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Eurospan's latest new books catalogue (Middle East and Africa edition)

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Published by Eurospan_Catalogues, 2017-11-10 06:49:50

New Books: Autumn-Winter 2017 (Middle East & Africa edition)

Eurospan's latest new books catalogue (Middle East and Africa edition)

General Interest General Interest

COOKING COOKING · Family & Health 49


University of Virginia Press Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

A Cocktail Guide for Beginning and THE WORLD
Home Bartenders
Constance Brown-Riggs & Jessica Jones
Micah LeMon
Photographs by Tom McGovern Aug 2017 277pp
9780880919500 Paperback US$12.99
Oct 2017 224pp, 71 colour photos, 2 tables
9780813940380 Hardback US$29.95 Enjoy the food you love, wherever you are, with this
handy book, packed with useful tips.
Micah LeMon had one slight problem when he started
bartending nearly twenty years ago: he had no idea Demos Health
what he was doing. Mixology, he came to understand, is
based on principles that are indispensable but not widely THE MYELOMA SURVIVAL GUIDE
known. In The Imbible, LeMon shares the knowledge he Essential Advice for Patients and Their
has gained over two decades, so that even beginning Loved Ones, Second Edition
bartenders can execute classic cocktails.
Jim Tamkin & Dave Visel

Jul 2017 280pp
9780826127051 Paperback US$24.00

The definitive guide to living a longer, fuller life with
myeloma. The Myeloma Survival Guide makes sense of
the difficult questions myeloma patients face, dealing
with every aspect of life after diagnosis, from creating
a wellness team to navigating treatment options to
building a financial safety net.

General Interest
50 Family & Health

Honest Meditations for Mothers with
IN MY WORLD Addicted Children

Jillian Ma Sandra Swenson

Aug 2017 36pp, illustrations Oct 2017 200pp
9781941765432 Paperback US$9.95 9781616497200 Paperback US$14.95
Hazelden Meditations
A simple, heartfelt story follows the life of a child with
autism through his imaginative journey as he seeks to In the shadows of our child’s struggles with addiction,
be accepted, loved, and celebrated for his strengths and we find ourselves tending to a life for which we weren’t
abilities. prepared. These meditations continue the tradition
of Hazelden’s beloved meditation books by providing
Hazelden Publishing moments of recognition, confession, and healing for
those who are realising that recovery rarely follows a
EARN IT neat or comfortable path.
What to Do When Your Kid Needs an
Entitlement Intervention Magination Press


Sep 2017 200pp Holly Brochmann & Leah Bowen
9781616497170 Paperback US$16.95
Aug 2017 32pp
Create a family culture where responsibilities are 9781433827181 Hardback US$15.95
honored, praise has meaning, decisions are made
skillfully, and gratitude becomes second nature. You’ll A gentle rhyming picture book for children ages 3 to 6
find tips on chores and allowances, friends and social who may be developing anxious feelings but are too
media, co-parenting, and cultivating true resilience. young to comprehend the implications. It is easy to use,
appealing, and effective for parents to use with their
STEP UP little ones, and includes calming tools based on science-
Unpacking Steps One, Two, and Three with based strategies such as cognitive behavioural therapy
Someone Who’s Been There and mindfulness principles.

Michael Graubart CAKE & I SCREAM!
…being bossy isn’t sweet
Aug 2017 200pp
9781616497460 Paperback US$15.95 Michael Genhart
Step In to Recovery Series Illustrated by Steve Mack

Provides straightforward explanations on working a Aug 2017 32pp, illustrations
Twelve Step program, starting with the first three Steps. 9781433827594 Hardback US$15.95

A story about a friend who tries to get his way by being
bossy and loud. Cake and Ice Cream are best friends,
but Cake starts to notice that when Ice Cream wants
something, he wants it right now! It becomes annoying
to everyone else, and Ice Cream soon realizes that
screaming at others is a quick way to lose friends. This
story shows that friends bring out the best in each other,
if you let them!

General Interest
Family & Health 51

A Story About Gossip
Frank J. Sileo My Battle With Chronic Pain
Illustrated by Jennifer Zivion
Victoria Stopp
Oct 2017 32pp, illustrations
9781433827204 Hardback US$15.95 Nov 2017 133pp
9781476669908 Paperback US$29.95
Uses serious and silly rumours to illustrate the concept
of gossip and how it spreads and transforms. While Pain is a giant, unforgiving equaliser. It doesn’t care
gossiping is a natural human behaviour, it also describes about race, gender, class, or any other variable. “Real
what hurtful gossip feels like, how it can be like bullying, life” can get lost behind endless pills, appointments, and
and what to do to stop it. Illustrations take readers diagnoses. Going beyond mere survival - living a life true
through a day in a little girl’s life and the gossip around to oneself, free of judgement and full of adventure - is as
her as the kids around her ask “did you hear?” Ages 4-8. big a battle as fighting the pain itself.

A Kid’s Guide to Overcoming Separation Anxiety HEALING DIGESTIVE DISORDERS
Natural Treatments for Gastrointestinal
Kristen Lavallee & Silvia Schneider Conditions, Fourth Edition
Illustrated by Janet McDonnell
Andrew Gaeddert
Oct 2017 88pp, illustrations
9781433827136 Paperback US$15.95 Jul 2017 360pp
9781607952855 Paperback US$25.00
What-to-Do Guides for Kids®
Conventional medicine, while effective for those in
Addresses separation anxiety, a common developmental acute crisis, often does little to help those who suffer
phase. This workbook introduces kids and parents to from chronic digestive problems. In this fully-updated
cognitive-behavioural therapy-based strategies that fourth edition, readers are offered an extensive resource
can help them understand and cope with any type of natural remedies and recommended lifestyle
of separation anxiety. It includes activities designed changes that have helped thousands of people alleviate
to change kids’ perspectives on being separated and symptoms and heal their bodies.
includes an introduction for parents and caregivers
about how to successfully use the book. Ages 6-10.

General Interest
52 Sport

SPORT McFarland

The University of Arkansas Press MIXED MARTIAL ARTS AND THE QUEST
THERE WILL ALWAYS BE BOXING The Sport vs. Spectacle Divide
Another Year Inside the Sweet Science
Mark S. Williams
Thomas Hauser
Nov 2017 162pp
Dec 2017 350pp 9781476671291 Paperback US$35.00
9781682260418 Paperback US$29.95
Through an exploration of violence, class, gender, race
In 2016, Booklist observed, “Thomas Hauser is a treasure. and nationalism, the author of this volume finds that
Whatever he writes is worth reading. Boxing is blessed Mixed martial arts (MMA) is both an expression of the
that he has focused so much of his career on the sweet positive values of martial arts and a spectacle defined by
science.” There Will Always Be Boxing continues this narcissism, hate and patriarchy. The long-term success
tradition of excellence, showing why Hauser is one of of MMA will depend on the ability of promoters and
the last real champions of boxing and one of the very athletes to resist indulging in spectacle at the expense
best who has ever written about the sport. of sport.

Ian Randle Publishers


Jul 2017 208pp, 250 photos
9789766379513 Hardback US$25.00

For full details of this title, see page 10.

Arts & Humanities

Arts & Humanities

Ian Randle Publishers Brookings Institution Press

Legend How the News and Social Media Shaped
the 2016 Presidential Campaign
Jul 2017 208pp, 250 photos
9789766379513 Hardback US$25.00 Leticia Bode et al

A richly illustrated book on the career, on and off Jan 2018 200pp
the track, of sprinting superstar Usain Bolt, from 9780815731917 Hardback US$25.99
schoolboy prodigy to World and triple Olympic
Champion and world record holder for 100 and 200 The 2016 presidential election campaign might
metres. Endorsed by the sports star’s management, have seemed to be all about one man. He certainly
this exciting new biography features an exclusive did everything possible to reinforce that impression.
farewell message penned by Bolt himself. It But to an unprecedented degree the campaign also
also contains archival photos not previously was about the news media and its relationships
published, extensive quotes from Bolt, coaches and with the man who won and the woman he
competitors, and ‘Did You Know?’ sections with little defeated.
known facts about Bolt. A must-have for every fan.
Words that Matter assesses how the news media
“This book really captures every single aspect of my covered the extraordinary 2016 election and,
career; from my family, the fans, kids, everything so more important, what information—true, false,
this is really wonderful.” or somewhere in between—actually helped voters
make up their minds. Using journalists’ real-time
– Usain Bolt tweets and published news coverage of campaign
events, along with Gallup polling data measuring
how voters perceived that reporting, the book
traces the flow of information from candidates and
their campaigns to journalists and to the public.

The evidence uncovered shows how Donald
Trump’s victory, and Hillary Clinton’s loss, resulted
in large part from how the news media responded
to these two unique candidates. Both candidates
were unusual in their own ways, and thus presented
a long list of possible issues for the media to focus
on. Which of these many topics got communicated
to voters made a big difference outcome.

Arts & Humanities

Rutgers University Press Broadview Press


Steven Gerrard William Shakespeare
Edited by Jessica Slights
Nov 2017 216pp
9780813579443 Paperback US$17.95 Nov 2017 300pp
Quick Takes: Movies and Popular Culture 9781554813261 Paperback US$12.95
Broadview Internet Shakespeare Editions
When you think of British horror films, you might
picture the classic Hammer Horror movies, with Although other Shakespeare plays offer higher
Christopher Lee, Peter Cushing, and blood in lurid body counts, more gore, and more plentiful scenes
technicolor. Yet British horror has undergone an of heartbreak, Othello packs an unusually powerful
astonishing change and resurgence in the twenty- affective punch, stunning us with its depiction of the
first century, with films that capture instead the swiftness and thoroughness with which love can be
anxieties of post-Millennial viewers. converted to hatred, and forcing us to confront our
complicity with social and political institutions that
Tracking the revitalization of the British horror film can put all of us—but especially the most vulnerable
industry over the past two decades, media expert among us—at risk.
Steven Gerrard also investigates why audiences
have flocked to these movies. To answer that This edition features a variety of interleaved
question, he focuses on three major trends: “hoodie materials—from facsimile pages and musical scores
horror” movies responding to fears about Britain’s to illustrations and extended discussions of myth and
urban youth culture; “great outdoors” films where folklore—that provide a context for the social and
Britain’s forests, caves, and coasts comprise a cultural allusions in the play. Appendices offer excerpts
terrifying psychogeography; and psychological from Shakespeare’s key sources and historical materials
horror movies in which the monster already lurks on marriage, jealousy, and the treatment of people of
within us. African descent in Elizabethan England.

Offering in-depth analysis of numerous films, A collaboration between Broadview Press and the
including The Descent, Outpost, and The Woman in Internet Shakespeare Editions project at the University
Black, this book takes readers on a lively tour of the of Victoria, the editions developed for this series
genre’s highlights, while provocatively exploring have been comprehensively annotated and draw on
how these films reflect viewers’ gravest fears about the authoritative texts newly edited for the ISE. This
the state of the nation. Whether you are a horror innovative series allows readers to access extensive
buff, an Anglophile, or an Anglophobe, The Modern and reliable online resources linked to the print edition.
British Horror Film is sure to be a thrilling read.

Arts & Humanities


Academic Studies Press
University Press of Mississippi
COMICS ART IN CHINA A German-Jewish Émigré’s Journey Across
Defeated Germany
John A. Lent & Xu Ying
Walter Jessel
Aug 2017 288pp, 109 b&w and colour illustrations Edited by Brian Crim
9781496811745 Hardback US$65.00 Foreword by Michael J. Neufeld

For full details of this title, see page 45. Oct 2017 250pp
9781618116505 Paperback US$29.00
University of New Mexico Press
A beautifully written memoir from Walter Jessel, a
EQUAL UNDER THE SKY German Jew determined to answer the question that
Georgia O’Keeffe and Twentieth-Century haunted him since emigrating to the United States in
Feminism 1938: Would the people of other nations, if they were
placed in the same position as the Germans during the
Linda M. Grasso Hitler regime, behave in the same manner?

9780826358813 Hardback US$65.00 Detective Fiction and Turkish Nationalism,
The first historical study of Georgia O’Keeffe’s complex
involvement with, and influence on, US feminism from David Mason
the 1910s to the 1970s. Utilising understudied sources
such as fan letters, archives of women’s organisations, Sep 2017 180pp
transcripts of women’s radio shows, and programs from 9781618116284 Hardback US$89.00
women’s colleges, Linda M. Grasso shows how feminism
and O’Keeffe are inextricably connected in popular Explores the lives and histories of the general population
culture and scholarship. of Turkey during the years 1928 and 1945. This work
assesses the level to which authors of indigenous
TERRARIA GIGANTICA Turkish detective fiction written between 1928 and
The World Under Glass 1945 attempted to aid in the process of transmission.
Five series of this period are carefully analysed; the clear
Dana Fritz conclusion is that there was authorial intent to spread
ideas of “Turkism” in each series.
Oct 2017 88pp
9780826358738 Hardback US$45.00 .

In a new approach to environmental photography, Dana
Fritz explores the world’s largest enclosed landscapes:
Arizona’s Biosphere 2, Cornwall’s Eden Project, and
Nebraska’s Lied Jungle and Desert Dome at the
Henry Doorly Zoo. Together, these architectural and
engineering marvels stand as working symbols of our
complex relationship with the environment.

Arts & Humanities
56 History

Brookings Institution Press KINGS AND PRESIDENTS
Saudi Arabia and the United States Since FDR
U.S.-Ukraine Relations in Turbulent Times Bruce Riedel

Steven Pifer Sep 2017 300pp
9780815731375 Hardback US$25.99
Aug 2017 366pp
9780815730408 Hardback US$29.99 Offers an insider’s account of the often-fraught US-
Saudi relationship. Using declassified documents,
For full details of this title, see page 67. memoirs by both Saudis and Americans, and eyewitness
accounts, this book takes the reader inside the royal
NEW IN PAPERBACK palaces, the holy cities, and the White House to gain an
understanding of this complex partnership.
Tibet, the CIA, and the Sino-Indian War 1956 - Khrushchev, Stalin’s Ghost, and a
Young American in Russia
Bruce Riedel
Marvin Kalb
Sep 2017 177pp
9780815731634 Paperback US$16.99 Nov 2017 300pp
9780815731610 Hardback US$24.99
The Cuban Missile Crisis defined the presidency of
John F. Kennedy. But during the same week that the A chronicle of the year that changed Soviet Russia - and
world stood transfixed by the possibility of nuclear war, molded the future path of one of America’s pre-eminent
Kennedy was also consumed by the Sino-Indian conflict. diplomatic correspondents. Marvin Kalb, then a young
Bruce Riedel, a CIA and NAtional Security Council diplomatic attache, observed this tumultuous year that
veteran, provides the first full narrative of this crisis, foretold the end of Soviet communism. In this book he
which played out during the tense negotiations with offers a fascinating eyewitness account of a superpower
in upheaval and of a people yearning for an end to
Moscow over Cuba. dictatorship.

