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Published by @editorialsonar, 2021-05-02 13:12:18

Way To Go! - Teacher's Guide 8°

Way To Go! - Teacher's Guide 8°

Module // 2 Unit // 3 Lesson // 1

7. Speak 8. Read 10. Speak

(15 minutes) (15 minutes) (15 minutes)
▪ Read the rubric. Explain that ▪ Students read the title of the
▪ Read the rubric. Make sure
students should keep in mind text and look at the pictures.
the information and advice students understand the task.
given by the psychologist in ▪ Find out if they are familiar
exercise 6. ▪ Students read the questions
with the Greek myth. Ask:
▪ Students read the sentences Have you ever heard the story and ideas in the table. Explain
of Narcissus? If so, elicit a brief any important words (e.g.
and decide if the behaviours explanation of the story. characters, obstacles).
are positive or negative, then
discuss their answers in pairs. ▪ Students read individually ▪ Groups follow the questions

▪ Check answers as a class. and put the paragraphs in the from Exercise 9 and complete
correct order. the story or start from scratch
Answer Key with different characters.
a. positive ▪ Check answers as a class. Encourage them to add details
b. negative to make it more real and
c. negative Elicit responses. Ask: What do interesting.
d. negative you think we can learn from this
e. positive story? ▪ Groups take turns to tell their
f. negative
Answer Key story to the class.
Grammar Box: Modal verbs 1. c
2. d Extra Activity (10 minutes)
Write the table on the board 3. a
and explain that we use certain 4. b Invite students to role-play the
modal verbs to make suggestions, story they have just created.
and talk about possibility and 9. Speak Ask them to choose a narrator
necessity. Elicit more examples. and some actors. As you
(5 minutes) listen, monitor and correct
▪ Students answer the pronunciation of the verbs in the
past tense.
Modal Function Example
verb ▪ In pairs, students practise
To make You should
should / suggestions think asking and answering
shouldn’t or give positively. questions to retell the story in
advice. their own words.

can / To express
can’t possibility.

need to To express
necessity or
give strong


module 2 // Unit 3
Expanding Knowledge » Mindful Living

1.   Read Read the definitions. Match each behaviour (a–d) with being mindful (M)
or self-conscious (S)

mindful: adj /’maindfəl/ paying attention to your own actions, emotions and sensations
self-conscious: adj /sɛlf `konʃəs/ paying too much attention to what others think of you

a. Look in the mirror and see the good qualities in your body.
b. Exercise every day to try to have a perfect body.
c. Eat slowly and concentrate on the flavours and textures of the food.
d. Dance thinking about what others think of the way you dance.

38 2.   Listen Work with a partner. Listen and complete the infographic about ‘mindful
living’. Add one suggestion for each category.

a. You sleep for at least eight hours. SLEEP WELL

If you don’t sleep well, .



to eat slowly. If you eat slowly,



c. You reduce your screen time and get

more exercise. If you exercise, .


3.   Write Look at the example. Write two more sentence chains.


(sleep well / (not) feel stressed / concentrate more easily in class / get good grades)

you won’t feel you will concentrate you’ll get good Study Tip
stressed. more easily in class. grades.
Use a comma
If you sleep If you don’t feel If you concentrate to separate the
well, stressed, easily in class, condition and

the result.

a. (eat slowly / better digestion / eat less / lose weight)
b. (take exercise / have more energy / (not) feel

anxious / feel more positive)

Module // 2 Unit // 3 Lesson // 2

1. Read Audio Script 38 3. Write

(10 minutes) Presenter: … In today’s podcast, (20 minutes)
▪ Read the rubric. Make sure
▪ Read the rubric. Make sure we’re going to talk about what
students understand the task.
students understand the task. it means to be mindful. There is
▪ Read the example. Explain
▪ Students read the definitions. concern that teenagers today
that this is a chain exercise
Model the pronunciation of spend too much time connected with three sentences, where
mindful and self-conscious. the result of the first sentence
Drill the sound /ʃ/ a bit more: to their mobile devices and becomes the condition of the
conscious, should. second.
disconnected from their bodies
▪ Explain that the words mindful Study Tip
and minds! To be mindful is to
and self-conscious can be used Direct students’ attention to the
to describe behaviours a–d. remember that you need to condition. Remind them of the
use of a comma to separate the
▪ Students read the behaviours respect your body’s need for two parts (if and result clause.)

and match. sleep, good digestion and physical ▪ Students complete two more

▪ Check answers as a class. activity. So here are some tips to sentences, then check their
answers in pairs.
help you achieve this.
Answer Key
Answer Key c. M, d. S First of all, your body needs to get a. If you eat slowly, you will have
a. M, b. S enough sleep, at least eight hours
a night. If you sleep well, you can better digestion. If you have
2. Listen concentrate more easily. You are better digestion, you will eat
more alert and this reduces the less. If you eat less, you will
(20 minutes) track 38 risk of accidents. Also, you are lose weight.
able to concentrate more easily b. If you take exercise, you will
▪ Students think about the in class, so it’s easier to memorize have more energy. If you
information. If you don’t sleep have more energy, you won’t
importance of mindfulness well, you will probably feel more feel anxious. If you don’t feel
in the prevention of eating anxious and stressed. anxious, you will feel more
disorders. Ask: Why is it positive.
important to be mindful in order Secondly, eating well not only
to have good health? means getting the right nutrients, Extra Activity (10 minutes)
but also eating in the right way.
▪ Focus attention on the If you eat slowly and mindfully, Students suggest other categories
your brain will have time to send of mindfulness: e.g. mindful
infographic. Make sure students a signal to your stomach that you breathing, mindful posture,
understand that they will hear are full – so your digestion will be mindful shopping. Elicit more
tips about sleeping well, eating better, and more importantly, you suggestions for each of the
well and being active. will enjoy your food more. Also, categories: e.g. You need to breathe
you will eat less, and this can help deeply. You should stand straight to
▪ Play the audio. Students listen you lose weight. It’s also important protect your back.
to eat at the right moment and to
and complete the tips. pay attention to the food you are
eating. So don’t eat your lunch or
▪ Play the audio again. Students dinner in front of the TV.

listen and add suggestions. Finally, be active. Do plenty of T73
exercise. Reduce the time you spend
▪ Students check their answers on your smartphone. Exercise is the
best way to keep your body and mind
and compare suggestions healthy. Just like sleep, exercise helps
in pairs. to reduce stress and anxiety; and it
gives you more energy so you feel
Suggested Answers more positive. Physically, exercising
a. need to / should; you will has many benefits. For example, it
reduces the risks of heart disease, it
probably feel more anxious helps you control your weight, and it
and stressed makes your muscles stronger.
b. need to; your digestion will
be better In conclusion, try to reduce your
c. should; you will keep your screen time and be mindful of every
body and mind healthy moment of your life. Try to live
Suggestions: students’ own more ‘in the present moment’ and
answers. connect with your body and mind.

Module // 2 Unit // 3 Lesson // 2

4.   Write Label the parts of the body with the words from the Word Bank.

knee neck Word Bank shoulder
foot hand head
leg arm
hip waist

a. c. f. g.
b. d. h.

5.   Write Look at the pictures. Complete the instructions with the parts of the body.

1. A: I’m very stressed after exams. What exercise

should I do to relax the muscles in my

a and my shoulders?

B: OK. Stand with your b apart

and your hands on your c . Then,

slowly rotate your d to the left,

back, right and front. Change direction and repeat a

couple of times.

2. A: I often get backache. My doctor told me to
exercise. What exercises can I do?

B: Put your e on your hips. Move

your f to the left and then slowly

7 4 to the right. Keep your g down.

3. A: I want to start running, but I have heard you can

get injured if you don’t start carefully. What do I

need to do before starting?

B: It’s important to warm up your muscles before

you run. You can walk for a few minutes, or you

might like to do this exercise. Stand with your

h together, put your hands on

your i_______and bend them a little. Slowly rotate

your knees to the left and then to the right.

Module // 2 Unit // 3 Lesson // 2

4. Write 5. Write

(15 minutes) (35 minutes)
▪ Students look at the pictures.
▪ Set the context. Ask: Why
Ask: What kind of exercise is
do you think our body needs this? (warm-up routines)
to exercise? Help students
recognize the relationship ▪ Students read the three sets
between good health and
physical activity. of instructions. Encourage
them to find differences
▪ Focus attention on the picture between the routines.

and the Word Bank. Model ▪ Students complete the
the pronunciation of any
problem words (e.g. knee, instructions.
shoulder, waist) and check
understanding. ▪ Check answers as a class.
▪ In pairs, students take turns
▪ Students label the picture,
to give the instructions and
then compare their answers perform the exercises. Remind
in pairs. them that these movements
will help them relax their
▪ If you wish, have a muscles.

competition to see which pair Answer Key
of students can identify all the a. neck
parts of the body with their b. legs/feet
books closed. c. hips
d. head
Answer Key e. hands
a. hand f. hips
b. knee g. shoulders
c. shoulder h. legs
d. arm i. knees
e. hip
f. leg Extra Activity (15 minutes)
g. head
h. neck In pairs, students create
i. waist instructions for another exercise
j. foot routine using the verbs in
instructions 1–3. Remind them to
think of a purpose for the routine
and perform it in front of class.


module 2 // Unit 3

6.   Read Some young people are asking some famous athletes for advice. Complete
the requests (a–c) with the correct question. Then, match the requests
with the advice (1–3).

Should I tell the coach?     What should I do?     How can I compete against them?

a. I’d like to be a top gymnast but I feel b. I do weight training. My partners take pills
anxious about the food I eat. My trainer says to increase their strength. ___?

I have to be very thin to be the best. ___?

1. You should ask for professional c. I am a swimmer, but I feel frustrated
help. You can talk to a nutritionist about my next competition. The
or a health specialist to evaluate other swimmers are all taller and
how much weight you can lose. bigger than me! ___?

2. You need to be more confident. If you 3. You should talk to your partners. Tell
train hard, you can be faster than them. them they are making a mistake. If they

don’t listen, tell the coach.

7.   Read Read an article by a fan of a famous Colombian athlete. Complete the text
with the words in the box.

hurt  recovered  got  overcome  believe

Mariana Pajón is an inspiration to me and she has helped me a in

myself because success is about your mental attitude. Mariana had an accident

in her last competition. She fell and b her arm, but she c

quickly because she d the support of her doctors and all her family. In

her last competition, the other competitors were bigger and stronger than her

but this did not make her anxious. Her self-esteem is very high because she is

confident in herself. I believe she always thought she could win and she did.

