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Eurospan's latest new books catalogue (Middle East and Africa edition)

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New Books: Autumn-Winter 2017 (Middle East & Africa edition)

Eurospan's latest new books catalogue (Middle East and Africa edition)

Arts & Humanities 99
Performing Arts


CHINA IN THE MIX Northwestern University Press
Cinema, Sound, and Popular Culture in the
Age of Globalization SCREENING AUSCHWITZ
Wanda Jakubowska’s The Last Stage and the
Ying Xiao Politics of Commemoration

Aug 2017 256pp Marek Haltof
9781496812605 Hardback US$65.00
Jan 2018 188pp
Scarce attention has been paid to the dimension of 9780810136106 Paperback US$34.95
sound and its essential role in constructing image, Cultural Expressions
culture, and identity in Chinese film and media. China
in the Mix fills a critical void as the first book to examine For full details of this title, see page 22.
the sound, languages, scenery, media, and culture of
post-Socialist China. Rutgers University Press

Interviews Cultural Narratives and American Films of
the 1950s
Edited by Monika Raesch
Alan Nadel
Feb 2018 224pp
9781496815613 Hardback US$60.00 Dec 2017 256pp
Conversations with Filmmakers Series 9780813565491 Paperback US$29.95

A collection of twenty-four illuminating interviews with Argues that mandated normativity - as a political
the auteur. Spanning three decades, from the mid-1980s agenda and a social ethic - precluded explicit expression
until today, the interviews reveal not only von Trotta’s of the anxiety produced by America’s radically
life in the film industry, but also evolving roles of and reconfigured postwar population. Alan Nadel explores
opportunities provided to women over that time. These influential non-fiction books, magazine articles, and
interviews present the different dimensions of von Trotta public documents in conjunction with films to examine
through the lenses of film critics, scholars, and journalists. how these films worked through fresh anxieties that
emerged during the 1950s.
Hollywood, Communism, and the Cold War FILM REMAKES AND FRANCHISES

Bernard F. Dick Daniel Herbert

Feb 2018 308pp Nov 2017 160pp
9781496814937 Paperback US$30.00 9780813579412 Paperback US$17.95
Quick Takes: Movies and Popular Culture
Explores Hollywood’s ambivalence toward the former
Soviet Union before, during, and after the Cold War. Today Examines how remakes and sequels have been central
the threat is no longer the Soviet Union, but international to the film industry from its very inception, yet also
terrorism. Bernard F. Dick argues, however, that the Soviet considers how the recent trends toward reboots and
Union has not lost its appeal, as evident from the popular transmedia franchises depart from those historical
and critically acclaimed television series The Americans. precedents. Film scholar Daniel Herbert not only analyses
More than eighty years later, the screen is still red. the film industry’s increasing reliance on recycled
product, but also asks why audiences are currently so
drawn to such movies.

Arts & Humanities
Performing Arts
100 FILM & TV

Zombies, Viruses, and the End of the World Screen Performance and Special Effects in
Popular Cinema
Dahlia Schweitzer
Lisa Bode
Feb 2018 216pp
9780813593142 Paperback US$27.95 Jul 2017 218pp
9780813579979 Paperback US$27.95
Examines outbreak narratives in film, television, and a Techniques of the Moving Image
variety of other media, putting them in conversation
with rhetoric from government authorities and news In the past twenty years, we have seen the rise of
organisations that have capitalised on public fears about digital effects cinema in which the human performer
our changing world. Dahlia Schweitzer identifies three is entangled with animation, collaged with other
distinct types of outbreak narrative, each corresponding performers, or inserted into perilous or fantastic
to a specific contemporary anxiety. situations. Making Believe sheds light on these
developments by historicising screen performance
IMPERIAL AFFECTS within the context of special effects cinema and
Sensational Melodrama and the Attractions of technological change in Hollywood filmmaking.
American Cinema
Jonna Eagle
David Sterritt
Jul 2017 276pp
9780813583020 Paperback US$29.95 Nov 2017 152pp
War Culture 9780813583228 Paperback US$17.95
Quick Takes: Movies and Popular Culture
In American culture and history, a feeling of national
identity and belonging have often derived from a sense Presents an eclectic look at the many manifestations of
of injury, vulnerability, and loss. Jonna Eagle turns to rock in motion pictures, from teen-oriented B-movies
the workings of American cinema to understand the to Hollywood blockbusters to avant-garde meditations
power and persistence of these conjunctions, tracing the to reverent biopics to animated shorts to performance
shifting dynamics of action and pathos as they structure documentaries. Acclaimed film critic David Sterritt
representations of imperialist motion and violence considers the diverse ways that filmmakers have
across the twentieth century. regarded rock ‘n’ roll.

Case Studies in the Critically Constructed Black Women’s Hauntings of
New Hollywood Contemporary Horror

Nicholas Godfrey Kinitra D. Brooks

Feb 2018 274pp Dec 2017 216pp
9780813589145 Paperback US$27.95 9780813584614 Paperback US$25.95

The New Hollywood era of the late 1960s and early Highlights the unique position of Black women in horror
1970s has become one of the most romanticised periods as both characters and creators. Kinitra D. Brooks creates
in motion picture history, celebrated for its stylistic a racially gendered critical analysis of African diasporic
boldness, thematic complexity, and the unshackling women, challenging the horror genre’s historic themes
of directorial ambition. The Limits of Auteurism aims to and interrogating forms of literature that have often
challenge many of these assumptions. been ignored by Black feminist theory.

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Arts & Humanities 101

P eFrI fL Mo r&mTiVn·gMAUrStI Cs


Steven Gerrard University Press of Florida

Nov 2017 216pp FLORIDA SOUL
9780813579443 Paperback US$17.95 From Ray Charles to KC and the Sunshine Band
Quick Takes: Movies and Popular Culture
John Capouya
For full details of this title, see page 11.
Sep 2017 368pp
The University of Wisconsin Press 9780813054520 Hardback US$24.95

SIX TURKISH FILMMAKERS Alongside Memphis, Detroit, New Orleans, Macon,
and Muscle Shoals, Florida has a rich soul music history
Laurence Raw – an important cultural legacy that has often gone
unrecognized. Florida Soul celebrates great artists of the
Nov 2017 277pp Sunshine State who have produced some of the most
9780299315405 Hardback US$79.95 electric, emotive soul music America has ever heard.
Wisconsin Film Studies
Examining the vanguard of New Turkish Cinema,
Laurence Raw shows how these films reveal the effects EUROPE’S STARS OF ‘80s DANCE POP
of profound socio economic change on ordinary people 32 International Music Legends Discuss Their
in contemporary Turkey. Raw interleaves his film Careers
discussion with thoughtful commentary on nationalism,
gender, personal identity, and cultural pluralism. James Arena

Aug 2017 176pp
9781476671420 Paperback US$35.00

A massive dance music revolution swept across
Europe during the 1980s. Merging rock, new wave,
disco and worldbeat sounds, an explosion of exciting
and increasingly electronic dance-pop music caused
a sensation. In this book of interviews, 32 of the era’s
most celebrated singers, songwriters, producers and
industry professionals share memories of their lives and
careers during this extraordinary time.


Martin E. Connor

Nov 2017 164pp
9780786498987 Paperback US$29.95

Poses challenging questions to the public understanding
of rap music with an analytical foundation that’s firmly
built on a corpus of 135 songs from a group of over 50
artists. Building on Martin Connor’s decade of experience
in both the journalism and scholarly arena, the answers
that he arrives at are likely to be the motivating factors
behind any ongoing discourse that tries to explain and
describe rap.

Arts & Humanities
Performing Arts

University of Michigan Press University Press of Mississippi

The Music of Earle Brown Morris Levy

Rebecca Y. Kim Richard Carlin

Oct 2017 424pp Oct 2017 312pp
9780472130580 Hardback US$85.00 9781496814807 Paperback US$25.00
American Made Music Series
Earle Brown (1926-2002) was a crucial part of the
seminal group of experimental composers known as the Tells the story of one of the most notorious figures in
New York School, and his work intersects in fascinating the history of popular music, Morris Levy (1927-1990).
ways with that of his colleagues John Cage, Morton At age nineteen, he cofounded the nightclub Birdland
Feldman, and Christian Wolff. This book seeks to expand in Hell’s Kitchen, which became the home for a new
our view of Brown’s work, addressing his practices as a musical style, bebop. In 1957, he founded a record
painter and composer as well as his collaborations with label, Roulette Records. Roulette featured many of the
visual artists. significant jazz artists who played Birdland but also
scored top pop hits.
Adoption, Emulation, and Creativity JAZZ TRANSATLANTIC, VOLUME I
The African Undercurrent in Twentieth-
Andrew Kellett Century Jazz Culture

Sep 2017 256pp Gerhard Kubik
9780472130528 Hardback US$75.00
Nov 2017 464pp
Examines the role of British narratives of masculinity and 9781628462302 Hardback US$75.00
power in the postwar era of decolonisation and national American Made Music Series
decline that contributed to the creation of a network
of Bristish musicians influenced by African-American Takes the reader across the Atlantic from Africa to
blues music, and how its members used the tropes, the Americas and then back in pursuit of the music
vocabulary, and mythology of African-American blues we call jazz. This first volume explores the term itself
traditions to forge their own musical identities. and how jazz has been defined and redefined. It also
celebrates the phenomena of jazz performance and
uncovers hidden gems of jazz history.

Jazz Derivatives and Developments in
Twentieth-Century Africa

Gerhard Kubik

Dec 2017 272pp
9781496806086 Hardback US$75.00

American Made Music Series

Gerhard Kubik extends and expands the epic
exploration he began in Jazz Transatlantic, Volume
I. This second volume amplifies how musicians
influenced by swing, bebop, and post-bop
influenced musicians in Africa from the end of
World War II into the 1970s were interacting with
each other and re-creating jazz.

