Shotcaller Magazine showcas-
es the best models and up and
coming talent in the country.
Each issue if full of spectacular
high resolution, compelling
images and articles about all
the things modeling and pho-
tography. If you’ve got talent,
or you love looking at it this is
the magazine for you.
Kelly Ross Sarrico
p.28 Tara Nichol
Magazine 101
Julius Lindley
Elena Montoya
Adrienne Jaye
JPahoctoegrJaaphcekr son
Miss Maxwell
Danieele Hay Elle Mae
Super cars and super models.
I was lucky to be a part of this shoot that was produced by my
friend Robert Edwards. Imagine walking up to a large, non de-
script, building nestled just outside the suburbs. The doors open up
and then BAM! Millions of dollars worth of automobiles and multi-
ple beautiful models are all waiting for you. Needless to say it was a
blast and we ended up with some amazingly spectacular photos.
Special thanks to club founders Nick Dorneanu and Ethan O’rourke
for hosting the shoot and providing a great atmosphere to work in.
Jace Jackson
In Her own words
by Asia Champeuu and Jace Jackson
How long What are What is
have you been you doing to your long
modeling? acheive those term model-
goals? ing goal?
I have been doing modeling
for about 6 years now, I’ve I am actively giving up most My long term goal is to even-
tried quitting more than once, of my free time to do alot tually get so far into the mod-
however, it always seems to of shoots with friends and eling industry, I can officially
find its way back to me! photographers that reach out say I model as my full time
to me, to get my name out job. I hope to travel the world;
What is there as much as possible. I experience and learn about
have been taking up on every different cultures, people, and
your short opportunity I can, in hopes places because of modeling.
term model- to make a name for myself
ing goal? and to achieve the goals, and
dreams I’ve had, and have
My short term goal in been working for over the
modeling is to get to the point past few years. I know what
where I am “professional” I am capable of, now I just
enough to do mostly paid need to show the world what
photoshoots, where I can I’ve got, and hope it takes me
firmly say I model part time as where I want to be!
my job!
Asia Champeau
Ferrari Owner: David Curro PJahoctoegrJaaphcekr son
Sara Alexandra
Can you Ferrari Owner: David Curro
tell us a little
about Sara
JPahoctoegrJaaphcekr son
In Her own words
by Ren Struhare and Jace Jackson
Can you
tell us about
Ren Struhan?
Ive been modeling for about 5
years but just amiture. For me
modeling is a way to help my
confidence and i hope with my
modeling i can help others be
confident too. Ive considered
going further with it like run-
way or doing regular shoots,
but mostly i didnt know where
it would take me so i just rode
it out and waited to see where
it would take me. Ling term if
i ever get big in the modeling
world is to show people that
no matter how you look on
the outside, a beautiful heart is
all you need. I honestly never
even thought about model-
ing and didnt really follow
the modeling world but more
and more people told me to
start modeling so i gave it a
shot with a few friends behind
the camera. From that i have
made connection after con-
nection helping me along my
Ren Struhar
PJahoctoegrJaaphcekr son
In Her own words
by MyKala Rosendale and Jace Jackson
How long
have you been
I have only been modeling for
about a year and a half. As I’ve con-
tinued to lose weight, I’ve gotten
more and more into it
What do you hope to gain by mod-
eling? I originally began modeling
because I’ve never had very much
self confidence in my looks. Over
the past year, I’ve lost close to 100
pounds. Modeling has helped build
my self esteem, and I hope that it
continues to strengthen me as I
continue to lose weight. Modeling
has given me true inspiration to
embrace myself for the first time in
my life.
What are “Over the past year,
I’ve lost close to 100
your future pounds.”
I would absolutely love to do model
professionally, full time. Until that
is a possibility, I’d love to grow and
learn so that it’s a possibility in the
What advice can you give to oth-
ers girls who want to follow a similar
path ?