My personal motto is inspired by Mariana:

“If you have a positive mental attitude, you will e all obstacles. If you
fall, stand up and keep going. Don’t give up!”

8.   Read Imagine you have interviewed Mariana. Match her comments with the
follow-up questions. Notice how to react to a comment.

a. It was a hard competition, but I always 1. No way! How did they feel when you
thought I could win. beat them?

b. Last year was a difficult year. I had two injuries. 2. Really? How did you recover?

c. My life has changed a lot since I won an 3. That’s amazing! How did you feel when you won?
Olympic gold medal.

d. When I was five, I had to compete against boys because 4. I bet! How has it changed?
there wasn’t a female category. I competed and I beat them.

Module // 2 Unit // 3 Lesson // 2

6. Read 7. Read 8. Read

(25 minutes) (20 minutes) (15 minutes)

▪ Set the context. Write on the ▪ Play a game. Divide the class ▪ Read the rubric. Make sure

board: Athletes are sometimes into two groups. Each group students understand the task.
affected by eating disorders. makes a list of famous athletes
Elicit responses. Ask: What they admire and their sport. ▪ Read Mariana’s comments
kind of athletes usually have Set a time limit. The group
these problems? (gymnasts, with the most names and and the reactions. Point out
weightlifters) Why? (weight different sports wins. that that the reactions include
is an important part of their a short expression and a
athletic performance) ▪ Students say their favourite follow-up question.

▪ Read the rubric. Make sure athletes. Elicit information ▪ Model the reactions for
about those athletes. Ask:
students understand the task. Why do you admire him/her? pronunciation, especially the
expressions in blue.
▪ Focus attention on the ▪ Focus attention on the photo
▪ Students match the questions
questions. Explain that and explain the context – this
these are part of the student is a short article by a fan. and reactions, then check
athletes’ requests for advice. their answers in pairs.
▪ Read the verbs in the box and
▪ Students read the requests Answer Key c. 4
clarify their meaning. a. 3 d. 1
and complete with the correct b. 2
question. ▪ Students read and complete
Extra Activity (15 minutes)
▪ Students read the pieces of the text with the correct verb.
In pairs, students take turns to
advice and match them with ▪ Check answers as a class. ask and answer the questions,
the requests. taking turns to be Mariana.
Answer Key Encourage them to continue the
▪ Check answers as a class. a. believe conversation by asking, answering
b. hurt and reacting to follow-up
Answer Key c. recovered questions.
a. What should I do? / 1 d. got
b. Should I tell the coach? / 3 e. overcome
c. How can I compete against

them? / 2

Grammar Box:
Modal verbs

Explain that the modal verbs
should and can change position in
questions. Write on the board:

Statement Question
I should Should I
talk to a talk to
nutritionist. nutritionist?

You can get How can I get T75
help! help?

Module // 2 Unit // 3 Lesson // 3

Preparing Your Task » The Power of Self–esteem

39 1.   Listen Listen to four conversations. Match the conversations with the pictures.

a. b. c. d.

40 2.   Listen Listen again. Match the conversations with the way each person helped
their friend feel better.

Conversation 1     a. He/She said that the whole team played badly, not just the friend.
Conversation 2     b. He/She told the friend what they were good at.
Conversation 3     c. He/She offered to work on a difficult exercise together.
Conversation 4     d. He/She said the friend looked great.

3.   Read Read the interview with an athlete, Tina García. Complete the questions (a–c)
with the words in the box. Then, match the questions with the answers.

did x2   helped   start   recover

a. How this 1. I got specialized treatment from health experts. You cannot do it
on your own. And, after some time, I overcame the problem.
problem ?
? Now I am helping other people with the same problem.
b. How you 2. It started when I joined the school team. I was under a lot of
pressure to be the right weight.
c. Who you? 3. My coach helped me realize that I had a problem and then my
family gave me the support I needed.

7 6 4.   Speak Read the newspaper article. Then, correct the information with a partner.

A: Her eating disorder didn’t A: When she was at school. B: When did it start exactly?
start after she became famous.

Tina García, the famous gymnast, has openly admitted 21st Century Skills
that she has an eating disorder. Ms García told the press it · Critical Thinking
started after she became famous because she felt a lot of
pressure from the media to be thin. She also confessed that Asking critical questions will help
her coach told her it was normal for a successful athlete. She you identify inaccurate or biased
finished by saying that she recovered by herself. She says information. What can you do to get
she’s now ready to win a lot of medals for Colombia!
reliable information?

Module // 2 Unit // 3 Lesson // 3

1. Listen 2. Listen 4. Speak

(15 minutes) track 39 (10 minutes) track 40 (15 minutes)
▪ Students look at the photos ▪ Students read the sentences ▪ Set the context. Explain that

and say what kind of feelings and match them to the students will read a news
they show. conversations. article based on the interview
in exercise 3.
▪ Play the audio. Students listen ▪ Play the audio again. Students
▪ Students read the article and
and match, then check their listen and check their answers,
answers in pairs. then compare in pairs. find the incorrect information.

Answer Key 3. a ▪ Elicit responses about the ▪ Focus attention on the example
1. c. 4. d
2. b situations. Ask: Have you ever and model for pronunciation.
felt this way? Have you ever been Students repeat.
Audio Script 39 40 in this situation?
Conversation 1 ▪ In pairs, students explain the
Answer Key
Carlos: What’s the matter, Sonia? 1. c 2. d 3. b 4. a mistakes and ask follow up-
Sonia: I’m just … frustrated. 3. Read
Answer Key
Carlos: Can I help? (25 minutes) She doesn’t have an eating
▪ Read the rubric. Make sure disorder now. She had an eating
Sonia: I can’t understand this exercise. disorder, but she overcame it. /
students understand the Her coach didn’t tell her it was
I feel so stupid. context and the task. a normal thing. He helped her
realize she had a problem. / She
Carlos: You’re not stupid. Come on, ▪ Students complete the didn’t recover by herself. She
recovered with the help of a
let’s work it out together. questions with the correct health treatment and the support
word. of her family.
Conversation 2
Carmen: What do you think of this ▪ Students read the answers 21st Century Skills

dress? Do I look terrible? and match them with the Elicit students’ response to the
Sonia: No! You look great in questions. mistakes they found in the news
article. Invite them to reflect on
that dress. ▪ Check answers as a class. how information is manipulated
Carmen: Everyone is laughing at me. or misused. Elicit suggestions.
Sonia: No, they’re not. They’re laughing Answer Key Ask: What can you do to get reliable
a. did, start 2 information? Provide examples:
because they’re happy. They’re b. did, recover 1 read reliable news sources,
having a good time. Stop worrying c. helped 3 double check information in
about what other people think. different sources, etc.
Grammar Box:
Conversation 3 Past simple questions Extra Activity (25 minutes)
Sara: What’s the matter, César? Explain that did is an auxiliary, not
César: I want to join the football team, a verb, and that in questions with Ask students to find out
did the verb does not take the information about famous people
but they say I’m too small. past simple form. and athletes who have gone
Sara: So what if you’re small? You’re through eating disorders and
How did this problem start? explain how they overcame the
really good at football. problem.
César: But I’m not good enough. Look In questions without did, the verb
takes the past simple form.
at the other guys. They’re all much
bigger than me.
Sara: But you’re really fast and that’s a
very important talent for a football
César: You’re right … Maybe I should
try again.

Conversation 4 T76
Toby: What’s up, Sandra?
Sandra: I’m just … a little sad. Who helped you?
Toby: Why? I know we lost, but …
Sandra: We lost because of me. I’m not

good enough to be in this team.
Toby: We lost because the whole

team played badly. Not just you!
We’re a team.

module 2 // Unit 3

41 5.   Pronunciation In speech, the sounds d /d/ and y /j/ create a new sound
/dʒ/. The sounds t /t/ and y /j/ create /tʃ/. Listen and notice
the sounds.

A: What did you do?     B: I got help.
A: Who helped you?     B: My family did.

42 6.   Pronunciation Notice the intonation for Wh-questions. Listen and repeat.

A: What did you do? A: Who helped you?

Tip Stress the most important words. Tip Use falling intonation for Wh– questions.

7.   Speak Read the activities in the chart and think of a follow-up question for each
activity. Ask and answer questions to find someone in your class who has
done the activities. Follow your teacher’s instructions and the example.

Did you go biking last week? Yes I did.
Who did you go with?

Find someone who:

went cycling last week. did stretching this played football went dancing last
Who did you go with? week. yesterday.
Where ? Who ?

didn’t sleep well last had a big breakfast didn’t do exercise went jogging with a
night. today. yesterday. friend last week.

? ? ? ?

has done Zumba. has done weight has run in a race. did yoga last week.

7 7 ? training. ??


slept for a long time played a sport last walked to school didn’t have breakfast
last weekend. week (not football). today. this morning.

? ? ? ?

Module // 2 Unit // 3 Lesson // 3

5. Pronunciation 6. Pronunciation 7. Speak

(10 minutes) track 41 (10 minutes) track 42 (40 minutes)

▪ Explain that students ▪ Remind students that ▪ Read the rubric. Make sure

are going to practise intonation in Wh- questions students understand the task.
pronunciation. usually falls at the end.
▪ Explain that students need
▪ Students read the sentences ▪ Play the audio a couple of
to interview a person for
to themselves. times for students to listen each square in the table.
and identify the intonation When they find a person
▪ Focus attention on the linked patterns. who answers ‘yes’, they ask
a follow-up question and
sounds and model how the ▪ Students listen and repeat. take notes (name and specific
sounds run into each other to ▪ Remind students that the information.)
create a new sound. Explain
that these new sounds are most important words ▪ Read all the squares and
created in continuous natural are usually nouns, verbs,
speech. adjectives, and adverbs. clarify any problem vocabulary
Auxiliaries, prepositions
▪ Play the audio a couple of and articles are not usually ▪ Focus attention on the
times for students to listen example. Point out the
and identify the sounds. Audio Script 42 difference between yes/no
What did you do? questions and follow-up Wh-
▪ Students listen and repeat. Who helped you? questions.

Audio Script 41 ▪ Model the example for
A: What did you do?
B: I got help. pronunciation. Students repeat.
A: Who helped you?
B: My family did. ▪ In pairs, students write a

follow-up question for each

▪ Students interview their

classmates. Encourage them
to ask the same person only
one or two questions before
they move to the next person.


Module // 2 Unit // 3 Lesson // 3

8.   Speak Discuss the behaviours in the list. Which are healthy and which are
unhealthy? Which of them are common in your school community?
Add any other behaviours you can think of.