Arts & Humanities

Pe rMfUoSrICmi· ng Arts 103

His Life in Music
University of Michigan Press
Clarence Bernard Henry
Sep 2017 208pp Fifty Years of La MaMa Experimental Theatre
9781496814883 Paperback US$25.00
American Made Music Series Cindy Rosenthal

Quincy Jones (b. 1933) is one of the most prolific Oct 2017 208pp
composers, arrangers, bandleaders, producers, and 9780472117420 Hardback US$45.00
humanitarians in American music history and the
recording and film industries. Jones’s career has spanned Founder of La MaMa Experimental Theatre Club, Ellen
over sixty years, generating a substantial body of work Stewart was responsible for a staggering array of
with over five hundred compositions and arrangements. productions and for fostering the early work of directors,
This book focuses on this material as well as many of playwrights, actors, composers, and performance artists.
Jones’s accomplishments. Theatre scholar Cindy Rosenthal relates the history of
La MaMa through its performance posters, capturing
TEARING THE WORLD APART the irreverence and the aesthetic of La MaMa over five
Bob Dylan and the Twenty-First Century decades.

Edited by Nina Goss & Eric Hoffman MICRODRAMAS
Crucibles for Theater and Time
Sep 2017 208pp
9781496813329 Hardback US$65.00 John H. Muse
American Made Music Series
Oct 2017 256pp
Participates in the creation of the postmillennial Bob 9780472053636 Paperback US$29.95
Dylan by exploring three central records of the twenty- Theater: Theory/Text/Performance
first century - “Love and Theft” (2001), Modern Times
(2006), and Tempest (2012) - along with the 2003 film Argues that tiny plays (shorter than twenty minutes)
Masked and Anonymous, which Dylan helped write and in deserve sustained attention, and that brevity should
which he appears as an actor and musical performer. be considered a distinct mode of theatrical practice.
Focusing on artists for whom brevity became both a
The University of North Carolina Press structural principle and a tool to investigate theatre
itself, the book explores four episodes in the history of
BEYOND THE CROSSROADS very short theatre, all characterised by the self-conscious
The Devil and the Blues Tradition embrace of brevity.

History and Nation in German Theater
Oct 2017 416pp after 1989
9781469633664 Paperback US$29.95
New Directions in Southern Studies Matt Cornish

In this groundbreaking study, Adam Gussow takes the Sep 2017 264pp
full measure of the devil’s presence in the blues. Working 9780472130450 Hardback US$75.00
from original transcriptions of more than 125 recordings
released during the past ninety years, Gussow explores Since the moment after the fall of the Berlin Wall in
the varied uses to which black southern blues people 1989, the most important German theatre artists
have put this trouble-sowing, love-wrecking, but also have created plays and productions about unification.
empowering figure. Performing Unification examines how German directors,
playwrights, and theater groups have represented and
misrepresented the past, confronting their nation’s
history and collective identity.

Arts & Humanities
Performing Arts

Northwestern University Press LATINX THEATER IN THE TIMES OF
Immigration, Theater, and Embodiment in Patricia A. Ybarra
Twenty-First Century Paris
Nov 2017 256pp
Emine Fisek 9780810136458 Paperback US$34.95

Sep 2017 192pp Traces how Latino theatre in the United States has
9780810135666 Paperback US$34.95 engaged with the policies, procedures, and outcomes of
neoliberal economics in the Americas from the 1970s to
Presents an ethnographic study of the role of theatrical the present. Patricia Ybarra examines IMF interventions,
performance in questions regarding immigration, NAFTA, shifts in immigration policy, the escalation
citizenship, and the formation of national identity. of border industrialisation initiatives, and austerity
Focusing on Paris in the twenty-first century, Emine programs, and the response of Latino artists.
Fisek analyses the use of theatre by immigrant-rights
organisations there and examines the relationship Southern Illinois University Press
between aesthetic practices and the political
personhoods they negotiate. ADAPTURGY
The Dramaturg’s Art and Theatrical Adaptation
Jane Barnette
Nov 2017 264pp
Writing, Staging, and Building Space, 9780809336272 Paperback US$40.00
c. 1435-1650
Dramaturg Jane Barnette has put together an essential
Mimi Yiu guide for theatre scholars and practitioners seeking to
understand and participate in the process of adaptation
Jan 2018 336pp for the stage. Employing the term “adapturgy”, Barnette
9780810136595 Paperback US$34.95 redefines the dramaturg’s role and thoroughly refutes
the commonplace point of view that adapted works are
Rethinking the Early Modern somehow less creative than “original” plays.

Taking the reader on an inward journey from façades
to closets, from physical to psychic space, Architectural
Involutions offers an alternative genealogy of theatre
by revealing how innovations in architectural writing
and practice transformed an early modern sense of
interiority. The book situates Alberti, Shakespeare,
Jonson, and others within a landscape of spatial and
visual change.

Arts & Humanities
Philosophy 105

PHILOSOPHY The Catholic University of America Press

Dasein, Truth, and History
PHILO’S HEIRS Edited by Holger Zaborowski
Moses Maimonides and Thomas Aquinas
Oct 2017 277pp
Luis Cortest 9780813229546 Hardback US$75.00
Studies in Philosophy and the History of Philosophy
Jun 2017 160pp
9781618116307 Hardback US$89.00 The contributions to this volume, written by leading
scholars in the field of Heidegger research, offer close
In his monumental study of Philo of Alexandria readings of Heidegger’s texts and provide sound
(1947), Harry A. Wolfson argued that the philosophical orientation in the field of contemporary Heidegger
method developed by Philo, in which Greek philosophy research. They show how the different trajectories of
and Scripture are combined, served as the model for Heidegger’s thought all converge at one point: the
Christian, Jewish and Islamic thinkers until the time question of Being.
of Spinoza. This book, through an examination of the
thought of Philo, Maimonides and Aquinas, confirms AN INTRODUCTION TO PERSONALISM
Wolfson’s thesis.
Juan Manuel Burgos
Broadview Press
Feb 2018 288pp
BRINGING BIOLOGY TO LIFE 9780813229874 Paperback US$34.95
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Biology
Much has been written about the great personalist
Mahesh Ananth philosophers of the 20th century, but few books cover
the personalist movement as a whole. An Introduction
Oct 2017 300pp to Personalism fills that gap, and presents an engaging
9781551119908 Paperback US$34.95 anthropological vision capable of taking the lead in the
debate about the meaning of human existence and of
For full details of this title, see page 121. winning hearts and minds for the cause of the dignity of
every person.
The Math You Need to Do Philosophy, THE MODERN TURN
Second Edition
Edited by Michael Rohlf
Eric Steinhart
Dec 2017 344pp
Oct 2017 248pp 9780813230054 Hardback US$75.00
9781554813452 Paperback US$24.95 Studies in Philosophy and the History of Philosophy, Vol. 60

It is impossible to fully understand much of the most What is the modern turn in philosophy? In other words,
important work in contemporary philosophy without a what are the features that make modern philosophy
basic grasp of set theory, functions, probability, decision distinctively “modern” in contrast with the pre-modern
theory, and modality. More Precisely is written for people philosophy from which it emerged? The twelve essays in
who wish to engage with contemporary philosophical this volume seek to address this question, and in doing
writing but first need to fill gaps in their technical so, exemplify and contribute to a rich debate about the
knowledge. nature and value of modern philosophy.

Arts & Humanities
106 Philosophy

THE THINGS THAT MATTER University of Hawaii Press
Essays Inspired by the Later Work of Jacques
Its Roots and Global Significance
Edited by Heidi M. Geibel
Ming-huei Lee
Feb 2018 296pp Edited by David Jones
9780997220506 Paperback US$34.95
Oct 2017 192pp
Comprised of original essays by twenty English-speaking 9780824867300 Hardback US$58.00
Thomists on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary Confucian Cultures
of Jacques Maritain’s Untrammeled Approaches first
English appearance, this volume explores several of Provides a rare opportunity to read the work in a single
Maritain’s still-untrammeled (or at least less-trammeled) volume of one of Taiwan’s most distinguished scholars.
themes. While following his unbeaten paths, the Although Lee Ming-huei has published in English
contributing authors find and refine hidden treasures at before, the corpus of his non-Chinese writings is in
every turn. German. Readers of this volume will discover the hard-
mindedness and precision of thinking associated with
American Maritain Association Publications German philosophy as they enter into Lee’s discussions
of Confucianism.
A Historical and Philosophical Profile ENGAGING JAPANESE PHILOSOPHY
A Short History
Pasquale Porro
Translated by Joseph G. Trabbic & Roger W. Nutt Thomas P. Kasulis

May 2017 400pp Dec 2017 746pp
9780813230108 Paperback US$34.95 9780824874070 Paperback US$34.00
Nanzan Library of Asian Religion and Culture
Reflecting the highest standards of philological
and textual scholarship accompanied by judicious Philosophy challenges our assumptions - especially
philosophic analysis, Pasquale Porro explores the when it comes to us from another culture. In exploring
philosophical issues in each of Thomas Aquinas’ Japanese philosophy, a dependable guide is essential.
writings, which he interprets within the parameters The present volume, written by a renowned authority
of the temporal circumstances and institutional on the subject, offers readers a historical survey of
imperatives of their composition and in respect of the Japanese thought that is both comprehensive and
authoritative texts that Thomas encountered. comprehensible.

The University of Georgia Press University of Massachusetts Press

Secularity, Materiality, and Human CULTIVATION OF THE SOUL
Barry M. Andrews
Bruce A. Ronda
Oct 2017 184pp
Oct 2017 256pp 9781625342935 Paperback US$26.95
9780820351247 Hardback US$64.95
American Transcendentalism is often seen as a literary
Examines the mid-nineteenth-century flowering of movement - a flowering of works written by New
American transcendentalism and shows the movement’s England intellectuals who retreated from society
influence on several subsequent writers, thinkers, and and lived in nature. In this volume, Barry M. Andrews
artists who have drawn inspiration and energy from the focuses on a neglected aspect of this well-known group,
creative outpouring it produced. Bruce A. Ronda offers showing how American Transcendentalists developed
an account of the movement as an early example of the rich spiritual practices to nurture their souls and discover
secular turn in American culture. the divine.

