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February edition marks the beginning of the 2017 magazine volume and is coupled with the Sire Summary for our customers viewing ease. In these pages, banquets - new EC members - articles on breeding - fond farewells... You'll enjoy it.

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Published by Voice of the Tennessee Walking Horse, 2017-02-17 10:17:05

February 2017 Voice of the Tennessee Walking Horse

February edition marks the beginning of the 2017 magazine volume and is coupled with the Sire Summary for our customers viewing ease. In these pages, banquets - new EC members - articles on breeding - fond farewells... You'll enjoy it.

Keywords: Tennessee Walking Horse,Senator Bill Frist

VOLUME 55 | NO. 1


89 22

Cover Features Columns

Distinguished Service Award Recipient INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF






TWHBEA – Lewisburg TWHBEA Staff

RORY R. WILLIAMS (931) 359-1574 • Fax: (931) 359-2539
250 N. Ellington Pkwy. • Lewisburg, TN 37091
Executive Director|General Editor
Happy New Year, everyone! 2017 is off to the races and Executive Director
there is plenty of excitement coming in the next few
months as we ramp up to show season. Rory Williams
The staff at the [Breeders’] are ready and willing to do all we can Executive Assistant
for you, the customer. With the new, simpler, fee schedule in place
at our desks and on the web, we expect to see an increased rate of efficiency processing Diane White
actions around the office (mainly due to the new guy still learning the procedures). Receptionist
As we cross-train on each other’s duties and learn new skills (for some) on computer
software and procedures, we also are implementing new procedures in the registry to Gloria Rambo
increase efficiency in conducting information storage and recall. Database Administrator
In the VOICE portion of my duties, there are several noteworthy stories and articles
in development for the year and a new volume discount option for those of you who Rickey Clardy
wish to participate and receive a reduced price for multiple ads. Sales Support Staff and Facilities Manager
For accounting purposes, ladies and gentlemen, more often now the sales (and sales
support) staff representatives are going to ask for payment up front in the form of Paulette Ewing
a credit card number to be charged when the magazine publishes. Too many post- Admin and Marketing Production Manager
publication bills remain unpaid for several months at a time despite repeated attempts
to acquire payment from the customer. Accounts in the registry side have been Kristen Corbin
suspended due to lack of payment to the VOICE. Don’t let that be you – pay the bill Registry
on time, please, or pay it up front to avoid the possibility.
For something exciting as well as entertaining - A project in the infant stages is Annette Rodgers & Marilyn Walker
that of scanning ALL the editions of the VOICE from time of first publication and Membership Recruiting/Magazine Sales
making them available to all of you on a subscription basis. The magazines will be
“searchable,” meaning that the user can find a horse or person or event by typing it Carol Wakefield
in and pressing the enter key – much easier and faster than making copies and then Sponsorship Recruiting
hunting manually to find an austere reference. Stay tuned to the web and Facebook for
that subscription launch. Jane Moore
Now, I’d better get back to work – thank you all, our loyal customers, for continuing
to support the breed, the breed journal and the breed registry for the most versatile TWHBEA Executive Committee
horse in the world, the Tennessee Walking Horse ™!
The Voice Magazine Staff The Voice, the Official Breed Journal, David W. Williams
(USPS 663-040) (ISSN 0505-8813)
General Editor is published bimonthly Senior Vice President
Rory Williams • [email protected] by TWHBEA Charles Gleghorn

Ad Sales 250 N. Ellington Pkwy., Lewisburg, TN 37091. Secretary
Carol Wakefield • (931) 993-6333 Periodicals postage paid at Lewisburg, James Heiting, Esq.
Tennessee & additional mailing offices.
Sales Support/Graphics Canada Post International Publications Breeders Vice President
Paulette Ewing • (931) 359-0593 Carrie Benedict
Mail Product Sales Agreement #1189689.
Production Provider POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Owners/Exhibitors/International Vice
Open Look Business Solutions President
The Voice, P.O. Box 286, Lewisburg,
TN 37091 Keegan Meadows
Training/Equine Welfare Vice President
The opinions and statements expressed in TWHBEA Membership: $60,
articles and advertising are not necessarily the one-fifth of which is for a subscription to The Stephen B. Smith
viewpoint or position of the staff or magazine. Marketing Vice President
The Voice is not responsible for opinions and Voice for the dues period.
statements expressed in articles and paid Non-member subscription: Ashley Wadsworth
advertisements. We reserve the right to refuse One year: $36 • Two years: $65 Administrative/Fiscal/Audit Vice President
unsolicited material and advertising. Reproduction
of advertising or editorial material without the Three years: $90 Nancy Lynn Greene
permission of the publisher is strictly prohibited. Canadians, add $10/year, residents of Performance Horse Vice President
other foreign countries add $20/year and
Ford Gates
submit U. S. funds. Pleasure Horse Vice President

Margo Urad
Member At Large Bylaws/Enforcement
Vice President

Robin Webb, Esq.
Member at Large/Youth Vice President

Allison Thorson



Welcome to another edition of The Voice of The
Tennessee Walking Horse. From the first edition ever
published in March of 1962 until this current edition,
the Voice has been the mainstay in recording the history of our
great breed. From advertisements of our breeds finest horses, to
the news stories, to the scheduled events, The Voice has always
been there as the place a TWHBEA member can keep in touch
with the goings on of our great breed. The Voice is a reflection of
our breed, as a member if you don’t see “your” reflection in the
Voice, please contribute articles, advertising, and stories to assure
your wonderful experiences with the Tennessee Walking Horse are
depicted for the future participants of our breed to learn, view and
be entertained by. It is my honor to be your TWHBEA President
for 2017 and with your help I expect our breed to experience a
continued growth. Your membership and participation are important. I encourage and rely on
our members. Without you, the good things can’t happen.

David W. Williams





TWHBEA Host Annual Awards Banquet

The Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders’ And Exhibitors’ Association held its annual
awards banquet on Friday, December 2, 2016 at the Franklin Marriott. The evening
got under way with a welcome to all in attendance, the invocation and a delicious meal.
Distinguished guest US Senator Bill Frist, Tennessee Agriculture Commissioner Jai Templeton
and President of Tennessee Farm Bureau Jeff Aiken were recognized. Also in attendance were
international guests from Canada, Germany, Mexico and the Netherlands.


