly implementation.
all countries around the globe. However,
different regions are affected differently, From a public finance and macroeconomic
and countries face diverse political perspective, judicious fiscal policy in
economy challenges and obstacles. the past has bought South Africa some
‘fiscal space’ in the short term. This is
In addition to the international problems, fortuitous, given that the sudden global
the SA economy is saddled by a number financial and economic meltdown since
of its own structural and policy hurdles. 2008 has brought much instability to the
world’s socio-economic arena. The world
Whilst the fiscal and macroeconomic over, private and public finances have
policies of post-1994 achieved been shaken to the core, and nearly all
remarkable success at the macro level governments are in search of remedial
by reducing the budget deficit and policies.
government debt ratios, their success
at micro–institutional levels was limited. However, with deteriorating prospects
The operational efficiency of state for the world economy, growing adverse
departments and their micro-financial effects on the domestic growth trajectory,
management left much to be desired. a limited tax base and spending pressures
from existing social entitlements, South

206 Secretariat Report to the 14th National Congress 2012.

Africa’s‘fiscalspace’ islikelytoshrinkfurther and private sectors is an important step in
very soon. Even without any additional this regard.
expansion in welfare entitlements, at
present the number of beneficiaries is at Against the achievements of the
over 13 million and increasing at a rate past, macro and industrial policies
much faster than the number of taxpayers. should focus on the promotion of
With SARS facing diminishing returns in industrialisation. All policy as well as
ensuring compliance from the existing logistical and infrastructural bottlenecks
tax base, the only other way to increase in the way of industrialisation needs to
the yield in future would be to grow the be removed as a matter of national
number of taxpayers. This in turn requires priority.
more employment and higher sustained
growth levels. This is the overarching With the above measures in place, the
challenge of public policy if it is to be in creation of sustainable growth and
a position to deliver sustainable resources decent jobs will then be a feasible
for social up-liftment. possibility and promising prospects.

Fiscal and macroeconomic economic We urge the Tripartite Alliance to
policies more broadly need to focus consider COSATU proposals on policy
on interventions that rectify structural reviews which can contribute positively
dysfunctions within the economy, in dealing with the triple evil cited above.
and more specifically within the fiscal Comrade delegates, you will notice in
management framework. The quality of this submission we avoided rhetoric and
education, health and other services must populist calls but rather concentrated
be dramatically improved. Our analysis on solving our problems urgently and no
in this review has presented specific further analysis because we know the
opportunities that exist for productive problems.
investments that public policy should
consider. At the same time, caution needs
to be exercised in creating a populist
and welfare-ist fiscal framework that is
detrimental to the sustainable up-liftment
of the poor within the society and inimical
to the performance of the economy.

4.7 In Conclusion

The political economy of the country is
held hostage by the triple evils of poverty,
unemployment and inequality. All national
resources and capabilities of the country
should be mobilised to combat the root
causes of these social evils. To this end,
resolute political leadership should be
exercised to ensure an effective control of
the use of public resources. An effective
and visible control of corruption in public

207 Secretariat Report to the 14th National Congress 2012.


208 Secretariat Report to the 14th National Congress 2012.


5.1 Introduction report to the leaders, members
and officials of the NUM that
5.1.1 This National Congress like sacrificed a lot to the building
many that came before it is an of this biggest trade union in
opportunity to reflect on progress South Africa. The NUM is a
since the previous congress on living testimony that the working
a number of fronts. It is also a class can never be defeated!
moment of reflection on what Of course during the course
we need to do to consolidate of struggle the working class
the victories we have scored suffers setbacks but as long as
and to address weaknesses the conditions of exploitation
that we have identified. Each and oppression exist, the
national congress is also movement reorganises having
unique because it takes place drawn lessons from its setbacks.
in a different context politically, To paraphrase Fidel Castro,
organisationally and otherwise. history is on the side of the
democratic forces and it will
5.1.2 The peculiarity of this congress absolve us! We will come back
is that it takes place against a to the meaning of the 30 years
background of a confluence of of a proud struggle.
factors in our history. A number
of historical milestones in our 5.1.4 The second important milestone
organisation and the liberation in 2012 is the centenary or 100
movement offer an interesting year birthday of the African
context. National Congress, the oldest
liberation movement in Africa.
5.1.3 First, this year marks the 30th The ANC emerged in 1912 to
anniversary of the National lead the political struggles of
Union of Mineworkers. Today the African people after they
we stand on shoulders of giants suffered military defeat at the
that were pioneers of the South hands of the settler colonialists.
African democratic trade union It managed to inspire and unify
movement. We dedicate this our people and the democratic
movement against apartheid
around a vision for a democratic,

209 Secretariat Report to the 14th National Congress 2012.

non-racial and non-sexist future. transition from apartheid and may
The ANC has triumphed against usher in a different phase in the
apartheid and today marks 18 National Democratic Revolution.
years of democratic rule under its This resonates with the Planning
leadership. Commission’s assertion that we
need to change tack because
5.1.5 In 1996 a new democratic an incremental approach that
constitution was adopted by the does not tilt substantially the
popularly elected Constituent balance of forces will end in
Assembly. The Constitution codifies conflict and social upheaval.
the vision of the democratic Thus the Commission has
movement espoused in the suggested a long term vision and
Freedom Charter among others. It plan for South Africa to avoid a
sets the values by which we should business as usual trajectory. The
live and provide democratic rights NUM will have to respond to this
that the state must respect and challenge.
promote. The 16th anniversary
of the democratic constitution is 5.1.7 The objective of the political
the third milestone that forms the report is to assess the political
context. situation in our country and the
world, evaluate how the NUM and
5.1.6 With regard to the future, we the democratic movement have
challenged by the ANC and the navigated this complex terrain
National Planning Commission and then offer some pointers on
to conceptualise the future what needs to be done. Most
trajectory of South Africa. The of the sections of this report will
ANC in its Second Transition Paper reflect on political challenges
argues that the 20th anniversary and activities of the last period.
of the 1994 breakthrough may The last section of the report is
signal the end of the political forward-looking providing a set
of proposal at the policy and
organisational level.

210 Secretariat Report to the 14th National Congress 2012.

5.2 Thirty years of heroic Struggle resolution on the nationalisation
of mines. Comrade Nelson
5.2.1 The NUM was founded on 4 Rolihlahla Mandela was anointed
December 1982, building on the as an Honorary President of the
proud foundations laid by the union whilst still in prison.
African Mine Works Union in the
1940s. Mining has for over 100 5.2.4 In its first decade of existence,
year been the bedrock of the the union had to recruit majority
South African economy and it is black mine workers into the
no coincidence the mine workers organisation, fight for recognition
union is by far the largest. It is by the bosses, a living wage and
worth recounting in general better working conditions for the
terms what the three decades mine workers. It had to plant roots
have meant for the mine workers by building workplace structures
union. and deepening the political
consciousness of its members.
5.2.2 The early 1980s was period of The NUM’s influence spread
political turmoil in South Africa through the Southern African
and the trade union movement region due to the fact that its
was to play a vital role in the membership included workers
struggle against apartheid within from Mozambique, Lesotho and
South Africa. This period also other countries. This requires
coincided with resurgence of further study to determine NUM’s
popular movements sparked by influence in the politics of the
the 1973 Durban strikes and the region.
1976 student uprisings. On the
economic front, the South African 5.2.5 The 1987 Strike tested the unity
and world economies were and resilience of the mine
strangled as growth stagnated workers. Though the union did
amidst high inflation. The gold not win all its demands and
mining boom of 1980s offered many of its members were
some respite for the South African dismissed, employers were
economy leading to some served notice that their power
growth in employment. It is within will not go unchallenged. The
this context that the NUM was strike steeled mine workers for
formed to fight for the rights of future confrontations with the
mineworkers across South Africa. mine bosses. Since then, mine
workers, especially black workers’
5.2.3 From inception, the NUM aligned wages have steadily improved.
with other progressive forces and In addition, the union managed
sought to link work place struggles to break the artificial glass
to the broader political and ceiling erected by apartheid job
economic struggles. It was the reservation policies by ensuring
first union to adopt the Freedom black mine workers access to
Charter in 1987 and adopt a skilled and artisanal jobs.

211 Secretariat Report to the 14th National Congress 2012.

5.2.6 The NUM was also at the forefront struggles and political struggles
in the unity talks that ultimately within South Africa and abroad.
led to the formation of COSATU NUM cadres since its inception
in 1985. This contribution was have occupied leadership
recognised with the election of positions within the Alliance
Comrade Elijah Barayi, one of the structures and government
NUM leaders, as the first President because of their organisational
of COSATU. By the end of the capacity and discipline.
1980s the NUM had become a
formidable force despite suffering 5.2.9 SouthAfricancapital,especiallythe
the onslaught of the state and mining houses, internationalised
the employers. their operations in the mid-1990s.
Anglo led the movement to shift
5.2.7 The 1990s presented its own primary listings to the London and
special challenges to the NUM New York exchanges, thereby
and the mine workers. This was a becoming non-South African
period of political transition from corporations. Anglo American
apartheid and massive corporate particularly always had global
restructuring. At the political ambitions but these were checked
front, the NUM as part of the by sanctions, political isolation of
democratic labour movement, South Africa and nationalisation
participated in the discussion of mines in countries such as
about the future dispensation. Zambia. The end of political
The organisational capabilities isolation unleashed a wave of
of the NUM played an important corporate restructuring in South
role in the ANC electoral victory Africa that was to put the trade
in 1994 and subsequent general union movement on the back foot.
and local elections. Since the Many companies in South Africa
launch of its own elections started retrenching workers or
programme in 1999, the NUM outsourcing and subcontracting
has sustained a focussed, co- operations. The mining industry
ordinated and organisationally was not an exception and suffered
funded programme during all heavy job losses.
elections, from general to local
government elections. 5.2.10 The 1990s was a period of
adaptation for the labour
5.2.8 The NUM continues to play its movement, NUM included. The
political and organisational movement had to adapt to
contribution in the legislative and the new political reality of ANC
executive arms of government government on the one hand
through its parliamentary office and corporate restructuring on
and NOBs respectively. It continues the other hand. New tactics
to earn respect from the liberation had to be developed to engage
movement and society, based the democratically elected
on its contribution to working ANC government and the