Arts & Humanities
Philosophy 107

University of Michigan Press ESSENTIAL VULNERABILITIES
Plato and Levinas on Relations to the Other
The Political Theology of Perpetual Peace Deborah Achtenberg

Sean Patrick Molloy Oct 2017 224pp
9780810135635 Paperback US$34.95
Jul 2017 264pp
9780472130405 Hardback US$75.00 Contests Emmanuel Levinas’s idea that Plato is a
philosopher of freedom for whom thought is a return
In this wide-ranging study, Seán Molloy proposes to the self. Instead, Plato, like Levinas, is a philosopher
that texts such as Idea for a Universal History with of the other. Nonetheless, Deborah Achtenberg argues,
Cosmopolitan Intent and Toward Perpetual Peace cannot Plato and Levinas are different. Though they view
be fully understood without reference to Kant’s wider human beings as essentially vulnerable and in relation
philosophical projects, and in particular, the role that to others, they conceive human vulnerability and
belief in God plays within critical philosophy and Kant’s responsiveness differently.
inquiries into anthropology, politics, and theology.
University Press of Mississippi Fragments toward a History

GRAPHIC NOVELS AS PHILOSOPHY Edited by Vivasvan Soni & Thomas Pfau

Edited by Jeff McLaughlin Dec 2017 360pp
9780810136311 Paperback US$39.95
Sep 2017 240pp
9781496813275 Hardback US$65.00 Written by theologians, literary scholars, political
theorists, classicists, and philosophers, the essays in
For full details of this title, see page 46. Judgment and Action address the growing sense that
certain key concepts in humanistic scholarship have
University of Missouri Press become suspect, if not downright unintelligible, amid
the current plethora of critical methods. These essays
aim to reassert the normative force of judgment and

Politics, History, Consciousness Toward Education for Freedom

Charles R. Embry & Hughes Glenn G. Felicitas Munzel

Sep 2017 416pp Jul 2017 472pp
9780826221346 Hardback US$50.00 9780810135628 Paperback US$39.95

For full details of this title, see page 72. Topics in Historical Philosophy

Northwestern University Press Although he was involved in the education debates of
his time, it is widely held that in his mature philosophical
A PROCESS MODEL writings Immanuel Kant is silent on the subject. In this
groundbreaking book, G. Felicitas Munzel finds extant
Eugene Gendlin in Kant’s writings the so-called missing critical treatise
on education; it appears in the Doctrines of Method with
Nov 2017 320pp which he concludes each of his major works.
9780810136199 Paperback US$34.95
Studies in Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy

A foundational text by Eugene Gendlin, increasingly
recognised as one of the most original contemporary
thinkers, A Process Model demonstrates how human
behaving, perceiving, speaking, and everyday living arise
from body-environment interaction. Gendlin creates an
alternative model in which we define living bodies in
such a way that one of them can be ours.

Arts & Humanities
108 Philosophy

ARTS Implicit Precision and the Responsive Order

Edited by Eric Ziolkowski Eugene Gendlin
Edited by Edward S. Casey & Donata Schoeller
Jan 2018 280pp
9780810135963 Paperback US$39.95 Nov 2017 296pp
9780810136229 Paperback US$34.95
Presents a collection of fourteen essays that illuminate Studies in Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy
the broad and often underappreciated variety of the
nineteenth-century Danish thinker Søren Kierkegaard’s The first collection of Gendlin’s groundbreaking essays
engagements with literature and the arts. These essays in philosophical psychology, Saying What We Mean casts
explore Kierkegaard’s relationship to literature, the familiar areas of human experience, such as language
performing arts, and the visual arts and film. and feeling, in a radically different light. Instead of the
familiar emphasis on the conceptually explicit in an
ONLY A JOKE CAN SAVE US era of scientism, Gendlin shows that the implicit also
A Theory of Comedy comprises a structure available for recognition and
Todd McGowan
University of Notre Dame Press
Sep 2017 288pp
9780810135802 Paperback US$34.95 METAPHYSICAL PERSPECTIVES
Nicholas Rescher
Presents an innovative and comprehensive theory
of comedy. Using a wealth of examples from high Dec 2017 288pp
and popular culture and with careful attention to the 9780268102890 Hardback US$45.00
treatment of humour in philosophy, Todd McGowan
locates the universal source of comedy in the interplay of Nicholas Rescher offers a grand vision of how to
the opposing concepts lack and excess. conceptualise, and in some cases answer, some of
the most fundamental issues in metaphysics and
PERCEPTION IN ARISTOTLE’S ETHICS value theory. He engages issues across a wide range
of metaphysical themes, from different world views
Eve Rabinoff and ultimate questions to contingency and necessity,
to empathy and other minds, moral obligation, and
Feb 2018 176pp philosophical methodology.
9780810136427 Paperback US$34.95
Demonstrates that living an ethical life requires a mode CONTEMPORARY THEOLOGY
of perception that is best called ethical perception.
Specifically, drawing primarily on Aristotle’s accounts Edited by Christopher Ben Simpson &
of perception and ethics in De anima and Nicomachean Brendan Thomas Sammon
Ethics, Eve Rabinoff argues that the faculty of
perception, which is often thought to be an entirely Nov 2017 288pp
physical phenomenon, is informed by intellect and has 9780268102210 Hardback US$50.00
an ethical dimension.
Offers a timely exploration of William Desmond’s work
on theology and metaphysics, bringing the disciplines of
philosophy and theology together in new and vital ways.
The book examines the contribution that Desmond’s
metaphysics makes to contemporary theological
discourse and to the renewal of metaphysics.

Arts & Humanities
Philosophy 109

The University of South Carolina Press RETHINKING SINCERITY AND
THE KEYS OF POWER The Ethics of Theatricality in Kant,
The Rhetoric and Politics of Kierkegaard, and Levinas
Howard Pickett
Nathan Crick
Oct 2017 296pp
Aug 2017 288pp 9780813940151 Hardback US$49.50
9781611177787 Hardback US$49.99 Studies in Religion and Culture
Studies in Comparative Religion
Drawing on the writings of Immanuel Kant, Søren
A critical rhetorical history of American Transcendentalists Kierkegaard, and Emmanuel Levinas, Howard Pickett
that interprets a selection of their major works between presents a vivid defence of virtuous hypocrisy. Rethinking
the years 1821 and 1852 as political and ethical responses Sincerity and Authenticity offers an engaging new
to the growing crises of their times. Nathan Crick appraisal not only of the ethics of theatricality but of the
argues that one of the legacies of the Transcendentalist theatricality of ethics.
movement is the multifaceted understanding of
transcendental eloquence as a distinct rhetorical genre. The University of Wisconsin Press

On Late Critical Theory
Allen Thiher
Martin Jay
Jan 2018 312pp
9781611178289 Hardback US$59.99 Sep 2017 272pp
Understanding Modern European and Latin American Literature 9780299306540 Paperback US$21.95
George L. Mosse Series in Modern European Cultural and
For full details of this title, see page 42. Intellectual History

University of Virginia Press Tackles a question as old as Plato and still pressing today:
what is reason, and what roles does and should it have
EXPERIENCING WILLIAM JAMES in human endeavour? Applying the tools of intellectual
Belief in a Pluralistic World history, Martin Jay examines the overlapping, but not
fully compatible, meanings that have accrued to the
James Campbell term reason over two millennia, homing in on moments
of crisis, critique, and defence of reason.
Nov 2017 328pp
9780813940489 Paperback US$35.00

William James has long been recognised as a central
figure in the American philosophic tradition, and his
ideas continue to play a significant role in contemporary
thinking. Yet there has never been a comprehensive
exploration of his thought. In Experiencing William James,
James Campbell provides the fuller and more complete
analysis that James scholarship has long needed.

Arts & Humanities
110 Politics & International RELATIONS

RELATIONS Experiments in an Era of Resurgent
ASP (Academic & Scientific Publishers)
Edited by Thanassis Cambanis & Michael Wahid Hanna
Fundamentals for Leadership Communication Aug 2017 560pp
9780870785474 Paperback US$34.99
Stavros Papagianneas
In this volume, researchers, scholars, and active
Aug 2017 176pp participants explore political initiatives in the realms of
9789057186202 Paperback US$33.00 media, artists’ collectives, rebel enclaves, neighborhood
councils, fledgling citizen campaigns, and elsewhere.
Explores why EU communication fails and how to make With rich ethnographic detail, these studies pay special
it succeed. This volume illustrates how Europe can be attention to regional dynamics, cross-border learning, and
rebranded by providing key recommendations on how the intellectual history of ideas central to the uprisings.
to convey the added value of the EU in the daily lives
of its citizens. It gives original and logical answers to BEYOND NATO
communication questions. A New Security Architecture for Eastern Europe

Baraka Books Michael E. O’Hanlon

9780815732570 Paperback US$14.99
Stephen Gowans
The Marshall Papers
Aug 2017 260pp
9781771861083 Paperback US$24.95 Argues that now is the time for Western nations
to negotiate a new security architecture for neutral
For full details of this title, see page 24. countries in eastern Europe to stabilize the region and
reduce the risks of war with Russia. Michael O’Hanlon
Brookings Institution Press believes NATO expansion has gone far enough. The core
concept of this new security architecture would be one
ALGERIA AND TRANSATLANTIC of permanent neutrality.
Edited by Sasha Toperich, Samy Boukaila & Does Israel Have a Plan?
Tea Ivanovic
Natan Sachs
Oct 2017 300pp
9780990772149 Paperback $35.00 Dec 2017 266pp
9780815731573 Hardback US$27.99
The US-Algeria relationship is characterized by mutual
respect and cooperation. The US has been supportive of Attempts to solve the puzzle of why the Israeli strategic
Algerian independence, and both nations are committed to vision seems so elusive to many foreigners and Israelis
further improving the bilateral relationship. In this volume, alike. It explores how Israelis’ beliefs about their future are
the authors address Algeria’s ongoing reforms to diversify formed and how their visions are translated into policy,
its economy, the formation of a stronger democracy, and focusing on three factors in depth: the role of security
its effort to position itself as a pillar of stability. concerns, ideology, and domestic political constraints
Center for Transatlantic Relations SAIS that combine to shape Israel’s strategic posture.



