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Published by Repro Graphics, 2020-11-26 18:15:59

Belmont Yearbook 2020-11-27

Belmont Yearbook 2020-11-27



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Dear Students, Families and Friends of Belmont Primary School.
I am pleased to give you an opportunity to view the 2020 school magazine and give you wonderful
memories of the year. Our school roll peaked at 430 students. Our staffing was very stable again. Mandy
Viles and Jules Dallas both had babies and moved to the provinces. Jaime Wilkinson also had a baby so
we welcomed Anthea Dunning back. Kerry Scurr, our wonderful music teacher, left to teach at Elim
College and we welcomed Catherine Peake who has become a highly valued member of our teaching
staff due to her personality and many talents. Ester Dawbin left at the end of the year, also to the
provinces. We wish those three wonderful teachers all the best for their next adventures.
The staff continue to be highly passionate, collegial and highly skilled. I am always impressed with the
commitment the teachers and teacher aides have to their students and families. Especially when you
consider the year we have had with COVID-19. The staff were very quick to adapt to new technologies
and the students were great. The parents got an A+ for their teaching efforts and support. The teachers
had some funny stories about zoom meetings.
The BOT continues to govern the school with diligence and expertise under the astute guidance and
leadership of Simon Priddy. This Board has every child at heart when making governance decisions and
the members are extremely diligent, capable and hardworking. It is a pleasure to work alongside such a
supportive group of parents.
I would also like to acknowledge the work and effort of the PTA in supporting many wonderful resources
for the students. Briar Williams ably led this group of volunteers.
The opportunities students have to participate in many wonderful co-curricular activities are a testament to
skill of the teachers, the support of parents and of course the willingness of the children to be involved.
Our school has a wonderful reputation for providing a fabulous variety of extra activities, which enable
children to develop in many ways. Although many activities were postponed due to COVID-19, we did try
to ensure the senior students did not miss out. Mrs Naera produced a fantastic Yr 6 show and they even
had their own disco night at the end of the year.
Every child will have special recollections of the year. These recollections could involve zoom meetings,
the wonderful senior camp where the children were the ‘best ever,’ assembly items, their learning,
receiving certificates, their lunchtime games or their first days at school. Some may remember shifting
classes due to the refurbishment of Rooms 11, 12, 15 and the library.
Finally, thanks to all the families for the support you give to your children and the school community.
Belmont Primary is a wonderful school to be a part of. We all recognise it was a different year with two
long lockdowns however I fully believe our students coped extremely well due to the resilience that is
taught at school and at home.
Enjoy the magazine, enjoy the memories of Belmont Primary School and I trust you will maintain your love
of learning and maintain the high values which have been constantly taught at school and home.
Our Best Always.
Bruce Cunningham

Belmont Primary School Staff

A Message from the Board
Thank you all for contributing to what has been a very unique year here at Belmont Primary. Our children have
showed remarkable resilience given the stop / start nature of our year. To manage sudden changes to the
method of instruction and to handle the disruption with calmness and determination has been a credit to our
children, our teachers and to you all as parents. The Resilience Project was very apt for 2020 as it was certainly
a key aspect of the year.
The role of the Board of Trustees is to support the School Leadership Team and provide a robust governance
structure and to ensure the school is well funded and resourced.
This year we made ourselves available to Mr Cunningham and his management team as they navigated the lock
-downs and changing alert levels. Bruce and his team were amazing, along with the teaching and support staff,
in provide a caring, supportive and educational environment for our children. The Board has been greatly
appreciative of this professionalism in the face of the unknown. In particular for the teaching staff who were a
comforting face for our children to see online for their learning, when all around the children was change and
We would like to express our thanks to Mr Cunningham and his leadership team, plus the superb teachers and
support staff for all their dedicated work and commitment to ensure each child had every opportunity for
learning and development in the face of the challenges of 2020.
The Board also acknowledges and thanks our great school community of parents and caregivers for all the hours
of hard work and input into the school which makes our community a thriving and engaging one. In particular,
our PTA do a spectacular job. Their fundraising activities are very much appreciated by the Board. This
commitment from the PTA helps to ensure our school is well resourced and provides great opportunities for us
all to come together and enjoy the spirit of the Belmont Primary community.
To the parents and children leaving Belmont Primary this year, we wish you every success in the future. We
trust that you will look back on your time at Belmont Primary fondly and with the knowledge that you have
done Your Best Always.
I hope you have a safe and enjoyable holiday and look forward to the opportunities ahead in 2021.
Simon Priddy

Arawa Houses Kiwi

What makes a great Arawa member? What makes a great Kiwi member?

A good Arawa member is confident in them- This year Kiwi has been an amazing house!
selves and believes that there's no harm in We are very proud of what we have done.
trying because you will never know if you We have been very nice and supportive.
don't try. We will work hard at sports and There are a few things which can make us a
will push through for the win but even if we bit better! For example, we can support the
don’t win, we will stay positive. A good house that’s winning and never give up if we
Arawa member is also kind to others and lose!
supports everyone. If somebody feels sad We have been kind to everybody in the
or disappointed, we always try to bring up school. Sometimes we may have been rude
their mood so they don’t feel left out be- to people but that happens to every house.
cause we are a team. Teammates are like Nobody is perfect!
family and no family gets left behind. We
also encourage other Houses to do their By: Jamie Wells, Freya James
best too because we are good sports. A
good Arawa member believes, encourages,
achieves, and most of all, has

By Clarke and Olivia

Ngapuhi Weka

What makes a great Ngapuhi member? What makes a great Weka member?
There are lots of great things that Ngapuhi
people are good at, and lots of things that make  Being a team player.
us an amazing house. We’re going to be honest,  Being supportive.
not all Ngapuhi members are amazing at sports,  Kind and caring.
but one of the things that makes a good mem-  Looking out for people
ber is sportsmanship. We don't mind losing but  Being competitive.
we try our best. Another thing that all Ngapuhi  Sportsmanship.
members have is dedication. We do our best and  Being yourself .
never give up, even when we are losing. We also  Being empathetic.
definitely win when it comes to cheering. At  Being confident in yourself.
cross country you could hear us from a mile
away! Every member of Ngapuhi is important!  Beating Arawa, Kiwi and Ngapuhi!!!
All of these things are what makes Ngapuhi
members amazing. By Sally and Jacob

By Max Laing and Isla Inch Go Weka!!

In a year of disruption, lockdowns, so many days learning from our
lounges, Room 1 rocked it!!! So much engagement, so much resilience, so

much tenacity, so much learning. Nothing could stop us. We loved the
opportunity to keep our connection with each other, so when we were all

back on deck, it felt ten times as good. Kia Ora, Room 1!!!!

Sasha Wilton

I have been at Belmont Primary for six positive years!
My achievements are getting a main part in the school show and becoming an I.T.
My earliest memory is cutting my own hair in Year 1.
The most memorable moment is getting into the speech finals!
The things I will always remember are starting piano and getting the Growth Mindset
My hope for the future is to be a famous pianist!

Sally Nicholls

I have been at Belmont Primary for six incredibly fun years.
My achievements are getting in to Rock Band, becoming a House Captain,
Road Patrol, Sound Monitor and School Gen.
My earliest memory is in Year 2, Xavier spilling hot glue on his knee
and he started screaming and twirling and I thought he was doing a
crazy dance!
My most memorable moment is doing the kindy school visit with my friend
The thing I will always remember is when Miss Campbell did a cartwheel
at the end of the year.
My hope for the future is to become an actress or architect.

Flo Mules

I have been at Belmont Primary School for six amazing years!
My achievements are being a Librarian and Road Patroller.
My earliest memory is cutting my hair with Pace in Year 1 .
My most memorable moment was having an opportunity to feed a lamb.
The thing I will always remember is getting the Growth Mindset Trophy
My hope for the future is to become a professional Skier.

Tom Johnson

I have been at Belmont Primary for three exciting years.
My achievements are getting the 2018 Merit Award and getting into the
school tackle rugby team.
My earliest memory is coming into my Year 4 classroom.
The most memorable moment was the tackle tournament last year.
The things I will always remember are going to camp and learning guitar.
My hope for the future is to become a famous musician.

Maisey Kearns

I have been at Belmont Primary for six incredibly amazing years.
My achievements are getting the Swimming Cup in Year 5 and getting to be a ‘Who’ in the
school show.
My earliest memory was winning Star Student and sitting on the Star Chair for the first time.
The most memorable moment was getting into the Speech Finals in Year 4 with my speech on
Lake Road Traffic.
The things I will always remember are my friends and my wonderful teachers.
My hope for the future is to be a world champion netball player.

Pace Beckett

I have been at Belmont Primary for SIX INCREDIBLE years that I will never ever forget.
My achievements are becoming a road patroller, being in the school show, getting into interschool and coming 5th
in cross country.
My earliest memory is Flo cutting my hair in Year 1 and then me cutting her hair.
The most memorable moments are going to Year 5 and 6 camp and going to all the fairs and family fun nights
which were so much fun.
The thing I will always remember is having such great friends and them always being there for me.
My hopes for the future are having a great sporty job and still have a loving family.

Quinn Martin

I have been at Belmont Primary for 6 and a ¼ years!
My achievements are becoming Vice Captain of Ngapuhi, getting a main role in the school
show and becoming a librarian.
My earliest memory is getting taken out of class to colour a dog in.
The most memorable moment is becoming friends with Lachlan.
The things I will always remember are getting the Values Award and Growth Mindset
Trophies in Year 2, going to Year 5 Camp at Arataki and Year 6 Camp at Papamoa.
My hope for the future is that I will become a professional Twitch streamer.

Elvis Lam

I have been in Belmont Primary for 1 amazing year.
My achievements are being a Class Banker and completing the Cross
My earliest memory is when I walked in the classroom and didn't know
what to do.
My most memorable moment was the last day of Term 2 when we had a
Hut day and watched a movie.
The thing I will always remember is how nice my teacher, Mrs Levitt is.
My hope for the future is to make a Virtual Reality game.

Lola Senior

I have been at Belmont Primary for 6 fantastic years. It was filled with joy and friends
and lots of courage.
My achievements are getting the Values Trophy in Year 2 and getting the kindness
My earliest memory is having sundaes on the letter S day in Room 6 with Mrs Knight.
My most memorable moment is getting the Values Trophy.
The thing I will always remember is having amazing, kind and caring teachers!
My hope for the future is to become successful and to be an artist.

Charlie McGhie

I have been at Belmont For Six incredible years!
My achievements are getting in the school band twice and getting way better at handball.
My earliest memory is when I went to my first assembly.
The most memorable moment is when I got into the school band.
The thing I will always remember would be getting my first certificate and when I first
understood math.
My hope for the future is to become a famous Soccer Player or a Carver.

