Department P - Food Preservation
Ball & Kerr "Fresh Preserving" PRODUCTS Presents
Ball "Fresh Preserving" AWARD for Adult Level
Newell Brands Inc., marketers of Ball and Kerr Fresh Preserving Products is proud to
recognize today's fresh preserving (canning) enthusiasts. Awards for 1st and 2nd place will
be presented to individuals whose home canned entry is selected the best in the category.
A panel of judges will select the top two entries for Fruits, Vegetables, Pickles, and Soft Spreads
categories. Entries must be preserved in Ball Jars and sealed with Ball Lids and Bands
specially designed for home canning or preserved in Kerr™ Jars sealed with Kerr™ Lids and
Bands. In addition, entries in the soft spread category must be prepared using Ball Pectin:
Classic, Low or No Sugar Needed or Liquid. Proof of pectin purchase in the form of a receipt
or product UPC must be submitted with entry.
Entries from each category honored with the First Place award will receive:
• Two (2) five dollar ($5.00) coupons for Ball or Kerr Fresh Preserving Products.
• One (1) Free (up to $6 value) coupon for Ball Pectin.
Entries from each category honored with the Second Place award will receive:
• One (1) five dollar ($5.00) coupons for Ball or Kerr Fresh Preserving Products.
• One (1) Free (up to $6 value) coupon for Ball Pectin.
Grandstand Entertainment
William Michael Morgan
Monday, October 2
7:30 pm
Home Furnishings
Department Q
Polly Caudle, Clemmons, NC
Carolyn Marlow, Billie Kimel, Baxter & Karen Cromer
**NEW** Exhibits are to be brought to the Education Building
Saturday, Sept. 23 from 10:00 am until 4:00 pm and Sunday, Sept. 24 from 12:00pm until 4:00pm
Judging: Monday, September 25
1. Exhibitors may only enter one item per item number.
2. Item must have been completed after October 15, 2016 of previous Fair. If you have entered your
item in a previous year it may not be entered again. All articles must be complete.
3. If design is copied from a picture in any medium, it is not considered original.
4. No premiums will be awarded to articles of inferior quality.
5. The Fair reserves the right to refuse entry of any exhibit that does not comply with the rules.
6. Please pin entry tag to lower right front side of article for quilts and afghans.
7. On picture frames, attach entry tag to upper right hand corner so that tag hangs over top of frame.
Remember frame cannot be over 20 x 24.
Judging Criteria
General Appearance (of completed article): Design, Individuality, Color/Texture Combinations, Cleanli-
ness, Design Appropriate for Use.
Workmanship (of completed article): Uniformity, Technique.
Presentation (of completed article): Design and Coordination, Appropriateness, Workmanship.
Department Q - Section 101 - Quilts
**NEW** Quilts will now be accepted with exhibits and must be brought to the Education Building
Saturday, Sept. 23 from 10:00 am until 4:00 pm and Sunday, Sept. 24 from 12:00pm until 4:00pm
Judging will be held on Monday, September 25
Q-3 Premiums: 1st: $40 2nd: $35 3rd: $30
Q-4 Appliqued
Q-5 Appliqued and Pieced
Q-6 Beginners - Any Technique (must be first quilt)
Q-7 Cathedral & yo yo
Q-8 Constructed by one person, professionally machine quilted
Q-9 Hand Quilted
Q-10 Machine Quilted by Exhibitor
Made by Group or Club - Any Technique
Quilt Block - ( Do Not Frame)
Baby - (crib size)
Q-11 Judge’s Choice - Quilts - Do Not Enter - $50 & Rosette
Will be selected from 1st place winners of above categories.
Captain Jim
See Calendar of Events
for times and location
Q-15 Department Q - Section 102 - Afghans
Q-17 Premiums: 1st: $20 2nd: $15 3rd: $10
Q-18 Baby - Crocheted
Q-19 Crocheted - Lap quilt - 40” x 50”
Q-20 Knitted - Lap quilt - 40” x 50”
Q-21 Crocheted - Acrylic - 50” x 70” or over
Crocheted - Wool - 50” x 70” or over
Knitted - Acrylic - 50” x 70” or over
Knitted - Wool - 50” x 70” or over
Q-22 Judge’s Choice - Afghans - Do Not Enter - $30 & Rosette
Will be selected from 1st place winners of above categories.
Department Q - Section 103 - Linens
Q-23 Premiums: 1st: $8 2nd: $6 3rd: $4
Q-24 Kitchen Towel - Decorated
Q-25 Kitchen Towel - Practical
Q-26 Pillowcase - Colored (1) (pink, yellow, blue, etc.)
Q-27 Pillowcase - Decorated
Pillowcase - White (1)
Q-29 Premiums: 1st: $15 2nd: $12 3rd: $10
Q-30 Table Cloth - Crocheted
Table Cloth - Everyday
Q-31 Table Cloth - Formal
Q-33 Premiums: 1st: $8 2nd: $6 3rd: $4
Table - Placemats - Crocheted (4)
Table - Placemats - Other (4)
Table Runner - 40” or longer (any needlework)
Q-34 Judge’s Choice - Lines - Do Not Enter - $10 & Rosette
Will be selected from 1st place winners of above categories.
Department Q - Section 104 - Pillows
Premiums: 1st: $8 2nd: $6 3rd: $4
Q-44 Needlepoint
Q-40 Appliqued
Q-42 Candlewicking Q-45 Quilted
Crewel Embroidery Q-46 Cross Stitch or Embroidery
Q-47 Judge’s Choice - Pillows - Do Not Enter - $30 & Rosette
Will be selected from 1st place winners of above categories.
2017 Fair - September 29 - October 8
Q-49 Department Q - Section 105 - Pictures
Q-51 Premiums: 1st: $12 2nd: $10 3rd: $8
Q-52 Cross Stitch - Animals (Dogs, Cats, Horses, etc.)
Q-53 Cross Stitch - Birds
Q-54 Cross Stitch - Buildings, Homes, etc.
Q-55 Cross Stitch - Christmas or Other Holiday
Q-56 Cross Stitch - Flowers
Q-57 Cross Stitch - Nursery or Children
Cross Stitch - Religious
Cross Stitch - Seashells, Seascapes, etc.
Cross Stitch - Wildlife (deer, tiger, etc.)
Q-58 Premiums: 1st: $20 2nd: $18 3rd: $16
Cross Stitch - Original Design
Q-59 Premiums: 1st: $20 2nd: $18 3rd: $16
Q-60 Sampler - Cross Stitch
Q-62 Premiums: 1st: $12 2nd: $10 3rd: $8
Premiums: 1st: $20 2nd: $18 3rd: $16
Needlepoint - Original
Premiums: 1st: $12 2nd: $10 3rd: $8
Needlepoint - Standard or Graph Design
Q-63 Judge’s Choice - Pictures - Do Not Enter - $10 & Rosette
Will be selected from 1st place winners of above categories.
** Pictures - Size Limit including frame is 20" x 24" **
Wall Hangings May Only Be Entered In Wall Hangings Category
Roger Abrahamson, Wood Bowl Turner
Daily Performances - Located In Yesterday Village
Department Q - Section 106 - Household Accessories
Premiums: 1st: $12 2nd: $10 3rd: $8
Q-64 Crocheted Items Q-69 Dolls - Ceramics or Porcelain
Q-65 Doilies - Crocheted Q-70 Dolls - Soft Sculpture
Q-66 Floor Cloth (not over 3’ x 5’) Q-71 Dolls - Other
Q-67 Needlework on Plastic Q-72 Stuffed Toy
Q-68 Rug (not over 3’ x 5’) Q-73 Tatting
Q-74 Mini Doll Quilt
Q-75 Wall Hanging - Hand Quilted, Ready to Hang (no larger than 2’ x 3’)
Q-76 Wall Hanging - Machine Made, Ready to Hang (no larger than 2’ x 3’)
Q-77 Wall Hanging, Art Quilt, any technique (no larger than 2' x 3')
(Must include rod for hanging) (No Frames)
Q-78 Judge’s Choice - Household Accessories - Do Not Enter - $10 & Rosette
Will be selected from 1st place winners of above categories.
Department Q - Section 107 - Holiday and
Special Occasion Decorations
Door Decorations may not exceed 24” in any direction.
Christmas Premiums: 1st: $12 2nd: $10 3rd: $8
Q-79 Door Decoration - Entirely Original
Q-80 Door Decoration - Pattern or Instructions
Q-81 Gift Package - Entirely Original
Q-82 Gift Package - Pattern
Q-83 Stocking - Entirely Original
Q-84 Stocking - Pattern or Instructions
Q-85 Table Decoration - Entirely Original
Q-86 Table Decoration - Pattern or Instructions
Q-87 Tree Ornament (must bring 2 ornaments) - Entirely Original
Q-88 Tree Ornament (must bring 2 ornaments) - Pattern or Instructions
Q-89 Tree Skirt - Entirely Original
Q-90 Tree Skirt - Pattern or Instructions
Easter Door Decoration - Entirely Original
Q-91 Door Decoration - Pattern or Instructions
Q-92 Easter Basket
Q-94 Door Decoration - Entirely Original
Q-95 Door Decoration - Pattern or Instructions
Q-96 Door Decoration - Entirely Original
Q-97 Door Decoration - Pattern or Instructions
Q-98 Door Decoration - Entirely Original
Q-99 Door Decoration - Pattern or Instructions
Q-100 Table Decoration - Entirely Original
Q-101 Table Decoration - Pattern or Instructions
Department Q - Section 107 - Holiday and
Special Occasion Decorations
Door Decorations may not exceed 24” in any direction.
Valentine’s Day Premiums: 1st: $12 2nd: $10 3rd: $8
Q-102 Door Decoration - Entirely Original
Q-103 Door Decoration - Pattern or Instructions
Q-104 Judge’s Choice - Original - Do Not Enter - $10 & Rosette
Will be selected from 1st place winners of above categories.
Q-105 Judge’s Choice - Pattern - Do Not Enter - $10 & Rosette
Will be selected from 1st place winners of above categories.
Department Q - Section 108 - Other
Premiums: 1st: $12 2nd: $10 3rd: $8
Permanent Flower Arrangements
Q-106 Arrangement - Cornshuck Q-109 Arrangement - Silk Flowers
Q-110 Creative Twist Flowers
Q-107 Arrangement - Dried
Q-108 Arrangement - Handmade Flowers Q-111 Dried Materials (cultivated or roadside)
Q-112 Candle - Handmade (plain)
Q-113 Candle - Handmade (decorated - any occasion)
Wreaths Q-117 Wreath - Pine Cone
Q-114 Wreath - Made from Creative Twist
Q-115 Wreath - Cornshuck
Q-116 Wreath - Grapevine - Decorated
Q-118 Judge’s Choice - Household Accessories - Do Not Enter - $10 & Rosette
Will be selected from 1st place winners of above categories.
Department Q - Section 109 - Something Old-Something New
Something Old - Something New!
Premiums: 1st: $25 2nd: $20 3rd: $15
Q-119 (No Holiday - No Kits!) Maximum size: 12” high and 18” in length. Judged on
originality and attractiveness.
Mobile Robots
See Calendar of Events For Times and Location
Senior Adult
Department R
Presented by: Piedmont Federal Savings Bank
Donna Cartner - 336-766-5783
Assistant Superintendent
Linda Bryson
Committee Members
Karen Walter,Bill Walter, Sam Walter, Mark Cartner,
David Styers, Dorothy Parker, Scott Bryson
Exhibits (INCLUDING QUILTS) are to be brought to the Education Building
Saturday,Sept.23 from10:00amuntil4:00pmandSunday,Sept.24from12:00pmuntil4:00pm
Judging: Monday, Sept. 25
Exhibits released Monday, October 9 from 10:00 am until 6:00 pm
1. Entries are open to residents of North Carolina and the following adjacent counties in
Virginia: Carroll, Patrick and Grayson. There is no entry fee. Entries in Senior Adult Division
(55 years and over) must be pre-entered on Dixie Classic Fair entry blanks. Entry blanks
must be fully completed. You must include Exhibitors Name, Address, Phone Number & The
Last Four (4) Digits of the Social Security Number in order to receive prize money. Entry
blanks must be mailed to the Dixie Classic Fair, PO Box 68, Winston-Salem, NC 27102 and
MUST be postmarked no later than September 1.