Commissioner Jai Templeton announced a grant to Sire of the Year by Percentage was A Greater Generator,
ensure the success of Project Pegasus. Project Pegasus owned by Leo and Mary Martin. Sire of the Year by Total
is an initiative of the TWHBEA Foundation, dedicated to Point went to Jose’ Jose’, owned by Five Star Stallions.
determining scientifically proven, objective test that will Outstanding Sire of the Year went to Lined With Cash,
guarantee the welfare of our horses. The grant will fund a owned by Five Star Stallions.
symposium of world renowned medical and equine experts,
who will determine the best practices to achieve this goal. Photographer P. J. Wamble was there to unveil the 2016
World Grand Champion official portrait. President Steve
The 2016 Executive Committee was recognized for their Smith presented awards honoring 2016 World Grand
service to TWHBEA. President Steve Smith was presented Champion Honors to owner Keith McSwain, trainer Larry
a gift and thanked for severing TWHBEA as president for a Edwards and breeders Bryan, Nathan and Tammy Anderton.
total of five terms.
The TWHYA Outstanding Youth Member of the Year was
Next on the program the 2016 Tennessee Walking Horse presented to Kyle Majors. Elysse Bradford was the recipient
Youth Association (TWHYA) officers were recognized. of the Lizzie Umberger Sportsmanship Award.
President Hunter Gaenslen, Vice-President Andy Hill,
Parliamentarian Rachel Cowles, Secretary Kyle Majors and The Ambassador awards honor those who go above and
Treasurer Elysse Bradford. beyond in dedication to the prosperity of the Tennessee
Walking Horse. 2016 Youth Ambassador was awarded to
The TWHBEA National Futurity Horizon Award winners Danielle Johnson for her contributions to the youth of our
for 2016 were two-year-old A Jazzy Gen, owned by Bobby industry. The 2016 Pleasure Horse Ambassador is John
Joe Joes and Tommy Halmontaller; yearling I Am Lolita, Wright and the 2016 Performance Horse Ambassador goes
owned by Bobby Joe Jones and Khemosabi’s Kokopelli, to Keith McSwain.
owned by Ginger Williams.
The TWHBEA Jeff Givens Friendship Award went to
Exhibitor Shelby Finch and owner Linda Starnes Billy Young and TWHBEA Member of the Year Award was
accepted awards from Margo Urad and Kristen Corbin presented to Jeffrey Howard.
for Victory Trip, the World Versatility Show Overall High
Point Champion. The highest and most prestigious recognition given to a
breeder is the TWHBEA Master Breeder Award. This award
The 2016 International High Point Awards Program is given to a breeder that significantly impacts the breed.
presented the first place horse in three categories, Two awards were presented one to a deceased breeder,
performance, pleasure and halter with a winner presented Donald Franks and the other to Dr. Andrew Sisk.
in the open, amateur and youth divisions in each category.
Open Performance Horse, A Pink Floyd, owned by Kathy The Reese L. Smith, Jr., Distinguished Service Award was
and Steve Zeis; Amateur Performance Horse, The Royal the final award of the evening. This award went to Senator
Dollar, owned by Stacy Blackburn; Youth Performance Bill Frist for his support and efforts with the Tennessee
Horse, Inception, owned by Beth Beasley; Open Pleasure Walking Horse.
Horse, Etta James By TJB, owned by Steve Zeis; Amateur
Pleasure Horse, Pushin Some Black Jazz, owned by Shelli
Mchaffey; Youth Pleasure Horse, A Rain Delay, owned by
Charles Gleghorn and Lisa Teel; Open Halter, I’m King Of
The Ritz, owned by Kevin Guess & Company; Amateur
Halter, I Walk The Walk, owned by Bobby Jones and Roger
Richards; and Youth Halter, A Cowgirl Caper, owned by
Kay Flippo.

Five additional horses were induced into the Tennessee
Walking Horse Hall of Fame. Sun’s Delight D., accepted
by Wayne Dean, Merry Walker, accepted by David Daniels,
Pride Of Midnight H. F., accepted by Rocky Jones, Merry
Legs F-4, accepted by Dr. Bradley Woodruff and Ebony
Masterpiece accepted by Steve Beech.

Next came the presentation of the Sire and Dam of President Steve Smith presents awards honoring 2016 World Grand
the Year Awards. Dam of the Year by Total Points and Champion Honors to owner Keith McSwain, trainer Larry Edwards, and
Percentage was Night Affair, owned by Debbie Smothers.
breeders Bryan, Nathan and Tammy Anderton.


John Wright accepted the Pleasure The Overall Youth Performance Elysse Bradford with mother
Horse Ambassador Award. Award was presented to Inception Kathleen Bradford received the Lizzie

and Maxine Beasley. Maxine is Umberger Sportsmanship Award.
pictured with sister BiBi and mom

Beth Beasley.

Outstanding Youth Member of the
Year was presented to Kyle Majors.

TWHBEA Member of the Year was Charles Gleghorn accepted the President Steve Smith presents awards honoring 2016 World Grand Champion
presented to Jeffrey Howard by Dr. award for the Overall High Point Honors to owner Keith McSwain, trainer Larry Edwards, and breeders Bryan,
Youth Pleasure Horse, A Rain Delay.
Bradley Woodruff. Nathan and Tammy Anderton.

Exhibitor Shelby Finch and owner A group from the Walking Horse Five horses were inducted into the TWH Hall of Fame, Sun’s Delight D.,
Linda Starnes accept awards Association of Mexico attended this acceted by Wayne Dean, Merry Walker accepted by David Daniels, Pride Of
from Margo Urad and Kristen
Corbin for Victory Trip. World years awards banquet. Midnight H.F. accepted by Rocky Jones, Merry Legs F-4 accepted by Dr.
Versatility Show Overall High Bradley Woodruff and Ebony Masterpiece accepted by Steve Beech.
Point Champion.


TWHBEA International Board Of

Directors Meeting

The Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders’ And
Exhibitors’ Association held it’s International Board
of Directors meeting on December 2, 2016 in
Lewisburg, Tennessee at TWHBEA headquarters. Out
going President Steve Smith addressed the board about
the challenges of 2016 and for the year ahead. But under
his leadership the economic condition of TWHBEA has
stabilized and improved.

During 2016 focus was placed on reducing cost. A
$12,000 savings annually was made with a new phone
system, internet upgrades and new lease for postage
equipment. New revenue sources are being sought, such as
leasing a portion of the building.

Registrations are down from October, 2015 to October,
2016 by 323, while transfers for the same dates are down
by 290. Incoming President, David Williams stated “as of
the meeting date the number of mares filed on the 2016
stallions reports were up by 1.5%. The top 100 stallions
by number of mares bred had a double digit percentage
increase. The top five stallions had a 30% increase, top 10
had a 23% increase, top 20 a 20% increase, top 50 a 16%
increase and top 100 stallions by number of mares bred had
a 13% increase over 2015.”