Keely Jade Shaw

I have been at Belmont Primary for five long, fun year s filled with excitement and joy.
My achievements are being a wet day monitor , r oad patr oller , Banqer banker , bin monitor ,
art monitor, being in the school show and being a big sister and a younger sister.
My earliest memory was doing fitness in the J unior quad for the fir st time.
My most memorable moment was playing netball and meeting Ava, Maisey, Sally, Lucia &
The things that I will always remember ar e meeting new people, having pets at school, going
to Mrs Levitt’s farm and being extremely happy for my operation for my ears to go ahead.
My hope for the future is to become a vet and a famous YouTuber .

Steven Wu

I have been at Belmont Primary for 6 wonderful years.
My achievements are getting the Values Trophy.
My earliest memories are breaking my arm and getting the certificate in Yr 1.
My most memorable moment was eating my rice covered chocolate muffin in Yr 1
The thing I will always remember is in Yr 1 someone cried because they were afraid of the
My hopes for the future are to either become a Youtuber, a designer or become a lawyer.

Munich Thanee
I am Munich Thanee and I have been at Belmont for five years.
My achievements in school are my writing and also winning at handball.

I learnt a lot of English and got better at speaking to other people.
I’ve been having a great time at school because I get to play new games that I
haven’t played.
My favourite thing at school was when our class made a cool assembly.

Jacob Perry

I have been at Belmont Primary for 6 enjoyable year s making new fr iends and having
My achievements are getting in the School Show, becoming a Student Council
member and getting the Manaakitanga Award in Year 5.
My earliest memory was on Year 6 Camp wher e we went to the Escape Rooms,
Waimarino, walking up Mount Maunganui and watched Moana on the way home.
My most memorable moment was when my sister had her fir st day of school.
The things I will always remember are making my fir st fr iend and meeting my fir st
My hopes for the future are becoming Pr ime minister of NZ or being a famous All
Blacks player.

Kingston Adams

I have been at Belmont Primary for 2 years.
My achievements are getting perfect scores in testing this year.
My earliest memory was first coming to this school.
My most memorable moment was getting my first certificate.
The thing I will always remember is the first time playing handball.
My hope for the future is getting better at writing and punctuation.

Lydia Marshall

I have been at Belmont Primary for 3 jam packed years of fun and learning.
My achievements are having a main part in the show, becoming Vice Captain and getting in the speech
My earliest memory is two girls fighting over who could sit next to me on my first day of school here.
The most memorable moment is being told by a teacher I needed art lessons (well look at me now).
The things I will remember are becoming Vice Captain, and making so many amazing friends.
My hopes for the future are to become Prime Minister or to be a singer.

Jamie Wells

I have been at Belmont Primary for 6 fantastic years of fun, friends and learning.
My achievements have been winning the interschool Cross Country and freestyle Interschool
Swimming in Year 5 and getting house and class captain in Year 6.
My earliest memories were making ladybugs in Year 1.
My memorable moment was when I got told off for beating up a Year 6 boy in Year 3.
The things I will always remember are having all my friends to hang out with in and out of
school and making new friends along the way.
My hope for the future is to keep in touch with my friends and live the best life I can have.
Thanks Belmont for giving me that life.

Daniel JANXI Feng

I have been at Belmont Primary for Six miraculous and awesome years.
My achievements are becoming a sound monitor, getting into the Epro8 team, a main role in
Seussical kids, the Manaakitanga Award and getting into Student Council
My Earliest Memory is crying on the first day and not wanting to let go of my mum.
My Most Memorable Moment is going on Year 6 camp.
The Things I Will Always Remember are my teachers and my friends.
My Hope For The Future is to become a Technology Engineer and get a Doctorate in Technology.

Larni Ashby

I have been at Belmont Primary for 2 exhilarating years!
My achievements are Rock Band, Lead part in the school show, Choir, Road Patrol, Kapa Haka, Guitar
Lessons, Student Council and Class Captain.
My earliest memory is walking into my class in Year 5 and trying not to cry.
My most memorable moment was getting the end of year award in Year 5.
The things I will always remember are my amazing friends, teachers, Principal and the warm
welcome I received when I arrived.
My hopes for the future are to be a Marine Biologist or an author and start a family of my own.

Felix Gould

I have been at Belmont Primary for 2 FABULOUS years!!
My achievements are being a libr ar ian and getting a Mer it Cer tificate.
My earliest memory is having a panic attack on the fir st day of Year 5.
My most memorable moment is doing both my speeches and star ting the
The things I will remember are Year 5 and 6 Camp!
My hope for the future is to become an Architect!

Natalja Burton

I have been at Belmont Primary for 5 TERRIFIC years with friends and having fun.
My achievements are getting better at maths and getting a main part in Seussical Kids.
My earliest memory is developmental in Room 12.
My most memorable moment is having pet lambs in the classroom.
The things I will always remember is getting the Values Trophy with my friends in Year 4.
My hopes for the future is to be a professional at sport.

Sophia Hay

I have been at Belmont for 6 really AWESOME years of fun learning.
My achievements are getting a main part ( Mayzie ) in the school show and becoming
a road patroller.
My clearest memory is having ice cream in Room 6 with Mrs Knight.
My most memorable moment is crying in Room 10 because I didn't want my mum to
leave so I sat on Mrs Raines’ lap.
The things I will always remember are my SUPER AWESOME teachers and my really
kind friends.
My hope for the future is to be a kind and caring person. I want to try to lead my
way to be a nutritionist for my job.

Lucia Sweetman

I have been at Belmont Primary for six SPECTACULAR year s of fun.
My achievements are w inning Speech Finals, com ing four th in Cr oss Countr y
every year and getting into two extension classes.
My earliest memory is w h en I tripped on th e steps by th e m usic r oom and m y
friends in Year 0 helped me to my feet and they took me to Joyce to get a plaster.
My most memorable moment is w hen I w o n Speech Finals and I w as so
shocked. I couldn't believe it.
The things I will always remember ar e the ar t w eeks, sch ool sh ow s and
My hope for the future is to becom e an ar ch itect or som ething to do w ith

Mack Anderson

I have been at Belmont Primary for 5 fun-filed years.
My achievements are being on Road Patrol.
My earliest memory is faling off the playground and landing on my head.
My most memorable moment is having a dog come into class.
Things I wil always remember are getting a certificate on pyjama day and getting an award for my Genius
Hour project.
My hopes for the future are to become a lawyer or entrepreneur.

Max Laing

I have been at Belmont Primary for 6 AMAZING years.
My achievements are becoming a Ngapuhi House Captain.
My earliest memory is my first day when I met Quinn in Year 0.
My most memorable memory was probably getting my first certificate in Year 1.
The thing I will always remember is coming first in Interschool backstroke.
My hopes for the future are not being homeless and playing for the All Blacks.

George Clarke

I have been at Belmont Primary for 2 years.
My achievements are getting my first certificate last year and I was very impressed.
My earliest memory is arriving from Japan in Year 5 at Belmont Primary.
My most memorable moment was Year 6 Camp because I was able to go to the Escape
Rooms, climbed Mount Maunganui and all the other fun things.
The thing I will always remember is in Year 6 I was in Room 1 with Mrs Levitt, she is a nice
My hopes for the future are to keep getting better at English and get even more friends to
play with.

Izzy Lomax

I have been at Belmont Primary for six outstanding years of fun.
My achievements are becoming Vice House Captain of Ar awa, coming
first, second or third in Cross Country each year and becoming a Road
My earliest memory was when Mrs Bioletti first introduced me to the whole
Junior Syndicate.
My most memorable moment was when I got to hold a lamb.
The things I will always remember are the School Show and becoming
Vice House Captain.
My hope for the future is to become a mechanic or footballer.

Theo Denton

I have been at Belmont Primary for 6 good years.
My achievements are being on Road Patrol and coming second in my heat
for 100 metre sprints.
My earliest memory is my first day at school. I remember doing a half
day and trying to make my mum stay at school with me!
My most memorable moment is doing sprints in the Juniors and being
really nervous.
The thing I will always remember is how good Belmont Primary School
My hope for the future is to be a builder and do lots of surfing.

Room 2

Year 6

Where I’ll be in 15 years…

travelling the world—Jules; on an interior design course—Evie B; scoring for the
Wellington Phoenix—Cam; living in a nice apartment near the beach—Lucy; a famous All
Black—Gray; at university—Jannah; living in another country with a career in sport—
Clarke; hanging out with friends and working as a doctor—Ella; buying a house—Isla;
working as a designer and living with my parents—Katya; studying architecture at
university—Tyler; travelling the world with my friends—Emma; a CEO of a large
company and on my way to my first million—John; a professional dirt biker with a good
sponsor—Harper; playing soccer for Barcelona—Lucas; playing piano in different
concerts around the world—Olivia; at university—Sophia; travelling after becoming a
vet—Freya; in touch with all my friends—Thancin; travelling the world—Jessica; living
in a nice house with my friends—Isobel; an All Black and Black Cap travelling the world
with a base in Auckland—Jacob; at university in London—Evie P; playing in the NBA—

Dylan; travelling the world with my friends— Ava; learning to be a pilot—
Thomas; training for the Olympics in 2036—Nadia; training for sprints at the
Olympics —Connor; making music videos—Paice

Cam James

I have been at Belmont Primary for six years.
My achievements are coming second in Cross Country, coming third in
Interschool Sprints, and coming fifth in Interschool Cross Country.
My earliest memory is when I was in Year 1 . I was jogging to the toilet
and I fell and got a cut on stupid fake grass when it was pouring down .
My most memorable moment was when my friend kicked a football onto
a roof and it hit my other friend in the head.
The thing I will always remember was when I got the Manaakitanga
certificate at the end of Year 4.
My hope for the future is that I want to be a professional football
player and I want to be rich with a Lamborghini Aventador.

Ella Jung

I have been at Belmont Primary for six and a half years.
My achievements are getting two badges for Road Patrol and Student Council
and giving out lollies at the Christmas Assembly, joining the Belmont hockey team
and going to games with Sophia Dobby.
My earliest memory is telling my teacher, Mrs Raines in Year 1 , “I am toilet”
when I meant I wanted to go to the toilet!
My most memorable moments were going to my first camp at school in Year 5
and going into Bob’s camp where the wetas were with my friend Sasha Wilton. We
had water in our eyes because we were so scared thinking they might fall on us.
The things I will always remember are the 2020 Covid lockdown and doing
distance learning at our houses, also getting the Values Trophy for showing all the
school’s values.
My hope for the future is graduating college with my friends and one day
meeting up with them when we are older.

