Timeline Analysis
To match up process performance over time with changes made to the process. In root cause analysis to
identify changes that impacted the process performance
Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July
Units 125 204 239 273 330 423 503 Units
Yield 93.5% 95% 98% 98% 94% 93.5% 91.5% Yield
Rev A Solder Process Changes New High
Launched Mask Speed Chip
Changed Rev B Placement
Changed Unit On-
include changes in people, methods, equipment, materials, environment, and measurement systems. Include changes in support processes as well if appropriate. COMPANYLOGO
Fault- Tree Analysis
Used to identify the causes of problems within a process and helps identify areas of concern for new product
design or for improvement of existing products
Hot Water AND Symbol
Header Explodes OR Symbol
Pressure Relief High Water
Valve Fails Temperature
Relief Relief Valve Temp High Temp
Valve Disch line Regulator Cut-off Fails
Frozen Plugged
RV Line RV Line Pipe
Frozen Crimped Plug
in line
Analytic Methods
Solution Effect Analysis
The Solution Effect Analysis is a method to examine (brainstorming) the consequences of implementing a
Materials Equipment
Solution Minor Effect Minor Effect
Minor Effect Minor Effect
1. Brainstorm and evaluate Methods People
all possible effects of the
solution. 2. Classify effects under major 3. Update Solution Effect
headings e.g. Analysis Template by
money / materials writing effects on the
people / man diagram.
equipment /machine
Root cause analysis (RCA)
Root cause analysis (RCA) is a class of problem solving methods aimed at identifying the root causes of
problems or events
Nr. Possible Cause Weight Cause 1 Cause 2 Cause 3
50% 35% 25%
1 Cause 1 50%
2 Cause 2 35% Text
3 Cause 3 25%
4… …
Cause 4 Cause 5
… ..% ..%
Nr. What? How? Who? When? Status
1… … … …
2… … … …
3… … … …
4… … … …
5… … … …
Force Field Analysis
The Force Field Analysis is a useful technique for looking at all the forces for and against a decision
Driving Forces Restraining Forces
(Positives) (Negatives)
1 List all forces for change in one column List all forces against change in one column 1
2… Describe your plan or …2
proposal for change
3* … … 3*
4… …4
*Score assigned to each force (1=weak, 5=strong). COMPANYLOGO
Force Field Analysis
The Force Field Analysis is a technique to identify all forces that will help or obstruct a planned change
Driving Forces Restraining Forces
+ Positives - Negatives
List all forces for change List all forces against
# # # in one column change in one column
Ease of change
Ease of change
SIPOC Analysis
Enter your subheadline here
SIPOC Analysis
The SIPOC Diagram stands for Suppliers, Inputs, Process, Outputs, Customers and shows the business
continuum from suppliers through customers
Suppliers Inputs Process Outputs Customers
List suppliers of any inputs to List the Inputs to this process. Describe the process and list key List the outputs of this process. Identify the customers of these
this process. Input 1 process steps Output 1 outputs.
