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Connecting Higher Education preofessionals all over the world. Read latest trends on international education.

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Published by Higher Education Discovery journal, 2019-03-20 08:41:55

Higher Education Discovery. Issue 3. 2018

Connecting Higher Education preofessionals all over the world. Read latest trends on international education.

Keywords: higher education,internationalization,hedclub,cooperation,news


The University of Bayreuth and the Bavarian countries in Central, Eastern and Southeastern

Academic Center for Central, Eastern and Europe. BAYHOST assists Bavarian universities and

Southeastern Europe (BAYHOST) want to stimulate universities of applied science through its specific

discussion and cooperation on the PPE intersec- competencies; by supporting their collaboration

tion and other interdisciplinary crossovers between with academic organizations in the partner coun-

humanities and social sciences with other Bavarian tries and by establishing new partnerships.

and Russian universities. A two-day conference in In November 2017, Friedrich-Alexander-

Bayreuth will be a prime occasion to present the Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) and

state of the art in this BAYHOST organized a

respect. It will stimulate The Philosophy and Economics Bavarian-Russian confer-
the further development course at the University of ence on Economics and
of this internationally Bayreuth was the first of its Business Administration.
important interdisciplin- The conference attracted
ary field in Bavaria and kind at a German university, about 180 participants
Russia. Last but not least, and is now offered by one of the from Russia and Bavaria.
the conference will pre- largest philosophy departments Many new contacts were

pare the ground for joint in Bavaria. Its specialty is the established. The program

projects and programs of close cooperation between the showed a broad range of
Bavarian and Russian uni- departments of philosophy and topics in economics and
versities. economics, with some courses business administration
each semester being jointly taught that are investigated in
The main issues raised by philosophers and economists. Russia and Bavaria. It was
for discussion within very open and did not put

the Joint Bavarian-Russian many restrictions to the

Conference on Interdisciplinary Humanities and topics to be presented. In order to prepare for sub-

Social Sciences hosted by the University of Bayreuth stantial cooperation in teaching and research, the

in June 2018 will be: conference should be followed by smaller and more

•  presentations on Russia’s political relations to specific meetings such as a coming conference in

“the West” and above all Germany. A typical subject Bayreuth.

would be “Eurasian security;” The conference program and the online applica-

•  presentations on issues that are relevant for the tion form are available at the BAYHOST website
economic cooperation between Russia and Germany;

•  presentations on the history of philosophy (e.g.,

concerning the Enlightenment) that are relevant for

the both countries, not least for determining their

present identity.

The University of Bayreuth is a relatively young

German university with several departments spe-

cializing in interdisciplinary projects and courses

of studies. Its size of roughly 10,000 students does

still allow for small courses and intensive tutoring

of students. Moreover, the University of Bayreuth

offers easy access to diverse disciplines on a single

campus. Internationalization is a key aim of the

university, bringing together professors from many

different countries and supporting curricula that are

partly or fully taught in English. As a city, Bayreuth

is mainly famous for the music of Richard Wagner,

still celebrated with a top international music fes-

tival in summer. The beautiful surroundings of

Bayreuth invite hiking, cycling, and rock climbing in

one of the most lovely natural regions of Germany.

BAYHOST is a cooperative institution of all uni-

versities, universities of applied science and art

academies in Bavaria and supports international

academic cooperation and students’ exchange. It Meeting of BAYHOST scholarship holders in Regensburg
promotes academic exchange between Bavaria and Photo: BAYHOST

49 • HED No.3 (03) • 2018

Partner search

Dreams Come True at Ekaterinburg
State Theater Institute

Anna A. GLUKHANIUK, Ekaterinburg State Theater Institute is one
Rector of Ekaterinburg State Theater Institute, of the leading theater institutions in Russia.
Candidate of Cultural Studies, Associate Professor It is the only higher education institution in the
at the Department of Producer Business, Theory and Urals offering programs in performing arts, theater
Practice of Preforming Art management, theater producing, creative writing,
directing of the theater.
50 • HED No.3 (03) • 2018
The institute was officially founded in 1985, its
true history, however, stretches back to over 80
years when it was just a theater college with gradu-
ates to become famous national actors, stage man-
agers, art and culture professionals.

