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Published by tidbitsofniagararegion, 2020-06-12 09:40:04

Volume 4 Issue 49


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Week of June 14th 2020
OPEN: Tues.-Fri. 12pm-6pm Sat. 10am-4pm

Volume 4, Issue #49

To Place an Ad Published by Toby Publishing, Inc. e-mail: [email protected]
Call 716.807.7729 or 716.957.0836 website:

5690 Transit Rd. CAMPING RESORT
Lockport, NY 14094 2001: A SPACE ODDYSEY
Min. To Niagara Falls US / Canada Border
OPEN DAILY by Janet Spencer 3 Miles to Erie Canal
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“2001: A Space Odyssey” was released in 1968 Best Rates in Niagara Falls Area
Come Enjoy Family Dining At Its Finest! just before the first men actually landed on the
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Greek and American dishes, served up in a we remember the movie! 2 Lakes • Sandy Beach • 240 Sites
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We offer Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner all day long, • In the opening scenes, a tribe of apes is run Free Mini Golf • Pets Welcome
including a children’s section to satisfy even our off from their watering hole by another tribe Great Activity Schedule
littlest customers. We feature Daily Homemade of apes. They encounter a large mysterious
Specials that are sure to keep you coming back monolith. Immediately afterwards, they pick up Nearby Drive In Movie Theater
for more! a bone and use it as a club, which will now en-
able them to re-take their watering hole in what . .716-434-3991
is presumably the first use of tools in primates. 7369 Wheeler Rd. • Lockport, NY 14094
A bone is thrown into the air, and the next shot
is of a satellite armed with a nuclear bomb
orbiting Earth, a depiction of the advancement CALL
of weapons. 692-3800
• Next, an identical monolith is uncovered on
the Moon from where it has been buried for 39 Goundry St.,
four million years. As soon as a shaft of sun- North Tonawanda
light hits it, a stream of data is emitted, directed
toward Jupiter. WE DELIVER!
• Eighteen months later, a spaceship and crew
Full Menu Take out & Delivery is heading to Jupiter. The ship is controlled by a LARGE PIZZA ANY 3
Offering FREE DELIVERY within 5 miles computer named HAL, who systematically kills cheese & 1 topping WHOLE SUBS
all the crew except Dave, who escapes. Dave
CALL FOR DAILY SPECIALS! dismantles HAL and then hears a pre-recorded $1599 $2499
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which had been unknown to the crew, is to find
We Are Open and Ready to Serve Our Communuity! another monolith on Jupiter. D WELCOME BACK!
Please call for hours
OPEN PATIO (continued on the next page) and appointment time
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Page 2 Tidbits® of Niagara Region For advertising rates call 716.807.7729
Information in the Tidbits® Paper is gathered from sources considered to be 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY (cont’d) SHOULD OF APPEARED IN LAST WEEKS PAPER
reliable but the accuracy of all information cannot be guaranteed.
• It is presumed that HAL had been given con- BY
RESERVE NOW! flicting orders: first, to keep the purpose of the HENRY
mission secret; and second, to never tell a lie. BOLTINOFF
Send $17.95 (plus $5.00 S&H) This caused a psychotic break in the computer’s
by Check or Money Order circuits. Differences on page 7
• Dave continues to Jupiter and finds a mono-
BOOK SET Tidbits Media, Inc. lith orbiting the planet. He gets inside a pod to
Tidbits Books II & III get a closer look, and is swept into a vortex-
1430 I-85 Parkway, Ste. 210 style StarGate where he sees himself at various
Montgomery, AL 36106 ages and growing older. As another monolith
(800) 523-3096 appears before him, he dies and is evidently re-
incarnated as a fetus, presumably to start a new
The Tidbits® Paper is a division of Tidbits Media, Inc. • Montgomery, AL 36106 race of superior star children.
(800) 523-3096 • All Rights Reserved • The film garnered a cult following and be-
came the highest-grossing North American film
Able InspectIons of 1968.
Purchase with Confidence! • The script was inspired by Arthur C. Clark’s
short story “The Sentinel” and Clark worked
Gary Mulrain • Home closely with director Stanley Kubrick during
Inspections the production of the film.
Senior Inspector • Business • The year 2001 was chosen for the title be-
Inter N.A.C.H.I. Certified Inspections cause it is the first year of both the 21st century
NY# 16000012150 • Mold and the 3rd millennium.
Inspections • Kubrick wanted to get away from the “mon-
716.432.7423 • Radon Gas sters-and-sex” space films that were popular
Testing during that time. He was inspired by a film he
[email protected] saw at the 1964 World’s Fair called “To the Moon and Beyond” depicting space travel. He
hired the company, who had made the film for
of niagara region Published Weekly by: NASA, to be his design consultant.
Toby • Composer Alex North scored the entire film,
The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read® only to have the whole thing scrapped when
Publishing, Inc. Kubrick decided to go with a sparse selec-
tion of iconic classics instead. Those included
Lockport, NY 14094 Johann Strauss’ “The Blue Danube” waltz and
the opening number “Also Sprach Zarathustra”
For more information on being part of our by Richard Strauss. North did not know his
next weekly issue / ad rates.... score had been discarded until he saw the film
at its premiere. He eventually cannibalized his
Call or Text us at: 716.807.7729 or 716.957.0836 unused score and used it in other films.
• Pink Floyd was asked to score the movie but
e-mail us at: [email protected] could not accept due to previous obligations.
The Pink Floyd song “Echoes” on the album
“Meddle” released in 1971 was inspired by, and
is perfectly timed to, the “Stargate” sequence in
the movie. (continued on the next page)


