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June 2018 issue is jam packed with horses, articles (old and new), show sheets and more. You're going to enjoy this one, for sure, folks.

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Published by Voice of the Tennessee Walking Horse, 2018-06-27 16:27:36

Voice of the Tennessee Walking Horse June 2018

June 2018 issue is jam packed with horses, articles (old and new), show sheets and more. You're going to enjoy this one, for sure, folks.

Keywords: Tennessee Walking Horse,Equestrian,Equine,Hoof Care,Horse Health,Horse,Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders' and Exhibitors' Association,TWHBEA,Gaited Horse



80th Annual National Futurity

August 22, 2018 • 6:00 PM
Calsonic Arena • Shelbyville, Tennessee

1. Mare and Foal (Non-Futurity – Jackpot)
2. Amateur Two-Year-Old Country Pleasure Stallions, Mares and Geldings (Optional Tack)
3. Darrah Yearling Class – For Futurity Nominated Yearlings of Unique Color – Rider’s Cup
4. Two-Year-Old Performance Mares and Geldings – Rider’s Cup
5. Weanling Colts and Fillies (Foaled September 1, 2017 – February 28, 2018) – Rider’s Cup
6. Amateur Two-Year-Old Trail Pleasure Stallions, Mares and Geldings (Optional Tack)
7. Weanling Colts (any age) – Rider’s Cup
8. Two & Three-Year-Old Lite Shod Stallions, Mares and Geldings – Rider’s Cup
9. Darrah Weanlings – For Futurity Nominated Weanlings of Unique Color – Rider’s Cup
10. Two and Three-Year-Old Park Performance Stallions, Mares and Geldings – Rider’s Cup
11. Two & Three-Year-Old Model Stallions, Mares and Geldings – Rider’s Cup
12. Amateur Three-Year-Old Trail Pleasure Stallions, Mares and Geldings (Optional Tack)
13. Weanling Fillies (any age) – Rider’s Cup
14. Two-Year-Old Performance Stallions and Geldings – Rider’s Cup
15. Yearling Fillies – Rider’s Cup
16. Three-Year-Old Performance Mares and Geldings – Rider’s Cup
17. Amateur Three-Year-Old Country Pleasure Stallions, Mares and Geldings
18. Yearling Colts – Rider’s Cup
19. Two & Three-Year-Old Park Pleasure Stallions, Mares and Geldings – Rider’s Cup
20. Three-Year-Old Performance Stallions and Geldings – Rider’s Cup

Call (931) 359-1574 or visit for more information

49 VOICE • JUNE 2018


Memory 1The July 1998 issue featured this
team, that keeps winning, on the
The July 1998 cover. Can you name this horse,
issue of the Voice
featured coverage trainer and owners?
of the TWHBEA Semi-
Annual Board Meeting,
the Spring Fun Show
and the Columbia
Spring Jubilee to name
a few.

1Cash For Keeps, 2This amateur is still seen in the
with trainer Ray
Gilmer for owners showring today. Can you name this
the Harrell Brawner Spring Fun Show winning choice?
3Another amateur still in the showring
2Frivolous Choice
with Robin today. Take a look and see if you can
MacDonald at the name the horse and rider.

3Look Who’s In
Command with
owner Sheryl

4Generator’s Silver
Dollar, Allison
Lafferty for
owners Bob and Curtice

4Winning the silver in 97 this team

return in quest of another world title.
Can you name the horse, rider and


VOICE • JUNE 2018 50



Youth State High Point Winners
The mission of the TWHBEA YOUTH STATE HIGH POINT PROGRAM is to recognize
youth in their home state as successful horsemen in the Tennessee Walking Horse Breed.
This program is aimed at more in depth recognition of youth in their home territory and
the goal is to make them feel involved and important to TWHBEA while encouraging the

sport of showing horses.
The 2017 Youth High Point Winners are: Rachel Artman, lives in Eagle Point, Oregon;

Rachel Cowles from Bowling Green, Kentucky and Morgan Norris from Berlin,
Pennsylvania. These young ladies are very involved in the TWHBEA youth program and

promoting the Tennessee Walking Horse. Congratulations on a job well done.

Ronal Young, a Tennessee Walking Horse trainer was recently diagnosed with lung
cancer and his walking horse family wanted to help. Jerry Sumners, Susan Coleman and
Suzy Johnson hosted a benefit the night prior to the Fun Show in Champions Arena with

over 300 attending.
The benefit raised over $30,000. We wish Ronal and Judy Young the best during this

tough time.