Since its foundation in 1985 until 2016 the Rector
of the Institute was Vladimir Babenko, Doctor of
Philological Sciences, Professor, Honoured Art
Worker. In 2016 Anna Glukhaniuk, Candidate of
Cultural Studies, Associate Professor, was appointed
a new Rector of the institute.

Upon admission to the institute, a student should
choose the field to specialize in: performing artist
of drama theater and motion pictures, puppet artist,
musical theater artist, TV program presenter, stage
director, producer of the performing arts, literature
worker (dramaturge). The institute aims to develop
a multi-skilled professional capable to work in differ-
ent genres and directions. It is not a coincidence that
students and graduates of the institute win in pres-
tigious national and international artistic contests.

Taking part in national and international festivals,
contests, stage directing, acting and literature work-
shops is one of the most important components of
education in Ekaterinburg State Theater Institute.
Students benefit from attending workshops and

Partner search

practical classes organized the leading national

theater personalities, recognized experts in the

field, for example, theater director Anatolii Praudin,

the laureate  of  the State Prize  of  RSFSR; Iurii

Vasilev, Honoured Art Worker of Russia, Professor

of the Russian State Institute of Performing Arts;

Irina Promptova, Professor of the GITIS Russian

Institute of Theater Arts, and many others.

A relatively new program implemented by the

institute is the Producer of Performing Arts. In this

program students are trained to have an insight into

theatrical process, they study economic and legal

grounds of art management, and by graduation they

are capable to organize a stage production, concert

or theater tour, and deal with the general organiza-

tion and management issues of performing arts.

Training literature workers and thus creat-

ing a new generation of drama authors under the

supervision of Nikolai Koliada, the laureate of

K.S. Stanislavsky reward, is unique for the Urals and

the whole of Russia. The alumna of the institute win The institute also offers further education pro-

numerous prestigious awards in literature. grams. These include the “Children’s Stage” for

The institute has its own student theater. Taking children aged 6-12 years old, the theater-studio

part in theatrical performances is the first stage “Kolombina” for children and adolescents aged

experience of prospective artists. Students’ plays 6-17, the “Hollywood Program” for all age groups, a

have often won in theatrical festivals “Bravo,” “Your course in voice and speech technique offered by the

Chance,” “The Future of the Theater Russia.” Centre of Speech Culture to the general public will-

ing to master their speech skills, acquire the ability

to speak properly and elegantly, to master the art

of public speaking. The institute offers preparatory

courses for high school graduates willing to acquire

confidence before the exam, and further education

courses for stage directors, play writers, teachers—

all theater specialists intending to enhance their

professional competence.

In the framework of its international cooperation

the institute holds different conferences, discussion

meetings, and festivals. These include the Speech

on Stage conference for voice and speech training

teachers, the “He. She. They” international contest-

festival of chamber performances or one-man shows.

The institute runs joint projects in cooperation with

theater institutions of Germany, Serbia, Kazakhstan,

and other countries.

We welcome you to our institute—the profes-

sional theater workroom!

Ekaterinburg State Theater Institute 2, Vainera Street, Ekaterinburg, 620014,
Established in 1985 Russia
Student body— 462 Rector’s office: tel./fax: +7 343 371-76-45
Admissions office: tel.: +7 343 372-02-42,
51 • HED No.3 (03) • 2018 372-02-42

On-site report


the Road to University Excellence

The HED acted as a media Mission is all QS is about. The main goal

partner of QS WORLDWIDE, QS WORLDWIDE mission is is to foster international coop-
“to promote higher education eration partnership, to build new
the 2nd Annual Strategic in Russia and Central Asia by relations in the global higher
Summit for the Advance- means of international coop- education system, to connect the
best practices of different edu-
ment of University Excel- eration” and “to maintain the cational systems of the world, to
lence in all its Forms. This processes that lead to worldwide link motivated people together to
recognition of the universities boost international mobility.”