212 Secretariat Report to the 14th National Congress 2012.

anti-working class corporate remains by far the biggest union
agenda. NUM’s was astute in in South Africa across different
its strategy to confront the new sectors of mining. Gradually, it is
reality. It adopted a forward proving to be the house of choice
looking ten year plan to renew for mine workers across race, pay
the organisation and deploy grade, skills and occupational
new organising strategies. categories. As women enter
Consequently, it managed mining jobs, the union has had
to recover from the blows of to learn to recruit and respond to
restructuring and expanded its their needs. We must recall that
scope to organise construction for most of its history the NUM was
and energy workers. Still, the an organisation attuned to the
mining industry is undergoing needs of black male workers. To
reorganisation and is under make it, a union in which men
pressure to adapt to a carbon- and women can play their equal
free economy. Gold mining is no roles requires conscious effort by
longer the mainstay of the South the organisation.
African mining industry and has
been replaced by platinum. The 5.2.12 We do not recount this illustrious
mechanisation of the mining history to lull the organisation
process begun in the 1980s has into a false sense of security.
shrunk employment numbers Like many organisations, the
in the mining sectors. The NUM operates in a dynamic
ramification of all of these is still environment and faces a
being determined. complex set of challenges. The
recent Impala strike is but one
5.2.11 To conclude this section the NUM example of some of the internal
has waged a sustained and challenges confronting the
principled struggle for the rights union. It constantly has to remain
of mine workers for 30 years. It has relevant and provide effective
adapted to the post-apartheid leadership to its members.
political and economic climate. It

213 Secretariat Report to the 14th National Congress 2012.

5.3 The Centenary of the ANC 5.3.4 The ANC’s centenary and the
MK’s 50th birthdays reminds us
5.3.1. We continue to wish the ANC of the path we have traversed
a happy birthday and success to reach the goal of national
in the coming 100 years. We liberation. In its hundred years
congratulate those responsible for of existence the ANC has
organising the successful event in undergone significant change.
Mangaung on January 08, 2012. First, it had to transform itself from
These celebrations are continuing elitist to a revolutionary mass
throughout the year and we call based liberation movement. By
upon our members to join these the 1950s the ANC had become
festivities because the ANC has an active mass based movement
always had trade unionists as its using direct non-violent action to
leading cadres in the struggle for challenge discriminatory laws
national liberation. and agitate for democratic
future. Secondly, the ANC had to
5.3.2 The Peoples’ Army, the MK adapt to conditions of operating
celebrated 50 years of existence underground, knitting different
as the military wing of the ANC pillars of struggle including the
on the 16 December 2011. We armed struggle, mass insurrection
know that this armed formation and international mobilisation.
affirmed the values of selflessness
and sacrifice. We call upon the 5.3.5 It had to recover from the setback
veterans of this organ of the NDR of the 1960s to continue to lead and
to share understanding about inspire our people. By the 1980s
these great traits that defined there was no doubt in the minds
their conduct, selflessness and of the apartheid government and
sacrifice. It is these traits that are the international community that
seriously facing strain today due the ANC was the leading force
to the rise of crass materialism in South Africa and that it could
and individualism. not be excluded as part of the
solution to a future South Africa.
5.3.3 We wish to see former combatants In 1994 the ANC ascended to
and veterans participate in the power as the first democratically
branches of the ANC so that elected governing party. This
they can instil these virtues of the marked the third transition for the
revolution. As workers, we should ANC as it moved from a liberation
continue to look to these fighters movement agitating for change
to learn more about discipline into a governing political party.
because there is a danger that However, the ANC has refused the
what is happening in the ANC temptation to become a narrow
branches will engulf the trade political party preoccupied with
union movement given shared electoral success. However, this
membership and programmes. dialectic of a liberation movement
We salute the MK at 50. and political party has not been
fully resolved and poses its own
challenges and pressures as

214 Secretariat Report to the 14th National Congress 2012.

acknowledged by the ANC. For determination is simultaneously
instance, what does it mean a struggle to restore pride in the
concretely to be a mass movement peoples’ history, culture and
of activists while at the same time language. It must however
being a governing party? be appreciated that culture
and language is dynamic and
5.3.6 How to describe and capture cross-pollinates at the point of
the meaning and legacy of the contact with other cultures and
ANC? First, the ANC unified the languages. Further, urbanisation
diverse tribes/ethnic groups as a has also added a new dynamic
recognition that our people were by creating a sub-culture as our
defeated by the colonial forces people had to adapt to city life
because of disunity. This has left and being a proletariat.
a strong anti-tribalism tradition
within the ANC and the country. 5.3.8 The ANC also sought to forge
We must appreciate and nurture a new identity by providing a
this tradition because it provides vision of non-racialism and non-
the glue that binds the diverse sexism as an antithesis to racism
groups in this country and is an and sexism that defined the
antidote to the ethnic conflict apartheid-patriarchal system.
that has ravaged many African Progressive nationalism espoused
countries after independence. by the ANC sought to unify our
This does not mean that tribalism people across tribe, race, sex,
has been completely defeated class, geography and sexual
but continue to simmer below the orientation to fight for a non-
surface threating to explode as racial, non-sexist and democratic
competition for scarce resources order. Non-racialism has been
intensifies. parodied by backward African
nationalists and white liberals --
5.3.7 The goal of African nationalism as a defeatist philosophy by the
is also to restore peoples’ former, and cynically as a race-
confidence in their language, blind philosophy by the latter.
history and culture. As such, Nothing could be further from the
the ANC has throughout history truth.
sought to encourage and
promote our peoples’ culture, 5.3.9 Admittedly non-racialism is not an
language and traditions in their easy philosophy to uphold in the
diversity. Where colonialism context of virulent white racism
sought to degrade, falsify and persisting racial inequality
or deny, the movement has in South Africa and globally. It
attempted to uplift, promote and is however, the most progressive
inculcate confidence and pride philosophy to create a new
in our history as a people so that humanity and co-existence of
they engage with other groups the racial groups. Further, it does
as equals. The struggle for self- recognise that the oppressed

215 Secretariat Report to the 14th National Congress 2012.

have to be empowered to class organisation. In this regard,
engage as equals, and to do it should continue to be a broad
nothing with the structures of representative of the oppressed
racial inequality is to feed racism. classes.

5.3.10 The multi-class alliance with the 5.3.12 The working class should
working class at the helm is one of continue to participate in the
the greatest attributes of the ANC. programmes and activities of
The working class constitutes the the ANC understanding the
bulk of the ANC membership and dynamic relationship of classes
electoral base. As such, the ANC that characterize the ANC. It is
is the organic expression of the through participation in the ANC
unity of class alliances between that part of the working class
the working class, peasantry and struggle can be advanced. That
p et t y - b o u rg e o i s i e/i nte l l i g e nt s i a is recognizing the imperative
to fight against national, class of utilizing a broad alliance to
and sexual oppression. The ANC address both the national and
affirmed the revolutionary credo class realities of the South African
that the people are the agent society. The working class can
of history and not leaders or only intensify its hegemony in
mysterious forces. However, this society by being part of this broad
class alliance in under strain and alliance of oppressed classes.
requires careful management as It does not mean a betrayal of
a section of the formerly oppressed the route towards socialism. But
become ‘embourgeoisified’. There it means that the working class
is a real temptation for the ANC to understands the imperative of the
be converted into a movement national aspect of our revolution
representing the interest of the new and its interests can better be
de-racialised elite at the exclusion served by appreciating this reality.
of the black working class.
5.3.13 In realm of ideas, the ANC relied on
5.3.11 The ANC must continue to a scientific and Marxian approach
recognise the leading role of the to understanding social reality,
working class because essentially despite not adopting Marxism as its
they are responsible for the official ideology. What this means
electoral victories of the ANC. It is is that the movement seeks to
not a stretch of imagination that understand reality from a scientific
we continuously call for the ANC rather than an idealist standpoint.
to have pro poor policies that As such, reason and logic play
present special bias towards the an input role in the ANC’s thinking
working class. Besides, the majority processes. In this regard, the
of the ANC membership is typically ANC has borrowed from the best
from a working class background traditions in African nationalism
.This does not necessarily ignore and revolutionary theory.
the fact that the ANC is a multi-

216 Secretariat Report to the 14th National Congress 2012.

5.3.14 From inception the ANC has people and exercised directly by
adopted an internationalist them or by their elected agents
perspective seeking to weave under a free electoral system”. In
the South African struggle first the phrase of Abraham Lincoln;
to liberation struggles within the “democracy is the government
region, Africa and as part of the of the people by the people for
broader global movement for the people”. Democracy is more
freedom and social justice. The than a set of constitutional rules
pressing domestic challenges and procedures that determine
sometimes force the ANC to adopt how government functions. In
an inward nationalist perspective a democracy, government is
but this should not detract only one element coexisting in a
from its internationalist outlook social fabric of many and varied
and contribution to the world institutions, political parties,
revolutionary movement. The organisations and associations.
ANC itself has been shaped by This diversity is called pluralism,
and influenced by revolutionary and it assumes that the many
movements in Africa, Asia, Latin organised groups and institutions
America and other parts of the in a democratic society do not
world. depend upon government for their
existence, legitimacy, or authority.
5.3.15 As we mark the centenary of the
ANC, it is therefore important that 5.4.2 The Marxist view is fundamentally
we recognise these attributes that opposed to liberal democracy
have moulded and shaped the in believing that the capitalist
ANC and to which it has contributed state cannot be democratic by
immensely. These include its its nature, as it represents the
ideology and political practice dictatorship of the bourgeoisie.
which has borrowed from the best Marxists view liberal democracy
traditions. The ANC did not only as an unrealistic utopia. This
transpose these ideas and political is what Lenin in his State and
practices, but adapted them to the Revolution (chapter 5) had to
reality of the South African struggle. say about the limits of capitalist
It is also from this political practise democracy:
that the ANC has also learned a lot.
“Democracy for an insignificant
5.4 State of Our democracy minority, democracy for the
rich- that is the democracy
5.4.1 Against this background we of the capitalist society. If we
will now assess the state of our look more closely into the
democracy since the defeat machinery of the capitalist
of apartheid. By definition: democracy, we see everywhere,
democracy is “the government in the “petty” – supposedly petty-
by the people in which the details of suffrage (residential
supreme power is vested in the qualifications, exclusion of
women, etc), in the technique of