It is (un)healthy if you … I think it’s wrong/

a. criticize yourself and your friends OK if you…

all the time.

b. do anything to be perfect.

c. develop a talent or special skills.

d. appreciate your body the way it is. I think some
e. talk to other people about your feelings. people also…
f. pay too much attention to how you and

others look. If you...

9.   Read Read a short presentation about self-esteem and body image. Match the
expressions (a–c) with an expression in bold in the presentation with the
same meaning.

a. In conclusion    b. First of all    c. Additionally

‘I want to talk about the importance of self-esteem for the prevention of mental and eating
First, we should remember that if we have good self-esteem, we feel confident about who we
are. We don’t feel the need to criticize ourselves all the time. In addition, we should appreciate
ourselves for who we are, not how we look.
Our looks are not as important as our personalities, our talents and our values. When we truly
appreciate ourselves, we don’t spend a lot of time in front of the mirror comparing ourselves with
others. Instead, we exercise and eat healthy food because we care about our health. To sum up,
we respect ourselves and others because we believe that to be an individual is beautiful.

10.   Speak In groups, prepare a similar mini-presentation about the connection
between body image and eating disorders. Look back at the story you
created in lesson 1, exercise 10 and your ideas in exercise 8 of
this lesson.

a. Discuss the questions.
1. How can an obsession with your appearance lead to eating disorders?
2. How can an eating disorder affect a person’s family life, school work and social life?
3. How do people with a negative body image see their bodies?

7 8 4. Does the person they see in the mirror always match reality?
5. How can they change this?

b. Plan a presentation based on your answers to the questions. Organize your presentation
like this:
Introduction: I want to talk about …
Point 1: First … / First of all …
Point 2: In addition … / Additionally …
Conclusion: In conclusion … / To sum up …

c. Give your presentation to another group.

Module // 2 Unit // 3 Lesson // 3

8. Speak 10. Speak

(15 minutes) (35 minutes)
▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Students work in their ▪ Read the rubric and

project groups to discuss the instructions. Make sure
behaviours. Encourage them students understand the
to ask each other questions: task. Write on the board:
e.g. Why do you think this Connections between body
behaviour is wrong? image and eating disorders.

▪ One student in each group ▪ Students read questions 1–5.

should take notes and Check they understand the
summarize their ideas at the questions and if necessary
end of the exercise. provide example answers.

9. Read ▪ Students discuss the

(10 minutes) questions and take notes for
▪ Set the context – a short their presentation.

presentation by a student. ▪ Students use the suggested

▪ Ask a volunteer to read the outline to organize their ideas.
Make sure they also decide
presentation or do so yourself. who is presenting each of the
▪ Students read and match the
▪ Students practise their
presentation in their group.
▪ Check answers as a class. Encourage them to provide
each other with feedback.
Answer Key
a. In conclusion = To sum up, ▪ Students give their
b. First of all = First,
c. Additionally = In addition presentations to another group.


module 2 // Unit 3

43 Chant

Be good to your body

Be good to your body, be good to your body,
Come on everyone, be good to your body.

We’re all singing the healthy song
Come on everyone, sing along!

Make good choices with food you’re making
Before you start grilling and baking.
Don’t eat sugar, it’s not good,
But protein and fibres are really good!

So if you’re worried and overweight,
Just put healthy food on your plate.
Drinking water is good for your skin,

Sugary drinks go in the bin.

Be good to your body, be good to your body …

Calcium keeps our bones really strong,
Carbohydrates turn our energy on.
Vitamins and minerals, they’re OK,
So eat them at breakfast, every day!

If you’re unhappy, stressed or sad,
Try not to worry; life’s not that bad!
Just keep healthy and stay strong,
And remember to sing the healthy song!


Module // 2 Unit // 3 Lesson // 4


Be good to your body

Lesson 4 They will get louder as they ▪ sugary drinks go in the bin
get more confident! Focus on – mime putting a can of
Speak any areas where they struggle something into a bin
with the rhythm or
(5 minutes) pronunciation, replaying parts ▪ keeps our bones really
of the recording if necessary. strong – mime being
Before you play the audio for Play as many times as a bodybuilder, flexing
the chant, ask students to look necessary in order for students biceps
at the page. Ask them what to feel confident with the
they think the chant is about. rhythm and vocabulary. ▪ turn out energy on – mime
They don’t need to understand someone with a lot of
all the vocabulary at this point, Listen and speak energy, whole body
this is just to get them thinking shaking
about the overall topic and (10 minutes) track 43
how they can communicate ▪ eat them at breakfast –
that to you and to one As a class, ask students to mime a bowl of cereal.
another. Once they have suggest actions for different
correctly identified the main activities mentioned in the Replay the chant as many
theme, ask them to explain chant. Associating actions with times as you need to, with
why healthy eating is key vocabulary items helps students reciting and miming
important. students to memorise the the actions. Once your
word and associate it with the students are really confident
Without going into too much movement, and is a powerful with the chant, and familiar
specific detail at this stage, learning tool. Focus with the words and
ask students to identify one or particularly on these elements: vocabulary, move on to the
two words or phrases activities.
within the chant that they ▪ grilling – mime grilling
don’t understand or are something in a grillpan T79
unfamiliar with. Encourage
stronger students to respond ▪ baking – mime getting
to any vocabulary questions something out of the
before providing a translation. oven

Listen ▪ don’t eat sugar – shake
your head and wag your
(10 minutes) track 43 finger to indicate ‘no’

Play the chant. Ask students ▪ protein and fibres – mime
to especially focus on rhythm strong muscles flexing
and pronunciation for the first
couple of listens. ▪ worried – mime hunched
On the second or third shoulders and furrowed
repeat of the chant, encourage brow. (NB Be sensitive
students to sing along with it. around the word
‘overweight’ as this may
be a delicate topic for
some students.)

▪ drinking water – mime
drinking a glass of water

Module // 2 Unit // 3 Lesson // 4

Should I eat sugar? No. You shouldn’t
eat sugar.

1.   Speak Ask your partner questions about the things in the chant.

1 Sugar 6 Calcium
2 Protein 7 Carbohydrates
3 Fibres 8 Vitamins
4 Healthy food 9 Minerals
5 Sugary drinks 10 Breakfast

2.   Read Read the chant again and answer the questions.

1 When should you make good choices with 5 What does calcium do?
6 What does the song tell us to do with
Before you start grilling and baking. vitamins and minerals?

2 What does the chant tell us about sugar? 7 What should you do if you are sad?

3 If you’re worried and overweight, what 8 What does the song tell you to remember?
should you do?

4 What should you do with sugary drinks?

3.   Write Write advice on how to eat healthily. Use the
words from the chant to help you and the phrases.

Hi everyone,
Can you help me? I need some
advice on healthy eating.

8 0 Karl Karl.

Charlie Hi Karl,
Here are some tips for healthy eating:
You should eat lots of …
You should avoid …
To be really healthy, you could …
Some really healthy foods are …
Good luck!

Module // 2 Unit // 3 Lesson // 4

1. Speaking 3. Writing Extra Activity (5 minutes)

(10 minutes) (10 minutes) Ask students to reflect on what
they have learnt since the start
Activity 1 is a pairs speaking Activity 3 is an individual of the lesson. Get them to write
activity. Before your students writing activity that can be down any new vocabulary in their
start the activity themselves, done in class or as homework. notebooks.
go through the rubric with Students are asked to respond
the students so that they to a question that someone
are clear what they have to has posted online.
do. Walk through the first
couple of questions with the Before asking students to
students and give students the complete the activity, run
opportunity to ask questions, through an example of a
then set the pairs up to work completed reply to the mes-
together to answer all the sage as a class. Students can
questions. When all pairs reuse vocabulary and concepts
have completed the exercise, from the chant, as well as the
go through the answers as a constructions provided in the
group, calling on different pairs prompt. You can encourage
to demonstrate their answer them to also include their own
to each of the questions. examples and constructions.

2. Reading Extra Activity (15 minutes) T80

(10 minutes) Ask students to act out the chant
in small groups (3-4 is the ideal
Activity 2 is a reading activity size group for this activity). Get
that can be done in pairs, or them to act out a chat show slot
individually. This would make on healthy eating. One person is
an excellent homework activi- a presenter, one is someone who
ty for individuals. is looking for advice on living a
healthy life, and the other two or
Before asking students to three participants are guests who
complete the activity, ensure give advice on healthy eating.
they understand what it is that Encourage students to use a wide
they have to do. The vocabu- variety of vocabulary, using the
lary in this activity makes great phrases they see in the chant if
use of the vocabulary within they still need practice, as well
the chant, but students have as other vocabulary they are
to think carefully in some cas- familiar with. The focus should
es about how to phrase their be on using as many different
answer. Answers can be short constructions and vocabulary
sentences, but they should be items as possible.
grammatically correct. They
cannot simply copy the text
directly from the chant, so
ensure that they understand
this and guide them through
the first one or two examples
as a class.

module 2 // Check Your Progress

Check Your Progress

1.   Write Complete the questions. Then, write an I can give and ask for
appropriate suggestion. suggestions.

a. My sister has an eating disorder, but she doesn’t want to admit Very well
Quite well
that she is hurting herself. What ? With difficulty

b. My son is part of the school weight-lifting team. He gets really I can ask about past
stressed about being the right weight for the competitions.
Very well
What ? Quite well
With difficulty
2.   Write A journalist is interviewing a famous singer.
Write the interview questions.

Interviewer: ?

Singer: Well, when I was fifteen I was diagnosed with anorexia.

Interviewer: ?

Singer: I felt depressed and anxious. I had very low self-esteem.

Interviewer: ?

Singer: I overcame it with the help of a therapist and my own


3.   Read Match the conditions (a–d) with the results
(1–4). Complete with words in the box.

may     will     need     should

I can express conditions.

a. If you have a healthy 1. you to do some

body image, yoga. tell your Very well
b. If you don’t sleep well, 2. you

parents about it. Quite well

c. If you feel stressed, 3. you accept yourself

the way you are. With difficulty

81 d. If your sister has an 4. you be anxious and
eating disorder,
tired all the time.

44 4.   Listen Listen to two conversations. Select the I can describe
correct answer. emotions and feelings.

Conversation 1 Very well
1. Julio feels a. really tired b. ill c. really depressed.
2. Sara thinks he should a. not tell Ana’s parents b. talk to her Quite well

c. tell her parents. With difficulty

Conversation 2
3. Germán feels a. anxious b. excited c. confident.
4. Diego thinks he should a. go for a run b. believe in himself

c. work hard.

