Daffodils English School
The Bloom
School Song
We are happy Daffodilians,
Standing proud in honour and truth;
Ready for our future challenges,
Our motto ‘Do well all you do’.
We are proud Daffodilians faithful to the Daffodils School,
The temple of learning, our second home so loving;
Glory! Glory to you!
Values and principles we stand for,
On the field and in the class.
Winning is the goal we aim for,
United we stand steadfast. We are proud…
Our teachers are excellent examples,
Of all things that are good and true;
We follow in our founder’s footsteps,
Daffodils School we salute you. We are proud…
With Best Compliments from the
Management, Principal, Staff and
Students of DES...
1. Editorial......................................................................03
2. Message from the Chief Editor...................................05
3. Message from the Principal’s Desk............................06
4. Message from the Head Master’s Desk......................07
5. English Articles...........................................................11
6. Hindi Articles ............................................................25
7. Kannada Articles .......................................................29
8. Know your Secretary ................................................40
9. Annual Report ...........................................................44
10. Report from KG1 and KG2 .....................................58
11. Ignite 2019 ...............................................................58
12. CCA General Report ................................................61
13. In Conversation with the CEO .................................62
14. Report from the Preparatory Wing .......................... 65
15. Hikes, Camps and Field Trips ..................................71
16. Little Artists ..............................................................75
17. Student Council Members ........................................80
18. In Pictures .................................................................83
19. Spotlight ..................................................................103
Editorial Board 2018-19
Editorial Panel
Teachers Students
★Mr. Sharath ★Hasini Ganeshwar
★Mrs. Rita Rai ★Bhavishya C D
★Mrs. Jyothi Priya ★Maithreyi G
★Mrs. Akhila S ★Nikhil Kamath
★Mrs Supriya Kashyap ★Rajat Shenoi
★Mrs. Veena V ★Joe Mathew
★Mrs. Uma Sriram ★Achyuthan V P
★Mrs. Jayamala K ★Thanushree S
Chief Editor ★Keerthi Gorey
★Sanvi Patil
★Mrs. Supriya Kashyap ★Umme Lameez
★Nishaan Uthappa
Digital Designer ★Jiya
★Mrs. Akhila Sankarabandi
CCA and Sports Coordinator
★Major Neetasha Hebbar(Retd)
Message from the Chief Editor
Attention! - Need of the Hour
One of the greatest gifts you can give anyone is the gift of attention.
This is something we hear so often, read about so often and even tell
each other – often! But, how often do we implement this very action?
We don’t realize that attention is as precious as life. If we pay attention,
we will be able to see things grow, or maybe even change for the better.
Imagine this not-so new scenario, “Where’s papa?” not out, but on the
phone. This is the most common aspect of childhood woes. In today’s
world of beeps and buzzes on the multiple devices we have, that voice
which is seeking our attention is lost. Our undivided attention may be
the most valuable asset we can offer our children. Even if it is for a brief
second, it sure will benefit the child in extraordinary proportions.
Giving children our attention makes them emotionally sound and
stronger. When children know that their parents are able to trust them
with the ability to handle situations, small or big, it definitely becomes a huge confidence booster, much more
valuable than the materialistic promises like branded clothes, toys or even smartphones that we as parents
shower on our children.
When parents can simply put what they are doing aside and listen to their children, it is a big form of
reassurance to the child in knowing that their parents’ are all ears for them. Now that’s a key factor in
inculcating a positive value system. They are not only being taught the art of listening but also paying attention.
This will go a long way in helping them absorb what we, as teachers are imparting to them on a daily basis.
This will give them a better platform to excel not just in academics, but in the exam of life.
You, as adults, have to lead by example. Go out. Play with your child. Spend quality time with them.
Mould your child’s future, because childhood once gone will never come back.
Mrs. Supriya Kashyap
Chief Editor, Bloom Magazine
Message from the Principal
“I saw that bad handwriting should be regarded as a sign of an imperfect education.”
-Mahatma Gandhi.
It’s no surprise that as technology has become increasingly
integrated into our daily lives, the traditional act of writing
with a pen has been somewhat forgotten.
The ease of word processing documents, as well as the
development of applications that allow us to sync our notes
across multiple devices, has made the purpose of handwriting
almost redundant.
Handwriting still forms an integral part of our education
system in India, due to the fact, that the majority of our exams
are still handwritten. Therefore, it still serves as a very
functional skill and students who are not able to write legibly
and articulately place themselves at a severe disadvantage to
those who can.
There are many reasons why handwriting is important. In this
era of technology, it still has its own place.
‣ Studies show that writing improves memory; students retain learning better when working with new ideas through
handwriting instead of typing.
‣ The brain engages differently when we write something by hand as opposed to typing it on a keyboard or by
touching a screen.
‣ Handwriting can help us slow down and fully engage with our thoughts. This is certainly an asset when
transcribing the spoken word, but thoughts need to flow, and writing by hand conveniently holds such a space for
thoughts to fully form before being set down in sentences.
‣ Being able to write effortlessly enables the mind to focus more fully on a topic. Struggling with handwriting takes
valuable brain energy away from any writing task, but when that skill is mastered, it makes all the difference.
Skilled, fluid handwriting is an asset to learning.
‣ With a pen in hand, there are instantly accessible creative and artistic opportunities that are not possible to weave
into the experience of typing on a keyboard.
‣ Handwriting is unique to each individual writer, unlike typeface. One’s handwriting style, and especially one’s
signature, is a public and permanent statement. Learning to write well can help make that statement strong
beautiful, and – perhaps most importantly – legible.