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For advertising rates call 716.807.7729 Tidbits® of Niagara Region Page 3

PAW’S CORNER 6237 South Transit, Lockport, NY 14094 We invite you to tour The Woodlands, a family friendly
By Sam Mazzotta community in Lockport, NY. Located just 30 minutes
OUTDOOR FUN WITH PETS from downtown Buffalo and Niagara Falls, and three miles
WHILE SOCIAL DISTANCING from shopping, dining and entertainment, this charming
community is in the perfect place for any family to call home!
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: Even though stay-at-home
orders have been lifted in my state, we still have Pre-Selling Brand New
to social distance when out in public. Where can I 3 Bedroom Homes! Act now
take my dog, “Blake,” that isn’t too crowded? The
beaches are already filled with people. -- Staying Safe and pick your homesite!
on the East Coast
DEAR SAFE: After so many weeks stuck indoors, it’s Weekend Open Houses
natural that people are rushing to get outside into parks
or next to the water. That not only is a safety concern 10am - 3pm
when trying to keep the spread of the new coronavirus
under control, but also for dogs who may be stressed Call (844) 875-6559 for a tour today! EQUAL HOUSING
by so many people or feel threatened by other dogs. OPPORTUNITY
If the beach is Blake’s favorite spot, the best way to
maintain social distance (and give him more room to Home details apply to specific homes only, and are subject to change without notice. Must meet residency requirements. Additional restrictions may apply, see associate for full details.
romp around) is to go at times when few people are
there. That means going as early in the morning as 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY (cont’d) Answers on page 7
possible, if you can, hitting the beach at sunrise, and
heading home before too many people start arriving. • Zarathustra was a Persian spiritual leader 1. HISTORY: Who was the first to sign the Declara-
The same strategy applies to dog parks and outdoor who founded Zoroastrianism. In 1883, German tion of Independence?
recreation spots. Even trails in my area that I thought philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche wrote a book 2. MOVIES: Which dwarf wore glasses in Disney’s
of as remote, or not very popular, are crowded with called “Also Sprach Zarathustra” (“Thus spoke “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”?
day hikers struggling to pass each other on the narrow Zarathustra”) which inspired composer Richard 3. MEASUREMENTS: How many years are in a
paths. You may need to do what I did, and switch to an Strauss to create a symphony by the same name millennium?
early morning weekday schedule when fewer people in 1898. The iconic fanfare plays at the opening 4. FAMOUS QUOTATIONS: Which stand-up come-
frequent these public areas. of the film, just as the Sun, Earth, and Moon are dian once said, “There are two seasons in Scotland:
Once the outdoor play time or hike is complete, and shown in alignment, a symbol of Zoroastrian- June and winter”?
before you hop back into the car, wipe down Blake’s ism, symbolizing the eternal struggle between 5. GEOGRAPHY: Which country is home to Mount
outer coat and paws with a clean cloth, checking for light and darkness. Kilimanjaro?
scratches or ticks. That way you won’t bring home any • The credits do not list a conductor and or- 6. MEDICAL: What is the common condition known
other potential pathogens. chestra for “Also Sprach Zarathustra.” Kubrick as “muscae volitantes”?
Send your tips, questions or comments to ask@ wanted the Vienna Philharmonic version by di- 7. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which university’s (c) 2020 King Features Synd., Inc. rector Herbert von Karajan, produced by British athletic teams are known as the Ducks?
Decca. But Decca did not want the company’s 8. MUSIC: Which singer/songwriter is known as the
Get the word out recording supposedly cheapened by association “Man in Black”?
with the movie, and so it gave permission on 9. MONUMENTS: Which U.S. monument is known
FAST the condition that the conductor and orchestra as the Mother of Exiles?
were not named. After the movie became a hit, 10. TELEVISION: What was the name of Norm’s
Advertise your Decca tried to rectify its blunder by re-releasing favorite restaurant in the “Cheers” sitcom?
GARAGE SALE the recording with an “As-Heard-in-2001” flag
in TIDBITS® for printed on the album cover. In the meantime, (c) 2019 King Features Synd., Inc.
as little as $15 a week MGM released the official soundtrack album
with the version of the song as recorded by the
Just call 716 807-7729 Berlin Philharmonic. The publicity-minded von
Karajan was furious with Decca.
SELFRIDGE • Canadian actor Douglas Rain was the voice of
HAL. He recorded his lines with his bare feet
 MOW AND GO  resting on a soft pillow because Kubrick wanted
a soothing and relaxed voice.
Veteran Owned Business • During filming, a number of people stood in
for the voice of HAL, including Kubrick him-
Mowing & Trimming self. The cast never heard the actual voice of
HAL until long after their work on the film was
Roland Selfridge done.
• Douglas Rain never read a page of the script
[email protected] and had no idea where any of his lines fit in. He
never saw the film or heard his recordings until
the film was released in theaters to the public.
Actor Keir Dullea, who played the astronaut
David Bowman, never met Rain.