Module // 2 Unit // 3 Lesson // Check Your Progress

1. Write 3. Read Audio Script 44
Conversation 1
(15 minutes) (10 minutes)
▪ Students complete the ▪ Students match the two Sara: What’s the matter?

questions with a request parts of the conditions, then Julio: I am really depressed.
for advice, then write a complete the conditions with
suggestion. Remind them to the words in the box. Sara: Why?
use the language practised in
this unit. Possible Answers Julio: My best friend Ana has a
a. 3 (may)
Possible Answers b. 4 (will) serious problem.
a. should I do?; You should talk c. 1 (need)
d. 2 (should) Sara: What kind of problem?
to her and encourage her to
speak to a doctor. 4. Listen Julio: She doesn’t eat. I think she has
b. can I do?/should he do; You
should speak to his coach. (10 minutes) track 44 anorexia. What should I do?
▪ Students read the information
2. Write Sara: Do her parents know? They
in the table.
(15 minutes) need to help her.
▪ Students read the whole ▪ Play the audio. Students listen
Julio: No, she doesn’t want to tell
interview before writing their and select the correct answer.
questions. Remind them that them. Maybe I should tell them.
the questions should be in the ▪ Play the audio again if
past simple. Sara: I think you should talk to her
Answer Key first.
a. When did it start? Answer Key
b. How did you feel? Conversation 1: 1. c. / 2. b. Julio: Maybe you’re right. But … if
c. How did you overcome your Conversation 2: 3. a. / 4. b.
I don’t tell them, she may have
serious health problems in the


Conversation 2
Diego: I’m so excited about the

cycling competition. It’s going to
be great. How are you feeling,
Germán: Actually, I feel quite anxious
… You know, I haven’t slept well
lately. I’m worried that I won’t do
well in the competition.
Diego: Oh, come on. You’re the best
cyclist in the school. You can win if
you believe in yourself.
Germán: Yeah, but the other guys are
really good, too.
Diego: Germán, you need to be
confident. You have worked hard.
Come on, let’s go to the gym or go
for a run. It will help you relax.


Module // 2 Review

“Health Issues” Checkers


Talk about the Why is it Name a food What is your
importance of important to that is usually favourite food?
self-esteem. drink enough

Is it important Ask a friend Why is Name the five
to have a how often breakfast food groups.
positive he/she gets ill. important?

Describe Complete: What food is a What food is
a healthy If you believe good source a good source
behaviour. everything the of protein?
media says, … of iron?

Have you tried Complete: Name a What is a good
a new sport If you don’t
recently? traditional source of
drink enough
Christmas food. carbohydrate?
water, …

82 What should Complete: Name a food What is a
you do if If you believe that is a typical dish
you have a in yourself, … in Colombia?
headache? dairy product.

Explain a Complete: Name three Why is
simple recipe. If you don’t healthy things calcium
you’ve eaten important?
brush your teeth
frequently, …

module 2 // Review

Name two What mineral Complete: You have a
cooking is essential for if people headache and
methods. your bones? a stomach ache.
have high Tell the doctor.

self-esteem, …

What food is a Name three Complete: Explain a
good source healthy things If you eat simple recipe.
of fibre? you’ve eaten
a lot of
today. sweets, …

What is a What food is a Complete: What should
typical dish in good source If people are you do if you
your region? of protein? have toothache?
confident about

themselves, …

Why are Name a typical Complete: Have you tried
vegetables food from If you don’t a new sport
important? a different wash your recently?
country. hands, …

What is a What is a Is it important Name two 83
good source of good source of to warm up symptoms of an
vitamins and before eating disorder.
vitamin D? exercising?

What does Name two Ask a friend Name a healthy
fibre do in sources of how often he/ behaviour.
your body? vitamin C.
she gets
a headache.

“Health Issues” Checkers

Students play in pairs. Explain that the players
should be facing each other and that the
aim is to get to the other side of the board
before the other player. Each student chooses
a colour. Explain that they can only move one
square diagonally on their colour. They begin
on the first column of their side of the board
and choose a square. They have to answer the
question or complete the sentence. If the
answer is correct, they may move forward.
If not, they have to answer again on their
next turn. Help students with vocabulary and
structures as they play. The player who arrives
at the other side of the board first is the


Module // 2 Review

“Health Issues” Checkers Answers

Page 82-83

1. Dark spaces from left to right by • Column 2, row 5: Answers may • Column 4, row 4: Answers may T83
columns: vary, but a possible answer is ‘… vary.
you’ll have a positive attitude and
• Column 1, row 1: Answers may be able to accomplish many things.’ • Column 4, row 6: Answers may
vary. vary.
• Column 3, row 2: It provides
• Column 1, row 3: Answers may nutrients and energy for the day 4. Light spaces from left to right by
vary. ahead. columns:

• Column 1, row 5: Answers may • Column 3, row 4: Answers may • Column 1, row 2: Fruit, vegetables
vary. vary. and whole grains.

• Column 2, row 2: How often do you • Column 3, row 6: Answers may • Column 1, row 4: They provide
get ill? vary. essential vitamins and minerals.

• Column 2, row 4: Answers may • Column 4, row 1: Answers may • Column 1, row 6: It helps your
vary, but a possible answer is ‘… vary. intestine to work well and regularly.
you’ll get a headache.’
• Column 4, row 3: Any food from the • Column 2, row 1: Calcium.
• Column 2, row 6: Answers may protein group.
vary, but a possible answer is ‘… • Column 2, row 3: Any food from the
you’ll get cavities.’ • Column 4, row 5: Answers may protein group.
• Column 3, row 1: Answers may • Column 2, row 5: Fruit and
vary. 3. Dark spaces from left to right by vegetables.
• Column 3, row 3: meat, fish, poultry, • Column 3, row 2: Answers may
nuts, lentils, beans, etc. • Column 1, row 1: Answers may vary vary, but a possible answer is ‘… you
but may include baking, boiling, may get cavities.’
• Column 3, row 5: Answers may vary frying, etc.
but may include cheese, yogurt, etc. • Column 3, row 4: Answers may
• Column 1, row 3: Answers may vary, but a possible answer is ‘… you
• Column 4, row 2: Fruit and vary. may catch a virus.’
vegetables, dairy products, grains,
sweets and fats, proteins. • Column 1, row 5: Exposure to the • Column 3, row 6: How often do you
sun. get a headache?
• Column 4, row 4: Any food from the
grains group. • Column 2, row 2: Answers may • Column 4, row 1: Answers may
vary. vary but a possible answer is: I have
• Column 4, row 6: It helps keep your a headache and a stomach ache.
bones strong. • Column 2, row 4: Answers may What should I do?
2. Light spaces from left to right by • Column 4, row 3: You should go to
columns: • Column 2, row 6: Oranges, guavas, the dentist.
• Column 1, row 2: Yes, it is. • Column 4, row 5: Eating in secret,
• Column 3, row 1: Answers may eating too much or too little, etc.
• Column 1, row 4: Answers may vary, but a possible answer is ‘…
vary. they will have a positive attitude.’

• Column 1, row 6: Answers may • Column 3, row 3: Answers may
vary. vary, but a possible answer is ‘…
they will embrace life’s problems
• Column 2, row 1: It helps your body with optimism.’
to function well and stops you from
getting headaches. • Column 3, row 5: Yes, it is.

• Column 2, row 3: Answers may • Column 4, row 2: Answers may
vary, but a possible answer is ‘… vary.
you’ll believe you need products
that aren’t necessary.’

Module // 2 Project


A health fair to create an eating disorder prevention plan.

1. In groups, collect the information and materials you created in this module. Use the checklist
to make sure you have everything you need.

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3
What is an eating Healthy food choices Everybody is different!


Lesson 2, exercise 9 Lesson 1, exercises 7-8 Lesson 1, exercise 8
Survey on eating habits. Infographic suggesting positive
21st Century skills Lesson 2, exercise 9 ways to improve self-esteem and
Instructions on how to body image.
Ideas to raise awareness prepare a healthy snack. Lesson 3, exercise 9
about being overweight Lesson 3, exercise 5 Checklist to discover if people
and obesity. Nutrition quiz questions. contribute to their own low self-
Lesson 3, exercise 7 esteem and body image problems.
Lesson 3, exercise 9 Text and infographic
describing a healthy food. Lesson 3, exercise 11
A text about the specific Lesson 3, exercise 8 Presenting ideas about the role of
eating disorder you Nutrition suggestions self-esteem and body image in the
researched, including with infographics. prevention of eating disorders.
definition, causes and

2. Organize the material into a presentation of guidelines to prevent eating disorders. Try to:

• motivate and engage your audience (posters, games, quiz, pictures, recipes)
• inform your audience (texts, survey results)
• persuade your audience (suggestions on nutrition, mindful living and healthy behaviour).

3. Look at the two options for presenting your information. Discuss the advantages and
disadvantages of each option: an exhibition or a presentation. Can you think of other ideas?

1 Exhibition 2 Presentation

84 The audience arrives. Different groups each have a The audience listens to each group’s

stand or table with their presentation material. The presentation.

audience walks round the room, listening to the Advantages: The audience sees all the
different groups. information from all the groups.

Advantages: The groups and the audience can all All the groups can use the same
participate at the same time. equipment (e.g. digital projector).

All groups have an equal amount of time. All the groups can watch each other
giving their presentations.

Final decision: ______________________________________________________________________________________________

Module 2 Project

1. Explain that the objective of the 2. Students discuss the way to 3. Go over the two options for the
health fair is for students to promote motivate, inform and persuade the presentation of the project. Read out
good eating habits, good nutrition and audience. and elicit more advantages. Then invite
healthy attitudes to food and body students to discuss any disadvantages
image. they might encounter. For example,
explain to students that the Exhibition
Brainstorm the different activities a Mode might be more appropriate for
health fair could contain: nutritional a large school with many students,
information, food stands, health while the Presentation Mode could be
talks and information, contests, and more suitable for a school with a small
different activities to keep fit and number of students, or with only one
control anxiety or stress to deal projector and computer. Time, space
with bad eating habits and weight and tech tools available should be
problems. taken into account when considering
how best students can present their
Remind students that they’ve been work.
working on the project throughout
the module. Direct them to the Unit Remind students that if they select
overview pages so they can see the the Presentation Mode, they need to
Module tasks and elements which prepare their materials digitally.
will contribute to the project. Remind
them of the different activities they Invite students to think about more
carried out earlier in the module. advantages or disadvantages for each
of the modes. Clarify that if students
It is important to use this checklist all talk at the same time it will be noisy
to enable teachers and students to but will give all groups plenty of time
clearly see where they’re going, how to present their information, at the
much progress they have made, and same time as providing students with
how much is missing. Tell students the the opportunity to present their work
mind maps, outlines and posters will many times to many different students.
help them decorate the classroom or
noticeboards and will help them in
their oral presentations of the topics.


module 2 // Project

4. Set up three committees to prepare for the health fair.
5. Decide on their responsibilities. Add more examples to the chart if necessary.
6. Discuss what committee you would like to be part of, and why.