QS WORLDWIDE interna- in Russia and Central Asia.” It The main issue discussed at
was held in Moscow for the first the QS WORLDWIDE is the role
tional forum with the aspiring time. The founder of the global of rankings in the global higher
education system. “Functions
slogan “In search of univer- QS university ranking, Nunzio of rankings are much wider
sity excellence: prospectives Quacquarelli, addressed the
experts, “RUDN is the most inter-

from Russia and emerging national university in Russia— than traditional understanding
countries” was hosted by it is the most appropriate place of them. We influence career
to host the QS WORLDWIDE. It of young people and change

the RUDN University, Mos- is a fantastic example how to their life,” said Prof. James
cow, on May 22-23, 2018
show leadership. It is determined Stuart Pounder, Chair of the

to change the educational market QS WORLDWIDE International

and brought together inter- in the international arena. That Academic Advisory Committee.

national educators, senior Prof. James Stuart
academic administrators and Pounder,
government officials from Chair of the QS Worldwide
across Russia and beyond. International Academic
Advisory Committee
“Functions of rankings are
much wider than traditional
understanding of them. We
influence career of young
people and change their life.”


52 • HED No.3 (03) • 2018

On-site report

Trends Prof. Vladimir Filippov,
Rector of the Peoples’
RUDN Rector Vladimir Filippov Friendship University of
outlined the trends of interna- Russia
tionalization relevant for leading “We must clearly distinguish exter-
universities, “We must clearly nal and internal internationaliza-
distinguish external and internal tion of the university in order to
internationalization of the uni- ensure active international aca-
versity in order to ensure active demic, scientific, entrepreneurial
international academic, scientific, activities of its academics. Each
entrepreneurial activities of its Master's line of study should have
academics. Each Master's line of a dual-degree with the leading
study should have a dual-degree universities of the world. Internal
with the leading universities internationalization of universi-
of the world. Internal interna- ties is of special importance.”
tionalization of universities is
of special importance. The task

is facilitated by English-taught Institute (Indonesia); and
Ara Akopyan, Management
programs, primarily by Master’s QS WORLDWIDE 2018 in Strategy Senior Manager of
and LLL courses. Among the key figures:
areas of internationalization are •  450 delegates representing Prior to the discussion, a vote
also networking with leading •  128 leading universities from was taken, which showed a
universities and inviting interna- •  27 countries came to the global skeptical attitude of the audience
tionally-oriented academics and to rankings: 41% participants did
researchers as well as academic summit to discuss internation- not support university rankings
exchange.” alization and cooperation of the as an essential key performance
strongest schools. indicator of the effectiveness of
universities, while 59% were for
Mandy Mok, CEO of QS them.

Branding & Conferences by QS Debates and voting At the beginning of the debate,
Stephen Hagen noted that
Asia (Singapore), underlined Experts discussed ranking university rankings are a real
strengthening the positions significance in the assessment reflection of the modern world,
of Russian universities, “The of universities. The key figures in which consumers (in this case,
most significant change in the of these debates are Stephen education consumers) make their
international higher education Hagen, former Vice-Rector own choices. Students and part-
in the last 10-15 years is the rise of the University of Wales in ners are meant to be guided by
of Russian universities in world Newport (the United Kingdom); the efforts made by universities
rankings. The perception of his colleague Nguyen Hoi in various fields of their activities.
higher education in the world is Nghia, Vice-President of the Ho
changing and such events like a Chi Minh National University
QS summit help Russian univer- (Vietnam); Kadarsah Suryadi,
sities to connect the world, and Rector of Bandung Technological
for the world—to connect Russia.”

