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Published by @editorialsonar, 2021-05-02 13:12:18

Way To Go! - Teacher's Guide 8°

Way To Go! - Teacher's Guide 8°

Module // 3 Review
module 3 // Review

10 points 25 points 10 points Miss a turn

Question 4 Answer questions Question 6 20 points
Question 7

11. Agree with or disagree with the following sentence. Give 15 points
your reasons why. “To be a good neighbour, you should invite your
neighbours for dinner.” Question 8

12. If someone hurts your feelings, how should you act? 10 points

13. Answer the question. Have you ever defended someone from Question 9
20 points
14. Name two things you must do at school.
Question 10
15. Agree with or disagree with the following sentence. Give your
reasons why. “To be a good citizen, you must respect and be tolerant 20 points
towards others.”
Question 11
16. Offer some advice for the following problem. “I failed my exam.
What should I do?” 123

17. Complete the sentence with will. If I am a responsible person, … 15 points

18. Read your neighbour’s complaint and apologize. “Excuse me, but Question 12
it’s late and the music at your party is too loud. I can’t sleep!”

19. Name two positive qualities of a good citizen.

20. Select the correct word in bold. He has defended / visited /
helped an old lady cross the road.

21. You broke your classmate’s guitar. Use positive language and

22. Offer some advice for the following problem. “They always bully
me. What should I do?”

23. Name two things you mustn’t do at school.

24. Make a polite request to your maths teacher asking for some
extra help.

20 points 10 points 15 points Go back
4 squares
Question 15 Question 14 Question 13

Review Race

Pairs or small groups of up to four students
play the game. They must take it in turns
to roll the die and move their counter the
corresponding number of squares. When they
arrive at a square, players have to answer
the question or do what it says there. If they
answer correctly, they stay on the square. If
they answer incorrectly, they return to the
previous square. The first team to get to the
FINISH is the winner. Since most answers will
vary, circulate and monitor the activity.


Module // 3 Review


Page 82-83

1. Answers may vary, but an example 15. Answers may vary.
is: ‘I’m really sorry. I didn’t see my
dog making a mess. I’ll clear it up 16. Answers may vary, but may
immediately.’ include: ‘You should study more.’
‘You should ask your teachers for
2. Answers may vary. help.’

3. invited 17. Answers may vary.

4. Answers may vary, but may include 18. Answers may vary, but an
abuse, aggressive, bad-tempered, call example is: ‘I apologize for being
names, intolerant, etc. insensitive. I didn’t know it was so
5. donated
19. Answers may vary, but may
6. Answers may vary. include: generous, self-controlled,
7. Answers may vary.
understanding, etc.
8. Answers may vary, but an example
is: ‘… you should show them respect 20. helped
and kindness.’
21. Answers may vary, but an
9. Answers may vary, but may include example is: ‘I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to
forgiveness, honesty, tolerance, etc. break your guitar. I will help you buy
a new one.’
10. Answers may vary, but an
example is: ‘I’m so sorry. I didn’t 22. Answers may vary.
mean to close the door in your face. I
didn’t see you there.’ 23. Answers may vary.

11. Answers may vary. 24. Answers may vary, but an
12. Answers may vary. example is: ‘I didn’t understand this
13. Answers may vary. lesson. Could you give me some help
after school, please?’

14. Answers may vary. T123

Module // 3 Project


A poster campaign to make people aware of what makes a
good neighbour and a good Colombian citizen.

1. In groups, collect the information and materials you created in this module. Use the checklist
to make sure you have everything you need.

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3
Solving Problems with Have You Been a Model Making Peace through Words

Others Citizen? and Actions

Lesson 1, exercise 10 Lesson 1, exercise 8 Lesson 2, exercise 8
Resolutions for being a
Advice on how to A few sentences better citizen
be emotionally explaining how you Lesson 3, exercise 8
intelligent have been a good citizen Behaviours to create peace
in your school
Lesson 3, exercise 8 Lesson 3, exercise 6 Lesson 3, exercise 11
Results of the school survey
A poster to promote Profile of your best on helping your community
the good citizen neighbour
campaign, including
a slogan and advice. Lesson 3, exercise 9

Analysis of the results of the
good citizen survey

2. You have completed some of the planning activities (✔). As a group, decide how you will
complete the others and who will do which activities.

3. Tick (✔) activities as soon as you complete them.

Planning the campaign Planning the launch Managing the launch

124 1. Design a poster on how 1. S elect a date for the launch of 1. Prepare an agenda of the
to be a good Colombian the campaign. activities for the launch.
citizen. ✔
2. D ecide the time and book a 2. Prepare to present your
2. Design an eight- room for the launch. poster to the school
question survey. ✔ community.
3. B ook any equipment you
3. A nalyse the results of need (e.g. TV, digital projector, 3. Explain the reasons for the
the survey. ✔ computer). questions in your survey.

4. M ake a chart, similar to 4. Decide how to invite the 4. Present the results
the one in Unit 2, Lesson school community to the of the survey and the
2, exercise 4, to show the launch. commitment of the school
results. to be better citizens.

Module 3 Project

1. Explain to students that they are 2. It is important to use this checklist 3. Students look at the chart and
going to create a poster campaign to enable teachers and students to discuss which activities have been
on how to be a good neighbour and clearly see where they’re going, how completed and which they still have to
a model Colombian citizen. Jog their much progress they have made, and carry out. Remind them of how they
memories with some of the ideas they how much is missing. Tell students the organized themselves into committee
discussed earlier in the module. mind maps, outlines and posters will in Module 2, and encourage them to
help them decorate the classroom or do the same here, allocating different
Tell students they will be carrying out noticeboards and will help them in people to the different committees.
research and presenting the results to their oral presentations of the topics
the school or to another class.

Remind students that they’ve been
working on the project throughout
the module. Direct them to the Unit
overview pages so they can see the
Module tasks and elements which will
contribute to the project. Remind them
of the different activities they carried
out earlier in the module.


module 3 // Project

4. Look at the two options for launching your campaign. Discuss the advantages and
disadvantages of each option: in a lecture room/auditorium or in another classroom.. Can you
think of other ideas?

Option 1: Have the launch in a lecture room Option 2: Visit another classroom and have

or auditorium the launch there

1. W elcome the audience and explain the 1. Follow steps 1, 2 and 3 of Option 1.
purpose of your campaign.
2. A sk the audience to create their own
2. S how your poster to the school community. posters, in groups, on how to be a good
Read it and explain it. citizen. Provide them with paper and
coloured pens to complete their poster in
3. Present the results of the survey and the 30 minutes.
commitment of the school to be better
citizens. 3. S elect the best poster and give the winners
a prize.
4. Invite the audience to write their personal
resolutions. 4. S how all the posters on the wall of the
5. S how all the resolutions in a part of the
school where everyone can see them.

This is my We have won the poster We must be good neighbours
resolution. competition! and help each other.

125 My resolution A neighbour from
heaven is someone who
If somebody says bad things serves their community.
about me, I will …
You should …

If you …

Module 3 Project

4. Go over the two options for the
presentation of the project. Elicit
and discuss the advantages and
disadvantages of each. Then invite
students to discuss any disadvantages
they might encounter. Explain to
students that Option 1 might be more
appropriate for a large school with
many students, which Option 2 could
be more suitable if they don’t have a
projector and computer. Time, space
and tech tools available should be
taken into account when considering
how best students can present their

Have students reflect on the
importance of obtaining the
corresponding feedback after the
event. Explain that the audience should
provide feedback on the research and
activity as a whole.

Make sure students devise a form to
ask for feedback. They might want
to use recycled paper to make copies
of the feedback form and hand it out
before the audience leaves.

Encourage students reflect on the
results of the launch. They should
congratulate themselves on things that
went well and discuss how to improve
things that did not work.


Module // 3 Evaluation



Read the text. Choose the correct word for each space.

‘Help the Homeless’ is a charity that provides (0)__s_u_p__p_o_r_t____ and assistance to the
thousands of homeless people living on the streets of Bogotá. We firmly believe that all
(1)_____________ of Colombia, without (2)_____________, deserve the dignity that comes with
having our basic human rights guaranteed. The (3)_____________ and indifference of our
society towards our homeless neighbours has created a social crisis and needs urgent
attention. No more (4)_____________ at the hands of aggressive police officers or bad-
tempered citizens. Come and join our (5)_____________ by participating in our demonstration
this Saturday in the National Park.

Donations in the form of food, clothes, toys or money are more than welcome!

0. A. discipline B. support C. honesty
1. A. neighbours B. slaves C. citizens
2. A. discrimination B. rights C. wellbeing
3. A. respectfulness B. punctuality C. intolerance
4. A. abuse B. kindness C. apologies
5. A. indigenous B. campaign C. resentment


Complete the conversation with the phrases in the box.

have donated should be really fit have run must be at least
have volunteered you will help

Pablo: Hi Tina! Do you consider yourself to be a good citizen?

Tina: Hmm, I think so. I (0)____h__a_v_e__d_o__n_a_t_e__d________ my old toys to a children’s
foundation and I (6)__________________________ with the Red Cross.

126 Pablo: Really? I have always wanted to work with the Red Cross.
Tina: W ell, if you volunteer with the Red Cross,

(7)__________________________ lots of people in need.

Pablo: W hat advice can you give me for becoming a volunteer?

Tina: W ell, you (8)__________________________, because we do a lot of

Pablo: T hat’s no problem. I (9)__________________________ every day for
the last year.

Tina: O h, and you (10)__________________________ 14 years old to
volunteer for the youth programme.

Pablo: G reat. Thanks a lot, Tina.

Module // 3 Evaluation

Evaluation Answers

Page 126 Grammar

Vocabulary 6. have volunteered
7. you will help
1. C 8. should be really fit
2. A 9. have run
3. C 10. must be at least
4. A
5. B


module 3 // Evaluation


Read the following passage. Choose True, False or Not enough information according to the text.
Write your answers in the box.

