2018 29 vDVwcj ls 3 uoEcj 2018 Mathura Refienery
lkFk feydj yMs+a
Hkz"Vkpkj ds f[kykQ
tkxll:rIddrZ rrkgkk
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,d et+cwr vkSj lQy jk"Vª cukus ds fy,
Ãekunkjh dh çfrKk ysa] D;ksafd gj ç;kl egÙoiw.kZ gS
29 vDVwcj ls 3 uoEcj 2018 Mathura Refienery
Hkkjr x.kra=
Republic of India
I am happy to know that the central Vigilance Commission is organising Vigilance
Awareness Week on theme " Eradicate Corrup on-Build a New India" from 29th
October to 3rd November 2018.
Organising different events over the week related to the above theme would
help to create awareness about the consequences of corruption and the need to
build a society that forcefully fights the evil of corruption. I am confident that
government departments, institutions, public and private organisation as well as
people at large shall rededicate themselves to the cause of building a New India that
is defined by Zero-tolerance for corruption and by enhanced levels of transparency,
accountability, fair play and objectivity.
I extend my greetings and feliciations to all those associated with the Central
Vigilance Commissin and wish the Vigilance Awareness Week every sucess.
(Ram Nath Kovind)
New Delhi
October 24.2018
29 vDVwcj ls 3 uoEcj 2018 Mathura Refienery
Hkkjr ds mijk"Vªifr
Vice - President of India
I am happy to know that this year the Vigilance Awareness Week is being observed
on the theme "Eradicate Corrup on - Build a New India" by the Central Commission
from October 29 to November 03, 2018.
Corrup on is one of the biggest obstacles in the progress of a country. Since
its incep on, the CVC has played a Significant role in the promo on of transparency
and efficiency in the public sector. I am sure, the proposed public awareness
campaign to be run by the CVC during the Awareness Week by conduc ng ac vi es
such as seminars, lectures, debate, plays, poster and drawing compe ons in
schools, colleges, trades associa ons, Chambers of Commerce etc. and the
forma on of integrity clubs in various othe ins tu ons will undoubtedly go a long
way in the sensi za on of general public and othe stakeholders about the menace
of corrup on in public life.
Let us take a pledge on this occasion to remove the scourage of corrup on
from our society.
(M. Venkaiah Naidu)
New Delhi
22nd October, 2018
29 vDVwcj ls 3 uoEcj 2018 Mathura Refienery
Prime Minister
I am pleased to learn that the Central Vigilance Comission is Organizing this year`s
Vigilance Awareness Week from October 29th onwards to inspire enlightened
par cipa on from the public in the fight against menace of Corrup on.
Corrup on is the most evil enemy a na on must defeat to ensure sustainable and
shared prosperity for its ci zens. Corrup on weakens our ins tu ons and
compromises our strength to realize the true poten al of our country.
The clear mandate for our Government is to defeat the forces of corrup on and
ensure good governance for the welfare of the 130 crore Indian ci zens. Through
the numerous ins tu onal and legal ini a ves, we are endeavoring to build an
ecosystem which ins tu onalizes honesty and integrity. We are in the process of
building a new India free from the curses of nepo sm and corrup on.
I appreciate the commendable efforts and ini a ves of CVC in promo ng integrity
and accountability in public life. In this fight for a courrup on free India, dedicated
Par cipa on from all the stakeholders is to be ensured. Vigilance Awareness Week
is a valuable pla orm to build a mass movement against corrup on through
informed discussions and awareness outreach programmes.
I wish success for all the programmes planned as part of Vigilance Awareness Week.
Let`s unite and take pledge for a New India free from the peri lous culture of
corrup on.
New Delhi (Narendra Modi)
22nd October, 2018
29 vDVwcj ls 3 uoEcj 2018 Mathura Refienery
dsUæh; lrdZrk vk;ksx lrdZrk Hkou] th- ih- vks- dkWEiySDl]
CykWd&, vkbZ-,u-,- ubZ fnYyh&110023
Satarkta Bhawan, G.P.O. Complex,
Block, INA, NEw Delhi 110023
la@No. .0..1..8../.V..G...L../.0..3..3...
fnuakd/Dated . .1..1....1..0....1..8..........