2. Entries will be acknowledged with an exhibitor’s letter and entry tags for each exhibit.
The exhibitor’s letter will contain instructions on where to bring your exhibit. Entry tags must
be brought attached to the exhibit described on tag. PLEASE ATTACH ENTRY TAG TO
TAG. (Quilts - please attach entry tag to lower right front side of quilt) It will be removed
and returned to you at time of entry by the Department worker. All items are to be picked up
Monday after the Fair. You must bring your Claim Check(s) back with you to pick up your
items on Monday after the Fair. Without the Claim Check, the Fair Management reserves the
right to hold any exhibit for proven ownership.
TERED AGAIN. Exhibitors may only enter one item per item number. Do not enter “Judge’s
Choice” Categories, all first place winners will be considered. Exhibitor must be an amateur.
Paid instructors are not eligible to enter in this department. All entries must be original
and must have been completed after previous year’s Fair. Any and all articles obnoxious or
repulsive in character (including nudity) will be forbidden entry, or if entered without being fully
known, shall be removed at once. Clothing entries will be disqualified if soiled. Signs or cards
on any exhibit designating that products are for sale will not be permitted. Superintendents
reserve the right of selection on questions of originality, categories and framing. Judges’
decision is final.
4. Art exhibit must be within the Size Limits which is not over 24” in any direction
(including frames).
5. Entries not entered correctly will not be judged, only displayed. The right is reserved to
refuse entry of any exhibit that does not comply with the above rules.
6. The Fair Management, Employees, Department Workers and Volunteers will take
every precaution to protect exhibits but will not be held responsible for any loss, break-
age or damage to any article on exhibit.
Department R - Section 101 - Senior Adult
Premiums: 1st: $20 2nd: $15 3rd: $10
R-1 Afghan - Baby
R-2 Afghan - Crocheted (50” x 70” or over)
R-3 Afghan - All other types
Premiums: 1st: $40 2nd: $35 3rd: $30
(Minimum Quilt Size is 3' x 4')
R-4 Quilt - Hand Quilted (Machine pieced - Original Design)
R-5 Quilt - Hand Quilted (Machine pieced - Commercial Pattern)
R-6 Premiums: 1st: $35 2nd: $30 3rd: $25
R-7 Quilt - Baby (Any technique - Original Design)
R-8 Quilt - Baby (Any technique - Commercial Pattern)
R-9 Quilt - Machine Quilted (Machine pieced, Original Design)
R-10 Quilt - Machine Quilted (Machine pieced, Commercial Pattern)
R-11 Quilt - Applique (Any technique, Origianl Design)
R-12 Quilt - Applique (Any technique, Commercial Pattern)
R-13 Quilt - Pre-printed Fabric
Quilt - Computerized Machine Quilted - machine Pieced
R-14 Premiums: 1st: $10 2nd: $8 3rd: $6
R-15 Sewing
R-16 Crocheted small item (hat, scarf, baby, etc.)
R-17 Knitted Small Item (hat, scarf, baby, etc.)
R-18 Needlework (crewel, cross stitch, embroidery)
R-19 Sweatshirt - Decorated
R-20 Scherenschnitte - 12"x12" or less
R-21 Kitchen Towel - Decorated
R-22 Pillow (all types)
Tote Bag - Decorated
Premiums: 1st: $20 2nd: $15 3rd: $10
(Pictures and Group Projects Must Be Original and Ready For Display)
R-23 Art - Original Drawing - Charcoal or Pen and Ink - Framed
R-24 Art - Original - Acrylic - Framed
R-25 Art - Original - Oil - Framed
R-26 Art - Original - Watercolor - Framed
Premiums: 1st: $15 2nd: $10 3rd: $8
(All Quilted wall hangings will be judged with exhibit entries, Not with Quilts)
R-27 Wallhanging (not pictures) 18” x 24” or less
R-28 Wallhanging (not pictures) over 18” x 24”
R-29 Premiums: 1st: $10 2nd: $8 3rd: $6
R-30 Ceramic
R-31 Decorative Painting on Wood, Metal or Fabric
R-32 Embossing - any material - 12"x12" or less
R-33 Any Holiday decor constructed with recyclable items
R-34 Easter Bunny - any media
R-35 Christmas Tree Ornament (1)
R-36 Holiday Decor (except tree ornaments and ceramic)
R-37 Santa Claus (any media)
R-38 Any Holiday Door Decoration (original)
Gourd - Decorated
Department R - Section 101 - Senior Adult
Premiums: 1st: $10 2nd: $8 3rd: $6
R-39 Decorated Note Cards (3 note cards) R-43 Wreaths (all types)
R-41 Doll Clothes (on or off doll) R-44 Jewelry - Handmade (1 piece)
Stuffed Toys and Stuffed Dolls R-45 Miniatures
Flower Arrangement (silk or dried)
R-46 Premiums: 1st: $15 2nd: $10 3rd: $8
Wood Carving (2 ft. x 2 ft. or smaller)
R-47 Premiums: 1st: $10 2nd: $8 3rd: $6
R-48 Woodworking - Small Items (not to exceed 3 ft. x 3 ft.)
R-49 Wood Burning
Basketry - Reed or Cane - 10" wide and under
R-50 Premiums: 1st: $20 2nd: $15 3rd: $10
Group Project - Any Media (3 ft. x 1 ft. or smaller)
Group Projects Must Be Original and Ready For Display
R-51 Premiums: 1st: $10 2nd: $8 3rd: $6
R-52 Yard or Garden Decoration (5 ft. high or smaller)
Other - any handmade article, any media that portrays the Fair Theme
"Always a Classic", 18" x 24" or less
R-53 Judge’s Choice - Art- Do Not Enter - $30 & Rosette
Will be selected from 1st place winners of R-23 - R-27 categories.
R-54 Judge’s Choice - Afghan- Do Not Enter - $30 & Rosette
Will be selected from 1st place winners of R-1 thru R-3 categories.
R-55 Judge’s Choice - Quilting- Do Not Enter - $50 & Rosette
Will be selected from 1st place winners of R-4 - R-13 categories
R-56 Judge’s Choice - Best In Show - Do Not Enter - $50 & Rosette
Will be selected from 1st place winners of R-1 thru R-52 categories.
Tuesday, October 3
Yesterday Village
Wine Tasting
5:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Visit The
Mid-Atlantic Southeastern
Wine Display
Bluegrass Music
Jeff Foxall, Craig Smith,
Scott Huffman and Robert Sprye
Bowl Turner
Roger Abrahamson
Department R - Section 102 - Senior Adult Creative Writing
Donna Cartner - 336-766-5783
Judging: Monday, Sept. 25
Essays Released Monday, October 9 between 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
1. Entries close and must be postmarked by September 1. Contestant must send Essay
with entry blank to Dixie Classic Fair, PO Box 68, Winston-Salem, NC 27102 or bring to
Fair Administrative Office, 421 W. 27th Street, Gate 9. If you have questions, please call Fair
Office (336) 727-2236. The last four (4) digits of the Exhibitor's Social Security Number
must be listed on entry blank in order to receive any premium monies.
2. Essay must follow the theme and must be clearly printed or typed on one 8 1/2" x 11"
sheet of white paper - no notebook paper and no staples. Do not use folders. Do not
send pictures. Please print your name and address, age and telephone number on reverse
side of Essay - upper right hand corner - not on front page.
3. The Fair reserves the right to use Essays for publicity and promotional purposes.
4. Winning Essays will be on display and other essays will be displayed in a book for every-
one to see in the Education Building Senior Adult Section during the Fair. Essays must be
picked up at this location on Oct. 9, 2017. Fair is not responsible for Essays not picked up
by specified release day.
5. Age requirement is 55 years or older.
" Write about the traits you got from your parents""
R-57 Premiums: 1st: $15 2nd: $10 3rd: $8
Sr. Adult Creative Writing
Marvelous Mutts
See Calendar of Events For Times and Location
Senior Adult Day Fun Time
Presented by Piedmont Federal Savings Bank
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
Gates Open at 9:00 am
Buses & vans unload at Gate 11 on 28th Street - Tuesday, October 3,
Only Buses & vans may park in Gate 8 Parking Lot (27th Street)
Yesterday Village
10:00 am - Noon
Echoes from the Past
What is now known as the Dixie Classic Fair began
as a Wheat Exhibition in Salem in 1882
Apprearing in Costume Representative from Old Salem
Wine Tasting Pavilion in Yesterday Village
Sponsored by Piedmont Federal Savings Bank
10:00 am-12:00 pm
Craft making for Seniors - Free
(Moravian Crafts, Jewelry Making, Painting, Bird Houses)
Arena 1
Sponsored by Piedmont Federal Savings Bank
10:00 am - Noon
Bingo - Free
Popcorn provided
Clock Tower Stage
12:00 noon
"Risen Son"
(Gospel Quartet)
Clock Tower Stage
1:00 PM
"8 Pound Hammer"
(Bluegrass Band)
Clock Tower Stage
2:00 PM
"Tabernacle of Christ Praise Team"
Clock Tower Stage
Sponsored by the W-S Parks & Recreation Dept.
4:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Snappy Tappers - Senior Tap Group
4:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Come Learn to Dance and Have Fun
5:00 pm - 5:30 pm
South Fork Cloggers - Senior Clogging Group
5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
W-S City Kickers and Nifty Over Fifty
Dance for Fun Demonstrations
Department RR
Clarke Stephens, Walkertown, NC - 336-661-0112
Jerry Tuttle, Della Stephens, Pernell Collett
Ryan Hester, Pat Idol
Exhibits are to be brought to the Yesterday Village - Restored Log Museum
Saturday, Sept. 23 from 10:00 am - 4:00 pm and Sunday, Sept. 24 from 12:00pm - 4:00pm
Judging: Monday, September 25
Exhibits released Monday, October 9 from 10:00 am until 6:00 pm
1. Entries are open to residents of North Carolina and the following adjacent counties
in Virginia: Carroll, Patrick and Grayson. There is no entry fee. All exhibits must be pre-
entered on Dixie Classic Fair entry blanks. Entry blanks must be fully completed. You
must include Exhibitors Name, Address, Phone Number & The Last Four (4) Digits of the
Social Security Number in order to receive prize money. Entry blanks must be mailed to
the Dixie Classic Fair, PO Box 68, Winston-Salem, NC 27102 and MUST be postmarked no
later than September 1.
2. Entries will be acknowledged with an exhibitor’s letter and entry tags for each exhibit.
The exhibitor’s letter will contain instructions on where to bring your exhibit. Entry tags must
be brought attached to the exhibit described on tag. Please write a very brief description
of your item on the front side of entry tag. PLEASE ATTACH ENTRY TAG TO UPPER
CHECK FROM TAG. It will be removed and returned to you at time of entry by the Depart-
ment worker. All items are to be picked up Monday after the Fair. You must bring your Claim
Check(s) back with you to pick up your items on Monday after the Fair. Without the Claim
Check, the Fair Management reserves the right to hold any exhibit for proven ownership.
TERED AGAIN. Exhibitors may only enter one item per item number. Do not enter “Judge’s
Choice” Categories, all first place winners will be considered. Judges’ decision is final.
Premiums will be paid out only from the judging results and not from ribbons or tags on the
4. Entries not entered correctly will not be judged, only displayed. The right is reserved to
refuse entry of any exhibit that does not comply with the above rules.
5. The Fair Management, Employees, Department Workers and Volunteers will take
every precaution to protect exhibits but will not be held responsible for any loss, break-
age or damage to any article on exhibit.
Items must be at least 50 years old or older. No reproductions or copies
will be accepted. All collections must be displayed neatly together in frames, display
boxes, cases, etc. Do Not use staples or tape on items. Place small items/books in
resealable, clear plastic bags and attach entry tag to bag.
