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Published by Repro Graphics, 2020-11-26 18:15:59

Belmont Yearbook 2020-11-27

Belmont Yearbook 2020-11-27

Room 16 has had a lot of building
happening around them this year.

They have written what they
would build if they were a builder.

If I was a builder I would build a If I was a builder I would build a
car that could turn into a hover skateboard. My skateboard could fly
board. In the car it would have a and it could turn into anything I
pet door. The car would be blue want. I won’t have to learn how to
(my favourite colour) and it skate when it could fly. It can even
would spark fireworks. shrink you so you can fit inside
the skateboard where there's a tiny
Addison mansion.


If I was a builder I would build a If I was a builder I would
big house with lots of rooms. All build a robot to do all the
the rooms would have TV’s, iPads chores for me. So if my Mum
and phones in them. There would says “clean your bedroom” I
also be shelves full of toys. don’t have to do that. You’d
still get the reward for
Alston cleaning your room too!


If I was a builder I would build a If I was a builder I
flying mansion with 6 million would build a
rooms and 18 arcades. There campervan in 24
would be a giant gumball machine hours. It would have
with all the best flavours. I seats and a TV. It
would have two McDonald’s and a would also have wings
pizza room with never ending pizza. so it could fly me to
If I was a builder I would
build a house that you could If I was a builder I
walk on the walls. Then you would build a
can steal all the treats that mechanical dragon.
your mum hides (because He would fly and
they’re always up high). breathe fire. He
would make water
Jesse hot and cook meat
for dinner.
If I was a builder I would
build a car with a robot named Joshua
Tom that will drive for me. It
will have a TV that will drop
from the roof and a bed for me
to lay on.


If I was a builder I would If I was a builder I would build a
build a mansion with 500 10 story house. The house would
floors. Every floor would have a McDonald’s and five pet
have five robots and a pool. rooms. It also has a pool, spa,
The robots would do three bedrooms, four TV’s, two
whatever you want. living rooms and six kitchens.

Jury Lena

If I was a builder I would If I was a builder I would build
build a Deadpool car that was an animal rescue shelter. It
shiny red. It would have guns on would have a game arcade for
the back and swords too. It could the pets and an invisible
also fly. I would go around town waterslide. The pets would love
and if there’s traffic I would fly to stay!
over it. The car would be faster
than electricity. Lucia


If I was a builder I would build a If I was a builder I
10,000 story house that has a would build a 40 story
McDonald’s, a toy store and a gaming mansion. It would
room. It would have a pool on the have 200 bathrooms,
top floor with a water park. I’d 100 hot tubs and 50
also have gumball machines in pools. There would be
every room. five dogs to keep you

If I was a builder I If I was a builder I
would build a private would build a
jet that has 10 mega tree house with a secret
jet engines! It would pet shop that would
go faster than the have animals you could
speed of light. It also buy. There would also
has a shop, a bar, be a button you press to
bombs and guns in get any toy you want!
case there is a war.



If I was a builder I would build If I was a builder I would build a
an animal shelter. It would be caravan with all sorts of places
for many different animals such inside. There will be a snowy
as leopards, cheetahs, puppies, place and a hot, dry, sandy area.
k kittens and other animals. It There will be a rainy place,
w would be for homeless and sunny place and a place like
I injured animals. autumn. You could have any
sort of holiday inside the
Olivia caravan.


If I was a builder I would build a If I was a builder I would build
mansion. I would have a neon a giant Captain Underpants Hotel
dark blue Bugatti Veyron that with a giant bar on top of it. I
has 1,000,000 horsepower. I would put 10 million slushy
would also have a servant that shops in it and there would be a
would do all my homework massive birthday cake made for
while giving me $1000 a minute. you every day!

Freddie Jared

If I was a builder I would build a If I was a builder I
mansion. It would have 10 levels would build a
and six rooms with a spa in each mansion with 20
one. There would be a double levels and 100 rooms.
v decker bed. It would also have There would be a
v a Tuatara car. robot that can make
anything you
Taylor wanted.


If I was a builder I If I was a If I was a builder I
would build a car builder I would build a car
that can turn into would build a made out of candy. It
a house. In the house with a might not last long
house there big pool and though because I
would be a double waterslide. I would eat it. It would
layered bed. would also also have a toilet in
Beside the bed it build a robot case I needed to go. I
would have all of dog and cat wouldn’t eat that bit.
my favourite that would be
things including a my animals. Arna
huge TV.

