Low Organized Games
Nichalas Glenn
KINE 1151- P07
Monday & Wednesday 12:00- 12:50
October 30th 2019
Table of Contents
• 1.Texas Shoot Out
• 2.Dodgeball
• 3.Kickball
• 4.Freeze Tag
• 5.Bean Bag Toss
• 6.Relay
• 7.Simon Says
• 8.Red Light, Green Light
• 9. Musical Chairs
• 10. 3 vs 3 vs 3 basketball
• 11. Tug of War
• 12. scooter relay
Warm up Arm Stretches
10 circle forward
• 2 laps around the Track 10 circle backward
• Leg stretches
stretch right foot
stretch middle
stretch left foot
10 jumping jacks
Texas Shoot Out
• Instructions: spilt into 2 teams and number each person off. When I
call your number you run to the basketball and who ever grabs the
basketball first they try to score. If they score their team gets a point.
• Objective: to try to make as many points as possible.
• Equipment: basketball
• Key Skills: awareness, quickness, shooting, layups, and defense
• Space Requirement: half of a basketball court
• Time Requirement: 20 minutes
• Instructions: split into 2 teams. Then you but the dodgeballs in the
middle. When you say go both teams run to the ball.
• Objective: Dodgeball is to eliminate all players of the opposing team
by throwing one of four game balls and hitting the opposing player
below the shoulders on the fly.
• Equipment:
• Key Skills:
• Space Requirement:
• Time Requirement:
• Instructions: Play begins with the pitcher rolling the ball smoothly to home
plate. The kicker must kick from behind home. Kickers must run the bases
in order and may stop at any base and wait to run again at the next kick.
There, however, must be only one runner on a base and they must remain
in order. No runner can pass the person in front of them.
• Objective: to kick the ball and have the most points
• Equipment:
• Key Skills:
• Space Requirement:
• Time Requirement:
Freeze Tag
• Instructions: You have a person that’s the tagger. If they tag you, you
have to freeze.
• Objective: To run away from the tagger or Tag as many people as you
• Equipment:
• Key Skills:
• Space Requirement:
• Time Requirement:
5 on 5 basketball
• Instructions: you spilt 2 teams at least 5 on each team. You play
basketball until 10 minutes is up.
• Objective: which ever team has the most points at the end of the
time wins.
• Equipment:
• Key Skills:
• Space Requirement:
• Time Requirement:
• Instructions: you make 2 even teams. One person runs to the line and
touch it run back and then the next person goes.
• Objective: to get everyone down and back the fastest
• Equipment:
• Key Skills:
• Space Requirement:
• Time Requirement:
Simon Says
• Instructions: You listen and do what “Simon” says but only if he say
“Simon says” first. If he dose not say that then you do not do it.
• Objective: Be the last one standing
• Equipment:
• Key Skills:
• Space Requirement:
• Time Requirement:
Red Light, Green Light
• Instructions: When the instructor says Green light then you move as
fast as you can to them. But when they say red light then you stop, if
you continue to move then you have to start over.
• Objective: To get to the instructor the fastest.
• Equipment:
• Key Skills:
• Space Requirement:
• Time Requirement:
Musical Chairs
• Instructions: When the music is playing you wall around the chairs,
but when the music stops you try to sit down.
• Objective: get a seat every time
• Equipment:
• Key Skills:
• Space Requirement:
• Time Requirement:
3 vs 3 vs 3 basketball
• Instructions: split up into 3 teams. One team starts in the middle of
the court the other 2 start at the 2 ends. The tem in the middle plays
one of the teams. who ever scores plays the team on the other end.
• Objective: the team that scores 5 times wins.
• Equipment:
• Key Skills:
• Space Requirement:
• Time Requirement:
Tug of War
• Instructions: you split into 2 teams. You get a rope which ever team
pulls it the fatherst wins
• Objective: Try to pull the rope the fatherst
• Equipment:
• Key Skills:
• Space Requirement:
• Time Requirement:
Scooter relay
• Instructions: you spilt into 2 teams. You get on the scooter and you
scoot till you reach the cone and the next person goes.
• Objective: have your team finish the fastest
• Equipment:
• Key Skills:
• Space Requirement:
• Time Requirement: