CITO Cushion Crease and Cushion Crease Plus
Custom engineered creasing profile developed for the processing of corrugated board
CUSHION CREASE CUSHION CREASE PLUS ⊲ Especially developed for flatbed and rotary dies,
for die makers and corrugated board converters
⊲ Simple optical quality control through color-coding
⊲ Extremely wear resistance
⊲ Excellent height resistance
⊲ Available as self-adhesive EasyFix version
on user-friendly CMR reels
CITO Cushion Crease Plus is mainly used for double and triple flute paper. It is placed on the creasing rule to support
compression in a larger area of the corrugated board and to optimize creasing particularly along the corrugations.
CITO Cushion Crease Description Size Unit Price/Meter USD Price
CITO Cushion Crease Yellow 6.4 mm 50 M $1.57 $78.50
Product CITO Cushion Crease Green 7.0 mm 50 M $1.79 $89.50
CUSHIONROLL6-4 CITO Cushion Crease Gold 7.5 mm 50 M $1.87 $93.50
CUSHIONROLL7-0 CITO Cushion Crease Blue 8.0 mm 50 M $1.96 $98.00
CUSHIONROLL7-5 CITO Cushion Crease Purple 8.5 mm 50 M $2.00 $100.00
CUSHIONROLL8-0 CITO Cushion Crease Orange 9.0 mm 50 M $2.17 $108.50
CUSHIONROLL8-5 CITO Cushion Crease White 9.7 mm 50 M $2.21 $110.50
CUSHIONROLL9-0 CITO Cushion Crease Pink 10.0 mm 50 M $2.42 $121.00
CUSHIONROLL9-7 CITO Cushion Crease Brown 12.0 mm 50 M $3.44 $172.00
CITO Cushion Crease CMR, EasyFix
Product Description Size Unit Price/Meter USD Price
6.4 mm 20 M $3.80 $76.00
CUSHIONCREASE6-4EF CITO Cushion Crease CMR Yellow, EasyFix 7.0 mm 20 M $4.06 $81.20
7.5 mm 20 M $4.21 $84.20
CUSHIONCREASE7-0EF CITO Cushion Crease CMR Green, EasyFix 8.0 mm 20 M $4.60 $92.00
8.5 mm 18 M $4.52 $81.35
CUSHIONCREASE7-5EF CITO Cushion Crease CMR Gold, EasyFix 9.0 mm 16 M $4.89 $78.25
9.7 mm 15 M $4.98 $74.70
CUSHIONCREASE8-0EF CITO Cushion Crease CMR Blue, EasyFix 10.0 mm 15 M $5.16 $77.40
CUSHIONCREASE8-5EF CITO Cushion Crease CMR Purple, EasyFix
CUSHIONCREASE9-0EF CITO Cushion Crease CMR Orange, EasyFix
CUSHIONCREASE9-7EF CITO Cushion Crease CMR White, EasyFix
CUSHIONCREASE10-0EF CITO Cushion Crease CMR Pink, EasyFix
CITO Cushion Crease Plus
Product Description Size Unit Price/Meter USD Price
6.4 mm 50 M $2.38 $119.00
CUSHIONPLUS6-4 CITO Cushion Crease Plus, Yellow 7.0 mm 50 M $2.41 $120.50
7.5 mm 50 M $2.60 $130.00
CUSHIONPLUS7-0 CITO Cushion Crease Plus, Green 8.0 mm 50 M $2.62 $131.00
8.5 mm 50 M $2.82 $141.00
CUSHIONPLUS7-5 CITO Cushion Crease Plus, Gold 9.0 mm 50 M $2.84 $142.00
CUSHIONPLUS8-0 CITO Cushion Crease Plus, Blue
CUSHIONPLUS8-5 CITO Cushion Crease Plus, Purple
CUSHIONPLUS9-0 CITO Cushion Crease Plus, Orange
CITO Cushion Crease Plus
Product Description Size Unit Price/Meter USD Price
6.4 mm 20 M $4.64 $92.80
CUSHIONPLUS6-4EF CITO Cushion Crease Plus CMR, Yellow, EasyFix 7.0 mm 20 M $4.69 $93.80
7.5 mm 20 M $6.11 $122.20
CUSHIONPLUS7-0EF CITO Cushion Crease Plus CMR, Green, EasyFix 8.0 mm 20 M $6.26 $125.20
8.5 mm 18 M $6.49 $116.80
CUSHIONPLUS7-5EF CITO Cushion Crease Plus CMR, Gold, EasyFix 9.0 mm 16 M $6.73 $107.70
CUSHIONPLUS8-0EF CITO Cushion Crease Plus CMR, Blue, EasyFix
CUSHIONPLUS8-5EF CITO Cushion Crease Plus CMR, Purple, EasyFix
CUSHIONPLUS9-0EF CITO Cushion Crease Plus CMR, Orange, EasyFix
Development especially for balancing the cutting die, CITO BALANCE Profile Rubber is a perfect compliment to your ejection
material! This rubber profile prevents the cutting die from tilting over and ensures a uniform cutting result across the entire
sheet. By using the CITO BALANCE Profile Rubber the makeready time is reduced significantly.