The commission observes the Vigilance Awareness Week each year to emphasise
the significance of probity and integrity in public life. During this period, public
campaigns are carried out to promote these ideas. This year the Commission has
chosen " Eradicate Corrup on - Build a New India" as the theme for the vigilance
Awareness Week.
We believe that corrup on corrodes the vitals of the economy. The Central
Vigilance Commissions, as the apex integrity ins tu on of the country, in pursuit of
the Vision of the Government of a New India by the 75th anniversary of our
independence. Endeavors to promote integrity, transparency and accountability in
public life.
The Commission strives to promote integrity and eradicate corrup on with the
ac ve support and par cipa on of stakeholder and believes that public
par cipa on plays a very vital role in figh ng corrup on and in na on building.
Various outreach ac vi es are organised in schools, colleges, villages towns and
ci es to ensure collabora on with people.
The Commission appeals to all to solemnly pledge to unite to eradicate corrup on
and to build a New India.
(Sharad Kumar) (Dr. T. M. Bhasin)
Vigilance Commissioner Vigilance Commissioner
(K.V. Chowdary)
Central Vigilance Commissioner
29 vDVwcj ls 3 uoEcj 2018 Mathura Refienery
MESSAGE OF CHAIRMAN ON Vigilance Awareness Week -2018
Dear IOCians,
We all know how Mahatma Gandhi believed that the
customer is the soul of a business. He exhorted businesses
to func on like trusts of public wealth. These noble views
of the Father of the Na on are all the more relevant today,
with Hon'ble Prime Minister's clarion call to the na on to
build a new India by the year 2022.
Considering this, the theme of Vigilance Awareness Week-2018, 'Eradicate
Corrup on – Build a New India,' is indeed apt and mely.
By 2020, the median age in India will be just 28, compared to 37 in China and the
US, 45 in Western Europe and 49 in Japan. Together with the projected high
growth of the Indian economy, this presents a unique opportunity to us as a
na on to create a dynamic, merit-based society that is fair, ethical and
Ethics and values cannot be imposed through manuals and rule-books alone. The
key, therefore, is to foster an ambience that incen vises honesty, accountability
and ethical behavior in all walks of life. A comprehensive, par cipa ve approach
that goes beyond the realm of puni ve legal compliance can help arrest
corrup on and scale up Indian businesses and trade on the global stage.
At IndianOil, it has been our constant endeavour to maintain the highest
standards of corporate governance by ensuring fairness and accountability in all
facets of our business. For this, we are proac vely leveraging technology for
transparent business transac ons with minimal human discre on: automa on,
e-procurement, e-payment, implementa on of Integrity Pact, and systemic
improvements in policies, procedures and guidelines on a con nuous basis.
29 vDVwcj ls 3 uoEcj 2018 Mathura Refienery
We not only comply with various vigilance guidelines for PSEs but, catalysed by
our core values of Care, Innova on, Passion and Trust, we are striving to conform
to global ethical standards where Talent, Transparency, Trust and Technology
together deliver excellence to our customers and stakeholders. Towards this
broad goal, 2018 is being observed as the 'Year of Trust' to reiterate and reinforce
the Corpora on's founding mandate to serve India and its people in the spirit of
'an economic trust for na onal prosperity.'
At IndianOil, Vigilance is a key management func on that serves as the moral
compass of the organisa on to stay on course. And I am glad that our Vigilance
Department is con nuously adop ng best prac ces to ensure integrity and
accountability across the organisa on. My compliments to the CVO and his team
for their constant endeavour to streamline the Corpora on's func oning,
procedures and prac ces.