Freya James

I have been at Belmont Primary for six years I will never change.
My achievements are being Vice Captain and being a lead in the school show.
My earliest memory is when I was in Mrs Raines’ class in Year 1 and we had wet
day monitors. Olivia and I were playing and broke something and got in trouble.
My most memorable moment was in Year 1 whenever our class would be up in
assemblies for certificates, we would always sit up straight because we thought if
we acted good we would get it.
The things I will always remember are my friends, teachers, the embarrassing
moments and the good moments I have had along the years.
My hope for the future is to be a vet and help all the animals that need help
and when I have made enough money I will go travelling for a year.

Connor Brady

I have been at Belmont Primary for six and a half years.
My achievements have been getting into Interschool for Cross County,
swimming and athletics in Years 3, 4, 5 and swimming for Year 6.
My earliest memory is coming to Belmont Primary and being super scared
about leaving my house for six hours a day. My Mum walked me to my new class
holding my hand tightly. When I got to class she introduced me to Thomas Hindle,
my soon to be close mate. Thomas and I were playing with some blocks when a kid
named Louis kicked down our blocks. Then Thomas and I shared a tear.
My most memorable moment is Year 6 Camp because of all the fun I had and
the experiences I had and all the fond memories.
The things I will always remember are the kind teachers and pupils and all of
the epic chances I got.
My hope for the future is to be a New Zealand rugby player and win the
World Cup.

Jannah Magdi

I have been at Belmont Primary for five years.
My achievements are being a road patroller, librarian, and School Gen
monitor in Year 6.
My earliest memory is getting ignored on my first day of school in Year 2.
My most memorable moment is how my first teacher, Mrs Dunning, was very
nice to me in Year 2.
The thing I will always remember is only getting one certificate in all of my
time at primary school.
My hope for the future is to be an animator at Pixar.

Ava Trapski

I have been at Belmont Primary for six and a half years now.
My achievements so far have been being an AV monitor, and getting awards
for my writing.
My earliest memory of this wonderful school, was when my dad forgot to pick
me up from my school visit.
My most memorable moment was my Tiger Shark writing being read aloud at
assembly when I was in the Juniors.
The things I will always remember are accidentally breaking the school toilet,
and having the best friends anyone could ask for.
My hopes for the future are world travelling, and hopefully breaking no more

Clarke Dallimore

I have been at Belmont Primary for six years.
My achievements are becoming House Captain of Arawa, winning the Three C’s
Award twice, being a road patroller, getting into Epro8 and leading Arawa to win T-
My earliest memory is in Year 1 , I’m at fitness and Mrs Bioletti called me to the
front and introduced me to the Juniors by lifting me up with two hands like in the
Lion King.
My most memorable moment is sitting down on my seat as Mr Cunningham
announces that he is going to be sharing the House Captains of 2020. I cross my
fingers and look at the speaker, “Arawa Boy House Captain...Clarke Dallimore.”
The thing I will always remember is the fun. I've had so much fun at this
amazing school that I could never forget; the rugby games, manhunt, handball and
way more than the page would explode. Also all the lovely teachers from Miss
Gardiner all the way to Mrs Clews, the Principal, Mr Cunningham and Mrs Bioletti.
My hope for the future is to travel all over Africa from the bitsy bottom of
SA to the tipsy top of Morocco. I would like to see the wildlife and camp in the
dense jungles, meet some locals and party my way all through the night. I would love
to take a hike through the Mongolian mountains.

Aye Thancin Hlaing

I have been at Belmont Primary for about fifteen weeks.
My achievement is making a reasonably big amount of friends.
My earliest memory is starting in the middle of Term 3.
My most memorable moment is that almost all my friends are in the same
class as me.
The thing I will always remember are all my friends' names!
My hope for the future is that I get to get my dream job; an engineer!

Gray Engstrom

I have been at Belmont Primary for three lovely years.
My achievements have been getting into Interschool Swimming, being a road
patroller and a librarian.
My earliest memory is walking into school on my first day and Jacob,
Thomas and Connor took me around the school but they only showed me the
My most memorable moment was when I got on to the bus for Year 6 Camp
and I felt a rush of excitement go down my spine.
The thing I will always remember is being the first class in the new
classrooms when I was in Room 16.
My hope for the future is to become a famous Black Cap.

Nadia Letica

I have been at Belmont Primary for six long years.
My achievements are becoming a Vice Captain for Weka, getting into
Interschool Swimming twice, Interschool Cross Country and Athletics and gaining
a place in each. I’m also an AV monitor as well as road patroller and Gen monitor.
My earliest memory was when I was in Year 1 . I was sitting in a chair and all
of the kindergarten people came and when they were there I felt like I was so
much older than them because I was in school and they weren't!
My most memorable moment was when I won the Cross Country for the 1 0
year old girls instead of coming second.
The thing I will always remember about Belmont Primary School is the fact
that I could be a dishes monitor and of course Y6 CAMP!!!!!!
My hopes for the future are to get into the Olympics and compete for New
Zealand. My other hope is to become a PE teacher for a school

Dylan Shearer

I have been at Belmont Primary for three years.
My achievements are getting a 1 00% for maths and spelling and a
My earliest memory is moving through schools at Year 0. I had to switch
school in the middle of the day. I would have three hours at Montessori and
three at BPS.
My most memorable moment is going back to BPS and seeing everyone and
meeting Mrs Clews.
The thing I will always remember is moving out to America in Year 2 and
getting back in Year 6 and seeing all my friends and teachers.
My hope for the future is being in the NBA on the Washington Wizards or
the Los Angeles Lakers and being one of a few NZ NBA players or being an
engineer for tech and the Air Force.

Isla Inch

I have been at Belmont Primary for six and a half years.
My achievements are becoming a House Captain, getting three
certificates at the end of the year, becoming a road patroller, being a
Student Council member, getting a lead in the school show and getting into
Interschool Swimming.
My earliest memory at this school was on my first day, arguing with
Jessica about who was the oldest!
My most memorable moment was my friends and I performing a really bad
Belmont’s Got Talent dance in front of my whole Year 5 class.
The things I will always remember are the amazing Principal, Mr
Cunningham, the amazing pie days and sausage sizzles, and the incredible
friends I have made here.
My hope for the future is to one day run for New Zealand Prime

Lucy Bates

I have been at Belmont Primary for six and a half years.
My achievements are being a road patroller and being part of the school
My earliest memory is coming to school and crying because I didn’t want to
stay and then Evie P came along and asked if I wanted to play with her.
My most memorable moment is when we were on Year 6 camp and Evie,
Jannah and I went down a long slip and slide on the mats. We slammed onto the
water and we laughed a lot.
The thing I will always remember is the school show, Seussical Kids.

Jacob Howell

I have been at Belmont Primary for six and a half amazing years.
My achievements are being House Captain (my dream!), winning Cross Country
and being in the school show, having a really fun time practising with the cast.
My earliest memories was my first day of school playing outside of our class
with Connor and meeting my classmates.
My most memorable moment is when I was racing in Cross Country in Year 2
and I was coming third. Then I ran out of breath and John passed me and I came
The things I will always remember are in Year 4 I dressed up as my teacher,
Mrs Torckler. Nana and my whole class laughed. Getting House Captain for Weka
was so exciting.
My hopes for the future are being a professional athlete for rugby and
cricket and travelling around the world. But if I don't make the All Blacks I really
want to be a real estate agent and sell big houses.

Husayn Nohotahi

I have been at Belmont Primary for one and a half years.
My achievement was my Art Week work. It's a little achievement but I'm
proud of what I did then, especially the bird painting.
My earliest memory is when I got here on a cold morning and I played the wall
for the very first time. Then I got in class and we started doing IXL division.
My most memorable moment is all the fun stuff we did at Year 6 Camp.
Water park, Escape Rooms, kayaking etc. I wish we could go back. It was amazing!
The thing I will always remember is going into lockdown and all the levels
changing. It was super weird to adapt to. It was crazy.
My hope for the future is that people can change and stop littering so we
can save this world so the next generations can have this planet as well. Also not
to discriminate against people based on their skin color.

Jules Jameson

I have been at Belmont Primary for six and a half years.
My achievements are being in the school show as a ‘Who’, being a School
Council member and making it through Years 0-6.
My earliest memory was when I was with my mum and we walked into the
Year 0 class and got all nervous seeing so many new people.
My most memorable moment was meeting Quinn in Year 0.
The things I will always remember are going into lockdown and being in Ms
Scott’s extension group.
My hope for the future is to become an engineer or an architect.

Olivia Xie

I have been at Belmont Primary for six years.
My achievements include Interschool Swimming, House Captain, road patroller,
and getting the Living the Vision Award.
My earliest memory is when I first started school. I had no friends and was
afraid of everyone so after lunch I would hide under the tables in the classroom
and wait for the bell to ring.
My most memorable moment is when I heard that I got House Captain over the
loudspeaker in class.
The things I will always remember are my amazing friends, my supportive
teachers, and my encouraging Principal, Mr Cunningham.
My hope for the future is to become a pianist, and go to many different
concerts and showcases to inspire others and teach other children how to play the

Harper McAlpine

I have been at Belmont Primary for five years.
My achievements made me want to become one of the house captains so I
could do more and help others if they needed help.
My earliest memory was when I walked in class and I found a lot of friends
really quickly. That was a great moment for me.
My most memorable moment was my first day at school and I was sitting
next to Max and eating my lunch. Max was my best friend because he played with
me every day.
The thing I will always remember is winning my first ever sprint race. That was
when I started getting faster.
My hope for the future is that I will get a good job to pay rent and buy a
nice house.

Evie Parsons

I have been at Belmont Primary school for six and a half years.
My achievements are becoming a sound monitor and being in the school
My earliest memory is my teacher introducing me to the class.
My most memorable moment is when I had to do an Escape Room at
camp. That was very scary.
The things I will always remember are meeting my friends, performing in
the school show and going to Year 6 Camp.
My hope for the future is to become an actress and have lots of fun.

Thomas Hindle

I have been at Belmont Primary for six and a half years.
My achievements are getting the end of year certificate in Years 0 and 5,
getting into the tackle team at the rippa tournament and getting into one of the
cricket teams for a competition .
My earliest memory is getting the end of year certificate in Year 0 and
walking up to my teacher to collect the certificate.
My most memorable moment is going into lockdown and getting to choose
when I do my school work and always playing playstation with my friends and
chatting on Houseparty.
The thing I will always remember is how scared I got at the psycho motel
Escape Room at Year 6 Camp.
My hope for the future is to get into the 1 st XI for cricket at Takapuna
Grammar School and get into a good university.

Evie Brodie

I have been at Belmont Primary for six and a half years
My achievements are making it into the speech finals for Years 4, 5 and
My earliest memory was making my first friend who was Eva. Sadly she has
left. Also being very angry with Steven for also being her friend (no hard
feelings, Steven).
My most memorable moment was going to Year 6 Camp and doing the Blob.
I remember being so scared and not wanting to do it, but I decided to, and I'm
so happy I did.
The thing I will always remember is lock down and definitely the
My hope for the future is that everyone will watch David Attenborough’s
new show on Netflix and work to help stop climate change. People will realise
how much we are wrecking the planet and that we need to stop and all go
vegetarian or vegan.

