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The Rector Scholarship program was established to help provide a DePauw University experience for students who otherwise wouldn’t have been at

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Published by , 2017-04-01 21:40:03

To Edward Rector From the Director - DePauw University

The Rector Scholarship program was established to help provide a DePauw University experience for students who otherwise wouldn’t have been at

Greencastle, Indiana, April 2014

To Edward Rector

From the Director The Class of 2013 Rectors were presented their Rector Scholar citations by the Rector faculty
The 2014 Rector Record continues members at the annual Rector Senior Recognition Dinner.
to feature Rector Voices, the words
of Rector Alumni. This year’s The 2013-2014 Rector Scholars at the annual fall dinner hosted by President Brian Casey at
contributions are from the Rector The Elms.
Scholars who are currently members of
the DePauw Faculty: Jeffrey McCall
’76, professor of communication and
theater; Jeffrey Hansen ’86, professor
of chemistry and biochemistry and
Carrie Klaus ’93, associate professor of
modern languages (French). All three
have been faithful participants in the
campus activities involving the present
Rector undergraduates.

Another contribution from a
Rector alumnus this year is available
in the Rector Scholarship section of
DePauw’s website. Norman J. Hudak
’54 has chronicled the story of the
eleven chemistry majors in the class of
1954. All but one of them are Rector
Scholars, and all pursued graduate
studies, 10 earning Ph.D. degress and
one a M.D. Included in this piece are
photographs of Minshall Laboratory
and Rector Scholars in the fall of 1950.

Comments, suggestions or questions
concerning the Rector Record or the
Rector Scholarship Program may be
sent to John Morrill at johnmorrill@ or to Bartlett Alumni
House Annex, DePauw University, P.O.
Box 37, Greencastle, IN 46135.

Rector Voices: Jeff Hansen ’86 life. I ran track one year and played faculty I have taught lots of different
trombone in the marching band, concert courses but mostly organic chemistry. 
My DePauw story started with a band, pep band and jazz ensemble. Maybe my favorite teaching experience
father who was a pastor in the United is the Winter Term course called Sweet
Methodist Church. He was committed DePauw prepared me extremely well.  and Savory Science. It combines two
to higher education and in particular to I learned a lot in the classes and my things I love, chemistry and cooking. 
the three United Methodist colleges or experiences helped me realize that I Mostly I enjoy getting to know students
universities in the state of Indiana. At wanted to pursue a career in academia.  and helping them figure out what they
least one member of my family attended In graduate school, I was usually better want to do with their lives. Even if
each of the three. I was very academically prepared than the other students and I’m teaching a course I’ve taught many
oriented and DePauw had the strongest did well in classes. I loved working in times before, every semester is a new
academic reputation of the three so that is lab but especially liked the challenge of experience and my students help me find
where I wanted to go. My first experience developing my own research ideas. new ways to teach it.
with DePauw was in the summer of 1981
when I attended a one-week summer I had the idea in the back of my
science program here. I loved it here and a mind that it would be nice to go back
year later enrolled as a student. to DePauw to teach. At least I knew
that I wanted to be at a place very much
I always knew I wanted to study like this. After two years at Skidmore
chemistry. DePauw was everything I College in Saratoga Springs, New York,
hoped it would be. I had great friends, and one year at Earlham College in
took terrific classes and learned a lot Richmond, Ind., a position opened here
about myself. While at DePauw I lived at DePauw. I was fortunate enough to be
for one year in Mason Hall, two years in offered the job and am very thankful for
Longden Hall, and one year in Hogate the opportunity.
Hall. Fraternities weren’t my thing and
I was always happy to be a part of dorm Since returning to DePauw on the

From the May 1932
Rector Record

Rector Voices: Jeff McCall ’76 including Bob Weiss in commuication, and book chapters on media literacy. I
Harry Hawkins in psych, Pat Thomas have since transitioned to doing media
The Rector Scholarship program was in sociology, Elizabeth Christman in commentary in the public sphere. I now
established to help provide a DePauw literature, and Perc Allen in economics. do media analysis through newspaper
University experience for students It’s no exaggeration to say I looked columns and interviews with radio,
who otherwise wouldn’t have been at forward to class every day with these television and newspaper outlets. My
DePauw. I was one of those students. brilliant professors. topics include First Amendment and
free speech issues, the news agenda, and
Growing up in Champaign, Ill., I did eventually get to attend the cultural content issues.
almost every college-bound student from University of Illinois, doing my MA
my high school just headed across town there right after graduating from Greencastle has been a nice
to attend the University of Illinois. That DePauw. Upon completion of my MA, community in which to live, and I have
was my plan, too, until I received a letter my wife Cathy and I moved to Missouri been active in coaching youth sports and
from DePauw’s cross country and track where I became news director of an serving on the Greencastle school board
coach, Robert Harvey. Coach Harvey NPR radio affiliate. During that time, for four terms. Coach Harvey used to
encouraged me to consider DePauw I was a part-time correspondent for tell his runners that running was a sport
and visit campus. I visited campus and NPR’s national broadcasts “Morning for life, so I continue to run for my
came to appreciate the small, liberal arts Edition” and “All Things Considered.” exercise.
envrionment. Even with my interest
in DePauw, the problem was how After several years in the media, I I look back with gratitude for the
a student from a bricklayer’s family developed the urge to earn a Ph.D. and opportunity to attend DePauw and
could manage the expense of a private return to the academy. I completed my for the Rector support that made my
education. The financial aid package Ph.D. at the University of Missouri in attendance possible.
from the Rector Program paved the way 1985 and began looking for a liberal
for my DePauw experience. arts setting in which I could join the
professoriate. Fortunately, DePauw had
DePauw kept me quite busy for four an opening in communication.
years. In addition to running cross
country and track, I got involved in My teaching duties at DePauw
student media at WGRE and The have included courses in electronic
DePauw newspaper. I joined Lambda journalism, media law, and
Chi Alpha fraternity and enjoyed many communication ethics. I have also
good friendships and activities there. supervised WGRE as part of my
I found my courses interesting and duties. My scholarly work for many
engaging. I was fortunate to study under years involved presentations, articles,
some of DePauw’s legendary professors,