⊲ Shorter set-up time for faster makeready
⊲ Reduced cutting pressure
⊲ Improved sheet run and greater machine performance
⊲ Longer life of the cutting tool
⊲ Available in self-adhesive CITO EasyFix technology
Product Description Dimensions Unit Price
BALANCE 8MM Grey/Red w/ EasyFix 8.0 mm x 20 mm x 658 mm 1 Box (38 strips) $244.60
BALANCE 10MM Grey/Red w/ EasyFix 10.0 mm x 20 mm x 658 mm 1 Box (38 strips) $277.80
BALANCE 11MM Grey/Black w/ EasyFix 11.0 mm x 20 mm x 658 mm 1 Box (38 strips) $287.75
The BEST self-adhesive patching tape on the market
⊲ Largest choice of widths and thicknesses available
⊲ Higher production reliability through optimum adhesive strength
⊲ Uniform and easy unwinding: no bulging, no blocking and no waste
⊲ More footage per roll
CITO TAPE Product Rolls Per Box Description (.001”) 131 ft. Price Per Roll
CITO Tape 1/4” and 1/8” roll widths (.002”) 98 ft.
1/4”= 6.0 mm 25 Blue (.003”) 65 ft. $5.85
1/8”= 3.0 mm 40 Red $5.85
Yellow (.006”) 32 ft. $5.85
CITO Tape 1/4” roll widths
1/4”= 6.0 mm 25 White $5.85
CITO Tape 1/2” roll widths Blue (.001”) 131 ft. $14.95
1/2”= 12 mm
12 Red (.002”) 98 ft. $14.45
CITO Tape 3/4” roll widths
3/4”=20 mm Yellow (.003”) 65 ft. $13.60
CITO Tape 1-1/15” roll widths Blue (.001”) 131 ft. $24.75
1 1/15”= 30 mm
7 Red (.002”) 98 ft. $22.15
Yellow (.003”) 65 ft. $21.60
Blue (.001”) 131 ft. $37.75
5 Red (.002”) 98 ft. $35.30
Yellow (.003”) 65 ft. $33.00
Quantity Discounts CITO Tape
25 rolls (one size) less 3%
50 rolls (two sizes) less 5%
75 rolls (three sizes) less 7%
MAKEREADY SHEETS Product Description Dimensions Unit Price Per
* Specail Order CALIBRATEDPAPER 1030 1030 x 735 mm .004"/.10 mm/100 microns 125 Sheets
CALIBRATEDPAPER 1070 1070 x 740 mm .004"/.10 mm/100 microns 125 Sheets $416.35
CALIBRATEDPAPER 1410 1410 x 1100 mm .004"/.10 mm/100 microns 125 Sheets
CALIBRATED 1060 (LAMINATE) 41" x 164'/1060 mm x 50 M .004"/.10 mm/100 microns Roll $530.50
CALIBRATED 1200 (LAMINATE) 47"x 164'/1200 mm x 50 M .004"/.10 mm/100 microns
CALIBRATED 1300 (LAMINATE) 51" x 164'/1300 mm x 50 M .004"/.10 mm/100 microns $515.10
PATCHUP 40" x 28" /1020 x 720 mm .006"/.16 mm/160 microns
PATCHUPFULL 56" x 40"/1440 x 1020 mm .006"/.16 mm/160 microns $305.15
PATCHUPROLL 47" x 164'/1200 mm x 50 M .006"/.16 mm/160 microns
Roll $256.50
Roll $280.75
100 sheets $425.50
50 sheets $431.75
Roll $289.85
DRAWING FOIL Product Description Dimensions Unit Price Per
* Specail Order FOIL-1100-BASIC-140 BASIC Drawing Foil 50 M × 1100 mm × 0.140 mm Roll $292.50
FOIL-1370-BASIC-140 BASIC Drawing Foil 50 M × 1370 mm × 0.140 mm Roll $361.40
FOIL-1520-BASIC-140 BASIC Drawing Foil 50 M × 1520 mm × 0.140 mm Roll $403.05
