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Published by Mdm. Shima, 2020-04-16 06:21:12

Close-Up TB


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Katrina Gormley



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* * Learning-

Close-up ВТ Teacher’s Book, Second Edition © 2016 National Geographic Learning, a part o f Cengage Learning
Katrina Gorm ley
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Publisher: Sharon Jervis herein may be reproduced, tran sm itte d, stored, o r used in any form
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ISBN: 978-1-4080-9557-7

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itents 4
C ontents o f S tudent's Book 8
Introduction to C lose-up
U nit 1 - Family Ties 17
V ideo 1 - One W om an's Choice
Unit 2 - Food, Food, Food! 18
Video 2 - Greek Olives 27
Review 1 28
U nit 3 - The W onders o f N ature 30
V ideo 3 - Swim m ing w ith Sharks 39
U nit 4 - Special Relationships 40
Video 4 - Man's Best Friend 48
Review 2 49
U nit 5 - A Place to Call H om e 51
V id e o 5 - Living in Venice 59
U nit 6 - Ready, Steady, Go! 60
Video 6 - W ater Sports A dventure 68
Review 3 69
Unit 7 - Extrem e Situations 71
Video 7 - Coast Guard School 80
U nit 8 - Tim e to Spare 81
Video 8 - Young Adventurers 88
Review 4 89
U nit 9 - High-Tech W orld 91
Video 9 - Mars Rovers 99
U nit 10 - That's Entertainm ent! 100
Video 10 - Steel Drums 108
Review 5 109
U n it 11 - Lessons to Learn 111
V id e o 11 - The Maasai Teacher 120
U nit 12 - The Body Beautiful 121
V ideo 12 - The M em ory Man 129
Review 6 130
Recording Script fo r Student's Book 132
B1 W o rk b o o k Key 144


Unit Reading V o c a b u la ry G ram m ar Listening
(topic vocab)
1 Family Ties true/false, reading the present simple, present continuous, m u ltip le-ch o ice
fam ily-related words stative verbs questions (pictures),
identifying differences
p 5 -1 6 exam question first

2 Food, Food, choosing the correct food-related words past simple, past continuous m u ltiple-cho ice
questions, listening
Food! option, m ultiple-choice for numbers
p 17-28 gap-fill, thinking about
th e answers first
R E V IE W 1: V o c a b u la r y & G r a m m a r p 2 9 -3 0
true/false, listening for
3 The Wonders multiple-choice questions en viro n m en t-rela ted present perfect simple, present similar words
of Nature understanding te xt types words perfect continuous
m u ltip le-ch o ice
p 31-42 questions,
4 Special true/false, worrying relationship-related relative clauses: defining & non­ technical or
Relationships about new words w o rd s defining specific words
m u ltip le-ch o ice
p 43-54 will, be going to questions (pictures),
identifying emotions
R E V IE W 2 : V o c a b u la ry & G r a m m a r p 55-56
gap-fill, checking
5 A Place to Call short texts, m ultiple- hom e-related words spelling

Home choice questions, m u ltiple-cho ice
eliminating answers questions (pictures),
p 57-68 predicting from pictures

6 Ready, Steady, matching, matching sp ort-related words conditionals: zero 8< first m ultiple-cho ice
questions (pictures),
Go! descriptions listening again

p 69-80 gap-fill, completing
in fo rm a tio n
R E V IE W 3 : V o c a b u la ry & G r a m m a r p 81-82
true/false, thinking
7 Extreme m ultiple-cho ice words related to past perfect simple, past perfect about th e speakers
extrem e situations continuous
Situations questions, reading for
general understanding
p 83-94

8 Time to Spare multiple-choice w ords related to free m odals 8c sem i-m odals (1)
tim e
p 9 5 -1 0 6 questions, reading

around the gap

R E V IE W 4 : V o c a b u la ry & G r a m m a r p 107-108

9 High-Tech true/false, finding the technology-related passive voice: tenses, by 8c with
World answers words

p 109-120

10 That’s short texts, multiple- entertainm ent-related reported speech: statements
E n te rtain m en t choice questions,
checking similar words
p 121-132

R E V IE W 5: V o c a b u la ry & G r a m m a r p 133-134

11 Lessons to matching descriptions, education-related causative
Learn finding synonyms words

p 135-146

12 The Body m u ltiple-cho ice body-related words adjectives, adverbs, so 8c such m ultiple-cho ice
questions (pictures),
Beautiful questions, choosing the keeping calm
best option
p 147-158

R E V IE W 6 : V o c a b u la ry & G r a m m a r p 159-160

Grammar Reference: p 161-173 Writing Reference: p 176-181

Irregular Verbs: p 174-175 Speaking References: P182- 18З


Speaking Vocabulary G ram m ar W riting Video

talking a b o u t family, describing photos, collocations & countable & em ail, using abbreviations, including O ne Woman's
describing in detail expressions uncountable nouns, all th e in form ation, inviting, asking Choice
quantifiers for a reply, writing about special
used to & would, be
talking ab ou t fo o d & restaurants, word formation used to & get used review, ordering adjectives, Greek Olives
describing photos, using differen t to making your writing interesting,
adjectives, using adjectives recom m ending, adjectives for food &

talking ab ou t th e environm ent, listening prepositions, articles informal email, planning your work, Swimming with
to instructions, opening discussions reading a te m p o rals friendly openings & endings, useful Sharks
m ultiple choice phrases
relationships, problem solving, te x t first
considering advantages & story (1), thinking o f ideas, organising Man's Best
disadvantages, giving advice phrasal verbs a story / ideas, describing people Friend

talking about homes, general collocations & future plans & events, informal letter, replying to a letter, Living in Venice
conversations, expanding on th e topic, expressions future predictions using informal language, accepting/
talking about a to pic rejecting invitations, responding to
news, making suggestions

talking ab ou t sport, decision m aking, word formation second co nditional, if sentence transform ation (1), clauses o f W ate r Sports
giving opinions, agreeing & disagreeing
asking if som eone agrees, giving your purpose, transform ing sentences Adventure

describing photos, talking a b o u t extrem e prepositions, question tags, subject story (2), using narrative tenses, Coast Guard
situations, paraphrasing collocations & & object questions, creating suspense, reviewing your School
expressions negative questions w ritin g

talking about free-tim e activities, phrasal verbs modals & semi- postcard, linking words & phrases, Young
decision m aking, ta lkin g ab o u t all th e m odals (2) writing th e correct am ount, writing a Adventurers
options, talking about possibility postcard

talking ab ou t technology, decision prepositions th e passive voice: sentence transform ation (2), using Mars Rovers
making, m aking a decision, deciding
gerunds, infinitives & collocations, checking th e meaning

modal verbs

talking about en tertainm ent, describing phrasal verbs reported speech: le tte r or story, orderin g ideas, Steel Drums
photos, talking about a photo, describing questions, choosing th e right question, free-tim e
people, places & things commands & activities

talking ab ou t school and education, collocations & gerunds, infinitives report, remembering common The Maasai
decision m aking, changing opinions, expressions, errors, checking for common errors, Teacher
changing your mind prepositions introducing & closing reports, school
facilities and equipm ent, after-school The Memory
activities Man

talking ab ou t your body, general phrasal verbs comparison of dram atic stories, making stories more
conversations, in teracting w ith your adjectives & adverbs interesting, leaving enough tim e,
partner, talking about health and fitness relationships


Introduction to Close-up

Introduction to Close-up

W elcom e to C lose-up Second E dition, an e xcitin g p re -in te rm e d ia te course w hich brin g s English to life th ro u g h
spectacular N ational G eographic p h o to g ra p h y and facts carefully selected to appeal to th e inquisitive m inds
o f students.

Course C om ponents

C lose-up B1 S tu d e n t's B ook w ith o nlin e s tu d e n t zo n e
T he S tu d e n t's B o o k is d iv id e d in to tw e lv e to p ic -b a s e d u n its. Each u n it s ta rts w ith a s tu n n in g p h o to g ra p h lin k e d
to th e th e m e o f th e u n it and a sum m ary o f th e co n te n ts o f th e u n it. T here are fiv e tw o -p a g e lessons in each u n it
covering reading, vocabulary, gram m ar, listening & speaking and w ritin g . The unit ends w ith a vid e o page to
accom pany th e N ational G e o g ra p h ic vid e o clips fo u n d on th e online s tu d e n t zone. The vid e o clips are designed to
e xpand stu d e n ts ' k n o w le d g e o f th e w o rld th e y live in, and th e tasks in th e S tu d e n t's B o o k aid co m p re h en sio n and
fu rth e r discussion o f th e to p ic .

Each unit also contains:
• tasks th a t active ly d e v e lo p stu d e n ts ' re a d in g , liste n in g , sp e a king and w ritin g skills.
• Exam C lo se -u p b o xe s a nd Exam Tasks th a t p ro v id e s te p -b y -s te p a d vice a nd s tra te g ie s fo r h o w to b e st app ro a ch

exam tasks and have th e o p p o rtu n ity to p u t th e advice in to practice.
• U seful Expressions boxes in th e speaking & w ritin g sections th a t p ro v id e stu d e n ts w ith a p p ro p ria te language

w hen d o in g com m unicative tasks.
• p le n ty o f o p p o rtu n ity fo r discussion o f th e to p ic s in th e Ideas Focus sections.

C lo se -u p B1 S tu d e n t's B o o k also c o n ta in s six re vie w s, o n e a fte r e v e ry tw o u n its, w h ic h c o n s o lid a te th e v o c a b u la ry
and gram m ar ta u g h t w ith in those units.

A t th e b a ck o f th e S tu d e n t's B o o k, th e re is a w e a lth o f re fe re n c e m a te ria l. T h e G ra m m a r R e fe re n ce a n d Irre g u la r
Verbs List s u p p o rt th e G ram m ar Focus w ith in each unit. The W ritin g R eference p ro vid e s a sum m ary o f th e im p o rta n t
p o in ts to re m e m b e r fo r each g e n re o f w ritin g as w e ll as a c h e c k list. T h e re is also a S p e a k in g R eference, b rin g in g the
U seful E xpressions p re s e n te d th r o u g h o u t th e co u rs e to g e th e r in o n e p la ce . In a d d itio n , th e c o llo c a tio n s , expressions,
p re p o sitio n s and phrasal verbs actively ta u g h t in th e S tu d e n t's B ook are also listed fo r easy reference.

The online s tu d e n t zone includes th e S tudent's B ook audio and video, and th e W o rkb o o k audio available
to dow nload.

C lose-up B1 W o rk b o o k
T he W o rk b o o k a c c o m p a n ie s C lo s e -u p B1 S tu d e n t's B o o k. Like th e S tu d e n t's B o o k , it is d iv id e d in to tw e lv e u nits
and six reviews. Each un it consists o f reading, vocabulary, gram m ar, listening, Use yo u r English and w ritin g . The
reviews include m ultiple-choice gram m ar and vocabulary item s. The audio on th e online s tu d e n t zone contains th e
recordings fo r use w ith th e listening tasks.

The W o rk b o o k 's c le a r a n d s im p le fo r m a t m eans th a t it can b e use d a t h o m e as w e ll as in class. T h e W o rk b o o k is
available w ith o r w ith o u t th e O nline W orkbook.

C lose-up B1 Teacher's B ook
C lose-up B1 Teacher's B ook p ro vid e s clear lesson plans w ith d e ta ile d in stru ctio n s and tip s fo r teach e rs on h o w to
m ake th e be st o f th e m aterial in th e S tu d e n t's B ook. The key to all tasks in th e S tu d e n t's B ook and W o rk b o o k are
included, along w ith th e S tudent's B ook tra n scrip ts w ith ju stifica tio n fo r th e answers to th e listening tasks underlined.

C lose-up B1 o nlin e te a c h e r zo n e
The o n lin e te a c h e r zone contains a co m p re h en sive te s tin g packa g e in p rin ta b le PDF fo rm a t. The m u ltip le -c h o ic e
quizzes, one fo r each u n it o f C lose-up B1 S tu d e n t's B ook, fo cu s on th e key vo ca b u la ry and g ra m m a r item s prese n te d
in th e unit. Progress Tests, on e fo r use a fte r e very tw o units o f C lo se -u p B1 S tu d e n t's B ook, in clu d e a reading
c o m p re h e n s io n ta sk, a w ritin g ta s k as w e ll as v o c a b u la ry a n d g ra m m a r tasks. T h e re is also a M id -Y e a r Test (U nits
1-6) and an End-of-Year Test (U nits 7-12) th a t p ro v id e a w ritte n te s t co v e rin g re a d in g co m p re h e n sio n and w ritin g ,
as w e ll as a lis te n in g te s t. T h e re is a s e c tio n o f p h o to c o p ia b le v o c a b u la ry a n d g ra m m a r tasks w h ic h can b e used
w ith stu dents w h o finish early in class, as a w ay o f revising p rio r to a te st, o r as e xtra p ra ctice o f th e vo cabulary and
gram m ar. A ll keys to these tests are included.

The Close-up B1 o n lin e te a c h e r z o n e also in c lu d e s th e S tu d e n t's B o o k a u d io a n d v id e o a lo n g w ith th e W o rk b o o k
audio and tra n scrip ts, p lu s th e W o rk b o o k tra n s c rip ts w ith ju s tific a tio n fo r th e a nsw ers to th e lis te n in g tasks
underlined. In a d d itio n , th e re is a S tu d e n t's R e co rd d o c u m e n t, w h ic h can b e p rin te d fo r each s tu d e n t, w h e re te s t
results can be re c o rd e d .

Close-up B1 In tera ctiv e W h ite b o a rd S o ftw a re is d o w n lo a d a b le fro m th e o nlin e te a c h e r zo ne.
Close-up B1 In te ra c tiv e W h ite b o a rd S o ftw a re in c lu d e s c o n te n t fro m th e S tu d e n t's B o o k, p lu s th e a u d io a n d v id e o .
The Interactive W h ite b o a rd has e a s y -to -n a v ig a te , in te ra c tiv e tasks, w o rd d e fin itio n fu n c tio n s , g ra m m a r a n im a tio n and
a series o f gam es fo r fu r th e r p ra c tic e .

Justification fo r re a d in g c o m p re h e n s io n a n d lis te n in g tasks is a v a ila b le a t th e to u c h o f a b u tto n , as is th e key t o all
tasks. C lose-up B1 In te ra c tiv e W h ite b o a rd S o ftw a re also c o n ta in s th e C o n te n t C re a tio n T o o l, w h ic h a llo w s te a c h e rs
to create th e ir o w n in te ra c tiv e tasks to use in class, a n d is c o m p a tib le w ith any in te ra c tiv e w h ite b o a rd h a rd w a re .

1 Family Ties

Reading: true/false, reading the exam question first
Vocabulary: fam ily-related words, collocations & expressions
Grammar: present sim ple, present continuous, stative verbs, countable &
uncountable nouns, quantifiers
Listening: m ultiple-choice questions (pictures), identifying differences
Speaking: talkin g a b o u t fam ily, d escrib ing p h otos, describing in d etail
W ritin g : em ail, using ab b re viatio n s, including all th e in fo rm atio n , inviting,
asking for a reply, w riting ab o u t special events

MwT &pe»ier в

Ask students to look at the title o f the unit and to Elicit from students th a t by looking at old fam ily
explain w hat it means (the relationships betw een p e ople photos we can learn a b o u t our fam ily's history. Ask
in th e same family). students to read the title o f the reading passage (M eet
Ask them which other words they know that can mean the ancestors) and ask th e m w ho our ancestors are.
ties in this co n te xt (relationships, bonds, connections). A llo w th e m to read th e d e fin itio n in th e W o rd Focus
Ask students to te ll th e rest o f th e class a b o u t a relation if necessary.
th a t they have a strong bond with and another th a t they Ask stu d e n ts to read th e instructions in В and check that
d o n 't g e t on so well with. they understand w hat they have to do. Give them tim e
Ask students to look at the picture and the caption to w rite dow n th e ir answers and to check them w ith
and ask th e m to say ho w a p p ro p ria te th e c a p tio n is a partner.
fo r the picture. If they have tro u b le answering the Before students read the text, ask tw o or three students
question, ask them w hat the picture shows (three to name a way th a t they have listed.
different hands which belong to p e ople o f d iffe re n t ages Ask students to skim read the te x t to find any relevant
- a child's hand, a young adult's hand and an elderly inform ation. Explain th a t they d o n 't have to read
person's hand). in d e ta il th is tim e round as th e y w ill have a n o th e r
Ask them to describe how and why people's hands o p p o rtu n ity to read the te xt later on.
change as th e y g e t o ld e r and w h a t a person's hand can O nce you have discussed th e ways m entioned in the
reveal a b o u t him o r her. te xt, ask students if th e ir answers were the same or
not. A llo w them to discuss the diffe re n t ways they
Ask students to look at the photos on the right-hand have m entioned.
side o f the page and tell them to im agine th a t they are
all from a fam ily album . Ask students to say how the Answers
people m ight be related.
Ask students to read the instructions in A and check th a t D N A test, listening to fam ily stories to ld by other
they understand w hat they have to do. Remind students fam ily m em bers, genealogy, asking your relatives
th a t you will give them exactly one m inute to w rite down about your ancestors and making a record o f them
as m any w ords as th e y can th in k o f th a t de scrib e fa m ily and a fa m ily tre e , lo o kin g in o ld new spapers and
m em bers. Tell th e m w hen to s ta rt and s to p w ritin g . public records, looking on the Internet
Ask students to com pare th e ir lists w ith a partner. Then
ask a stu d e n t to com e up to th e board to w rite do w n all Teaching Tip
the words the other students call out.
Correct spelling and punctuation where necessary. Give Encourage students to draw on their own experience
students tim e to copy down the words from the board w hen c o m p le tin g B. A llo w th e m tim e to discuss ho w they
they d id n 't include in th e ir ow n lists. have learnt about their own ancestors. Give them the
o p p o rtu n ity to te ll th e class funny stories o r im p o rta n t
Suggested answers inform ation about their ancestors.

mum, mummy, m other, dad, daddy, father, son, Ask students to read the instructions and the options
daughter, gran, granny, grandm a, grandm other, A-С . Explain th a t each o f th e optio n s links to three o f
grandad, grandpa, grandfather, great-grandm other, th e fo u r sections m arked in th e te xt.
great-grandfather, cousin, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, Ask students to read the te xt again and to match
step-m other/father/brother/sister, m other/father/ headings A, В or С to the correct sections num bered
brother/sister-in-law 1-4.
Ask students to do th e task individually, b u t check
8 answers as a class.

G2В ЗА 4C Answers + Answers

Word Focus 1 to be like som ebody
2 to have a similar appearance
• Ask students to look at th e w ords in red in th e te x t and 3 transfer to the next generation
to read the sentences the y are fo u n d in again. Remind 4 fam ily m em ber
5 to discover or learn
■ students that when the y d o n 't know th e m eaning o f 6 to try to find
a word, they should look carefully a t th e sentence it is
Teaching T ip _____________________________________
f found in to try to w ork o u t its m eaning fro m th e c o n te x t it Encourage students to record new vocabulary in their
is in. Ask students to w ork in pairs to decide w h a t each o f vocabulary n o te b o o ks. Explain th a t a t th is level, it is best
the words mean. to record th e m eanings o f w o rd s in English rather than
translating them into th e ir ow n language. If tim e allows,
• Ask students to read th e W ord Focus b o x to com pare ask students to w rite a sentence o f th e ir own w ith each
their answers w ith th e d e fin itio n s given. o f th e w o rd s in b o ld in F. Ask each s tu d e n t to read o u t
one o f their sentences and check th a t they have used the
Draw students' atte n tio n to th e Exam C lose-up b o x and w ords properly.
tell them that these boxes are used th ro u g h o u t th e b o o k
to give them tips ab o u t how to d o specific tasks. Ideas Focus>_____________________________________
Tell students to read th e b o x and th e n ask a s tu d e n t to • Explain to students th a t they are going to discuss
explain what it says in his o r her ow n w o rd s to th e rest
of the class. Explain th a t th e y have already read th ro u g h some questions a b o u t the family. Ask them to read the
the text twice, so th ey can now g o on to th e task. tw o questions.
Ask students to read th e instructions, questions 1 -1 0 in • A sk stu d e n ts to w o rk in pairs to discuss th e questions
the Exam Task box and th e ir o p tio n s T (True) o r F (False). and encourage them to use th e ir own experience to
Explain anything th e students d o n 't understand. help support th e ir reasons.
Explain to students th a t th e y should try to u n d e rlin e th e • G o round th e class m o n ito rin g students to make sure
parts o f the te x t M e e t the ancestors th a t refer to each they are carrying o u t the task properly. D o n 't correct any
of the questions. P oint o u t th a t th e Exam Task questions mistakes you hear at this stage, b u t make a note o f any
follow the same orde r as th e te x t. mistakes in structure and pronunciation.
• Ask each pair to give their opinions on one o f the
Ask students to do th e task individually, b u t check questions and repeat until each pair has had a turn.
answers as a class. • W rite any structural mistakes th a t students made on
th e board w ith o u t saying w ho made them , and ask
Answers stu d e n ts to co rre c t th e m . Deal w ith any pro b le m s in
pronunciation that came up.
1T 6T
2T 7F M o C A V ? L \\A r\\
3F 8F
4F 9T Ask students to read the instructions and check th a t they
5T 10T understand w hat they have to do.
Explain to students th a t they should read sentences
Extra class activity 1-6 and th e ir meanings a -f quickly before w riting
• If time allows, ask students to m ake th e ir ow n fa m ily tre e any answers.

about their own families. Answers
• Explain to students th a t this a ctivity in tro d u ce s th e m to +
1 grandm other 2 niece 3 cousins 4 nephew
new vocabulary from th e reading te x t. 5 aunt 6 step-m other
• Ask students to look a t th e w o rd s in b o ld and to
I scan the te x t again to fin d th e u n d e rlin e d w ords. Ask В
[ them to say each o f th e w ords a fte r you. C o rre c t th e ir Say all o f th e w o rd s in th e ye llo w w o rd b a n ks to th e
I pronunciation where necessary. students and ask them to repeat them after you. Correct
• Remind them th a t the y should always try to w o rk o u t th e th e ir pronunciation where necessary.
Ask students to read the instructions and check th a t they
meaning o f a w ord fro m th e c o n te x t it is in and ask th e m understand w hat they have to do. Explain to students
to read the sentences each w o rd is in. th a t th e w o rd s are sim ilar in som e way, b u t th a t only tw o
• Ask students to read th e instructions and check th a t th e y o f the three are needed to com plete the sentences.
understand w hat th e y have to do.
• Ask students to d o th e task individually, b u t check
answers as a class.


