wiBtChISd1r3a05(, Business CATALOG DESCRIPTION: BCIS 1305 Business Computer
Applications (3 SCH version) Introduces and develops
Computer Applications foundational skills in applying essential and emerging business
productivity information technology tools. The focus of this
course is on business productivity software applications,
including word processing, spreadsheets, databases,
presentation graphics, data analytics, and business-oriented
utilization of the internet. (BCIS 1305 is included in the Business
Field of Study.)
Credit Hours: 3 credit hours Orientation and class information for distance learning
Prerequisites: None classes only: Distance learning classes are located
Semester and Year: Summer 2022 through the My Lonestar Homepage
Class Days and Times: Distance Learning (http://my.lonestar.edu). Log in and select LSC – Online,
Sections 3E03/04 and KE01/KE02 View My Online Classes to get into your distance learning
Instructor: Pat Rajski Lyon class in Desire 2 Learn (D2L).
Office Location: Tomball College, E210M
Office Hours: See Announcement in D2L; TBA Distance learning students must complete the Start Here
module prior to beginning the coursework.
E-mail: [email protected]
During a 6-week semester, you can
Office phone: 281-357-3610 plan on spending 25+ hours per week
outside of class/lab on the activities
for this course.
COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (as established by The Higher Education Coordination Board of the state of
Texas): The student will be able to
1. Describe the fundamentals of information technology concepts – hardware, software, security, and
2. Demonstrate proper file management techniques to manipulate electronic files and folders in local,
network, and online environments.
3. Create business documents with word processing software using spelling and grammar check, format
and layout, tables, citations, graphics, and mail merge.
4. Create business documents and analyze data with spreadsheet software using (1) tables, sorting,
filtering, charts and graphics, pivot tables, macros; (2) statistical, financial, logical and look-up functions
and formulas; and (3) add-ins.
5. Create business multimedia presentations with presentation software using templates, lists, groups,
themes, colors, clip art, pictures, tables, transitions, animation, video, charts, and views.
6. Create databases and manage data with database software using tables, fields, relationships, indexes,
keys, views, queries, forms, reports, and import/export functions.
7. Integrate business software applications.
8. Use web-based technologies to conduct ethical business research.
9. Use “goal seeking” and “what-if analysis” to solve problems and make adjustments and/or
recommendations in a business environment.
1. This course does not require any paper books. It will require an access code from
Cengage Publishers (which includes two ebooks and the training/assessment program).
You purchase this access code from the Tomball Bookstore or online through D2L during
the first week of the semester.
2. Access code for Cengage Unlimited One-Semester Subscription – ISBN 9780357042670
3. Access to Office 365 (free to LSC students)
4. Use of computer with the Access program (you are not required to purchase this program
5. Access to a web cam and microphone
6. Storage Media: USB storage media, cloud storage (or hard drive for Distance Learning students
7. Three-ring notebook or folder for notes, handouts, etc.
A student of this institution is not under any obligation to purchase a textbook from a Lone Star
College affiliated bookstore. The same textbook may also be available from an independent
retailer, including an online retailer.
Semester Grade
Evaluation is based on the
average of the activities
within each of the eight units
and class participation and
attendance (discussions in a
distance learning class).
Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 Other
Grade Elements
(Units 1-7 and Participation/Attendance/Discussions count 11% and Unit 8 Counts 12% of overall grade)
Unit 1: Computer Concepts and Terminology Unit 5: PowerPoint (presentation software)
Unit 2: Operating Systems and File Management Uni 6: Unit 5: Excel (spreadsheet software)
Unit 3: Word (word processing software) Unit 7: Access (database software)
Unit 4: Ethical Internet Research Unit 8: Integrated Project
Summer 2022, BCIS 1305 Syllabus, Revised June 2, 2022 Page 2
Unit Activities
Unit 1 activities include reading the chapter, filling in chapter outline (optional), view
videos, quiz (can be taken up to 10 times with highest grade recorded) and other activities
as assigned.
Units 2-3 and 5-7 activities include SAM Training, textbook projects (three submissions
allowed with highest grade recorded), and quiz (can be taken up to 10 times with hightest
grade recorded).
Unit 4 activities include Internet research and discussion of findings.
Unit 8 is an integrated project where data from all programs will be edited and shared in
various files.
Participation/attendance/discussions in a face-to-face class includes participating in class
discussions and actrivities, puncutality, and attendance. Participation in the distance
learning class includes participating in three discussions (see D2L for details) and meeting
instructor in the "virtual office" at least once.
Letter Grade Assignment A ATTENDANCE POLICY:
(90-100) Regular attendance is expected for students to successfully complete
the course objectives; this includes actively participating in class
B activities. Attendance and punctuality are qualities expected of all
(80-89) employees and, therefore, are expected of students as well. Should
you anticipate an absence, please notify the instructor in advance.
C An excessive number of absences will prohibit the successful
(70-79) completion of this course. If you should miss a class, it is the
student’s responsibility to obtain lecture notes and assignments
D from within Desire 2 Learn (D2L) or from a classmate.
Distance learning students: Participation in at least five (5
F discussions) is required. See D2L for Guidelines for Discussions.
59 & Below You can be dropped from the course for non-participation (not
completing course assignments). Your professor will email you
regarding this as needed.