The 2017 proposed budget is based on the assumptions:
5,000 members, 2,250 registrations and 4,023 transfers.
Careful consideration was given to trends and three-year
averages in each area and their respective correlation
between stallion breeding report statistics. The association
adopted proposed rate changes, the first since 1998.

The election of officers are as follows:

President – David Williams
Senior Vice President – Charles Gleghorn
Breeders/Futurity – Carrie Benedict
Owners/Exhibitors/International – Keegan Meadows
Marketing – Ashley Wadsworth
Admin/Fiscal/Audit – Nancy Lynn Greene
Performance Horse – Ford Gates
Trainng/Equine Welfare – Stephen B. Smith
Pleasure Horse – Margo Urad
Bylaws/Enforcement – Robin Webb
Youth – Allison Thorson
Secretary – James (Jim) Heiting

Allison Thorson was nominated from the floor, all others
were selected by the nominating committee.




(left to right)
Nancy Lynn Green,
David Williams,
Carrie Benedict,
Charles Gleghorn,
Senator Robin Webb,
Stephen B. Smith,
Ashley Wadsworth,
Jim Heiting, Allison
Thorson, Margo
Urad, Ford Gates and
Keegan Meadows

Introducing Your 2016-2017
TWHBEA Executive Committee

President David W. Williams Administrative/Fiscal/Audit Vice President Nancy Lynn
I am David W. Williams. I am honored to be your new Green

TWHBEA President for 2017. I have been a lifelong participant A multi-term director for the state of Tennessee, Nancy Lynn
in our wonderful breed. From my first appearance in a show has previously served as Member at Large, Youth Vice President
ring aboard a wonderful horse named Jet’s Jubilee, I was and Breeders Vice President. She is a former alternate for
hooked for life. I have never hunted much, nor played golf with the National Horse Show Commission and a former director
any consistency, do fish occasionally, but Tennessee Walking of the Tennessee Walking Horse Foundation. A member of
Horses have been my pastime and occupation for many years. one of the founding families of the Tennessee Walking Horse,
Nancy Lynn has participated in nearly every facet of our breed.
My current occupation is the Breeding Manager at Rising Star Professionally, she is manufacturing accounting manager for
Ranch where we stand at stud approximately 20 of some of our Nissan North American Inc.
breeds finest examples. I consider myself a very lucky man, who
can daily interact with the great horses of our breed. I also have Breeders Vice President Carrie Benedict
daily contact with all the many great folks in our breed. I have Carrie Benedict is a life long horse enthusiast who began
been a long-time student of the history of our breed and foresee
only good things to come in our breeds future. riding hunter jumper ponies in her home state of Florida. After
being introduced to Tennessee Walking Horses as a teen, Carrie
Again, it is my pleasure to be your TWHBEA president for first began competing on the Florida circuit, quickly moving
2017 and hope you will join me in continuing the process to showing and having horses in Tennessee. While attending
began by others of promoting, protecting, and serving what Middle Tennessee State, of course to make it possible to
we all feel is the greatest breed of horse in the world...The continuing showing, Carrie was introduced to Spencer Benedict
Tennessee Walking Horse. and they soon married. Spencer and Carrie both have a passion
for the Tennessee Walking Horses not only for competition, but
Senior Vice President Gleghorn they both loved raising foals. Over the last 25 years they have
A four-term past president of TWHBEA. Chalres served in raised offspring that have not only won World Championship in
all divisions, but have also raised mares and stallions who have
that role from 1989 to 1991 and from 1997 to 1999. He is gone on to be World Champion producers. Carrie currently
also a past, multi-term director for the National Horse Show serves as a TWHBEA director from the state of Kentucky as
Commission and the manager of the Fayetteville Blue Ribbon well as the Breeders' Vice President. She also serves as a board
Horse Show. As the proprietor of Brookhaven Farm, he has member for the Kentucky Breeders' Incentive Fund.
been a successful Tennessee Walking Horse breeder, owner
and exhibitor who has been associated with numerous notable Marketing Vice President Ashley Wadsworth
horses. Professionally, Charles has served as the chief executive Serving her second term as a director from the state of
officer for three banks.
Mississippi, Ashley will mark her third year as Marketing