Parents, encourage your children to write a page every day to keep their handwriting strong. Writing forms a unique
and irreplaceable part of our culture. This is particularly the case for written languages. Handwriting styles are
unique to the individual and something which simply cannot be replicated with a keyboard.
Jotting down a shopping list, writing a birthday card, taking down a phone message, completing a form at the bank
handwriting is part of our daily lives.
Let the art of writing with a pen and a paper continue.
Mrs. Aparna Ramaseshaiah,
Message from the Head Master
“Be silly. Be honest.
Be kind.”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson
English Articles
Connecting Lines
Yoga has always engaged me in all its aspects. Vajrasana or the Thunderbolt pose, is
a sitting asana in yoga. It is a kneeling position where one sits on his or her heels
The name itself is derived from the Sanskrit words vajra and asana. Vajra
(thunderbolt) is a weapon which is attributed to Lord Indra and asana means posture
or seat. For those who are not well versed with the asanas in Yoga; the person
practising this asana kneels down, stretches the lower legs backward and keeps
them together. The body is gently lowered, and seated on the heels. The hands are
ideally placed on the knees, head held straight and gaze focused. Vajrasana Among
its various advantages, this asana betters blood circulation and helps patients with
sciatica and lower back problems. It is an answer to digestive and urinary disorders
apart from calming the mind and nerves.
It was with astounding effect that I recently read and comprehended the steps of the
Salah or Namaz - one of the Five Pillars in the faith of Islam. In this ritual, each
posture is accompanied by certain verses. The Namaz remains as one of the holiest
forms of communication between the worshipper and God. Many similarities have
been drawn between the postures of Namaz and Yoga. The sitting position during the
holy Namaz clearly seems to match the Vajrasana. Namaz improves posture,
increases the intake of oxygen and enhances the functioning of various organ
systems in the human body.It, generally, encourages health and well being.
The other day, as my ten year old caught up with a few episodes of a famous
Japanese Manga series on television, my attention was immediately drawn to a
particular episode that illustrated the Seiza. It is one of the traditional formal ways
of sitting in Japan. The posture involves folding one’s legs underneath one’s thighs
and resting oneself on the knees. Some martial arts like aikido and kendo prescribe
to this sitting position.
The Japanese Tea Ceremony, also called Way of Tea, is a cultural activity where guests are invited and seated in Seiza
style on a mat and presented powdered green tea. This form of sitting has been practised in Japan since as early as the
18th century. It is also the traditional way of sitting while doing other arts such as calligraphy and ikebana (flower
ogic practices date back to pre-Vedic India. Vajrasana is also a classic yoga meditation posture; and the only asana that
can be practised after eating – it in fact promotes digestion. It is a well- adopted posture for meditation in the ancient
religion of Jainism too.
Zazen; a meditative discipline that is typically the primary practice of the Zen Buddhist tradition advocates Seiza as a
posture for meditation. It is without doubt that Yoga, Namaz, Zazen are all forms of meditation surrendering oneself to
spiritualism. The Japanese consider Seiza with only the highest of regards, as it represents two important values of
courtesy and apology. They believe that Seiza is an essential tool to channel these specific values.
Imagine there’s no heaven
It’s easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people living for today
Imagine there’s no countries
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace.......You...
....... so run the lyrics of a popular song written and performed by a famous English musician. Some estimates claim
that there are around 4200 religions in the world; of which Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Judaism
are considered the major ones. Each religion is a reservoir of knowledge, philosophy and wisdom. There have been
several interactions between religions, each interesting and thought provoking. Some practices like fasting,
pilgrimage and holy texts remain common to several religions.
Xuanzang, the Chinese Buddhist monk travelled in the seventh century to India and studied logic, grammar and
Sanskrit at Nalanda. The Mughal Emperor Akbar had several Hindu masterpieces translated to Persian. Many
Buddhist beliefs and traditions (with roots in Hinduism) spread to Japan from China via Korean peninsula in the
sixth century.
Raphael Hurst (1898-1981), a British theosophist and spiritualist was deeply influenced by the teachings of the
great Indian seer Bhagwan Sri Ramana Maharshi. In the year 1874, the Hindu saint and mystic Sri Ramakrishna
Paramahansa had a vision of Jesus Christ.
The objective of this article is only to draw a miniature similarity between few religions across the world.
Religion, culture and spiritualism have deeper purposes which often beat the recognition of a common mind. It is
only for us to ponder and contemplate nature in its true form.
Mrs. Uma Sriram
Faculty, DES
Mission Accomplished!
All I pray is to be a strong and resolute mother, and never get daunted by failures or challenges ….
Since early in the morning, the messages are flooding my mobile. Personal messages, group messages with the
same subject; updates on the Pulwama attack, gruesome pictures of the site and prayer requests.
After a while, I stop responding to these beeps. Staring at the blank school corridor, I go back in time.
Uri Sector – Year 2002.
As a Commissioned Officer of the Indian Army, I set upon my first mission, winning hearts and minds of the
people in our area of responsibility, the Uri Sector. In two years’ time, Uri saw a beautiful patch blossoming
amongst the orchards, Army Goodwill School, Uri, for the local children of that area for whom, till then, daily
curriculum was violence and destruction. This school with a new ray of hope, portrayed a better life and
curriculum to them, which they in unison with their parents welcomed wholeheartedly. Army Goodwill School Uri
was there to stay and it has. Mission accomplished! I penned down, as this young foster mother proceeded to her
next mission.
Officers Training Academy and Indian Military Academy – Year 2004 to 2007
Years 2004-2007. Here my kids were a grown-up lot, all graduates and post graduates, very focussed, had a
passion and vision in them, to serve our motherland with honour and pride. Completely immersed in the training of
Cadets and turning them into not only warriors but scholar warriors, I saw myself maturing and evolving as a better
individual. As I moved on with my life, I could see my boys and girls discharging their duties exceptionally well
and all gaining proficiency in their respective fields. And this mothers’ heart swelled with pride; yes, I felt the
same, Mission Accomplished!