51 VOICE • JUNE 2018

VOICE • JUNE 2018 52

...A great gift idea! 53 VOICE • JUNE 2018

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will be sent to announce your gift.

"Voice" magazine Gift Subscription Form

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Voice Magazine • P.O. Box 286 • Lewisburg TN 37091

VOICE • JUNE 2018 54

Capture the moment, paint a picture, and tell us a story!


TWHYASM Creative Contests gives you the opportunity to
combine your creativity with your love for Tennessee Walking
Horses. Its fun and easy! Share your artistic abilities and have a
chance to win prizes, ribbons and certificates! All Entries will be
displayed at the National Celebration. Winners will be acknowl-
edged in the VoiceTM magazine and recognized in center ring at the
National Celebration.


6 and Under 7 - 11 12-17


Pencil Drawings Creative Writing
Oil/Pastel/Watercolor Poetry (50 word minimum)
Paintings Essay or Short Story (350-500 words)
Three-dimensional Art

Multi-Media Photo

Promotional Commercial (30-120 seconds) Black & White
Musical CD/DVD (3-5 minutes) Color

You must be a TWHYASM member
to participate. If you are not currently
a member you can Join Now for only $20
a year! For information on other programs
and benefits of becoming a member please
For information on the Creative Contests,
please contact Paulette Ewing at (931) 359-0593
or email [email protected].

Creative Contests
art • photo • creative writing

Capture the moment, paint a picture,
and tell us a story!


1. You must be a TWHYASM member to participate. PHOTO
2. All entries must depict the Tennessee Walking Horse. • Judged 50% on visual effect and 50% on technique.
3. All entries must be the exclusive work of the TWHYA • Photos can be a maximum of 4” x 6”,
member submitting the entry. mounting is desired but not required.
4. All entries will become the exclusive property of TWHBEASM. • Limit of three (3) entries per youth member.
5. TWHYA members can submit more than one entry form,
however one entry form must be attached to each submission. CREATIVE WRITING
Poems (50 word minimum)
ART Essay or Short Story (350-500 words)
• Judged 50% on creativity and 50% on technique. Theme for 2017 . . .
• Limit of three (3) entries per youth member. “The Tennessee Walking Horse to me is . . . ” or “My favorite experi-
ence with a Tennessee Walking Horse. . . “
• Judged 50% on originality of thought and ability
to convey message, 25% on creativity, and 25%
on grammar and neatness.
• All entries must be typed.
ENTRY FORM • Limit of one (1) entry per category.

Entries must be postmarked by August 1. Please print clearly. Fill out this form, attach to submission and mail to:
TWHYA Creative Contests, Attn: Paulette Ewing, P.O. Box 286 • Lewisburg, TN 37091

Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________________________________________________

City: __________________________________ State: ___________________ Zip: _____________________

Phone: ________________________________ Email: _____________________________________________

Birthdate: ______________________________ Age as of January 1, 2017___________________________


ART o Pencil Drawing o Oil/Pastel/Watercolor Painting o Three-dimensional Art
o Color o Promotional Commercial
PHOTO o Black & White
o Essay or Short Story o Textile

For more information about the Creative Contests or questions regarding materials and guidelines, please contact Paulette
Ewing at (931) 359-0593 or email [email protected]


