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Published by Mdm. Shima, 2020-04-16 06:21:12

Close-Up TB


R e v ie w 2 - U nits 3 & 4

ives Grammar Revision.___________________________________
■evise vocabulary and gram m ar fro m Units 3 and 4.
• W rite th e sentences below on th e board and ask
j Revision ___ students which tenses have been used and why.
- Ed has w alked the length o f the Amazon. (Present
^ B a in to students th a t Review 2 revises th e m aterial Perfect Sim ple - experiences and achievements)
theysaw in Units 3 and 4. - I've been listening to th e teacher all m orning, so I've
g o t a headache. (Past Perfect Continuous - action
• Explain to students th a t th e y can ask you fo r help, lo o k th a t happened fo r a p e rio d o f tim e and has finished,
[back a; t1he units and refer to th e reference sections at b u t has results th a t a ffect the present)
fcback of the book if they're not sure ab o u t an answer, - She has jo in e d a conservation group. (Present
asthe review is not a test. Perfect Sim ple - action th a t happened at an
• Decide on how you will carry o u t th e review. You co u ld in d e finite tim e in the past)
a*students to do one task at a tim e and c o rre c t it - They have been w arning us a b o u t global
I immediately, ask them to do all th e vocabulary tasks and w arm ing fo r decades. (Past Perfect C ontinuous
■»rrectthem before m oving on to the gram m ar tasks, - to em phasise h o w lo n g actions have been in
I or ask them to do all the tasks and then co rre ct th e m progress for)
^■gether at the end. If you do all th e tasks to g e th e r, let - They have just returned from an expedition. (Present
Budents know every now and again how m uch tim e th e y Perfect Sim ple - action th a t has ju s t finished)
I have got left to finish th e tasks. - W e can sit on this beach because they have cleaned
• Ask students not to leave any answers blank and to try it up. (Present Perfect Simple - action th a t happened
tofind any answers th ey a re n 't sure a b o u t in th e units or in the past b u t have results th a t a ffe ct the present)
reference sections. - W e've been go in g on eco holidays since 1991. (Past
• Inform students beforehand th a t th e y w ill have a review P e rfe ct C o n tin uo u s - a ction th a t began in th e pa st
and has happened repeatedly up to now)
inthe next lesson so th a t th e y can revise fo r it. Revise
^■vocabulary and gram m ar as a class b e fo re students • Revise th e a ffirm a tive , n e gative and que stio n fo rm s o f
these tenses ju s t practised as a class.
00 the review.
en checking students' answers to th e review tasks, • W rite th e sentences b e lo w on th e b o ard and ask
ke a note o f any problem areas in vocabulary and students w hich articles, if any, have been used and to
say why they have been used.
grammar that they still have. Try to d o extra w o rk on - Speak Japanese! (no article, language)
I these areas so that your students progress w ell. - The hills here are green, (d e fin ite article, specific hills)
- Researchers love this place, (no article, researchers
[ Vocabulary R evisio n in general)
- The Seine is in Paris, (d e fin ite article, nam e o f
Write the words below on th e b o ard and ask students geographical feature)
to collocate them w ith a noun to create a co llo ca tio n - Have you had lunch? (no article, name o f a meal)
mlated to environmental issues: conservation (areas), - There's a d o g outside, (indefinite article, unspecific
fossil (fuel), endangered (species), clim ate (change), d o g in singular).
nanewable (energy), natural (habitat), solar (power),
power (stations) • Ask students to w rite sentences o f their own w ith the
Ask students which phrasal verbs th e y re m e m b e r fro m relative pronouns w ho/that, w hich/that, whose, when
|H ts3 and 4. Make sure th e y revise lo o k up to , ask and where. Then ask each student to read o ut one
out, break up with, le t dow n, m ake up, hang out, g o sentence to th e class. M ake sure all th e pronouns are
out and put down. Tell them to th in k o f a sentence fo r heard at least once.
each one and to w rite them in th e ir n o te b o o ks.
Write the words below on th e b o ard and ask students • W rite th e te m p o ra ls as soon as, when, until, the
H trite the correct prepositions: co n ce n tra te (on), m om ent and before on the board and ask students
similar (to), in love (with), jealous (of), p ro u d (of), angry w h a t th e y all have in co m m o n (They are fo llo w e d by
present tenses.) Then ask students to ask a partner
ptfij, (after) years o f som ething, (at) th e m o m e n t, g e t questions using these words.
(onto) something, turn (into) s o m e th in g , ta ke action
(on) something)
Write the following on th e b o ard and ask stu d e n ts to
[ unscramble the words to m ake nouns.


M o c a V ? iA \a r\\ Tell stu d e n ts to lo o k back at p age 35 and Gramma
References 3 .1 -3 .6 on pages 1 6 3 -1 6 4 fo r a reminc
they need to.

Ask studen ts to read th e sentences w ith o u t fillin g in any Answer
answers at this stage and to pay attention to the words
im m e d ia te ly b e fo re and a fte r th e o p tio n s in red. 1 has been studying 5 has increased
Then ask students to circle the correct o p tio n to 2 took 6 has been doing
com plete the collocations. Encourage students to read 3 has caused 7 have risen
back through th e ir sentences to check th e ir answers. 4 began 8 finished

Answers ^ L......


1 conservation 7 conservation Ask stu d e n ts to read th e sentences w ith o u t filling in
2 source 8 endangered answers at this stage and to u n d erline th e nouns af
3 cave 9 stream th e o p tio n s. Encourage th e m to th in k a b o u t whetl
4 renewable 10 ideas it is a specific, a general, a singular o r a plural noun,
5 fossil 11 survived w ell as w h e th e r it is be in g used fo r th e firs t tim e int
6 power 12 physical sentence o r if it's a g e o g ra p h ica l fe a tu re o r a langui
Encourage students to read back th ro u g h the sent!
В again once th e y have finished to check th e ir answel
Tell stu d e n ts to look back at page 39 and Grammar
Read th e w ords in th e ye llo w w o rd b a n k to stu d e n ts and References 3 .7 -3 .8 on page 165 fo r a rem inder if th
ask them to repeat them . C orrect th e ir pronunciation need to.
where necessary.
Encourage students to read through the sentences fo r f ....... Answer
gist b e fore fillin g in any answers. 1 The
Encourage students to read back through the sentences 2- 6 the
again once they have finished to check th e ir answers. 3- 7 the
4- 8-
Answers The 9 the
10 -
com plicated I5
o b e d ie n t dom esticated
embarassed ashamed E ncourage students to read th ro u g h th e sentences
astonishing suspicious and th e th re e o p tio n s b e fo re choosing any answerSj
ta le n te d 10 beneficial w o rk o u t if th e sentence is focusing on relative cla
protected or tem porals.
Rem ind th e m to pay a tte n tio n to th e w ords immedii
Ask students to read through the sentences fo r gist before and after the gaps.
b e fore fillin g in any answers. E ncourage stu d e n ts to read back th ro u g h the senti
Encourage students to look fo r clues on either side once th e y have finished to check th e ir answers.
o f the gaps to help them decide which prepositions Tell stu d e n ts to lo o k back a t pages 47 and 51 and
are missing. Gram m ar References 4.1-4.4 on page 165 for a
Encourage students to read back through the sentences rem inder if they need to.
once they have finished to check th e ir answers.

Answers Г AnSWQC
1c 2c 3a 4a 5a 6b 7b 8b
6 up
up 7 out
w ith 8 on
o ff 9 on
out 10 down

fy m w \]/v \A r

Ask students to read the instructions and then read the
verbs in the yellow w ordbank to them and make sure
they understand th e ir meanings.
Encourage students to read the sentences w ithout
fillin g in any answers a t th is stage and to u n d e rlin e th e
subjects o f the missing verbs and any tim e expressions.
Explain th a t these will help them to g e t the correct tense
in th e co rre ct fo rm .


5 A Place to Call Home

- Reading: short texts, m ultiple-choice questions, elim inating answers
Vocabulary: home-related words, collocations & expressions
Grammar: will, be going to, future plans & events, future predictions
.istening: m ultiple-choice questions, understanding technical or specific words
talking about homes, general conversations, expanding on the topic,
eaking: talking about a topic
informal letter, replying to a letter, using informal language, accepting/
l/riting: rejecting invitations, responding to news, making suggestions

Oii+Dpevicr Ask students to read the instructions and make sure they
understand w hat they have to do.
i Ask students to make a note o f as m any w ords as possible Explain th a t they should match the problem 1-5 w ith the
I that they associate w ith th e w o rd 'h o m e '. Give th e m a person a-e.
Ask students to com pare th e ir answers w ith a partner
minute to write down th e ir words, then ask th e m to call w hen th e y have finished. If th e re is In te rn e t access in
| out their words and make a note o f th e m on th e board. the classroom o r school, you could allow students to go
online to check th e ir answers.
Tryto elicit terraced house, (block of) flats, sem i-detached C heck answers as a class.
I house, apartment, skyscraper, bungalow , cottage, tent, O nce answers have been checked, ask students if the
[detached house and castle. p ro b le m s e n co u n te re d by th e p e o p le are th e same as
[ Ask students to turn to page 57 and to w o rk in pairs to those they discussed earlier.

dee:scribe the picture and read th e accom panying caption. A n s w e rs
• Emicourage students w ho have been to this area o r w ho
I kntow about it to tell the others a b o u t it. Ask students 1c 2e 3a 4b 5d
I what impression this place makes on them .
• If:students seem interested, you m ig h t like to give th e m В

fu,rther information using th e B ackground In fo rm a tio n Ask students to read the instructions and check th a t they
beox below. understand what they have to do.
Explain th a t, in pairs, th e y w ill te ll th e ir p a rtn e r a b o u t
Background I n f o r m a t i o n a b uilding problem they have in th e ir home, and their
partner w ill suggest w ho they could call fo r help.
I Uchisar Castle cave in C appadocia is located in th e Ask students to refer to the pictures on page 58 to help
■Nevsehir Province o f central Turkey. This m a g n ific e n t area, (builder, cleaner, electrician, painter, plum ber).
[which was designated a w o rld h e rita g e site in 1985, was G o round th e class m o n ito rin g students to make sure
I formed by deposits from e ru p te d volcanoes 3 -9 m illio n they are carrying o u t the task properly.
I years ago. These deposits becam e e ro d e d by w in d over Ask each p a ir to explain th e ir answ er until each pair has
had a turn.
time to form spectacular chimneys.
The rock was soft enough fo r p e o p le to d ig in to and to Ask students to read the instructions and elicit th a t they
I make homes for them selves. A m o n g th e firs t p e o p le to understand w hat they have to do.
I live in the rock houses w ere early C hristians w h o used Ask students to read texts 1-5 before they w rite
fcappadocia's underground cities as h id in g places fro m their answers.
the Roman army. Today, th e area is a p o p u la r to u ris t site Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check
and consists o f Aksaray-lhlara Valley, G o re m e N ational answers as a class.
Park and Open A ir Museum , U n d e rg ro u n d C ities
and Soganli Valley. For m ore in fo rm a tio n visit: h ttp :// Answers /travel/w orld-heritage/ 1 In a new spaper o r th e w in d o w o f a new sagent's
badocia. 2 On a m obile phone
3 O n a noticeboard, wall or d o o r at the gym
• Ask students to look a t th e pictures on pag e 58 and ask 4 On a com puter
them to describe w h a t th e p e o p le in th e m are d o in g . 5 On a table or stuck to a fridge door
Ask them if they know w h a t th e jo b s are th a t th e p e o p le
are doing and encourage th e m to th in k a b o u t th e s o rt o f

I problems that th e y have to deal w ith .


W ord Focus Read th e w ords in th e ye llo w w o rd b a n k to students;
• Ask students to lo o k a t th e w ords in red in th e te xts on ask th e m to repeat them . C orrect th e ir pronunciation |
where necessary.
page 59 and to re-read the sentences they are found E licit th a t all th e w o rd s are various places where peopl
in. Remind students th a t when they d o n 't know the can live.
m eaning o f a w ord, they should look carefully at the Ask stu d e n ts to d o th e task individually, b u t check as
sentence it is fo u n d in to w o rk o u t its m eaning. Ask a class.
stu dents to w o rk in pairs to d e cid e w h a t each o f th e O nce answers have been checked, you m ig h t like to a
words mean. stu d e n ts w hich house 1 -8 is m o st like th e ideal house I
• Read each o f the w ords to th e students and ask them th e y d e scrib e d to th e ir p a rtn e r and w hich one is most|
to repeat them after you. C orrect their pronunciation like th e house th e y live in now.
w here necessary.
Students should read the Exam Close-up box about
elim inating answers. Explain th a t these tips are 1 castle 6 terraced house
im p o rta n t as th e y p ro v id e im p o rta n t in fo rm a tio n to help 2 tent 7 cottage
th e m in th e exam. 3 block o f flats 8 semi-detached
Students should then read sentences and questions 1-5 4 bungalow
in th e Exam Task and und e rlin e th e key w ords. 5 detached house house
A sk students to read th e Exam Task again and th e
five texts. В
Tell th e m to read each o f th e o p tio n s a- с a fte r each
o f the sentences or questions and then choose the Ask stu d e n ts to read th e instructions and check that th(
correct answer. understand w hat they have to do.
Ask students to d o th e task individually, b u t check as A sk th e m to read th e o p tio n s carefully b e fo re circling
a class. th e ir answer.
A sk s tu d e n ts to d o th e task in pairs to encourage
Answers discussion, b u t check th e answers as a class. Ask
s tu d e n ts to explain w hy one o f th e w ords is th e odd oni
1c 2b 3a 4b 5c o u t in each g ro u p .

Ideas Focus Answer^
Ask students to read the questions. Teach any new
words that students have not learnt yet. 1 garden 4 keys
A sk students to w o rk in pairs to answer th e questions 2 lift 5 garage
and encourage them to use their own experience to 3 fridge 6 wall
help them support th e ir opinions.
M o n ito r students to make sure they are doing the task Ask stu d e n ts to read th e instructions and check they
correctly and make notes for error correction. understand w hat they have to do.
Ask a pair to share th e ir ideas and encourage Ask stu d e n ts to carefully read th e sentences and to pay
class discussion. a tte n tio n to th e w o rd s b e fo re and a fte r th e gap and try
W rite any errors on th e b o ard and co rre ct th e m as to th in k o f a w o rd , w ith o u t fillin g in any answers yet.
a class. A sk stu d e n ts to d o th e task individually, b u t check as
a class.
СS tudents' ow n answers
1 tent 5 cottage
М о С А )0 (А [А Г У \ 2 block 6 living room
3 detached 7 garage
Ask students to w o rk in pairs to say w h a t th e ir ideal 4 w indow 8 sink
hom e w ould be like. Remind them o f the w ords
associated w ith hom e th a t they came up w ith fo r the Ideas F o c u s _______
Unit opener and encourage them to look back at them
if necessary. Ask stu d e n ts to w o rk in pairs and to ta ke it in turns
Encourage them to talk about w hat their hom e w ould to answer the question. Encourage them to justify
look like outside and inside, how big it w ould be, where th e ir answers.
it w ould be and any o th e r features it w ould have (e.g. As a class, ask each pair th e question and repeat until
garden, balcony, sw im m ing pool). each stu d e n t has answered.
Ask each stu d e n t to tell th e rest o f th e class a b o u t th e ir
ideal home. Ai tswc

52 Students' own answers

Щ Ш \(лГ Answers «

' А& students to look at th e p ictu re in th e to p rig h t-h a n d Students' own answers
■corner of page 61 and to im agine th a t th e y are g o in g to
■visit It. Teaching Tip

' Ask them to work in pairs to say w h a t it w ill be like th e re You could give students extra practice at recognising the
■ and what they m ight be able to see and d o there. uses o f the Future Sim ple by asking them to read their
sentences fro m E in a m ixed o rd e r to a p a rtn e r w h o says
A which use each sentence dem onstrates. Do this before
you check th e sentences as a class.
' Ask students to read sentences 1 -7 and answ er any
■questions they m ig h t have.
' Askstudents to do th e task individually, b u t check
■answers as a class.

Answers Ask students to read the instructions and make sure they
+ understand w hat they have to do.
Elicit th a t they should com plete the sentences w ith the
1A 2N ЗА 4A 5A 6 Q 7N correct form o f w ill or g o in g to and the verb in brackets.
Ask students to d o th e task individually, b u t check
answers as a class.

•' Ask students to read th e instructions and check th e y Answers
Bnderstand what they have to do.
' Ask students to read a -g and then to re-read 1 -7 in A. 1 are you going to put 5 are going to fall
2 will you close 6 will finish
Ask students to do th e task individually, b u t check 3 are w orking 7 will clean
anBsi-w. ers as a class. 4 will not do 8 will turn

Answers Ask students to read the instructions and make sure they
understand th a t they are free to com plete the sentences
c-1g 2d 3f 4b 5e 6a 7c w ith th e ir ow n ideas in an a p p ro p ria te tense.
Ask students to read the beginnings o f the sentences to
Be careful! decide w hether they need to use w ill or be g o in g to.
" Read the inform ation in Be careful! to th e students Ask students to do the task individually, b ut check
answers as a class.
arnd elicit the difference b e tw e e n u n til and as soon as.
:Remind students th a t a present tense is used in th e
Students' own answers
lause containing th e te m p o ra l.
• Ask students to read sentences 1 and 2 and answ er any
■questions they m ight have. Elicit th a t th e y have to m ake Read th e w o rd s in th e ye llo w w o rd b a n k to students and
I the sentences negative. ask them to repeat them . C orrect th e ir pronunciation
where necessary.
Ask students to do th e task individually, b u t check Encourage students to look at pictures 1-6 before
Iswers as a class. labelling the pictures.
Ask students to do the task individually, b ut check
Answers answers as a class.
1 They're not go ing to b u ild a blo ck o f flats here
1 next year.
2 That wall is very safe. It isn 't g o in g to fall d o w n .

• Ask students to read sentences a and b and answ er any 1 brick Answers
Questions they m ight have. 2 steel «
• Ask students to do th e task individually, b u t check 3 concrete 4 straw
• answers as a class.
5 netting
______________ Answers 6 bamboo
la 2b В

'owread the Grammar Reference on p a g e 166 (5.1 & 5.2) Ask students to read the instructions and the words and
■ your students. phrases 1-5.
Play th e re co rd in g once all th e way th ro u g h and ask
1 Ask students to read th e in stru ctio n s and m ake sure th e y students to w rite th e ir answers. Then ask students to
J understand w hat th e y have to do. com pare their answers w ith a partner.
• Remind students th a t th e y can refer back to A - D in th e
I Grammar box.
• Ask students to do th e task individually, b u t check
lanswers as a class.

A Place to Call Hom e

Play th e re co rd ing again and ask students to check th e ir Useful Expressions
answers and to com plete any missing answers. Ask students to read the read the Useful Expressions
Discuss how th e y knew w hich was th e correct answer, fo r before they do A.
exam ple crushing and tra p p in g in 1 m atches fe ll on to p P oint o u t th a t these expressions w ill help th e m to talk
and c o u ld n 't escape in 1b. about their home.
Check th e answers as a class.
A sk stu d e n ts to read th e tw o questions and answer anyl
Answers queries they may have about them .
* A sk s tu d e n ts to w o rk in pairs and to ta ke it in turns to
answer the questions.
1b 2a 3a 4b 5a G o ro und th e class m o n ito rin g students to m ake sure
they are carrying o u t the task properly. D o n 't correct щ
Ask students to read th e in fo rm a tio n in Exam C lose-up. m istakes a t this stage, b u t m ake a n o te o f any mistake
Explain th a t th e y d o n 't have to kn o w every w o rd in th e in stru ctu re and pron u n cia tio n .
questions or on the recording and th a t they should focus Ask each pair to answer one o f th e questions and repeal
on understanding the general meaning. Remind them until each pair has had a turn.
th a t b efore th e y listen to th e in te rvie w in E, th e y should W rite any stru ctu ra l mistakes th a t students m ade on
take tim e to read the questions and choices and to think th e b o a rd w ith o u t saying w h o m ade th e m , and ask
o f other ways o f expressing the main ideas so th a t they s tu d e n ts to c o rre c t th e m . Deal w ith any problem s in
are w ell-prepared fo r the interview. pronunciation th a t came up.
Ask th e m to q uickly look a t th e Exam Task and see if
there are any w ords th a t they do n o t understand. ________________ Answers
Ask students to read th e instructions and check th a t they
understand w hat they have to do. Ask them to think Students' own answers
about w hat the listening task m ight involve from w hat
they have read in th e Exam C lose-up box. В
Ask stu d e n ts to look a t th e list o f features and explain |
Ask th e students to read th e instructions in th e Exam anything they d o n 't understand.
Task and explain th a t th e y are g o in g to an in te rvie w Ask students which, if any, o f these features they
betw een some students and an engineer. The students m e n tio n e d w hen te llin g th e ir p a rtn e r a b o u t th e ir currei
are to select th e be st answ er a, b o r с fo r qu e stio n s 1-6. ho m e in A.
Play th e re co rding once all th e way th ro u g h and ask Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check
students to w rite th e ir answers. Then ask students to answers as a class.
com pare their answers w ith a partner.
_______________________ Answer^
Play th e re cord ing again and ask stu d e n ts to check th e ir
answers and to decide on any answers they haven't 1A 2A ЗА 4D 5A 6A 7A 8A 9D 10A
already chosen.
Check th e answers as a class. Ask students to read th e instructions and to decide wm
w ill be S tu d e n t A and w h o w ill be S tu d e n t B.
Answers Rem ind th e m th a t th e y are asked to ta ke turns talking I
« a b o u t a p h o to g ra p h and th e n ask any questions abou
th e ir partner's photograph.
1с 2c 3b 4b 5b 6c Ask them w hat th e y have to d o and elicit th a t they
discuss th e ir sim ilarities and differences.
A sk students to d o th e task in pairs and give each pair
enough tim e to com plete the task.
G o ro und th e class m o n ito rin g s tu d e n ts to make sure
th e y are carrying o u t th e task properly. D o n 't correct anj
m istakes a t th is stage, b u t m ake a n o te o f any mistakd
in structure and pronunciation.
W rite any stru ctu ra l m istakes th a t stu d e n ts m ade on
th e b o a rd w ith o u t saying w h o m ade th e m , and ask
stu d e n ts to co rre c t th e m . Deal w ith any problem s in
pronunciation that came up.


D ________________________________________________ Teaching Tip

f Ask students to read th e in fo rm a tio n in th e Exam Close- You could p o in t o u t to students th a t the w ords they
upbox. Answer any questions th e y have a b o u t it. Then crossed o u t can b e c o llo ca te d w ith o th e r verbs in 1-4.
ask students to read th e Exam Task and check th a t th e y Ask them to decide w hich verbs th e y can use w ith each
lerstand w hat th e y have to do. one (take /h a ve a rest, m a ke /e a t dinner, m ake a lo t
ess the im portance o f th in k in g a b o u t w h a t th e y w a n t o f noise, m ake/have a coffee). E ncourage students to
to say for a few m om ents b e fo re th e y speak in o rd e r m ake a list in th e ir n o te b o o k s o f co m m o n collocations.
to organise their ideas. Ask students to th in k o f th re e Tell th e m to re co rd each v e rb se p a ra te ly w ith all th e
ferent questions a b o u t th e ir partner's house, fla t o r nouns, adjectives, etc th e y can be co llo ca ted w ith listed
ighbourhood. This w ill also h elp th e m re m e m b e r w h a t under the verb.
they want to say so th a t th e y d o n 't confuse th e listener Rem ind th e m th a t th e re is a list o f all co llo ca tio n s and
•themselves. expressions fo u n d in C lose-up on page 182.