Room 18 have been thinking about This year I helped Scaredy
their proudest moment this year Squirrel climb the ladder by
when they helped to get Scaredy showing confidence when I
Squirrel to the top of the tree! We was writing. After the
always feel so proud of each other Summer holidays I was so
when Scaredy gets to climb the tree nervous about starting school
because we have shown again because I had to
the 4C's by being Confident, Curious, remember how to write stuff.
Creative or Caring people... But I got on with it and did it.
I am really proud of myself. I
showed lots of creativity in my
speech about Lego I now
really enjoy speeches they are
so much fun! Nikolaj

This year I helped Scaredy This year I helped Scaredy
Squirrel climb the ladder by Squirrel climb the ladder by
showing confidence and being confident while trying my
creativity acting in our class best in our item. I was
item. I did great work in the projecting my voice all of the
second lockdown and pushed time! I also helped get Scaredy
myself. I was determined in up the ladder when I was doing
my speech. I got into the my speech. The ipad stopped
class finals and tried my best. working and I had to do it
Unfortunately I didn’t get into again, which was very nerve-
the final but never mind, I still wracking! Also, even though I
have three more chances! don’t really like Cross Country I
Zach still tried my hardest! Mikaela

This year I helped Scaredy This year I helped Scaredy
Squirrel climb the ladder by Squirrel climb the ladder by
showing confidence in Cross showing confidence when I
Country. I showed was the Class Council
resilience in Cross Country representative. I had to
even when I was not there report back to the whole
for a week of practice. I class telling them all about
pushed myself and I came our school issues and about
first place. I never gave up events going on. I felt
and mum was really proud scared but I was brave and
of me and I’m proud of I got through it and
myself too. Phoenix enjoyed it. I feel very proud
of myself. Arlo C
This year I helped Scaredy
Squirrel climb the ladder by This year I helped Scaredy
showing confidence when we Squirrel climb the ladder by
came back from the second pushing myself out of my
lock down and getting comfort zone when learning
straight back into work. At fractions. When we were going
first I found it hard to get to learn about fractions I
back into writing and was a little nervous because I
maths but I overcame that did not know any fractions.
and tried to do the best However I tried my best and
that I possibly could. Arlo B never gave up. I’m very proud
of my achievements this
year. Sienna

This year I helped This year I helped Scaredy
Scaredy Squirrel climb Squirrel climb the ladder by
the ladder by showing showing curiosity when Miss
confidence when I didn’t Peake was trying to set an
want to do reading. I hour back on her watch for
was nervous to do the end of daylight saving.
reading because I am I didn’t know how to do it,
still learning English but so I went on Google and
I was resilient and tried found out how. By showing
my very best. Lucy curiosity I learned
something new and helped
out Miss Peake. Milan

This year I helped Scaredy This year I helped Scaredy
Squirrel climb the ladder by Squirrel climb the ladder by
showing creativity when being a good member of Room
solving maths problems. I 18 in my first week and being
thought of different ways to a confident learner and
show my mathematical proof. making new friends. I was
I also showed confidence in my nervous when I was coming
speech. I was worried about to school but when I got to
performing my speech in front Belmont I saw some of my old
of the class but I still did it friends from kindergarten
and tried my best. I am really and was excited to start.
proud of myself this year. Zeno Patrick

This year I helped Scaredy This year I helped
Squirrel climb the ladder by Scaredy Squirrel climb
showing creativity with the ladder by working
my writing and maths. hard and being curious
Sometimes I find writing a and asking lots of
bit tricky but I have tried questions. I also helped
my best to come up with Scaredy climb the ladder
good ideas, Also with maths by showing kindness and
I used creative ways to I was confident to make
solve the problems. I am so new friends. Zayed
happy with myself. Dean
This year I helped Scaredy
This year I helped Scaredy Squirrel climb the ladder by
Squirrel climb the ladder showing confidence when I did
by showing confidence in the class item. I was really
the class item. I learned nervous but I tried my best. My
all my lines and projected friends and family said I did an
my voice for everyone to amazing job and I felt so proud
hear. I showed confidence of my achievement. I’m really
in my speech. First I was proud of the dancing, singing
shy, but when I was and acting that I did, I was so
finished I was really proud creative and felt really happy
of myself. Lachlan when Scaredy climbed the tree!

This year I helped Scaredy This year I helped Scaredy
Squirrel climb the ladder by Squirrel climb the ladder by
showing confidence at Cross showing confidence in our class
Country. I found it really item. I was really nervous but I
hard but I tried my best. I pushed myself out of my comfort
also showed confidence after zone! I showed confidence and
the first and second lockdown kindness when I asked someone
because I was so nervous to play with me when they
about coming back to school. didn’t have anyone to play with.
I had to be very brave. I am I showed resilience in Cross
proud of myself for helping Country even though I didn’t
Scaredy climb the tree. Sami come first, I came tenth place in
the seven year olds! Tovah
This year I helped Scaredy
Squirrel climb the ladder by This year I helped Scaredy
showing confidence on my first Squirrel climb the ladder by
day at Belmont Primary being confident when I
School. I felt very nervous but helped my friend Lucy with
after a while I got used to it her maths because she
and then it seemed like I had didn’t know that much
been in the class for ages! At English. I also had to be
roll time I learnt everyone’s creative and use some of my
names and people asked me to Korean language to help her. I
play with them. They all think I have become a very
wanted to be my friend. I was kind and helpful person and I
so happy! Olivia have enjoyed helping my friend
learn more English. Yewon

This year I helped Scaredy This year I helped Scaredy
Squirrel climb the ladder Squirrel climb the ladder by being
by showing confidence in confident and creative
our class item song performing my speech. I made it
‘Country Road’. I sang to the Middle School Speech Final.
really loud and knew every In the final I was so nervous but
single word. I was really I was really excited too. I really
creative with my speech enjoyed it when lots of people
about erosion and I got laughed (because my speech was
into the class finals. I was quite funny)! When Mr
really proud of all my Cunningham announced that I
efforts. Hunter had come third I couldn’t believe
it, I was so proud of myself.

This year I helped Scaredy This year I helped Scaredy
Squirrel climb the ladder because Squirrel climb the ladder by
I was confident when it was our trying my best in Cross
item. I was a main character so Country and not giving up.
I had to say lots of words. As Even though I didn’t come
soon as I walked on stage I was first, second or third I’m still
really nervous and excited! really proud of myself! I also
Scaredy also climbed the ladder got Scaredy up the ladder by
after the class speeches. I was showing confidence in our class
super nervous because the whole item. I had to learn my lines
class was looking at me. In the and Sienna’s lines (in case she
end I kept going and I was couldn’t make it) and I learnt
really proud of myself. Hannah them off by heart! Gina

This year I helped Scaredy This year I helped Scaredy
climb the ladder by being climb the ladder by being
confident in the Interschool confident when I just came
Swimming. I came 7th place into this class at the start of
and there were no other Year the year. Also, I never gave up
3s there, it was just Year 4s, 5s in Cross Country. I found it so
and 6s. I was nervous and hard but I kept saying “I can
worried at the start but my do it!” I was kind and caring to
brother and his friends helped my friends when they had
me feel more confident. I was nobody to play with. I’m so
amazed that I came 7th - YAY! proud that I helped Scaredy
I am so proud of what I have climb to the top of the tree! EJ
achieved this year. Sophie

This year I helped Scaredy This year I helped Scaredy
Squirrel climb the ladder by Squirrel climb the ladder by
being kind. When I saw that showing lots of confidence in
someone didn't have anyone to our class assembly. I felt
play with I was kind and very worried being on stage
caring and asked them to play but I really enjoyed it when
with us. I also helped Scaredy it was my turn to talk. When
by being confident for doing my I did my speech I think I
speech. I was scared but I did
it and tried my best. I was showed lots of confidence, I
very nervous to do Cross didn’t want to do it but when
Country but it was really fun I did it I enjoyed it and was so
and I was proud of myself. Ivy impressed with myself. Murad

Friends are Friends are Friends are kind to Friends are kind.
kind. happy. each other. Friends are
Friends are Friends are kind. Friends laugh careful.
silly. Friends laugh together. Friends are fun.
Friends are together. Friends smile Friends are
crazy. Friends like to be together. happy.
Zack together. Friends are always Friends are good.
Mataya in your mind. George

Friends play with
Friends are helpful.
Friends are happy.
Friends make you
Friends care.
Friends are kind.

Friends are happy. Friends are kind Friends are happy
Friends care for each other. and helpful. and lovely.
Friends laugh together. Friends are medium, Friends are kind and
Friends are always in your big or small. caring.
mind. Friends can play Friends are small,
Friends help each other. with someone who is medium and big.
Friends play together. lonely. Friends have fun and
Friends enjoy playing with But friends will go play together.
friends. away sometimes. Friends love each
Friends love each other. Siya other.
Friends look after each Fatima
Respina Friends are
Friends play together. Friends are Friends are Friends are kind.
Friends do things together. kind. kind. Friends are
Friends have fun together. Friends play Friends play helpful.
Friends always like to be together. with you. Friends high five.
together. Friends are Friends make Friends are funny.
Friends help each other. happy. you happy. Jasper
Friends care for each Miguel Friends are fun.
other. Friends help you. Friends help each
Friends make each other Elliot other when they
happy. need help.
Friends love each other Friends care about
forever. each other.
Mason Friends make each
other happy.
Friends are kind Friends play
because they let you together.
go to their house and Harrison
that is kind.
Friends are helpful.
Friends share their
Friends are fun when
they play with you.

Friends are helpful. Friends are Friends are Friends are kind.
Friends high five. cheerful. cuddly. Friends are
Friends are kind. Friends are Friends are kind. happy.
Friends run careful. Friends are Friends are nice.
together. Friends are helpful. Friends are
Friends hug. playful. Friends are playful.
Friends are funny. Friends are happy. Friends are
Friends share helpful. Friends are helpful.
things. Gigi funny. Friends are funny.
Leila Edith Nicole

Friends are
Friends are happy.
Friends high five.
Friends run
Friends hug.