There were instances wherein, I had to put a brave front while receiving news of martyrdom of some of my brave
hearts, in the line of duty, as they laid down their lives for the Nation. With a heavy heart this mother jotted down,
Mission Accomplished! 13
Daffodils English School – Present Day.
Having hung-up my uniform and boots and being a mother to two lovely angels, to keep my passion for nurturing life,
I joined Daffodils English School. A year has passed, with me dealing with the transition and looking ahead to
profound satisfaction. Children have been accommodative, I should say, to my way of functioning, and the sparkle in
their eyes says they are with me in my mission, as my journey continues.
Today, a day after the Pulwama attack, as I step into school, feeling totally devastated, helpless, dejected and not able
to share the feeling of my tribe, I, with the teachers and students, gather for the morning assembly. I hear the head girl
with rage and anguish, narrate the Pulwama incident, fervently asking the students to leave no stone unturned, in
lending a helping hand to the forces and to pray for the martyrs and speedy recovery of the injured. My eyes well up
with tears, as I feel that after all, we are not fighting a lost battle. There is still hope and the ‘mission’ can still be a
successful one. My heart says, it will be!
Mission to raise and mould a better human being, who is able to identify the good and bad of everything around,
to sustain him/herself as a better individual in this world full of challenges and to impart the same to fellow beings.
Now, as I look at the school corridor filled with my present lot of students, the Daffodalians...
My Mission Continues...
Jai Hind!!!!
Major Neethasha Hebbar K (Retd)
CCA Cordinator, DES
Terrace Gardening – A Boon to City Dwellers
In the modern times, with limited space and an ever- Composting can also be done at home. The compost
growing demand for lung space on Earth, especially in which is prepared without the use of chemicals is
the cities, healthy and easy solutions must be found. extremely nutritious and reduces the biodegradable
Having plants in and around our homes, is joyful, waste that is otherwise thrown away in plastic covers.
though planting is a strenuous task. Growing plants is
an excellent stress buster and a good hobby to practise. Organic wastes like vegetable and fruit wastes, used tea
and coffee powder and dry leaves can be used to make
So, let us put on gloves and try to grow some common compost.
plants on our terraces and roof tops. Here are some steps to prepare compost at home –
Here are some tips on how to grow plants at home: 1. Take an empty cardboard box or pot and line a layer
1) Choose plants that can easily be grown at home-for
example mint leaves,ginger, tomatoes, beans and of plastic inside it. (The plastic covering is not
chillies. required in a pot)
2) Take a pot or a grow bag and fill it with mud. If the 2. Put a layer of coco peat. Coco peat is best
weight of the pot is a problem, then coco peat (a type of recommended in this case as it is both light and it
lightweight and clean plant-growing medium consisting does not require regular watering.
of coconut husk) is best recommended. 3. Dump all the organic waste (at least a layer). Then
3) Make sure to plug the holes in the grow bag with cover it up with another layer of coco peat. Sprinkle
small stones. This is to prevent water from flowing out. some water on it and leave it. After two weeks it is
4) Make a few, inch deep, holes in the soil. Remember ready. Now, your plants will have home-made
to be prudent whilst making the holes. Making too nutrition!
many holes and sowing too many seeds can result in no
plant growth at all! In this way, we can start growing plants on our terraces.
5) Sow the seeds and cover it up with mud (or coco
peat). Sprinkle some water and keep it in a place where Siddharth D. S
it can receive sufficient sunlight. XA
6) Water the plant every alternate day.
Test your GK!
1. Which was the first indoor game that originated in India? Answers
2. Where in India is the Rock Garden located?
3. In which comic strip would you find ‘Snoopy’ the dog ? 1. Snakes and Ladders
4. Which is the only planet that rotates clockwise? 2. Chandigarh
5. Which animal’s blood is colourless? 3. Peanuts
6. Which waterfall, in North America, comprises of three separate waterfalls? 4. Venus
5. Lobster
6. Niagara Falls
Counting Wisely
Akbar once put a question to his court that left everyone puzzled. As they all tried to figure out the answer,
Birbal walked and asked what the matter was. And so, they asked him the question ‘How many crows are
there in the city?’ Birbal immediately smiled, went up to Akbar and announced that the answer to his question
was twenty-one thousand five hundred and twenty-three.
When asked how he knew the answer, Birbal replied, “Ask your men to count the number of crows. If there
are more, then the crows’ relatives from outside the city are visiting them. If there are fewer, then the crows
are visiting their relatives outside the city.” Pleased with the answer, Akbar presented Birbal with a ruby and
pearl chain.
Moral of The Story -
Having an explanation for your answer is just as important as having an answer.
Shikha Pradeep
My Trip to Coca-Cola Factory
In May 2018, I visited a Coca - Cola factory in Atlanta, Georgia. I not only had a great time but also learnt a
lo•t about the factory and Coca-Cola's history. We tasted different products of the factory, purchased some and
headed to the exit. On our way out, we took a picture with the Coca-Cola bear and got three free coke bottles. I
was very happy with my visit to the factory.
G Pranav
It’s always dark from tip to toe,
It is a friend or a foe!
Where ever I walk, run or bend,
It’s with me till the end.
Some short, some tall,
But always with me all in all.
I wonder! Will it stay or go?
Oh! How can it? It’s my shadow!
