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Published by tedy_klimenta, 2019-03-15 06:08:03

Proba-Vuk Karadzic

Proba-Vuk Karadzic

OS Vuk Vuk NP

Volume 1, Issue 1
Newsletter Date


Inside Story 2 Dan skole sustvovali i mnogobro-
Inside Story 2 jni gosti medju kojima
Inside Story 2 Kao i svake godine, su bili i
Inside Story 3 nasa skola je svoj dan Kjhfksdjfhkdjfhkdjfshf
Inside Story 4 obelezila prigodnim Sdfsfjsdfjshfkdj
Inside Story 5 programom koji su Sdkfskkjdfksjf
6 nam pripremili ucenici Jdfhskjfhkjhkfj
Inside Story sviih razreda. Na Skfjshkfjshfksjhfs
pomenutoj svecanosti Skdfjskfjhskfjshkfhskf
su predstavljeni svi nas- sdfjsfkshksjdkfsk
tavnici i u;enici koji su
na ovogodisnjim tak-
micenjima ostavrili
ynacajne rezultate.
Svecanosti su pri-

Special points of Digitalna u;ionica
U okviru projekta DU koji
• Briefly highlight your point sprovodi MP R Srbije, nasa
of interest here. skola je od januara ove godine
opremljena modernom digital-
• Briefly highlight your point nom ucionicom koja ce svim
of interest here. nastavnicima i ucenicima ove
skole nastavu uciniti jos zanim-
• Briefly highlight your point ljivijom i efikasnijom.
of interest here.

• Briefly highlight your point
of interest here.

Inside Story Headline

This story can fit 150-200 words. Much of the content you put in your
newsletter can also be used for your
One benefit of using your newsletter as Web site. Microsoft Publisher offers a
a promotional tool is that you can re- simple way to convert your newsletter
use content from other marketing ma- to a Web publication. So, when you’re
terials, such as press releases, market finished writing your newsletter, con-
studies, and reports. vert it to a Web site and post it.

While your main goal of distributing a Caption describing picture or graphic.
newsletter might be to sell your prod-
uct or service, the key to a successful
newsletter is making it useful to your

A great way to add useful content to
your newsletter is to develop and write
your own articles, or include a calendar
of upcoming events or a special offer
that promotes a new product.

You can also research articles or find
“filler” articles by accessing the World
Wide Web. You can write about a
variety of topics but try to keep your
articles short.

Inside Story Headline

This story can fit 100-150 words. ly, you might comment upon new pro-
cedures or improvements to the busi-
The subject matter that appears in ness. Sales figures or earnings will show
newsletters is virtually endless. You can how your business is growing.
include stories that focus on current
technologies or innovations in your Some newsletters include a column that
field. is updated every issue, for instance, an
advice column, a
You may also want “To catch the reader's attention, book review, a
to note business or place an interesting sentence or letter from the
economic trends, president, or an
or make predic- quote from the story here.” editorial. You can
tions for your cus- also profile new
tomers or clients. employees or top
customers or ven-
If the newsletter is
distributed internal- dors.

Inside Story Headline

This story can fit 75-125 words. of clip art images from Caption describing pic-
which you can choose and ture or graphic.
Selecting pictures or graphics is an import into your newslet-
important part of adding content to ter. There are also several
your newsletter. tools you can use to draw
shapes and symbols.
Think about your article and ask your-
self if the picture supports or enhances Once you have chosen an
the message you’re trying to convey. image, place it close to the
Avoid selecting images that appear to article. Be sure to place the
be out of context. caption of the image near
the image.
Microsoft Publisher includes thousands

Page 2 VUK NP

VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1 Page 3

Inside Story Headline

This story can fit 150-200 words. Much of the content
you put in your
One benefit of using your newsletter as newsletter can also
a promotional tool is that you can re- be used for your
use content from other marketing ma- Web site. Microsoft
terials, such as press releases, market Publisher offers a
studies, and reports. simple way to con-
vert your newsletter
While your main goal of distributing a to a Web publica-
newsletter might be to sell your prod- tion. So, when
uct or service, the key to a successful you’re finished writ-
newsletter is making it useful to your ing your newsletter,
readers. convert it to a Web
site and post it.
A great way to add useful content to
your newsletter is to develop and write Caption describing picture or graphic.
your own articles, or include a calendar
of upcoming events or a special offer
that promotes a new product.

You can also research articles or find
“filler” articles by accessing the World
Wide Web. You can write about a
variety of topics but try to keep your
articles short.

Inside Story Headline

This story can fit 100-150 words. tomers or clients. column, a book review, a letter from
the president, or an editorial. You can
The subject matter that appears in If the newsletter is distributed internal- also profile new employees or top cus-
newsletters is virtually endless. You can ly, you might comment upon new pro- tomers or vendors.
include stories that cedures or improve-
focus on current ments to the business.
technologies or Sales figures or earn-
innovations in your ings will show how
your business is grow-
field. “To catch the reader's attention, ing.
You may also want place an interesting sentence or
to note business or Some newsletters
economic trends, quote from the story here.” include a column that
or make predic- is updated every issue,
tions for your cus- for instance, an advice

Inside Story Headline

This story can fit 75-125 words. choose and import into your
newsletter. There are also
Selecting pictures or graphics is an several tools you can use to
important part of adding content to draw shapes and symbols.
your newsletter.
Once you have chosen an Caption describing picture
Think about your article and ask your- image, place it close to the or graphic.
self if the picture supports or enhances article. Be sure to place the
the message you’re trying to convey. caption of the image near
Avoid selecting images that appear to the image.
be out of context.

Microsoft Publisher includes thousands
of clip art images from which you can

Organization This would be a good place to insert a short paragraph about your organization. It
might include the purpose of the organization, its mission, founding date, and a
Primary Business Address brief history. You could also include a brief list of the types of products, services, or
Address Line 2 programs your organization offers, the geographic area covered (for example,
Address Line 3 western U.S. or European markets), and a profile of the types of customers or
Address Line 4 members served.

Phone: 555-555-5555 It would also be useful to include a contact name for readers who want more
Fax: 555-555-5555 information about the organization.

Email: [email protected]


Business Tagline or Motto

We’re on the Web!

Back Page Story Headline

This story can fit 175-225 words. regular event, such as a breakfast meeting insert a clip art image or some other
for vendors every third Tuesday of the graphic.
If your newsletter is folded and mailed, this month, or a biannual charity auction.
story will appear on the back. So, it’s a
good idea to make it easy to read at a If space is available, this is a good place to

A question and answer session is a
good way to quickly capture the atten-
tion of readers. You can either compile
questions that you’ve received since
the last edition or you can summarize
some generic questions that are fre-
quently asked about your organization.

A listing of names and titles of manag-
ers in your organization is a good way
to give your newsletter a personal
touch. If your organization is small, you
may want to list the names of all em-

If you have any prices of standard
products or services, you can include a
listing of those here. You may want to
refer your readers to any other forms
of communication that you’ve created
for your organization.

You can also use this space to remind Caption describing picture or graphic.
readers to mark their calendars for a

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