Input 2 Output 2
Supplier 1 Input 3 Process Name Output 3 Customer 1
Supplier 2 Description Customer 2
Supplier 3 Customer 3
Start Revision End
Revised by
Purpose / Scope
Opportunity Analysis
The Opportunity Analysis offers the opportunity to evaluate a list of options against goals and resources and to
decide what to do first
Goal / Attribute Importance Ability to complete
Low Medium High Low Medium High
Goal 1
Goal 2
Goal 3
Goal 4
Goal 5
Goal 6
Goal 7
Sample Opportunity Analysis for satisfying customer requirements COMPANYLOGO
Value Opportunity Analysis
Enter your subheadline here
Your Product (or existing product) Competition (or next product)
Emotion adventure Emotion adventure
indepandance indepandance
security Aesthetics security
sensualtiy sensualtiy
confidence Identity confidence
power Core Tech. power
Ergonomics comfort Profit Impact comfort
safety Brand Impact safety
ease of use ease of use
Aesthetics visual visual
Identity auditory auditory
tactile tactile
olfactory olfactory
taste taste
point in time point in time
sense of place sense of place
personality personality
Impact social social
environmental environmental
Core Tech. reliable reliable
enabling enabling
Quality craftmanship craftmanship
durability durability
Profit Impact
Brand Impact
Low Med High Low Med High
Domainal mapping
Domainal mapping is a technique to identify all main elements of an issue
Potential power of stakeholders Unaware wrecking power
to obstruct the change
Potential Costs
Describe ideal desired future,
advantages and situation you Future 5 Evaluate potential cost to each
would like to have Benefits 4 domain
Describe current situation and
Current 3 involvement
Choose a topic of the proposed
29 Name of 2 change
Domain Identify the domains
28 1
The 10
27 26 Change 6 7 8 9
21 11
22 16
23 17 13
24 14
25 18
Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA)
Enter your subheadline here
Failure Mode & Effects Analysis (FMEA)
Process Name Process Number B) Probability of Date: Risk Preference
Occurance Number (RPN)
Failure Mode A) Severity Revision: AxBxC
1) Select wrong color seat belt C) Probability of 60
2) Seat belt bolt not fully tightened Detection 144
3) Trim Cover clip misaligned 24
Rate 1-10 Rate 1-10 Rate 1-10
10 = Most 10 = Highest 10 = Lowest COMPANYLOGO
Severe Probability Probability
Musts & Wants
A technique to help select between alternatives. In selecting a solution to a problem, this can be used to decide
between alternatives
Rank Must haves Want to have
1 The “Musts” will include all those that are The “wants” are those non-essential requirements
2 essential for any solution to be effective. which you would like the solution to include.
… …
3… …
Five Why Analysis
The 5 Whys is a questions-asking method used to explore the root cause of a particular problem and to
understand cause-effect relationships
Why? Reason
Why 1 Why was our customer unhappy? The service has been delivered to late. The customer was unsatisfied.
Why2 Why was the service not prepared on time? We did not prepare the service on time because it took much longer than we expected.
Why4 Why did it take so much longer? Because we did not receive all approvals on time and underestimated the
Why5 Why did we underestimate the project duration of the project.
Why did we forget about it? Because we forgot to prepare a detailed list of all tasks.
Because we were running behind on other projects and failed to review our
task list and time estimation during the project.
Root Cause* Because we didn’t have a checklist to clearly identify all tasks that we must achieve to estimate time accurately.
We need to develop a systematic approach to include these factors in future projects.
* Note the root cause(s) of the problem here. Only the one who experienced the problem is qualified to perform the analysis. There are usually more than one root cause COMPANYLOGO
5W2H Approach (5 Whys, 2 Hows)
Enter your subheadline here
5 Whys What? Subject – Identify and describe the problem.
2 Hows Where? Purpose – Identify known explanations contributing to the problem.
Who? Location – Where did the problem occur?
How much? Timing – When did the problem start?
People involved – Individuals associated with the problem.
Identify customers who are complaining
Method – In what situation did the problem occur?
Cost/ Impact – Quantify the extent of the problem.