VOICE • DECEMBER 2016 14 continued on page 16


Vice President. She has enjoyed being part of the Tennessee Being involved with the Tennessee Walking Horse for over
Walking Horse industry for many years. She has owned and a decade, Thorson has many accolades to boast: Over 100
exhibited flat-shod, padded and halter horses and has been involved National High Point Championships, including TWHBEA's
in her family’s breeding program for 20 years. Professionally, Youth rider of the year for eight consecutive years, 70 World
Ashley sells farm equipment in Tennessee and Kentucky. Titles, 50 International Titles, and 38 National Titles. Thorson
capped her high school experience as president of the National
Owners/Exhibitors/International Vice President Keegan Honor Society and editor of the school's newspaper. With her
Meadows college undergraduate degree coming up in May of 2017,
Thorson also will devote her time working with the TWHBEA
Keegan has been training and breeding horses for most of his Executive Committee and members. Thorson now wants to
life and has a passion for training and riding. While his formal serve as an ambassador for young riders and talent in the
education is in the world of Optometry and Ophthalmology. walking horse industry, "children learn a lot when they have a
After starting his career in horses in the Sunshine State of relationship with a horse -- proper care, nutrition, responsibility
Florida, Keegan left Florida to begin an apprenticeship in and yes, even maturity. My youth riding days are over, but I can
Shelbyville, Tennessee to learn the trade of performance still work to promote the equine sport to those younger than I."
horses. Shortly after, Keegan began training American
Saddlebreds again in the Ohio, West Virginia, Kentucky region. Member at Large By Laws/Enforcement Vice President
A few years later he returned to the Tennessee Walking Horse Robin Webb
family and moved to South Georgia to Blackwater Stables to
develop a show string and national breeding program for the Senator Robin L. Webb has been a member of the Kentucky
Borg Family. Keegan has judged shows in the United States State Senate since 2009. Sen. Webb previously served in the
as well as Germany, and is looking forward to expanding the House of Representatives for 10 years (1999-2009), where she
Tennessee Walking Horse to many great nations around the was First Vice-Chair of the House Appropriations and Revenue
world along side his fellow TWHBEA members and friends. Committee and served on all House Budget Subcommittees. A
practicing attorney in Carter Country, Sen. Webb is a graduate
Performance Horse Vice President Ford Gates of Morehead State University, with an A.A.S. degree in mining
As a director for the state of Alabama, Ford will mark his technology and B.S. in energy and reclamation; and a J.D. from
the Chase College of Law at Northern Kentucky University. She
fourth term as Performance Horse Vice President. He has bee enjoys riding, showing and breeding Tennessee Walking Horses.
active on TWHBEA’s Breeders and Enforcement committees She is a certified 4-H Equine and Livestock Instructor and is a
for the past three years. In addition to his service to TWHBEA, member of the Kentucky Walking Horse Association and the
Ford sits on the board of directors for the Walking Horse Kentucky Walking Horse Trainers’ Association.
Association of Alabama. He is a longtime breeder, owner and
exhibitor of padded Tennessee Walking Horses. Professionally, Secretary Jim Heiting
he is a broker for Davidson Homes LLC and is retired from the The managing partner of Heiting and Irwin, James “Jim”
Alabama Department of Human Resources.
Heiting has been practicing law since receiving his doctorate
Pleasure Horse Vice President Margo Urad degree in law in 1976 (admitted to practice law before state
Serving her third term as a director from Texas, Margo courts, federal courts, the United States Court of Federal
Claims, and the California and United States Supreme Courts).
previously served two years as TWHBEA’s Member at Large
Youth Vice President and two years as the association’s Senior “Top Rated Lawyer in Personal Injury and Medical
Vice President. She also has been active with the Enforcement, Malpractice” (American Lawyer). “One of the top 100 trial
Pleasure, Performance, and Administrative/Fiscal/Audit attorneys in the nation” (National Trial Lawyers), “an exceptional
committee. Away from TWHBEA, Margo is a multi-term lawyer”, past President of the State Bar of California (over
president of the Southwest Walking Horse Breeders’ and 200,000 lawyers) (2005-2006), State Bar Board of Governors
Exhibitors’ Association. She is an owner, exhibitor and breeder (2002-2006), rated “Superb” (AVVO); “Preeminent, highest
of flat-shod and performance horses. Professionally, she is the possible rating in legal ability and ethics” (Martindale-Hubbell);
owner of Rockwall Insurance Agency. inducted into his law school’s Hall of Fame; Inland Empire
Magazine described him as “Best of the Best”.
Training/Equine Welfare Vice President Stephen B. Smith
In addition to serving as president the last two years, Steve Even with his very active professional life, Jim dedicates an
extensive amount of time to service on boards of several non-
served in the same capacity from 1995 to 1997. He was also profit organizations and was awarded the highest award for
the association’s Sales and Marketing Vice President earlier service (to the profession and the public) possible from his local
in the 1990s. He is a former chairman of the National Horse Bar Association.
Show Commission, a past member of the advisory board for the
Celebration, and a 2002 inductee to the Tennessee Walking Horse And he loves riding and competing with Tennessee Walking
Hall of Fame. Active in nearly every facet of the breed, Steve has Horses. He and “Dragonfire” are credited with multiple world
owned and exhibited both padded and flat-shod horses. He enjoys and world grand championships. Last year he and “Hammer on
trail riding and owns several broodmares. Professionally, he serves Parole” were reserve world champions in their class.
as chairman of Haury & Smith Contractors Inc., a building and
development company of Middle Tennessee. Jim and his wife Cindy were married in 1971 and have
three adult sons and seven grandchildren. They live in
Member at Large Youth Vice President Allison Thorson Riverside, California.
Allison Thorson, a director from Tennessee and serving her

first term as TWHBEA Member at Large Youth Vice President.




1Don’t Choose the Wrong Mare – More often than not who have regularly produced foals within a 5 year span are
I have people bring me mares with great bloodlines that also reliable.
they have picked up at some sale or from some neighbor
“for a song”. The majority of the time this is NOT the right 2Don’t Choose the Wrong Stallion – An easy way
mare. If you have a mare that is a 10 year old maiden mare to see if a stallion is fertile is to ask to see his regular
or a mare that is in her teens and hasn’t had a foal in the last yearly production record. If he has been breeding for a few
5 years she may not be your best choice. Younger maiden years and isn’t showing many foals registered compared
mares between the ages of 3 and 7 are your best bet. Mares to the number of mares bred; this would raise a red flag. If



©Michael Gomez 3Don’t Think That Because Your Mare is Teasing
That She is Ready To Breed – Mares are hormonal
creatures. I have had mares to be teasing hussies all
through their pregnancies while we also have experienced
mares that never show any outward signs of heat and
refuse a stallion but are very ready to breed. A good
vet with an ultrasound can be a very helpful part of the
process. A mare only gets pregnant if she is inseminated
as close to ovulation as possible. If you breed her today
while she is teasing and you quit breeding after a couple
of days you’ll never be sure of an ovulation without a vet
confirmation by ultrasound. We have mares that show signs
of heat are bred one day and ovulated the next. We also
have mares that show signs of heat for a couple of weeks
straight and are bred every other day until ovulated. The
key word is OVULATED! When she has been inseminated
and ovulated your countdown is on until she can be ultra-
sounded at 16 days for pregnancy.

4Don’t Assume Your Mare is Perfect and She Gets
In Foal ALWAYS on the first Breeding – Mares can
carry uterine infection and you would never know it. If
your Vet says she looks clean but doesn’t culture her to
be sure, you should not pay for that opinion. If I stress
anything, it is to make sure you CULTURE your mare
for any infection that may keep her from getting in foal.
A Clean Culture is worth 10 times what you pay for it to
eliminate headaches down the line. Also mares can be low
on a hormone called progesterone that helps maintain
the early embryo and keeps her from coming back into
heat even though you have a conception. You can’t really
tell if she is low until you have a visible pregnancy and
many times you can’t get a visible pregnancy if she is
low. This is the Catch 22 of breeding. We recommend
a progesterone supplement such as Regumate 5-7 days
post ovulation to cover her if she is low and until she can
be ultra-sounded for pregnancy at 16 days post ovulation.
This is basically insurance. When she is determined to
have a pregnancy at 16 days a blood sample can be
pulled to determine what her progesterone level is. If your
vet says it’s a 5 or above she is pretty safe anything lower
than a 5 can gradually increase her risk of losing this early
embryo and we recommend that you leave her on the
progesterone supplement another 30 days and then take
another blood level test to determine if she can be taken
off the supplement. These two things are very important,
Clean Uterine Culture and Progesterone Supplement,
Can help you eliminate 90% of your breeding headaches.

he is a brand new stallion to the breeding shed, ask if he DAVID W. WILLIAMS has been breeding horses
has had his semen collected before. Ask his handlers his professionally for the past 20 years having managed the
count if they have a counter or better yet look at it under breeding careers of over 100 different stallions and has
a microscope, most are willing to ease your concerns. Just bred thousands of mares. He currently is the Breeding
because he has a great show ring record or he is prettier Manager at Rising Star Ranch in Shelbyville, Tennessee
than Black Beauty or his owner has bought him the front and is President of the Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders
cover of all the publications does not determine if he can and Exhibitors Association.
get a mare pregnant.