- Aadhya Uday
- IV C
Screening in Health
The search for unrecognized diseases by means of some tests which are rapidly applied in an apparently healthy
looking individual is called screening. It is done on healthy individuals (who do not show any signs and symptoms of
the disease). It is based on cut off points also called as normal ranges. It is not very expensive.
Screening helps to
1. detect diseases before the onset - as well said in a proverb “prevention is better than cure.” It can prevent an
individual going through the various stages of a disease. In today’s modern world, where each one of us are under
work stress with lack of time, it becomes very necessary to take care of one’s health.
2. control diseases - when diseases are detected in time it is easy to treat and with better output on health. Thus,
screening can prevent serious health hazards. Easy to treat/effective treatment is possible with the help of screening
3. reduce suffering.
Finally, the results of screening can be confirmed by additional and appropriate tests.
Some of the screening tests are as follows:
During pregnancy
- Anemia
- Diabetes
- Hypertension toxemia
- Neural tube defect
- Down Syndrome, HIV, & Rh status
Middle aged men & women
- Hypertension
- Cancer
- Diabetes Mellitus
- Obesity
Elderly Nutritional disorder
- Tuberculosis
- Glaucoma & cancer
Infancy ( < 1 yr of age)
- Hypothyroidism
- Sickle cell diseases
- Haemoglobinopathies
Anshi Healthcare Diagnostic
Bonds of Friendship
From the day that I first knew you, Then out of nowhere,
Your heart was pure and kind; With precise directed cue;
Your smile was sweet and innocent, An old familiar smile,
Your wit was well refined. Came slowly into view
The sparkle in your eye was keen, Although much time was gone,
Your friendship fast and real; And the die of fate long cast;
Soft words were your virtue, It was as if we hadn’t missed,
And humor your appeal.
A second of the past
We grew as friends together,
We laughed and shared our dreams; You listened with attentive care,
And reassured my mind;
Along the way crush or tow,
Went unrevealed, it seems. That loving hearts are still alive,
With purpose and design
As years rolled on, our paths were split,
Our roads went separate ways; Deep inside I’ve locked away,
We each pursued our interests, Emotions yet untold;
That occupied our days.
As time goes on, and bonds grow strong,
We soon forgot our youthful bliss, They all unfold
Of tender carefree years;
So thank you, friend, for taking time,
We didn’t talk or keep in touch, To demonstrate your love;
Throughout life’s pain and tears.
It’s yet another blessing that,
Then my darkest hour came, I’m undeserving of
And tried to my core;
(As retold by) Sanjay Kumar G.P
To save my heart from ruin, VIII A
I closed and locked the door.
The Apple Tree
In the middle of a beautiful green forest, stood a big apple tree. In its branches lived many birds. They ate the
juicy red apples. Everyday hundreds of ants carried the pieces of the red apples to their homes.
One day, a woodcutter came to the forest to cut the branches. The birds and the ants were very sad. They
were unhappy that they would lose their homes. They pleaded with the woodcutter, “Please do not cut the
tree, Mr. Woodcutter. If you cut it, we shall lose our home.”
“Yes, the tree is our home,” said the ants too. The woodcutter could see that many creatures lived in the tree.
He decided that he would not cut the tree.The birds and the ants were very happy. They thanked the kind
woodcutter and said, “Mr.Woodcutter, please take some apples for your family.” The woodcutter understood
the value of a tree and promised never to cut a tree again.
Biggest! Smallest! Highest! Longest!
1. The largest desert – Sahara (9,065,000 sq. km)
2. The smallest crab – pea crab (size of a crab)
3. The highest mountain – Mt. Everest (8,848 m)
4. The longest snake – reticulated python (can grow up to 9ms)
5. The biggest land mammal – African bush elephant (weight – up to 12 tonnes height – 4ms)
6. The smallest land mammal – Etruscan shrew (just 50mm long)
Lakshya Mohan
Family Is....
F Form a strong bond with all the members.
A Always remember to respect the differences and views.
M Make lots of memories.
I Ignore the petty differences.
L Love them while you can, life can be short.
Y You can be the glue that keeps.
Sanvi A. R.
Amazing Facts!
✤ The world’s highest cricket ground is located in India.
✤ The Baily Bridge is the highest bridge in the world.
✤ India invented the number system.
✤ Aryabatta was a mathematician who invented the number zero (0).
✤ Babies have soft cartilage as knee caps.
✤ About 80% of the brain is water.
✤ Tom and Jerry almost never speak in classic episodes.
✤ Ballet started in Italy over 500 years ago.
✤ Samba is Brazil’s national dance.
✤ Australia is the only country which is also a continent.
Lakshya Mohan
My Mother The Early Bird
My mom is the cutest, The sun was rising,
And the sweetest. The flowers were half asleep.
The dew was itself doubting,
She is always talking, The leaves were lying in a heap.
And walking.
The first ray shone through,
She plays with me, As if setting off a mild alarm.
I play with her, The creatures were still in thought,
We play together, To wake up or sleep holding nature’s arm.
With my brother.
The flowers half opened their eyes,
She narrates many stories, Were kissed by the golden beam.
And she loves babies. Dew drops started shedding their size,
I love my mother, As they glistened in the morning gleam.
And my brother,
She plays with me, Mild and gentle, wind whistled,
I play with her, To wake up the sleepy souls.
We play together,
With my brother. Reminding a long day had to be ushered,
And not to sleep like owls.
Run to be the best one,
And make your resolve firm.
Time and tide waits for none,
The early bird gets the worm.
Prashanth Kulkarni
(Father of Jiya Kulkarni)
Amazing facts about Barbie Doll
• The doll has been named after the creator’s daughter, Barbara Millicent Roberts and “Barbie” is just her
• She was exhibited for the first time on 09 March 1959 in a toy fair in New York, and it is considered as her
birthday. That means Barbie is 60 years old now.