Afro-Colombian is a term that applies to Colombian citizens that are direct descendants of Africans.
Back in the early 16th century, Africans from countries like the Republic of Congo, Angola, Ghana
and Mali were brought to Colombia to work as slaves in the gold mines, sugar cane plantations and
cattle ranches. When they arrived, many Afro-Colombian slaves began to fight for their freedom.
They formed towns, called Palenques, where black slaves who escaped their oppressors
could live in freedom. In fact, Afro-Colombians played a very important role in the fight for
independence from Spain, with more than half of Simón Bolívar’s army being of African descent.

Finally, in 1851, slavery was formally abolished in Colombia but, unfortunately, life didn’t
immediately improve for the Afro-Colombians. Many were forced to live in the jungle regions of
the country to protect their cultural traditions, because the Colombian government wanted them
to be more like Europeans. Today the situation has improved. However, Afro-Colombians continue
to be displaced by armed groups that want to take their land for farming and mining purposes.

True False Not enough

0. A fricans were brought to Colombia at the end of the 16th ✔

11. Afro-Colombians didn’t fight for freedom for many years

after arriving in Colombia.

12. There were towns where black people could enjoy their


13. A fro-Colombians held high positions in Simón Bolívar’s army.

14. After slavery was abolished, Afro-Colombians began to lose

their cultural traditions.

15. Today, Afro-Colombians have taken land from armed groups.


Your best friend has had problems with bullies at his new school. Complete the sentences in the
email to give him some advice about how to deal with the problem.

Include: a. your friend’s name, b. what will happen if your friend doesn’t stop the bullies,
c. two suggestions to stop the bullies, d. your name.

1 2 7 Hello (16) a.__________________________!
Thank you for your email. I have some ideas about how you can stop the bullies from annoying
you. It is important to stop them immediately! If you don’t stop them now, (17) b._______________
First, I think you should (18) c1._______________________________________________________________________
If this doesn’t work, then you could (19) c2.__________________________________________________________
I hope this advice helps you. Have a great day!
(20) d.__________________________.

Module // 3 Evaluation

Evaluation Answers

Page 127 Writing

Reading 16. Answers may vary.
17. Answers may vary.
11. False 18. Answers may vary.
12. True 19. Answers may vary.
13. No Information 20. Answers may vary.
14. True
15. False


Module 4

WiseGlobalization Consumption

128 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3

Sensible Controlling Extreme
Shopping Expenses Consumers

Language Functions Language Functions Language Functions

• Describe present and past • Describe present and past • Talk about possibilities
experiences experiences • Express conditions
• Talk about the future
• Express opinions (about • Justify points of view • Ask and answer questions
shopping practices) • Propose or present a
on sports, technology and
• Justify points of view (about solution fashion
shopping practices)
Text Types: Text Types:
Text Types:
• email • email
• web page • advertisement • advertisements
• news article • report • questionnaire
• blog • survey • article
• questionnaire • descriptive paragraph • letter
• magazine article • posts to a forum
• narrative text • survey
• descriptive paragraph • descriptive paragraphs
• narrative text

Module 4 Presentation

• Remind students that this • Show students the Unit 1
Let’s See the World!
10 book is divided into four 20 pictures spread out over the
minutes minutes • As a group, read the language
modules. This is the final two pages of the module functions students will learn in this
module and it addresses presentation and ask them
• Discuss the meaning of new
globalization. what they see. Discuss briefly vocabulary like weather, seasons,
tourist guide, blog, etc.
• Ask students if they know what which country or culture each
the word globalization means. If Unit 2
they don’t, explain that it means photo relates to. Travelling around Colombia
operations on an international
scale. • Remind students that language • Discuss the language functions
functions help us to communicate listed in this unit and elicit
• Read the title International Cultures more effectively. Most of what definitions of new vocabulary such
and ask students to suggest words we say is for a specific purpose. as lifestyle, festival, celebration,
that define what the word culture Whether we apologize, ask for personal opinion, etc.
means: e.g. language, religion, permission or simply express a wish,
cuisine, social habits, customs, we use language functions to help Unit 3
music and art. convey these messages. Wonderful Cultures

• Elicit from students aspects of their • Go over the specific language • Read the language functions
own culture, e.g. language – Spanish, functions and text types of the and text types and clarify words
religion – Catholic, cuisine – Bandeja three units. students do not understand, e.g.
points of view, dishes, tweet, etc.
Paisa, etc.
• When explaining new vocabulary,
• Ask students what they know about do not translate words directly into
other cultures from around the L1. Use examples in English, along
world. Be specific, if necessary, and with body language or drawings on
ask them about American culture, the board, etc.
British culture, Chinese culture, etc.

• Point out to students that even
though other countries’ cultures
may be different from theirs, it is
important to always respect other


Explore Your Knowledge

Look at the pictures and answer …

• Which of these are items that
you can buy?

• Which items do you have and
which would you like to buy?

• Which pictures show

• Which experiences have you

• Are there any experiences you
would like to try?

• Is it better to spend your money
on items or experiences? Why?

Project: A Documentary Film about Teenagers’ Shopping Needs and Habits

In this module you will work in groups to prepare a formal presentation.

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3

1. Quiz: “Are you a 3. Interview teenagers and 5. Chart based on survey results

1 2 9 shopping addict?” report on their monthly and video report (Lesson 3,

(Lesson 2, exercise 6) expenses (Lesson 2, exercises 8–9)

2. Questionnaire about exercise 5)

students’ shopping 4. Survey and recorded

habits (Lesson 3, interview on adolescents’

exercise 7) needs and spending habits

(Lesson 3, exercises 9–10)


Be careful with your money

Module 4 Presentation

Explore Your Knowledge Final Task

20 10

minutes • Look again at the pictures minutes • Tell students that in
spread across the two module 4 they will be
pages. As a group, read the writing a video script about

questions together and encourage a different country or culture and
students to answer them. The idea presenting it either in written form
is that most of the students will or video form. Explain that they
have visited some of the places or will need to take into account
eaten some of the foods shown various factors, including physical
in the pictures. Ask them to talk characteristics of the places, like
a little more about each photo location, size and population;
and give extra information such places of interest for tourists;
as what the dishes are made of or weather; cultural identity; festivals,
where the place is located, etc. You etc. If students are going to present
might need to help students with their script in video format, they
vocabulary in order for them to be need to make arrangements for the
able to talk more about each photo. video camera, etc.

• Use the third and fourth questions • Go through the chart with students,
as an opportunity to review the asking questions to encourage
names of different food like rice, them to identify the pieces of
beans, chicken, potatoes, etc. information about various towns,
cities, celebrations and festivals
• Encourage students to make a which they can adapt to help them
list on the board of other typical write scripts about a country or
foods or dishes from their region. culture of their choice.
Also encourage them to make a
list detailing other famous places • Finally, read the title of this
in their region. The idea is to module’s chant, It’s Carnival Time,
personalize the information being and ask students what they
learned. understand and how they can relate
the content of the units to the title
• For question number 5, ask of the chant
students to think about other
festivals that they know of. They T129
can be Colombian festivals or
international festivals.

• Remind students that they need
to perform a final task for each
module, but that they will work
towards achieving it during the
whole module by accomplishing

Module // 4 Unit // 1 Lesson // 1 Objectives:

Unit »1 » I can describe present and past
Sensible Shopping
» I can justify points of view about shopping

» I can express opinions about shopping

In Context » Shopping for Useful Items

58 1.   Listen Best Gifts for Teens is a webpage suggesting presents for teenagers.
Listen and match the photos (a–f) with the radio advertisements for
a. the products (1–6).

b. c.

d. e. f. f

58 2.   Listen Listen again and match the photos (a–f) with the prices (1–6).

1. £69.99 2. £120 3. £45.50 4. £150 5. £23 6. £95

3.   Write Complete the sentences with words
from the Word Bank.

a. The hoodie will be really on cold nights; it will

130 keep your head nice and warm. Word Bank

b. The sunglasses are really ; they make you look like cool
a film star. comfortable
c. It is great taking photos of you and your friends unique
with a selfie stick.

d. This telescope is completely ; no one else will

have one.

e. Our bean bag chair is very ; you can sit in it for


f. This is the most tent you can buy. It is very big but

it goes into a small, light bag.

Module // 4 Unit // 1 Lesson // 1

Unit  1 Sensible Shopping

Unit Objectives

Basic Standards of Competences Identify relevant information on consumption needs and practices in medium-length
Vocabulary spoken and written narrative texts.
Grammar Write a short, self-reflective text about consumption practices.

Positive adverbs; Negative adverbs; Positive adjectives; Gift items; Justifying a point
of view; Giving a contrasting opinion

Present perfect; Present perfect with yet and already; Present perfect with since
and for

1. Listen Audio Script 58 2. Listen
1. Have you thought about
(20 minutes) track 58 (10 minutes) track 58
what to buy for your son’s
▪ Set the context. Students ▪ Model the prices for
birthday? If you haven’t bought
read the title of the unit and pronunciation. Students
the lesson. Check students anything yet, this thick and durable repeat. Make sure they notice
understand sensible, useful and the symbol for pounds: £.
items. Explain that sensible is a hoodie will be perfect. Your
false friend and translates in ▪ Play the audio. Students listen
Spanish as sensato. Sensible in teenager will love it so much that
Spanish translates as sensitive and match the prices with
in English. he will never take it off. It is only the photos, then check their
answers in pairs.
▪ Focus attention on the title of £45.50.
▪ Play the audio again if
the webpage and the photos. 2. Has your daughter asked you for
Elicit the meaning of the title necessary.
and the names of the items. a selfie stick? It will help her take
Students describe the items in ▪ Check answers as a class.
their own words. great photos for Facebook and

▪ Read the instructions. Have Instagram. Get it for just £23.

them read the options they 3. Haven’t you bought your teenage
have to match before the
listening. son a birthday present yet? He will

▪ Play the audio. Students listen love these sunglasses. They will be

and match the photos with perfect for sunny summer days.
the advertisements, then
check their answers in pairs. They only cost £95. Answer Key
a. 4 c. 1
▪ Play the audio again if 4. If you haven’t gone camping yet, b. 6 d. 3 e. 5
f. 2
necessary. you should try it. Your whole

▪ Check answers as a class. family will love this wonderful

tent. It makes a fantastic birthday

present. It can resist extreme 3. Write

weather conditions in the forest (10 minutes)
▪ Focus attention on the
and in the mountains. It is £120.
Word Bank. Check students
5. Do you want to give your understand the words.

child a really special gift, but ▪ Give students time to read

haven’t found it yet? You can stop and complete the sentences.

looking now. This telescope is ▪ Check answers as a class.

powerful enough to see the moons

of Jupiter. Only £150.

