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Published by patricia.r.lyon, 2022-01-07 17:25:08

POFT sp 2022 syllabus

POFT sp 2022 syllabus

POFT 1301 CATALOG DESCRIPTION: 3 Credits (2 hrs.
lec. 3 hrs. lab) Introduction to a practical
Business English application of basic language usage skills
with emphasis on fundamentals of writing
and editing for business. Prerequisite:

Credit Hours: 3 credits E-mail: [email protected]
Prerequisites: None
Semester and Year: Spring 2022 Office phone: 281-357-3610
Class Days and Times: Distance Learning
Instructor: Pat Rajski Lyon Orientation and class information (for distance
Office Location: Tomball College, E210M learning classes only): Distance learning classes are
Office Hours: TBA located through the My LoneStar Homepage
( Log in and select LSC –
Online, View My Online Classes to get into your
distance learning class in Desire 2
Learn/Brightspace. Distance learning students
must complete the Start Here module prior to
beginning the coursework.

All students can expect to spend at least 10 hours
per week in a 16-week semester or 12 or more
hours per week during a 6-week summer semester.


The student will be able to

✓ Apply the basic rules of grammar, spelling, capitalization, number usage, and

✓ Utilize terminology applicable to technical and business writing.
✓ Develop proofreading and editing skills.
✓ Write sentences and paragraphs.

POFT 1301 Spring 2022 Syllabus Page 1


✓ Access code for digital book and training materials; purchase only at Tomball Bookstore or online
through D2L (Desire2Learn/Brightspace) on first day of class; ISBN for Cengage Unlimited

Unit 1 contains Chs. 1 and 2 Reinforcement,
Unit 2 contains Chs. 3 and 4 10%
Unit 3 contains Chs. 5 and 6
Unit 4 contains Chs. 7 - 9 Post-Tests,
Unit 5 contains Chs. 10 - 12 10%
Unit 6 contains Chs. 13 and 14
Real World,
All assignments will be 10%
completed in Cengage
MindTap within your Desire 2 Mid-Term and
Learn (D2L) eclassroom. Final Exam,

All students must complete all activities in Chapters 1 and 2.

Chapters 3-14: Chapter Pre-test, Reinforcement, Real-World, and Post-tests
Beginning in Chapter 3, start with the Pre-test. Then
• If you earn a 100 on the Pre-test you do not have to do any other activities for the

chapter. The pre-test grade will count for the Reinforcement, Real-World, and Post-test.
• If you earn 90 to 99 on the Pretest, you can skip the Reinforcement and Real-World

activities. The grade you earn on the Posttest will count for those activities.
• If you earn 80 to 89 on the Pretest, you must complete only Level 3 of the

Reinforcement Activities, the Real-World Editing Exercises, and the Posttest. Only the
Level 3 Reinforcement Activity grades will count toward the semester average.
• If you earn 70 to 79 on the Pretest, you must complete Levels 2 through 3 of the
Reinforcement Activities, the Real-World Editing Exercises, and the Posttest. Levels 2
through 3 grades will count toward the semester average.
• If you earn 69 or below on the Pretest, you must complete all levels of the
Reinforcement Activities (which count 10%), the Real-World Editing Exercises (which
count 10%), and the Posttest (which count 10%).
• No assignments are accepted late.

POFT 1301 Spring 2022 Syllabus Page 2

•Will cover each unit (see above) and can be taken only once. The average of these
tests will count for 25% of your average.


Both exams will be writing activities. Mid-Term Exam will cover Chapters 1-7 and Final
Exam is comprehensive. The average of the two exams will count for 45% of your



While every attempt has been made SMtuAdKenE-tUs PshToEuSlTdSc:ontact the instructor prior
to prepare this syllabus and class tSotmudisesnintsgsahsocuhldedcuolnetdactet stthbeyinpshtrouncet,oirnp- rior
schedule in final form, it will be the pteorsmoins,sibnygea-mscahiel,dourlebdy tveositcebympahilo. nAen, in-
instructor's prerogative to make any oppeprosortnu,nbityyet-omtaikl,eoar mbyavkeouicpetmesatilm. Aaynbe
changes as may be deemed necessary ooffpeproerdtutonithyotsoetwakheoammaakkeepurpiotrecsot nmtayctbweith
in order to meet the learning tohfefeinrestdrutocttohro. sTehewrheowmillabke aprtieonr (c1o0n)tapcotint
outcomes of the course. Students will lawtiethpethnealitnysftorur csttourd.eTnhtesrteawkinillgbaema atkeenu(p10)
be notified in writing of any change. tpesoti.nt late penalty for students taking a
makeup test.