Paice Ahsee

I have been at Belmont Primary for almost two years.
My achievement is getting the GEM Trophy.
My earliest memory was in Year 5 when I met my friends, Kingston and
My most memorable moment was doing our school assembly item.
The thing I will always remember is the Year 6 Camp when we all went to
the hot pools at night. That was cool.
My hope for the future is to become a rapper and a dancer and play
instruments like guitar and piano.

Isobel Tuttle

I have been at Belmont Primary for six and a half years.
My achievements are coming 1 st in Cross Country in Years 3, 4 and 5. I
came 2nd in Cross Country in Year 6. I’m a House Captain and I am a road
patroller and part of the School Gen team.
My earliest memory was when I was in Year 0 and our class was making
pikelets. The smoke alarm went off and everybody was really worried.
My most memorable moment was when we were on Year 6 Camp and I was
going on the Blob. I bounced super high in the air.
The things I will always remember are all my amazing friends and the great
Mrs Clews and Mr Cunningham.
My hopes for the future are that I become an architect, travel around the
world, adopt a pet turtle, and that I start a zoo full of giraffes called Gerald.

Lucas Andrevski

I have been at Belmont Primary for six and a half years.
My achievements are being a librarian, a School Council member, making lots
of friends and being a veteran of Belmont Primary.
My earliest memory is when I first went to school. I went to the wrong class
and I was confused and probably peed my pants.
My most memorable moment was earning the Growth Mindset Trophy. It used
to be a special trophy and I got it for writing about ‘What is Learning?’ Although
I wish I was more confident reading it because nobody heard what I said!
The things I will always remember are when I first came to school I was
feeling sad because I was lonely. Then Jacob Howell came up to me and said I can
be your friend. Also I got a scar from him when we were racing to the drinking
tap in Year 2. He scratched my face by accident and to this day it's still
noticeable on my cheek! Also I made it to the Speech finals in Year 6.
My hopes for the future are the world cutting its carbon emissions, solving
global problems and me getting a solid, well-paying job to support my future
family and my beautiful parents.

Sophia Dobby

I have been at Belmont Primary for six and a half years.
My achievements are getting better at spelling and maths.
My earliest memory is having different teachers in Year 1 because they
kept leaving.
My most memorable moment is crying at the top of the Blob at Year 6
The things I will always remember are my friends, Mr Cunningham calling me
a weirdo at camp, my teachers and the school show.
My hopes for the future are to get a turtle and work for NASA at the
Rocket Lab making robots.

John An

I have been at Belmont Primary for four years.
My achievements are getting the end of year certificate, winning the awesome
Living the Vision trophy, being a Sound and Data Monitor and being a Vice Captain.
My earliest memory was when I came here in Year 2 and I didn’t have many
friends so I would cry loudly. When my brother went to Year 5 Camp I cried even
My most memorable moment was when I went to Year 6 Camp and how the hot
pools and Waimarino were so much fun!
The thing I will always remember is my first friend when I was in Year 2 which
was, drum roll please… Angus O'Brien!
My hope for the future is to be the best accountant and become the boss of a
large bank company.

Katya Naserallah

I have been at Belmont Primary for two and a half years.
My achievements are being a Wet Day Monitor and learning English.
My earliest memory is a girl who was really mean to me.
My most memorable moment was when Mrs Godsalve closed all the doors and
wrote, ‘Danger, Keep Out!’
The thing I will always remember is the teacher Ms Scott. She is really nice to
My hope for the future is to travel to France and become a designer.

Jessica Downs

I have been at Belmont Primary for six and a half years.
My achievements are getting a lead roll in the school show and coming third in
My earliest memory is when Isla started late in New Entrants and we had an
argument about who was older (Isla won).
My most memorable moment is when I went to sit on the friendship seat but
instead I met Sasha and we have been best friends ever since.
The things I will always remember are my friends at this school and the
amazing teachers I have had.
My hope for the future is to be a famous actor and to travel around the

Tyler Cox

I have been at Belmont Primary for one term.
My achievement is making new friends.
My earliest memory was when I came here for a look around and Thomas
showed me around the school.
My most memorable moment was watching the movie “Ivan” on the last day of
Term 3.
The thing I will always remember is playing golden child on my first day with
Ms Scott.
My hope for the future is that I will become an architect.

Emma Maddigan

I have been at Belmont Primary for six years.
My achievements are getting the end of year certificate in Year 3,
becoming a librarian and a road patroller.
My earliest memory is doing Christmas tree art in Year 0.
My most memorable moment is getting a certificate with my friends for
doing a bake sale and giving the money to charity.
The thing I will always remember is being in lockdown and not being able to
come to school for a long time.
My hope for the future is to become a successful interior designer when I
grow up.

Liliana Grace O’Connor

I have been at Belmont Primary for six fantastic years.
My achievements are maths, art and reading. I'm still not very good at writing but
there is still time to improve.
My earliest memory at this school was meeting my best friend Kelley in Year 2 but
she left our school in Year 4.
My most memorable moment is becoming friends with Amy and Lexi.
The things I will always remember are all the fun days I had with my friends and
I know I’ll really miss this school.
My hopes for the future are to get to a good college and to get to a good job.

Jeremy Kim

I have been at Belmont Primary for five year s.
My achievements are becoming mor e confident and pushing myself out of my
comfort zone to try new things.
My earliest memory is playing hide and seek with Liam and Cam who ar e my
two best friends, in Year 1.
My most memorable moment was making fr iends and Year 5 and 6 Camp.
The thing I will always remember is doing the scar iest Escape Room at Year 6
My hope for the future is to become a football player .

Liam Grainger

I have been at Belmont Primary School for five years.
My achievements are becoming very confident around others so I'm never
afraid to ask questions.
My earliest memory was playing hide and seek with Jeremy and Cam on our
first days of school.
My most memorable moment at school was when I went to Year 6 camp,
sitting beside Jacob H with a broken toe.
The thing I will always remember is when our class in Year 3 won a trip to
Arataki from entering a bird competition and completing challenges.
My hopes for the future are to either work at a zoo or be a soccer player.

Jordan Williamson

I have been at Belmont Primary for two years now and it's been the best years of
my life. I have so many friends now and it's amazing to have that many friends.
My earliest memory is when I first joined Belmont. I remember walking into the
class. I felt so scared and everybody was looking at me. Then a random kid on the mat
jumped up and screamed at me and gave me the biggest fright ever!
My most memorable moment at Belmont Primary was Year 6 Camp. When we were
at camp, I was doing the kayak slide, except we slid on pieces of foam. I hit the bottom.
There was a ladder at the end to get back up but it was all slippery. I slipped off it and
landed on my friend.
Things I will always remember are my friends. I will always miss them and I hope
that we are friends forever.
My hope for the future is when I grow up I would like to be a mechanic.

Louisa Coles

I have been at Belmont Primary for six memor able year s.
My achievements are being in the school show and playing Firework s on the piano
in front of the whole school with one of my best friends, Sylvie.
My earliest memory is when I got a needle stuck in my foot on my bir thday in Year
2. I had to be carried to the office and my foot was bleeding like crazy.
My most memorable moment was Year 6 Camp. I loved going to the lake water
park, paddle boarding, kayaking and doing the skits.
The things I will always remember is playing gymnastics on the field with my BFFs,
Alice and Sylvie and having some sort of curse that I always happen to hurt myself on
my birthday at school.
My hopes for the future ar e to be a fashion designer and live in a moder n flat in

Will Murray

I have been at Belmont Primary for seven years.
My achievements are how much I have improved a lot this year on many things
like my spelling and maths. I have got so much better at fractions because now I
understand what to do.
My earliest memory is the first time I walked into the classroom and everyone
stared at me. I was pretty nervous but in the end, it wasn’t so bad.
My most memorable moment was Year 6 Camp. It was the best. I had a really
good room with me and two of my friends. The thing is my friends fought all night but
it was still fun.
The things I will always remember would be my teachers. I have had a lot of
good teachers, but my fav teacher is Mrs G because she makes learning fun.
My hope for the future is that I get better at everything and I make new

Lexi Choi

I have been at Belmont Primary for an amazing two and a half year s.
My achievements are making the bestest fr iends at school (including Liliana, Amy, Ella,
Jessica and a lot more!) I got zero words wrong in spelling for ages in Year 6.
My earliest memory was when I met my two best fr iends! Amy, Liliana, and I wer e pair ed
up for work and that's how everything came to be.
My most memorable moment was Year 6 Camp with our fr iends and doing new stuff in the
wilderness. I loved swimming with my besties and hiking up the mountain!
The things I will always remember ar e my fr iends and all the teacher s who I've been taught
by throughout the year.
My hope for the future is to visit those poor countr ies and save the str ay animals that ar e
living on the streets and that are in cruel circuses and aquariums. I also want to become a vet.

Hamza Ibrahim

I have been at Belmont Primary School for six amazing years!
My achievements are improving my confidence, writing and being able to make
good and sensible choices.
My earliest memory was my first day at BPS which was the same day that I met
my best friend, Angus. I also remember how Angus would try to translate what I
would be trying to say.
My most memorable moment was when I broke the three C’s trophy and it was
only the second time that it was presented.
The thing I will always remember is my first time meeting Mr. Cunningham.
My hope for the future is to become an animator, doctor, or an engineer.

Lachlan Kettle

I have been at Belmont Primary fo r five m em or able year s. I have learn t a lot since
My achievements ar e coming 1st and 3rd place in speeches. I was terrified at first but I put on
a smile and presented my speech. I was extremely overwhelmed because everybody carried me
back to class.
My earliest memory is com in g to scho o l an d becom in g fr ien ds w ith Cam and
Harper. I was quite shy. Luckily, I’m not very shy anymore!
My most memorable moment is m eetin g m y best fr ien ds Qu in n , Geor ge, Daniel an d
Jules. They are all really funny and nice.
The things I will always remember are Year 5 and 6 Camp. They were probably the happiest
moments of my life. All my friends were there and there weren’t many rules.
My hopes for the future ar e to beco m e either an en gin eer or a scien tist. I ’m not sure
what type of scientist right now, but I’m sure I’ll come up with something!

Michael Macdonald

I have been at Belmont Primary for 6 exciting years.
My achievements are I attended the Battle of the Schools and came second
with all of my teammates.
My most memorable moment was at Year 6 Camp! We did so many fun things
and it was a blast!
My favourite memory was meeting Angus O’Brien.
The thing I will always remember is having Mrs Godsalve for my teacher. She is
so kind to everyone and is just the best teacher I ever had in my life. She is always
caring for people,
My hopes for the future are that I will get into the intermediate school band and
play rugby for the school.