217 Secretariat Report to the 14th National Congress 2012.

the representative institutions, in other words, in a democracy the
the actual obstacles to the right people rule therefore the notion of
of assembly (public buildings are one man one vote, as opposed to
not for “paupers”), in the purely capitalism which is one dollar one
capitalist organisation of the vote. In other words, in a democracy
daily press, etc. - we see restriction citizens work together to achieve
after restriction upon democracy. common goals by lessening social
These restrictions, exceptions, inequalities. The opposite occurs
exclusions, obstacles for the poor in a capitalist market economy,
seem slight, especially in the eyes where people compete and try to
of one who has never known gain advantage over each other.”
want himself and has never
been in close contact with the 5.4.4 South Africa is a constitutional
oppressed classes in their mass democracy rather than a simple
life (and nine out of 10, if not 99 majoritarian system. That means
out of 100, bourgeoisie publicists any popularly elected parliament
and politicians come under and government is ultimately
this category), but in their sum subject to the Constitution and
total these restrictions exclude must be seen to be upholding
and squeeze out the poor from and promoting the values
politics, from active participation enshrined in the Constitution.
in democracy”. For example the government of
the day must respect the right to
5.4.3 Charles Darwin also warned strike and freedom of association
against cheque-book democracy embedded in the Constitution.
in which wealth determines Therefore South Africa is both
participation in a democratic a values driven and a system
system. This is what he said in his based society based on the will
“Essay on Democracy’’: of the people effected through
regular ballots.
“In this essay I will argue
that capitalism undermines 5.4.5 This does not mean a constitution
democracy. I argue this because cannot be changed. Hence a
in the capitalist theory of the market high bar has been set to change
system, people are technically the constitution. Two-thirds
equal free agents; however in majority is required to change
reality they have unequal amounts the clauses of the Constitution.
of social power therefore causing
an increase in existing inequalities 5.4.6 Earlier we noted that this year
both within. In the past several marks the 16 Anniversary of the
decades human beings have South African Constitution and
seen the first-hand how capitalism there is a lot of debate whether
has undermined substantive the current leadership of the
democracy. The reason for this is
because capitalism is inconsistent
with the democratization of the
economic and social spheres. In

218 Secretariat Report to the 14th National Congress 2012.

ANC upholds and defends the 5.4.8 We must also recall that South
constitutional democracy or is Africa is a class-based capitalist
a threat to it. The South African society divided between the rich
Constitution is one of the most and poor. Those with wealth will
the progressive constitutions in use their privileges to advance
the world, in that, not only does their agenda and protect their
it guarantee political and civil status. The working class must
liberties but also entrenches a wage consistent struggles to
set of socio-economic rights in ensure realisation of the rights
the Bill of Rights. It recognises as enshrined in the Constitution.
the doctrine of the separation of The rich will not hesitate to use
powers between the executive, the Constitution to circumscribe
legislature and judiciary to the action of the democratically
ensure checks and balance elected government or to limit
between these branches of the transformatory elements of
government. A set of institutions the constitution. Therefore the
supporting democracy are part constitution and democracy
of the constitutional framework is a contested terrain between
to support transparency and the haves’ and the have nots.
accountability – the Chapter 9 Through struggle, the working
Institutions. These include the class has ensured that democratic
Public Protector, the Auditor space is opened and certain
General, the Human Rights progressive rights are enshrined in
Commission and the Commission the Constitution. Having won this
for Gender Equality. battle, the working class cannot
rest on its laurels and hope that
5.4.7 The Chapter 9 of the Constitution the rights guaranteed in the
of the Republic of South Africa, Constitution will translate into
Act 108 of 1996 (as amended) reality. Simultaneously, the workers
states that “chapter 9 institutions ought to use the democratic space
are independent and subject to advance and deepen the
only to the Constitution and struggle and defeat the agenda to
the law, and they must be hollow out democratic institutions.
impartial and must exercise their For us, democracy is both
powers and functions without representative and participatory.
fear, favour or prejudice”. The We are not interested only in form
main function of these State but the substance and meaning
institutions is to strengthen the of democracy to the ordinary
Constitutional democracy in the masses.
Republic. These institutions are
accountable to the National 5.4.9 That said, we must now assess what
Assembly and are required to has been achieved over the past 18
report to it at least once a year. years. South Africa has successfully
No person, organisation or organ achieved and continues to thrive in
of state may interfere with the developing and defending aspects
functioning of these institutions. of procedural democracy such

219 Secretariat Report to the 14th National Congress 2012.

as voting every five years and accompanied by massive
respect for the rule of law. On transfers of incomes to poor
paper, the Constitution enables households through the social
participatory democracy by for grants systems and provision of
example, enjoining government public services to many black
to ensure public participation households. South Africa has
and consultation. A range of also contributed to resolutions
institutions have been established of many violent conflicts on the
to ensure public participation African continent and recently
such as the school governing joined the BRICS (Brazil, Russia,
bodies and the legislatures. India, China and South Africa)
However, only the best organised group of countries as recognition
and resource-rich are able to take of its stature in the world and in
advantage of these institutions. Africa. It has therefore moved
from being a pariah state to a
5.4.10 The apartheid Balkanisation or significant player in Africa and
fragmentation of our country along the world. To that end it has
tribal and racial lines has been also hosted several international
effectively abolished. South Africa sports competitions including the
now has a single public service, football world cup.
wall-to-wall local governments,
and a single national government 5.4.12 Despites being rated as a middle
with nine provinces. Racial and income country based on its
gender wage disparities have per capita income (per person),
been largely addressed when South Africa faces the triple
government improved wages for challenge of high unemployment,
public servants at the lower rung. poverty and inequality. The South
Representation at the middle African unemployment rate is
and top management has been higher among its peers. The
changed with visible numbers unemployment situation though
of black and female managers persistent since the late 1970s,
in the top echelons of the public worsened in the mid-1990s as South
service. However this has been Africa liberalised its economy by
undermined by large-scale lowering tariff barriers, reducing
retrenchment and out-sourcing state expenditure on social
of low-skilled workers as well as a services and raising interest rates
special dispensation for senior to fight inflation. Unemployment
managers. The public service disproportionately affects the
was on course to reduce wage young and African women. The
disparities until these measures unemployment rate has dropped
were implemented. marginally since the year 2000 but
these modest gains were wiped
5.4.11 The economy has been restored out by the 2008 global economic
to health though growth remains crisis. Government has now set a
low since 1994. This has been target of 5 million jobs by 2020 as
part of the New Growth Path.

220 Secretariat Report to the 14th National Congress 2012.

5.4.13 Poverty has stabilised at high education is likely to perpetuate
levels with estimates suggesting inequality within the workplace
that between 44 and 50% of unless later in life workplace
the population live in poverty. education compensates for the
Poverty has many dimensions failures of the education system.
and disproportionately affects
the young and African women 5.4.15 Social protests erupts now
as noted above. In geographic
terms, the rural areas have a high and then in townships across
concentration of poor people
and the urban areas have South Africa reflecting peoples’
also seen a marked increase
in poverty as many move from dissatisfaction with slow or lack
the rural areas in search of job
opportunities. Absolute poverty of service delivery. Many of our
rates have improved somewhat
due to income grants and free people still lack basic services
basic services. It is however a
strong indictment on South Africa despite the progress made
that despite the introduction of
means tests, the number of social over the last 18 years. We note
grant beneficiaries is increasing
each year. Social grants are that although government has
indeed the buffer to destitution
for many poor households in demonstrated commitment
South Africa.
towards discharging its mandate
5.4.14 Inequality as measured by the
Gini-coefficient has worsened in improving the conditions
in South Africa. Economic
restructuring has transferred of the poor, a lot more is still
income and wealth from the
poor to the rich as reflected for to be done. While there has
example in the decline in the
workers’ share of national income been unparalleled progress
and rise of profits. Whites in
general have seen their income in discharging procedural
and wealth rise simultaneously
with the growth of a tiny African democracy, the same cannot be
middle class and bourgeoisie.
Access to opportunities like said on the substantive aspects
education is also unequal with
working class children likely to of this democracy. The service
attend poorly resourced schools
staffed by inadequately trained delivery protests must be located
teachers. Unequal access to
within this understanding and

must therefore be viewed as

legitimate expressions of the

frustrations of our people. These

protests serve as a generator

to awaken government to

accelerate delivery. These

protests must be captured by the

ANC and be managed politically

rather than be dismissed. We

therefore call on the ANC to

improve its responsiveness.

5.4.16 Many residents who have
marched against institutions of
local government have stated
amongst other things that they
would want to speak to the Premier
or President. This demonstrated

221 Secretariat Report to the 14th National Congress 2012.

as voting every five years and accompanied by massive
respect for the rule of law. On transfers of incomes to poor
paper, the Constitution enables households through the social
participatory democracy by for grants systems and provision of
example, enjoining government public services to many black
to ensure public participation households. South Africa has
and consultation. A range of also contributed to resolutions
institutions have been established of many violent conflicts on the
to ensure public participation African continent and recently
such as the school governing joined the BRICS (Brazil, Russia,
bodies and the legislatures. India, China and South Africa)
However, only the best organised group of countries as recognition
and resource-rich are able to take of its stature in the world and in
advantage of these institutions. Africa. It has therefore moved
from being a pariah state to a
5.4.10 The apartheid Balkanisation or significant player in Africa and
fragmentation of our country along the world. To that end it has
tribal and racial lines has been also hosted several international
effectively abolished. South Africa sports competitions including the
now has a single public service, football world cup.
wall-to-wall local governments,
and a single national government 5.4.12 Despites being rated as a middle
with nine provinces. Racial and income country based on its
gender wage disparities have per capita income (per person),
been largely addressed when South Africa faces the triple
government improved wages for challenge of high unemployment,
public servants at the lower rung. poverty and inequality. The South
Representation at the middle African unemployment rate is
and top management has been higher among its peers. The
changed with visible numbers of unemployment situation though
black and female managers in the persistent since the late 1970s,
top echelons of the public service. worsened in the mid-1990s as South
However this has been undermined Africa liberalised its economy by
by large-scale retrenchment and lowering tariff barriers, reducing
out-sourcing of low-skilled workers state expenditure on social
as well as a special dispensation services and raising interest rates
for senior managers. The public to fight inflation. Unemployment
service was on course to reduce disproportionately affects the
wage disparities until these young and African women. The
measures were implemented. unemployment rate has dropped
marginally since the year 2000 but
5.4.11 The economy has been restored these modest gains were wiped
to health though growth remains out by the 2008 global economic
low since 1994. This has been crisis. Government has now set a
target of 5 million jobs by 2020 as
part of the New Growth Path.