Acceptable Quality Level (AQL)
This is usually defined as the worst tolerable quality level (process average) in percentage or ratio, that is still
considered acceptable
Sample Size Code Letters
Lot or Batch Size S-1 Special Inspection Levels S-4 I General Inspection Levels III
A S-2 S-3 A A II B
2 to 8 A AA A A A C
9 to 15 A AA B B B D
16 to 25 A AB C C C E
26 to 50 B BB C C D F
51 to 90 B BC D D E G
91 to 150 B BC E E F H
151 to 280 B CD E F G J
281 to 500 C CD F G H K
501 to 1200 C CE G H J L
1201 to 3200 C DE G J K M
3201 to 10000 C DF H K L N
10001 to 35000 D DF J L M P
35001 to 150000 D EG J M N Q
150001 to 500000 D EG K N P R
500000 to Over EH Q
Acceptable Quality Level (AQL)
This is usually defined as the worst tolerable quality level (process average) in percentage or ratio, that is still
considered acceptable
Sample Acceptable quality levels (normal inspection)
size code
Sample size 0,065 0,1 0,15 0,25 0,4 0,65 1,0 1,5 2,5 4 6,5
letter Ac Re Ac Re Ac Re Ac Re Ac Re Ac Re Ac Re Ac Re Ac Re Ac Re Ac Re
2 01
A 3 01 01 01 01 01 01
B 5 12 12 12
C 8 23 23 12 01 12 12 23
D 13 34 34 23 23 23 34
E 20 56 34 01 34 34 56
F 32 56 56 56 78
G 50 78 01 12 78 78 10 11
H 80 10 11 10 11 14 15
J 125 01 1223 14 15 14 15 21 22
K 200 21 22 21 22
L 315 122334
M 500
N 800 12233456
P 1250
Q 2000 1223345678
2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11
3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 14 15
5 6 7 8 10 11 14 15 21 22
7 8 10 11 14 15 21 22
10 11 14 15 21 22
Potential Problem Analysis (PPA)
PPA is used to anticipate possible implementation problems and to develop preventive actions
Key Step Potential Problems Possible Probability1) Impact 2) PPR3) Preventive Detection Mitigation
Causes (PxI) Actions Methods Plan
Identify key steps to be For each step Determine Estimate the Estimate the Multiple both Develop actions Methods to Contingency
listed in the first column brainstorm the possible causes of probability impact on the ratings for each cause detect trouble actions if the
potential problems each problem project early problem occurs
that could occur
1) Estimation of probability of occurrence (1 = very unlikely / low; 3 = very likely) COMPANYLOGO
2) Estimation of impact it could have on project (1-3)
3) Multiple both ratings to evaluate the potential problem risk factor (PPR)
Is/ Is Not Matrix
This matrix pinpoints problems by exposing where it does and does not occur and prevents wasted effort
Problem Is Is not Therefore
Where, when or to whom Where, when or to whom What might explain the
Where does this situation occur? does this situation not occur, though it might have? pattern of occurrence or
Geographic location of where
it occurs or is noticed. non-occurrence?
The hour, week, time of day / year, events.
What kind or how much
The type or category / event /
degree duration of occurrence.
Related to which areas to whom, near whom
does this occur.
Management Methods
Deming Cycle (PDCA Cycle / PDSA Cycle)
Repeating the cycle again and again for continuous improvement and until the process is perfected
Phase 7: Plan for the Phase 1: Identify the
future improvement
Phase 6: Standardize Phase 2: Analyze the
the solution process
CoCnonttiinnuuoouus s Phase 3: Develop the
ImImprporovveemmenetnt optimal solution
Phase 5: Check the Phase 4: Implement
implementation of the solution solution
Plan–Do–Check–Act also called PDCA, plan–do–study–act also called PDSA, Also called Shewhart cycle COMPANYLOGO
Deming’s 14 Points
The 14 points are key principles for management and for transforming business effectiveness
1. Creating constancy of purpose 9. Break down barriers bettween staff
for improvement areas and departments
2. Adopting the new philosophy 10. Eliminate exhortations /slogans and
targets for the workforce
3. Cease dependence in inspection
11. Eliminate arbitrary numerical targets
4. Build long term relationships
12. Remove barriers and permit pride of workmanship
5. Improve constantly every process
13. Institute program for education,
6. Institute training retraining and self-improvement
7. Institute leadership 14. Take action and put everybody in
the company to work on the transformation
8. Drive out fear, so that everyone
may work effectively for the company
Quality Circle COMPANYLOGO
Enter your subheadline here
A group of employees or workers who meet regularly to solve
work-related problems.
Led by a supervisor (or selected team leader) that is trained to
identify, analyze and solve problems.
Solutions will be presented to the management in order to
improve the performance of the organization.
Typical topics are improving occupational safety and health,
improving product design, and improvement in the
workplace and manufacturing processes.