Department RR - Section 101 - Antiques
RR-1 Premiums: 1st: $25 2nd: $20 3rd: $15 4th: $10
RR-2 Accessories (hat, gloves, shoes, purse, scarf, etc.) (1-3 items)
RR-3 Bible (1 item)
RR-4 Book (1 item)
RR-5 Cookbook (1) item
RR-6 Bottles - Perfume ONLY (collection of 3 to 6) must be in small box
RR-7 Ceramics (1 item)
Civil War Item (1 item)
Department RR - Section 101 - Antiques
RR-8 Premiums: 1st: $25 2nd: $20 3rd: $15 4th: $10
RR-9 Clock (1 item)
RR-10 Clothes (dress, blouse, coat, etc.) (1 item)
RR-11 Cookie Cutters - Tin (3 - 6 items)
RR-12 Cookie Jars (1 item)
RR-13 Documents (no less than 3 or more than 6)
RR-14 Doll (1 item)
RR-15 Envelopes / Closures - stamped and postmarked (12 or more)
RR-16 Eyeglasses (1 item)
RR-17 Furniture, small (1 item - size limit: 3’h x 2’w x 3’l)
RR-18 Glass - Butter Dish (1 item)
RR-19 Glass - Crystal (1 item)
RR-20 Glass - Depression (1 item)
RR-21 Glass - Vaseline (1 item)
RR-22 Glass - Other (1 item)
RR-23 Household Items (cooking utensils, candelabra, etc.) (1 item)
RR-24 Jewelry - Ladies Watch (1 item)
RR-25 Jewelry - Men’s Watch (1 item)
RR-26 Jewelry (ring, earrings, necklace) (1 item)
RR-27 Jugs - Crocks (1 item)
RR-28 Linens (1 item)
RR-29 Magazine (in plastic bag) (1 item)
RR-30 Medical Instrument, Supplies, etc. (1 item)
RR-31 Military Item (1 item)
RR-32 Newspaper (in plastic bag) (1 item)
RR-33 Oil Lamp - (1 item) No Oil, less than 28"
RR-34 Pewter, Brass, Copper (1 item)
RR-35 Painting, Print, Poster (framed or mounted) (1 item) size limit: 40” including frame
RR-36 Paper - Holiday Cards (valentine, Christmas, etc.) (3 to 6 items)
RR-37 Photographs Developed From Negative (in plastic bag or mounted) (1 photo)
RR-38 Photography Equipment (1 item)
RR-39 Postcards (collection of postcards displayed in notebook (no holiday cards)
RR-40 Postcards - Holiday (6 or more)
RR-41 Pottery (1 item)
RR-42 Publication - Other Than Magazine (1 item)
RR-43 Quilt or Coverlet (1 item)
RR-44 Salt and Pepper Shakers (1 set)
RR-45 Scrapbook (1 book)
RR-46 Silver - Table Serving Piece (1 item)
RR-47 Sporting Equipment (1 item)
RR-48 Tins (talcum powder, spices, etc.) (1 item)
RR-49 Tobacco Products Collection (tags, pipes, etc.)
RR-50 Tobacco Item (tins, advertising, signs, etc.) (1 item)
Match Industry (matchbooks, match boxes, match safes, match grips, etc.)
RR-51 (collection of 12 or more) Must be displayed in display box.
RR-52 Tools (cobbler, blacksmith, felling, finishing, measuring, etc.) (1 item)
RR-53 Toy (1 item)
RR-54 Wooden Item (butter mold, bucket, etc.) (1 item)
Piece Relating to Forsyth County/Winston-Salem (1 item)
RR-55 Judge’s Choice - Antiques - Do Not Enter - $25 & Rosette
Will be selected from 1st place winners of above categories.
Judging Criteria
Condition: 35 points Rarity: 50 points Original Finish (usability): 15 points
Total: 100 points
Mid-Atlantic Southeastern 2017 Wine Competition
Department S1
August 12-13, 2017
Jim Collins 336-727-2236
Cheryl Collins, Sue Wright
The Dixie Classic Fair is sponsoring the Commercial and Amateur Wine Competition and
Display to encourage, stimulate and enrich the reputation of Southeastern vineyards and
wineries that produce wines of outstanding quality. The uniqueness of this competition gives
creditability to the wine industry and it’s future.
1. Competition is open to any commercial vineyard, winery or amateur in GA, NC, SC, TN,
VA and WV. Amateur wine makers may only enter categories S1-70 thru S1-84.
2. All commercial wines entered must comply with state and federal regulations and standards
of quality. Only wine produced and bottled in GA, NC, SC, TN, VA and WV will be accepted.
3. Wine can be shipped or brought to the Fair office. Entries will be accepted starting July 3, 2017.
Deadline for wine entries is July 28,2017. This is the final deadline and there will be no exceptions.
4. Entry Fee: $10.00 per commercial entry, $5.00 per amatuer entry and must accompany
wine being shipped. All entry fees are non-refundable.
5. Shipping: Please enclose in your shipping box the entry form completed in full and your
entry fee in the form of check or money order. Please type or print clearly. Use multiple lines
if necessary. Make (2) two copies of the entry form, send original with shipment and retain
one copy for your records. When sending one box, mark box 1 of 1. When sending multiple
boxes please mark boxes 1 of 5, 2 of 5, etc. Always place your check or money order in Box 1.
6. Ship wines to this Address ONLY: Dixie Classic Fair, 421 West 27th Street, Winston-Salem,
NC 27105. Exhibitor is responsible for all shipping cost of their wines. The Dixie Classic Fair
will not accept wine on a C.O.D. basis.
7. The wine entry form provided in the back of the catalog must be filled out in full and signed by
the wine maker. Information must be true and correct. Violations will result in disqualification of all
awards. Telephone, email, cell and fax numbers must be listed in case coordinator needs to call.
8. Exhibitors may enter more than one wine per class. An official entry must consist of (2) two
bottles of each entry. If bottles are smaller than 750 ml, (3) three bottles are required. One
bottle will be used for judging and the other for display. Wine will be displayed during the entire Fair.
9. ONLY wines made from at least 75% (percent) fruit grown in the Mid-Atlantic South-
eastern Region (GA, NC, SC, TN, VA and WV) will be eligible to compete for Rosettes
for Best White Dry Wine, Best Red Dry Wine, Best White Sweet Wine, Best Red Sweet
Wine and Best Dessert & Fruit Wine and a Trophy For Best In Show for Commercial
entries and a Rosette for Best Amateur for Amateur entries. There is a column on the
entry form to indicate this information.
10. Judging Dates: August 12 and 13, 2017. No winners will be announced over the phone.
Information will be provided on our website ( by September 30, and winners are
posted where the wine is displayed.
11. Judges decisions are final. Judges may move wines to another category if they think it
was entered incorrectly.
12. Judges will give awards on a merit basis and instructed to grant no awards when in their
opinion, wines are unworthy. They are also empowered to grant duplicate awards in categories
if the quality of wines so merit.
13. All display wine must be picked up at the Fair office between October 10-13, 2017. Any
wine not picked up by October 14 will become property of the Dixie Classic Fair and will be
disposed of. The Dixie Classic Fair will not ship any wine back to exhibitors.
Department S1 - 2017 Mid-Atlantic Southeastern Wine Competition
Medals Per Class: Gold, Silver and Bronze
Rosettes: Best White Dry Wine, Best Red Dry Wine, Best White Sweet Wine,
Best Red Sweet Wine, Best Dessert & Fruit Wine, Best Amateur
Trophy - Best In Show
Department S1 - Section 101 - Commercial
Item # White Dry(Commercial Only) Item # Pinot Grigio / Gris
1 Sparkling 8 Proprietary Blend
2 Vidal Blanc 9 Seyval Blanc
3 Viognier 10 Traminette
4 Sauvignon Blanc 11 Blush (non sweet)
5 Chardonnay 12 Other
6 Chardonnay, Barrel Fermented 13
7 Chardonel
Item # Red Dry(Commercial Only) Item # Cabernet Sauvignon
14 Pinot Noir 20 Petite Verdot
15 Italian Style 21 Norton or Cynthiana
(Barbera, Nebbiolo or Sangiovese) 22 Propietary Blend
16 Cabernet Franc 23 Premium Blend ($20 & over)
17 Syrah / Shariz 24 Other
18 Chambourcin 25
19 Merlot
Item # White Sweet (Commercial Only) Item # Blush
26 Traminette 31 Blend
27 Riesling 32 Semi Sweet
28 Semi-Sweet Blend 33 Sparkling
29 Carlos 34 Other
30 Other Muscadine 35
Item # Red Sweet (Commercial Only) Item # Semi Sweet
36 Noble 39 Other
37 Other Muscadine
38 Blend 40
Item # Dessert & Fruit (Commercial Only) Item #
42 Dessert 48 Strawberry
43 Blends
44 Hard Cider 49 Honey / Mead
45 Fortified Wines
46 Apple 50 Low / No-Alcohol Wine
47 Other
Peach 51
Blueberry 52
Blackberry 53
Department S1 - Section 102 - Amateur
Item # Amateur Only Winemakers Item #
71 White Vinifera 78 Red Muscadine
73 White Domestic 79 Dessert
75 White Hybrid 80 Fruit
77 Red Vinifera 81 Sparkling
Red Domestic 82 Sweet Other
Red Hybrid 83 Honey / Mead
Dry Other 84 Hard Cider
White Muscadine
Essay Contest
Department S2
Theme: "Always A Classic"
Essays must be mailed in with Entry Form.
They will be released Monday, October 9, between
10:00 am - 6:00 pm at the Education Building
Judging: Monday, September 18
1. Entries close and must be postmarked by September 1. Exhibitor must send Essay
with entry form to Dixie Classic Fair, PO Box 68, Winston-Salem, NC 27102 or bring to the
Fair Administrative Office, 421 West 27th Street, Gate 9. If you have questions, please call
Fair office at 336.727.2236. Exhibitor’s last (4) four digits of his/her Social Security
Number must be listed on entry form in order to receive any premium monies.
2. Essay must follow the theme and must be clearly printed or typed on one 8 1/2” x 11”
sheet of white paper (no notebook paper and no staples). Do not use folders. Do not send
pictures. Please print your name and address, age and telephone number on reverse side
of Essay - upper right hand corner- not on the front page.
3. The Fair reserves the right to use Essays for publicity and promotional purposes.
4. Winning Essays will be on display and other essays will be displayed in a book for
everyone to see in the Education Building during the Fair. Essays must be picked up at the
same location on October 9, 2017. Fair is not responsible for Essays not picked up by speci-
fied release day.
5. Essays not following the rules will be disqualified.
Judging Criteria
Quality of Expression: 35 pts Sincerity: 25 pts Originality: 25 pts Neatness: 15 pts
Total Points: 100
Department S2 - Section 101 - Essay Contest
Item# Theme: "Always A Classic"
S2-2 Premiums: 1st: $10 2nd: $8 3rd: $6
Grades 1st & 2nd
S2-4 Premiums: 1st: $12 2nd: $10 3rd: $8
S2-5 Grades 3rd & 4th
S2-3 Judge’s Choice - Essay Contest - Do Not Enter - $10 & Rosette
S2-7 Will be selected from 1st place winners of above categories.
Premiums: 1st: $15 2nd: $12 3rd: $10
Grades 5th & 6th
Premiums: 1st: $18 2nd: $16 3rd: $12
Grades 7th & 8th
S2-6 Judge’s Choice - Essay Contest - Do Not Enter - $10 & Rosette
Will be selected from 1st place winners of above categories.
Premiums: 1st: $20 2nd: $18 3rd: $15
Grades 9th - 12th
Premiums: 1st: $22 2nd: $20 3rd: $18
Adults 19 & older
S2-9 Judge’s Choice - Essay Contest - Do Not Enter - $10 & Rosette
Will be selected from 1st place winners of above categories.
Poetry Contest
Department S3
Poetry must be mailed in with Entry Form.
They will be released Monday, October 9, between
10:00 am - 6:00 pm at the Education Building
Judging: Monday, September 18
1. Entries close and must be postmarked by September 1. Exhibitor must send Poem with
entry form to Dixie Classic Fair, PO Box 68, Winston-Salem, NC 27102 or bring to the Fair
Administrative Office, 421 West 27th Street, Gate 9. If you have questions, please call Fair
office at 336.727.2236. Exhibitor’s last (4) four digits of his/her Social Security Number
must be listed on entry form in order to receive any premium monies.
2. Exhibitor must create an original poem that follows any subject and any style.
Poem must be no more than thirty (30) lines. Only one (1) poem per exhibitor. Poem must
be clearly printed or typed on one 8 1/2” x 11” sheet of white paper (no notebook paper and
no staples). Do not use folders. Do not send pictures. Please print your name and address,
age and telephone number on reverse side of Essay - upper right hand corner- not on the
front page.
3. The Fair reserves the right to use Poems for publicity and promotional purposes.
4. Winning Poems will be on display and other poems will be displayed in a book for every-
one to see in the Education Building during the Fair. Poems must be picked up at the same
location on October 9, 2017. Fair is not responsible for Poems not picked up by specified
release day.
5. Poems not following the rules will be disqualified.
Judging Criteria
Creativity: 50 points Narrative/Rhyme: 30 points Neatness: 20 points
Total Points: 100
Department S3 - Section 101 - Poetry Contest
Item # Premiums: 1st: $10 2nd: $9 3rd: $8
S3-1 Grades 1st & 2nd
S3-2 Premiums: 1st: $15 2nd: $12 3rd: $10
Grades 3rd & 4th
S3-3 Judge’s Choice - Poetry Contest - Do Not Enter - $10 & Rosette
Will be selected from 1st place winners of above categories.
S3-4 Premiums: 1st: $20 2nd: $15 3rd: $12
S3-5 Grades 5th & 6th
Premiums: 1st: $25 2nd: $20 3rd: $15
Grades 7th & 8th
S3-6 Judge’s Choice - Poetry Contest - Do Not Enter - $10 & Rosette
Will be selected from 1st place winners of above categories.
S3-7 Premiums: 1st: $35 2nd: $30 3rd: $25
S3-8 Grades 9 - 12
Premiums: 1st: $35 2nd: $30 3rd: $25
Adults 19 & older
S3-9 Judge’s Choice - Poetry Contest - Do Not Enter - $10 & Rosette
Will be selected from 1st place winners of above categories.
Decorated Wreath Contest
Department S4
Theme: "Christmas"
(Artificial Wreaths Only)
Wreaths accepted in Yesterday Village on
Saturday, Sept. 23 between 10:00 am thru 4:00 pm.
and Sunday, Sept. 24 between 12:00pm thru 4:00pm
They must be picked up on Monday, October 9 between 10:00 am thru 6:00 pm.
Judging: Monday, September 25
1. Entries close and must be postmarked by September 1. Exhibitor must send entry
form to Dixie Classic Fair, PO Box 68, Winston-Salem, NC 27102 or bring to the Fair Admin-
istrative Office, 421 West 27th Street, Gate 9. If you have questions, please call Fair office
at 336.727.2236. Exhibitor’s last (4) four digits of his/her Social Security Number must
be listed on entry form in order to receive any premium monies.
2. Competition is open to anyone 18 years and older. Contestant must provide arti-
ficial wreath and all decorations. Wreaths must be equipped for hanging. Wreaths will be
displayed in log church in Yesterday Village. Fair is not responsible for loss or breakage of
items used for decorations.
3. Decorations may not include lights.
4. No food or Candy may be used for decoration.
5. Theme will be "Christmas". Total creative freedom of materials and colors will be given.
Decorations that are chosen must be appropriate for all ages.
6. The Fair reserves the right to withhold premiums if dismantling occurs prior to specified
release day. All rules and regulations must be followed or entry will not be judged. Judge’s
decision is final. Premium checks will be mailed after the Fair and void 60 days after issue.
Judging Criteria
Creativity/Theme Chosen: 20 points Theme Followed: 30 points
Attractiveness/Neatness: 30 points Effort: 20 points
Department S4 - Section 101 - Decorated Wreath
Theme: "Christmas"
Premiums: 1st: $30 2nd: $28 3rd: $25 4th: $20 5th: $18
6th: $16 7th: $15 8th: $12 9th: $10 10th: $8
Item #
1 Decorated Wreath
Decorated Christmas Trees
Department S5
(Artificial Trees Only)
Tree location will be assigned by Contest Coordinator
and each organization will be contacted by phone.
All exhibit materials must be removed from location on Monday
October 9, 2017, between 10:00 am and 6:00 pm ONLY.
Judging is Monday, September 25
No themes will be imposed and total creative freedom to select theme, materials, and colors
will be given to the groups that participate in this years Christmas tree decorating contest.
**NEW**Trees must be decorated on Saturday, Sept. 23, from 10:00 am - 4:00 pm and
Sunday, Sept. 24, from 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm. Tree location will be assigned by coordinator
of contest and each organization will be contacted by phone.
Organizations that are chosen to decorate trees must submit (on the day they decorate) on
8 1/2” x 11” sheet of white paper the theme chosen and how they followed the theme. Paper
must be typed. Organization’s name, contact person, address and phone number must be
typed or written on the reverse side of the paper. DO NOT write organization’s name on the
front of theme paper or include the name in the write up.
Competition is open to YOUTH non-profit organizations only. Youth participation is part
of the judging criteria. There will be 6 tree locations for this years competition, placed in the
church in Yesterday Village.
Entry must be submitted on the "Educational Booth / Christ-
mas Trees" entry blank located in the back of this book.
1. Only entry blanks dated 2017 will be accepted when entering the competition. ALL INFOR-
MATION NEEDED MUST BE ON ENTRY BLANK. Do not forget the federal tax ID number.
If entry blank is not completed properly, the organization will have to submit another form.
2. No entries will be taken over the phone, faxed or on-line. Entries must be received
by September 1. All entries will be placed in a drawing for selection. Organizations that
are chosen will be contacted by phone on September 6th. Chosen organizations will be sent
a letter and entry tag following the drawing.
3. If your entry is accepted and circumstances prevent your organization from decorating the
tree, please contact the fair office immediately. Failure to do so will result in non-eligibility
for the following year.
4. Themes that are chosen by organizations must be appropriate for audiences of all ages
and written on the entry form when mailed.
5. Contestants must provide everything for their exhibit. Artificial tree (7’), May be pre-lit or
pre-strung with lights. No pre-decorated, fiber optic or fiber glow trees will be accepted.
Only green, traditional, layered branch, artificial Christmas trees will be accepted. Size (7 ft.)
6. No items are to be placed under the tree except the tree skirt. Organizations are responsible
for cleaning/sweeping under their tree before judging. (Please bring all supplies with you)
Decortated Christmas Tree Rules and Regulations Continued
7. No lighted candles are allowed due to fire regulations. Fair management reserves the right
to remove any items if they are determined to be improper or hazardous.
8. Each organization must provide a 4” x 6” computer generated sign, stating the name of
the organization, to be displayed on the tree. Sign will be placed on tree after judging has
9. Fair is not responsible for loss or breakage of items used for decorations. Trees will be
exhibited in the church in Yesterday Village.
10. Organizations must have (4) people present and helping decorate the Christmas tree,
(2) of which must be youth. More from the organization may come and take turns if they
so choose. If you are a member of several organizations that have entered, you may only
participate in decorating or dismantling (1) tree.
11. Decorations and trees must be removed on Monday, October 10, from 10:00 am - 6:00
pm. Organization must present exhibitor claim check to coordinator before tear down. Fair
reserves the right to withhold premiums if dismantling occurs prior to specified release day.
Creativity / Theme Chosen 20 points Theme Followed 20 points
Attractiveness/Neatness 20 points Effort 20 points
Youth Participation 20 points
Department S5 - Section 101 - Decorated Christmas Tree
1st: $360 2nd: $325 3rd: $290 4th: $220 5th: $190 6th: $160
Item #
1 Decorated Christmas Tree
Entry must be submitted on the "Educational Booth / Christ-
mas Trees" entry blank located in the back of this book.
A Magic Show that teaches Agricultural facts in a whole new way.
Great entertainment for the whole family.
See Calendar of Events for times and location
Special Food Contests
Department S6
Please Read The Following Rules, They Apply To ALL Special Food Contests.
For Contest-Specific Rules, Please Read Applicable Contest Page.
Pre-entry is required for all special food contests and forms can be found in the back of the cata-
log. Entry must be mailed or entered online by September 1. Entry blank MUST include the last
four (4) digits of the social security number of contestant or entry will not be accepted. Entries
will be acknowledged after September 1 by the Fair Office with an Exhibitor's letter and entry tag.
If you have questions, please call the numbers provided on each contest page or the Fair Office.
Bring entry to Yesterday Village Pavilion on specified day and time. All of the recipe must be
brought when entered unless otherwise stated. Do not attach entry tag to the container of food.
Give entry tag and recipe to Contest Coordinator when checking in. ADMISSION GOOD
FOR CONTESTANT ONLY! Exception: One adult will be admitted free with youth exhibitors.
Contestants will be admitted free at all gates with their entry, but others must pay
gate admission. Space in Gate 8 parking lot is available for free to contestants, but
space is limited and not guaranteed. If parking is full at the Gate 8, a sign will be
placed in front of the lot and contestants will be responsible for finding and pay-
ing their own parking. Parking fees will not be reimbursed. Please come early!
Special Food Contests are for Amateurs Only!...No professionals, unless otherwise stated.
Contestant must be 12 years or older to participate, unless otherwise stated.
Complete recipe should be typed (unless otherwise stated) on an 8 1/2" x 11" sheet
of white paper for all special food contests. **No notebook paper allowed. Type or
write name, address and telephone number on reverse side of recipe in the upper
right corner or use address label and write phone number. Do not write exhibitor's
name on the front of the recipe. DO NOT PLACE RECIPES IN SHEET PROTECTORS.
List all ingredients, exact measurements, all preparation steps and number of
servings. Any recipe with raw eggs in the finished product will be disquali-
fied. If recipe is incomplete or not eligible, entry will be disqualified. Recipe must
be brought with entry on day of contest. Entry may not be entered without recipe.
No non-food decorations, or garnishes. Presentation must be confined to con-
tainer. Physical damage which may occur during transit or handling will not be counted
against the contestant. Entries must be brought in appropriate sized container. If
entry needs to be chilled or kept warm, bring in insulated container or small cooler.
No Sternos Allowed!
Please follow general food safety practices. Recipes become the property of the
Fair and will be used for purposes of publicity, advertising, publishing, promo-
tions, etc. Entry and container will be returned to contestant immediately follow-
ing judging. Judges' decision is final. Premium checks will be mailed after the Fair.
If any rules are not followed, contestant will be disqualified.
WBFJ Heavenly Cake Night
Department S6
Sponsored by :
Kings Klassic Bakery
Pulliams BBQ
Deneen Skyles
Asst. Coordinator
Dawn Schultz
Steve Rogers - 336-414-7642
Bring to Yesterday Village Pavilion
Friday, September 29, between 5:45 pm and 6:45 pm.
Judging will begin promptly at 7:00 pm
Cakes are always a treat at church potlucks, and popular with all ages. Bring your
favorite cake that your family and church friends are crazy about, and enter it at
the Dixie Classic Fair.
Judging Criteria
Taste: 40 points Texture: 30 points Appearance: 30 points
Contest Specific Rules
Must be original recipe. May be any type of cake. Cup cakes - (12), Cake Pops - (12) Sheet
cake or layer cake. All cake must be iced. No cake shall have ready mixes of any kind
including the icing. See General rules on page 171.
This year's 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners recipe may be used during the fair at Kings
Klassic Bakery located in the village.
Contestants are encouraged to bring (5)five cans of food to support our local Food Bank.
Item # Department S6 - Section 101 - WBFJ Heavenly
1 Cake Night
Premiums: 1st: $500 2nd: $150 3rd: $50
WBFJ Heavenly Cake Night
The 2016 1st place winners are not eligible to compete in 2017.
Sponsored by WBFJ, Pulliams BBQ, Kings Klassic Bakery and The Dixie Classic Fair
Village Tavern's
"Fruit Dessert Contest"
Department S6
Sponsored by: Village Tavern
Deneen Skyles
Asst. Coordinator:
Dawn Schultz
Steve Rogers - 336-414-7642
Bring to Yesterday Village Pavilion - Saturday, September 30
between 12:45 pm and 1:45 pm
Judging will begin promptly at 2:00 pm
The Village Tavern invites all baking enthusiusts to enter your family favorite Fruit
Dessert. Each recipe must be homemade. Recipe Must include one (1) or more
types of fruit (fresh, canned or frozen). Can be hot or cold, in any size pan or dish.
Must feed between 6-8 people.
No limit on ingredients. No Professional chefs or bakers may enter.
Recipemustbetypedonan81/2"x11"sheetofpaper. Name,addressandphonenumber
must be either printed or typed on the back of the recipe and should be submitted with entry.
Judging Criteria
Flavor: 50% Texture: 20% Family Appeal: 30%
See General rules on page 171
Item # Department S6 - Section 102 - Village Tavern’s
1 "Fruit Dessert Contest"
Premiums: 1st: $1000 2nd: $300 3rd: $200
Village Tavern "Fruit Dessert Contest"
Sponsored by Village Tavern and The Dixie Classic Fair.
"Hot Off The Grill Recipe Contest"
Department S6
Coordinator: Asst. Coordinator
Deneen Skyles Dawn Schultz
Steve Rogers - 336-414-7642
Bring to Yesterday Village Pavilion - Saturday, September 30
between 6:00 pm and 6:45 pm
Judging will begin promptly at 7:00 pm
Pulloutthegrillandturnupthesmoke. Weinviteyoutocreateyourbestgrilleditem.