222 Secretariat Report to the 14th National Congress 2012.

5.4.13 Poverty has stabilised at high education is likely to perpetuate
levels with estimates suggesting inequality within the workplace
that between 44 and 50% of unless later in life workplace
the population live in poverty. education compensates for the
Poverty has many dimensions failures of the education system.
and disproportionately affects
the young and African women 5.4.15 Social protests erupts now
as noted above. In geographic
terms, the rural areas have a high and then in townships across
concentration of poor people
and the urban areas have South Africa reflecting peoples’
also seen a marked increase
in poverty as many move from dissatisfaction with slow or lack
the rural areas in search of job
opportunities. Absolute poverty of service delivery. Many of our
rates have improved somewhat
due to income grants and free people still lack basic services
basic services. It is however a
strong indictment on South Africa despite the progress made
that despite the introduction of
means tests, the number of social over the last 18 years. We note
grant beneficiaries is increasing
each year. Social grants are that although government has
indeed the buffer to destitution
for many poor households in demonstrated commitment
South Africa.
towards discharging its mandate
5.4.14 Inequality as measured by the
Gini-coefficient has worsened in improving the conditions
in South Africa. Economic
restructuring has transferred of the poor, a lot more is still
income and wealth from the
poor to the rich as reflected for to be done. While there has
example in the decline in the
workers’ share of national income been unparalleled progress
and rise of profits. Whites in
general have seen their income in discharging procedural
and wealth rise simultaneously
with the growth of a tiny African democracy, the same cannot be
middle class and bourgeoisie.
Access to opportunities like said on the substantive aspects
education is also unequal with
working class children likely to of this democracy. The service
attend poorly resourced schools
staffed by inadequately trained delivery protests must be located
teachers. Unequal access to
within this understanding and

must therefore be viewed as

legitimate expressions of the

frustrations of our people. These

protests serve as a generator

to awaken government to

accelerate delivery. These

protests must be captured by the

ANC and be managed politically

rather than be dismissed. We

therefore call on the ANC to

improve its responsiveness.

5.4.16 Many residents who have
marched against institutions of
local government have stated
amongst other things that they
would want to speak to the Premier
or President. This demonstrated

223 Secretariat Report to the 14th National Congress 2012.

a distrust of local government General`s report confirmed that
structures. It is important that ‘unauthorized, irregular, fruitless
the image of local government and wasteful expenditure grew
is improved and a better from R3.9 billion in the 2009/2010
understanding is developed financial year to R4 billion in the
so that communities begin to 2010/2011 financial year. Is this
appreciate the role played by not enough to investigate and
this layer of government. The prosecute because it is clearly
perception that local government looting of public coffers? Can
disregard communities they we not we find right people
are meant to serve needs to be (comrades) or progressive
changed. professionals for the jobs?

5.4.17 A report on the State of Local 5.4.18 The Third Force theory is an
Government (2009) indicated attempt to present the people of
that amongst other challenges South Africa especially the poor
faced by local government, as redundant and incapable of
skills deficits remained prime. observing their circumstances
Municipalities were found to and coming up with ways to
lack the capacity to manage express their dissatisfaction. It
finances. This was also worsened attempts to present the poor
by a lack of managerial capacity. as brain-less. The reality is that
Clearly there have been attempts our people do not cook the
to address these challenges circumstances against which
by government but it has not they rebel, they are simply
been sufficient. The Auditor acting against the realities they

224 Secretariat Report to the 14th National Congress 2012.

face. They seek attention of the on the production of a cheap
highest office bearers of society surplus black population in
– as is their right – and this must the urban and rural areas as a
be appreciated and solutions means of subtracting surplus
must be found. Not the brutality value. While some were absorbed
that we saw in Ficksburg which into the formal economy, a
resulted in the killing of Andries very large section of the black
Tatane. population, especially women,
was excluded. This was coupled
5.4.19 We must appreciate that the with discriminatory approach
mobilization capacity that was to provision of public goods
developed over decades by the with blacks generally excluded
mass democratic movement or offered inferior services. This
has left a legacy of protest as has left a substantial backlog in
weapon to demonstrate public service delivery on a number of
discontent. So ordinary people fronts.
and even professionals, still take
to the streets to express their 5.4.21 The ANC government also
discontent in the democratic adopted policies that reinforced
society. This has nothing to do the systemic exclusion of a large
with third force theory. Unless it portion of the black working class
can be argued that even this in the mid-1990s. The liberalisation
legacy of mass protest before of the economy through rapid
1994 was being led by a third tariff liberalisation, dismantling
force and not the revolutionaries of agricultural marketing boards
of our democratic movement and the consequent de-
and advocates of international industrialisation expelled many
solidarity. The Third Force low skilled working people from the
Theory is a good suppression sphere of production especially
mechanism by those who have into mining and agriculture. At the
become suddenly intolerant same time, this was accompanied
and too comfortable. Yet they by the rise of atypical forms
can tolerate those who have of employment mainly in the
converted legitimate institutions services sector and the rise in
of government into illegal cash skill-intensity in the heavy industry
cows spawning the so-called and some services. Development
tenderpreneur class. Here, only policy was also preoccupied
those with political connections with reducing the budget deficit
thrive. and lowering inflation and not on
people’s needs. As such, many
5.4.20 The reasons for the mixed areas of economic and social
results are complex but can policy did not keep up with the
be attributed to the impact of massive backlogs and the rising
apartheid capitalism depended population or the disease burden
on the health sector.

225 Secretariat Report to the 14th National Congress 2012.

5.4.22 Infrastructure investment collapsed and incapacity to spend
the late 1970s and only started to allocated budgets is a serious
improve in early 2000. South Africa scandal in the context of these
is therefore facing an enormous social delivery challenges. For
economic and social infrastructure this reason, it is important that
backlog from aging road and rail we attend to the important
infrastructure to collapsing social task of building the capacity
infrastructure in some areas. of the state to plan, execute
Modest increases in infrastructure and monitor implementation.
investment since 2000 and People should also be held
especially for the 2010 FIFA World accountable for lack of progress
Cup helped cushion South Africa and the movement should stop
from the worst global economic shielding senior leaders accused
crisis since the 1930s. Government of misdemeanours. There is a
has now unveiled a 20 year perception in society that the ANC
infrastructure plan which should be tolerates wrong-doing by senior
welcomed and supported. party leaders by closing ranks if
it is perceived that the opposition
5.4.23 We all know that there has been is trying to score cheap political
some adjustment since 2000 points. This may be so but the
but substantial resources are movement cannot be seen to be
still needed just to eliminate the soft-peddling on corruption and
backlogs. Wastage, corruption mismanagement.

226 Secretariat Report to the 14th National Congress 2012.

5.5 Balance of Forces and possibilities to 5.5.3 In this context, we are witnessing
profound changes in the
advance the democratic agenda economic power balance.
Economic power is gradually
5.5.1 We now turn briefly to a shifting to countries in the south
discussion of the balance of with China, India and Brazil tipped
forces globally, in the region and to surpass many of the countries
within South Africa. A discussion in the developed North. This
of the balance of forces helps group of countries have proven
us understand what challenges resilient and are the dynamo that
are stacked in our favour and has kept the global economy
those posing potential threat to ticking. China in particular
progress. As Marx once said, we recovered quickly from the
made history not in conditions global economic meltdown and
of our own choosing. He further fears of an economic crisis due
pointed out that revolutionary to the overnight disappearance
action is about tilting the balance of export markets for this giant
of forces in our favour rather factory of the world have not
pleading victims to reality. materialised to the extent that it
initially was feared. This is largely
5.5.2 The global capitalist system due to large-scale infrastructure
confronts a multifaceted economic investment, management of the
crisis; ideological, ecological country’s exchange rate as well
and production. The Euro-zone as the growth of a substantial
economies are mostly in recession, middle class that has helped
with this most pronounced in the absorb some of the products.
group of countries which have
been given the PIGS acronym: 5.5.4 This coalition of powerful countries
Portugal, Ireland, Greece and from the South in challenging
Spain. The U.S. economy is barely the hegemony of the North and
growing and is unlikely to return is seeking to change global
to the growth rates of the 1990s politics at institutions such as the
for many years to come. Japan’s U.N., IMF and the World Bank.
economy has been in a quagmire The BRICS has also mooted the
for a long time despite low real establishment of new institutions
interest rates. The West is still such as the South-South Global
smarting from the consequences Bank to increase cooperation,
of the 2008 financial crisis and it is investment and trade within
apparent that the billions of dollars these countries.
spent to save the financial sector
merely postponed the inevitable 5.5.5 The so-called Arab Spring has
economic meltdown. The West unleashed an era of revolutions
is also facing serious problems in North Africa and the Middle
of aging populations and de- East. We have seen new
industrialisation as manufacturing
jobs have shifted to the East.

227 Secretariat Report to the 14th National Congress 2012.

governments come in, first in 5.5.7 All this signals that there have
Tunisia, then Egypt followed by been seismic changes in the
Libya. Syria and Barhrain are world that have replaced the
currently facing uprisings. The triumphalism of the neo-liberal
revolutions have been triggered capitalist order of the 1990s.
by deficits of democracy in Indeed many countries are
many of these countries but are trying to chart their independent
also fundamentally a response development path as neo-
to the worsening economic liberalism suffers from a crisis
conditions. An elite in these of legitimacy. Still, we should
countries has for many years not overstate the issue. The U.S.
cynically expropriated wealth remains the last economy in
while the conditions of ordinary the world by a long way and its
people were worsening. Many military power is unmatched by
of the regimes were autocratic any country or group of countries.
and had been insulated from The world is however not as uni-
popular pressure through brutal polar as it was during the 1990s.
repression of the opposition.
5.5.8 Forces of the left globally are
5.5.6 At the same time, Africa’s however fragmented and lack
development prospects haven’t a unifying perspective. Social
looked better. It is estimated that democratic parties in the West
Africa, with six of the 10 fastest have lost their souls as they
growing economies in 2012, have experimented with neo-
will be the third fastest growing liberal policies or nebulous ‘third
region in the world in the coming ways’. In fact many have lost
years. Economists estimate that elections or have been forced
if things do not improve in South into coalitions with conservative
Africa, it is likely to be surpassed forces. European voters seem
by Nigeria as the largest African to be voting with their fears
economy soon. Africa is reaping rather than their hope and
the dividends of democratisation, some conservative parties
the end of violent conflict and have exploited this by creating
investment from China. Its rich red herrings such as illegal
mineral resources are an asset that immigration as the cause of their
if properly managed can launch economic ills
Africa on the path to economic
prosperity. The West is losing its 5.5.9 The World Social Forum brings
foothold in Africa to China and we together disparate counter-
have seen desperate attempts to hegemonic movements but lacks
recapture lost ground, e.g. the a glue to bind these movements.
support for ebels in Libya. To fully At the same, the global trade
harness and realise its potential, union movement is also unclear
Africa needs to transform from on how to take advantage of the
being a mere supplier of raw
materials and unskilled labour.