Current Rector Scholars n Class of 2015 Nicholas Hebebrand ’15
Brooke Addison ’15 Palatine, Ill.
n Class of 2014 Colin Neill ’14 Louisville Giles (Chip) Locke ’15
Stefani Cleaver ’14 Carbondale, Ill. Sam Anderson ’15 Rochester, Minn.
Lexington, Ky. Mami Oyamada ’14 Wonder Lake, Ill. Colleen McArdle ’15
Kyle Coronel ’14 Kanagawa, Japan Kieron Clark ’15 Fort Wayne, Ind.
Prospect, Ky. Yue Qiu ’14 North Manchester, Ind. Madeline Perry ’15
Ben Cox ’14 Beijing, P.R. China Kevin Courtade ’15 Cincinnati
Veedersburg, Ind. Katherine Shover ’14 Jenison, Mich. Haley Pratt ’15
Kaleb Gregory ’14 Greenwood, Ind. Elizabeth Dilbone ’15 Fishers, Ind.
Effingham, Il. Jared (JT) Timmer ’14 Newark, Ohio Adam Thacker ’15
Vincent Guzzetta ’14 McCordsville, Ind. Kunyu Fang ’15 Minnetonka, Minn.
Rockton, Ill. San Diego, Calif. Julie Wittwer ’15
John Hoover ’14 Tori Gregory ’15 Grosse Pointe, Mich.
Zionsville, Ind. Crawfordsville, Ind.
Clare Hasken ’15 Continued on page 4.
Richmond, Ill.

Rector Voices: Carrie Klaus ’93

In a speech he delivered at a DePauw in Strasbourg, France, wrote (in French) currently chair of the Department of
University Dinner at the Claypool Hotel an Honor Scholar senior thesis on 20th- Modern Languages. I have the great
in Indianapolis in January 1923, Edward century French feminist Simone de pleasure of working with colleagues in
Rector remarked, “I do not know of any Beauvoir, and earned majors in French and Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian,
investment of a small or larger sum of English. I also took advantage of the many Japanese, Russian, Spanish, and Portuguese
money, that is likely to bring more direct opportunities the School of Music offered and of continuing to teach not only courses
returns or greater ones, of more far- even to liberal-arts students, as I continued in French, but interdisciplinary courses
reaching effect, than [. . .] assistance to to study piano, played French horn in the such as first-year seminars on Renaissance
young men and young women who are concert and marching bands, and sang in Women Writers and Women’s Fiction in
eager for higher education in an institution the Concert Choir and Century Singers. Revolutionary France.
such as DePauw, and have the capacity A highlight was singing at Carnegie Hall
for it, but who in the absence of such in January 1990 when the Concert Choir, It is no exaggeration to say that my
assistance would be deprived of it.” 1I was under the direction of Stanley Irwin, life, and the lives of the students with
a student for whom Rector’s gift made an traveled to New York City during my whom I have the opportunity to work
education at DePauw possible. first Winter Term. We sang at the White in the classroom, have been shaped by
House the following December. Edward Rector’s gift to DePauw almost
When I came to DePauw as a first- a hundred years ago.
year student in late summer 1989, I knew After graduating from DePauw in
little about the man who had given his 1993, I went on to study at the University 1 (Lewis Gulick, An Investment in Humanity: Edward Rector
name to both the scholarship and the of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where and his Historic Scholarship Program for DePauw University
residence hall that became my new home, I earned a M.A. and Ph.D. degress in [Greencastle, IN: DePauw University, 2009] 227).
but I knew that the Rector Scholarship French literature, returning to Strasbourg,
had brought down the cost of studying Paris, and Geneva to do research for a
at DePauw to that of studying at a large dissertation on women’s writing of the
state school, and it had allowed me to French Reformation that was inspired
convince my parents that DePauw was the in many ways by courses in French and
place for me. During my time at DePauw, English that I had taken at DePauw. I
I developed and nurtured a passion for returned to DePauw as a faculty member
language and literature, studied abroad in French in August 2000, and I am