All I can say is, believe in yourself. Even on your darkest of days, or how
much you hate what you see in the mirror. Believe that you can be whoev-
er you want to be. The world put so many labels on me, that I began to be-
lieve them and see it when I looked at myself. Their mean words gave me
inspiration to better myself, because i didn’t want to be that girl anymore. I
was determined to turned heads instead of create laughs. And that’s exact-
ly what I’ve done! Modeling has given me a self confidence I never could
have imagined 2 years ago.
MyKalaWRhaotsweans dthaelterigger or motiva-
tion for you to lose weight?
JPahoctoegrJaaphcekr son A major trigger for me was just getting sick of being unhappy with myself.
I pushed myself everyday, even with an insanely schedule. At the time I
was going to school and working from 8am to 10 pm, and I’d go to the
gym until 12am. It was a struggle for many months. Unfortunately about
a 8 months ago I began having some health issues that have caused ad-
ditional weight loss, and have made working out a bit more difficult. It’s
been a struggle, but I still push myself to go to the gym everyday I can,
because I’m happy with the progress I’ve made- even with my health prob-
lems- losing weight is the best thing that has ever happened to me.
In Her own words
by Jace Menne and Jace Jackson
I’ve been mod-
eling for a short
time now.
Only about three
months. My short term
goal is to work on my
posing. I feel I get kind
of boring because I
tend to only lean to-
wards two main poses.
My long term goal is
honestly to be more
open and relaxed to
meeting new people,
and trying new things,
such as clothes themes,
and so on.
I thought this shoot
was a great learning
experience more than Plus, I’m apart of a car family. Thirteen (and
anything. I went into it counting) cars! Loved getting to see something
telling myself that no different than what you typically see at a show or
matter what, I’m here a meet. Also loved getting to talk to the owners
mainly to observe oth- one on one about there vehicles, how they per-
ers, and hopefully learn sonally were able to invest in them, and how they
something from them. plan on bettering them in the future.
Jace Menne
Favorite quote:
“Stay gold, Pony-
boy. Stay Gold.” I
even have a tattoo on
my left shoulder that
says “Stay gold.”
JPahoctoegrJaaphcekr son
Kendra Koback
Miss Wisconsin
PRhootbogerarptheEr dwards
PRhootbogerarptheEr dwards
Asia Champeau
PJahoctoegrJaaphcekr son
Do you own an Exotic Car?
Then this is the car club for you!
Contact: Ethan O’rourke
or Robert Edwards for details.
by Harley Corwin (Model: Harley Corwin
Photographer: Melissa Allsworth-Corwin)
“The modeling life can look (Model: Cassandra Gayle Allsworth Corwin
amazing if you are just looking Photographer: Harley Corwin (HC Photography))
through someones portfolio
or pictures, but do you know
what really happens during a
models life behind the scenes?
It can be STRESSFUL.
We need everything to be per-
fect. Hair done, makeup done,
finger and toe nails done, skin
shaved, clothes ironed. Even
after we make sure we didnt
miss a single detail, including
that pesky hair that doesn’t
want to be held with your
hairspray, you will never be-
lieve what happens. We forget
the hairtie on our wrist. But
in all seriousness we also need
to make sure that we are safe
with the people we are about
to go meet. Using local refer-
ences, online checks, and just
doing some google searches
can help so much! With Oc-
tober coming around, and
everything being much more
spooky, make sure you STAY
SAFE and take that hairtie off!
Happy Halloween”
Photographer Ashley Ditscheit
MUA Beth Verheyden
Candy Kwak Hair/SFX Cierra Oshefsky
Lacey Lane Susan Stanke
MUA Angelique MUA Sam Xiong
Hair Tamara Stockman Hair Tarrah Johns
SFX Marla VanLanen SFX Bryce Woldt
Amber Bankhead
Tara Alison
Kimberly Mozuch
Countess Fae Photographer
Russ Turner
Tara Nichol
Kelly Ross Sarrico
PGhoetoogrragheer Madrid
Janel Surber
Taylor Jansen