Family Ties

• Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check fa m w \)/v \A r
answers as a class.
• W rite th e fo llo w in g sentences on th e board and ask
• W hen answers have been checked, ask students to w rite students w hat the verbs are. Then ask them w hat tenses
sentences o f their own w ith the w ords th a t w eren't used have been used and how th e y d iffe r in m eaning.
in th e task. - G randpa always sits near th e w indow , (sits; Present
Sim ple; This sentence talks a b o u t a h a b it)
1 tall, slim 6 nervous, relax - G randpa is s ittin g near th e w in d o w , (is sittin g ;
2 build, overw eight 7 easy-going, scruffy Present C o n tin uo u s; This sentence talks a b o u t
3 blonde, straight 8 reliable, clever s o m e th in g th a t is h a p p e n in g now.)
4 elderly, m iddle-aged
5 generous, • Revise th e affirm ative, negative, q u e stio n fo rm s and
s h o rt answers o f these tw o tenses w ith th e class.
h a rd -w o rk in g

С • Ask students to read sentences 1 -4 and a -d quickly.
Make sure students understand that a -d refer to the
• Tell students to lo o k a t th e p ictu re and to say w h a t reasons w hy w e use the Present Simple.
th e y can see. Ask th e m w h a t it m ig h t te ll us a b o u t
relationships betw een elephants. • Ask students to read sentence 1 again and to find its
use in a -d and to w rite th e answ er in th e b o x provided.
• Say each o f th e w ords in th e yellow w o rd b a n k to the Check they have the correct answer before they do the
students and ask them to repeat them after you. C orrect rest o f the task.
th e ir pronunciation where necessary.
• Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check
• Ask students to skim through the te x t to find o u t how answers as a class.
th e p h o to is related to th e te x t (It shows th e stro n g b o n d
th a t exists b etw een elephants.) Tell stu d e n ts th a t th e y ________________ Answers щ
should read th e te x t fro m s ta rt to finish w ith o u t fillin g in
any o f the words before they do the task. 1c 2b 3d 4a

• Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check Be careful! _|
answers as a class.
• Ask stu d e n ts to lo o k back at sentence 4 in A. W rite
• W hen answers have been checked, ask students which th e w ord always on the board and ask them where it
piece o f inform ation about elephants they found w o u ld g o in th is sentence (The English always d rin k a lot
m ost surprising. o f tea.).

_________________ Answers 9 • Explain to stu d e n ts th a t always is an adverb o f frequency
and e lic it th e o th e r adverbs o f fre q u e n cy (usually, often,
1 height 5 elderly som etim es, never).
2 weigh 6 kind
3 easy-going 7 young • Read th e in fo rm a tio n in Be careful! to th e students. Then
4 nervous 8 hard-working w rite the follow ing sentences on the board. Ask them
to w rite th e m in th e ir n o te b o o k s using an a d ve rb o f
Ideas FocuSl_____________________________________ frequency to make them true about them selves and/or
th e ir fam ilies.
• Explain to students th a t they are going to answer some - I am late fo r school.
questions about the family. - M y dad is hungry.
- I am tired.
• Ask them to read the questions. Teach any new words - M y b ro th e r is naughty.
th a t students have not learnt yet. - W e drive to the superm arket on Saturdays.
- I listen to CDs in m y room .
• Ask students to w o rk in pairs to answ er th e questions - M y mum plays com puter games.
and encourage them to use th e ir own experience to
help them support th e ir opinions. Answer щ

• M o n ito r students to make sure they are doing the task I Students' own answers
correctly and make notes fo r error correction.
• Ask a pair to share their ideas and encourage
class discussion. • Ask students to read sentences 1-5 and a -e quickly.
Make sure students understand th a t a-e refer to the
• W rite any errors on th e b o a rd and co rre c t th e m as reasons why we use the Present Continuous.
a class.
• A sk stu d e n ts to read sentence 1 again and to fin d its
_________________ Answer use in a -e . They should then w rite th e answer in th e box
provided. Check they have the correct answer before
Students' own answers th e y do th e rest o f th e task.

• Ask students to do th e task individually, b u t check
answers as a class.


Answers + Ask students to look at the p h o to and say w ho the girls
may be and how th e y m ig h t be related (sisters, cousins).
1d 2c 3b 4a 5e Ask them to justify th e ir answers.
Ask students to read the te x t from start to finish w ithout
Ask students to read th e instructions and elicit th a t stative fillin g in any answers. Ask them the questions below
verbs are verbs we use only in th e sim ple tenses. about the text.
Ask students to read th e sentences and u n d erline - W ho are Katy and Sandy? (The w riter's/narrator's
the verbs.
tw in sisters.)
Answers + - W hat tricks do they play? (They change clothes to
С1 hates 2 understands 3 smell 4 owns
confuse the others in th e ir family.)
• Ask students to read th ro u g h th e rule and fill in th e - W h a t does Katy like th a t Sandy doesn't? (reading)
missing word. Remind students to pay atte n tio n to w hether verbs are
stative o r action, as w ell as to any adverbs o f fre q u e n cy
and tim e expressions used in th e te x t. Ask stu d e n ts to
d o th e task individually, b u t check answers as a class.

Сsimple Answer 1 think Answers
+ 2 have Ф
3 are 6 wear
Teaching Tip 4 d o n 't know 7 sometim es change
5 are always playing 8 spends
9 hates
10 is reading

You could expand this task by w ritin g th e fo llo w in g verbs

in a jumbled o rder on th e bo ard and asking students

what kind o f verb each one is (e.g. e m o tio n , sta te o f m in d L\$-\rev)\v\0)

or possession).

Emotions: dislike, like, hate, love, prefer

States o f th e m ind: appear, believe, fo rg e t, hope, W rite how?, w here? and who? on th e board and ask
stu d e n ts to glance at th e sets o f pictures in A to d e cid e
realise, seem, think, understand which question w ords m ight go w ith each set o f pictures
(1 h o w 2 w here 3 who).
Possession: belong to, have, own, possess Ask students to read the instructions and check th a t they
understand w hat they have to do. Elicit from students
Ask students to read th e instructions and th e n to discuss w hat each picture shows.
the tw o sentences in pairs. Ask students to do the task individually, b ut check
Check the answer as a class. answers as a class.

Answer Answers
a The verb think here means believe o r have an 1a violin 2c library
opinion about som ething, 1b television 3a old woman
b The verb think here means consider. 1c bicycle 3b m iddle-aged woman
2a superm arket 3c m iddle-aged man
Now read the G ram m ar Reference on pages 1 6 1 -1 6 2 2b car park
(1.1-1.4) with y o u r students.

Ask students to read th e instructions and check th a t th e y В
understand w hat th e y have to do. Elicit th a t all verbs are
either stative verbs o r verbs th a t can be b o th stative and Ask students to read the instructions and check th a t they
action verbs. understand w hat they have to do.
Ask students to read sentences 1 -8 w ith o u t choosing Ask stu d e n ts to look a t th e pictures in A again and
an answer. Encourage th e m to th in k a b o u t th e general match them to these questions.
meaning o f each sentence so th a t th e y know w hich
answer m ight fit, in te rm s o f m eaning. A lso te ll th e m 1 O ption 2 Answers
to underline any adverbs o f frequency and tim e 2 O ption 3 «
expressions and to th in k a b o u t w hich tenses th e y are 3 O ption 1
usually used w ith.
Ask students to do th e task individually, b u t check Ask students to read the instructions and check that
answers as a class. they understand th a t they w ill be answering questions
1-3 in task В using th e three sets o f pictures A, В and
С1b 2b 3b 4a 5b 6a 7b 8a Answers С in task A , th e y have ju s t discussed. P oint o u t th a t th e
conversations will follow the order o f the questions,
however, and not the order o f the pictures.


Family Ties

Play th e re cording once all th e way th ro u g h and ask Ask each student to answer one o f the questions and
students to w rite th e ir answers. Then ask students to repeat until they have all had a turn.
discuss th e ir answers w ith a partner and to justify any W rite any structural mistakes th a t students m ade on
answers that are different. th e board w ith o u t saying w ho m ade them , and ask
Play th e re cord ing again and ask students to check th e ir stu d e n ts to c o rre c t th e m . Deal w ith any p ro b le m s in
answers and to w rite any missing answers. pronunciation that came up.
C heck th e answers as a class and ask students to ju s tify
th e ir answers. В
Ask students to read th e instructions and make sure they
Answers understand w hat they have to do.
Ask students to do the task on their own and then to
1 b (in th e car park) 2a (her g ra n d m o th e r) check th e ir answers w ith a partner.
3a (practising the violin)

Ask students to read th e in fo rm a tio n in th e Exam Close- Useful Expressions______________________________
up box. Tell th e m to lo o k a t th e Exam Task quickly.
Remind th e m th a t it is im p o rta n t to study each p ictu re • Read th e Useful Expressions to th e students and explain
before they listen to th e recording. This means th a t they th a t w e use these structures in o rd e r to describe people
w ill be b e tte r pre p a red to answ er th e questions in th e or say w hat they are doing.
Exam Task.
Ask students to read the instructions and make sure they • If you have tim e, you could ask students to w rite full
understand w hat they have to do. Ask students how sentences using tw o o r three o f the structures here
they should mark their answers (by circling the correct a b o u t th e p e o p le in th e pictures in th e Exam Task.
le tte r A, В o r C, in th e c o rre sp o n d in g picture).
Give students tim e to study th e six sets o f pictures and Say all o f th e w o rd s in th e ye llo w w o rd b a n k to th e
answer any questions they may have about them . Ask students and ask them to repeat them after you. Correct
them to make notes about the differences, sim ilarities or th e ir pronunciation w here necessary.
connections between the pictures. Ask students to read th e instructions and check th a t they
understand w hat they have to do.
Play th e au dio fo r th e firs t q u e stio n and th e n ask Ask stu d e n ts to read sentences 1 -7 w ith o u t fillin g in
students to w rite their answer dow n before playing it the gaps. Encourage them to think about the general
again to check th e answer w ith th e class. Ask stu d e n ts m eaning o f each sentence so th a t they know which word
to justify the correct answer before playing the rest o f fro m th e w o rd b a n k m ig h t fit, in te rm s o f m eaning.
the recording. Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check
Play th e re cord ing once all th e way th ro u g h , pausing if answers as a class.
necessary, and ask students to mark th e ir answers. Then
ask students to discuss th e ir answers w ith a partner and Answers ,
to justify any answers they have th a t are different.
Check th e answers as a class and ask stu d e n ts to ju s tify 1 background 5 behind
th e ir answers. 2 on 6 left
3 next to 7 right
Play th e re cord ing again to check th e answers. 4 foreground

_________________ Answers

С1a 2b 3a 4b 5c 6a

Tell students to read th e tw o questions and answ er any Tell stu d e n ts to read th e in fo rm a tio n in th e Exam Close-
queries they may have about them . up box. Ask th e m w hy they should look at th e photos for
Ask students to w o rk in pairs and to ta ke it in turns to a m o m e n t b e fo re speaking (so th a t th e person listening
answer th e questions about themselves. understands their ideas better).
Go round th e class m o n ito rin g students to m ake sure Tell stu d e n ts ho w th e kind o f details th e y g ive in th e ir
they are carrying o u t the task properly. D o n 't correct any answers will allow them to expand th e ir answers.
mistakes at this stage, b u t make a note o f any mistakes Remind students th a t they should describe the people
in structure and pro n unciation. and activities th a t th e y see in p h o to g ra p h s as fu lly as
possible. They can use adjectives to describe people
and things, e.g. w hat they are w earing, their personality,
Students should also use prepositions to say where
th in g s are in th e p h o to g ra p h .


ЕStudents' own answers Answers + Answers ф

Ideas F o c u s ____________________________________ 1 a fam ily 6 a diary
2 a secret 7 sympathy
• Tell students to read th e questions q u ickly and deal w ith 3 in love 8 divorced
any queries they may have. 4 a com plim ent 9 a visit
5 m arried 10 to pieces
• Ask students to w o rk in pairs and to ta ke it in tu rn s to
answer the questions. Ask students w hat happens at traditional w eddings
in th e ir country. Encourage th e m to discuss how long
• Go round the class m o n ito rin g stu d e n ts to m ake sure w eddings last, w hat the couple wears, w hat they eat at
I they are carrying o u t th e task properly. D o n 't co rre c t any the reception and any other interesting events th a t take
place. If students are interested, you could encourage
mistakes at this stage, b u t m ake a n o te o f any m istakes them to discuss any unusual w eddings they have been to
in structure and pronunciation. or if they have been at a w edding that follow ed different
• Ask each student to answer one q u e stio n until each pair custom s to th e ones th e y are used to in th e ir country.
has had a turn. Ask students to look at the p h o to and ask them to
• Write any structural m istakes th a t students m ade on de scrib e w h a t is h a ppening.
the board w ith o u t saying w h o m ade th e m , and ask Ask students to read th ro u g h all th e sentences before
students to correct them . Deal w ith any p ro b le m s in fillin g in any answers so th a t th e y understand the
pronunciation th a t came up. meaning o f each sentence.
P oint o u t th a t th e re are ten sentences, so th e y w ill use
СStudents' own answers Answers each collocation from task A only once.
Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check
answers as a class.


Write make an excuse and have an excuse on th e board g etting a divorce 6 keep a secret
and ask students w hat th e d iffe re n ce b e tw e e n th e tw o is fall to pieces 7 keep a diary
(make an excuse is to explain the reason fo r an in c o rre c t have/sym pathy 8 g e ttin g m arried
action, whereas have an excuse is to have a g o o d reason pay/a visit 9 have a fam ily
for an incorrect action). Explain to stu d e n ts th a t these fall in love 10 paid/a com plim ent
expressions are collocations and th a t in English th e re
are many expressions like these and th a t th e y should Ideas Focus
always try to pay a tte n tio n to w hich w o rd s can be used
with other w ords naturally in English. P oint o u t th a t pa y Tell stu d e n ts to read th e questions q uickly and deal w ith
attention is another colloca tio n . Tell stu d e n ts th a t m ake any queries they may have.
and have are verbs, w hereas excuse is a c o u n ta b le noun. A sk stu d e n ts to w o rk in pairs and to ta ke it in tu rn s to
Explain that the y are g o in g to lo o k a t co llo ca tio n s w ith answer the questions.
certain verbs th a t can go w ith nouns, o th e r verbs and G o round th e class m o n ito rin g students to make sure
prepositions + nouns o r verbs. they are carrying o ut the task properly.
Ask students to read th e in stru ctio n s and m ake sure th e y Ask each student to answer one question until each pair
understand they have to use each verb only once. has had a turn.
Ask students to d o th e task in d ivid u a lly and th e n W rite any mistakes th a t students make on the board
compare their answers w ith a partner. C heck answers as w ith o u t saying w ho m ade them , and ask students to
a class. co rre c t th e m . Deal w ith any p ro b le m s in p ronunciation
that came up.
1 pay 4 get
2 keep 5 fall Students' own answers
3 have

В Ask students to look at the picture and to say what
re la tio n sh ip th e y th in k th e re is betw e e n th e tw o
Ask students to read th ro u g h all th e se n te n ce s 1 -1 0 people (possibly grandfather and grandchild o r great
before fillin g in any answ ers so th a t th e y u n d e rs ta n d grandfather and great grandchild) and how they
the meaning o f each sentence. Tell th e m to lo o k at probably feel about each other.
the verb in b o ld th a t com es b e fo re each g a p , so th e y
know where to look fo r th e answ er in A. P oint o u t
that there are ten sentences, so th e y w ill use each
collocation in A o n ly once.
Ask students to d o th e ta sk in d iv id u a lly , b u t check
answers as a class.


Family Ties

• Ask them how the picture makes them feel and why. Teaching T ip ____________________________________
W rite the nouns relationship, love, grandfather and
grandson (or the fam ily words the students used fo r the You could expand this task fu rth e r by asking students to
o ld man and baby) on the board. Ask them which w ord w rite sentences o f th e ir ow n using th e q u a n tifie rs in D to
d o e s n 't have a plural fo rm in th is c o n te x t (love). ta lk a b o u t th e ir relatives o r events th a t have h a p pen ed in
their fam ily recently.
• Ask students to read th e instructions and make sure they
understand w hat they have to do. N ow read the Gram m ar Reference on page 162 (1.5-1.7)
w ith your students.
• Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check
answers as a class. Be careful! _____________________________________

________________ Answers 9 • A sk stu d e n ts to read th e in fo rm a tio n in th e Be careful!
bo x and make sure th e y understand it.
1C 2C 3U 4U 5C
• Ask them to note dow n any plural countable nouns they
В kn o w th a t d o n 't end in -s (e.g. m en, w om en, children,
• Ask students to read through both rules from start to sheep, fish, mice, teeth, feet) and any uncountable
nouns th e y know th a t d o end in -s (e.g. maths, news,
finish before they circle any answers. Encourage them athletics, aerobics, genetics). Then ask them to call them
to look back at their answers from A to help them o u t and m ake a list on th e bo a rd . M ake sure th a t in the
choose correctly. latter, th e le tte r -s doesn't signify a plural.

............ A n s w e r s E ______________________________________

1 Countable • Explain th a t th e w o rd s in th e ye llo w w o rd b a n k are either
2 Uncountable countable or uncountable nouns and th a t they should
w rite each w o rd in th e c o rre c t colum n in th e table.
Ьш яш яш ш ш ш яш яяяяш ш яяш яяяяяявяяяяяш ш ш ш ввяяш яш яиш ш ш ш ш вяяш ш ш яш ш ш яш ш E ncourage th e m to th in k a b o u t w h e th e r o r n o t w e can
say tw o + th e noun in th e plural fo rm (e.g. tw o eggs, but
с n o t tw o cheese) to help them decide.

• Ask students to read the instructions and then ask them • Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check
to w o rk in pairs. answers as a class.

• Check th e answer as a class. Answers

Answers 9 C ountable U ncountable
fam ily advice
1 all o f th e hair on her head fo o d
2 many single hairs g e n e ra tio n
m irror inform ation
D p e o p le m aths

• Explain to students th a t th e w ords and phrases in th e tra d itio n research
yellow w ordbank are called quantifiers and can be
used w ith countable and uncountable nouns to express F _____________________________________
q u a n tity (how m uch th e re is o r h o w m any th e re are
o f something). • Ask students to read the instructions and explain that
w e can say b o th ‘a cho co late 1(an individual chocolate
• Ask students to read the instructions. Explain th a t sw eet) and 'som e c h o c o la te 1(the substance) and 'a
there are certain quantifiers th a t can only be used w ith tim e ' (a p a rtic u la r era o r event) and 'any tim e ' (an
countable nouns, others th a t can only be used w ith abstract idea).
uncountable nouns and others which can be used w ith
both countable and uncountable nouns. • Ask students to w rite th e ir sentences in th e ir notebooks
and then ask each stu d e n t to read o u t one o f th e ir
• Ask students to do the task individually, but check sentences. Ask th e o th e r students to say if th e words
answers as a class. ch o co la te and tim e are b e in g used as co u n ta b le or
uncountable nouns each tim e.

Only Countable O nly Uncountable Both _______ Suggested answers t
a lo t o f
a few much a kilo o f W ould you like a chocolate, Sam? The coffee
many X
X any ones are lovely. (C)
X X lots o f
X some I've stopped eating chocolate because I'm

w atching my w eight. (U)

W e had a g re a t tim e a t th e party. (C)

Have you g o t tim e to help me? (U)

^штвтшяшятттшятяввшшшшяяттштшттвявшвттшшятштшяштряявттттттяяттвттттшшшвтттт j

• Explain to students th a t the y should read each d ia lo g u e Teaching T ip ____________________________________
I and try to think o f the w o rd o r phrase th a t is missing
I before looking at the thre e o p tio n s fa, an o r som e) Explain to students th a t they should always spend tim e
• Then they should look at th e o p tio n s carefully and pay analysing a w riting task before they actually begin w riting.
I attention to the w ords eith e r side o f th e gap, especially E ncourage th e m to u n d e rlin e any key w o rd s as th e y read
I nouns (countable or uncountable), ve rb fo rm s (singular through w ritin g tasks and explain th a t this will help them
I or plural) and quantifiers (used o n ly w ith co u n ta b le to make sure they have understood exactly w hat they
I nouns, or uncountable nouns o r both). have to do. Also, encourage them to keep looking back
• Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check th ro u g h th e w ritin g tasks as th e y w rite , and a fte r th e y
| answers as a class. have finished a piece o f w riting to make sure they d o n 't
go o ff topic.
П Answers
2 an Ask students to read the email quickly to answer the
3 some 5 some/a questions below.
4 an/some 6 some - W ho has th e w rite r w ritte n to? (her uncle)
7 a/an - W h a t fa m ily g e t-to g e th e r is described?
8 some
fa p a rty fo r her dad's 50th birth d a y)
• Ask students to quickly read th e Learning Focus on using - W h a t is special a b o u t th e event? (it's a surprise)
abbreviations. Read th rou g h th e in fo rm a tio n to g e th e r Ask students to read the instructions and make sure they
understand w hat they have to do.
I and ask students fo r exam ples o f o th e r a bbreviations. Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check
• Ask students to look at th e instructions fo r task A and answers as a class.
. make sure th a t they understand it.
• Ask students to read each sentence carefully and to pay Answers ф
I attention to the overall m eaning o f th e sentence to see
I how they can re-write th e sentences. Students should underline the follow ing:
• Ask students to do th e task individually, b u t check H] Uncle Sam,
How are you?
answers as a class. W e're having a surprise party on Saturday 11th A pril
at 6pm because it's Dad's 50th birthday. Can you
r Answers come?
# A ll th e fa m ily are co m in g , as w ell as D ad's friends.
I hope you can com e to o . Let me know.
I look like my m other's side o f th e fam ily, i.e. m y Love,
grandmother, my aunt and my cousins.
Ask students to read 1-8 and answer any questions they
It's mum's 35th b irth d a y ne xt w eek. m ight have.
D o th e firs t one to g e th e r as a class and ask them
Carol lives in the UAE. w h ether Rashida has dealt w ith th e task properly.
Ask students to do th e task individually, b u t check
Please bring fo o d , e.g. fru it, sandw iches o r answers as a class.

hotdogs. Answers
I'm seeing Dr A ndrew s a t 4 pm S tudents should tic k th e fo llo w in g : 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8

Mr Jones says lessons s ta rt at 8.45 (in the


7 62, Greendale St, London, UK.