Every year, Vigilance Awareness Week boosts our ongoing efforts to nurture an
ethical and transparent eco-system in the Corpora on. This year too, in
accordance with the specific theme, let us reach out to all our stakeholders to
raise public awareness on the evils of corrup on and to inform them about the
various an -corrup on measures adopted by us.
Jai Hind
(Sanjiv Singh)
bZ&niZ.kbafM;uvkW;y eFkqjk fjQkbujh
29 vDVwcj ls 3 uoEcj 2018 Mathura Refienery
eq[; lrdZrk vf/kdkjh]
bafM;u vkW;y dkWiksZjs'ku fyfeVsM
Chief Vigilance Offcer
Indian Oil Corpora on Limited
Central Vigilance Commission has chosen theme for the
Vigilance Awareness Week - 2018 as 'Eradicate Corrup on –
Build a New India', which is very apt in view of India emerging
x as one of the powerful na ons.
Corrup on is a big reason to worry. The na on's Vision of New
India requires greater thrust towards eradica ng corrup on. I
firmly believe that the role of Vigilance is to achieve more transparency in decision
making process of the organisa on.
Ever since I assumed office in January 2018, I have emphasised the need for
Preven ve Vigilance to become one of the focused missions for our organisa on.
IndianOil is observing Year 2018 as the 'Year of Trust' and Preven ve Vigilance is a
key tool to strengthen Trust among all the stakeholders.
Leveraging technological advancements to perform Vigilance Func ons and with
statutory bodies like the Central Vigilance Commission, transparency in systems
and processes has significantly increased, however, more coordinated and
sustained efforts by all IOCians are required to curb the menace of corrup on. This
is commensurate with the demand for transparency in today's day and age which
has made the Vigilance func on extremely important.
I am sure that with everyone's unequivocal par cipa on, the essence of
transparency remains the main value of our governance system. Together let us
pledge to remain vigilant and eradicate corrup on.
Our Vigilance Team, with support from CC and HR Group, is making best efforts
towards crea ng Vigilance awareness through various ac vi es such as quiz,
debate, film shows, seminars and workshops invi ng eminent personali es within
the organisa on and to conduct various outreach ac vi es such as walkathons,
cyclothons, nukkad plays and mass e-pledge etc. with par cipa on of public at
large, during the week.
On the occasion of Vigilance Awareness Week – 2018, let us rededicate ourselves to
work towards eradica ng corrup on and making IndianOil a more valued and
trusted brand with a proud smile on the faces of all its stakeholders.
Jai Hind.
New Delhi (Vinod Kumar)
October 15, 2018
29 vDVwcj ls 3 uoEcj 2018 Mathura Refienery
Message of Executive Director on Vigilance Awareness Week-2018
My Dear MRians,
To increase the awareness on vigilance and to keep away from
the menace of corrup on, all Government organiza ons
celebrate Vigilance Awareness Week under the aegis of
Central Vigilance Commission. This year VAW will be observed
across county from 29th Oct to 3rd Nov. This week is observed
in the week coinciding with the birth anniversary of Sardar
x Vallabhbhai Patel, a symbol of patrio sm and impeccable
integrity, quali es we all need to emulate for the progress of
our na on.
This week is observed to bring social awareness among
people to bring about the need to be self-accountable to the
society and na on as a whole. The objec ve of VAW is to bring awareness on rights and
du es of individual in curbing corrup on, both social and economic.
Corrup on cannot significantly come down unless all stakeholders par cipate in
vigilance work. This year's theme- “Eradicate Corrup on- Build a New India” is most
appropriate in present scenario and encompasses the need of every individual's
par cipa on for eradica ng the menace of corrup on and building a new India,
envisioned by our great leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Sardar Patel and many more.
In a vast organiza on like ours, it becomes further more important to be vigilant in all
our deeds as we are under a constant scan. It is impera ve to display our cent- percent
commitment towards transparent and fair deeds and then only we'll be able to tread
on the path of our corporate values- Care, Innova on, Passion and Trust. I believe, it
depends on an individual to say NO to corrup on. Our one small step towards nega on
of corrupt prac ces will lead to mass movement towards an -corrup on and we will
together be able to make a new sunshine- bright and beau ful, making our India free
from the clutches of corrup on.