Current Rector Scholars (continued) n Class of 2017 Midori Kawaue ’17
Joshua Clark ’17 Yokohama, Japan
n Class of 2016 Northbrook, Ill. Indianapolis, IN
Megan Bailey ’16 Danielle Dattilio ’17 Lauren Saint ’17
Columbus, Ind. Risa (Lisa) Kanai ’16 Lexington, KY Indianapolis, IL
Timothy Brauer ’16 Kanagawa-Ken, Japan Kristin Hillman ’17
Greenwood, Ind. Scottsdale, AZ Olubusola Shifatu ’17
Sam Cole ’16 Scott Lockwood ’16 Carolyn Jedd ’17 Lagos, Nigeria
Indianapolis Carmel, Ind. Chicago, IL
Page Daniels ’16 Stephen Johnson ’17 Peter Steiner ’17
Amboy, Ind. Olivia Muller ’16 Frankfort, IL Atlanta, GA
Lauren Falotico ’16 Carmel, Ind.
Arlington Heights, Ill. Gulick Amanda Straw ’17
Conner Gordon ’16 Patricia Preuss ’16 Chicago, IL
Carmel, Ind. Granger, Ind.
Shannon Hall ’16 Amanda Weber ’17
Jacksonville, Fla. LeeAnn Sausser ’16 Cary, IL
Erin Horne ’16 Indianapolis
Arlington Heights, Ill. TAn Investment in Humanity, thehe story of Edward Rector and his
Mark Johnson ’16 Hannah Short ’16 An Investment in Humanity historic scholarship program is that of a
Saint Robert, Mo.About the Author brilliant and farsighted philanthropist.
L Erin Tolar ’16ewis Gulick was born to American Edward Rector and his Historic Scholardhip Program for DePauw University Rector saw education as a key to improving the
missionary parents in Japan in 1923. lives of youths and their ability to contribute
Recipient of a Rector Scholarship, to society as adults. Denied a college education
he enrolled at DePauw in 1940 and
graduated in 1944 with a B.A. degree in story of the Rectors and theirhimself because of poverty in his early years,
Grove City, Ohiopoliticalscience.
After World War II service in the he resolved to help gifted youth in similar
U.S. Army, Gulick attended Georgetown circumstances were he able to do so in later
University in Washington, D.C., where years. And so he could, and did, when as a
he earned M.A. and Ph.D. degrees, also in Chicago patent lawyer he accumulated a large

Noelle Witwer ’16politicalscience. historic scholarship written byfortuneforhistime.
Professionally, Gulick spent more DePauw University, a small liberal arts
than a quarter century as a journalist school in Greencastle, Ind., was the fortunate
reporting from the nation’s capital. Then recipient of Rector’s vision and generosity. His
he served in Congress for 14 years as a most notable donation came in 1919 with
Bluffton, Ind.senior staff consultant.
Following retirement, Gulick AinnHInuvmeastnmiteynt Rector Scholar Lew Gulickan endowment for 100, full-tuition four-year
wrote An Investment in Humanity after Edward Rector and his
discovering that no historical book had Historic Scholarship Program for DePauw University scholarships annually for academically bright
Top image: historic photograph of the first class of Rector Scholars enrolled at young men from Indiana high schools. It was
DePauw University in 1919. Lewis Gulick one of the largest gifts in history to a small
Bottom image: five 21st Century Rector Scholars who assisted with this book, college, and when he died in 1925 his will

been written about Edward Rector and pictured with DePauw President Robert G. Bottoms. ’44, is available on The Rectorbequeathedasecond,evenlargeramount.And

the remarkable scholarship program that, importantly, Rector not only provided money
but also devoted his personal time and effort
as for so many others over the years, had to the utmost in nurturing the scholarship
program and its student recipients as their
enabled him to obtain a college education.
Scholarship website. A printed copynumbersgrew.
Gulick lives in Arlington, Va. This volume tells of Rector’s remarkable
philanthropy during his lifetime – what he
Jacket design: Dian Der Ohanian Phillips DePauw termed as his “investments in humanity” –
University and also importantly, follows through with an

can be ordered by calling the Eli’saccountofhowtheprogramfaredthroughthe

balance of the 20th century.

Cover portrait: There is only one known
portrait of Edward Rector at DePauw

Bookstore, 765-653-0618.University. Housed in a 23- x 27-inch frame,

the oil painting is titled “Edward Rector”
(1863-1925). It was painted after his death
from a photograph, by the well-known Indiana
artist Marie Goth (1887-1927) and presented
to the University in 1928 by the Men’s Hall

The picture on this cover is the first
photograph of the portrait to be taken and

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