• Her first outfit was a black and white striped swim suit. One hundred crore outfits have been made for Barbie
since then.
• Every three-seconds, a Barbie doll is sold somewhere in the world.
• As of 2015, Bettina Dorfmann owns over 15000 types of Barbie dolls, and she holds a Guinness World Record
for the largest collection of Barbie dolls.
• A live action movie is getting ready and it is set to hit the theatres by May 2020.
Let’s wait…
Riya Shenoi
A Letter from the Environment
Hi! My name is Environment. I surround you. I am always your friend. I give you air to breathe, water to
drink, food to eat and materials to use. I help you but you have taken me for granted. I always feel ignored. You
never take care of me. I am suffering as a result of different types of pollution.You dump waste on land and in
water causing pollution. The loud noise and smoke from factories and vehicles cause noise and air pollution.
I am very strong. I can fight all kinds of pollution with a little help from you. Be kind to me by not cutting
trees, wasting water and food and overusing natural resources. With these friendly gestures of yours, you and I
can live happily on this Mother Earth forever.
Komodo Dragons
Komodo Dragons are the largest living lizards in the world and are found only on a few islands of
Indonesia. They have a set of sharp teeth and a long forked tongue, just like snakes. They mostly hunt
during the day. They are carnivores and eat goats, water buffaloes, deer and wild boars. They also eat
injured, old or young dragons of their kind.
Recent studies have shown that their saliva contains a lot of deadly bacteria which causes blood poisoning
in their prey when they are bitten. Hence, these toxic substances cause their prey to bleed to death when
they are bitten. Human activities, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions have reduced their population
significantly. Komodo National Park, in Indonesia has been set up for protecting these unique endangered
Amazing Facts
• Tsunami travels as fast as a jet.
• A rat can survive longer without water than a camel.
• Giraffes sleep for only about twenty minutes a day.
• The coconut is the largest seed in the world.
• A giant mushroom in Aragon is over 2,400 years old and is still growing.
• A donkey will sink in quicksand while a mule will not.
• Polar bears can eat as many as 86 penguins in a single sitting.
• 22 percent of us skip lunch every day.
• Aardvarks are allergic to radishes during summer season.
• If you put a bee in a film canister for 2 hours, it will go blind.
• It is against the law to have a pet dog in Iceland.
Aneesha. A 21
Enigmatic Econ
Don’t we all think so? I beg to differ… We have been using Economics in our daily life, making small but important
decisions like how much milk will I buy today, do I buy vegetables from the vegetable vendor or the supermarket, do I
pay the servant or the newspaper vendor today so on and so forth this is Economics for you - at the grassroot level.
How it helps us in making important decisions at the individual level [known as micro level] or at a higher level
[known as macro level] and what are its applications in an economy is what we we study in Economic Applications.
This will definitely provide an interesting exposure to the student to understand that there are different avenues for
higher studies.
“Economics is everywhere, and understanding economics can help you make better decisions and lead a happier
life” – Tyler Cowen
Here’s an interesting not-so-cryptic Econ puzzle to make you aware of your Econ-usability in your daily life.
3 The money a business makes after expenses are paid
4 The money a person pays to borrow, or the money a bank pays depositors for using their money
6 Someone who buys and uses goods and services
8 The people or businesses that provide goods or services
10 Money brought in by a business
1 A good that is sent from one country to another
2 A situation where sellers of similar goods and services, tries to get customers to use their products/services.
5 A plan of how much money a person, business or government is able to spend and how it will spend
7 A good that is brought into one country from another
9 Money received on a regular basis for work or investments
11 Money that a government collects from people and businesses
12 Tangible items that can be bought and sold
Mrs. Kalpana Saralaya
Dept. of Economic Applications
2 5B 9 7 12
1 8P
3R T 4I R S 11
10 L
6 O 22
* Solutions in the next page
The Cursed Isle
This is a story of the time that I was alive. It was a long time ago, the last few days of my life.I was at home,
with my grandmother when I received a letter from my mother about a cruise ship that my friends and I would
go on. We would go to Isle Cravata Sentor, or the Cursed Isle. At that time, I, a carefree 12-year old named
David, had no idea what was in store for us.
On Saturday, we left on the cruise. On the second day, a mysterious tide washed onboard, a book, with a big
splash on my face. Surprisingly, only the outer cover was worn out. The pages inside were untouched. Luckily,
it was written in English. The title was blurred and it was a book of incantations and spells.
I showed it to my friends Peter, Mary and Ron. Peter said, “It’s all a lot of rubbish. Hogwash!” Mary said,
“Ooh, it might be fun to try out! Anyway, it won’t work, right?” Finally, Ron said, “Yeah! It’ll be awesome!
Let’s do it after our parents sleep at night, on Isle Cravata Sentor!”
So, we went to the island. All of us forgot about it for a few days. We enjoyed the isle as the campus was full of
fun-filled activities. It was only fitting that the last days of our life were fun-filled. A few days later, we sneaked
out of our homes at 3:00 a.m. to practice the rituals.
We gathered around a campfire and did a rain dance with the spell ’Esvardor Mellisa Asvost.’ Nothing
happened. Peter said, “I told you. Rubbish.” Then we tried a spell to summon the ‘Steppuku.’ We sat there for a
few minutes memorizing the ritual. We drew transmutation circle around our campfire. Then we chanted the
long spell – “Sverdosktav Memara Endu vaskle Namatisis Ason Sverlon Tasdis Alkratas.” Our words started
repeating, even after we stopped chanting!