1 Promotion committee 2 Logistics committee 3 Presentations

Promote the event (include Before the fair: Create the agenda and
information about place, make a list of the activities
date and time). - reserve a room; find tables, for people to explore at
projectors and other equipment. the fair.
Create material: posters,
leaflets, e-mails, social On the day of the fair: Help the other students
media messages. while they prepare
- put up posters, arrange exhibition and practise their
stands, tables and chairs. presentations.

- check that all equipment is

7. Use this checklist to make sure everything is ready. Add anything that is missing.

Before the fair starts During the fair After the fair finishes

a. Put up posters, arrange a. Greet the audience, show a. Hand out feedback
equipment, tables and them round, make sure they forms (see Step 8) to the
chairs. know where to go and what audience and collect them.
to do.
b. Committees do their b. Present the objectives and
work. b. Collect all posters and the agenda for the event.
equipment. Leave the
______________________________ place clean, and return all c. Give presentations.
equipment and materials
______________________________ d. Evaluate your presentations.
c. Take photos of the event.

8. Create a feedback form using questions 1-5. Ask the audience to give feedback on the

Yes No

8 5 1. Was the presentation clear?
2. Was the presentation well organized?

3. Was the presentation complete?

4. Did the presentation meet its objective?

5. Did everyone in the group participate?

Module 2 Project

4. Students analyse the functions 6. Explain that the Promotion General recommendations. Work
of the three different suggested committee should have creative together with students. Create a
committees and add more functions. and sociable students who enjoy constant dialogue so they can discuss
expressing ideas graphically and their important ideas with you. Be
5. Students allocate themselves to one verbally. The Logistics committee takes attentive to their needs. Task-based
of the committees. care of all the tools and technological projects require students to use and
gadgets involved. They also organize develop a wide range of skills that
Ask: What qualities should a person spaces, people and materials. This they might still be in the process of
in the Promotion committee have? committee could have members developing.
What talents? What skills? Explain who enjoy planning and details. The
to students that it is important for Presentations group needs students Ask the project groups to work
them to discover their talents and join who have good communication and together for the project activities,
committees that will benefit from their organizational skills. but be sure to promote other kinds of
strengths and interests. group work during other activities.
Once committees are created,
everyone in the committee should Remember that students will pick up
be given specific responsibilities. language through their interactions,
Constant communication in the group which are maximized by the different
leads to the achievement of goals. activities and stages of the project.
Help them keep a picture dictionary
7. Look at the checklist. Students of all the important words they need
should notice that the event is divided or encounter. The amount of new
into tasks to be done before, during language might look overwhelming
and after the presentation. Students but the context will make it easier for
should think of more possible students to understand it.
activities for each of the stages.

8. Make copies of the feedback
form for people in the audience
and ask them to return it after the
presentation. Remind students to use
recycled paper and to be mindful of
the careful use of resources.


Module // 2 Evaluation



Choose the sentence that is closest in meaning to the one provided.

0. Alejandra plays basketball four times a week.

A. She does sport often. B. She never does sport. C. She does sport once a week.

1. Mario has a headache and a stomach ache.

A. He needs to drink some B. He’s feeling ill. C. He should go to the doctor.


2. Jane has a nutritious diet.

A. She only eats sweets. B. She drinks plenty of water. C. She eats food from the five

food groups in a balanced way.

3. Bake the mixture at 180°.

A. Store the mixture in the B. Put the mixture in the C. Mix all the ingredients.

fridge. oven.

4. In order to be healthy, you need to sleep well.

A. In order to be healthy, you B. In order to be healthy, you C. In order to be healthy, you

have to sleep for six to should sleep for six to eight can sleep for six to eight

eight hours. hours. hours.

5. If you believe everything the media say, you’ll feel frustrated.

A. You have to believe B. You’ll feel frustrated if you C. You shouldn’t believe

everything the media say. don’t see the media. everything the media say.


Choose the correct question for the answer.

0. I sometimes watch TV. 8. Milk and soy products are a good source
A. How often do you watch TV? of calcium.
B. Have you watched TV?
C. Do you like watching TV? A. Is milk from the dairy group?
B. Are soy products and milk nutritious?
6. You should go to the doctor. C. What food is a good source of calcium?

86 A. How are you? 9.I felt positive and ready to participate!
B. I don’t feel well. What should I do? A. Do you have good self-esteem?

C. Should I wash my hands before eating? B. How did you feel before the race?

7.Yes, it is. It provides protein and fibre. C. Did you win the competition?

A. Do you like quinoa? 10.You will feel more confident and prepared.
B. Is quinoa from the grains group? A. What happens if you have positive thoughts?
C. Is quinoa nutritious? B. What should you do to be healthy?

C. How often should you have positive

Module // 2 Evaluation

Evaluation Answers

Page 86 Grammar

Vocabulary 6. B
7. C
1. B 8. C
2. C 9. B
3. B 10. A
4. A
5. C


module 2 // Evaluation


Read the recipe. Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.

Pasta with Broccoli Preparation:
Heat water in a pot for the pasta.
• Ingredients: florets
• 2 cups broccoli Add the pasta to the boiling water and cook
• 500 g pasta for 6 minutes.
• ½ teaspoon pepper oil In a different pot, heat the olive oil and add
• 4 tablespoons olive the garlic, pepper and salt. Cook for 1-2
• minutes.
• salt
• cheese Add the broccoli to the pasta and cook for
3-4 more minutes until the pasta is ready.

Drain the pasta and broccoli and add the oil.

Add the cheese

0. This is a recipe to make

A. garlic pasta B. cheese C. pasta with broccoli
C. not healthy.
11. This recipe is … C. broccoli.
C. add the broccoli.
A. healthy. B. nutritious. C. heat the olive oil.
C. dairy products.
12. The ingredients include …

A. oil and garlic. B. cheese.

13. Before draining the pasta…

A. add the oil. B. add the garlic.

14. Before adding the pasta …

A. add the cheese. B. boil the water.

15. Some of the food groups included in this recipe are …

A. fruits and vegetables. B. grains.


Write a recipe you know. Complete the instructions. You can use the words to help you.

preheat mix bake mash cut cook store

87 Preparation:
Ingredients: 17. ________________________________________________
16. 18. ________________________________________________
______________________________ 19. ________________________________________________
______________________________ 20. ________________________________________________

Module // 2 Evaluation

Evaluation Answers

Page 87 Writing

Reading 16. Answers may vary.
17. Answers may vary.
11. A, B 18. Answers may vary.
12. A, B, C 19. Answers may vary.
13. C 20. Answers may vary.
14. B
15. A, B, C


Module 3

Democracy and Peace

A Good Citizen

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3

Solving Problems Have You Been a Making Peace
with Others Model Citizen? through Words

Language Functions Language Functions and Actions

• Give advice • Talk about past/present Language Functions

• Apologize and admit experiences • Express facts and justify

mistakes • Express facts and opinions opinions

• Talk about duties and rights • Complain and apologize • Express conditions and
justify points of view
88 • Talk about cultural Text Types:
• Express future plans
Text Types: • article, informative

paragraph, graph, survey, Text Types:

• online forum comments, descriptive paragraph, letter, • headlines, descriptive

descriptive paragraph, interview paragraph, web articles,

informative paragraph, informative paragraph,

article, poster resolutions list, email

Module 3 Presentation

• Point out to students • Students look at the person is to create a myth about
Colombia. Encourage students
10 that this third module 20 pictures and discuss what to reflect on the importance of
minutes minutes weighing up the consequences of
of the book deals with they represent. their words and actions before they
say or do them.
democracy and peace. Ask Remind students that
Colombia has a diverse and • Go over the specific language
them what they understand by the particular culture, with African, functions and text types of the
European and indigenous three units.
two words. Democracy is where influences. Discuss the importance
of respect and tolerance when • Explain any difficulties students
the government is elected by the it comes to building peace and may have.
people. Peace means not at war; Unit 1
Solving Problems with Others
when a society lives in harmony.
• Read the language functions
• Say the title, A Good Citizen. students are expected to achieve at
Students repeat this. the end of the unit.

• Check understanding of citizen and • Ask students to name some • Clarify vocabulary, e.g. apologize,
encourage students to suggest minority groups in Colombia and if admit, duties, rights, forum.
some ways to be a good citizen. they know their cultural traditions.
Accept answers in L1. Unit 2
• Ask students to give some Have You Been a Model Citizen?
examples of positive and negative • Explain that in all communities, it is
language in L1 and ask them how normal that problems arise. What is • Read all the items, checking
important they think positive words important is how to deal with them. understanding of vocabulary like
are when it comes to building peace Help students understand that their experience, complain, graph.
in a community. tone of voice and the words they
use when they make a complaint is • Tell students that their past and
vital to solving the problem. If they present experiences are a key part
use negative words and speak in an of who they are as a person and
angry tone of voice, they are likely how they fit into their community.
to make the problem worse, not
solve it. Unit 3
Making Peace through Words and
• Tell students that outside Colombia Actions
there are many generalizations
about Colombian culture that • Read all the language functions
are wrong or unfounded. For and text types, checking any word
example, people think that it is very students do not understand, e.g.
dangerous to travel in Colombia. justify, point of view and resolution.
However, in general, Colombians
are friendly and most parts of the • Elicit from students that their
country are not dangerous. words and actions are extremely
important when trying to make
• Point out that these types peace with someone or solve a T88
of generalization can cause problem. Encourage them to name
stereotyping and prejudice. Elicit a foundation or group of people
other types of generalization which helps others in society.
that foreign people make about

• Help students understand from
this that actions or words have
a consequence, some positive
and some negative. If someone
tells his friends that Colombia is a
dangerous country to travel in, and
then those friends tell their friends,
the result will be that people will be
scared to travel in Colombia. So, the
consequence of the opinion of one

Explore Your Knowledge

Look at the pictures and answer …

• What is happening in each

• How many positive actions
can you identify? Which are

• How many negative actions
can you identify? Which are

Project: A Poster Campaign on How to Be a Good Colombian Citizen

In this module you will work in groups to prepare a formal presentation.

