Lone Star College-Tomball ITSW 1301, Introduction to Word Processing
Creekside Business & Industry Division COURSE DESCRIPTION:
3 credit hours (2 hrs lec; 3 hrs lab) An overview of the production of
documents, tables, and graphics, including advanced applications in
merging, macros, desktop publishing, and extensive formatting for
technical documents.
Course Information Faculty Information
Semester: Summer 2022 Name: Pat Rajski Lyon
Section: KE01/KE02
Class Meeting Time: Distance Learning Office Location: TC, E210M
Class Location: LSC Online
Email address: [email protected] Office Phone: 281-357-3610
Office Hours: See announcement in D2L.
You can expect to spend at least 25+ hours per week on this
course during a 6-week session.
The Texas State Board of Higher Education has
approved the following list of course outcomes.
The student will be able to
Identify word processing Create technical documents Use simple tools and Use advanced formatting
terminology and concepts and utilities and design and features, import data , and
Format and edit documents create macros use graphics and special
and print documents functions to enhance
1. Access to Windows 10 System Software AND Microsoft Word 2019/365 (do not
use Office OnLine or older versions of the program)
2. Computer with storage media (hard drive, USB, or cloud storage)
3, This course does not require any paper books. It requires an access code from
Cengage Publishers (which includes the ebook and the training/assessment
program). You purchase this access code from the Tomball Bookstore or online
through D2L during the first week of the semester.
Required: Access code for Shaffer/Pinard New Perspectives Microsoft® Office
365 & Word 2019 Comprehensive, Loose-leaf Version + MindTap, 1 term Printed
Access Card 9780357261187
You must purchase this code ONLY at the LSC - Tomball Bookstore or through
A student of this institution is not under any obligation to purchase materials
from a LoneStar College affiliated bookstore. The SimNet materials may also be
available from an independent retailer, including an online retailer.
Capstone, 16% Windows, 7%
Module 1, 7%
Discussions, 7%
Module 2, 7%
Module 10, 7% Module 3, 7%
Module 4, 7%
Module 9, 7%
Module 8, 7% Module 5, 7%
Module 6, 7%
Module 7, 7%
ITSW 1301 Syllabus, Revised June 3, 2022 Page 2
Windows •Windows activities will include reading the chapter, watching videos, completing SAM Training and Exams (Trainings can be
completed as many times as desired and Exams can be taken twice with highest grade counting), quiz (all quizzes can be taken
up to 10 times with the highest grade counted), and dropbox assignment; these activities count 7% of the overall semester
Units 1-10 •Units 1-10 will include reading the chapter (activities within the chapter are optional, but not required), completing SAM
Training and Exams (Trainings can be completed as many times as desired and Exams can be taken twice with highest grade
counting), End of Module Project (may be submitted twice with highest grade counting), and quiz (all quizzes can be taken up to
10 times with the highest grade counted); each of these units counts 7% of the overall semester grade.
•The four capstones will include starter file(s) and instructions to be downloaded and saved in the appropriate folder on your
storage media; editing the starter file and uploading revised file to SAM for grading (may be submitted twice with highest grade
Capstones counting); the average of these projects counts 16% of the overall grade.
•Discussion topics will be posted in the Communications/Discussions area in D2L. The original response from each student must
be posted at least 24 hours prior to the due date/time. Each student must reply to at least two classmates’ postings. See
Guidelines for Posting and Grading Discussions in D2L for more details. The average of the discussions will count for 7% of the
Discussions semester grade.
LETTER GRADE ASSIGNMENT Final Average in Percent
Final letter grades will be assigned after computing 100 – 89.5 %
individual final averages in percent format: 79.5 – 89.4 %
69.5 – 79.4%
59.5 –69.4%
0– 59.4%
Regular attendance is expected in order for students to successfully complete the course
objectives; this includes actively participating in class activities. Attendance and punctuality
are qualities expected of all employees and, therefore, are expected of students as well.
Should you anticipate an absence, please notify the instructor in advance. An excessive
number of absences will prohibit the successful completion of this course. If you should miss
a class, it is the student’s responsibility to obtain lecture notes and assignments from within
Desire 2 Learn (D2L) or from a classmate.
Distance learning students: A minimum of 15 class participation activities must be
completed to earn full credit for this portion of the course. Your instructor will provide
specifics about this evaluation measure. Activities may include (but are not limited to)
contacts with instructor,
posting to the discussion forum in the Brightspace/D2Leclassroom; and
total hits to the eclassroom.
ITSW 1301 Syllabus, Revised June 3, 2022 Page 3
Law strictly prohibits Computer viruses are, unfortunately, a fact of life. Using the diskettes on more than
unauthorized copying of one computer creates the possibility of infecting computers and diskettes with a
software purchased by LSC- computer virus. This exposes the computers of the college, your personal computer,
Tomball for use in and any others you may be using to potentially damaging viruses. The college has
laboratories. The LSC-Tomball aggressive anti-virus procedures in place to protect its computers but cannot
administration will take guarantee that a virus might not temporarily infect one of its machines. It is your
appropriate disciplinary action responsibility to protect all computers under your control and use and ensure that
against anyone violating each diskette you use, whenever or wherever you use it, has been scanned with
copyright laws. anti-virus software. Since new viruses arise continually, your anti-virus software
must be kept current. And, since no anti-virus software will find every virus, keeping
copies of data (backups) is extremely important.