Friends are funny.
Friends make me
Friends are
Friends share.
Friends are

Friends are kind. Friends are Friends are happy.
Friends are silly. Friends are
helpful. Friends are caring.
Friends are fun. fun. Friends are kind.
Friends make Friends help. Friends are safe.
you laugh. Friends are Friends can play
Ella kind. together.
Sophia Jacob

Skateboarding Skateboard
Shiny, flash Pink, flat
Jumps, spinning, olie Doing the Ollie
I feel happy and Nervous on a
excited skateboard
Amazed Bumpy

Lexi Toby W

Thitsa Skateboarding
Fast and cool
Ollie, kick flip
I am cool and



Skateboard Skateboarding
Pink, fast Black, sparkly
Flips, rolling, slick Flipping, rolling,
I feel happy and
scared I feel happy and
Arya Speedy


Skateboarding Skateboarding
Shiny, sailing Blue, flash
Fast, wobbly, Flipping in air

jumps Zooming on a skateboard
I feel happy and Happy
Cool Skateboarding
Mckayla Fast, slick

Skateboarding Jumps, ollies, spinning
Blue, flash I feel excited
Jumps, flips, Zoom
spins Zac
I feel happy
and scared Skateboarding
Cool Wobbly, shiny
Cassandra Spinning, fast, bumpy
I feel scared and
Black, sparkly happy
Jumping, rolling, Zooming

spinning Victoria
I feel scared and
nervous Fast and cool
Speedy Speeding down hills
I feel happy and
Cooper B
Liam C

Skateboarding Skateboard
Purple, sparkly Shiny, colourful
Doing an ollie,
Speedy, fast,
spinning jump
I feel excited and
Putting on my
happy helmet
Zoom Fun

Skateboard Skateboarding
Blue, logo Bumpy, fast

Flips, quick rolling Flips, slink, flick
I feel happy I feel scared,
Cool excited and
Kohlton happy

Fun, excited

Fast, slick, tricks
I feel cool and fast


Skateboarding Skateboarding
Shiny, slick Fast, cool
Cool, rolling Dropping on the halfpipe
I feel cool and happy
I feel happy and Cool
excited Tom

Skateboarding Fantastic
Shiny, flash Harriet

Rolling, jumping, scooting Skateboarding
I feel happy Flat, violet
Boadicea Rolling, fast, jump
I feel cool and
Thitsa happy

I smile when my best friends
like my speech. That makes
me very happy. I also am
happy when I eat from Totally
Chicken. I smile when people

look at me.

By Momen

What makes me smile? I smile when I am asleep. I I smile when I play
I smile when I am with smile when it is with my cat.
my dad. I smile when I
Halloween. I smile when it I smile when I can
am playing rugby. is Christmas. I smile when pat her.

By Hunter it is Easter. By Theo

By Gus

When the sun is out
and I am running

around and feeling
happy I am smiling.

By Cleo

What makes me smile? I smile What makes me smile is Christmas I smile when the sun is out. I
when I’m happy and when I because I get presents and you smile when I have a friend to
hug my mum and sister and can go for a holiday like going play. I smile at the teachers. I
shopping or go on the playground. smile when it’s Chinese New
when the sun is shining. That’s why I love Christmas. I Year. I share my smile with
my friends.
I smile when I play with Liv share my smile when I play.
and Isa and when I’m excited
By Kairavi By Sylvia
because it is my birthday.

By Scarlett

I smile when I am
playing tag with

my brother. I
share my smile
when I play with
my friends at


By Sean

I smile when I play The thing that makes me I smile when it’s What makes me
with someone. I
smile is when I see my raining and there’s smile? I smile

mostly smile when I friends. The other thing thunder and I’m when I stay

go to school. I share that makes me smile is having a playdate with my friends
my smile when I my birthday because my with all my friends and when I
have a yummy friends are there and we and we are all having laugh. I smile
play games like pass the biscuits. I share my
dinner and thank my smile when people when I am with
mum. parcel and we can eat my friends.
food. make me happy.