Whether it's a MEAT, VEGETABLE, PASTAOR DESSERT, use your imagination.
Entry must be GRILLED. Contestants are encouraged to use any grilling
technique (Smoker, Gas,Charcoal, or Wood). Entry may be hot or cold,
in any size pan or dish, and must feed a minimum of 6 people.
Entries are open to all categories (Desserts, Main Dishes,Appetizers, Salad, etc.)
Recipe should be typed on an 81/2" x 11" sheet of paper. Name, ad-
dress and phone number must be printed or typed on the BACK of the
recipe and should be submitted with the entry. Entries that do not have
the required recipe will not be judged.
Judging Criteria:
Flavor: 50 points Creativity: 25 points
Appearance: 15 points Grill Flavor: 10 points
Department S6 - Section 103 - "Hot Off The Grill Recipe Contest"
Item # Premiums: 1st: $500 2nd: $150 3rd: $50
1 Hot Off The Grill Recipe Contest
Sponsored by Ogburn Electric,
Bib's Downtown, Excel Plumbing and The Dixie Classic Fair.
"Main Dish Challenge"
Recipe Contest
Department S6
Presented by:
Coordinator: Asst. Coordinator
Deneen Skyles Dawn Schultz
Steve Rogers - 336-414-7642
Bring to Yesterday Village Pavilion - Sunday, October 1
between 1:00 pm and 1:45 pm
Judging will begin promptly at 2:00 pm
Main Street Lawn and Garden invites our local family "chefs", who work
hard to create delicious entrees for their loved ones, to share their favorite
MAIN DISH with us.
Entry may be hot or cold, in any size pan or dish, and must feed a minimum
of 6 people. Can be any variety of cuisine (Italian, Asian, American, etc.)
Entry must be a Main Dish. No Desserts, Soups or Stews.
Recipe should be typed on an 81/2" x 11" sheet of paper. Name, address
and phone number must be printed or typed on the BACK of the recipe and
should be submitted with the entry. Entries that do not have the required
recipe will not be judged. Contestants are encouraged to bring (5)five
cans of food to support our local Food Bank.
Judging Criteria:
Flavor: 60 points Appearance: 20 points
Creativity/Originality: 20 points
Item # Department S6 - Section 104 - "Main Dish Challenge"
Premiums: 1st: $500 2nd: $150 3rd: $50
Main Dish Challenge Recipe Contest
Sponsored by: Main Street Lawn & Garden, Carolina Farm Credit,
Cook's Heating & Cooling and the Dixie Classic Fair
"MMM!! That's Chocolate Recipe Contest"
Department S6
Coordinator: Asst. Coordinator
Deneen Skyles Dawn Schultz
Steve Rogers - 336-414-7642
Bring to Yesterday Village Pavilion - Sunday, October 1
between 5:45 pm and 6:45 pm
Judging will begin promptly at 7:00 pm
Brasstown Chocolate invites all chocolate lovers to share their favorite
chocolate based dish. We are looking for innovative and original recipes.
To qualify, your dish must contain one of Brasstown's many award winning
chocolate products. Entry must contain enough chocolate to taste. Recipe
must have at least two additional ingredients (beyond chocolate). Recipe must
use one or more cooking steps and can't just melt and remold the chocolate.
Entre may be hot or cold, in any size pan or dish, and must feed a minimum of 6 people.
Entries are open to all categories (Desserts, Main Dishes, Appetizers, Salad, etc.)
Special Discount for Contestants - 20% discount on all choco-
late products. Only available at Factory location on Canal Dr.
Recipe must include Brasstown Chocolate and must be verified by receipt or
proof of purchase attached to a index card on the back of the typed or printed
recipe on a 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper. Name, address and telephone num-
ber of entrant must be printed or typed on the back of the recipe. Brasstown
Chocolate is available at Brasstown factory,Whole Foods, Wine Merchants,
Musten & Crutchfield or check the website for more locations.Entries that
do not have the required recipe and proof of use items will not be judged.
Judging Criteria:
Brasstown Chocolate Flavor: 50 points
Appearance: 20 points Creativity: 30 points
Contestants are encouraged to bring (5)five cans of food to support our lo-
cal Food Bank.
Department S6 - Section 105 - "MMM!! That's Chocolate"
Item # Premiums: 1st: $500 2nd: $150 3rd: $50
1 MMM !! That's Chocolate
Tom Carroll Memorial
"I Love Pork" Contest
Department S6
Sponsored by:
Coordinator: Asst. Coordinator
Deneen Skyles 336-655-4232 Dawn Schultz 336-722-7608
Steve Rogers - 336-661-7728
Bring to Yesterday Village Pavilion - Monday October 2
between 5:45 pm and 6:45 pm
Judging will begin promptly at 7:00 pm
The Tom Carroll Memorial presents the "I Love Pork Contest", sponsored by Bib's
Whether it's SMOKED, BROILED, GRILLED OR FRIED, pork is a favorite in the
South! So bring your best pork entrees, side dishes, or appetizers to the fair.
No Soups, Stews or Desserts.
All recipes must be original and must include Pork. All entries must serve at least
8 people.
Recipe should be typed on an 81/2" x 11" sheet of paper. Name, address and
phone number must be printed or typed on the BACK of the recipe and should be
submitted with the entry. Entries that do not have the required recipe will not be
judged. Contestants are encouraged to bring (5)five cans of food to support
our local Food Bank.
Judging Criteria:
Taste: 50 points Appearance: 20 points
Creativity/Originality: 30 points
Item # Department S6 - Section 106 - Tom Carroll
1 "I Love Pork" Contest
Premiums: 1st: $500 2nd: $150 3rd: $50
Tom Carroll - "I Love Pork" Contest
Sponsored by: Bib's Downtown, McNeely Pest Controland the Dixie Classic Fair
The Great American Spam® Championship
Department S6
Deneen Skyles
Asst. Coordinator:
Dawn Schultz
Steve Rogers - 336-414-7642
Bring to Yesterday Village Pavilion
Tuesday, October 3 between 5:45 pm and 6:45 pm.
Judging will begin promptly at 7:00 pm
PORK AND MMM - with your Tried & True, Totally Tasty, Super Simple Craveable Classic
Recipes! Judging Criteria
Theme (40%) + Taste (40%) + Ease of Preparation (10%) + Presentation (10%)
Contest Specific Rules
Make any "Super Simple Craveable Classic" recipe with at least one 12-ounce can of any
SPAM® products and variety (Classic, Lite, Less Sodium, Hot & Spicy, or other) and up to 10
other ingredients. (Packaged items such as cake mixes and other timesavers are welcome
and count as one/individual ingredient. Salt, pepper, cooking oil, water and garnishes do NOT
count.) Judging Criteria is to emphasize the sweet/savory theme (creativity); prioritize taste
(as in overall flavor and SPAM® product presence); and to address the recipe's clarity, simplic-
ity and visual appeal. Recipes should be named, original, unpublished, the sole property of
entrant, and not used for another contest. Submit your entry with a clear/typed recipe (illegible
recipes may be disqualified), a product label and your contact information. One entry per
person. No SPAM® recipe contest 1st place winners from an fair in 2016 are eligible to win
in 2017, nor are those who have won 1st place three or more times. All recipes become the
property of Hormel Food Sales, LLC, which has the right to publish or advertise the recipes
and contestants without compensation. Judges are chosen by the fair; their decisions are
final. Hormel Food is not responsible for lost recipes, nor is the fair. All winners are required
to sign a release provided by Hormel Foods. Winner awards will not be distributed until their
releases are received. All contestants including fair winners, finalists and the National Grand
Prize winners shall not make any public appearances or give any interviews associated with
this competition without the permission of Hormel Foods or the Blue Ribbon Group. Taxes
on the prizes are the responsibility of the winner. Employees of Hormel Foods Corporation,
its affiliates, subsidiaries and families of each are not eligible to participate. See General
rules on page 171.
Item # Department S6 - Section 107 - Great American Spam®
1 Championship
Premiums: 1st: $150 2nd: $50 3rd: $25
Local SPAM® Champ Prizes (Adults)
Premiums: 1st: $60 2nd: $30 3rd: $10
2 Local SPAM® Kid Chef Prizes (Kids)
Sponsored by Spam® and The Dixie Classic Fair.
A trip to the 2018 Waikiki SPAM JAM®
Festival in Hawaii valued at $3000 (Adult Grand Prize)
(Age 7-17) $2,000 cash prize
Fair contest supervisors forward 1st place winning recipes for national grand
prize judging for both Adult and Kid Chef categories. Hormel Foods' Test
Kitchens judge recipes on the above criteria. Their decisions are final. For
the National SPAM® Champion Grand Prize (Adult 18 & Up): One national
grand prize winner will be selected out of all 26 1st place recipes. He/she will
receive a voucher to cover $3,000 in travel costs (airfare, hotel and food) for
the 2018 Waikiki SPAM JAM® Event in Hawaii. The national grand prize win-
ner may elect to accept a $3,000 cash prize instead of the trip (ARV $3,000).
One National SPAM® Kid Chef of the Year (Kid Chef: Age 7 to 17)will be
selected out of all 26 1st place recipes and he/she will receive a $2,000 cash
prize (ARV $2,000). Both grand prize winners will be notified by phone no
later than February 28, 2018. If Hormel Foods is unable to reach the grand
prize Winners within 10 days of notification, an alternate may be selected.
National winning recipes will be available by emailing statefairteam@bluerib- or by sending a self-addressed stamped #10 envelope to Blue
Ribbon Group, c/o SPAM® Championship National Winner, 1120 South 2nds
St. #908, Minneapolis, MN 55415.
Glass Blower,
Jeff Wilson
Located In Yesterday Village
Old Mill of Guilford
Greatest Grits Dish Recipe Contest
Department S6
Coordinator: m
Deneen Skyles
Asst. Coordinator:
Dawn Schultz
Steve Rogers - 336-414-7642
m Bring to Yesterday Village Pavilion
Thursday, October 5 between 5:45 pm and 6:45 pm.
Judging will begin promptly at 7:00 pm
Old Mill of Guilford invite contestants to submit any kind of dish made
with their Stone Ground Grits (white or yellow).
Anything Goes!!! Creativity is Important!!
Entries may be hot or cold, sweet or savory, in any size pan or dish.
Recipes must make at least six (6) servings.
All dishes must be made from scratch and must incorporate Old Mill of Guilford
Stone Ground Grits.
Recipe must include receipt or proof of purchase attached to a index card on the
back of the typed or printed recipe on a 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper. Name, ad-
dress and telephone number of entrant must be printed or typed on the back of the
recipe. Old Mill of Guilford Grits are available at Old Mill of Guilford, Old Salem,
Lowes Food, Musten & Crutchfield or check the website for more locations.Entries
that do not have the required recipe and proof of use items will not be judged.
Judging Criteria
Taste: 30% Texture: 20% Creativity - 20% Best Use of Sponsor Ingredient - 30%
See General rules on page 171.
Triad Framing
Item# Department S6 - Section 108 - Old Mill of Guilford
1 Greatest Grits Dish Recipe Contest
Premiums: 1st: $350 2nd: $100 3rd: $50
Old Mill of Guilford Greatest Grits Dish Recipe Contest
Sponsored by Old Mill of Guilford, Triad Framing
Muddy Creek Cafe and The Dixie Classic Fair.
"Friday Night Bites"
Little Black Dressing Co.
Department S6
Deneen Skyles
Asst. Coordinator:
Dawn Schultz
Steve Rogers - 336-414-7642
Bring to Yesterday Village Pavilion - Friday, October 6
between 5:45 pm and 6:45 pm
Judging will begin promptly at 7:00 pm
The Little Black Dressing Co. invites all enthusiusts to create their own original
Family Appetizer recipe using any of the 4 salad dressing flavors made by Little
Black Dressing Co. We are looking for innovative and original recipes. Recipes
must include enough dressing so that it is prevalent in the dish. Entries are open
to the following categories (Appetizers Only) No Main Dishes, Side Dishes, Soups,
Stews or Desserts.
Little Black Dressing Co. salad dressing can be found at Lowes Foods, Fresh Mar-
ket and Whole Foods. For more product information please see the website www.
No limit on ingredients. No Professional chefs or bakers may enter.
Recipe must include receipt or proof of purchase attached to a index card on the
back of the typed or printed recipe on a 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper. Name, address
and telephone number of entrant must be printed or typed on the back of the recipe.
Entries that do not have the required recipe and proof of use items will not be judged.
