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Published by Letchumi Simmi, 2022-05-24 04:15:59

the self care workbook created by simmi

the self care workbook created by simmi

The Self-Care


“Every one of us needs to show how much we care for

each other and, in the process, care for ourselves.”


Self Care

This ultimate workbook is designed to help you

understand self-care better.

Simmi Creations


Adulthood is overrated. A lot of people make this

claim out of frustration, and it`s not surprising.

Being an adult sometimes comes with

overwhelming responsibilities. The only way to

be at peace with yourself is to accept multiple

responsibilities and take the time to focus on the

essentials. Including personal care.
In this book, you'll learn about self-care, its

importance, and how to practice self-care in your


Best regards,

Chidi Eze


Get to Know
About Self-care

A massive open online course is an online course
aimed at unlimited participation and open access

via the Web. In addition to traditional course
materials, such as filmed lectures, readings, and
problem sets, many MOOCs and they provide

interactive courses with user forums.

Get to Know
About Self-care

Taking care of yourself does not mean

being selfish or indulging yourself. Self-

care means taking care of yourself so

you can live a healthy, fulfilling life, do

your job, help others, and accomplish all

that you want to accomplish in a day.
You can take care of yourself by doing

things you enjoy so you can remain

physically, mentally, and emotionally

healthy for the rest of your life. It's

beneficial in many ways, including better

health and well-being.
Achieving self-care involves your own

physical well-being, such as nutrition,

hygiene, and seeking medical attention

when necessary. This involves all the

steps you can take to manage stress in

your life and take care of your own


Are you loving yourself?

Do you show love to yourself?

Even when you think you do, the reality could surprise you.

When was the last time you gave yourself a compliment?

When was the last time you criticized yourself?

Take the test on the next page to determine your starting point. The score

will give you a good idea of what you need to work on for more self-love.

After a few weeks, take the test again and see how much progress you have


How is your relationship
with yourself right now?

1 is not true at all 5 is very true

12 34 5

1.I love myself

2. I am worthy of love

3. Most of the time I speak kindly to myself

4. I deserve to have a good life

5. My body is worthy of my love

6. I like who I am

7. I have many good qualities

8. I respect my body

9. I am a good person

10. I believe the compliments I receive

11. When I feel stressed I use healthy habits to deal with it

12. I forgive myself easily

13. When I receive criticism I don't take it personally

14. I enjoy my own company

15. I can set clear boundaries for myself

16. I am a loveable person

17. Self-care is important and I practice it daily

Count how many times you scored 1,2,3,4 or 5, see the results on the next page


I scored mostly:

You are killing it already! What an awesome score.

5 You really show yourself love. But even when you score this
good. There is ALWAYS room for improvement. Make sure

you keep this up and improve where needed.

4 You scored really well. You love yourself most of the time.
But you do feel there is room for a lot of improvement. Look at the

questions where you scored under a 4 and work on those.

3 You scored mostly 3's. This means you are not "bad" at loving
yourself, but it is also something you need to work on. Make sure the
goals you create for yourself include the topics on which you scored a
3 or less.

2 You know what the great thing is about scoring a little low? You have
so much room for growth. This workbook will help you so much. Make
sure to take the test again in a few weeks. I am sure you will score
higher if you really implement self-love in your daily life

First. Let me tell you that you are worthy of love, so so much. And I am

1 sorry to see how you don't feel the same. But it is okay, you can
change the way you treat yourself. That is why you got this workbook.
I got you. Let's work on this.



A massive open online course is an online course
aimed at unlimited participation and open access

via the Web. In addition to traditional course
materials, such as filmed lectures, readings, and
problem sets, many MOOCs and they provide

interactive courses with user forums.

Practicing Self-care

Self-care is anything you do to take care of

yourself so you can stay physically, mentally,

and emotionally well. Its benefits are better

physical, mental, and emotional health and

Self-care can take many forms, but it always

promotes you and your health. Remaining on

track with your sleeping schedule, eating

healthily, spending time outdoors,

participating in a hobby you enjoy, and

expressing gratitude are all examples.

Start by choosing one self-care practice per week

to weave into your daily routine. Observe any

positive changes and add in more when you feel


Ways to practice

Self-Care for the Mind

Anything you do that makes you feel good is a self care activity. Obviously these things

are going to different for every individual.

Have a look at the list below and tick the activities that you would enjoy.

Unplug for an hour. Switch

everything to airplane mode and free

yourself from the constant bings of

social media and email.

Punctuate your day with a mini-

meditation with one minute of

awareness of your thoughts, feelings,

and sensations; one minute of focused

attention on breathing; and one minute

of awareness of the body as a whole.

Cut Out Negative People. Edit your

social media feeds, and take out any

negative people. You can just “mute”

them; you don’t have to delete them.

Have a good laugh. Read a couple of

comic strips that you enjoy. (For

inspiration, try Calvin and Hobbes,

Dilbert, or xkcd.)

Ways to practice

Self care for the mind

Go cloud-watching. Lie

on your back, relax,

and watch the sky.

Pay complete attention to

something you usually do on

autopilot, perhaps brushing your

teeth, driving, eating, or performing

your morning routine.

Fix a small annoyance at home

that’s been nagging you—a

button lost, a drawer that’s

stuck, a light bulb that’s gone.

Help someone. Carry a bag, open

a door, or pick up an extra carton

of milk for a neighbor.

“It makes no sense to worry about things you have no control over

because there’s nothing you can do about them, and why worry about

things you do control? The activity of worrying keeps you immobilized.”

Self-care Quiz

There are no right or wrong answers; simply respond as you see fit and see what you

discover about yourself.

Score 2 points for each 'Yes', 1 point for each 'S /

Sometimes' and 0 point for 'No'.

Yes s No

I am up-to-date with my health check-ups
I am happy with my physical fitness
I eat well nutritionally most of the time
I have plenty of sleep and feel well-rested
I take regular breaks from my work
I say "No" to others when I need to
I have forgiven my past mistakes
I know what I am passionate about
I have things to look forward to in my life

Your total score

What did you learn about yourself?



Having good mental health is more
than the absence of illness. Rather,

it's a state of holistic well-being.

What is Mental Health?

Is it a state of mind?

Mental health is a state of well-being that encompasses the

emotional, psychological, and social aspects of our lives. If

you have positive mental health, you’re able to realize your

own potential, work productively, manage the normal

stresses of life, have healthy relationships, and make a

contribution to your community.

Conversely, if you

experience mental health

problems, it could impact

how you think, feel, and act,

and this could adversely

impact other areas of your


More Than a
State of Mind

Having good mental health is more
than the absence of illness. Rather, it's a state of holistic well-


Some experts have tried coming up
As a result, others have tried

with different terms to explain the
to explain the difference by

difference between mental health
talking about a continuum

and mental health conditions.
where mental health is at

Phrases such as good mental health,
one end of the spectrum –

positive mental health, mental
represented by feeling good

wellbeing, subjective wellbeing, and
and functioning well – while

even happiness have been
mental health conditions (or

proposed by various people to
mental illness) are at the

emphasize that mental health is
other – represented by
about wellness rather than illness.
symptoms that affect

While some say this has been
people’s thoughts, feelings

helpful, others argue that using
or behavior.
more words to describe the same

thing just adds to the confusion.

How Do I Maintain Positive Mental Health?

Here's The Practical Tips and Advice

Talk about
2 Be active
1 your feelings

3 Eat well 4 Drink sensibly

5 Keep in touch 6 Ask for help

7 Take a break Do something

8 you're good at

Accept who 10 Care for others
9 you are

Self care for your mental wellbeing

(on bad days)

If you feel overwhelmed, lost or anxious, ask yourself the 3

questions below to instantly calm your emotions and take

action where needed.

How do I feel at this moment?

1 (write between 1-5 emotions)

2 What do I need right now?

2 (eg: entertainment, relaxation, food. Write 1-5 things that will

make you feel MUCH better)

3 What specific actions can I do to make me feel better right now?
(eg: order sushi, go shopping, meditate, staying away from my phone.

Write 1-5 actions which help control your emotions + reduce overwhelm)

Your Mental Wellness

Think about your mental health and describe how you feel

about each area of your mental health.