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3

89 1. Advice on how to be 3. A few sentences explaining 6. Resolutions for being a better

emotionally intelligent how you have been a citizen (Lesson 2, exercise 7).

(Lesson 1, exercise 10) good citizen (Lesson 1, 7. Behaviours to create peace in

2. A poster to promote exercise 8) your school (Lesson 3, exercise 7)

the good citizen 4. Profile of your best 8. Results of the school survey

campaign, including neighbour (Lesson 3, on helping your community

a slogan and advice exercise 6) (Lesson 3, exercise 10)

(Lesson 3, exercise 8) 5. Analysis of the results of

the good citizen survey

(Lesson 3, exercise 9)


Help support people in need

Module 3 Presentation

Explore Your Knowledge Final Project

20 10

minutes • Read the questions and minutes • Explain that in module 3
elicit answers from some students will be preparing
students. Ask them what a poster campaign on how

they do when they have a problem to be a good Colombian citizen.
with someone, e.g. Your friends For that purpose, they will collect
always laugh at you because you can’t advice on how to be emotionally
play basketball well. Ask them what intelligent and create a poster to
they would do in this situation promote the good citizen campaign
and associate it to a picture in the in unit 1. In unit 2, they will write
module presentation. sentences explaining how they
have been good citizens, prepare
• Remind them that thinking a profile of their best neighbour
positively is a powerful tool for and analyze the results of the good
success, and positive language is citizen survey. Finally, in unit 3,
just one tool that they can use to they will make resolutions on how
achieve positive thinking. to become a better citizen, promote
peace in their school and report the
• Now tell them that the situation results of the survey on improving
is the reverse: You laughed at a their community. Ask students
friend because he/she couldn’t play questions to elicit this information
basketball well. Point out that we from the chart and resolve any
all make mistakes in life and that difficulties.
it is part of growing up. What is
important is to learn from these • Finish the presentation by reading
mistakes and become better the title of this module’s chant, Help
people. Ask them how they would support people in need. Ask students
apologize for making their friend what they understand and how
feel bad and relate this to an image they can relate the content of the
in the module presentation. units to the title of the chant.

• Suggest that students think for a T89
minute about the different qualities
that a good Colombian citizen
should have, e.g. be tolerant and
respectful of others. Ask them
to associate these good qualities
with the pictures in the module
presentation. Finally, ask them to
try and organize these qualities
from the most important to the
least important.

• Accept answers in L1 for all these
exercises as students may not know
the vocabulary they need.

• Remind students that they need
to perform a final task for each
module, but that they will work
towards achieving it during the
whole module by accomplishing

Module // 3 Unit // 1 Lesson // 1 Objectives

Unit » 1 » I can give advice.
Solving Problems » I can apologize and admit mistakes.
With Others » I can talk about duties and rights.
» I can talk about cultural characteristics.

In Context » Giving Advice

1.   Read Some teenagers are sharing their experiences online. Match the
comments (1–3) with the replies (a–c).

Forum: When People Hurt Your Feelings
This topic contains 4 replies, and was updated by Susi0072 one minute ago.

TommiCoolguy Comment 1 Like · Reply · 1 · Feb 23, 2016 12:49 p.m. a. Reply to comment

My best friend is angry with me. He said that I was You should speak to the
selfish because I didn’t let him copy my homework. team coach about their
Now he doesn’t want to speak to me any more. comments. You probably
just need more practice.

I_love_football Comment 2 Like · Reply · 1 · Feb 24, 2016 5:10 p.m. b. Reply to comment

I feel really bad today. The other players in my You should speak to your
football team say that I’m lazy and fat. They say I mum and say you are sorry.
should run faster. They make me feel I’m a bad player. You were rude to her. She is
just worried about you. You
should try to understand her.

Karen2017 Comment 3 Like · Reply · 1 · Feb 27, 2016 6:00 p.m. c. Reply to comment
You should speak to him about
I feel bad because I argued with my mum. She said that the importance of honesty.
I can´t go to a party with my friends. So I said, ‘It’s not Copying someone’s homework
fair! You’re ruining my life!’ She started to cry. Should I is never OK. Don’t worry, you
say sorry or just forget about it? did the right thing.


Susi0072 Comment 4 Like · Reply · 1 · Feb 27, 2016 7: 10 p.m. d. Reply to comment

I posted some photos of my 15th birthday party
on Facebook. One of my friends commented that
I looked skinny and ridiculous in my dress. I feel
really hurt.

2.   Write Think of some advice for Susi0072 in comment 4. Write a reply.
You should / shouldn’t …

Module // 3 Unit // 1 Lesson // 1

Unit  1 Solving Problems With Others

Unit Objectives

Basic Standards of Competences Describes, orally and in writing, situations related to good citizenship, personal
Vocabulary responsibility, and cultural understanding.
Positive and negative adjectives to describe personal qualities: sociable, tolerant,
intolerant, rude, etc; Vocabulary to describe minority cultures: traditions, beliefs, ritual,
nomads, etc.

Modals: should/shouldn’t, can, (don’t) have to, must/mustn’t

1. Read ▪ Check answers as a class. 2. Write

(25 minutes) Alternatively, students can (15 minutes)
work in pairs and take turns to ▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Set the context. Check read a comment and the reply ▪ Students can work individually
students understand the or in pairs to write their
terms blog and blogger. Grammar Box: should advice. Remind them to use
Point out that we use the modal You should.
▪ Give an example of a popular verbs should and could to give
advice diplomatically. Write on ▪ Ask a few students to read
blog in Colombia. the board:
their advice to the class.
▪ Ask the class: Do you read You should speak to the team
coach. Extra Activity (20 minutes)
blogs? Have you ever written a
comment in a blog? You should try to understand Focus attention on the title of the
your mum. blog. Ask: Has anyone ever hurt
▪ Students look at the pictures. your feelings? Find out if students
Answer Key have any experiences similar to
Ask: How many bloggers 1. c. 2. a. the experiences of the bloggers.
can you see? What are their Encourage students to give each
usernames? (TommiCoolguy, other advice.
I_love_football, Karen2017,
and Susi0072). 3. b.

▪ Students read the blogs and

match the comments with the


module 3 // Unit 1

3.   Speak Work with a partner. Think of some more advice for the bloggers in exercise 1.
Use the expressions in the Word Bank and the Good Advice box.
Word Bank
good daughter Tommi Coolguy Good Advice
generous friend
caring mum Don’t worry. You’re a generous friend. I think you – Talk to him/her and
attractive girl should suggest you do your homework together. apologize
skilled player
cool friend – Invite him/her to . . .
– Practise your football

skills with your dad
– Suggest you do your

homework together
– Be careful when posting

photos online

4.   Read Match the photos (A–D) with the incidents 1–4.

A. B. C. D.

1. You said a bad word to your teacher because she told you to be quiet.
2. It is 7.00 p.m. You forgot that today was your best friend’s birthday.
3. You said something insensitive to friend A about friend B. Friend B was listening to you.
4. You laughed at a girl’s accent because she is from another region of the country.

5.   Speak Work with a partner. Apologize for the mistakes in exercise 4 and suggest
a solution.

I´m sorry for forgetting Apologizing I’m sorry for being so
your birthday. Could I insensitive …
I’m sorry. I didn’t
9 1 buy you an ice-cream? mean to … What I said the
other day was rude …
I apologize for
saying that …

6.   Speak Read the definition of emotional intelligence. Discuss the questions.

a. Do Colombian people have emotional intelligence? Emotional intelligence is the ability
b. Do you think you have emotional intelligence? to understand, control and express
c. Does emotional intelligence help you to be a your emotions. It helps you to be a
good person and a good citizen.
good citizen?

Module // 3 Unit // 1 Lesson // 1

3. Speak 4. Read 5. Speak

(25 minutes) (15 minutes) (15 minutes)
▪ Students look at the pictures ▪ Read the rubric. Check
▪ Read the example.
▪ Focus attention on the words and describe the situations students understand the
they see. meaning of apologize and rude.
in red, and the expressions
in the Word Bank and the ▪ Students match the ▪ Focus attention on the Useful
Good Advice box. Model the
expressions for pronunciation. photos (A–D) with the Expressions. Model the
Students repeat. incidents (1–4). expressions for pronunciation.
Students repeat.
▪ In pairs, students think of ▪ Students compare their
▪ Elicit some possible solutions
more advice for the bloggers answers in pairs.
in exercise 1 using expressions for the incidents in exercise 4
and ideas from the Word Bank ▪ Check answers as a class. and write them on the board.
and the Good Advice box.
Answer Key ▪ In pairs, students apologize for
▪ Give them time to write their A. 2. B. 3. C. 4. D. 1.
the incidents and suggest a
advice. Extra Activity (15 minutes) solution, as in the example.

▪ Pairs share their advice with Students work in groups and Suggested answers
discuss if they have ever 1. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be
the class. experienced anything similar to
the incidents in pictures A–D. rude to you. Could I help you
Suggested answers Encourage them to share their tidy the classroom at the end
1. Advice to I_love_football: experiences and say whether they of the day?
apologized. Suggest questions, 2. I apologize for forgetting your
Don’t worry. You are a skilled e.g. Have you ever made a similar birthday. Could I buy you an
player. I think you should mistake? What did you do? Did you ice-cream?
practise your football skills apologize? 3. I’m sorry for being so
with your dad. insensitive to you. Could I
2. Advice to Karen2017: Don’t invite you to my house for
worry. You are a good daughter dinner?
and you have a caring mum. 4. What I did the other day was
I think you should talk to her rude. Could we be friends?
and apologize.
3. Advice to Susi0072: Don’t 6. Speak
worry. You are an attractive
girl. I think you should be (15 minutes)
careful with posting photos ▪ Students read the definition of
emotional intelligence. Check
students understand the T91

▪ Students discuss the

questions in pairs, then share
their opinions with the class.

▪ Elicit as much information as

possible to support students’
opinions about emotional

Module // 3 Unit // 1 Lesson // 1

7.   Read Read the lists of positive and negative personal qualities.

a. Select the personal qualities, positive or negative, that describe you. Be honest!
b. Select the qualities that can help you to be emotionally intelligent.

Positive Qualities Negative Qualities
tolerant  self-controlled  rational  impatient  impulsive  angry  
polite  sensitive  sociable  kind aggressive  intolerant  indifferent
humorous  understanding rude  bad-tempered

8.   Speak With a partner, discuss how Colombians could improve their emotional
intelligence to be better citizens. Use the words in exercise 7.