228 Secretariat Report to the 14th National Congress 2012.

political space that has been 5.6.2 Yet instead of appreciating these
created. It has combined a range strengths and forging ahead as a
of perspectives from protectionist unified force, we are engulfed in
unionism to revolutionary trade an orgy of public bickering and
unions seeking a new world order. ill-discipline. The ANC NGC for
So, while there is general consensus example agreed that we must
that there are a lot of problems with instil discipline within our ranks
the current capitalist order, there is but hardly a few months later
no agreed perspective on what there were public disagreements
should be the alternative. Many of one type or another. We are
global unions are still to learn how indecisive as a movement, even
to confront the masters of capital on agreed positions and debate
as they are emerging from many endlessly instead of moving
years of social contracts with forward. Sure, there are many
capital in social democratic states. differences on tactics but surely
there is sufficient consensus on
5.6 The Democratic movement at the the challenges we confront and
what needs to be done. Unless
cross-roads we arrest these internal scuffles
within the democratic movement
5.6.1 It is in this context that we must it is not far-fetched that this
appreciate the fortunate position movement built over many years
that the South African democratic will implode.
left forces occupy. The ANC still
enjoys majority support among 5.6.3 The lack of unity of purpose within
a cross section of South Africans the democratic movement and
particularly the working class inability to resolve differences in a
and has occupied political office constructive manner, constitute
for the past 18 years. We have a real obstacle to progress.
a vibrant mass movement and This creates fertile ground for
civil society from youth to faith- opportunism to take root and for
based and civic movements self-seeking agendas to assert
generally supportive of the ANC themselves. Leadership contests
project. Further we have a strong within the broader movement
Communist Party and vibrant regularly threaten components
trade union movement in alliance of the movement instead of
with the ruling party. The ideals these being used as moments
of the democratic movement of renewal of the popular
are hegemonic and opposition mandate. Leadership positions
parties compete with each other are now conceived as stepping
to project themselves as the stones to a better life for the few
best alternatives to ideas of the elected leaders and in some
ANC-led alliance. We operate cases leadership contests have
in a relatively peaceful and become deadly affairs.
open democratic environment
characterised by robust debates.

229 Secretariat Report to the 14th National Congress 2012.

5.6.4 A number of the components of should not overshadow the
the formations of the democratic important task of finding answers
movement will host congresses or to the developmental challenge
conferences this year including facing South Africa and the need
the NUM, NUMSA, COSATU, the to build a strong movement.
SACP and the ANC. We must
use these congregations to find 5.7.2 We need to assert and defend
solutions to the malaise seeping
into our movement. We must the democratic traditions of the
emerge with a unity of purpose
to cast out problematic practices ANC and the right of socialist
such as lack of discipline and rally
our people around a common and communists and other
cause to defeat the vestiges of
apartheid and colonialism. We progressive-minded people
now turn to a discussion of each
of the alliance formations. to participate as legitimate

members of the organisation.

In this regard we must defeat

the modern narrow nationalist

tendency which seeks to hijack

the ANC and steer to serve the

interests of a new black elite.

5.7 The ANC

5.7.1 In earlier sections we discussed 5.7.3 This reactionary Africanist
tendency seeks to expand the
the ANC in the context of its culture of entitlement while it
ideologically remains reformist,
centenary celebrations and we elitist and potentially reactionary
as it usurps what should have
will highlight a few important been social benefits to the
broad masses of our people.
points in this section. The In an attempt to dislodge left
leaning activists and deployees,
movement has now reached it has invoked the great ghost
of ‘rooi gevaar’ -- unleashing
the 1 million member mark as unprecedented attacks on
trade unionists and communists
announced at the January 8 in the ANC and government.
This offensive is undertaken to
celebrations in Mangaung. This ensure that BEE enclaves of
tenderpreneurship can continue
is an important milestone in the to rob our people with skewed
and half-baked service delivery
history of the ANC which has projects. This Africanist tendency
is driven by narrow nationalism.
always galvanised the majority It seeks to restrict the struggle
for freedom to a fight against
of our people for decades. It national oppression only and

will soon be hosting a policy

conference in preparation for

the 53rd Conference to be held

in Mangaung in December.

Workers must take an active

interest in the debates that will

unfold at the policy conference

and the national conference.

We must ensure that the ANC

emerges out of these gatherings

with a clear vision to take South

Africa forward. Leadership

contestation, though important,

230 Secretariat Report to the 14th National Congress 2012.

not a fight against exploitation introduction of structures like
and this demarcation must be the Planning Commission and
rejected and condemned . the Monitoring and Evaluation
Committee, these are good starts
5.7.4 This tendency has also sought in the evolutions of such a state.
to attack and isolate fellow
revolutionaries for being active 5.7.6 The ANC should revisit the
in both the ANC and the SACP. public office-private business
All of a sudden it has become relationship which is a formula of
a problem to be a leader in corruption and nothing else. The
the SACP and the ANC. All time has come for comrades to
of a sudden it has become choose and the history of the past
problematic to be a leader in 20 years has shown that they can’t
the SACP and government. It will have both without denting the
seem that we should only be an image of the organisation. Even
ANC leader to qualify to be a those with undoubted political
genuine deployee. This attack consciousness have fallen to the
was intended to marginalize evil of corruption. Our members
the communists in the ANC as and the broad South African
it happened prior to Polokwane society will better be served by
in 2007. Comrades, we must be enforcing that comrades make a
ready to defend the gains we choice. It is clearly not enough to
have made and win support of declare interests.
leaders in the ANC who are not
part of this narrow self-centred 5.7.7 The ANC needs to pay attention to
African nationalism. vetting its members and improving
political consciousness. It is
5.7.5 The ANC should continue to always a challenge in an open
advance the entrenchment of organisation like the ANC that
the developmental state. We quantity is not always quality.
are happy that already there The movement needs to invest
are signs to this effect reading more resources in political
from the 2012 Presidential education to entrench the
Speech where it has become revolutionary values among
clear that we have entered an its new members and cadres.
era of state led infrastructural Further, mechanisms should be
development. This, together devised to eliminate the abuse of
with other investment activities ANC structure for personal goals.
will lead to purposeful state led Secret balloting at branch level
industrialization, a phenomenon should be considered to reduce
closely linked with the evolution the manipulation of branches for
of the characterization of corrupt purposes.
developmental states elsewhere
in the world. Linked with the

231 Secretariat Report to the 14th National Congress 2012.

5.7.8 In line with the COSATU 2015 plan, their respective sectors and in
we must continue to swell the this case we refer to energy,
ranks of the ANC by encouraging construction and mining.
NUM members to join and be
active in the ANC. This should at 5.7.9 We note the possibility that the
no point be interpreted as a call
to promote a centrist political call to swell the ranks of the ANC
cult intended to dispose of or
disregard any of our gains. It is despite its good revolutionary
important that our members note
that in joining the ANC and being intentions might create a
active in its activities, the workers
stand a better chance to support platform or even an atmosphere
and promote policy discussions
that are not hostile to them in to trigger and promote masculine

populism characteristically

impatient to objective scrutiny

when it comes to leadership

questions or discussions.

5.8 The SACP
Table 1: SACP national membership profile as of 20 November 2011

Age btn39-20
Age under 20
Levy over 100
belong to

EC 19701 9,493 10,208 7,508 111 11,617 974 200 2,740 9,682 136 252
3,018 17 125
FS 7570 2,481 5,089 3,389 89 2,999 590 146 2,374 8,139 73 410
16,196 109 730
GP 18473 6,608 11,865 7,291 189 10,519 895 383 3,477 10,293 77 751

KZN 33787 13,540 20,247 17,881 449 23,368 16,03 228 4,050

LP 18930 8,559 10,371 9,313 307 10,981 1,443 233 1,961

Notes: Total Membership = 139,356. 29,345- Workers paid their membership by cash
87,225- Membership paid by cash

5.8.1 The SACP, the oldest and biggest able to unite and coordinate
communist party in Africa has various forms of struggle and
been guided by a set of principles direct them towards a common
during its 80 years of existence. goal, is essential. Yet once we talk
One of the party stalwarts, John about a movement, a party and
Hoffman had this to say on the a programme, we are talking
Party: about action, we are talking
about action which has been
“The organisation of a popular thought out, for the only way in
movement, the organisation of which anyone can plan activity
a disciplined Communist Party and produce a programme is
around a political programme through a revolutionary thinking.’’