• Remind them th a t th e y are asked to ta ke turns ta lk in g В
«bout the different room s in th e ir house and th e ir
■wourite room and then ask any questions a b o u t th e ir Point o ut to students th a t there are ten sentences here
■partner's home. so they will use some o f the collocations from A more
►Ask students to do th e task in pairs and g ive each pair than once.
I enough time to com plete th e task. Encourage students to read th ro u g h all th e sentences
P Go round the class m o n ito rin g students to m ake sure fo r g is t b e fo re fillin g in any answers. Remind th e m to
■they are carrying o u t th e task properly. D o n 't c o rre c t any pay attention to the words before or after each gap
■mistakes at this stage, b u t m ake a n o te o f any mistakes and to choose from the tw o collocations w ith each verb
from A.
■ structure and pronunciation, Ask students to do the task individually, but check
p Ask some pairs to answer th e Exam Task in fro n t o f answers as a class.

the class. Answers «
'rite any structural mistakes th a t stu d e n ts m ade on th e
pd without saying w ho m ade them , and ask them to 1 make your bed 6 moved house
iectthem. Deal w ith any p ro b le m s in p ro n u n cia tio n 2 take a bath 7 move w ith the times
3 make a mess 8 takes a bath
that came up. 4 move house 9 doing th e dishes
5 doing the 10 take a break


[smind students th a t collocations are pairs o f w ords th a t Ask students to read the instructions and check th a t they
iturally go together. Point o u t th a t make, move, d o and understand w hat they have to do.
take are verbs, whereas th e w ords th e y have to collocate Read th e w o rd s in th e ye llo w b o x to th e stu d e n ts and
em with are either nouns or noun phrases. explain th a t they have to com plete 1-10 using these
1 A*students to read the instructions and make sure they w ords, w ith o u t lo o kin g a t A and B.
■nderstand that they have to p u t a line through the w ord Ask students to do the task on their own and then to
I or phrase that is w rong so th a t th e tw o correct answers com pare their answers w ith a partner.
I are left for them to see and study on th e page. Check answers as a class.
1 Read all of the verbs to th e stu d e n ts and ask th e m
L toirepeat them after you. Then read th e nouns and 1 take 1Aиnsweггrs-П iq
■ e p o sitio n + noun phrases to them and ask them
I tojrepeat them too. C orrect th e ir p ro n unciation 2 take 5 move
В where necessary. 6 make
• Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check 3 make 7 do
■nswe-s as a class. 8 do
4 move
Answers V .......

Students should cross o u t th e fo llo w in g :

1 a rest 3 a lot o f noise Ideas Focus

2 dinner 4 a coffee Ask students to look at the statements. Encourage
stu d e n ts to lo o k back a t th e task as th e y discuss
th e ir answers.
Ask stu d e n ts to w o rk in pairs to ta ke it in tu rn to discuss
th e ir views w ith th e ir partner. Encourage them to justify
th e ir answers.
As a class, ask each pair to share th e ir views and repeat
until each pair gives their view.


Students' own answers


A Place to Call Hom e

fy m w \№ \a r Answ(

W rite th e questions below on th e board and ask W e use be g o in g to w hen th e re is evidence fo r the
students to w o rk in pairs to ta ke it in tu rn s to ask and p re d ictio n in th e p re se n t situ a tio n .
answer them . W e use w ///fo r fu tu re p re d ic tio n s w e c a n 't be sure of.
- W hat will you be doing this tim e tom orrow ? We use the m odal verbs c o u ld /m ig h t fo r predictions
- W here w ill you be living in te n years' tim e? we believe b u t d o n 't have any evidence for.
- W hat housework will you have done by this
N o w read th e G ram m ar R eference on pages 166-167 (5.J
tim e tom orrow? & 5.4) w ith yo u r students.
- H ow long w ill you have lived in y o u r c u rre n t house by
Ask students to read th e in stru ctio n s and check that t
next summer? understand w hat they have to do.
Elicit th a t these questions use the Future Continuous Explain th a t students should match 1 -6 w ith a-f.
and Future Perfect Tenses and revise th e ir affirm ative, Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check
negative and question form s and short answers answers as a class.
with students.
Ask students to read sentences 1-3.
Ask students to do the task individually, but check 1f 2a 3e 4c 5d 6b
answers as a class.


1 present continuous Ask students to read th e instructions and make sure
2 present continuous they understand w hat they have to do. Explain that
3 present simple they will use no more than three words to complete
the sentences.
В Ask students to read th e sentences carefully and pay I
a tte n tio n to th e w ords b e fo re o r a fte r th e gap and try !
Ask students to read the instructions and check th a t they to th in k o f w h a t w o u ld fo llo w o r precede th e words,
understand what they have to do. w ith o u t fillin g in any answers a t this stage.
Ask students to do th e task individually, b u t check Ask students to read the sentences again, this timefd
answers as a class. meaning, and to w rite th e ir answers. Once they have!
finished, encourage th e m to read each sentence onelq
Answers tim e to m ake sure th e ir answers m ake sense and the
have used the correct tenses.
1b 2c 3a Ask students to d o th e task individually, b u t check
answers as a class.

• Ask students to read sentences 1-3. Answers
• Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check
1 going to 4 is show ing
answers as a class. 2 are m eeting 5 start
3 leaves 6 is in te n d in g to
Ask s tu d e n ts to read th e instructions and check thatthi
1 The plum ber w ill finish th e bathroom by Friday, L understand w hat they have to do.
th in k . Explain th a t stu d e n ts should answ er th e questions 1-8|
using will, be g o in g to, m ig h t o r could.
2 The p a in te r is w o rk in g very hard. I th in k he's P oint o u t to students th a t th e y should answer the
going to finish by lunchtim e. questions so th a t they are tru e ab o u t themselves.
M o n ito r to see th e y are c o m p le tin g th e task correc
3 Be careful! You m ig h t / could break th e w indow . Ask students to d o th e task individually, b u t check
answers as a class, by asking stu d e n ts to read out one|
• Ask students to read the instructions and check th a t they tw o o f th e ir answers to th e class.
understand what they have to do.
• Elicit th a t they have to com plete th e statem ents w ith the
form s fo r making predictions. Students' own answers

• Ask students to d o the task individually, b u t check
answers as a class.


Wri+ivi<5): (\v\ informal le-fter Answers ф

' A * students how ofte n th e y send a le tte r to friends Hi Kirk,
■ and relatives and ask the m w h a t kind o f th in g s th e y
■write about if they do. Explain th a t in this lesson, th e y How are you?
I are going to prepare to reply to a le tte r to a frie n d
I inEnglish. Guess what, w e're m oving house next week! O ur new
house is a c o tta g e . It's really o ld and in te re stin g and
' Read the information on replying to a le tte r and answer I like it b u t I'm a b it w o rrie d I w o n 't like b e in g in the
■ any questions they m ig h t have. countryside. I also d o n 't know if there are any people
my age w ho live nearby.
ЩА _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
By th e way, M um says w e're having a housewarm ing
• Ask students to read questions 1 -6 and th e party at the end o f August. Can you com e?
■Kcompanying notes (te xt in blu e h a n d w ritin g ) to d e cid e
К w hich purpose each note has (1 to a p o log ise and give I really hope you can - w e'll need help w ith the
I anexplanation, 2 to express enthusiasm , 3 to o ffe r help, music! M aybe you could bring some o f your amazing
collection? Do you w ant to be DJ?
p t o express a preference, 5 to g iv e an exp la na tio n , 6 to Bye fo r now,
n e s t something). R o b b ie
plain to students th a t th e y should use th e ideas in th e
otes to write replies to each que stio n b u t th e y d o n 't Ask students to read the instructions and make sure they
"fcssarily have to begin th e ir sentences w ith these understand w hat they have to do.
Ask them to think o f ways they could respond to the
particular words. sections they underlined. Ask them to w rite notes and
H kstudents to do the task individually, b ut check com pare w ith a partner.
■nswers as a class. A cce p t any logical answer as long as G o round th e class m on ito rin g students to make sure
■expresses the idea in th e notes and its main purpose. they are carrying o ut the task properly.
Ask each pair to share w hat they w ould w rite fo r one of
1 I'm really sorry, b u t I'm g o in g to be staying at my th e u n d e rlin e d sections and re p e a t until each pair has
I grandma's next w e e k ./l'm really sorry, b u t I've had a turn.
1 hurt my back and I'm n o t allo w e d to lift a nything.
2 You must be so excited! Im agine living on a .Answers
I houseboat!
3 It would be great if you could help m e clean th e Students' own answers
I new house before we m ove in.
4 Saturday is best fo r me because m y uncle and Ask students to read th e letter. Ask them if Kirk
I aunt are com ing fo r lunch on Sunday. included similar responses to those they and their
5 ; I don't think you should sell yo u r house no w as partner discussed.
■ house prices have fallen recently. Ask students to do the task on their own and then
6 Why not try arranging a tim e th a t suits b o th o f com pare th e ir answers w ith a partner.
I you, so you can tid y up to g e th e r? C heck answers as a class.

Ask students to read th e w ritin g task and th e n read Answers
Robbie's letter to Kirk. #
Ask students to underline w h a t th e y have to respond to
in Robbie's letter. Students' own answers
Ask students to do th e task individually, b u t check

fevers as a class.

Ask students to skim through Kirk's le tte r again and to
answer the questions.
Ask students to do th e task individually, b u t check
answers as a class.


1 yes 2 no 3 yes


A Place to Call Hom e

• Ask students to read the instructions and check th a t they
understand what they have to do.

• Remind students th a t they should always make a plan fo r
their w riting before they begin.

• Explain students should match 1-5 w ith a-e.
• Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check

answers as a class.

________________ Answers

1e 2d 3c 4a 5b

• Read th e in fo rm a tio n in th e Exam C lose-up b o x to
students and answer any questions they m ight have.
Explain th a t they should rem em ber to use friendly
expressions and inform al language in th e exam , w hen
w riting inform al letters.

• Read th e expressions in Useful Expressions to
students and ask them to repeat them . C orrect their
pronunciation where necessary.

• Ask them to com plete the Useful Expressions w ith
th e phrases.

____________ Answers,

2 A ccepting / Rejecting invitations
3 Responding to news
1 M aking suggestions

• Ask students to read the instructions and the w riting
task. Before they begin planning, ask students to
un derline key w ords and phrases in th e le tte r and to
w rite down a reply to these.

• G ive stud ents tim e to m ake a plan fo r th e ir le tte r in
class, b u t set th e w ritin g task fo r hom ew ork.

• Encourage students to use the W riting Reference and
checklist fo r inform al letters on page 177.

Answers 9

Hi Jenny,

It's so nice to hear from you. I can't believe it's been a
m onth since you left.

D o n 't w orry about starting at your new school. I know
it is scary m oving som ew here new, b u t I know y o u 'll
be fine. I b e t there w ill be lots o f people in your new
classes to g e t to know.

W hy d o n 't you join an after school club? You can m eet
people th a t like th e same things as you. You should
join th e music club, you are g o o d at playing the violin.

Let me know how it goes.

Speak to you soon!


5 Livivn) ЫMev\\oc

m v \tm \ N o + e Ask students w ho they think Fabrizio C opano and Gino
Penzo m ight be.
Tb National G eographic videos can be used as an Play th e v id e o th e w h o le w ay th ro u g h w ith o u t sto p p in g
■«resting way to introduce yo u r stu d e n ts to o th e r and ask students to make a note o f th e ir answers. Then
ask students to com pare th e ir answers w ith a partner
Jfcures. They are auth entic N a tio n a l G e o g ra p h ic videos, and to justify any answers th e y have th a t are different.
Jnd it is not necessary fo r stud e n ts to understand Play th e v id e o a second tim e and ask stu d e n ts to check
th e ir answers and to fill in any m issing answers. Then
jthing they hear to b e n e fit fro m th e m . Som e o f th e check answers as a class.
Refocus on the visual aspects o f th e videos, so students
canArteentrate m ore on w h a t th e y see than on w h a t th e y Answers
hearThey are also a g o o d way to encourage y o u r students
towatch TV program m es and film s in English so th a t th e y 1F (00:34) 4T (01:23)
^ B e t used to the sound o f th e language. The m ore 2T (00:55) 5F (02:43)
students are exposed to English, th e easier it w ill be fo r 3T (01:13) 6T (03:10)
themto pick up the language.
A fte r you w atch
Background Inform ation_________________________
Explain to students th a t th e te x t is a sum m ary o f th e
iice is a city in northern Italy w ith a p e rm a n e n t in fo rm a tio n in th e docum entary. Before th e y read it,
lation of around 272,000 p e o p le . Venice is b u ilt on ask th e m to w o rk in pairs to discuss th e main ideas o f
the documentary.
■ 7 islands which are jo in e d to g e th e r by 177 canals. As Ask stu d e n ts to read th e te x t w ith o u t fillin g in any
aresult, the main form s o f tra n s p o rta tio n are g o n d o la s answers at this stage to see if the ideas they m entioned
andvaporetti (waterbuses). There are also hundreds o f are covered in th e te x t. A lso enco u ra g e th e m to th in k
a b o u t w hich p a rt o f speech is m issing fro m each gap.
ridges crossing th e canals so th a t p e o p le can g e t Read th e w ords in th e ye llo w w o rd b a n k to students and
und on foot. In th e m id d le ages, Venice was a centre ask them to repeat them . C orrect their pronunciation
([trade and comm erce due to its access to th e sea. As a w here necessary.
Suit of this trade, Venice becam e an e xtre m e ly rich city Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check
lh exquisite buildings and w orks o f art. Today Venice answers as a class.
one of the most popu lar to u ris t d e stin a tio n s in th e
rid, Its main cultural events are th e Venice Biennale, th e Answers

ival of Venice and th e Venice Film Festival. 1 particularly 5 annually
2 property 6 residents
jpre you w a t c h _________________________________ 3 children 7 tourists
4 welcom es 8 challenges
J Ask students to look at th e p ictu re on p age 68 and ask
■ th e m if they know w here it is and w h a t th e y im a g in e this Ideas Focus
■place to be like fo r tou rists and local residents.
^ ■ 0 check students understand w here Venice is, Ask students to read the questions and explain anything
th e y d o n 't understand. Then ask th e m to w o rk in pairs o r
I draw their attention to its po sitio n on th e g lo b e in th e small groups to ask and answer the questions.
■ top-right corner o f th e page. W hen they have finished, ask different students at
к Ask students to read th e sentence and then to label ra n d o m ro und th e class to answ er one o f th e questions.
I the picture.
j Ask students to d o th e task individually, b u t check Answers
■answers as a class. «

Answers Students' own answers

1 gondola
2 gondolier
3 canal

While you w atch


• Explain to students th a t they are now g o in g to w atch th e
I video. Tell them th a t th e d ocum entary is q u ite short.
• Ask students to read th e statem ents and to und e rlin e
I any key words and phrases th e y fin d.


f i Ready, Steady, Go!

Reading: matching, matching descriptions
Vocabulary: sport-related words, word formation
G ram m ar: conditionals: zero & first, second conditional, if
Listening: multiple-choice questions (pictures), identifying emotions
Speaking: talking about sport, decision-making, giving opinions, agreeing &
disagreeing, asking if someone agrees, giving your opinions
W ritin g : sentence transform ation (1), clauses of purpose, transforming

Unit opevier В

W rite the w ords Ready, Steady, G o! on th e board and Ask students to read the instructions.
ask students when they w ould usually hear these w ords G ive stu d e n ts a b o u t five m inutes to w rite dow n why
(at the beginning o f a race). Explain to students th a t this they think people do sports.
is th e title o f U nit 6 and ask th e m w h a t th e y e x p e c t th e Ask stu d e n ts to w o rk w ith a p a rtn e r and to take it in
unit to be about (sport). turns to say th e reasons th e y have com e up with.
Ask students to turn to page 69 and to look at the Check answers as a class.
picture and the accompanying caption. Ask them to
describe w hat's h a p p e n in g in th e p ictu re w ith a p a rtn e r ___________ Answers
and to discuss th e ir reaction to it. Then, as a class, ask
students to say how they feel about the picture. Elicit S tudents' own answers
that tortoises move extrem ely slowly and th a t the
skateboard allows it to go faster. Ask students to read th e instructions and check that the!
understand w hat they have to do.
Ask students if they like the sea. Encourage them to Ask stu d e n ts to read th e d e scrip tio n s 1 -5 in the Exam I
discuss w h a t th e y like o r d o n 't like a b o u t b e in g in o r Task, and u n d e rlin e any reasons th e y give fo r wanting td
near th e sea as a class. do sport.
W rite the w ord seaside on the board and ask students to Ask stu d e n ts to d o th e task individually, b u t check the |
w rite as m any w ord s o f th re e le tte rs o r m ore using the answers as a class.
letters from this w ord. Give them a m inute to w rite dow n
their words and then make a list o f them on the board. Answers

Suggested answers Juan is very in te re ste d in th e e n viro n m e n t and
w o u ld like to stu d y th e oceans when he's older.
aid, die, sad, sea, see, ease, side, disease H e'd like to do an activity th a t will help him to I
explore the seas.
Ask students to loo k a t th e p ictu re o f th e g irl in th e to p Inga has been d o in g snow sports all her life, so
right-hand corner o f page 70 and ask th e m w hat she's she wants to try som ething else. She wants to
doing (canoeing/rafting). spend tim e e x p lo rin g th e co untryside around her I
Ask students if they think the girl needs to be fit to do village.
such a sport. Ask them to justify th e ir opinions. M a rio is new to th e area and w ants to m eet
Ask students to w ork w ith a partner and discuss w hether p e o p le his a g e . He's a g o o d a th le te w ho loves
they think they are fit or n ot and why. basketball and fo o tb a ll b u t he'd like to try
Ask students at random to re p o rt to th e class if th e ir som ething a b it different.
partner thinks they are fit or not. C heryl really enjoys discovering new th in g s , so
Then ask students to continue w orking w ith th e ir partner she d o e sn 't w ant to d o any o f th e usual sports.
and discuss w hat w atersports they have trie d or if they She's fit and w ants to d o s o m e th in g th a t will push!
prefer to do sports on land. her body.
As a class, ask stud e n ts to te ll you w hich w a te rsp o rts N igel is shy and isn 't really in te re ste d in sports
they have done or w hat other sport or sports they prefer b u t his d o c to r has to ld him he needs to g e t fit.
to do. N igel wants to see results fo r his hard work.

60 W ord Focus

• A sk stu d e n ts to lo o k a t th e w o rd s in red in th e text
and to try to w o rk o u t w h a t th e y mean fro m the conta
th e y are in.

• Ask th e m to co m p a re th e ir ow n m eanings w ith the
d e fin itio n s in th e W o rd Focus box.

• Explain anything students d o n 't understand.

1Ask students to read th e in fo rm a tio n in th e Exam Close- 1 com petitons Answers. +
I upbox and explain anything th e y d o n 't understand. 2 instructor
• Elicit that this is a m atching task and explain th a t 3 athletic 4 confidence
■ it isimportant that they look fo r sim ilar w o rd s and
■Kpressions in the texts. (Explain th a t the stu d e n ts w ill 5 enjoym ent
■readadvertisements a -h and d e cid e w hich o f these
■ Sports would m ost suit questions 1-5.) 6 succeed
• Explain that in order to d o th is task w ell, th e y m ust read
I all the texts closely to find th e relevant in fo rm a tio n . Ideas Focus
• Askstudents to read th e first d e scrip tio n (1) in th e Exam
I Taskand underline any key w ords. Ask students to d o Ask students to read th e inform ation and ask them if
they know o f any o th e r young people w ho've sailed
I the same for descriptions 2 -5 individually. round th e w o rld (Zac S underland was ag ed 17 when
he c o m p le te d his voyage on J u ly 16th 2009, M ichael
luan is very interested in th e e n v iro n m e n t and w o u ld Perkham was 17 when he co m p le te d his voyage on
ato study the oceans when he's older. H e 'd like to A u g u s t 27,h 2009.).
Ask stu d e n ts to w o rk in pairs and discuss th e question.
do an activity th a t will help him to e xp lo re th e seas. T hen, as a class, ask individual students to answer
the question.
students to read th e instructions and check th a t If students seem interested, you m ig h t like to give them
hey understand w hat th e y have to do. more inform ation using the Background Inform ation
box below.
alain that they have to m atch th e d e scrip tio n s o f
aple (1-5) with th e various sports activities (a-h), b u t Answers
not all the sports activities w ill be answers to 1-5.
• Ask students to do th e task individually, b u t check Students' own answers
Brew ers as a class.
Background Information___________________
Zac S underland was th e yo u n g e st person to sail round
1b 2d 3h 4a 5c the w orld fo r only a few weeks. U nfortunately fo r him
w hen M ichael Perkham finished his voyage, less than a
Background Inform ation_________________________ couple o f m onths later, he to o k over from Sunderland
as th e w o rld 's y o u n g e st person to c o m p le te th e voyage.
Paddleboarding is a sp o rt th a t takes place on th e surface Jessica W atson's voyage was m ore impressive than those
o f Sunderland and Perkham. N o t only was she younger
ofthe sea, close to th e shore. It is th o u g h t to have been (16), b u t she c o m p le te d her voyage solo and w ith o u t
Bnded by Thomas Edward Blake in th e 1930s. It involves m aking any stops. Both Sunderland and Perkham had to
kneeling on a surfboard and using y o u r arm s to m ove stop on several occasions during th e ir voyages fo r repairs
Bough the water. The boards used in p a d d le b o a rd in g and to stock up on supplies. W hen Watson com pleted
arjbetween 3.5 and 5.8 m etres long. her voyage, Michael Perkham w ent on board her boat to
Skurfing also takes place on th e surface o f th e water, co n g ra tu la te her.
^ ^ ■ a rfro m the shore as it involves p a rticip a n ts b e ing
I B®99ed by a boat like in w ater-skiing. However, МоСА)01Л\АГ\\
■participants stand on a surfboard and n o t skiis. As a
I result of being a com bin atio n o f w ater-skiing and surfing, Read the w ords in th e yellow w ordbank to students and
I thesport was given th e nam e skurfing. The s p o rt is very ask them to repeat them .
Bopula' i Australia, b u t th ere is som e controversy as to C orrect th e ir pronunciation w here necessary.
I who founded the sport. Ask students to read the instructions and explain that this
task is a b o u t w o rd groups.
F Explain to students th a t we norm ally use g o w ith sports
th a t end in -ing, e.g. g o sw im m ing, g o skateboarding.
Ask the students to read th e instructions and check We use play w ith board games and sports th a t use a ball,
hat they understand w h a t th e y have to do. A nsw er any e.g. play football, and w e use d o w ith o th e r sports where
uestions that th e y may have a b o u t th e task, th e person is interested in th e ir ow n perform ance, e.g. do
xplain that this is a gap fill task and th a t th e y should yoga. Also, if th e s p o rt is an exercise o r w e d o it at a gym ,
|pmplete the sentences w ith th e co rre c t fo rm in we use do, e.g. do pilates, do aerobics.
Bckets in the yello w w ordbank. Ask students to do the task individually, but check
B k students to skim read th e sentences carefully and answers as a class. W rite th e answers on th e board in
, pay attention to th e w ords b e fo re o r a fte r each gap three columns so students can add other sports to them if
I without filling in any answers at this stage. you com plete the Teaching Tip below.
■Encourage them to re-read th e sentences once th e y
have finished to check th e ir answers. Answers
Ask students to d o th e task individually, b u t check as +
aclass. go: running, skiing, sw im m ing, cycling, snow boarding
play: volleyball, tennis, basketball
do: ju d o , gymnastics, aerobics, w e ig h tliftin g


Ready, Steady, Go!