Tibet, the CIA, and the Sino-Indian War

Bruce Riedel

Sep 2017 177pp
9780815731634 Paperback US$16.99

For full details of this title, see page 13.

Arts & Humanities
Politics & International RELATIONS 111

The Challenge of Local Governance in an Age Regional and International Implications
of Disorder
Edited by Sumit Ganguly & Feisal A.R. al-Istrabadi
Vanda Felbab-Brown, Shadi Hamid & Harold Trinkunas
Nov 2017 300pp
Nov 2017 277pp 9780815732167 Paperback US$45.99
9780815731894 Hardback US$34.99
Geopolitics in the 21st Century The Islamic State has been active for less than a decade,
but it has already been the subject of numerous histories
Takes the reader around the world to areas where and academic studies - all focusing primarily on the past.
national governance has broken down - or never really The Future of ISIS is the first major study to look ahead:
existed. In these places, the vacuum has been filled by what are the prospects for the Islamic State in the near
local gangs, militias, and warlords, some with ideological term, and what can the global community, including the
or political agendas and others focused primarily on United States, do to counter it?
economic gain.
RUSSIA IN DECLINE Information, Politics, and Policy in Putin’s Russia

Edited by S. Enders Wimbush & Elizabeth M. Portale Edited by Daniel Treisman
Foreword by Paul A. Goble
Oct 2017 316pp
Jul 2017 200pp 9780815732433 Paperback US$35.99
9780998666006 Paperback US$24.95
The result of a two-year collaboration between Russian
Russia is in precipitous decline, which is unlikely to be experts and Western political scholars, this volume
reversed. This conclusion, based on the research of explores the complex roles of Russia’s presidency,
Russian and American experts, constitutes the bottom security services, parliament, media and other
line of The Jamestown Foundation’s project, Russia actors. The authors argue that Putin has created an
in Decline. Moreover, the tempo of Russia’s decay is “informational autocracy,” which relies more on media
accelerating across virtually every fragment of its politics, manipulation than on the comprehensive repression of
economy, society and military. traditional dictatorships.

America and the World Studies of Modern Advocacy and Propaganda

Stewart Patrick Christopher C. Harmon & Randall G. Bowdish

Sep 2017 330pp Oct 2017 325pp
9780815731597 Hardback US$29.99 9780815732181 Paperback US$35.99

A look at protecting sovereignty while advancing Propaganda used by terrorists and armed groups might
American interests in the global age. Sovereignty not always be the most sophisticated or nuanced form of
Reimagined is intended to help today’s policymakers rhetoric, but with the right mix of emotion and logic it can
think more clearly about what is actually at stake in be extremely effective. This book examines how terrorist
the sovereignty debate and to provide some criteria for groups in recent history have used propaganda, and how
determining when it is appropriate to make bargains they have adapted to new communications technologies
over sovereignty-and how to make them. while retaining useful techniques from the past.

U.S.-Ukraine Relations in Turbulent Times

Steven Pifer

Aug 2017 366pp
9780815730408 Hardback US$29.99

Provides the first detailed account of US diplomacy
toward independent Ukraine, covering the formative
dozen years following the collapse of the Soviet Union at
the end of 1991. Steven Pifer, who worked on US-Ukraine
relations at the State Department and the White House
and as ambassador to Ukraine, has written an insider’s
narrative of the ups and downs in the relationship.

Arts & Humanities
112 Politics & International RELATIONS

Faultlines in a Troubled Alliance ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE

Kemal Kirisci Jacob Parakilas et al

Jul 2017 200pp Oct 2017 60pp
9780815730002 Hardback US$29.99 9781784132125 Paperback US$15.00
Geopolitics in the 21st Century
Discussions about the future of artificial intelligence
Argues that domestic and regional realities are now (AI) tend to view it as distinct from, and potentially
edging Turkey toward improving its relations with the as a threat to, human intelligence. What has been
West. A better understanding of these developments less examined are the potential applications for AI in
will be critical in devising an updated US strategy assisting the human decision making process. This
toward Turkey and its neighbourhood. This book report bridges the gap between the technical and policy
discusses the challenges and opportunities for the new sectors to examine how AI can contribute to different
US administration of re-engaging with a sometimes- aspects of security policy.
troublesome, yet long-time ally.
Xenia Wickett
Edited by Sasha Toperich & Aylin Unver Noi
Aug 2017 60pp
Sep 2017 400pp 9781784132118 Paperback US$15.00
9780990772125 Paperback US$35.00
The objective of this report is to establish greater
The worthy goal of developing good relations with its understanding and transparency between the United
neighbours presents Turkey with a number of challenges. States and the major European states over whether the
This volume sheds more light on the past, present, and relationships are converging or diverging and whether
future of Turkish relations with its transatlantic partners, this is structural or cyclical. Based on an understanding
focusing on history, the impact of current developments of the factors leading to any divergence, the report
affecting Turkey and its neighbours, and Turkish identifies possible approaches that would help manage
domestic and foreign policies. any differences.

WORDS THAT MATTER University Press of Florida
How the News and Social Media Shaped the
2016 Presidential Campaign THE PRESIDENT AND AMERICAN
Leticia Bode et al
Edited by Mark H. Rose & Roger Biles
Jan 2018 200pp
9780815731917 Hardback US$25.99 Feb 2018 336pp
9780813056524 Hardback US$84.95
For full details of this title, see page 10.
For full details of this title, see page 13.
Centre for European Policy Studies
REGROUP AND REFORM Civil Rights, The Conservative Movement and
Ideas for a More Responsive and Effective the Presidency from Nixon to Obama
European Union
Edited by Kenneth Osgood & Derrick E. White
Steven Blockmans & Sophia Russack
Feb 2018 298pp
Jul 2017 40pp 9780813064536 Paperback US$24.95
9789461385758 Paperback US$10.00
For full details of this title, see page 14.
This incisive report comes at a time of almost
unprecedented self-examination for the EU. Faced with
growing nationalism, illiberalism, economic, security and
political challenges - not least to the very membership of
the Union - the relevance of the EU has become a matter
of intense debate. How it responds to these challenges
will define the next era of cooperation and integration
in Europe.

Arts & Humanities
Politics & International RELATIONS 113

University Press of Kansas Lynne Rienner Publishers

A Political Biography of Gerald R. Ford GLOBAL SOUTH
Linking Concepts and Cases, Fourth Edition
Scott Kaufman
December Green & Laura Luehrmann
Nov 2017 448pp
9780700625000 Hardback US$34.95 Jul 2017 550pp
9781626376502 Paperback US$35.00
For full details of this title, see page 14.
In this now classic text, December Green and Laura
CELEBRITY INFLUENCE Luehrmann show how history, economics, and politics
Politics, Persuasion, and Issue-Based Advocacy converge to create the realities of life in the Global
South. The authors offer an innovative blend of theory
Mark Harvey and empirical material as they introduce the politics of
what was once called the “third world”.
Nov 2017 272pp
9780700624980 Hardback US$34.95 DEMOCRACY IN CRISIS
Why, Where, How to Respond
Why should we listen to celebrities like Bono or Angelina
Jolie when they endorse a politician or take a position on Roland Rich
an issue? Do we listen to them? In this book Mark Harvey
takes a close look into the phenomenon of celebrity Jul 2017 215pp
advocacy in an attempt to determine the nature of 9781626376717 Hardback US$32.50
celebrity influence, and the source and extent of its power.
Democracy is in crisis. After the hope engendered by the
IRAQ AND THE POLITICS OF OIL Third Wave, democracies around the world are beleaguered
An Insider’s Perspective with threats from multiple sources. What are these threats?
Where did they come from? And how can the challenges
Gary Vogler to democratic governance best be overcome? Roland Rich
interprets the danger signs that abound across the globe,
Nov 2017 352pp and offers innovative strategies for turning the tide.
9780700625062 Hardback US$29.95

For full details of this title, see page 25.

International Cooperation at Work
Edited by Jeffery A. Jenkins & Craig Volden
Hikaru Yamashita
Dec 2017 368pp
9780700625147 Hardback US$39.95 Sep 2017 210pp
9781626376625 Hardback US$72.00
In the polarised governing environment of American
politics today, the problem of leadership becomes Though historically the term peacekeeping has
ever more pressing and ever more vexed. What defines essentially been shorthand for UN peacekeeping,
leadership, what determines its importance and recent years have seen a proliferation of actors and
effectiveness, and how does it differ from one sphere of initiatives in a shift to global peacekeeping cooperation.
influence to another: these are the questions Leadership Hikaru Yamashita explores the motivations behind this
in American Politics addresses. development, what forms it is taking, and what it means
for the international community.

The University Press of Kentucky INTERNATIONAL LAW IN
A POLITICAL COMPANION TO An Introduction,Third Edition
Shirley V. Scott
Edited by Henry T. Edmondson III
Jul 2017 350pp
Jul 2017 394pp 9781626376045 Paperback US$27.50
9780813169408 Hardback US$60.00
Political Companions to Great American Authors Reflecting a dramatically changing global context, the third
edition of International Law in World Politics introduces the
For full details of this title, see page 37. actors, structures, processes, and issues of international law
in a way that makes sense to students of political science.
The result is a text that effectively explains the role that
international law plays in the arena of world politics today.