Amy Sluiter

I have been at Belmont Primary for six incredible years.
My achievements are when I was brave enough to go to Year 5 and 6 Camp. I was really
petrified at the thought of staying miles away from home for four days. But then during
camp I found out that there was nothing to be scared of and it was the most amazing
experience I have ever had at school.
My earliest memory was during Year 1, every day Miss Gardiner would pick different
people to play with me. Later, Sally and Lucia became really good friends with me.
My most memorable moment was Year 6 Camp. It was the best time ever and I can’t
wait to go on a school camp again. Going with my best friends Lexi and Lili was wonderful.
The things I will always remember are my best friends Lexi and Lili. We do everything
together and we became best friends in Year 4. Every year we would ask to be put in the
same class as each other, and we were always put in the same class. Another thing I will
never forget is the wonderful teachers here, Ms Wilkinson, Mrs Naera, and Mrs Godsalve
and all of the others.
My hopes for the future are to get a shiba inu and become a doctor to save lives.

Bobbie Nitzsche Zwart

I have been at Belmont Primary for two and a half AMAZING years.
My achievements are joining the show. I have found that I love being in musicals and I love singing
and acting in a group.
My earliest memory? I think my earliest memory was when I joined Seussical the Musical. I wasn't
sure what to expect. I thought if I didn't audition I couldn't be in the musical, but they said if you
audition then you will be a main part and I didn't want to be a main part. BUT it all worked out in
the end and now I love being in musicals!
My most memorable moment was Year 5 and 6 Camps. I still remember clearly when we were at
the campground waiting for brekkie and we were just playing infinity tag and rugby. It was simple
but special (it's the little things that count).
The things I will always remember are my teachers, my friends and the whole school. I love
everybody! Also Mr Cunningham, Mrs Godsalve, Mr Johnson and Ms Danvers - thank you for
making these past few years the best years ever. I'm so grateful.
My hopes for the future I would love to travel around and I would love to go to Africa and study
African animals and especially elephants.

Sylvie Millham

I have been at Belmont Primary for five fantastic years.
My achievements are being brave enough to play a lead roll in the school musical, being class captain
and successfully looking after Room 12 with my two BFF’s Louisa and Alice on rainy days at morning
tea and lunchtime.
My earliest memory is my second school visit when I met my best friend, Louisa.
My most memorable moment was in 2019 when I surprised all my friends by coming back to school
after going on a trip around the world for almost an entire year.
The things I will always remember are meeting my best friend Louisa for the first time, meeting my
best friend Alice for the first time and being in Mrs Godsalve’s classroom.
My hopes for the future are to become an artist, a teacher or a fashion designer.

Angus O’Brien

I have been at Belmont Primary for six magical and exciting years.
My Achievements are winning the GEM cup, scoring many tries and winning a medal in
Rippa Rugby, coming second place in Battle of the Schools, doing really well in lockdown and
getting a certificate for it and finally, doing a school item and getting a main part.
My earliest memory was when the teachers just introduced Hamza into the class and
asked me to look after him and show him around the school.
My most memorable moment was Year 5 and 6 Camp. Me and my fellow classmates had so
much fun trying out new things and learning about the wildlife. It was amazing!!
Things I will always remember are all the things I’ve learnt and done, my friends and of course
my teachers and the Principal.
My hopes for the future are getting a good degree and becoming an insane flipper!!

Alice Ingham

I have been at Belmont Primary for one and a half years. I came in the middle of Year 5
and unfortunately missed Year 5 Camp.
My achievements are getting the lead role in the school play Seussical Kids. I was SUPER
nervous to go on stage but I think I did alright. My favorite scene is the monkey around,
chasing the Whos or my bathtub scene. I love the school play. It is so cool and I love all
the joyous energy and the singing! I also love to have people clap for me!
My earliest memory was when I came into Room 4 and everyone stared at me. Then I
became best friends with Louisa! She said that she thought I was spoiled at first sight. I
thought she was posh!
My most memorable moment was when Sylvie came to school. I had no idea who she was
but Louisa kept talking about her, I invited her to my party.
I will always remember Louisa and Sylvie… my bestest friends ever!
My hope for the future is to become a makeup artist and live with Louisa and Sylvie.

Andrew Galiyev

I’ve been at Belmont Primary School for one epic year.
My achievements are having fun and learning new things.
My earliest memory is probably how I became friends with Tyson. Tyson asked
if we could have the same buddy since we both were new.
My most memorable memory was Year 6 Camp. I enjoyed the Escape Rooms. I
did Da Vinci.
The thing I’ll always remember is how I did parkour around the school with
Liam, Cam and Tyson.
My hope for the future is to become a basketball player. I like basketball
because you get a lot of money per game and basketball is my passion.

Emma Walter

I have been at Belmont Primary for one adventurous year.
My achievements are being brave enough to talk in front of my class and school and not
being terrified.
My earliest memory is when I met Olivia and we became friends after one day, even though
we actually didn’t like each other at first.
My most memorable moment was Year 6 Camp where everyone was trying to make me
go on the blob but I was too scared, so I only went on the little one! I had my birthday at
Year 6 Camp! It was the best birthday I have had since three years ago.
The thing I will always remember is when I came to BPS and people were really nice to me.
My hopes for the future are that I will be a great teacher and have over 1000 friends.

If I was Prime Minister first I would make Matariki an official If I were Prime Minister I would be the
public holiday. The holiday will be a time to celebrate the Māori
New Year and try some Māori recipes and enjoy the culture. I kindest man that donates $1000 dollars
am sure some people will not be happy with this decision but every week to families that need it the most.
Matariki is Māori New Year and I think it should be celebrated They can get food to feed their family and
medicine in case their children get sick and
New Zealand wide. The second thing that I more supplies so that
would do would be to make a Kids' day they can have more
even though every day is Kids' Day. It things.
would be nice for kids to have a whole day
about them. Do
you think I would Opeti
be a good Prime If I were Prime Minister I Seau
Minister? would give money to the
hospital so they can get
Annabel Priddy more nurses and doctors
and so they can get more
equipment so they can
help more people and
New Zealand won’t have
I would make more houses for as many sick people. If I were Prime Minister
poor and normal people so it's fair Izzy Congdon I would let in a lot of
for everyone. I would give people
$100k as well, so they can pay refugees and build
the bills. homes for them to live

I would make sure that everyone's in. There are so many
needs were being met like at this things happening around
marai where there is toxic gas and I the world that are causing
would take action. refugees to flee their
I would let refugees in because they homes and find another
have nowhere else to go and their somewhere else in the
country isn’t safe or their country world. I would like to help
has no money. them find one here where
they will feel safer.
Harry Maskell
Alex Dallimore

If I were Prime Minister I would make sure New Zealand If I were Prime Minister, I would give money to people in
was the best country that has ever existed! As soon as I need, like homeless people and poor businesses. I would
become Prime Minister (which is hopefully very soon) I help people with Covid-19 like giving
would also donate money to charities, hospitals, schools, them food and hand sanitiser and all
sorts of products to help the people in
homeless people, and refugees. My need. I would also donate a lot of
family moved here because Beca (a money to the hospitals and to
company) wanted my dad’s help to charities. Also, I would ban plastic
build an airport and also because because we keep on using too much.
he thought it was a good idea to Tyson St John
move here for me and my brothers'
futures. I am determined to make a If I were Prime Minister I would build affordable houses so
big difference to New Zealand. there would be less people homeless on the streets. I
Rodayna Mostafa would give money to the people who
are struggling with their bills and can
If I was Prime Minister of New Zealand I would help the barely buy enough food for
schools that don’t have enough money to buy furniture themselves and their family. I would
also build heaps of cool water parks
and don’t have enough space to fit and theme parks so you can go there
all the students in the class. I would in the holidays.
help the homeless get a house and
support the people with no families
and help them get into an
orphanage. I would help fundraise
for hospitals so that there would be
enough space for all the patients
that come in feeling ill.
Ariana Vosper

If I were Prime Minister I would make more jobs for New Josh Wesney
Zealanders. If everyone in New Zealand had a job, they If I were Prime Minister I would give money to schools so they
would be able to buy a house and pay for essentials. If can have more furniture, more space for the school and better
everyone had enough money, nobody would be playgrounds. The other thing I would do
is buy a hotel for the homeless and give
homeless and parents would be food to people who don’t have enough
able to afford education for their food so they don’t starve. The last thing I
children. Going to school is very would do is give money to hospitals so
important because, without an they have the right equipment and
education, it is hard to get a job. So enough space.
remember: Vote Isabel Peacocke
for Prime Minister!

Isabel Peacocke Kahu Edgar

If I were Prime Minister I would give money to the people
who lost their jobs during the Covid outbreak. There
should be a Kids’ Celebration Day because there is a

Father’s and Mother’s Day. I
would donate money to hospitals
so that they can hire more doctors
and nurses. I would expand the
harbour bridge so that the traffic
can be better and people would be
able to get to work faster.
Eason Zhu

My monster loves to hide under My monster is Bobby the
my bed. He likes to eat Brilliant. His main diet is mince
chocolate and jelly beans. pies and KFC and he can fly.
During the day he loves to play He weighs a lot because he
guitar and in the afternoon he eats way too much. He's
loves to snowboard. His terrifying, and if he wants, he
favorite holiday is Halloween can swallow you whole. He is
and his birthday. That’s the hilarious and looks like a pig
monster who lives under my half-angel. He has enormous
bed. Arlo shiny teeth and his favourite
thing to do is eat and sleep.
My monster likes to lick things.
Nobody knows where he came Cash
from but he stalks me at night
waiting for a perfect moment My incredible monster is
to cover the room with extraordinary in many
slobber. He's a half squid with different ways. Although
his sticky, slimy arms and he's his favourite thing to do
quarter watermelon because is to play hide and seek,
of his big watermelon head. what he doesn't know is
He's a creep with his unknown that he hides in the
species of unicorn, same place every time,
watermelon and rat. George so I always know where
he is… in the pantry!!
My monster is named Jeff the Oh, and did I mention
Genius. His main food is that the top cupboard is
pepperoni pizza with cheese. His full of lollies and now
favourite game is football and they're all gone! Lulu
he's the best goalkeeper. He
could play in the world cup. Jeff Hi! This is my magical flying
loves to swim and roller skate. buffalo named Jeffery. I would
Actually he loves to skateboard bring him to my school every single
and scooter too. Sometimes I find day to play with my friends and me
him in the middle of the night when we're sad. He lives under my
sticking his head in the fridge bed, sleeps during the day time and
trying to get the leftover pizza. has parties at night. His favourite
That's how much he loves it. thing to do is to destroy homework
Oliver with his powerful legs, so I never
have any homework! But I get into
a lot of trouble. Max