(continued on the next page)


Solution puzzle on page 7

Page 4 Tidbits® of Niagara Region For advertising rates call 716.807.7729


HAMBURGERS • HOT DOGS • CONEY ISLANDS • CURLY FRIES • SHAKES & MORE!! • As Dave is disassembling HAL, the computer
“regresses” through the stages of its production,
7 DAYS A WEEK • 11 AM - 8 PM concluding with singing the song “Daisy Bell”
or “A Bicycle Built for Two” which the com-
FOLLOW US ON puter had been programmed to sing when it first
went online. The choice of this song was due to
“A PLACE FOR FAMILIES AND COMMUNITY TO COME TOGETHER" the fact that in 1961, IBM’s 7094 computer was
the first to use a synthesized voice, and the pro-
NOW OPEN grammers chose this song for it to sing. Arthur
C. Clark was a witness to this bit of computer
FOR OUTDOOR DINING history and wrote it into the script.
• The entire film contains only 205 special ef-
767 Market Street • Lockport NY 14094 fects shots, compared to 350 in the 1977 “Star
Wars” movie and over 2,200 such shots in
716-438-7201 • “Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith” from 2005.
The film won an Oscar for its visual effects.
WHAT TO KNOW ABOUT Kubrick’s filmmaking techniques in 2001 were
ADVANCE CARE so convincing that some conspiracy theorists
claimed he was hired by NASA to fake the
PLANNING IN THE AGE 1969 moon landings.
OF CORONAVIRUS • In one scene, a spacecraft is taking Dr. Floyd
to the Moon when the flight attendant walks up
the aisle upside down. This was filmed with a
stationary camera bolted to a set that revolved,
so the actress was always on the bottom as the
camera turned around her.
• In another scene, a pen appears to float
through space until the stewardess plucks it out
of the air, an effect accomplished by taping the
pen to a clear glass plate held in front of the
• Voice-activated computers, flat-screen moni-
tors, tablets, Siri and Alexa, and HAL’s ability
to play chess are among the far-sighted novel-
ties in the film that later became commonplace.