FOIL-900-BASIC-07 BASIC Drawing Foil 50 M × 900 mm × 0.07 mm Roll $153.35
FOIL-1100-BASIC-07 BASIC Drawing Foil 50 M × 1100 mm × 0.07 mm Roll
FOIL-1220-BASIC-07 BASIC Drawing Foil 50 M × 1220 mm × 0.07 mm Roll $187.40
FOIL-1370-BASIC-07 BASIC Drawing Foil 50 M × 1370 mm × 0.07 mm Roll
FOIL-1520-BASIC-07 BASIC Drawing Foil 50 M × 1520 mm × 0.07 mm Roll $207.90
FOIL-900-BASIC-095 BASIC Drawing Foil 50 M × 900 mm × 0.095 mm Roll
FOIL-1100-BASIC-095 BASIC Drawing Foil 50 M × 1100 mm × 0.095 mm Roll $233.45
FOIL-1220-BASIC-095 BASIC Drawing Foil 50 M × 1220 mm × 0.095 mm Roll
FOIL-1370-BASIC-095 BASIC Drawing Foil 50 M × 1370 mm × 0.095 mm Roll $258.95
FOIL-1520-BASIC-095 BASIC Drawing Foil 50 M × 1520 mm × 0.095 mm Roll
FOIL-900-PRO-145 PRO Drawing Foil $216.10
FOIL-1100-PRO-145 PRO Drawing Foil 30 M × 900 mm × 0.145 mm Roll
FOIL-1300-PRO-145 PRO Drawing Foil 30 M × 1100 mm × 0.145 mm Roll $264.10
FOIL-770-PRO-09 PRO Drawing Foil 30 M × 1300 mm × 0.145 mm Roll
FOIL-1300-PRO-09 PRO Drawing Foil 50 M × 770 mm × 0.09 mm Roll $292.90
FOIL-1500-PRO-09 PRO Drawing Foil 50 M × 1300 mm × 0.09 mm Roll
FOIL-1066-PRO-07 PRO Drawing Foil 50 M × 1500 mm × 0.09 mm Roll $328.90
FOIL-1100-PRO-07 PRO Drawing Foil 50 M × 1066 mm × 0.07 mm Roll
FOIL-1220-PRO-07 PRO Drawing Foil 50 M × 1100 mm × 0.07 mm Roll $364.95
FOIL-1300-PRO-07 PRO Drawing Foil 50 M × 1220 mm × 0.07 mm Roll
50 M × 1300 mm × 0.07 mm Roll $191.50
CARBON PAPER Product Description Unit Price Per Unit
Blue Line Carbon Paper - Roll 28” x 93’ 1 $339.00
Blue Line Carbon Paper - Sheets 28” x 40” 100 $207.75
SUPER PLATE CLEANER Product Description Price
Super Plate 5 gallon $244.40
Super Plate 55 gallon Call For Pricing
DUAL STRIPPING FOAM Product Part # Description Price
3’ 3” x 1.5” x 1.5” $5.60
Dual Stripping Foam w/Adhesive CD 40
MALLET Product Part # Description Price
Mallett MALLET-4L Rawhide Safety Mallet LONG #4 $43.95
DIE EJECTION ADHESIVE Product Part # Description Price
Die Ejection Adhesive STAFOFIX2000 50 gram bottle $8.35
Die Ejection Adhesive STAFOFIX3000 50 gram bottle $10.65
Die Ejection Adhesive STAFOTACK-R 50 gram bottle $8.50
DIE BOARDS Premium Birch Size UV Coated Birch Size
Thickness 48’ x 60” Thickness 48’ x 60”
*CALL FOR PRICING. 1/4” 30” x 48” 5/16” 48” x 60”
5/16” 48” x 60” 3/8” 48” x 72”
5/16” 48” x 72” 3/8” 36” x 60”
5/16” 30” x 48” 1/2” 48” x 60”
3/8” 48” x 60” 1/2” 48” x 72”
3/8” 48” x 72” 1/2” 36” x 48”
3/8” 30” x 48” 5/8” 48” x 60”
1/2” 30” x 48” 5/8” 48” x 72”
1/2” 48” x 60” 5/8” 48” x 60”
1/2” 48” x 72” 3/4”
1/2” 48” x 96”
1/2” 30” x 48”
5/8” 48” x 60”
5/8” 48” x 72”
5/8” 60” x 60”
5/8” 60” x 84”
5/8” 60” x 96”
5/8” 48” x 60”
11/16” 48” x 60”
3/4” 48” x 72”
3/4” 60” x 60”
Mount… AADdJjUuSsTt..…. Go!