In my opinion, Colombians don’t I’m sorry, but I disagree. I think
have a lot of emotional intelligence they have high emotional
because they are intolerant. They
intelligence because they are
should be more understanding. very sociable.

45 9.   Listen Listen to a presentation about how Colombian citizens deal with emotional
intelligence. Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).


a. 80% don’t know what emotional intelligence is.
b. 90% try to control their emotions, but can’t.
c. 10 people said that they get impatient in stressful situations.
d. The presenters interviewed their parents for the survey.
e. One conclusion is that Colombians control their emotions easily.

10.   Write Write three sentences about your personal qualities and how you can
be more emotionally intelligent, and become a better citizen.

1. Your positive qualities: I am …

9 2 2. Your negative qualities: I am …
3. The qualities you can improve: I can try to …

Final project activity!

Module // 3 Unit // 1 Lesson // 1

7. Read Extra Activity (15 minutes) Student A: Also, eight people said that
family problems made them angry.
(10 minutes) Students write their names on Seven parents said that they get
a piece of paper, then stick the angry with their children because
▪ Students read the lists of piece of paper on their back. they are sometimes rude. So,
Students walk around the class anger, and sometimes aggression,
positive and negative personal and ask their partners to write start at home.
qualities. positive qualities on the piece of
paper. At the end, students read Student B: Based on our survey, we
▪ Model the expressions for the list of qualities and report conclude that we Colombians
back to the class. should try to control our emotions
pronunciation. Students to be happy. For example, firstly,
repeat. Check students 9. Listen we should try to have a positive
understand the meaning of all attitude all the time. Secondly,
words. (20 minutes) track 45 we should recognize the negative
▪ Students read statements a–e. qualities we need to change – like
▪ Students select the personal being intolerant or impatient. And
Check they understand all the thirdly, we can try to express our
qualities, positive or negative, vocabulary. emotions with respect for other
that describe them. Emphasize people.
that they need to be honest ▪ Play the audio. Students listen
with their answers. As an 10. Write
example, select positive and mark the statements T
and negative qualities that or F. (15 minutes)
describe you. ▪ Read the rubric. Make sure
▪ Play the audio again if
▪ Refer students to the students understand the task.
necessary. Students check
definition of emotional their answers. ▪ Students follow
intelligence in exercise 6.
Students select three qualities ▪ Students compare answers in sentences 1–3.
that contribute to emotional
intelligence. pairs. ▪ Check students’ writing

▪ Ask for volunteers to share Answer Key and highlight any mistakes
a. T. b.  F. c.  T, d.  T. e.  F in grammar, spelling and
their answers with the class. punctuation.
Audio Script 45
8. Speak ▪ Students correct their
Student A: We all have different
(20 minutes) mistakes.
personalities and we feel different
▪ Read the rubric. Students ▪ If you have time, ask for
emotions. Some people can stay
look at the photo and suggest volunteers to read their
positive or negative qualities calm to solve problems, but many sentences to the class.
to match the people. For
example: They look sociable. He people become aggressive and
looks angry.
impatient very easily. According
▪ Focus attention on the
to Colombian psychiatrist Rodrigo
example. Model the
expressions for pronunciation. Córdoba, Colombians are often
Students repeat.
intolerant in their daily lives. For a
▪ Focus attention on the
project in our English class, we did
expressions in red, In my
opinion and I’m sorry, but I a survey with twenty students and
disagree, and explain that
we use them to express and their parents in the neighbourhood,
support opinions.
to find out if they were emotionally
▪ Students practise the example
dialogue in pairs.
Student B: So, 80% of the people said T92
▪ Give students time to prepare
that they don’t really understand
their ideas, then create similar
dialogues. the term ‘emotional intelligence’.

Only 20% said that they try to

control their emotions, but they

can’t do it all the time. Ten people

think that they don’t have emotional

intelligence because they get very

impatient – especially in stressful

situations at work or at school.

module 3 // Unit 1

Expanding Knowledge » Children’s Duties and Rights

1.   Speak Work with a partner. Discuss who has to do the duties in photos
A–E at home.

In my house, I have to I have to feed my dog.
make my bed. How
about you?

A. B. C. D. E.

do the laundry make your bed wash the dishes feed your pet clean your room

46 2.   Listen A psychologist is speaking about responsibility. Read the first part of
the talk. Then, listen and complete the notes.

So, today I want to talk about responsibility. Being responsible takes dedication and it
sometimes means doing things you don’t want to do. Or not doing things you want to
do. OK, there are three types of responsibility.

1. You are responsible for your own

Being responsible for 2. You have to take
3. You have to yourself.
Being responsible for
doing the right things 1. You have to and
2. At home you have to
93 Responsibility Being responsible in 3. You can also
1. You have to
2. You have to say

46 3.   Listen The psychologist also talks about things you mustn’t do. Listen again and
note down as many as you can.

Module // 3 Unit // 1 Lesson // 2

1. Speak Answer Key That is, you have to behave well
Being responsible for yourself: with your parents, with your
(15 minutes) 1. You are responsible for classmates and with your teachers.
▪ Students read the title of the You mustn’t be rude to other
your own actions, your own people. You have to show respect
lesson. Elicit the meaning of decisions and your own and be polite. So, for example,
duty and right. happiness. when you arrive somewhere, say
2. You have to take care of your hello to other people.
▪ Students look at the pictures. health and your body.
3. You have to protect yourself Grammar Box: has to/have to and
Check they understand all the must
vocabulary. Being responsible for doing the Point out that we use have to and
right things: don’t have to to talk about duties
▪ Focus attention on the 1. You have to study for your or rules.

example. Model the example exams and show dedication. You have to make your bed
for pronunciation. Students 2. At home you have to help your every day.
repeat. My sister has to feed her dog.
parents around the house.
▪ Students practise the example 3. You can also wash the dishes We have to go to school on
dialogue in pairs, then create or do the laundry.
similar dialogues about the We also use must, but this is
pictures. Being responsible in society: normally used to express a
1. You have to behave well with personal obligation:
▪ Ask a few students to tell the
your parents, classmates and You must be nice to your
class what their partner has to teachers. sister.
do at home. 2. You have to say hello to other
people. I must remember to do my
Answer Key homework.
A. She has to do the laundry. Audio Script 46
B. They have to make their beds. We must go for an ice-cream
C. He has to wash the dishes. Psychologist: So, today I want to some time.
D. She has to feed her pet.
E. He has to clean his room. talk about responsibility. Being 3. Listen

2. Listen responsible takes dedication and (10 minutes) track 46
▪ Read the rubric. Make sure
(25 minutes) track 46 it sometimes means doing things
▪ Read the rubric. Make sure that this time students focus
you don’t want to do. Or not doing on different information.
students understand the task.
things you want to do. OK, there ▪ Explaing that we use mustn’t
▪ Students read the first part of
are three types of responsibility. to talk about things that it is
the talk, then study the mind wrong to do.
map to familiarize themselves The first one is being responsible
with the information before ▪ Play the audio. Students listen
they listen. for yourself. You are responsible
and note down things they
▪ Check understanding. Ask: for your own actions, your own mustn’t do, then check their
answers in pairs.
What are the three types of decisions and your own happiness.
responsibility? Answer Key
You are responsible for having a You mustn’t smoke cigarettes,
▪ Play the audio. Students listen or take drugs or drink alcohol.
better life. I can give you some You mustn’t be lazy. You mustn’t
and complete the notes in expect them (your parents) to do
the mind map. Play the audio examples. You have to take care everything for you. You mustn’t
again if necessary. be rude to other people.
of your health and your body. You
▪ Students check their answers
have to eat well and do exercise.
in pairs.
You mustn’t smoke cigarettes, or

take drugs or drink alcohol. Your

body is precious and you have to

protect yourself from things that

are dangerous to your health.

The second type of responsibility T93

is being responsible for doing the

right things. You have to go to

school. You have to study for your

exams and show dedication. You

have to work hard and you mustn’t

be lazy. At home, you have to help

your parents around the house.

You mustn’t expect them to do

everything for you. So you have to

look after your pets, and tidy your

bedroom… And you can also wash

the dishes or do the laundry.

OK, the third type of responsibility

is being responsible in society.

Module // 3 Unit // 1 Lesson // 2

4.   Speak Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions about your duties at
home. Say what you have to do and don’t have to do.

What are your duties I have to walk the dog
at home? before school. What
about you?
I don’t have to walk the
dog. But I have to make I have to clean my room,
breakfast. too.

47 5.   Listen A news reporter interviewed some children about their lives and duties.
Listen and complete the interviews with a–h.

a. I have to go to class e. I have to work ten hours a day
b. I have to take care of them f. I have to work as a rubbish collector
c. I have to plant rice and water seeds g. I have to stay at school for eight hours a day
d. I have to cook and clean the house h. I have to give the money

1. Adhira
Adhira My name is Adhira. I live in Andhra Pradesh, in India. I had to leave school to go to work
because my family has economic problems. I work in the fields. 1.   . 2.   . I would like
to go back to school some day like my brother. He goes to school every day and he is
learning many things. I’m sorry I can’t do that.

2. Masashi
Masashi My name is Masashi and I live in Seto, Japan. I have to study hard. Education in Japan
is very strict. 3.    . I have two hours of homework every night, plus 4.    on Saturday.
Exams are difficult, so I sometimes get very tired.

3. Alala
Alala My name is Alala. I live in a small town in Ghana, Africa. I’m 13 years old, and I don’t
go to school. I don’t know how to read and write. 5.   . My parents have ten children.
Because I’m the oldest, 6.   . Soon, I will marry and have many children.

4. Juan
9 4 My name is Juan. I’m 14 years old. I live in Bogotá, Colombia. I go to school every day,

but 7.    in the afternoons. 8.    to my parents because they are poor. I really want to

JJuuaann finish high school soon to get a better job. I don’t like this job.

6.   Speak Work with a partner. Discuss the questions about the children in exercise 5.

a. Are these children responsible? Why/Why not?
b. Who is more fortunate with his/her duties?
c. Should children have to work? Why/Why not?

Module // 3 Unit // 1 Lesson // 2

4. Speak 5. Listen 6. Speak

(15 minutes) (20 minutes) track 47 (10 minutes)

▪ Tell students that they will ▪ Students look at the photos ▪ Give students time to read

work with a partner to ask and and read the names of the the questions and prepare
answer questions about their children. Ask them to suggest their answers. Also, review
duties at home. They have to where the children are from. expressions to give opinions
talk about what they have to (I think that… / In my opinion …
and don’t have to do. ▪ Read the rubric. Make sure because …).