We all should be more vigilant in our day to day work and promote such prac ces
which do not come under the scanner of Vigilance. Be more preven ve and mo vate
others for curbing down this evil.
I am confident that various program organised during Vigilance Awareness Week 2018
will bring about greater awareness among all our stakeholders on Eradica ng this
menace completely and we will be be er prepared in comba ng and elimina ng
corrup on at all levels.
Let us pledge to work hand in hand in making Mathura Refinery an enterprise free from
corrup on.
(LW Khongwir)
Executive Director, Mathura Refinery
29 vDVwcj ls 3 uoEcj 2018 Mathura Refienery
Message of DGM (V) on Vigilance Awareness Week-2018
Corrup on is a complex problem that needs mul -faceted
ac on. Eradica ng it from our societal roots is not an easy job
x and requires individuals, self driven by the force of being
This year's theme decided by CVC-“Eradicate Corrup on-
Build a New India” focuses on measures to combat corrup on and make a new
India free from the clutches of dishonesty. Total eradica on of Corrup on will start
from within. It will require self mo vated individual effort to stop bribery at all
levels. We can prevent ourselves from this scourge by being vigilant in our ac ons.
Being Vigilance is a habit, need to be developed in individuals which will aim at
reducing possibili es of corrup on and malprac ces.
During Vigilance Awareness Week 2018 from 29thOctober to 3rd November, various
program will be organized to bring awareness among our employees and
stakeholders to fight the social evil of corrup on and eradicate it from our society.
Aniruddha Saikia
29 vDVwcj ls 3 uoEcj 2018 Mathura Refienery
Hkz"Vkpkj ,oa vkra dokn
x Hkz"Vkpkj ds bl nkSj esa ng'krxnhZ gS pkjks vksj
u fnu esa pSu u jkr esa ldwu
(vk'kk tkSgj)
lrdZrk foHkkx Hkz"Vkpkj :ih nkuo Qu QSyk;s [kM+k gSA
rHkh rks blesa fyIr ekuo thou ewY; Hkwyk gS
HkkbZ Hkrhtkokn ds gh ek;us gS D;ksfd ;gh
rks /kuksitZu ds fZBdkus gS
dgrs gS Hkkjr dHkh lksus dh fpfM+;k Fkk ftldh
gj Mky ij bldk gh clsjk Fkk
fpfM+;k rks QqjZ ls mM+ xbZ vc rks
Hkz"Vkpkj dk gh Msjk gS
usg:] ckiw dk tekuk Hkys gh <y x;k
ij eksnh th dk tknw Hkh py gh x;k
dgrs gS vkardoknh ?kqliSB dj jgs gS
ij ns'k esa fNis xn~nkj D;k vkardoknh ls de gS
^^Hkz"Vkpkj gVkvks** ^^vkardokn feVkvks**
dsoy fdrkch ukjk gS
feVkuk gh gS rks eu dk }s"k feVkvks
Hkz"Vkpkj [kqn gh feV tkrk gSA
29 vDVwcj ls 3 uoEcj 2018 Mathura Refienery
'akdj yky
Hkz"Vkpkj feVkvks lrdZrk viukvksJfedf'k{kd]ofj"Bbath-lgk;d
deZ- & 76019] mRiknu foHkkx
vkyL; vyxko vleFkZrk u O;FkZrk thou esa t:jh lrdZrkA