Die cutting, perforating, and scoring in-line on your sheet fed offset printing press. No
press modification is necessary and our experienced technicians familiarize your staff
with the 30-45 minute set-up process. RSP In-Line Finishing system is perfect for pocket
folders, L-perforations, door hangers, and slitting at full press running speeds. Eliminate a
manufacturing step and increase profits on every printing job. Repeat jobs can be saved with
the printing plates for reruns.
See a demonstration video under Product Videos on our website:
3 42
7 86
Lower costs > Higher profit > Satisfied customers
1. Mounting the RSP impression cylinder jacket on to impression cylinder.
2. Clamping of the RSP base plate on to the blanket cylinder.
3. Adjustment of the RSP base plate to printstart.
4. Preparation of the RSP mylar grid outside the press.
5. Register true clamping of the RSP mylar grid on the pin bar and fixing
it with the Hinge Clamp.
6. Mounting the RSP mylar grid on the RSP base plate.
7. Readjustment in horizontal, vertical and diagonal direction inside the press.
8. Application of the RSP offset creasing strips.
*Patented hinge clamp for securing mylar or direct fit die.
Heidelberg Machine Model Price Heidelberg Machine Model Price Manroland Machine Model Price
GTO 46 $975.00 SM 74 / PM 74 U-Bar $1,050.00 SM/CD 102 L Coater $1,050.00
GTO 52 $975.00 SM 74 / PM 74 L Coater $1,050.00 XL 105/XL 106 U-Bar $1,050.00
SM 52 / SX52 $975.00 CD 74 / XL 75 $1,050.00 XL 105/XL 106 L Coater $1,050.00
SM 52 L Coater $975.00 CD 74 / XL 75 L Coater $1,050.00
MO $1,050.00 CD 102 K-Bar $1,050.00
SORK $1,050.00 CD 102 / CX 102 U-Bar $1,050.00
SO 74 / SORM / SM 72 / SX 74 U-Bar $1,050.00 SM 102 / SORS K-Bar $1,050.00
SM 74 / PM 74 / SX 74 L Coater $1,050.00 SM 102 / SX 102 U-Bar $1,050.00
Machine Model Price
KBA 105 U-Bar $1,050.00
KBA 106 U-Bar $1,050.00
Komori Lithrone 40 $1,050.00
Komori Lithrone S40/G40 $1,050.00
Manroland 500 U-Bar $1,050.00
Manroland 700 U-Bar $1,050.00
Training is onsite and includes the necessary impression cylinder jacket and mylar grid. $850.00
Press Size
Small Format 20” Press
Medium Fromat 29” Press
Large Format 40” Press
Every commercial printer is required to deliver every job faster, cheaper and all with shorter run lengths. The RSP Easy Set is the perfect tool
allowing you to finish jobs in-line. Perforating, scoring and diecutting is now completed in-line at full press running speeds.