Dear Savvy Senior, One that I highly recommend that’s completely Q: What do you call an alien with three eyes?
All this horrible coronavirus carnage got me think- free to use is My Directives ( A: An aliiien!
ing about my own end-of-life decisions if I were to This is an online tool and mobile app that will help
get sick. Can you recommend some good resources you create, store and share a detailed, customized And finally, to ensure your final wishes are followed,
that can help me create a living will or advance di- digital advance directive. Their easy-to-use platform make sure to tell your family members, health care
rective, or other pertinent documents? I’ve put it off combines eight thoughtful questions to guide you proxy and doctors. If you make a digital advance di-
long enough. through the process. If you’re not computer savvy, ask rective or have uploaded your existing forms, you can
Almost 70 a family member or trusted friend to help you. easily share them electronically to everyone involved.
Or, if you make a paper advance directive that isn’t
Dear Almost, The advantage of having a digital advance directive uploaded, you should provide everyone copies to help
Creating a living will (also known as an advance direc- versus a paper document is being able to access it prevent stress and arguments later.
tive) is one of those things most people plan to do, but quickly and easily via smartphone, which is crucial in
rarely get around to actually doing. Only about one- emergency situations when they’re most often needed. Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box
third of Americans currently have one. But the cold 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit
hard reality of the novel coronavirus may be changing If, however, you’d rather have a paper document, one Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show
that. Here’s what you should know along with some of the best do-it-yourself options is the Five Wishes
resources to help you create an advance directive. advance directive (they offer online forms too). Cre- and author of “The Savvy Senior” book.
ated by Aging with Dignity, a nonprofit advocacy
Advance Directives organization, Five Wishes costs $5, and is available in TIDBITS OF NIAGARA REGION IS NOW ON FACEBOOK
To adequately spell out your wishes regarding your many languages. To learn more or to receive a copy,
end-of-life medical treatment are two key documents: visit or call 850-681-2010.
A “living will” which tells your doctor what kind of
care you want to receive if you become incapacitated, Another tool you should know about that will compli-
and a “health care power of attorney” (or health ment your advance directive is the Physician Orders
care proxy), which names a person you authorize to for Life-Sustaining Treatment, or POLST (sometimes
make medical decisions on your behalf if you become called Medical Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment,
unable to. or MOLST). A POLST form translates your end-of-
life wishes into medical orders to be honored by your
These two documents are known as an “advance di- doctors. To learn more about your state’s program or
rective,” and will only be utilized if you are too ill to set one up, see
make medical decisions yourself. You can also change
or update it whenever you please. Readers should also know that if you’ve already
prepared an advanced directive paper document, a
It isn’t necessary to hire a lawyer to prepare an ad- POLST form or the VA advance directive form 10-
vance directive. There are free or low-cost resources 0137, you can upload, store and share these docu-
available today to help you create one, and it takes ments too at
only a few minutes from start to finish.
(continued in next column)
(continued in next column)