JOURNEY INTO EUROPE University Press of Florida
Islam, Immigration, and Identity
Akbar Ahmed Travels and Transformations of a Cultural Icon

Dec 2017 600pp Edited by Maureen G. Shanahan & Ana Maria Reyes
9780815727583 Hardback US$34.99
Nov 2017 256pp
Offers a richly detailed, and clear-eyed exploration of 9780813054490 Paperback US$35.00
Islam in Europe and the place of Islam in European
history and civilisation. Along with an analysis of what One of Latin America’s most famous historical figures,
has gone wrong and why, this urgent, unprecedented Simón Bolívar has become a mythic symbol for many
study features recommendations for promoting nations, empires, and revolutions used to support wildly
integration and pluralism in the twenty-first century. diverse ideas. This volume shows the ways Bolívar has
appeared over the last two centuries in painting, fiction,
poetry, music, film, festival, dance, city planning, and
even reliquary adoration.

Arts & Humanities 57
H i s t o ry

THE CULTURE WAR IN THE The University of Georgia Press
Joe Street The Color Line, Culture, and Race in the Age of
Jim Crow
Aug 2017 272pp
9780813054872 Paperback US$19.95 Jeffrey Aaron Snyder

The civil rights movement deliberately used music, art, Feb 2018 264pp, 7 b&w images
theatre, and literature as political weapons to broaden 9780820352831 Paperback US$26.95
the struggle and legitimise its appeal. Joe Street places
these cultural forms at the centre of the civil rights In the Jim Crow era, along with black churches, schools,
struggle, arguing that the time has come to recognise and newspapers, African Americans also had their own
the extent to which African American history and culture history. Making Black History focuses on the engine
were vital elements of the movement. behind the early black history movement, Carter G.
Woodson and his Association for the Study of Negro Life
Hoover Institution Press
Edited by Mark H. Rose & Roger Biles
Feb 2018 336pp, 10 b&w illustrations The Soviet Drive to Collectivize Agriculture
9780813056524 Hardback US$84.95
Jonathan Daly
Tracing the development of the US presidency since Harry
S. Truman took office in 1945, this volume describes Aug 2017 168pp
the many ways the president’s actions have affected the 9780817920647 Hardback US$39.95
development of capitalism in the post-World War II era.
Tells the harrowing story of Stalin’s transformation
WINNING WHILE LOSING of millions of family farms throughout the USSR into
Civil Rights, The Conservative Movement and 250,000 collective farms during the period from 1929 to
the Presidency from Nixon to Obama 1933. Drawing on scholarly studies and primary-source
collections, this volume offers an accessible and accurate
Edited by Kenneth Osgood & Derrick E. White narrative for the general reader.

9780813064536 Paperback US$24.95 From the Mongol Conquest to The Syrian
Military Intervention
This pioneering collection of essays explores the
paradoxical nature of civil rights politics in the Robert Service
years following the 1960s civil rights movement by
chronicling the ways in which presidential politics both Aug 2017 128pp
advanced and constrained the quest for racial equality in 9780817920845 Hardback US$19.95
the United States.
Russia has long played an influential part in its world
of Islam, and not all the dimensions are as widely
understood as they ought to be. In Russia and Its Islamic
World, Robert Service examines Russia’s interactions
with Islam at home and around the globe and pinpoints
the tsarist and Soviet legacy, current complications, and
future possibilities.

Arts & Humanities
58 History

University Press of Kansas TASTES OF THE EMPIRE
Foreign Foods in Seventeenth Century England
A Political Biography of Gerald R. Ford Jillian Azevedo

Scott Kaufman Sep 2017 277pp
9781476668628 Paperback US$35.00
Nov 2017 448pp
9780700625000 Hardback US$34.95 During the 17th Century, England increasingly saw
foreign foods made increasingly available to consumers
Gerald Ford’s (1913-2006) life and career in and out and featured in recipe books, medical manuals,
of Washington spanned nearly the entire twentieth treatises, travel narratives, even in plays. Yet the
century. Ambition, Pragmatism, and Party captures for the public’s fascination with these foods went beyond just
first time the full scope of Ford’s long and remarkable eating them. This book examines the body and mind
political life. consumerism of the early British Empire.


CLASSIFIED Marshall Myers
A History of Secrecy in the United States
Government Dec 2017 277pp
9780786463206 Paperback US$39.95
David B. Frost
Although citing individual letters for biographical and
Aug 2017 158pp critical purposes, Lincoln’s letters have not been studied
9781476664002 Paperback US$35.00 as a whole. But careful study of his letters reveals
that studying Lincoln’s letter writing is fundamental
Explores the role that secrecy has played in American to understanding his development as a writer of
governance for more than 240 years, beginning with the memorable prose.
earliest days of the First Continental Congress in 1774,
to the president’s executive privilege of withholding THE RISE OF THE NATION-STATE IN EUROPE
information from Congress and the American people, Absolutism, Enlightenment and Revolution,
to World War II’s Manhattan Project, to today’s often 1603-1815
controversial procedures for protecting national security.
Jack L. Schwartzwald
Essays on the Man Behind the Myths Oct 2017 181pp
9781476665474 Paperback US$65.00
Edited by M. Andrew Holowchak & Brian W. Dotts
The 1648 Treaty of Westphalia marked the emergence
Sep 2017 214pp of the nation-state as the dominant political entity in
9781476669250 Paperback US$49.95 Europe. This book traces the development of the nation-
state from its infancy as a virtual dynastic possession,
Jefferson’s writings on morality and the moral sense have through its incarnation as the embodiment of sovereign
typically been ignored by scholars. Why? His thoughts, popular will. Three sections chronicle the critical epochs
never fleshed out fully in any formal work, are said to be of this transformation.
unsystematic, inchoate, or confused. This volume argues
that Jefferson was not confused and his moral thinking
was systemic and consistent, not fluctuant.

Arts & Humanities 59
H i s t o ry

University of Michigan Press The University of North Carolina Press

Sexual Publics and Sexual Citizenship since Mixed-Race Jamaicans in Britain and the
Magnus Hirschfeld Atlantic Family, 1733-1833

Edited by Michael Thomas Taylor, Annette Timm & Daniel Livesay
Rainer Herrn
Jan 2018 448pp, 24 halftones
Sep 2017 416pp, 58 colour images, 86 b&w images 9781469634432 Hardback US$45.00
9780472130351 Hardback US$85.00 Published for the Omohundro Institute of Early American History
Social History, Popular Culture, and Politics in Germany and Culture, Williamsburg, Virginia

For full details of this title, see page 83. By tracing the largely forgotten eighteenth-century
migration of elite mixed-race individuals from Jamaica to
PASSING ILLUSIONS Great Britain, this volume reinterprets the evolution of
Jewish Visibility in Weimar Germany British racial ideologies as a matter of negotiating family
membership. Daniel Livesay follows the hundreds of
Kerry Wallach mixed race children who crossed the ocean for educational
opportunities, apprenticeships, marriage, or refuge.
Aug 2017 288pp, 20 b&w illustrations
9780472053575 Paperback US$29.95 CUBAN REVOLUTION IN AMERICA
Social History, Popular Culture, and Politics in Germany Havana and the Making of a United States Left,
Being visible as a Jew in Weimar Germany often involved
appearing simultaneously non-Jewish and Jewish. Teishan A. Latner
Passing Illusions examines the constructs of German-
Jewish visibility during the Weimar Republic and explores Dec 2017 336pp, 12 halftones, 1 map
the controversial aspects of this identity - and the 9781469635460 Hardback US$37.50
complex reasons many decided to conceal or reveal Justice, Power, and Politics
themselves as Jewish.
When a popular revolution prevailed on America’s
University of Missouri Press doorstep in 1959, it provoked the wrath of the American
political establishment but fueled intense interest within
THE FOUNDATION OF THE CIA the multiracial American Left. In this groundbreaking
Harry Truman, The Missouri Gang, and the book, Teishan Latner contends that as Americans
Origins of the Cold War studied Cuba’s achievements, Havana in turn looked to
the US Left as a collaborator in the global battle against
Richard E. Schroeder inequality and imperialism.

Oct 2017 224pp,53 illustrations
9780826221377 Hardback US$24.95

This highly accessible book provides new material and
a fresh perspective on American National Intelligence
practice, focusing on the first fifty years of the
twentieth century, when the United States took on the
responsibilities of a global superpower during the first
years of the Cold War.

Arts & Humanities
60 History

The Underground Railroad and the
Early Modern China and Europe
R. J. M. Blackett
Edited by Yue Zhuang & Andrea M. Riemenschnitter
Aug 2017 136pp
9781469636108 Paperback US$20.00 Aug 2017 304pp, 29 halftones
9789814722582 Paperback US$38.00
The Steven and Janice Brose Lectures in the Civil War Era
Examines the exchange of ideas of landscape
Uses the experiences of escaped slaves and those practice between Europe and China in the sixteenth,
who aided them to explore the inner workings of the seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries. Yue Zhuang and
Underground Railroad and the enforcement of the Andrea M. Riemenschnitter explore this through three
Fugitive Slave Law, while shedding light on the political themes - empire-building, mediators’ constraints, and
effects of slave escape. R.J.M. Blackett highlights the lives aesthetic negotiations – and challenge our assumptions
of those who escaped, the impact of the fugitive slave about how China and Europe influenced one another.
cases, and the extent to which slaves were aided by free
blacks, fellow slaves, and outsiders.

Northwestern University Press University of Pittsburgh Press

Imperial Politics and the Poetics of The Polish Opposition Press and the
National Rupture Overthrow of Communism

Nasser Mufti Siobahn Doucette

Dec 2017 288pp Nov 2017 344pp, 50 b&w illustrations
9780810136021 Paperback US$34.95 9780822965022 Paperback US$29.95
FlashPoints, Vol. 28 Pitt Series in Russian and East European Studies

Traces the historical transformation of civil war from a civil Much attention has been given to the role religion and
affair into an uncivil crisis. Civil war is today synonymous labour played in the historic overthrow of communism
with the global refugee crisis, often serving as grounds for in Poland during the 1980s. Books are Weapons
humanitarian intervention and nationalist protectionism. presents the first study of the third major pillar of the
Nasser Mufti situates this conjuncture in the long history opposition. Siobhan Doucette presents a comprehensive
of British imperialism, demonstrating how civil war examination of the independent Polish press and its
continues to be integral to the politics of empire. crucial role in the events leading to the historic Round
Table and elections of 1989.

Arts & Humanities 61
H i s t o ry

Southern Illinois University Press ONE STEP TOWARD JERUSALEM
Oral Histories of Orthodox Jews in
Echoes of the Bible and Book of
Common Prayer Sándor Bacskai
Translated by Eva Maria Thury
A. E. Elmore
Nov 2017 248pp
Jul 2017 280pp 9780815635314 Paperback US$29.95
9780809335602 Paperback US$22.50
Modern Jewish History
Offers a new look at the sources of one of history’s
great speeches. While it has long been determined that Originally published in 1997, Bacskai’s powerful
Abraham Lincoln’s writings were influenced by the King ethnography portrays the political, religious, and
James Bible, until now no full-length study has shown individual forces that came to bear on the Orthodox
the precise ways in which the Gettysburg Address Jewish tradition as it struggled for survival in the
uses its specific language. This revealing investigation aftermath of the Holocaust in Hungary. Through
provides a new way to think about the speech and the interviews and intimate profiles, Bacskai narrates the
man who wrote it. individual stories of survival and the collective story of
Jews struggling to maintain a community.

Richard Carwardine
Matthew D. Mingus
Nov 2017 168pp, 10 illustrations
9780809336142 Hardback US$24.95 Sep 2017 224pp, 1 b&w illustration
9780815635383 Paperback US$24.95
Abraham Lincoln was the first president to make
storytelling, jokes, and laughter tools of the office, and his Syracuse Studies in Geography
natural sense of humor has become legendary. Lincoln’s
Sense of Humor registers the variety, complexity of Many German geographers throughout the nineteenth
purpose, and ethical dimension of Lincoln’s humour and and early twentieth centuries became deeply invested
pinpoints the political risks Lincoln ran in telling jokes while in the idea that a nation’s territorial holdings (or losses)
the nation was engaged in a bloody struggle for existence. dictate every other aspect of its existence. Taking this
as his premise, Mingus focuses on the use of maps as
Syracuse University Press mediums through which the US, Great Britain, and
the Soviet Union sought to reshape German national
identity after the Second World War.


Edited by Mark J. Gasiorowski & Malcolm Byrne

Jul 2017 384pp
9780815635291 Paperback US$29.95

Modern Intellectual and Political History of the Middle East

Mohammad Mosaddeq is regarded as the champion
of secular democracy and resistance to foreign
domination in Iran’s modern history. Mosaddeq became
prime minister of Iran in May 1951, initiating a bitter
confrontation between Iran and Britain that increasingly
undermined Mossaddeq’s position. He was finally
overthrown in August 1953 in a coup d’etat, organised
and led by the CIA.

Arts & Humanities
62 History

University of Virginia Press NEW IN PAPERBACK

Global Networks of Enlightenment
Folklore and Worldview on the Irish Border
Edited by David T. Gies & Cynthia Wall
Ray Cashman
Jan 2018 320pp
9780813940755 Hardback US$39.50 Nov 2017 336pp
9780299308940 Paperback US$21.95
During the chronological eighteenth century,
learning and knowledge were intimately connected Growing up on a secluded smuggling route along the
across disciplinary and geographical boundaries, yet border of Northern Ireland and the Republic, Packy Jim
the connections themselves are largely unstudied. McGrath regularly heard the news, songs, and stories of
In this volume scholars address the idea of plural men and women who stopped to pass the time. In his
Enlightenments and a global eighteenth century, early years, he was all ears - now it is his turn to talk. His
transcending the demarcations that long limited our stories reveal an worldview that is both idiosyncratic and
grasp of the period’s breadth and depth. shared, and offer a window into Irish vernacular culture.

Fiction and Print Culture in England, 1690-1730 Murder, Antisemitism, and Democratic
Politics in Interwar Poland
Leah Orr
Paul Brykczynski
Nov 2017 336pp, 4 figures, 13 tables
9780813940137 Hardback US$45.00 Jan 2018 240pp
9780299307042 Paperback US$19.95
For full details of this title, see page 44.
In 1922, voters in the newly created Republic of Poland
The University of Wisconsin Press democratically elected their first president, Gabriel
Narutowicz. Within hours, bloody riots erupted in Warsaw,
KONGO IN THE AGE OF EMPIRE, 1860-1913 and within a week the president was assassinated. As
The Breakdown of a Moral Order Paul Brykczynski tells this gripping story, he explores the
complex role of antisemitism, nationalism, and violence in
Jelmer Vos Polish politics between the two World Wars.