The term quality circles derives from the concept of PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act) circles developed by
Dr. W. Edwards Deming and were first established in Japan in 1962 by Kaoru Ishikawa.
Just-in-Time (JiT)
JiT is a set of activities designed to achieve high-volume production using minimal inventories and eliminating
waste in the production effort
Customer Production Receiving Just in Time Completing
Orders Schedule production products for
materials Completing shipping to customers
parts for assembly
into products
8-D Problem System (8 Disciplines Problem Solving )
Eight Disciplines Problem Solving is a method used to approach and to resolve problems, typically employed by
quality engineers or other professionals
Start Choose / Verify Permanent Corrective Actions (PCAs) 5
Planning Phase 4 Define / Verify Root Cause(s) Implement and validate PCAs 6
0 Identify the Problem Select Likely Causes
1 Establish the Team/ Use a Team approach No Is the Cause Prevent recurrence 7
2 Describe the Problem a Root Cause? Congratulate your Team 8
3 Develop Interim Containment Plan
Yes Finish
Develop possible Solution(s) COMPANYLOGO
DMAIC Problem Solving
Enter your subheadline here
Define problem and the
project goals
Control Measure
Control and monitor the Collect relevant data key
future state process aspects of current process
Improve Analyze
Optimize current process Verify cause-and-effect
and implement relationships and Root Cause
Robust Design (off-line quality control)
The Robust Design method is used to achieve defect free products even when affected by disturbances
Disturbances are divided into three categories:
External disturbances Internal disturbances Deviation from target values
Variations in the environment Wear and tear inside Disturbances in the
during product usage a specific unit manufacturing process
Disturbances are divided into three categories: Parameter Design Tolerance Design
Concept Design
Mistake Proofing ─ Poka Yoke
Mistake Proofing or Poka-yoke means taking steps to eliminate product defects by preventing, correcting, or
drawing attention to human errors as they occur
1 Contact Type
Testing shapes, size or physical attributes
to detect errors
3 Motion-Step Type Poka Yoke Fixed-Value Type
Determine whether the prescribed steps 2 Alerting operator if a certain number
of the process have been followed of movements are not made
Poka-yoke is a Japanese term that means "fail-safing" or "mistake-proofing“ adopted by Shigeo Shingo as part of the Toyota Production System COMPANYLOGO
Design of Experiments (DOE)
DOE is the design of any information-gathering exercises where variation is present, whether under the full
control of the experimenter or not
Screening Mixture
Experiments Experiments
Fractional Factorial Powerful Designed Response Surface
Experiments Experiments Analysis
(Improvement techniques)
Evolutionary Operations Full Factorial
(EVOP) Experiments
Kano Model (Quality Function Deployment / QFD)
The Kano model is a theory of product development and customer satisfaction developed by Noriaki Kano
which classifies customer preferences into categories
Satisfiers Satisfiers
Requirements Delighters The factors that increase customer satisfaction if
Dissatisfiers delivered but do not cause dissatisfaction if they
are not delivered.
The minimum requirements which will cause
dissatisfaction if they are not fulfilled.
Delighters are not expected and excite customers
because they exceed
their expectations.
Kaizen is a japanese term meaning „improvement“ or „change for the better“.
This concept focuses upon continuous improvement of all company’s processes
Customer orientation Kanban
Total Quality Control/Six Sigma Quality Improvement
Robotics Just –in-Time (JIT)
Quality Circles Zero defects
Suggestion system Small-group activities
Automation Cooperative labor-management relations
Discipline in the workplace Productivity improvement
Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) New-product development
Mystery Shopping
Mystery Shopping is a technique used to measure the quality of products and services and to gather
information about key processes
Measure target Define strategic
achievement /repeat objectives and purpose
shopping experience
Implementation Set measurable
& Coaching standards
Assessment Analyse gathered Hire and train
Report results and information and gaps in mystery shopper.
develop action plan and Collect information /
the service delivery
new targets evaluation
Contingency Plan
A contingency plan is a plan devised for a specific situation to take into account all possible problems before
they arise
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6
Assess your Analyze Create Decide when Share Test your
situation risks preventive to activate your plan plan
action plan your plan
What processes or steps are Which risk is high, medium What can you do to reduce When do you have to take Communicate your strategy Review your strategy and
most at risk? or low? the likelihood and impact of action to implement your
each risk happening? strategy? to responsible team treat your plan as an
List in logical Identify the most critical
sequence. risks. What can you do now to members. evolving process.
avoid problems?