Judging Criteria
Taste: 30% Texture: 20% Creativity - 20% Best Use of Sponsor Ingredient - 30%
See General rules on page 171
Department S6 - Section 109 - Friday Night Bites
with Little Black Dressing Co.
Premiums: 1st: $500 2nd: $150 3rd: $50
Item #
1 Friday Night Bites with Little Black Dressing Co.
Sponsored by Designing Kitchens, Northside Glass
and the Dixie Classic Fair.
Tom Carroll Memorial
"I Love Pimento Cheese" Contest
Presented by:
The Munchie Wagon
Department S6
Deneen Skyles
Asst. Coordinator:
Dawn Schultz
Steve Rogers - 336-414-7642
Bring to Yesterday Village Pavilion
Saturday, October 7 between 3:45 pm and 4:45 pm.
Judging will begin promptly at 5:00 pm
This is a contest that honors Tom Carroll's memory. The contest will benefit not only the
winners, but in turn, help the less fortunate in our community. Tom Carroll (1945-2008) was
a competitor in the Special Foods Contest for many years. He loved to eat, loved to cook,
loved people, and love friendly competition (especially when he won against Judy Carroll,
his beloved wife). This contest is about more than just winning or money, it's about honor-
ing a special man with a special contest. If you ever met Tom, you'd never forget him. Let's
make this contest an unforgettable one, hopefully making a difference in someone else's life.
Judging Criteria
Taste: 50 points Appearance: 20 points Creativity: 30 points
Use your imagination, creativity and submit your favorite recipe.
Entry must be made with Musten & Crutchfield Pimento Cheese (must use at least 8 oz.)
Can be hot or cold; in any size pan or dish. Must feed a minimum of 4 people. Can be any
variety of cuisine (i.e., Italina, Asian, American, etc.). Entry can be a Main Dish or Side
Musten & Crutchfield Pimento Cheese can be found at most Walmarts and local stores.
Special Discount for Contestants - .50 cents off 1 lb. Pemento
Cheese. Only available at Musten & Crutchfield in Kernersville.
Recipe should be typed on an 81/2" x 11" sheet of paper. Name, address and phone number
must be printed or typed on the BACK of the recipe and should be submitted with the entry.
As proof of use, please present the lid from the container of Musten & Crutchfield Pimento
Cheese. Entries that do not have the required recipe will not be judged. Contestants are
encouraged to bring (5)five cans of food to support our local Food Bank.
Complete recipe must accompany dish. Decisions made by judges are final.
See General rules on page 171.
Department S6 - Section 110 - Tom Carroll
"I Love Pimento Cheese" Contest
Premiums: 1st: $500 2nd: $150 3rd: $50
Item# 1 Tom Carroll "I Love Pimento Cheese Contest"
Sponsored by The Munchie Wagon,
Musten & Crutchfield Food Market and The Dixie Classic Fair.
Smitty’s Fried Apple Pie
Department S6
Deneen Skyles
Asst. Coordinator:
Dawn Schultz
Steve Rogers - 336-414-7642
Bring to Yesterday Village Pavilion
Sunday, October 8 between 3:45 pm and 4:45 pm.
Judging will begin promptly at 5:00 pm
Smitty's Apples has been serving fried apple pies at the Dixie Classic Fair for
many years. Now, it is your turn to serve him your favorite, family heirloom
fried apple pie.
Judging Criteria
Crust: 40 points Filling: 40 points Appearance: 20 points
Contest Specific Rules
All pies must be FRIED. Any type of apple may be used, but the type of apple must be specified in
the recipe. No dried apples are to be used. Crust must be made from scratch and must be included
with recipe. Recipe must be typed on an 8 1/2" x 11" sheet of paper. Name, address and phone
number must be either printed or typed on the back of the recipe and should be submitted with entry.
Bring twelve (12) fried apple pies. See General rules on page 170.
Item # Department S6 - Section 111- - Smitty’s Fried Apple Pie
Premiums: 1st: $700 2nd: $200 3rd: $100
Smitty’s Fried Apple Pie
The 2016 first place winners are not eligible to compete in 2017.
Sponsored by Smitty’s Apples, Pfafftown, NC and The Dixie Classic Fair.
Sponsors of Special Food Contests
Hormel Foods Corporation
Designing Kitchens & Baths
Tart Sweets Bakery & Coffee
Gremlin Workforce
Judy Carroll
Excel Plumbing
Bib's Downtown
McNeely Pest Control
Carolina Farm Credit
Muddy Creek Cafe
Smitty's Apples (Steve Smith),
Pfafftown, NC
The Munchie Wagon, Winston-Salem, NC
WBFJ Radio Station, Winston-Salem, NC
The Blue Ribbon Group
Village Tavern
Winston-Salem, NC
Musten & Crutchfield
Pulliams BBQ
Little Black Dressing Co.
Northside Glass, W-S NC
Cook's Heating & Cooling
Main Street Lawn & Garden
Rural Hall, NC
Ogburn Electric Company, Inc.
m Kings Classic Bakery
Old Mill of Guilford
Brasstown Chocolate
Triad Framing
See Calendar of Events for times and location
Cavallo Equestrian Arts
See Calendar of Events
For Showtimes
5th Annual
Tobacco Stringing / Looping Contest
Department S7
Sponsored by: Fun, Rides and Events, Sanford, NC
Teams should arrive at the Yesterday Village Tobacco Barn
by 1:00 PM - Friday, September 29
Practice will start at 1:00 PM
Competition will begin promptly at 3:00 pm
The Dixie Classic Fair is proud to present the 5th Annual Tobacco Stringing / Looping Con-
test sponsored by Fun, Rides and Events of Sanford, NC.
Exhibitor must send Registration Form (see page 229) with entry form to Dixie
Classic Fair, PO Box 68, Winston-Salem, NC 27102 or bring to the Fair Administrative Office,
421 West 27th Street, Gate 9. If you have questions, please call Fair office at 336.727.2236.
Give entry tag to Contest Coordinator when checking in. ADMISSION GOOD FOR TEAM
MEMBERS ONLY (3) ! Exception: One adult will be admitted free with youth team member.
Team Members will be admitted free at all gates with their entry tag, but others must pay
gate admission. Space in Gate 8 parking lot is available for free to Team Members (one
vehicle), but space is limited and not guaranteed. If parking is full at the Gate 8, a sign
will be placed in front of the lot and team members will be responsible for finding and
paying their own parking. Parking fees will not be reimbursed. Please come early!
Each team will consist of (3) Three individuals - (1) one Looper and (2) two Handlers.
Time will begin when looper has stick horse and string in his/her hands. Time will end
when string is tied off and broken.
Judging Criteria / Points Scale:
(Each criteria will be awarded up to 10 points)
Bundle Size - (3-4 leaves in each)
Evenness of leaf heads in bundle
36-38 bundles per stick
Tightness of bundles
Evenness of bundle heights on stick (2 1/2 - 3 1/2 inches from stem end)
Holding ability (Judges will hold stick and shake to check for looseness)
All teams will use the same ball of tobacco string - (Judges will record number of breaks in
string and 5 points will be deducted for each break.
Total points scored in combination with time will determine winners. Judges decision will be
Department S7 - Section 101 - Tobacco Stringing / Looping
Item # Premiums: 1st: $250 2nd: $150 3rd: $100
1 Tobacco Stringing / Looping Contest
Sponsored by: Sanford, NC
Photo Fun Fair
Department T
Courtney Troutman
**New**Exhibits are to be brought to the Education Building
Saturday, September 23 from 10:00 am until 4:00 pm and
Sunday, September 24 from 12:00 pm until 4:00pm
Judging: Monday, September 25
Exhibits released Monday, October 9 from 10:00 am until 6:00 pm
1. Entries close and must be postmarked by midnight, September 1. Entry blanks are
in back of Fair Catalog that must be brought or mailed to Dixie Classic Fair, P. O. Box 68,
Winston-Salem, NC 27102. Exhibitor's age and the last four (4) digits of the Social Security
Number must be listed on entry blank to receive any premium monies.
2. Competition is open to boys and girls in grades 4 through 12. The Fair is sponsoring
this fun competition to encourage photography among young people.
3. Exhibitors may submit only one entry in each category.
4. Entries will be acknowledged by letter from Fair Office after September 1. Entry tags
will be included with letter.
5. No frames, no glass, no mats - 8" x 10" photos only (except Digital Manipulation). Must
be securely mounted on 11" x 14" black or white foam core with a thickness of 1/8" or 3/16"
(available at frame shops). No white border allowed around photo except the foam core. DO
NOT ADD EMBELLISHMENTS OR TITLES. Attach entry tag to upper right hand corner - front side.
Secure string of entry tag to back side of foam core with Tape. Do not remove claim check.
6. Photos must be the bona fide property of the exhibitor and must have been made by the
boy or girl submitting entry. Duplicates of photos entered in Photo Fun cannot be entered
in any other department or category of the Fair.
7. Judges will determine ribbon and premium according to quality and compliance with rules and
regulations. All rules and regulations must be followed or entry will not be judged, displayed only.
8. Fair is not responsible for damage to photos or foam core and for items not picked up on
designated release day.
Department T - Section 101 - Grades 4 - 5
Premiums: 1st: $15 2nd: $10 3rd: $5
T-1 Color - People
T-2 Color - Animals
T-3 Color - Other
T-4 Judge’s Choice - Color - Do Not Enter - $10 & Rosette
Will be selected from 1st place winners of above categories.
T-5 Black & White- People
T-6 Black & White - Animals
T-7 Black & White - Other
T-8 Judge’s Choice - Black & White - Do Not Enter - $10 & Rosette
Will be selected from 1st place winners of above categories.
Judging Criteria
1. Composition - Everything in the picture should be logically and pleasantly arranged to draw
attention to the “center of interest”
2. Photographic Quality - Contrast in the finished print should be such that the “center of
interest” is clear, sharp and easily visible. Tone and contrast should be consistent with mood
of picture
3. Presentational Faults - Photos of correct size (8x10) mounted on a (11x14) black, white,
or off white foam core board.
T-9 Department T - Section 102 - Grades 6 - 8
T-11 Premiums: 1st: $20 2nd: $15 3rd: $10
T-12 Color - People
T-13 Color - Animals
Color - Nature
Color - Sports
T-15 Color - Other
T-16 T-14 Judge’s Choice -Color - Do Not Enter - $10 & Rosette
T-18 Will be selected from 1st place winners of above categories.
T-19 Premiums: 1st: $20 2nd: $15 3rd: $10
Black and White - People
Black and White - Animals
T-21 Black and White - Nature
T-22 Black and White - Sports
T-23 Black and White - Other
T-24 T-20 Judge’s Choice - Black and White - Do Not Enter - $10 & Rosette
T-26 Will be selected from 1st place winners of above categories.
T-28 Department T - Section 103 - Grades 9 - 12
T-30 Premiums: 1st: $25 2nd: $20 3rd: $15
T-31 Color - People
T-32 Color - Animals
T-33 Color - Nature
Color - Sports
Color - Architectural
Color - Other
T-27 Judge’s Choice - Black and White - Do Not Enter - $10 & Rosette
Will be selected from 1st place winners of above categories.
Black and White - People
Black and White - Animals
Black and White - Nature
Black and White - Sports
Balck and White - Architectural
Black and White - Other
T-34 Judge’s Choice -Color - Do Not Enter - $10 & Rosette
Will be selected from 1st place winners of above categories.
Category Description Definitions
People - photos of people in their natural surroundings
Animal - photos capturing mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and marine life
Nature - Photos taken outdoors and devoted to displaying natural elements such as land-
scape, wildlife, and plants
Architectural - photos that encompass views of the exteriors of domestic, commercial, reli-
geous, industrial, and engineering structures
Other - any photo that does not fall in the categories above
Visit for information on
submitting your entries online
Amateur Adult Photography
Department TT
Courtney Troutman
Exhibits are to be brought to the Education Building
Saturday, September 23 from 10:00 am until 4:00 pm and
Sunday, September 24 from 12:00 pm until 4:00pm
Judging: Monday, September 25
Exhibits released Monday, October 9 from 10:00 am until 6:00 pm
1. Entries close and must be postmarked by midnight, September 1. Entry blanks are
in back of Fair Catalog that must be brought or mailed to Dixie Classic Fair, P. O. Box 68,
Winston-Salem, NC 27102. Exhibitor's last four (4) digits of Social Security Number MUST
be listed on entry blank to receive any premium monies.