Aug 2017 234pp, 9 b&w illustrations, 3 maps THE SOVIET UNION AND THE GUTTING OF
9780299306243 Paperback $19.95 THE UN GENOCIDE CONVENTION
Africa and the Diaspora: History, Politics, Culture
Anton Weiss-Wendt
This account of the arrival of rubber traders, new
Christian missionaries, and the Portuguese colonial Jul 2017 384pp
state in the Kongo realm is told from the perspective of 9780299312909 Hardback US$74.95
the kingdom’s inhabitants. Jelmer Vos shows that both
Africans and Europeans were able to forward differing Critical Human Rights
social, political, and economic agendas as Kongo’s sacred
city of São Salvador became a vital site for the expansion After the horrors of World War II and the Holocaust,
of European imperialism. the UN resolved to prevent and punish the crime of
genocide. The resulting UN Genocide Convention
treaty, however, was weakened in the midst of Cold
War tensions. Anton Weiss-Wendt reveals in detail how
the political aims of the superpowers rendered the
convention a weak instrument for addressing abuses
against human rights.

Arts & Humanities 63
H i s t o ry


ARCHAEOLOGY University Press of Florida

The University of Arizona Press LANDSCAPES OF THE ITZA
Archaeology and Art History at Chichen Itza
BEFORE KUKULKÁN and Neighboring Sites
Bioarchaeology of Maya Life, Death, and
Identity at Classic Period Yaxuná Edited by Linnea Wren et al

Vera Tiesler et al Jan 2018 336pp
9780813054964 Hardback US$110.00
Nov 2017 400pp
9780816532643 Hardback US$80.00 Chichen Itza, the legendary capital and trading hub of
the late Maya civilization, continues to fascinate visitors
This volume illuminates human lifeways in the northern and researchers with unanswered questions. Addressing
Maya lowlands prior to the rise of Chichén Itzá. Before many of these debates, this book asks when the city’s
Kukulkán is anchored in three decades of interdisciplinary construction was completed, the purposes of its
research at the Classic Maya capital of Yaxuná, located at famous pyramid and other buildings, and how the city’s
a contentious crossroads of the northern Maya lowlands. influence was felt in neighbouring settlements.

Reconstructing the life and death of a Maya ruler A Bioethnography of Three Ancient
Nubian Communities
Edited by Vera Tiesler & Andrea Cucina
George J. Armelagos & Dennis P. Van Gerven
Nov 2017 272pp
9780816537310 Paperback US$30.00 Oct 2017 288pp
9780813054452 Hardback US$95.00
Excavations of Maya burial vaults at Palenque, Mexico,
half a century ago revealed what was then the most A monumental synthesis of a half century of research, this
extraordinary tomb finding of the pre-Columbian world. book investigates three communities from the ancient
This book leads readers through the history of Pakal’s Nubian civilization of the Nile River Valley. Excavations in this
discovery, skeletal analysis, and interpretation of Maya region first inspired the “biocultural approach” to human
biographies, and also devotes considerable attention to biology now used by anthropologists worldwide, and Life and
the tomb of the Red Queen discovered at the site. Death on the Nile exemplifies the very best of this perspective.

Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press READING THE BONES
Activity, Biology, and Culture
JAFFA 2 Elizabeth Weiss

Edited by Aaron A. Burke, Katherine Strange Burke & Nov 2017 188pp
Martin Peilstocker 9780813054988 Hardback US$89.95

Oct 2017 296pp What can bones tell us about past lives? Do different
9781938770111 Hardback US$98.00 bone shapes, sizes, and injuries reveal more about
Monumenta Archaeologica, Vol. 41 people’s genes or about their environments? Reading the
Bones tackles this question, guiding readers through one
Since 2007 the Jaffa Cultural Heritage Project has of the most hotly debated topics in bioarchaeology.
endeavoured to bring to light the vast archaeological
and historical record of the site of Jaffa in Israel. This
volume is a collection of independent studies and final
reports on smaller excavations that do not require
individual book-length treatments.

Arts & Humanities
H i s t o ry

University of Michigan Press University of New Mexico Press

Change and Stability
David Frederick Grose
Edited by Russell Scott Edited by Ann F. Ramenofsky & Kari L. Schleher

Aug 2017 304pp Nov 2017 400pp
9780472130627 Hardback US$80.00 9780826358349 Hardback US$95.00
Supplements to the Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome
San Marcos, one of the largest late prehistoric Pueblo
The research and analysis presented here are the work of settlements along the Rio Grande, was a significant
the late David Frederick Grose, who began this project social, political, and economic hub both before Spanish
when no other city site excavations in Italy focused colonisation and through the Pueblo Revolt of 1680.
on ancient glass. His study traces the evolution of This volume provides the definitive record of a decade
manufacturing techniques from core-formed vessels of archaeological investigations at San Marcos, ancestral
to free blown glass, and it documents changes in taste home to Kewa and Cochiti descendants.
and style that were characteristic of the western glass
industry throughout its long history. University of Utah Press

Material Remains and Ancient Religion BEHAVIORAL ARCHAEOLOGY

Jennifer Knust & Claudia Moser Edited by Michael Brian Schiffer, Charles Riggs &
J. Jefferson Reid
Nov 2017 152pp
9780472130573 Hardback US$65.00 Oct 2017 288pp
Supplements to the Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome 9781607815761 Paperback US$45.00
Foundations of Archaeological Inquiry
Takes a new approach to the study of archaeological
remains of ancient religions. Focusing on the materiality Although all archaeologists subscribe in principle to
of ritual - inherent in everything from monumental building strong cases in support of their inferences,
temples and altars, to votive offerings and codices - allows behavioural archaeology alone has created methodology
for a novel vantage point from which to consider ancient for developing strong cases in practice. The behavioural
religious practices, as well as an important counterbalance version of the strong case approach rests on two
to more traditional conceptual perspectives. main pillars: (1) nomothetic (generalising) strategies,
consisting of research in experimental archaeology,
ethnoarchaeology, and long-term processes of
behavioural change to produce principles necessary for
inference; and (2) the formation processes of supporting
evidence when constructing inferences.

Arts & Humanities 65
H i s t o ry


A Coptic Scribe in Early Islamic Egypt
University of Michigan Press
Jennifer Cromwell
Nov 2017 344pp
Dennis P. Kehoe & Thomas McGinn 9780472130481 Hardback US$90.00
New Texts from Ancient Cultures
Aug 2017 248pp
9780472130436 Hardback US$70.00 Presents a close study of over 140 Coptic texts written
between 724 and 756 CE by a single scribe, Aristophanes
Examines the law in classical antiquity both as a product son of Johannes, of the village Djeme in western Thebes.
of the society in which it developed and as one of the These texts, which focus primarily on taxation and
most important forces shaping that society. Contributors property concerns, yield a wealth of knowledge about
consider the law via innovative methodological social and economic changes happening at both the
approaches and theoretical perspectives - in particular, community and country-wide levels during the early
those drawn from the new institutional economics and years of Islamic rule in Egypt.
the intersection of law and economics.
The University of North Carolina Press

The University of Michigan Papyrus Collection Politics and Morality in the Roman Historians

Arthur Verhoogt Catalina Balmaceda

Oct 2017 216pp Nov 2017 304pp
9780472053643 Paperback US$39.95 9781469635125 Hardback US$45.00

Provides an accessible introduction to the University Studies in the History of Greece and Rome
of Michigan’s collection of papyri and related ancient
materials, the widest and deepest resource of its kind Tracing how virtus informed Roman thought over
in the Western hemisphere. Arthur Verhoogt, one of time, Catalina Balmaceda explores the concept and its
the current stewards of the University of Michigan manifestations in the narratives of four successive Latin
Papyrology Collection, provides clear, insightful historians: Sallust, Livy, Velleius, and Tacitus. Balmaceda
information in an appealing style that will attract general demonstrates that virtus in these historical narratives
readers and scholars alike. served as a form of self-definition which fostered and
propagated a new model of the ideal Roman.


Ryan McConnell

Jul 2017 160pp
9780472130382 Hardback US$65.00

New Texts from Ancient Cultures

Papyrologists and historians have taken a lively interest
in the Apion family, which rose from local prominence
in rural Middle Egypt to become one of the wealthiest
and most powerful families in the Eastern Roman
Empire. Getting Rich in Late Antique Egypt discusses how
the Apions’ wealth was generated and what role their
Egyptian estate played in that growth.

Arts & Humanities


The University of Wisconsin Press HOLOCAUST STUDIES

The Poetics of Speech in Ovid
Bartolo A. Natoli Two Teenagers in World War II Poland

Aug 2017 232pp Hava Bromberg Ben-Zvi
9780299312107 Hardback US$69.95
Wisconsin Studies in Classics Nov 2017 153pp
9781476670089 Paperback US$35.00
Offers an examination of the loss of speech, exile from
community, and memory throughout the literary corpus No fiction can match the excitement of this real-life tale
of the Roman poet Ovid. In Metamorphoses, characters of suspense and survival. Eva Bromberg and Rysio Sokal
are transformed in ways that include losing their power had the misfortune of coming into adolescence just as the
of human speech. In Tristia and Epistulae ex Ponto, Ovid Germans invaded their homeland in 1939. We Who Lived is
represents himself as also having been transformed, a personal memoir, authentic and true in fact and feeling.
losing his voice. Bartolo A. Natoli provides a unique It is a tale of fear, danger, courage, resilience, and hope.
cross-reading of these works.
University of Michigan Press
Narrative and Ritual in Sophoclean Drama THE HOLOCAUST, CORPORATIONS, AND
Adriana E. Brook Unfinished Business

Jan 2018 240pp Leora Yedida Bilsky
9780299313807 Hardback US$99.95
Wisconsin Studies in Classics Sep 2017 240pp
9780472053612 Paperback US$29.95
Presenting an innovative new reading of Sophocles’ Law, Meaning, and Violence
plays, Tragic Rites analyses the poetic and narrative
function of ritual in the seven extant plays of Sophocles. For full details of this title, see page 100.
Adriana Brook closely examines four of them - Ajax,
Electra, Philoctetes, and Oedipus at Colonus - in the
context of her wide-ranging consideration of the entire
Sophoclean corpus.

Northwestern University Press

Wanda Jakubowska’s The Last Stage and the
Politics of Commemoration

Marek Haltof

Jan 2018 188pp
9780810136106 Paperback US$34.95
Cultural Expressions

Examines the classic Polish Holocaust film The Last
Stage (Ostatni etap), directed by the Auschwitz survivor
Wanda Jakubowska (1907-1998). Released in 1948,
The Last Stage was a pioneering work and the first
narrative film to portray the Nazi German camp. Haltof’s
fascinating book offers to English-speaking readers a
wealth of new materials and sources.

Arts & Humanities

HOLOCAUST STUDIES · H i s t o ry 67

University of Pittsburgh Press MEDIEVAL HISTORY

DRAWING THE HOLOCAUST University Press of Florida
A Teenager’s Memory of Terezin, Birkenau,

Michael Kraus Michael A. Calabrese

Jul 2017 144pp Oct 2017 392pp
9780822964964 Paperback US$17.95 9780813064574 Paperback US$29.95
New Perspectives on Medieval Literature: Authors and Traditions
After his liberation and while convalescing, Michael Kraus
began to draw and make notes about his experiences For full details of this title, see page 35.
in Theresienstadt, in Auschwitz, the first death march
out of Mauthausen, and its satellite camps, in Melk and University of Notre Dame Press
Gunskirchen. This edition makes this memoir, significant
for having been written so close to the author’s liberation,
widely available to English readers for the first time.

The Short Italian Text
Unreadability and the Holocaust Edietd by Sarah McNamer

Jessica Lang Jan 2018 520pp
9780268102852 Hardback US$65.00
Aug 2017 244pp
9780813589916 Paperback US$34.95 The Meditations on the Life of Christ was the most popular
and influential devotional work of the later Middle Ages.
There are thousands of books that represent the This volume is a critical edition, with English translation
Holocaust, but can, and should, the act of reading these and commentary, of a hitherto-unpublished Italian text
works convey the events of genocide to those who did that McNamer argues is likely to be the original version
not experience it? Literary scholar Jessica Lang asserts that of this influential masterpiece.
language itself is a barrier between the author and the
reader in Holocaust texts - and that this barrier is not a lack
of substance, but a defining characteristic of the genre.

Syracuse University Press

Jewish Survivors in Poland and Israel
Remember Homecoming

Monika Rice

Oct 2017 288pp
9780815635390 Paperback US$29.95
Modern Jewish History

Offers a powerful and deeply affecting examination of
the complex memories of Jewish survivors returning to
their homes in Poland after the Holocaust. What! Still
Alive?!, Rice investigates the transformation of survivors’
memories from the first account after their initial return
to Poland and later accounts, recorded at Yad Vashem in

Arts & Humanities


Baraka Books
Herbert R. Broderick
Nov 2017 368pp
9780268102050 Hardback US$75.00 Stephen Gowans

Analyses the iconography of Moses in the famous Aug 2017 260pp
illuminated eleventh-century manuscript known as 9781771861083 Paperback US$24.95
the Illustrated Old English Hexateuch. Herbert Broderick
argues that the visual construct of Moses in the Old The US has waged a long war against Syria from the
English Hexateuch may have been based on a Late very moment the country’s fiercely independent Arab
Antique, no longer extant, prototype influenced by nationalist movement came to power in 1963. In this
works of Hellenistic Egyptian Jewish exegetes. volume Stephen Gowans examines the decades-long
struggle between secular Arab nationalism, political
VISIONS OF SAINTHOOD IN MEDIEVAL ROME Islam, and United States imperialism for control of Syria,
The Lives of Margherita Colonna by Giovanni the self-proclaimed Den of Arabism, and last secular
Colonna and Stefania pan-Arabist state in the region.