Department Purpose Analysis (DPA)
The DPA is an analysis of internal customer systems to improve quality in the department
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5
Key Activity Purpose and Goals Supplier / Customer Time and Skills Action
Statement Review Analysis Plan
Key skills and roles of the Mission, strategies and group Identify customers and Collect information Prioritise improvement
department (Time / Resources) methods
functions suppliers
Identifiy top ten activities Identify value-adding Implement actions and
Get agreement from Agree requirements and activities Monitor progress
mangement measurements
PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique)
Enter your subheadline here
Placeholder Description Placeholder
Text Text Text
1 day 2 day 3 day 1 day 2 day 3 day Placeholder
xx xx xx xx xx xxx 1 day 2 day 3 day Text
Description Placeholder Description 1 day 2 day 3 day
Text Text Text xx xxx xx
1 day 2 day 3 day
1 day 2 day 3 day 1 day 2 day 3 day xx xx xxx
Employee Empowerment (Teamwork)
Involving employees and teams in product and process improvements
Using the power of the Team to suggest and implement change
Reward employees and Involve employees
recognize empowered (Show value for the employee / trust)
behavior Share leadership
visions, goals and
Provide directions
& guidance
Delegate authority and Build communication networks and Move responsibility
impact opportunities, provide information for decision making from managers to
solve problems employees
Total Productive Maintenance
TPM is a technique that utilizes the entire work force to make the most effective use of equipment and existing
production structures
Focused Improvements
Automotive Maintenance
Planned Maintenance
Education and Training
Early Equipment Management
Quality Maintenance
Office Total Productive
Safety and Environmental
Eight Key Strategies of Total Productive Maintenance
Zero Defects
Zero Defects was a quality control technique aiming for error free performance by setting targets and
measuring improvements
Continuous Improvement
Clear commitment by Comply quality standards Train supervisors, hold “ Recognize team efforts.
management / Quality as top priority / Raise zero defects” days Revise targets and continue by
improvement teams quality awareness
Analyse and monitor progress. repeating from step 2.
Indentify current and potential Define targets and milestones Publish results
quality issues. Set up measurable standards and to be met COMPANYLOGO
display quality indicators. Calculate cost of
Costs of Quality
Costs of Quality Appraisal costs
The four Cost Categories The cost of determining the current
quality of the production process or service.
Prevention costs
(Inspection costs)
The cost incurred in the process to reduce
the potential for defects and errors. External failure costs
(Quality Improvement Costs, Quality Training, Planning) The cost of trying to correct defects
and errors after the product or service
Internal failure costs
is delivered to the customer.
The cost incurred when defects
and errors are found before delivery COMPANYLOGO
to the customer.