Pastures reflect the direct rays of the sun and horses of that mountain out behind the barn!) If you’ve got an
can get sunburned, especially if the animal has white or over population of flies even with a conscientious manure
unpigmented areas around the eyes, muzzle and ears. Such removal program doesn’t forget the barn spray products
horses should have protection from the sun nor only in the that are on the market today. Spraying all the stalls in
form of shade, but using antiseptic ointments to reduce the barn will help to reduce flies, but be careful of feed
blistering and peeling. These producers can be obtained and water contamination. , Also, using sprays on horses
from your local veterinarian or he can recommend a brand themselves will help reduce the annoyance of flies. Water
on sale at the local tack shop. Horses in barns should and salt are important, but more so during the hot summer
have all the ventilation possible, but not be in drafty stalls. months. Water is necessary to produce perspiration which
A horse that has been sweating heavily on a hot day can helps to keep the horse's body cool. Salt is necessary to
become chilled in a draft and catch a cold even in the keep the mineral balance in the body at its best. So ideally,
middle of summer. Paddocked horses should also have a summer horse should have all the fresh, clean water he
shade and if they have a stall, let the animal go in and wants to drink plus a free-choice salt lick. If one must ride
out as he By Bonnie Davis pleases. He'll find the coolest in hot weather, remember conditioning and consideration.
spot and stand in it. Flies are more of a nuisance when A horse that's been standing around in a pasture and
the temperatures rise. A preventive fly program should paddock or stall for three or four weeks shouldn't be taken
be followed, especially if the horse is confined to a stall or out and put down the trail on a long ride. Conditioning
stall and paddock arrangement and has limited room in the horse is not only important for cold and mild weather
which to move around. Pastured horses can kick up their riding, it's doubly important in the hot v/weather. Hot
heels and run from flies, but confined horses can literally weather riding can be done safely, as demonstrated by
be eaten alive and worried to the point of exhaustion by endurance horses, but remember that endurance horses are
a large and persistent fly population. Manure should be conditioned for those long, hot journeys just as any mount
cleaned up properly and piles kept to a minimum to help should be conditioned for any long riding. Consideration
eliminate fly breeding grounds. If you've got a surplus, should be given the mount before the ride, on the ride and
try putting up a "free" sign or running a small ad in the after the ride. Before the ride, check all tack to make sure
local newspaper's garden section. Home gardeners and it is clean of sweat from the last ride and supple in texture.
landscapers are always looking for improvements in their Sweaty, stiff and hard tack is irritating to the horse's body
plant growing endeavors and horse manure is one of the and such irritation can cause cinch galls, rubbed shoulders
best natural fertilizers to be found. (Besides, a small fee for and aching muscles from improperly cared for tack. Each
a local newspaper ad will often be rewarded by the removal time you ride, wipe any sweat or dirt off tack. And don't

57 VOICE • JUNE 2018


forget those sweaty saddle blankets and pads. If they're cool a horse off, pour some water over the animal's head,
dirty with matted hair and sweat, wash them. To wash neck, flank and back area. Let the animal wade or stand
saddle blankets and Pads, first brush them with a stiff brush in the water for a few minutes even if it's only two inches
to remove all loose hair and dried, caked sweat. After deep. Just be alert. A horse can be standing in the stream