The words became distorted and a face appeared in the fire saying, “May the curse of the isle be upon you! You
have awakened the immortal legion! The curse has awoken... THE STEPPUKU!” and disappeared! We were so
fear stuck, that we couldn’t see anything. As we were in a clearing in the forest, we could see eyes from the
forest, looking at us! The vile creatures had one eye in the middle of their forehead, the rest of their face being
covered with a tooth-filled mouth!
I said, “Don’t worry! They’re afraid of light!” We were both relieved and fear-struck.
Then it started. The end. We felt drops. I said, “Oh no! The rain dance worked!” and as the fire went out, so did
our lives.
Daman S.
Solutions to Enigmatic Econ 23
3 - Profit 4 - Interest 6 - Consumer 8 - Producer 10 - Capital
1- Export 2- Competition 5 - Budget 7 - Import 9 - Revenue 11 - Taxes 12 - Goods
Hindi Articles
“If you are going to get anywhere in life 27
you have to read a lot of books.”
– Roald Dahl
माँ तुम्हारे जैसा कोई नहीं
“खुदा का दू सरा रूप है माँ
ममता की गहरी झील है माँ
वो घर िकसी जन्नत से कम नहीं
िजस घर में भगवान की तरह पूजी जाती हंै माँ”
! माँ एक ऐसा शब्द है जो इस दुिनया मंे हर बच्चा पहला नाम लेता ह।ै इस दुिनया में िकसी भी चीज़ को माँ के सच्चे प्यार और
परविरश से नहीं तोला जा सकता। एक माँ के िलए बच्चा ही सब कु छ होता ह।ै
! सच्चा प्यार का दू सरा नाम माँ है जो के वल एक माँ हो सकती ह।ंै उस समय से जब हम उसकी कोख में आते ह,ैं जन्म लेते हंै और
इस दुिनया मंे आते ह,ैं परू ा जीवन भर उसके साथ रहते ह।ैं वह हमें प्यार और परविरश देती ह।ै माँ से अनमोल कु छ भी नहीं जो भगवान
द्वारा आशीवाद्र के रूप मंे हमें प्राप्त होता ह।ै इसिलए हमंे ईश्वर का आभारी होना चािहए। सच्चे प्यार, परविरश और बिलदान का
अवतार होती ह-ै मा।ँ दोपहर मंे सभी काम-काज ख़त्म करने के बाद दरवाजे पर हमारा इं तजार करती ह।ै हमारे िलए रात को जायके दार
खाना बनाती ह।ै माँ और बच्चों के बीच में यह एक ख़ास बंधन होता है जो कभी ख़त्म नहीं हो सकता ह।ै हमें कभी ग़लत नहीं समझती
और हमशे ा एक छोटे बच्चे की तरह माफ़ कर देती ह।ै एक माँ बेहद सामान्य मिहला होती है जो अपने बच्चों की ख़शु ी के आगे अपनी
ख़ुशी को कु छ नहीं समझती। संसार मंे बच्चे को माँ से ज़्यादा प्यार और कोई नहीं कर सकता। िबना माँ के जीवन जीना बहुत मुिश्कल
क्या बेटे के िबना पिरवार परू ा नहीं?? बटे े के िबना एक माँ, माँ नहीं? वह माँ बटे े को जन्म नहीं दे पाई पर क्या उसकी ममता, ममता
नहीं? अगर माँ बटे े को जन्म नहीं दे पाई पर क्या उस बेटी को जीन े का अिधकार नहीं? मत भूल ंे एक लड़की के िबना बेटे भी नहीं,! और मत
भलू ो िबना माँ के संसार, ससं ार नहीं।
हिषर् ता बक्शी
मरे ी सबस े िप्रय यात्रा
एक स्थान स े अन्य स्थान को जाना ही यात्रा कहत े ह।ंै परु ान े ज़मान े में लोग तीथ र् यात्रा पर जात े थ।े तीथर् यात्रा िहं दी ससं ्कृ ित और िहं दू धमर् मं े
िवशेष महत्व रखता ह।ै यात्रा करने से हम लोगों के खान-पान, रहन सहन वेशभूषा तथा प्रकृ ित और संस्कृ ित के बार े मं े जानकारी प्राप्त कर
सकते ह।ंै
! मेरा सबस े अिवस्मरणीय यात्रा था राजस्थान अथातर् राजपतू ाना की यात्रा।इस यात्रा मे ं मंैन े बहु सांस्कृ ितक और ऐितहािसक ज्ञान
प्राप्त िकया। हमने राजस्थान मै ं मवे ाड़, मारवाड़ और जैसलमेर के सबसे महत्वपूण ्र स्थानों को देखा। मवे ाड़ म ंे हमने उदयपरु , िचत्तौड़,
हल्दीघाटी और एक िलं ग जी मंिदर का दशनर् िकया। उदयपरु म ंे हमने उदयपुर राजमहल को देखा और मेवाड़ी राजपतू ों के इितहास के बार े में