HighCosts of Quality
Illustration Total Cost
of Quality
Minimum Cost
Quality of Quality Where you really
Low want to be
Costs of Cost of Quality
Service Defects Management
Low Optimum Level High
of Service Quality
Quality Cost Report (Trend Chart)
This report analyzes overall trend in the quality program by showing quality costs as a percentage of sales
against time
25 Total Quality Costs Trend of each Quality Cost Category
20 18 12 Prevention
20 14 Appraisal
Percentage of Sales Internal Failure
Percentage of Sales1510
10 External Failure
0 2021 2022 2023 2024 0 2021 2022 2023 2024
2020 2020
Quality Cost Report (Trend Chart)
This report analyzes overall trend in the quality program by showing quality costs as a percentage of sales
against time
Total Quality Costs Trend of each Quality Cost Category
40 12 Prevention
35 Appraisal
Internal Failure
30 10 External Failure
30 8
25 26 6
20 23 4
15 18
15 0
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
10 12
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Percentage of Sales
Percentage of Sales
Quality Cost Report (Executive Summary)
The Quality Cost Report is an executive summary report showing the trend of all cost categories and summaries
Total Quality Costs Prevention Appraisal
25 18 15 14 10 25 16 25 15 17 20
13 12 20 12
20 2021 2022 2023 2024 20 22 15 2024
2021 2022 2023 7 10 2021 2022 2023
20 15 4
10 2024 57
15 2024
5 12 0
10 0 2020
5 2020 20
0 25 15 18
2020 20
Quality Costs as % of Sales 15 19 Internal Failure 5 External Failure
20 10 2020
15 18 17 0 22 16 16
2020 18
10 13 10
5 7
0 2021 2022 2023 2024 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
Quality Cost Report Quality Costs 190,000 Percentage of Sale
Report showing prevention, appraisal and failure costs 25,000 155,000 4,50 %
Prevention Costs 90,000 90,000 3,50 %
Quality Training
Reliability Engineering 105,000 57,000 2,50 %
Work Redesign 35,000 492,000
15,000 1,00 %
Appraisal costs 10,50%
Product / Material inspection 45,000
Product Acceptance 30,000 COMPANYLOGO
Testing 15,000
Internal failure costs 20,000
Rework / Do-over costs 25,000
Scrap 12,000
External failure costs
Customer complaints
Product Warranty
Total Quality Costs
Quality Cost Report (Comparison)
Report showing prevention, appraisal and failure costs for two years expressed as a percentage of sales
Prevention Cost Year 1 Percent Year 2 Percent
Appraisal Cost xx.xx xx.xx
Internal Failure Cost Amound xx.xx Amound xx.xx
External Failure Cost xx.xxx xx.xx xx,xxx xx.xx
Total Quality Cost xx.xxx xx.xx xx.xxx xx.xx
Total Sales xx.xxx xx.xx xx.xxx xx.xx
xx.xxx xx.xxx
xx.xxx 31.00% xx.xxx 26,00%
14.500.000 18.000.000
Quality Cost Report (Interim Standard Report)
Report showing details of all failure categories and comparing actual and budgeted costs
Prevention costs Actual Costs Budgeted Costs Variance
Quality training
Reliability engeneering xx,xxx xx,xxx xx,xxx
Total prevention costs xx,xxx xx,xxx xx,xxx
Appraisal costs xx,xxx xx,xxx xx,xxx
Material inspection
Product acceptance xx,xxx xx,xxx xx,xxx
Process acceptance xx,xxx xx,xxx xx,xxx
Total appraisal costs xx,xxx xx,xxx xx,xxx
Internal failure costs xx,xxx xx,xxx xx,xxx
Rework xx,xxx xx,xxx xx,xxx
Total internal failure costs xx,xxx xx,xxx xx,xxx
External failure costs xx,xxx xx,xxx xx,xxx
Customer complains
Warranty xx,xxx xx,xxx xx,xxx
Repair xx,xxx xx,xxx xx,xxx
Total external failure costs xx,xxx xx,xxx xx,xxx
Total quality costs xx,xxx xx,xxx xx,xxx
Percentage of actual sales of $8,000,000
Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA)
The Cost-Benefit Analysis helps to appraise the real cost and benefits for a project
Description Initial Year 1 Year 2 Total
Cost Categories Costs Benefits Costs Benefits 0,000
Cost 1 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
Cost 2 0,000 0,000 0,000 00,000
Cost 3 0,000 0,000 0,000
00,000 00,000 00,000 0,000
Total Costs 0,000
Benefit Categories 0,000 0,000 0,000
0,000 0,000
Benefit 1 0,000 0,000 0,000
Benefit 2 0,000 0,000
Benefit 3
0,000 0,000
Total Benefits
Total Profit