6. Your teenager can relax, sleep,

study and watch TV in this T130

Answer Key amazing chair. We have designed
a. 5 c. 6
b. 3 d. 1 it for their comfort and safety and Answer Key
a. cosy
e. 2 they will feel like they are sitting b. cool d. unique
f. 4 c. fun e. comfortable
on a cloud. Just £69.99. f. practical

module 4 // Unit 1

4.   Write Alicia and Elena are looking at Best Gifts for Teens to buy a present for Alicia’s
boyfriend. Complete the sentences with words and prices from exercises 1–3.

A: Elena, help me, I need to buy a present for Ricardo’s birthday.

E: Haven’t you bought him anything yet? He will look cool in this a. .

A: He already has one of those and I always buy him clothes.

E: What about this b. ? Ricardo is studying astronomy, so it will be really c. .

A: No way! It costs d. . That’s expensive.

E: I know! What about a e. ? They are f. because you can take pictures
together and it only costs g. .

A: Perfect! Thanks, Elena.

5.   Speak Practise the dialogue. Use your own ideas with products from
Best Gifts for Teens and words from exercises 1–3.

6.   Read Read the text messages between two parents buying Christmas presents
for their eight children. Complete the gaps with already or yet.

I’ve a. bought a football for Jaime. I’ve bought him a skateboard, but I haven’t
Have you decided what to buy him b. ? bought a pair of skates for Carolina c. .
What about the other children?

7.   Speak Look at the shopping list and discuss with a partner what Dad has already
bought ( ✔ ) and what he hasn’t bought yet ( ✘ ).

A hoodie for Jane Shopping list ✓
A selfie stick for Laura ✓ A football for Andrés ✗
A skateboard for Alejandra ✗
✗ A cap for Felipe

✓ Sunglasses for David

131 Dad has already He hasn’t bought 21st Century Skills
bought a present for sunglasses for his son · Analyzing
his daughter Jane.
David yet. Look carefully at all the products.
It’s a hoodie. Decide what is best for you.

a.  Think about what you really need

b.  Decide if you will use it every day
or occasionally.

Module // 4 Unit // 1 Lesson // 1

4. Write 6. Read 7. Speak

(10 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes)
▪ Read the rubrics. Give ▪ Students read and complete ▪ Read the rubric. Make sure

students time to read and the texts. students understand the task.
complete the dialogue.
▪ Check answers as a class. ▪ Focus attention on the
▪ Check answers as a class.
Answer Key examples and model for
Answer Key a. already pronunciation. Students
a. hoodie b. yet repeat.
b. telescope c. yet
c. practical/useful ▪ In pairs, students read the
d. £150 Grammar Box: the Present
e. selfie stick perfect with already and yet shopping list and make similar
f. fun/practical Remind students that the Present sentences, following the
g. £23 perfect tense is used to express examples.
actions, events or situations that
5. Speak started in the past and continue ▪ Check answers as a class.
to be relevant in the present (see:
(15 minutes) Module 3, Unit 2, Lesson 1). Suggested answers
▪ Read the rubric. Make sure Focus attention on already 1. Dad has already bought a
and yet in exercise 6. Explain
students understand the task. that already is used in positive present for his daughter Jane.
sentences, and yet is usually It’s a hoodie.
▪ Model the dialogue in used in negative statements and 2. He hasn’t bought a selfie stick
questions. Write on the board: for Laura yet.
exercise 4 for pronunciation. 3. He has already bought a
Students repeat, then read the I’ve already bought a football present for his daughter
dialogue aloud in pairs. for Jaime. (positive) Alejandra. It’s a skateboard.
4. He has already bought a
▪ Give students time to practise Have you decided what to buy present for his son Andrés. It’s
him yet? (question) a football.
their dialogue without reading. 5. He hasn’t bought a cap for his
Yes, I’ve already bought him a son Felipe yet.
▪ Select a few pairs to act out skateboard. (positive) 6. He hasn’t bought sunglasses
for his son David yet.
their dialogue for the class. No, I haven´t bought him a
present yet. (negative) 21st Century Skills
Extra Activity (10 minutes) Analyzing
Point out that already usually
Focus attention on the items on goes between have or has and the Students read the 21st Century
the webpage Best Gifts for Teens. main verb. Yet usually goes at the Skills box and follow the
Students decide which item end of a sentence. instructions. Elicit as much
they would like to buy and why. information as possible from
They can only choose one item. students as they analyze the
Students use the vocabulary possibilities.
presented on this page to justify
their choices with because. For
example, I would like to buy the
sunglasses because I will look cool.


Module // 4 Unit // 1 Lesson // 2

8.   Speak We can buy useful (essential) or useless (unnecessary) things. Choose an
item from options a–d below and justify to your partner why it will be
useful for you. Then, listen to your partner’s choice.

a. b. c. d.

OK, although I like all the items, I’ve already I really need new ...
decided to buy the headphones. They will be I need to change my
useful because my parents don’t like the music wardrobe. I only have…
It is / They are old-
I listen to. So, I won’t disturb them. fashioned and…

9.   Speak Do you know the meaning of these words? e. to impress people
Find somebody in the class who knows the
meanings of the words you don’t know.

a. strange b. necklace c. possessions d. to secure

59 10.   Listen Listen to the introduction of a radio programme. What is the main
subject of the programme? Choose a, b or c.

a. People’s favourite clothes, music and accessories.
b. How to impress other people.
c. The reasons people buy things.

60 11.   Listen Listen to the rest of the programme and write S1 (shopper 1), S2
(shopper 2) or S3 (shopper 3), as they answer the question: Why do
132 we buy more things than we need? There is an extra answer.

a. Because we want to impress other people.
b. Because shopping makes us feel safe and satisfied.
c. Because we don’t like having money in our pockets.
d. Because we are influenced by advertising.
e. Because buying makes us happy.

60 12.   Listen Listen again and choose the correct option (a–c).

1. Today, Shopper 1 has 2. Shopper 2 has already bought 3. Shopper 3 hasn’t found
already bought yet.
a. jeans and a necklace.
a. a pair of jeans. b. a watch and shoes. a. a book
b. a watch. c. jeans and some perfume. b. a watch
c. some perfume. c. some perfume

Module // 4 Unit // 1 Lesson // 1

8. Speak 10. Listen Reporter: And do you really need a
new watch?
(20 minutes) (15 minutes) track 59
Shopper 1: Not really. I already have
▪ Read the rubric. Make sure ▪ Read the rubric. Make sure a lot of watches at home, but I just
students understand the task. bought another one because it
students understand the task. makes me happy. It’s very strange,
As a class, discuss the idea ▪ Students read the three haha!
that we can buy things that options.
are useful and useless. Interview 2
▪ Play the audio. Students listen Reporter: Excuse me, madam. Can
▪ Students look at the pictures and check, then compare their
answers in pairs. I ask you a question? How many
and decide which items are things have you bought today?
useful or useless. Answer Key Shopper 2: Well, I’ve already bought
c a pair of jeans and a gorgeous
▪ Focus attention on the necklace.
Audio Script 59 Reporter: Can you tell me, why you
example and Useful Reporter: Hello. One of our think we buy more stuff than we
Expressions and model for need?
pronunciation if necessary. favourite hobbies is shopping for Shopper 2: What a question. I think
Explain that they should there are two reasons. The first
follow the model. clothes, music, and accessories. reason is that shopping makes us
feel safe and satisfied. We think
▪ Focus attention on the words Although some people spend that if we have more things, we will
have a more secure life and future.
although and because in the sensibly, some buy things just to The second is maybe that we want
model. Explain that we can to impress other people. We want
use them to justify an action, impress other people. We often to show off about our possessions.
opinion or decision. Write on People can see that we’re successful
the board: buy more than we need, and we and have money to spend.

Although they are expensive, often don’t use the things we buy. Interview 3
I’ve decided to buy the Reporter: Excuse me, madam. Have
headphones. So, we interviewed some shoppers
you finished shopping for today?
(= They are expensive, but I’m in our nearest mall and asked them Shopper 3: No, I haven’t. I’ve already
going to buy them.)
why they think we buy more things bought some perfume, but I still
I’ve decided to buy the need to get a book.
headphones because they are than we need. Reporter: Can you tell me why you
really useful. think we buy more stuff than we
11. Listen need?
(= They are really useful, so Shopper 3: Oh wow, what a difficult
I’m going to buy them.) (15 minutes) track 60 question. I think that maybe
advertising controls our minds.
▪ In pairs, students choose ▪ Read the rubric. Explain that Every day advertising on TV or
the radio sends us messages to
an item and use the Useful there is an extra answer not buy things, and we believe what
Expressions to explain their answered in the interviews. they say and buy what they sell. I
choices. haven’t really thought about this
▪ Play the audio. Students listen much, but I know I sometimes buy
9. Speak things I don’t really need.
and match the answers with
(10 minutes) the shoppers.