My stress level

My self esteem

My anxiety level

My overall feeling about mental wellness

Your Mental Wellness

Think about the thing that you could improve the

mental health

My stress level

My self esteem

My anxiety level

My overall feeling about mental wellness

Emotional Self-Care

It's important to have healthy coping skills to deal with

uncomfortable emotions, like anger, stress, anxiety, and

sadness. Emotional self-care may include activities that help

you acknowledge and express your feelings regularly and


Whether you talk to a partner or close friend about how you

feel, or you set aside time for leisure activities that help you

process your emotions, it's important to incorporate emotional

self-care into your life.6

When assessing your emotional self-care strategies, consider these


Do you have healthy ways to process your emotions?
Do you incorporate activities into your life that help you feel


managing Stress

A quick reference guide

1 Identify the sources of your stress

This space is where you elaborate on your tips and tricks

on how to manage stress. Explain to the readers why it is

important to properly manage stress and identify its


2 Make time for fun and relaxation

This space is where you elaborate on your tips and tricks

on how to manage stress. Explain to the readers why it is

important to properly manage stress and identify its


3 Maintain a healthy lifestyle

This space is where you elaborate on your tips and tricks on

how to manage stress. Explain to the readers why it is

important to properly manage stress and identify its


Tóxic People

Most of us spend a lot of time putting up with toxic people. These

people make us feel bad about ourselves and the zap our energy.

They might increase anxiety levels and lower our self esteem.

Why do we put up with these people? Well, they might be a family

member and we don't want to cause a rift in the wider family. They

might be a boss and we don't feel that we can tell them how they

are making us feel. They might be a friend that we have had for

years and we don't know how to stop them behaving in the way

they have
always done.

You have three options for dealing with toxic people but it takes

courage on your part.

1. Tell them how they are making you feel and if you can't tell
them to their face, send them a letter explaining it fully.
2. Change your attitude towards them and accept that they
are toxic and ignore what they say to you.
3. Walk away from them and don't look back.

your business name

My Toxic People Plan

Describe how the person is toxic to you.
Describe what you could say to the person to

stop them.
Describe what actions you can take to avoid them
What is preventing you from dealing with this person

Dealing With Tóxic People

1. Identify a person in your life who makes you feel bad
2. How do they make you feel about yourself?
3. What can you do to stop them from effecting you?


Body Self Care

When we are living lives filled with activity, noise,

and hurry, it is incredibly difficult to feel healthy

and rested. When that is our overall experience

with life, the result is that we become stressed and

burned out.

Self-care practice for

the body

While many of us have a lot going on, it’s

imperative that we take time out every day

for ourselves, even if minimally. Another

great thing about self-care is that it does

not have to cost a thing. And you can even

accomplish it in the convenience of your

own home.

Life is dynamic, and so are our

dimensions of wellness. During

challenging times, we may rely on

our strong points to help carry us

through. When too many

dimensions are compromised, we

may find ourselves struggling and

find it difficult to handle things we

easily could have in the past.

Here are some ideas for self-care:

1. Simplify your schedule.
Are you over-committed? Are there things that you need to let go? Ask

yourself which activities and relationships are truly adding value to

your life, and intentionally make space for those things.
2. Do something that energizes your body.
Stretch, swim, run, do yoga, or whatever physical activity you enjoy.

Exercise is a key part of self-care.
3. Take a long, warm bath.
While you're at it, light a candle, read a magazine, listen to soothing

4. Create a Gratitude List.
Write down all the things that you're thankful for.
5. Meet with a counselor.
This could be a psychologist, therapist, or spiritual mentor.
6. Unplug for a day.
Go on a media and technology fast, and turn off any unnecessary

electronic devices.
7. Stretch.
Find the kinks and tension spots in you body, and stretch them out.
8. Do something new.
Have you been considering learning a new skill or trying a new hobby?

Go for it.
9. Practice mini-meditation.
Begin or end your day with a minute of deep breathing, and focused

awareness of your body, thoughts, and feelings.
10. Dance it out.
Put on your favorite dance music, and shake your body.

11. Write or journal your thoughts.
Take 10 minutes, and jot down whatever is on your mind. Mentally

release those things as you write.
12. Get quality time with a quality person.
Hang out with someone who you love. If they're far away, give

them a phone call.
13. Be still.
Find a quiet place outside, and embrace the stillness.
14. Practice a full day of Sabbath rest.
Take a full day to rest and rejuvenate.
15. De-clutter.
Choose a place -- your email inbox, your desk, a closet -- and get

rid of the excess and junk.
16. Do an activity mindfully and slowly.
Savor the moment, and experience your activity with

17. Take a walk.
Explore your area at a leisurely pace.
18. Reflect on your personal mission statement.
If you don't have a personal mission statement, create one.
19. Enjoy a piece of chocolate or a glass of wine.
Better yet, enjoy both together.
20. Sleep.
Take a nap, go to bed earlier, give your body some extra rest.