232 Secretariat Report to the 14th National Congress 2012.

5.8.2 Further the SACP constitution provincial congresses, the party
under the guiding principles has shown or displayed a high
stipulates: degree of unity and maturity
within its ranks.
“In leading the working class
towards national and social 5.8.4 Membership has been growing
emancipation, the SACP is guided rapidly after the 12th National
by those principles of Marxism- Congress held in 2007 (as can
Leninism whose universal validity be seen from the above table).
has been proven by the historical The approach which the seven
experience. The foundations provincial congresses have given
of these principles were laid by the leadership, and policy issues,
Karl Marx, Frederick Engels and signals greater unity within the
Lenin and enriched by many SACP structures. The SACP as the
other great revolutionaries. In vanguard of the working class
applying the general principles and the trusted partner within the
of Marxism-Leninism, the SACP Alliance should organisationally
is in the first place, concerned work to ensure that its unity is
with their indigenous elaboration replicated in both the ANC and
and application to the concrete COSATU.
realities of our own developing
situation. More particularly, the 5.8.5 The SACP has remained
SACP will work to: organisationally and ideologically
clear on policy debates and
o End the system of capitalist analytical approach. It however
exploitation in South Africa had to balance between
and to establish a socialist ideological clarity and mobilisation
society based on common of society and the working class
ownership of, participation in, towards understanding and
and control by producers of supporting the SACP perspectives.
the key means of production. A recent example was the debate
Such a society will respect on the nationalisation of the mines
and protect all personal non- where the Party has been very
exploitative property”. clear on its analytical conception
though not that convincing on the
5.8.3 The above principle is what alternative approach, on grounds
organisational, politically and of the approach being informed
ideologically make the SACP a by what the Road to South African
political home for the workers Freedom, SACP, 1962 says:
and the working class. During this
period, the SACP has shown signs “The Party will press for the strengthening
of strength and stability though of the state sector of the economy,
with some issues of discipline that particularly in the fields of heavy
the Central Committee had to
attend to. During its past seven

233 Secretariat Report to the 14th National Congress 2012.

industry, machine tool, building financial viability and resources for
and fuel production. It will seek to the Party within a democratic system
place control of the vital sectors of (though capitalist economy). This
the economy in the hands of the will assist the Party on its ability to
national democratic state to correct fund its correct organisational and
historic injustices, by demanding ideological conceptions through
the nationalisation of mining the Midterm vision and campaigns.
industry, banking and monopoly
industrial establishments, thus 5.8.8 The last issue the Party within its
also laying the foundation for the structures should engage and
advance to socialism. At the same resolve on pure organisational
time, the state should protect the grounds is the question of
interests of private business where the availability of SACP Office
these are not incompatible with Bearers on a fulltime basis on the
the public interest. It should offer provincial and national levels. This
assistance, by way of state loans, debate should be handled within
to non-monopolist producers, the Party by the party structures
in return for state share in their within the parameters of the party
undertaking, thus paving the way building programme or strategy
for gradual and peaceful transition as adopted by the party’s National
to socialism”. Congress from time to time.

5.8.6 This exactly reflects the reasons 5.8.9 The NUM has a good organisational
why the NUM adopted the relationship with the SACP and
resolution on nationalisation of has always been organising
mines in 1987 but the current joint political schools with SACP
call for nationalisation has no cadres responsible for facilitation
ideological and working class and even on EBMTC courses and
basis. regional courses as and when
requested. The NEC has adopted
5.8.7 The second challenge that the an organisational plan of co-
SACP within its structures should ordinating and organising Chris
engage as part of preparing for Hani brigade type ideological
its 13th National Congress is the development programmes with
the SACP every year.

234 Secretariat Report to the 14th National Congress 2012.

5.9 COSATU alliance in recognition of the
national content of its working
5.9.1 COSATU remains the federation class struggle. One of the
of unions in South Africa covering popular struggles which COSATU
many industries in the public and must continue to wage and
private sector. It has remained should be supported on, is the
resilient despite the vicious e-toll protests launched on the 7
agenda of capital to dislodge March 2012. This popular struggle
or weaken it. The Federation also accentuates popular
has in the past three years led mobilization through organising
important struggles around campaigns to call for the banning
workplace issues and broader of labour brokers. These are
societal questions. It has also popular struggles that enhance
continued to play a vital role in the national democratic aspect
the international trade union of our national struggle and
movement and the tripartite may not necessarily lead us to
alliance. socialism but should be located
within the broad parameters of
5.9.2 COSATU manages a very the class struggle.
complex set of relationships
and has to avoid the extremes 5.9.4 COSATU should continue to
of uncritical collaborator or a maintain its ideological clarity in
knee-jack rejectionist stance. the midst of all the ideological
It must avoid the dangers of confusion we have seen engulfing
‘masculine populism (khuluma most of our comrades. COSATU
nje nge ndoda)’ which sound should continue to develop
rhetorically militant but in actual fighting programmes that keep
fact isolates the movement. Nor the working class understanding
must it acquiesce to government that all their activities and
and alliance positions for fear of campaigns should help deepen
upsetting the apple cart even the NDR and advance the path
when these positions will weaken to socialism. In this context,
the working class. the greatest organisational
challenge in deepening the
5.9.3 As Lenin puts it; “to become NDR and an advancement to
a power the class-conscious socialism is the realization of our
workers must win the majority to collective industrial vision of One
their side …We are not Blanquists, Country One Federation, One
we do not stand for the seizure industry One Union.
of power by a minority”. The
working class must reclaim its 5.9.5 While there may be instances of
leadership through launching robust engagement in COSATU
effective popular struggles on we do not believe that these
the ground in a broad multi-class lead to a state of paralysis of

235 Secretariat Report to the 14th National Congress 2012.

the federation. On the contrary COSATU. So we must not fall into
robust engagement has been the trap because if we do, we lose
empowering in the federation, sight of the issues and reduce
ensuring that the centre holds. every comment to a struggle
This is the reason why COSATU of personalities. When we get
is still strong today and should confused we should seek clarity
continue to pursue the vision of and this will assist us to make
One Federation One industry correct diagnosis and the right
Union in consolidating working interventions in strengthening our
class power. relations.

5.9.6 There have been open debates 5.9.8 Furthermore, at no point or stage
between leading voices of should COSATU fear to criticize
COSATU and the SACP on the the SACP because the relations
question of the deployment of will be soured and vice versa.
SACP leaders to government and The relations between the two
ANC structures. COSATU should will continue to face upheavals in
continue to nurture its dynamic certain moments of history. But we
role in society and the alliance. know that these are not principal
It should continue to mobilise or ideological differences. As
support for the growth of the SACP Mao Tse Tung put it, these are
and it is correct for this Federation simply “contradictions among
to be seized with the state of the people” and they are not
health of this institution of the antagonistic.
working class. The workers must
continue to be jealous about the 5.9.9 As NUM members we note
SACP and we believe it is out of that workers sometimes lodge
this jealousy that COSATU and their genuine criticism on the
some of its affiliates will continue SACP in the same mode of
to make noise when they develop attack on the principal enemy.
an anti-SACP sickness. Sometimes Sometimes even insinuating that
the manifestation of this jealousy SACP leaders have assumed
results in an ambush on those on a sell-out position by virtue of
the upper echelons of the Party. deployment into government
which we believe is unfortunate.
5.9.7 This should not be reduced As COSATU seeks to build the
to casting aspersions on SACP, the latter must not rest on
individuals but focus on building the construction momentum
the collective in the SACP. But but provide leadership and
we know that the media will guidance to the workers. In this
pounce on every opportunity way there will be no gaps that
to turn matters of concern into are exploited by enemies of the
an all-out war between leading alliance to create all manner of
personalities in the SACP and suspicions and mistrust.

236 Secretariat Report to the 14th National Congress 2012.

5.10 The Tripartite Alliance or balancing the relationship
between the alliance and the
5.10.1 The tripartite alliance between state. We need to ask whether
the ANC, SACP, COSATU and we have entered a new phase
SANCO represent an important of unity of purpose and better
vehicle to unify our people and management of differences.
lead the NDR in its current phase. Relations have been cordial over
While it has become fashionable the past three years but we need
in the media to predict its death to check if these are based on
we in the movement must not give common programmes or the
in to the temptation to destroy convenience of a partnership.
this historic alliance. However
this is not an alliance for its own 5.10.4 The ANC must continue to lead
sake. It has a historic mission to the Alliance. Since 2007 there
fulfil under qualitatively different has been a lot of progress in
circumstances. terms of interaction between
the components of the Alliance
5.10.2 First, it must provide a vision compared to the period before
that can still hold the entire 2007. This interaction has
movement together, i.e. mobilise taken the form of summits in
all our people behind a common dealing with policy issues. The
agenda. Second, it needs a plan Planning Commission is a living
to transform the South African consequence of this interaction.
society to eradicate race, class A lot more needs to be done
and gender oppression. In a word to consolidate consensus on
it must continue to prosecute policy issues including national
the revolution by weaving state programmes and a lot is yet to be
and mass power in favour of the achieved. The ANC will not deliver
popular forces. Third, it must on its own without the Alliance.
contribute to the internationalist
struggle for a just and equitable 5.11 The Civic Movement
human order. These in a nutshell
are the main tasks of the alliance 5.11.1 NUM welcomes the emerging
in the current conditions. active voice of SANCO in
national dialogue on matters
5.10.3 The alliance has proven resilient such as the rejection of E-tolling
and continues to play a significant system in Gauteng. It is important
role in the post-apartheid period. that SANCO locates itself in
However it has periodically the community struggles in
been rocked by disagreements, a sustainable way. The trend
sometime very public around currently is that communities
the appropriate development are taking it upon themselves to
strategy. This is the leadership fight for government intervention
role that it must exercise, whether where there service delivery has
it is managing the political centre stagnated or is absent. Affected
and the different components residents have often called

237 Secretariat Report to the 14th National Congress 2012.

for attention from the national should be viewed as part of
government by taking their entrenching democracy at local
frustrations into the streets. They community level and this puts
undertake these struggles without added responsibility for SANCO
resources and mature political to assume the role of the torch-
guidance. For this we should bearer in marshalling residents.
praise them for their bravery and
courage. But we should also 5.11.3 Politically we know that SANCO
worry and ask questions where will always support COSATU in
was SANCO when Andries Tatane principle. We worry though that
led a service delivery march? such mobilization fluctuates. It is
this kind of inactivity that gives the
5.11.2 SANCO needs to gear itself platform to other organisations
up in mobilizing and directing to occupy and claim legitimacy
communities particularly on in representing interests of the
public participation processes. communities. We propose that
The challenge is that we have SANCO considers being a visible
seen other community formations part of some of these struggles
assuming this responsibility and not for the sake of it but to provide
this gets us worried as workers. In the necessary guidance.
this regard public participation

238 Secretariat Report to the 14th National Congress 2012.

5.12 The Youth and other democratic 5.13.2 South Africa’s economy needs
to be redesigned away from the
movements apartheid inherited trajectory
towards long-term planned
The mass democratic movement also developmental path that drastically
includes other formations ranging from improves the living standard of the
the youth, faith based organisations, people – generally the working
women’s organisation and progressive class and in particular the poor.
NGOs. We see that these movements Our national policy regime must be
continue to play an important role in integrated in a way that allows for
mobilising their members to articulate effective planning to achieve social
their interests. They are also important and economic objectives.
in deepening political consciousness
especially among the youth. Going 5.13.3 The main protection of the
forward, the NUM needs to build capitalist system is the separation
relationships with these mass formations. of political and economic power.
Our new democracy, the political
What is to be done? freedom which we attained in
1994, does not disturb or deter the
The previous sections mapped political minority control over the means of
developments in South Africa and production even in State Owned
across the globe over the past period. Enterprise (SOEs). Rather than the
In this concluding section we pay economic conditions improving,
attention to the question of what needs the economic bondage of the
to be done. In some of the sections we majority is entrenched.
provided both an analysis of political
events and offered some possible issues
for discussion.