▪ Students discuss and write ▪ Students compare their

definitions of the words. answers in pairs.

▪ Check answers as a class. ▪ Check answers as a class.

Suggested answers Answer Key d. S3 T132
a. strange unfamiliar or unknown a. S2 e. S1
b. necklace a piece of jewellery b. S2
c. extra answer 12. Listen
for wearing around the neck
c. possessions property or Audio Script 60 (15 minutes) track 60
Interview 1 ▪ Students read the options
belongings; things you own
d. to secure to save or protect Reporter: Excuse me, sir. Can I ask carefully.
e. to impress people to show other
you a question? Can you tell ▪ Play the audio. Students listen
people how rich or successful
we are me why we buy more stuff than and check their answers.

we need? Why do we like going ▪ Students compare their

shopping? answers in pairs.

Shopper 1: Wow, that’s a good ▪ Check answers as a class.

question. Well, I think that we buy

more because it makes us happy.

We are happy when we own things. Answer Key
1. b 2. a
For example, I have already bought a 3. a

watch today and I feel happy.

module 4 // Unit 1

Expanding Knowledge » Extreme Consumers

1.   Read Read the article. Then, complete the sentences with the correct form
of the verbs in brackets.

Passionate Collectors or Shopping Addicts? You Decide!

was five years old when about cars. He bought his

her father gave her her first car for $350 when

first doll in 1966. However, he was fourteen. He has

she has b. (be) a f. (spend) a lot of

professional collector for money on cars. He has

24 years. Of course, she g. (collect) hundreds

has c. (spend) a lot of cars since the mid-1980s.

of money since she started He has h. (buy)

this hobby. Apparently, she famous cars like Bentleys

has d. (pay) nearly and Jaguars and less famous

£200,000 since 1993 for all ones. He has i. (have)

Bettina Dorfmann, a woman the dolls she has e. an intense passion for cars

from Germany, has collected (purchase). She won’t stop. since he was a child. He has

15,000 Barbie dolls since Bettina possesses the world j. (own) one car, a ’55

she was 13 years old. She record for her collection. Buick Roadmaster, for over

has a. (be) interested Jay Leno, the famous US 40 years. Luckily, he has had
chat show host, is crazy
in Barbie dolls since she the money since he became


2.   Write Answer the questions about Bettina and Jay using since or for.

How long has…

a. Bettina been interested in Barbie dolls? d. Jay collected cars?

b. Bettina been a Barbie dolls collector? e. Jay had a passion for cars?

c. Bettina been a professional collector? f. Jay owned his ’55 Buick Roadmaster?

3.   Speak Discuss the questions with a partner.

a. Do Bettina and Jay collect useful things? Use evidence from the text.
b. Are Bettina and Jay collectors or shopping addicts?
c. Have you collected anything in your life? If not, what would you like to collect?

Module // 4 Unit // 1 Lesson // 2

1. Read Write on the board: 3. Speak

(15 minutes) Bettina Dorfmann has (10 minutes) 
collected 15,000 Barbie dolls
▪ Discuss the title of the lesson since she was 13 years old. ▪ Read the questions and check
She has been a professional
as a class. Make sure students collector for 24 years. understanding.
understand the meaning of Jay Leno has collected
extreme consumers. Elicit ideas hundreds of cars since the ▪ Students discuss the
about what makes a person an mid-1980s. He has owned a
extreme consumer. 1955 Buick for over forty questions in pairs. Encourage
years. them to refer back to the
▪ Students look at the photo text in exercise 1 to check
Check understanding by asking information and justify their
and read the title of the which examples indicate a opinions about questions a
article. Elicit the difference specific starting point and which and b.
between a collector and a indicate a period of time.
shopping addict. Encourage ▪ Select a few pairs to share
them to speculate why the 2. Write
people could be passionate their opinions and ideas
collectors or shopping addicts. (15 minutes) with the class. Elicit as much
▪ Focus attention on the information as possible.
▪ Students read and complete
expression How long (has/ Extra Activity (10 minutes)
the article with the correct have) …? Explain that we use
form of the verbs. Give them this question form to ask Students prepare six questions
time to read and review their about duration. starting How long … that they
answers. could answer about their personal
▪ Students write the six lives (e.g. How long have you
▪ Check answers as a class. studied in this school?, How long
questions with How long has have you played (a sport)? How long
Answer Key f. spent in their notebooks, then write have you known your best friend?
a. been g. collected short answers beginning with How long have you lived in this city?,
b. been h. bought Since or For. etc.). Students ask and answer
c. spent i. had their questions in pairs. Make
d. paid j. owned ▪ Give students time to sure they give short answers with
e. purchased since or for.
complete the task, then
Grammar Box: the Present compare their answers in T133
perfect with since and for pairs.

Focus attention on the sentences ▪ In pairs, students ask and
in the text where since and for
appear. Explain that: answer the questions.

▪ since is used when we know Answer Key
a. Since she was five years old.
the starting point of an b. Since she was 13 years old.
event or we are referring to c. For 24 years.
a specific time or date in the d. Since the mid-1980s.
past when an event started. e. Since he was a child.
f. For over 40 years.
▪ for is used when we refer to a

period of time or the time or
date in the past when an event
started is not specified.

Module // 4 Unit // 1 Lesson // 2

61 4.   Listen Listen and complete the sentences (a–f) with the names and expressions
in the box.

Sandra Patricia Jaime Elena Carlos

six years got married three years 2012 was a child

a. is a shopaholic. b. is addicted c. loves postage

She has been a shopaholic to smart phones. She stamps. He has collected

since when she has collected them for stamps since he .

won the lottery. .

d. can’t stop e. can’t resist f. Dad is crazy about ties.
buying shoes. She has He has had this obsession
buying old clocks. He bought 100 pairs since for five years.
she last year.
has spent money on this

hobby for .

5.   Speak Read this Blog post. Do you agree? Discuss with a partner.

Do Celebrities Spend Their Money Foolishly?

They earn a lot of money but does this mean that rich and famous people should spend their
money so extravagantly? For example, the famous singer and fashion designer Victoria
Beckham has spent over $2 million on handbags! Justin Bieber is famous for spending his
money irresponsibly: he has even rented a house not to live in but just to have parties in.
Beyoncé bought an aeroplane for her husband Jay Z for $47 million and Cristiano Ronaldo has
spent $15 million on sports cars. What a waste of money; he can only drive one at a time! I wish
these people would not waste their income so carelessly when they could spend it responsibly.

Although Victoria Beckham earns a lot of I don’t agree! She works in fashion.
money, I think she has spent it foolishly. She It’s her own money; she can spend

has wasted a lot on handbags! it how she wants.

6.   Speak Use the questionnaire to interview a classmate and find out if he/she
is a compulsive shopper.

134 Are You a Shopping Addict?

Always Sometimes Never

1. Do you buy chocolates, sweets, snacks and fast
food carelessly?

2. Do you spend the pocket money your parents give
you quickly?

3. Do you buy clothes and accessories

4. Have you saved any money cautiously?
5. Have you ever felt guilty after buying useless

products foolishly?

Module // 4 Unit // 1 Lesson // 2

4. Listen Conversation 4 Write on the board:
A: Where is Elena going?
(20 minutes) track 61 B: She’s going shopping. She just can’t Justin Bieber is famous
for spending his money
▪ Read the rubric. Make sure resist buying shoes. I think she’s irresponsibly.
bought a hundred pairs of shoes People should not spend their
students understand the task. since she got married last year. income so carelessly.
I spend money responsibly,
▪ Set the context: students Conversation 5 but my brother spends it
A: Have you noticed that Sandra goes foolishly.
will listen to six short
conversations about shopping shopping every weekend? ▪ Students read the blog post
addicts and collectors. B: Yes, I have. Sandra is a real
and discuss the opinions
▪ Students read the sentences. shopaholic. I think she hasn’t expressed about the
stopped shopping since she won celebrities’ spending in pairs.
Check they understand the the lottery in 2012! Although she Encourage them to follow the
meaning of any important is a millionaire, she shouldn’t waste example.
words, e.g. addicted to, her money like that.
can’t resist, (be) crazy about, ▪ Select a few pairs to act out
obsession, purchase, shopaholic Conversation 6
(someone addicted to A: Somebody told me Jaime is a their dialogue for the class.
collector. What does he collect? 6. Speak
▪ Play the audio. Students listen B: Jaime loves postage stamps. He has
(15 minutes)
and complete the sentences. collected stamps since he was a ▪ Read the rubric. Make sure
child. Although it’s an interesting
▪ Play the audio again if hobby, I guess, he’s really spent a students understand the task.
lot of money on those stamps.
necessary. Students compare ▪ Students read the questions
their answers in pairs. 5. Speak
in the chart, then ask and
▪ Check answers as a class. (20 minutes) answer the questions with
▪ Explain that students are a partner and note down
Answer Key his/her answers. Encourage
a. Sandra, 2012 going to read a blog post students to provide additional
b. Patricia, three years about how celebrities spend information when they
c. Jaime, was a child their money. Check they know answer.
d. Carlos, six years who the celebrities are.
e. Elena, got married ▪ Pairs share each other’s
▪ Focus attention on the
Audio Script 61 answers with the class.
Conversation 1 example and model for
pronunciation. Students read
A: What about your dad, is he a the example aloud in pairs.

consumer? ▪ Students discuss whether they

B: Yes, he is. Dad is crazy about ties. agree with the opinion in the
example. Elicit opinions as a
He says it’s just a hobby; I think class.

it is an obsession. He’s had this Grammar Box: Adverbs of
obsession for five years now.
Focus attention on the adverbs
It drives Mum crazy: she has of manner that appear in the
blog post (carelessly, extravagantly,
nowhere to put all her shoes! irresponsibly, responsibly) and
make sure students understand
Conversation 2 the meaning. Explain that adverbs T134
A: Is Patricia a compulsive shopper? of manner tell us how someone
B: Definitely, she’s addicted to smart behaves or does something, and
are usually formed by adding
phones! She’s collected them for -ly to an adjective (e.g. foolish,
three years. She just loves them! foolishly). They usually come
either after the main verb or
Conversation 3 after the object in a sentence.
A: Would you agree that Carlos is a

compulsive collector?
B: Definitely. He can’t stop buying old

clocks. Most of the clocks don’t
work, but he’s wasted money on
this strange hobby for six years

module 4 // Unit 1

7.   Speak Have you ever wasted your money? Use the expressions in the example
and the Word Bank to justify your spending to a partner. Then, as a class,
discuss spending habits using information from exercises 6 and 7.