▪ Ask two students to read the students understand the task. ▪ Students discuss the
Let them read the interviews
examples. before listening to familiarize questions in pairs. Encourage
themselves with the context them to get as much
▪ Give them time to prepare the and check their suggestions. information as possible about
each other’s opinions.
dialogue. Walk around to help ▪ Play the audio. Students listen
them if needed. ▪ Check answers as a class.
and complete the interviews.
▪ Ask them to practise the Then check their answers in Write the answers on the
pairs. board and ask students to say
dialogue. Then, ask them to which opinions are similar.
come to the front of the class
and act out the dialogue. Answer Key

Extra Activity (15 minutes) 1. c. 4. a. 7. f.
8. h.
Ask students to design a poster 2. e. 5. d.
about their family’s duties at
home/work/or school. They 3. g. 6. b.
should stick pictures of their
family on the poster. Under their Audio Script 47
names, students have to write 1. Adhira: My name is Adhira.
their duties. Remind learners to
use must and have to. Give an I live in Andhra Pradesh, in India.
example with your own family,
e.g. My mother has to… My I had to leave school to go to work
older brother, John, has to… .
Then, ask them to get into small because my family has economic
groups. They should introduce
their families and talk about their problems. I work in the fields. I have
duties at home.
to plant rice and water seeds. I have

to work ten hours a day. I would like

to go back to school some day like

my brother. He goes to school every

day, and he is learning many things.

I’m sorry I can’t do that.

2. Masashi: My name is Masashi, and

I live in Seto, Japan. I have to study

hard. Education in Japan is very

strict. I have to stay at school for

eight hours a day. I have two hours

of homework every night, plus I

have to go to class on Saturday.

Exams are difficult, so I sometimes

get very tired.

3. Alala: My name is Alala. I live in a

small town in Ghana, Africa. I’m

13 years old, and I don’t go to T94

school. I don’t know how to read

and write. I have to cook and clean

the house. My parents have ten

children. Because I’m the oldest, I

have to take care of them. Soon, I

will marry and have many children.

4. Juan: My name is Juan. I’m 14 years

old. I live in Bogotá, Colombia. I

go to school every day, but I have

to work as a rubbish collector in

the afternoons. I have to give the

money to my parents because they

are poor. I really want to finish

high school soon to get a better

job. I don’t like this job.

module 3 // Unit 1

7.   Read Read the six articles from the European Convention on Human Rights
(child-friendly version). Match the articles (1–6) with the headings (a–f).

a. Article 27, Adequate standard of living d. Article 18, Parents’ joint responsibilities
b. Article 4, Freedom from slavery and e. Article 12, Respect for the child’s

forced labour opinion
c. Article 2, Freedom from discrimination f. Article 28, Right to education

1. Article 2, Freedom from discrimination 4.
You should not be discriminated against When adults are making decisions that
for any reason, including your race,
colour, sex, language, religion, opinion, affect you, you have the right to speak
origin, or any other characteristic or and give your opinion freely.
those of your parents.
2. You should live in good conditions that
No one should treat you as a slave, and help you develop physically, mentally,
you should not make anyone your slave. spiritually, morally and socially. The
No one can make you work by force. government should help families who
cannot afford to provide this.
B oth your parents share responsibility 6.
You have a right to education. Discipline
for your care, and should always
consider what is best for you. in schools should respect your human
Governments should provide services dignity. Primary education should be
to help parents, especially if both free. Rich countries should help poorer
parents work. countries to achieve this.

8.   Group Work In groups, discuss the questions.

a. What is the difference between a right and a duty?
b. Can you think of other children’s human rights?

9.   Group Work In groups, read these statements and decide if each one is a
right or a duty. Explain your decision to the class.

People should treat me kindly I can tell my parents about my feelings
9 5 Teachers should listen to me
I have to arrive on time
I have to use my time wisely at school
I can ask for help
I should be kind I have to learn a lot about
the world

I need time to play with
my friends

I have to do my best
at school

Module // 3 Unit // 1 Lesson // 2

7. Read 8. Group work 9. Group work

(20 minutes) (15 minutes) (15 minutes)
▪ Read the rubric. Make sure
▪ Read the rubric. Make sure ▪ Students discuss the
students understand the task.
students understand the task. questions.
▪ Groups discuss the
▪ Students read the text and ▪ Encourage them to think of
statements. Explain that they
match the articles (1–6) with other human rights and note should try to agree on an
the headings above (a–f). these down. Remind them to answer for each.
use should (not) to talk about
▪ Give students time to work rights, as in the text. ▪ Groups explain their decision

on any vocabulary they are ▪ Groups share their answers AnswtoertKheeyclass.
unsure of, using a dictionary. People should treat me kindly:
with the class. right
▪ If you have time, some
Teachers should listen to me:
students could read the right
article aloud to practise
pronunciation. I have to use my time wisely: duty

▪ Check answers as a class. Ask I can ask for help: right

for their response to the text: I should be kind: duty
e.g. Are you surprised by any of
the articles? I can tell my parents about my
feelings: right
Answer Key
I have to arrive on time at school:
1. c. 3. d. 5. a. duty
6. f.
2. b. 4. e. I have to learn a lot about the
world: duty
Extra Activity (10 minutes)
I need time to play with my
This text has a lot of vocabulary. friends: right
However, many of the words are
cognates. Explain that a cognate I have to do my best at school:
is a word with a similar origin duty
and meaning in both English
and Spanish (e.g. discrimination
is similar to discriminación in
Spanish). Students write the
cognates in English on one side
of a small piece of paper (one
piece of paper per word) and their
Spanish equivalent on the other
side. Students can then test each
other on the cognates they have
written. This will help them to
learn new vocabulary items and
check what they remember.


Module // 3 Unit // 1 Lesson // 3

Preparing Your Task » Learning About Colombian Cultural Groups

1.   Speak Work with a partner. Look at the pictures of two cultural groups who live
in Colombia. Discuss what you know about them.

The Roma people

The Palenqueros

2.   Speak With your partner, choose one of the groups of words related to these
two cultural groups. Use a dictionary to find out the meaning of the
words. Then, explain them to your partner.

The Roma people The Palenqueros
nomads   bilingual   clan rainbow   drums   ritual
fortune-tellers   artists slave   dead

3.   Read Read texts A and B on page 97 about the Roma people and the Palenqueros.
The paragraphs in each text are in the wrong order. Match the headings in the
box (1–4) with the correct paragraph in each text.

1. Origin and location in Colombia  2. Daily lives    Study Tip
3. Traditions and beliefs   4. Their needs
Skim-reading helps
96 4.   Write Make notes about the Roma people and the you find the main
Palenqueros in the chart, using the cultural
ideas of a text
information in the texts on the next page. without having to
focus on every word.

Compare your notes with a partner.

Note down something you The Roma people The Palenqueros
learned that was:

exotic Women are fortune-tellers.





Module // 3 Unit // 1 Lesson // 3

1. Speak 2. Speak 3. Read

(10 minutes) (20 minutes) (40 minutes)
▪ Read the rubric. Make sure
▪ Students look at the photos. ▪ In pairs, students choose one
students understand the task.
Ask: What do you know about of the groups of words and
the two cultural groups? use a dictionary to find out ▪ Focus attention on the
the meaning of those words.
▪ What information about the headings and check
▪ Give students time to look up understanding.
groups can you get by looking at
the photos? all the words and write the ▪ Students read the texts and
meaning in their notebooks.
match the headings with the
▪ Students close their books. correct paragraphs in each
As a class, test them on
the meaning of the words ▪ Give students time to read,
they have looked up. You
can write the word on the but explain that they don’t
board and students give have to understand every
the meaning (insist they use word to identify the correct
English). Alternatively, give the heading.
meaning and get students to
tell you the word. ▪ Check answers as a class.
▪ If there is time, students can
▪ You could also play a spelling
read the text aloud to practise
game with some of the pronunciation.
words, e.g. complete the
word ( _ o _ _ d _ = nomads) or Study Tip
anagrams (valse = slave).
Skim-reading to understand the
Answer Key main idea of a text is a useful
Roma people: nomads = people skill to develop.
who move from place to place,
bilingual = able to speak two Answer Key
languages, clan = a large family, Text A The Roma People:
fortune-teller = a person who can
predict the future, artists – people 4. Their needs
who sing, dance or play musical 2. Daily lives
instruments 1. Origin and location in

The palenqueros: rainbow = Colombia
a multi-coloured, curved line 3. Traditions and beliefs
that appears in the sky, drums =
cylindrical musical instruments Text B The Palenqueros:
that you hit with a stick or your 2. Daily lives
hands, ritual = a ceremony, slave = 4. Their needs
a person who is a servant and the 3. Traditions and beliefs
property of another person, dead 1. Origin and location in
= not living.


module 3 // Unit 1

A The Roma People

Many Colombian people do not recognize them as citizens of the country. Roma people are
‘invisible’ Colombians, a minority group that live in poverty. They need health care, better
nutrition and education. There are about 5,000 Roma people in Colombia.

Roma people are nomads – they travel from one place to another. They are good artists.
In their culture singing, dancing and playing musical instruments are very important. The
women sometimes sell shoes or kitchen utensils. They are also fortune-tellers.
1. Origin and location in Colombia
Roma, or Rom, people arrived in Colombia in the 16th century from European countries
such as Spain and Portugal. Rom originally meant ‘men of low class who live on singing and
dancing’. They live in Bolívar, Antioquia, Tolima and Nariño.

Girls and boys get married when they are teenagers. Roma people don’t value individuality
because they belong to a clan. They only learn to read and write. They are bilingual: they
speak their native language, Romany, and Spanish.

B The Palenqueros

The women go to Cartagena every day to sell fruit and sweets. They wear colourful clothes
that represent the colours of the rainbow, and to show they are happy. Women carry
water from casimbas (holes near the river where they store the water). The men often
work on farms.

The Palenqueros suffer from racial discrimination. Many don’t know how to read or write.
They need more support from the government because they don’t have electricity or
running water. They live in extreme poverty.

They speak Palenquero, a language that combines Spanish and African languages. They have
9 7 a ritual for the dead called Lumbalú. They don’t cry. They sing, play the marimba and the

drums, and dance around the dead person to say goodbye.

The Palenqueros are descended from African slaves. Today, the Palenqueros form a group
of 3,500 inhabitants of Palenque de San Basilio, which is located in Montes de María, three
hours away from Cartagena. In 2005, UNESCO declared San Basilio a ‘masterpiece of the
oral and intangible heritage of humanity’.

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