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Published by sbrownjr0002, 2019-09-07 03:54:12

History of me by shaon brown per.4

History of me by shaon brown per.4

History Of Me

Shaon Brown


When I went to New York it was so confusing for me and my little
brother Marcel.We never been to New York so we didn’t know where
we were going. There was so much traffic in New York that most
people chose to walk. We also chose to walk, but the only time we
drove was when we were going somewhere far and we took an Uber.
We went to Joe’s Pizza by our hotel.Our hotel name was The Jewel.
We went to the Empire State Building. It is a very tall building that is
1, 250 feet tall. We went inside the building but not the top. To go to
the top, it cost $300 for my whole family!!! Afterwards, we went to the
World Trade Center Memorial. That was very nice but also very sad.


In my family we are Christians. Almost every Sunday me and my
little brother Marcel go to church with my Aunt Omeka. We usually
eat breakfast and go to Sunday school after that. For breakfast at
church we usually have grits and oatmeal.After Sunday school we
go to our first service with the rest of the church. We only stay for
the first service not the rest. In first service we sing songs with the
drums,the piano,and the keyboard. Alter that we have our Altar
Prayer. I really like church because I get to learn about God and
my religion and the church members are nice. I also have a lot of
friends at church which I like.


When i graduated the fifth grade I was very happy because I was
going to middle.This was a very big achievement for me because I
was moving on in life and i’m going to a very important grade.The day
i graduated was on june,2017.I graduated in a building with a stage.I
gave a short speach.At the end of the graduation I got lots of balloons
and candy.I couldn’t wait until middle school even though I was a little
nervous to go to middle school.


Every day when I get home from school I have to do chores.I have 3
chores washing the dishes, taking out the trash, and cleaning the
stove.I have to go to bed at 10:00 on school days, but on the
weekdays I don’t have a bedtime.If I break a household rule in will get
grounded.My household rules changed a lot as I got older.When I
was younger i didn’t have chores because I didn’t no how to do them.I
have a chore chart and if I do my chores on my own I get a
checkmark,If I don’t I get a x.Also if I do something really good or
helpful I get a star.For example say if my Mom comes home and she
has bags I will go downstairs and help her then I will get a star.


My household chores are really simple.The amount of allowance I
earn for doing chores is $5.My chores are to wash the dishes, clean
the stove, and to take out the trash.I have a chore list and it gets
checked every Monaday.To earn extra allowance I help my Dad
organize his store.I organize the shoes, the shirts, and the jackets.I
don’t have to help my Dad but I want to because that's nice and it’s
also very fun.Sometimes me and my brother switch around chores
but there still easy.Before I used to get a attitude whenever I had to
do chores but now there actually fun.

Social Structure

In my family I have one brother and a sister that will be born on
December 8th or the 10th of 2019.My little brother loves to watch TV,
his favorite show is Steven Universe.My Dad loves Basketball, his
favorite team is the Los Angeles Lakers.He also likes to go to the park
and play Basketball.My Mom likes to read on her ipad, she also likes
Basketball, but her favorite team is the clippers.Her favorite
Basketball player is Allen Iverson but my Dad’s favorite player is Kobe
Bryant.As a family every year we go on a rafting trip in
Sacramento.We do this to honor our cousin Chris because he passed

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