Teaching Tip Answers,

You could expand this task fu rth e r by asking students to Students' own answers
add to the 'g o ', 'play' and 'd o ' list.

В fa m w \№ \A r

• Ask students to discuss w ith a partner which sports they • Ask the questions below at random round the
b oth take part in. class, m aking sure th a t all students answer at least
one question.
• G o round th e class m o n ito rin g s tu d e n ts to m ake sure - If you could take up any sport, which w ould
they are carrying o u t the task properly. D o n 't correct any you choose?
mistakes at this stage, b u t make a note o f any mistakes - If it snows, w hat do you do?
in structure and pronunciation. - If you play basketball, w hat do you wear?
- If you were on the slopes, w hat sport w ould you
• As a class, ask each pair to discuss th e q u e stio n and probably be doing?
repeat until each pair has had a turn. - If yo u r fa vo u rite team play well this season, how will |
you feel?
Read th e w ords in th e ye llo w w o rd b a n k to stu d e n ts and - If it's sunny and w arm this w eekend, w here will you
ask them to repeat them . C orrect th e ir pronunciation go swimm ing?
where necessary.
Explain th a t all these w ords are related to sports. • E licit th a t all these questions used co n d ition a ls and
Ask students to read 1-7 through fo r gist before filling explain th a t you w ill revise th e zero and firs t conditional
in any answers. P oint o u t th a t one w o rd fro m th e ye llo w in this lesson.
w ordbank will com plete each one.
Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check Conditionals: Z ero &JEirsl_______________
answers as a class.
Ask stu d e n ts to read th e sentences fo r th e zero and fid
1 referee Answers c o n d itio n a ls and d e cid e w hich tenses th e verbs in bold |
2 track « are in.
3 stick 5 net A sk stu d e n ts to read th ro u g h th e fo u r questions befor^
4 cap w ritin g any answers and th e n lo o k back a t th e sentencJ
6 team and bear in m in d th e tenses used in each one.
7 tournam ent Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check
answers as a class.
Ask students to read the instructions and check th a t they O nce answers have been checked, ask students to loo
understand w hat they have to do. back a t th e adverts on pages 70 and 71 to find examp
Ask students to read each sentence, w ith o u t fillin g in any o f th e zero and firs t co n d ition a ls fa: If y o u like surfing
answers at this stage, and to pay attention to th e words a n d ro w in g , y o u 'll d e fin ite ly love this. - First condition,
before and after the gaps. If y o u 're fit a n d y o u love a challenge, try i t - First
Ask students to d o th e task individually, b u t check as conditional)
a class.
+ 1 First conditional
2 Zero conditional
1a 2c 3b 4b 5c 6b 7b 3 Zero conditional
4 First conditional
Ideas Focus
Be c a r e f u l ! _____________________________
Ask students to read the tw o questions and answer any • A sk students to read th e in fo rm a tio n in th e Be carefulla
questions they m ight have.
Ask students to w o rk in pairs and explain th a t th e y b o x and ask th e m if th e sentences in A have commas
should both give th e ir opinions on both questions. (yes). Ask th e m to re w rite th e sentences so th a t they
G o round th e class m o n ito rin g stu d e n ts to m ake sure d o n 't have to use a com m a (e.g.You stay in shape if yej
they are carrying o u t th e task properly. D o n 't correct any exercise regularly).
mistakes at this stage, b u t make a note o f any mistakes
in structure and pronunciation. N o w re a d th e G ram m ar Reference on p a g e 167 (6.1 & bi
Ask each pair to give their opinion on a particular w ith your students.
question and repeat until each pair has had a turn.
W rite any structural mistakes th a t students m ade on the
board, w ith o u t saying w ho m ade them , and ask them to
co rre ct th e m . Deal w ith any p ro b le m s in p ro n u n cia tio n
that came up.

[ Ask students to read th e instructions and check th a t th e y Teaching T ip __________________________________________
flerstand w hat th e y have to do.
plain that students are g o in g to revise th e use o f Zero You could give students m ore practice on conditionals
onditional from th e p ro m p ts 1-6. by asking them to w rite five or six questions o f th e ir own
using conditionals. Then ask students to walk around the
' Askstudents to th e task individually, b u t check answers room and ask o ther students one o f th e ir questions and
I asaclass. answer questions asked by th e ir classmates. They should
only ask each classmate one question before m oving on
to som eone else.

1 If you hit the ball past th e o th e r player, you g e t a Ask stu d e n ts to lo o k at th e p ictu re in th e to p rig h t
1 point. corner o f the page and to discuss questions 1-3 w ith
2 If you boil water, it evaporates. a partner.
3 If you mix orange and brow n, you g e t yellow . Ask students to do the task individually, b u t discuss th e ir
4 If you sunbathe fo r hours, you burn. ideas as a class.
5 If you get to th e end first, you w in th e race.
6 If you eat to o m uch, you g e t fat.

С Answers +

Ask students to read th e instructions and check th a t th e y Students' own answers
■understand what they have to do.
• ExpoIlгain that students are g o in g to revise th e use o f th e В
I First Conditional by m atching 1 -6 w ith a -f.
I Ask students to the task individually, b u t check answers A sk stu d e n ts to read th e fe e lin gs in th e ye llo w w o rd b a n k
I asa class. and ask th e m to discuss situations w hen th e y fe lt this
w ay w ith a partner. Encourage them to discuss w hy they
Suggested answers fe lt th is w ay and w h a t th e y m ig h t have said as a result.
Ask students to read sentences 1-5 and answer any
1 You should drink som e w a te r if you are thirsty. questions they m ight have.
2 I might put on a sw eatshirt if I feel cold. Ask students to do the task individually, b ut check
3 If Josh is hungry, he'll eat so m e th in g nu tritio u s. answers as a class.
4 If you are tired, w e 'll take a s h o rt break.
5 If you want to win, you m ust try yo u r hardest. Answers
6 If you do not w ant to be late fo r th e race, you +
I should catch th e bus on tim e . 4 afraid

D 1 disappointed 5 excited
2 relieved
• Ask students to discuss how th e title o f th e te x t m ig h t 3 angry
I be related to the accom panying p ictu re (It shows a
■woman who is using virtual re a lity a n d she m ay b e using Teaching Tip
Щ it to do a sport.).
• Ask students to skim th ro u g h th e te x t w ith o u t fillin g in Explain to stu d e n ts th a t one o f th e hardest th in g s to d o in
I anyanswers at this stage to fin d o u t w h a t advantages a fo re ig n language is to express yo u r e m o tio n s properly.
■ virtual sports may offer (You d o n 't waste tim e g o in g to Ask them to practise expressing the em otions m entioned
■ sports clubs, you can do o u td o o r sports in all weathers, in В by saying th e sentences 1 -5 to a p a rtn e r in a way th a t
■ it costs less than club m em berships and e q u ipm e n t) portrays the appropriate em otion.
I and what disadvantage is m e n tio n e d (You d o n 't have an
Uxperienced instructor to give you advice.). Read th e in fo rm a tio n in th e Exam C lose-up b o x to
• Explain to students th a t th e y should pay a tte n tio n to th e students and ask them to pay special attention to the
■subjects of the sentences w ith gaps and to w h e th e r th e y speakers' to n e o f voice and th e p ictures in th e Exam
I need the affirmative, negative o r q u estion form s. Task w hen listening to these item s.
• Ask students to do th e task individually, b u t check Ask stu d e n ts to lo o k at th e p ictures in th e Exam Task
carefully and identify the em otions the pictures show.
answers as a class. Ask students to do the task individually, b u t discuss their
ideas as a class.
1 don't know Answers
2 comes Explain to students th a t they w ill hear six separate
3 don't have 4 is raininq conversations and th a t they will hear the question before
5 do each conversation. Explain th a t they should match each
6 will love conversation w ith p ictu re a- с in each question.
Ask students to read questions 1-6 and to look at their
options. Answer any questions they m ight have.


Ready, Steady, Go!

Play th e re cord ing once th e w h o le w ay th ro u g h and ask Read th e in fo rm a tio n in th e Exam C lose-up b o x to students
students to choose th e ir answers. Then ask students to and explain anything they d o n 't understand.
compare their answers w ith a partner. • Ask students to look a t th e pictures in th e Exam Task and

Play th e recording again and ask stu d e n ts to check th e ir to spend a m inute de cid in g w h a t each one shows and
answers and to fill in any missing answers. w h a t a ctivity is fe a tu re d in each one.
C heck th e answers as a class. • Ask students to w ork w ith a partner and read the
instructions before starting so th a t they know exactly
Answers w hat they should do.

1c 2b 3b 4a 5c 6c Rem ind th e m th a t th e expressions in Useful ExpressionsI
can help them to com m unicate effectively.
Ask students to read the questions and answer any G o round th e class m o n ito rin g students to make sure
queries they may have about them . th e y are carrying o u t th e task properly. D o n 't correct any I
Ask stude nts to w o rk in pairs and to ta ke it in tu rn s to mistakes a t this stage, b u t make a n ote o f any mistakes inj
answer the questions. structure and pronunciation.
Go round th e class m o n itoring students to make sure Ask each pair to describe which sport they recommend
they are carrying o u t th e task properly. D o n 't correct any (and why) and repeat until each pair has had a turn.
mistakes at this stage, b u t make a note o f any mistakes W rite any structural mistakes th a t students m ade on the
in structure and pron u n cia tio n . board w ith o u t saying w h o m ade them , and ask students I
Ask each pair to answer one o f the questions and repeat to correct them . Deal w ith any problem s in pronunciation!
until each pair has had a turn. that came up.
W rite any structural mistakes th a t students made on
th e board w ith o u t saying w ho m ade them , and ask Answers
students to co rre ct th e m . Deal w ith any p ro b le m s in
pronunciation th a t came up. Students' own answers

Answers Teaching Tip
W h ile d o in g th e Exam Task, encourage students to bear.
Students' own answers in m in d th a t it's im p o rta n t fo r th e ir frie n d to m e e t new
p e o p le and th a t he/she hasn't g o t much tim e . They shoul^
consider these factors during th e ir discussion and their
final decision should reflect this.

В Ideas Focus
Ask stu d e n ts to read th e questions q uickly and deal will
Ask students to read the instructions and factors 1-6 any queries they may have.
and answer any questions they m ight have. A sk stu d e n ts to w o rk in pairs and to ta ke it in turns to
P oint o u t th a t th e y have to bear in m ind th e needs and answer the questions.
expectations o f a stu d e n t in d e c id in g w hich fa cto rs are G o ro und th e class m o n ito rin g students to make sure
the most helpful. th e y are carrying o u t th e task properly. D o n 't correct aj
Ask students to do the task on their own. m istakes at this stage, b u t m ake a n o te o f any mistake
in stru ctu re and p ro n u n cia tio n .
Ask students to compare their answers w ith a partner. Ask each s tu d e n t to answ er one q u estion until everyo
C heck answers as a class. has had a turn.
W rite any structural m istakes th a t stu d e n ts made on
Answer th e b o ard w ith o u t saying w h o m ade th e m , and ask
+ stu d e n ts to co rre c t th e m . Deal w ith any problem s in
pronunciation that came up.
Students' own answers
Useful Expressions___________________________
Students' own answers
• Ask students to read Useful Expressions before they
do D. М о о а ^ 1 л \а г \\
Point o u t th a t these expressions help th e m to have an
effective discussion by a greeing and d isa g re e in g in a Ask stu d e n ts to read th e instructions and elicit that thd
polite m anner so th a t they can reach an agreem ent. have to com plete the table.
W rite th e statem en ts b e lo w on th e b o a rd and ask
students to discuss them . Encourage them to use the
useful expressions during th e discussion.
- F ootball is th e m o st b o rin g s p o rt in th e w o rld .
- G oing to th e gym is a c o m p le te w aste o f tim e .
- Tennis is e xtre m e ly e xciting.


1 definition Answers - they w ent to a match to cheer a friend on.
2 compete - th e y c o u ld n 't concentrate during an im p o rta n t match.
3 assistance 6 concentration - th e ir te a m was playing in th e cup final and it was
4 freedom 7 deep
5 follow 8 supervision called off.
9 endanger - a new sporting activity turned out to be more
10 properly
dangerous than they had thought.
- they d id n 't have tim e to warm up before doing a

sporting activity.

I Askstudents to read th e instructions and m ake sure th a t fa m w \№ \A r
■they understand w ha t th e y have to do.
■ Explain that they w ill fill th e gaps 1 -1 0 w ith th e co rre ct Conditionals: Second
■ form of words from A. Explain to students th a t w e use the second conditional
I Ask students to skim read th e te x t first, fro m s ta rt to to talk ab ou t the results o f an action o r situation:
I finish, for gist before w ritin g any answers. Tell th e m to - th a t p ro b a b ly w o n 't happen no w o r in th e fu tu re
I pay attention to th e w ords b e fo re o r a fte r th e g a p and - th a t w e kn o w w ill n o t happen n ow o r in th e fu tu re
I try to think which fo rm o f th e w o rd is nee d e d to fit th e - to give advice.
1 meaning.
lExplain that they have to w rite th e co rre ct fo rm o f th e Ask students to read the instructions and check th a t they
■words in capitals to th e rig h t o f th e te x t in th e gaps. understand what they have to do.
1Ask students to do th e task individually, b u t check if necessary, rem ind students o f the rules fo r the Second
C onditional.
kwers as a class. Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check
answers as a class.
1 definition Answers.
2 compete + Answer
3 assistance 6 concentrate +
4 freedom 7 depth
5 followers 8 supervision past sim ple
9 dangerous
10 properly


P Ask students to read th e instructions and check th a t th e y Ask students to read the instructions and check th a t they
■inderstand w hat th e y have to do. understand w hat they have to do.
' Elicit that they should fill th e gaps in th e sentences w ith Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check
I words from A. answers as a class.

students to read all th e sentences b e fo re fillin g in Answer
I any gaps and to pay a tte n tio n to th e w o rd s b e fo re o r «
I after the gap.
' Ask students to d o th e task individually, b u t check as 1c 2a 3b
I aclass.

Answers Ask students to read the instructions and check th a t they
understand what they have to do.
1 properly 6 com petitor Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check
2 followers 7 definition answers as a class.
3 concentration 8 assistance
4 supervision 9 depths Answer
5 dangerous 10 freedom +

1 could 2 unless

| Ideas Focus N o w read the G ram m ar Reference on page 167 (6.3 & 6.4)
w ith your students.
• Ask students to w ork in pairs and explain th a t th e y
■should both give th e ir o p in io n s on th e questions. Ask students to read the instructions and elicit that they
will only use the Second C onditional here.
' Go round the class m o n ito rin g stu d e n ts to m ake sure Remind students th a t th e y can look back at A, В and
■they are carrying o u t th e task properly. D o n 't c o rre c t any С and the G ram m ar Reference if they need help w ith
■ mistakes at this stage, b u t m ake a n o te o f any m istakes the task.
I instructure and pronunciation. Ask students to d o the task individually, b u t check
answers as a class.
•| Ask each pair to answer th e questions and re p e a t until
iach pair has had a turn. 65
'rite any structural m istakes th a t stu d e n ts m ade on th e
ard without saying w h o m ade th e m , and ask th e m to
Irrectthem. Deal w ith any p ro b le m s in p ro n u n cia tio n
that came up.

•| You could also activate th e vocabulary in th is lesson

^Rher by asking students to describe w h at th e y w o u ld

Ready, Steady, Go!

Suggested answers V\JrWi»i£): sev\-]rev\ce

1 If I had a bike, I w o u ld n 't have to g e t the bus to -frOiv\s f о r w\л-Ноv\
the football club.
Read th e inform ation on clauses o f purpose to
2 He w ouldn't be overw eight if he g o t some students and explain anything they d o n 't understand.!
exercise. Rem ind th e m th a t w e use these w ords and phrases
to explain w hy som eone does som ething or why
3 If she was g o o d at running, she w ould g e t chosen som ething happens.
fo r team. Ask students to look at th e pictures on pages 78 & 79|
and e lic it w h a t a ctivities th e y show (running and cydii\
4 If we had some money, we could buy new team Ask stu d e n ts to w o rk in pairs to discuss w h a t skills
uniform s. p a rticip a n ts in these activities need and w h ether or
n o t th e y feel these are suitable a ctivities fo r people
5 If we had enough players, w e w o u ld n 't have to th e ir ow n age. E ncourage stu d e n ts to use th e clauses I
cancel the match. o f p u rp o se listed in th e Learning Focus b o x during
th e ir discussion.
6 If the people had tickets, they could com e into
the stadium. A sk stu d e n ts to read th e instructions and make suret
understand w hat they have to do.
E A sk stu d e n ts to read th e sentences carefully first andfj
a tte n tio n to th e w o rd s b e fo re o r a fte r th e gaps witho
Ask students to read the instructions and check th a t they fillin g in any answers at th is stage.
understand w hat they have to do. Ask students to d o th e task individually, b u t check
Elicit th a t the second sentence th a t they w rite has to answers as a class.
have th e same m eaning as th e first.
Remind students th a t they can look back at A, В and С ______________________Answers!
in th e G ram m ar b o x and th e G ram m ar Reference if th e y
need help w ith the task. 1b 2a 3b 4c 5a 6c
Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check
answers as a class. В1

Suggested answers Ask stu d e n ts to read th e instructions and check that tin
understand w hat they have to do.
1 Unless you say sorry to th e referee, you w ill be o ff Ask students to read th e instru ctio n s fo r th e writing tal
the team. and explain anything they d o n 't understand.
Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check the!
2 Unless Stella starts practising, she w o n 't be able answers as a class.
to play in th e match.
—Ш0 Я я и ш и т я т няааац jj
3 If you d o n 't g e t lots o f exercise, you m ight get -
fat. 1T 2F ЗТ 4Т 5F

4 If they d o n 't leave rig h t now, they will miss the Ask students to read the instructions and elicit that a
start o f the com petition. s tu d e n t has c o m p le te d th re e sentences fo r the task inp
S tudents are to check th a t th e stu d e n t has followed tin
5 Unless Jam es scores soon, w e 'll have to ta ke him instructions correctly to answer the questions.
o ff the pitch. Ask stu d e n ts to d o th e task individually, b u t check
answers as a class.
6 Unless I sta rt e a tin g properly, I co u ld g e t ill.
I Answersj

F Students' own answers
Ask students to read the pairs o f sentences.
Encourage th e m to th in k h o w th e w o rd s in brackets
relate to the missing inform ation.
Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check
answers as a class.

_______________________ Answers
1 w e re/w ouldn't play
2 will he win
3 open/w ill see
4 will make
5 w ould you d o /w o u ld run

Ask stu d e n ts to co rre ct sentences 1 -3 fro m task C.
Ask stu d e n ts to d o th e task on th e ir ow n and then
com pare th e ir answers w ith a partner.
C heck answers as a class.



1 correct, although cyclists co u ld be used instead
1 of competitors
2 correct
3 fall is the w ro n g tense - fell

Ask students to c o m p le te sentences 1 -2 fro m o p tio n s
Ask students to d o th e task on th e ir ow n and then
compare their answers w ith a partner.
[Check answers as a class.

J______________ Answers

Id 2c

Read the Exam C lose-up b o x a b o u t tra n sfo rm in g
entences to the students. Ask students if th e y have any
xplain to students th a t th e task here is to c o m p le te
the second sentence so th a t it means th e same as th e
first sentence.
Ask students to read th e Exam Task b e fo re th e y read th e
Exam Close-up box again, so th a t th e y understand w h a t
they should do.
Ask students to read th ro u g h th e sentences so th a t th e y
know what inform ation to pay a tte n tio n to and u n d e rlin e
the key words.
Ask students to do th e task individually, b u t check
[answers as a class.

1healthy 2 your 3 on 4 over 5 th irsty

6 vvM*er ^port's A^Vevi+иг

g e n e ra l No+e Play th e vid e o a second tim e and ask students to che
th e ir answers and to fill in any m issing answers. Then*
The N a tio n al G e o g ra p h ic videos can be used as an check answers as a class.
interesting way to introduce your students to other
cultures. They are authentic N ational G eographic videos, __________________ A nsw d
and it is n o t necessary fo r stu d e n ts to understand
everything they hear to benefit from them . Some o f the 1 uncom fortable (00:29)
tasks focus on the visual aspects o f th e videos, so students 2 w ind ( 0 1 :20)
can concentrate m ore on w hat they see than on w hat they 3 divides (01:33)
hear. They are also a g o o d way to enco u ra g e y o u r students 4 wakeboarding (02:39)
to w atch TV pro gram m e s and film s in English so th a t th e y 5 17 (02:54)
can g e t used to the sound o f the language. The more 6 big (03:23)
students are exposed to English, the easier it w ill be fo r
them to pick up the language. A fter you watch

B ackground In fo rm atio n _________________________ С _______________________________

W akeboarding and kiteboarding are sports th a t take place • Explain to stu d e n ts th a t th e te x t is a sum m ary o f the I
on th e surface o f th e water. In k ite b o a rd in g a kite, w hich
is p o w e re d by th e w in d , m oves th e b o a rd and th e rid e r in fo rm a tio n in th e docum entary. Before th e y read it, Г
across th e w ater, w hereas in w a k e b o a rd in g a b o a t is used
to drag th e boa rd and rid e r b e h in d it. In th e 1990s C ory ask th e m to w o rk in pairs to discuss th e main ideas of |
Roeseler developed a single board fo r these sports, which the documentary.
had previously used skis. Speeds o f up to nearly 100 km • A sk students to read th e te x t w ith o u t fillin g in any
per hour can be achieved by experienced participants. answers a t th is stage to see if th e ideas th e y mention
In th e sum m er o f 2010, Louis T rapper set a w o rld are covered in th e te x t. A lso encourage th e m to think I
kiteboarding record by travelling 2000 km over 23 days. a b o u t w hich p a rt o f speech is m issing fro m each gap.Г
• Read th e w o rd s in th e ye llo w w o rd b a n k to students an^
Before you watch
Гask th e m to re p e a t th e m . C o rre ct th e ir pronunciation
Ask students to look at the picture and its accom panying
caption on page 80 and ask them if they have ever done w here necessary.
this, or any similar w atersport before. • Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check :
Ask students to read the questions and explain anything
th e y d o n 't understand. Then ask th e m to w o rk in pairs o r answers as a class.
small groups to ask and answer the questions.
W hen they have finished, ask d iffe re n t students at Answers
random round th e class to answer each o f th e questions.
1 invent 5 power
Answers 6 than
2 kite 7 higher
Students' own answers 8 launched
3 fly
W hile you watch 4 behind
V ........
Ask stu d e n ts to read th e questions and explain anything
Explain to students th a t they are now g o in g to watch th e y d o n 't u nderstand. Then ask th e m to w o rk in pairs{
th e video. Tell th e m th a t th e d o cu m e n ta ry is q u ite short. small groups to ask and answer the questions.
Ask them to read sentences 1-6 and explain anything W hen they have finished, ask different students at
they d o n 't understand. ra n d o m ro und th e class to answ er each o f th e questio
Ask them to think about w hat the answers m ight be
before they listen. Explain th a t th e y will hear these exact Answers
sentences on the video and th a t they should listen o u t
fo r th e specific w ord s h ig h lig h te d in red. Students' own answers
To check students understand where W ashington and
O regon are, draw th e ir attention to th e ir position on the
g lo b e in th e to p -rig h t co rn e r o f th e page.
Play th e v id e o all th e w ay th ro u g h w ith o u t s to p p in g and
ask students to circle th e ir answers. Then ask students to
compare their answers w ith a partner and to justify any
answers they have th a t are different.


