This is to all the women in my
life, for you are my
This is to all the women in my life, for you Said, “Give from the heart, and God will
are my “Village”. bless you for it”
Yes Ma’am, No Ma’am
My past, present and future has been in Respect for your elders
your hands to mold and make, to polish
and shine. No profanity have they ever heard from my
You have been my strength, my anchor
when I became weak My Village, My Village
Guided me in the right path when I couldn’t Some of the residents have earned their
see the forest for the trees wings, gone home to be with the King
My tools of the trade was your shared Their perception and my reflection of me
experiences and wisdom is on the same sheet of music, playing the
God is Great, God is Good, same song
You betta’ pray before you eat that food In the key of G
Clean your plate, wash your hands On the days when I am ‘Kicking, but not too
Brush your teeth and bathe regularly high”, and “ugly has met me and stayed”
On my knees before bed, eyes closed, little I feel their presence and I still hear them
hands together praying with us
Lord lay me down to sleep, I pray the lord My Village, My Village
my soul to keep
Did not and do not wear fancy costumes
Peace and blessings for the whole world, and fly
God…Please and Thank You
No super powers or fight crime
I learned morals and values from the best
of em’ They gave me what money could never buy
However, when I deviated Time, Strength, Wisdom, Friendship,
Courage and Unconditional Love
You chastised and whipped me when I
needed my “hind parts tore’ out da frame” My Village
You taught me about God and his Son My Super shero’s in my life
Instagram: @kalliminor
Photographer: @davarstephen
Campaign: @nike
Model- Sonyae Blu | @sonyae
Photographer: @brianchristopher__
Stylist: @eburnsprepjerks
Hair: @shorthairxpress
MUA: @heflawless
Sophie Chandauka
Model - Meagan Good | @meagangood
Stylist/ Creative Director - @hollylarry_
Photographer - @shannonlaurine
Model - Lamiyia Good | @lamyiagood
Stylist/ Creative Director - @hollylarry_
Photographer - @shannonlaurine
Sendi commodit voluptatest quis
eum eationsequi quossequis
escia eat idebist, int post omnihilla
volupis tiassitis es quibusci ute
dolupta temperu mquae.
Alpha Model - KHALÍ @khalicarela
Photographer @joyannepanton
If I had a dime for everytime I heard my
The war cry of the masses Feel pretty and appreciated
The female Be the envy of her few friends
Made in God’s image Cuz
A mother She knows and feels she is the queen to her king
A wife Respected to the fullest
A sister On a pedestal
An Auntie Praised for her presence on this earth
A niece She so wishes
She is an equal The reality of this fable
Her brain works the same as any man Is not a Cinderella tale
She is the glue in any type of situation The shoe she left on stairs
SHE Has the same velocity when fired as a sawed shotgun
Holding it down, the best way she know how blast
Making a way out of no way BANG!
Point blank range to her head
A magician with hardly any recognition, no Penn & Teller
Man from her view of life
Its easier to just die…DEAD!
Give her five kids,
If I had a dime for every time I heard my Brotha Speak…
A part- time job making minimum wage and a
sometimey mate, Halleluiah and Amen
Who BY THE WAY From birth to eighteen
Claim to fame is making a high score on the kid’s video On a sacred path
game In search of answers of what does it mean to really live?