RSP Easy Set Press Model Price Komori Lithrone L 40 printing $2,687.70
Heidelberg CD 102 / CX 102 coating $2,687.70 Komori Lithrone S 40 coating $2,687.70
Easy in-line finishing on printing presses. Heidelberg CD 102 printing $2,550.00 Komori Lithrone S 40 printing $2,687.70
Heidelberg CD 74 printing $2,150.15 Komori Spica 29 printing $2,150.15
ADVANTAGES AND FEATURES OF Heidelberg GTO 46 printing $1,359.65 Komori SX29 $2,150.15
THE NEW RSP EASY SET SYSTEM Heidelberg GTO 52 printing $1,881.40 Komori Lithrone S 29 $2,150.15
Low initial cost Heidelberg MO printing $2,150.15 Komori Lithrone G40 $2,040.00
Easy mounting and removal Heidelberg QM 46 printing $1,359.65 Komori Enthrone 29 $1,881.40
Perforating, scoring and die cutting in-line Heidelberg SM 102 / SX 102 coating $2,687.70 Manroland 300 printing $2,150.15
Developed in conjuction with Heidelberg Heidelberg SM 102 / SX 102 printing $2,687.70 Manroland 700 printing $2,687.70
Heidelberg SM 52 / SX 52 printing $1,881.40 Manroland 700 coating $2,687.70
BASIC RSP EASY SET CONTAINS: Heidelberg SM 72 printing $2,150.15 Ryobi 520 coating $1,881.40
Heidelberg SM 74 coating $2,150.15 Ryobi 520 printing $1,881.40
2 Base Blankets with millimeter scale Heidelberg SM 74 / SX 102 printing $2,150.15 Ryobi 750 printing $2,150.15
2 Protective Impression Cylinder Jackets Heidelberg SO 74 printing $2,150.15 Ryobi 920 $2,150.15
2 Protective Impression Cylinder Jackets in strips Heidelberg SORD printing $2,687.70 Sakurai Oliver 66 EZ $2,150.15
1 RSP Adhesive Tape Heidelberg SORM printing $2,150.15
2 Rolls Make-ready Tape Heidelberg XL 105 / XL 106 printing $2,687.70
1 Tube RSP Supporting Foam Heidelberg XL 75 printing $2,150.15
1 Box RSP Perforating Rule
1 Operaters Manual KBA Rapida 74 printing $2,150.15
1 Side Cutter
1 Pair Safety Gloves KBA Rapida 75 pro $2,150.15
1 Storage Case
KBA Rapida 75 printing $2,150.15
KBA Rapida 75 coating $2,150.15
KBA Rapida 105 printing $2,687.70
KBA Rapida 106 printing $2,687.70
Individual Base Blanket Prices $405.00
Base Blanket - QM/PM 46” Press $555.00
Base Blanket - Small Format 20” Press $630.00
Base Blanket - Medium Format 29” Press
Base Blanket - Large Format 40” Press
Benefits of purchasing directly through Print Craft Supply:
Please submit the following die specifications in PDF format to [email protected] when ordering:
• Customer name, address and shipping instructions.
• Provide Sheet Layout: Indicate gripper edge location to determine print run direction and if layout is finished product or die view.
Sheet size will need to be drawn on file along with cuts and creases.
• Preferred file types are .dxf, .dwg, .eps, .ai and .pdf. The .eps, .ai and .pdf can only be used if they are made with center line geometry.
• Nicking Points: Indicate on drawing any nicking points desired. Standard nick is .035 inches.
• Type of Line: Indicate if lines are cutting, scoring or perforating. A file that is labeled and has separate palettes is best.
If perforation, what perforation specification is required? NOTE: The smallest etched tie size is .044” for perforating up to 15 TPI.
• Machine Model Type: Indicate the machine model in order to calculate the proper distortion factor. Also, will it be running
on a printing or coating unit and is it a K Bar or U Bar?
• Material: Thickness of material being finished and how the die file fits on this size.
The preferred method is to have the full paper size drawn on the die file.
• Requested Delivery Date
*RSP direct fit flexible dies for direct fastening on to the new RSP base plate 2.0. RSP direct fit flexible dies provide you with the highest
level of precision through register adjustment in every direction up to 1.5 mm. Ideal for demanding jobs with large formats.