jk"Vªh; ,drk vkSj v[k.Mrk viuk,¡ thou esa lgtrk vkSj ltxrkAA
LokLF; vkSj f'k{kk t:jh vkS|kSfxd vkSj lkekftd ifjos'k esa lrdZrkA
ns'k j{kk vkSj lqj{kk cuk,¡ ge lc jk"Vªh; ,drk vkSj v[k.MrkAA
lrdZ jgsa vkSj lrdZrk cuk,¡ viuk,¡ ekuo thou esa lekurkA
drZO; ijk;.krk vkSj le:irk thou esa t:jh vkilh ,drkAA
thou es gks bZekunkjh lnkpkjh vkSj jk"Vª ds izfr oQknkjhA
nQu dj ykyp ykpkjh vkSj dkykcktkjh NksM+ks Hkz"VkpkjhAA
lR;fu"Bk bZekunkjh f'k"Vkpkjh ge lc dh gks HkkxhnjhA
R;kxdj ykyp vkSj ykpkjh ns'k fgr es ns'k ls feVk,¡ Hkz"VkpkjhAA
ekuo thou ds nq'eu LokFkZ dVqrk vkSj csdkjhA
ekuo thou esa t:jh lrdZrk gks ge lc dh ftEesnkjhAA
lrdZrk cuk,¡ lrdZrk viuk,¡ thou esa t:jh lrdZrk gekjhA
lejlrk cuk,¡ ljyrk viuk,¡ thou es u gks vkyL; vkSj ykpkjhAA
vkS|kSfxd lrdZrk lM+d lqj{kk jk"Vª fodkl vkSj ns'k gekjkA
vewY; thou ekuo rqEgkjk ge lc dks lrdZrk dk lgkjkAA
ekuo cspkjk thou /kkjk fcuk lrdZrk thou dk ugh fdukjkA
deZ & /keZ dk djuk ikyu thou vkSj m|kSx gekjkAA
vcyk lcyk vkSj xjhch thou es u djuh euekjhA
vkS|kSfxd vkSj lkekftd ifjos'k esa lrdZrk t:jh viukuhAA
lR;fu"Bk lR;rk vkSj lH;rk ekuo thou ds vk/kkjA
u NksMh pksjh vkSj fj'or[kksjh gksxk thou leZ lkjAA
thou esa lkekftdrk ekfeZdrk gks thou dk m}kjA
ns'k ds izfr izfrc}rk laizHkqrk rHkh feVsxk Hkz"VkpkjAA
dk;Z djsa feytqy dj ge lc vkS|kSfxd eafnj nhi lekuA
ln~&Hkkouk HkkbZ&pkjk ,d leku gksxk Hkkjr ns'k egkuAA
thou es u gks ns'knzksgh ykijokgh gks tu thou esa mnkjrkA
tu thou esa ,dkxzrk O;ogkfjdrk ekuo thou esa loksZifj lrdZrkAA
lq[kh jgsxk thou mldk ftlus thou esa viukbZ lrdZrkA
ladV nq[k%e; thou mldk ftlus ftlus thou esa fn[kkbZ vleFkZrkAA
ns'k dh Lora=rk dh j{kk djuk vkSj djsa jk"Vª dY;k.kA
tkfr & /keZ dk Hksn Hkqykdj lQy cuk,¡ jk"Vª fuekZ.kAA
lR; vfgalk drZO; fu"Bk viuk,¡ Hkz"Vkpkj feVk,¡ geA
31 vDVwcj dks ge lc ^^ jk"Vªh; ,drk** fnol euk,¡ geAA
29 vDVwcj ls 3 uoEcj 2018 Mathura Refienery
iqjLd`r izfrHkkxh & fofHkUu izfr;ksfxrk
Page - 1 Page - 2 Page - 3
bZ&niZ.kbafM;uvkW;y eFkqjk fjQkbujh
Page - 4 fo'ks"kkad
29 vDVwcj ls 3 uoEcj 2018 Mathura Refienery
iqjLd`r izfrHkkxh & fofHkUu izfr;ksfxrk
29 vDVwcj ls 3 uoEcj 2018 Mathura Refienery
iqjLd`r izfrHkkxh & fofHkUu izfr;ksfxrk
29 vDVwcj ls 3 uoEcj 2018 Mathura Refienery
iqjLd`r izfrHkkxh & fofHkUu izfr;ksfxrk
bZ&niZ.kbafM;uvkW;y eFkqjk fjQkbujh
29 vDVwcj ls 3 uoEcj 2018 Mathura Refienery
1. BALRAM SINGH 66502 1st
2. B.C. JAIN 77238 2nd
3. RAJENDER PRASAD 76975 3rd
4. SHANKAR LAL 76019 Consola on
5. YASHDEEP BINDRA 503341 Consola on
6. TAPAS KUMAR 00510119 Consola on
7. REKHA TANK 505864 Consola on
4. AMAN CHAUDHARY Consola on