POFT 1301 Spring 2022 Syllabus Page 3

The LoneStar College System upholds the core values of learning: honesty, respect, fairness, and
accountability. We promote the importance of personal and academic honesty. We embrace the belief that
all learners—students, faculty, staff and administrators—will act with integrity and honesty and must
produce their own work and give appropriate credit to the work of others. No fabrication of sources,
cheating, or unauthorized collaboration is permitted on any work submitted within the District.
Consequences for academic dishonesty to be determined by the professor, or the professor and Academic
Dean, or the professor and Chief Student Services Officer can include but are not limited to: 1.) having
additional class requirements imposed, 2.) receiving a grade of zero or “F” for an exam or assignment, 3.)
receiving a grade of “F” for the course, 4.) being withdrawn from the course or program, 5.) being expelled
from the college district.

Professors should clearly explain how the student’s actions violated the academic integrity policy, how a
grade was calculated, and the actions taken.

Campus Handgun Carry Statement:
The Texas Legislature enacted campus carry by passing Senate Bill 11, effective at LSC on August 1, 2017.
Senate Bill 11, known as the “Campus Carry” law, amends Texas law to allow license holders to carry
concealed handguns on college campuses. To carry a concealed handgun on LSC campuses, an individual
must have a valid License to Carry issued by the Texas Department of Public Safety.

LSC has established rules and regulations regarding enforcement of Campus Carry. Lone Star College
prohibits concealed carry in some areas of LSC campuses. For more information about Campus Carry, visit
the LSC Campus Carry website at

POFT 1301 Spring 2022 Syllabus Page 4

Letter Grade Assignment A USE OF ELECTRONIC DEVICES:
(90-100) Students are expected to actively participate in all class activities.
Therefore, the use of cell phones, iPods, iPads, and other electronic
B devices is not allowed unless otherwise specified by your instructor.
(80-89) Your instructor will explain his/her policy about unauthorized use of
electronic devices at the beginning of the semester.
Regular attendance is expected in order for students to successfully
D complete the course objectives; this includes actively participating in
(69-60) class activities. Attendance and punctuality are qualities expected of
all employees and, therefore, are expected of students as well.
F Should you anticipate an absence, please notify the instructor in
59 & Below advance. An excessive number of absences will prohibit the
successful completion of this course. If you should miss a class, it is
the student’s responsibility to obtain lecture notes and assignments
from within Desire 2 Learn (D2L) or from a classmate.

Distance learning students: A minimum of 15 class participation
activities must be completed to earn full credit for this portion
of the course. Your instructor will provide specifics about this
evaluation measure. Activities may include (but are not limited

a. contacts with instructor,
b. visiting with professor in virtual office hours,
c. posting to the discussion forum in the D2Leclassroom,
d. total hits to the eclassroom.

Withdrawal from the course after the official day of record will
result in a final grade of “W” on the student transcript and no credit
will be awarded. Prior to the official day of record, it is the student’s
responsibility to initiate and complete a request for withdrawal from
any course. Last day to drop for fall 2021 is April 6, 2022.

If you are considered a first-time college student, a new law was
passed in Fall 2007 that limits to six the number of courses you may
drop (withdraw with a grade of "W") while enrolled at any Texas
public institution of higher education. A first-time college student is
a student not currently enrolled in high school and who has never
taken a college or university course anywhere at any time.

If you consider dropping this course during the semester, you might
want to go to advising prior to dropping and get information about
the Six-Drop Rule.

POFT 1301 Spring 2022 Syllabus Page 5

Disability •The LoneStar College System is dedicated to provide the least restrictive learning environment for all
Services students. The college district promotes equity in academic access through the implementation of
reasonable accommodations as required by the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title V, Section
504 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) which will enable students with disabilities to
participate in and benefit from all post-secondary educational activities.

•If you require reasonable accommodations because of a physical, mental, or learning disabiity, please
notify the instructor of this course as soon as possible and preferably before the end of the first two
weeks of class to arrange for reasonable accommodations.

Law strictly prohibits unauthorized copying of software purchased by Tomball College for use in
laboratories. Tomball College administration will take appropriate disciplinary action against anyone
violating copyright laws.

Software Piracy

It is the policy of the LoneStar Colleges to provide equal employment, admission and educational

opportunities without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, or disability. LoneStar Colleges

strive to provide an excellent learning environment free from harassment or intimidation directed at any

Equal Opportunity person’s race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, or disability. Any form of harassment will not be
Statement tolerated.

Computer Virus Computer viruses are, unfortunately, a fact of life. Using the diskettes on more than one computer creates the possibility
Protection of infecting computers and diskettes with a computer virus. This exposes the computers of the college, your personal
computer, and any others you may be using to potentially damaging viruses. The college has aggressive anti-virus
procedures in place to protect its computers, but cannot guarantee that a virus might not temporarily infect one of its
machines. It is your responsibility to protect all computers under your control and use and ensure that each diskette you
use, whenever or wherever you use it, has been scanned with anti-virus software. Since new viruses arise continually,
your anti-virus software must be kept current. And, since no anti-virus software will find every virus, keeping copies of
data (backups) is extremely important.