Larry F. Field Brookings Institution Press
Edited by Sean L. Field & Lezlie S. Knox
Oct 2017 232pp The Limits of Airpower
9780268102029 Paperback US$29.00
Anthony M. Schinella
Margherita Colonna (1255-1280) was born into one
of the great baronial families that dominated Rome Sep 2017 300pp
politically and culturally in the thirteenth century. The 9780815732419 Paperback US$39.99
two extant contemporary accounts of her short life offer
a daring model of mystical lay piety. Visions of Sainthood Written by a long-time US intelligence analyst, this
in Medieval Rome presents the first English translations book assesses the military operations and post-conflict
of Margherita Colonna’s two “lives” and a dossier of outcomes in five cases since the mid-1990s in which
associated texts. the United States and/or its allies used airpower to solve
military problems. In each case, airpower helped achieve
the immediate objective, but the long-term outcomes
often diverged significantly from the original intent of

Arts & Humanities 69
H i s t o ry


University of Iowa Press IRAQ AND THE POLITICS OF OIL
An Insider’s Perspective
Experiences of Muslims Serving in the U.S. Gary Vogler
Military Post-9/11
Nov 2017 352pp
Michelle Sandhoff 9780700625062 Hardback US$29.95

Sep 2017 178pp Was the Iraq war really about oil? As a senior oil advisor
9781609385354 Paperback US$25.00 for the Office for Reconstruction and Humanitarian
Assistance and briefly as minister of oil, Gary Vogler
The September 11, 2001 attacks on the US and the thought he knew. But while doing research for a book
subsequent “War on Terror” refuelled long-standing about his experience in Iraq, Vogler discovered that what
negative stereotypes of Muslims and Islam among he knew was not the whole story. The Iraq war did have
many Americans. Yet thousands of practicing Muslims an oil agenda underlying it. This book is his attempt to
continued to serve or chose to enlist in the US military. set the record straight.
In Service in a Time of Suspicion, fifteen such service
members talk about what it means to be Muslim, THE MYTHS OF TET
American, and a member of the armed services. The Most Misunderstood Event of the
Vietnam War
University Press of Kansas
Edwin Moïse
Superstition and Allied Aircrews in World War II Oct 2017 280pp
9780700625024 Hardback US$29.95
S. P. Mackenzie
Much that has been written about the Tet Offensive
Jul 2017 264pp has been misleading. Edwin Moïse shows that the
9780700624690 Hardback US$29.95 Communist campaign shocked the American public not
because the American media exaggerated its success,
During World War II, Allied casualty rates in the air but because it was a bigger campaign - larger in scale,
were 45.5%. Unsurprisingly, many airmen faced their much longer in duration, and resulting in more American
dangerous missions with beliefs and rituals ranging from casualties - than most authors have acknowledged.
the traditional to the outlandish. Military historian S. P.
MacKenzie considers this phenomenon in this pioneering THE WEHRMACHT’S LAST STAND
study of the important role that superstition played in The German Campaigns of 1944-1945
combat flier morale among the Allies in World War II.
Robert M. Citino
Noncombat Deaths in the American Civil War Oct 2017 664pp
9780700624942 Hardback US$34.95
Brian Steel Wills
By 1943, the war was lost, and most German officers
Nov 2017 408pp knew it. Three quarters of a century later, the question
9780700625086 Hardback US$34.95 persists: what kept the German army going in an
increasingly hopeless situation? Where some historians
In letters, diaries, obituaries, and other accounts, have found explanations in the power of Hitler or
eminent Civil War historian Brian Steel Wills finds the the role of ideology, Robert M. Citino posits a more
powerful and poignant stories of fatal accidents and straightforward solution: the way of war cultivated by
encounters and collateral civilian deaths that occurred in the Germans over the course of history.
the factories and fields of the Union and the Confederacy
from 1861 to 1865. Wills retrieves these stories from Receive regular up-to-date information about
obscurity to reveal the grave toll these losses exacted. our new titles by registering for e-alerts at:

Arts & Humanities
H i s t o ry

The Kent State University Press LOSSBERG’S WAR
The World War I Memoirs of a German
The Greatest Invention of the Civil War
Fritz von Lossberg
Anna Gibson Holloway & Jonathan W. White Edited by David T. Zabecki & Dieter J. Biedekarken
Foreword by Holger H. Herwig
Oct 2017 336pp
9781606353141 Hardback US$34.95 Sep 2017 466pp
9780813169804 Hardback US$65.00
On March 9, 1862, the USS Monitor and CSS Virginia Foreign Military Studies
met in the Battle of Hampton Roads“the first time
ironclad vessels would engage each other in combat. General Fritz von Lossberg directed virtually all the major
Anna Gibson Holloway and Jonathan W. White bring German defensive battles on the Western Front during
“Our Little Monitor” to life once more in this beautifully the First World War. Now available for the first time in
illustrated volume, telling her story from conception in English, Lossberg’s memoir explains how he developed,
1861 to sinking in 1862. tested, and implemented his central principles -
flexibility, decentralised control, and counterattack
The University Press of Kentucky - which were based on a need to adapt to shifting
conditions on the battlefield.
General Laurence S. Kuter and the Birth of the ORDER IN CHAOS
US Air Force The Memoirs of General of Panzer Troops
Hermann Balck
Brian D. Laslie
Hermann Balck
Oct 2017 236pp Edited and Translated by David T. Zabecki &
9780813169989 Hardback US$39.95 Dieter J. Biedekarken
American Warriors Series
Aug 2017 578pp
At age 36, Laurence S. Kuter became the youngest 9780813174037 Paperback US$34.95
general officer since William T. Sherman. He served Foreign Military Studies
as deputy commander of allied tactical air forces in
North Africa during World War II and helped devise German general Hermann Balck (1897-1982) was
the American bombing strategy in Europe. Brian D. considered to be one of World War II’s greatest
Laslie offers the first biography of this unsung pioneer battlefield commanders. Drawing heavily on his
whose influence can be found in every stage of the meticulously kept wartime journals, Balck discusses his
development of an independent US Air Force. childhood and his career through the First and Second
World Wars. His memoir details the command decision-
THE CHRISTMAS TRUCE making process as well as operations on the ground
Myth, Memory, and the First World War during crucial battles.

Terri Blom Crocker RÜCKZUG
Foreword by Peter Grant The German Retreat from France, 1944

Aug 2017 310pp Joachim Ludewig
9780813174020 Paperback US$24.95 Edited by David T. Zabecki

Provides the first comprehensive analysis of both Aug 2017 504pp
scholarly and popular portrayals of the Christmas 9780813174341 Paperback US$30.00
Truce from 1914 to present. From books by influential Foreign Military Studies
historians to the Oscar-nominated French film Joyeux
Noel (2006), this new examination shows how a While much has been written about D-day, very little
variety of works have both explored and enshrined this has been written about the crucial period from August
outbreak of peace amid overwhelming violence. to September, immediately after the invasion. This
intriguing study, translated from German, not only
examines a significant and often overlooked phase of
the war, but also offers a valuable account of the conflict
from the perspective of the German forces.

Arts & Humanities 71
H i s t o ry


The Battle That Changed the Course of
Two Men at the Start of the Great War and the
End of the Habsburg Empire James M. D’Angelo

Kenneth Janda Nov 2017 129pp
9781476670713 Paperback US$35.00
Oct 2017 277pp
9781476669571 Paperback US$65.00 In June 1942, Japan suffered a devastating defeat at the
Battle of Midway and was never again able to take the
There was more to World War I than the Western Front. offensive in the Pacific. Bringing fresh perspective to the
This history, presented as two intertwined narratives battle and its consequences, the author identifies the
in alternating chapters, juxtaposes the experiences of Japanese operational plan as a major factor in the navy’s
a monarch and a peasant on the Eastern Front. Franz demise and describes the profound effects Midway had
Joseph I, emperor of Austria-Hungary, was the first on the course of the war in Europe.
European leader to declare war; Samuel Mozolak was
a Slovak labourer, drafted into the army and killed in THE MISTAKEN HISTORY OF THE
combat. KOREAN WAR
What We Got Wrong Then and Now
A History of U-156 and Germany’s Long- Paul M. Edwards
Range Submarine Campaign Against North
America, 1918 Dec 2017 277pp
9781476670485 Paperback US$35.00
Paul N. Hodos
Much of the history of the Korean War has been lost
Nov 2017 171pp or misinterpreted, primarily because the undefined
9781476671628 Paperback US$35.00 goals of the conflict, the inability of the home front to
properly engage, and the failure to achieve complete
In 1917 and 1918 Germany made her first attempt victory has tarnished it. In taking a closer look at the
to wage long range submarine warfare. In that deadly conflict, this book offers a clearer and somewhat unique
last chapter of the Great War the Germans sent giant understanding of the war.
submarines to prey upon Allied shipping. This is the first
time the whole story has been told from the perspective University Press of Mississippi
of Imperial Germany in the English language.
THE YANKS ARE COMING OVER THERE Imaginative Texts from the Conflicts in
Anglo-Saxonism and American Involvement Afghanistan and Iraq
in the First World War
Owen W. Gilman
Dino Buenviaje
Feb 2018 256pp
Nov 2017 164pp 9781496815767 Hardback US$65.00
9781476668932 Paperback US$39.95
Since the trauma of September 11, the experience
At the outset of World War I few Americans saw any of Americans at war has been rendered honestly and
reason to get involved in yet another conflict among the fully in a wide range of texts - creative nonfiction and
crowned heads of Europe. Despite its declared neutrality, journalism, film, poetry, and fiction. These responses,
the US government gradually became more sympathetic Owen W. Gilman contends, have packed a lot of power
with the Allies. Key to this shift in policy and public and measure up even to World War II’s literature and film.
opinion was “Anglo-Saxonism” - the belief that the
English-speaking peoples were inherently superior and
fit for world leadership.

Arts & Humanities
H i s t o ry

University of Missouri Press ANATOMY OF FAILURE
Why America Loses Every War It Starts
America’s GI General Harlan Ullman

Steven L. Ossad Nov 2017 272pp
9781682472255 Hardback US$29.95
Nov 2017 480pp
9780826221360 Hardback US$36.95 Since the end of World War II, America lost every war
it started and failed in military interventions when it
When Omar Nelson Bradley began his military career did not use sound strategic thinking or have sufficient
more than a century ago, the army rode horses into knowledge and understanding of the circumstances
combat and had less than 200,000 men. At the height of in deciding to use force. By examining the records of
his career, Bradley led 1.23 million men as commander presidents from John F. Kennedy to Barack Obama in
of 12 Army Group in the Western Front to bring an using force or starting wars, it becomes self-evident why
end to World War II. This new biography by Steven L. the US fails.
Ossad gives an account of Bradley’s formative years, his
decorated career, and his postwar life. GAMBLING AND WAR
Risk, Reward, and Chance in
Naval Institute Press International Conflict

The Roots of Tradition to 1865
Oct 2017 256pp
Gary J. Ohls 9781682472194 Hardback US$29.95

Dec 2017 320pp Focuses on applying lessons learned from poker,
9781682470886 Hardback US$39.95 blackjack, roulette and other games of chance to study
of international conflict. The book demonstrates how
Describes and analyses early landing operations (from the combined factors of strategy, psychology and
the Revolution to the Civil War) of American history, probability influence the outbreak of wars, how they are
showing how they contributed to its rich amphibious fought, and why they end.
tradition. This study does not attempt to describe every
amphibious operation in early America, but focuses on GREAT POWERS, GRAND STRATEGIES
seven major battles or campaigns providing a strong The New Game in the South China Sea
appreciation for the roots of American amphibious
traditions. Anders Corr

Jan 2018 336pp
9781682472354 Hardback US$34.95

Focuses on grand strategic approaches to the South
China Sea dispute by major powers in the region - those
capable of projecting force to the South China Sea and
abroad. It explores international dimensions of the
South China Sea dispute, and how military, diplomatic,
and economic strategies of global actors have both
contributed to solutions and exacerbated conflict.

Arts & Humanities 73
H i s t o ry


Operation DOWNFALL and the Invasion of The Demise of British Naval Power in the
Japan, 1945-1947 Far East, 1922-1942

D.M. Giangreco Angus Britts

Oct 2017 576pp Oct 2017 272pp
9781682471654 Hardback US$35.00 9781682471579 Hardback US$34.95

US planning for the invasion and military occupation of Offers a reconsideration of one of the Second World
Imperial Japan was begun in 1943, two years before the War’s most forgotten naval engagements - the abortive
dropping of atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. clash between the British Eastern Fleet and the Imperial
Codenamed Operation Downfall, it called for the Japanese Navy’s First Air Fleet (Kido Butai) to the south
invasion to be carried out in two stages. Hell To Pay: of Ceylon, over a period of ten days in late March/early
Operation DOWNFALL and the Invasion of Japan, 1945- April 1942. The focus on this battle is for the purpose of
1947 examine this subject in detail. exploring the surrender of British naval supremacy.

Voices of Leadership, Sacrifice, and Service One Woman’s Covert War Against the Imperial
from America’s Longest War Japanese Army

Joshua Welle Ann Todd

Aug 2017 264pp Sep 2017 320pp
9781682472477 Paperback US$24.95 9781682471500 Hardback US$29.95

The profiles in this book represent the “Next Great Tells the story of a remarkable woman who fought
Generation” of American leaders. Men and women World War II on the front lines of psychological warfare.
who lost their innocence in battle and their youths to a Elizabeth P. McIntosh spent eighteen life-changing
decade of deployments, throughout which they never months serving in the Office of Strategic Services in what
gave up hope. In exchange for down range scars, they has been called the “forgotten theatre”, China-Burma-
gained an unbreakable sense of purpose to America’s India, where she met and worked with people as diverse
ideals - freedom, equality, and democracy. as Allen Dulles, Julia Child, and Ho Chi Minh.

American Confrontation and Cooperation
with Russia and China, 1945-2016

David F. Winkler & John Warner

Dec 2017 320pp
9781682471975 Hardback US$31.95

Argues that Soviet and American naval officers, sharing
bonds inherent in seamen, were able to put ideology
aside and speak frankly. Working together, they limited
incidents that could have had unfortunate consequences.
The process they established served as a model for similar
accords between other maritime nations.

Arts & Humanities
H i s t o ry

Commanding Task Force 151 off Somalia William Eaton, the Tripoli Coup, and the End
of the First Barbary War
Terry McKnight & Michael Hirsh
Chipp Reid
Sep 2017 272pp
9781682472460 Paperback US$24.95 Sep 2017 400pp
9781612518138 Hardback US$29.95
Explores every aspect of Somali piracy, from how the
pirates operate to how the actions of a relative handful Set amid the backdrop of political infighting, interservice
of youthful criminals and their bosses have impacted jealousy and diplomatic intrigue, To the Walls of Derne
the world economy. The book examines various is the story of William Eaton’s effort to topple Bashaw
answers to the question “How do you solve a problem Yusuf Karamanli, the ruler of Tripoli, and replace him
like Somalia?”; explores the debate over the practice with his brother, Hamet, who was sympathetic to
of putting armed guards aboard merchant ships, and America. Eaton’s coup attempt marked the first time the
focuses on best management practices. United States attempted “regime change” in another
An A-4 Skyhawk Pilot in Vietnam WHY VIETNAM MATTERS
An Eyewitness Account of Lessons Not Learned
Stephen R. Gray
Rufus Phillips
Sep 2017 320pp Foreword by Richard Holbrooke
9781682471982 Paperback US$21.95
Aug 2017 448pp
A member of Light Attack Squadron 212’s Rampant 9781682473108 Paperback US$24.95
Raiders, A-4 pilot Stephen R. Gray writes about his
experiences flying combat sorties from the deck of an Rufus Phillips gives an extraordinary inside history of the
aircraft carrier during one of the most intense periods most critical years of American involvement in Vietnam,
of aerial combat in US history. From the perspective of a from 1954 to 1968, and explains why it still matters.
junior naval aviator, Gray reveals the lessons he learned Documenting the story from his own private files as
in training and in combat. well as from the historical record, the former CIA officer
paints striking portraits of such key figures as John F.
STRATEGIC THEORIES Kennedy, Maxwell Taylor, Robert McNamara, Henry
Cabot Lodge, Hubert Humphrey, and Ngo Dinh Diem,
Raoul Castex & Eugenia C. Kiesling among others with whom he dealt.