RSP PROTECTIVE Part # Printing Press Dimensions Price
IMPRESSION ICJGTO46 Heidelberg GTO 46 452 x 312 mm $61.55
CYLINDER JACKETS ICJQM46 Heidelberg QM/PM 46 330 x 447 mm $61.55
AND STRIPS ICJGTO52 Heidelberg GTO 52 513 x 343 mm $61.55
ICJGTO52P Heidelberg GTO 52 513 x 343 mm $61.55
Self-adhesive; for the protection of the ICJSM52 Heidelberg SM 52 526 x 363 mm $61.55
impression cylinder during the cutting ICJSM52P Heidelberg SM 52 526 x 363 mm $61.55
and perforating process. ICJMO1 Heidelberg MO 650 x 474 mm $78.50
ICJMO1P Heidelberg MO 650 x 474 mm $78.50
Quantity Discounts Consumable Supplies ICJSO741 Heidelberg SO74/SORM/SM72 726 x 513 mm $83.20
Komori Lithrone 28 / Sprint 28
Combination of any accessory items ICJSO741P KBA Rapida 74/75 726 x 513 mm $83.20
ICJSORD Heidelberg SO74/SORM/SM72 623 x 448 mm $83.20
5 to 10 items less 2% ICJSM742 Heidelberg SORD 373 x 513 mm $65.20
ICJSM741 Heidelberg SM74/PM74 746 x 513 mm $83.20
11 to 20 items less 4% ICJSM741P Heidelberg SM74/PM74/Komori Spica 29 746 x 513 mm $83.20
ICJSM/SO/CD1022 Heidelberg SM74/PM74 513 x 703 mm $77.20
21 to 30 items less 6% ICJSM/ SO/CD1022P Heidelberg SM/SORS/CD 102 / KL40 513 x 703 mm $77.20
ICJSM102 Full Heidelberg SM/SORS/CD 102 / KL40 703 x 1026 mm $168.85
31+ items less 8% ICJSM102P Full Heidelberg SM/SORS/CD 102 / KL40 703 x 1026 mm $168.85
ICJCD74 (74L) Heidelberg SM/SORS/CD 102 / KL40 373 x 610 mm $82.05
Part numbers which end in P are for Perfecting ICJCD74/XL75 Full Heidelberg CD74 / CD74L / XL75 746 x 610 mm $83.20
Machines. Part numbers which end in 2 are half size ICJCD74/XL75P Full Heidelberg CD74 / CD74L / XL75 746 x 610 mm $83.20
jackets. ICJXL105 Heidelberg CD74 / CD74L / XL75 743 x 528 mm $77.20
ICJXL105 Full Heidelberg XL105 1056 x 743 mm $168.85
This price is for purchasing in quantities of 10. ICJKBA105 Heidelberg XL105 515 x 720 mm $168.85
If less than 10 purchased a 15% handling charge ICJKBA106 KBA Rapida105 528 x 739 mm $168.85
will be added. ICJKBA105/106 Full KBA Rapida106 1056 x 739 mm $168.85
ICJKL26 KBA Rapida 105/106 470 x 665 mm $79.60
ICJR700 Komori Lithrone 26 / Sprint 26 732 x 522 mm $77.20
ICJSP20.2 Roland 700 513 x 65 mm $16.70
ICJSP27.6 ICJ Strips - 20” Press 703 x 65 mm $18.30
ICJSP40 ICJ Strips - 28” Press 1050 x 65 mm $23.65
ICJ Strips - 40” Press
RSP MYLAR GRIDS Part # Printing Press Price MGSM/ Heidelberg CS 102 $82.75
MGGTO46 $39.90 SO102 (from S/N 551102)
Adjusted to the individual cylinder MGGTO52 Heidelberg GTO 46 $39.90 MGXL105U $82.75
diameter for pre-makeready of the RSP MGSM52 $39.90 MGXL105L Heidelberg XL105/XL106 $82.75
form outside the press. MGSM52L Heidelberg GTO 52 $61.40
MGSM52L $61.40 MGXL105L Heidelberg XL105/106 $82.75
Heidelberg SM/PM 52 Coater
MGMO $49.95 MGKBA105 $82.75
MGSO74 Heidelberg SM 52 Coater $49.95 MGKBA106 Heidelberg XL105/106 $82.75
MGKL26 (from S/N FS001316) $49.95
MGSM74 Heidelberg SM 52 Lack- $49.95 MGKS26 $49.95
MGSM74L werk Dry Star Coater $49.95 MGKL28 KBA Rapida 105 $49.95
MGKS28 $49.95
MGCD74 Heidelberg MO/SORK $49.95 MGKL40 KBA Rapida 106 $82.75
MGCD74L $49.95 MGKL40U $82.75
Heidelberg SO 74/SORM/ MGR700 Komori Lithrone 26 $82.75
MGSORD SM72 $82.75
MGSM/ $82.75 Komori Sprint 26
SO102 Heidelberg SM/SX/PM74
MGCD102 $82.75 Komori Lithrone 28
Heidelberg SM/SX/PM74
Coater Komori Sprint 28
Heidelberg CD 74 / XL 75 Komori Lithrone 40
Heidelberg CD 74 / XL 75 Komori Lithrone 40
Manrolad 700 special
Heidelberg SORD 77mm
Heidelberg SM/SX/SORS
Heidelberg CD/CX 102
RSP OFFSET CREASING Part # Dimension Inches Unit Price