My monster is named Dr Five Leg This is my monster, Aria. She speaks Monster, so I don’t
Squirrel Back and he is a relative to the understand her. Her favourite thing is her pet duck. I call her
unicorn. He is a unihorn. Unihorns are Cheese because she likes cheese. One of my favourite things
nocturnal and sleep in the day. They are about her is that she’s so fluffy! Her favourite colour is black.
powerful but my unihorn has lost both She is also part unicorn, part bird and part monster. Halloween
his arms and one leg. He has a squirrel is her favourite holiday because she gets a lot of sweets, which
best friend called Bob the Beautiful. is her favourite food, and that makes me get in trouble. Jamila
My satisfying monster is 500 years
Timmy is an old. His name is Thick Fred, and he is
amazing monster. a boy monster. He loves to make
You can never lose music, is always playing games on his
him because he PS5 and he has a Tik Tok account.
leaves a trail of Fred loves Halloween, that's why he's
crumbs. He's always enormous. Thick Fred is also a
eating something fantastic magician who lives in the
but that's the trash can. His favourite food is the
problem when I am pastry that he gets from the dumpling
trying to sleep, he's store. Jaidan
always munching
away on something. This is my monster,
Nevertheless, he's Dancing Dal. She loves to
still a great monster. dance, create art, making
Lucia music and singing just like
me. She can do special
Lurking out of the shadows dance moves and it's
here we see Fat Gus! Now called the Switcher
Fat Gus eats everything he Rooney. She lives with me
can get his hands on for and has her own bed but
example he eats garbage, not her own room because
other monsters and she's afraid of the dark
sometimes he even eats like me. We are so alike.
himself. He has extraordinary She used to live in a
powers and he can even monster baby nest. She
breathe under water, if he fell out of the nest but I
could swim, that is. Making caught her and brought
wishes is another superpower her home. She eats
and surprisingly he also has people's food like pizza,
super speed and ice cream, fruits and
teleportation. He lives vegetables. Do you have a
everywhere, even under your monster friend? Leighton
bed. He is friendly unless
you're on his wrong side. Seb My monster is named Edith. She is
super funky and humorous. Her
favourite colour is white and she
would like a pet duck for her next
birthday. She is part monster and
part girl. She’s a monster because of
her scary wings and her creepy
stare. The best thing about her is
that she makes me and my friends
laugh. Her hair is very curly but her
friends say they look like tentacles.
Sometimes she will get mad, but she
usually will just laugh. Vicky

I would bring my creepy monster to our class My monster is called Bill. He
monster mash. His favourite food is hot dogs is a unique species of mon-
and he loves to go snowboarding. At ster. He's a type of duck
nighttime, he creeps out of the window and monster who either runs a
haunts people's dreams and makes them company or works for the
scream. Felipe company and focuses his
whole life on work. He wears
square glasses, a red shirt
with an orange tie, and also
wears striped pants and
pointy yellow high heels. He
lives in his office because he
never wants to miss a single
second of work. Delilah

My slightly odd monster likes to This is my monster, Jim. Jim is very fury and
hide underneath my bed, narley. He loves shredding down the steep
scavenging away at the food he mountains on a snowboard. Right now he lives
had captured the previous day. under a box in my closet, but I'm trying to make
He has a bizarre diet of maggot a cage. I know Jim is a monster because I found
stew and grasshoppers (and if him lurking lost in the dark alleyways. He loves
you look carefully, you’ll realize Halloween. It's his favourite time of the year!.
that he looks like one too)! He His favourite food is pizza and all types of lollies.
also has unique abilities that Ben
grant him access to super speed
and super jump. After all, his Hi, this is my monster Fifi Fat Pants and she is
name is Slightly Odd Monster. a monster as you can see. Her favourite thing
Jesse to do is munch cookies and go out on her
snowboard. Oh yeah, and she is really scared
as you can see in the picture. Fifi’s favourite
colours are blue, green and purple. Her
personality is funny, friendly and kind.

My monster's name is Pumpkin
Monster. My monster is a girl and my
monster has extraordinary things.
She has enormous eyes. Her hobby is
roller skating and she likes eating
rubbish. My monster has a friend. His
name is Cashler. They are best
friends! Anyway, she has a friend.
Pumpkin Monster's favourite colour
is orange because the pumpkin
colour is orange. So Pumpkin
Monster likes orange. Elly

My monster is called My monster's name is
Silverpus God. He comes Penelope Pool. Her favourite
from heaven and hell, food is pineapple and ice
can fly and shoot an cream. Her hobbies are
arrow of love or an swimming and pool parties
arrow of anger. He has where she wears her togs all
tentacles as legs and day long. She has enormous
won the monster tentacles that help her swim
shooting accuracy 1st like lightning racing across
place prize. He will never the sky. At night she swims
miss and he will never far away into the dark. Lucy
make the wrong choice!
Silverpus God is very My monster is called Poppy,
furry and has a horn for the Party Pooper. My monster
defence. He will never loves beach parties, but she is
run out of arrows or very selfish so she party poops
people to shoot. His them so she can have them all
favourite food is cake. He to herself. She dines on toilet
will scare people in the paper, so we are always going
cake shops to steal some to the supermarket to buy
extra food and no police more. One of my monster’s
are going to find him talents is getting to the
because of his invisibility bathroom in 0.5 seconds. Josie
powers. William
My monster is scary but
This is my monster, Grim friendly and unique. His name
MatchStick. He is obsessed is Cashler. Cashler loves
with gold and if he is bothered chicken, chips and candy. His
he spits out fire boulders and favourite pastimes are
has a sharp wobbly tail that cooking, eating and drawing.
cuts through steel. He eats His favourite colour is blue
fried humans and eats live and green. Cashler loves to
bombshells. Grim Matchstick play with rubbish and eat it
has dark black scales and he sometimes. He loves to be a
has snake eyes ready to trouble maker too.
pounce on his prey. He also Selena
has a sharp-toothed grin. Ryan
What a MONSTER of a
year. 2020 certainly will
be memorable. Room 4
were a fantastic bunch
of kids that I loved
teaching every day. All
the best for Year 6. Kia
kaha Room 4! Mr

My monster's name is David. .I have a monster called
His favourite food is Mr HOPPP. He has one
chocolate, but he hates dark leg, a massive horn and
chocolate. He likes to play tag he has 11 hairs that
in the water. He is from the stick up. He is also one
African savanna. I would cool dude and his
bring my monster anywhere. favourite food is pizza.
Rowan Willie-Ray

If I had a superpower it would be x ray vision. If I had a superpower it would be super speed.
I know what you’re thinking, almost everyone You wouldn’t have to buy a car, you could just
would choose this superpower, but you have run to your destination and you wouldn’t have
to admit it’s pretty cool. You can see things to sit in an office staring at a computer. You
nobody else can see. Like you can see could just earn your living off winning the
what's inside all of your presents at Olympics, doing sprints or you could play
Christmas without even opening them. football. Who wouldn’t want a striker that could
¨Hey Mum, thanks for the bicycle!¨ I’d say. run as fast as the speed of light? Who wouldn’t
“DID YOU OPEN YOUR PRESENTS?” Mum want super speed?
yells. “Nah, I used my super cool x-ray - Theo Reddy
vision”. What a laugh.
- Ruby Jacobs

If I had a superpower, I would have the If I had a superpower, It
power of flight. Why? Well, because I would would have to be psychic
be able to not have to use a car. With all that power. Why? Because I
CO2 in the atmosphere, I would happily fly to would be able to make
the cinema. Secondly, I would be able to things float and could grab
migrate during the winter, and because I food from the refrigerator
have cousins in Germany, I would not have and pour myself a drink. I
to pay for accommodation. Finally, I would be could fly with my psychic
able to use it as a blanket if there were powers, and make my bed
feathers on my wings, and they would keep without having to move my hands to do it.
me warm. - Eddie Huang
- Matthew Holt
If I had a superpower it would be breathing
underwater. If someone was trying to kill
me I could hop in the water and hide or
swim far away. Then I could go and swim
with dolphins and
have fun. I could also
communicate with
sea creatures.
- Ben Whybrow

If I had a If I had any superpower, any superpower
superpower, any at all, it would be teleportation. I would
superpower at all, it want to teleport so that when I’m playing
would be to read tag and someone’s about to tag me, I
other people’s minds so that I could find out would just teleport to somewhere else. The
what my parents are getting me for my second reason I would teleport is that
birthday. I would know the answer to any when I’m at my dad’s house, and want to
question before the teacher even asks the see my mum, in a blink of an eye I would
question. I could also see be with my mum. I would be the happiest
what class I’m in next year person ever!
and what people I’m with. - Victoria Bakewell
- Emmen Imran
If I had a superpower, any
If I had a superpower it would superpower at all, I would
be teleportation, so when my be able to jump into video
siblings are being annoying I games. Why, you may,
could teleport into a different country to get ask? Well I would be able
away from them. to win every game of
- Cara Te Whiu Fortnite and I could talk to the Avengers if my
teammate has an Avenger skin on. I could
also play hungry shark and eat all the people.
This superpower would come in handy when
playing hide and seek because I could hide in
my dads phone and never be found.
- Sam Barker

If I had any superpower it would If I had a superpower, any superpower at all,
be morphing, because I could it would be invisibility. Why, may you ask? I
morph into planes and could fly would be able to sneak around and do
people to different countries for anything I want without anyone noticing.
free. I could be an iPhone 11pro, Another thing I could do would to be to get
a 3D printer, or every Apple information from people in case they’re not
product in the world. If I wanted, going to tell me.
I could be a famous YouTuber getting 5 million - Ryan Robson
dollars for each video I make.
- Sam Allen

If I had a superpower, it would be to open
teleportation portals. I would open my portal and
be able to travel to infinite dimensions and destroy
them for fun! My other reason to teleport would
be so that I could just open a portal and shove
my hand in and grab the thing I want without If I had a superpower it
paying. It’s great right? Finally, when I’d get would be telekinesis. I
caught for stealing, I would open my portal and could have two
change to a new dimension. I could just keep superpowers in one. With
on changing dimension so I'd be fine. telekinesis you can make
- Nate Johnson things float with your mind.
Therefore, I could make
my whole body float too,
just like flying.
- Caleb Mako
If I had a superpower, it would be bringing people that
are dead back to life. Why, you may ask? Because
then I could bring back family (that I miss), and also
bring the ones that I’ve never met before back to life.
- Frances Rose If I had a
Pearson super-
power, it
have to
If I could have a super- If I could have a be
power, it would have to superpower, any seeing through walls,
be shapeshifting. So if I superpower at all, it metal and wood. Why you
was playing hide and would have to be may ask? Because I would
seek and went to hide, I shapeshifting. So if I was in class when I be the best at hide and
would be able to wasn't supposed to be, I could seek and I could help the
shapeshift into anything shapeshift into a book, chair or even police find criminals that
that is around me so teachers! And when my friends need a are in hiding, and then I
that no one could find Chromebook, I could turn into one for would get a reward for
me. And if I was playing them! My shapeshifting powers would doing that and become
a game at lunch, I could - Judy Magdi
shapeshift into anything,
like an animal or object.
- Alicia Patrick

really help me in manhunt, hide and If I could have a superpower it
seek, postman, sardines and even tag! would be to be a shapeshifter. I
That's why I would pick shapeshifting would be the best at hide and
out of any superpower in the world! seek because I could shapeshift
- Zoe Su and no one else could. In

a game of tag I would be
able to shapeshift into a
cheetah and run fast to
tag the other players.
Let’s just say that
If I had a superpower it would be flying. I would fly all shapeshifting would be a
around the world and save people. I could also fly to
school. How cool would that be? great power to have.
- Raya Crane
- Nasser Mahdi