5.13 Vision and long term development 5.13.4 Today, the State pursues and
invests resources on technologies
plan that rather widen the inequality
gap and make energy services
5.13.1 In the introduction we noted affordability impossible to the poor
that the National Planning and therefore preventing access.
Commission has tabled a set Our national objective as contained
of proposals to constitute a 30 in the National Democratic
year vision and plan for South Revolution (NDR) should take
Africa. This is echoed in the precedence in developing a viable
ANC discussion document on industrial policy for the country.
the second transition which calls No development in a country has
for a similar long term vision and taken place without direct state
plan for transformation. The NUM intervention and investments in the
has to grasp this opportunity core sectors of the economy. It is the
and contribute to shaping the state that must ensure that there
developmental plan for the are resources available for feeding
country, paying attention, though the demands of the economy.
not exclusively to the sectors in
which it organises.

239 Secretariat Report to the 14th National Congress 2012.

5.13.5 It is critical that we attain national • To achieve significant
consensus in deciding the future reduction in social poverty
of the South African energy through the creation of decent
sector. Without it the economic jobs and delivery of basic
objectives of our revolution services it is also important
will not be achieved, big to state that policy-makers
brother approach undermines in SA have to consider the
democracy. The Freedom relationships between labour
Charter, the Reconstruction and and capital in public policy
Development Programme (RDP) choices, especially if they
and the Constitution – the Bill of carry heavy political costs.
Rights are a basis for consensus
on economic development. The • Finally it’s important for policy
NUM believes that the goals of in the alliance to achieve
the energy policy should be: consensus on issues that
have traditionally divided,
• To have an energy policy that specifically on transparency
reflects the symbiosis between of government policies on the
the state, the citizenry and privatization of electricity and
environment. To achieve on the issue of energy mix that
this, we need a shift from the includes nuclear. In our energy
rapacious use of resources, debates we note that all
to giving every South African energy policy developments
citizen access to those must influence existing policy
resources that would enhance such as industrial and minerals
his/her development as a policy.
human being

• To priorities the equitable
distribution of energy

240 Secretariat Report to the 14th National Congress 2012.


241 Secretariat Report to the 14th National Congress 2012.

06 Environmental

6.1 The state of the environment way to the upper atmosphere, where
they destroy ozone, the chemical which
South Africa is a climatically sensitive blocks harmful ultra-violet radiation.
country. Most crop agriculture takes
place where it is only just climatically The energy sector, which includes
suitable, particularly with respect to electricity generation, emissions
rainfall. Water is the resource most resulting from oil and coal refining to
limiting to national development. Its produce petroleum products, coal
availability now and in the future is mining and gas extraction, wood
closely linked to rainfall, temperature, burning and the burning of coal and
management and land use practices. oil to produce heat for industrial and
other purposes, is the single largest
The direct causes of atmospheric source of carbon dioxide (CO2) and
change and the enhanced greenhouse sulphur dioxide (SO2) emissions in
effect are human activities such as the South Africa. This is mainly due to the
burning of fossil fuels and the clearing reliance on coal and oil or its products
of natural vegetation for agricultural for the country’s energy purposes.
Emissions from vehicles (aeroplanes,
These activities emit a variety of gases, ships, trains and road vehicles),
the most important of which are contribute 44% of the total national
carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous nitric oxide emissions and 45% of the
oxide (which contribute to global total national volatile organic carbon
warming); nitric oxide and volatile emissions (VOC). Volatile organic
organic compounds; sulphur dioxide carbon emissions (VOC) combine with
and dust and smoke particles. Sulphur nitric oxide and carbon monoxide,
dioxide and nitric oxide together in the presence of sunlight, to form
are deposited as acids, which are photochemical smog, which contains
corrosive to buildings and harmful gases which are toxic to plants and
to ecosystems as certain plant and animals. This is particularly a problem
animal species are very sensitive to in urban areas.
changes in soil and water acidity.
Acidification of surface water also Agricultural activities contribute the
makes it less suitable for drinking, most to methane emissions (48% of
irrigation, and industrial uses. Certain the national total) and nitrous oxide
gases, such as the ozone-depleting emissions (78% of the national total).
chlorofluorocarbons (CFC’s), find their Concentrations of carbon dioxide as

242 Secretariat Report to the 14th National Congress 2012.

measured at Cape Point show an overall to education, approximately 7.5 million
increase of approximately 0.6% per year. people are functionally illiterate. These,
and other factors, contribute to the high
Carbon dioxide is measured at Cape crime rates currently experienced in
Point. In general, the worst air quality many urban centres.
in South Africa occurs when wood,
dung or coal is used as fuel inside Although most people have access to
poorly-ventilated dwellings, in informal health services, public facilities are often
settlements and rural villages, adversely under-resourced and unable to meet
affecting human health. On average, demands. For reasons of cost or culture,
the temperature stations in South Africa many people also seek the help of
showed an increase of 0.2° C during traditional healers. The most important
the 1990s, which is not yet a cause for notifiable disease is tuberculosis,
alarm. The increase in temperature may accounting for nearly 4% of all deaths.
be associated with global warming, The extent of HIV infection and AIDS is
although it is hard to prove statistically not accurately known at this time, but
with such a short record. projections include a reduction in life
expectancy to 40 years by 2010, and a
The population in South Africa was loss of 20% of the work force within the
40.6 million in 1996, and is growing at next six to seven years.
about 2% per year. If this trend persists,
by the year 2035, there will be nearly 82 In South Africa, historically the mining
million people living in South Africa, and sector mined and no proper rehabilitation
dependent on the same level of natural and mine closure programmes were
resources which are already under in place. This has resulted in a number
pressure to adequately meet demand. of challenges whose impacts are now
Roughly half these people live in towns becoming visible after many years
and cities, and many live in informal of neglect by the respective mining
and inadequate housing. In both companies, some of which have closed
rural and urban centres, many people down.
do not have access to water supply
and sanitation, electricity, and other This lack of accountability means that
services. The population is more mobile the Government becomes responsible,
now than in the last century, and factors thus the working class is exposed to
such as employment opportunities, land incur the cost(s) which should have
reform and restitution, and immigration been borne by the mining companies.
from other countries, are causing the The poor of the poorest continue to be
population in urban centres to grow exploited in such cases, hampering
rapidly. poverty eradication programmes.

Levels of poverty are highest amongst The recent Acid Mine Drainage (AMD)
the black population, reaching over challenges are a result of mineral
60%. Unemployment on a national deposits from un-rehabilitated mines.
basis is also high, and highest among These mineral deposits overflow to
the black population. Although the community streams, thus affecting the
education system has been reformed poor communities.
and all South Africans now have access

243 Secretariat Report to the 14th National Congress 2012.

6.2. The impact of the state of the it is predicted that this demand will
environment increase to 23% of the total. Already
alternative sources of freshwater (such
Warmer temperatures in South Africa may as desalination of sea water and
lead to: importing water from other countries)
are being investigated to meet this
• Changes in biogeographic demand, although these are currently
distributions and loss of biodiversity prohibitively expensive and may not be
environmentally sustainable.
• More human deaths, especially
among the elderly, due directly to Uncontrolled settlement development
heat waves can also result in problems of pollution,
health hazards, and inadequate housing
• Greater risk of epidemic infectious and service provision, contributing to
illnesses, such as malaria (due to informal sector activities and crime.
an expansion of suitable habitat for Natural resources in areas surrounding
mosquitoes which transmit malaria) settlements are generally under greater
pressures than those in areas of less
• Malaria epidemics have been linked dense human habitation.
to both temperature and rainfall in
South Africa, and appear to show a The impacts of poverty on the
steady increase overall since 1993 environment include deforestation from
excessive collection of wood for fuel,
• Increased ozone levels in the lower soil degradation through cultivation
atmosphere (resulting from nitrous of unsuitable soils, and exploitation
and hydrocarbons reacting in the of rare and endangered species to
sunlight) lead to respiratory health supplement incomes. An inability
effects to adequately provide for the basic
needs of the population will lead to
Depletion of upper atmosphere collapse of the natural ecosystem
stratospheric ozone will result in more services and deterioration in quality
of the harmful ultra-violet B radiation of life. The greater impacts of AMD are
reaching ground level. This would ingestion of radioactive materials by
lead to increases in skin cancer and communities in affected areas, thus
cataracts, and possibly reduction child birth abnormalities and burden of
in the effectiveness of the immune diseases breakout to the government
system. Some of the highest pollution and ultimately societies.
concentrations are found in rural, indoor
environments. The impact (sickness and Mines that have not been properly
mortality due to air pollution) in South closed, lead to flooding of water in those
Africa has not been quantified. It is mines and thus exposing surrounding
especially a problem for children of low- communities and mines to flooding.
income families, who live mainly in rural This also results in unstable soil ground,
areas and in inadequate housing. e.g. threat of flooding in a mine in the
East Rand and flooding of central
More people mean more demand for Johannesburg.
resources. In 1996, domestic demand
for water was 11% of the total. By 2030

244 Secretariat Report to the 14th National Congress 2012.

6.3. The International and National domestic energy source, and thus
responses to environmental improving indoor air quality in rural
challenges areas and informal settlements.
Nearly 1 million households have
6.3.1 International response: been electrified since 1994, but
coal and wood remain important
In 1990, South Africa became a fuel sources for reasons including
signatory to the Montreal Protocol, customary domestic activities.
the purpose of which is to limit the
emissions of substances harmful Since South Africa is a
to the ozone layer. This protocol climatically-sensitive country, the
has been highly successful. South issue of climate variability and
Africa signed the United Nations potential climate change is taken
Framework Convention on Climate seriously at the national level. An
Change (UNFCCC) in 1994, and interdepartmental committee on
ratified it in 1997. Such signatories climate change commissioned
lead to different conventions reviews on the subject. As NUM
such as the Kyoto Protocol and we are not represented at this
subsequent ratifications, which committee, and thus the worker
South Africa is signatory to. voice is missing.
Recently in 2011, South Africa
hosted the Convention of Parties A policy on the National
17 (COP17) on climate change; Response on Climate Change
however a second commitment to was developed and passed by
the Kyoto Protocol was not signed. the National Assembly. Several
policies, addressing some of the
6.3.2 National response: challenges highlighted have been
developed by various government
A massive electrification departments and are being
programme aimed at replacing implemented and monitored
the use of coal and wood as a within those departments.