Sep 2017 494pp
9781591145943 Paperback US$29.95

Admiral Raoul Castex is France’s most important modern
naval strategist. Military historian Eugenia Kiesling
offers the essence of Castex’s original five volume study,
Theories Strategiques, in a useful one-volume abridgment
and a very readable translation. It emphasises the
admiral’s method of strategic analysis while omitting
most of the chapters of historical narrative.

Arts & Humanities 75
H i s t o ry


University of Pittsburgh Press Texas A&M University Press

Eyewitness to the War in Ukraine America’s Strategy for Keeping China in
World War II
Pawel Pieniazek
John D. Plating
Nov 2017 200pp
9780822965107 Paperback US$24.95 Sep 2017 320pp
9781623495961 Paperback US$29.95
Pitt Series in Russian and East European Studies
Williams-Ford Texas A&M University Military History Series, Vol. 134
Presents a vivid firsthand account of the conflict in
Crimea. Unlike western journalists, thanks to his fluency Chronicles the most ambitious airlift in history. In this
in both Ukrainian and Russian Pawel Pieniazek was able groundbreaking work, John D. Plating argues that the
to gain access and move among all sides in the conflict. Hump airlift was initially undertaken to serve as a display
With powerful colour photos, telling interviews from the of American support for its Chinese ally. However, by
local population, and Pieniazek’s brilliant reportage, this 1944, American strategists shifted the purpose of air
book documents the dramatic events as they transpired. operations to focus on supplying American forces in
China in preparation for the US’s final assault on Japan.

Rutgers University Press Vanderbilt University Press

The Military and American Culture in the SPANISH CIVIL WAR
Twentieth Century and Beyond History, Fiction, Photography

Edited by David Kieran et al Sebastiaan Faber

Feb 2018 256pp Nov 2017 256pp
9780813584300 Paperback US$34.95 9780826521798 Paperback US$34.95
War Culture
The ability to forget the violent twentieth-century past
Offers short, accessible essays addressing the central was long seen as a virtue in Spain, even a duty. But the
issues in the new military history - ranging from common wisdom has shifted as increasing numbers of
diplomacy and the history of imperialism to the Spaniards want to know what happened, who suffered,
environmental issues that war raises and the ways that and who is to blame. Memory Battles of the Spanish Civil
war shapes and is shaped by discourses of identity, to War shows how historiography, fiction, and photography
questions of who serves in the US military and why and have shaped views of the 1936-39 war and its long,
how US wars have been represented in the media and in painful aftermath.
popular culture.

Southern Illinois University Press


Edited by Chris Mackowski & Kristopher D. White
Foreword by Thomas A. Desjardin

Dec 2017 264pp
9780809336210 Hardback US$24.50
Engaging the Civil War

This highly accessible book provides new material and
a fresh perspective on American National Intelligence
practice, focusing on the first fifty years of the
twentieth century, when the United States took on the
responsibilities of a global superpower during the first
years of the Cold War.

Arts & Humanities
76 Language & Linguistics

Canadian Scholars’ Press Second Edition

EN SUPER FORME Marie-Christine Aubin & Egan Valentine

Simone Renaud & Jean-Luc Desalvo Jul 2017 300pp
9781551309828 Paperback US$59.95
Dec 2017 375pp
9781551309972 Paperback US$82.95 Stylistique Différentielle, Textologie et Traduction propose
une étude comparée systématisée des caractéristiques
Simone Renaud et Jean-Luc Desalvo nous offrent un stylistiques et culturelles de l’anglais et du français,
nouveau manuel scolaire dont nous attendons la sortie étude qui se situe généralement à l’étape initiale de la
avec impatience. En super forme est un livre concis, qui formation en traduction.
présente l’essentiel des règles de la Grammaire Française,
organisées logiquement, avec de nombreuses références McFarland
avec la langue anglaise.
LA TRADUCTION Grammar and Vocabulary Fundamentals
Un Pont de Départ, Second Edition
Barbara Boyer
Kerry Lappin-Fortin
Nov 2017 112pp
Aug 2017 280pp 9781476668178 Paperback US$19.99
9781551309859 Paperback US$49.95
Anyone looking for a study guide that makes learning
La Traduction : Un Pont de Départ propose une French language easier and faster will benefit from this
introduction intéressante et vivante à la traduction book. Ideal for both teachers and students of all levels, it
anglais-français et français-anglais. Organisé en cinq can be used in a classroom or for self-directed learning.
parties, il présente les notions de base linguistiques This is a useful reference guide for beginning learners or
pertinentes, les procédés, les types et les défis de more advanced learners in need of review, for tutorial,
la traduction, et une rubrique sur des différences homework practice and exam preparation.
structurelles des deux langues.

La Composition par le Texte

Sadia Zoubir-Shaw

Aug 2017 250pp
9781551309941 Paperback US$69.95

À l’encontre d’autres manuels de français, Lire et écrire
est fondé sur l’exploration des techniques et stratégies
d’écriture par l’analyse structurale et textuelle, et réunit
processus et pratique en proposant les outils nécessaires
au perfectionnement des capacités de lecture, de
compréhension et d’écriture.

Arts & Humanities 77



American Library Association Academic Studies Press

2017 Edition Paradoxes of Russian Literature

Jason Griffey Mikhail Epstein

Jul 2017 277pp Aug 2017 440pp
9780838959886 Paperback US$43.00 9781618116321 Hardback US$119.00
Library Technology Reports Ars Rossica

Explains both the practicalities of 3-D printing and also Explores the major paradoxes of Russian literature as a
its promise and potential in library services. This report manifestation of both tragic and ironic contradictions of
will help you better understand the technology involved human nature and national character. Russian literature,
and will also provide you with a set of recommendations from Pushkin and Gogol to Chekhov, Nabokov and to
and best practices that will enable you to put together postmodernist writers, is studied as a holistic text that
the very best 3-D printing setup for your library plays on the reversal of such opposites as being and
community. nothingness, reality and simulation, and rationality and
ACADEMIC LIBRARIES The University of Alabama Press

Edited by Robin Canuel & Chad Crichton WORD TOYS
Poetry and Technics
Jul 2017 284pp
9780838988794 Paperback US$68.00 Brian Kim Stefans
ACRL Publications in Librarianship
Jul 2017 352pp
Explores how librarians around the world are working to 9780817358952 Paperback US$49.95
adapt their spaces, collections, teaching, and services to Modern & Contemporary Poetics
the new possibilities presented by mobile technology.
This is a detailed and thorough examination of With the ascent of digital culture, new forms of literature
technology that’s emerging now and how to incorporate and literary production are thriving while traditional
it into your library to help the students and researchers genres and media have been transformed. Word Toys
of both today and tomorrow. is a thought-provoking volume that speculates on a
range of poetic, novelistic, and programmed works that
lie beyond the language of the literary and views them
instead as technical objects.

Arts & Humanities
78 Literature

Ronald Berman A Broadview Internet Shakespeare Edition

Aug 2017 112pp William Shakespeare
9780817319649 Hardback US$39.95 Edited by Jessica Slights

A study of the philosophical, intellectual, and political Nov 2017 300pp
influences on the artistic creations of Fitzgerald and 9781554813261 Paperback US$12.95
key early American modernist writers. Each chapter in Broadview Internet Shakespeare Editions
this volume elaborates on a crucial aspect of F. Scott
Fitzgerald’s depiction of American society, specifically For full details of this title, see page 11.
through the lens of the social sciences that most
influenced his writing and thinking. Berman addresses, PIZARRO
among other subjects, Fitzgerald’s use of philosophy,
cultural analyses, and sociology, all enriched by the Richard Brinsley Sheridan
insights of his own experience living an American life. Edited by Selena Couture & Alexander Dick

The University of Arkansas Press Aug 2017 225pp
9781554811540 Paperback US$22.95
WORDS UNBOUND Richard Brinsley Sheridan’s last play, an adaptation of
Teaching Dante’s Inferno in the High School August Von Kotzebue’s Die Spanier set in Peru and first
Classroom performed in 1799, was one of the most popular of
the entire century. Set during the Spanish Conquest
Milton Burke of Peru, Pizarro dramatised English fears of invasion
by Revolutionary France, but it is also surprisingly and
Jul 2017 170pp critically engaged with Britain’s colonial exploits abroad.
9781682260319 Paperback US$22.95
For full details of this title, see page 93. EMERSON

Edited by Robert D. Habich

Nov 2017 400pp
9781554812691 Paperback US$19.95
Broadview Editions

Essayist, lecturer, poet, and America’s first public
intellectual, Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) is the
central figure in nineteenth-century American letters
and the leader (albeit reluctantly) of the Transcendental
group. This collection contains a range of prose and
poetry representing some of Emerson’s central concerns.

Objects, Food, Rooms

Gertrude Stein
Edited by Leonard Diepeveen

Oct 2017 225pp
9781554811984 Paperback US$15.95
Broadview Editions

The first publisher of Tender Buttons described the book’s
effect on readers as “something like terror, there are no
known precedents to cling to.” This edition of Gertrude
Stein’s transformative work immerses the text in its
cultural context. The most opaque of modernist texts,
Tender Buttons also had modernism’s most voluminous
and varied response.

Arts & Humanities 79
L i t e r at ur e


Anonymous Edited by Jonathan Goldman
Edited and Translated by Matthieu Boyd
Consultant Editor Stacie Lents Oct 2017 288pp
9780813054742 Hardback US$84.95
Aug 2017 160pp Florida James Joyce
9781554813193 Paperback US$14.95
Making the case that legal issues are central to James
The Mabinogi, a classic of Welsh literature, is a suite of Joyce’s life and work, international experts in law and
four stories in Middle Welsh. They were composed, or at literature offer new insights into Joyce’s most important
least put into their current form in the late eleventh or texts. Topics include marriage laws, the Aliens Act of
early twelfth century. Set in a primal past, the Mabinogi 1905, laws governing display and use of language,
bridges many genres; it is part pre-Christian myth, part minority rights debates, municipal self-government, and
fairytale, part guide to how nobles should act, and part regulations on alcohol consumption and licensing.
dramatisation of political and social issues.
University Press of Florida The Judgment Poetry Tradition in the Later
Middle Ages and Beyond
Twenty-First Century Perspectives Edited by R. Barton Palmer & Burt Kimmelman

Edited by Mark Cirino & Mark P. Ott Nov 2017 304pp
9780813062419 Hardback US$89.95
Aug 2017 240pp
9780813054414 Hardback US$79.95 In a daring rewrite of literary history, this volume argues
that the medieval poet and musician Guillaume de
From his World War I service in Italy through his Machaut was the major influence in narrative craft
transformational return visits during the decades that during the late Middle Ages and long after. Examining
followed, Ernest Hemingway’s Italian experiences were Machaut’s series of debate poems, contributors
fundamental to his artistic development. Hemingway highlight the genre’s authorial self-consciousness,
and Italy offers essays from scholars, exciting new voices, polyvocality, and ambiguity of judgment.
and people who knew Hemingway during his Italian
days, examining how his adopted homeland shaped his RESISTANCE REIMAGINED
writing and his legacy. Black Women’s Critical Thought as Survival


Michael A. Calabrese Dec 2017 192pp
9780813056586 Hardback US$74.95
Oct 2017 392pp
9780813064574 Paperback US$29.95 Looking closely at nineteenth-century texts and
New Perspectives on Medieval Literature: Authors and Traditions twentieth-century novels written by African American
women about antebellum America, Resistance
William Langland’s poem Piers Plowman has found Reimagined highlights examples of black women’s
new critical and pedagogic life in the twenty-first activism within a society that spoke so much of freedom
century. Engaging with culture, religion, community, but granted it so selectively.
work, and the histories of government and popular
revolt, the poem exists in three versions. This is the first
comprehensive introduction to Langland’s work that
covers all three iterations, outlining the various changes
that occurred between each.

Arts & Humanities
80 Literature

The University of Georgia Press THUS I LIVED WITH WORDS
Robert Louis Stevenson and the Writer’s Craft
Her Critics, Her Publishers, Her Readers Annette R. Federico

Daniel Moran Nov 2017 158pp
9781609385187 Paperback US$19.00
Oct 2017 264pp Muse Books
9780820352930 Paperback US$22.95
Stevenson belonged to a newly commercial literary
Flannery O’Connor may now be acknowledged as the world, an era of mass readership, marketing, and
“Great American Catholic Author”, but this was not celebrity. He had plenty of practical advice for writers
always the case. With Creating Flannery O’Connor Daniel who wanted to enter the profession: study the best
Moran explains how O’Connor attained that status, and authors, aim for simplicity, strike a keynote, work on
how she felt about it, by examining the development your style.
of her literary reputation from the perspectives of
critics, publishers, agents, adapters for other media, and WHITMAN & DICKINSON
contemporary readers. A Colloquy

University of Iowa Press Edited by Eric Athenot & Cristanne Miller

Literary and Social Practices in Fan Fiction 9781609385316 Paperback US$65.00
Communities Iowa Whitman Series

Kristina Busse Brings together essays by scholars directly linking the
poetry and ideas of Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson.
Oct 2017 258pp The essays present intersections between these great
9781609385149 Paperback US$45.00 figures across several fields of study, rehearsing well-
established topics from new perspectives, opening new
Gathering some of Kristina Busse’s essential essays on fan areas of investigation, and providing new information
fiction together with new work, Framing Fan Fiction argues about Whitman’s and Dickinson’s lives, work, and
that understanding media fandom requires combining reception.
literary theory with cultural studies because fan artifacts
are both artistic works and cultural documents. The Kent State University Press

Death and Dying in J. R. R. Tolkien’s
The Lord of the Rings

Amy Amendt-Raduege

Nov 2017 224pp
9781606353059 Paperback US$30.00

Examines the ways in which J.R.R Tolkien’s The Lord of the
Rings makes visible the connections between medieval
and modern conceptions of dying and analyses how
contemporary readers use The Lord of the Rings as a tool
for dealing with death.