Arts & Humanities
114 Politics & International RELATIONS

THE RESURGENCE OF POPULISM IN University of Michigan Press
Robert R. Barr Regime Consolidation in Greece, Turkey,
and Beyond
Aug 2017 235pp
9781626376670 Hardback US$72.00 Yaprak Gürsoy

Latin America has recently experienced a powerful Jul 2017 344pp
resurgence of populism, a phenomenon that has had an 9780472130429 Hardback US$80.00
outsized influence on the region’s politics. What explains
this resurgence? And what is distinctive about this new Why do the armed forces sometimes intervene in politics
populist era? Answering these questions, Robert Barr via short-lived coup d’états, at other times support
offers a refined conceptualisation of populism and an authoritarian regimes, and in some cases come under
intriguing explanation of its recent electoral successes the democratic control of civilians? Yaprak Gürsoy
across the continent. examines four episodes of authoritarianism, six periods
of democracy, and ten short-lived coups in Greece and
UNDERSTANDING Turkey, and applies her resultant theory to four more
CONTEMPORARY CHINA recent military interventions.
Fifth Edition
Edited by Robert E. Gamer & Stanley W. Toops The Rise of Policy Czars as Presidential
Management Tools
Jul 2017 500pp
9781626376533 Paperback US$28.50 Justin S. Vaughn & Jose D. Villalobos

China today bears little resemblance to the country Oct 2017 248pp
introduced in the first edition of Understanding 9780472036943 Paperback US$29.95
Contemporary China, published nearly two decades ago.
This new edition explores the impact of new domestic Combining public administration and political science
policies; China’s role as a behemoth in the world approaches to the study of the American presidency
economy; its modernising infrastructure; its expanding and institutional politics, Justin S. Vaughn and José
military presence in the region; and much more. D. Villalobos argue that the creation of policy czars is
a strategy for combatting partisan polarisation and
McFarland navigating the federal government’s complexity.

A History of Secrecy in the United States The Political Theology of Perpetual Peace
Sean Patrick Molloy
David B. Frost
Jul 2017 264pp
Aug 2017 158pp 9780472130405 Hardback US$75.00
9781476664002 Paperback US$35.00
For full details of this title, see page 63.
For full details of this title, see page 14.
MISSION UKRAINE Partisan Conflict and Procedural Change in
The 2012-2013 Diplomatic Effort to Secure the U.S. Senate
Ties with Europe
James Ian Wallner
Maciej Olchawa
Nov 2017 272pp
Aug 2017 277pp 9780472130542 Hardback US$75.00
9781476669380 Paperback US$29.95 Legislative Politics and Policy Making

Over a year and a half, Aleksander Kwasniewski and Pat Presents a new, bargaining model of procedural change
Cox visited Ukraine 27 times to negotiate the release of to explain the persistence of the filibuster in the current
former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, which would polarised US political environment, and focuses on
allow Ukraine to sign the Association Agreement with the dynamics ultimately responsible for the nature
the EU. The Cox-Kwasniewski mission was part of the and direction of contested procedural change. James
EU’s final, all-out effort to save the Agreement and give Wallner’s model explains why Senate majorities have
millions of Ukrainians the hope of a European future. historically tolerated the filibuster, even when it has been
used to defeat their agenda.

Arts & Humanities
Politics & International RELATIONS 115

Understanding BRICS Identity and Behavior MOHAMMAD MOSADDEQ AND THE 1953
Through Time COUP IN IRAN

Cameron G Thies & Mark David Nieman Edited by Mark J. Gasiorowski & Malcolm Byrne

Dec 2017 224pp Jul 2017 384pp
9780472130566 Hardback US$70.00 9780815635291 Paperback US$29.95
Modern Intellectual and Political History of the Middle East
Examines the identity and behavior of the BRICS
(Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) in light For full details of this title, see page 17.
of concerns that rising powers may become more
aggressive and conflict-prone. The authors develop a University of Utah Press
theoretical framework that encapsulates pressures for
revisionism through the mechanism of competition, and RELIGION, CONFLICT, AND PEACEMAKING
pressures for accommodation and assimilation through An Interdisciplinary Conversation
the mechanism of socialisation.
Muriel Schmid
University of Missouri Press
Nov 2017 192pp
THE ERIC VOEGELIN READER 9781607815860 Paperback US$25.00
Politics, History, Consciousness
For full details of this title, see page 78.
Charles R. Embry & Hughes Glenn
Texas A&M University Press
Sep 2017 416pp
9780826221346 Hardback US$50.00 COLUMNS TO CHARACTERS
The Presidency and the Press Enter the
Drawing from the University of Missouri Press’s Digital Age
thirty-four-volume edition of The Collected Works of
Eric Voegelin, Charles Embry and Glenn Hughes have Edited by Stephanie A. Martin
assembled a selection of representative works of
Voegelin, satisfying a longstanding need for a single Nov 2017 288pp
volume that can serve as a general introduction to 9781623495626 Hardback US$42.00
Voegelin’s philosophy. Kenneth E. Montague Presidential Rhetoric Series

Oregon State University Press Offers a fresh perspective on how the evolution of
technology affects the way presidents interact with
THE ALTERNATE ROUTE the public. From Bill Clinton’s saxophone playing on
Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zones the Arsenio Hall Show to Barack Obama’s skillful use of
YouTube, Twitter, and Reddit as the first “social media
Thomas Graham president”, political communication appears to reflect
the increasing fragmentation of the American public.
Nov 2017 320pp
9780870719066 Paperback US$35.00

Eventual achievement of nuclear disarmament has been
an objective and a dream of the world community since
the dawn of the Nuclear Age. Essential reading for policy
advisors, foreign service professionals, and scholars
in political science, The Alternate Route examines the
possibilities of nuclear-weapon-free zones as a pathway
to worldwide nuclear disarmament.

Arts & Humanities


Vanderbilt University Press RELIGION

Gershon Baskin
Nov 2017 288pp
9780826521811 Hardback US$27.95 John Henry Newman’s Defence of the Virgin
Mary in Catholic Doctrine and Piety
Gershon Baskin’s memoir of thirty-eight years of
intensive pursuit of peace. During the many cycles of Robert M. Andrews
peace negotiations, Baskin has served both as an outside Foreword by Austin Cooper
agitator for peace and as an advisor on the inside of
secret talks. He ends this book with his own proposal, Sep 2017 148pp
which includes establishing a peace education program 9781680530384 Paperback US$49.95
and cabinet-level Ministries of Peace in both countries, in
order to foster a culture of peace. Discusses a theme within John Henry Newman’s
Mariology: namely, his apologetic defense of the place
Victoria University Press of the Virgin Mary in Catholic doctrine and piety. This
revised paperback edition shows ever more strongly how
CHINA–US RELATIONS IN GLOBAL Newman possessed a highly developed Marian apologetic
PERSPECTIVE - one that grew out of his Anglican background and that
developed into his life as a Catholic priest.
Bo Zhiyue
Brookings Institution Press
Aug 2017 304pp
9781776560905 Paperback US$29.95 JOURNEY INTO EUROPE
Islam, Immigration, and Identity
Features scholars and practitioners from China, the US,
New Zealand, Australia, Singapore and other countries on Akbar Ahmed
issues related to the bilateral relationship. The book not
only looks at China-US relations from the perspectives of Dec 2017 600pp
the two giants but also offers an opportunity to examine 9780815727583 Hardback US$34.99
the bilateral relationship from third parties such as
countries in the Asia-Pacific region and Oceania. For full details of this title, see page 13.

The University of Wisconsin Press The Catholic University of America Press


Anton Weiss-Wendt Matthew Levering

Jul 2017 384pp Sep 2017 277pp
9780299312909 Hardback US$74.95 9780813229300 Paperback US$24.95
Critical Human Rights
Contemporary scholars often refer to “the event of
For full details of this title, see page 18. Vatican II”, but what kind of an event was it? Matthew
Levering offers an introduction to Vatican II with a
detailed summary of each of its four central documents
- the dogmatic constitutions - followed by explanations
of how to interpret them. Levering also offers a reading
of each conciliar Constitution in light of a key theological
author from the era.

Arts & Humanities

The Sacraments as Instrumental Causes in the
Guy Mansini Thomistic Tradition

Jan 2018 304pp Reginald Lynch
9780813229850 Paperback US$24.95
Sacra Doctrina, Vol. 2 Aug 2017 277pp
9780813229447 Hardback US$65.00
Examines the light by which the mysteries of Christ and
the Church, the Trinity and the Sacraments, are revealed Thomistic Ressourcement Series
to us. That light we call “revelation,” and fundamental
theology examines in the first place what this light Provides the historical context for understanding the
shows about itself, and how it is sustained in the world. development of sacramental causality as a theological
topic in the scholastic period, emphasising the unique
GLORY OF THE LOGOS IN THE FLESH features of Aquinas’ response to this question. Following
Saint John Paul’s Theology of the Body this, relevant texts from Aquinas’ early and later work are
examined, noting Aquinas’ development and integration
Michael Maria Waldstein of the idea of sacramental causality in his later work.