8 Buses leave at 10.00 am, 11.00 am, 12.00 am,


В Explain to students th a t before they begin a piece
o f w ritin g , they should plan it carefully. Ask them to
Ask students to read th e instructions and th e w ritin g lo o k back at th e exa m p le em ail on pag e 14 and to say
task in italics and make sure th e y understand w h a t th e y how many paragraphs it has (four). Explain th a t each
have to do. paragraph deals w ith separate inform ation. Elicit that
Ask students to do th e task individually, b u t check this makes the w riting clearer fo r the reader to follow.
answers as a class. Ask students to look back at task С and the
abbreviations they underlined.
Answers Make sure students understand th a t they should match
Ф 1 -6 w ith a - f d e p e n d in g on th e in fo rm a tio n in th e email.
1 I have to w rite an email. Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check
2 One o f my relatives w ill read it. answers as a class.
3 I am w riting to invite one o f m y relatives to a
special fam ily g e t-to g e th e r.


Family Ties

Answers ф

1e 2d 3a 4 f 5c 6b

• Ask students to read the Exam Close-up box and check
th a t they understand w hat they have to do. Remind
th e m th a t this em ail is to a frie n d and so it should be
inform al and th e y can use abbre via tio n s in it.

• Ask students to d o th e task individually, b u t check as
a class.

Suggested answer ф

Greeting: Hi, Paula,
Paragraph 1 : Ask Paula ho w she is and say w h y you
f are w riting
Paragraph 2: G ive details a b o u t when th e p a rty is,
the tim e o f the party and where it w ill take place
Paragraph 3: Give m ore details ab out the party
Paragraph 4: A sk Paula to re p ly to yo u r in vita tio n
Signing off: Love, Bob

Useful Expressions

• Read the Useful Expressions to the students and
ask them to repeat them after you. C orrect their
pronunciation where necessary.

• Ask students to w o rk in pairs and to p ra ctice in vitin g
each other to a special event using the w ords and
expressions here.

• Ask students to read the instructions and check th a t they
understand w hat they have to do.

• Ask students to re-read the Exam Close-up box and the
Exam Task.

• Remind studen ts to und e rlin e any in fo rm a tio n in th e
Exam Task th a t th e y need to include in th e ir em ail.

. . Suggested answer m

G reeting: Hi, Paula,
Paragraph 1: How are you? W e are having a party at
o ur house to celebrate th e end o f th e school year.
Paragraph 2: It's on Saturday 11th A ugust, 6pm .
Paragraph 3: I have invited a lo t o f people from our
class, including Lucy, Sarah and Rebecca.
Paragraph 4: Please d o com e! Please can you reply
by 8th July.
Signing off: Love, M ary


1 ОчеWbV)/\6y\'$СМслос

fte n e ra l N o + e Play th e v id e o a second tim e and ask stu d e n ts to check
th e ir answers and to fill in any m issing answers. Then
The National Geographic videos can be used as an check answers as a class.
interesting way to introduce your students to o th e r
cultures. They are authentic N ational G e o g ra p h ic videos, Answers
B ed it is not necessary for students to understand
everything they hear to benefit fro m th e m . Som e o f th e 1T (00:14) 4F (00:59)
tasksfocus on the visual aspects o f th e videos, so students 2T (00:21) 5T (01:15)
canconcentrate more on w hat th e y see than on w h a t th e y 3F (00:51) 6F (03:12)
И к Т Ь е у are also a good way to encourage your students
to watch TV programmes and film s in English so th a t th e y A fter you watch
can get used to the sound o f the language. The m ore
students are exposed to English, th e easier it w ill be fo r С
them to pick up the language.
Explain to students th a t th e te x t is a sum m ary o f the
Background In fo rm a tio n . in fo rm a tio n in th e docum entary. Before th e y read it,
ask them to w o rk in pairs to discuss the main ideas o f
Нота Salonik is an educated wom an w ho was b o m and the documentary.
bred in the north-eastern city o f Arusha in Tanzania, Ask stu d e n ts to read th e te x t w ith o u t fillin g in any
Central-East Africa. Arusha is a d e ve lop e d and relatively answers at this stage to see if the ideas they m entioned
modern city which borders w ith th e regions o f K ilim anjaro are covered in th e te x t. A lso encourage th e m to th in k
and Mara. The capital o f Tanzania is currently D o d o m a a b o u t w hich p a rt o f speech is missing fro m each gap.
and the largest city is Dar Es Salaam. Tanzania is one o f Read th e w o rd s in th e y e llo w w o rd b a n k to students and
the oldest known inhabited areas on Earth w ith human ask the m to repeat them . C orrect th e ir pronunciation
fossils from this area dating back tw o m illion years. where necessary.
Ask students to do the task individually, b ut check
Before you watch answers as a class.

Explain to students that in this lesson th e y are g o in g 1 grew Answers
to watch a video about a wom an called Flora Salonik. 2 m arried #
Ask them to look at the picture on page 16 and ask 3 farm 5 decision
them where she m ight be from and w h a t kind o f life she 4 city 6 happy
might lead. 7 stayed
8 belonged
Ask students to read the questions and explain anything
they don't understand. Then ask th e m to w o rk in pairs o r Ideas Focus
small groups to ask and answer th e questions to g e th e r.
When they have finished, ask d iffe re n t s tu d e n ts at Ask students to read the questions and answer any
random round the class to answer each o f th e questions. questions they m ight have.
If students seem interested, give th e m m ore in fo rm a tio n Ask stu d e n ts to w o rk in pairs and explain th a t th e y
using the Background Inform ation b o x above. should both give their opinions on the questions.
G o round th e class m o n ito rin g students to make sure
Er ---------- с з и а ш а д + they are carrying o u t the task properly.
Ask each pair to answer one o f the questions and repeat
1 Students own answers until each pair has had a turn.
Encourage stu d e n ts to discuss th e p o in ts raised as
While you watch a class.

В Answers

1 Explain to students that they are now g o in g to w atch th e Students' own answers
video. Tell them that the d ocum entary is q u ite short.

* Ask students to read statem ents 1 -6 and to und e rlin e
any key words and phrases th e y find. Ask stu d e n ts to
predict what kind o f choice Flora m ig h t be m aking.

’ Tocheck students understand w here Tanzania is, d ra w
their attention to its position on th e g lo b e in th e to p -
right corner of the page.

1 Play the video through w ith o u t s to p p in g and ask
students to make a note o f th e ir answers as th e y are
watching. Then ask students to com pare th e ir answers
with a partner and to justify any answers th e y have th a t
are different.


2 Food, Food, Food!

Reading: choosing the correct option, multiple-choice questions
Vocabulary: food-related words, word formation
Grammar: past simple, past continuous, used to & would, be used to & get used to
Listening: multiple-choice questions, listening for numbers
Speaking: talking about food & restaurants, describing photos, using different
adjectives, using adjectives
W ritin g : review, ordering adjectives, making your writing interesting,
recommending, adjectives for food & restaurants

• W rite Food, Food, Food! on the board and explain to Ask them to say w hy people like o r d o n 't like these
students th a t this is th e title o f U n it 2. G ive stu d e n ts a pro d u cts. If th e y d o use th e m , ask th e m how th e y use
m inute to w rite do w n as m any fo o d -re la te d w o rd s in th e m . Try to e lic it uses in co o kin g as w ell as o th e r uses I
English as th e y can. Then w rite th e headings savoury, (m edicine, cosm etic, etc.).
sw eet and drinks on the board and ask students to call
o ut the w ords they have w ritten dow n and to say which • Ask s tu d e n ts to read th e instructions and make sure thq
colum n they should go in. If students also m ention unde rsta n d w h a t th e y have to do. Encourage them to
w ords linked to meals, (breakfast, lunch, etc.) then guess if th e y d o n 't know an answer.
create another colum n w ith th e heading meal. Elicit the
words hamburger, bun, lettuce, tom ato, onion, pickle • Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check
and cheese if the students d o n 't m ention them . answers as a class.

• Ask students to lo o k a t th e p ictu re on pag e 17 and to • If you have tim e you m ig h t like to give them more
discuss w h a t th e y th in k is g o in g on in it, in small groups. inform ation about the picture using the Background
Then ask each g roup to te ll th e rest o f th e class w hat Inform ation box below.
they decided was happening.
Background In fo rm atio n ___________________
• Ask students to read the caption and ask them fo r th e ir
reactions to the event and the hamburger. Greeks are th e largest consum ers o f olive oil in th e world
and consume about 26 litres o f olive oil per person per
• If students seem interested, you m ight like to give year. The French consum e a b o u t 1.34 litres o f olive oil pe
them m ore inform ation about th e picture using the person p e r year and in China it is n o t generally used at all]
Background Inform ation box below. Spain pro d u ce s around 4 0 -4 5 % o f th e w o rld 's olive oil.
Italy is th e n e xt b ig g e s t p ro d u c e r fo llo w e d by Greece. Thi
Background In fo rm atio n ______________ __________ o ld e s t olive tre e can be fo u n d in th e village o f Vouves, in |
th e Chania re g io n o f C rete. Analysis o f th e trees rings ha:
This event fea tu re d in th e p h o to g ra p h to o k place in p ro ve d th a t it is a t least 2,000 years old . Local scientists,
Toronto, Canada on 6th M ay 2010. The organisers w a n te d however, believe it may even be up to 4,000 years old.
to b e a t th e w o rld record fo r th e b ig g e s t h a m b u rg e r in
th e w orld, w hich was previously 186 p o u n d s in w e ig h t. Answers,
The Canadians created a special grill in ord e r to cook the
hamburger. They started cooking it at 4 am and it was 1c 2a 3a 4c
ready by noon. When the ham burger was com pletely
ready w ith its bun and fillings, it w eighed 590 pounds. В
M oney made from the event was given to Camp Bucko, Ask students to read the instruction and to check their|
w hich is a children's charity. answers to th e quiz in task A.

Ask students to quickly look at the three pictures on Ask students to read the instructions and check thatt
pages 18 and 19 and ask them how th e y are related understand what to do.
(The p ictu re b o tto m le ft on p a g e 18 shows an olive Ask students to do th e task individually, b u t check
branch w ith olives w hich is th e raw m aterial, th e second answers as a class.
p ic tu re on pa g e 18 shows olive o il b e in g p o u re d fro m a
co n ta in e r and th e th ird p ic tu re on p a g e 19 shows b o ttle s Answers,
o f oil in the m anufacturing p la n t which are alm ost the
finished product.) 1 an adjective 2 preposition 3 verb 4 noun
Ask students if olives and olive oil are p opular in th e ir


Word Focus G
• Ask s tu d e n ts to read th e Exam Task instructions and
p Ask students to look at th e w ords in red in th e te x t and
r to read the sentences they are fo u n d in again. Remind check that they understand w hat they have to do.
■ students that when they d o n 't know th e m eaning o f a • Encourage students to read th ro u g h all sentences

word, they should look carefully at th e sentence it is before selecting their answer and to pay attention to the
■ found in to try to w ork o u t its m eaning. Ask students to words im m ediately before and after each gap.
I work in pairs to decide w hat each o f th e w ords mean. • Ask s tu d e n ts to d o th e task individually, b u t check as
• Ask students to read the W ord Focus b o x to com pare a class.

their answers with the definition s given. __________________Answers ф
• Read each of the words to th e stu d e n ts and ask th e m
1c 2d 3d 4a 5a 6b 7c 8a 9c 10c
to repeat them after you. C o rre ct th e ir p ro n u n cia tio n
where necessary. Ideas Focus
• Write the words oranges, p o ta to e s, seeds and ice, Ask students to read the questions and answer any
on the board, and ask students w hich o f th e m can questions they m ight have.
collocate with the words in the W ord Focus box. Explain
that some words in the W ord Focus box can co llo ca te • Ask stu d e n ts to w o rk in pairs and explain th a t th e y
I with more than one o f these w ords (harvest o ra n g e s / should both give th e ir opinions on the questions.
potatoes; crush seeds/ice).
• G o round th e class m o n ito rin g students to make sure
D they are carrying o u t the task properly.

• Read words 1-5 to the students and ask th e m to say • Ask each pair to answer one o f the questions and repeat
I them after you. C orrect th e ir p ro n u n cia tio n w here until each pair has had a turn.
■necessary. Then ask students to scan th e te x t to fin d and
• E ncourage stu d e n ts to discuss th e p o in ts raised as
underline these words. a class.
• Explain to students th a t th ey should carefully read
__________________Answers 9
the sentence each w ord appears, in th e te x t to try to
■widerstand its meaning before m atching th e m w ith Students' own answers

definitions a-e. Ы о С 6 \\? [А \(л Х '\\
• Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check
■answers as a class. A
• If time allows, ask students to w rite sentences o f th e ir • Ask students to read the instructions and make sure that

own using these words. they understand w hat they have to do. They should look
at the fo o d pyram id carefully so they can num ber the
L A n sw e rs ten item s listed.
• D o ite m 1 (pizza) to g e th e r as a class.
1c 2b 3a 4e 5d • Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check
answers as a class.
Teaching Tip • A fte r checking the answers, ask students to say what
the o th e r fo o d item s are th a t they d id n 't have to
You could expand this task fu rth e r b y askin g s tu d e n ts number. (From to p to b o tto m : ice cream cone/cornet,
to find some w ords th e y m ay n o t k n o w in th e te x t and fish, cheese, milk, peas, carrots, apple, orange, yellow
to find definitions fo r th e m . A sk th e m t o w rite o u t w h a t pepper, tom ato, pear, strawberry, bananas, spaghetti,
they think the d e fin itio n c o u ld b e a n d th e n c h e ck in a lo a f o f bread, slice o f bread)
dictionary. • Ensure th a t stu d e n ts can spell all th e fo o d s in English.

E __________________Answers ф
• Ask students to read th e instructions and m ake sure th e y
1 to p m ost item
understand what they have to do. 2 row 5, first item on th e left
• Ask students to re-read th e g a p p e d sentence in task C. 3 row 4, second item from the left
• Ask students to read o p tion s 1 -4 to fin d th e co rre ct 4 b o tto m row, second item from the left
5 row 6, first item on the left
word to fill each gap in task C. 6 second row from the bottom , second item from
• Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check
■answers as a class. the right
7 b o tto m row, the furthest right
L , Answers 8 row 2, on the rig ht
9 row 4, first item on the left
1 good 2 for 3 protects 4 infection 10 b o tto m row, first item on the left


• Ask students to read th e info rm a tio n in th e Exam Close-
up box and that they understand th e in fo rm a tio n given.

• Ask students to read th e sentences in th e reading te x t
with the gaps.


Food, Food, Food!

В Explain to students th a t they should read th e te x t and
select an o p tio n to fill in th e gap. They should th in k
Ask students to read the instructions and explain that a b o u t the m eaning o f th e w ord carefully before circling!
they are going to com plete the ta b le w ith th e fo o d th e ir answer.
listed in task A, to th e ty p e o f g ro u p th e fo o d Ask students to do the task individually, b ut check
belongs to. answers as a class.
Give students some tim e to study the table.
Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check _______________________ Answers
answers as a class.
1b 2c 3a 4b 5c 6b 7c 8b
« fa m w \№ \A r
Grains and cereals: w heat, rice, sweetcorn
Fruit and vegetables: aubergine, broccoli Ask th e questions b e lo w at random round th e class.
Protein and dairy: eggs, chicken Make sure each student answers at least one question.!
Sugar and fat: pizza, cupcake, croissant - W hat did you eat fo r dinner last night?
- W h o m ade lunch in yo u r house on Sunday?
Ask students to read the instructions and explain - W hen was th e last tim e you had pizza fo r dinner?
th a t tw o o f the three o f th e w ords in each item are - W hat were you doing w hile your parents were
co n nected in som e w ay th a t th e o th e r w o rd isn't. They
should circle th e w o rd th a t is n o t co n n e cte d . shopping fo r food?
D o item 1 to g e th e r as a class and e n co u ra g e stu d e n ts to - W ho w ere you sitting next to th e last tim e you went]
explain w hy th e o d d w o rd o u t is d iffe re n t b e fo re th e y d o
the rest o f the task. to a restaurant?
Ask students to do th e task individually, b u t check Ask stu d e n ts w hich tenses w ere used in th e questions
answers as a class. Check s tu d e n ts' p ro n u n cia tio n w here they have ju st answered (Past Sim ple and Past
necessary as you check the answers. C ontinuous). Revise th e a ffirm ative, negative, question!
fo rm s and sh o rt answers o f these tenses w ith th e classJ
A sk stu d e n ts to lo o k a t sentences in 1 -3 and elicit whiq
1 bread 5 breakfast sentence has a regular verb in th e Past Sim ple.
6 mix
2 lunch 7 fridge _______________________ Answers
8 knife
3 kitchen 2 cooked
4 meat
k.llin.... В
Ask stu d e n ts to m atch th e Past Sim ple a-с , w ith the
Explain to students th a t the w ords missing from each sentences 1 -3 in A.
sentence com es from task C. Ask stu d e n ts to read th e uses o f th e Past Sim ple in <
Encourage students to read th ro u g h all sentences and answ er any questions th e y m ig h t have. Explain
b e fo re fillin g in any answers and to pay a tte n tio n to th e th a t th e y should pay a tte n tio n to tim e expressions and
words im m ediately before and after each gap. tim e references in sentences 1 -3 when m atching up
th e ir answers.
1 fry Answers Ask students to do the task individually, but check
2 bowl # answers as a class.
3 dessert 5 peel
4 fridge 6 chop _______________________ Answeri
7 stir
8 chew 1 b 2c 3a

Ask students to look at the picture o f the Shaolin m onk Ask stu d e n ts to lo o k at th e verbs in b o ld in sentence
and to read the accompanying caption. Ask them for 1 -4 and e lic it th a t th e y are all in th e Past C ontinuous,!
th e ir reaction to it and to say w hat it tells us a b o u t life a p a rt fro m rang in sentence 4, w hich is in th e
today. (The pictu re shows a contrast o f lifestyles and Past Simple.
shows us th a t w estern eating habits have spread to Ask stu d e n ts w h a t th e in fin itive fo rm o f each main verl
traditional Asian comm unities.). is (watch, cook, rain, blow , shake, make, chop, ring) an
Ask stude nts to read th e title o f th e te x t in С (The s to ry e lic it th a t th e last consonant in ch o p is d o u b le d to fo f
o f the ham burger) and ask them w hat th e y expect it th e present p a rticiple form . Ask them which other vel
to be about. Ask them if they know the history of the they know th a t do this (e.g. travel, shop, stop, dropJ
hamburger. A ccept any answer at this stage. hop).
Ask students to skim through th e te x t w ith o u t circling Ask students how we form the Past Continuous.
any answers and ask them how many stories ab o u t the
origins o f the ham burger it contains (three).