ज्ञान प्राप्त िकया।
! िचत्तौड़ मंे वाड़ी राजपूतों की राजधानी थी। िचत्तौड़ के दुग र् म ें हमने राजमहल, मीरा मिं दर, कृ ष्ण मिं दर, िवजय स्तभं को देखा ।
हल्दीघाटी वह महत्वपूण् र यदु ्धभिू म थी जहाँ महाराणा प्रताप और बादशाह अक़बर ने यदु ्ध िकया था। मारवाड़ मंे हमने जोधपरु के मेहरानगढ़
िक़ल े को देखा। जोधपुर मे ं हमन े उम्मदे भवन भी देखा ।
जहा ँ जोधपरु राहों के बार े मं े जानकारी प्राप्त की। जसै लमेर मंे हम औिशयाँन गए थ े जहाँ हम रिे गस्तान सफ़ारी में गए और रिे गस्तान की
प्राकृ ितक और दशनर् ीय सुंदरता को देखा। राजस्थान की यात्रा अिवस्मरणीय थी क्योंिक मनैं े राजसी ससं ्कृ ित , उनकी वेश भषू ा, रहन-सहन
को पहली बार देखा था। Anonymous
िहं दी िदवस
िहं दी िदवस 14 िसतबं र को मनाया जाता ह ै क्योंिक इस िदन 1949 मंे भारतीय संिवधान को देवनागरी िलिप म ें िलखा गया। िहं दी को भारत गणराज्य की
अिधकािरक भाषा के रूप मंे अपनाया गया था। लेिकन यह इतनी आसानी स े नहीं आया िजतना लगता ह।ै
इसके िलए कई िदग्गजों ने िहं दी के पक्ष मं े इं िडया पनै की रलै ी को और इसकी परै वी की, िजसम ें सबस े उल्लखे नीय व्यिक्त राजदें ्र िसं हा के साथ हज़ारी प्रसाद
िद्ववदे ी, काका कालके र, मिै थली शरण गपु ्ता और सठे गोिवं द दास भी थ े िजन्होंन े इस मदु ्दे पर संसद से बहस की।
जले स े 14 िसतंबर 1949 को राजंदे ्र िसं ह के 50 व ें जन्मिदन पर आिधकािरक भाषा के रूप मं े िहन्दी को अपनाने के प्रयासों में तज़े ी आई । यह िनणयर् भारत के
सिं वधान द्वारा 26 जनवरी 1950 को लाग ू िकया गया। भारतीय सिं वधान के अनचु ्छेद 343 के तहत देवनागरी िलिप म ें िलखी गई िहं दी को आिधकािरक भाषा के रूप
मंे अपनाया गया था। हम ंे गव ्र ह ै िक िहन्दी िहं दुस्तान की मातृभाषा ह ै । जय िहन्द!
अभ्यदु य कौिशक
कक्षा छठी
नमस्ते (हले ो), दोस्तों अभी हम सभी के ऊपर परीक्षा का डर मडं रा रहा ह।ै िजतना भी हमने परू े साल में सीखा ह,ै उसका आकलन करने
के िलए ही हम परीक्षा िलखते ह।ंै
दोस्तों हमंे परीक्षा से डरना नहीं चािहए। हमारे िशक्षक हमें परीक्षा मंे अव्वल आने के िलए पूरा साल महे नत करते हैं और हमारे पिरवार
वाले हमपर भरोसा करते ह।ंै
हमंे अपने लक्ष्य की ओर ध्यान देना चािहए। ज्यादा से ज्यादा सीखने की कोिशश करनी चािहए। अगर हमें परीक्षा में अव्वल आना है तो
हमें बहुत महे नत करनी होगी।
हम ही आने वाले कल का भिवष्य ह।ंै इसीिलए हमें परीक्षा से डरना नहीं चािहए बिल्क कड़ी महे नत करनी चािहए।पिरश्रम का फल
हमशे ा मीठा होता ह।ै
रीिधमा कौिशक
कक्षा- सातवीं
िहमालय की गोद मंे पलु वामा
दादा-दादी, पापा-मॉं, दोस्त और मैं िनकल पडे खौल उठा है खनू मरे ा अब
गरमी की छु िट्टयॉं िबताने िहमालय की गोद म।ें बहुत हो गई सबर कहता है अब
िहम से िलपटी पवत्र ; खूबसूरत वािदयॉं मन हरती प्यार अमन से ितरगं ा झमू ा जो
झल, झल बहती झरने; देवदार, सरल की वृक्षावली। कल िफर लहु से नहलाया वो
किठन, जिटल रास्तंे; एवं अप्रत्यािशत यात्रा था माँ है मरे ी, सब को लेती अपना हरदम
जो खच्चर, घोडा, डोली तथा िवमान से तय हुआ। क्या इसीिलये रणभिू म मे खले रहे तमु ?
दशरन् हुए जब गगं ा, यमुना, के दार, बदरीजी का कमजोऱ नही मरे ा देश और सैिनक
सबका मन भक्तीपूवक्र सतं षे ता से फू ला न समाया। िक तुम रौंद कर चल िदये दैिनक
मंै भी प्रकृ ित की उस सुंदरता मंे िवलीन हो गई वीरता के प्रतीक लश्कर और सने ानी मरे े
दोबारा धर का रास्ता ही िनिश्चत नही कर पाई। िहमालय, िहं द महासागर के दुलारे
पर नहीं सहनी मुझे वीरों की कु रबानी
अंतरा श्रीराम िनहत्थे जवानों की मौत मे ज़ब्ती
५. क
खौल उठा है खनू मेरा अब
बहुत हो गई सबर कहता है अब….