Dec 2017 400pp THE HOUSE OF THE LORD
9781932589764 Paperback US$34.95 A Catholic Biblical Theology of God’s Temple
Presence in the Old and New Testaments
Helps readers of Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body
enter this masterwork with clearer understanding. Part Steven Smith
One is a map of John Paul’s text. Part Two reflects on the
breadth of reason in Plato’s Republic, Aristotle’s Physics, Aug 2017 277pp
and the Gospel of John. Part Three shows how this 9780996930543 Hardback US$60.00
breadth of reason is at work in John Paul’s dialogue with
Thomas Aquinas, John of the Cross, Kant, and Scheler. Invites readers to participate in a unique journey: a
deep exploration of the Old and New Testaments that
Sapientia Press of Ave Maria University searches out and contemplates the reality of God’s
presence with his people, with a particular focus on
THE BIBLE AND EARLY TRINITARIAN investigating God’s self-revelation in and through the
THEOLOGY biblical temple. The journey represents a tour de force of
biblical theology, guided by author Steven Smith.
Edited by Christopher A. Beeley & Mark E. Weedman
Franciscan University Press
Feb 2018 272pp
9780813229959 Hardback US$75.00 LATE ANNOUNCED
CUA Studies in Early Christianity, Vol. 5
Based on a multi-year consultation in the Society of
Biblical Literature, The Bible and Early Trinitarian Theology A Thomistic Study in Christology
brings new insights to the relationship between patristic
exegesis and current strategies of biblical interpretation, Thomas Joseph White
specifically with reference to the doctrine of the Trinity.
May 2017 552pp
THE BUSINESS FRANCIS MEANS 9780813230092 Paperback US$34.95
Understanding the Pope’s Message on the
Economy Considers central themes in Christology from a
metaphysical perspective. Particular attention is given
Martin Schlag to the hypostatic union, the two natures of Christ, the
knowledge and obedience of Jesus, the passion and
Sep 2017 210pp death of Christ, his descent into hell, and resurrection.
9780813229737 Paperback US$24.95

Shows that Pope Francis has something to say to all
Christians. His message, taken as a whole, keeps us from
dividing the “seamless garment” of Christ: he reminds
the conservatives of the problems of inequality and
poverty, and the liberals that social justice is not enough:
the Church is the bride of Christ, not a social institution
or an NGO.

Arts & Humanities
118 Religion

THE LIGHT OF CHRIST The Crossroad Publishing Company
An Introduction to Christianity

Sep 2017 328pp Gerhard Ludwig Müller
9780813229713 Paperback US$19.95
Oct 2017 175pp
Provides an accessible presentation of Catholicism that 9780824522339 Paperback US$29.95
is grounded in traditional theology, but engaged with a
host of contemporary questions or objections. Inspired The definitive text on the structure of Catholic
by the theologies of Iranaeus, Thomas Aquinas and John dogmatics, written by one of the most important
Henry Newman, and rooted in a post-Vatican II context, authors in the Catholic Church today. The author is
Fr. Thomas Joseph White presents major doctrines of highly placed in the Vatican hierarchy. Cardinal Mueller
the Christian religion in a way that is comprehensible for oversaw the collected writings of Pope Benedict. The
non-specialists. book will enhance both the scholar’s and lay reader’s
knowledge of dogmatics.
Searching for Meaning, Fulfillment, and Truth Herder & Herder

Theological Reflections across
Dec 2017 256pp Religious Traditions
9780813229799 Paperback US$34.95
Peter Casarella & Sirry Mun’im
Taking account of the widespread indifference,
scepticism, and distrust of organised religion in the Nov 2017 250pp
West, Louis Roy begins The Three Dynamisms of Faith 9780824523350 Hardback US$89.95
with the human concern about hope and about a
reachable happiness, both in our contemporary world Explores how beauty can be found in religions and
and in the Bible. He then traces these themes in three cultures. This book also views how the beauty of the
historic giants of Christian thinking: Thomas Aquinas, Christian gospel should be communicated in different
John Henry Newman, and Bernard Lonergan. religious and cultural settings. This valuable collection
of essays features a host of highly respected scholars,
THOMAS AQUINAS presenting a unique treatment of the concept of beauty
A Historical and Philosophical Profile as seen in a variety of religions and cultures.

Pasquale Porro Herder & Herder
Translated by Joseph G. Trabbic & Roger W. Nutt
May 2017 400pp The Church’s Mission and Challenge
9780813230108 Paperback US$34.95
Robert P. Imbelli
For full details of this title, see page 62.
Sep 2017 264pp
9780824523312 Paperback US$19.95
The Church in the 21st Century

This is the first volume of The Church in the 21st Century
series sponsored by Boston College. It includes original
contributions by figures such as Robert P. Imbelli,
Mary Johnson, William D. Dinges, Paul J. Griffiths, Luke
Timothy Johnson, Robert Louis Wilken, Michael J. Himes,
Christopher and Deborah Ruddy, Terrence W. Tilley,
Thomas Groome, Bishop Blase Cupich, and John C.

Herder & Herder

Arts & Humanities
Religion 119

PROPHETIC WITNESS Holy Trinity Publications
Catholic Women’s Strategies for Reform,

Edited by Colleen M. Griffith Nicholas Kotar, Vitaly Permiakov & Averky Taushev

Sep 2017 312pp Sep 2017 128pp
9780824523305 Paperback US$19.95 9781942699156 Hardback US$25.00
The Church in the 21st Century Commentary on the Holy Scriptures of the New Testament

Presenting practical strategies for reform and renewal of Writing in the tradition of biblical exegetes, such as St
the Church, this strikingly direct volume brings together John Chrysostom, Blessed Theophylact of Bulgaria, and St
the voices of leading Catholic theologians who offer ideas Theophan the Recluse, the work of Archbishop Averky
for change while still showing that feminist reflection (Taushev) provides a commentary that is firmly grounded
can work in support of the Church. With insightful essays in the teaching of the Church, manifested in its liturgical
on a wide range of topics, this anthology provides an hymnography and the works of the Holy Fathers.
exciting perspective into the lives of practicing women.
Hoover Institution Press
Herder & Herder
REVERED AND REVILED From the Mongol Conquest to The Syrian
A Re-Examination of Vatican Council I Military Intervention

John R. Quinn Robert Service

Sep 2017 128pp Aug 2017 128pp
9780824523299 Hardback US$22.95 9780817920845 Hardback US$19.95

Explores the ways that Vatican Council I influenced the For full details of this title, see page 14.
important issues of papal primacy and the infallible
teaching magisterium of the Pope. This book clarifies Independent Institute
and corrects many misunderstood concepts and
conclusions about the first Council. Although this is, POPE FRANCIS AND THE CARING SOCIETY
first and foremost, a church history, it is written with the
educated lay reader in mind. Edited by Robert M. Whaples

Herder & Herder Sep 2017 256pp
9781598132878 Hardback US$24.95
Hebrew Union College Press
Explores the Pope’s earnest call for a dialogue on
ENGAGING TORAH building a truly compassionate society. Pope Francis and
A Jewish Guide to Biblical Study the Caring Society provides an integrated perspective
on Francis and the issues he has raised, examining the
Edited by Walter Homolka & Aaron Panken intersection of religion, politics, and economics.

Nov 2017 96pp
9780822945147 Hardback US$24.95

In this volume of essays, eminent Jewish scholars from
around the world present introductions to the different
parts of the Bible for the wider public. The essays
encompass a general introduction to the Torah in Jewish
life, and include specific essays on each of the Five Books of
Moses, as well as on the Haftarot, Neviim, and Ketuvim.

Hebrew Union College Press

Arts & Humanities
120 Religion

ISI Books The University of North Carolina Press

A POPE AND A PRESIDENT Islamic Critical Thinking from Mecca to
John Paul II, Ronald Reagan, and the the Marketplace
Extraordinary Untold Story of the
20th Century Irfan Ahmad

Paul Kengor Dec 2017 288pp
9781469635095 Paperback US$29.95
Jun 2017 624pp Islamic Civilization and Muslim Networks
9781610171434 Hardback US$29.95
Makes the far-reaching argument that potent systems
In this fascinating new book, Paul Kengor tells the and modes for self-critique as well as critique of others
untold story of the partnership between Pope John Paul are inherent in Islam - indeed, critique is integral to its
II and President Ronald Reagan and how together they fundamental tenets and practices. Challenging common
changed the course of world history. Kengor shows views of Islam as hostile to critical thinking, Ahmad
that the bonds between the pope and the president ran delineates thriving traditions of critique in Islamic
deeper than anyone has suspected, and that these bonds culture, focusing in large part on South Asian traditions.
drove them to confront what they saw as the great evil
of the twentieth century: Soviet communism. University of Notre Dame Press

A Priest in Baghdad
The Political and Religious Landscape of Copts Saad Sirop Hanna & Edward S. Aris
and Muslims
Sep 2017 152pp
Girgis Naiem 9780268102937 Hardback US$25.00

Nov 2017 199pp How do we respond in the face of evil, especially to those
9781476671208 Paperback $39.95 who inflict grave evil upon us? Abducted in Iraq is Bishop
Saad Sirop Hanna’s firsthand account of his abduction in
The basis of much conflict and a source for recurrent 2006 by a militant group associated with al-Qaeda. The
political instability within Egypt is the inability to define book charts Hanna’s twenty-eight days in captivity as he
a common national identity. The lack of a shared identity struggles through threats, torture, and the unknown to
affects all Egyptians, but it impacts Egypt’s Coptic piece together what little information he has in a bid for
Christians the most deeply. survival.

University Press of Mississippi CONSTRUCTING CIVILITY
The Human Good in Christian and Islamic
NEW IN PAPERBACK Political Theologies


Exploring the Spiritual Life and Work of Oct 2017 256pp
Charles M. Schulz 9780268102739 Hardback US$45.00

Stephen J. Lind This is a unique and fascinating work whose aim is to
present the reader with a compelling set of arguments for
Oct 2017 308pp why the doctrine should remain central to the grammar
9781496814678 Paperback US$20.00 of contemporary Christian theology. As such, the book
will appeal to theologians as well as those interested in
Great Comics Artists Series the relationship between theology and science.

Based on new archival research and original interviews
with Charles M. Schulz’s family, friends, and colleagues,
author Stephen J. Lind offers a new spiritual biography of
the life and work of the great comic strip artist. Previously
unpublished writings from Schulz will move fans as they
begin to see the nuances of the humourist’s own complex,
intense journey toward understanding God and faith.