Answer Remind students to look at the Irregular Verb list on
pages 174 and 175 and to look back at A & В on this
The Past Continuous is form e d w ith was fo llo w e d by page and the Gram m ar Reference on page 163 if they
the main verb with -in g in th e firs t and th ird person need any help.
singular (I, he, she, it) and w ith w ere plus th e main
verb with -ing for second person s in g u la r/p lu ra l, and Answers
first and tn'rci oerson plural (you, we, they).
1 ate, finished
• Ask students to read the uses o f th e Past C o n tin uo u s in 2 Did Joey call, w ere w atching
a-d and answer any questions th e y m ig h t have. 3 cooked, was
4 w ere ordering, walked
• Ask students to match sentences a -d w ith 1 -4 in C. 5 d id n 't/d id n o t fry, grilled
• Remind them to pay atte n tio n to any tim e expressions 6 was making, was setting
f and time references in sentences 1 -4 w hen m a tch in g up 7 W ere they having, started
8 D id you order, had
their answers.
• Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check Ask students to look at the picture at the bottom o f
■ answers as a class. pag e 21 and to te ll you w h a t it shows (a pizza). Ask
students to quickly make a list o f any w ords and phrases
Answers th a t they associate w ith pizza (e.g. tom ato, cheese, flour,
Italy, Friday nights, fo o tb a ll, delicious etc.) and then ask
1b 2d 3a 4c them to com pare th e ir lists w ith a partner. M ake a list
on the board and ask students to talk about when they
Be Careful usually have pizza, which to p p in g s they prefer on it,
• Ask students to read th e in fo rm a tio n in Be careful! and w hether they make it them selves, buy ready-m ade ones
I revise verbs that are stative. Remind stu d e n ts th a t som e or g e t takeaw ay pizzas.
■stative verbs can also be used as action verbs, b u t th a t Ask stu d e n ts w hich tw o fo o d s th e y have read a b o u t in
th e unit so far (olive oil and hamburgers). Elicit th a t the
their meaning changes. texts dealing w ith them talked a b o u t the history o f these
Now read the Grammar Reference on pages 163 (2.1 & 2.2) fo o d s and explain th a t th e te x t in G w ill ta lk a b o u t the
with your students. h isto ry o f pizza as w ell.
Ask students to read the instructions and make sure
E th e y understand th a t they will only use the Past Simple
tense here. Remind them to read the te x t through once
• Ask students to read the instructions and m ake sure th e y b e fo re fillin g in any o f th e gaps. Ask th e m to underline
realise they will use only th e Past C on tin uo u s tense here. th e re g u la r verbs in brackets and to circle th e irregular
verbs in brackets b e fo re w ritin g any answers. Encourage
r Ask them to look at items 3 and 6 and e lic it th a t th e y w ill them to use the Irregular Verb list on pages 174 and 175
both be in the question form . if they need help.
Ask students to do the task individually, b ut check
• Explain to students th a t th e w o rd o rd e r w ill rem ain answers as a class.
the same in their sentences and th a t it is th e verb th e y
1 Did you know Answers
I must change. +
• Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check 2 covered 5 was
К answers as a class. 3 developed 6 worked
4 originated 7 made
Answers a V» 8 grated

1 The students w e re n 't/w e re n o t e a tin g breakfast Us+e v\\v\c)
[ in the classroom this m orning.
2 We weren't/were n o t having lunch a t one o 'c lo c k Explain to students th a t in this part o f the lesson, they
today. w ill be practising th e ir listening skills. Explain th a t
3 Were you making cupcakes all m orning? in som e listening tasks the correct answers may be
4 This time last week, we w ere sam pling French num bers. P oint o u t th a t th is is im p o rta n t fo r listening
[ cheese. to specific inform ation involving num bers in everyday
5 My sister was peeling p o ta to e s fo r hours this life, fo r exam ple talking about dates and tim es when we
morning. make appointm ents or plans, or giving measurements
6 Was Cathy preparing din n e r on her ow n last or prices.
night? Ask students to look at the instructions and make sure
they understand w hat they have to do.
F Choose students at random to read a num ber to you.
Correct any pronunciation problem s.
Ask students to read th e instructions and m ake sure th e y
understand they will have to use b o th th e Past S im ple 21
and Past Continuous tenses here.
Explain to students th a t th e y should read each sentence
through before w ritin g any answers as th e y m ust th in k
about which tense b o th verbs in each sentence w ill g o in
as one will affect th e other.

Food, Food, Food!

Play th e recording once all th e way th ro u g h and ask C heck th e answers as a class and ask students to justify
students to w rite th e ir answers. Then ask students to th e ir answers.
discuss th e ir answers w ith a partner and to ju stify any
answers th a t are different. 1с 2b 3b 4b 5b 6c Answers 4
Play th e recording again and ask stu d e n ts to check th e ir
answers and to w rite any missing answers. < > p e A k :\v \q

Answers A

1b 2a 3c 4c 5b Ask stu d e n ts to w o rk in pairs to answ er th e three
questions. A sk th e m to d e v e lo p th e ir answers as much
В as possible and avoid g iv in g one w o rd answers.
Ask students to read the instructions and make sure they G o ro und th e class m o n ito rin g students to m ake sure
understand w hat they have to do. Elicit th a t they have th e y are carrying o u t th e task properly. D o n 't correct an
to im agine they are listening to a chef and th a t he no m istakes a t th is stage, b u t m ake a n o te o f any mistakes
longer works at the restaurant he will be talking about. in structure and pronunciation.
Ask th e m to bear th is in m ind when lo o kin g a t th e th re e A sk each pair to answ er one o f th e questions and repei
sets o f o p tio n s as th is w ill a ffe ct th e possible questions until everyone has had a turn.
and how they will be worded. W rite any stru ctu ra l m istakes th a t stu d e n ts m ade on
Tell stude nts to d o th e task and th e n to com pare th e b o ard w ith o u t saying w h o m ade th e m , and ask
their questions w ith a partner. Ask them to justify stu d e n ts to co rre c t th e m . Deal w ith any problem s in
any differences. pronunciation that came up.
C heck th e answers as a class and ask s tu d e n ts to ju s tify
their answers. Answers.

Suggested answers t Students' own answers

How long did he w ork at the restaurant for? В
/ How long ago did he stop w orking at the
restaurant? Ask students to read the instructions and make suret
W hat did he think w ere the best dishes on the understand w hat they should do.
menu? / W hat kind o f food was the restaurant E ncourage stu d e n ts to read th e w h o le sentence befo
fam ous for? / W h a t was his speciality? circling any answers.
W hy did he leave the restaurant? Ask students to d o th e task individually, b u t check
answers as a class.
Read th e in fo rm a tio n in th e Exam C lose-up b o x to
th e students and explain th a t in task D, th e y w ill hear 1 delicious __________ i—\ i i u v v v i ш
a recording about a restaurant festival and they have 2 overcooked
to read the questions and the three m ultiple-choice 3 spicy 5 bitter
options. They should make notes next to each option 4 tasty/colourful 6 processed
as th e y listen. Elicit th a t th e ir notes should include 7 grilled
inform ation such as w ho som eone is, w hen s o m e th in g 8 cold
will take place, w hat numbers, dates, prices, etc.
refer to. U se fu l E xp re ssio n s

Play th e re co rd ing all th e way th ro u g h and ask students Read the Useful Expressions to the students.
to circle th e ir answers. Then ask students to discuss th e ir Explain th a t th e y are useful phrases to help you think
answers w ith a partner and to justify any answers they a b o u t po sitive o r n e gative ways to describe the thini
have th a t are different. you can see.
Explain th a t fo r each question, they should circle the If you have tim e, you could ask students to write f
co rre ct o p tio n a, b o r c. sentences w ith tw o o r th re e o f th e structures here ab
Ask students to read the instructions and to underline p h o to s 1 and 2 in th e Exam Task.
im portant words and numbers. Then ask them what
th e y w ill listen to (an interview ), w h a t it w ill be a b o u t fa Ask students to read the Exam Close-up box.
restaurant festival) and how many questions they will
have to answer (6). tExplain th a t th e y w ill m ake a list o f all th e food and
Give students tim e to study the questions and options.
th e y can see in each p h o to in th e Exam Task.
Play th e reco rd ing again and ask stu d e n ts to check th e ir Explain th a t th e y have to choose adjectives from taskjI
answers and to fill in any missing answers.
to describe them . \
AnswQfl ■

S tudents' ow n answers

• Ask students to read the instructions and to d e cid e Explain to students th a t they should read through the
f who will be Student A and w h o w ill be S tu d e n t B. Then ta b le quickly before w riting any answers.
Explain th a t w here th e re is a cross (x) th e re is no answer
askthem to read their specific task. (S tu d e n t A looks in th a t cell.
atlphotograph 1 and describes w hat he o r she can see. Ask students to do the task individually and then to
■Student 8 listens. Then stu d e n t В describes p h o to g ra p h com pare their answers w ith a partner. Then check
V 2 and student A listens.) answers as a class.
• Ask students to work in pairs and explain th a t S tu d e n t A
will carry out his or her task first. colour Answers
• Go round the class m onitorin g stu d e n ts to m ake sure taste «
{ they are carrying out the task properly. D o n 't c o rre c t any tra d itio n a l 6 custom er
К mistakes at this stage, b u t make a n ote o f any m istakes decide 7 mix
instructure and pronunciation. choose 8 trend
• As a class, ask one S tudent A to te ll th e rest o f th e 9 brightness
I class what he or she said a b o u t th e p h o to g ra p h . Ask 10 varied
the other Student A's if th e y agree, o r if th e y have
■something else to add. В
• Follow the same procedure fo r S tu d e n t B.
• Write any structural mistakes th a t students m ade on Ask students to read the instructions and check th a t they
the board w ithout saying w ho m ade th e m , and ask understand w hat they have to do.
students to correct them . Deal w ith any p ro b le m s in Explain th a t they have to fill the gap using w ords from
renunciation that came up. task A.
Encourage students to read th ro u g h all sentences
0Students' own answers Answers before selecting their answer and to pay attention to the
words im m ediately before and after each gap.
Ask students to do the task individually, b ut check
answers as a class.

Teaching T ip Answers

When doing pairwork, encourage students to w o rk w ith colourful tasty
different students from task to task. This gives th e m th e custom ers trendy
opportunity to get to know all th e stu d e n ts in th e class choose vary
better and provides them w ith m ore o f an in ce n tive to b rig h t choice
talk, Sometimes when students ta lk to th e same p a rtn e r tra d itio n a l
in every task, they can g e t bo red easily and d o th e task as
quickly as possible, rather than ta kin g tim e to d e v e lo p and Ask stu d e n ts to lo o k a t th e title o f th e te x t and ask
explain their answers. Also, alth o u g h changing partners th e m w h a t a bakery is (a place w here b re a d and o th e r
can bring some disruption w hen se ttin g up a task, it can baked goods are m ade a n d /o r sold). Elicit th a t bakery
help to avoid discipline problem s d u rin g th e task. is a noun and ask students if th e y know a n o th e r noun
w hich is m ade fro m th is w o rd (baker) and e lic it th a t this
Ideas Focus noun refers to th e person. Ask stu d e n ts w h a t th e verb is
• Ask students to read th e questions q u ickly and deal w ith Explain th a t when they com e across new w ords, they
any queries they may have. should m ake a n o te o f its various fo rm s as w ell as its
m eaning. This w ill help to develop th e ir know ledge o f
• Ask students to w ork in pairs and to ta ke it in tu rn s to the language.
I answer the questions. W rite th e questions b e lo w on th e b o ard and ask
• Go round the class m o n ito rin g students to m ake sure stu d e n ts to read th e te x t, w ith o u t fillin g in any answers
at this stage, to answer the questions w ith a partner.
they are carrying o u t th e task properly. - W here is th e H u m m in g b ird Bakery? (in London)
• Don't correct any mistakes a t th is stage, b u t m ake a - How many branches are there at the m om ent? (three)
I note of any mistakes in structure and p ro n u n cia tio n . - W h o set up th e firs t bakery? (a g ro u p o f A m ericans)
» Ask each student to answer one q u e stio n until each pair - W hy did they set it up? (because they couldn't find
I has had a turn.
• Write any structural mistakes th a t students m ade on Am erican-style cupcakes in London.)
- W hat do w e call the dessert shown in the picture
the board w ithout saying w h o m ade th e m , and ask
students to correct them . Deal w ith any p ro b le m s in beside th e te x t? (a cupcake)
pronunciation th a t came up. Ask students to read the te x t again and this tim e to
w o rk o u t w h a t each o f th e m issing w ords is. Explain th a t
Answers they should also pay attention to th e general meaning
Ф o f th e sentence a w o rd is in and w h e th e r it is b e ing used
in a positive or a negative way. They should also look
Students' own answers at w h e th e r any nouns are singular o r plural as these w ill
determ ine the form o f the words needed.

Ask students to read th e instructions and check th a t th e y
understand what they have to do.


Food, Food, Food!

Explain th a t th e y should use th e w o rd in b o ld on th e (Sentence 2 should be ticked. Answers.
same line as each g a p in th e a p p ro p ria te p a rt o f speech.
Explain th a t this means they will have to change the В
suffix o f th e w ord s and in som e cases m ake spelling
changes. D o th e firs t one o r tw o to g e th e r as a class A sk stu d e n ts to c o m p le te th e rule and to lo ok back at
if necessary. th e sentences in task A in o rd e r to help them .
Ask students to do th e task individually, b u t check
answers as a class.

Answers ф _________________ Answers

colourful 6 customers Answers in ord e r o f appearance: used to , w ould
tasty 7 m ixture
tra d itio n a l 8 trendy Ask students to read the heading and elicit th a t be
decision 9 brightly used to and g e t used to refer to how fa m ilia r w e are
choice 10 varieties w ith som ething.
Ask students to read th e instructions and sentences a
Ideas Focus and b. Then ask th e m to answ er questions 1 and 2. Ask)
them to com pare th e ir answers w ith a partner and to
• Ask students to read the questions. ju s tify th e m . Then check answers as a class.
• Ask students to w o rk in pairs to discuss th e m .
• G o round th e class m o n ito rin g stu d e n ts to m ake sure Answers

they are carrying o u t the task properly. 1b 2a
• Ask each pair to answer one o f the questions and repeat V.

until each pair has had a turn. A sk stu d e n ts to c o m p le te th e rules and to look back
• W rite any structural mistakes th a t students m ade on a t th e sentences in task С in o rd e r to help th e m if they
need it.
th e board w ith o u t saying w h o m ade th e m , and ask
students to co rre ct th e m . Deal w ith any p ro b le m s in A nsw ers in o rd e r o f appearance: be used to , g e t used
pronunciation that came up. to
• You could also a ctivate th e vocabulary in th is lesson
further by asking students to w rite a short description N o w read th e G ram m ar Reference on pages 163 (2.3 &2.\
like th e one in task С a b o u t a fam ous baker's, restaurant w ith yo u r students.
or cafe in th e ir country. Encourage th e m to use th e
vocabulary fro m th is lesson in th e ir d e scrip tio n .

СStudents' own answers Answers i

Ask th e questions b e lo w at random ro und th e class. Ask students to read the instructions and make suret
Make sure each student answers at least one question. understand w hat they have to do. Point out that thet
- W hat did you used to have fo r breakfast when you here only deals w ith use/d to and would.
Ask students to read sentences 1-8 to decide on
were young? w h ether each one refers to a past state o r a repeated I
- W hat w ould your fam ily eat on special occasions action. Remind th e m th a t w e can use used to both for |
states and re p e a te d actions in th e past, b u t w ould can
when you were young? only be used fo r repeated actions.
- Are there any foods th a t you cannot g et used to?
- Are there any foods th a t you d id n 't use to like b u t you Answer?

have now g o t used to? Sentences 1, 4, 6 and 7 should be ticke d .
Explain to students th a t these questions use used to,
w ould, be used to and g e t used to as these are th e A sk stu d e n ts to read each sentence and to fill in the
gram m ar p o in ts th e y w ill be lo o kin g a t in this lesson. gap. Then they should look at the three options to
d e c id e w hich one is th e co rre ct answer.
Ask students to look at the heading and elicit th a t Encourage students to look back at tasks A to D andt
we can use used to and w ould to refer to past habits G ram m ar Reference to help them if th e y need it. Tell!
instead o f th e Past Sim ple. E licit th a t w e use u sed to in th e m to pay a tte n tio n to th e w o rd s im m e d ia tely befod
the affirm ative, b u t d id n 't use to and D id ... use to in the and a fte r th e gaps in each o f th e o p tio n s, especially thj
negative and question form s. Also, p o in t o u t th a t w ould
is fo llo w e d by a bare infinitive. jfo rm s and tenses o f th e verbs and th e preposition to,
Ask students to read the instructions and sentences 1
and 2. M ake sure th e y realise th a t th e y should o n ly tic k w ell as th e general m eaning o f each sentence.
one sentence. Ask them to com pare their answer w ith a
p a rtn e r and to ju s tify it. Then check it as a class.

^ ^ ^ ■ u r a g e students to read back th ro u g h th e sentences Ask students to read th e title o f the review and ask them
r putting in their answers to check th a t th e y fit. w hich w o rd s show th a t th e review w ill be po sitive (a
• Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check g o o d choice).
Htfiswers as a class. Ask students to read the instructions and make sure they
know w hat they have to do.
___________ Answers Encourage students to read the review through once
w ith o u t fillin g in any answers. Then ask th e m th e
E1a 2c 3c 4b 5a 6b 7a 8b follow ing questions.
- W h a t kind o f restaurant is Gino's? (Italian)
W ri+ iv i£ ): o t r e v i e w - W hat d id th e w rite r eat there? (chicken pasta)
- W ould this review encourage you to eat at Gino's?
Write the words colourful, tasty, tra d itio n a l, tre n d y and
brightly-coloured on th e b oard and rem ind students (students' own answer)
that they came across these w o rd s in task С on page Ask students to d o th e task individually, b u t check
24. Elicit that all these w ords are adjectives and th a t answers as a class.
we use adjectives to describe, o r ta lk a b o u t, som eone,
or something's, character. Then ask students to read Answers
the information on O rd e rin g adjectives. Ask students
what kind of adjectives th e w ords on th e b o ard are 1 grey, tasteless 5 sweet and tasty
(opinion: ta s ty/tre n d y/co lo u rfu l/b rig h tly -c o lo u re d ; age: 2 new Italian 6 easy-going, small
traditional). 3 m odern, colourful 7 lovely red cotton
Ask students to look at th e pictures on pages 26 and 4 small, healthy 8 young friendly
27 and to describe them in pairs. E ncourage th e m to
[discuss who the people m ig h t be, w h a t th e y are w e a rin g Ask students to read the questions 1-5 before they read
and where they m ig ht be. Encourage th e m to use the review again so th a t they know w hat inform ation
they need to pay attention to.
jectives wherever possible. Encourage stu d e n ts to u n d erline relevant in fo rm a tio n in
the te xt where appropriate.
Ask students to read th e instructions and m ake sure th e y Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check
understand that they have to d o tw o th in g s in th is task - answers as a class.
put a tick if a sentence is co rre ct o r re w rite th e sentence
correctly if it is w rong. Explain th a t any errors w ill be in Answers
the order of the adjectives only.
Encourage students to read each sentence th ro u g h 1 Yes, it is. The title includes th e nam e o f th e
without writing any answers. Then ask th e m to und e rlin e restaurant and the w ords 'a g o o d choice' means
the adjectives in each sentence and to d e cid e w h a t kind th a t th e restaurant is a g o o d place to g o to . This
of adjective each one is. Remind th e m th a t th e y can look lets the reader know th a t the review will be a
back at the inform ation on o rd e r o f adjectives a t th e to p positive one.
of the page to help them w ith th e task.
Ask students to d o th e task individually, b u t check 2 by asking direct questions
answers as a class. 3 aubergine: healthy, sw eet and tasty; pasta:

' delicious
4 the in te rio r o f th e restaurant and how it's
1 The waiters were w earing nice blue uniform s.
2/ decorated, the waiters
3 Have you been to th e fa n ta stic new Chinese 5 hungry shoppers; i.e. peo p le w ho w ant
I restaurant?
4/ som ething to eat w hile they are o u t shopping
5 The walls are de corated w ith in te re stin g m od e rn
Remind students th a t they should always make a plan
paintings. before they start w riting.
6/ Ask them to skim through the review again and to w rite
7/ th e main idea o f each paragraph n e xt to it. Then ask
8 It's worth a try if you're hungry and thirsty. them to read descriptions a -d to decide which ones
are closest to th e ir notes before going on to do the
В m atching task.
Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check
• Ask students to read th e instructions and th e w ritin g answers as a class.
task in italics and make sure th e y understand w h a t th e y
I have to do. Encourage students to und e rlin e w ords •+
Г and phrases in the w ritin g task th a t show th a t th e
I inform ation in the tru e sentences are correct. Paragraph 1: с
• Ask students to d o th e task individually, b u t check Paragraph 2: b
Hanswers as a class. Paragraph 3:
Paragraph 4:

С1T 2T 3F 4T 5T Answers


Food, Food, Food!

Ask students to read the Exam Close-up box and the H ___________________________________
Exam Task. Check th a t th e y unde rsta n d w h a t th e y have • Ask stu d e n ts to w o rk in pairs to discuss any restaurants |
to do.
Ask students why they should use lots o f different they have been to th a t they w eren't happy with.
vocabulary in th e ir w ritin g (to m ake it m ore interesting). Encourage them to discuss the fo o d they had and w hyil
Remind students th a t they should look back at th e ir w a s n 't g o o d , as w ell as any o th e r in fo rm a tio n a b o u t thel
w riting task when they have finished it to make sure they restaurant th a t th e y d id n 't like. G ive students help with [
have carried it out properly. any fo o d vocabulary they may need b u t haven't already!
Ask students to do the task individually, b ut check the covered in th e unit.
answer as a class. Ask stu d e n ts to ju s tify th e ir answer. • G ive s tu d e n ts tim e to m ake a plan fo r th e ir review in
class, b u t set th e w ritin g task fo r hom ew ork.
Answers • E ncourage students to use th e W ritin g Reference and
checklist fo r reviews on p a g e 180.
a negative review (you were very unhappy w ith your
meal) Plan
Para 1: In tro d u ce th e restaurant.
Ask students to read the Useful Expressions before they Para 2: D escribe th e meal you ate.
do the task individually and then com pare th e ir answers Para 3: G ive o th e r d etails a b o u t th e restaurant.
w ith a partner. Encourage them to justify any answers Para 4: End th e review and say w hy you w o u ld n 't
they have th a t are different.
C heck answers as a class. recom m end it.

Answers Suggested answers

Recommending The Crab: a place to stay away from!
I highly recom mend: P
I w o u ldn't/don't recommend: N Have you heard o f th e seafood restaurant, The Crab?
It's th e p e rfe c t place / cafe / restaurant f o r ... P I heard about it from friends and decided to pay it
It's th e w o r s t... N a visit.
Adjectives for food
bitter: N I w ent on a Friday night when I was the only
undercooked: N custom er. I o rd e re d a healthy green salad as a starter
overcooked: N and seafood pasta fo r my main. The salad was so
colourful P disgusting I co u ld n't eat it. The pasta was over­
delicious: P c o o ke d and th e re was little seafood in th is bland dish.
unhealthy N
bland N The C rab is colourless and th e w aiters slow and
processed: N rude. The m enu is lim ite d and th e prices are
tasty: P to ta lly unreasonable.
tasteless: N
Adjectives for restaurants The quality and price o f the food, along w ith the
scruffy: N te rrib le service, make The Crab one o f the w orst
dirty: N
trendy: P Lplaces I have ever eaten in. I d e fin ite ly w o u ld n 't
bright: P recom m end you visiting this restaurant.
old-fashioned: N
expensive: N Teaching T ip ____________________________
slow: N Remind students th a t they should read and e d it their
unfriendly: N review carefully b e fo re handing it in. Tell th e m th e y should
rude: N check fo r errors in spelling, gram m ar, syntax, vocabulary
• Remind students th a t the w ords and phrases here and punctuation. They should also make sure th a t the
c o n te n t is relevant to th e task and th a t th e y have written
can be used fo r reviews. w ithin the w ord lim it given o f 100 words.
• Elicit th a t in th e ir review, th e y w ill m ainly use th e

ones th e y m arked as negative.