She will return a meal His past is threatening his future
Shelter He was privileged,
Be Momma to a chronologically grown individual Born with a rusty spoon in his mouth
And still somehow Cars, clothes, money, rats and roaches
Make a dollar outta 15 cent Five siblings plus self in one bedroom
If I had a dime for every time I heard my Sista Speak… Sharing one King sized mattress
Beat down for thinking, dreaming, and reading Two blankets and one pillow
Domestic violence at an all-time high Once you got up to go pee
She suffers from PTSD Lost your space
All her life she had to fight Come back to
Just once she wants to relax relate release Sleep next the one that is not potty trained
Dress up, Baby Soggy Bottoms
Get her hair “did” Nicknamed stuck till he was struck down in his prime
Cars, clothes, money, rats and roaches A college degree
Five siblings plus self in one bedroom
Sharing one King sized mattress A celebrity in his hood
Two blankets and one pillow
Once you got up to go pee A legend in his own mind
Lost your space
Come back to As it flashes before his eyes
Sleep next the one that is not potty trained
Tears form as his breathing becomes shallow
Baby Soggy Bottoms
Nicknamed stuck till he was struck down in his prime
Hands up
Aged 9
Outside playing tag Please don’t shoot officer
Shot by a bullet, no name attached
Police said they were sorry, A late night run on the riverfront
Uncle Stepdaddy was the target
I guess Soggy Bottoms prayers were answered that day Making plans for the last day of class at the university
He got to escape the sexual abuse he prayed to end
Go home to God Hush little baby
Uncle Stepdaddy
His fate for rape Don’t say a word
Two years house arrest in his elderly momma’s base-
ment… Another statistic
If I had a dime for every time I heard my Brotha Speak…
Meditating and praying for Ms. Right instead of Ms. Right First one graduated with honors
Good guys always seem to finish last Valedictorian
Chivalry is wrong
Respect is not respected Promised Momma
Get mad love
If he a gun-toting, no job having thug 15 cents times infinity
Romancing is writing poetry
Roses are Red All she is left with is a penny wit a hole in it….
Violets are Blue
If I had a dime for every time I heard my Sista Speak..
You my main B*tch
And ya’ Momma is too
Just once he would like to
Dress up ©2015 Tina M Campbell
Get a nice fade, beard shaped
Feel like a million bucks Instagram:@IAmAPoetDammit
Be legit,
No criminal past [email protected]
No even a parking ticket
A-1 credit
Model - Chanel Westcost
Makeup - @mugopus
Hair - @pelos_de_eloteee
Wig installment- @pelos_de_eloteee
Creative Director/ Stylist- @hollylarry_
Photographer: @shannonlaurine
Alpha Chef - @eat310
Fearless, limitless, and boundless with her dreams and achievements - Estrella
Nouri is certainly not your typical supermodel. Throughout her journey to becoming
the Estrella we all know and love today, she has had to overcome many obstacles.
Disregarding the pebbles on the road and looking towards the horizon ahead,
she pursued her dreams of becoming an actress, singer, stand-up comedian and
supermodel with a grand purpose at heart. Once it was clear that she was destined
to pursue her dreams, she realized that she could not really find a role model of
Middle Eastern descent that accomplished all she dreamed of accomplishing.
Consequently, Estrella Nouri succeeded many “firsts”, becoming the role model
she is today for our generation. From becoming an actress of an Emmy-nominated
show, a world-touring stand-up comedian, a singer of a record-breaking song, and
being the first Iranian Guess Girl - her hard work and dedication is definitely inspiring
and galvanizing, especially for us dreamers. Join us as Alpha sits down to ask their
double cover star, Estrella Nouri, some of your questions - so let’s get inspired
by her earnest advice and motivating path to her greatest accomplishments (and
guys...this is only the beginning of her journey!).
Bodysuit: Guess
Shoes: Marciano
Accessories: Guess
Photographer: Ruben Stunner
Director: Marc Harvey
MUA: Maxine Christians
Q & A
Dress: Emotaé
Shoes: Marciano
Accessories: Guess
Photographer: Ruben Stunner
Director: Marc Harvey
MUA: Maxine Christians
It has been such an honor getting to know you and having you all over Europe, the Middle East and the United States. And yes
as our cover girl, Estrella! Our readers have some questions it’s true, I performed in front of the royal family in Bahrain.
for us that we are so excited to ask you.
How did it feel having your Middle Eastern single, Farari
Firstly, you are not just a supermodel but also a world- become a pop sensation? Is it true you added two of your
touring comedian, actress on an Emmy-nominated show friends to be featured in the music video?
and a singer with a record-breaking hit song in the Middle
East. That’s a rare combination! Can you please share with It felt surreal! But, the best feeling is when my fans around the
us the backstory of your incredible journey? world send videos of them singing my lyrics and dancing the
As a little girl, I knew I found joy in making people laugh, choreography. It absolutely makes my day. And, yes it’s true
my friend Casper Smart aka beau plays my love interest and
singing for my family or even going into my mom’s closet Boi1da comes in working his DJ skills as Mr. DJ.
and modeling her clothes for her. It was so fun and effortless
for me. When I realized that people actually do this as a
profession and even get paid for it, I knew that’s what I
wanted as my career. Growing up, I looked for role models Who would you like to collaborate with and why?
in the arts who were also Middle Eastern to look up to, but I I would love to collaborate with my fellow Guess Girl, Jennifer
could not find one. At the time, there weren’t any women of Lopez. I love how she refuses to put herself in a box and she is
Persian or Middle Eastern descent on the cover of magazines, the definition of being limitless.
featured in magazines, campaigns, on tv, nor as leads in films.