For advertising rates call 716.807.7729 Tidbits® of Niagara Region Page 5

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PLANET OF THE APES Q: What do you call a crazy spaceman?
A: An astro-nut!
• The 1968 film “Planet of the Apes” had a hard – ONLINE STORE –
time making it to the screen. Nobody wanted to Answer on Page 7
make a “monkey-man” movie. Even the au- NOW OPEN AT:
thor of the book it was based on, Pierre Boulle, WANTED
thought it would never make it as a film. Direc-
tor Franklin Schaffner even spent $5,000 mak- OLD TOYS • MODEL BOATS • PLANES
ing a mini-film to show that the actors in full Stop by day or night.... CARS • NAUTICAL ITEMS • BOOKS
get-up weren’t just guys in ape suits. Then in PHOTOS • PAINTINGS • SHIPS
1966 the movie “Fantastic Voyage” became a Browse our artisans TOY OUTBOARD MOTORS
hit, and suddenly studios were calling for sci-fi.
Richard Zanuck at 20th Century Fox signed on. merchandise and 716.751.6515 DAVE
• Rod Serling, creator of “The Twilight Zone,”
was hired to come up with the screenplay, but MoreThan Just a Store! purchase on our THROUGH THE MONTHS OF JUNE & JULY 2020
none of his versions resonated with the director. secure website!
Writer Michael Wilson was brought in to help. A Unique Gallery & Craft Shoppe BUY 7 WEEKS OF ADVERTISING
Wilson had been blacklisted by Hollywood’s Featuring the Works of 2714 Main Street Newfane
McCarthyism in the 1950s, having been ac- 50 Local Artisans 716-638-4611 GET 1 WEEK FREE
cused of being a communist. Subsequently his
script for “The Bridge on the River Kwai” (also TO ADVERTISE CALL CALL TIDBITS® AT
written by Pierre Boulle) went uncredited. 716.807.7729
• Wilson punched up Serling’s script, adding 716.807.7729 for complete details
humor and racial tension. On the surface, it’s
a movie about a man in a city of talking apes,
but the subtext also served as an allegory to the
civil rights movement of the 1960s.
• The man hired to design the ape makeup for
the movie was John Chambers. After World
War II ended, Chambers worked at a veterans
hospital where he helped design prosthetics and
facial restorations for disfigured soldiers. He
made a name for himself by working on shows
including “The Munsters,” “The Outer Lim-
its,” “Lost in Space,” and “Star Trek” where he
designed Spock’s ears.
• The makeup for the movie cost less than
$500,000 out of the total budget of $5 million,
but producers made everyone think that it cost a
million because they thought it was good PR—
and it was.
• At its height, the movie’s production required
around 100 makeup artists, wardrobe workers,
and hairstylists to be on set to get all of the apes
in costume and ready. For some of the larger
scenes, there were around 200 actors to get in
full ape garb. When the production started, it

(continued on the next page)

Page 6 Tidbits® of Niagara Region For advertising rates call 716.807.7729

The Village 5665 South Transit Road PLANET OF THE APES (cont’d)
Lockport, NY 14094
A Manufactured Home Community Office: 716.434.8458 took six hours to put an actor into full ape
Fax: 716.434.6589 makeup including hair, brows, ears, mouth, and
6035 S. Transit Rd. hands. This eventually became more stream-
Lockport, NY 14094 Real Estate Services lined as the work progressed, with Chambers
whittling it down to just a bit over three hours.
Phone: 716-434-6241 Jeanie Swatsworth TAMMY LEE-KAVNEY-ROSE Chambers won an Oscar for his work, which
Fax: 716-434-9634 Russell Swatworth Jr. was presented to him at the Academy Awards
Cell: 585-469-4597 Park Managers Licensed Real Estate Salesperson by a (real) chimp.
Email: [email protected] • The production’s use of so many makeup Are you interested in personnel actually delayed work on other films
your homes current value? throughout Hollywood due to a shortage of art-
IF SO... CALL ME 716.392.3520 ists.
• Roddy McDowall played the part of Corne-
Tammy Lee-Kavney-Rose lius, a chimpanzee. He suggested to his com-
panions in makeup that they should frequently
[email protected] add tics, blinks, and assorted facial gestures to add a sense of realism and keep the makeup
from appearing mask-like. McDowall report- edly drove home with his make-up on after
filming concluded each day in order to shock
BASEMENT WATERPROOFING other drivers on the freeway.
• Charlton Heston, in his lead role as human,
DONALD A. YORK INC. utters a line adapted from George Orwell’s
“soADmniodienm ay PanoleiumtF eharae rlPamsara ”nar’be(s“o mFAultoli lgtrhheaente iffqmoaumra aolilslvyteah rrwa en3h eohoq otguhuoaertlrs ss?b.t u”u)tcksa y-
Waterproofing & Drainage Contractor • Wall Bracing ing,A“pSpoamreenatlpye, sth, eitirs evemhisc,lea rweomulodr eneevqeura-l than
othenresv.”er land.
• Plugged drain tiles corrected OVER • Producer Arthur P. Jacobs enlisted several
journalists to play background apes. This was
• Bowed, cracked walls 60 YEARS Abrasive Water Jet Cutting Specialists a clever way of ensuring that they would write
• Wet yards EXPERIENCE about the film.
• Glass block windows 9720 Rochester Rd Jeff Ulrich, President • The movie was so popular that it spawned nu-
Middleport, NY 14105 mobile phone: 716-622-9427 merous sequels, series, books, and merchandise.
• Basements spray painted: Waterproof paint seals, phone: 716-735-3370 All five original “Planet of the Apes” movies
fax: 866-323-7402 email: [email protected] were number one at the U.S. box office when
makes walls look like new!
releasRed.L O O T D O A N W M
709 Casey Road, East Amherst, NY • 716-688-6111