If I had a superpower, it would If I had a superpower, it would have to be the
have to be teleportation. I could ability to fly. Just imagine not having to pay for
teleport into famous people's a trip to Australia or Fiji? I could also be the
houses whenever I want, and best at hiding in hide and seek. I could just
meet them. I could also travel float up on the roof and read
between countries and see all my book. The dream of
the things I wanted to, like the feeling the clouds, the soft
Eiffel Tower and the Statue of fluffy clouds, would be
Liberty. Also when I play spectacular.
postman or something like that I could teleport to a - Natalie Schmack
different country in the middle of nowhere.
- Liam Feng

If I had a superpower I would be able to grant If I had a
infinite wishes. So I could give myself infinite superpower, it would be the
money. I would buy so many things, like all the ability of a spider! Just
rarest shoes ever. I would buy me and all my imagine not having to drive
friends the newest iPhone and I would buy my to school but swing to
family whatever they want. I would also bring school instead, web to web,
my grandma back to life. And that is why if I now that would be amazing!
could have any superpower, it would be I love Spiderman and the
granting infinite wishes. whole concept of it and
- Finn Kulak climbing walls would be
If I had a superpower, I would be able to do - Toby Dil
anything I like, for example: drive a McLaren on
a motorway, go 300 kph, or go on my Xbox for If I had a
as long as I want. Last of all I could have a super-
supercar collection and power it
a billion dollar mansion. would be
- Connor McQuarrie to have
If I had a superpower it If I had a lives so that I could jump
would be to grant infinite superpower, anything off the Skytower and then
wishes so then I can at all, I know it would become alive again. Also
wish for all of the be amazing when I swim in the sea I
superpowers to ever live. and useful……. I am could punch a shark when
For example, I could definitely talking it eats me and then I
faze which means to run about teleportation! I can't imagine life could come back alive. I
faster and go invisible. with this superpower, It would be could be the last person
The wish I would most WONDERFUL, just WONDERFUL. I on earth. I could even be
want to grant is to have could get to school way earlier than the in a fight with a gorilla.
infinite money so then I other kids, more play time for me! Also How cool would that be?
could buy anything I when I'm lonely in the school holidays - Luke Donnelly
want. Also I can get the because all of my friends are relaxing at
coolest and most the beach, boom, I'm there with them!
expensive Xbox games. - Lily Maurice
And that's why I want to
have infinite wishes.
- Finn Trevett
If I had a superpower, any superpower at all, it
would be stopping and slowing down time. Why,
you may ask? Because it would be like teleporting,
I just stop time and move somewhere
else, like out of the classroom.
Secondly, if I slow down time, it would
be like super speed. Depending how
fast I want to go, I could slow the time
down more. Cross Country could be
finished in two seconds.
- Saxon Martin

2020 was a very interesting
year that will most likely be
remembered as the year of
Covid19, Lockdowns and Home
Learning. In Room 13, we
realise the importance of
remembering there was far
more to our time in Year 4.
Here are some of our
wonderful experiences that
made our year one to
remember !!!

I started Belmont Primary in 2020 was a year to remember
Term 4 this year. I came because we did so many cool things. I
from Germany. I am loved it when we went to Ambury
beginning to learn some more Farm. We made butter and explored
English every day. I like my the farm and saw all the cute animals.
new school. We also did a bunch of experiments
By Justus Schnell with food such as seeing if potato or
kumara floats. We also did an
experiment with jelly and kiwifruit. We
cooked egg rolls and cabbage fritters in
the classroom. I liked the egg rolls best.
By Anja Burton

2020 was a year to remember
because it was the year that I
came 5th in Cross Country.
Cardboard City was so exciting
and I remember when one of
the towers fell over! I loved
working with my friends to
rebuild Big Ben. It was amazing
when we got to go to TGS to
play sport with the Takapuna
Grammar students.
By Archie Johnson

I’ll never forget being in Room I remember being able to plant
13 and going on a trip to the cucumber in the Kitchen Garden
farm. We made butter and it with Archie, Jessie and Yassien.
was so much fun. In the middle I really enjoyed travelling to
of the year, we did Science. We Milford School to learn about
worked out which one floats and The Resilience Project and
which one sinks with pumpkin hearing about the ‘Dis Boy.’ He
and potato. It was amazing. My was really happy even though
favourite part of lunch time was he had not very much at all. I
when Jools showed me how to do really enjoyed it when Aro came
the monkey bars. I really loved to our school to perform
doing the Kitchen Garden with beautiful songs about native
my mum and Madeline (my sister) birds. I loved the pukeko song.
and Emily. By Eli Millham
By Amelia Thomas

2020 was the year I won 2020 was great because l came
Cross Country. I was so proud second in Cross Country. I felt
I was so nervous before the really proud. I liked making ice
race. I loved eating the blocks. It was my second favourite
pumpkin soup it was so type of ice block, raspberry and
delicious I wanted more but I lime. I loved 2020. I will never
wasn’t allowed to. I also loved forget it!!! One more thing I liked
making the ice blocks but we was the amazing egg experiment.
had to wait for seven weeks It was sick! I liked making the
to eat them. We also did rhubarb and apple crumble with
“Garden to Table.’ I loved my friends. It all paid off in the
making the feta and silverbeet end when we ate it and it was
muffins. They were delicious. really nice.
By Archie Fox By Cooper Digby

I loved 2020 because Year 4 I did well in my speech
were the first classes to do this year. Everybody
Garden to Table. I also loved clapped for me. I felt
playing in the pool with my proud and respected. I
friends, making waves and liked the class trip to the
playing games. I also liked farm. It was fun rolling
reading Wolf Girl One and Two. down the hill with my
The best part about Term 3 friends. I met my baby
was the winning wheel. It also cousin Peachy for the
helps you improve your focus. first time.
But the best part about this By Archer Wilks
year was my birthday at school.
Mr Cunningham wished me HB 2020 was special because I
and Miss D’Anvers gave me a got a certificate at assembly.
chocolate and it was a big one. All the children clapped and
By Arqish Lalani cheered for me and I felt
proud and happy. I joined
I’ve had such a memorable Kapa Haka. I liked it because
year in Year 4. I will never Mrs Levitt is nice. I learned
forget making ice blocks. They some Maori songs with
felt cool and icy on a hot actions. Miss Peake gave me
summer's day. I loved growing a golden sticker for sitting
the kumara and making the well at music.
Father’s Day cards. I loved By Patrick Wu
the Kitchen Garden but I will
really remember my lovely I will never forget coming 4th in
teacher Miss D. She’s soooo Cross Country. I will never forget
kind. I loved the game fruit playing soccer at lunch with my
salad but it’s fun to play in friends. It was so great when I
Maori. I loved the pumpkin got into Kapa Haka and performed
soup, yummy! We have had for the Seniors. I will always
such a good year. This is a remember sketching the Autumn
year I won’t forget. trees. It was so fun when I got
By Madeline Thomas two certificates, one for being
enthusiastic and the other was for
2020 was the year to being smart. I will always
remember going to remember performing my speech to
Ambury Farm and seeing the class. I was very proud. I loved
all the cute animals it when I got to eat pizza to
and watching a cow celebrate Koda.
called Fly getting milked. By Toby Profitt
Some milk went flying on
some of the
kids. We also made butter
and we had it on a piece
of bread. It was so
By Hilary Fry

2020 was a year to remember for… 2020 was a year to remember
the time I tried pumpkin soup for the because I came first in Cross
first time. I was so surprised when I Country for my first time ever. I also
liked pumpkin soup! It was delicious. was allowed to join Kapa Haka and
Another time was performing my we did a fun performance in front of
speech at the Rose Centre. Even though the year fives and sixes. We also did
I didn’t win, that was a proud and an amazing project called Garden to
thrilling time to remember. One other Table. You were either in the kitchen
time is when I was in the Wetlands or the garden. If you were in the
group with Ms Scott. I learned a lot. It garden you would get food for the
was also super great! And of course I kitchen people and if you were in the
will not forget my first drama show, kitchen you would create a morning
‘There and Back Again.’ 2020 is a year tea with the food from the
I want to remember. gardeners.
By Emily Downs By Jesse Wilkins

I had so much fun in 2020. One 2020 was the year to
thing I will never forget is when remember, because I met two
me and my class made ice blocks. amazing teachers, Ms Scott
We combined raspberry and lime and Miss D’Anvers. I also went
into the blender. We played a new to Ambury Farm and saw lots
game called fruit Salad. Also in of animals. My favourite was
2020, I joined Kapa Haka and the cute, little lambs. And I
learnt how to do the poi. We did got the star student
amazing art like realistic trees and certificate. Jenny and I had a
I drew a portrait of myself. I sleepover for the first time
especially loved meeting my amazing ever.
By Jools Nitzsche Zwart By Vienna Pickstone

2020 was a very special time One of my favourite things in Year
for me. A highlight of the year 4 was making ice blocks. The
for me was when we got two flavour was raspberry and lime.
new boys in our class, Justus Another highlight for me was when
and Theo. I also liked playing I got 100 out of 100 on the box
tennis when Mark the tennis sheet. I was so proud of myself for
coach came to school. That was doing that. In Cross Country, I
awesome too! Playing cricket came 6th, even though there were
was also pretty fantastic. I liked Year 5s in my age group. I liked
it! I’m definitely going to sign up trying celery and hummus. I had
for cricket next year! never tried that before.
By Leo Waide By Jack Adams

2020 is 2020 was the year I moved
a year to remember because we to Auckland and joined Room
went to Ambury Farm this year. I 13 in Term 4. I have enjoyed
saw a lot of animals. There were also learning about Bees in the
peacocks. We stayed at Ambury Farm Kitchen Garden. I liked tasting
for a whole day. I also joined rugby broad beans from the garden
this year. We did rugby every for the first time. I’ve made
Tuesday. We also did tennis this year. lots of new friends and I find
You could sign up but I already did my new school amazing!
tennis. We drew self portraits. They
were all very realistic. I also enjoyed By Theo Lill
doing the winning wheel. I won a few