Arts & Humanities
Religion 121

CREATION EX NIHILO The University of South Carolina Press
Origins, Development,
Contemporary Challenges COPTS IN CONTEXT
Negotiating Identity, Tradition,
Edited by Gary A. Anderson & Markus Bockmuehl and Modernity

Nov 2017 418pp Edited by Nelly van Doorn-Harder
9780268102531 Hardback US$45.00
Oct 2017 296pp
The doctrine of creation ex nihilo has met with criticism 9781611177848 Hardback US$54.99
and revisionary theories in recent years, from the worlds Studies in Comparative Religion
of science, theology, and philosophy. This is a unique
and fascinating work whose aim is to present the reader In the wake of the Arab Spring, the Coptic community
with a compelling set of arguments for why the doctrine was caught up in regional violence, and its predicament
should remain central to the grammar of contemporary became a cause for concern around the world. Copts
Christian theology. in Context examines the situation of the Copts as a
minority faith in a volatile region and as a community
MEDITATIONS ON THE LIFE OF CHRIST confronting modernity while steeped in tradition.
The Short Italian Text
University of Utah Press
Edited by Sarah McNamer
Jan 2018 520pp An Interdisciplinary Conversation
9780268102852 Hardback US$65.00
Muriel Schmid
For full details of this title, see page 23.
Nov 2017 192pp
MILTON AND CATHOLICISM 9781607815860 Paperback US$25.00

Edited by Ronald Corthell & Thomas N. Corns Discussions of the relationship between religion and
violence have been on the rise since 9/11. Conversations
Nov 2017 216pp have also focused on how religion can mediate conflict
9780268100810 Hardback US$50.00 and help build peace. This volume offers a diversity
of approaches to the subject, gathering essays from a
For full details of this title, see page 42. cross-section of prominent scholars studying the role of
religion in peacemaking.
Eucharistic Controversy and English Drama
across the Reformation Divide

Jay Zysk

Sep 2017 424pp
9780268102302 Paperback US$45.00
ReFormations: Medieval and Early Modern

Presents a sustained examination of the relationship
between Eucharistic controversy and English drama across
the Reformation divide. In this compelling interdisciplinary
study, Jay Zysk contends that the Eucharist is not just a
devotional object or doctrinal crux, it also shapes a way
of thinking about physical embodiment and textual
interpretation in theological and dramatic contexts.

WILLIAM DESMOND AND Receive regular up-to-date information about
CONTEMPORARY THEOLOGY our new titles by registering for e-alerts at:

Edited by Christopher Ben Simpson &
Brendan Thomas Sammon

Nov 2017 288pp
9780268102210 Hardback US$50.00

For full details of this title, see page 64.

Arts & Humanities
122 Social Studies

SOCIAL STUDIES The University of Georgia Press

Canadian Scholars’ Press A CURSE UPON THE NATION
Race, Freedom, and Extermination in America
Kay Wright Lewis
Edited by Samantha Wehbi & Henry Parada
Aug 2017 272pp
Aug 2017 220pp 9780820351278 Hardback US$64.95
9781551309798 Paperback US$49.95
From the inception of slavery as a pillar of the Atlantic
Demonstrates the transformative potential of inclusive World economy, both Europeans and Africans feared
practices, such as in Indigenous practice principles, their mass extermination by the other in a race war.
through examples of anti-oppression work with In the US, says Kay Wright Lewis, this ingrained dread
marginalised populations. Contributors also reveal how nourished a preoccupation with slave rebellions and
anti-oppression approaches more strongly combat a would later help fuel the Civil War, thwart the aims of
diversity of social issues, including anti-Black sanism, Reconstruction, justify Jim Crow, and even inform civil
discrimination against queer populations, and children rights movement strategy.
and youth injustices.
REIMAGINING ANTI-OPPRESSION SOCIAL The Color Line, Culture, and Race in the Age of

Edited by Henry Parada & Samantha Wehbi Jeffrey Aaron Snyder

Aug 2017 160pp Feb 2018 264pp
9781551309767 Paperback US$49.95 9780820352831 Paperback US$26.95

Outlines the challenges and advantages of conducting For full details of this title, see page 14.
research with marginalised communities and within
organisational contexts. Students in social work HSRC Press
programs will gain a thorough understanding of the
decision-making processes involved in conducting PHILANTHROPY IN SOUTH AFRICA
anti-oppression research studies through examples Horizontality, Ubuntu and Social Justice
of anti-oppression research applications and personal
experiences within the field. Edited by Shauna Mottiar

University Press of Florida Jul 2017 224pp
9780796925671 Paperback US$20.95
MOVEMENT Dominant narratives of philanthropy often portray
Africans as mere recipients of aid, usually from well
Joe Street endowed, Western almoners - the West distributing
charity to impecunious Africans. The contributors to this
Aug 2017 272pp volume turn this argument on its head and ask: what
9780813054872 Paperback US$19.95 about the beneficent spirit of multitudes of Africans
whose acts of generosity sustain millions of their
For full details of this title, see page 13. compatriots?

Arts & Humanities
Social Studies 123

Independent Institute University Press of Mississippi

How the Poor Built a Prosperous Nation Black Intellectuals in the Atlantic World
and Beyond
Bradley M. Gardner
Edited by Kendahl Radcliffe, Jennifer Scott & Anja Werner
Jul 2017 232pp
9781598132229 Hardback US$27.95 Sep 2017 278pp
9781496814647 Paperback US$30.00
China’s rise over the past several decades has lifted more
than half of its population out of poverty and reshaped Brings together new scholarship on the cross-cultural
the global economy. What has caused this dramatic experiences of intellectuals of African descent since the
transformation? Bradley Gardner looks at one of the eighteenth century. The book embraces historian Paul
most important but least discussed forces pushing Gilroy’s prominent thesis in The Black Atlantic: Modernity
China’s economic development: the migration of more and Double-Consciousness and posits arguments
than 260 million people from their birthplaces to China’s beyond The Black Atlantic’s traditional organisation and
most economically vibrant cities. symbolism.

Lynne Rienner Publishers BLASIAN INVASION
Racial Mixing in the Celebrity
Basketball and the Politics of Race
Myra S. Washington
A. Rafik Mohamed
Dec 2017 192pp
Sep 2017 175pp 9781496814227 Hardback US$65.00
9781626376786 Paperback US$26.00 Race, Rhetoric, and Media Series

What is it about basketball that makes it the black man’s Probes the social construction of race through the
game? And what about pickup basketball in particular: mixed-race identity of Blasians, people of Black and
can it tell us something about the state of blackness in Asian ancestry. Myra S. Washington looks at the
America? Reflecting on these questions, Rafik Mohamed construction of the identifier Blasian and how this term
presents pickup games as a text of the political, social, went from being undefined to forming a significant role
and economic struggles of African American men. In in popular media. Washington tracks the transformation
the process, he tells a story about race in its peculiarly of Blasian from being an unmentioned category to a
American context. recognised status.

A Visual Arts Approach to Engaging Edited by Vanessa Joosen
Social Change
Jan 2018 240pp
Kim Shelley Berman 9781496815163 Hardback US$65.00

Dec 2017 232pp With populations aging all around the world, awareness
9780472053667 Paperback US$24.95 of intergenerational relationships and associations
surrounding old age is becoming urgent. Connecting
Demonstrates how Kim Berman was able to use visual Childhood and Old Age in Popular Media caters to this
arts training in disenfranchised communities as a tool urgency and contributes to age literacy by supplying
for political and social transformation in South Africa. insights into the connection between childhood and
Using her own fieldwork as a case study, Berman shows senescence to show that people are aged by culture.
how hands-on work in the arts with learners of all ages
and backgrounds can contribute to economic stability by
developing new skills, as well as enhancing public health
and gender justice.

Arts & Humanities
124 Social Studies

DREAM AND LEGACY Springer Publishing Company
Dr. Martin Luther King in the Post-Civil
Edited by Michael L. Clemons, Donathan L. Brown & Seventh Edition
William H. L. Dorsey
Edited by Irmo Marini & Mark A. Stebnicki
Jul 2017 208pp
9781496811844 Hardback US$65.00 Nov 2017 590pp
9780826161611 Paperback US$110.00
Examines how Martin Luther King’s life and work had
a profound, if unpredictable, impact on the course of For full details of this title, see page 118.
the United States since the civil rights era. With unique,
multidisciplinary works by scholars from around the Syracuse University Press
US, these pieces explore wide-ranging issues and
contemporary social developments through the lens of BLOOD AND FAITH
Dr. King’s perceptions, analysis, and prescriptions. Christianity in American White Nationalism

How Prison Influenced the Movement for
Black Liberation Sep 2017 280pp
9780815635321 Paperback US$29.95
Lisa M. Corrigan Religion and Politics

Oct 2017 210pp Since the 1980 US presidential races, the term religious
9781496814876 Paperback US$30.00 right has come to signify a politically and socially
Race, Rhetoric, and Media Series conservative form of Christianity. Less well known
are the various other religions that have influenced
In the black liberation movement, imprisonment white racist activities in America. The recent popularity
emerged as a key rhetorical, theoretical, and media of these ideologies has caused a shift away from
resource. Imprisoned activists developed tactics and Christianity among white nationalists. This title explores
ideology to counter white supremacy. Lisa M. Corrigan the causes of this shift.
underscores how imprisonment - a site for both political
and personal transformation - shaped movement Vanderbilt University Press
leaders by influencing their political analysis and
organisational strategies.

Rutgers University Press WASTED WOMBS
Navigating Reproductive Interruptions in
Living with Difference in a Global City
Erica van der Sijpt
Edited by Nora Fisher-Onar, Susan C. Pearce &
E. Fuat Keyman Sep 2017 288pp
9780826521705 Paperback $34.95
Jan 2018 244pp
9780813589091 Paperback US$29.95 Central to the book are Gbigbil women’s experiences
New Directions in International Studies with different “reproductive interruptions”: miscarriages,
stillbirths, child deaths, induced abortions, and infertility.
Explores how to live with difference through the prism Rather than consider these events as inherently
of an age-old, cutting-edge city whose people have dissimilar, the Gbigbil women of eastern Cameroon see
long confronted the challenge of sharing space with the them all as instances of “wasted wombs” that leave their
Other. Rather than exploring Istanbul as one place at one reproductive trajectories hanging in the balance.
time, the contributors to this volume focus on the city’s
experience of migration and globalisation over the last
two centuries.