2 fyreek:Olives

fycv\e,m[ No+e Explain to students th a t they are going to w atch the
video again. Ask them to read sentences 1-6 and
The National Geographic videos can be used as an explain anything they d o n 't understand.
interesting way to introduce your stu d e n ts to o th e r Ask them to think about w hat the answers m ight be
cultures. They are authentic N a tio n al G e o g ra p h ic videos, before they w atch again. Explain th a t they will hear
and it is not necessary fo r students to understand these exact sentences on the video and th a t they should
everything they hear to ben efit fro m th e m . Som e o f th e listen o u t fo r the specific w ords highlighted
tasks focus on the visual aspects o f th e videos, so stu d e n ts in red.
can concentrate more on w ha t th e y see than on w h a t th e y Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check
hear. They are also a good way to enco u ra g e yo u r students answers as a class.
to watch TV programmes and film s in English so th a t th e y
can get used to the sound o f th e language. The m ore A nsw ers
[students are exposed to English, th e easier it w ill be fo r ■’ 1 " " I
them to pick up the language.
1 recognise (00:43) 4 kind (02:25)
Background In fo rm a tio n (0 1 :40)
2 been alive (02:04) 5 liquid (02:33)
Olives have played a significant role in a g ricu ltu re and
the diet in Greece fo r thousands o f years. The main olive 3 branch 6 valuable (02:51)
growing areas in Greece are C halcedon, Lygourio, C rete 4 i in
and Kalamata. Olives are harvested in th e autum n usually
using traditional hand-picking m ethods w ith o u t machinery. A fte r you w atch
Olives which are to be used to p ro d u ce olive oil are
picked when they are at th e ir o p tim u m ripeness. G reece Explain to students th a t th e te x t is a sum m ary o f th e
isthe third largest producer o f olive oil in th e w o rld , a fte r in fo rm a tio n in th e docum entary. B efore th e y read it,
Spain and Italy. Greece produces o ver 330,000 to n s o f oil ask th e m to w o rk in pairs to discuss th e main ideas o f
per year, and the average Greek consum es alm ost 24 litres the documentary.
of oil per year. A sk stu d e n ts to read th e te x t w ith o u t fillin g in any
answers at this stage to see if the ideas they m entioned
Before you w atch are covered in th e te x t. A lso enco u ra g e th e m to th in k
a b o u t w hich p a rt o f speech is m issing fro m each gap.
1 Ask students to read the statem ents and to und e rlin e Read th e w ords in the yellow w ordbank to students and
any key words and phrases th e y fin d . ask them to repeat them . C orrect th e ir pronunciation
w here necessary.
' Ask them to do the task on th e ir ow n and th e n to Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check
compare their answers w ith a partner's and to discuss answers as a class.
any answers they have th a t are d iffe re n t.
assume Answers «
I Discuss the statements as a class w ith o u t c o rre c tin g th e incorrect
answers until students have don e B. produce 5 carries
GStudents' ow n answ ers Answers 6 associated

7 evidence

8 live

While you watch Ideas Focus

В Ask students to read the questions and explain anything
th e y d o n 't understand. Then ask th e m to w o rk in pairs or
• Explain to students th a t the y are n ow g o in g to w atch th e small groups to ask and answer th e questions.
I video. Tell them th a t th e do cu m e n ta ry is q u ite short. W hen th e y have finished, ask d iffe re n t students at
• Ask students to focus on w h a t is said in th e d o cu m e n ta ry ra n d o m ro und th e class to answ er each o f th e questions.
I regarding the statements in A and n o t on th e ir
Answers «
I own opinions.
Students' own answers
• To check students understand w here G reece is,
draw their attention to its p o sitio n on th e g lo b e in the

I top-right corner o f the page.
• Play the video all the way th ro u g h w ith o u t s to p p in g and
I ask students to make a note o f th e ir answers.
• Check the answers as a class.

01F 2T 3F Answers


Units 1 & 2

O b jectives G ram m ar Revision

• To revise vocabulary and g ra m m a r fro m Units 1 and 2. • W rite th e sentences below on th e board and ask
stu d e n ts to say w hich tense th e y are in and if th ey are ini
th e affirm ative, negative o r question fo rm . Then revise f
• Explain to students th a t there will be a review a fter every
tw o units in C lose-U p B1. Tell th e m th a t Review 1 revises all fo rm s and uses o f these tenses as w ell as th e time
th e m aterial th e y saw in Units 1 and 2. expressions used w ith them .
- She's n o t visitin g G ra n d d a d th is a fte rn o o n . (Present |
• Explain to students th a t they can ask you fo r help, look
back at the units and refer to the reference sections at Continuous, negative)
the back o f th e book if they're n o t sure ab o u t an answer, - W e saw the bride and groom . (Past Simple,
as th e review is n o t a test.
affirm ative)
• Decide on how you w ill carry o u t the review. You could - Is M um in th e living room ? (Present Sim ple,
ask students to do one task at a tim e and correct it
im m ediately, ask them to d o all th e vocabulary tasks and question form)
correct them before m oving on to th e gram m ar tasks, - They w e re n 't s ittin g in th e garden at 5 o'clock. (Past]
o r ask them to d o all th e tasks and then correct them
to g e th e r at th e end. If you d o all the tasks to g e th e r, let Continuous, negative)
students know every now and again how much tim e they • Ask stu d e n ts w h a t kind o f verbs c a n 't be used in the
have g o t le ft to finish th e tasks.
c o n tin u o u s tenses (stative verbs). Then ask th e m which!
• Ask students not to leave any answers blank and to try stative verbs th e y know and m ake a list o f th e m on the |
to fin d any answers th e y a re n 't sure a b o u t in th e units o r bo a rd . M ake sure th e y revise know , have and be. Then
reference sections. ask them w hich verbs can be b o th stative and action
verbs w ith a change o f m eaning. M ake sure th e y revise
• Inform students beforehand th a t they will have a review have, think and see.
in th e next lesson so th a t th e y can revise fo r it a t hom e. • W rite th e w ords b e lo w on th e b o ard and ask students
Revise th e vocabulary and g ra m m a r as a class b e fo re to say which ones are countable and which are
students do th e review. uncountable.
bread (unc), cheese (unc), ch o co late (unc), restaurant
• W hen checking students' answers to th e review tasks, (c), h a m b u rg e r (c), olive (c), olive oil (unc), coffee (unc),]
m ake a n o te o f any p ro b le m areas in vocabulary and s p a g h e tti (unc), c h e f (c).
gram m ar th a t they still have. Try to do extra w ork on • Then ask stu d e n ts to w rite sentences o f th e ir own with |
these areas so th a t your students progress well. these w o rd s and q u a n tifie rs such as a/an, the, some,
any, a little, a few, much, many, etc.
V ocabulary Revision_____________________________ • Ask stu d e n ts w h a t th e d ifference is, if any, betw een the:
pairs o f sentences below. Then revise th e affirmative,
• W rite the verbs fall, get, have, keep and pay on the n e g a tive and q u e stio n fo rm s o f w o u ld + bare infinitive,]
board and elicit the collocations students learnt w ith used to, be used to and g e t used to.
these verbs in U nit 1. Remind students th a t th e re is - I used to visit A u n t Helen every Saturday.
a list o f collocations & expressions th a t a p p e a r in th e - I w o u ld visit A u n t H elen every Saturday. (They both
book on page 183 fo r th eir reference.
m ean th e same as th e y ta lk a b o u t a p a st habit.)
• Ask students to explain the difference betw een - A re you used to living next d o o r to Alice?
the follow ing pairs o f words: look like/looks, slim / - Did you use to live next d o o r to Alice? (The first
overweight, m iddle-aged/elderly, easy-going/hard
working, grill/fry, starter/m ain course, bow l/plate. sentence asks w h e th e r som eone has b e co m e familial
w ith a c u rre n t situ a tio n whereas th e second sentenci
• Ask students to spend one m inute looking at the table asks w h e th e r o r n o t a situ a tio n h a p p e n e d in the
in A on page 24. D raw th e ta b le on th e b o a rd and w rite past.)
the verbs dow n the left-hand side. Ask students to
w rite in th e nouns and adjectives th a t g o w ith each o f М о С А )0 1 Л \А Г \\
the verbs. Then revise th e ir meanings.
A sk stu d e n ts to read th e sentences w ith o u t circling anyI
• Ask students to te ll you in th e ir ow n w o rd s a b o u t answers at this stage and to underline any nouns, nounl
elephants th a t th e y read a b o u t in U nit 1. Try to m ake phrases and a djectives a fte r th e o p tio n s in red.
sure they revise height, tall, w eigh, build, beard, Then ask students to choose the rig h t option to
straight, jealous, generous, scruffy, unkind, lazy, reliable, c o m p le te th e collocations. Encourage students to read I
honest, nervous. th e ir sentences again once they've finished to check
th e ir answers.


I 1 have Answers to any tim e expressions as these w ill he lp th e m d e cid e
P 2 keeps w hich tense is m o st a p p ro p ria te . They should also look
I 3 pay 5 fell fo r negative adverbs and question marks and w rite
6 keep negative sentences or questions accordingly.
4 getting 7 paid Encourage students to read through th e ir sentences
8 fallen once they have finished to check th e ir answers.
Tell stu d e n ts to lo o k back at pages 9 and 21 and
• Read the words in th e yello w w o rd b a n k to stu d e n ts G ram m ar References 1.1-1.4 on pages 161-162
I and then ask them to repeat th e m . C o rre ct th e ir and 2.1-2.4 on page 163 fo r a rem inder if they
I pronunciation where necessary. need to.
• Ask students which w ords are verbs (fry, lo o k like), w hich
I are nouns (main course, plate) and w hich are adjectives Answers
I (middle-aged, reliable, sweet, unkind).
• Ask students to read the w o rd g ro u p s 1 -8 and 1 are, are/'re always eating
■encourage them to think a b o u t w hich p a rt o f speech th e 2 missed, did it start
■ words in each group are as w ell as how th e y are related 3 does n o t/d o e s n 't see, often visits
I before choosing an answer. 4 costs
5 know, are, do we eat
Answers 6 was making, realised, d id n 't have, had
7 am /'m thinking, do you think
1 middle-aged 5 fry 8 is n o t/is n 't, is/'s w o rkin g
2 plate 6 look like 9 spent
3 main course 7 sweet 10 D id the children enjoy
4 reliable 8 unkind 11 has, have
12 went, to ld

• Read the pairs o f words in th e ye llo w w o rd b a n ks to В
И students and ask them to repeat th e m . C o rre ct th e ir
I pronunciation where necessary. Ask students to read the sentences carefully before
circlin g th e ir answers. Tell th e m to th in k a b o u t w h e th e r
Ask students to read the sentences th ro u g h fo r gist th e nouns d ire c tly b e fo re o r a fte r th e o p tio n s in red are
efore filling in any answers. countable, uncountable, singular or plural.
Tell stu d e n ts to look back at A - С on pag e 13 and
Gram m ar References 1.5-1.7 on page 162 fo r a
rem inder if they need to.

decision 4 the Answers
decide a customary «
b custom is 5 little
choosy 5 6 cup
choice a brighten some 7 much
b bright
mixture 6 a number of 8 enjoy
mix a variety h.
b vary
I Ask students to read th e sentences th ro u g h once fo r g ist
I without writing any answers. • Ask stu d e n ts to read th ro u g h th e tw o sentences in each
» Encourage students to look fo r clues on e ith e r side ite m carefully and to u n d e rlin e th e in fo rm a tio n in th e
firs t sentence th a t is m issing fro m th e second. Then
of the gaps to help them decide w hich p re p o sitio n s encourage them to think how this inform ation could be
, are missing. rephrased using th e w o rd given in bo ld .
[ Encourage students to read th ro u g h th e ir c o m p le te d Encourage students to read through the sentences once
they have finished to check th a t the second sentence
sentences once they have finished to check means th e same as th e firs t sentence and th e w o rd in
their answers. b o ld has been used w ith o u t be in g changed in any way.
Tell stu d e n ts to lo o k back a t A -D on pag e 25 and
Gram m ar References 2.3-2.4 on page 163 fo r a
rem inder if they need to.

[1 for 2 after 3 like 4 out 5 dow n Answers Answers
1 used to eat out 5 are not used to
2 'II g e t used to
3 is used to co o kin g looking
4 d id n 't use to eat 6 w ould read

fa r m e r

<Explain to students th a t the y should read each sentence
through before filling in any answers and pay a tte n tio n


Д The W onders of Nature

Reading: m ultiple-choice questions, understanding text types
Vocabulary: environm ent-related words, prepositions, reading a multiple-choice
text first
Grammar: present perfect simple, present perfect continuous, articles
Listening: gap-fill, thinking about the answers first
Speaking: talking about the environm ent, listening to instructions, opening
W ritin g : informal email, planning your work, friendly openings & endings,
useful phrases

М чИ " г> р е ч е г B ackg ro u n d Inform ation _______________

• W rite The W onders o f Nature on th e board and explain Coral reefs a p p e a r in shallow and w e ll-circu la te d waters. |
to students th a t this is th e title o f U n it 3. Ask students C oral, w hich looks like a p la n t o r stone, is actually an
to think o f places or things th a t they consider to be animal which takes on many form s and colours. Coral
wonders o f nature. grow s a t th e rate o f a b o u t half an inch p e r year and it can
o fte n stretch fo r miles and be hundreds o f fe e t w ide. The
• Ask students to tu rn to pag e 31 and to lo o k a t th e G re a t Barrier Reef o ff th e coast o f A ustralia covers an areal
picture w ithout reading the accom panying caption. Ask o f 133,000 square miles and is m ade up o f m ore than
students to guess w hat the picture shows and to give 2,900 reefs. Som e reefs d a te back 500 m illion years, but ■
th e ir reactions to it.
jour m o dern lifestyles have greatly th re a te n e d this natural
• Ask students to read the caption to find o u t w hat the
picture shows. Ask students why they think the sculpture life form .
changes w ith every season. (The vegetation on her body
and head is d iffe re n t d u rin g each season because o f Ask students to read the instructions and check thatt
changes in tem perature and dampness.) understand what they have to do.
A sk stu d e n ts to w o rk in pairs to ta ke tu rn s to ask and
• You m ig h t like to give stu d e n ts m ore in fo rm a tio n answer each other the ideas listed.
about the picture using the Background Inform ation G o ro und th e class m o n ito rin g students to m ake sure
box below. they are carrying o ut the task properly.
A sk each pair to discuss one o f th e o p tio n s and repea
Background In fo rm atio n_________________________ until each pair has had a turn.

The M ud M aid was created by artists Sue and Pete Hill, _________________ Answers
w ho are fro m th e C ornw all in England. They b u ilt this
sculpture, as w ell as a n o th e r sculpture called G iant's Head, Students' own answers
in th e Lost Gardens o f H eligan in o rd e r to enhance th e
w oodland and the experience visitors have o f it. The Lost В
Gardens o f Heligan were lost fo r around 75 years during
the tw entieth century. Due to neglect, the gardens fell Ask stu d e n ts to read th e instructions and m ake sure t
into disrepair and w ere fo rg o tte n a b o u t. A hurricane in know w hat they have to do.
1990 revealed a tiny hidden room , which led to restoration Explain to students th a t th e y should d e cid e if each
w o rk being carried o u t on th e gardens. Today, it is a o p tio n in A , gives facts, e n tertains th e reader, is
popular destination fo r visitors w ho w ant to g e t close to educational or gives personal opinions.
nature. Visitors can see the N orthern Gardens, H orsem oor Ask students to w ork w ith a partner to com plete
Hide & W ildlife Project, the W ider Estate and the Jungle. th e task.
See w ww fo r fu rth e r inform ation. G o ro und th e class m o n ito rin g stu d e n ts to make sure
they are carrying out the task properly.
Ask students to look at the pictures on page 32 and the Ask each pair to discuss one o f the options and repeatl
accom panying ca p tio n . Then ask th e m to w o rk in pairs until each pair has had a turn.
to describe the pictures and to discuss th e ir reactions
to them . To finish off, ask each pair how they feel about _________________ Answers!
w h a t th e man is d o in g in th e to p picture. You co u ld also
ask them w hat the effect o f this action m ig ht be (the S tudents' own answers
destruction o f coral reefs and underw ater wildlife).


Word Focus B ackground In fo rm atio n _________________________

• Ask students to look at the w ords in red in th e te x t and The G reat Barrier Reef has been a UNESCO W orld
I tore-read the sentences they are fo u n d in again. Remind H e rita g e Site since 1981.
F students that when they d o n 't know th e m eaning o f a The seven w onders o f the natural w orld are: the Aurora
• fo r d , they should look carefully at th e sentence it is Borealis, th e G ra n d Canyon, Paricutin, V ictoria Falls, the
G re a t B arrier Reef, M o u n t Everest and th e H a rb o u r o f Rio
found in to work out its m eaning fro m th e c o n te x t it is de Janeiro.
in, Ask students to work in pairs to d e cid e w h a t each o f The seven w onders o f the ancient w orld are: the Great
the words mean. Pyram id o f Giza, the H anging Gardens o f Babylon, the
^■[students to read the W ord Focus b o x to com pare Temple o f A rtem is a t Ephesus, the Statue o f Zeus at
their answers with the d efinitions given. O lym pia, the M ausoleum o f Halicarnassus, the Colossus o f
1 Read each of the words to th e students and ask th e m Rhodes and the Lighthouse o f Alexandria.
to repeat them after you. C orre ct th e ir p ro n u n cia tio n Students can find a com plete list o f W orld H eritage sites
where necessary. at http://w

• Ask students to read the instructions and m ake sure th e y Ideas F o c u s ____________________________________
rstand what they have to do. Explain th a t th e re
Ask students to read the tw o questions.
might be more than one answer. Ask th e m to w o rk in pairs to discuss th e questions.
• Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check G o round th e class m o n ito rin g students to make sure
■Answers as a class. they are carrying o u t the task properly.
Ask each pair to answer one o f the questions and repeat
Answers until each pair has had a turn.
W rite any structural mistakes th a t students make on
(wheerree: books/m agazine/website/blog; th e b o a rd w ith o u t saying w h o m ade th e m , and ask
ation type: gives facts/is educational stu d e n ts to c o rre c t th e m . Deal w ith any pro b le m s in
pronunciation th a t came up.

• Ask students to read the Exam C lose-up box. Explain Answers
that identifying the type o f te x t can help to understand Ф

I the information in it. Students' own answers
• Then ask students to read th e Exam Task and explain to
■ tu d e n ts that the task is m ultip le choice and th a t th e y М о с а )с?1л \ а г \ \
I should answer a, b, с or d.
• Ask students to read throug h th e questions b e fo re Ask students to look at pictures 1-8 and w ork w ith a
I reading the text, so th a t they know w h a t in fo rm a tio n to partner to take it in turns to describe w hat they can see
■ look out for. and where the pictures m ight have been taken.
• Ask students to read the te x t again and to u n d e rlin e key Read th e w o rd s in th e ye llo w w o rd b a n k to students and
I words related to the questions w hile reading. ask them to repeat them . C orrect th e ir pronunciation
where necessary.
E Ask students to d o the task individually, b ut check
answers as a class.
» Ask students to do the Exam Task individually, b u t check
I answers as a class.