I have always spent Yes, I have. Instead
money cautiously of spending money
carelessly on snacks,
I will try to

Although I spend my
money foolishly, I

Word Bank

Positive adverbs: Negative adverbs:

carefully carelessly

cautiously foolishly Instead of…
correctly irresponsibly Although…

responsibly unnecessarily

wisely unwisely

8.   Write Look at the list of how Colombian teenagers spend their money. Now,
make a list for yourself. Order it from 1 (the product you buy the most)
to 5 (the product you buy the least).

Top things Colombian teenagers spend their pocket money on
a. shoes & clothes
b. fizzy drinks & ice-cream
c. sweets & chocolates
d. fast food
e. video games

135 9.   Write Look at the examples and write a self-reflection note about how you
have spent your money during your life.

I often manage my money correctly Instead of spending Although I always
because I don’t spend much money unwisely on fizzy spend all my pocket
drinks, I will…
on fizzy drinks. money, ……

62 10.   Pronunciation Listen and complete the sentences. Notice how the sound
/S/ blends with other words.

a. She’s millions dollars c. I’ve collected stamps
b. He’s all his I child.
. d. I have always money because

want to a house

Module // 4 Unit // 1 Lesson // 2

7. Speak 8. Write 10. Pronunciation

(15 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes) track 62
▪ Students write a similar list ▪ Explain that in natural speech,
▪ Read the rubric. Make sure
and number it in order. when an s sound is followed
students understand the by another s or a vowel, the
meaning of wasted. ▪ Check ideas as a class. sounds run together.

▪ Focus attention on the 9. Write ▪ Play the audio. Students listen

example sentences, the (10 minutes) and complete the sentences.
adverbs of manner and the ▪ Students write their self-
Useful Expressions. ▪ Play the audio again if
reflection note, following the
▪ Review the meaning and examples. Encourage them to necessary.
use adverbs of manner and
use of because, although and because, although and instead ▪ Demonstrate how the sounds
instead of to justify an action, of to explain their actions.
opinion or decision (see run together by modelling
Lesson 1, exercise 8). ▪ Ask for volunteers to read them yourself. Students listen
and repeat.
▪ Give students time to prepare their notes to the class.
Answer Key
their ideas. a. spent, of, on handbags
b. wasted, savings, year
▪ In pairs, students discuss their c. since, was a
d. saved, I, purchase
spending habits, following the
examples. Lead a whole-class Audio Script 62
discussion on spending habits. a. She’s spent millions of
Start with the question: Have
you ever wasted your money?

Extra Activity (15 minutes) dollars on handbags.

Students close their notebooks. b. He’s wasted all his savings this
Test their memory by asking them
to complete these sentences year.
logically with any of the adverbs
of manner in this exercise. c. I’ve collected stamps since I
1. I do my homework _____.
2. I use my money _____ because was a child.

I am saving to buy a new bike. d. I have always saved money
3. Instead of buying so many
because I want to purchase a
sweets _____, from now on I
will buy some fruit. house.
4. I sometimes speak _____, but
now I will try to be respectful. Extra Activity (15 minutes)
5. I always treat my dog _____.
Students write about their
own experience with money T135
and consumption this year,
reflecting on:
1. A useful item they have bought

this year.
2. Some unnecessary clothing

they have bought.
3. A gift they have given

someone this year.
4. Something they have eaten

constantly this month.
5. An expensive item their

parents have purchased this

Module // 4 Unit // 1 Lesson // 3

Preparing Your Task » Shopping Traditions in Three Countries

1.   Read Work in groups of three. Student A, read about the United States;
Student B, read about Colombia; Student C, read about the United
Kingdom. Choose the correct options to complete the text.

Shopping traditions: the excuse to buy

A. Shopping in the United States
Americans 1. have lived / have celebrated Black Friday since 1932. It
is the day after Thanksgiving Day in the US. It 2. has been / has had the
biggest shopping day of the year ever since because many shops offer
low prices on many items. Since 1932, shops 3. have opened / have
closed their doors at 5.00 a.m. Hundreds of customers come in quickly
to buy Christmas presents. In recent years, shoppers 4. have chosen /
have visited to shop online because they don’t like the crowds.

B. Shopping in Colombia
December has always been a time to go shopping in Colombia. However,
Colombians 5. have started / have learned to forget some Christmas
traditions because they 6. have done / have become a consumer society.
In the past they prayed to baby Jesus in the “novena” and sang carols.
Today these traditions 7. have increased / have diminished because new
generations think that Christmas means going shopping.

C. Shopping in the United Kingdom
In the UK, people 8. have always spent / have always celebrated
Boxing Day. It is the day after Christmas Day, on 26th December. Boxing
Day 9. has left / has been an important day for post-Christmas shopping.
Many shoppers spend the night and early morning waiting in queues to
get into the shops and buy items at lower prices. Traditionally, British
people 10. have always watched / have always rented football and rugby
matches on this day.

2.   Speak In your groups, take turns to ask and answer the questions.


Questions on Black Friday Questions on Colombia Questions on Boxing Day

1. How long have 1. What has traditionally 1. When do the British

Americans celebrated been the time to go celebrate Boxing Day?

Black Friday? shopping in Colombia? 2. Why do the British go

2. When do Americans 2. Why have Colombians shopping on Boxing Day?

celebrate Black Friday? started to forget some 3. What have the British

3. Why do they shop on Christmas traditions? traditionally watched on

Black Friday? 3. What was a Christmas Boxing Day?

4. What shopping options tradition in the past?

have Americans chosen?

Module // 4 Unit // 1 Lesson // 3

1. Read 2. Speak

(20 minutes) (15 minutes)
▪ Each student answers the
▪ Find out if students know
questions based on the text
when the main shopping they read in exercise 1.
season in Colombia is and
what Colombians usually buy. ▪ Check answers as a class.

▪ Read the rubric. Make sure Answer Key
Questions on Black Friday
students understand the task. 1. since 1932
2. the day after Thanksgiving Day
▪ Give students time to read 3. because many shops offer low

and complete their text. prices on many items
4. to shop online because they
▪ Check answers as a class.
don’t like crowds.
Answer Key
 1. have celebrated Questions on shopping in
 2. has been Colombia
 3. have opened 1. December
 4. have chosen 2. because they have become a
 5. have started
 6. have become consumer society
 7. have diminished 3. people prayed to baby Jesus in
 8. have always celebrated
 9. has been the novena and sang carols
10. have always watched
Questions on Boxing Day
1. the day after Christmas Day,

on 26th December
2. because items are at low prices
3. football and rugby matches

Extra Activity (10 minutes)

Students write a five-sentence
paragraph describing how they
celebrate Christmas with their
families. Encourage them to focus
on traditions and shopping, and
to describe the most memorable
Christmas presents their parents
have given them.


module 4 // Unit 1

3.   Speak Look at the Christmas shopping list and note down the useful presents you
want to buy for your family. Then, practise the dialogue with a partner.

Student A Student B

Christmas shopping list Christmas shopping list

Relative Useful present Relative Useful present

✗ Mum ✗ Mum

✓ Dad tie ✓ Dad

✓ Brother ✓ Brother

✗ Sister ✗ Sister handbag

✓ Grandparents ✓ Grandparents

A: Have you thought about your dad’s Christmas present?
B: Yes. I’ve decided to buy him a tie.
A: That’s very useful! I’ve decided to buy my sister a handbag.
B: That’s useful, too! Good choice.

4.   Speak The tick (✔) in the shopping list in exercise 3 indicates you have already
bought their Christmas present. The ( ✘ ) indicates you haven’t yet.

Ask each other questions, following the prompts in the example.

Have / already / buy / Yes, I
a Christmas present for

your ?

No, I yet.
I’ll buy

5.   Speak In groups, read these shopping mistakes and suggest why shoppers
make them. Use positive and negative adverbs and instead of, although
and because.

Shopping mistakes

1 3 7 1. Not making shopping lists In my opinion, instead of shopping carelessly,
we should make shopping lists carefully.

2. Choosing busy times to go shopping

3. Taking too much money with us

4. Not comparing prices in other shops

5. Trying to buy too many products on one day

6. Buying products at the last minute

Module // 4 Unit // 1 Lesson // 3

3. Speak 4. Speak 5. Speak

(10 minutes) (15 minutes) (15 minutes)

▪ Read the rubric. Make sure ▪ Read the rubric. Make sure ▪ Read the rubric. Make sure

students understand the task. students understand the task. students understand that
the purpose of the task is
▪ Students complete the list ▪ Model the example with a to practise using adverbs of
manner and although, because
with a choice of present for student. and instead of.
every family member.
▪ Students take turns to initiate ▪ Students read the mistakes
▪ Focus attention on the
similar dialogues about the and discuss why they think
example dialogue and model presents they have already shoppers make those
for pronunciation. Students bought / haven’t bought yet. mistakes.
▪ Give them time to practise ▪ Students read the example
▪ Students take turns to initiate
their dialogues. and work together to
similar dialogues about their complete the table with
choices of Christmas presents. ▪ Select a few pairs to act out similar sentences, based on
their discussion.
▪ Give them time to practise their dialogue for the class.
▪ Check answers as a class.
their dialogues. Extra Activity (15 minutes)

▪ Select a few pairs to act out This is an opportunity to review
the use of already and yet.
their dialogue for the class. Students think about three
activities they have already done
today and three activities they
haven’t done yet. Encourage them
to say when they are going to do
the things they haven’t done yet.
Give an example: I have already
done my maths homework. I haven’t
had breakfast yet. I’ll eat something
after class.