Arts & Humanities 81
L i t e r at ur e

Essays on Tolkien’s Middle-Earth A New Dramatic Fable

Verlyn Flieger Sarah Fielding & Jane Collier
Edited by Carolyn Woodward
Nov 2017 304pp
9781606353080 Paperback US$24.95 Jan 2018 406pp
9780813174105 Hardback US$80.00
Devoted to Tolkien, the teller of tales and cocreator of Eighteenth-Century Novels by Women
the myths they brush against, these essays focus on his
lifelong interest in and engagement with fairy stories, Before Jane Austen’s novels explored heroines in English
the special world that he called faërie, a world they both society, Sarah Fielding and Jane Collier dared to provide
create and inhabit, and with the elements that make commentary on gender and education through self-
that world the special place it is. conscious narratives. Published in 1754 in five parts and
divided into three volumes, The Cry stands as one of the
TRANSLATION IN AFRICAN CONTEXTS most distinctive and intriguing works by women during the
Postcolonial Texts, Queer Sexuality, and florescence of their writing in eighteenth-century England.
Cosmopolitan Fluency
Evan Maina Mwangi
Jul 2017 320pp Modes of Humor in Crime Fiction and Films
9781606353219 Hardback US$59.95
Translation Studies David Geherin

Explores the intersection of translation, sexuality, and Jul 2017 175pp
cosmopolitan ethics in African literature. Evan Maina 9781476669113 Paperback US$39.95
Mwangi illustrates how such texts allude to various
forms of translation to depict the ethical relations For full details of this title, see page 52.
to foreigners and the powerless, including sexual
minorities. He also explains the popularity of fluent JOHN UPDIKE REMEMBERED
models of translation in African literature. Friends, Family and Colleagues Reflect on the
Writer and the Man
The University Press of Kentucky
Edited by Jack A. De Bellis
FLANNERY O’CONNOR Sep 2017 199pp
9781476667065 Paperback US$29.95
Edited by Henry T. Edmondson III
Who was John Updike? Fifty-three commentators have
Aug 2017 394pp much to tell us. They reveal Updike through anecdote,
9780813169408 Hardback US$60.00 observation, and insight. Their memories reveal Updike
Political Companions to Great American Authors the high school prankster, the golfer, the creator of
bedtime stories, the charming ironist, the faithful
Explores Flannery O’Connor’s fiction, prose, and correspondent of scholars, the devoted friend, and the
correspondence to reveal her central ideas about political dedicated practitioner of his art.
thought in America. The contributors address topics
such as O’Connor’s affinity with writers and philosophers Receive regular up-to-date information about
including Eric Voegelin, Edith Stein, Russell Kirk, and our new titles by registering for e-alerts at:
the Agrarians; her attitudes toward the civil rights
movement; and her thoughts on controversies over

Arts & Humanities
82 Literature

ACTION AND CONSEQUENCE IN IBSEN, University Press of Mississippi
Zander Brietzke Collaborative Authorship in the Golden Age of
Children’s Literature
Oct 2017 202pp
9781476672236 Paperback US$45.00 Victoria Ford Smith

Henrik Ibsen, Anton Chekhov and August Strindberg, Sep 2017 304pp
leaders and innovators of modern drama, create 9781496813374 Hardback US$65.00
characters that cling pathologically to a single objective Children’s Literature Association Series
that blinds them to better options for health and
happiness. Together, the trajectories of dramatic A multidisciplinary volume that reframes children
characters in Ibsen, Chekhov and Strindberg provide as powerful forces in the production of their own
readers with perspectives with which to direct their own literature and culture by uncovering a tradition of
actions in the real world of today. collaborative partnerships between adults and children
in nineteenth- and early twentieth-century England. The
University of Michigan Press intergenerational collaborations documented provide
the foundations for some of the most popular Victorian
LIVING IN THE FUTURE literature for children.
Sovereignty and Internationalism in the
The New Action Heroine in Popular Culture
Susan Nakley
Jeffrey A. Brown
Aug 2017 288pp
9780472130443 Hardback US$75.00 Feb 2018 274pp
9781496814661 Paperback US$30.00
Nationalism, like medieval romance literature, recasts
history as a mythologised and seamless image of reality. For full details of this title, see page 54.
Living in the Future analyses how the anachronistic
nationalist fantasies in Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury CONVERSATIONS WITH COLUM MCCANN
Tales create a false sense of England’s historical
continuity that in turn legitimised contemporary Edited by Earl G. Ingersoll & Mary C. Ingersoll
political ambitions.
Aug 2017 224pp
ON THE BULLET TRAIN WITH EMILY BRONTË 9781496812940 Hardback US$60.00
Wuthering Heights in Japan Literary Conversations Series

Judith Pascoe Brings together eighteen interviews with a world-
renowned fiction writer. Ranging from his 1994
Nov 2017 184pp literary debut, Fishing the Sloe-Black River, to a new
9780472130603 Hardback US$65.00 and unpublished interview conducted in 2016, these
interviews represent the development as well as the
During two research trips to Japan, Judith Pascoe was continuation of McCann’s interests. The number and
fascinated to discover the popularity that Emily Brontë’s length of the later conversations attest to his star-power.
novel Wuthering Heights has enjoyed there. On the Bullet
Train with Emily Brontë is Pascoe’s account of her quest FAULKNER IN THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY
to discover the reasons for the continuous Japanese
embrace of Wuthering Heights, including varied and Edited by Robert W. Hamblin & Ann J. Abadie
surprising adaptations of the novel.
Feb 2018 200pp
9781496814784 Paperback US$30.00
Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha Series

Presents the thoughts of ten noted Faulkner scholars
who spoke at the twenty-seventh annual Faulkner
and Yoknapatawpha Conference at the University of
Mississippi. Contributions by Deborah N. Cohn, Leigh
Anne Duck, Robert W. Hamblin, Michael Kreyling,
Barbara Ladd, Walter Benn Michaels, Patrick O’Donnell,
Theresa M. Towner, Annette Trefzer, and Karl F. Zender.

Arts & Humanities 83
L i t e r at ur e

OZ BEHIND THE IRON CURTAIN The University of North Carolina Press
Aleksandr Volkov and His Magic Land Series
Erika Haber
Paul Archambault
Dec 2017 240pp
9781496813602 Hardback US$65.00 Jul 2017 176pp
Children’s Literature Association Series 9780807891193 Paperback US$30.00
North Carolina Studies in the Romance Languages and Literatures
In 1939, Aleksandr Volkov published Wizard of the
Emerald City, a revised version of L. Frank Baum’s The Explores the evolution of Camus’ attitude toward
Wonderful Wizard of Oz. Erika Haber demonstrates how Hellenism and Christianity as seen through his writing.
the works of both Baum and Volkov evolved from being The author considers problems as disparate as Camus’
popular children’s literature and became compelling and use and misuse of Aeschylus and the Presocratics, his
enduring cultural icons in both the US and USSR/Russia, ambivalent appraisal of Socrates, the Plotinian nature
despite being dismissed and ignored for many years. of his aesthetics, his identification of Christianity with
Augustinian theology, and the Gnostic resonance of his
READING IN THE DARK characteristic ideas.
Horror in Children’s Literature and Culture
Edited by Jessica R. McCort A Study in Narrative Technique

Dec 2017 258pp Ruth El Saffar
9781496814890 Paperback US$30.00
Children’s Literature Association Series Jul 2017 142pp
9780807891476 Paperback US$30.00
Dark novels, shows, and films targeted toward children North Carolina Studies in the Romance Languages and Literatures
and young adults are proliferating wildly. Reading in the
Dark fills a gap in criticism devoted to children’s popular Ruth el Saffar’s study of novelistic technique in Don
culture by concentrating on horror, an often neglected Quixote focuses on the interplay of characters, authors,
genre. These scholars explore the intersection between and readers who populate the work.
horror, popular culture, and children’s cultural productions.
TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY FEMINISMS IN A Writer’s Fight for a Better America
Cecelia Tichi
Roberta Seelinger Trites
Aug 2017 296pp
Jan 2018 224pp 9781469636054 Paperback US$22.00
9781496813800 Hardback US$65.00
Children’s Literature Association Series Jack London (1876-1916) found fame with his wolf-dog
tales and sagas of the frozen North, but Cecelia Tichi
Over twenty years after the publication of her challenges the long-standing view of London as merely
groundbreaking work, Waking Sleeping Beauty: Feminist a mass-market producer of potboilers. Thoroughly
Voices in Children’s Novels, Roberta Seelinger Trites returns exploring London’s importance as an artist and as a
to analyse how literature for the young still provides one political and public figure, Tichi brings to life a man who
outlet in which feminists can offer girls an alternative merits recognition as one of America’s foremost public
to sexism. intellectuals.

Arts & Humanities
84 Literature

Traditions in Criticism, 1900-1970
Yuri Corrigan
Laurence Romero
Oct 2017 336pp
Jul 2017 180pp 9780810135697 Paperback US$39.95
9780807891513 Paperback US$30.00
North Carolina Studies in the Romance Languages and Literatures Explores Dostoevsky’s literary career as an extended
meditation on the question of “what is a human being?”
An attempt to trace the development of Molière Presenting new readings of such works as The Brothers
criticism organised around three categories: Karamazov, The Idiot, The Adolescent, and The Insulted and
biographical, academic (both historical and formalistic), Injured, it resolves what appear to be mutually exclusive
and commentaries by “theatre professionals”. interpretations of the self in Dostoevsky’s work by
previous scholars.
Literature, History, and Early Modern Feeling
Arthur Graves Canfield
Bradley J. Irish
Jul 2017 74pp
9780807890370 Paperback US$30.00 Jan 2018 232pp
North Carolina Studies in the Romance Languages and Literatures 9780810136397 Paperback US$34.95
Rethinking the Early Modern
Balzac made a conscious effort in Comedie Humaine
to multiply the reappearance, from book to book, of Deploying literary analysis, theories of emotion from the
some of his characters. This careful analysis of nearly six sciences and humanities, and an archival account of Tudor
hundred reappearing characters shows that some appear history, Emotion in the Tudor Court examines how literature
only briefly, in no significant role; others play important both reflects and constructs the emotional dynamics of
parts; some become principals in later action. life in the Renaissance court. Bradley J. Irish argues that
emotionality is a foundational framework through which
Northwestern University Press historical subjects embody and engage their world.

Writing, Staging, and Building Space, A Theopoetical Evolution
c. 1435-1650
Marilyn Orr
Mimi Yiu
Nov 2017 168pp
Jan 2018 336pp 9780810135888 Paperback US$34.95
9780810136595 Paperback US$34.95
Rethinking the Early Modern Addresses the much-discussed question of Eliot’s relation
to Christianity in the wake of the sociocultural revolution
For full details of this title, see page 60. triggered by the spread of theories of evolution. The
standard view is that Eliot “lost her faith” at this time
CIVILIZING WAR of religious crisis. Orr argues for a more nuanced
Imperial Politics and the Poetics of understanding of the continuity of Eliot’s work, as one
National Rupture not shattered by science, but shaped by its influence.

Nasser Mufti

Dec 2017 288pp
9780810136021 Paperback US$34.95
FlashPoints, Vol. 28

For full details of this title, see page 16.

Arts & Humanities 85
L i t e r at ur e

MODERNISM Poetry, Philosophy, and History from the
Conceptualizing, Publishing, and Reading Seventeenth Century to the Present
Edited by Feisal G. Mohamed & Patrick Fadely
Jonathan Stone
Aug 2017 368pp
Oct 2017 416pp 9780810135338 Paperback US$39.95
9780810135727 Paperback US$39.95 Rethinking the Early Modern

Illuminates the key role of Symbolism as the earliest The phrase “early modern” challenges readers and
form of modernism in Russia. Combining book history, scholars to explore ways in which that period expands
periodical studies, and reception theory, Jonathan Stone and refines contemporary views of the modern.
examines the poetry and theory of Russian Symbolism Milton’s Modernities is a collection of eleven original
within the framework of the institutions that organised, essays undertaking such exploration with a focus
published, and disseminated the works to Russian readers. on John Milton, a poet whose prodigious energies
simultaneously point to the past and future.
Neo-Epics and the End of Romanticism THE NEW WOMAN
Literary Modernism, Queer Theory, and the
G. S. Sahota Trans Feminine Allegory

Jan 2018 320pp Emma Heaney
9780810136489 Paperback US$34.95
FlashPoints, Vol 29 Aug 2017 384pp
9780810135536 Paperback US$39.95
Taking cues from Walter Benjamin’s fragmentary writings FlashPoints, Vol. 27
on literary-historical method, Late Colonial Sublime
reconstellates the dialectic of Enlightenment across a wide Traces the creation of the trans feminine as an allegorical
imperial geography, with special focus on the fashioning of figure from its origins in late nineteenth-century
neo-epics in Hindi and Urdu literary cultures in British India. sexological writing to subsequent writings in the fields
of psychoanalysis, Modernist fiction, and contemporary
LYRICAL STRATEGIES Queer Theory. The New Woman examines foundational
The Poetics of the Twentieth-Century works in Queer Theory to demonstrate how the
American Novel Modernist trans feminine allegory was resuscitated at
the end of the twentieth century.
Katie Owens-Murphy
Jan 2018 208pp Melville’s Realism Reclaimed
9780810136540 Paperback US$34.95
K. L. Evans
Advances the highly original idea that not all literary
fiction should be read as a novel. Katie Owens-Murphy Dec 2017 184pp
identifies a prominent type of American novel well 9780810136120 Paperback US$34.95
suited to the reading methods of lyric poetry and lyric
frameworks of structural repetition, rhythm, figurative Makes the case that Melville’s masterpiece Moby-Dick
meaning, dramatic personae, and exclusive address. offers a chance to rethink literary realism. Distinguishing
between realism as an attempt to hold up a mirror to the
natural world and the more nuanced realism associated
with the work of Dante, Shakespeare and Goethe, K.L.
Evans suggests that even narratives like Moby-Dick can
depict life as it is actually lived and experienced.

Arts & Humanities
86 Literature

VIOLENCE AND GRACE Rutgers University Press
Exceptional Life Between Shakespeare and
Unreadability and the Holocaust
Nichole E. Miller
Jessica Lang
Jan 2018 256pp
9780810136588 Paperback US$34.95 Aug 2017 244pp
Rethinking the Early Modern 9780813589916 Paperback US$34.95

Establishes a conceptual link between early modern For full details of this title, see page 23.
English drama and twentieth-century political theology,
both of which emerge from the experience of political The University of South Carolina Press
crisis. Nicole Miller’s analyses retrieve for political
theology the relations between gender, sexuality, and UNDERSTANDING FRANZ KAFKA
the political aesthetics of violence on the early modern
stage, addressing the plays of Marlowe, Middleton, and Allen Thiher
Jan 2018 312pp
University of Notre Dame Press 9781611178289 Hardback US$59.99
Understanding Modern European and Latin American Literature
The Red Wheel, Node III, Book 1 Franz Kafka is without question one of the most
influential writers of the twentieth century. In
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Understanding Franz Kafka, Allen Thiher addresses the
development of Kafka’s work by analysing it in terms
Nov 2017 672pp of its chronological unfolding, emphasising the various
9780268102654 Hardback US$39.00 phases in Kafka’s life that can be discerned in his
constant quest to find a meaning for his writing.
To commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Russian
Revolution, the University of Notre Dame Press is proud UNDERSTANDING NORMAN MAILER
to publish Nobel Prize-winner Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s
epic work March 1917, Node III, Book 1, of The Red Wheel. Maggie McKinley
The Red Wheel is Solzhenitsyn’s magnum opus about the
Russian Revolution. Oct 2017 152pp
9781611178050 Hardback US$39.99
MILTON AND CATHOLICISM Understanding Contemporary American Literature

Edited by Ronald Corthell & Thomas N. Corns As a renowned novelist, journalist, biographer,
playwright, speaker, aspiring politician, filmmaker, and
Nov 2017 216pp public intellectual, Norman Mailer was one of the most
9780268100810 Hardback US$50.00 prominent American literary and cultural figures of the
second half of the twentieth century. Understanding
This collection of original essays by literary critics and Norman Mailer is the first book of literary criticism to
historians analyses a wide range of Milton’s writing, address Mailer’s impressive body of work in its entirety.
from his early poetry, through his mid-century political
prose, to De Doctrina Christiana, and finally to his last
and greatest poems. The contributors investigate the
rich variety of approaches to Milton’s engagement with
Catholicism and its relationship to reformed religion.