[1b 2d 3c 4a 5b Answers
'- Ф


F 1 pond 5 cave
2 glacier 6 coast
• Ask students to read the statem ents and explain any 3 valley 7 stream
■ words they d o n 't understand. 4 cliff 8 rainforest
• Ask students to w ork in pairs to discuss th e sta te m e n ts
Г and then ask each pair to te ll th e rest o f th e class w h a t В
I they think. Ask students to read the instructions and check th a t they
• You might like to give them m ore in fo rm a tio n a b o u t th e understand them . Explain th a t they are going to read
[ picture using the B ackground In fo rm a tio n b o x below. the te x t W hat's new?, and then match the words 1-8
w ith the w ords a-h. Explain th a t the m atched w ords are
Answers phrases from the text.
« Ask students to do the task individually, b ut check
3 The Great Barrier Reef is one o f th e seven answers as a class.
[ wonders o f the natural w o rld , n o t th e ancient
F world. Answers
Students' own answers
1d 2e 3c 4a 5g 6 f 7h 8b


The W onders o f Nature

Ask students to read the instructions and check th a t they Present P erfect Simple
understand them . Explain th a t they are going to match
sentences 1-8 w ith sentences a-h. Ask students to lo o k a t th e verbs in b o ld in sentences I
Ask students to read sentences 1-8 and a-h. Encourage 1 -4 and e licit th a t they are in th e Present Perfect Sim|f
them to read all th e sentences before they w rite any Ask students w h a t th e in fin itiv e fo rm o f these verbs are
answers. Tell stu de n ts th e y should pay a tte n tio n to th e (win, c o m p le te , d o a n d lose). Elicit th a t all these verbs,
personal pronouns in a -h and w h e th e r th e y are singular apart from com plete, have irregular past participles.
o r plural as this w ill help th e m d e cid e w hich sentence in E licit ho w w e fo rm th e Present P erfect Sim ple in the
1-8 it logically follow s on from . affirm ative. (It is fo rm e d w ith th e Present Sim ple o f
Ask students to read each pair o f sentences once have - th e auxiliary verb - and th e p a st p a rtic ip le o f theI
they have finished to make sure the sentences make main verb.) W rite sentence 4 on the board, I've lost m
sense together. m ap o f th e rainforest. To help students understand the:
Ask students to do th e task individually, b u t check Present P erfect S im ple, d ra w th e ir a tte n tio n to the fonj
answers as a class. present + past participle. Remind students th a t the
Present P erfect links th e present m o m e n t w ith the past
Answers by d e scrib in g an e ve n t o r state th a t sta rte d in the past
and continues in th e present.
1e 2h 3b 4a 5f 6c 7g 8d Then elicit how the negative o f the Present Perfect j
S im ple is fo rm e d using sentence 3 in th e task (h a v e /i
Ideas Focus + n o t + p a s t p a rticip le ). P oint o u t w e can use have not]
or haven't + past participle.
Ask students to w o rk in pairs to read and discuss
the statement. В
G o round th e class m o n ito rin g students to make sure
they are carrying o ut the task properly. D o n 't correct any Ask students to read th e instructions and th a t they
mistakes at this stage, b u t make a note o f any mistakes u nde rsta n d w h a t th e y have to d o (to m atch a -d with 1-]
in structure and pronunciation. in task A).
Ask which students agree w ith th e statem ent and A sk stu d e n ts to read th e uses o f th e Present Perfect
which ones disagree. Ask them to justify th e ir answer S im ple in a -d and answer any questions th e y
and make sure they understand th a t if they agree, they m ight have.
will agree w ith both parts o f the statem ent, b u t if they Ask students to do the task individually, b ut check
disagree, they may agree w ith the first part, b u t disagree answers as a class.
w ith the second part.
W rite any structural mistakes th a t students make on _________________ Answers
th e board w ith o u t saying w ho m ade them , and ask
stud ents to co rre ct th e m . Deal w ith any p ro b le m s in 1b 2a 3c 4d
pronunciation th a t came up.
You could also activate th e vocabulary in th is lesson Be careful!
further by asking students to discuss an environm ental • W rite th e sentence The scientist w on m any prizes, on j
issue th a t concerns th e m o r th a t th e y are actively
involved in. Ask th e m to discuss w h a t th e issue is, th e b o a rd and ask stu d e n ts ho w th e m eaning is diffei
w hat causes the problem , w hat effects it has on the fro m sentence 1 in task A. (It means th e scientist won I
environm ent and w hat we can do to help it. Encourage m any prizes a t one p a rtic u la r event, n o t a t a tim e in thi
students to use vocabulary fro m this lesson in past th a t has finished, whereas 'has w o n ' suggests thi
th e ir discussions. the prizes w ere won on d iffe re n t occasions).
• Ask stu d e n ts to read th e in fo rm a tio n in th e Be careful
Answers and make sure they understand it.

Students' own answers P resen t P e rfe c t Continuous___________ _ _

6 \m w \№ \A r A sk stu d e n ts to lo o k at th e verbs in b o ld in the
sentences in 1 -3 and e lic it th a t th e y are in th e Presert
W rite th e sentences b e lo w on th e b o a rd and ask P erfect C ontinuous. Ask students w hat th e infinitive f
stud ents w h a t th e main ve rb in each is and w hich tenses o f these verbs are (walk, recycle, travel).
have been used. E licit h ow th e Present Perfect C on tin uo u s is formed.
- The group has set up a new conservation scheme, (set (The Present P e rfe ct o f th e verb to b e (have / has L
been) + th e present p a rtic ip le o f th e main verb (base I
up, Present Perfect Simple) + -ing).) W rite an exam ple on th e board, e.g. She has Г
- We have been w orking on the coral reefs since 1980. been running.

(work, Present Perfect Continuous)
Revise th e a ffirm ative, n egative, q u e stio n fo rm s and
short answers o f the tw o tenses w ith students.


•[Then elicit how the negative o f th e Present P erfect ________________ Answers ф
■Continuous is formed. (The Present P e rfe ct o f the verb
I to be (have / has been) + n o t + th e present p a rtic ip le 1 has becom e
I ofthe main verb (base + -ing).) A gain, w e can use n o t or 2 has caused
I haven't / hasn't.) W rite under th e firs t exam ple, She has 3 has been
I not been running. She hasn't been running. 4 has been drinking/drank
5 has caught
D 6 haven't finished

' Ask students to read the uses o f th e Present P erfect Ask students to read th e instructions and make sure
they understand th a t they will be dealing w ith three
I^bntinuous in a-с and answer any questions th ey m ig h t tenses here (Present Perfect Simple, the Present Perfect
Explain that they are g o in g to m atch sentences Continuous, the Past Simple).
Ask them to look at the title and ask them w hat they
I a-с with sentences 1-3 in task C. Explain th a t th e y know about icebergs and if they know any im portant
stories from throu g h o u t history related to them .
I should pay attention to any tim e expressions and tim e Ask students to skim through th e te x t w ith o u t filling
■ references in task С sentences 1 -3 when m a tch in g up in any answers a t this stage to fin d o u t w hen and why
I their answers. th e In te rn a tio n a l Ice P atrol was fo rm e d (in 1914 to give
• Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check inform ation a b o u t icebergs to ships follow ing the sinking
■answers as a class. o f the Titanic).
Ask students to com plete the te xt and to pay attention
L Answers to any tim e expressions and references used in th e te x t
and to which verbs are irregular. Encourage them to
I1b 2c 3a look back at A to D, the Grammar Reference and the
Irregular Verb list fo r help if necessary.
Be careful! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_________________ Answers ф
• Write the sentences below on th e b o ard and ask
■Students to look at the first sentence and say if Sabrina is 1 were 6 have been studying
2 sank 7 have shown
still typing emails. (Yes) 3 died 8 have noticed
[I -Sabrina has been typing emails all day. 4 form ed 9 broke
I - Sabrina has written ten emails today. 5 has been giving
• Ask students the same question a b o u t th e second
Teaching Tip
sentence (No)
• Remind students that we use th e Present P erfect You could expand the gram m ar section fu rth e r here
^ B tin u o u s to say how long fo r an a ctivity th a t is by asking students to w ork w ith a partner to interview
each other about w hat they have done to help nature.
stil1happening and the Present P erfect S im ple to Give students tim e to w rite fo u r o r five questions to ask
say how much, how many or how m any tim e s fo r th e ir partners and encourage them to use the Present
completed actions. P erfect S im ple and th e Present P erfect C o n tin uo u s in
their questions and answers (e.g. Have you ever taken
I I Nowread the Grammar Reference on pages 163-164 p a rt in a conservation p ro je c t? Have any na tu ra l areas in
Я (3.1-3.6) with your students. yo u r country been destroyed in recent years? A re there
any groups in y o u r neig hb o u rh o o d th a t have been trying
I «Encourage students to read th ro u g h the sentences and to save th e environm ent?). M o n ito r stu d e n ts as th e y
■ options before filling in any answers. Tell th e m to pay interview each other and give them any help they need.
■rttention to the words im m ediately b e fo re and after To finish off, ask each s tu d e n t to te ll th e rest o f th e class
В the gaps as well as the tense used in each sentence, its about the inform ation they learnt from their partner.
■ form and time expressions and references used w ith
■ this tense. LAs+enintf)

I • Now ask students to fill in th e ir answers and to read • Ask students to read the caption accompanying the
■through the sentences once they have finished to make p ic tu re on p a g e 36. Then ask th e m to w o rk in pairs to
I sure the sentences make sense. discuss th e picture and th e ir reaction to it. Encourage
them to talk about w hat they know about the Great
I • Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check W h ite Shark. Finish o ff by discussing th e pictu re as a
answers as a class. class and explain th a t in this p a rt o f th e lesson th e y w ill
learn m ore a b o u t this animal.
L Answers ф

1b 2a 3b 4a 5c


• Ask students to read the instructions and check th a t th e y
I understand what they have to do.
• Encourage students to read th ro u g h th e sentences
I before circling their answers. Tell th e m to pay a tte n tio n

to any time expressions and references in th e sentences.
• Now ask students to circle th e ir answers and to read
I through the sentences again once th e y have finished to

make sure they make sense.
• Ask students to d o the task individually, b u t check
I answers as a class.



The W onders o f Nature

Explain to stu dents th a t in th is lesson th e y w ill be Play th e re co rd in g again and ask students to checkt
im p ro vin g th e ir te c h n iq u e in b la n k-fillin g liste n in g tasks. answers and to fill in any missing answers.
Ask students to read the instructions and make sure they C heck th e answers as a class and ask students to just
understand what they have to do. th e ir answers.
Ask students to tick the sentences th a t contain missing
w ords that aren't numbers. Elicit th a t they should w ork 4 Answeg
ou t w hat the w ords which aren't num bers refer to and species
th a t they aren't expected to guess the actual words. 3 inform ation 4 bones
Give students a m inute to w rite th e ir answers and then 5 100 million
ask them to com pare and justify them w ith a partner. 6 in d a n g e r o f
Check answers as a class.
Once the answers have been checked, you m ig h t like Ask stu d e n ts to lo o k a t th e p ictu re in th e to p right-hi
to discuss w hich co lo u r may be m issing in 3 (grey) w ith c o rn e r o f p age 37. Ask th e m w h a t subject they thinkj
students. Then elicit w hat th e five senses are (smell, p a rt o f th e lesson w ill deal w ith (environm ental issuef
taste, touch, hearing and sight) and ask them which one Ask stu d e n ts to w rite do w n as m any environmental
th e y th in k is m o st im p o rta n t to a shark and to say why. pro b le m s and th e ir consequences as possible. Then |
ask th e m to ta ke it in turns to read o u t one o f their
Answers pro b le m s to th e class and ask th e o th e r students toll
o f a so lu tio n to th e p ro b le m o r a w ay o f reducing its)
Students should tick 3 and 6. negative consequences.

3 a colour
6 a sense

В Ask stu d e n ts to read th e th re e questions and answa
queries they may have about them .
Explain to students th a t they are now g o in g to listen to A sk s tu d e n ts to w o rk in pairs and to ta ke turns to г
a talk about the G reat W hite Shark. Ask them to read the questions.
sentences 1 -6 in A again and to u n d e rlin e any key w ords G o ro und th e class m o n ito rin g students to make sure|
in th e sentences th a t th e y should listen o u t for. th e y are carrying o u t th e task properly. D o n 't corre
Encourage students to think o f other ways the m istakes a t th is stage, b u t m ake a n o te o f any misti
in fo rm a tio n in each sentence co u ld be phrased. in structure and pronunciation.
Play th e reco rding once all th e way th ro u g h and ask A sk each pair to answ er one o f th e questions and re|
students to w rite th e ir answers. Then ask students to until every pair has had a turn.
discuss th e ir answers w ith a partner and to justify any W rite any stru ctu ra l m istakes th a t students made on |
answers that are different. th e b o a rd w ith o u t saying w h o m ade th e m , and ask
Play th e re cording again and ask students to check th e ir stu d e n ts to c o rre c t th e m . Deal w ith any problems in|
answers and to fill in any m issing answers. pronunciation that came up.
Check th e answers as a class and ask stu d e n ts to ju s tify
their answers. Auswe:

Answers Students' own answers

4-5/four to five В
3,200/three thousand tw o hundred
grey Ask students to read th e Exam C lose-up box about j
3,000/three thousand listening to instructions.
24 Ask stu d e n ts to read th e instructions and make suretj
Smell understand w hat they have to do.
Play th e re co rd in g once all th e w ay th ro u g h and ask!
Ask students to read the instructions and make sure they stu d e n ts to w rite th e ir answers. Then ask students t j
understand what they have to do. discuss th e ir answers w ith a p a rtn e r and to justify aq
Ask students to read th e in fo rm a tio n in th e Exam Close- answers th a t are different.
up box. Ask th e m to q uickly look a t th e task in D and to
th in k o f a w o rd o r phrase th a t co u ld g o in each g a p in
th e Exam Task.

Play th e reco rding once all th e way th ro u g h and ask
students to w rite th e ir answers. Then ask students to
discuss their answers w ith a partner and to justify any
answers th a t are different.


Usefu impressions_____________ _________________ Ask students to read the instructions and make sure they
understand w hat they have to do.
■ Ask students to read the Useful Expressions b e fo re th e y Elicit th a t th e w ords in brackets are prepositions.
attempt to do the task in C. Ask stu d e n ts to d o th e task individually, b u t check as
a class.
' Point out that sometimes it can be d iffic u lt to s ta rt a
J conversation naturally and th a t these expressions are Answers
I good ways o f doing that.
after 6 in
С on 7 onto
over 8 at
' Ask students to look at the pictures in D and spend a to 9 into
I minute deciding what w ould be involved in each one. from 10 before
• Check students understand w h a t recycling bins,
I aluminium, beach clean-up, p o llu tio n , cam paign, cycling, В
I planting trees and setting up a w e b site mean.
' Ask students to read the instructions again b e fo re Read th e prepositions in the yellow w ordbank to
I starting so that they know exactly w h a t th e y should do. the students and explain th a t they will use these
' Explain that they are to match th e verbs 1 -5 w ith th e to co m p le te th e sentences. Point o u t th a t all the
I words/phrases a-e, by looking at th e pictures. p re p o sitio n s in th e ye llo w w o rd b a n k w ill be used.
• Ask students to work in pairs. Ask students to read th e sentences carefully and pay
• Go round the class m onitoring students to m ake sure attention to the words before or after the gap and try
I they are carrying out the task properly. D o n 't co rre ct any to th in k o f a preposition which follow s or precedes the
I mistakes at this stage, b u t make a n ote o f any mistakes w o rd s w ith o u t fillin g in any answers a t this stage.
■ instructure and pronunciation. A sk stu d e n ts to d o th e task individually, b u t check as
• Write any structural mistakes th a t students m ade on a class.

the board without saying w ho m ade th e m , and ask
students to correct them . Deal w ith any p ro b le m s in
pronunciation that came up.


1d 2e 3c 4a 5b

1Explain to students th a t task С gave th e m som e helpful * ........ Answers
vocabulary to use when talkin g a b o u t th e pictu re s in 1 before 4
the Exam Task, fo r example, I th in k we sh o u ld p la n t 2 over 5 to
some trees. 3 from 6 in
Inpairs, ask students to discuss th e pictures in th e Exam 4 into 7 onto
Task, using the matched verbs and w ords in Task С to 8 at
help them. .......
Go round the class m on itorin g stu d e n ts to m ake sure
they are carrying o u t the task properly. Ask students to read the Exam Close-up box. Elicit that
th e Exam Task is a m u ltip le choice activity.
СStudents' own answers Answers A sk stu d e n ts to lo o k at th e p ictu re in th e to p rig h t
c o rn e r o f p age 38 and th e title o f th e te x t in th e Exam
Ideas Focus Task to discuss ho w th e y are related. Ask students how
the picture makes them feel.
• Ask students to read the questions q uickly and deal w ith Explain to stu d e n ts th a t in A m erican English th e re is
I any queries they may have. a n o th e r w o rd fo r rubbish and ask if th e y know w h a t it is
• Ask students to w ork in pairs and to ta ke it in tu rn s to (garbage).
I answer the questions. Ask stu d e n ts to skim th ro u g h th e Exam Task te x t w ith o u t
• Go round the class m o n ito rin g s tu d e n ts to m ake sure a nsw ering any questions a t th is stage in o rd e r to fin d
I they are carrying out the task properly. D o n 't c o rre c t any o u t w h a t th e 'G re a t G a rbage Patch' is, w here it is and
how som ething g o o d may com e o u t o f it (It's a massive
mistakes at this stage, b u t m ake a n o te o f any m istakes island o f plastic rubbish floating in the Pacific Ocean. It
I in structure and pronunciation. extends from California to Hawaii and alm ost reaches
• Write any structural mistakes th a t stu d e n ts m ade on Japan. There's a possibility the waste may be turned into
fu e l o n e day.).
the board without saying w ho m ade th e m , and ask Ask students how the garbage patch can be dangerous.
I students to correct them . Deal w ith any p ro b le m s in Elicit th a t fish and o th e r sea creatures can becom e
tra p p e d in it, o r e a t som e o f it and th ro u g h th e fo o d
pronunciation that came up. chain humans end up eating it. This waste also produces
chem icals th a t a ffe ct m arine life, such as fish and coral
0Students' own answers Answers reefs, and eventually humans.
i _______________________

Ask students to read the te x t again to decide which
o p tio n best com pletes each gap. Point o u t th a t all the
item s are prepositions.


The W onders of Nature

Ask students to do the task individually, but check • W rite th e sentence The pan d a is an endangered
answers as a class. species and environm ental groups are trying their t
If students seem interested, you m ight like to give to save it. on th e board. Ask students w hich articles |
them more inform ation about the picture using the have been used in th e sentence and to say why they;
Background Inform ation box below. have been used (The - because 'p a n da ' is a singular
c o u n ta b le noun, an - a singular c o u n ta b le noun witffj
С1a 2c 3b 4c 5c 6 b 7c 8a 9b 10d general meaning).

Background Inform ation • A sk students w h a t names w e give to th e articles the!
a/an in English (d e fin ite a n d indefinite). Elicit that art
The 'G re at G arbage Patch' was d iscovered in 1997 are found before nouns.
by sailor Charles M oo re . His discovery led to scientific
research being carried o u t on this p h e n o m e n o n . It is A r t i c l e s ______________________________
estim ated th a t there are 46,000 pieces o f plastic per
square kilom etre o f ocean. Around 100 m illion seabirds A sk students to lo o k a t th e w ords in b o ld in 1-6 and |
and 100,000 marine mammals are killed every year due e licit th a t th e y are all nouns.
to plastic in th e sea. This plastic com es fro m naval and A sk students to lo o k a t 1 -4 and th in k a b o u t whatv
com m ercial ships w hich d u m p th e ir w aste in to th e sea come before the nouns.
as w ell as fro m rubbish b lo w n in to th e sea fro m th e Ask students to read sentences 1-4 again before \
land. As plastic is n o n -b io d e g ra d a b le , every piece th a t any answers.
has ever been m ade is still present in som e fo rm in o u r Ask stu d e n ts to d o th e task individually, b u t check
environm ent. This means the G arbage Patch cannot be answers as a class.
cleaned up as th e re is now here fo r th e rubbish to go. Rem ind stu d e n ts th a t th e articles w ill com e immediaj
The only solution to th e p ro b le m is fo r m anufacturers to b e fo re th e nouns, b u t som e nouns m ig h t not requin
find an alternative to plastic and fo r plastic rubbish to be an article.
Ideas Focus
1 definite article
• Ask students to read the question and answer any 2 indefinite article
questions they m ight have. 3 definite article
4 indefinite article
• Ask studen ts to w o rk in pairs and explain th a t th e y
should both give th e ir opinions on the question. В

• Go round th e class m o n ito rin g students to make sure Ask s tu d e n ts to read sentences a - f and explain thatd)
they are carrying o ut the task properly. D o n 't correct any should m atch a - f w ith th e sentences 1 -6 in task A.
mistakes at this stage, b u t make a note o f any mistakes C heck th a t th e students understand w h a t they have
in structure and p ro n u n cia tio n . to do.
Ask stu d e n ts to d o th e task individually, b u t check
• Ask each pair to answer the question and repeat until answers as a class.
each pair has had a turn.
• W rite any structural mistakes th a t students m ade on
th e board w ith o u t saying w h o m ade th e m , and ask 1c 2e 3b 4a 5f 6d
students to co rre c t th e m . Deal w ith any p ro b le m s in
pronunciation that came up.