By Declan By James By Sam By Daniele

I smile when my
mum and dad and
grandparents are
with me because
they give me lots
of presents at
Xmas. I smile at
people because

they are nice.
By Charlotte

What makes me What makes me smile? I What makes me What makes me
smile? I smile with smile when I play Lego
my friends because smile? I smile when smile? I smile when
they are beautiful Ninja with my brother. I
and good. By Maria smile when I play Lego my friends play with I’m nervous and
when I laugh. I share
fighting with my brother. me. I smile when my my smile with my
I smile when I go to Lego
friends share things cousins. I share my
World in America. By Dawn
with me. By Elaine smile with my mum.
By Ella

I smile when Maisie tells me I smile when
a joke. I smile when I play someone comes
with my toys. I smile when I to my house. I
go skiing with my family. I smile when it is
smile when I have a sleep

over. By Rosie

my birthday

party because

I get presents

when I start

school. By Isa

What makes me smile? The thing What makes me smile? I smile I smile when I’m with my
that makes me smile is playing when I get lucky like going to kittens because they are
with my brother and I love my a movie that sounds fun. Also I
like seeing Charlotte. On my fluffy and cute. I smile
brother because he plays with me when I have a friend to
and his name is Owen. By Maisie birthday I smile too. My play with. I smile when I
friends come to play with me. go to school and I smile
I love having a good feeling. I when I’m with my family.
I smile to my friends and
also smile when I am on also when I laugh. By Liv
camera. I share my smile when

we are together. By Lola

Riding my scooter Fruit and vegetables make my
makes by body grow body grow strong. Playing with my

strong. My friends friends makes my heart strong.
make my heart strong. Learning new things makes my

Sounding out makes brain strong.
my brain strong. Isla

William M Emma

Swimming makes me It makes me strong when I
feel strong. Hugging go running with my dad.
my mum makes my
Reading my PM readers
heart strong. makes my mind strong.

Maths makes my Playing with my friends
brain strong. makes me feel happy.

Noah Mac

Doing sit ups makes me Doing the monkey
strong. Learning to ride bars makes me grow
on my bike makes me strong. Hugging my
strong. Walking my dog mum makes me feel
makes me strong. Hug- good. Reading makes
ging Mama makes my day. my mind grow strong.

Nellie Winter

Riding my bike makes my Eating healthy food
body strong. Fruit and makes me strong.
vitamins make my body When my brother
strong. Learning makes Oscar gives me a hug
my mind strong. Making my heart grows
new friends makes my strong. Writing makes
my brain grow bigger.
mind strong. When my dad
gives me hugs it makes William W
my heart strong.
Swimming makes
Bella me strong.

Eating fruit and
vegetables makes

me strong.
Reading makes
my mind grow.
Seeing my brother
Jacob sing makes
my heart grow


Riding my scooter and Riding my bike makes my
playing rugby make me body strong. Getting a
stronger. Playing with my hug makes me happy.
friends makes my heart
grow. Reading makes my Maths makes my mind get
so big.
mind grow.

Pumpkin soup makes my Going for a run
body grow strong. Feed- makes my body
ing my cat, Marley, makes grow strong. Being
my heart grow. Making a good friend makes
my heart grow.
cards makes my brain Doing maths makes
stronger. my mind grow.

Zoe Cole

Doing cartwheels makes my Racing on my scooter
body grow strong. Being kind with my mum makes my
to my friends makes my heart body strong. Cuddling my
strong. Colouring in makes my
music teacher’s cat
mind grow. makes my heart strong.
Practising counting every
day makes my brain
Isabella S

Riding my bike
makes my body

grow strong.
Good friends
make me happy.
Writing makes my
brain grow strong.


Doing push ups makes my Riding my bike makes my body
body strong. When my strong and riding my scooter too.
mum hugs me it makes Hugging my mum makes my brain
me happy. Trying hard
makes my brain get big. strong. Being brave in our item
makes my brain grow.

I feel cheerful when I I feel cheerful when I I feel cheerful when I I feel cheerful when
win a ribbon at a ballet give my Mum and Dad play Monopoly with I give my Dad and
my Dad. Dad always Poppa hugs. I feel
exam. I feel cheerful hugs. I feel cheerful wins the game. I feel cheerful when I
when I get a puppy. I when I play with cheerful when I play give my Mum and
feel cheerful when I Prodigy with Ethan. Nana a cuddle. I feel
have cuddles with my Phoenix on the tramp. I The network is
feel cheerful when I Icefield. We always cheerful when I get
Mum and Dad. play with my friend. team battle against to play dress ups
the Titans.
Penelope Stella M and give my sisters
Ryan hugs.


I feel cheerful when my I feel cheerful when I get I feel cheerful
Mummy and my Daddy hugs and kisses from my when I hold my
take me for a bike ride mum’s hand tight. I
and take me to the beach. Mum. I feel cheerful feel cheerful when
I feel cheerful when my when I go for a bike ride I give my dad big
sister Maya takes me to hugs. I feel cheerful
the park and she pushes on the road. I feel when people are
me on the swing. I feel cheerful when I get to go kind. I feel cheerful
cheerful when my nanny on holiday because we get when my Mum and
takes me to the beach. to go to the playground. Dad give me a kiss.