The most beautiful

things in the world

cannot be seen or even

touched. They must be

felt with the heart.


Self-care Planner

On the next page, you will find your own self-love planner.

Write down the goals/tasks you want to do weekly.

By keeping track of your goals/tasks you will be more

motivated to complete them.

The art of paying

attention to
you and your needs

Self-care Plan

Goals for my mind Mind

Mental health
Mindfulness and self


Stimulation and


Goals for my body Body

Basic hygiene and

body care

Exercise, sleep and

healthy food

Good rules &

habits i want to

live by

Self-Care Practices

Physical self-care emotional self-care

spiritual self-care intellectual self-care

social self-care financial self-care

Self-care notes

Week: Self Care

Days Self Care Activities
Tuesday Things I'm Grateful For
Wednesday 6.
Thursday 7.
Friday 8.
Saturday 9.
Sunday 10.

1. Week review

Self-care Goals

Today's affirmation:
What is the purpose behind my self-care goals?

What motivates me to achieve them?

How can I achieve them?

Habits to Start: Habits to Stop:

1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.

Thought Reflection

What keeps me grounded?
Who gives me comfort?
Where do I feel safest?
When am I at my best?

Self-care Planner

For April 2022

My Schedule My Top Priorities

Note To Self

Daily Nutrition



Self Care Planner

Date: smtwtfs

Priorities for Today Personal Reminder

Things I Need to do for My Body and Mind

Note Taking care of

yourself is a proof of

loving your own

body and mind

Self Assessment

How do I feel at this moment?

What am I putting off?

Overall Well-being

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

I get enough sleep I spend time to recharge

12345 12345

I have a healthy eating habit I keep my space clean

12345 12345

I exercise my body regularly I take care of my hygiene

12345 12345

Your Next Steps

Now you have incorporated some self-care strategies into your

daily routine, you can learn how to make self-care top priority

in your life with The Self-Care Workshop.

With this online workshop we will be sharing tried-and-tested techniques and tools to

make self-care an important and essential part of your daily routine. We will help you step

back from your busy life and find some time for yourself. Our workshop will show you how

you are important and deserve time for care and attention. With inspiring and practical

advice, The Self-Care Workshop will help you identify exactly what it is you need to relax

and find calm in your hectic day-to-day life. The workshop is designed to inspire you and

give you new ideas and choices. We want it to be the inspiration for seeing all the

possibilities and opportunities in your life.

self-care workshop

The Self-Care Workshop

Now you have incorporated some self-care strategies into your

daily routine, you can learn how to make self-care top priority

in your life with The Self-Care Workshop.

With this online workshop we will be sharing tried-and-tested techniques and tools to

make self-care an important and essential part of your daily routine. We will help you

step back from your busy life and find some time for yourself. Our workshop will show

you how you are important and deserve time for care and attention. With inspiring and

practical advice, The Self-Care Workshop will help you identify exactly what it is you

need to relax and find calm in your hectic day-to-day life. The workshop is designed to

inspire you and give you new ideas and choices. We want it to be the inspiration for

seeing all the possibilities and opportunities in your life.

self-care workshop

The Self-Care Workshop

Now you have incorporated some self-care strategies into your

daily routine, you can learn how to make self-care top priority in

your life with The Self-Care Workshop.

self-care explained

With this online workshop we will be
sharing tried-and-tested techniques
and tools to make self-care an
important and essential part of your
daily routine. We will help you step
back from your busy life and find
some time for yourself. Our
workshop will show you how you are
important and deserve time for care
and attention. With inspiring and
practical advice, The Self-Care
Workshop will help you identify
exactly what it is you need to relax
and find calm in your hectic day-to-
day life. The workshop is designed to
inspire you and give you new ideas
and choices. We want it to be the
inspiration for seeing all the
possibilities and opportunities in your


JOIN the self-care


Thank You


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