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Published by Suphakit phoowong, 2019-06-09 08:22:56



Chapter 2

Food, Drink and Culture


Have you ever tried food from other countries? The food from each country is
unique in its taste and style. Every country has traditional food, drink, and cultures
which are interesting, and it is interesting to learn about their way of life. In this
chapter, the story about food, drink, and cultures from many countries are provided
for you!


Activity 1: Match the word from the box with the picture.

noodles papaya salad milk meat balls juice
coffee grilled chicken some fruits soda pop

1 ______________ 2 _________________ 3 ________________

4_____________ 5 _________________ 6 _________________

7 _______________ 8 _________________ 9 __________________


Activity 2: Choose the most suitable word for each description.

spoon cup plate knife jug
straw fork pestle mortar chopsticks

1. You can eat soup with this. ___spoon__

2. You can suck drink through this. __________

3. You can put food on this and eat from it. __________

4. You can slice meat with this. ________

5. You can drink tea or coffee from this. __________

6. You can take food to your mouth with these.__________, _________

7. You can pour water from this. __________

8. You cannot make papaya salad without these.


Source: Oxford Advanced learner’s dictionary. 7th Edition. Oxford University Press.
Activity 3: Underline the correct cooking method in each sentence.
1 Boil/ Cook some water, and pour it into the cup.
2 I usually bake/ fry the fish in oil.
3 Nina grills/boils bacon for dinner.
4 The chilies were pounded / hit to a fine powder.


5 They bake/break their own bread and cakes in the oven.


Prefix and their meaning

Use a dictionary to complete the definition of prefix.
A prefix is a group of letters that___________________________________________

Use prefixes to help you understand the meaning of a word. Some prefixes give a
word the opposite meaning. For example:

dis- gives the noun “advantages” the opposite meaning:
However, there were some disadvantages.

un- gives the adjective “helpful” the opposite meaning:
The people were very unhelpful.

Look at these other prefixes and their meanings.
anti- (against) – anticlockwise
sub- (under) – subway
super- (above) – supervisor, supermarket
pre- (before) – predict
multi- (many) – multimedia


de- from, down, away reverse, opposite decode, decrease
dis- not, opposite, reverse, away disagree, disappear
ex- out of, away from, lacking, former exhale, explosion
il- Not illegal, illogical
im- not, without impossible, improper
in- not, without inaction, invisible
mis- bad, wrong mislead, misplace
non- Not nonfiction, nonsense
pre- Before prefix, prehistory
pro- for, forward, before proactive, profess, program


re- again, back react, reappear

un- against, not, opposite undo, unequal, unusual

Activity 4: Match the underlined words in 1-6 with meanings a-f.

____1. Many drivers are impatient when they are at traffic lights.

____2. I distrust most advertisements.

____3. I want to buy an inexpensive watch. I haven’t got much money.

____4. It was irresponsible to let the children play in the busy street.

____5. It is unusual to have too much rain in the desert.

____6. Yuki and Toni had a disagreement. Now they are not speaking to each other.

a. does not happen often b. difference
c. cheap d. not wanting to wait for something
e. not sensible f. do not believe

Activity 5: Add the negative prefixes in the box to the words in the sentences.
Use a dictionary to help you.

un- in- ir- im- dis-

1. Kim felt very _____happy when he saw the exam results.
2. Paulo _____liked the new lecturer. He thought her lectures were difficult to
3. It is difficult to learn all the _____ regular verbs in English.
4. This exercise is _____possible. I can’t do it.
5. The essay is _____ complete. You must write a conclusion.
6. It is _____moral to take money from the poor.
7. Because the statistics were _____ accurate, we had to calculate the results again.
8. Rafa is a very _____organized person. His desk is always _____tidy and he’s


usually late for meetings.


Intensive Reading

Activity 6: Read the article carefully and answer the questions.
Passage 1: Before you read
1. Do you know Street Food?
2. Are there any Street Foods in your city? What are they?

Street food in Bangkok

Street food in Bangkok provides
convenient, delicious and inexpensive
meals, and it’s one of the best ways to
get in touch with the local culture. Street
food is a quintessential part of the
Bangkok experience. Wherever you go
in the city, food stalls are plentiful and
you will find a high concentration of
them in busy areas. Some street vendors
operate in groups, especially in local
markets, which mean you can go to the
same place every night and have a
different choice of meal. Some even
open around the clock.


To the outsider, the life of a Bangkokian appears to be a string of meals and snacks
punctuated by the work schedules. If you can adjust your mental clock to this schedule,
your stay will be a delightful one indeed. Open-air markets and food stalls are among
the most popular dining spots for Thais. In the mornings, stalls selling coffee and
Chinese-style doughnuts spring up along busy commuter corridors. At lunchtime, diners
might grab a plastic chair at yet another stall for a simple stir-fry. In Bangkok’s suburbs,
night markets often set up in the middle of town with a cluster of food vendors, metal
tables and chairs.