2. Competition is open to AMATEURS ONLY. No professionals, please!
3. Exhibitors may submit only ONE entry for each category.
4. No frames, no glass, no mats - 8" x 10" photos only (except Digital Manipulation).
Must be securely mounted on 11" x 14" black or white foam core with a thickness of
1/8" or 3/16" (available at frame shops). No white border allowed around photo except
the foam core. DO NOT ADD EMBELLISHMENTS OR TITLES. Attach entry tag to upper
right hand corner - front side. Secure string of entry tag to back side of foam core with
Tape. Do not remove claim check.
5. No altering of photo with Photo Editing software. No HDR permitted (exception: Digital Manipula-
tion category)
6. Photo must be the bona fide property of the exhibitor and must have been made by the
exhibitor. Do not enter photos that have been entered in previous Fairs. Photos deemed to
be in poor taste will not be accepted, and the decision of the Fair shall be final. Duplicates of
photos entered in Amateur Adult Photography cannot be entered in any other depart-
ment or category of the Fair.
7. Ribbons and premiums will be determined by Judges according to the quality of the
photos and compliance with rules and regulations. All rules and regulations must be followed
or entry will not be judged.
8. Entries will be acknowledged by letter from Fair Office after Sept. 1. Entry tags will be
included with letter.
9. Fair is not responsible for damage to photos or foam core and for items not picked up
on designated release day.
Judging Criteria
1. Composition - Everything in the picture should be logically and pleasantly arranged to draw
attention to the “center of interest”
2. Photographic Quality - Contrast in the finished print should be such that the “center of
interest” is clear, sharp and easily visible. Tone and contrast should be consistent with mood
of picture
3. Presentational Faults - Photos of correct size (8x10) mounted on a (11x14) black, white,
or off white foam core board.
TT-1 Department TT - Section 101 - Color
TT-3 Premiums: 1st: $35 2nd: $30 3rd: $25 4th: $20 5th: $15
TT-4 People
TT-5 Landscapes
TT-6 Animals
TT-7 Architectural
TT-8 Sports
TT-9 Portrait
TT-10 Nature
Other - not listed above
TT-13 TT-11 Judge’s Choice - Color - Do Not Enter - $20 & Rosette
TT-14 Will be selected from 1st place winners of above categories.
TT-16 Department TT - Section 102 - Black and White
TT-18 " No Sepia"
TT-19 Premiums: 1st: $35 2nd: $30 3rd: $25 4th: $20 5th: $15
TT-20 People
TT-21 Landscapes
Other - not listed above
TT-22 Judge’s Choice - Color - Do Not Enter - $20 & Rosette
Will be selected from 1st place winners of above categories.
Category Description Definitions
People - photos of people in their natural surroundings
Landscape - a genre intended to show different spaces within the world
Animal - photos capturing mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and marine life
Sports - a genre that captures all type sports
Nature - Photos taken outdoors and devoted to displaying natural elements such as land-
scape, wildlife, and plants
Portrait - photos capturing the likeness of a person in which the face and expression is
Abstract - Photos that use visible language of form, color and line to create a composition
which exists independently of visual references
Automotive - photos of automobiles, car, trucks, trains, airplanes, and motorcycles
Architectural - photos that encompass views of the exteriors of domestic, commercial, reli-
geous, industrial, and engineering structures
Other - any photo that does not fall in the categories above
Watch For The
BC Characters
Roaming The Fairgrounds
Technology Education
Department U
Barbara Driver, Yadkinville, NC
Brenda Shore
School Advisor:
Charlotte Waddell, NBCT
(336) 770-4154 (Ext. 125)
**New**Exhibits are to be brought to the Education Building
Saturday, September 23 from 10:00 am until 4:00 pm and
Sunday, September 24 from 12:00pm until 4:00pm
Judging: Monday, September 25
Exhibits released Monday, October 9 from 10:00 am until 6:00 pm
Open to boys and girls in Middle & High Schools.
1. Group entry forms are available from the Fair Office. Call 336-727-2236. THE LAST
2. Exhibits must be the bona fide property of the exhibitor and must have been made entirely
by the exhibitor at home or at school. Do not enter any exhibit items that have been entered
in previous Fairs.
3. Size limit in Technology - No larger than 20" x 20" in any direction, including mat (where
applicable). Please attach entry tag to front, upper right hand side - Technology only.
4. Exhibits will be accepted with the understanding that they are to remain on display during
the entire Fair. Name and address should be printed on white adhesive tape and fastened
to back side of exhibit for identification. ID should not appear where judges can easily see
or it will not be accepted. Attach entry tag to reverse side of entry so entry tag can flip over
to front side of exhibit, where practical. Care will be given in handling all exhibits; however,
the Fair cannot be responsible or liable for loss, breakage or damage to any exhibit or part
thereof, and only on these conditions are entries accepted.
Department U - Section 101 - Grades 7, 8 and 9
Communication Technology
Premiums: 1st: $12 2nd: $10 3rd: $5 4th: Ribbon
U-1 Technology Poster
U-2 Safety Poster
U-3 Digital Photography - manipulation of digital photo
U-4 Graphic Creations - clothing
U-5 Graphic Creations - sign, business card, newsletter, invitation, certificate,
created with graphics program
U-6 Silk Screening
U-7 Communication/Other
Manual Drafting
Premiums: 1st: $10 2nd: $8 3rd: $5 4th: Ribbon
U-8 Orthographic with Dimensions U-12 Oblique with Dimensions
U-9 Orthographic without Dimensions U-13 Oblique without Dimensions
U-10 Isometric with Dimensions U-14 Perspective
U-11 Isometric without Dimensions
Premiums: 1st: $15 2nd: $10 3rd: $5 4th: Ribbon
U-15 Architectural Drawing
Department U - Section 101 - Grades 7, 8 and 9
Manual Drafting
Premiums: 1st: $10 2nd: $8 3rd: $5 4th: Ribbon
U-16 Freehand Technical Sketching
U-17 Manual Drafting - Other
CAD Computer Aided Drafting
Premiums: 1st: $10 2nd: $8 3rd: $5 4th: Ribbon
U-18 CAD Orthographic with Dimensions
U-19 CAD Orthographic without Dimensions
U-20 CAD Isometric with Dimensions
U-21 CAD Isometric without Dimensions
U-22 CAD Oblique with Dimensions
U-23 CAD Oblique without Dimensions
U-24 CAD Perspective
U-25 CAD Architectural Drawing - 3D House Plan
U-26 CAD Architectural Drawing - Floor Plan of Home
U-27 CAD Structural Plan - Bridge Design
U-28 CAD Transportation Design
U-29 CAD Assembly Detail Drawing
U-30 CAD Pictorial Machine Rendering
U-31 CAD - Other
Construction Technology
Premiums: 1st: $15 2nd: $10 3rd: $5 4th: Ribbon
U-32 Bridge Design and Building
U-33 Premiums: 1st: $10 2nd: $8 3rd: $5 4th: Ribbon
Tower Design and Building
U-34 Premiums: 1st: $15 2nd: $12 3rd: $5 4th: Ribbon
Model House Design and Building
U-35 Crane Design and Building
U-36 Premiums: 1st: $12 2nd: $10 3rd: $5 4th: Ribbon
Model Design and Building (any original design showing a set of detailed plans
along with entry of model)
U-37 Construction - Other
Transportation Technology
Premiums: 1st: $15 2nd: $10 3rd: $5 4th: Ribbon
U-38 Space Transportation - Model Student Designed/Built
U-39 Space Transportation - Model From Kit
U-40 Air Transportation - Model Student Designed/Built
U-41 Air Transportation - Model From Kit
U-42 Water Transportation - Model Student Designed/Built
U-43 Water Transportation - Model From Kit
U-44 Land Transportation - Model Student Designed/Built
U-45 Land Transportation - Model From Kit
U-46 Metric 500 Dragsters - Model Dragster Including Plans
U-47 Transportation - Other
Manufacturing Technology
Premiums: 1st: $12 2nd: $10 3rd: $5 4th: Ribbon
U-48 Woodworking - Small (pencil holder, clock, plaque) (max 1’ x 1’)
U-49 Premiums: 1st: $15 2nd: $12 3rd: $5 4th: Ribbon
Woodworking - Medium (bookends, birdhouse, shelf)
U-50 Premiums: 1st: $10 2nd: $8 3rd: $5 4th: Ribbon
Plastics - Small (key chains, business card holders) (max. 8”)
Premiums: 1st: $12 2nd: $10 3rd: $5 4th: Ribbon
U-51 Plastics - Large (large desk set, clip boards, bowl) (max. 8”)
Department U - Section 101 - Grades 7, 8 and 9
Manufacturing Technology
Premiums: 1st: $10 2nd: $8 3rd: $5 4th: Ribbon
U-52 Lego Projects - Small
U-53 Lego Projects - Medium
U-54 Lego Projects - Large
Premiums: 1st: $20 2nd: $15 3rd: $5 4th: Ribbon
U-55 Motorized Computer Controlled Robot
Premiums: 1st: $25 2nd: $20 3rd: $5 4th: Ribbon
U-56 Manufactured Product - Produced by Mass Production Techniques. Ex. placed
on Exhibit Must Be One of a Production Run of 20 or More.
Premiums: 1st: $15 2nd: $10 3rd: $5 4th: Ribbon
U-57 Manufacturing - Other
Medical Technology
Premiums: 1st: $12 2nd: $10 3rd: $5 4th: Ribbon
U-58 Medical Related Project
Agriculture and Biotechnology
U-59 Agriculture and Biotechnology Project
Energy and Power Technology
U-60 Energy and Power Project
Department U - Section 102 - Grades 10, 11 and 12
Communication Technology
Premiums: 1st: $12 2nd: $10 3rd: $5 4th: Ribbon
U-61 Technology Poster
U-62 Safety Poster
U-63 Digital Photography - manipulation of digital photo
U-64 Graphic Creations - clothing
U-65 Graphic Creations - sign, business card, newsletter, invitation, certificate,
created with graphics program
U-66 Silk Screening
U-67 Communication/Other
Manual Drafting
Premiums: 1st: $10 2nd: $8 3rd: $5 4th: Ribbon
U-68 Orthographic with Dimensions U-72 Oblique with Dimensions
U-69 Orthographic without Dimensions U-73 Oblique without Dimensions
U-70 Isometric with Dimensions U-74 Perspective
U-71 Isometric without Dimensions
Premiums: 1st: $15 2nd: $10 3rd: $5 4th: Ribbon
U-75 Architectural Drawing
Premiums: 1st: $10 2nd: $8 3rd: $5 4th: Ribbon
U-76 Freehand Technical Sketching
U-77 Manual Drafting - Other
CAD Computer Aided Drafting
Premiums: 1st: $10 2nd: $8 3rd: $5 4th: Ribbon
U-78 CAD Orthographic with Dimensions
U-79 CAD Orthographic without Dimensions
U-80 CAD Isometric with Dimensions
U-81 CAD Isometric without Dimensions
U-82 CAD Oblique with Dimensions
U-83 CAD Oblique without Dimensions
U-84 CAD Perspective
U-85 CAD Architectural Drawing - 3D House Plan
U-86 CAD Architectural Drawing - Floor Plan of Home
Department U - Section 102 - Grades 10, 11 and 12
CAD Computer Aided Drafting
Premiums: 1st: $10 2nd: $8 3rd: $5 4th: Ribbon
U-87 CAD Structural Plan - Bridge Design
U-88 CAD Transportation Design
U-89 CAD Assembly Detail Drawing
U-90 CAD Pictorial Machine Rendering
U-91 CAD - Other
Construction Technology
Premiums: 1st: $15 2nd: $10 3rd: $5 4th: Ribbon
U-92 Bridge Design and Building
Premiums: 1st: $10 2nd: $8 3rd: $5 4th: Ribbon
U-93 Tower Design and Building
Premiums: 1st: $15 2nd: $12 3rd: $5 4th: Ribbon
U-94 Model House Design and Building
U-95 Crane Design and Building
Premiums: 1st: $12 2nd: $10 3rd: $5 4th: Ribbon
U-96 Model Design and Building (any original design showing a set of detailed plans
along with entry of model)
U-97 Construction - Other
Transportation Technology
Premiums: 1st: $15 2nd: $12 3rd: $5 4th: Ribbon
U-98 Space Transportation - Model Student Designed/Built
U-99 Space Transportation - Model From Kit
U-100 Air Transportation - Model Student Designed/Built
U-101 Air Transportation - Model From Kit
U-102 Water Transportation - Model Student Designed/Built
U-103 Water Transportation - Model From Kit
U-104 Land Transportation - Model Student Designed/Built
U-105 Land Transportation - Model From Kit
U-106 Metric 500 Dragsters - Model Dragster Including Plans
U-107 Transportation - Other
Manufacturing Technology
Premiums: 1st: $12 2nd: $10 3rd: $5 4th: Ribbon
U-108 Woodworking - Small (pencil holder, clock, plaque) (max 1’ x 1’)
Premiums: 1st: $15 2nd: $12 3rd: $5 4th: Ribbon
U-109 Woodworking - Medium (bookends, birdhouse, shelf)
Premiums: 1st: $10 2nd: $8 3rd: $5 4th: Ribbon
U-110 Plastics - Small (key chains, business card holders) (max. 8”)
Premiums: 1st: $12 2nd: $10 3rd: $5 4th: Ribbon
U-111 Plastics - Large (large desk set, clip boards, bowl) (min. 8”)
Premiums: 1st: $10 2nd: $8 3rd: $5 4th: Ribbon
U-112 Lego Projects - Small 10 x 10
U-113 Lego Projects - Medium 15 x 15
U-114 Lego Projects - Large 20 x 20
Premiums: 1st: $20 2nd: $15 3rd: $5 4th: Ribbon
U-115 Motorized Computer Controlled Robot
Premiums: 1st: $25 2nd: $20 3rd: $5 4th: Ribbon
U-116 Manufactured Product - Produced by Mass Production Techniques. Ex. placed
on Exhibit Must Be One of a Production Run of 20 or More.