they've been brushed, wash them in a washing machine quietly one second, or playfully pawing the water and in
if the manufacturer's instructions say they are "machine the next instant decide to lie down and roll -- rider, saddle
washable. " If the blankets are wool use cold water and and all. After a ride , uncinch the saddle and leave it on the
good shampoo. The shampoo you use to wash the horse back of the horse for a few minutes before removing. This
is also excellent for washing blankets. \When the blankets will allow the blood circulation to resume slowly instead
are clean, hang them on a line and, with a fine spray mist of a sudden surge to tired back muscles and skin. When
from the garden hose, rinse to remove all soap residue the saddle is removed, let the horse roll. Nothing is more
and dirty water. After rinsing, either hang them on the relaxing to a horse. After the roll, take the animal to the
line or spread flat to dry with edges together. To prevent wash rack and hose him off by beginning on the feet, up
shrinkage, pin all the edges together about every four the legs to the underline, up the shoulders and flanks and
inches using clothes pins. Then hang the blanket in the then onto the back. If the horse is sensitive or a swelling is
shade over the clothes line. In this way the blanket or pad discovered, allow the water to run slowly over the inflamed
drips dry, dries "square" and has a natural crease line which area. The cool water will help to draw the heat from the
makes it easier to center over the horse's backbone. And swelling. If you want to run water over the neck, be sure
while you're washing tack, don't forget those nylon halters not to get water in the horse 's eyes. If the animal is head
and lead ropes. They can really get sweaty and dirty and shy with a water hose, use a hand towel. Wet it thoroughly
horsey smelling. To wash, fill a bucket with cold water, and wipe the animal's eyes and nose while gently squeezing
add a little horse liniment stir to mix and soak the halter water out so it will run down the sides of the head. Once
and ropes for a few hours. Then rinse in another bucket the horse has been cooled off with the water hose, allow
of clean water and hang over the clothes line to dry next him to stand in the warm summer sun and drip dry. Most
to the blankets. By using a horse liniment, they retain horses once they've had a long ride and cooling bath, will
their fresh clean smell for days with no harm to the horse stand contentedly in the summer sun, relaxing and dozing.
or nylon and cotton. Before saddling, brush the horse If the flies are bad, mist the horse with fly spray for his
thoroughly to lay the hair back in its natural growth and own relaxation. Remember that horses can be used in
then saddle. When riding, walk. After all, what's the rush hot weather regardless of the area of the country where
in 100-degree heat? Check the rigging frequently to make one may live. But for the horse to remain healthy, he
sure, it hasn't slipped too far back or too far forward on the must first be conditioned to long summer rides and then
horse's neck, and if you're riding in hilly country, a breast consideration given by the rider while on the ride. And,
collar is an absolute must -- plus it lets you ride with a cinch if it's not vitally important to ride "this very minute, " why
not-so-tight. While riding, pay close attention to how your not wait until later in the afternoon? or evening when the
horse moves. Take frequent stops. When you decide to get temperatures have dipped lower? Or even easy the next
off and stand under a tree to rest, let your horse stand in morning before the full day's heat hits? Not only will it be
the shade too! \When crossing streams, allow the horse a easier and sometimes safer for your horse, but you'll be a
cool drink, if the animal is not too hot. , and if you want to lot cooler!