Charlotte Stella H Lucia

I feel cheerful when I I feel cheerful
play Prodigy with my when I go for
Dad. I feel cheerful a bike ride in
when I go for a bike ride the forest with
to the soccer field. I feel lots of trees. I
cheerful when I jump feel cheerful
on the tramp very high. when I play Sonic,
Pikachu, Minecraft, and
Xavier Ninjas. Our bases are
always the best. I feel
I feel cheerful when I I feel cheerful when I cheerful when I play
go to the beach and I build have hugs and kisses. I Beyblades with Hunter.
feel cheerful when I get Leo
a sandcastle with my to see Mrs Bioletti’s face.
brother. I feel cheerful I feel cheerful when my
when I ski down a little Mum and Dad take me
mountain. I feel cheerful
when my Dad gives me a to the beach. I feel
cheerful when I get a
piece of chocolate.

Arizona Cyrus

I feel cheerful when I go I feel cheerful when I get
hugs from my Mum and
to the beach with Jesse I feel cheerful Dad and my sister and
when my Dad helps they are big hugs. I feel
and build a sandcastle. I cheerful when I play Sonic,
me make a fox Mindcraft and Pikachu
feel cheerful when I play mask. I feel with my friends. I feel

Eno with Dad. I feel cheerful when my cheerful when I play
Mum and Dad give Beyblader with Otis.
cheerful when we have a me little hugs. I feel
cheerful when I ski Hunter C
I feel cheerful when picnic with Benjamin. down Happy Valley.
me and my Dad Hunter V
jump on the tramp and

he double bounces me. I I feel cheerful when I
feel cheerful after give my Mum and Dad
hugs and kisses. I feel
school when my Mum cheerful when I get
gives me hugs. I feel scared and Mum and
cheerful when I play aunty hug me. I feel
Fortnite and I win. cheerful when I play hide


and seek with my

brother and aunty.


I feel cheerful when I feel cheerful when my I feel
I watch Harry Dad and Mum give me big cheerful
and squishy hugs. I feel when I am
Potter movies. I love cheerful when my Mum swimming in my
the ending when reads me a Princess book.

Harry Potter always I feel cheerful when my swimming pool. I
wins. Mum sings Twinkle, like splashing
Twinkle Little Star. with my
Franco sister Vicky.


Sharks are dangerous. Sharks are fish. They Sharks have Not all sharks eat
Sharks can be as big are carnivores. They been around people. They don’t
since before stop swimming when
as a bus or as small as eat other fish. Zoe they sleep. Paige
a hand. Sharks have dinosaurs.
six rows of teeth. Tahlia
There are over 500

species of sharks. Otis

There are Mako sharks are Sharks are scary. Whale sharks are
over 500 powerful. They can They have sharp as big as a bus.
different be dangerous. Mako teeth. Sharks can They don’t eat
types of swim fast and bite people. Tommy
sharks. Misha sharks are big
sharks. Rosa fish. Leon

Sharks live in warm Sharks can sense Sharks can
water. Sharks eat their prey. They have swim very fast
fish. Sharks have six
rows of teeth. Yufei seven senses. in warm
Mackenzie water. Lili

Sharks do not have Sharks don’t sleep You are more likely to
bones and they are because they would stop be killed by a coconut
King of the Sea. Eleanor breathing and drown. Evie falling on your head
than being eaten by

a shark. Harrison

Tiger sharks are very Sharks can be as big Sharks can be as Great white sharks can
dangerous. Tiger as a bus or as small big as a bus. eat people but they

sharks hunt other as a hand. Peter Sharks have 6 rows would rather eat tuna
little sharks. Bradley of teeth. Phoebe and other fish. Maia

When I grow up,
I want to be a
zookeeper so I
can look after

When I grow up,
I want to be a
vet so that I can
look after all the
sick animals.

First day at
school for


and Teddy

When I grow up, I
want to be a mother
so I can cook for my
little daughters.

When I grow up, I
want to be a
hairdresser so I can
make people happy.

When I grow up, I
want to be a doctor
so that I can help
people feel better.

When I grow
up, I want to
be a policeman
so that I can
rescue people.

When I grow up, I want When I grow
to be a ballerina up, I want to
because I love to dance. be a dad so I
Lily can build
things like my
When I grow up, I want dad.
to be a policeman so I Brian
can drive a police car.
Leo When I grow
up, I want to
When I grow up, I want to be a be a policeman
scientist so I can do so I can catch
experiments. the bad guys.
Oliver Ivan

When I grow When I grow up, I
up, I want to want to be a builder so
be a space- I can build big things.
man so I can Arlo
see the moon
and stars.