W\ew Ь Units 5 & 6

(Objectives G ram m ar Revision_______________________________

• Torevise vocabulary and gram m ar fro m Units 5 and 6. • Ask the questions below at random round the
class m aking sure each stu d e n t answers at least
МОП .................................................................. one question.
- W hich sporting events are going to take place
| Explain to students th a t Review 3 revises th e m aterial this year?
I they saw in Units 5 and 6. - W ill you have tid ie d your room by the weekend?
I Explain to students th a t th e y can ask you fo r he lp w ith - Do you think your fam ily will m ove house soon?
I the exercises or look back a t th e units o r th e reference - H ow lo n g w ill you have been living in yo u r house by
I sections at the back o f th e b o o k if th e y 're n o t sure a b o u t the end o f the year?
I ananswer, as th e review is n o t a test.
I Decide on how you w ill carry o u t th e review. You co u ld • Elicit th a t the questions above used will, Future
I ask students to d o one task a t a tim e and co rre c t it C ontinuous, Future Perfect Sim ple and be going to.
■ immediately, or ask th e m to d o all th e vocabulary tasks Then revise th e affirm ative, negative and question
I and correct them b e fo re m oving on to th e g ra m m a r form s o f these tenses and th e ir uses.
I tasks, or ask them to d o all th e tasks and th e n co rre ct
I them together a t th e end. If you d o all th e tasks • W rite th e sentences below on th e board and ask
■together, let students know every no w and again how students to copy them into their notebooks, underline
I much time they have g o t le ft to finish th e tasks. th e verbs and say which tenses have been used.
I Ask students n o t to leave any answers blank and to try Then ask th e m to say w hich co n d itio n a l is used in
I to find any answers th e y a re n 't sure a b o u t in th e units or each sentence.
I reference sections. - If th e ga m e is called off, w e 'll g o to th e park
• Inform students durin g th e previous lesson th a t th e y w ill instead. (First conditional - If + Present Simple,
I be doing a review next tim e so th a t th e y can revise fo r Future Simple)
I it. Revise the vocabulary and g ra m m a r as a class b e fo re - If you heat water, it boils. (Zero conditional - I f +
I students do th e review. present sim ple, present simple.)
I When checking stu dents' answers to th e review tasks, - If I were Jane, I'd take up tennis. (Second conditional
I make a note o f any p ro b le m areas in vocabulary and - If + Past Simple, w ould + bare infinitive)
I grammar that they still have. Try to d o extra w o rk on
I these areas so th a t yo u r students progress w ell. • Revise all th e possible fo rm s and tenses used w ith
these co n d ition a ls and th e ir uses.
Vocabulary R e v is io n
• Ask students to w rite six sentences o f th e ir own using
• Ask students to explain th e diffe re n ce b e tw e e n th e I wish o r Unless a b o u t situations o r events related to
I following pairs o f w ords: stra w /n e ttin g , a ttic/b a lco n y, homes or sport.
I terraced house/detached house, b u n g a lo w /c o tta g e .
• Ask students to w o rk in pairs o r small g ro u p s to m ake М о С А )0 1 Л \А Г \\
■ a list of as many sports-related w o rd s as possible and
I to revise their meanings. M ake sure th e y revise referee, A _____________________________________
■ stick, course, pitch, track, racket, bat, helm et, um pire,
I tournament and goal-post. • Ask students to read the instructions and explain
• Write the verbs make, m ove, d o and take on th e board th a t tw o o u t o f three o f th e w ords in each item are
I and ask students w hich expressions related to hom es connected in some way th a t th e one o th e r w ord isn't.
■ they have learnt w ith these verbs (make a m ess/your T hey should circle th e w o rd th a t is n o t connected.
I bed, move house/w ith th e times, d o the h o u s e w o rk /th e
I dishes, take a ba th /a break).
• Ask students to thin k o f anoth e r way o f saying Ready,
■ Steady, Go! (On y o u r marks, g e t set, go!). Then w rite
I the following w ords on th e b o ard and ask th e m to
■ write down the noun, adjective o r adverb fo r th e w ords
Щ (define, compete, assist, free, follow , concentrate,
I deepen, supervise, endanger).

Suggested answers 9 Encourage students to read the sentences without
fillin g in any answers a t this stage to underline any tin
referee (A 'p lu m b e r' is s o m e o n e w h o m ends expressions. Explain th a t these w ill help th e m to cho
w a te r leaks, a 'b u ild e r' is som e o n e w ho does the correct tense.
repairs to a house o r builds new houses b u t a Tell stu d e n ts to lo o k back a t pages 61 and 65 and
referee is som e o n e w h o ju d g e s sp o rts matches.) G ram m ar References 5.1-5.4 on page 166 fo r a
cottage [An 'a ttic ' and a 'garage' are parts o f a rem inder if they need to.
house, b u t a 'c o tta g e ' is a k in d o f house.)
hire ('Sofa' and 'b e d ' are item s o f furniture, b u t _____________________________________
'hire' means to pay m oney to use som ething fo r a
specific length o f time.) 1 w ill/'ll be living/ 5 w ill/'ll clean
wall (A 'p itc h ' and a 'track' are places where staying 6 w ill/'ll have finished
sports events take place, b u t a 'w a ll' is a side o f a 7 W ill, sta y/b e staying
building.) 2 w ill/'ll be 8 will arrive
helm et (A 'racket' and a 'b a t' are instrum ents 3 W ill, have installed/ 9 w ill/'ll be fixing
used in sports fo r h ittin g balls with, b u t a 'h e lm e t' 10 w o n 't let
is a typ e o f p ro te c tiv e headgear.) fixed
lift (A 'course' and a 'co u rt' are places where 4 will try
sports events take place, b u t a 'lift' takes people
from flo o r to flo o r in a building.) В
gym nastics ('Tournam ent' and ‘race’ are sp o rtin g
events th a t take place over a p e rio d o f tim e Encourage students to read th ro u g h th e firs t and seccj
an d have various sessions, b u t 'g ym n a stics' is a parts o f th e sentences b e fo re a tte m p tin g to match
specific sport.) any answers.
win ('A chieve' and 'succeed' are used when Ask th e m to u n d erline th e verbs and consider which [
ta lkin g a b o u t aims o r goals, b u t 'w in ' is used to tenses th e y are in and w hich c o n d itio n a l m ig h t be us|
ta lk a b o u t s o m e th in g sp ecific such as a m atch o r in each sentence.
a com petition) Tell students to lo o k back a t pages 73 and 77 and
G ram m ar References 6.1 -6 .4 on page 167 fo r a
В rem inder if they need to.

Read th e w o rd s in th e ye llo w w o rd b a n k to stu d e nts and Answer
ask them to repeat them . C orrect th e ir pronunciation
where necessary. 1с 2b 3e 4d 5a 6f
Ask students to read the sentences through fo r gist
b efore fillin g in any answers.

Answers Encourage students to read th ro u g h th e sentences
b e fo re fillin g in any answers.
1 get 5 take A sk th e m to und e rlin e th e verbs and consider which
2 play 6 hold tenses th e y are in and w hich co n d itio n a l m ig h t be use
3 move 7 go in each sentence. Remind th e m to pay a tte n tio n to anyl
4 do 8 make q u e stio n marks th a t app e a r and to w rite question foq
o f th e verbs accordingly.

Ask students to read through the sentences fo r gist Answer^
before choosing th e ir answers.
Encourage students to look fo r clues on either side o f 1 were you 7 get
the gaps to help them decide which w ords are missing. 2 w ould you buy 8 arrive
A lso te ll th e m to th in k a b o u t w hich p a rt o f speech is 3 w ould you choose 9 did not/didn't
needed to com plete the gap. 4 had listened
Encourage students to read back through the sentences 5 w o n 't play have to do
once they have finished to check th e ir answers. 6 come 10 w ould not/

Answers w o u ld n 't fall

1a 2b 3c 4c 5b 6b 7 b 8 b 9a 10c


7 Extreme Situations

Reading: multiple-choice questions, reading for general understanding
words related to extrem e situations, prepositions, collocations &
Speaking: past perfect simple, past perfect continuous, question tags, subject &
object questions, negative questions

gap-fill, checking spelling

describing photos, talking about extrem e situations, paraphrasing

story (2), using narrative tenses, creating suspense, reviewing your

writing _______

H m f £>pе ч е г В
Ask students to look at th e title o f the te x t and ask them
• Write Extreme S ituations on th e b o a rd and ask stu d e n ts w h a t th is m ig h t te ll us a b o u t th e crash.
to come up w ith situations th a t th e y th in k are e xtrem e. Ask students to skim through th e te x t to find o u t if their
Ask students to m ake a n o te o f any w ords th e y associate predictions were correct.
with extreme situations. Give th e m a m in u te to n ote Ask students fo r th e ir reactions to the story and w hat the
down as many w ords as th e y can and th e n to com pare m en achieved. E ncourage th e m to say w h a t th e y th in k is
them with a partner's. Finally, as a class, m ake a list o f the m ost surprising part o f the story.
ippropriate w ords on th e board. Try to e lic it o r pre-teach
Irvival (skills/techniques), exhilarating, b e in danger, Answers
!scue, cope, sum m it, exhausted/exhaustion, stay alive,
'ercome, achieve/achievem ent, stru g g le , g ive up Students' own answers
and challenging.
Ask students to loo k at th e p ictu re and th e W ord Focus
accompanying caption on page 83. Ask th e m to w o rk in A sk stu d e n ts to lo o k a t th e w o rd s in red in th e te x t and
pairs to describe w h a t is h a p p e n in g in th e p ic tu re and to try to w ork o ut w hat they mean from the context they
to discuss why this is an extre m e situ a tio n and h o w th e are in.
person m ight be feeling. Then ask th e m to re p o rt w h a t Ask them to com pare their own meanings w ith the
they said to th e class. Ask stu d e n ts if th e y w o u ld like to d e fin itio n s in th e W o rd Focus box.
have a go at this s p o rt and to say why, o r w h y not.

f Ask students if they have ever been in any e xtre m e Ask students to read the instructions and then read the
i or dangerous situations. If th e y are w illin g , ask th e m Exam Close-up box.
Then ask students to lo o k a t item s 1 -5 in th e Exam Task
to describe th e situa tion , w hy it h a p p e n e d , w h o was and underline the key words.
I involved and how th e situatio n was resolved. Read th e in fo rm a tio n in th e Exam C lose-up b o x to
1 If students haven't personally been involved in an students and explain anything they d o n 't understand.
I extreme situation or are re lu cta n t to ta lk a b o u t it, ask Ask students to do th e task individually, b u t check
| them to describe a film th e y have seen o r a b o o k th e y answers as a class. Explain th a t th e y should check th e ir
I have read which deals w ith an e xtre m e situation. answers to m ultiple-m atching tasks by underlining the
part o f the te xt where they find the answer and w riting
A _______________________________ th e question num ber next to it. Explain th a t this will
allow them to check their answers at a glance.
| Ask students to read th e instructions and to u n d erline If students seem interested, you m ight like to give them
I the questions th e y m ust answer. Explain th a t th e y should fu rth e r inform ation using the Background Inform ation
I only read the Breaking News section at th is stage. box below.
I Ask students to w o rk in small g ro u p s to discuss th e ir
! answers. Then ask each g ro u p one o f th e questions, b u t

ask each group to say w h a t th e y th in k h a p p e n e d next.


The people in th e story are th e crew, th e
Uruguayan players, and th e ir frie n d s and relatives.
They were in M o n te vid e o , Uruguay.
They were g o in g to Santiago in Chile.
Students' ow n answers.


Extrem e Situations

Answers Ideas Focus

1b Ask students to read th e tw o questions and answer any]
2c (But instead o f a valley, they saw m ore o f the questions they m ight have.
A sk stu d e n ts to w o rk in pairs, o r small groups, to discui
same snowy peaks. Lots o f them . They w eren't th e tw o questions. Encourage th e m to th in k a b o u t issd
near th e end o f th e m ountains; th e y w ere in th e such as k e e p ing w arm , fin d in g fo o d , staying safe and
m iddle o f them . W hat could they do now?) g e ttin g help.
3d (But Parrado had a solution: Vizintin could return A sk each pair o r g ro u p to te ll th e rest o f th e class how
to th e plane and he and Canessa w o u ld ta ke his th e y th in k th e y w o u ld co p e b e ing lost in a foreign
food.) country or manage w ithout the item they could not
4a (Soon, they saw a few cans on the ground and survive w ithout.
some farm anim als in a fie ld . They knew th e re
must be people som ewhere nearby.) Students' own answers
5c (Two m onths after th e crash, after they had
w aited fo r sum m er to arrive, three o f the М о 0 ^ 1 Л \б л Г \\
passengers, Roberto Canessa, Nando Parrado
and A n tonio Vizintin, le ft to search fo r help.) Ask stu d e n ts to read th e instructions and explain that
th e stu d e n ts should m atch th e d e fin itio n s 1 -8 with the
Background Inform ation w o rd s in th e ye llo w w o rd b a n k.
S tudents m atch th e w o rd s to th e d e fin itio n s individually!
Following the crash o f Flight 571, a search party was sent b u t check as a class.
o u t by three countries. However, it was unsuccessful as the
plane was painted w hite, so was therefore cam ouflaged Answer;
against the snow. As a result, the search party was called
o ff after eight days. Im m ediately after the crash, five 1 com panion 5 journey
people were dead and seven people were missing. By the 2 explorer 6 destination
24th o f O cto ber, 11 days a fte r th e crash, th e re w e re 17 3 expedition 7 lim it
dead and 27 survivors. It was on this day th a t the survivors 4 strength 8 conditions
heard on a transistor radio th a t the search party had been
called o ff and they knew th a t the only way to g e t o u t was В
to send a g ro u p o f survivors fo r help. O n th e 29th O cto b e r,
an avalanche fell on part o f the rem aining plane, causing Ask stu d e n ts to lo o k at th e pictu re and th e title o f the
the deaths o f another 8 people. The survivors, w ho by te x t and ask th e m if th e y know w h o this person is. If
now had no fo o d left, to o k the tough decision o f cutting th e y d o n 't, ask th e m w h a t he seems to be d o in g in the
flesh fro m th e dea d passengers to eat in o rd e r to keep p ic tu re and w h y he m ig h t be de scrib e d as extraordinary
them selves alive until help came. The group o f survivors Then ask stu d e n ts to skim th ro u g h th e te x t to find out Г
decided to w ait until the arrival o f spring and w arm er w hat this man has achieved.
weather, which was nearly seven weeks away, before E licit th a t th e students have to use th e w ords 1-8 from
beginning the expedition to g e t help. A , to fill in th e gaps. Rem ind students th a t th e y should
pay a tte n tio n to th e w o rd s d ire c tly b e fo re and after the
Ask students to read the instructions and make sure they gaps to help them decide the correct word.
understand th a t the correct w ord fo r each sentence 1-6 Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check
is fo u n d in th e yello w w o rd b a n k. answers as a class.
Remind students th a t they should pay atte n tio n to the If stu d e n ts seem in te re ste d , you m ig h t like to give then
words directly before and after the gaps to help them fu rth e r inform ation using th e B ackground Information
decide the correct word. box below.
Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check
answers as a class.

1 crash 4 save 1 explorer Answers ,
2 survive 5 reach 2 expedition
3 cope w ith 6 search 3 destination 5 strength
4 conditions 6 lim it
7 com panion
8 journey

Ask students to w rite som e m ore sentences in th e ir
n o te b o o k, using th e w o rd s in D (cope w ith, search,
survive, save, crash and reach).


pcground Inform ation.________________________ Answers
owing his father's death from cancer, Ed S tafford
fcded to walk from th e source o f th e A m azon River to Students' own answers
^outlet at the sea in o rd e r to raise m oney fo r cancer
earch. His journey started on 2 nd A p ril 2008 and e n d e d Ask th e questions b e lo w at random round th e class,
1860days later on 9th A u g u st 2010. O n th e final day o f his m aking sure each student answers at least one question.
Irney, he and Cho Sanchez Rivera, w h o jo in e d Ed fo u r - W hat had you done by 10 o'clock this m orning?
mthsinto his e xp e d itio n , w alked 85 kilo m e tre s and - W hat had you been doing before the lesson?
ived into the sea to m ark th e end o f th e ir experience. - W hat sports had you trie d before your last birthday?
- W h a t had you le a rn t a b o u t th e plane crash in th e
Andes by the end o f the text?
• Ask students to w rite d o w n as m any w o rd s as th e y can - W here had the plane been travelling to when
I think of related to e xtrem e co n d ition s. These may be
I words they have seen in th e b o o k so far, o r w o rd s th e y it crashed?
■ already know. M ake a list on th e b o a rd and deal w ith any Explain to students th a t these questions used th e Past
J problems in pron unciation o r m eaning. Perfect Sim ple and Past Perfect Continuous tenses and
• Ask students to look at th e task. Explain th a t th e w ords th a t th e y w ill learn a b o u t these tenses in this lesson.
I are all related to th e th e m e in som e way. Say each o f th e Revise th e affirm ative, n e gative and que stio n fo rm s o f
I words and ask students to re p e a t th e m . C o rre ct th e ir these tenses w ith students.
I pronunciation w here necessary.
R Ask students to d o th e task in pairs to enco u ra g e Ask students to lo o ke d a t th e w o rd s in b o ld in sentences
1 and 2 and elicit th a t the Past Perfect Simple tense
&ussion, but check th e answers as a class. Ask has been used. Remind students th a t we use th e Past
lents to explain w hy one o f th e w o rd s is th e o d d one Perfect Sim ple fo r an action or situation th a t finished
in each set. b e fo re a n o th e r action, situ a tio n o r tim e in th e past.
Ask students to read the sentences carefully.
Answers 9 Ask students to do th e task individually, b u t check
answers as a class.
t’1die 2 give up 3 g e t on 4 panic 5 g o along 6 help
Elicit that the students have to use one o f th e w o rd s a -c
to fill in the gaps. Remind stu d e n ts th a t th e y should pay 1 We h a d n 't fo rg o tte n our passports, so we d id n 't
attention to th e w ords d ire ctly b e fo re and a fte r th e gaps go home to g e t them .
to help them d ecide th e co rre c t w o rd .
Ask students to d o th e task individually, b u t check 2 He h a d n 't tra ve lle d all over th e w o rld by his 30th
answers as a class. birthday.
You could also activate th e vocabulary in th is lesson
further by asking students to ta lk in pairs a b o u t Ed В
Stafford and his journey. Encourage th e m to use
I vocabulary from A, В and С in o rd e r to d o this. Ask students to read sentences 1 -2 in A carefully and to
1If you have Internet access in th e classroom o r school, answ er questions 1 and 2.
you could ask students to visit w w w .e d s ta ffo rd .o rg Ask students to do the task individually, b ut check
in order to find o u t m ore in fo rm a tio n a b o u t him. answers as a class.
Alternatively, you co uld ask th e m to discuss a n o th e r
explorer that they adm ire. Answers

_______________ Answers ^ 1 Forgot the passports
2 He had travelled all over th e w orld
C-1a 2b 3c 4a 5c 6a 7c 8c
Ask students to read the sentence and elicit th a t they
Ideas F o c u s ________________________________________ have to say w h e th e r it is True o r False.
Ask students to discuss th e ir answer (and why) w ith a
Ask students to read th e questions and to w o rk in pairs partner, and th e n discuss as a class.
to discuss the ideas and say w h e th e r th e y agree w ith
them or not. _______________________ A n sw e rs.
Go round the class m o n ito rin g students to m ake sure
they are carrying o u t th e task properly. D o n 't co rre c t any True
mistakes at this stage, b u t m ake a n o te o f any mistakes V.
in structure and p ron unciatio n . N o w read the G ram m ar Reference on pages 167-168 (7.1-
Discuss ideas as a class m aking sure th a t everyone 7.3) w ith y o u r students.
Write any structural m istakes th a t stu d e n ts m ade on th e Ask students to read the instructions and elicit th a t they
board w ithou t saying w ho m ade th e m , and ask th e m to have to underline the verbs. Remind students th a t we
correct them . Deal w ith any p ro b le m s in p ro n u n cia tio n use th e Past Perfect Continuous fo r actions th a t started
that came up.

Extrem e Situations

in th e past and w ere still in progress w hen a n o th e r 1 had finally reached Answers
action started or when som ething happened. 2 had been preparing
Ask students to do th e task individually, b u t check 3 had been hoping 4 had managed
answers as a class. 5 had n o t imagined
6 had been surfing
________________ Answers
Teaching Tip
1 They had been w a lkin g in th e d e s e rt fo r days, so
they were exhausted. You co u ld e xp a n d on th is g ra m m a r section fu rth e r by
asking students to w o rk in pairs to stage an interview
2 We had been driving fo r a few hours before we w ith th e surfer in th e p ictu re in th e b o tto m left-hand
realised th a t w e w ere lost. co rn e r o f p age 87. O n e s tu d e n t in each pair should bethi
in te rv ie w e r and th e o th e r should be th e surfer. Give the I
Ask students to m atch sentences 1 and 2 in D and m atch 'interview ers' a few minutes to prepare some questionst|
th e m w ith a -b in E. ask th e ir partner. Encourage them to use the Past Simp!"
Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check Past P erfect Sim ple and Past P erfect C ontinuous tenses!
answers as a class. as m uch as possible. W hen th e y have finished, ask the
'in te rv ie w e rs ' to re p o rt to th e class w h a t th e ir partner sai<|
Answers or ask a couple o f pairs to act o u t th e ir 'interview '.