It was discouraging because it made me feel like it couldn’t
be done, especially when I kept hearing from naysayers that it What keeps you so grounded?
would be a one in a million shot to make it in this industry as a
Middle Eastern woman. Although I didn’t have a role model to I love what I do but I never allow it to get to my head. I’m
look up to, there was a turning point in my life where I decided grateful for so many blessings, I make sure I’m surrounded by
that I’ll break down those barriers and become a role model genuine souls that get me, and my goal is to continue to pay it
for my generation. With that in mind, I pushed through and forward.
made it happen!
We couldn’t choose which photo we loved more so the
What led you to have the courage to take on so many issue is a double cover! Who are you wearing?
endeavors in your career? What advice do you have for our
readers? I absolutely love that it’s a double cover… it was such a
beautiful surprise! The cover where I am wearing the green
That’s such a great question! For me, it’s all about breaking cheetah dress is from Emoaté, which I am the face of. For
barriers and following your calling. I knew from a young age the other cover, I am wearing a Marciano dress representing
that I loved seeing how the arts could elevate people’s mood.
I loved putting on plays, singing, modeling, and making people my Guess family. I love how authentic the covers came out
because I would wear both of these outfits on a night out…
laugh but I didn’t know how I would go about doing all of
those things as a profession. It wasn’t an easy journey trying and I most definitely will!
to figure out how, but I knew I had to just start. When I finally
mustered up the courage to go for it, I decided that acting
would be my way but I wasn’t fulfilled with just the acting. What’s your best piece of advice for readers who desire to
With that, came a lot of naysayers that said that I couldn’t find success in their life?
simultaneously become a singer, stand-up comedian, and a To start and allow your fears to fuel you rather than hold you
model. I was told that I should stick to just one thing, acting, back.
and not venture off to other fields. I wasted time allowing
myself to be put in a box until one day I decided to just go for
it all - and it was the best decision I made. My advice would
be to never allow anyone to put you in a box. You are limitless How did you feel after you were hand picked by Ava
and you can accomplish anything you put your mind to! Duvernay and Oprah Winfrey for your plot twisting role in
the Emmy nominated show, Queen Sugar?
It was all surreal from the moment I found out I got the role,
How does it feel to be the face of an iconic brand like to the moment I flew to New Orleans to shoot for the month,
Guess? to ending up on the red carpet with the one and only Oprah
It has been a dream come true. I’ve dreamed of being an Winfrey for the Premiere of the show.
iconic Guess Girl since I was 12 and it’s still surreal seeing my
Guess Marciano campaign editorials in magazines and my
Guess billboards around the world. Speaking of success, what does the word mean to you?
Being funny is one thing and doing stand-up comedy in To me, it means being true to the journey.
front of thousands of people is another. What made you
want to venture off into stand-up comedy? Is it true that you
performed in front of the royal family? Finally, how can people connect with you if they want to
I love love love making people laugh! If you’re around me, learn more?