By Ivan Hui

2020 is a year I will I will remember 2020 when
remember. I got the GEM cup Room 13 made egg rolls. They
at Assembly. I felt proud and were delicious. I also loved it
happy. We also went to when we went to the
Ambury Farm to learn about Resilience Project at Milford
Dairy Farming. I liked seeing Primary School. I won't
the cute little lambs running forget the time I beat all the
around the field. I tried boys in arm wrestling at
Pumpkin Soup for the first lunchtime. That was the
time in T2 and I loved it! I proudest day of my life and
also got the golden sticker for that’s what I’ll remember
being quiet in music. 2020 for.
By Jenny Choi By Zoe Jermy

I will never forget the time 2020 was a year that I will
when we went to Ambury Farm, never forget. I went to Ambury
saw a cow getting milked and Farm and I was so excited to see
saw a baby cow and sheep in all the cute animals. Also, my
the same field. We made butter team won the winning wheel and
and walked around the farm, we won four times. Another
meeting lots of animals. Another great thing was us going to
thing I will not forget is doing Garden to Table and planting
‘Garden to Table.’ We planted carrots, flowers and snow peas
leeks in the garden and made with Anja and my mum. It was
apple crumble in the kitchen. I really cool when we played fruit
will not forget the time I came salad on the field, especially when
6th in Cross Country in Term 3. we played fruit salad in Te Reo
By Miriam Thorne Maori.
By Sofia Radevska
2020 was a year to remember
because of all the fun things we 2020 was a year to
did like, visit Ambury Farm. We remember and my
saw so many cute animals like the favourite memories were
sheep, lambs, a calf, turkeys, pigs, when I made my Hairy
horses and peacocks. It was one Harry and I felt proud and
of the most exciting road trips happy. Also when I did
ever on the bus. We played hand Cross Country, I came
games, talked and I even had a 11th out of my age group
little nap. The weeks that we had and I felt proud of myself
‘Food of the Week’ and had when we play fruit salad
Science experiments with food with my class.
were super exciting. I liked it when By Yassien Ali
the egg splattered on people in the
egg experiment. 2020 is a very special year
By Isla Brady because in Room 13 we had
lots of experiences with the
2020 is a year to remember fruits and vegetables that
because I was the first to get we were learning about. I
two golden stickers and because loved reading and listening to
my group won two times. The “Wolf Girl” and “The Wild
first time we got movie day and Robot”. I remember 2020
the second time we got prize box. because Room 13 went to
At movie day I got to watch a Ambury Farm and went
movie but I don’t like watching running around finding the
movies so I skipped it. Next in animals.
the prize box I got a cute little By Tim Zhang
bunny and some candy. Next time
we did it I got a new and a not
so winning team and changed
from Team 2 to Team 6!
By Lesley Hua

We Are G.E.M. Superheroes!
This year, we have focused on
showing more gratitude and empathy
towards others and practising
mindfulness in and out of the classroom.
We have learned that if we use our
G.E.M. superpowers, we will feel happier
and will make others feel happier too!

My GEM superpower is
gratitude! Because every time
I get given something, I always
say please and thank you and
I always thank my parents for
things. Michael

My GEM superpower is
mindfulness! Because if I
get frustrated I can use my
super powers to calm me
down. If I get into a fight
with my brother, I take
three big breaths. Ollie

My GEM superpower is My GEM superpower is
gratitude! I'm always thankful empathy! Because I remember
that my parents help me and that once when one of my
look after me. I show my friends was crying, I played with
gratitude by helping them. them so that they could forget
what happened. I felt really
happy after that. Angelina

My GEM superpower is My GEM superpower is
gratitude! I look out for my mindfulness! If my brother
friends and I am grateful for kicks me, I go to my room and
everything I have like the
food on my table. Cooper be one with the earth. I lie on
my bed and I feel calm.

My GEM superpower is My GEM superpower is empathy
Because empathy is a nice thing to
empathy! Because I show to people because when
stand up for my friends if someone was sad, I went to her and
they are being bullied. said "are you okay?", then I gave her a
big hug and said "let's go play" because
Elliot I thought she was left out. Emily

My GEM superpower is
mindfulness! Because when
I have a fight with my sister, I
go to my room and take
deep breaths and say "sorry"
and then I feel happy. Emma

My GEM superpower is My GEM superpower is
mindfulness! When I am mindfulness! When I am
angry, I go into my room and angry at my brother, I go
play guitar. I concentrate on and lie on my bed and my
the strings and forget all dog jumps on me and then I
about what I am angry about.
Flynn go and say sorry. Mavi

My GEM superpower is
gratitude! I show gratitude
whenever I get something. I
always say "thank you" and "I
love you to home and

back". Gabriel

My GEM superpower is
mindfulness! Whenever my sister
annoys me and I get angry, I lie
on my bed and read a book e.g.
Harry Potter, David Walliams

and picture books. Frankie

My GEM superpower is My GEM superpower is
mindfulness! Because when I'm empathy! Because I always
mad I go and find my dog. I will put myself in other people's
give him a pat and I will then shoes. Empathy is being kind
and caring for other people
not feel overwhelmed. Harlem and knowing how they feel.

My GEM superpower is My GEM superpower is
mindfulness! If I am angry at mindfulness! When my
my dad I will go and do brother gets angry at me, I
handstands on my bed and go and sit on the couch and
calm down and so will my dad I be one with the earth. Then
and he will come and say I feel relaxed and calm.
sorry. Ivy
My GEM superpower is
gratitude! I am grateful
for a roof over my head,
and family, and friends. I
feel thankful. Logan

My GEM superpower is
mindfulness! Because when
I get angry at my sister or my
dad or mum, I go to my room
and shut the door and take
three deep breaths. Then I

feel relaxed. Jack

My GEM superpower is My GEM superpower is
mindfulness! Because when I mindfulness! Because
when I feel stressed I use
am angry I go into my room all my senses and I sit on
and take two big breaths and the swing. I close my eyes
that makes me feel better. and listen to what I can
hear. Quinn

My GEM superpower is My GEM superpower is
empathy! I have the power of gratitude! Because I give my
empathy because I care for parents hugs and I help my
other people and I play with friends sometimes with maths
people that don't have someone
and other subjects. Taavi
to play with. Sebastian

My GEM superpower is
gratitude! I'm grateful for
everything I've got. I have a
nice family, a nice house and
a great environment. It makes

me feel warm inside. Thomas

My GEM superpower is
mindfulness! Because when I
went to the dentist they had to
put an injection in my gum and it
hurt, but I took big deep breaths
and it didn't hurt and the

injection was done! Yug

My GEM superpower is
mindfulness! If I get angry I go
into my room and shut the
door and take some deep
breaths. I feel very calm after

that. Zara

My GEM superpower is My GEM superpower is

gratitude! I'm always thankful mindfulness! Because when I
for going to horse riding every get sad or mad, I like to go

second Sunday. I feel very outside and take some deep
breaths then after that I feel
grateful and happy. Zona
relaxed! Maria


Teamwork is when you Teamwork is when people
are helping each other work together and help
and responding clearly. each other. It’s when
Willow someone responds clearly.

Teamwork is working together Maia
and not giving up as a team.
Ella Teamwork means working
together and including each other.


30 brains are better than 1 brain. So working Teamwork
together and communicating as a team can is when
get you far. you are
working as
Ruby A a team. 30
heads are
better than
one head.


30 heads are better than 1


Teamwork is when lots of
people work together to try to
figure something out.

Ruby B

I like working in
problem solving groups,
because I can learn new
things from other
people in my class.


When you are working in a team Teamwork is not teasing
you have to encourage them to people. Teamwork is being
do well and do their best. kind to everyone.
Teamwork is working
Alex together to get something


Teamwork is working A team is
with each other to get about
things done. working
Leo together.
Teamwork is when I share my ideas
with other people in my group. Teamwork is when you
Zoe work together as a team.
Everyone in your group
has a turn and knows
what to say when sharing.

Teamwork is when you
congratulate a person or
friend on doing a great
job of skills.


Teamwork is when Teamwork is being in a team
you communicate working together.
to people and work
together and you Olivia
have to be flexible.


Teamwork is helping each other
when they are stuck in their work.


Teamwork is working together in a group to
achieve a common goal. A variety of people
means a variety of skills and abilities that
can be used to complete the task in hand.


Teamwork means working


30 heads are better than 1 30 heads are better Teamwork is
because if you only have than 1 because if something that
yourself then you can get you’re in a problem helps with
stuck on work easier. If other people can help working
you have 30 people then you! together very
you can ask other people. nicely….that’s
Marcus Paquito teamwork.


Teamwork is Teamwork is
helping others and everyone
Teamwork means helping each saying some kind to achieve the
other and working together to get things to them. task in hand.

the answer. Archie Owen


Teamwork is helping
each other in your


Year 6 Camp 2020

Trying to sum up Year 6 Camp in a short paragraph is like
trying to keep your eyes open when you sneeze; nearly
impossible! But we will try our best for you. After a lot of
starting and stopping on the bus we finally arrived at the
Pacific Park Christian Camp, which is where we were
staying. We quickly settled into our cabins, had dinner, went
to the hot pools and then went to sleep.
Every morning at camp we would go for a little run along the
beach before breakfast to wake us up. During the days at
camp we did a lot of cool activities, like paddle-boarding,
Escape Rooms, bushwalks and Waimarino. The
paddleboarding was heaps of fun, especially when Mrs Clews
fell off her board. The Escape Rooms were amazing too, if a
bit scary. But the most enjoyable activity was Waimarino,
because there we got to go kayaking, the Blob (a big rubber
float in the water which you were launched off of by one of
your friends) , water trampolines, slides, gladiator poles, diving
boards and a rope swing.
On the last night of camp, we had Skit Night, which was when
we performed the short skits we had been practicing in our
spare time. The parents did one too, but I wouldn’t say passing
a bowl of flour behind them in a line was a good skit idea.
What a mess!
Now, we hope you have some sort of idea about the
wonderful experience that Year 6 Camp was.
With the year that was 2020, we felt very fortunate to have this
experience just before the first lockdown.
By Isla Inch and Ava Trapski

Junior Syndicate
1st Arya Fernandes - I want a puppy
2nd Winter Dustin - Trees
3rd Leon Hsu — Dogs

Middle Syndicate
1st Arlo Brodie - Fishing in the
2nd Ella Blincoe—Aliens
3rd Juliette France - Why I want
a puppy not a brother that acts
like one

Senior Syndicate
1st Lucia Sweetman - Drones should be an everyday household item
2nd Evie Brodie - Time on devices
3rd Ryan Robson - Electricity

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