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Original Adventures Reincarnated - #5 - Castle Amber (5e) (lvl 3-6)

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Published by Capn_Ragnar, 2022-10-04 06:13:50

OAR - #5 - Castle Amber (lvl 3-6)

Original Adventures Reincarnated - #5 - Castle Amber (5e) (lvl 3-6)

Keywords: Dungeons & Dragons,DnD,RPG Adventures


The trees around the sweeping curve are sparser than usual The garden path ends in a 10-foot-wide door in the eastern
and the area between the trees is filled with tallgrass and wall Three massive stonesform an archway over thepath, in
giantflowers. There are two types offlowers; some look like front ofthe door. The only apparent way to get to the door is
amber-colored water lilies, and others look like white roses. bypassing beneath the dolmen arch. A steadypatter ofblood
The water lily buds are closed, while the rose buds are open. drips from the underside of the arch and it looks extremely
difcfi ult topass beneath it without becoming blood-spattered.
The grass and flowers of this area work together against
the unwary. The golden water lilies are actually 20 amber There is, indeed, no other way to reach the door except
lotus flowers (see appendix A) . Any individual rendered by passing under the arch. The dolmen arch is a legendary
unconscious from their attack has a 50% chance of falling artifact of the Amber family. The blood which drips from
off the path, ending up in the grab grass (see sidebar) at the arch is in atonement for all the bloody crimes commit­
either side of the path. ted by the Ambers.

The white roses are actually 1 2 vampire rose bushes (see Every individual who passes beneath the arch must make
appendix A) . They will attack any who wander off the a DC 15 Charisma saving throw. If they make their saves,
path, wrapping a stalk around a victim's neck after he or nothing happens. If they do not make their saves, they
she is securely held by the grab grass. gain temporary luck. Individuals who fail their saves have
advantage on all attack rolls and saving throws for the du­
•• ration of their time spent in the throne room (area 67,
chapter 7) . In addition, each individual gains a bonus
llEWWiLDERJIESS HAZARP! GAAB equal to the roll of l d4 to all damage rolls and to their AC.
This roll is made upon entry into area 67 and the same
GAASS result is used for both damage and AC modifier.

Grab grass looks like ordinary tall grass growing be­
tween 3 ands feet in height. Despite its mundane ap­
pearance, grab grass is animated and will attempt to
hold any individual that moves into or through it. It
grows in s-foot-square patches and many patches of
grab grass can be encountered in one location.

When a creature comes into direct contact with a patch
of grab grass for the first time on a turn, it must suc­
ceed on a DC11 Dexterity saving throw or be restrained.
A patch of grab grass can only restrain one Medium
or smaller creature at a time, but multiple patches of
grab grass can restrain larger creatures by working in
concert. Two patches of grab grass can restrain a Large
creature, four patches can restrain a Huge creature. and
eight patches can restrain a Gargantuan creature. A
restrained creature can use its action to try to escape,
doing so with a successful DC11 Strength (Athletics) or
Dexterity (Acrobatics) check.

Eachs-foot patch of grab grass has blindsight out to
a range of 10 feet; AC 10; 10 hit points; immunity to
bludgeoning, piercing, and psychic damage; and vul­
nerability to fire damage. If a creature is restrained by
a patch of grab grass that suffers fire damage, the fire
damage total is divided equally between the grab grass
and the restrained creature.



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