VOICE • JUNE 2018 58


Farewell GERONIMOS FIREBALL 20306959 BL Of Persuasion, out of Backcourt Foul. Owned
TO. By Ima Fireball Too, out of Geronimos by Robert and Lisa Marbry. Standing at White
LaureCl oEtltainingehaRmoberts Rose. Owned by Brad Maxcey. Standing at Oak Farm, Sammy Sanders, breeding manager,
Salem, Missouri Circle M Farm, 852 Strengthfore Pleasant Grove 10023 Rosemark Road, Atoka TN 38004;
Rd., Laurel MS 39443; 601/323-4828; email: 901/829-3303 stable, 901/458-4314 office,
John Freeman [email protected]. Fee: $500. 901/829-3333 residence, 901/458-9792 fax,
Lebanon, Tennessee email: [email protected], website: www.
MONTANA, Fee: $550.
Rita Hudgens SKYE’S SAPHYRE STARLYTE21200786
Franklin, Tennessee BR, Sire Generator’s Dr Blue, dam Jose’s Bay STEEL CONNECTION 951441BL.
Lay. Owned by Debbie Jeppesen. Standing at By Clutch’s Sure Threat, out of Mark Plum
Robert Swayne Walkers On Water, 170 Sun Prairie Road, Great Perfect. Owned by Jo Ann Dowell. Standing at
Manheim, Pennsylvania Falls MT 59404; 406/799-2116; email sptwh@ Fantasy Farms, Beverly Burgess Wood, 351; website:, Highway 82E., Bell Buckle TN 37020; farm:
Equine Obits Stud fee $500 LFG, multi-mare discount. 931/389-6983, residence: 931/389-6981, cell:
931/703-5378, fax: 931/389-6980. Fee: $650.
Pusher’s Champagne NORTH CAROLINA
Cutie JAZZ CRUISER20410275SO, Sire A Jazz TEXAS
Man, dam Moments. Owned by Angela Tuck. RAF DUSTY’S ROYAL STETSON
Owned by Marcia and Standing at Walk Away Farms, 277 Strawberry 21004153 BU. By Dusty’s Royal Flush,
Jimmy Hendricks Road, Reidsville NC 27320; 336-613-9138; out of RAF Cajuns Sunny Spirit. Owned by
Baytown, Texas email: Fee: $500. Bill and Sandy Martin. Standing at Running
Arrow Farm, 4230 Hwy 83 N. (PO Box 271),
Jefferson City, Missouri OHIO Wellington TX 79095; 806/205-1235;email:
GENIUS BOY’S LEGACY 20001188BL. [email protected], website:
By Genius Boy Pride out of Classic Beam., Fee: $350
Owned by Joyce M. Moyer. Standing at (Natural Service).
Maple Crest Farms, 7009 Maple Avenue,
Castalia OH 44824, 419-684-9490, email: COAT COLOR CODES
wlmailhtml:[email protected]; website:, Fee: Private Treaty. AC-Amber Cream Champagne,
AM-Amber Champagne,
OREGON AR-Bay Roan, BA-Bay,
BUM’S THREAT’S SUPREME 9710168 BL-Black, BN-Brown,
BA. By Final’s Threat’s Supreme, out of Gee BR-Black Roan, BU-Bucksin,
Golly Bum. Owned by Al and Kristy Artman. CC-Classic Cream Champagne,
Standing at Walkers Of South 40, P. O. Box CH-Chestnut,
1443, 3370 Brophy Road, Eagle Point OR CL-Classic Champagne, TV-Tovero
97524; 541/292-0175, email: twhofsouth40@ CP-Champagne, CR-Cremello,, website: www.walkersofsouth40. GC-Gold Cream Champagne,
com, Fee: $500. GO-Gold Champagne,
GR-Grey, HR-Chestnut Roan,
TENNESSEE LR-Blue Roan PA-Palamino,
I’M DARK VENGEANCE 950428 BL. By PE-Perlino, RR-Grey Roan,
Pusher’s Doing Time, out of Priceless. Owned by SB-Smoky Black, SC-Smoky Cream,
Mariella Fugger. Standing at Valton Rummage SO-Sorrel, SR-Sorrel Roan
Stables, Columbia, TN; 931-981-2210; Fee: WH-White.
$400 or 2 for $700.