After you read

1. Give the Thai meaning for the following words.

a. local culture ______________________________

b. quintessential ______________________________

c. plentiful ______________________________

d. vendors ______________________________

e. Bangkokian ______________________________

f. food stalls ______________________________

g. Chinese-style doughnuts __________________________

2. What is the topic of this story?


3. What are the characteristics of food stalls in Bangkok?


4. When can you go for Street Food?


Food Talk: Food has provided many idioms to the English language.
Here are just a few examples:

As easy as pie - very easy
Writing a novel is as easy as pie. She enjoys writing.

Apple of one's eye - a source of enormous pride
"Her new baby is the apple of her eye."

In a nutshell - briefly summarized
"In a nutshell, the overall position of the company has improved
greatly in the past year," said the company president


Activity 7: Read the passage about French Fries and answer the questions.

French Fries
When was the last time that you ate

french fries? French fries are just slices of
potato that are fried in vegetable oil. They are
sprinkled with salt before they are eaten. This
simple food is very popular. On average, each
North American eats more than 30 pounds
(about 14 kg) of french fries a year. We buy a
lot of french fries at fast food restaurants.

About 400,000 acres of farmland in Canada is used for growing potatoes. More than
half of those potatoes are used to make french fries. The potatoes are sliced and then
frozen in factories. The frozen fries are then shipped to grocery stores and restaurants
across Canada. Canada also exports more than a million tons of frozen french fries to
other countries. [1 ton = 1000 kg]

Are these sentences true or false?
______1. French fries are made from potatoes.
______2. The cooking method of french fries is boiling.
______3. About 40,000 acres of farmland is used for growing potatoes in Canada.
______4. Canada imports lots of frozen french fries from other countries.

Fill in the Blanks:
5. French fries are sprinkled with ____________ after they are fried.
6. ____________________________ restaurants sell a lot of french fries.
7. Canada exports about a __________________ tons of frozen french fries.
8. Frozen french fries can be bought in _____________________ stores.
9. French fries are _____________ of potato that are _______________ in oil.
10. On average, each North America eats __________________ of french fries a year.


Speaking (Short Presentation)

Activity 8 (Group work): Make a presentation about cooking
1. Choose one of your favorite dishes and think about how it is cooked.
2. Write the process of cooking by using first, second, next, then, finally…etc.
3. Make a short presentation to your classmates.

Omelet is our favorite food, so today we would like to show you how to cook
the omelet. The ingredients are 2 eggs, butter, ham, tomatoes, pepper, and salt. Let’s
start! First, crack 2 eggs in to a bowl and beat them until they’re mixed. Second, put
ham, tomatoes, pepper and salt into the bowl. Next, set the pan over medium heat and
put some butter. After that, pour the mixed eggs into the pan and cook for two
minutes. Finally, put the well-done omelet into a plate and it’s ready to serve!

Now, it’s your turn!

We love …………………. very much. Today we would like to show you how
to cook …………..... The ingredients are ………………………… . Let’s start! First,
…………………………… Second, ……………...…….. Then….…………………...
Finally, ……………………………………



Note-taking skill is ahtntpism://wpwowrt.apinntteprersat.ccotimc/epitno/30h0e4l0p42y3o76u15re29c9o8r1d6/o?frrosmu_mnamvigaartiez=etruneew
information. There are four steps for effective note-taking as follows.

1. Focus on main points.
2. Use shorthand; for example, instead of writing “Australia”, you could write
3. Make use of flow chart or other diagram such as mind-map to organize your
4. Review your notes.

Activity 9: From activity 8, make notes of your friends’ presentation.


Commas (,) and periods (.) are the most frequently used punctuation marks.

A comma is used…
To separate phrases or items in a list.
The ingredients are eggs, tomatoes, pepper, and salt.
To join two clauses with connectors such as and, or, but, etc., put a

comma at the end of the first clause.
He walked all the way home, and he shut the door.

After a dependent clause
If you put too much sugar, it will be sweet.

A period is used to note the end of a declarative sentence.
My favorite food is papaya salad.


Activity 10: Give three words at least relating with the underline word and
punctuation (,) in the right spaces.

1. The restaurant near my office serves delicious food: _________________________
2. There are a lot of ingredients added to this soup, such as _____________________
3. Some examples of healthy fruits are _____________________________________
4. We went to the supermarket to buy kitchenware: ___________________________
5. Danny’s favorite drinks are ____________________________________________

Activity 11: Rewrite the sentence with correct punctuations: commas and periods.