СStudents' ow n answers Answers

Teaching Tip Ask students to read th e rules and e lic it th a t theys
fill in e ith e r th e o r a/an in each rule.
You could co nso lid ate th e vocabulary le a rn t in this lesson Ask students to d o th e task individually, b u t check
by asking students to create a poster giving advice about answers as a class.
how we can help the environm ent. The poster could be a
list o f points w ith advice like Save energy - turn o ff lights Answer
when n o t in use. Students can decorate th e ir poster w ith
drawings or photos. A nsw ers in o rd e r o f appearance:
a / an, the, a / an, the


Be careful! 1 the Answers
2 the
• Ask students to look back a t th e R eading te x t on pages 3 the 10 the
I 32-33 to find examples o f when an a rticle is used o r n o t 4 the 11 -
5 the 12 the
with a c o u n try ('.A ustralia - Para 3), w ith a chain o f 6 the 13 a
islands (the Philippines - Para 5), w ith a natural fea tu re 7 an 14 a
(The Great Barrier R e e f- Para 3), w ith a superlative 8 the 15 the
adjective (The biggest - Para 3 heading) 9 the 16 an
' Read through the Be careful! in fo rm a tio n w ith th e class 17 -
and explain anything the y d o n 't understand.
Askthem to look again at task С on p age 38 and Background Information___________________
find further examples o f th e uses o f th e d e fin ite
and indefinite article. (In the o rd e r th e y appear: the A n g e l Falls is a p o p u la r to u ris t a ttra c tio n in Venezuela.
environment, the Pacific Ocean, C alifornia, Hawaii, However, it is very d iffic u lt to reach as it is situated in
!Japan, The Great Garbage Patch, th e chem icals isolated jungle land. Tourists must make m ost o f the trip
«specific chemicals), th e 100 m illion to n n e s o f w aste, th e by plane to Canaima Cam p. From there they travel to
plastic soup) th e Falls by boa t. This can o nly be d o n e fro m June to
D e ce m b e r th o u g h , w hen th e re is sufficient w a te r in the
Nowread the Grammar Reference on p a g e 165 (3.7 & 3.8) river. P resident Chavez announced in 2009 th a t A ngel
withyour students. Falls should o nly be re fe rre d to as Kerepakupai M eru and
n o t be nam ed a fte r th e person w h o discovered it, as it has
courage students to read each sentence th ro u g h always b e longed to Venezuela.
b efo re writing any answers as som e answers w ill be
\л /п -Н ч £ ): м \v \fo rw \a i
endent on other answers.
• Encourage students to look back a t A - С and th e • W rite e n d a n g e re d species, g lo b a l w arm ing and
I Grammar Reference fo r help if necessary w hile d o in g environm ental p o llu tio n on th e board and ask
I th e task. stu d e n ts w h a t th e y have in c o m m o n (They are all
• Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check phenom ena w hich n e g atively a ffe ct o u r planet.).
1 answers as a class.
• Ask stu d e n ts to w o rk in pairs o r sm all g ro u p s to
an, The Answers discuss h ow these phenom ena relate to each o f th e
a th re e p ic tu re s on p a g e s 40 and 41 (The firs t p ic tu re
7 The, the show s p e o p le cycling, which helps to keep the air
the, a 8 an, The clean. The second p ictu re shows a honeybee, whose
The 9 the n a tu ra l h a b ita t is in d a n g e r fro m n e w b u ild in g s a n d
the, - 10 an, the, the roads. The th ird p ictu re shows penguins on an ice floe
11 -, t h e , - w h ic h is m e ltin g d u e to g lo b a l w a rm in g .). E n co u ra g e
th e m to discuss how th e th re e pictures m ig h t relate
E to each o th e r (Environm ental p o llu tio n causes the
d e stru ctio n o f natural habitats and can lead to species
1 Ask students to look at the picture th a t accom panies E b e co m in g e n d a n g e re d o r extinct. It also causes an
and ask them what it shows (a waterfall). Ask th e m to increase in gre e n h o u se gases w hich in tu rn leads to
g lo b a l w arm ing.).
I nam e any waterfalls that they have heard o f and to say if
they know what the highest w aterfall in th e w o rld is. • Ask students w hat they do to help th e environm ent
and w h e th e r th e ir school has an environm ental group.
1 Ask students to read the te xt, w ith o u t fillin g in any
[ answers at this stage, to find o u t how A n g e l Falls g o t its • Tell stu d e n ts to read th e in fo rm a tio n in Useful
Expressions. Ask students to give you som e exam ples
n am e (from pilot Jim m ie A n g e l w ho came across the falls o f how to start an inform al em ail o r le tte r or how to
while flying in the area). end them .
I Encourage students to look back at A - С and th e
Grammar Reference fo r help if necessary w h ile d o in g Ask students to read the instructions and the w riting
th e task. task and make sure they understand w hat they have
1 Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check to do. Encourage students to underline any key words
I answers as a class. and phrases in th e w ritin g task to help th e m answer
1 If students seem interested, you m ig h t like to give the questions.
th em more information a b o u t th e p ictu re using th e Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check
lackground Information box below . answers as a class.

_________________ Answers

S tu d e n ts1ow n answers


The W onders of Nature

Ask students to read the instructions and the w riting A sk students to c o m p le te th e task and to remembei
task and make sure they understand w hat they have m ake a plan fo r th e ir em ail in class.
to do. Encourage students to underline any key words A sk students to d o th e task individually, b u t check
and phrases in th e w ritin g task to help th e m answer answers as a class. Explain to stu d e n ts th a t they sho
the questions. use th e W ritin g Reference and checklist fo r emails*
Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check page 176 to help them .
answers as a class.
0k S lk
Answers I Hi Laura,

an email to a friend I How are you?
w h a t p e o p le d o in yo u r co u n try to p ro te c t th e
planet j T hat p ro je c t sounds fun! Canada has m any example
inform ation about w hat people do to protect the
p la n e t in yo u r co u n try I o f renew able energy. O ne o f th e big g est sources
inform al I com es fro m w in d pow er. W e have a b o u t 3,000 wind
i turbines across the country.
Ask students to read sentences 1-4 before looking back
at the exam ple email to decide which ones are true and A n o th e r source, w hich is n o t as popular, is solar
which ones are false. Encourage them to find suitable energy. This is w here th e sun heats solar panels
inform ation in the te x t to justify th e ir answers. placed on b u ild in g s, as a result th e y lig h t o r heat
Ask students to do the task individually, but check th a t area. The p ro b le m w ith this energy source is i
answers as a class. th a t it's som etim es clo u d y here, w hich is w hy it is nd
as popular.
Answers ^
G o o d luck w ith yo u r poster. Send me a picture when
1T 2F ЗТ 4T you are finished.

Remind students th a t they should always make a plan fo r Bye!
their w riting before they begin. Carl
Ask them to skim through the exam ple email again and
to w rite w h a t th e main idea o f each p a ragraph is ne xt
to it. Then ask them to read descriptions a -d to decide
which ones are closest to th e ir notes before doing the
m atching task.
Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check
answers as a class.

....... j Zm..Jjav v

a2 ЬЗ c4 d1

Useful Expressions

Read th e w ords and phrases in Useful Expressions
to students and ask them to repeat them after you.
C orrect th e ir pronunciation where necessary and explain
anything they d o n 't understand.
Ask students to w o rk in pairs and to practise asking each
o th e r th e questions in Useful Expressions.

Ask students to read the instructions and check th a t they
understand w hat they have to do.
Ask students to read the Exam Close-up box and the
Exam Task.
Remind students to underline any inform ation in the
Exam Task th a t th e y need to in clude in th e ir em ail.


3 SwivMhin/) w'i+И Sharks

TheNational Geographic videos can be used as an To check students understand w here th e Florida
interesting way to introduce your students to o th e r Keys and th e Bahamas are, draw th e ir a tte n tio n to
cultures. They are authentic N a tio n al G e o g ra p h ic videos, th e ir p o s itio n on th e g lo b e in th e to p -rig h t c o rn e r o f
andit is not necessary fo r students to understand the page.
everything they hear to bene fit fro m th e m . Som e o f th e Play th e v id e o all th e way th ro u g h w ith o u t s to p p in g and
tasksfocus on the visual aspects o f th e videos, so students ask stu d e n ts to m ake a n o te o f th e ir answers. Then ask
canconcentrate more on w hat th e y see than on w h a t th e y students to com pare th e ir answers w ith a partner and to
hear, They are also a good way to encourage yo u r students justify any answers they have th a t are different.
towatch TV programmes and film s in English so th a t th e y Play th e v id e o a second tim e and ask students to check
canget used to the sound o f th e language. The m ore th e ir answers and to fill in any missing answers. Then
students are exposed to English, th e easier it w ill be fo r check answers as a class.
themto pick up the language.
IBackground Information
1F (00:27) 4T (01:48)
■There are over 360 different species o f sharks in th e 2T (00:51) 5F (02:12)
oceans. They range in size fro m th e d w a rf lantern 3F (01:03) 6T (03:39)

«hark which can be as small as 17 cms long to th e w hale A fter you watch
sharkwhich can be up to 12 m long. M o st sharks live
inseawater, but there are a few species w hich also live Explain to stu d e n ts th a t th e te x t is a sum m ary o f th e
Ifreshwater. Sharks' teeth are continually replaced inform ation on the docum entary. Before they read it,
throughout their lives and it is estim a te d th a t som e sharks ask them to w ork in pairs to discuss the main ideas o f
gothrough 30,000 teeth in th e ir lifetim e. the documentary.
Inrecent years, shark tourism has blossom ed in Florida, Ask stu d e n ts to read th e te x t w ith o u t fillin g in any
the Bahamas and Australasia. D iving w ith o u t a cage in answers at this stage to see if the ideas they m entioned
shark-infested waters is an activity w hich has caused are covered in th e te x t. A lso enco u ra g e th e m to th in k
alot of controversy as many p e o p le feel th a t it is to o a b o u t w hich p a rt o f speech is m issing fro m each gap.
dangerous to get close to these animals w ith o u t any Read th e w o rd s in th e ye llo w w o rd b a n k to students and
| protection However, supporters feel th a t th e y are aware ask them to repeat them . C orrect th e ir pronunciation
of and accept the possible risks involved. In 2008, an w here necessary.
Austrian tourist in the Bahamas becam e th e firs t person to Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check
dieasa direct result o f a shark b ite d u rin g an organised answers as a class.
Before you w atch
creatures 5 bite
Ask students to lo o k at th e p ictu re on page 42 and horror 6 think
askthem what is happening in it and to te ll you negative 7 confuse
their reaction. inaccurate 8 realise
Ask students to read the questions and explain a n ything
they don't understand. Then ask th e m to w o rk in pairs o r Ideas Focus
small groups to ask and answer th e questions.
When they have finished, ask d iffe re n t stu d e n ts at Ask students to read th e questions and explain anything
random round the class to answer each o f th e questions. th e y d o n 't u nderstand. Then ask th e m to w o rk in pairs o r
small groups to ask and answer th e questions.
Answers W hen they have finished, ask different students at
random round th e class to answer each o f th e questions.
Students' own answer
While you watch +

В S tudents1ow n answers

• Explain to students th a t the y are now g o in g to w atch th e
I video. Tell them th a t the d o cu m e n ta ry is q u ite short.
• Ask students to read th e s ta te m e n ts a n d to u n d e rlin e
I any key words and phrases th e y fin d . A sk s tu d e n ts
j to predict what o p in io n m o s t o f th e p e o p le o n th e

documentary will have o f sharks.


4 Special Relationships

Reading: true/false, worrying about new words
Vocabulary: relationship-related words, phrasal verbs
Grammar: relative clauses: defining & non-defining, tem porals
Listening: true/false, listening for similar words
Speaking: relationships, problem solving, considering advantages &
disadvantages, giving advice
W riting: story (1), thinking of ideas, organising a story/ideas, describing people

М чИ * г> р е ч е г Ask students to read th e instructions and ask them v
in fo rm a tio n fro m th e te x t th e y know already (Thatthel
W rite Special Relationships on the board and explain n u m b e r o f d o m e s tic do g s is increasing.).
th a t this is th e th e m e o f U nit 4. Ask s tu d e n ts to w o rk in Ask students to look at th e pictures th a t accompany J
groups to discuss any special relationships th a t they have te x t and th e p a ragraph headings and ask th e m what I
and to th in k o f as m any d iffe re n t kinds o f relationships other inform ation they think they will read about.
as possible (e.g. b ro th e r a n d sister, h u sband a n d wife, A sk students to skim th ro u g h th e te x t to fin d the ansi
parent and child, teacher and student, p e t and owner, to the question.
neighbours, crim inal and victim , etc.). Ask stu d e n ts to d o th e task individually, b u t check
Ask students to turn to page 43 and to look at the answ er as a class.
picture and read the accompanying caption. Ask
students w h a t is unusual a b o u t th e p ictu re and fo r th e ir Answe
reaction to it.
The n u m b e r o f d o m e s tic d o g s is increasing due to
their special relationship w ith humans.

Ask students to keep th e ir books closed and ask them W ord Focus
w hat jobs animals can do. M ake a list on th e board o f
as m any jo b s as possible and w rite th e anim als th a t d o Ask s tu d e n ts to lo o k at th e w o rd s and phrases in red!
them by each one. in th e te x t and to read th e sentences th e y are found 1
Ask students to turn to page 44 and to discuss pictures in. Rem ind students th a t when th e y d o n 't know the
1-3 w ith a partner to say which dogs are 'w orking'. m eaning o f a w o rd o r phrase, th e y should look сагеЙ
Ask each pair to re p o rt w h a t th e y said to th e class a t th e sentence it is in to w o rk o u t its m eaning from#
and to justify th e ir answers. A ccept any differences co n te x t. A sk students to w o rk in pairs to decide wha
o f o p in ion as long as students can p ro v id e a logical each o f the words and phrases mean.
explanation fo r th e ir answers. A sk students to read th e W o rd Focus b o x to compa«
their answers w ith the definitions given.
Suggested answers Read each o f th e w ords to th e students and asktherf
to repeat them a fte r you. C orrect th e ir pronunciatio
A ll th e dog s in pictures 1 -3 are p ro b a b ly w o rk in g . The w here necessary.
d o g in 1 is p ro b a b ly a h u n tin g d o g . The d o g in 2 is a
g u id e d o g fo r a b lin d person and th e d o g in 3 is m ost Read th e in fo rm a tio n in th e Exam C lose-up boxtothj
likely a police or Custom's sniffer dog. stu d e n ts and explain a n ything th e y d o n 't understan
Explain th a t som etim es th e y w ill read a te x t which wilH
В have w o rd s in it th a t th e y have n o t seen before. It isnj
always necessary to understand all th e w ords in a texl
Ask students to read the instructions and encourage answ er questions. Remind stu d e n ts th a t th e y can usej
them to refer back to the list o f jobs th a t animals can d ic tio n a ry to help th e m fin d th e m eaning o f new word
do th a t they made earlier to help them here. Make Ask s tu d e n ts to read th e Exam Task and underline ka_
sure they realise they should concentrate only on dogs w o rd s in th e te n sentences th a t w ill help them find the)
this time. answers in th e te xt.
Ask students to make a list on their own and then to Ask stu d e n ts to read th e instructions and questions 1
com pare th e ir list w ith a partner's. in th e Exam Task again and answ er any questions the
m ig h t have. M ake sure students realise th a t they sho
Suggested answers w rite th e T (True) o r F (False) after each sentence.
+ A sk stu d e n ts to d o th e task individually, b u t check
answers as a class.
guide dogs, w atch/guard dogs, sniffer dogs, hunting
dogs, sheepdogs, SAR (search-and-rescue) dogs.


Answers ф _________________ Answers ф

1T 2Т ЗТ 4Т 5Т 6F 7Т 8Т 9F Ю Т Verb + preposition
agree w ith
Е rely on
concentrate on
• Read the words in the yellow w o rd b o x to th e students listen to
and ask them to repeat th e m a fte r you. C o rre c t th e ir belong to

' pronunciation where necessary. A djective + preposition
• Askstudents to find the und e rlin e d w o rd s in th e te x t. in love w ith
angry w ith
Remind them to look at th e m eaning in c o n te x t to help jealous o f
them decide which w ord has w hich m eaning. ashamed of
• Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check proud of
I answers as a class. keen on
sim ilar to
L Answers

1 obedient 4 lovely С
2 dangerous 5 beneficial
3 strong 6 astonishing • Ask students to look at th e picture and read the
accom panying caption. Ask them what they know about
Ideas Focus M ount Everest and if they know anything about the
Sherpa guides.
• Ask astudent the first question and ask o th e r students
I ifthey agree or have anything to add. Encourage th e • If students d o n 't know w ho th e Sherpas are, ask them to
I whole class to participate. skim through the te x t w ith o u t w riting any answers at this
• Readthe second question aloud and in vite stu d e n ts to stage to find out.

give their opinions. They should give th e ir reasons fo r • Ask stu d e n ts w h y th e title o f th e te x t is a p p ro p ria te
their views. (The passage talks a b o u t h o w clim bers in the Himalayas
are helped by the Sherpas. The clim bers successes
L Answers ^ led to a new relationship being established between
m oun ta in e e rs a n d Sherpas as n o t o n ly d id Sherpas
Students' own answers help m ountaineers, b u t the m ountaineers also d id all
th e y c o u ld to he lp Sherpas. The title is also a p p ro p ria te
Teaching Tip in a lite ra l sense as M o u n t Everest is co vered in snow
a n d ice.).
When students are discussing a sensitive m atter, it's
important not to be judgem ental o f th e ir views even if you • Ask students to read the instructions and check th a t they
disagree with them. If you do, students may n o t fe e l free understand w hat they have to do. Explain th a t they will
to speak up in class in future. fill in th e gaps using w o rd s fro m A.

A • Ask students to read the sentences carefully and pay
attention to the words before or after the gap.
Askthe students to read the instructions and check th a t
they understand what they have to do. • Ask students to do th e task individually, b u t check
• Explain that they need to match th e w o rd to , w ith, o f answers as a class.

and on with the correct words. _________________ Answers ф
• Ask students to do th e task individually, b u t check
1 rely 2 proud 3 jealous 4 listen 5 agree 6 similar
answers as a class.
D _____________________________________________
Answers ф
• Ask students to read the instructions and check th a t they
in love with jealous o f understand w hat they have to do. Explain th a t they will
agree with ashamed of fill in th e gaps using w o rd s fro m B.
angry with proud of
• Ask students to read the sentences carefully before
rely on listen to doing the task and pay attention to the words before or
keen on similar to after the gap.
concentrate on belong to
• Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check
answers as a class.

_________________ Answers ф

в 1 similar 5 belong
2 concentrate 6 ashamed
• Askthe students to read th e instru ctio n s and check th e y 3 proud 7 rely
j understand what they have to do. 4 keen 8 agree
• Explain that they need to c o m p le te th e ta b le w ith th e

words from A.


i Special Relationships

Ideas Focus Ask students to read th e instructions and sentence
th e n discuss th e d iffe re n ce in m eaning w ith a partn
Ask students to w o rk in pairs and explain th a t th e y Check answers as a class.
should both give their opinions on the questions.
Go round th e class m o n ito rin g students to make sure Answf
they are carrying o u t the task properly. D o n 't correct any
mistakes at this stage, b u t make a note o f any mistakes The firs t sentence gives only essential inform ation an
in stru ctu re and p ro n u n cia tio n . co u ld answ er th e que stio n W hich b a ll is yours?
Ask each pair to answer one o f the questions and repeat
until each pair has had a turn. The second sentence gives extra inform ation and
W rite any structural mistakes th a t students m ade on the co u ld answ er th e question W hose is th a t b all?
board w ith o u t saying w ho m ade them , and ask th e class
to correct them . • Ask stu d e n ts to read a and b and answer any questiq
Deal w ith any pro b le m s in p ro n u n cia tio n th a t cam e up. they have.

Answers • Ask stu d e n ts to d o th e task individually, b u t check
answers as a class.
Students' own answers
fy m w \W \a r
a1 b2
• Ask th e fo llo w in g questions at ra n d o m ro und th e class,
making sure all students answer at least one. Be careful!
- W h a t is th e n e ig h b o u rh o o d w here you live called? • Ask stu d e n ts to read th e in fo rm a tio n in th e Be car^
- Do you know any pets which help their owners?
- How old were you when you m et your best friend? b o x and ask th e m w h a t th is te lls us a b o u t th e relativ)
- Is the re anyone in y o u r fa m ily w h o has tra v e lle d clauses in item s 3 and 5 in A (They are defining.).
to Asia? • B efore th e y m ove on to th e tasks, ask students to Icj
back at th e reading te x t on pages 44 and 45 to find
• Explain to students th a t these questions use relative u n d e rlin e any relative clauses. Remind students thatl
clauses and th a t th is is th e g ra m m a r p o in t th e y w ill be m ust be careful to only underline th o se which are uj
learning a b o u t in this lesson. in relative clauses.
• Ask students w hich relative pronouns in these sentej
R elative Clauses: d e fin in g & n o n -d e fin in g _____ _ could be replaced by another relative pronoun.

Ask students to read the instructions and make sure they _________________Answer
understand what they have to do.
Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check Paragraph A - These foods som etim es bring
answers as a class. insects and diseases w hich could
be dangerous fo r plants o r animals,
A n sw ers 'w hich' could be replaced by 'that'. I

1 when 4 whose Paragraph С - Jessie is a w h ip p e t th a t visits very sickl
2 where 5 w hich/that
3 w ho/that children, 'th a t' could be replaced by Г

В 'w h o '. There are many different kinds!
o f animals th a t help people, 'that' I
Encourage students to read th e sentences in A again to could be replaced by 'which'.
help th e m fin d th e answers in B. Explain th a t th e re is one Paragraph D - Trainers lo o k fo r d o g s th a t go crazy j
co rre ct answer fo r each q u estion and th a t th e w o rd s in 3 over a favourite toy,... . 'th a t' could!
and 5 in A co u n t as one answer. replaced by 'which'.
Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check
answers as a class. N o w read th e G ram m ar Reference on p a g e 165 (4.1-
Explain to students th a t relative pronouns are w ords w ith yo u r students.
w hich refer to a n o th e r noun in a sentence c o n ta in in g a
relative clause. Rem ind students to refer to A -D on page 47 and tl
G ram m ar Reference if th e y need he lp w ith the tasl
Answers Ask stu d e n ts to d o th e task individually, b u t check)
answers as a class.
d when
a w ho/that e where
b w hich/that
с whose


1 whose Answers Teaching Tip _____________________________________
2 which « Encourage stu d e n ts to u n d erline relative clauses in
3 where 4 when sentences and te x ts th a t th e y w ill read in th e rest o f th e
5 that unit and to ask them selves w hether they are defining
6 whose or non-defining, w hether the relative pronoun can be
replaced by another pronoun and w hat the pronoun refers
F to.

• Ask students to read th e instructions and m ake sure th e y L.\$1rev\\v\0)
■jnderstand what they have to do.
'^E■xlpalcin that they should use th e w ords who, w hich and Ask stu d e n ts to w o rk in pairs to describe th e tw o
pictures on page 48. One student should describe the
I where to write sentences w ith th e prom pts. o ne in th e to p rig h t-h a n d co rn e r and th e o th e r should
describe the picture at the bottom o f the page. Ask
* Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check th e m to d e scribe th e p e o p le and th e situ a tio n as w ell as
(answers as a class. to guess w hat m ight have happened before and after
the pictures were taken.
answers | Ask stu d e n ts w h a t kind o f e m o tio n s th e girl in th e to p -
rig h t p ic tu re m ig h t be fe e lin g (sad, hurt, d isa p po in te d ,
1 A mobile phone is som ething w hich w e use to etc.) and explain th a t in th is p a rt o f th e lesson th e y are
[ call friends. going to deal w ith em otions.
2 The cinema is a place w here w e w atch films. Ask students to read the instructions and make sure they
3 A zoo is a place where we see animals. understand w hat they have to do.
4 A teacher is a person w ho teaches yo u n g p e o p le . Ask students to do the task on th e ir own and then to
5 A gorilla is an animal w hich lives in A frica. com pare their answers w ith a friend.
6 A doctor is a person w ho makes p e o p le feel C heck answers as a class.
I better.
7 A pool is a place w here w e g o sw im m ing.
8 A camera is som ething w hich w e use to ta ke
I photos.