you’ll always be laughing so I just decided … why not do that I can’t wait to continue to connect with the readers! My
on a larger scale? In 2019, after watching The Marvelous Mrs. Instagram is @estrellanouri
Maisel Amazon Prime, I was inspired and decided to just go
for it! Since then, I’ve been on a world comedy tour performing
Jacket: Emotaé
Crop top: Emotaé
Skirt: Emotaé
Shoes: Marciano
Accessories: Guess
Photographer: Ruben Stunner
Director: Marc Harvey
MUA: Maxine Christians
Skirt: Guess
Photographer: Ruben Stunner
Director: Marc Harvey
MUA: Maxine Christians
Bodysuit: Emotaé
Shoes: Marciano
Accessories: Guess
Photographer: Ruben Stunner
Director: Marc Harvey
MUA: Maxine Christians
Trench Coat: Marciano
Shoes: Marciano
Photographer: Ruben Stunner
Director: Marc Harvey
MUA: Maxine Christians
Dress: Marciano
Photographer: Ruben Stunner
Director: Marc Harvey
MUA: Maxine Christians
Top: Emotaé
Pants: Emotaé
Shoes: Marciano
Accessories: Guess
Photographer: Ruben Stunner
Director: Marc Harvey
MUA: Maxine Christians
Top: Emotaé
Pants: Emotaé
Shoes: Marciano
Accessories: Guess
Photographer: Ruben Stunner
Director: Marc Harvey
MUA: Maxine Christians
Model - Karen Civil | @karencivil
Photographer- @aarondsmallsphoto
Makeup - @beautybytayrivera
Hair @candyforhair1
Creative Director / Stylist @otheezystyledit
Karen Civil... you likely already know the name. This Alpha Female is a force to be
reckoned with in the entertainment industry. She is an entrepreneur, a brilliant speaker
and a philanthropist. Karen’s success in global marketing and content creation has
provided this queen with commanding influence in culture and has bridged the gap
between brand powerhouses and mainstream artists.
Karen Civil first developed an interest in the impact of social media when she began
bolstering online communities via a fan site for the best selling boy band of all time, The
Backstreet Boys. This passion would soon evolve into a profession when she landed an
internship with HOT 97’s DJ Funkmaster Flex. Karen’s expertise allowed Flex’s online
presence to explode, and she continued to successfully unite hip-hop with digital media
by shaping artists brands. Karen established herself as a reputable and necessary
player in the entertainment world and gained momentum to launch KarenCivil.com
along with @AlwaysCivil Enterprise. This “Civilized” foundation provided a digital
platform for exclusive interviews, entertainment and music news and artist growth. She
was named Digital Marketing Director for Beats by Dre, and later used her marketing
skills to cultivated unprecedented branding partnerships with giants like Nike, Louis
Vuitton, AT&T, Verizon, Fashion Nova, Toyota, and many more. Her achievements have
been publicly recognized with awards from The National Black Public Relations Society,
the Next Innovator Award, Black Enterprise Social Influencer Award, MTV’s HipHop
MVP Award, and more.
Far greater than any of her titles or awards, Karen Civil is a humanitarian. The @LiveCivil
outreach specifically seeks to benefit children, women of color and Haiti. Karen is of
Haitian descent, and Haiti is very special to her. She founded the Live Civil school and
playground there in 2015. But her desire to uplift others did not end there. In true Alpha
Female fashion, Karen self-published her first book, “Be You & Live Civil: Tools for
Unlocking Your Potential & Living Your Purpose.” The book is meant to build awareness
of the Live Civil brand and to provide the reader with the necessary tools for
empowerment and entrepreneurship. For these reasons and so many more, Karen Civil
truly embodies all that it means to be an Alpha Female.
Talent: GHerbo @nolimitherbo Taina @latainax3 3rd Look:
Photographer: Sheri Angeles @sheriangeles Suit: Boohoo Man @boohoomanofficial
Hair: Ray Christopher @hair4kicks Shoes: Nike @nike
MUA: Haley Andrews @haleymariemakeup Taina Wardrobe:
Stylist: Stelly @thestellynation 1st Look:
Tailor: Kelvin Small @klvn.s Dress: Michael Depaulo @michaeldepaulo
Video: Luke Strege @lukestrege 2nd Look:
MAGAZINE: @alphamagazines Dress: Michael Costello @michaelcostello
Wardrobe: Shoes: Tom Ford @tomford
1st Look for Herb Earrings: East + Eighties @eastandeighties
Jacket: Verde 3rd Look:
Shoes: Suit: DKNY @dkny
Prada Shoes: Christian Loubutin @louboutinworld
2nd Look: Pearl Necklace: East + Eighties @eastandeighti
Jacket: Charles and Ron @charlesandron
Pants: Kit
Shoes: Nike @nike