2016 WHTA


The Annual Walking Horse Trainers’ Association The Assistant Trainer of the Year award was also split
Awards Banquet was held again this year at the Bell into performance and pleasure. R. M. Kellett of Spencer
Buckle Banquet Hall in Bell Buckle, Tennessee. This Benedict Stables was awarded the Performance Assistant
year the banquet was moved from the first weekend in Trainer of the Year and Crystal Deputy of Dickie Gardner
December to the 16th of December. Stables was presented the Pleasure Assistant Trainer of the
Year Award.
TWHBEA and WHTA joined forces to present Beth and
Ronnie Reed with a “Friends of the Walking Horse” honor. The Riders’ Cup Performance Championship went
They organized feed, hay and other needed equine items for to Blaise Broccard. Blaise showed in 158 classes all
those affected by the fires in Gatlinburg. They have made across the southeast to win this honor. For her hard
several trips to the area with donations and were leaving work she was presented with a check in the amount of
after the banquet with another load. $13,485.29.

WHTA Secretary, Marcia Allison was presented an award For three year in a row Jeff Laughlin has received the
for 25 years of service to the association. Riders’ Cup Pleasure Championship. He showed in 60
classes traveling to 5 different states to win this honor. He
Next on the program Bill and Dee Cantrell were presented was presented a check in the amount of $4,794.20.
the Living Legend Achievement Award. This was awarded
for all of their hard work and contributions to the Walking The Trainers Association had two events during the
Horse Trainers Association and the industry. banquet to try and raise money, a silent auction and a
bachelor/bachelorette auction. Both were a huge success
The auxiliary award presentations were made by Susan raising almost $23,000.
Coleman and were highlighted by Sarah Smith being named
Auxiliary Member of the Year. Congratulations to all the winners at the 2016 WHTA
Awards Banquet.
Performance and Pleasure Trainer of the Year Awards
were presented this year with Edgar Abernathy and Hannah
Myatt receiving the honors.

Herbert Derickson, Casey Todd, Bobby and Freda Jones and Ernest Jim and Lisa Baum and Hannah Myatt receive the award for
Upton accepte the award for Hey Good Looking. Eye On The Title.



Clay Sanderson with Molly Walters Blaise Broccard, first woman to Lynn Womack, Roger Richards, Jr. and Kelly Richards accept for
after the Bachelor/Bachelorette win Riders’ Cup Performance Marcus Mariota.
Auction Championship, pictured with

Edgar Abernathy.

Lisa Baum Amateur of the Year Brandye Mills accepts award for Jeff Laughlin won the Riders’ Cup Pleasure Division.
Mr. Heisman

Jeff Laughlin and Vickie Penick accept for Dixieland Delight. A Pink Floyd won the Three-Year-Old Stallion Horse of the Year



John Allen, Julia and Bill Callaway along with Keith and Lorraine Rosbury Jim and Lisa Baum and Patrick Thomas accept the award for
accept the award for Gen’s Black Maverick. Lined Up At The Ritz.

Don and George Ann Pratt accepting one of two awards for Godiva and Best One Night Show of the Year award was accepted by Wayne and
We’re Jammin’ The Blues. Freda Dean and Edwina Thomas.

Larry and Garry Edwards with Keith McSwain accept award for Honors. Chad Baucom and Robert Deutsch.



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• An Unparalleled Educational Program. Julie Goodnight Brandi Lyons
• The Rod’s Equestrian Experience Pavilion.
• The Largest Horse-Related Trade Show in North America. Dick Pieper (Reining)
• The “Marketplace” featuring quality consignments for horse & rider. Matt McLaughlin (Dressage)
• Breed Pavilion, Horse & Farm Exhibits, Horses for Sale Chad Crider (Barrel Racing

and Demonstrations. & Pole Bending)
• Equine Fundamentals Forum — Educational presentations, exhibits,
Barbra Schulte (Cutting)
and activities for new riders and horse owners young and old. Casi Gilliam (Hunter Under Saddle)
Sandy Collier (Reined Cow Horse)
• Horse Video Challenge — Earn a cash prize for your truly humorous or Anita Howe (Easy Gaited Horses)
“touching” horse video. Visit for details on prizes Steve Edwards (Mules & Donkeys)
and how to submit videos.
...Many more to be announced!
• The Versatile Horse & Rider Competition — a fast-paced timed and
judged race through an obstacle course with $5,500 at stake! Check out our NEW website @!
• The Fantasia (sponsored by Absorbine®) — Equine Affaire’s signature
musical celebration of the horse on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights.

© 2016 Equine Affaire, Inc.

For all you need to know including the event schedule, information on tickets, host hotels,
camping, or participating in clinics consult or call (740) 845-0085.


Fond Farewell Disclaimer

Ladies and Gentlemen, listed here are the names and some pictures of those that have passed on since our last edition.
Please forgive us if for some reason a loved one (horse or human) is missing from the list of these great people and
horses. Simply write to us, providing the necessary information of name, age, date of birth - death and their names
are sure to be added to the next edition of the Voice of the Tennessee Walking Horse ™ magazine. Thank you for your
understanding; your loss is ours as well.

A.C.C. The Whole Nine Yards, was the 2003 World Grand
Owned by the Rick Compton Family Champion, he was trained by Bill Bobo throughout his
show ring career. Nine was owned and loved by Bob
North Tazewell, Virginia and Luanne Sigman of Canal Winchester, Ohio. He was
standing at Spencer Benedict Stables.
A Strong Dollar and Generator’s Silver Dollar
Owned by Dr. Bob and Curtice McCloy Others from Spencer Benedict Stables
Norman, Oklahoma
A Girligirl
Ample Cash Amp
Owned by Spencer and Carrie Benedict
Coach X Ultra Cotton Filly
Glasgow, Kentucky Copperfield’s Son
Counting Stars
Forget About It Now You See Me
Owned by Julie Miller
Spanish Castle Magic
Quitman, Georgia Sugar Cookie Blues
The Master In Motion
Gen’s Sundance Lady
Owned by Maisie McSwain Tris
Gainesville, Georgia
Doug Barnes
Highway Robbery Leesville, South Carolina
Owned by James and Betty Corlew
Adams, Tennessee

Jazz In Dixie
Owned by the Mike Davis Family

Cincinnati, Ohio

Jubilee’s Star Wars
Owned by Daniel Groover

Brentwood, Tennessee

Owned by the Rick Compton Family

North Tazewell, Virginia

Push This
Owned by Delores Griffith

Alvaton, Kentucky

Pusher All Color
Owned by Spencer and Carrie Benedict

Glasgow, Kentucky

Ritz’s Cadillac
Owned by James and Betty Corlew

Adams, Tennessee



on the First National Band board, and the American
Saddlebred Horse Association board as well as many
other boards and associations.