Ask students to look at th e title o f th e te x t and th e Answers
, accompanying picture to guess w h a t th e te x t is ab o u t.
respect someone P be jealous N
Ask them to read the te x t w ith o u t w ritin g any answers at feel ashamed N
trust someone P argue w ith N
this stage to see if they w ere right. be angry N
be proud P feel let down N
Ask students to read th e instructions and m ake sure th e y
be impressed P
understand what they have to do.
be disappointed N
Ask students to w rite th e ir answers and th e n read th e

text again once they have fille d in th e ir answers to m ake

surethey make sense. Teaching T i p __________________________________

Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check You could expand this task fu rth e r by asking students to
tell a partner about a person they respect, have fallen out
answers as a class. w ith, identify w ith, have argued w ith, have supported,
have let dow n or are proud of, or about a situation where
If students seem interested, you m ig h t like to give they have fe lt ashamed, were impressed by som ething or
som eone, which was embarrassing or th a t showed that
them more inform ation a b o u t th e p ictu re using th e someone was devoted.

r::kground Information box below. Answers

1 whose 4 where

2 which 5 which В ______________________________________

3 when • Ask students to read the instructions and make sure they
understand w hat they have to do.
Background In fo rm a tio n
• E licit th a t stu d e n ts have to w rite a o r b in th e boxes
Theconservation centre a t M yrtle Beach Safari was beside each speaker.
founded and is directed by D r Bhagavan A n tle . He says
that Suryia and Roscoe's frie n d sh ip gives us h ope as th e • Play th e re co rd in g once all th e w ay th ro u g h and ask
A ) come from species th a t d o n 't usually g e t on w ell. This students to w rite th e ir answers. Then ask students to
shows us that it is possible fo r us to g e t on w ith th o se w ho discuss th e ir answers w ith a partner and to ju stify any
p m a y fe e l we d o n 't have m uch in com m on w ith . Suryia answers they have th a t are different.
las born at the conservation centre and lives w ith o th e r
[primates there and also helps raise baby prim ates. Roscoe • Play th e re c o rd in g again and ask students to check th e ir
hasmanaged to make a place fo r him self w ith Suryia and answers and to fill in any m issing answers.
thestaff at the Myrtle Beach C entre.
• C heck th e answers as a class and ask students to ju stify
th e ir answers.


1b 2b 3a 4a


Special Relationships

Read th e in fo rm a tio n in th e Exam C lose-up b o x to В
students and explain anything they d o n 't understand.
Remind stud ents o f h ow th e phrases in В paraphrased Ask students to read th e instructions and sentences l|
w h a t th e speakers said. P oint o u t th a t in liste n in g tasks Explain to students th a t th e y will listen to the sentenl
at this level, they are expected to be able to w ork out and m ust d e cid e if each one gives advice, an order or]
how th e way in w hich som eone speaks, as w ell as w h a t makes a su ggestion. They should w rite A (advice), 0 f
th e y say, affects th e answer. Explain th a t w hen w e speak, (order) o r S (suggestion) fo r each one.
our em otions are usually obvious to th e listener. Play th e re co rd in g once all th e way th ro u g h and ask
Ask stude nts to read th e six sentences in th e Exam Task stu d e n ts to w rite th e ir answers. Then ask students to |
and explain anything they d o n 't understand. discuss th e ir answers w ith a p a rtn e r and to justify any
Ask them to underline any key w ords and think about answers they have th a t are different.
the synonyms they m ight hear on the recording. Play th e re co rd in g again and ask students to check th
answers and to fill in any missing answers.
Ask students to read the instructions and sentences C heck th e answers as a class and ask students to justHj
1 -6 again and answer any questions they might have. th e ir answers.
Explain th a t they w ill hear a boy called Danny and a C heck th e answers as a class.
girl called C athy ta lk in g a b o u t d iffe re n t p e o p le in th e ir
fam ily. D ecide if each sentence is c o rre c t o r incorrect. ____________ Answers
Elicit th a t stude nts should w rite T (True) o r F (False) fo r
each sentence. 1A 2S 3 0 4A 5S 6A
Play th e reco rd in g once all th e w ay th ro u g h and ask
students to w rite th e ir answers. Then ask students to • Read th e in fo rm a tio n in th e Exam C lose-up box to
discuss th e ir answers w ith a partner and to justify any stu d e n ts and answ er any questions th e y m ig h t have.
answers they have th a t are different.
• Then ask students to read th e Exam Task and think
Play th e recording again and ask stu d e n ts to check th e ir a b o u t w h a t th e p ro b le m is. Invite students to tell you
answers to D and to fill in any m issing answers. th e ir ideas.
Check th e answers as a class and ask stu d e n ts to ju s tify
their answers. • Point out to students th a t although there are no right (
w ro n g answers fo r th e Exam Task, th e y m ust be able to |
Answers provide logical explanations fo r th e answer(s) they give.]

v \q Useful Expressions________________________

Ask students to read the questions and answer any • Ask students to read Useful Expressions before they d
queries they may have. th e Exam Task.
Ask students to w o rk in pairs and to ta ke it in turns to
answer the questions. • Point o u t th a t these expressions will help them to
G o round th e class m o n ito rin g students to m ake sure g ive advice and state th e ir o p in io n s in a h elpful and
they are carrying o u t the task properly. D o n 't correct any supportive way. Explain th a t using the im perative to
mistakes at this stage, but make a note o f any mistakes te ll som eone w hat to do w o u ld n 't be appropriate for
in structure and p ro n u n cia tio n . this task.
Ask each pair to answer one o f the questions and repeat
until they have all had a turn. • Ask students to w ork w ith a partner, talk about the
W rite any structural mistakes th a t students made on p ro b le m to g e th e r and d e cid e w h a t w o u ld be best for
the board w ith o u t saying w ho m ade them , and ask Mark to do.
students to co rre ct th e m . Deal w ith any p ro b le m s in
pronunciation that came up. • Remind stu d e n ts to use th e w o rd s in Useful Expressioi
to help them .
• G o ro und th e class m o n ito rin g stu d e n ts to m ake sure
Students' own answers th e y are carrying o u t th e task properly. D o n 't correct ai
m istakes a t th is stage, b u t m ake a n o te o f any mistake:
in structure and p ro n u n cia tio n .

• Ask each pair to te ll th e class th e ir solution to th e
problem and th e ir reasons why.

• W rite any structural mistakes th a t students make on
th e b o a rd w ith o u t saying w h o m ade th e m , and ask
students to c o rre c t th e m . Deal w ith any p ro b le m s in
pronunciation that came up.

Ideas F o cu s_________________________________

Ask stu d e n ts to w o rk in pairs and explain th a t th ey
should both give th e ir opinions on the questions.
G o ro und th e class m o n ito rin g stu d e n ts to make sure
th e y are carrying o u t th e task properly. D o n 't correct an;
m istakes at th is stage, b u t m ake a n o te o f any mistakes
in stru ctu re and pron u n cia tio n .
Ask each p a ir to answ er one o f th e questions and repea
until everyone has had a turn.


• Write any structural mistakes th a t stu d e n ts m ade on • Point o u t th a t they may have to change the form o f the
ve rb in som e cases and th a t th e phrasal verbs in С have
I the board without saying w ho m ade th e m , and ask th e o b je c t w ritte n in already.

■students to correct them . Deal w ith any p ro b le m s in • Ask students to do th e task individually, but check
answers as a class.
■I pfSIrWoInIwuInciation that came up.
Teaching T ip ____________________________________
L Answers
# You m ig h t like to p o in t o u t to students th a t these phrasal
I Stuidee-nts' own answers verbs are listed w ith their meanings on page 185 fo r their

• Remind students th a t w hen th e y com e across new > .................. —" 5 letting, down
I vocabulary, they should try to m ake a n o te n o t o n ly o f 1 get on 6 broke up
2 hang out 7 make up
the meaning o f the w ord, b u t also o f its various parts 3 put, down 8 ask, o u t
j of speech. 4 look up to
1 Ask students to read th e instructions and check th e y
Ideas Focus
understand what they have to do.
к Explain that they should m atch th e phrasal verbs 1 -8 Ask students to w o rk in pairs to discuss th e questions.
G o round th e class m o n ito rin g students to make sure
with their meanings a-h. they are carrying o u t the task properly. D on't correct any
1 Ask students to do th e task individually, b u t check mistakes at this stage, b u t make a note o f any mistakes
I answers as a class. in stru ctu re and p ro n unciation.
W rite any structural mistakes th a t students made on
К______________ .Answers th e b o a rd w ith o u t saying w h o m ade th e m , and ask
stu d e n ts to c o rre c t th e m . Deal w ith any pro b le m s in
1b 2g 3e 4a 5c 6h 7 f 8d pronunciation that came up.
You co u ld also a ctivate th e vocabulary learnt in this
• Ask students to read the instructions and m ake sure th e y lesson fu rth e r by asking stu d e n ts to w o rk in pairs and to
I understand what they have to do. Explain th a t th e y w ill im a g in e th a t one o f th e m has a p ro b le m w ith a frie n d ,
I usethe phrasal verbs in A to c o m p le te th e sentences. relative, teacher, colleague or pet. The student should
• Ask students to read th e sentences carefully and pay explain th e problem to his/her partner and say how he/
I attention to the w ords be fore o r a fte r th e gap. They she feels about it. The other student should then try
I should try to think o f a phrasal verb w hich fo llo w s o r to give him /her suitable advice. Students should then
I precedes the words, w ith o u t fillin g in any answers at swap roles.
I this stage.
• Ask students to read the sentences again, th is tim e fo r Answers ф
I meaning, and to w rite th e ir answers. O nce th e y have
I finished, encourage them to read each sentence one last Students' own answers
I time to make sure th e ir answers m ake sense.
• Ask students to do th e task individually, b u t check fa m w \ft\A r
I answers as a class.
• Ask th e fo llo w in g questions at random round th e class,
1 ask Julia out Answers m aking sure each student answers at least one.
2 broke up + - W hat will you do when you g e t home this evening?
3 look up to 5 hang out - W ill you do your hom ew ork before you go to your
4 get on 6 to make up next lesson?
7 put me down - W ho w ill you talk to when you next have a problem ?
8 let you down - W hat w ill you do th e m om ent the d o o r bell rings?
- W hat w ill you do before you hand in your hom ework?
Ask students who the y con fid e in when th e y need help.
Askthem to list various proble m s th a t p e o p le th e ir age • E licit th a t all these questions asked a b o u t so m e th in g in
may have with their peers and th e d iffe re n t ways th a t the future.
they can get help.
Ask students if they have ever read o r w ritte n b lo g s T e m p o r a l s __________________________________________
on the Internet asking fo r advice. Explain th a t th e y are
going to read three such posts on a b lo g now. A sk stu d e n ts to look a t th e w o rd s in b o ld in sentences
Ask students to read th e th re e b lo g posts w ith o u t fillin g 1 -5 and ask th e m w h a t th e y all have in com m on
in any answers at this stage, to fin d o u t w h a t p ro b le m (They all refer to time.). Explain th a t we call these
each person has (Lonelygirl56 is d is a p p o in te d th a t she w ords tem porals.
and her best friend have g ro w n apart. D ream yboy23 Ask students to read the instructions and make sure they
doesn't know who to turn to w hen he needs help. understand th a t they should only underline the verbs
ShyguylOO likes a g irl and w ants to d a te h e r b u t d o e s n 't which com e directly after these words.
know what to tell his ex-girlfriend.). Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check
answers as a class.


Special Relationships

Students should underline: 1 as soon as 4 delivers
1 has 2 finish 5 until
2 go 3 By the tim e 6 have saved
3 have finished
4 leave A sk students to read sentences 1 -6 and explain tha
5 arrives th e y have to w rite in th e c o rre c t te m p o ra l.
Read aloud th e te m p o ra ls and ask students to say j
В a sentence containing one o f them to show their
• Ask students to read th e sentences in A again and to understanding o f how they are used.
Ask students to d o th e task individually, b u t check
answer th e questio n in B. answers as a class


Present tenses

Ask students to read the rule carefully and to com plete By the tim e 5 by the tim e
it w ith one word. 2 Before 6 until
3 As soon as 7 before
4 as soon as 8 Until


Present Ask students to read th e main clauses and tempori
in sentences 1 -6 and answer any questions they
Teaching Tip m ight have.
Ask students to com plete the sentences on their q
Point o u t to students th a t although present tenses are and th e n to com pare th e ir answers w ith a partner.
used in th e clauses w ith these te m p o ra ls, fu tu re tenses can W alk ro und checking each student's sentences whi
be used in th e main clause in th e sentence. You m ig h t also they are working.
like to p o in t o u t th a t u n til is used to ta lk a b o u t an action A sk each s tu d e n t to read o u t a t least one o f his or
o r state th a t w ill sto p at a certain p o in t in th e fu tu re , b u t her sentences to th e class and m ake sure th e corre
th a t as soon as is used to ta lk a b o u t an a ctio n o r state th a t tenses have been used and th a t th e second part ol
w ill begin a t a certain p o in t in th e fu tu re . sentence follow s on logically from the first.

Be careful! Answe

Read through the Be careful! inform ation and make sure Students' own answers
th a t students understand why the Present Perfect Simple
is used fo r em phasis when it is im p o rta n t to show th a t V\JrHi4£): a s ( I )
one action happens before another.
P oint o u t th a t th e w o rd when is also used to em phasis A sk stu d e n ts to read th e in fo rm a tio n on organising
this. G ive fu rth e r exam ples. (You can g o to y o u r frie n d 's stories and answ er any questions th e y may have ab<
house when we have had lunch. Lucy can do her w hat they have read.
hom ew ork when she has finished se ttin g the table.)

N ow read the Gram m ar Reference on page 165 (4.4) with
your students.

Read th e w o rd s in th e y e llo w w o rd b a n k to student)

ask them to repeat them . C orrect th e ir pronunciatii

Encourage students to read each sentence through where necessary. j
before circling any answers. Explain th a t they should pay
attention to the words im m ediately before and after the A sk stu d e n ts to read th ro u g h sentences 1 -6 without
options. If the options are tem porals, they should look
carefully a t w hich present tense is used a fte r th e m . If w ritin g any answers and th in k a b o u t w hich o f the
the options are verb tenses, they should look to see if
a te m p o ra l is used d ire c tly b e fo re it o r if it is p a rt o f th e expressions from the w ordbank w ould complete
main clause o f the sentence.
Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check each one.
answers as a class.
A sk stu d e n ts to d o th e task in d ivid u a lly and then

com pare th e ir answers w ith a partner. They should

any differences th e y have and make any changes.

C heck answers as a class.


1 Once upon a tim e 4 Suddenly
2 It all started 5 Meanwhile
3 A t first 6 In th e end


' Askstudents to read th e instructions and m ake sure th e y A sk s tu d e n ts to read th e in fo rm a tio n in th e Exam Close-
Thderstand what they have to do. up bo x. Ask th e m to lo o k again at th e Exam Task, then
read and u n d erline th e im p o rta n t w ords in th e Exam
' Explain that their English te a ch e r has asked th e m to Close-up box.
write a story called A true m ystery. In pairs, ask th e students to th in k o f ideas fo r a
Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check b eginning, m iddle and end fo r th e ir story.
^ p re r s as a class. G ive stu d e n ts tim e to m ake a plan fo r th e ir sto ry in class,
bu t set th e w ritin g task fo r hom ew ork. An exam ple plan
Answers is show n below .
1 No, he/she hasn't.
2 A true mystery. Exam ple plan
Para 1: Set th e scene and in tro d u c e th e
main characters.
' Ask students to read the instructions and make sure they Para 2: G ive b a ckg ro u n d details a b o u t th e
■ understand what they have to do.
• Ask students to look at the Learning Focus box to main character.
■ remind them about how a story is organised. Para 3: D escribe th e main event.
' Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check Para 4: In tro d u ce a tw is t in th e story.
■answers as a class. Para 5: Bring th e sto ry to an end.

E1b 2d 3a 4c Answers Explain to students th a t they should look at the Useful
+ Expressions again b e fo re th e y d o th e Exam Task.
Ask students to read the instructions and make sure they
D understand w hat they have to do.
Ask students to do the task individually.
' Ask students to read the exam ple story again before
I doing the task. H
• Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check
I answers as a class. Ask students to read the instructions and com plete the
Exam Task.
E1F 2F 3T 4F Answers
A girl was w alking hom e one day. It was a lovely
I Read all the Useful Expressions to th e students and sum m er's day, w ith a w arm breeze in th e air. The girl
I ask them to repeat them . C o rre ct th e ir p ro n u n cia tio n had been to tow n to buy a new book about a magical
■ w here necessary. forest. She loved to read about magic and adventure.
(• Ask students to read the five sentences and th in k
I about which o f the w ords th e y have ju s t read in Useful All o f a sudden, the flow ers and trees around her
■xpressions could com plete each one. P oint o u t th a t began to move. They started to sing and dance,
I m ore than one answer m ig h t be possible, pulling her along to jo in in. The birds from the trees
f Ask students to do the task individually, b u t com pare started to fly about w hilst singing along w ith the
flo w e rs .
eir answers with a partner.
• Check answers as a class. Suddenly, th e g irl w o ke up. She had fallen asleep in
the warm sun, reading her new book.

1 cold Answers
2 late +
3 tall/slim 4 nervous

5 evening


• Ask students to read th e Exam Task and th in k a b o u t
■ what their teacher has already given th e m .
BCheck the answer as a class.

Answer ф

Thefirst line of the story.


4 WUn'sUes+ТпечЛ

general No+e Answers

The N a tio n a l G e o g ra p h ic videos can be used as an 1b 2d 3c 4a
interesting way to introduce your students to other
cultures. They are authentic N ational G eographic videos, Explain to students th a t th e y are g o in g to watch theI
and it is n o t necessary fo r stu d e n ts to understand v id e o again. Ask th e m to read sentences 1 -6 and
everything they hear to benefit from them . Some o f the explain anything they d o n 't understand.
tasks focus on the visual aspects o f the videos, so students Ask th e m to th in k a b o u t w h a t th e answers m ight be
can concentrate more on w hat they see than on w hat they before they listen again. Explain th a t they will heart
hear. They are also a g o o d w ay to enco u ra g e yo u r students e xact sentences on th e v id e o and th a t th e y should li^
to w atch TV program m es and film s in English so th a t th e y o u t fo r th e specific w o rd s h ig h lig h te d in red.
can g e t used to th e sound o f the language. The m ore Ask s tu d e n ts to d o th e task individually, b u t check
students are exposed to English, the easier it will be fo r answers as a class.
them to pick up the language.
_________________ Answer
Background In fo rm atio n _________________________
1 com plex (00:18) 4 talented (01:44]
The phrase 'M an's best friend' reflects the im portant 5 partnership (01:59j
im pact that dogs have had on human societies w orldw ide. 2 interact w ith (00:26) 6 continue (02:18)1
A lth o u g h , it is uncertain when e xactly d o g s becam e
dom e stica te d , th e re is evidence o f d o m e s tic a tio n as fa r 3 1,000 (00:45)
back as 15,000 years ago. D ogs are im p o rta n t to humans
fo r w ork, p ro te c tio n and co m p anionship. It is claim ed th a t A fte r you watch
th e y have played very im p o rta n t roles in m ig ra tio n s o f
po pula tion s as th e y allo w e d p e o p le as fa r back as 12,000 Explain to stu d e n ts th a t th e te x t is a sum m ary of the I
years ago to travel huge distances by pulling sledges.
Today, do gs p rovid e humans w ith h uge b e n e fits and it is in fo rm a tio n in th e docum entary. Before th e y read it, Г
estim ated th a t there are around 400 m illio n d o g s in th e
w orld today. ask th e m to w o rk in pairs to discuss th e main ideas in]
the documentary.
Before you watch A sk stu d e n ts to read th e te x t w ith o u t fillin g in any
answers a t th is stage to see if th e ideas th e y mentioJ
Ask students to look at the title o f the section and the are covered in th e te x t. A lso encourage them to think
pictures on page 54 and elicit how they are related. a b o u t w h a t p a rt o f speech is missing fro m each gap.l
Ask students to read the statem ents and to underline Read th e w ords in th e ye llo w w o rd b a n k to students^
any key words and phrases they find. Then ask them to ask them to repeat them . C orrect th e ir pronunciatio
look at dogs a -d closely to decide which statem ent best w here necessary.
goes w ith each one. A sk students to d o th e task individually, b u t check
Ask students to do the task on their own and then to answers as a class.
com pare th e ir answers w ith a partner and to discuss any
answers they have th a t are different. _________________ Answer
Discuss th e statem e n ts as a class w ith o u t c o rre c tin g th e
answers until stude n ts have d o n e B. 1 partnership 5 obedient
2 variety 6 unknown
Answers « 3 talent 7 dom estic
4 illegal 8 beneficial

Students' own answers Ideas Focus

W hile you watch A sk stu d e n ts to read th e questions and explain any
th e y d o n 't u nderstand. Then ask th e m to w ork in pairj
В small groups to ask and answer the questions.
W hen th e y have finished, ask d iffe re n t students at
Explain to students th a t they are now g o in g to watch the random ro und th e class to answer each o f th e questio
video. Tell th e m th a t th e d o cu m e n ta ry is q u ite short.
Ask students to focus on w h a t is said on th e Answer!
do cum en tary rega rd in g th e statem ents in A and n o t on
their own opinions. Students' own answers
Play th e vid e o all th e w ay th ro u g h w ith o u t s to p p in g and
ask students to make a note o f th e ir answers.
Check answers as a class.


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