Ms. Mandy Mok,
CEO, QS Branding & Conferences by QS Asia,
“Reputation is a part of university rankings, but the per-
ception also plays the role in many aspects of higher
education, from student and faculty recruitment to
information of universities collaboration, to give
just a few examples. QS WORLDWIDE writes a story
of emerging higher education in Russia and Central
Asia. It focuses global attention on higher education
in emerging countries and in Russia in particular. And
this focus is an important part of changing percep-
tion. Creating global awareness of the development in
Russian higher education is a crucial step.”

53 • HED No.3 (03) • 2018

On-site report

Mr. Nunzio Quacquarelli, impact on the reputation of some
CEO &Founder, Quacquarelli small universities that do not
Symonds Limited, London, receive huge funding and focus
the United Kingdom on their local tasks. He added
“One of the key tasks of the QS that rankings also take universi-
WORLDWIDE Summit is to moti- ties away from the important
vate people from different educa- component of their activities—
tion systems around the world to social responsibility. Instead,
share their best practices. Such higher education institutions are
events allow identifying individ- more focused on the quantitative
ual problems of universities and indicators of the rankings (scien-
developing common approaches tific publications, recruitment of
to their solution. QS wants to international students, etc.).
open more Russian universities
for international relations.” A compromise position was
taken by the Rector of the
Bandung Institute of Technology,

And these efforts, in turn, are QS WORLDWIDE 2018 in RUDN featured
reflected in the rankings. In addi- debates on the importance of rankings in the
tion, Steven Hagen noted that
thanks to the ranking system assessment of universities.
in many countries, for example,
Kazakhstan, China, Russia, and Prof. Hagen’s opponent, mentioning that universities
Brazil, reforms in higher educa- Nguyen Hoi Nghia, Vice- are now becoming a business,
tion have been implemented, President of the Vietnamese and their participation in the
and universities have gained a National University of Ho Chi rankings is a means of obtaining
certain autonomy: today not only Minh City, argued that rankings funding. But this is only one of
the state, but also commercial should not be used as the only the tools for assessing and plan-
companies participate in financ- source of information about the ning the work of the university,
ing and developing educational university. Any university is a far from being the only one. In
programs. unique complex organism, which addition, if it was not for rank-
has its purpose: some are more ings and exchange of experience,
The key problem in assessing focused on research, some on there would not be such events
the performance of universities, teaching students. Therefore, as a QS Worldwide conference.
according to Stephen Hagen, is Prof. Nghia believes that the Therefore, the best practice
whether the university can rank most important thing is the would be a regular review of the
high in many categories, and mission of the university, its rankings system in order to make
whether its activities should be purpose and goal. He claimed them a more objective tool for
described by one specific metric, that such prestigious rankings assessing the performance of
even complex. as QS Rankings have a negative universities.

Ara Akopyan, the only
repres­ ent­ ative of busi-
ness, Senior Manager of
Pricewaterhouse Coopers, said
that the selection of indicators for
the evaluation of the university
should be based on its strategy.
Like in commercial companies,
numerical performance indicators
alone do not give a complete pic-
ture and can often look deceptive.
According to the speaker, the best
way to assess the performance of
any large organization, including
a university, is a combination of
different approaches, where rank-
ings are only one of many.

54 • HED No.3 (03) • 2018

On-site report
Mr. Dmitrii Guzhelia,
Advisor to the Head of Rossotrudnichestvo,
“QS WORLDWIDE is an injection that leads to significant
changes in the system of higher education in Russia.
When Russian universities began participating in inter-
national rankings, they parted with many illusions and
began to find practical solutions to move forward. 
Students of a number of countries, for example, the
EU, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, and China, show a clear
interest in Master's programs in Russian universities. In
the first place they want to major in medicine as well as
architecture, aviation, programming, etc. International
students ask whether the university has English-taught
programs and whether it is known in the country.”