Eucharistic Controversy and English Drama
across the Reformation Divide

Jay Zysk

Sep 2017 424pp
9780268102302 Paperback US$45.00
ReFormations: Medieval and Early Modern

For full details of this title, see page 78.

Arts & Humanities 87
L i t e r at ur e

Syracuse University Press KATE O’BRIEN AND SPANISH
MODERNISM Jane Davison
Williams, Moore, Pound
Oct 2017 216pp
Zhaoming Qian 9780815635352 Paperback US$24.95
Irish Studies
Nov 2017 208pp
9780813940670 Paperback US$29.50 One of the most important Irish novelists of the
twentieth century, Kate O’Brien (1897-1974) was
Examines the nature and extent of Asian influence also a pioneer of women’s writing. In this highly
on some of the literary masterpieces of Western late original approach to O’Brien’s work, Davison traces
modernism. Focusing on the poets William Carlos the influence of three leading Spanish writers - Jacinto
Williams, Marianne Moore, and Ezra Pound, Zhaoming Benavente, Miguel de Cervantes, and Teresa of Avila - on
Qian relates captivating stories about their interactions O’Brien’s work.
with Chinese artists and scholars and shows how
these encounters helped ignite a return to their early LAYING OUT THE BONES
experimental modes. Death and Dying in the Modern Irish Novel
from James Joyce to Anne Enright
IRISH REVIVAL Bridget English

Giulia Bruna Nov 2017 280pp
9780815635369 Paperback US$29.95
Oct 2017 256pp Irish Studies
9780815635338 Paperback US$29.95
Irish Studies Sheds new light on death and dying in twentieth- and
twenty-first century Irish literature. The author examines
Between the late 1890s and the early 1900s, the young the ways that Irish wake and funeral rituals shape
Irish writer John Millington Synge journeyed across his novelistic discourse. She argues that the treatment of
home country, documenting his travels intermittently death in Irish novels offers a way of making sense of
for ten years. This is the first comprehensive study of mortality and provides insight into Ireland’s cultural and
Synge’s travel writing about Ireland, compiled during the historical experience of death.
zeitgeist of the preindependence Revival movement.

Arts & Humanities
L i t e r at ur e


Daniel Balderston The University of Arizona Press

9780813939643 Hardback US$49.50 MAINSTREAM COMICS

A distinguished poet and essayist and one of the finest Frederick Luis Aldama
writers of short stories in world letters, Jorge Luis Borges Foreword by John Jennings
deliberately and regularly altered his work by extensive Afterword by Javier Hernandez
revision. In this volume, renowned Borges scholar
Daniel Balderston undertakes to piece together Borges’s Oct 2017 240pp
creative process through the marks he left on paper. 9780816537082 Paperback US$22.95
Latinx Pop Culture
Fiction and Print Culture in England, 1690-1730 Explores the storyworld spaces inhabited by brown
superheroes in mainstream comic book storyworlds:
Leah Orr print comic books, animation, TV, and film. It makes
visible and lets loose the otherwise occluded and
Nov 2017 336pp shackled. Leaving nothing to chance, it sheds light on
9780813940137 Hardback US$45.00 how creators make storyworlds that feature Latinos/as,
distinguishing between those that we should evaluate
Resisting the standard rise of the novel paradigm, Novel as well done and those not well done.
Ventures incorporates new research about the fiction
marketplace to illuminate early fiction as an eighteenth- University of Iowa Press
century reader or writer might have seen it. Examining
all 475 works of fiction printed over the four decades
from 1690 to 1730, Leah Orr shows that the genre was
much more diverse and innovative in this period than is
usually thought.

The University of Wisconsin Press THE PHANTOM UNMASKED
America’s First Superhero
The Meanings of Anna Karenina Kevin Patrick

Vladimir E. Alexandrov Nov 2017 262pp
9781609385002 Paperback US$25.00
Oct 2017 368pp
9780299195441 Paperback US$21.95 By tracing the publication history of The Phantom in
magazines and comic books across international markets
Vladimir E. Alexandrov advocates a broad revision of since the mid-1930s, author Kevin Patrick delves into
the academic study of literature, proposing an adaptive, the largely unexplored prehistory of modern media
text-specific approach designed to minimize the licensing industries.
circularity of interpretation inherent in the act of reading.
He illustrates this method with the example of Tolstoy’s
classic novel, Anna Karenina, via a detailed map of the
different possible readings that the novel can support.

Arts & Humanities 89
L i t e r at ur e


McFarland University Press of Mississippi

Essays on DC’s Enigmatic Villain
Edited by Shelley E. Barba & Joy M. Perrin
Nov 2017 200pp
9781476665238 Paperback US$19.99 Edited by Jean Braithwaite

With the long history of Batman, it is unusual for Oct 2017 296pp
something new to come along and grab a new 9781496809308 Paperback US$25.00
generation’s attention. That is what happened in
1992 when fans were introduced to Harley Quinn, an Conversations with Comic Artists Series
eccentric female sidekick. Those interested in a deeper
understanding of Harley’s bubbly and sometimes Virtuoso Chris Ware (b. 1967) has achieved some
malicious character will delight in reading the first book noteworthy firsts for comics. Editor Jean Braithwaite
dedicated to her in all her duality. compiles interviews displaying both Ware’s erudition
and his quirky self-deprecation. They span Ware’s career
from 1993 to 2015, creating a time-lapse portrait of the
artist as he matures.

International Perspectives
John A. Lent & Xu Ying
Edited by Francesco-Alessio Ursini, Adnan Mahmutovic &
Frank Bramlett Aug 2017 288pp
9781496811745 Hardback US$65.00
Aug 2017 207pp
9781476668017 Paperback US$39.95 The most comprehensive and authoritative source
on this subject. Comics Art in China covers almost all
Across generations and genres, comics have imagined comics art forms in mainland China, providing the
different views of the future, from unattainable utopias history from the nineteenth century to the present. This
to worrisome dystopias. These presaging narratives can volume encompasses political, social, and gag cartoons,
be read as reflections of their authors’ (and readers’) lianhuanhua, comic books, humorous drawings, cartoon
hopes, fears and beliefs about the present. This collection and humor periodicals, and donghua.
of new essays explores the creative processes in comics
production that bring plausible futures to the page. NEW IN PAPERBACK


Edited by Terrence R. Wandtke

Dec 2017 168pp
9781496814760 Paperback US$25.00

Conversations with Comic Artists Series

Ed Brubaker has emerged as one of the most popular,
significant figures in art comics since the 1990s.
Brubaker layers his stories with a keen self-awareness,
applying his expansive knowledge of American comic
book history to invigorate his work and challenge the
dividing line between popular entertainment and
high art. This collection of interviews explores the
sophisticated artist’s work.

Arts & Humanities
L i t e r at ur e


A CHARLIE BROWN RELIGION  Edited by Jeff McLaughlin

Exploring the Spiritual Life and Work of Sep 2017 240pp
Charles M. Schulz 9781496813275 Hardback US$65.00

Stephen J. Lind In a follow-up to Comics as Philosophy, contributors
address two questions: Which philosophical insights,
Oct 2017 308pp concepts, and tools can shed light on the graphic
9781496814678 Paperback US$20.00 novel? And how can the graphic novel cast light on the
concerns of philosophy? Each contributor ponders a
Great Comics Artists Series graphic novel to illuminate ways in which philosophy can
untangle combinations of image and written word for
For full details of this title, see page 77. deeper understanding.

Ten Modern Masterpieces Conversations

Thierry Groensteen Edited by Christopher Irving

Translated by Ann Miller Jan 2018 194pp
9781496814838 Paperback US$25.00
Nov 2017 240pp Conversations with Comic Artists Series
9781496808028 Hardback US$65.00
Michael Allred (b. 1962) stands out for his blend of
Offers a distinct perspective on important evolutions in spiritual and philosophical approaches with an art style
comics since the 1960s through close readings of ten reminiscent of 1960s era superhero comics, which
seminal works. Thierry Groensteen covers over half a creates a mixture of both postmodernism and nostalgia.
century of comics production, sampling a single work from Michael Allred: Conversations features several interviews
the sixties, seventies, eighties and nineties. He then delves with the cartoonist from his early days to his current
into recent masterpieces. Groensteen recaptures the impact mainstream work for Marvel Comics.
with which these works broke with what had gone before.
Seth and the Art of Memory Daniel Peretti

Daniel Marrone Nov 2017 208pp
9781496814586 Hardback US$65.00
Dec 2017 246pp
9781496814791 Paperback US$30.00 For full details of this title, see page 47.

Great Comics Artists Series

At once familiar and hard to place, the work of acclaimed
Canadian cartoonist Seth evokes a world that no longer
exists - and perhaps never existed, except in the panels
of long-forgotten comics. Forging the Past offers a
comprehensive account of his work and the complex
interventions it makes into the past.

Arts & Humanities 91

Media & Communication · MYTHOLOGY & FOLKLORE


Brookings Institution Press University Press of Mississippi

Studies of Modern Advocacy and Propaganda A. N. AFANAS’EV
Volume I
Christopher C. Harmon & Randall G. Bowdish
Edited by Jack V. Haney
Oct 2017 325pp
9780815732181 Paperback US$35.99 Nov 2017 550pp
9781496814715 Paperback US$40.00
For full details of this title, see page 67.
Widely regarded as the Russian Grimm, A.N. Afanas’ev
WORDS THAT MATTER collected folktales from throughout the Russian Empire.
How the News and Social Media Shaped the Up to now, there has been no complete English-language
2016 Presidential Campaign version of the Russian folktales of Afanas’ev. This
translation is based on L. G. Barag and N. V. Novikov’s
Leticia Bode et al edition, widely regarded as the authoritative edition.

9780815731917 Hardback US$25.99
Daniel Peretti
For full details of this title, see page 10.
Nov 2017 208pp
University of Iowa Press 9781496814586 Hardback US$65.00

FRAMING FAN FICTION Many studies have examined the ways in which folklore
Literary and Social Practices in Fan Fiction has provided inspiration for other forms of culture,
Communities especially literature and cinema. In Superman in Myth and
Folklore, Daniel Peretti explores the meaning of folklore
Kristina Busse inspired by popular culture, focusing not on the Man of
Steel’s origins but on the culture he has helped create.
Oct 2017 258pp
9781609385149 Paperback US$45.00

For full details of this title, see page 36.

Texas A&M University Press

The Presidency and the Press Enter the
Digital Age

Edited by Stephanie A. Martin

Nov 2017 288pp
9781623495626 Hardback US$42.00
Kenneth E. Montague Presidential Rhetoric Series

For full details of this title, see page 72.

Arts & Humanities

92 PDeArNfCoEr·mFiILnMg&ATrVts


DANCE The University of Arizona Press

University Press of Florida NATIVE APPARITIONS
Hollywood’s Indians Through an American

Edited by Jennifer Atkins, Sally R. Sommer & Edited by Steve Pavlik, Tom Holm & Elise Marubbio
Tricia Henry Young
Nov 2017 277pp
The New Millennium 9780816535477 Hardback US$32.95

Feb 2018 256pp Offers a critical intervention and response to Hollywood’s
representations of Native peoples in film, from historical
9780813054995 Hardback US$95.00 works by director John Ford to more contemporary works,
such as Apocalypto and Avatar. But more than a critique
The Twentieth Century of stereotypes, this book is a timely call for scholarly
activism engaged in Indigenous media sovereignty.
Jan 2018 336pp
9780813054933 Hardback US$110.00 The University of Georgia Press

The two volumes of Perspectives on American Dance WILLIAM FAULKNER IN HOLLYWOOD
are the first anthologies in over twenty-five years to Screenwriting for the Studios
focus exclusively on American dance practices across
a wide span of American culture. They show how Stefan Solomon
social experience, courtship, sexualities, and other Series edited by R. Barton Palmer & Matthew Bernstein
aspects of life in America are translated through
dancing into spatial patterns, gestures, and partner Aug 2017 320pp
relationships 9780820351131 Hardback US$49.95
The South on Screen Series

During more than two decades (1932-1954), William
Faulkner worked on approximately fifty film screenplays.
The scripts that Faulkner wrote for film and, later on,
television constitute an extensive and, until now,
thoroughly underexplored archival source. Stefan
Solomon not only analyses the majority of these scripts
but compares them to the novels and short stories
Faulkner was writing at the same time.

Arts & Humanities 93
Performing Arts


University of Hawaii Press BARBARA LA MARR
The Girl Who Was Too Beautiful for Hollywood
Absent Fathers, Banned Books, and Sherri Snyder
Red Balloons
Dec 2017 454pp
Michelle E. Bloom 9780813174259 Hardback US$45.00
Screen Classics
Nov 2017 296pp
9780824875114 Paperback US$28.00 In the first full-length biography of the woman known
Critical Interventions as the girl who was too beautiful, Sherri Snyder presents
a complete portrait of one of the silent era’s most
Transnational cinemas are eclipsing national cinemas infamous screen sirens. Few stars have burned as brightly
in the contemporary world, and Sino-French films and as briefly as Barbara La Marr, and her extraordinary
exemplify this phenomenon through the cinematic life story is one of tempestuous passions as well as
coupling of the Sinophone and the Francophone. This perseverance in the face of adversity.
full-length work on Sino-French cinema maps uncharted
territory, offering a paradigm for understanding CONVERSATIONS WITH CLASSIC FILM STARS
other cross-cultural interminglings and tools to study Interviews from Hollywood’s Golden Era
transnational cinema.
James Bawden & Ron Miller
University Press of Kansas
Oct 2017 440pp
PRODUCER OF CONTROVERSY 9780813174389 Paperback US$24.95
Stanley Kramer, Hollywood Liberalism, and Screen Classics
the Cold War
Presents an astonishing collection of rare interviews
Jennifer Frost with the greatest celebrities of Hollywood’s golden
age. Conducted over the course of more than fifty
Nov 2017 336pp years, James Bawden and Ron Miller recount intimate
9780700624966 Hardback US$29.95 conversations with some of the most famous leading
men and women of the era, including Douglas Fairbanks
With films ranging from High Noon to Guess Who’s Jr., Joseph Cotten, Cary Grant, Gloria Swanson, Joan
Coming to Dinner, Stanley Kramer (1913-2001) was one Fontaine, Loretta Young, and Kirk Douglas.
of the most successful and prolific director-producers of
his day. Producer of Controversy is the first book to take a MICHAEL CURTIZ
close-up look at Kramer’s career, films, and liberal politics A Life in Film
in an effort to explain his contributions and historical
significance. Alan K. Rode

The University Press of Kentucky Nov 2017 630pp
9780813173917 Hardback US$50.00
ANNE BANCROFT Screen Classics
A Life
During his twenty-seven year tenure at Warner Bros.,
Douglass K. Daniel Michael Curtiz directed swashbuckling adventures,
westerns, musicals, war epics, romances, historical
Sep 2017 400pp dramas, horror films, tearjerkers, melodramas, comedies,
9780813169682 Hardback US$34.95 and film noir masterpieces. In the first biography of this
Screen Classics colourful, instinctual artist, Alan K. Rode illuminates the
life and work of one of the film industry’s most complex
In the first biography to cover the entire scope of Anne figures.
Bancroft’s life and career, Douglass K. Daniel brings
together interviews with dozens of her friends and
colleagues, never-before-published family photos, and
material from film and theatre archives to present a
portrait of an artist who raised the standards of acting
for all those who followed.