PETE HERRIVEN 1. Name the Boston Celtics’

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716-735-4c1h2a9racters drive? the team beat the Los Ange-

petes.garageA@y:ahMoo.icnomnie-vans les Lakers in the 2008 NBA

PETE’S GARAGE 1. Name the most vFiisnitaelsd. theme park in all of
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2.Name the only Disneyland ride to hang doof wMni5cf.ho WRirgithdahneeer”se Gca wonrerdoee udn“lPdaBe 9aatey 9vr- PiyPsaaiactrnodk’res krf iFscnlikdingo “hfSMftu”rp? uTr roBnaodtwo’sul cWXhX-ildX I

from the ceiling? and was named the game’s MVP?

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Arthur C. Clarke maintained 7. A baseball player who has completed the “Olympics
thaAt HsAeLcsotonodd Cfoar lifornia Disney theme
“AHLegufpooriurpasitntreihckcmna,tleiilcCyodcnpaoirelnmoidgfp2ro uaa0trmsen0r m.Di1”aeidoAsnndetvyhelenasntuidtre’es,t hpaatrkhiandg Rings” (aka “platinum sombrero”) has done what? Favorite Pie

lot for over 40 years. (c) 2020 King FeaVDtiaunvrDiediseHsSaeyslnsedlihcoaffte77, //I11n87c//.6572 For Father’s Day!

1. DisneylandCHERRY
Carlos Santana 7/20/47 BLUEBERRY
2. FrontierlandRHUBARB
BANANA CREAM 716.735.7570
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Selena Gomez 7/22/92 3. The Monorail
S54c..h wab FFSaparHnaamppctyaFeMastheyMr’as lDraaoykneudtnta90i3n5
Daniel Radcliffe 7/23/89 [email protected]
Rochester Rd. • Gasport, NY 14067

(Rt. 31, between Gasport & Middleport)

Answers on Page 7

Looking for a natural weed killer for
1.yWouere gtahredaepne?s Win hthiteeo vpienneinggars cise naeno f
July 17 Wrong Way Corrigan Day 2“m2.oeawt0Horlf0senf ot1eoeiwhn”cd oagt poipsk,vlfepDaitel eylplayneeave drndsae,d ko” bas?eyystesr aawioHsrpnt eeAhlgese-L dmfossrarsio laethtnhyn uw :admjtu“al Gayiatcnepobesrpo?. r sedoYoaaolrdu uiltn eico aatnfhn e 3rd Quarter 2016
July 18 Chrysanthemum Day Week 30
July 19 Flitch Day
July 20 National Lollipop Day cracks of your driveway or sidewalk
July 21 Get to Know Your Customers Day
July 22 Spoonerism Day
July 23 National Day of the Cowboy

pavers. Answers on page 7

2. “Peter Pan’s Flight”

SolWutibaonelttp wuDzezilseennoen 1yp9a hg3ea28s arnedce 1iv9e6d9 .m ore Academy Awards and nominations than any other person in history – 22 AwaSrodlust iaonndon 5P9ag ne o8 minations