Thanks to the ranking system many countries there are some shortcomings the
have implemented reforms in higher education, system of university rankings is
an important tool for disciplin-
and universities have gained a certain ing universities. At the same
autonomy: today not only the state, but also time, rankings are only one of
commercial companies participate in financing many channels for disseminating
information about the university.
and developing educational programs. As Prof. Suryadi said, “When
you want to know that you are
Representatives of many ranking system, the participants healthy, you have tests in a
universities shared this position. also named the composition of medical laboratory, the same is
Participants from Hungary and experts mainly from Western true regarding ratings and higher
Jordan expressed the opinion European countries that are education institutions.”
that there is a significant differ- not familiar with the specifics
ence between high ranking and of national education systems At the end of the debate the
high quality of education offered and the cultural environment in participants voted again, the
by the university. The economies emerging countries and the fact number of supporters of univer-
of small countries cannot always that rankings cannot cover all sity rankings increased from 59%
provide their universities with aspects affecting the quality of to 66%, 34% of the audience still
the activity required by interna- the work of universities. remained against.
tional rankings.
Despite different opinions, Source
Among the shortcomings of the the speakers noted that though

55 • HED No.3 (03) • 2018 Prof. Weifang Min,
Executive President, Chinese Society for Education
Development Strategies
“Some of the most important factors in competitiveness, such
as science, technologies, knowledge, talents, are all related
with high-quality universities, and all of these factors are
organized and flowed cross national boundaries. Therefore,
to increase a country’s competitiveness, building world class
universities is one of the most important strategies. 
At present in the world, international competitions become
increasingly intense in every aspect: economic, political
and cultural. In these competitions, one of the key factors
for a country’s competitive advantages is its universities.
Strong universities are one of major foundation for strong

On-site report

IUNC Eurasia 2018

IUNC Eurasia 2018 was successfully held on May 14-17, 2018
in Moscow, Russia. The 7th Annual International Universities
Networking Conference & Edu Agency Workshop IUNC Eurasia 2018
is the Int'l HigherEd Conference focused on the University Cooperation

Development and Edu Agency Relations Building.

56 • HED No.3 (03) • 2018

On-site report

The conference gathered The Ceremony of the 2nd Annual EEUA Award
about 200 participants from 2018 celebrated higher education institutions
the whole world. Universities
and recruitment agencies from from Russia and the CIS countries for
Russia, Belarus, Armenia, the achievements in the field of international
USA, Belgium, Switzerland, performance and internationalization of higher
Spain, the Netherlands, China,
Turkey, Cyprus, India, Pakistan, education.
Bangladesh, Iran, Iraq, Ecuador,
Nigeria, Uganda, and other coun-
tries participated in the event.

The conference venue was the
State University of Management,
Moscow. The State University of
Management (SUM) is one of the
largest state Russian universities.
SUM is an active international
player developing the global
research and education inter-
nationalization. SUM and its
excellent conferencing facilities
helped to arrange the conference
at the high level.

One of the most important
events within IUNC Eurasia 2018
was the 2nd BRICS HigherEd
Cooperation Forum, a purpose-
oriented establishment aimed to
develop university partnerships
between institutions from the
BRICS countries.

The core part of every IUNC
conference is one-to-one
meetings. This format gives an
opportunity to choose potential
partners of interest for each par-
ticipant, it is also a good chance
to meet and discuss possible
cooperation in person. This prac-
tice helps participants meet each
other in a business atmosphere,
discuss important issues and
find possible ways of universitiesʼ
cooperation. During IUNC Eurasia
2018 more than 700 meetings
took place. Networking and social
activities are an essential part of
the conference, that is why the
IUNC Organizing Committee
does its best to arrange unique
networking opportunities for all

57 • HED No.3 (03) • 2018

On-site report

The most impressive part of
the event was the Ceremony
of the 2nd Annual EEUA Award
2018. The award is given to
higher education institutions
of Russia and the CIS countries
for achievements in the field
of international performance
and internationalization of
higher education. The beautiful,
bright and full of good emotions
ceremony was followed by a gala-
dinner. It was a Russian-style
party with many entertaining
activities, quizzes and contests
devoted to Russian culture and
history such as difficult-to-pro-
nounce words in Russian, some
Russian historical facts, Russian
traditional music, etc. Everyone
got an authentic Russian souve-
nir. A funny mime amused guests
and surprised them by his tricks.
At the end of the conference,
the IUNC Organizing Committee
arranged a traditional Moscow
River Cruise, during which
participants enjoyed night views
of the capital of Russia, relaxed
and danced.