Arts & Humanities 125
Social Studies

ANTHROPOLOGY University of New Mexico Press

WHEN SCIENCE SHEDS LIGHT ON HISTORY Pre-Hispanic Paintings from Three Regions
Forensic Science and Anthropology
Edited by Merideth Paxton & Leticia Staines Cicero
Phillipe Charlier
Translated by Isabelle Ruben Dec 2017 256pp
9780826359063 Hardback US$85.00
Sep 2017 136pp
9780813056548 Paperback US$18.95 Identities of power and place, as expressed in paintings
from the periods before and after the Spanish conquest
For full details of this title, see page 121. of Mesoamerica, are the subject of this book of case
studies from Central Mexico, Oaxaca, and the Maya area.
ZOMBIES These sophisticated, skillfully rendered images occur
An Anthropological Investigation of the with architecture, in manuscripts, on large pieces of
Living Dead cloth, and on ceramics.

Phillipe Charlier Real African Publishers
Translated by Richard Gray
Sep 2017 142pp (SOUTH)ERN AFRICA
9780813054575 Paperback US$18.95 Long Histories and Contemporary Debates

Philippe Charlier - dubbed the “Indiana Jones of the Collet Dandara et al
graveyards” - travels to Haiti where rumours claim that Edited by Mario Scerri
some who die may return to life as zombies. Charlier
investigates these far-fetched stories and finds that, in Haiti, Sep 2017 392pp
the dead are a part of daily life. Zombies follows Charlier’s 9781928341253 Paperback $65.99
journey to understand the fascinating world of Haiti’s living
dead, inviting readers to believe the unbelievable. Traces the history of innovations from precolonial times
and examines precolonial settlements in southern Africa
University of Hawai’i Press such as Mapungubwe in LImpopo Province, Bokoni in
Mpumalanga Province and Msuluzi in KwaZulu-Natal
PEOPLE AND CHANGE IN INDIGENOUS Province from the perspective of their indigenious
AUSTRALIA technological efforts to harness nature for communal
Edited by Diane Austin-Broos & Francesca Merlan
University of Notre Dame Press
Nov 2017 216pp
9780824867966 Hardback US$62.00 IRISH ETHNOLOGIES

Essays in this collection are grounded in Australian Edited by Diarmuid Ó Giolláin
locales commonly termed “remote”. The contributors
discuss the changing circumstances of indigenous Oct 2017 226pp
people who originate from such places. Some remain, 9780268102371 Hardback US$40.00
while others travel far afield. The accounts reveal a
diversity of experiences and histories that involve major Gives an overview of the field of Irish ethnology,
dynamics of disembedding from country and home covering representative topics of institutional history
locales, and re-embedding in new contexts. and methodology, as well as case studies dealing with
religion, ethnicity, memory, development, folk music,
and traditional cosmology. This collection of essays
draws from work in multiple disciplines including but
not limited to anthropology and ethnomusicology.

Arts & Humanities
Social Studies

GENDER & SEXUALITY University Press of Mississippi

University Press of Florida BEYOND BOMBSHELLS
The New Action Heroine in Popular Culture
Black Women’s Critical Thought as Survival Jeffrey A. Brown

Regis M. Fox Feb 2018 274pp
9781496814661 Paperback US$30.00
Dec 2017 192pp
9780813056586 Hardback US$74.95 For full details of this title, see page 54.

For full details of this title, see page 35. TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY FEMINISMS

A BRIEF HISTORY OF ORAL SEX Roberta Seelinger Trites

David DePierre Jan 2018 224pp
9781496813800 Hardback US$65.00
Nov 2017 150pp Children’s Literature Association Series
9781476671260 Paperback US$19.99
For full details of this title, see page 39.
Attitudes about oral sex have varied through the
centuries and across cultures - a death sentence in some The University of North Carolina Press
nations, a religious practice in others. This book explores
its history as well as its impact on world events. REMAKING BLACK POWER
How Black Women Transformed an Era
University of Michigan Press
Ashley D. Farmer
Sexual Publics and Sexual Citizenship since Nov 2017 288pp
Magnus Hirschfeld 9781469634371 Hardback US$29.95
Justice, Power, and Politics
Edited by Michael Thomas Taylor, Annette Timm &
Rainer Herrn Examines black women’s political, social, and cultural
engagement with Black Power ideals and organisations.
Sep 2017 416pp, 58 colour images, 86 b&w images Complicating the assumption that race and gender
9780472130351 Hardback US$85.00 constraints relegated black women to the margins of the
Social History, Popular Culture, and Politics in Germany movement, Ashley Farmer demonstrates how female
activists fought for more inclusive understandings of
Magnus Hirschfeld’s Institute for Sexual Science was Black Power and social justice by developing new ideas
founded in Berlin in 1919 as a place of research, political about black womanhood.
advocacy, counselling, and public education. It was
destroyed in 1933 as the first target of the Nazi book Northwestern University Press
burnings. Not Straight from Germany examines its legacy,
combining essays and a lavish array of visual materials. THE NEW WOMAN
Literary Modernism, Queer Theory, and the
Trans Feminine Allegory

Emma Heaney

Aug 2017 384pp
9780810135536 Paperback US$39.95
FlashPoints, Vol. 27

For full details of this title, see page 41.

Arts & Humanities 127


Study Skills & Writing Guides

Rutgers University Press STUDY SKILLS & WRITING GUIDES

SHADOW BODIES American Psychological Association
Black Women, Ideology, Representation,
Julia S. Jordan-Zachery ASSOCIATION
Sixth Edition
Oct 2017 224pp
9780813593395 Paperback US$29.95 American Psychological Association

What does it mean for Black women to organise in a Jul 2009 272pp, Illustrations
political context that has generally ignored them or 9781433805615 Paperback US$29.95
been unresponsive although Black women have shown
themselves an important voting bloc? How for example, A style manual for writers, editors, students, and
does #sayhername translate into a political agenda educators in the social and behavioral sciences. It offers
that manifests itself in specific policies? Shadow Bodies guidance on various aspects of writing process, from the
focuses on the positionality of the Black woman’s body, ethics of authorship to the word choice that best reduces
which serves as a springboard for helping us think bias in language.
through political and cultural representations.
West Virginia University Press Sixth Edition

#WOMENTECHLIT American Psychological Association

Edited by Maria Mencia Jul 2009 284pp
Introduction by N. Katherine Hayles 9781433805608 Spiral bound US$29.95

Aug 2017 456pp This easy-to-use pocket guide zeroes in on the rules that
9781943665907 Paperback US$19.99 writers need. Even if you own the Publication Manual,
Computing Literature you will want to have Concise Rules at your fingertips. It’s
not only simple to use but it’s lightweight and portable
For full details of this title, see page 99. too, making it easy to carry in your briefcase or backpack.
The revised formatting and handy, spiral-bound format
will help readers find what they are looking for, especially
when they are in a hurry.


Scott Baldwin

Sep 2017 126pp
9781433827075 Paperback US$29.95
Concise Guides to Conducting Behavioral, Health, and Social
Science Research

This primer for undergraduates explains how to write a
clear, compelling, well-organised research paper.

Arts & Humanities




Broadview Press Michigan ELT

Revised Sixth Edition GRADUATE STUDENTS
Essential Tasks and Skills, Third Edition
Doug Babington, Don LePan, Maureen Okun & Nora Ruddock
John M. Swales & Christine B. Feak
Dec 2016 716pp
9781554813353 Spiral bound US$40.95 Jul 2012 440pp
9780472034758 Paperback US$27.00
For the sixth edition the coverage of APA, Chicago, and
CSE styles of documentation has been substantially Like its predecessor, this third edition explains
expanded; the MLA section has now been fully revised to understanding the intended audience, the purpose of
take into account all the 2016 changes. Also expanded the paper, and academic genres; includes the use of
is coverage of academic argument; of writing and critical task-based methodology, analytic group discussion,
thinking; of writing about literature, of paragraphing; of and genre consciousness-raising; shows how to write
how to integrate quoted material into one’s own work; summaries and critiques; features ‘language focus’
and of balance and parallelism. sections that address linguistic elements as they affect
the wider rhetorical objectives; and helps students
THE BROADVIEW POCKET GUIDE position themselves as junior scholars in their academic
TO WRITING communities.
Revised Fourth Edition
Modern Language Association
Doug Babington, Don LePan, Maureen Okun & Nora Ruddock
Dec 2016 320pp Eighth Edition
9781554813360 Spiral bound US$19.95
Modern Language Association
A concise volume presenting essential material from the
full Broadview Guide to Writing. Included are summaries Mar 2016 145pp
of key grammatical points; a glossary of usage; advice 9781603292627 Paperback US$15.00
on various forms of academic writing; coverage of
punctuation and writing mechanics; helpful advice on The Modern Language Association, the authority on
how to research academic papers; and much more. research and writing, takes a fresh look at documenting
sources in the eighth edition of the MLA Handbook.
NEW Shorter and redesigned for easy use, the eighth edition
WRITING WRONGS of the MLA Handbook guides writers through the
Common Errors in English principles behind evaluating sources for their research.

Robert M. Martin

Oct 2017 300pp
9781554813919 Paperback US$19.95

A concise and thoughtful guide to common errors
in English. This volume covers frequently confused
and misused words along with problems of grammar,
punctuation, and style, and offers a brief and up-to-date
guide to major citation styles. A friendly, flexible, and
easy-to-read reference, Writing Wrongs will be useful to
students and general readers alike.



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