उमा श्रीराम
Know your Secretary
Mrs. Madhuri Chengappa
1. Received the ‘Best Marksmanship’ award, State Level from Col. Suri. 41
2. Received the ‘Best Mountaineer’ award for Uttar Kashi mountain expedition from Col. Sharma.
3. Certificate of Merit(G Part I) for NCC, awarded by The Ministry of Defence, Government of India.
4. Received the ‘Best Sportsman’ award at Kamala Bai School, 1969.
5. Certificate of Merit from NCC for participation at the Republic Day Parade, 1973.
6. With Gen. G.G. Bewoor, PVSM, Chief of Army Staff, during the Republic Day Parade, 1973.
1. With Lt.Col. Sree Devi Nair, NCC Officer of Mount Carmel College.
2. Women’s Day celebration at Cauvery College, 2019.
3. Certificate of Merit(G Part II) for NCC, awarded by The Ministry of Defense, Government of India.
4. Featured in Deccan Herald, 1972. Article on mountain expedition to Bandarpoonch.
5. With the shooting team, at the Inter District event.
1. At Rashtrapati Bhavan, with the Republic Day contingent from different states.
2. CUO P.B. Madhuri, adjudged as the ‘Second Best Cadet’ NCC, Republic Day Parade.
3. Featured in Prajavani. Article on mountain expedition to Kedarnath.
4. SUO, Senior Under Officer, Ms. P.B. Madhuri, with former President, V. V. Giri.
5. At the Advanced Leadership Course at Raniket.
6. Certificate of participation awarded to SUO, P.B. Madhuri at Mount Carmel College, 1973.
Annual Report
A journey of a thousand miles was planned ...
The horizon leans forward offering space to place new steps of change...
All my tin soldiers were lined up ready for the forward move command ...
And the bugler played the reveille...
The Annual report undoubtedly showcases not only the achievement and glories of our school but also makes us think
deeply about scope for further development to perfection. We have always been committed to create an environment
which helps young minds to BLOOM and provide a platform for individual thinking and holistic development of the
child’s personality.
We set standards and goals and strive to achieve them. The academic year 2018-19, the 40th year of existence has
been vastly eventful with a plethora of events. With this statement, I take great pleasure in presenting before you the
highlights of this year, both academic as well as co-curriculum.
CCA Updates:
World Environment Day Celebration:
Daffodils celebrated the World Environment Day on June 5, 2018 with the theme “Say no to plastic.”
A special assembly programme was conducted which included a dance, skit and a speech on the importance of the
day. Children participated enthusiastically by spreading awareness on how to take care of our environment and protect
Mother Earth from all types of pollution.
Various activities were conducted in the class rooms for grades 1-10 which included colouring, slogan writing, art and
craft work using eco-friendly materials, poster making, slogan badge, jingles, rhyme recitation, collage, cartooning,
logo designing, mime act and advertisement on various themes on environmental sustainability. Children thoroughly
enjoyed participating in the events, rendering Daffodils a colourful, clean and safe environment. It was a unique
experience to educate children on how to minimize and eliminate single use plastic from their daily lives and to make
the younger generation more sensitive towards environmental protection.
International Day for Yoga:
International Day for Yoga was conducted with great zeal and zest by the students and staff of Daffodils English
School, Bangalore. Under the able guidance of Mrs Vimala, the Yoga Instructor, the students performed different
Abyasas portraying perfect harmony of body and mind. From the recitation of Omkara to Surya Namaskara to
different Asanas, the Daffodilians in unison brought about tranquillity and serenity in the surrounding, making
everyone realise that this ancient art form adds not only years to life, but also life to years.
Induction Ceremony:
The Daffodils English School association held an Induction ceremony for new entrants in Scouts and Guides on 31 July
2018. The Chief Guest for the occasion was Mrs Sarumathy, a former teacher of Daffodils English School, who was
instrumental in initiating Scouts and Guides in the school. The ceremony commenced with lighting of the lamp followed
by series of programmes like theme based song, dance and skit. The event was well appreciated by the Chief Guest and
all present.
Daffodils English School had the CCA Intra school Competition - GOONJ on August 1st, 2018 for classes I to X. There
were fourteen events in all, in individual and group category, which had house-wise student participation. Each student
was allowed to participate in two events. Students from classes I to V participated in competitions like drawing and
colouring, Calligraphy, Best out of Waste, Flower-Making, Pick‘n’Speak, Story telling and Recitation. The individual
participation events for students of classes VI and VII were Poetry Recital, Story Writing, Jest a Minute, Drawing/
Painting and Face painting. The group events for class VI and VII were Flower making and Best out of Waste.
The students of classes VIII to X had Declamation, Versification, Photography, Drawing/Painting and Face painting in
the individual participation category and Salad making and Collage as group events. Events like Poetry Recitation, Story
Writing, Declamation and Versification were conducted in English, Hindi and Kannada languages. The creative talents of
the students were proficiently displayed in the various events. It also brought out the various inter-personal abilities of
the students. The competition being an inter-house event, concluded with the following results - Lily house - I place,
Tulip - II place, Iris - III place and Poppy in the IV place.
Founder's Day:
Daffodils English School celebrated Founder's Day on 9 August. The day began with the morning assembly which was
followed by a brief reminisce of the life and work of our founder, (Late) Sri P. K. Bheemaiah and the values he stood for
by Miss Harsitha K.S., the MC for the event. This was followed by the dignitaries and the guests paying homage to our
founder by offering floral tributes.
Master. Prahlad V. Deshpande, Master. Lakshmish Hegde and Mrs. Shubha J. Raju were the special invitees on this
occasion. The fact that they are the alumni of our school excited and inspired the students. Master. Prahlad and Master.
Lakshmish gave a mesmerising flute and tabala jugalbandi performance, which was enjoyed and appreciated by all. Mrs.
Shubha spoke passionately about her interaction as a student with Bheemaiah Sir, and how she carries with her, the
motto of Do Well All You Do even to this day. Our Secretary Mrs. Madhuri Chengappa addressed the gathering and her
genuine words filled with love for the school touched the hearts of staff and students alike.
The programme culminated with the vote of thanks by Miss Roshni Sampath and the rendering of the School Anthem.
The aura of the great visionary, (Late) Sri. P. K. Bheemaiah radiates to every nook and corner of our campus quietly
motivating us, encouraging us and driving us to ‘Do Well All We Do’