1b 2a \S \s ^ re v \\v \6 )

N ow read the G ram m ar Reference on page 168 (7.4-7.6) Ask students to look at the picture at the bottom of
w ith your students. page 88 and ask them w hat extrem e situation it showsj
E ncourage th e m to com e up w ith as m any ideas as
Ask students to read the sentences through first, before possible a b o u t w hy th e p e o p le m ig h t be walking aero
they w rite any answers. the desert.
Remind students th a t they can look back at A, В and
С and the G ram m ar Reference if they need help w ith Read th e w o rd s in th e ye llo w w o rdbanks to students am
th e task. ask them to repeat them . C orrect th e ir pronunciation!
Ask students to do th e task individually, b u t check w here necessary.
answers as a class. Ask students to read the instructions and elicit that j
th e y should cross o u t th e w o rd in each set o f three tha
Answers d o e sn 't co m p le te th e sentence so th a t th e tw o соггесй
w ords are left fo r them to study.
1 had returned 4 had never been R em ind students to read th ro u g h th e sentences carefi
2 had never played 5 had worked and to pay a tte n tio n to th e w o rd s im m e d ia te ly before
3 Had they already 6 had walked and a fte r th e gaps as w ell as to th e fo rm o f the wordsj
the boxes.
called Ask students to d o the task individually, b u t check
answers as a class.
Ask students to read the instructions and make sure that
they understand what they have to do. Answers
Elicit th a t th e students have to use th e correct fo rm o f
th e Past P erfect C on tin uo u s to fill in th e gaps. Students should cross o u t th e follow ing:
Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check
answers as a class. 1 lim its 4 w indiest

Answers 2 incredible 5 success
1 had been living 2 had been coping 3 carry on
3 Had she been fighting 4 had not been flying
5 had you been d igging 6 had been playing 6

H G ive stu d e n ts a m in u te to practise saying th e alpha oet j
to th e ir partner. Then practise as a class. C orrect th e irj
Ask students to read the instructions and check th a t they pronunciation where necessary.
understand w hat they have to do. Play th e re co rd in g once all th e way th ro u g h and ask I
Elicit th a t the students have to use the correct form of s tu d e n ts to w rite th e ir answers. Then ask students to I
the Past Perfect Sim ple or the Past Perfect Continuous com pare their answers w ith a partner.
to fill in th e gaps. Play th e re co rd in g again and ask stu d e n ts to check thd
Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check answers and to fill in any missing answers.
answers as a class. C heck th e answers as a class by asking a student to I
w rite th e w o rd s on th e b o a rd as th e o th e r students so
them out.


1 Bennett Answers + W rite any structural mistakes th a t students made on
2 Chile th e board w ith o u t saying w ho m ade them , and ask
3 Jigsaw s tu d e n ts to c o rre c t th e m . Deal w ith any pro b le m s in
pronunciation that came up.
4 Cezanne
________________ Answers
teaching Tip +
Students' own answers
Bow students to w rite on th e b o ard w h e n eve r possible,
his helps to break dow n barriers b e tw e e n th e te a ch e r В
mdstudent, and gives th e m a sense o f be in g co m p le te ly Ask stu d e n ts to read th ro u g h sentences 1-5 and answer
any questions they m ight have.
olved in the lesson. As a result, it makes th e classroom Ask students to do the task on their own and then to
Btriendlier place to be and students w ill ta ke a m ore com pare their answers w ith a partner. Encourage them
to justify th e ir answers to th e ir partner.
live part in the lesson. C heck answers as a class.

С Suggested answers. #

Ask students to read th e Exam C lose-up b o x and S tudents should tic k th e fo llo w in g : 1, 2, 4, 5
(answers any questions th a t th e y m ig h t have. V»
Ask students to read th e Exam Task te x t and to try
and imagine w hat w o rd w o u ld g o in each gap. Rem ind Useful Expressions_________________
• Read th e expressions and sentences in Useful
idents that th ey should pay a tte n tio n to th e w ords
lirectly before and a fte r th e gaps to h elp th e m d e cid e Expressions to students and ask them to repeat them .
the correct w ord. C orrect th e ir pronunciation where necessary and explain
Remind students th a t in n ote-taking listening tasks, anything they d o n 't understand.
they must w rite dow n th e exact w ords th e y hear on th e
recording, but th a t th e ideas in th e in co m p le te sentences Read th e in fo rm a tio n in th e Exam C lose-up b o x to
might be w orded slightly diffe re n tly to w h a t th e y hear on students and explain anything they d o n 't understand.
the recording. Rem ind th e m o f th e expressions in Useful Expressions
and enco u ra g e th e m to use these in th e task in C.
D ______________________________ Before students do C, you could revise th e list o f words
associated w ith e xtre m e situations th a t th e y m ade in th e
• Ask students to co m p le te th e Exam Task. Explain th a t U nit opener, and explain th a t th e y can use them where
I they will hear an audio track and th a t th e y have to fin d appropriate to help them expand th e ir ideas.
I the missing w ords in th e sum m ary te x t. Ask students to read th e instructions and to decide who
• Play the recording once all th e way th ro u g h and ask w ill be S tu d e n t A and w h o w ill be S tu d e n t B. Then ask
th e m to ta ke it in turns to explain th e ir w ords to each
students to add th e ir answers. Then ask stu d e n ts to other.
compare their answers w ith a partner. Explain th a t S tudent A w ill carry o u t his o r her task first.
G o ro und th e class m o n ito rin g students to m ake sure
E they are carrying o u t the task properly. D o n 't correct any
mistakes at this stage, b ut make a note o f any mistakes
[Check the answers as a class. in stru ctu re and p ro n u n cia tio n .
Once answers have been checked, you co u ld ask As a class, ask one S tu d e n t A to te ll th e rest o f th e class
students to look a t th e p ictu re a t th e b o tto m o f th e w hat he or she said about one o f the words. Ask the
page again to discuss how it is re la te d to th e re co rd in g . other Student As if they agree or if they have som ething
You could also ask th e m fo r th e ir reactions to th is race. else to add. Then ask a fe w S tu d e n t Bs to ta lk a b o u t one
o f their words.
1 Atacama Answers W rite any structural mistakes th a t students made on
2 250 km + th e b o ard w ith o u t saying w h o m ade th e m , and ask
3 winds 5 Antarctica stu d e n ts to co rre ct th e m . Deal w ith any pro b le m s in
4 breathe 6 whales pronunciation that came up.
7 a ship
8 extrem e

S p e d lc m # )

• Ask students to read th e questions and answ er any Answers
I queries they may have a b o u t th e m . +
• Ask students to w o rk in pairs and to ta ke it in turns to
I answer the questions. Students' own answers
• Go round the class m o n ito rin g s tu d e n ts to m ake sure
I they are carrying o u t th e task properly. D o n 't c o rre c t any Ask students to read the instructions and to decide who
■ mistakes at this stage, b u t m ake a n o te o f any mistakes w ill be S tu d e n t A and w h o w ill be S tu d e n t B. Then ask
I in structure and pron unciation. th e m to read th e ir specific task above pictures 1 and 2.
• Ask each pair to answer one o f th e questions and re p e a t Ask stu d e n ts to w o rk in pairs and explain th a t S tu d e n t A
■ until each pair has had a turn. w ill carry o u t his o r her task first.


Extrem e Situations

Go round th e class m o n ito rin g students to make sure A sk stu d e n ts to read th e te x t w ith o u t fillin g in any
they are carrying o u t the task properly. D o n 't correct any answers at this stage, to find o ut which extrem e places!
mistakes at this stage, b u t make a note o f any mistakes are m e n tio n e d (M o u n t Everest, th e Sahara D esert and |
in structure and p ro n u n cia tio n . the Amazon).
As a class, ask one S tu d e n t A to te ll th e rest o f th e class Remind students th a t they should read all three option
w hat he or she said about th e ir picture. Ask th e o ther fo r each ite m carefully and pay a tte n tio n to th e words
S tudent As if they agree or if they have som ething im m ediately before and after the gaps.
else to add. Then ask a fe w S tu d e n t Bs to describe A lso, re m in d th e m th a t th e y should read th e te x t again I
their picture. once they have finished to check th e ir answers.
W rite any structural mistakes th a t students made on Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check
th e board w ith o u t saying w ho made them , and ask answers as a class.
students to co rre ct th e m . Deal w ith any p ro b le m s in
pronunciation that came up. ________________ Answers

Answers 1b 2a 3c 4b 5a 6c 7b 8a

Students' own answers Teaching Tip

Ideas Focus You co u ld expand this task fu rth e r by asking students to
g e t in to pairs to discuss w hich o f these extre m e places
Ask students to read the questions quickly and deal with th e y w o u ld m ost and least like to visit. Encourage them toll
any queries they may have. justify their opinions.
Ask students to call o u t any qualities and skills they
think are necessary to do extrem e sports and make a E licit th a t w o rd s 1 -6 are all verbs. Read th e w ords and
list o f them on the board (e.g. determ ination, courage, phrases a - f to stu d e n ts and ask th e m to rep e a t them.
fearlessness, to u g h , stro n g , b e g o o d ... w ith y o u r h a n d s / C orrect th e ir pronunciation where necessary.
at clim b in g /a t swim m ing, be able n o t to panic, etc.). Ask students to do the task individually, b ut check
Ask students to w o rk in pairs and to ta ke it in turns to answers as a class.
answer the questions. Rem ind stu d e n ts th a t th e re is a list o f all Collocations & j
Go round th e class m o n ito rin g students to make sure Expressions in C lose-up on page 182 fo r th e ir referenci
they are carrying o u t the task properly. D o n 't correct any
mistakes at this stage, b u t make a note o f any mistakes Answers
in structure and p ro n u n cia tio n .
Ask each p a ir to answ er one q u estion until th e y have all 1c 2 f 3a 4b 5d 6e
had a turn.
W rite any structural mistakes th a t students m ade on A sk stu d e n ts to read th e sentences and underline key
th e board w ith o u t saying w ho m ade them , and ask w o rd s and phrases th a t give th e m clues to w h a t the
students to co rre ct th e m . Deal w ith any p ro b le m s in m issing c o llo ca tio n is.
pronunciation that came up. Ask students to d o the task individually, b u t check
answers as a class.
Answers m

Students' own answers

М оО йЛ ?и 1 й г ч 1 do, best Answers,
2 save, life
Read the instructions to the students and explain that 3 keep calm 4 g e t lost
they will circle the correct preposition to com plete the 5 g o m issin g /g e t lost
phrases. 6 make the journey
Ask students to read the phrases carefully.
Ask students to d o th e task individually, b u t check as Ideas Focus
a class.
Ask s tu d e n ts to w o rk in pairs and to ta ke it in turns to
Answers ^ discuss the statem ents.
Encourage them to justify th e ir answers.
1 a b o u t 2 o f 3 o ve r 4 in 5 b e lo w 6 on 7 across As a class, ask each p a ir to c o m m e n t on one o f the
8 above 9 over 10 in statem ents and repeat until they have all answered
a question.
В You co u ld also a ctivate th e vocabulary in th is lesson
Ask students to look at the picture on page 90 and to fu rth e r by assigning one o f th e co llo ca tio n s in С to everj
say how th e y m ig h t feel if th e y w ere in this place and s tu d e n t and asking th e m to w rite a sentence describing
w hat they im agine the conditions there to be like. an e x tre m e s itu a tio n re la te d in som e way to the
c o llo c a tio n . A sk th e m to include th e collo ca tio n in the
76 sentence in as natural a way as possible. W hen studerr
have fin ish e d, ask th e m to read th e ir sentence out to thj
rest o f th e class.

Answers + Answers Ф

udents' own answers 1F 2T 3F 4F

Ask the fo llo w in g questions a t random ro und th e class, Ask students to read sentences 1-2 and to match them
making sure each stu d e n t answers a t least one. w ith one use o f negative questions a or b.
- Who holds th e record fo r be in g th e y o u n g e st person Ask students to do the task individually, b ut check
I to sail round th e w orld? (Jessica W atson - a t tim e o f answers as a class.
I going to p rint)
- Which m ountain range d id F lig h t 571 crash in to in Answers
I 1972? (The Andes) «
- Flight 571 was g o in g to Spain, w a sn 't it? (No, it was 1b 2a
j going to Santiago, Chile.)
- There were basketball players on th e plane, w e re n 't N ow read the G ram m ar Reference on pages 168-69 (8.1-
I there? (No, there w ere ru g b y players on board.) 8.9) w ith yo u r students.
- Didn't Ed Stafford w alk th e length o f th e Am azon?
Ask students to read sentences 1-10 and then read the
(Yes, he did.) question tags a-j.
- Wasn't his e x p e d itio n a g re a t achievem ent? (Yes, Encourage students to look back at A and В fo r the rules
ab o u t question tags if they need help w ith the task.
it was.) Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check
plain to students th a t th e questions you asked w ere all answers as a class.
lifferent types o f questions - som e used q u e stio n tags
and others were subject, o b je c t o r neg a tive questions. Answers
plain that this is w h a t th e y w ill learn a b o u t in this p a rt
of the lesson. 1i 2e 3h 4a 5 f 6d 7 b 8c 9g 10j

• Ask students to read th e instructions and sentences 1 -2 Ask students to read the instructions and check th a t they
[ and to underline th e verbs. understand w hat they have to do. Answer any questions
th a t they m ight have.
Check answers as a class. Explain to students th a t they should use the inform ation
in th e sentences 1 -8 to w rite th e ir questions and
Answers th a t som etim es they w o n 't use all o f the words from
# th e sentences in th e ir questions as this w ill be th e
Students should und erline th e fo llo w in g : inform ation the question will ask about.
D o th e firs t ite m (1) to g e th e r as a class and check
|»ere rescued, w e re n 't students understand the task before they do the rest.
aven't reached, have Remind students th a t subject questions follow the w ord
o rd e r used in statem ents, whereas o b je c t questions
Ask students to fill th e gaps to c o m p le te th e rules. fo llo w th e w o rd o rd e r used in questions.
Remind students to look at the G ram m ar Reference if
____________ Answers they need help w ith the task.
+ Ask students to do the task individually, but check
end; negative; affirm ative answers as a class.

С ________________________________________ Answers
• Ask students to read th e instructions and e lic it th a t W ho does James play tennis with?
■they have to underline th e verbs in th e sentences. Ask W h o was te a ch in g basketball skills?
Bstudents to do th e task individually, b u t check answers W ho w ent fishing with Dad?
I as a class. W ho borrow ed the blue racket?
W ho d id the coach ask to jo in the team ?
Answers W h o is fix in g Jack's net?
Ted to o k up w hat sport?
(Students should underline th e fo llo w in g verbs
dimbed, will, try to fin d

I Ask students to read th e instructions and e lic it th a t
Bstudents have to answ er True o r False to th e statem ents
I 1-4.

[ Ask students to d o th e task individually, b u t check
answers as a class.


Extrem e Situations

H Answers
Ask students to read the instructions and make sure
th e y understand th a t, using th e w o rd s in brackets, th e y 1T 2T 3F 4F 5T
have to w rite questions which w ould be appropriate
responses to th e sentences on the previous lines. A sk students to skim th ro u g h th e story, w ith o u t cirdinl
Remind students to look back at С and th e Gram m ar any answers at this stage, to fin d o u t w ho 'Everyone' Г
Reference if they need help w ith th e task. was in th e sto ry and w hy th e y w ere scared to death
Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check (They are sch o o l children and th e y are scared because |
answers as a class. they g o t tra p p e d in a cave.).
Remind students to pay attention to the words either|
Answers side o f th e o p tio n s in red. Encourage th e m to look
back at th e G ram m ar Reference if they need help withj
1 Isn't she com ing w ith us? th e task.
2 W eren't you scared? Rem ind stu d e n ts to read th e story again once they havj
3 A ren't you tired? finished to check th e ir answers.
4 D idn't anyone tell you about the trip today? A sk stu d e n ts to d o th e task individually, b u t check
5 Haven't we m et som ewhere before? answers as a class.

Teaching T ip ________________________________ ________________ Answers
You could expand this task fu rth e r by asking students
w hich use o f negative questions each ite m in H is. 1 had ever seen 6 had told
(1, 2, 3 & 4 are used to express surprise a n d 5 is used 2 were screaming 7 had decided
w hen we e xp e ct th e liste n e r to agree w ith us.) 3 was 8 ran
4 kept 9 explained
\л » г\-Н ч ^ : л s - f o r ^ ( 2 j 5 remembered 10 told

• Ask students to read the inform ation on Using narrative A sk s tu d e n ts to read sentences 1 -5 b e fo re they look at|
tenses and explain anything they d o n 't understand. th e te x t in С again.
Remind students th a t these tenses are analysed in th e Ask students to do the task on th e ir own and then
G ram m ar References 2.1 and 2.2 on page 163, and com pare th e ir answers w ith a partner.
7.1, 7.2 and 7.3 on pages 167-168. Encourage them to C heck answers as a class.
revise these sections before they do the w riting task fo r
this lesson. ^яштшшаааяшш—шш^шяаяшяаяшшшш / V IW v * W,

Ask students to read through sentences 1-8 carefully 1F 2T ЗТ 4T 5F
and to underline any other verb form s besides the -
missing ones th a t are in them . Ask them to th in k about
when th e action in these verbs h a p p e n e d in relation to Rem ind stu d e n ts th a t th e y should always make a planfo|
the action described by the missing verbs. their w riting before they begin.
Remind students to pay attention to the subject o f the Ask th e m to skim th ro u g h th e te x t once again and to I
verbs before each gap. w rite w h a t th e main idea o f each paragraph is next to
Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check it. Then ask th e m to read d e scrip tio n s a -d to decide I
answers as a class.
jw hich ones are closest to th e ir notes b e fore doing the
m atching task.
1 threw Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check
2 had been sitting/w ere sitting answers as a class.
3 had made
4 had run/had been running ________________ Answers!
5 chased
6 were swaying, was shining 1d 2b 3c 4a
7 heard
8 kept/had kept Read th e expressions in Useful Expressions to
stu d e n ts and ask th e m to re p e a t th e m . C orrect their
В p ro n u n cia tio n w here necessary and explain anything
Ask students to read the w riting task and to underline they d o n 't understand.
any key words before they start. Ask stu d e n ts to say w hich tenses th e y co u ld complete I
Ask students to do the task on th e ir own and then check each o f th e expressions w ith . If you have tim e , ask
their answers w ith a partner. th e m to w rite sentences o f th e ir ow n be g inn in g with
Check answers as a class. these expressions.


I Ask students to d o th e task individually, b u t check
nswers as a class.

Answers ф

I Ask students to read th e instructions in th e Exam Close-
up box and th e Exam Task and to u n d e rlin e any key
Words and phrases.
xplain to students th a t b e fo re th e y be g in a piece o f
niting, they should plan it carefully.
Give students tim e to m ake a plan fo r th e ir sto ry in class,
but set the w ritin g task fo r h om ew ork.
Encourage students to use th e W ritin g Reference and
hecklist fo r stories on page 179.


Para 1: Use th e sentence given and set th e scene fo r

the story.
Para 2: Introduce th e main character and an event

that creates suspense.
Para 3: Describe reactions to th e e ve n t and g ive m ore

background details.
Para 4: Describe how th e plan is carried o u t and w h a t

happens next.

'Jobody knew w here th e y w ere. Ten p e o p le w ere
Japped on a m ountain to p in a te rrib le snow storm .

he snow continued to fall. Sheila had never been in
such a situation before, b u t d id n 't panic. The o th e r
ikiers looked frig h te n e d th o u g h . M o re than e ig h t
lours had passed since th e snow storm and th e re was
no sign o f anyone com ing to rescue th e m .

of a sudden, Sheila rem em bered som ething.
)uring the storm , she had fallen and le ft her m o b ile
shone in the snow because she d id n 't w a n t to lose
the others.

As quick as ligh tn in g , Sheila ran to w here she had
fallen, found th e phone and saw th a t it was still

rking. She called her dad. 'D o n 't w o rry,' he said
mfortingly. 'A rescue tea m is already on its way.'

was relieved. T heir ordeal was alm ost over.

ieful ExpressionsL_____________________________
[Remind students th a t th e w o rd s and phrases here can
be used to create suspense and th a t th e y should try to
I include o<ne o r tw o o f th e m in th e ir stories.


7 Coast 6|иаЫ <>(Моо\

fy c v \c m \ N o te 1T (00:50) Answers,
2F (01:18)
The N ational G eographic videos can be used as an 3F (01:23) 4F (02:07)
interesting way to introduce your students to other 5F (02:52)
cultures. They are authentic N ational G eographic videos, A fter you watch 6T (03:06)
and it is n o t necessary fo r stu d e n ts to understand
everything they hear to benefit from them . Some o f the Explain to s tu d e n ts th a t th e te x t is a sum m ary o f the
tasks focus on th e visual aspects o f th e videos, so students in fo rm a tio n in th e docum entary. B efore th e y read it,
can concentrate m ore on w hat they see than on w hat they ask th e m to w o rk in pairs to discuss th e main ideas of
hear. They are also a g o o d way to encourage y o u r students the documentary.
to w atch TV program m es and film s in English so th a t th e y Ask stu d e n ts to read th e te x t w ith o u t fillin g in any
can get used to the sound o f the language. The m ore answers a t th is stage to see if th e ideas th e y mentione
students are exposed to English, the easier it w ill be fo r are co vered in th e te x t. A lso encourage th e m to think
them to pick up the language. a b o u t w hich p a rt o f speech is m issing fro m each gap.
Read th e w o rd s in th e ye llo w w o rd b a n k to students and
Background In fo rm ation_________________________ ask them to repeat them . C orrect th e ir pronunciation
where necessary.
The US C oast G uard's national m o to r life b o a t school is th e Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check
only one o f its kind in th e US. It is situated a t th e m o u th answers as a class.
o f the River C olum bia at Cape D isappointm ent, outside
W ashington. The school has 60 staff and its main function Answers!
is to train and re-train coast guards on th e use o f th e 47
fo o t m o to r lifeboats they use. A t the m om ent, there are 1 mercy 5 convinced
42,000 p e o p le on active d u ty in th e US coast guard. T heir 2 violent 6 prove
missions include safety at sea, search and rescue and drug 3 training 7 satisfaction
in te rve n tio n as w ell as o th e r law e n fo rc e m e n t duties. For 4 missions 8 tragedy
further inform ation, visit w ww .uscg.m il.

Before you watch

A Ideas Focus
Ask stu d e n ts to read th e questions and explain anything,
Ask students to look at the title o f the section and the th e y d o n 't understand. Then ask th e m to w o rk in pairsq
picture on page 94 and ask them how th e y are related. small groups to ask and answer the questions.
Read words 1-4 to students and ask them to repeat W hen th e y have finished, ask d iffe re n t students at
them . C orrect th e ir pronunciation where necessary. ra n d o m ro und th e class to answ er each o f th e question:
Encourage stud ents to read th ro u g h all th e m eanings in
a -d before they match up any answers. A n sw ers!
Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check
answers as a class. Students' own answers


1d 2a 3c 4b

W hile you watch


Explain to students th a t they are now g o in g to watch the
video. Tell th e m th a t th e d o cu m e n ta ry is q u ite short.
Ask students to read the statem ents and to underline
any key words and phrases they find. Ask students to
predict w hat they are going to learn about.
Play th e vid e o all th e way th ro u g h w ith o u t s to p p in g
and ask students to w rite dow n th e ir answers. Then ask
students to compare their answers w ith a partner and to
justify any answers they have th a t are different.
Play th e vid e o again and ask students to check th e ir
answers and to fill in any missing answers. Then check
answers as a class.