David had a summer job at the Voice of the Tennessee
Walking Horse magazine, and Bruce Spencer influenced
David’s life and introduced him to the Tennessee
Walking Horse.

He is survived by his wife of 50 years Mary, 3 children,
Christy, Jennifer and Jeffrey their spouses Rick
Womack, Russ Connelly, and Mindee Howard and
eight grandchildren.

John S. McCarter
Corinth, Mississippi

Chad Baucom, 49 of Monroe, North Carolina passed
away unexpectedly on December 30, 2016. Chad
took over the family business, Baucom Stables and
spent his entire life training and showing Tennessee
Walking Horses. He rode Walk Time Charlie to World
Grand Championship honors in 2012, was named
Trainer of the Year in 2011 just to name a few of his
many successes.

He is survived by his wife Rhonda, mother Wadene,
daughter Kayle, son Tyler, and stepson Blake Hull.

Ida Marie Carlough
Lewisburg, Tennessee

Edwin A. Gallun, Jr.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

David L. Howard, Gary Sandlin, of Longmont, Colorado, passed away
of Shelbyville, January 5, 2017. A great ambassador of our breed he
Tennessee and had three Versatility Supreme Champions Mighty Sun's
Dabora Founder Lucinda, Remembrance Desert Rose, and 88s Merry Molly.
passed away at Gary promoted the breed at the Kentucky Horse Park
the age of 72 on two different years once with Molly and once with He's
December 17, 2016. Black Hills Skipper (Doc) demonstrating reining. He also
Howard had served promoted the breed at the Grand National Rodeo in San
on the Tennessee Francisco, CA demonstrating reining.
Walking Horse
National Celebration
board for almost 20
years, he also served



BA. By Final’s Threat’s Supreme, out of
PESO DE ORO 20008959 CP. By Hillbilly’s Gee Golly Bum. Owned by Al and Kristy RAF DUSTY’S ROYAL STETSON
Bud Lite out of She’s Awsome. Owned by Artman. Standing at Walkers Of South 40, 21004153 BU. By Dusty’s Royal Flush,
Brad Woodruff. Standing at Aztlan Farms, P. O. Box 1443, 3370 Brophy Road, Eagle out of RAF Cajuns Sunny Spirit. Owned by
18875 Atterberry Street, Petersburg IL Point OR 97524; 541/292-0175, email: Bill and Sandy Martin. Standing at Running
62675; 217/652-6661, email: aztlanfarms@ [email protected], website: www. Arrow Farm, 4230 Hwy 83 N. (PO Box 271),, website: www.aztlanfarms., Fee: $500. Wellington TX 79095; 806/205-1235;email:
com, Fee: $350. [email protected], website:
EBONY EARTHQUAKE 20800472 BL By $350 (Natural Service).
Ebony’s Bearcat, out of Invader’s Bumin A STRONG DOLLAR 20012354 RR. By
Ebony. Owned by Michael Horstmann. Generator’s Silver Dollar, out of Mo Precious. COAT COLOR CODES
Standing at Aztlan Farm info same. Stud fee Owned by OK Walking Horse Farms,
$350. CurticeMcCloy. Standing at Rising Star AC-Amber Cream Champagne,
Ranch, David Williams, breeding manager, AM-Amber Champagne,
MISSISSIPPI 481 Snell Road, Shelbyville TN 37160; AR-Bay Roan, BA-Bay,
931/680-0608 breeding, 931/680-0897 BL-Black, BN-Brown,
GERONIMOS FIREBALL 20306959 BL TO. office, website:, BR-Black Roan, BU-Bucksin,
By Ima Fireball Too, out of Geronimos Rose. Fee: $750 or 2 for $1250. CC-Classic Cream Champagne,
Owned by Brad Maxcey. Standing at Circle CH-Chestnut,
M Farm, 852 Strengthfore Pleasant Grove I’M DARK VENGEANCE 950428 BL. By CL-Classic Champagne, TV-Tovero
Rd., Laurel MS 39443; 601/323-4828; Pusher’s Doing Time, out of Priceless. CP-Champagne, CR-Cremello,
email: [email protected]. Fee: $500. Owned by Mariella Fugger. Standing at GC-Gold Cream Champagne,
Valton Rummage Stables, Columbia, TN; GO-Gold Champagne,
MONTANA 931-981-2210; Fee: $400 or 2 for $700. GR-Grey, HR-Chestnut Roan,
LR-Blue Roan PA-Palamino,
SKYE’S SAPHYRE STARLYTE21200786 MIGHTY MAXX 940352 BL. By Pride’s PE-Perlino, RR-Grey Roan,
BR, Sire Generator’s Dr Blue, dam Jose’s Beam, out of Fashion’s Promenade. Owned SB-Smoky Black, SC-Smoky Cream,
Bay Lay. Owned by Debbie Jeppesen. by JoAnn Dowell. Standing at Fantasy Farms, SO-Sorrel, SR-Sorrel Roan
Standing at Walkers On Water, 170 Sun Beverly Burgess Wood, 351 Highway 82 E., WH-White.
Prairie Road, Great Falls MT 59404; Bell Buckle TN 37020; farm 931/389-6983,
406/799-2116; email [email protected]; cell 931/703-5378, residence 931/389- COAT COLOR CODES
website:, Stud 6981, fax 931/389-6980. Fee: $625.
fee $500 LFG, multi-mare discount. OV-Overo, SA-Sabino, TO-Tobiano,
SILVER EXPRESS 955308 GR. By Power TS-Tobiano/Sabino
NORTH CAROLINA Of Persuasion, out of Backcourt Foul.
Owned by Robert and Lisa Marbry. Standing COLOR PATTERN CODES
JAZZ CRUISER20410275SO, Sire A Jazz at White Oak Farm, Sammy Sanders,
Man, damMoments. Owned by Angela breeding manager, 10023 Rosemark D-Dun, G-Grey, R-Roan, S-Silver
Tuck. Standing at Walk Away Farms, 277 Road, Atoka TN 38004; 901/829-3303
Strawberry Road, Reidsville NC 27320; stable, 901/458-4314 office, 901/829- Advertise in The VOICE
336-613-9138; email: 3333 residence, 901/458-9792 fax, email:
Fee: $500. [email protected], website: www. For $185 per year, your farm or, Fee: $550. business will be listed in TheVoice
OHIO magazine. Your listing will also be
STAY THE COURSE 20414603 HR. posted on the TWHBEA/Voice web
GENIUS BOY’S LEGACY 20001188BL. By Seve, out of Stock’s Autumn Rose site at and on
By Genius Boy Pride out of Classic Beam. (Quarterback’s Stock X Sound Of Fury
Owned by Joyce M. Moyer. Standing at mare). Owned by and standing at Samara Facebook.
Maple Crest Farms, 7009 Maple Avenue, Farms, 2397 Ben Williams Road, Shelbyville,
Castalia OH 44824, 419-684-9490, email: TN 37160; 931/703-7597; email: samara_ Send your information to
wlmailhtml:[email protected]; [email protected]. Fee: $300 LFG, Voice Magazine
website:, Fee: Private multiple mares discounted.
Treaty. Attn: Paulette Ewing
STEEL CONNECTION 951441BL. By P. O. Box 286, Lewisburg TN
OREGON Clutch’s Sure Threat, out of Mark Plum
Perfect. Owned by Jo Ann Dowell. Standing 37091-0286
BANNER’S CHAMPAGNE PUNCH at Fantasy Farms, Beverly Burgess Wood, email to [email protected].
20509744 CP. By Champagne Banner, 351 Highway 82E., Bell Buckle TN 37020;
out of Hawaiian Punch. Owned by farm: 931/389-6983, residence: 931/389- (931) 359-0593
Mary Semerak-Rennick. Standing at 6981, cell: 931/703-5378, fax: 931/389-
Aspen Hill Ranch, 31930 N.W. Smoke 6980. Fee: $650.
Ranch Rd., Scappoose, OR 97056, VOICE • DECEMBER 2016
503/765-9362,email: aspenhillranch@ TRIP MY TRIGGER 923345 PA. By One, website: www.aspenhillranch. Golden Moment, out of A Gen & Tonic.
com, Videos on “YouTube”aspenhillranch. Owned by Jo Ann Dowell. Standing at
Fee: Private Treaty. Fantasy Farms, Beverly Burgess Wood, 351
Highway 82E., Bell Buckle TN 37020; farm:
931/389-6983, residence: 931/389-6981,
cell: 931/703-5378, fax: 931/389-6980.
Fee: $650.