Module // 4 Unit // 1 Lesson // 3

6.   Write Complete the suggestions for avoiding Study Tip
mistakes when shopping. Use the words Review examples
in the boxes. in your notes and

Five tips for becoming a textbook.
smart shopper

1. You should make a shopping list 2. Instead of trying to buy everything
carefully because you will only buy carelessly on one day...
what you need.

3. Although you want 4. 5.
to buy a lot of things...

7.   Group work In groups, design a questionnaire to ask students five questions
about their shopping habits. (For an example of a questionnaire,
see Lesson 2, exercise 6). Use these prompts:

a. you / ever / buy / useless items / in your life?
b. you / purchase clothes and articles because you want to

impress others?
c. you / believe / you / be / a shopping addict or a careful

d. you / ever/ waste / your money on something?
e. you / ever / save / money to buy presents for your family?


Module // 4 Unit // 1 Lesson // 3

6. Write 7. Group Work

(15 minutes) (10 minutes)
▪ Read the rubric and the
▪ Students work in groups
example (1).
to create a questionnaire.
▪ Students complete tips 2 and Encourage them to look
back at the example of a
3, and write two new tips, 4 questionnaire in lesson 2,
and 5, using their own ideas. exercise 6.
Explain that they can reuse
their ideas from exercise 5. ▪ Give groups time to complete

▪ Check students’ writing the questions, then ask and
answer the questions with
and highlight any mistakes another group.
in grammar, spelling and
punctuation. ▪ Check answers as a class.

▪ Students correct their Answer Key
a. Have you ever bought useless
items in your life?
Study Tip (10 minutes) b. Have you ever purchased

Students read the tip. Explain clothes and articles because
that by looking at sentences and you want to impress others?
examples in their notebooks, c. Have you ever believed that
from previous lessons, they will you are/were a shopping
be able to remember and reuse addict or a careful shopper?
language. d. Have you ever wasted your
money on something?
e. Have you ever saved money to
buy presents for your family?

Extra Activity (10 minutes)

Students work in pairs and ask
each other the questions they
created in exercise 7. They should
be honest with their answers.
Students write the answers on a
sheet of paper. Collect the papers
and highlight any grammar,
spelling or punctuation mistakes
if necessary. Be aware that
students will pilot the questions
with this activity and will later
have to interview other people in
the school using these questions.


module 4 // Check Your Progress

Check Your Progress

1.   Write Sebastián and Carolina are talking about I can describe present
their mother’s birthday. Complete the and past experiences.
conversation with already or yet.
Very well
Sebastián: I have a. bought a phone Quite well
With difficulty
for Mum. Have you decided what to buy

b. ?

Carolina: Yes, I have. But I haven´t bought her cake
c. . You said you would
give me some money.

Sebastián: I have d. given it to you.
Haven’t you spent it e. ?

Carolina: Oh, I remember now. It is in my purse.

2.   Write Justify your points of view by completing points of
these ideas. shopping

a. Instead of spending money on sweets and

snacks, .

b. I would like to save money because Very well

c. You should make a shopping list carefully Quite well
With difficulty
because .

d. Although we waste money on things to

impress people, .

63 3.   Listen Listen and choose the things three
celebrities have spent their money on.
Also, tick (✔) if they have spent the money Iacbaonuet xsphroepspsinogpinions
wisely or unnecessarily. practices.

Celebrity Spent money on Very well
Quite well
139 1. Andrew Jackson, a. sports b. antique c. jewels With difficulty
painter cars statues

2. Sasha, top model a. clothes b. beauty c. trips

3. Bobby Smith, actor a. trips b. antique c. sports

statues cars

Wisely Unnecessarily

Module // 4 Unit // 1 Lesson // Check Your Progress

1. Write 2. Write 3. Listen

(15 minutes) (15 minutes) (15 minutes) track 63
▪ Students read the ▪ Students read and complete ▪ Play the audio. Students

conversation and complete the sentences using their own listen and select the correct
the sentences. ideas. answers.

Answer Key ▪ Play the audio again if
a. already
b. yet necessary, so that students
c. yet can check their answers.
d. already
e. yet Answer Key
1. a / unnecessarily
2. a / unnecessarily
3. a / wisely

Audio Script 63
TV host: And now in our

entertainment section we will talk

about three famous celebrities

and what they have spent their

money on to impress people. The

first one is the famous painter

Andrew Jackson. He has earned

a lot of money from his paintings,

but he spends his money on sports

cars. He has already bought ten

cars. Although he has spent a lot

of money on cars, he has never

driven any of them.

Our second celebrity, Sasha, the

top model, has spent her money

on more and more expensive

clothes that she doesn’t need. She

can’t stop shopping, and people

say she’s becoming a shopping


Our last celebrity is Bobby Smith,

the famous actor. Instead of

wasting his fortune, we think this

man has spent his money wisely.

He likes to travel around the world

with his wife and son. They have

all enjoyed their trips and have

learned about different cultures

and countries of the world. That’s

a good way to spend money.


Module // 4 Unit // 2 Lesson // 1 Objectives

Unit »2 » I can describe present and past
Controlling Expenses!
» I can justify points of view.
» I can propose or present a solution.

In Context » Too Good to Be True!

1. Read Read the definitions in the crossword. Then, complete the spaces with the words.

slim trainer acne cream gym in shape

a. Small spots on your face ACNE
b. Having a good body
c. Thin in an attractive way
d. A soft ingredient to put on your skin
e. A place to do exercise and aerobics
f. A person who helps people in a gym

64 2. Listen Listen to the radio advertisements. Complete the gaps.

1 Dersa Secret 2 Body Strength
Fitness Centre

140 The acne 1. The newest 3.
that in the area!

really works! • Weight programme

“I have been using • “Get 4.
it for only two Fast” aerobics
weeks and my 2.
• Olympic swimming pool
disappeared.” Come and meet your personal
5. . They have all
Call 1-800-948-8488 or contact us at been training for years. Get in 6. with us!

Call us now on: 3105698354 or visit our website:

Module // 4 Unit // 2 Lesson // 1

Unit  2 Controlling Expenses!

Unit Objectives

Basic Standards of Competences Prepare short written and spoken narrative texts on spending habits, travel and
Vocabulary memorable experiences.
Vocabulary related to shopping habits, vacations and travelling

Present perfect continuous; Expressions to justify actions, decisions and opinions:
although, because, instead of (-ing)

1. Read 2. Listen Audio Script 64

(10 minutes) (20 minutes) track 64 1. Girl 1: Oh, María, I have been

▪ Set the context. Students ▪ Focus attention on the cleaning my face with this lotion

read the title of the unit and advertisements. Students for two months and I have still got
the lesson. Explain that they look at the photos and read
are going to listen some and identify the product acne. My skin feels so dry.
advertisements that promote and sports service. Elicit
some ‘miraculous’ products. predictions about the Girl 2: Ivonne, you should try Dersa
Elicit the meaning of too good characteristics of the product
to be true. and service. Secret. I have been using it for

▪ Students read the words ▪ Play the audio. Students only two weeks and my acne has

and definitions. These words listen and complete the disappeared. And Dersa Secret
appear in the advertisements. information with the words
Model the pronunciation. from exercise 1. leaves your skin really soft and not

▪ Students complete the spaces ▪ Play the audio again if dry at all.

with the words. Encourage necessary. Students compare Man: Dersa Secret, the acne
them to use a dictionary if their answers in pairs.
necessary. cream that really works. Order

▪ Check answers as a class. now because there’s a world

out there waiting for you. Call

1-800-948-8488 or contact us at

Answer Key d. cream Answer Key 4. Slim 2. We have just opened a new Body
a. acne e. gym 1. cream 5. trainer Strength Fitness Centre in the city
b. in shape f. trainer 2. acne 6. shape centre. Come and see this modern
c. slim 3. gym gym where you can really get in
shape. We offer personalized training,
a weight programme, free “get
slim fast” aerobics and an Olympic
swimming pool. Our personal trainers
have been training for years to help
you. You can join for as little as $100
a month. This is the gym that you
have been looking for. Call us now on:
310-569-8354 or visit our website:


module 4 // Unit 2

64 3. Listen Listen again. Reorder the words to make phrases you heard in the
radio advertisements.

1. for two months / with this lotion / I / cleaning / my face / have been

2. two weeks / have been / I / using / for only / it

3. have been / our personal trainers / for years / training

4. that you / this is / looking for / have been / the gym

4. Read Read the emails. Then, match them to the radio
advertisements (1 and 2) in exercise 2.

Dear Mr Jones, Hi Richard,

Although I 1. have been going to your I am writing to you about the acne cream

Body Strength Fitness Centre gym for because I know you 4. about

two months to get in shape, I haven’t buying this cream too. If you could see my

had a personal trainer as you said in the face, you wouldn’t!

advertisement because he is always late. It’s terrible. 5. I Dersa

In fact, I 2. my exercise Secret for four months, but my acne

routine alone. hasn’t gone. In fact, I have more acne.

I think, because you are the owner of the I have been calling the laboratory to
gym, you should speak to your personal
trainer and give me some money back. complain, but they never answer. I think
I 3. for a
trainer for two months. the whole thing is a fraud. I look horrible.

And while I don’t want acne any more,

I don’t want to waste my money.