Q Time to Spare

eading: multiple-choice questions, reading around the gap
cabuiary: words related to free time, phrasal verbs
rammar: modals & semi-modals 1 & 2
sterling: multiple-choice questions (pictures), predicting from pictures
talking about free-tim e activities, decision making, talking about all the
Speaking: options, talking about possibility
postcard, linking words & phrases, writing the correct amount, writing a
Writing: postcard

m-Y Dpevier в

Write Time to Spare on th e b o ard and ask students w h a t Ask stu d e n ts to read th e instructions and w o rk in
bey think it means (fre e/extra tim e). Say th e phrase pairs or small groups to discuss activities people do
and ask them to rep eat it. C o rre c t th e ir p ro n u n cia tio n th a t are dangerous, and talk about w hat makes the
I if necessary. activities dangerous (e.g. bungee jum ping, base
I Ask students to turn to page 95 and ask th e m w h a t th e y ju m p in g , m ountain clim bing, skiing, car racing, sailing,
I think the unit w ill be a b o u t (fre e -tim e activities). w indsurfing, parachute jum ping).
I Ask students w hat th e y like to d o w hen th e y have tim e Ask each p a ir o r g ro u p to te ll th e class one o f th e ir ideas
I to spare. Make a list on th e b o ard o f all th e activities and to say w hy th e a ctivity is dangerous. Encourage
■ they mention and then ask th e m if th e y can th in k o f any students in o th e r groups to add th e ir reasons fo r why
■other free-time activities th a t th e y d o n 't d o personally. it m ig h t be dangerous (e.g. bungee ju m p in g - danger
o f h ittin g som ething o r the elastic breaking, base
I Tryto elicit listening to music, reading, w a tching D V D s/ ju m p in g - short am ount o f tim e to release a parachute,
I TV, going to clubs, sp e n d in g tim e w ith friends and m ountain clim bing - can fall and break an arm o r a leg,
or fall dow n the m ountain, skiing - could ski into a tree
I family, going to the cinema, e a tin g out, exercising, o r o th e r obstacle, break an arm o r a leg o r sustain a
head injury, car racing - possibility o f crashing the car
■shopping and go in g o u t fo r th e day. and being injured, sailing - winds that are very strong,
strong current, b o a t turning over, drow ning, windsurfing
| Ask students to w o rk in pairs o r small g ro u p s to discuss - falling and hurting themselves on the board,
[the picture and accom panying ca p tio n on pag e 95. drow ning, parachute ju m p in g - parachute n o t opening,
ropes tangling).
hcourage them to say w h a t th e ir reaction is to th e C o n tin u e until stu d e n ts have to ld th e class all th e ir ideas.
pvity. Deal w ith any p ro b le m s in p ro n u n cia to n th a t cam e up.

J Ask if they w ould like to try this them selves and th e ir

1 reasons why or w hy not.

I Ask students to read th e instructions and m ake sure th e y Ask students to look at the pictures that accompany the
■mderstand th a t th e y have to p u t th e fre e -tim e activities te x t as w e ll as th e title to h elp th e m d e cid e w here th e
I inorder of p op ularity am ong yo u n g p e o p le in th e activity takes place.
I UKAnd not according to th e ir ow n habits. Encourage Then ask them to skim through th e te x t to find out
■students to guess as it is unlikely th e y w ill kn o w th e if they w ere correct. Encourage them to change to 'skim '
I correct answers. as th e y have ju s t been to ld to skim th e te x t.
I Ask students to do th e task on th e ir ow n and th e n to
■compare their answers w ith a partner. E ncourage th e m Answer
I tojustify their answers.
■Check answers as a class. inside a cave

1 Spending tim e w ith Answers W ord Focus
■ family/friends A sk stu d e n ts to lo o k a t th e w o rd s in red in th e te x t and
2 Listening to music 6 Going to after school to try to w ork out w hat they mean from the context they
3 Watching TV clubs are in.
4 Shopping Ask them to com pare their own meanings w ith the
5 Going to th e cinem a 7 Exercising d e fin itio n s in th e W o rd Focus box.
8 Eating out Explain anything students d o n 't understand.
9 G oing o u t fo r the day
10 Reading Read the inform ation in the Exam Close-up box to
students and explain anything they d o n 't understand.
Remind them to make sure th a t th e w ord they choose to
com plete the gap fits logically w ith the sentence before

Time to Spare

and after the gap. Explain th a t they should also read the F
w h ole te x t th ro u g h again once th e y have c o m p le te d all
the gaps, to make sure everything makes sense. • Read th e w ords in th e ye llo w w o rd b a n k to students am
• Ask students to read the te xt again and w rite dow n the ask them to repeat them . C orrect th e ir pronunciation I
words they think should com plete each gap. w here necessary. Elicit th a t they are all verbs.
• Ask students to do the task individually and then
compare w hat they have w ritten w ith a partner. They • E ncourage students to read th ro u g h all th e definitions
should discuss th e ir answers and make any changes. b e fo re fillin g in any answers and to read back through
Invite students to tell you a w ord fo r each gap and w rite th e ir answers, to check th e m when th e y have finished]
th e ir suggestions on the board. Reach a class consensus
about each answer and leave th e answers on th e board. • Ask students to d o the task individually, b u t check
answers as a class.

E _____________________________________________ ................................... Answer;
1 surround
• Ask students to read the instructions and then hand out 2 destroy 4 explore
5 crawl
a photocopy o f the answer choices to each student. 3 capture 6 flow

• Ask th e m firs t to lo o k and see if th e w o rd s th e y chose in

Task D are include d in th e o p tio n s a -d . Tell th e m to look Ideas Focus

a t all th e o p tio n s to see if th e ir choice is correct. • A sk students to read th e questions and answer any I
questions they m ight have.
• Ask students to do the task individually, but check
• Tell stu d e n ts to w o rk in pairs o r small groups to discu^
answers as a class. Ask stu d e n ts ho w m any o f th e w ords th e ir ideas.

they had correct before th e y saw all the answer options. • As a class, m ake a list on th e b o ard o f th e unusual
pastim es they w ould like to try.
Remind th e m this is ho w th e y should a p proach all tasks
• As stu d e n ts te ll you, ask th e m to explain w hat makes j
o f this type. them interesting.

• If students seem interested, you m ig h t like to give them ______ Suggested .answerd

further inform ation using the Background Inform ation Students' own answers

box below.

Exam Task w o rd o p tio n s

1 A used В has С is D was

2 A which В where С who D when

3 A as В if С even D though

4 A dress В costume С equipm ent D o u tfit

5 A cap В scarf С hoodie D helm et

6 A amounts В other С also D others

7 A these В this С their D that A

8 A save В p rotect С rescue D defend • Read the activities 1-8 to students and ask them
to repeat them . C orrect their pronunciation
9 A casual В messy С fast D careless w here necessary.

10 A how В because С why D so • Ask stude nts w hich, if any, o f these activities they do or
have d o n e in th e past.
Answers ф
• Encourage stu d e n ts to look carefully at th e pictures a-li
1a 2a 3b 4c 5d 6d 7a 8b 9d 10c before w ritin g any answers.

Background Information_____________________________ • Ask students to d o the task individually, b u t check j
answers as a class.
Stephen Alvarez is an e x p e d itio n e x p lo re r fo r th e N a tio n al
G e o grap hic magazine. He has p h o to g ra p h e d caves in ________W_S* ______-_----A-- nswerJ
Borneo, M exico, Belize, Papua N ew Guinea, Canada and
th e US, as w ell as h ig h -a ltitu d e archaeological sites in Peru, : 1e 2b 3c 4 f 5d 6g 7a 8h
jungles in Suriname and rainforests in Costa Rica. The
pictures which accom pany the te x t were taken by him. В
The O ra Cave is on an island called N ew Britain,
just o ff Papua New Guinea. A team o f 12 adventurers, • A sk stu d e n ts to read th e instructions and explain thatl
o f which Alvarez was one, explored these caves and th e y are g o in g to c o m p le te th e sentences using some]
discovered extrem ely fast-flow ing rapids in river caves, th e w o rd s fro m Task A.
w hich are p ro b a b ly th e b ig g e s t in th e w o rld know n to
date. The team 's goal was to descend in to th e cave in • E ncourage students to read th e w h o le sentence in ead
order to follow the river to its end. The explorers found item before w ritin g their answers.
8 miles o f river caves. This e xpedition was especially
risky as it was on a small island and th e re was no rescue • Rem ind th e m to read th e sentences again to check thei
team nearby. For further inform ation, visit h ttp ://n g m . answers once they have finished. /2006/09/raging-danger/shea-
te x t • Ask stu d e n ts to d o th e task individually, b u t check ]
answers as a class.

• W hen finished, ask students to w rite sentences for the]
tw o w o rd s th a t w ere n o t used. Invite students to read!
th e m to th e class.


1 drama Answers + Elicit from students th a t all th e questions contained
2 painting m odal verbs and explain th a t this is w h a t th e y w ill learn
3 photography 4 m artial arts a b o u t in th is p a rt o f th e lesson.

5 cookery

6 sculptures

I Ask students to read th e instructions and m ake sure th e y Ask students to read the instructions and make sure they
I understand they are g o in g to use th e fre e -tim e activities understand w hat they have to do.
■from Task A to ta lk ab out. Ask individual students to read one each o f the
I Read the words in th e ye llo w w o rd b a n k to stu d e n ts and sentences in G ro u p 1. Then as a class, d e cid e w h a t th e y
I askthem to repeat them . C o rre ct th e ir p ro n u n cia tio n have in c o m m o n . Ask fo r th e ir ideas and w rite th e m on
■where necessary. th e b o a rd to co m p a re w ith th e ir answers in B. R epeat fo r
I Ask students to w o rk in pairs and ta ke it in tu rn s to G roups В and C.
■iscuss the activities in th e p h o to s, using th e w o rd s in
■the yellow w ordbank, and say how m uch th e y like o r В
I dislike each one.
PGo round the class m o n ito rin g students to m ake sure Ask s tu d e n ts to read th e instru ctio n s and w o rk in pairs
■they are carrying o u t th e task properly. D o n 't co rre c t any to com p le te th e task.
I mistakes at this stage, b u t m ake a n o te o f any mistakes C heck answers as a class.

instructure and pronu nciatio n . Group 1 Answers
Group 2
skeach pair to repeat one o f th e ir conversations and Group 3 ............................................
possibility and certainty
beat until each pair has had a turn.
Vrite any structural mistakes th a t stu d e n ts m ade on a b ility
the board w ith o u t saying w h o m ade th e m , and ask perm ission and request
jdents to correct th e m . Deal w ith any p ro b le m s in
*ionundation th a t cam e up. N o w read th e G ram m ar Reference on pages 168-69 (8.1-
8.9) w ith yo u r students.

Answers Encourage students to read each pair o f sentences
+ through to g e t the gist o f them and to look carefully at
all three o p tio n s b efore choosing th e ir answers.
dents1own answers Rem ind stu d e n ts th a t th e y can lo o k back at A in th e
G ram m ar box and at the Gram m ar Reference if they
la s F o c u s __________________________________ need help w ith the task.
Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check
Ask students to read th e tw o questions q uickly and deal answers as a class.
I with any queries th e y may have.
| Ask students to w o rk in pairs to ta ke it in turns to answer Answers

the questions. 1b 2a 3b 4c 5c 6c 7c 8a
Go round the class m o n ito rin g students to m ake sure
r ey are carrying o u t th e task properly. D o n 't c o rre c t any Teaching T ip __________________________________
| mistakes at this stage, b u t m ake a n o te o f any mistakes
instructure and pronu nciation . You could expand this section fu rth e r by asking students
| Ask each pair to answer one q u e stio n and re p e a t until to w o rk in pairs o r small g ro u p s to m ake a fa c t sheet fo r a
fre e -tim e activity, such as th e one in th e p ictu re on page
ich pair has had a turn. 99. The factsheet should describe the activity and what
Re any structural mistakes th a t students m ade on you m ust h a ve /d o n 't need fo r it, w here/w hen you can do
the board w ith o u t saying w ho m ade th e m , and ask it, how you should do it, w hat you m ustn't do during the
identsto correct th e m . Deal w ith any p ro b le m s in activity, as w ell as any special a b ilitie s you m ust have to d o
ironunciation th a t cam e up. it, etc. G o round the class helping students w ith their fact
sheets and p ointing o ut any corrections th a t need to be
Answers made to modal verbs. W hen they have finished, hang their
fact sheets on the wall and ask them to read each other's
Students' ow n answ ers whenever they have free tim e.

■Ask the questions b e lo w at random ro und th e class, A sk stu d e n ts to w o rk in pairs and ta ke it in turns
I making sure each stu d e n t answers a t least one q uestion.
I - Can you play an instrum ent? to ask and o ffe r advice fo r each situation. Remind
I - What m ight you d o this w eekend?
I - Where do you have to g o to see a play near you? stu d e n ts th e y should use th e a p p ro p ria te m odal ve rb in
I - Were you able to swim w hen you w ere five?
I - Could you open th e w indo w ? their advice.
I - What should I d o in m y spare tim e ?
I - Which n e e d n 't you take to th e gym - trainers, a G o round th e class m o n ito rin g students to make sure
■ tracksuit or a new spaper?
they are carrying o u t the task properly. D o n 't correct any

mistakes at this stage, b u t make a note o f any mistakes

in structure, th e in co rre ct use o f a m odal ve rb and

pronunciation problems.

Ask each pair to te ll the class w hat advice they

suggested fo r one o f the situations, and repeat until

each pair has had a turn. 83

Time to Spare

W rite any structural or modal mistakes th a t students Then ask stu d e n ts to read th e Exam Task and look atthj
made on th e board w ith o u t saying w ho m ade them , and pictures. A sk th e m to n o te do w n any w ords they think|
ask students to co rre c t th e m . Deal w ith any p ro b le m s in they m ight hear to do w ith the pictures.
pronunciation that came up. A sk students to te ll th e class som e o f th e w ords they
have w ritten down.

Ask students to read the instructions and to look quickly G ive stu d e n ts a fe w m inutes to stu d y th e pictures andl
at th e pictures in 1 and 2. E licit th a t th e y d o n 't have to to discuss w ith a p a rtn e r w h a t each one shows as well]
name the objects or places, b u t just to say how they as th e sim ilarities and differences b e tw e e n them . Befoj
are connected. liste n in g to th e re co rd in g , e lic it th e tim e s in 1, sailing,I
Ask students to do the task on th e ir own and then to w ater-skiing, w indsurfing, concert, classical music,
compare their answers w ith a partner and justify any orchestra, p ia n o recital, plain, s p o tte d , striped, bed,
differences they have. chair, on, under, tw enty, thirty, fifty, cooking, gardenM
Check answers as a class. and surfing the net.
Play th e re co rd in g once all th e w ay th ro u g h and ask
Suggested answers s tu d e n ts to m ark th e ir answers. Check th e answers asa|
« class and ask students to justify th e ir answers.
1 means o f transport/getting around/travelling/
journeys Answers
2 pastim es/entertainm ent/spending m oney/going
out for the day 1c 2b 3a 4b 5c 6b 7c

В Ask stu d e n ts to read th e questions and answer any
queries they may have about them .
Explain to stu dents th a t o fte n questions in listening tasks G e t stu d e n ts to w o rk in pairs and to ta ke it in turns to |
ask about the th in g th a t connects the three pictures. Ask answer the questions.
students to use th e ir answers in A to h elp th e m w ith B. G o ro und th e class m o n ito rin g students to make sure
Encourage th e m to nam e th e o b je cts and places in th e y are carrying o u t th e task properly. D o n 't correct anj
th e pictures (e.g. car, coach, train, theatre, s h o p p in g , mistakes at this stage, b u t make a note o f any mistak^
restaurant) as th e y d o th is task. in structure and pronunciation.
Remind students to discuss any w ords th e people m ight A sk each pair to answ er one o f th e questions and rep
say (e.g. fast, com fortable, cheap, expensive, comedy, until each pair has had a turn.
clothes, hungry, fast food). W rite any stru ctu ra l mistakes th a t students made on
Check answers as a class. th e b o a rd w ith o u t saying w h o m ade th e m , and ask
stu d e n ts to co rre c t th e m . Deal w ith any problems in
Answers pronunciation th a t came up.
Students' own answers
Students' own answers
Ask students to read the instructions and make sure they
understand th e y w ill be lo o kin g back a t th e p ictures in A. В
Explain to students th a t they will only hear the
conversations once. Ask students w h a t kinds o f things th e y d o to keep
Play th e reco rding once all th e way th ro u g h and ask them selves occupied on a long car journey. Ask stude
students to w rite th e ir answers. C heck th e answers as a w h a t th e y th in k are th e advantages o f travelling by car.l
class and ask students to ju s tify th e ir answers. Ask if th e y th in k there are any disadvantages to car trav(
Then ask w h a t th e ir favourite means o f transport is forajl
Answers long journey.
« A sk s tu d e n ts to lo o k at statem ents 1 -6 and answer a|
1с 2b questions they m ight have.
Ask stu d e n ts to d o th e task on th e ir ow n and then
D to co m p a re th e ir answers w ith a p a rtn e r and justify
any differences.
Read th e in fo rm a tio n in th e Exam C lose-up b o x to C heck answers as a class.
students and answer any questions they m ight have.
Explain th a t inform ation relating to all three pictures will Suggested answer
be heard on the recording, but the questions m ight not
ask about the m ost obvious pa rt o f th e conversation. For 1D 2A 3D 4D 5A 6A
exam ple, som eone m ig h t express a change in o p in io n o r
plans and the question could either ask w hat the person
had in m ind to be g in w ith o r w h a t he/she d e c id e d in
the end.

ful Expressions_____________________________________ \J o C A V ? L \\frr\\

(Explain to students th a t th e speaking task in this lesson Remind students th a t when they com e across new
■involves discussing th e advantages and disadvantages o f phrasal verbs, th e y should n o te d o w n th e ir m eaning as
■different items. w ell as an e xa m p le sentence sh o w in g th e ir m eaning in
I' Read the phrases fo r Talking a b o u t p o s s ib ility to context. Draw a large circle on the board and w rite call
■students and ask th e m to rep e a t th e m . C o rre ct th e ir in th e centre. D raw lines o u t fro m it and at th e end o f
■ pronunciation w here necessary and explain anything one line w rite o u t and at th e end o f another w rite for.
■they don't understand. Ask students fo r other prepositions th a t form a phrasal
verb w ith call (e.g. in, on, at, up, by, off, dow n, back,
jRead the inform a tion in th e Exam C lose-up b o x to upon). Explain th is is a sp id e rg ra m and a visual means o f
udents and answer any questions th e y m ig h t have, recording phrasal verbs.
xplain that in th is task one o f th e s tu d e n ts should ta lk Read the phrasal verbs to students and ask them
(tout the possibility o f th e firs t ite m using som e o f th e to repeat them . C orrect their pronunciation
where necessary.
pseful Expressions. The second s tu d e n t w ill agree o r Ask students to do th e task individually, b u t check
agree with a reason fo r th e ir o p in io n and th e n m ove answers as a class.

Jon to the next item . Answers
• Remind students it is im p o rta n t to ta lk a b o u t all th e
I items before reaching a decision. 1h 2g 3e 4 b 5d 6 f 7c 8a
I Now ask students to read th e Exam Task and th in k o f
■ some advantages and disadvantages o f each item .

I Ask students to read th e instructions again and w o rk В
I with a partner to c o m p le te th e task.
• Remind students to use th e Useful Expressions when Ask students to look at the picture at the b otto m o f the
I they are discussing each item . page and ask them to speculate about the relationship
I Go round the class m o n ito rin g stu d e n ts to m ake sure betw een th e fo u r teenagers (e.g. friends, family, actors)
I they are carrying o u t th e task properly. D o n 't c o rre c t any and w hat they m ight be talking about (e.g. the weekend,
I mistakes at this stage, b u t m ake a n ote o f any mistakes lunch, a school subject). Encourage everyone to express
I festructure and pronunciation. their opinion.
| Ask each pair to discuss one o f th e item s and re p e a t Ask students to read the sentences and think about
the m eaning o f each one and which phrasal verb m ight
|itil each pair has had a turn. com plete it correctly. Remind students to p u t the phrasal
vrite any structural mistakes th a t stu d e n ts m ade on ve rb in th e c o rre c t fo rm .
the board w ith o u t saying w h o m ade th e m , and ask Remind students to read the sentences through again
udents to corre ct th e m . Deal w ith any p ro b le m s in once they have finished to make sure they makes sense.
enunciation th a t cam e up. Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check
answers as a class.

Students' own answers _________________ Answers ^

las Focus _____________________________________ 1 find out 5 calls fo r
2 try out for 6 cut out for
f Ask students to read th e questions q u ickly and deal w ith 3 show off 7 taken up
I any queries th e y may have. 4 take to 8 called out
ft Ask students to w o rk in pairs to ta ke it in tu rn s to answ er
1 the questions. Ask students to read the instructions.
• Go round the class m o n ito rin g students to m ake sure Explain th a t th e y have to replace th e w ords in b o ld in
I they are carrying o u t th e task properly. D o n 't co rre ct any the sentences w ith some o f the phrasal verbs from A.
■mistakes at this stage, b u t m ake a n ote o f any mistakes in Ask students to do th e task individually, b u t check
■Structure and pronunciation. answers as a class.
1 Ask each student to answer one question until each pair Rem ind students th a t th e re is a list o f all th e phrasal
I has had a turn. verbs in C lose-up on page 184.
• Write any structural mistakes th a t students m ade on th e
I board w ithout saying w ho m ade them , and ask students _________________ Answers
|to correct them . Deal w ith any problem s in pronunciation

pat came up.

Answers 1 show off 4 calls fo r
+ 2 take to 5 cut out for
3 take up 6 find out
udents' own answers

Ask stu d e n ts to lo o k at th e w o rd s in b o ld in th e
questions and elicit th a t they com e from task A.


Time to Spare

Ask students to w o rk in pairs to ta ke it in tu rn s to ask Remind stu d e n ts th a t th e y can lo o k back at A in the I
and answer the questions. Encourage them to justify G ram m ar b o x and G ram m ar Reference if th e y needhd
th e ir answers. w ith the task.
Then as a class, ask th e questions a t random , m aking Ask students to do the task individually, and then
sure each student answers at least one question. co m p a re th e ir answers w ith a partner. Check answers!
You could also a ctivate th e vo cabulary in th is lesson a class.
fu rth e r by asking students to discuss any o th e r pastimes
their friends or fam ily do th a t they consider strange or Answers
unusual. Encourage them to talk a b o u t w hy th e y think
they are unusual and if they w ould like to do any o f 1 shouldn't, h 5 must, f
these activities themselves. 2 m ustn't, g 6 can, b
3 Do we have to, e 7 He d o e s n 't have to, a|
Answers 4 C ould, d 8 may, с

Students' own answers Teaching Tip

fymw\)/v\Ar You co u ld expand on th e g ra m m a r in this section furthJ
by w ritin g th e situations b e lo w on th e board. Ask stude
Ask students to read the instructions and ask five to w o rk in pairs to ta ke it in turns to co m m e n t on each
d iffe re n t stu dents to read one each o f th e sentences in situation using modals.
G ro up 1. Then as a class, d e cid e w h a t th e m odal verbs • Your p a rtn e r w e n t o u t in th e snow w ith o u t a coat and
in th a t g ro u p have in co m m o n . Then ask th e stu d e n ts to
look at the other tw o groups and, w ith a partner, decide now she's freezing. (You s h o u ld n 't g o o u t in the snovi
w h a t th e m odal verbs have in com m on. w ith o u t a coat.)
Ask pairs to tell you th e ir ideas, b u t do n ot confirm • Your p a rtn e r says he/she is g o in g to w atch X-Factor!
answers as rig h t o r w rong yet. on TV to n ig h t, b u t it isn 't on to n ig h t. (You can’t watd
X-Factor to n ig h t on TV because it isn't on tonight.)
В • Your p a rtn e r is g o in g to pay a fo rtu n e fo r new
Ask students to w ork w ith the same partner and look at sw im m in g g o g g le s, b u t you can give h im /h e r a spare
the functions listed to see how sim ilar they are to th e ir pair th a t you have. /You d o n 't have to p a y / needn'tЛ
ideas in A. a fo rtu n e fo r ne w sw im m in g g o o g le s./ I can give you a\
Tell students to w rite th e ir answers. C heck as a class. spare p a ir o f goggles I have.)
• Your frie n d has ju s t acce p te d a jo b he/she doesn't real
w a n t to do. (You d o n 't have to take th e jo b if you donl
w ant to do it.)