REGISTRIES Evans Street, P. O. Box 926, Shelbyville
TN 37162; 931/359-3210, orders • DALE WATTS STABLES (B-CT-S-
• CELEBRATION, INC., P. O. Box 1010, 800/251-3474, Fax 931/359-8551, SH-T) Dale, Josh, and Jonathan Watts,
Shelbyville TN 37162; 931/684-5915, email: [email protected], website: trainers. Lucy Watts, manager. 4025
fax 931/684-5949, email: twhnc@ Hwy. 51-N, Summit MS 39666; Dale,, website: 601/660-6194; Josh, 601/748-0148;
• THE WINNER’S CIRCLE, 603 Jonathan, 601/810-2269; email:
• SPOTTED SADDLE HORSE Evans Street, Shelbyville TN 37160; [email protected].
BREEDERS AND EXHIBITORS 931/684-2912, 800/298-7398, email:
ASSOCIATION, P.O. Box 1046, 2519 [email protected], website: www. MISSOURI
Hwy 231 N, Shelbyville TN 37162;
phone 931/684-7496, fax 931/684- • 4-J LAND & CATTLE CO. AND 4-J
7215, email: [email protected], STABLES/FARMS BIG PINEY HORSE CAMP 19099
website: Salina Road, P. O. Box 308, Waynesville
ARIZONA MO 65583; 573-774-2986, 573-
• WALKING HORSE TRAINERS’ 774-6879 or 573-774-2211; website:
Shelbyville TN 37162; 931/684- (B-BD-BR-C-CT-E-H-L-PH-PL-S-SP-
5866, 931/684-5895 fax, email: T-V) Curt and Amy Rosemann, owners/ MONTANA
[email protected], website: www. trainers, 5601 E. Yucca Rd., Cave Creek AZ 85331; 408/488-3999, 480/998- • MICHELS HORSE RANCH (B-BD-
2388, Amy cell, email: info@rockaway- CT-FS-H-L-PL-S-T) Steve and Nicole
AWARDS, website: rockaway- Michels, owner/trainers, 1870 S Peak Road, Geyser MT 59447;
• L & M AWARDS, “We make the awards 406/403-8082; email: Nicole@
world champions wear,” Heather Beard, CALIFORNIA; Website:
owner, 619 Madison Street, Shelbyville
TN 37160; 931/684-0010, 931/684- • POLLACK’S SILVER SPUR RANCH
0011 fax, email: [email protected], (AI-B-BD-BR-C-F-H-L-PL-S-SH-SP-T) • ABSAROKA TENNESSEE WALKING
website: Wanda Pollack, owner, Lindsey Luna, HORSES (B-C-PL-S-T) Dan and Emily
trainer, 14990 Columbet Avenue, San Aadland, owners, Box 578, Absarokee
EQUINE APPAREL Martin CA 95046; 408/778-9745 stable, MT 59001; 406/328-4195, email:
931/205-2173 Luna, 408/867-7360 [email protected], website: http://
• MARSHA’S ON THE SQUARE, fax, email: [email protected].
Custom and ready-to-wear riding
and driving apparel, both English and • RUSS THOMPSON STABLES - • BREEZIE ACRES RANCH (B-BR-C-
Western; Marsha Shepard, owner; TRAINING AND BREEDING FACILITY PL-S-SH) Marsha Wickman owner, 518
Barbara Turner, manager; 115 South (B-S-T) Gaited pleasure horses for sale County Line Road, Ft. Shaw MT 59443;
Side Square, Shelbyville TN 37160; at all times. Russ Thompson and Jamey 406/467-3750 phone/fax, 406/788-
931/684-3500; email: marshadea@msn. Thompson, trainers, 15231 Pine Lane, 5802 cell.
com, website: Chino Hills CA 91709; 909/880-3340
stable, 909/597-1171 res., 909/226- NEW JERSEY
EQUINE PUBLICATIONS 9671 Russ cell, website: www. • HABANERO HOLLOW (BD-PL-SH)
• VOICE OF THE TENNESSEE Dr. Carol Lamberson and Mike Wallace,
WALKING HORSE, Official Breed FLORIDA owners, 34 Toad Lane, Ringoes
Journal, P.O. Box 286, 250 North NJ 08551; 908/284-0231, email:
Ellington Pkwy., Lewisburg TN 37091; • DARBY OAKS STABLES (B-BR-C- [email protected].
931/359-1574; website: www. CT-E-L-PL-S-SH-SP-T) Wayne Conkle, trainer, 595 County Road 552, Bushnell OHIO
FL 33513; 352/568-2001, fax 352/568-
FINANCING 3351, email: [email protected]. • MAPLE CREST FARM (B-BD-BR-C-
• FARM CREDIT MID-AMERICA, 2656 IDAHO Joyce Moyer, owner, Terrance Moyer,
US-43 Lawrenceburg, TN 38464; farm manager, 7009 Maple Avenue,
931/829-2178; website: https://e- • FALLEN TREE RANCH (B-BR-C-PL-S) Castalia OH 44824; stable/residence Gale Burns, owner, 993 S. Round 419/684-9490, fax 419/684-5898,
Rock Ranch Road, King Hill ID 83633; email: [email protected],
HORSE EQUIPMENT 208/366-2257 res., 208/484-5115 cell. website:

of Shelbyville in Deason, 148 Edd Joyce S-SH-T) Sherrie Szucs, owner/trainer,
Road, Bell Buckle TN 37020. Order toll • AZTLAN FARMS (AI-B-BD-BR-C-H- 7880 State Route 18, Bellevue OH
free: 800/523-4971, 931/437-2211 fax. PL-S-SH) Brad Woodruff, owner, 18875 44811; stable 419/483-2563, residence
Atterberry Street, Petersburg IL 62675; 419/483-4389, fax 419/483-1521,
VOICE • DECEMBER 2016 217/652-6661, email: aztlanfarms@yahoo. email: [email protected], website:
com, website:




Jeanette Strickland, owner, 5115 S 4178 Daniel and Marsha Yzaguirre, owners; CO.,134 Cashion Road, Lynchburg TN
Road, Chelsea OK 74016; 918/789- 3434 Hwy 90 E, Hondo TX 78861; 37352; 931-759-7441.
3536, email: [email protected], 830/741-8581; email: goodasitgaits@att.
website: net; website:


• GOOD SC-10-SC WALKERS (B-BR- • RIVERVIEW FARM, INC. (B-BD-C- AI-Artificial Insemination, B-Breeding,
C-PL-S) Ruth Good, owner, 40261 PL-S-SH) Bill Wright, owner, Route 2, BD-Boarding, BR-Broodmares,
Providence Drive, Scio OR 97374; Frazier Lane, Greenbottom WV (P. O. C-Colts, CT-Colt Training,
541/451-5054, email: rwgood@ Box 1982, Huntington WV 25720); farm E-Equitation, F-Farrier, 304/762-2432, business 304/697- FD-Feed, FS-Foaling Service,
7083, mobile 304/633-4492, email: H-Hauling, HA-Horse Auctions,
• FRANK WHITE STABLES (B-BD-C- [email protected]. HSS-Horse Show Supplies,
CT-F-H-L-PL-S-SH-SP-T-V) Frank White, HT-Horse Trailers, I-Insurance,
trainer, 39133 Plagmann Drive, Lebanon WYOMING L-Lessons, PH-Photography,
OR 97355; 541/570-5124; email: PL-Pleasure Horses,
[email protected]. • MOUNTAINVIEW WALKING HORSE RH-Racking Horses,
RANCH (B-BR-C-CT-E-L-PL-S-SP- RE-Real Estate, S-Selling,
TENNESSEE T-V) Bill Maute, owner, Brook Curnow, SH-Show Horses,
trainer/manager, 119 Rd 1AB, Clark SP-Spotted Horses T-Training,
• CARRIE MARTIN TRAINING (BD-BR- WY 82435; stable/res. 307/645-3034, TK-Tack, TR-Trophy & Ribbons,
C-E-HA-L-PL-S-SH-SP-T-V) 3065 Old fax 307/645-3337, email: brook@ and V-Versatility
Columbia Road, Lewisburg TN 37091;, website: www.
352-242-7683, 931-703-9547, email: AD INDEX
wlmailhtml:[email protected],
website: [email protected]. GERMANY A Rain Delay...................................5
Equine Affaire...............................25
• FOXFIRE FARMS (AI-B-BR-C-L-PL- • JOSEF’S WALKAWAY FARM (AI-B- Farm Paint.................................. IBC
S-SH-V) Donna Kerchinski, owner, BD-BR-C-CT-E-H-L-PL-RH-S-SH-T-V) 4-J Land And Cattle Co.............. IFC
576 Jennings Lane, Shelbyville TN Am Neuhau 17, D-86650 Wemding Gen’s Black Maverick.....................3
37160; 931/684-0093, email: info@ Germany; +49 9092 967011, fax Gus Malzahn................................18, website: www. +49 9092 967018; mobile +49 151 Hey Good Looking.......................17 12050366, email: wlmailhtml:info@twhb. Holmes Farm Walkers.....................6
de; website: I’m King Of The Ritz......................13
• JENNE’ STABLES (B-C-CT-S-SH-T) I’m Mayhem.................................19
Justin Jenne’, owner, P.O. Box 723, NETHERLANDS Inception......................................15
Shelbyville TN 37162; 931/224-2968, Jimmy Choo...................................7
website: [email protected]. • LITTLE AMERICA (AI-B-BD-BR- Machette......................................18
C-CT-E-H-L-PL-RH-S-SH-T-V) Markel Insurance..........................28
• JERRY WILLIAMS STABLES at SAND MaryanZyderveld, Postbus 6055, 5960 Marshall Co....................................6
CREEK FARM (B-CT-S-SH-T) Jerry AB Horst, Netherlands; phone 0031- Marty McFly....................................1
Williams, trainer. 931/224-4191. 681426903, email: mczyderveld@xs4all. Mr. Heisman.................................11
nl, website: PenBrook Farm............................28
Dale Rowland, trainer. 2397 Ben AD SECTION
Williams Rd., Shelbyville TN 37160;
931/703/7598, email: samara_farms@ PROPERTY
• SHADY CREEK FARM (B-C-S) A 234 Welch Road, P. O. Box 965,
full plantation facility with both lite Bryson City NC 28713; 828-788-3648.
shod and heavy shod, western and
versatility. Bill Reed, owner/manager, ARKANSAS
872 Allen Road, Murfreesboro TN
37129, 615/785-4214 cell; email: • ARKANSAS WALKERS (B-BR-C-CT-
[email protected]. PL-S-SP-T-V) Jill Roberson, owner/
trainer, Gravette, Arkansas. Raising and
• WAYNE DEAN STABLES (BD-BR- training well gaited colorful walkers. 479-
C-CT-HA-L-PL-S-SH-T-V) Full service 263-3550; [email protected].
stables.3065 Old Columbia Rd.,
Lewsiburg TN 37091, 2 miles east of
1-65 exit 37; 931/703-9547; emial:
[email protected].




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