Summer 2022, BCIS 1305 Syllabus, Revised June 2, 2022 Page 3
Phone: 832-559-4211 Phone: 832-761-6621
For the most up to date information on LSC-Tomball’s For the most up to date information on LSC-
Library hours and services, please Creekside’s Library hours and services, please
visit https://www.lonestar.edu/library/info.htm visit https://www.lonestar.edu/library/info.htm
Phone: 832-559-4245 Phone: 832-761-6615
For the most up to date information on LSC-Tomball’s For the most up to date information on LSC-
Assessment Center hours and services, please Creekside’s Assessment Center hours and services,
visit https://www.lonestar.edu/testing-tomball.htm please visit https://www.lonestar.edu/28239.htm
Information on how to reach tutors can be found here: Information on how to reach tutors can be found here:
https://www.lonestar.edu/learning-Tomball https://www.lonestar.edu/learning-Tomball
While every attempt is made to prepare Late Assignments:Students should contact the instructor prior to missing
this syllabus and class schedule in final
form, it will be the instructor's prerogative a scheduled test by phone, in-person, by e-mail, or by
to make any changes as may be deemed
necessary in order to meet the learning No assignments will bevoice mail. An opportunity to take a makeup test may
outcomes of the course. Students are
notified in writing of any change. be offered to those who make prior contact with the
accepted late.instructor. There will be a ten (10) point late penalty
for students taking a makeup test.
o Course Lead Instructor: Pat Rajski Lyon, [email protected], 281-357-3610
o There is also information at www.lonestar.edu
Department/Division Contacts
Lead Instructor
▪ Lead Instructor: Pat Rajski Lyon, [email protected], 281-357-2610
CB&I Dean & Support Staff
▪ Division Interim Dean, Dr. Victor Moussoki: [email protected] 281-357-3719
▪ Division DOM, Amy Rosales: [email protected], 832-761-6614
▪ Division DOS, Heather Jackson: [email protected], 832-761-6612
▪ Division Workforce Advisor, Stephanie Williams: [email protected], 832-761-6633
Summer 2022, BCIS 1305 Syllabus, Revised June 2, 2022 Page 4
Withdrawal Policy
Withdrawal from the course after the official day of record will result in a final grade of “W” on the student transcript
and no credit will be awarded. Prior to the official day of record, it is the student’s responsibility to initiate and complete
a request for withdrawal from any course. The last day to drop this course with a “W” for Summer 2022 is June 30, 2022
for a 6-week summer 1 course.
If you are considered a first-time college student, a new law was passed in Fall 2007 that limits to six the number of
courses you may drop (withdraw with a grade of “W”) while enrolled at any Texas public institution of higher
education. A first-time college student is a student not currently enrolled in high school and who has never taken a
college or university course anywhere at any time.
If you consider dropping this course during course during the semester, you might want to go to advising prior to
dropping and get information about the Six-Drop Rule.
For more information about FERPA. Title IX, Academic Integrity, Academic Appeals, ADA 504/408, Emergency
Procedures and Concealed Carry, please use this link http://www.lonestar.edu/syllabus-policies
Lone Star College COVID-19 Prevention Recommendations
Lone Star College is dedicated to the health and safety of all employees and students with a strong commitment to
student engagement and success. In coordination with federal, state, and local mandates and guidelines, Lone Star
College has established general COVID-19 prevention expectations below. Campus-specific COVID-19 protocols may be
provided to you by campus presidents.
Lone Star College supports students with tutoring, bookstore access, library resources, with access to Office 365
available. Information about tutoring and available resources may be found at https://www.lonestar.edu/Student-
Lone Star College has implemented the following COVID-19 Prevention Recommendations:
On-Campus and In the Classroom
• If you are sick, please stay home.
• You should stay at least three feet from others while on campus.
• You should sanitize your hands regularly but especially prior to entering a classroom and when leaving.
Notifications of Possible Exposure
• If you have COVID-19 please let your instructor know as soon as you are confirmed positive for COVID-19
and email the College at [email protected].
Lone Star College-Tomball/Creekside is committed to acting intentionally about student success. As part of our
institutional effectiveness efforts, our instructors are assessed in several ways. For the continuous improvement of our
instruction, you are encouraged to provide input for each course you take each semester using the Course Evaluations
Questionnaire, which can be accessed through your myLoneStar account. This occurs approximately halfway through your
course, and you will be notified when surveys are available for completion. Instructions on how to access and complete
the Course Evaluations Questionnaire can be found by logging into your myLoneStar Account and clicking on the
Quicklinks – “How To” Documents. The college deans review these evaluations each semester. Additionally, the deans
and/or department chairs may visit each instructor’s class at some time during the semester to observe the instructional
environment being provided and complete an assessment of the instructor.
Summer 2022, BCIS 1305 Syllabus, Revised June 2, 2022 Page 5
Week BCIS 1305 Summer 2022Class Schedule
1 Tentative Schedule; See D2L for Exact Due Dates
2 Activity
Start Here Module and Discussion 1 and
4 Unit 1, Module 3, Computer Hardware and
5 Unit 1, Module 5, Software and Apps and
6 Unit 1: and Module 6, Safety and Security
Unit 2: OS and File Management and
Unit 3: Word Modules 1, 2, 3, and 4
Unit 3: Word Module 6 and Discussion 2 and
Unit 4: Ethical Internet Research and
Unit 5: PowerPoint Modules 1 -2
Unit 6: Excel Modules 1, 2, 3, and 4
Unit 7: Access Module 1, 2, 3, and 4
Unit 8: Integrated project and Discussion 3
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