Group 1 permission and request • Ask students how ofte n th e y w rite and send postcards■
Group 2 necessity, obligation and p rohibition friends o r fam ily w hen th e y are on holiday. If they do r&
Group 3 lack o f ob lig a tio n o r necessity send postcards, ask them why not.

N ow read the Gram m ar Reference on pages 168-69 (8.1- • Explain to students th a t th e y are g o in g to learn how to |
8.9) w ith yo u r students. w rite a postcard in this lesson.

Ask students to read th e instructions and all th e options • Ask students to read th e info rm a tio n on Linking word
before they choose an answer. and phrases and explain anything th e y d o n 't understi
Remind students th a t they can look back at the
Gram m ar box and G ram m ar Reference if they need help • Ask students to com e up w ith tw o o r three possible
w ith the task. th in g s th e y could w rite in a postcard a b o u t the place
Ask students to do the task individually, b ut check shown in th e picture next to th e Learning Focus box (e.^
answers as a class. sw im m ing, th e sea, restaurants, cafes, architecture, tN
weather). Encourage everyone to say som ething that
Answers th e y could w rite in a postcard, even if it is not relevantt^
the photo.
1a 2c 3b 4c 5a 6a 7a 8b
Teaching Tip
Remind students to read through each sentence and to
look carefully at each o p tio n and th e w ords im m ediately Try to relate th e m aterial in each lesson to th e student!
before and after each gap before w ritin g any answers. in som e way. This helps th e m to see how English a n d tl
Encourage students to read the sentences again once skills th e y are b e in g ta u g h t are useful and relevant to th«j
they have finished to check th e ir answers. everyday lives, instead o f being ju st a lesson.

86 Ask students to read th e instructions and point out thi
th e y can refer back to th e Learning Focus box to help
them make th e ir choices.

I ' Remind students to read th e sentences b e fo re th e y Ask students to do th e task individually, b ut ask fo r their
■circle their answers and to read th e m again a fte r m aking ideas as a class.
I their choices to see each one makes sense.
' Ask students to d o th e task on th e ir ow n and th e n Answers
I to compare it w ith a partner's answers and ju s tify
I any differences. Students' own answers
• Check answers as a class.
Useful Expressions
1 as well as Answers Read th e expressions in Useful Expressions to
2 because « students and ask them to repeat them . C orrect their
3 For example 5 and pronunciation where necessary and explain anything
4 since 6 like they d o n 't understand.
7 as Ask students to say which o f these expressions are used
8 as well in th e exam ple postcard (W e're having a lovely tim e.
...The fo o d is ... W e've h a d ...).

Ask students to read th e w ritin g task and to u n d e rlin e Read th e in fo rm a tio n in th e Exam C lose-up b o x to
any key words b efore d o in g th e task. students and answer any questions they m ight have.
Ask students to answer th e questions on th e ir ow n and Explain th a t it is im p o rta n t th e y w rite th e co rre ct num ber
o f w ords fo r th e task, so they should count them to
en to check th e ir answers w ith a partner. make sure.
Check answers as a class. Ask stu d e n ts to read th e Exam Task again and rem ind
them to use the Useful Expressions and th e ir ideas from
Answers E. Tell th e m th e y w ill n o t need to use all o f th e m and
+ rem ind them to be careful w ith the w ord lim it. They
should also check th e ir w ork to make sure they have
1 a postcard in clu d e d th e p o in ts th e y w ere asked to and an address.
Set the w riting task fo r hom ework.
2 your friend Jo
Suggested answers
3 information about your holiday, say w hat you are +
Hi Ed,
going to do to m o rro w
W e 're on ho lid a y in France. The hotel is lovely.
4 When are you g o in g on holiday?
W e've done some sightseeing. W e've been to the
5 35-45 words Eiffel Tower and to m o rro w w e 're go in g to Disneyland.

С ___________________________ W hen are you going on holiday? Send me a postcard!

I Ask students to read th e exam ple postcard again and See you soon!
I circle the linking w ords and phrases th a t Luke has used.
I Ask students to do th e task individually, b u t check Jo
■answers as a class.


1 as well as, like, and

RAsk students if th e y have eaten any o f th e fo o d
I mentioned in th e postcard. Ask th e m if th e y have ever
I tried water-skiing o r if th e y w o u ld like to and why.
P Ask students to read p o in ts 1 -8 and th e n to lo o k back at
I the postcard to help th e m fin d th e answers.
• Ask students to d o th e task individually, b u t check

answers as a class.


Students should tic k th e fo llo w in g :
11,3,4, 6, 7 & 8


Ask students to read th e instructions in th e Exam Task
and underline th e key w ords. Explain a n yth in g th e y
don't understand.
Remind students th a t th e y should always m ake a plan fo r
their writing b efore th e y begin.
Ask them to skim th ro u g h th e e xam ple p ostcard again
and complete th e sentences w ith th e ir ow n ideas
about a holiday. M o n ito r and h elp w ith vocabulary
where necessary.


8 4omq fydvcw+iArers

fy c v \c m \ N o + e Play th e v id e o all th e w ay th ro u g h w ith o u t stoppings
ask stu d e n ts to w rite th e ir answers. Then ask students
The N a tio n a l G e o g ra p h ic videos can be used as an co m p a re th e ir answers w ith a p a rtn e r and to justify ai
interesting way to introduce your students to other answers they have th a t are different.
cultures. They are authentic N ational G eographic videos, Play th e v id e o a second tim e and ask students to che
and it is n o t necessary fo r stu d e n ts to understand th e ir answers and to fill in any missing answers. Then
everything they hear to benefit from them . Some o f the check answers as a class.
tasks focus on the visual aspects o f th e videos, so students
can concentrate m ore on w hat they see than on w hat they Answers
hear. They are also a g o o d way to enco u ra g e y o u r stu d e n ts
to watch TV program m es and film s in English so th a t they 1 ordinary (00:11) 4 drop (01:11)
can g et used to the sound o f the language. The more
students are exposed to English, th e easier it w ill be fo r 2 option (00:57) 5 encourages (01:42)
them to pick up the language.
3 necessities (01:07) 6 bigger (03:37)
Background Inform atban_________________________ V»

C aving is a pastim e th a t was sta rte d by Frenchman A fte r you watch
Edouard-Alfred M artel (1859-1938). It involves
th e e xp lo ra tio n o f caves fo r leisure, as o p p o s e d to Explain to students th a t th e te x t is a sum m ary of the
speleology, w hich is th e scientific stu d y o f caves and in fo rm a tio n in th e docum entary. B efore th e y read it,
their environm ents. Cave systems are am ong th e last ask th e m to w o rk in pairs to discuss th e main ideas of
unexplored places on Earth today. Cavers take g reat care the documentary.
once inside a cave and always wear protective clothing Ask s tu d e n ts to read th e te x t w ith o u t fillin g in any
such as hard hats and w a te rp ro o f overalls. A hea d la m p is answers at th is stage to see if th e ideas th e y mention!
usually w orn on th e ir hard hats so th a t they can see where are covered in th e te x t. A lso encourage th e m to think
they are going w hile keeping th e ir hands free. a b o u t w h a t p a rt o f speech is missing fro m each gap.
Read th e w o rd s in th e ye llo w w o rd b a n k to students ai
Before you watch ask th e m to re p e a t th e m . C o rre ct th e ir pronunciation
where necessary.
A A sk stu d e n ts to d o th e task individually, b u t check
answers as a class.
Ask students to look at the picture on page 106 and
ask th e m w h a t th e person is d o in g and w hy he m ig h t ........ Answer^,
be there.
Read the w ords in th e yellow w ordbank to students and 1 techniques 5 narrow
then ask them to label the picture. 2 descend 6 confidence
Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check 3 underground 7 huge
answers as a class. 4 choice 8 exhilarating

Answers ф ldeasFocus

1 caver 3 ledge Ask students to read th e questions and explain anythil
2 waterfall 4 ropes th e y d o n 't understand. Then ask th e m to w ork in pairsj
small groups to ask and answer the questions.
W hile you watch W hen th e y have finished, ask d iffe re n t students at
ra n d o m ro und th e class to answ er one o f th e questii
Explain to students th a t they are now go in g to watch the
video. Tell th e m th a t th e do cu m e n ta ry is q u ite short. Students' own answers
Ask them to read sentences 1-6 and explain anything
they d o n 't understand.
Ask them to think about w hat the answers m ight be
before they listen again. Explain th a t they will hear these
exact sentences on the video and th a t they should listen
o u t fo r the specific w ords highlighted in red.
Ask students to predict what kind o f people the
docum entary will be about.
To check students understand w here V irginia is, draw
th e ir a tte n tio n to its p o sitio n on th e g lo b e in th e to p -
right corner o f the page.


Review Л Units 7 & 8

j c t i v e s ___________________________________ G ram m ar Revision_______________________________

I To revise vocabulary and g ra m m a r fro m Units 7 and 8 • W rite th e ve rb e xp lo re on th e b o ard and ask

V i s i o n ____________________________________ students to w rite it in the affirm ative, negative and

■Explain to students th a t th e tasks in Review 4 revises th e question form s o f th e Past P erfect Sim ple and Past
I material they saw in Units 7 and 8.
Remind students th a t th e y can ask you fo r h elp w ith Perfect C ontinuous tenses. Then revise th e uses o f
the exercises, lo o k back a t th e units and refer to th e
[reference sections a t th e back o f th e b o o k if th e y 're n o t these tenses.
sure about an answer, as th e review is n o t a test.
Decide on how you w ill carry o u t th e review. You co u ld • W rite the follow ing incom plete questions on the board
ask students to d o one task a t a tim e and co rre c t it
immediately, o r ask th e m to d o all th e vocabulary tasks and ask students to co m p le te them w ith a question tag.
and correct th e m b e fo re m oving on to th e g ra m m a r
tasks, or ask th e m to d o all th e tasks and th e n co rre ct - You com e from F rance, ? (d o n 't you)
them to g e th e r a t th e end. If you d o all th e tasks
together, let students kno w every no w and again how - The clim bers d id n 't reach the su m m it, ?

much tim e th e y have g o t le ft to finish th e tasks. (did they)
Remind students n o t to leave any answers blank. They
should try to fin d any answers th e y a re n 't sure a b o u t in - She will com e on th e e x p e d itio n , ' (w o n 't she)
the units or reference sections.
(Inform students in th e lesson b e fo re th e review th a t th e y - The plane hasn't left yet, ? (has it)
will have a review d u rin g th e ne xt lesson so th a t th e y
can revise fo r it. Revise th e vocabulary and g ra m m a r as a - Let's set o ff at six o 'c lo c k , ? (shall we)
class before students d o th e review.
When checking stu d e n ts' answers to th e review tasks, • W rite th e sentences b e lo w on th e b o ard and ask
make a note o f any p ro b le m areas in vocabulary and
grammar th a t th e y still have. Try to d o extra w o rk on students to correct them .
these areas so th a t yo u r students progress w ell.
- Is th a t n o t a fam ous e x p lo re r o ve r there? (Isn't
cabulary Revision_____________________________
that a...)
Write the fo llo w in g pairs o f w o rd s on th e b o a rd and
I ask students to explain th e d iffe re n ce b e tw e e n th e m : - W hich m ountain they clim bed? (Which m ountain d id
\ journey/expedition, lim its/conditions, co m p a n io n /
I explorer, g a m in g /m a rtia l arts, c u t o u t fo r /try o u t for, they climb?)
I call out/call fo r and take to /ta k e up.
| Ask students w hich colloca tio n s th e y kn o w w ith keep, - W ho did fall into the river? (W ho fell...)

go, get, do and save. M ake sure th e y m e n tio n d o Then revise subject, object and negative questions
I one's best and g o on a jo u rn e y and ask th e m to w rite
as a class.
sentences using these collocations.
[ Ask students th e questions b e lo w at ra n d o m round • Ask students to w rite sentences o f th e ir ow n using

the class, m aking sure each s tu d e n t answers a t least can fo r ability, m ay fo r possibility and certainty, m ust
one question.
- Why m ig ht som eone collapse? fo r possibility and certainty, should fo r advice and
- Would you be able to co p e w ith b e in g lost on
suggestions, have to fo r oblig a tio n , n e e d n 't have
a mountain?
- Would you fin d it d iffic u lt to a d a p t to life in fo r lack o f o b lig a tio n and necessity, and be able to

the Amazon? fo r ability.
- Which o f your a b ilitie s do you te n d to show
• R em ind students th a t m odal verbs are fo llo w e d by
off about?
- Have you taken up a new h o b b y recently? bare infinitives to refer to present o r future. Also
- Do you think e x p lo rin g caves is exhilarating?
- Could you cope w ith b e lo w freezing tem p e ra tu re s? re m in d th e m th a t b e able to can be used in any
- What jo b do you th in k you are c u t o u t to do?

М о С £ л )0 1 Л \£ л Г \\

A sk stu d e n ts to lo o k at th e w o rd s in b o ld and to w rite
w hich p a rt o f speech each one is ne xt to it.
Then ask students to read through the sentences and to
d e cid e w hich p a rt o f speech is m issing fro m each gap.
Point o u t th a t it will be a different part o f speech from
th e w o rd in b o ld .
Encourage students to read back through th e sentences
once they have finished to check th e ir answers.


e x h ila ra tin g 6 photography
sculptures 7 survival
cookery 8 gam ing
painting 9 boastful
strength 10 exhausted


Ask students to read through the sentences fo r gist в
be fore fillin g in any answers.
Encourage students to look fo r clues to help them Ask stu d e n ts to read th ro u g h th e sentences fo r gist anq
de cid e w hich p re p o s itio n is correct. th e three options before choosing any answers.
Encourage students to read back through the sentences Encourage students to th in k a b o u t w hether each
once they have finished to check th e ir answers. ite m tests que stio n tags, s u b je c t/o b je c t questions or
negative questions.
Answers Tell stu d e n ts to lo o k back at pag e 91 and Grammar
References 7 .4 -7 .6 on page 168 fo r a re m inder if they
off 6 w ith need to.
fo r 7 for
b e tw e e n 8 up ________________ Answers
to 9 below
fo r 10 above 1b 2b 3a 4c 5b 6b 7c 8b

Read words 1 -6 and a -f to students and ask Ask students to read each pair o f sentences and to
them to repeat them . Correct their pronunciation u n d e rlin e th e in fo rm a tio n in th e firs t sentence that
where necessary. is m issing fro m th e second sentence. Then ask them i
Ask students to do the task individually but check the to co n sid er ho w th e w o rd in b o ld relates to the
answers as a class. missing inform ation.
Encourage students to think about the function of
Answers each sentence.
Tell stu d e n ts to lo o k back a t pages 99 and 103 and
1e 2c 3f 4a 5b 6d G ram m ar References 8 .1-8.9 on pages 168-169 for a
rem inder if they need to.
Read th e w ords in th e ye llo w w o rd b a n k to stu d e n ts and
ask them to repeat them . C orrect th e ir pronunciation Answer
where necessary.
Ask students to read the sentences through fo r gist 1 may be lost
b e fo re fillin g in any answers. 2 were able to
3 should ask
Answers 4 had to wear
5 did n o t/d id n 't need to find
6 must have reached
7 need n o t/n e e d n 't have taken

1 com panion 4 do
2 collapse 5 adapt
3 go 6 prevent

fy m w \W \^ r

Ask students to read the instructions and encourage
th e m to read th e te x t fo r g ist b e fo re fillin g in any
answers. They should underline any tim e expressions.
Explain th a t these will help them to find the
correct tense.
Tell students to lo o k back a t p age 87 and G ram m ar
References 7.1 to 7.3 on pages 1 6 7 -1 6 8 fo r a re m in d e r
if they need to.


1 decided 5 had not/hadn't to ld
2 had been exploring 6 had had
3 had been clim bing 7 was
4 tried 8 managed


Q High-Tech World

Reading: true/false, finding the answers
Vocabulary: technology-related words, prepositions
Grammar: passive voice: tenses, by & with, passive voice: gerunds, infinitives &
modal verbs
Listening: multiple-choice questions (pictures), listening again
Speaking: talking about technology, decision making, making a decision, deciding
Writing: sentence transformation (2), using collocations, checking the meaning

m \ f o p e v \c r Ask stu d e n ts to w o rk in pairs o r small g ro u p s to answer
th e que stio n . Then as a class, ask each pair o r g ro u p to
Write High-Tech W orld on th e b o a rd and e lic it th a t summarise th e ir answers.
tech is short fo r tech n o lo g y. Tell students you w ill give
them five m inutes to w rite do w n as m any w o rd s o f Answers
three letters or m ore using th e le tte rs in h ig h -te ch w o rld +
- Surveillance cameras can capture people
ieight, the, get, g o t, hit, lord, w ord, lie, drew, d o t, co m m ittin g crimes or displaying anti-social
lote, thigh, w eight, etc.). behaviour.
plain to students th a t High-Tech W o rld is th e title o f - Video cameras can also record people com m itting
Unit 9 and ask th e m w h a t kind o f issues th e y th in k w ill crim es o r displaying anti-social behaviour. They can
I be dealt w ith in this unit. record the results o f accidents or o th e r disasters.
[ Ask students to turn to pag e 109 and to lo o k a t th e - A c o m p u te r can reveal w here a person is, w h a t
■picture and its accom panying ca p tio n . Ask th e m to they are doing on the com puter or Internet, and
■describe th e p icture in pairs and to say w hy these provide a record o f a person's personal data.
I objects may be useful. Encourage stu d e n ts to discuss - A m o b ile p h o n e can reveal w here a person is a t any
I their reaction to th e picture. given tim e , w h o th e y are in co m m u n ica tio n w ith
| If students seem interested, you m ig h t like to g ive th e m and w hat th e y are com m unicating about.
further inform ation using th e B ackg ro u n d In fo rm a tio n - A satnav is used to fin d th e best route to a place
I box below. using inform ation from satellites.

ackground In fo rm a tio n _________________________ Teaching Tip
You could expand the previous task further by asking
iese robotic fish are called R obopike, nam ed a fte r th e students to discuss th e pictures and th e ir accom panying
ihcalled pike. They w ere m anufactured by studen ts at captions on pages 110 and 111. Ask them to concentrate
e Massachusetts In stitu te o f Technology (MIT). Scientists on the kinds o f incidents th a t the people carrying out
surveillance w ith these particular cameras w ould be
itructed these fish in o rd e r to learn m ore a b o u t how interested in, such as car-related crim es (e.g. speeding,
propel them selves th ro u g h w ater, and h o p e to solve reckless driving, jo y rid in g , theft), street crimes (e.g.
pray's paradox. This states th a t fish d o n 't seem to have vandalism, m uggings, murders, drug-dealing, theft, etc.).
ugh muscle to m ove them selves th ro u g h w ater. It is
fped that if we know how fish m ove th ro u g h w ater, w e В __________________________________________
create vehicles th a t are able to m ove like fish and • Ask students to read the instructions and the sentences
refore save energy. These ro b o tic p ike are 32 inches
and are made o f fibreglass, stainless steel and o th e r 1-3 and explain anything they d o n 't understand.
Iterials. For fu rth e r in fo rm a tio n visit: h ttp ://w e b .m it. • Ask them to skim through the te x t and to underline
'towta nk/w w w /P ik e / m I.
in fo rm a tio n in th e te x t th a t relates to each sentence.
lC A (t\v \0 ) • Ask students to do the task on th e ir own and then

[ Ask students to turn to page 111 and e lic it th a t th e to com pare th e ir answers w ith a partner. Encourage
bject in th e fo re g ro u n d o f th e p ic tu re in th e to p left- students to justify any answers they have th a t are
hand corner is a surveillance cam era. A sk th e m w here different to th e ir partner's.
hey might see a camera like th is and ho w it makes • C heck answers as a class.
hem feel.
Ask students to read th e instructions and explain
anything th e y d o n 't understand, 1F 2F 3T
lead the w ords and phrases ne xt to th e b u lle t p o in ts
and ask students to rep e a t th e m . C o rre ct th e ir 91
ironunciation w here necessary.

High-Tech W orld

W ord Focus Ideas Focus

Ask students to lo o k a t th e red w o rd s in th e te x t and A sk stu d e n ts to read th e questions and answ er any
to try to w ork out their meaning from the context they queries they m ight have.
are in. A sk stu d e n ts to w o rk in pairs o r small g ro u p s to discuss
Ask them to com pare their own meanings w ith the th e ir ideas.
d e fin itio n s in th e W ord Focus box. As a class, make a list on th e board o f th e advantages
Explain anything students d o n 't understand. and disadvantages o f p u b lic surveillance. You could turn
th e task in to a m ini-debate and ask students to form
СStudents' own answers Answers groups to argue fo r and against p u blic surveillance.


Students' own answers

Read th e inform ation in th e Exam C lose-up b o x to М о о ^ (л \а г \\
students and explain anything they d o n 't understand.
Encourage th e m to read th e statem ents 1 -1 0 in th e Ask stu d e n ts to co ve r up th e w ords in th e yellow
Exam Task b efo re th e y read th e te x t, and und e rlin e w o rd b a n k and to w o rk w ith a p a rtn e r to say w hat they
th e key w ords in th e m th a t th e y should lo o k o u t fo r in th in k each o b je c t is called in English.
the text. Read th e w o rd s in th e ye llo w w o rd b a n k to students and
Explain th a t making b rie f notes, which only need to be ask them to repeat them . C orrect th e ir pronunciation
three or four words long, w ill help them rem em ber the w here necessary.
to p ic o f a paragraph and find an answer w ith o u t having Ask students to do th e task individually, b u t check
to read every paragraph again. answers as a class.
Rem ind students th e statem ents are in th e same o rd e r
as th e in fo rm a tio n in th e te x t. 1 camera 5 batteries
2 rem ote control 6 microchip
Encourage students to read all th e statem ents again 3 satnav 7 laptop
before they start to w rite th e ir answers. 8 USB stick
Remind them th a t they should read th e te x t m ore L i tablet
carefully this tim e and underline any inform ation in the
te x t relevant to each statem ent. В
Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check
answers as a class. Read th e w o rd s in th e ye llo w w o rd b a n ks to students am

Answers ask them to repeat them . C orrect th e ir pronunciation

1 F 2T 3F 4F 5T 6F 7T 8T 9T 10F

where necessary. I

M ake sure th a t stu d e n ts realise th a t th e y should only use

Ask students to scan th e te x t to fin d th e w ords in red tw o o f th e w o rd s fro m each w o rd b a n k fo r each questi
from this task. Tell th e m to lo o k a t these w o rd s in
context to help them decide which one fits best. Encourage students to read th ro u g h the sentences
Remind students to read through the sentences before
circling any answers and to pay attention to the words b e fo re w ritin g any answers and to read th e m again on<
before and after th e options. Encourage them to read
the sentences again once they have finished to check they have finished to check th e ir answers.
th e ir answers make sense.
Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check A sk stu d e n ts to d o th e task individually, b u t check
answers as a class.
Once answers have been checked, ask students what answers as a class.
the w ords they d id n 't circle mean and w hy they d o n 't
com plete the sentences. Answers,

install, crash 4 engineer, research
gadget, instructions 5 lab, test

Answers Teaching Tip

1 prevent 4 Public You co u ld e xp a n d this task fu rth e r by asking students
2 predict 5 sank w h a t th e w o rd s th e y d id n 't use in sentences 1-5 mean andl
3 control 6 p u t in g e t th e m to use th e m in sentences o f th e ir own.