Premiums: 1st: $15 2nd: $10 3rd: $5 4th: Ribbon
U-117 Manufacturing - Other
Department U - Section 102 - Grades 10, 11 and 12
Medical Technology
Premiums: 1st: $12 2nd: $10 3rd: $5 4th: Ribbon
U-118 Medical Related Project
Agriculture and Biotechnology
U-119 Agriculture and Biotechnology Project
Energy and Power Technology
U-120 Energy and Power Project
U-121 Judge’s Choice - Technology Education - Grades 7, 8 and 9 - Do Not Enter -
$10 & Rosette. Will be selected from 1st place winners of above categories.
U-122 Judge’s Choice - Technology Education - Grades 10, 11 and 12 - Do Not Enter -
$10 & Rosette. Will be selected from 1st place winners of above categories.
Junior Fine Arts
Department V
Lisa and Todd Furches
Mike Lewis
Mary Kathryn Patterson
Exhibits are to be brought to the Education Building
Saturday, September 23 from 10:00 am until 4:00 pm and
Sunday, September 24 from 12:00 pm until 4:00pm
Judging: Monday, September 25
Exhibits released Monday, October 9 from 10:00 am until 6:00 pm
1. Entries are open to residents of North Carolina and the following adjacent counties in
Virginia: Carroll, Patrick and Grayson. There is no entry fee. All exhibits must be pre-entered
on Dixie Classic Fair entry blanks. Entry blanks must be fully completed. You must include
Exhibitors Name, Address, Phone Number & The Last Four (4) Digits of the Social Security
Number in order to receive prize money. Entry blanks must be mailed to the Dixie Classic
Fair, PO Box 68, Winston-Salem, NC 27102 and MUST be postmarked no later than
September 1.
2. Entries will be acknowledged by mail with an exhibitor’s letter and entry tags for each
exhibit. The exhibitor’s letter will contain instructions on where to bring your exhibit. Entry
tags must be brought attached to the exhibit described on tag. PLEASE ATTACH ENTRY
POSSIBLE. DO NOT REMOVE CLAIM CHECK FROM TAG. It will be removed and returned
to you at time of entry by the Department worker. All items are to be picked up Monday after
the Fair. You must bring your Claim Check(s) back with you to pick up your items on Monday
after the Fair. Without the Claim Check, the Fair Management reserves the right to hold any
exhibit for proven ownership.
TERED AGAIN. Exhibitors may only enter one item per item number. Do not enter “Judge’s
Choice” Categories, all first place winners will be considered. All entries must be original
and must have been completed after previous year’s Fair. Any and all articles obnoxious or
repulsive in character (including nudity) will be forbidden entry, or if entered without being fully
known, shall be removed at once. Signs or cards on any exhibit designating that products
are for sale will not be permitted. Superintendents reserve the right of selection on questions
of originality, categories and framing. Judges’ decision is final.
4. Size Limits: They are not to exceed 18” on any side. ***NEW
RULES***No Framed Art, No Glass Materials, No Matted Art and No
Foam board is permitted.
5. The right is reserved to refuse entry of any exhibit that does not comply with the above rules.
6. The Fair Management, Employees, Department Workers and Volunteers will take
every precaution to protect exhibits but will not be held responsible for any loss, break-
age or damage to any article on exhibit.
***Attention School Teachers***
Please encourage your Art Students to enter their art work within your Art Dept., have
them “pre-judged” at your school and select (10) pieces per class to enter and bring to
the Dixie Classic Fair. Pre-entry is required. Complete the entry form for each student
with all required information, including the last (4) digits of the Social Security No. (or
prize money cannot be paid).
Department V - Jr. Fine Arts
**Size Limits: Entries are not to exceed 18” in any direction.**
Department V - Section 101 - Pre-School - Kindergarten
Premiums: 1st: $ 5 2nd: $4 3rd: $3
V-1 Crayon V-7 Mixed Media - (such as pastel, ink,
V-2 Pencil, Colored Pencil, Pen & Ink pencil, oils & acrylics)
V-3 Watercolor V-8 Pastels
V-4 Acrylic V-9 Colored Chalk
V-5 Tempera V-10 Charcoal
V-6 Markers/Felt Tip Pens V-11 Cut or Torn Paper and Collage
V-12 Favorite "Fair" Scene (any media)
V-13 Judge’s Choice - Do Not Enter - $10 & Rosette
Will be selected from 1st place winners of above categories.
Department V - Section 102 - Grades 1st - 2nd
Premiums: 1st: $6 2nd: $5 3rd: $4
V-14 Crayon V-22 Mixed Media- (such as pastel, ink,
V-15 Pencil, Colored Pencil, Pen & Ink pencil, oils & acrylics)
V-16 Watercolor V-23 Pastels
V-17 Tempera V-24 Colored Chalk
V-18 Markers/Felt Tip Pens V-25 Charcoal
V-19 Oil Painting V-26 Favorite "Fair" Scene (any media)
V-20 Acrylics
V-21 Cut or Torn Paper and Collage
V-27 Judge’s Choice - Do Not Enter - $10 & Rosette
Will be selected from 1st place winners of above categories.
Department V - Section 103 - Grades 3rd - 5th
Premiums: 1st: $6 2nd: $5 3rd: $4
V-28 Crayon V-35 Mixed Media - (such as pastel, ink,
V-29 Pencil, Colored Pencil, Pen & Ink pencil, oils & acrylics)
V-30 Watercolor V-36 Pastels
V-31 Tempera V-37 Colored Chalk
V-32 Markers/Felt Tip Pens V-38 Charcoal
V-33 Oil V-39 Cut or Torn Paper and Collage
V-34 Acrylics V-40 Favorite "Fair" Scene (any media)
V-41 Judge’s Choice - Do Not Enter - $10 & Rosette
Will be selected from 1st place winners of above categories.
**Size Limits: Entries are not to exceed 18” in any direction.**
Colored Chalk, Charcoal and Pastel Artwork
NO Matting - Entry can not exceed 18” in any direction. All Pastels, Colored Chalk or Charcoal
art must be sprayed with fixative.
All Crafts Must Be Original
Bluegrass Music
Performances Daily
Located In Yesterday Village
Department V - Section 104 - Grades 6th - 8th
Premiums: 1st: $8 2nd: $6 3rd: $4
" No Kits Allowed"
V-45 Drawing, any media V-51 Anime "Animated Drawing"
V-46 Markers/Felt Tip Pens V-52 Free Hand Computer Generated
V-47 Oil Painting V-53 Pastels
V-48 Acrylics V-54 Colored Chalk
V-49 Watercolor (Tempera/Watercolor/ V-55 Charcoal
India Ink Combined) V-56 Collage
V-50 Mixed Media - (such as pastel, ink, V-57 Pencil, Colored Pencil, Pen & Ink
pencil, oils & acrylics)
V-58 Textiles, Decorated Fabrics or Graphic Arts (hand printed, silk screened, blocked
print, stencil batik, creative needlecraft, decorative wall hanging,etchings, litho
graphs, wood linoleum blocks, etc.). Please note size limits.
V-59 Commercial Art (advertising, designs-posters, fashion illustrations, commercial
advertisements, greeting cards)
V-60 Judge’s Choice - Do Not Enter - $10 & Rosette
Will be selected from 1st place winners of above categories.
Department V - Section 105 - Grades 9th - 12th
Premiums: 1st: $8 2nd: $6 3rd: $4
" No Kits Allowed"
V-61 Drawing, any media V-67 Anime "Animated Drawing"
V-62 Markers/Felt Tip Pens V-68 Free Hand Computer Generated
V-63 Oil Painting V-69 Pastels
V-64 Acrylics V-70 Colored Chalk
V-65 Watercolor (Tempera/Watercolor/ V-71 Charcoal
India Ink Combined) V-72 Collage
V-66 Mixed Media - (such as pastel, ink, V-73 Pencil, Colored Pencil, Pen & Ink
pencil, oils & acrylics)
V-74 Textiles, Decorated Fabrics or Graphic Arts (hand printed, silk screened, blocked
print, stencil batik, creative needlecraft, decorative wall hanging,etchings, litho
graphs, wood linoleum blocks, etc.). Please note size limits.
V-75 Commercial Art (advertising, designs-posters, fashion illustrations, commercial
advertisements, greeting cards)
V-76 Judge’s Choice - Do Not Enter - $10 & Rosette
Will be selected from 1st place winners of above categories.
**Size Limits: Entries are not to exceed 18” in any direction.**
Visit for information on
submitting your entries online
Junior Homemaking
Department W
Leatha “Sam” Drouillard, Winston-Salem, NC
Millie Tickle, Diane Ebert, Stephanie Stevens
(All Catagories)Exhibits are to be brought to the Education Building
Saturday, September 23 from 10:00 am until 4:00 pm and
Sunday, September 24 from 12:00pm until 4:00pm
Judging: Monday, September 25
Exhibits released Monday, October 9 from 10:00 am until 6:00 pm
1. Entries close and must be postmarked by midnight on September 1. Exhibitor's age and
last four (4) digits of Social Security Number MUST be listed on entry blank. Entry blanks (in
back of Fair Catalog) must be brought or mailed to Dixie Classic Fair, PO Box 68, Winston-
Salem, NC 27102.
2. Competition is open to North Carolina and Carroll, Patrick and Grayson Counties in
Virginia. There is no entry fee. Exhibitors may make only one entry in a class and exhibits
in collection classes cannot compete in individual classes.
3. All exhibits must be the work of the exhibitor and must have been completed after
October 15 of previous year. No exhibit will be accepted that has been entered in the Fair in
previous years. Please give description of unspecified items, i.e., other muffins - blueberry,
apple, cinnamon, etc.
4. Positively NO commercial mixes are to be used in baking and cooking classes.
5. Please make entries in proper class. Call fair office if you have questions. If items are
entered incorrectly, items will not be judged - displayed only!
6. The right is reserved to destroy all products that have deteriorated.
7. Unless an article is of good quality, no premiums will be awarded. Judging criteria and
other special rules concerning different departments can be found on the following pages
under department headings. The right is reserved to refuse entry of any exhibit that does not
comply with the rules and regulations.
8. Entries will be acknowledged by letter from the Fair Office after September 1. This
letter will include entry tags for each exhibit entered. Be sure to attach entry tags to upper
right hand corner of item (where practical). Use safety pin to attach tag to needlework items,
attach entry tag to cardboard for baked goods, and remove string for canned food-replace
with rubber band and place around neck of jar. Please do not put tape directly on tag. Do not
remove claim check. The tags are proof that you have pre-entered and will save time when
checking in.
Sewing and Creative Stitchery Judging Criteria
GENERAL APPEARANCE - Design (suitability for material used, pleasing, interesting); Color
combination; Originality; Texture combination; Pressed, Article must be clean, no soiled spots.
FABRIC WORKMANSHIP - Cut on correct grain of fabric. Evidence of neat and even stitches, neat-
ly finished and pressed. Clip loose strings, press seams open, finish all edges, Iron complete article.
ECONOMIC ASPECT - Cost of upkeep in relation to value of garment. Value of garment in
relation to cost in time and money.