STRIPS STANDARD “ORS” ORS0208 0.2 x 0.8 mm .008 x .032” 30 pcs - 68.9’ per tube $94.05
ORS0210 0.2 x 1.0 mm .008 x .039” 30 pcs - 68.9’ per tube $94.05
For scoring in letterpress quality. Various ORS0212 0.2 x 1.2 mm .008 x .047” 30 pcs - 68.9’ per tube $94.05
dimensions for different paper/board ORS0308 0.3 x 0.8 mm .012 x .032” 30 pcs - 68.9’ per tube $94.05
qualities. ORS0310 0.3 x 1.0 mm .012 x .039” 30 pcs - 68.9’ per tube $94.05
ORS0312 0.3 x 1.2 mm .012 x .047” 30 pcs - 68.9’ per tube $94.05
ORS0313 0.3 x 1.3 mm .012 x .051” 30 pcs - 68.9’ per tube $94.05
STRIP MULTI-PACK “ORS” 10 pcs of each size $148.20
ORS0210, ORS0212
ORS0310, ORS0312
RSP OFFSET CREASING Part # Dimension Inches Unit Price
STRIPS OFF-CENTER “OCC” OCC0310 0.3 x 1.0 mm .012 x .039” 30 pcs $94.05
OCC0312 0.3 x 1.2 mm .012 x .047” 30 pcs $94.05
OCC0313 0.3 x 1.3 mm .012 x .051” 30 pcs $94.05
RSP PROCESSING RULES Part # Dimension Unit Price
PRPerf04* Perf 4 tpi 20 feet $103.50
For scoring, cutting and perforating; PRPerf08 Perf 8 tpi 20 feet $103.50
height-adjusted and designed for the RSP PRPerf12 Perf 12 tpi 20 feet $103.50
In-line Finishing System. PRPerf16 Perf 16 tpi 20 feet $103.50
PRPerf18* Perf 18 tpi 20 feet $103.50
PRPerf35 Perf 35 tpi 20 feet $103.50
PRPerf50 Perf 50 tpi 20 feet $131.55
PRCut Cut 20 feet $103.50
PRCreaseR1 Crease R1 20 feet $103.50
PRCreaseR2 Crease R2 20 feet $103.50
*Special Order Item Price
RSP SUPPORTING FOAM Part # Description Dimension Unit
SF RSP Supporting Foam OSF 1/4” x 27.5’ 50 pcs Price
Applicable in the trim area in order to ensure $251.65
the flatness of the printed sheet. $4.95
RSP ADHESIVE TAPES Part # Description Unit
MK5 Adhesive Tape Flexible Cutting Dies 20 -1/2” x 32.8’
For securing the etched dies on the SK Protective Adhesive Tape 1/2” x 55’
RSP mylar grid.
CITOTAPE Product Rolls Per Box Description (.001”) 131 ft. Price Per Roll
(.002”) 98 ft.
CITO Tape 1/4” and 1/8” roll widths 25 Blue (.003”) 65 ft. $5.85
1/4” = 6mm 40 Red $5.85
1/8” = 3mm Yellow $5.85
CITO STEEL SHIM TAPE Part # Thickness Dimension Price
PRESS GAUGES ShimTape 0.03 .03mm (.001”) 10m (32.8’) x 6.5 mm (1/4”) $23.90
ShimTape 0.04 .04mm (.0015”) 10m (32.8’) x 6.5 mm (1/4”) $23.90
ShimTape 0.05 .05mm (.002”) 10m (32.8’) x 6.5 mm (1/4”) $23.90
ShimTape 0.10 .10mm (.004”) 10m (32.8’) x 6.5 mm (1/4”) $23.90
Part # Description Price
DigiNip $3,015.50
PosiTector FTS-1 Digital Roller Nip and Setting Gauge $1,025.35
PosiTector Digital On Press Blanket, Packing and Plate Thickness Gauge $1,480.40
FNTS-1 for non-metal Surfaces
Digital On Press Blanket, Packing and Plate Thickness Gauge, for any
Surface, including Metal
RSP CREASING RUBBER Part # Description Unit Price
RSP- Rubber Strip Creasing Rubber Strips - 1” x 27 1/2” 10 Strips $143.90
RSP- Rubber Plate Creasing Rubber Plate - 27 1/2” x 39” 1 Plate $270.95
PRINT GUARD PLUS Part # Printing Press Price
PG SM102 R-L Heidelberg SM102 Post 1994/5 Transfer Cylinder $405.90
Anti-marking jackets and film for PG SM102 RPM Heidelberg SM102 Post 1994/5 Perfecting Cylinder $405.90
transfer cylinders. PG SM102 L-L Heidelberg SM102 Pre 1994 Transfer Cylinder $355.15
PG SM102P MAG Heidelberg SM102 Pre 1994 Perfecting Cylinder (MAG.) $355.15
*Remove Existing Transfer or Delivery Cylinder *PG SM102D 705 Heidelberg SM102 Delivery Cylinder $355.15
Jacket. Lay Flat and Measure From End to End *PG SM102D 756 Heidelberg SM102 Delivery Cylinder $355.15
in Millimeters. *PG SM102D 762 Heidelberg SM102 Delivery Cylinder $355.15
T - Transfer Cylinder PG SM102 BB 845 Heidelberg SM102 Coater Blanket Cylinder $418.60