OV-Overo, SA-Sabino, TO-Tobiano,


D-Dun, G-Grey, R-Roan, S-Silver

59 VOICE • JUNE 2018


US-43 Lawrenceburg, TN 38464; 931/829- E-L-PL-S-SH-SP-T) Wayne Conkle, trainer,
CELEBRATION, INC., P. O. Box 1010, 2178; website: 595 County Road 552, Bushnell FL 33513;
Shelbyville TN 37162; 931/684-5915, fax 352/568-2001, fax 352/568-3351, email:
931/684-5949, email: [email protected], HORSE EQUIPMENT [email protected].
website: BEDFORD TACK, INC., 8 miles north of
Shelbyville in Deason, 148 Edd Joyce Road, Bell GEORGIA
SPOTTED SADDLE HORSE Buckle TN 37020. Order toll free: 800/523- CARL EDWARDS & SONS STABLES,
BREEDERS AND EXHIBITORS 4971, 931/437-2211 fax. INC, Training and sales facility. Larry and
ASSOCIATION, P.O. Box 1046, 2519 Hwy Gary Edwards, trainers. 689 Horse Farm Road,
231 N, Shelbyville TN 37162; phone 931/684- NATIONAL BRIDLE SHOP, 603 Evans Dawson GA 39842; 229/698-3770, 678/438-
7496, fax 931/684-7215, email: jprince@ Street, P. O. Box 926, Shelbyville TN 37162; 2190, 678/438-1535., website: 931/359-3210, orders 800/251-3474, Fax
931/359-8551, email: [email protected], IDAHO
ASSOCIATION, P.O. Box 61, Shelbyville TN Gale Burns, owner, 993 S. Round Rock Ranch
37162; 931/684-5866, 931/684-5895 fax, THE WINNER’S CIRCLE, 603 Evans Road, King Hill ID 83633; 208/366-2257 res.,
email: [email protected], website: www. Street, Shelbyville TN 37160; 931/684-2912, 208/484-5115 cell. 800/298-7398, email: [email protected],
website: KENTUCKY
L & M AWARDS, “We make the awards STABLES/FARMS Training, breeding and sales facility. Spencer
world champions wear,” Heather Beard, ALABAMA and Carrie Benedict, owners/managers. 345
owner, 619 Madison Street, Shelbyville TN BILL CANTRELL STABLES, 110 Matthews Mill Road, Glsgow KY 42141;
37160; 931/684-0010, 931/684-0011 fax, Richardson Road, Pheonix City AL 36869; 270/590-5235 Spencer’s cell, 270/590-5285
email: [email protected], website: www. 334/297-2771, 706/366-9806. Carrie’s cell; Email: [email protected]. Check us out at
BUSINESS sales facility, Bradye Mills and Tim Smith, MYATT MANOR TRAINING STABLES,
LYNCHBURG CAKE AND CANDY trainers, 3442 Indian Lake Lane, Pelham AL Specializing in flatshod Tennessee Walking
CO.,134 Cashion Road, Lynchburg TN 37352; 35124, 205/239-1938 Horses, Hannah Myatt, trainer, Bowling Green
931-759-7441. KY; 503/871-5755.
MARSHA’S ON THE SQUARE, Custom (B-BD-BR-C-CT-E-H-L-PH-PL-S-SP-T-V) Curt C-H-PL-S-SP-V) Maurice Worthington, owner,
and ready-to-wear riding and driving apparel, and Amy Rosemann, owners/trainers, 5601 E. Adam Woolen, trainer, 972 Rocky Creek Lane,
both English and Western; Marsha Shepard, Yucca Rd., Cave Creek AZ 85331; 408/480- Whitesville KY 42378; 270-925-3485, 270-
owner; Barbara Turner, manager; 115 South 3999, email: [email protected], 231-7579; [email protected].
Side Square, Shelbyville TN 37160; 931/684- website:
3500; email: [email protected], website: MICHIGAN CALIFORNIA BRANAM’S TRIPLE OAK FARM (B-BD-
POLLACK’S SILVER SPUR RANCH BR-L-F-FS-H-S-SH-V) also gait consultation,
EQUINE FEEDS (AI-B-BD-BR-C-F-H-L-PL-S-SH-SP-T) Sherri 10469 Halsey Road, Grand Blanc MI 48439;
ALLFEED/HILLSBORO FEED and Patti Pollack, owners, Lindsey Luna, trainer, 810-694-0997; website:;
COMPANY, All Feed-No Filler; Safe feed for 14990 Columbet Avenue, San Martin CA 95046; email: [email protected].
your champions. Made with the great walking 408/778-9745 stable, 931/205-2173 Luna,
horse in mind. Tennessee/Joe Green, Sr. 408/867-7360 fax, email: [email protected]. MISSISSIPPI
(931)310-0063, Email: jgreen.allfeed@yahoo. DALE WATTS STABLES (B-CT-S-SH-T)
com, Plant: P.O. Box 125, Hillsboro,Alabama RUSS THOMPSON STABLES - Dale, Josh, and Jonathan Watts, trainers. Lucy
35643 TRAINING AND BREEDING FACILITY Watts, manager. 4025 Hwy. 51-N, Summit MS
(B-S-T) Gaited pleasure horses for sale at all 39666; Dale, 601/660-6194; Josh, 601/748-
EQUINE PUBLICATIONS times. Russ Thompson and Jamey Thompson, 0148; Jonathan, 601/810-2269; email:
VOICE OF THE TENNESSEE trainers, 15231 Pine Lane, Chino Hills CA [email protected].
WALKING HORSE, Official Breed Journal, 91709; 909/880-3340 stable, 909/597-1171
P.O. Box 286, 250 North Ellington Pkwy., res., 909/226-9671 Russ cell, website: www.
Lewisburg TN 37091; 931/359-1574; website:

VOICE • JUNE 2018 60


BREEZIE ACRES RANCH (B-BR-C-PL- Specializing in the training, sales and exhibition RIVERVIEW FARM, INC. (B-BD-C-PL-S-
S-SH) Marsha Wickman owner, 518 County of Tennessee Walking and Spotted Saddle SH) Bill Wright, owner, Route 2, Frazier Lane,
Line Road, Ft. Shaw MT 59443; 406/467-3750 horses in all disciplines. Dickie Gardner and Greenbottom WV (P. O. Box 1982, Huntington
phone/fax, 406/788-5802 cell. Crystal Deputy trainers. 415 Whitaker Road, WV 25720); farm 304/762-2432, business
Shelbyville TN 37160; 931/224-2730 Dickie, 304/697-7083, mobile 304/633-4492, email:
NEW JERSEY 540/830-8776 Crystal; Website: www. [email protected].
Carol Lamberson and Mike Wallace, owners, 34 WYOMING
Toad Lane, Ringoes NJ 08551; 908/284-0231, FORMAC STABLES Training and Sales MOUNTAINVIEW WALKING HORSE
email: [email protected]. facility. Jimmy McConnell, trainer, 214 Dixon RANCH (B-BR-C-CT-E-L-PL-S-SP-T-V) Bill
Road, Shelbyville TN 37160; 731-884-9135. Maute, owner, Brook Curnow, trainer/manager,
OHIO 119 Rd 1AB, Clark WY 82435; stable/res.
MAPLE CREST FARM (B-BD-BR-C-CT- FOXFIRE FARMS (AI-B-BR-C-L-PL-S- 307/645-3034, fax 307/645-3337, email:
E-F-H-HSS-L-PH-PL-S-SP-TK-V) Joyce Moyer, SH-V) Donna Kerchinski, owner, 576 Jennings [email protected], website: www.
owner, Terrance Moyer, farm manager, 7009 Lane, Shelbyville TN 37160; 931/684-0093,
Maple Avenue, Castalia OH 44824; stable/ email: [email protected], website: www.
residence 419/684-9490, fax 419/684-5898, GERMANY
email: [email protected], website: JENNE’ STABLES (B-C-CT-S-SH-T) JOSEF’S WALKAWAY FARM (AI-B-BD- Justin Jenne’, owner, P.O. Box 723, Shelbyville BR-C-CT-E-H-L-PL-RH-S-SH-T-V) Am Neuhau
TN 37162; 931/224-2968, website: www. 17, D-86650 Wemding Germany; +49 9092
SHERRIE SZUCS STABLES (B-C-PL-S- [email protected]. 967011, fax +49 9092 967018; mobile +49
SH-T) Sherrie Szucs, owner/trainer, 7880 State 151 12050366, email: wlmailhtml:info@twhb.
Route 18, Bellevue OH 44811; stable 419/483- SHADY CREEK FARM (B-C-S) A full de; website:
2563, residence 419/483-4389, fax 419/483- plantation facility with both lite shod and heavy
1521, email: [email protected], website: shod, western and versatility. Bill Reed, owner/ NETHERLANDS manager, 872 Allen Road, Murfreesboro LITTLE AMERICA (AI-B-BD-BR-C-CT-E-H-
TN 37129, 615/785-4214 cell; email: L-PL-RH-S-SH-T-V) MaryanZyderveld, Postbus
TENNESSEE [email protected]. 6055, 5960 AB Horst, Netherlands; phone
SCOTT BEATY STABLES, P. O. Box 456, 0031-681426903, email: mczyderveld@xs4all.
Byrdtown TN 38549; 931/864-3716, 931/864- SOUTHERN SERENITY RANCH, nl, website:
6506, 931/397-6506. Howard Hamilton and Patrick Thomas trainers,
590 Parker Store Road, Cedar Grove TN 38321; CODES
BURCH FARM (BD-BR-C-F-FS-H-L-PL-S) 731/987-3007.
6876 Arno-Allisona Road, College Grove TN AI-Artificial Insemination, B-Breeding,
37046; 615/476-2322; email: webbyburch@ TEXAS BD-Boarding, BR-Broodmares,; website: GOOD AS IT GAITS FARM (B-BR-C-S) C-Colts, CT-Colt Training,
Daniel and Marsha Yzaguirre, owners; 3434 E-Equitation, F-Farrier,
DANNY BURKS & SONS STABLES, Hwy 90 E, Hondo TX 78861; 830/741-8581; FD-Feed, FS-Foaling Service,
3160 Hwy. 231 A, Shelbyville TN 37160; email: [email protected]; website: www. H-Hauling, HA-Horse Auctions,
931/607-7126. HSS-Horse Show Supplies,
HT-Horse Trailers, I-Insurance,
CAROL CAMP STABLES at New Cannan MCDODI FARMS, walking, racking and L-Lessons, PH-Photography,
Farm (C-CT-L-PL-S-T-V) Carol Camp, owner/ spotted saddle horses, Dr. Jim and Dodi PL-Pleasure Horses,
trainer, 697 Swamp Road, Eagleville TN 37061; Speece, owners, Marco Suarez, trainer, Kim RH-Racking Horses,
615-395-4936 home, 615-972-6483 cell; Lewis, riding instructor. We offer horses for RE-Real Estate, S-Selling,
email: [email protected]. sale, board, training and lessons. Located SH-Show Horses,
just 15 miles south of Fort Worth TX. 3812 SP-Spotted Horses T-Training,
RONNIE CAMPBELL STABLES, 106 CR 530 B, Burleson TX 76028; Website: TK-Tack, TR-Trophy & Ribbons,
Kinwood Avenue, Shelbyville TN 37160; 931-; Email: mcdodi@ and V-Versatility
703-3453, 931/684-7573.; 817/896-7073 barn;
817/614-0623 Dodi.
E-HA-L-PL-S-SH-SP-T-V) 3065 Old Columbia
Road, Lewisburg TN 37091; 352-242-7683,
931-703-9547, email: wlmailhtml:cmar1170@, website:

61 VOICE • JUNE 2018






A American Patriot................................4 Jose’s Consuelo.................................31 TWHBEA Staff
A Bruce Pearl.....................................15 Lewisburg........................................... 62
A King Pin..........................................27 Lined Up At The Ritz...........................18 (931) 359-1574 • Fax: (931) 288-6135
A King Ting.........................................26 Lined Walkin.......................................35 250 N. Ellington Pkwy. • Lewisburg, TN 37091
A Pink Floyd.......................................16 Lipstick & Lead...................................17
A Sunday Rose...................................16 Little Bit Of Change............................21
Be My Baby........................................11 Machete............................................. 28
Belfast-TWHBEA Show......................39 Markel Ins...........................................63 Executive Director
Big Time Bandit..................................14 Maroon 5............................................17 Rory Williams
Bonus Attraction...................................1 Marshall Co........................................44
Bustline.............................................. 37 Me And Pocahontas...........................33 Office Administrator
Cass Services.....................................43 NATRC............................................... 62 Kate Georgeson
Co-Op................................................ 63 Papacito............................................. 29
Curley Lambeau.................................14 PenBrooke Farm................................62 Sales Support Staff and Facilities Manager
Georgia Florida Line............................23 Prime Poison......................................22 Paulette Ewing
Gigi’s Lunch Money............................37 Ride TV..............................................42
Hey Good Looking.............................16 Rowdy Ranch.....................................54 Marketing and Program Specialist
Holmes Farm Walkers.........................62 Ten Times Your Money.........................7 Mallory Maddox
Hush.................................................. 25 Tiger Blood.........................................18
I’m A Proud American.........................31 TWHBEA Futurity................................49 Database Administrator
I’m Draco.............................................5 TWHBEA World Versatility Show.........38 Rickey Clardy
Inception............................................ 35 Unreal................................................. 17
Jose’.................................................. 24 Zeta.................................................... 11 Receptionist
Jose’ Revival..................................... C2 Gloria Rambo

The Voice Magazine Staff The Voice, the Official Breed Journal, Registry
(USPS 663-040) (ISSN 0505-8813) Annette Rodgers, Christie Stephens
General Editor is published bimonthly & Marilyn Walker
Rory Williams • [email protected] by TWHBEA
Membership Recruiting/Magazine Sales
Ad Sales 250 N. Ellington Pkwy., Lewisburg, TN 37091. Carol Wakefield
Carol Wakefield • (931) 993-6333 Periodicals postage paid at Lewisburg,
Tennessee & additional mailing offices. Sponsorship Recruiting
Sales Support/Graphics Canada Post International Publications Jane Moore
Paulette Ewing • (931) 359-0593
Mail Product Sales Agreement #1189689. TWHBEA Executive
Production Provider POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Committee
Open Look Business Solutions
The Voice, P.O. Box 286, Lewisburg, President
TN 37091 David Williams

The opinions and statements expressed in TWHBEA Membership: Senior Vice President
articles and advertising are not necessarily the $75 One-eighteenth which is for a Stephen B. Smith
viewpoint or position of the staff or magazine. subscription to The Voice for the dues period.
The Voice is not responsible for opinions and Secretary
statements expressed in articles and paid Non-member subscription: James Heiting, Esq.
advertisements. We reserve the right to refuse One year: $36 • Two years: $65
unsolicited material and advertising. Reproduction Breeders Vice President
of advertising or editorial material without the Three years: $90 Carrie Benedict
permission of the publisher is strictly prohibited. Canadians, add $10/year, residents of
other foreign countries add $20/year and Owners/Exhibitors/International Vice
submit U. S. funds.
Keegan Meadows
Training Vice President

Russ Thompson
Equine Welfare Vice President

Bobby Beech
Marketing Vice President

Ashley Wadsworth
Administrative/Fiscal/Audit Vice President

Nancy Lynn Greene
Performance Horse Vice President

Pleasure Horse Vice President

Margo Urad
Member At Large Bylaws/Enforcement
Vice President

Robin Webb, Esq.
Member At Large/Youth Vice President

Allison Thorson

VOICE • JUNE 2018 64

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