245 Secretariat Report to the 14th National Congress 2012.

6.4 The NUM and the environment ensure that the development of

6.4.1 Possible Themes for NUM new green industries does not

Events such as COP 17 provide become an excuse for lowering
an opportunity for rallying longer-
term union programmes helping wages and social benefits. New
the NUM advance its positions,
campaigns and solutions related environmentally-friendly jobs
to climate change. They can also
be used to build organisations. provide an opportunity to redress
We must sustain our participation
in these events and lead many of the gender imbalances
organised labour campaigns
and debates. in employment and skills.’

Two themes are explored below, The ‘Jobs for miners in a just
identified because they address transition’ theme takes forward
real challenges faced by the COSATU campaigns for a living
NUM and society in the transition wage and decent jobs. The
to a climate-resilient, low-carbon following approaches and
economy while giving expression activities could form part of
to relevant COSATU policies and working around this theme.
6.4.3 Keep track of the situation of
6.4.2 Theme 1: Jobs for miners in a members
just transition
Conduct an audit to determine
While the NUM understands the profile of NUM’s members in
the imperatives for a climate- terms of what they are mining,
resilient, low-carbon economy, and what their jobs are. Not all
it has a responsibility to defend members are in coal mining,
the interests of its members in and some members may not be
the transition and to ensure that miners but have jobs that can
the transition is just. Among other transfer to another sector (e.g.
aspects this means ensuring drivers). Cross reference this audit
miners are not stranded jobless. to what mining resources and
The COSATU Policy Framework on activities will or won’t be affected
Climate Change says: in the transition, and link them to
new job opportunities.
`The evidence suggests that
the transition to a low-carbon Create a database to track
economy will potentially create retrenched mining workers, and
more jobs than it will lose. those under threat, e.g. how
But we have to campaign for many miners, ages, skills, location
protection and support for etc. While the union cannot take
workers whose jobs or livelihoods long-term responsibility for non-
might be threatened by the members, there may be creative
transition. … We also have to collective strategies across
unemployed miners and unions.
The NUM itself established
cooperatives with dismissed
workers in the 1980s, and can
learn from the successes and
failures of its own experiences.

246 Secretariat Report to the 14th National Congress 2012.

These activities can be continued mining jobs will be around for
at branch level, as part of decades to come. ‘First in, last
organising. out’ principles can be applied
so that that new entrants to the
Identify emerging job opportunities: job market are redirected to the
new ‘low carbon’ jobs, while
• There may be ‘just transition’ coal jobs are retained for existing
opportunities in mining sectors mineworkers.
which are not carbon intensive,
for example mining of the metals Use workplace forums to make
used to manufacture renewable sure management keeps workers
energy technologies. informed about envisaged
changes to machinery, processes
• Work with the Department and work organisation, and that
of Environmental Affairs’ workers have a say.
Sector Education and
Training Directorate and the Research and record any ‘low
Development Bank of SA on carbon’ training or re-training
an audit of the skills that will be programmes already run or
needed for a green economy. being developed by the mining
companies. Campaign for
• Consider the research by companies to create such
programmes. This could be at
Million Climate Jobs Campaign little or no extra cost to companies
if Skills Levy funds are used.
to potentially create ‘climate

jobs’ in the following sectors;

mining, transport, construction,

manufacturing, energy, Engage government and
management on ‘sunrise’ and
agriculture and food, financing, ‘sunset’ strategies for jobs. This can
include starting ‘climate job loss
local government, tourism and funds’ to provide good pensions
and benefits to older workers as
hospitality, waste, water and some jobs are phased out. This
could be part of the campaign
sanitation. The NUM needs for benefits as part of decent jobs.

to discuss the nature of its

participation in the campaign.

• In the context of COSATU’s Take the lead:
2010 ‘Growth Path Towards Full
Employment’ document, lobby • Embark on member education
for local manufacture and to ensure they understand
decent job creation in low- the contributions of mining to
carbon technologies, such as climate change, the changes
renewable energy. Joint efforts that are needed, and the
with other relevant affiliates will impact on the industry.
build solidarity.

6.4.4 Prepare members to transition • Through NEDLAC and

It must be stressed that there is Chamber of Mines structures,
no way our economy can drop
coal mining overnight. Coal begin engagements on

247 Secretariat Report to the 14th National Congress 2012.

climate change, aimed Some possible ‘real solutions’ to
at specific and targeted promote and take forward are:
strategies for both emissions
reductions and job creation in I. Internalising externalised costs
the mining sector.
Externalised costs are the social
• Spearhead job creation in and environmental costs that
rehabilitating old mine sites, companies do not carry, but
funded by the mining industry. pass on to the workers or citizens
The Department of Mineral (like miners who get sick from
Resources has some funds asbestos and receive no help
for rehabilitation of mines, from companies or acid mine
but these are insufficient drainage which taxpayers are
and could perhaps best be now having to pay to clean up
used to catalyse initiatives when the companies should
at abandoned ownerless have done it when wrapping up
mines, or train rehabilitation their mining; or carbon emissions
workers. Mineworkers would which create climate change).
be best placed to do this work. The NUM can support measures
Rehabilitation of mines can to internalise externalised costs.
be done in a way that is as
labour-intensive as possible, • One way of bringing the
especially in restoring sites to externalised costs of emissions
as environmentally sound a into companies’ financial
state as possible. In addition statements (‘internalising’ them)
to creating jobs, rehabilitation is a carbon tax, as proposed
is essential to try to restore by Treasury. Companies will
ecosystem services which resist the tax, and argue that
rightfully belong to us as a the added costs will lead to
nation. job losses, in an attempt to get
union support for their position.
6.4.5 Theme 2: Real solutions, not However, by penalising
dead ends carbon-intensive activities and
rewarding low-carbon efforts,
The declaration from the the effect of the tax is to shift
October 2010 labour/civil society energy behaviour, not to shrink
conference states “We need to … the enterprise. The tax need not
migrate the economy from one affect jobs, depending upon
based on coal to a low-carbon how companies deal with it. If
… economy. … We have to make companies shift their electricity
sure that we are in charge of this and petrol consumption
process and do not become the and sources, they will pay
objects of it.” Instead of taking a less carbon tax and likely
defensive stance, NUM can shape save money on their energy
the form a just transition takes in costs. The union can engage
the interests of its members and management to ensure that
the working class more broadly. companies shift to low-carbon

248 Secretariat Report to the 14th National Congress 2012.

approaches and hence avoid • Mining is well known to be
the taxes, in such a way that
jobs are not lost. destructive of ecosystems and

livelihoods based on them,

• Investors are increasingly and yet currently provide
socially and environmentally thousands of jobs and the
sustainable companies. NUM
together with SACCAWU, engine of our economy. NUM
and SACWU, led the way in can champion a sustainable
establishing the Community
Growth Funds investment development approach,
vehicles managed by Old
Mutual against a set of social which both restores and
responsibility criteria. The
unions could re-examine defends ecosystems and
these criteria to strengthen the
environmental criteria. allows for development.

In terms of South Africa’s

endowment of mineral

resources, some promote a

‘use it or lose it’ approach,

but we must be sure that we

do not ‘use it’ at the expense

of losing other essential

ecosystem services, like water,

Further examples of internalising with which we are not richly
externalised costs are found
under ‘Climate-resilient mining’ endowed. We also must not
lose the ability of poor people

and workers to survive the

impacts of climate change,

II. Climate-resilient mining but strengthen their climate

resilience by defending or

• The ability of workers and the improving livelihoods and

poor to respond creatively to, food security.

withstand and survive climate

change is strengthened

by addressing all our NUM can engage the government
agency SANBI (South African
developmental challenges: National Biodiversity Institute) on
a coal mining strategy that it is
poverty eradication, decent embarking on, which aims to:

jobs or livelihoods for all, • steer coal mining coal away
from areas of high biodiversity
access to good education or hydrological importance

and healthcare, and • support the Department of
Mineral Resources and coal
empowerment of women. mining companies with tools
that aid decision-making in
Underpinning all human relation to the first aim

activity are the ecosystems we • participate in national debates
depend on for air, water and

food. Ecosystems are already

severely compromised, and

with climate change impacts

having an ever worsening

effect, it is critical to maintain

if not increase ecosystem


249 Secretariat Report to the 14th National Congress 2012.

adopting the view that all can where there is a greater need
be accommodated within the for jobs, or for existing livelihoods
country’s developmental path to be maintained. The following
questions should be considered
The danger of corruption arises when planning the location of
throughout the mining regulation mines:
chain, from granting of licences,
through environmental compliance • Where are the areas that most
monitoring, to rehabilitation of need to be avoided, in terms
closed mines. These undermine of ecosystem services?
the integrity of and delivery by our
developmental state, which seeks • Where and under what
long-term benefits for the nation,
not short-term profits for a few. conditions does it not make
Workers may be aware of instances
of corruption that could be referred long-term economic sense
to COSATU’s Corruption Watch.
to permit mining, and thus
III. Approval of mining licences
probably exploration?
NUM can monitor progress on the
targets in the delivery agreement Conditions could include low
for Outcome 10 from the Ministry
of Evaluation and Monitoring, financial provision for labour
which require the Department
of Mineral Resources and and environmental measures,
Department of Environmental
Affairs to finalise a list of sensitive high and uneconomical water
areas for mining by 2013, and
a legal resolution for mining use, likely legacy and risk.
regulation by 2015.
• What specific mining methods
Mining activities can be must be prescribed for certain
planned in such a way as to mines or resource deposits to
make least negative impact on ensure reduced impacts (for
continued ecosystem services, example, only board-and-
and communities’ livelihoods pillar mining for coal deposits)?
and health. Work is underway
to map the location of mineral Mining licences are only
resources for mining, with the supposed to be granted
important areas for water and if certain labour and
biodiversity, to inform decisions environmental requirements
about where mines could be, or are met. But the sheer volume
should not be, located. Within of work in reviewing and
this context of an ecosystems approving prospecting and
approach, NUM could add mining applications, means
other dimensions, identifying the Department of Mineral
Resources cannot always
thoroughly check that all
requirements are and will be

IV. Monitoring of environmental

Government capacity to do

environmental monitoring,

250 Secretariat Report to the 14th National Congress 2012.

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