1 4 1 Yours, Best,
Alicia Frank

5. Read Use the prompts (a–e) to make phrases. Complete the gaps in the emails

in exercise 4.

a. have / be / go b. have / be / do
c. have / be / think d. have / be / use
e. have / be / pay

Module // 4 Unit // 2 Lesson // 1

3. Listen Extra Activity (15 minutes) 5. Read

(10 minutes) track 64 Encourage students to tell the (30 minutes)
▪ Read the rubric. Make sure class the name of an item they ▪ Students use the prompts
have been using recently or an
students understand the task. activity they have been doing (a–e) to make phrases in the
this year to take care of their Present perfect continuous
▪ Students read the jumbled appearance (e.g. an anti-acne and complete the gaps in the
cream, a lotion, a shampoo, emails in exercise 4. Focus
sentences before listening. a moisturizing cream, doing attention on the example 1.
exercise, jogging). Make a list
▪ Play the audio. Students on the board. Elicit information ▪ Give students time to read
about why they use those
listen and write the words products or do those activities. and check their answers.
in the correct order for each Ask them if it is important
sentence. for them to take care of their ▪ Students compare their
appearance, and why.
▪ Play the audio again, pausing answers in pairs.
4. Read
if necessary. Students confirm ▪ Check answers as a class.
their answers. (15 minutes)
▪ Explain that the emails are Answer Key
▪ Students compare their 1. have been going
written by some customers 2. have been doing
answers in pairs. complaining about the 3. have been thinking
products in the radio 4. have been using
▪ Check answers as a class. advertisements in exercise 2. 5. have been paying

Answer Key ▪ Students read the emails
1. I have been cleaning my
quickly and match with the
face with this lotion for two radio advertisements.
2. I have been using it for only ▪ Check answers as a class.
two weeks.
3. Our personal trainers have Answer Key
been training for years a. Alicia 2.
4. This is the gym that you have b. Frank 1.
been looking for.
Grammar Box: Present perfect

Explain that we use the Present
perfect continuous to refer to
an action that started in the
past and is still in progress now.
Focus attention on the form (have
been -ing) and the position of
the auxiliary has/have in positive

1. I have been cleaning my
face with this lotion for
two months.

2. I have been using Dersa
Secret for only two weeks.

3. Our personal trainers have
been training for years.

Module // 4 Unit // 2 Lesson // 1

6. Read Match the first part of each sentence (1–4) with the endings (a–d).

1. Body Strength Fitness Centre claims to offer a. the laboratory never answer when he

a personal trainer calls to complain.

2. Alicia wants the owner to speak to the b. but Alicia has been exercising alone.
personal trainer

3. Frank thinks Dersa Secret is a fraud because c. as well as some money back.

4. Frank has been using Dersa Secret for d. but his acne hasn’t gone.
four months

65 7. Listen Listen to two people making complaints. Then, order the sentences in
each conversation from 1 to 4.

Conversation 1. Conversation 2. Word Bank
Shampoo to fraud
control hair loss Payment for an make a complaint
Italian course false advertising
a. I haven’t seen any to complain
results. a. I’ve been waiting
patiently for the package.
b. Although I’ve been
washing my hair . . . b. That’s strange. What’s
the purchase order
c. Give me my number?
money back.
c. Hello, Language
d. We don’t sell Institute. May I
shampoo. help you?

d. I paid for an Italian
course with my
credit card.

8. Speak Match the Organization, Situation and Complaint in the three columns.
With a partner, practise short conversations. Student A calls to complain

about the fraud. Student B gives excuses. Then, switch roles.

Organization Situation Complaint Sentences to use

142 1. National a. You paid for a i. The International I’ve been waiting for
Language School I’ve been putting
Lottery Office French course with hasn’t sent you the I’ve been calling,
books and material but . . .
your credit card. to study.

2. International b. You want to have a ii. The National Lottery
Language clean face. Office hasn’t given
School you the money.
c. You won the lottery!!
3. Dersa Secret iii. You have more acne.

Module // 4 Unit // 2 Lesson // 1

6. Read 7. Listen 8. Speak

(10 minutes) (15 minutes) track 65 (15 minutes)
▪ Give students time to read the ▪ Read the rubric. Make sure
▪ Read the rubric. Make sure
first part of each sentence and students understand the task.
the endings before they match students understand the task. Explain that the purpose is
them. to practise using the Present
▪ Students read the sentences perfect continuous and that
▪ Students compare their they should use the phrases
they will put in order. in red.
answers in pairs.
▪ Play the audio. Students ▪ In pairs, students match the
▪ Check answers as a class.
listen to each conversation three components of each
Answer Key and number the sentences in conversation, then act out the
1. b 2. c 3. a 4. d order. conversations.

Extra Activity (10 minutes) ▪ Play the audio again if ▪ Students switch roles so that

Write the following problem on necessary. Students confirm both have the opportunity to
the board. You have been using their answers in pairs. practise complaining using the
the Machine Exercise Power for five Present perfect continuous.
months because you want to get ▪ Check answers as a class.
in shape. You have been exercising ▪ Select a few pairs to act out
every day, but you haven’t seen Answer Key 4. d
any results. Also, the machine has Conversation 1. 4. b their conversations for the
a problem and is making a funny 1. b 2. a 3. c class.
Conversation 2. Answer Key
In pairs or groups, students write 1. c 2. d 3. a 1. 3. 2.
an email to complain about the 2. 1. 1.
machine, using the emails in Audio Script 65 3. 2. 3.
exercise 4 as a model. Conversation 1
Extra Activity (15 minutes)
Woman: Hello. May I help you?
Students imagine that this
Man: Yes, please. I bought some month they have been very busy
because they have been trying
shampoo to control hair loss and, hard to solve some problems.
Write the following sentences on
although I’ve been washing my the board. Students complete the
sentences with their own ideas.
hair with that shampoo for five 1. You failed your science exam =

months, I haven’t seen any results. I have been
this math.
Could you please give me my
2. You have noticed that acne has
money back? appeared on your face = I have
Woman: Sorry, er, I think you have
3. Your mobile phone broke and you
the wrong number. want to buy a new one = I have
Man: Isn’t this 1-800-6889-9098?
4. You have been ill because of
Woman: Yes, sir, that is our number, a heavy cold = I have been

but… we don’t sell shampoo. Bye.

Man: Hey. Are you there? Hello?

Conversation 2 T142
Man: Hello, Language Institute. May I

help you?
Woman: I paid for an Italian course

with my credit card online.
However, the course hasn’t arrived
yet. I’ve been waiting patiently for
the package for two months, but
nothing has arrived yet.
Man: That’s strange. What’s the
purchase order number?
Woman: It’s 0009090.
Man: Let me check. No, we don’t have
that order.
Woman: Is this some sort of fraud?

module 4 // Unit 2
Expanding Knowledge » Do I Control My Expenses?

1. Read The graph shows the results of a survey conducted with 1,000 teenagers
in Cali about what they spend their money on. Read the statements (a–d)

and choose True (T), False (F), or the survey doesn’t say (DS).

This year Last Year Today, Colombian teenagers want to
be more independent and spend their
Teenagers’ Spending in Cali, Colombia own money on what they want. Their
consumption of some things has changed
% of Cali teenagers significantly this year. These are the figures
for what teenage Caleños spent their
money on this year compared to last year.



This year, Cali teenagers have been . . . T F DS
a. spending more money on clothes than last year
b. eating more fast food than last year
c. spending less money on personal care
d. drinking more fizzy drinks than last year

2. Write Complete the sentences (a–c) with the words in the box.

143 three quarters half quarter

a. Less than a of Cali teenagers have been spending money on books this year.

b. This year over 60% of teenagers have been spending money on clothes while last year it

was just over .

c. of Cali teenagers have been spending money on personal care this year, the
same as last year.

Module // 4 Unit // 2 Lesson // 2

1. Read 2. Write

(15 minutes) (15 minutes)
▪ Read the rubric. Make sure
▪ Focus attention on the words
students understand the task.
and make sure students
▪ Give students time to read understand that these refer to
fractions – elicit by writing on
the introduction and become the board: ¾, ½, ¼.
familiar with the information
in the graph. ▪ Give students time to read

▪ Explain that this year is not and complete the sentences.
Students use the graph in
over yet. exercise 1.

▪ Students read and tick the ▪ Check answers as a class.
▪ As an extension, focus
statements T, F or DS, then
confirm their answers in pairs. attention on the phrases to
describe quantity: less than,
▪ Check answers as a class. over, just over, the same as.

Answer Key Answer Key
a. T b. F c. F d. DS a. three quarter
b. half
c. quarters

Extra Activity (15 minutes)

Encourage students to study
the graph in exercise 1 further
and write sentences in which
they compare Cali teenagers’
spending this year with last year.
They should write sentences
with although and while. Give an

Although 60% of Cali teenagers
spent money on video games last
year, less than 20% have been
spending money on video games
this year.


Module // 4 Unit // 2 Lesson // 2

66 3. Listen These people spend too much money on their lifestyles. Listen and
match the conversations (1–3) to the photos (a–c).
b. c.

66 4. Listen Listen again. Which of these expressions (a–c) are mentioned in
each conversation?

1. a. instead of buying b. while buying c. as well as buying
2. a. while this year b. as well as this year c. but this year
3. a. although b. the same as c. while

5. Speak Work with a partner. Calculate your monthly expenses and write the
figures in the ‘You’ column. Then, interview your partner and complete

the information in the column ‘Your partner’ column.

Our monthly expenses You Your partner How much do you spend on
$$ school supplies per month?
a. School supplies (notebooks,
photocopies, pencils, paper …) $$ According to my calculations,
b. Snacks $$ I spend $ on school
c. Clothes (jeans, T-shirts …)
d. Going to the cinema supplies. How about you?