When I When I grow
grow up, I up, I want to
want to be a vet so I
be a train can help
driver so I can pets.
get people to Poppy

When I grow When I
up, I want to grow up, I
be a hunter want to be a
so I can hunt truck driver
animals and so I can
have them for move things.
dinner. Jacob

This year we have been so excited to join the
Garden to Table programme! Garden to Table is a
programme run in schools with a focus on teaching
kids the essential skills they need to be able to
grow and cook their own food. Thanks to Mel
Ashby, Natalie Denton and Anna Fair who made
the programme possible. With the help of Armagh
Takuira, generous sponsors and all our wonderful
volunteers, the Belmont Primary Kitchen Garden
has had a big makeover and now includes a
beautiful outdoor classroom. The PTA kitchen also
had an upgrade and is now able to host groups of
kids and adults as they cook and create!

Over the year, the Year 4 Syndicate have learned
all about planting, nurturing and harvesting. They
have grown potatoes, celery, silverbeet, lettuce,
herbs, snow peas, just to name a few. We even
have a working beehive in the garden now!

In the kitchen many delicious dishes have been
prepared by the kids including lemon brownie,
spring vegetable risotto, roast cauliflower soup,
rhubarb crumble, hummus, herb tea and more! It
has been a fantastic chance for the kids to have
a go cooking and eating foods they haven’t tried

We would love to extend a huge
thank you to everyone who
helped with the garden, kitchen
and Garden to Table programme
this year – we couldn’t have done

it without

man baking


Y for yacht

R scavenger

A Librarian needs to…

 Be kind
 Be familiar with alphabetical order
 File books on shelves
 Read to younger children
 Be organized
 Reliably work as a team
 Have a knowledge of the

computer and scanner
 Be tidy
 Be responsible
 Be accountable
 Love books

Te Kuku ā Waka
Kapa Haka


Kia ora mo to pono ki te ako Kapa Haka—thank you for
your commitment to learning Kapa Haka. We love that
you came EVERY Tuesday lunchtime to our Hui and
worked tirelessly, despite a lack of perfomrances for us
this year. He whetu koutou. You are all stars! Keep
singing waiata from your Te Kuku a Waka pukapuka!
Mrs Levitt and Whaea Vesna xx

The Bellbirds Choir meets every Wednesday
morning at 8:15, and it's definitely worth
getting out of bed early for. This year we have learnt
and performed; This Winters Night by Emily Barden, Love
Song to the Earth by Paul McCartney and Natasha
Bedingfield and Te Tarakihi from Ngati Maniapoto. We
are immensely looking forward to performing Love Song
to the Earth and the NZ National Anthem with Rebecca
Nelson to commemorate Remembrance Day in
Devonport and joining TGS for their Christmas
Concert in November, something that the whole choir is
extremely excited about.

Singing at Prize Giving will definitely be a highlight
of the year as well; letting the seniors see us
perform at a formal occasion. Miss Peake, our
amazing conductor and incredible music teacher,
has supported us, organised events and taught us
all these wonderful songs. Now, to the upcoming
Year 4 and 5 students, we highly recommend
joining the choir, as it is so much fun and a great
By Ava Trapski and Clarke Dallimore

We have loved being members of the Sweet Chillies Rock Band for the year 2020. Despite Covid-19 and the lockdowns,
we have been able to pull through and have a successful year. Our songs for this year have been Seven Nation Army,
What I Like About You, High Hopes, Little Talks, and Centuries. During lockdown we managed to perform and record a
school singing song, Epo I Tai Tama E which was shown during the online assemblies. Michael Macdonald was our main
drummer who played most of our songs. Also on the drums we had Sally Nicholls who played What I like about you and
Jesse Jewell who played Little Talks. Jesse Jewell and Sally Nicholls played electric guitar. On the bass we had Charlie
McGhie, on piano was John An and Olivia Xie whilst on vocals was Lydia Marshall and Larni Ashby. We would like to
thank Miss Peake and Kelly Fry for making the band so much better and helping us with songs. We couldn't have done it
without them. By Lydia Marshall and John An

The New Entrants class, Room 8,
have been responding to music
by tapping the beat using all
sorts of percussion instruments.
They have also been singing our
school songs and some have
even experienced some of the
bigger class instruments during
sharing time.

The Junior School have
delved into all things Kodaly
Solfege, learning the musical
notes Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti and Do
in all sorts of wonderful ways. This
includes with Bells, Hand Signals,
Songs, Glockenspiels and Games.

The Middle School have been working their way up the Recorder Karate Ranks. This is

from White Belt to Black Belt. Students have been practicing and performing to earn and

advance to each belt. On the way perfecting fine motor

movements, reading music and listening for the right sound. The Senior School have

worked on a Rhythm

Performance, learnt

about the Instruments of

the Orchestra and

finished with a group

Ukulele Performance.