RL - Rivet To Loop PG SM74T Heidelberg SM74 Transfer Cylinder $334.90
TP - Transfer Cylinder on Perfecting Presses PG SM74D Heidelberg SM74 Delivery Cylinder $334.90
LL - Loop To Loop PG SM72T Heidelberg SM72 Transfer Cylinder $253.70
P - Perfecting Cylinder PG MO26T561 Heidelberg MO26 Transfer Cylinder $190.30
D - Delivery Cylinder PG SM52T Heidelberg SM52 Transfer Cylinder $196.55
PG SM52D Heidelberg SM52 Delivery Cylinder $196.55
ORANGE HIDE PG GTO52T413 Heidelberg GTO52 Transfer Cylinder (No Perfector) $107.80
SILICONE SHEETS *PG GTO52T418 Heidelberg GTO52 Transfer Cylinder For Perfecting Press $107.80
*PG GTO52T423 Heidelberg GTO52 Transfer Cylinder For Perfecting Press $107.80
PG GTO52P Heidleberg GTO52 Perfecting Cylinder $196.55
PG QM 46V Heidelberg QM46 Transfer Cylinder $107.80
PG MIT3000 BB759 Mitsubishi Diamond 3000 Perfecting Cylinder $418.60
Press Model Cylinder Circum. Cylinder Length Sqft Price Film Price Stickyback
F100S / F300S F110S / F310S
Komori Lithrone 20 14.75” 28.75” 2.94 $48.80 $59.85
Komori Lithrone 26 20.75” 27.00” 3.89
Komori Lithrone 28 20.75” 28.75” 4.14 $64.20 $79.00
Komori Lithrone 40 28.50” 41.00” 8.11
Komori Lithrone 44 33.25” 44.50” 12.82 $68.65 $84.15
$134.50 $164.40
$212.60 $260.25
CITO Breye CITO CorrCheck
The CITO Breye is a reliable, portable measuring device which checks The CITO Corrcheck is an optical, non-contact measuring system for
and documents the measurement data according to DIN EN 15823. The checking the mechanical washboard effect, flute profiles in the case of
open flute and the creasing process in corrugated board production.
CITO Breye can be used at various stages of the production process
such as on the embossing press, after the packaging is glued or in the
Quality Control department.
CITO CounterControl CITO Creasy
The CITO CounterControl is an optical, non-contact camera measuring The CITO Creasy optically records creasing parameters on a folding
system for monitoring the width and depth of the creasing channel in carton with a camera and uses software to analyze these
phenolic counters and milled or chemically etched steel counter plates.
characteristics on your tablet, laptop or PC. It not only allows you
This measuring system allows you to achieve consistently accurate to measure the width and height of the creasing bead, but also
results in your production process.
measures the symmetry of the creasing channel with the creasing rule.
With the Power Crease and E-Guide Pro extension, you can
also measure the heights and depths in an embossed or
debossed image on a folding carton.
CITO Laser Inspektor
The CITO LaserInspektor is a sensor measuring device with specially designed software to measure laser cutting in diemaking. This measuring system
allows you to produce consistent cutting parameters on your laser, top and bottom cut, and achieve consistently accurate results in your production process.
For additional information and pricing on these devices, please contact your
Technical Sales Representative or Customer Service at 800.480.2486.
FLEXrack retrofit system for replacing QUICKlock upgrades for all die cutter
manual non-stop bars in the blanking manufacturers to include the
section of most all die cutting cutting chase, stripping section,
machine models. and blanking section.
The EASYsetter automatic pin setter for The HYBRIDsetter is a hybrid machine for
diecutting without lower stripping pins. setting pins and claws; equipped with
64 8 pin magazines and 3 magazines for
special stripping claws.
P:770.475.0993 T:800.480.2486