We are happy that the Annual
IUNC Eurasia conference
is now a place where universi-
ties from all over the world can
meet each other, share their best
practices, discuss all important
and sophisticated topics related
to higher education and its inter-
nationalization, establish solid
contacts, and begin partner-
ships. We are inviting universi-
ties, colleges, languages schools,
recruitment agencies and other
educational service providers
from around the globe to join us
at IUNC Eurasia 2019!

Aleksandra GOLUBEVA,

Assistant to IUNC Event Director
Tel.: +7 495 769 27 39

Mobile: +7 903 85 16387
Event website:

58 • HED No.3 (03) • 2018

On-site report

Educational Venue:
Career Guidance Exhibition in Belarus

108 educational institutions and 11,000 visitors. These two figures can outline the
largest Belarusian exhibition in the segment of vocational guidance, Education&Career.

Viktoria Mikoliuk, Head of the project:
—The number of exhibitors grows every year despite of the fact that the quantity of Belarusian educational
institutions does not grow. Exhibition visitors are interested in private schools (for example, in the IT seg-
ment) and foreign universities. As for exhibitors of Education&Career, they enjoy the opportunities to present
new faculties and directions, to make enrollees fall in love with them, to make them their students. Attractive
live presentations and real communication are much better than information presented in catalogues for

59 • HED No.3 (03) • 2018

On-site report

A specialized exhibition for school-leavers, stu- vated; if there is a demand for programmers, than

dents, parents, and young specialists was held for special faculties are ready. This year the exhibition

the 16th time. It is a unique space in Belarus present- emphasis was made on education in the IT segment

ing the country's educational system in the real-time as its popularity is growing. The niche that prepares

mode. It helps prospective students become aware programmers is occupied not only by universities,

of admission policies and recruiting campaigns of but also by educational courses that grant a diploma

educational institutions at firsthand: directly from and offer an opportunity to work in real companies.
admissions directors, professors, and deputy deans. Traditionally Education&Career takes place in the

The exhibition is multidimensional, it comprises capital pavilion but attracts prospective students

universities, colleges, lyceums, centers of foreign not only from Minsk. This year's survey shows that

languages, and faculties for further education. the exhibition was visited by young people from

Every year not only Belarusian universities take an more than 15 cities of the country: Borisov, Brest,

active part in the exhibition, but also foreign educa- Gomel, Grodno, Orsha, Polotsk, Slutsk, Vitebsk, etc.

tional institutions. For example, in 2018 the Czech Students are motivated to put catalogues away

Republic, France, Germany, Israel, Kazakhstan, and leave websites for the real exhibition not only

Latvia, Poland, and Russia presented their universi- by interest, but also by the understanding that they

ties' educational programs. The exhibition displays can immediately get aware of all opportunities and

of foreign partners explain admission policies, dem- perspectives at one place. Communication and con-

onstrate educational opportunities, clarify possibil- tacts at the exhibition have different formats: some

ities of visa support and student exchange. universities use a language understandable for

The layout of the exhibition reproduces the flex- school-leavers, some surprise with their discoveries

ibility of the educational system and the labor mar- and achievements, some give an opportunity to look

ket. So, if there is an interest in trades (cooking, at and sometimes to try out a trade right on the spot.

building, etc.), than vocational lyceums are acti- Now, while applicants are repeating the last top-

ics for entrance exams and educational institutions

are preparing for new enrollment, the organizer,

EXPOFORUM Exhibition Company, starts accept-

ing applications for participation in the exhibition

of 2019.


60 • HED No.3 (03) • 2018

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