This year, Belmont School students were inspired, educated and wowed by
our visiting performers. We had Hiwi the Kiwi interact and educate the
children on how to be safe out on the water and protect our fish. We had
Aro, the New Zealand Singer/ Songwriter duo teach us about NZ Birds
through songs and dance. Finally we had Takapuna Grammar Concert
Band and Mousike from the APO who performed on separate occasions
and taught us about the instruments of the Orchestra. In addition, Rooms 1,
2 and 3 experienced the Auckland Philharmonic Orchestra in concert with
the Massive Theatre Company on a trip to the Vodafone Events Centre.
Through performing arts they learnt about three Fearless Hearts of Aotearoa.
These were Nancy Wake, Jean Batten and Ruia Morrison.

What a challenging year for all our young budding Netballers. With 11 teams entered to play we had a
lot of new players ready to try a new sport, joining girls who have played before and wanting to
continue. Which is awesome. We had eight teams playing at Netball North Harbour. Year 4-6 teams
playing weeknights and 3 Fun Fern Year 2-3 teams playing at Ngataringa on a Saturday morning. We
are so proud of everyone’s flexibility in our stop-start year. The Year 4-6 girls went through trials for
only two or three games in the end. No one complained; it was what it was. We got through lots of
skill development at training, unfortunately we didn’t get many opportunities to show these off. Bring
on next year!!

Thanks to our many coaches and managers who once again volunteered their time for what they
thought would be a full year. We couldn’t do it without you. Thank you also to our umpires.

6/1 6/2 6/3 5/1


4/1 4/2

Belmont Superstars Belmont Gold Belmont Cheetahs

As with all sports, Covid-19 was the big winner in hockey this year. However, we did get some games
and Harbour Hockey did a great job in providing other opportunities for kids to be involved, even
though the regular Monday night competition took a beating.

We entered three teams into the Monday Night Winter Competition - one Year 3/4 team (the
Meteors) and two Year 5/6 teams (Comets and Tigers). To give other kids from other schools the
opportunity to play hockey this year, we included five kids from three other schools in our teams. Our
playing season consisted of the grading games only - had we been able to play for the rest of the
season, the grading results were pleasing with the Meteors making it into B Grade, the Comets
achieving D Grade, and the Tigers making A Grade for the Year 5/6 Advanced Competition - not an
easy thing to do! And there ended all competition....

However, as mentioned, Harbour Hockey have provided other opportunities for the kids this year
including the Year 5/6 Development Squad. This year four of our Belmont Boys joined the squad -
well done Jamie Wells, Daniel Feng, Will Murray and Matthew Holt.

This year we say goodbye to a big bunch of Year 6 kids who have proven themselves to be great
players and all of the coaches have loved working with them over the years - we wish you all the
best in the future. We need to thank our great coaching team of Aaron Dobby, Nichola Murray and
Robyn Holt for all their hard work during a very trying

Year 1 Girls Year 1 Boys Year 2 Girls Year 2 Boys

1st Isla Nielsen William Mahoney Cassandra Thorne Tom Congdon
2nd Winter Dustin Hugo Nordstrand Ava Morreau Frank Cockayne
3rd Coco Taylor Noah Eiem Harriet Phillips Seb Peacocke


1st Arna Tripodi Phoenix McQuoid Ella Blincoe Archie Fox
2nd Lucia Balgarnie Louis Mansell Isla Brady Ben Hindle
3rd Sienna Seth Zach Reddy Zara Letica Marcus Cutfield


1st Ariana Vosper Jesse Wilkins Nadia Letica Jacob Howell
2nd Isabel Peacocke Cooper Digby Isobel Tuttle Max Laing
3rd Natalie Schmack Cash Gibson Izzy Lomax Liam Grainger

Interschool Results
1st Place Results
Girls Relay Team—Hollie Ashby, Izzy Congdon,
Natalja Burton, Maisey Kearns
Girls 66m Open Freestyle—Maisey Kearns
Boys 66m Open Freestyle—Jamie Wells
8 years boys 33m Freestyle—Morgan Kearns
9 years girls 33m Freestyle—Izzy Congdon
10 years boys 33m Freestyle—Jamie Wells
10 years girls 33m Freestyle—Maisey Kearns
8 years boys 33m Backstroke—Morgan Kearns
10 years boys 33m Backstroke—Max Laing
8 years boys 33m Breaststroke—Logan Kim
10 years girls 33m Breaststroke—Maisey Kearns
Boys Open Butterfly 33m— Jamie Wells
2nd Place Results
Girls 66m Open Freestyle—Larni Ashby
8 years boys 33m Freestyle—Logan Kim
10 years boys 33m Freestyle—Max Laing
10 years girls 33m Freestyle—Natalja Burton
10 years boys 33m Backstroke—Jamie Wells
9 years girls 33m Breaststroke—Pace Beckett
Girls Open Butterfly 33m— Olivia Xie
3rd Place Results
8 years girls 33m Breaststroke— Miriam Thorne
9 years girls 33m Breaststroke—Natalie Schmack

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