5. TANNU GUPTA Consola on
1. B C JAIN 77238 1st
2. MOHIT SHARMA 507516 2nd
3. KAPIL MOHAN 501597 3rd
1. BALRAM SINGH 66502 Consola on
2. VIKRANT SAHU 510097 Consola on
29 vDVwcj ls 3 uoEcj 2018 Mathura Refienery
4. PRATISHTHA Consola on 4. SAURABH Consola on
5. JAYITA HALDER Consola on 5. ANSHILIKA GARG Consola on
1. POOJA 2ND 1. LAVI 1st
2. SAURABH SAINI Consola on 2. ALISA ARENA 2nd
Consola on
4. KARAN 4. RAUNAK Consola on
SN Name of the Par cipant Name of the Emp Emp No. Prize
1 Nee Ashish Kumar 507750 1st
2 Agniva Das Abhijit Das 72301 2nd
3 Kavita pant Deepak pant 500774 2nd
4 Anupma Kumari Dr. Sushil kumar 501436 3rd
5 Kiran Kumar Suved Kumar 503315 3rd
6 Manisha Raghuvanshi AK Raghuvanshi 66746 Consola on
7 Deep Sharma Rajesh Dixit 500820 Consola on
8 Hetal Gandhi Pritesh Gandhi 59847 Consola on
9 Mustabeen Khan AR Khan 40561 consola on
bZ&niZ.kbafM;uvkW;y eFkqjk fjQkbujh
29 vDVwcj ls 3 uoEcj 2018 Mathura Refienery
Compering by Ms A Johar Welcome by DGM-V Pledge by ED
Pledge by ED & participants Pledge by CGM (P) Reading of Chairman Message by CGM (TS & HSE)
Reading of CVO Message by CGM(T) Reading of Pledge by IOMRKS Reading of Pledge by IOOA
bZ&niZ.kbafM;uvkW;yeFkqjk fjQkbujh
Speach of ED Vote of Thanks by Mgr-Vig
Interaction in Mktg Terminal Mathura Pledge taking in Mktg Terminal Mathura Interaction with Pipeline installation Mathura
Interaction in Mktg.Terminal Mathura Street Play by KV Students With winners of Quiz in UK Public School
Integrity pledge by Students UK Public School With winners of Drawing Competition Recitation by Employees
Primary School, Gokul
Address of Principal DPS-MRN Pledge taking by DPS-MRN Pledge taking with students RCA Degree College
Addressing students of RCA degree College Essay Competition RCA Girls College With Prize Winners of RCA Degree College
Essay Competition KR PG College Interaction with students of KR Degree College Talk by Principal KR Degree College on the occasion
With Prize Winners of RCA Degree College Street Play DPS Students Street Ply by DPS Students
29 vDVwcj ls 3 uoEcj 2018 Mathura Refienery
Street Ply by DPS Students Release of e-Darpan by ED
Pledge taking RSS PG College With prize winners RSS PG College Prize distribution DPS-MRN
With prize winners KV-MRN Starting of Ladies Quiz Ladies quiz participants
Ladies quiz in progress Pledge taking before starting of QUIZ Puppet Show
Puppet Show Audience Prize Distribution to employees Prize Distribution to employees
TRUST is in our DNA
Transparent, Reliable, United in Purpose
Socially Accountable & Time-tested