Module // 4 Unit // 2 Lesson // 2

3. Listen Conversation 3 5. Speak
Leonardo: Mum, could you give me
(20 minutes) track 66 (10 minutes)
more pocket money? I’ve spent all
▪ Focus attention on the photos my pocket money this week. ▪ Read the rubric. Make sure
Mum: I know that you have been
and encourage students to spending all your pocket money students understand the task.
guess what the people spend on video games and fast food.
their money on. So, Leonardo, whether you like it ▪ Give students time to read the
or not, we won’t give you more
▪ Play the audio. Students listen money. information in the chart and
Leonardo: But you must give me complete the ‘You’ column for
and match the conversations more. It is a parent’s responsibility themselves.
with the photos. to support their children.
Mom: Well, you should work for your ▪ Focus attention on the
▪ Play the audio again if money the same as we do. So, if
you want more money, then you example and model for
necessary. Students compare need to wash the dishes and take pronunciation. Students read
their answers in pairs. the rubbish out. Also, you need to the example aloud in pairs.
get good grades like your sister.
▪ Check answers as a class. Leonardo: What? ▪ In pairs, students act out

Answer Key c. 2 similar dialogues and complete
a. 3 b. 1 the second column for their

Audio Script 66 4. Listen
Conversation 1
(10 minutes) track 66
Guillermo: What’s wrong, Sara? You ▪ Give students time to read the

look worried. expressions before they listen.

Sara: I am worried, Guillermo. I’ve ▪ Play the audio. Students

been spending too much money listen and choose the correct
this year. I have to pay the
▪ Check answers as a class.
personal trainer at the gym, buy

pills to lose weight and go to the

spa. It just adds up to too much

money in one month. What can

I do?

Guillermo: You should control your Answer Key
1. a 2. c
monthly expenses. Instead of 3. b

buying pills and going to the spa,

you should save that money. You

don’t need those things. Extra Activity (10 minutes)

Sara: Thank you. I’ll take your advice. In groups, students discuss the
following questions:
Conversation 2 T144
Jo: Harry, what’s wrong? You look What does it mean to have an
expensive lifestyle?
Harry: I’ve been thinking about Do you know anybody who has an
expensive lifestyle? What aspects
money. Last year I saved a lot of of his/her life show he/she has an
money, but this year I have spent expensive lifestyle?
a lot.
Jo: How come? Have you ever dreamed of having an
Harry: I’ve been spending money on expensive lifestyle one day? What do
silly things. I’ve bought expensive you imagine exactly?
jackets, ties and shoes that I really
don’t need. What problems can a person have
Jo: Take my advice, Harry. You when he/she has an expensive
should carry a notebook with lifestyle?
you and write a list of the things
you actually need and don’t buy
anything else. It will help you to
control your expenses.
Harry: Wonderful idea. Thank you, Jo.

module 4 // Unit 2

6. Write Write a report comparing your monthly expenses with your partner’s.
Use the words and expressions in the box to help you.

Report on monthly expenses similar to
I spend $20,000 on school supplies but my partner spends the same as
$30,000. He has spent more money on school supplies
than me. while

7. Write The graph shows how Colombians spent their money during their holidays
last December compared to how they have spent their money this December.

Use the information in the graph to complete the sentences (a–d).

Last December This December a. While 60% of Colombians travelled to the
coast last year,
How Colombians spent money on their
December holiday b. This year
c. Although
Travelling to Buying Going to Going to
the coast Christmas small towns festivals d.

Module // 4 Unit // 2 Lesson // 2

6. Write Extra Activity (10 minutes) 7. Write

(20 minutes) If appropriate, suggest students (15 minutes)
▪ Read the rubric. Make sure interview their parents and ask ▪ Read the rubric. Make sure
them how much money they (the
students understand that they parents) have been spending on students understand the task.
will write a report with the them (the students) this year.
information they collected in Students should design a similar ▪ Give students time to read
exercise 5. chart to the one in exercise 5,
including the things their parents the introduction and become
▪ Focus attention on the have to pay for in order to raise familiar with information
and educate their children. in the graph including the
example and the Useful They can ask about: tuition, figures, columns and labels.
Expressions so that they can food, snacks, entertainment and
write similar sentences. Model personal care (e.g. How much ▪ Give students time to read
some example sentences so money have you been spending on
that students understand the my tuition/personal care this year?). and complete the sentences
correct structure. At the end, lead a discussion on using the information in the
Similarity: the effort parents make to raise graph.
their children. Note: not everyone
Like Elena, I spend $20,000. may be comfortable with this ▪ Students compare their
I spend $20,000, the same as activity – use some discretion.
Elena. answers in pairs.
I spend $20,000, similar to
Elena. ▪ Check answers as a class.

Difference: Answer Key
Answers will vary
I spend $20,000, but Carlos
spends $30,000.
While I spend $20,000, Carlos
spends $30,000.
Although I spend $20,000,
Carlos spends $30,000.

▪ Check students’ writing

and highlight any mistakes
in grammar, spelling and

▪ Students correct their



Module // 4 Unit // 2 Lesson // 3

Preparing Your Project » Things that Money Can’t Buy

67 1. Listen Listen to two friends talking about spending money. Answer the

questions (a and b).

a. Who do you think is more
responsible, Juan or Andrés?

b. What two things does Juan say he
wants to buy?

67 2. Listen Listen again. Match the first part of each sentence (a–h) with the
endings (1–8).

a. If you buy the smart phone, 1. you’ll practise your English.
b. If you buy those jeans, 2. I will be able to buy cool smart phones and

c. If you save all the money your fashionable jeans.
grandmother gives you, 3. you will earn lots of money.

d. And if you go travelling, 4. you’ll look silly.
e. And if you meet new people, 5. you will get a good job.
f. And if you practise your English, 6. you’ll be able to go travelling.
g. And if you get a good job, 7. you will meet new people.
h. And if I earn lots of money, 8. you’ll only lose it.

3. Write Imagine you have won a cash prize in a competition, but you don’t know
how much. What will you do with the money? Complete the sentences

(a–d) with your own ideas.

a. If I win 100,000 pesos, I will . 21st Century Skills
b. If I win 500,000 pesos, I will · Interpretation and analysis will help you
c. If I win 1,000,000 pesos, I will .
d. If I win 10,000,000 pesos, I will
146 . learn to respect different ways living.

. Which things have a monetary value and

which a sentimental value in your life?

Module // 4 Unit // 2 Lesson // 3

1. Listen 2. Listen 3. Write

(15 minutes) track 67 (15 minutes) track 67 (10 minutes)
▪ Before listening, students read ▪ Give students time to read the ▪ Students imagine that they

the questions. first of each sentence and the have won a cash prize in a
endings before they listen. competition, but they don’t
▪ Play the audio. Students listen know how much exactly.
▪ Play the audio. Students listen
and answer the questions. ▪ Students imagine what they
and match the sentences.
▪ Play the audio again if will do with the money and
▪ Play the audio again if complete the sentences with
necessary. their ideas.
necessary. Students listen and
▪ Check answers as a class. check their answers. ▪ Give them time to think of

Answer Key ▪ Check answers as a class. ideas, and encourage them to
a. Andrés be creative and responsible
b. a smart phone and a pair of Answer Key with the way they will spend
a. 8 c. 4 e. 1 g. 3 their money.
jeans b. 6 d. 7 f. 5 h. 2
▪ Students share their ideas
Audio Script 67
with the class.
Juan: Hey Andrés, guess what?
21st Century Skills
My grandmother has just given me
Focus attention on the 21st
300,000 pesos. She’s great. She is century skill. Explain that
analyzing and evaluating will help
always giving me money. I think I’ll students learn to respect different
ways of living. Write up the
buy that cool new smart phone. following question on the board:

Andrés: Oh, Juan! If you buy the Which things have a monetary
value and which things have a
smart phone, you’ll only lose it. sentimental value in your life?

You always lose your phones. Students read the questions
and analyze and evaluate their
Juan: You’re right … I know, I’ll buy answers carefully.

those jeans we saw last month.

Andrés: If you buy those jeans, you’ll

look silly. They aren’t fashionable

any more.

Juan: Really? Well, what do you think

I should spend the money on?

Andrés: You don’t have to spend it.

You could save it. If you save all

the money your grandmother gives

you, you’ll be able to go travelling.

And if you go travelling, you will

meet new people. And if you meet

new people, you’ll practise your

English. And if you practise your

English, you will get a good job.

And if you get a good job, you will

earn lots of money …

Juan: And if I earn lots of money, I will

be able to buy cool smart phones

and fashionable jeans. Fantastic!

You always have good advice,

Andrés. Thanks. T146

Andrés: Oh dear, Juan …

module 4 // Unit 2

4. Speak Work in groups to discuss the questions (a–c) about the situation in

exercise 3.

a. Will you spend the money or save the money?
b. Will you spend the money on things or on experiences?
c. Do you think the money will make you happier?

5. Speak Read the ideas about spending (a–c). Decide if you agree (A), disagree (D)
or are not sure (NS). Then, as a class, discuss and justify your ideas about

spending money on travelling.

Well, although travelling is I disagree because spending
interesting, I want to buy some money on travelling will
make-up that I need right now.
give you memories that will
last forever.

Ideas about spending money on travelling A D NS although …
a. Traveling is a waste of money. instead of + verb (-ing) …
We need to pay monthly bills first.

b. Colombia has everything.
Why travel?

c. Spending money on travelling gives
you important experiences.

d. I don’t need money. I just want
to see the world.

6. Speak Prepare a two-minute presentation about a memorable experience you
have had in your life. Use the ideas below or think of your own. The

prompts (a–d) will help you plan your presentation.


A festival A celebration A family holiday

a. Introduce the experience

b. Give details about the experience. Talk about the places you visited, the activities
you did, and the food you ate.

c. Calculate the cost of the experience (ask your parents).

d. Discuss the sentimental value of the experience.

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