1. I went to the supermarket to buy eggs
bread milk and chocolate

2. Paul lives in Tokyo but his family lives
in Thailand

3. If I have my own house I will plants
lots of trees

4. Bena can speak three languages: Thai
English and Khmer

5. While I am at work my dog sleeps
under a chair and my cat naps in the



Directions: Use the box of prefixes to complete each word. There may be more than
one answer for some words.

de- il- ex- mis- pre- un-
dis- in-
im- non- re- with-

____ fix ____ sense ____ happy ____ hold ____ gust
____ mind ____ pert ____ respect ____ possible ____ usual
____ equal ____ legal ____ fiction ____ trieve ___ logical
____ prove ____ frost ____ ceed ____ cellent ____ play
____ lucky ____ lead ____ fat ____ flex ____ code
____ fair ____ visible ____ draw ____ view ____ place

Directions: Add the correct prefix to the front of each base word to make a new word

and write their meaning in Thai. (dis, non, un)

1. zip __unzip = รูดซิบลง ____ 6. pleasant ____________________

2. honest ____________________ 7. stop ____________________
3. fat ____________________ 8. respect ____________________
4. agree ____________________ 9. fair ____________________
5. ripe ____________________ 10. obey ____________________

Directions: Use the words you made above to complete each sentence.
1. Haley knew it was _______________________ to copy her sister's homework.
2. Luke could not _______________________ his jacket.
3. Claire ate some _______________________ yogurt before going for a run.
4. Gloria did not tolerate _______________________ from anyone.
5. Phil worked _______________________ on his project.
6. Cameron and Mitchell _______________________ about everything.
7. Jay had an _______________________ time at the party.
8. Manny would never _______________________ his mother.
9. Lily ate the banana even though it was still _______________________.
10. Alex felt her teacher was being _______________________.


Directions: Read the passage. Then answer questions about the passage below.

People drink a lot of tea. There are many kinds of tea, e.g. black tea, green tea, white
tea, red tea, and yellow tea. People drink a lot of tea in China. Some people drink it
because it is good for them. It makes them healthy. Other people drink it because it
tastes very good. It tastes delicious. People drink a lot of green tea in Japan. People
drink a lot of green tea in Korea too. In Vietnam, some people drink coffee before
they drink tea. People drink a lot of tea in England. Every afternoon, English people
drink tea. English people add milk to their tea. Finally, many people drink tea in the
U.S. In the South, people drink “sweet tea.” Sweet tea is cold black tea with sugar.
Most tea comes from China. Some tea comes from India or Sri Lanka, Kenya, Japan,
and Indonesia also grow a lot of tea.


1) Some tea is… 5) Most tea comes from…

a. purple. b. green. a. Indonesia. b. Kenya.

c. pink. d. blue. c. Japan. d. china.

2) People drink coffee before tea in… 6) Tea makes them healthy. so, tea…

a. China. b. Korea. a. tastes good.

c. England. d. Vietnam. b. is many colors.

3) People add milk to their tea in… c. is good for them.

a. India. b. England. d. comes from many places.

c. Vietnam. d. Sri Lanka. 7) Things that are delicious…

4) People drink “sweet tea” in… a. are green.

a. the southern U.S. b. are yellow.

b. the northern U.S. c. taste very good.

c. Vietnam. d. are good for you.

d. Korea.


8) Before means… 13) They drink tea.
a. in front of. They refer to ...
b. during. a. British
c. earlier or sooner than. b. Chinese
d. both a and c are correct. c. Vietnamese
d. Japanese
9) If you add milk to tea, you…
a. put milk in your tea. 14) Which one should be the best topic of
b. take milk out of your tea. this passage?
c. drink milk after tea.
d. drink milk before tea. a. healthy drink
b. tea
10) Something sweet… c. kinds of tea
a. is good for you. d. green tea
b. has sugar in it. 15) Some people drink it because it is
c. tastes bad. good for_______.
d. is yellow. Choose the correct pronoun.
a. health
11) Topic sentence is ... b. them
a. People drink a lot of tea. c. they
b. It makes them healthy. d. you
c. Indonesia also grows a lot of tea.
d. There are many kinds of tea.

12) It makes them healthy.
It refer to ...
a. tea
b. china
c. people
d. Japan



Azar. Betty. S. (2008). Understanding and Using English Grammar. Thailand.
Pearson Education Indochina.

Curtis Kelly and Arlen Gargagliano (2001). Writing from Within, Cambridge
University Press.

French fries. Retrieved on June 15, 2016 from

Harrison. R. (2012). Headway Academic Skills. United Kingdom.
Oxford University Press.

Note-taking. Retrieved on June 13, 2016 from

Prefix. Retrieved on June 21, 2014 from

Prefix. Retrieved on June 25, 2014 from

Prefix worksheet. Retrieved on June 29, 2014 from

Street Food. Retrieved from
Street Food. Retrieved from

Tea. Retrieved on June 22, 2014 from
Vince. M. (2010). Elementary Language Practice. United Kingdom.

Macmillan Education.

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