Arts & Humanities
Performing Arts
94 FILM & TV

Life and Films of a Hollywood Rebel Myth, Magic and Landscape in British Film
and Television
Allan R. Ellenberger
David Huckvale
Jan 2018 396pp
9780813174310 Hardback US$45.00 Sep 2017 167pp
9781476670508 Paperback US$39.95
Screen Classics
British literature often refers to pagan and classical
Though she enjoyed popular and critical acclaim in her themes through richly detailed landscapes that suggest
long career, Miriam Hopkins is most often remembered more than a mere backdrop of physical features. This
for being one of the most difficult actresses of volume analyses the evocative language and aesthetics
Hollywood’s golden age. In the first comprehensive of landscapes in literature, film, television and music,
biography of this colourful performer, Allan R. and how “psycho-geography” is used to explore the
Ellenberger illuminates Hopkins’s fascinating life and influence of the past on the present.

Interviews with Stars from Hollywood’s The Legacy of the Cold War in Dr. Strangelove,
Golden Era End Zone, Crash and The Wire

James Bawden & Ron Miller Niall Heffernan

Oct 2017 394pp Nov 2017 166pp
9780813174211 Hardback US$36.95 9781476664668 Paperback US$55.00
Screen Classics
The Cold War profoundly shaped neoliberalism in ways
Journalists James Bawden and Ron Miller spent their that are as yet not fully realised. This book is a careful
careers interviewing the greatest stars of Hollywood’s and extensively researched look at the narratives
golden age. In You Ain’t Heard Nothin’ Yet, Bawden and that pierce the heart of the Cold War zeitgeist and its
Miller return with a new collection of rare interviews with aftermath and reveal to us that we may be living in a
iconic film stars including Henry Fonda, Esther Williams, post-Cold War world.
Buster Keaton, Maureen O’Sullivan, Walter Pidgeon, and
Axel Nissen
Essays on Frontier Fixtures of the American Aug 2017 141pp
Western 9781476667584 Paperback US$39.95

Edited by Sue Matheson Agnes Moorehead (1900-74) was unique among
twentieth-century American actresses in making a
Jul 2017 267pp major career for herself in all four entertainment media
9780786498048 Paperback US$39.95 after the age of 40. This title focuses on Moorehead’s
career in radio, on the stage, and in television. A
Western archetypes remain important emblems of the representative selection of 25 of her most interesting
American experience, relating a complex and coded and representative performances in these media are
narrative about heroism and morality, masculinity and discussed in separate profiles.
femininity, westward expansion and technological
progress, and assimilation and settlement. In this
collection of new essays, 21 contributors examine
the “cowboy cool” iconography of film and television

Arts & Humanities 95
Performing Arts


Critical Essays on the Original Series The Early Westerns of a Screen Icon, 1930-1939

Edited by Eric Hoffman Larry Powell

Aug 2017 181pp Nov 2017 155pp
9781476671277 Paperback US$35.00 9781476664132 Paperback US$35.00

Though it lasted just two seasons, Twin Peaks raised the Explores the early westerns of John Wayne, from his first
bar for television and is now considered one of the great starring role in the 1930 epic The Big Trail through his
dramas in TV history. This collection of new essays explores breakthrough role as the Ringo Kid in John Ford’s 1939
its filmic influences, its genre-bending innovations and classic Stagecoach. This book argues that it was during
its use of horror and science fiction conventions, from the these 1930s westerns that Marion Morrison transformed
original series to the film prequel Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with from a prop man into the John Wayne film persona that
Me and subsequent video releases. became world famous.

Essays on Themes and Characters of the Series The Expanded Story of a Haunting
Collaboration, with a Complete Filmography
Edited by James F. Iaccino, Cory Barker & Myc Wiatrowski of Their Films Together

Nov 2017 277pp Gregory William Mank
9780786497874 Paperback US$19.99
Jul 2017 701pp
This collection of new essays focuses on The CW 9781476672342 Paperback US$39.95
network’s hit television series Arrow - based on DC
Comic’s Green Arrow - and its spin-offs. The contributors Bela Lugosi and Boris Karloff starred in dozens of black-
explore the reasons behind Arrow ‘s success, the series’ and-white horror films, and managed to collaborate on
representation of bodies, its portrayal of women, its and co-star in eight movies. Through interviews and
shifting political ideologies, and audience reception and archival research, this expanded new edition examines the
influence on storylines. Golden Age of Hollywood, recreates the shooting of Lugosi
and Karloff’s mutual films, examines their odd and moving
AT HOME IN THE WHEDONVERSE personal relationship, and analyses their ongoing legacies.
Essays on Domestic Place, Space and Life
Edited by Juliette C. Kitchens The Life and Films of the Queen of Noir

Sep 2017 197pp Derek Sculthorpe
9781476667027 Paperback US$35.00
Oct 2017 125pp
Joss Whedon’s work collectively offers audiences the 9781476671932 Paperback US$39.95
opportunity to question the ways we relate to and
inhabit homes. Focusing on his television series, films An alluring blonde with a uniquely seductive voice, Claire
and comics, this collection of new essays explores the Trevor is chiefly remembered now for her many femme
diversity of home spaces in Whedon’s many ‘verses, fatale roles in a series of iconic noirs. However she was
and the complexity these spaces afford the narratives, a versatile actress not trapped by genre who brought
characters, objects and relationships within them. a rare emotional depth to her art. This book provides a
comprehensive discussion of her life and career.

Arts & Humanities
Performing Arts
96 FILM & TV

75 Years of Bare Knuckle Brawls, 1914-1989 Modes of Humor in Crime Fiction and Films

Gene Freese David Geherin

Aug 2017 277pp Jul 2017 175pp
9781476669434 Paperback US$45.00 9781476669113 Paperback US$39.95

The filming of fight scenes has changed significantly Focusing on crime fiction, film and television that artfully
through the years from improvised scuffles in the Silent combine comedy and misdeed, this comprehensive
Era to exquisitely choreographed and edited sequences. study explores the reasons why writers and filmmakers
Examining more than 300 films, the author provides inject humour into their work and identifies the various
behind-the-scenes details on memorable melees comic techniques they use. The author covers both
starring such iconic tough-guys as John Wayne, Robert American and European books, film and television from
Mitchum, Lee Marvin, Charles Bronson, Clint Eastwood, the 1930s to the present.
and Bruce Lee.
Essays on PTSD in the Director’s Films
Tom Lisanti
Edited by Charles R. Hamilton & Allen H. Redmon
Jul 2017 252pp, photos
Aug 2017 176pp 9781476672335 Paperback US$29.95
9781476667508 Paperback US$39.95
During the 1960s, many models, Playboy centerfolds,
Throughout his directorial career, Clint Eastwood’s beauty queens, and Las Vegas showgirls went on to
movies have presented sympathetic narratives of become “decorative actresses” appearing scantily clad
characters enduring personal trauma as they turn to on film and television. This illustrated homage to 75
violence to survive calamity or sustain social order. In this of these glamour girls reveals their unique stories
collection of new essays, contributors examine his films through individual biographical profiles, photographs,
as studies on PTSD that expose the social conditions lists of major credits and, frequently, in-depth personal
that tolerate or trigger traumatisation and imagine a interviews.
way through trauma.
FRANK WISBAR Critical Essays on a Film Subgenre
The Director of Ferryman Maria, from Germany
to America and Back Edited by Michele Brittany

Henry Nicolella Aug 2017 212pp
9781476664057 Paperback US$39.95
Aug 2017 277pp
9781476666884 Paperback US$45.00 Analyses the space horror subgenre and its rise as a
cinematic phenomenon since the 1950s. These essays
German director Frank Wisbar (1899-1967) had the provide a historical retrospective of the genre’s cinematic
misfortune of achieving success as a filmmaker just as journey and an in-depth examination of how filmmakers
Hitler came to power. Wisbar fled to America, where explored the concepts of the survivor, the uncanny
Hollywood saw him as no more than a technician. A valley, the isolationism of space travel, religion, and
successful stint in early television allowed him to return supernatural phenomenons to terrify audiences within
home to a very different Germany. The book examines the confines of space.
the films and career of an under-appreciated auteur who
ultimately lost faith in his own vision.

Arts & Humanities 97
Performing Arts


The Complete Career Essays on the Undead as Significant “Other”

Robert Michael “Bobb” Cotter Edited by Ashley Szanter & Jessica K. Richards

Jul 2017 230pp Sep 2017 200pp
9781476672304 Paperback US$29.95 9781476667423 Paperback US$29.95

Explores the life and career of Ingrid Pitt, icon of horror The zombie, popular culture’s undead darling, shows
cinema. Full cast and production credits, synopses, no signs of stopping. But as it deliberately conquers
reviews and notes are offered for all of her film, stage pop culture, zombies also adapt to suit our needs
and TV appearances, along with a critical listing of her and, perhaps more importantly, our desires. This work
novels and other published works. Other features include presents examinations of the romantic zombie, for
rare photographs and other movie-related graphics from better or worse, as the newest inductee to the Hall of
every phase of the actress’ career, and a foreword by Paranormal Lovers.
Ingrid Pitt herself.
MAKING YOUR FIRST FEATURE FILM The Fusion of Science Fiction and Film Noir
Lessons I Learned the Hard Way
Paul Meehan
Dominick Bagnato
Jul 2017 272pp
Aug 2017 277pp 9781476672359 Paperback US$25.00
9781476670348 Paperback US$29.95
Traces the common origins of film noir and science
The tools for independent filmmaking are more fiction films, identifying the many instances in which
accessible today than ever. Yet there is much more to the two have merged to form a distinctive subgenre
successfully creating a film than access to equipment known as Tech-Noir. From the German Expressionist
and software. Chronicling the making of his premier cinema of the late 1920s to the present-day cyberpunk
feature film, A Convenient Truth (2015), the author movement, the book examines more than 100 films in
describes the practical steps needed take a film project which common noir elements intersect with the high
from early concept to postproduction phases. technology of science fiction.

The Art of Jack Nicholson on Screen Critical Essays on Streaming Media, Digital
Delivery and Instant Access
Scott Edwards
Edited by Myc Wiatrowski
Aug 2017 277pp
9781476670942 Paperback US$35.00 Aug 2017 215pp
9780786497478 Paperback US$29.95
Drawing on years of research and dozens of interviews
with his associates, this critical study of Jack Nicholson’s Collecting several new essays from scholars around
oeuvre examines each of his film roles, as well as his the globe, this collection seeks to participate in the
screenwriting and directorial efforts. Personal insight ongoing discourse about Netflix’s place in contemporary
is provided by Peter Fonda, Bruce Dern, Noah Wyle, culture. These contributors explore the intricacies of the
Monkees Michael Nesmith, Micky Dolenz and Peter Tork, enormous effect Netflix has had on how we consume
several Apollo astronauts, Hells Angel Sonny Barger and popular media in the everyday world and examines the
many more. streaming giant as a disruptor and cultural institution.

Arts & Humanities
Performing Arts
98 FILM & TV

The Sexuality, Style and Image of an The Blockbuster Impact and the Galaxy of
Entertainment Icon Merchandise, 1977-1983

Monica Storme Gallamore Craig Stevens

Nov 2017 144pp Nov 2017 239pp
9781476667706 Paperback US$39.95 9781476666082 Paperback US$39.95

The Incomparable Hildegarde, lived a long life full Provides a detailed account of the Star Wars saga’s British
of glamour and excitement. Her career started in connection, including personal recollections of fans
Milwaukee silent movie theatres, then the Vaudeville in the UK, exclusive interviews with staff members of
stage, and singing and playing piano in the cabarets Palitoy who took on the challenge of producing millions
of Paris and London. This biography, the first book to of toys, and the story of how a group of writers from the
address her importance in American culture, covers her underground press in London combined with Marvel
life from birth to death. comics to produce the first Star Wars expanded universe.

TO BOLDLY GO University Press of Mississippi
Essays on Gender and Identity in the
The New Action Heroine in Popular Culture
Edited by Nadine Farghaly & Simon Bacon
Jeffrey A. Brown
Jul 2017 231pp
9781476668536 Paperback US$35.00 Feb 2018 274pp
9781496814661 Paperback US$30.00
In 2016, Star Trek - arguably the most popular science
fiction franchise of all time - turned 50. This collection of Action heroines are now more popular in movies, comic
new essays provides a timely study of how well Star Trek books, TV, and literature than they have ever been. Their
has lived up to its own ideals of inclusivity and equality, spectacular presence represents shifting ideas about
and how well prepared it is to boldly go with everyone female agency, power, and sexuality. Beyond Bombshells
into the next half century. explores how action heroines reveal and reconfigure
perceptions about how and why women are capable of
HERO OR VILLAIN? physically dominating roles in modern fiction.
Essays on Dark Protagonists of Television
Edited by Abigail G. Scheg & Tamara Girardi Interviews

Oct 2017 188pp Edited by Gabriela Oldham
9781476667690 Paperback US$39.95
Jan 2018 192pp
One dimensional television characters are a thing of the 9781496815668 Hardback US$60.00
past - today’s shows feature intricate storylines and well Conversations with Filmmakers Series
developed characters. Protagonists are not categorically
good, antagonists often have relatable good sides. These Blake Edwards was a multi-talented, versatile director
essays examines the complex characters in Orange Is the constantly exploring who he was, not only in filmmaking
New Black, Homeland, Key & Peele, Oz, Empire, Breaking but also in life. Blake Edwards: Interviews highlights
Bad, House, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. how the he created the Pink Panther franchise; his long
partnership with award-winning composer Henry
Mancini; his principles of comedy; his marriage and
film collaborations with Julie Andrews; and his unique
philosophy of life.

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