Page 8 - IKEA Bathroom 2014_Neat
P. 8
8 GODMORGON Bathrooms 9
Sinks Colors and fnishes Sink cabinets Mirror cabinets and mirrors
BRÅVIKEN sinks EDEBOVIKEN sinks ODENSVIK sinks 1. 1. 2-drawer sink cabinet 10. 11. 10. 2-door mirror cabinet $240
The included water trap is easy The included water trap is easy The included water trap is easy W23⅝×D18½×H22⅞". W39⅜×D5½×H37¾". 502.190.01
to connect to the drain because to connect to the drain because to connect to the drain because High-gloss gray $149 401.971.32 11. 2-door mirror cabinet $210
it is fexible. Crushed marble. it is fexible. Crushed marble. it is fexible. Porcelain. Requires High-gloss white $149 801.955.36 W31½×D5½×H37¾". 302.189.98
Requires assembly. White Requires assembly. White assembly. White High-gloss red $149 102.189.80 12. 2-door mirror cabinet $190
Black-brown $99 002.149.68 W27½×D5½×H37¾". 902.189.95
White stained oak effect $149 602.261.95 13. 2-door mirror cabinet$170
High-gloss white High-gloss gray W23⅝×D5½×H37¾". 102.189.99
2. 2. 2-drawer sink cabinet 12. 13. 14. 1-door mirror cabinet $150
W15¾×D5½×H37¾". 102.302.27
W31½×D18½×H22⅞". 15. Mirror $50
High-gloss gray $189 801.809.93 W47¼×H37¾". 501.491.31
High-gloss white $189 301.809.95 16. Mirror $40
High-gloss red $189 502.189.83 W39⅜×H37¾". 901.491.29
2-bowl sink $300 2-bowl sink $250 2-bowl sink $170 Black-brown $139 401.986.45 17. Mirror $35
W55⅛×D19¼". 801.483.09 W47¼×D19¼". 502.261.67 W55⅛×D19¼". 801.483.28 White stained oak effect $189 802.261.99 W31½×H37¾". 101.821.65
High-gloss red Black-brown 14. 18. Mirror $30
3. 3. 2-drawer sink cabinet W27½×H37¾". 301.501.11
W39⅜×D18½×H22⅞". 19. Mirror $25
High-gloss gray $229 702.231.39 W23⅝×H37¾". 301.491.32
20. Mirror $20
10 High-gloss white $229 702.231.44 W15¾×H37¾". 101.491.28
High-gloss red
$229 302.189.79
21. Leg $10 H8⅝-9⅞". 101.777.67
2-bowl sink $280 2-bowl sink $270 2-bowl sink $150 Year Limited Black-brown $179 701.986.44 22. Boxes with lids $15/set of 5
$229 502.261.91
White stained oak effect
Clear 701.774.77
W47¼×D19¼". 001.483.08 W39⅜×D19¼". 202.261.64 W47¼×D19¼". 001.483.27 Warranty 15. 16. 23. Storage units $15/set of 3
White stained oak INCLUDED 4. 4. 4-drawer sink cabinet L13⅜×W6¾×H1⅛". Clear 401.649.47
effect W47¼×D18½×H22⅞". 24. Box with compartments $18
► Find out more High-gloss gray $349 302.231.41 L12½×W11×H4". Clear 601.774.73
on page 22. High-gloss white $349 002.231.47 25. Storage with compartments $10
High-gloss red $349 002.189.85 You can store large shampoo bottles
Black-brown $299 802.043.57 standing up, thanks to the dividers.
White stained oak efect $349 802.262.03 17. 18. L13×W11½×H4". Clear 101.774.75
1-bowl sink $250 1-bowl sink $220 2-bowl sink $170 GODMORGON 5. 4-drawer sink cabinet
W39⅜×D19¼". 601.483.10 W39⅜×D19¼". 902.261.70 W39⅜×D19¼". 301.483.21 W55⅛×D18½×H22⅞".
Ready-made or 5. High-gloss gray $379 701.475.17
High-gloss white $379 902.231.43
personalized High-gloss red $379 002.287.86 19. 20.
$329 602.043.58
White stained oak efect $379 902.262.07
Across these pages you can
1-bowl sink $240
W31½×D19¼". 1-bowl sink $210 1-bowl sink $140 see bathroom combinations
White 101.808.02 W31½×D19¼". 602.261.76 W47¼×D19¼". 601.939.44 broken down into their Wall cabinets 6. 1-door wall cabinet
Light gray 002.704.31 W15¾×D5½×H37¾". Legs
individual parts. So you can High-gloss gray $80 601.649.13 21.
decide exactly how you want 6. 7. High-gloss white $80 601.475.13
$80 802.189.91
High-gloss red
your combination to look. Of Black-brown $70 801.475.26
course, you can choose one White stained oak effect $80 202.261.83
1-bowl sink $230 1-bowl sink $200 1-bowl sink $120 7. 2-door wall cabinet Interior organizers
W23⅝×D19¼". W23⅝×D19¼". 302.261.73 W39⅜×D19¼". 401.939.40 of our ready-made
White 701.955.51 combinations and be fnished! W23⅝×D5½×H37¾". 22.
Light gray 402.704.29 High-gloss gray $100 901.649.16
Or, if you want to make High-gloss white $100 801.475.12
something a little more High-gloss red $100 402.189.93
$90 001.475.25
BREDVIKEN double sinks 8. 9. 23.
The included water trap is flexible, which means that unique, simply choose the White stained oak effect $100 302.261.87
it easy adjust to connect to drain. Crushed marble. individual parts yourself and
Designer: Francis Cayouette. Requires assembly. 1-bowl sink $110 8. High cabinet
Black W31½×D19¼". 701.808.04 create your own W15¾×D11¾×H75⅝". $230 602.189.68
High-gloss gray
GODMORGON combination. High-gloss white $230 502.189.64 24.
High-gloss red $230 202.189.89
Black-brown $200 702.189.63
White stained oak effect $230 002.261.79 25. 9. Mirror cabinet
2-bowl sink $350 2-bowl sink $370 1-bowl sink $100 GODMORGON W15¾×D11¾×H75⅝".
W47¼×D18⅞". 301.665.03 W47¼×D18⅞". 601.665.06 W23⅝×D19¼". 801.955.55 High-gloss gray $250 202.479.96
High-gloss white $250 202.480.00
High-gloss red $250 802.479.98
Black-brown $230 702.479.94
White stained oak effect $250 802.480.02
Need help? Read about our affordable services on page 23. GODMORGON Requires Assembly