Phone: 832-559-4211 Phone: 832-761-6621
For the most up to date information on LSC-Tomball’s Library For the most up to date information on LSC- Creekside’s
hours and services, please Library hours and services, please
visit https://www.lonestar.edu/library/info.htm visit https://www.lonestar.edu/library/info.htm
Phone: 832-559-4245 Phone: 832-761-6615
For the most up to date information on LSC-Tomball’s For the most up to date information on LSC-Creekside’s
Assessment Center hours and services, please Assessment Center hours and services, please
visit https://www.lonestar.edu/testing-tomball.htm visit https://www.lonestar.edu/28239.htm
Information on how to reach tutors can be found here: Information on how to reach tutors can be found here:
https://www.lonestar.edu/learning-Tomball https://www.lonestar.edu/learning-Tomball
LSC-TOMBALL CONTACT: ▪ Division Dean, Victor Moussoki,
o Technology Department Chair, contact Victor [email protected], 281-357-3719
Moussoki,Interim Dean ▪ Division DOM, Amy Rosales:
o Curriculum Specialist: Pat Rajski Lyon [email protected], 832-761-6614
▪ Division DOS, Heather Jackson:
[email protected], 832-761-6612
o Website
▪ There is also information at: http://www.lonestar.edu
For more information about FERPA. Title IX, Academic Integrity, Academic Appeals, ADA 504/408, Emergency
Procedures and Concealed Carry, please use this link http://www.lonestar.edu/syllabus-policies
ITSW 1301 Syllabus, Revised June 3, 2022 Page 4
Lone Star College COVID-19 Prevention Recommendations
Lone Star College is dedicated to the health and safety of all employees and students with a strong commitment to student engagement
and success. In coordination with federal, state, and local mandates and guidelines, Lone Star College has established general COVID-
19 prevention expectations below. Campus-specific COVID-19 protocols may be provided to you by campus presidents.
Lone Star College supports students with tutoring, bookstore access, library resources, with access to Office 365 available.
Information about tutoring and available resources may be found at https://www.lonestar.edu/Student-Resources.htm.
Lone Star College has implemented the following COVID-19 Prevention Recommendations:
On-Campus and In the Classroom
• If you are sick, please stay home.
• You should stay at least three feet from others while on campus.
• You should sanitize your hands regularly but especially prior to entering a classroom and when leaving.
Notifications of Possible Exposure
• If you have COVID-19 please let your instructor know as soon as you are confirmed positive for COVID-19 and email
the College at [email protected].
Lone Star College-Tomball/Creekside is committed to acting intentionally about student success. As part of our
institutional effectiveness efforts, our instructors are assessed in several ways. For the continuous improvement of our
instruction, you are encouraged to provide input for each course you take each semester using the Course Evaluations
Questionnaire, which can be accessed through your myLoneStar account. This occurs approximately halfway through your
course, and you will be notified when surveys are available for completion. Instructions on how to access and complete
the Course Evaluations Questionnaire can be found by logging into your myLoneStar Account and clicking on the
Quicklinks – “How To” Documents. The college deans review these evaluations each semester. Additionally, the deans
and/or department chairs may visit each instructor’s class at some time during the semester to observe the instructional
environment being provided and complete an assessment of the instructor.
Withdrawal Policy:
Withdrawal from the course after the official day of record will result in a final grade of “W” on the student transcript and
no credit will be awarded. Prior to the official day of record, it is the student’s responsibility to initiate and complete a
request for withdrawal from any course. The last day to drop this course with a “W” for Summer 2022 is June 30, 2022
for a 6-week summer 1 course.
If you are considered a first-time college student, a new law was passed in Fall 2007 that limits to six the number of
courses you may drop (withdraw with a grade of “W”) while enrolled at any Texas public institution of higher education.
A first-time college student is a student not currently enrolled in high school and who has never taken a college or
university course anywhere at any time.
If you consider dropping this course during course during the semester, you might want to go to advising prior to
dropping and get information about the Six-Drop Rule.
ITSW 1301 Syllabus, Revised June 3, 2022 Page 5
ITSW 1301 Tentative Class Schedule, Summer 2022
(Exact due dates listed in D2L)
Week Class Activities Assignments/Activities Due
See D2L for Exact Dates
Start Here Module Start Here Module (due June 9):
2 Orientation
3 Windows: Managing Your Files Orientation Quiz
Modules 1, 2, 3, and 4
4 Discussion 1: Introduction
5 Modules 5, 6, and 7 Begin Windows: Managing Your Files in Windows
6 Modules 8 and 9
Module 10 Read ebook chapters
Watch videos
Complete SAM Trainings
Complete SAM Exams
Complete dropbox activity
Supplementary Resources as needed
Windows: Managing Your Files in Windows (due June 13)
Read ebook chapters
Watch videos
Complete SAM Trainings
Complete SAM Exams
Complete dropbox activity
Supplementary Resources as needed
Begin Module 1 (see below)
For each chapter:
1. Read ebook chapter
2. Complete SAM Training
3. Complete SAM Exam
4. End of Module Project
5. Quiz
Module 1 due June 15
Module 2 due June 17
Module 3 due June 19
Module 4 due June 21
Discussion 2 due June 21
Supplementary Resources as needed
Capstone Modules 1-4 due June 24
Same as Module 1
Module 5 due June 24
Module 6 due June 26
Module 7 due June 30
Discussion 3 due July 3
Capstone Modules 5-7 due July 3
Same as Module 1
Module 8 due July 6
Module 9 due July 8
Discussion 4 due July 8
Same as Module 1
Module 10 due July 10
Capstone Modules 8-10 due July 12
ITSW 1301 Syllabus, Revised June 3, 2022 Page 6