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For advertising rates call 716.807.7729 Tidbits® of Niagara Region Page 7
“We are just an advanced breed of mon-
keys on a minor planet of a very average HENRY HEIMLICH GREAT STARTER HOME
star. But we can understand the Universe.
That makes us something very special.” • Henry Heimlich was born in Delaware in This Tonawanda home at 16 State St. is conveniently located
-Stephen Hawking 1920. He graduated from Cornell University in close to shopping, bike/walking path, Ellicot creek and much more.
1941, where he also served as drum major of
Solution puzzle on page 8 the marching band. He went on to become an This recently updated home is a great opportunity to get away
MD in 1943. from paying rent and owning your own home. This is perfect for
• During World War II Heimlich served with
the U.S. Navy in China where he was the the downsizer or starter home. Updates include 2014, Elec,
chief medical officer on the southern edge of plumbing, vinyl siding, windows, roof and gutters. Furnace in 2017.
the Gobi Desert. After seeing a soldier die of
a chest wound because he couldn’t breathe, Nothing to do but move in and enjoy your new home.
Heimlich designed a special chest drainage
valve that allowed blood to drain from the chest NATURES PARADISE!!!
cavity in order to give the lungs enough room
to re-inflate. He also developed a cure for a 146+ acre parcel on Ewings Rd. in the town of Newfane
previously incurable bacterial infection of the 18 mile creek runs through the property. Build your dream
eyelids that was causing blindness throughout
the region. His innovative approach was to mix home in the middle of nature. You can have complete
an antibiotic with shaving cream and apply it to privacy and all the wildlife you could ask for.
the affected area, and it worked. Seller will divide to suit
• Heimlich was the first to describe the abdomi-
nal thrusts now known as the Heimlich ma- 3976 Lockport Olcott Rd, Ste A Lockport Deborah
neuver, describing it in an article published in Carpenter
the periodical “Emergency Medicine” in 1974. Cell: 716.998.0039
Just 18 days later, a retired restaurant owner in Licensed Real Estate Salesperson
Seattle used the procedure to rescue a choking [email protected] •
• Performing the Heimlich maneuver involves THIS SPACE
a rescuer standing behind a patient and using
his or her hands to press upwards on the bottom COULD BE YOURS FOR
of the diaphragm. This compresses the lungs
and exerts pressure on any object lodged in the AS LITTLE AS $25 wkly
trachea, hopefully expelling it.
• The American Heart Association and the CALL TIDBITS® AT
American Red Cross originally recommended
a series of sharp blows to the back to dislodge 716.807.7729 for complete details
obstructions, but now they recommend first the
back blows and then the Heimlich maneuver. A sperm whale stranded on the coast of California in 2008
However, the Heimlich maneuver is not rec- was found to have swallowed a large mass of plastic netting
ommended for people who are unconscious, which ruptured its gut. The net, cut loose or lost by a fishing
for children under the age of one year, or for trawler, would have continued to entrap living fish, enticing
victims who have drowned. the whale to swallow the entire thing. The net
was 45 square feet in size. The UN estimates
(continued on the next page) that worldwide, about 10 percent of fishing
nets and fishing lines are lost and
ANSWERS TO PUZZLES abandoned each year.


1. John Hancock 2. Doc 3. 1,000 4. Billy Connolly
Solution on page 8 5. Tanzania 6. Eye floaters 7. University of Oregon FULL MENU TAKEOUT AVAILABLE

Jerry’s Loose Threads 8. Johnny Cash 9. The Statue of Liberty TUES-FRI, SAT 8-7 • FRI 10-8 • SUN 8-2 (PIZZA TIL 5)
10. The Hungry Heifer
Kustom Upholstery, Tops, Boats CLOSED MONDAYS
1. Plant is missing. 2. Apron is different. 17LARGE CHEESE
Owner 3. Oven mitt is different. 4. Headband is missing. $
2800 Bebee Road 5. Picture is different. 6. Girl’s shoes are different. PIZZA & 1 TOPPING & 10 WINGS
Newfane, NY 14108 LARGE CHEESE $
1. 55% 1 TOPPING & 20
716-628-8503 2. A single 10-hour session 25PIZZA
3. 2003, the inaugural year & WINGS
[email protected] 4. 62%
5. Director Stanley Kubrick Country Cottage
1. Both: there were two baby chimps
2. Never 4072 Beach Ridge Rd • Pendleton, NY

(Corner of Town Line & Beach Road)


Page 8 Tidbits® of Niagara Region For advertising rates call 716.807.7729

HENRY HEIMLICH (cont’d) of meat. He managed to successfully dislodge fatalities in the U.S.

• Heimlich married Jane Murray, daughter of the obstruction. • More boys than girls have fallen victim to

ballroom-dancing entrepreneur Arthur Mur- • About 5,000 people in the U.S. die by chok- choking incidents.

ray, in 1951. He was the uncle of Anson Wil- ing each year, according to the National Safety • Choking is a leading cause of death in people

liams, who is known for his portrayal of War- Council. over the age of 65. Of the 5,051 people who

ren “Potsie” Weber on the 1970s hit TV show • Children under age 5 are at greatest risk for died from choking in 2015, 2,848 were older

“Happy Days.” He wrote his autobiography choking injury and death. than 74.

in 2014, entitled “Heimlich’s Maneuvers: My • Choking is the fourth leading cause of unin- • More people die from choking than die in

Seventy Years Of Lifesaving Innovation.” tentional death in children under the age of 5. fires, non-fire related carbon monoxide poison-

• The only time Henry Heimlich ever needed • The most common cause of nonfatal choking ing, drowning, or accidental shootings.

to actually use the Heimlich maneuver to save •inDCyioadonn uy dPnoyeguta ecnhrhde iPalcdaro rnaie’nbnsso Fiumsltif agtokhhoeetd uff.oapmr aoiplvpyer rwo x3hi omh ogautoertsl ys?t 3u7ck% • Heimlich died in Ohio in 2019 at the age of
so1m. ENeuaormonpee etw.heh omwosat svcishitoekdi nthgemwea spaafrkte irnh aellm oof ved ERnAvepivspeiatrsrlefanontrdlyc.,h tohkeiinrg vfeohricclhei lwdroeunld1 -n4eyveear-rs old. 96.
in2t.o TWhahunantud presarir nMt goofhu Donmitsaneinea yRnlaadniludros ceaoddn”tt haaienndtse “tchTheon m“iBq Suigae woyner Choking accounts for 44% of all toy-related
a3n.eIWslldhaeanrtdlyi”s?wthoemnaamn ewohfothweatsracnhsopkoirntagtioonn saypstieemce
throughout Disneyland? (continued in next column)

(continued in next column)4. What ride beings in Space Port where guests
board a rocket?
5. Where would a visitor find “Mr. Toad’s Wild
Ride” and “Peter Pan’s Flight”?

Helping to make memories for a lifetHimaeppy Father’s Day?

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“What youngster has not dreamed of
flying with Peter Pan over moonlit R L O O T DMO aAnNtelWli M
London, or tumbling into Alice’s
nonsensical Wonderland?” Trailer Sales, Inc.Home of “Mission to Mars,” “Space
-- Walt Disney Mountain,” and “Finding Nemo Voyage”
6865 South Transit Rd.

Lockport, NY 14094

David Hasselhoff 7/17/52

Vin Diesel 7/18/67 1. Disneyland Paris
Vikki Carr 7/19/41 2. Frontierland
Carlos Santana 7/20/47 3. The MTRoAnVoErLaiTlRAILERS & 5TH WHEELS

Jon Lovitz 7/21/57

Selena Gomez 7/22/92 4. FSapnatcaesSyMtolpaonbuydnTtOaDinAY or visit us online at:
Daniel Radcliffe 7/23/89 5.

Carpenter Bee Traps
Handcrafted in Lewiston
these bee traps work and look great


Looking for a natural weed killer for MOre3rd Quarter 2016 ANSWERS
your garden? White vinegar is an
effective and earth-friendly broadleaf Week 30 SPORTS QUIZ ANSWERS
weed killer, as is lemon juice. You can
1. Paul Pierce, Ray Allen and Kevin Garnett
y also apply a strong salt water solution 2. “Bull Durham” 3. Desmond Howard
to those pesky weeds that appear in the
cracks of your driveway or sidewalk 4. Alexander Mogilny 5. A mourning dove
pavers. 6. Wellington Mara7. Struck out five times in one game.

1. 3
2. “Peter Pan’s Flight”

Many of the scenes of the expanding galaxies, as Dave was passing by them in the StarGate, was nothing more than paint being funneled down a
tube and pouring out into a glass container full of water with a camera beneath to capture the effect.

Academy Awards and nominations than any other person in history – 22 Awards and 59 nominations

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