Lone Star College COVID-19 Prevention Expectations

Lone Star College is dedicated to the health and safety of all employees and students with a strong commitment to student
engagement and success. In coordination with federal, state, and local mandates and guidelines, Lone Star College has
established general COVID-19 prevention expectations below. Campus-specific COVID-19 protocols shall be provided to you
by campus presidents.

The expectations and protocols may be changed as the COVID-19 situation evolves. Please direct campus protocol
questions to the campus president.

Lone Star College supports students with online tutoring, online bookstore access, online library resources, with access to
Office 365 available. Information about tutoring and available resources may be found at

POFT 1301 Spring 2022 Syllabus Page 6

Lone Star College implemented the COVID-19 Prevention Expectations listed below for students attending class on a Lone
Star College campus during the 2020 Fall Semester and will continue through the 2021 Spring Semester. Be sure to stay
home if you are feeling ill or if you have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for illness.

On-Campus1 and In the Classroom

• You must properly wear a mask that adequately covers your mouth and nose.
o You should put your mask on upon exiting your vehicle in the campus parking lot. Unless otherwise provided by law,

you will not be allowed on a campus or remain on a campus without a mask.
o If you need a mask, the campus will provide you one at the designated campus entry checkpoint.
o Failing to wear a mask or refusing to wear a mask while on a Lone Star College campus is considered a Student Conduct

Code violation.
• Proceed to the designated campus entry checkpoint.
• You must submit to a temperature check at the Campus Screening Checkpoint.
• You should stay at least six feet from others while on campus.
• You should sanitize your hands regularly, but especially prior to entering a classroom and when leaving.

Notifications of Possible Exposure

• Lone Star College will notify you of possible exposure to COVID-19 if a person who was in your area of campus while
you were on campus tested positive.

• In case of building closure, your instructor will notify you of the plan for continuing the course.

o Course Lead Instructor: Pat Rajski Lyon, [email protected], 281-357-3610
o There is also information at

Department/Division Contacts

Department Chair

▪ Business, Joseph Cahill: [email protected], 281-357-3617
Technology Contact

▪ Dr. Victor Moussoki: [email protected] 281-357-3719
CB&I Dean & Support Staff
▪ Division Interim Dean, Dr. Victor Moussoki: [email protected] 281-357-3719
▪ Division DOM, Amy Galaviz: [email protected], 832-761-6614
▪ Division DOS, Heather Jackson: [email protected], 832-761-6612
▪ Division Workforce Advisor, Stephanie Williams: [email protected], 832-761-


POFT 1301 Spring 2022 Syllabus Page 7



Phone: 832-559-4211 Phone: 832-761-6621

For the most up to date information on LSC-Tomball’s For the most up to date information on LSC-
Library hours and services, please Creekside’s Library hours and services, please
visit visit


Phone: 832-559-4245 Phone: 832-761-6615

For the most up to date information on LSC-Tomball’s For the most up to date information on LSC-
Assessment Center hours and services, please Creekside’s Assessment Center hours and services,
visit please visit


Information on how to reach tutors can be found here: Information on how to reach tutors can be found here:

POFT 1301 Spring 2022 Syllabus Page 8

Spring 2022 Tentative Class Schedule

Week Class Activities (See D2L for exact activities and due dates*)

1 Start Here Module

2 Chapter 1: Read chapter, complete Pre-Test, complete Reinforcement and Real World activities based on
pre-test score (see syllabus for details), and complete Post-Test**

3 Chapter 2: Read chapter, complete Pre-Test, complete Reinforcement and Real World activities based on
pre-test score (see syllabus for details), and complete Post-Test**

4 Unit 1 Test and Chapter 3**

5 Chapters 4**

6 Unit 2 Test and Chapter 5**

7 Mid-Term Exam and Chapter 6**
8 Unit 3 Test and Chapter 7**
9 Spring Break: March 14-20

Chapter 8**

10 Chapter 9**
11 Unit 4 Test and Chapter 10**

12 Chapter 11**

13 Chapter 12**

14 Unit 5 Test and Chapter 13**

15 Unit 6 Test and Chapter 14**

16 Final Exam
*See the Content Tab in Desire 2 Learn (D2L) for exact due dates.

**Process repeated for every chapter; see Evaluation Section of syllabus for details.

This schedule can be revised at any time at the discretion of the instructor and students will be provided with a copy of the
revised schedule in D2L.

POFT 1301 Spring 2022 Syllabus Page 9

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