с _________________ ________________ Answers ф

• Read the instructions to students and enco u ra g e th e m 1 Cameras 3 Past Participle
I to read th rou gh th e sentences b e fo re ch o o sing any 2 Present Simple
I answers. They should read th e m again once th e y have
I finished to check th e ir answers. С
I Ask students to d o th e task individually, b u t check
1 answers as a class. • Ask stu d e n ts to read th e rules b e fo re fillin g in any
answers. Encourage them to look back at the sentences
■Ш.МA...Мn.11Нs ..w.... e r s w^ and th e questions in A and В if th e y need help.

11b 2b 3b 4a 5b 6b 7c 8b • Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check
answers as a class.
Ideas F o c u s ______________________________________
Answers 0
p Ask students to read th e tw o questions and answ er any
I questions th e y m ig h t have a b o u t th e m . A nsw ers in o rd e r o f appearance: be, o b je c t
• Tell students to w o rk in pairs to discuss th e questions.
I Then, as a class, ask students a t random to share th e ir D
I thoughts on one o f th e questions until all stu d e n ts have
I had a turn. • Ask students to read the sentences and questions and
'• You could activate th e vocabulary in th is lesson fu rth e r e lic it th a t th e a g e n t is th e person w h o carried o u t an
action in a passive sentence.
by asking students to play a gam e w ith th e w o rd s fro m
A. Ask them to w o rk in pairs and to ta ke it in tu rn s to • Ask students to do the task individually, b ut check
describe an o b je c t fro m A w ith o u t using th e actual w o rd . answers as a class.
They can say w h a t each o b je c t looks like, w h a t it is used
for, and any o th e r in fo rm a tio n th a t th e ir p a rtn e r m ig h t • O nce th e answers have been checked, ask students
need in o rde r to guess w hich o b je c t is b e in g d e scrib e d . to lo o k back a t th e te x t on pages 110 and 111 and to
Encourage studen ts to use th e w o rd s and phrases in В underline exam ples o f the passive voice. Ask them to
and С to describe th e objects. say w hich tense has been used in each exam ple (Para
1: was p u b lis h e d - Past Sim ple, are always re m in d e d -
Answers ф Present Sim ple; Para 2: are n ow used - Present Sim ple;
Para 3: has been caught - Present Perfect Sim ple; are
Students' own answers n o t a ctually ca u g h t - Present S im ple; Para 4: has also
been used - Present Perfect Sim ple; Para 5: had been
p u t in - Past Perfect Simple)

famw\)/v\Ar _________________ Answers ф

1 by 2 w ith

• Ask students th e questions b e lo w a t random ro und th e N o w read th e G ram m ar Reference on p a g e 169-170 (9.1 &
I class, making sure th a t each s tu d e n t answers a t least 9.2) w ith yo u r students.
I one question.
I - Where are surveillance cameras found? Teaching Tip
I - Who are satnavs used by?
I - Who was the television invented by? Ask students to look at the picture o f A /bo in the to p
I - Why are m obile phones banned in schools? right-hand corner o f page 113. Ask them which words
[ - Were you given an iPod fo r y o u r birth d a y? co u ld be p u t in b e tw e e n A ib o and d e sig n e d w ith o u t
• Elicit th a t th e questions w ere all in th e passive voice and changing th e m eaning (which was). E licit th a t this
I explain to students th a t this is w h a t th e y are g o in g to is a passive fo rm . Ask students w hy th e y th in k Sony
[ learn about in th is lesson. have designed a ro bot pet, w hat advantages and
disadvantages it m ig h t have over a real pet, and w hether
A _____________________________________ o r not they w ould like one.

• Ask students to read th e sentence and answ er th e E ________________________________________
I questions. They should th e n com pare th e ir answers w ith
I a partner. • Ask students to read sentences 1-8. They should
• Check answers as a class. underline any tim e expressions and references to help
th e m w o rk o u t w hich tense should g o in each gap.
________________Answers ф
• Remind students to look at the w ords before and after
1 active 3 They each gap and to pay attention to the subject o f each
2 Present Sim ple 4 cameras sentence. Encourage them to read the sentences again
once they have finished to check their answers.
В ____________________________________
• Remind stu d e n ts th a t th e y can lo o k back at А , В, С and
• Ask students to read th e sentence and answ er th e D, the G ram m ar Reference and the Irregular verbs list on
I questions. They should th e n co m p a re th e ir answers w ith pages 174-175 if they need help w ith the task.
| a partner. Ask students to do the task individually, b ut check
• Check answers as a class. answers as a class.


High-Tech W orld

Answers Answe

is checked laser (T o y ' and 'm o d e l' are used to say that anl
W ill the fo o d be delivered o b je c t is n 't th e g e n u in e article b u t a copy of it,!
is n o t needed b u t a 'laser' is a device w hich gives out a ray of ]
was stolen light.)
were being dow nloaded b a tte ry (’ G adgets' and ' devices' are instrumj
are being ta u g h t th a t can be used to help you d o something, btJ
had already been sent 'batteries' are used to pow er things.)
w ill be installed fossil fuel ('Ecofriendly' and 'recycled' meantoj
cause as little dam age to th e environment as
Ask students to read th e firs t sentence in each ite m and possible and to change th in g s such as plastiq
to underline the verbs and make a note o f the tense b o ttle s o r p a p e r so th a t th e y can be used agaiij
they are in. Remind them th a t in passive sentences, th e 'Fossil fuels' means a fu e l, such as oil or coal,]
verb be should be in th e same te n se as th e main verb made from decayed animals or plants that li\j
in th e active sentence. P oint o u t th a t th e s u b je ct o f th e thousands o f years ago.)
verb will change and th a t this may affect the form o f the individual ('Interactive' and 'participate' m eanj
passive verb. program or video th a t reacts to the informatj
Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check it is given and to ta ke p a rt in something.
answers as a class. 'In d iv id u a l' means existing o r living separately^
from other people or things.)
Answers attach (T ry o u t' and 'te s t' mean th a t you use I
so m e th in g to see h ow g o o d it is, but 'attach']
is being d e ve lo p e d by means to join one th in g to another.)
have been changed dram atically by p re d ic tio n ('E x h ib itio n ' means a public showtHd
were sent to the lab by peo p le can g o to where th e y can see somethig]
will have been designed by 'P re se n ta tio n ' means th e way in which s o m e fl^
will be given instructions is show n o r a rranged, b u t 'p re d ic tio n ' means a I
ever be answered by s ta te m e n t a b o u t w h a t you th in k w ill happen irn
the future.)
L \ s + € 4 i v\C)
Ask students to look at the picture at the bottom of
page 114 and read its accom panying caption. They A sk stu d e n ts to read sentences 1 -5 and answer a|
should then describe to a partner w hat the picture questions they m ight have.
shows. Encourage students to discuss w hy scientists Explain to stu d e n ts th a t th e ideas in th e sentencestfl
m ight make robots like this and how they m ig h t be able be heard on th e recordings, b u t th e y w ill have to
to help us. carefully to d e cid e if these ideas m atch what is said 1
exactly or just the basic idea o f the recording.
Remind stude nts th a t in o d d -o n e -o u t tasks, th e y should Play th e re co rd in g all th e w ay th ro u g h once and ask’
try to think about w hat connects the w ords so th a t they stu d e n ts to w rite th e ir answers. Then ask students!
can decide which one do e sn 't relate to th e o th e r tw o. com pare th e ir answers w ith a partner.
Ask students to do the task individually, b u t check Play th e re co rd in g again and ask students to check!
answers as a class. answers and to fill in any m issing answers.
C heck th e answers as a class and ask students to jusd
th e ir answers.

A :v .vvei2

1 F 2T 3T 4F 5F

Read th e in fo rm a tio n in th e Exam C lose-up box: to
stu d e n ts and explain a n yth in g th e y d o n 't underS-and.
Rem ind students th a t it is im p o rta n t to answer as ma
questions as th e y can th e firs t tim e th e y listen. On the
second listening, th e y can check th e ones they have]
already answ ered, b u t focus m ore on th e questions™
Explain to students th a t th e y should never leave any!
answers blank. They should guess th e answer if theyal
really n o t sure.


~ Ask students to do the task on th e ir own and then to
ach of the questions and o p tio n s, u n d e rlin in g th e key com pare th e ir answers w ith a partner. They need to
lords as they d o so. justify any d ifferent answers they have.
—i ivite students to speculate a b o u t w h a t th e y m ig h t hear C heck answers as a class.
I for each one. Encourage everyone to o ffe r a su g g e stio n .
Students' own answers
(lain to students th a t th e y w ill hear tw o p e o p le
Iking about a te c h n o lo g y e x h ib itio n . Ask th e m to Read th e in fo rm a tio n in th e Exam C lose-up b o x to
bd through th e questions and o p tio n s again quickly. students and answer any questions they m ight have.
Point out th a t th e y w ill n o t hear th e qu e stio n s on Point o u t th a t there are no rig h t or w rong answers fo r
the recording. this task, b u t clarify th a t their choices must be supported
| Playthe recording once all th e way th ro u g h and ask w ith logical reasons.
Rem ind stu d e n ts a b o u t th e ir lists in В and ask th e m to
tidents to w rite th e ir answers. Then ask students to w ork w ith a partner to reach a final decision tog e th e r
mpare th e ir answers w ith a partner. about the m ost im portant dow n to the least im portant.
Remind them ab o u t w hat they have ju st read in the
recording again. Ask students to check their Exam Close-up, so they m ust discuss all the options and
i and to fill in any missing answers, make a final decision.
heck the answers as a class and ask stu d e n ts to ju s tify G o round th e class m o n ito rin g students to make sure
r answers. they are carrying o u t the task properly. D o n 't correct any
mistakes at this stage, b u t make a note o f any mistakes
------------ C l 1 in stru ctu re and p ro n u n cia tio n .
A sk each p a ir to te ll you w h a t th e y have chosen as th e
1 1a 2c 3a 4a 5b 6a m ost im portant and w rite their answers on the board to
see if th e re is class agreem ent.
Teaching T ip C ontinue asking each pair until all e ig h t item s have been
agreed on by th e class, o r accept a m ajority decision.
plain to students th a t th e y should try to listen to English Ask pairs to justify th e ir choice each tim e.
| asmuch as possible o u tsid e th e classroom in o rd e r to W rite any structural mistakes th a t students made on
th e b o a rd w ith o u t saying w ho m ade th e m , and ask
prove their listening skills. E ncourage th e m to w atch stu d e n ts to co rre c t th e m . Deal w ith any pro b le m s in
Jims and TV program m es w ith o u t su b title s, and to listen pronunciation that came up.
I toradio interviews in English w h e n eve r th e y can.
Ask students to read th e questions and answ er any
•queries they may have about them . Students' own answers
• Tell students to w o rk in pairs and to ta ke it in tu rn s to
■ answer the questions. Useful E xpressions_____________________________
• Go round th e class m o n ito rin g students to m ake sure • Ask students to read the instructions fo r the Exam
I they are carrying o u t th e task properly. D o n 't c o rre c t any
■ mistakes at this stage, b u t make a n o te o f any m istakes Task and e lic it th a t th e y w ill d e cid e on th e m o st useful
■ in structure and p ron unciation . device shown. Also elicit th a t they will have to justify
^ Ask each pair to answ er one o f th e questions, and to th e ir p a rtn e r w hy th e y feel th e device th e y choose is
I repeat until each pa ir has had a tu rn . m ost useful.
I Write any structural m istakes th a t s tu d e n ts m ade on • Ask students to read the expressions fo r making a
I the board w ith o u t saying w ho m ade th e m , and ask decision in th e Useful Expressions and explain anything
I students to co rre ct th e m . Deal w ith any p ro b le m s in they d o n 't understand.
I pronunciation th a t cam e up. • Remind students th a t they should use expressions like
these in o rd e r to reach a decision w ith th e ir partner.
Answers 0
Ask students to read the task again and to rem ind
I^Stutuddeeints' ow n answers them selves w h a t th e devices in th e pictures are.
Encourage them to look back at В if they g e t stuck.
I Ask students to read th e instructions and m ake sure Remind students th a t the devices are fo r the school's
I they understand th e y should rank th e devices in o rd e r media centre. Ask them to spend a m inute deciding
I of importance w ith in th e c o n te x t o f a school and n o t which w ould be m ost useful and to th in k o f reasons why
it w ould be useful. Also encourage them to think about
(according to w hich ones th e y like th e best. Encourage w hy th e o th e r devices w o u ld n 't be as useful.
A sk stu d e n ts to w o rk in pairs to discuss th e ir choices.
them to th in k a b o u t w hy each device co u ld be im p o rta n t Remind students to use some o f the Useful Expressions
I for the school. when m aking th e ir decision.
I* Read the names o f th e devices o u t and ask stu d e n ts G o round the class m o n ito rin g students to make sure
they are carrying o u t the task properly. D o n 't correct any
to repeat th e m . C o rre ct th e ir p ro n u n cia tio n
where necessary.


High-Tech W orld

mistakes at this stage, b u t make a note o f any mistakes A sk s tu d e n ts to d o th e task individually, b u t check
in structure and p ron u n cia tio n . answers as a class.
Ask each pair to say which devices they chose and why, Rem ind students th a t th e re is a p repositions list for thej
and repeat until each pair has had a turn. reference on page 183.
W rite any structural mistakes th a t students m ade on
th e board w ith o u t saying w ho made them , and ask Answd
students to co rre ct th e m . Deal w ith any p ro b le m s in
pronunciation that came up. 1 on 6 on
2 about 7 on
Answers 3 to 8 w ith
+ 4 under 9 of
5 for 10 in
Students' own answers

Ideas Focus Ask stu d e n ts to read th e sentences to decide which
preposition can fo llo w on from the w ord immediately!
Ask students to read the questions quickly and deal w ith b e fo re th e gap. Ask th e m to bear this in mind as well ™
any queries they may have. as th e general m eaning o f th e sentence when decidirt
Tell stude nts to w o rk in pairs and to ta ke it in tu rn s to w hat th e answers are.
answer the questions. Rem ind stu d e n ts th e y should use th e prepositions frej
G o round the class m on ito rin g students to make sure A to com plete the sentences.
they are carrying o u t the task properly. D o n 't correct any A sk stu d e n ts to d o th e task individually, b u t check I
mistakes at this stage, b u t make a note o f any mistakes answers as a class.
in structure and p ron u n cia tio n .
Ask each student to answer one question until everyone Answer
has had a turn.
W rite any structural mistakes th a t students m ade on under 6 on
the board w ith o u t saying w ho made them , and ask w ith 7 on
students to co rre ct th e m . Deal w ith any p ro b le m s in in 8 on
pronunciation that came up. fo r 9 about
to 10 of

Students' own answers

М о С А )0 1 Л \А Г \\ Ideas Focus

Ask students to read the instructions and make sure they jAsk students to w o rk in pairs and to take it in turns to
understand w hat they have to do.
Read th e p rep ositio n s in th e ye llo w w o rd b a n k o u t and ask and answ er th e qu e stio n . Encourage them to justi
ask students to read each item carefully before they th e ir answer.
w rite any answers. Then ask th e q u e stio n at random round the class,
Remind students they will need to use some o f the m aking sure every stu d e n t answers the question.
prepositions m ore than once. You co u ld also a ctivate th e vocabulary in this
Ask students to do the task on th e ir ow n and then to lesson fu rth e r by w ritin g th e p ro m p ts below on the
com pare their answers w ith a partner. They need to b o a rd and asking students to use th e m to ask their j
justify any different answers they have. partner questions.
C heck answers as a class. - you / ever / be / safari
- you / be con ce rn e d / use o f surveillance cameras I
Answers - w h a t / in fo rm a tio n / you / usually / look / on

1 with on the Internet
2 in about - w h a t / g a d g e t / sell like hotcakes / these days
3 under 8 to - you / own / state o f the art / device
4 for 9 on - you / an e xp e rt / technology
5 on 10 of

Students' own answers

Ask students to look at th e picture beneath Task A on
page 116 and ask them to guess how it m ight be related
to technology. A ccept any answers at this stage.
Tell studen ts to read th e te x t, w ith o u t circlin g any
answers, to see if they guessed right.


тт№ \(лг Answers

FI Askstudents to look at the words in bold in sentences a -c 1a 2a 3b 4c 5a 6a

land ask them if they are passive or active form s (passive). B ackground In fo rm atio n ________________________
B cthem how they can tell (The verb 'b e ' is used as an
ЯкШагу verb and is fo llo w e d b y the p a st participle.). Kismet was developed at the Massachusetts Institute
o f Technology (MIT) in the late 1990s. It has becom e
a symbol o f the developm ent o f artificial intelligence.
Kism et can show em otions through facial expressions by
m o vin g its ears, eyelids, eyebrow s, lips, head and jaw, as
w ell as th ro u g h its voice and m ovem ents.

AnswersI Askstudents to read th e sentences carefully and to then
+ Vv/rWivitf): sev\-Yev\oc
pnswer the questions.
1c 2b 3a ( 2-)
[students to d o th e task individually, b u t check
• Ask students to read the inform ation a b o u t using
wers as a class. collocations in th e Learning Focus box and answer any
questions they m ight have. They already know a lo t o f
I Ask students to read th e rules b e fo re fillin g in any collocations and phrasal verbs, b u t rem ind them that
■nswers. Encourage th e m to lo o k back at th e sentences it is a g o o d idea to keep a n o te o f any new ones th e y
inA to help them , com e across.

ikstudents to d o th e task individually, b u t check • Ask students fo r further examples o f verb + noun,
iwers as a class. adjective + noun and phrasal verbs from the units they
have already stu d ie d in th is b o o k.

Bwers in o rd er o f appearance: b e in g, to be, be

lowread the G ram m ar Reference on p a g e 170 (9.3) w ith Explain to students they have to match 1-8 w ith a-h to
w students. form collocations. Read the w ords 1-8 to students and
ask them to repeat them . C orrect th e ir pronunciation
' Ask students to loo k a t th e p ictu re a ccom panying th e w here necessary.
■text and ask th e m how this ro b o t is d iffe re n t fro m A ib o Ask students to look at the words again and w rite dow n
■Ithas human characteristics). Ask them why they think if they are verbs, nouns o r adjectives.
■ the robot has been given hum an facial features. Ask students to do the task individually and compare
I Ask students to read th e te x t w ith o u t circling any th e ir answers w ith a partner. (1 verb 2 a d je ctive 3 verb
I answers at this stage, to fin d o u t if th e y w ere rig h t, 4 adjective 5 adjective 6 verb 7 verb 8 adjective)
p Remind students to u nd erlin e any m odal verbs, verbs Ask students to match the words and compare their
land phrases w hich are fo llo w e d by gerunds, and verbs answers w ith a partner.
■ which are fo llo w e d by th e fu ll in fin itiv e b e fo re th e gaps. Check as a class.
I Remind students th a t th e y can lo o k back at A , th e
I Grammar Reference and th e Irregular verbs list on pages Answers
1 174-175 if they need help w ith th e task.
I Ask students to d o th e task individually, b u t check 1c 2f 3d 4b 5h 6a 7e 8g
I answers as a class.
p Ifstudents seem inte rested , you m ig h t like to g ive th e m В

further inform ation using th e B ackg ro u n d In fo rm a tio n Ask students to read the instructions and answer any
box below. questions. S tudents should w rite th e sentences in th e ir
notebooks. M o n ito r and help where necessary.
1 be delivered Answers Ask students to d o the task individually, b ut check
2 be built # answers as a class.
3 being given 4 being to ld
5 be repaired Answers
6 be handed in
Students' own answers

| Ask students to read th e sentences w ith o u t fillin g in any Read th e in stru ctio n s in th e Exam Task b o x to students
mswers at this stage. Ask th e m to u n d e rlin e any m odal and answer any questions they may have. Ask them to
Serbs, verbs and phrases w hich are fo llo w e d by gerunds, read all th e sentences in th e task on th e rig h t b u t n o t
and verbs w hich are fo llo w e d by th e fu ll in fin itiv e in th e w rite any answers or com plete them yet.
cond sentences. Then ask the students to read th e questions and
Remind students th a t th e y can lo o k back a t A , th e answer them .
Grammar Reference and th e Irregular Verbs list on pages Ask students to do th e task individually, b u t check
answers as a class.
1174-175 if th e y need help w ith th e task.
| Ask students to d o th e task individually, b u t check
answers as a class.

High-Tech W orld

1 technology Answers н
2 five +
3 the second 4 yes A sk students to read th e Exam Task instructions again |
5 no m ore than three and then com plete the second sentences.
Rem ind stu d e n ts to read th e ir new sentences when thl
Read the instructions to students and answer any have w ritte n th e ir answers to check th e y make sense anj
questions they may have. have th e same m eaning as th e firs t sentences.
Ask students to speculate w hy th e s tu d e n t has Ask students to d o the task individually, b u t check
underlined some o f the words. Encourage everyone to answers as a class.
give th e ir o p in io n . C heck answers as a class.
________________ Answers
+ 1 were told 4 ought to/should
The studen t has underlined the key w ords th a t will 2 Why 5 carried on
help him /her com plete the second sentence. 3 from

Ask students to look at the sentences again and
think about w hat w ord o r w ords are missing from the
second sentences.
Remind students to read through the second sentence
once they have w ritten th e ir answer, to see th a t the
sentence makes sense and it means th e same as th e
first sentence.
Ask students to do the task individually, b u t do not
check the answers yet.

Read the Exam Close-up box o u t to students and
answer any questions they may have. Explain anything
they d o n 't understand.
Remind stu dents h ow im p o rta n t it is fo r th e m to read
the second sentence once they have com pleted it to see
th a t it means th e same as th e firs t sentence.
Ask students to look again at th e ir answers and see if
they need to make any changes.
Ask students to com pare their answers w ith a partner,
b u t check as a class.

1 up 2 be ordered 3 device 4 cannot 5 need to

Ask students to read th e Exam Task and to u n d e rlin e th e
key w ords and phrases.
Ask students to w ork w ith a partner and try to identify
w hat typ e o f w ord o r w ords is/are missing from each
gap, e.g. verb, m odal verb, noun, etc.
M onitor to check they are com pleting the task correctly.
Ask a pair to say w hat they have underlined and
w hat typ e o f w ord or w ords are missing from the
second sentence. Ask fo r class agreem ent a b o u t b oth
underlining and typ e o f w ord. Repeat w ith o th e r pairs
fo r the rest o f the sentences.


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