Karen Civil - @karencivil .1
Esscene Atkins - @essence_says .2
Tori Brixx @toribrixx .3
India Love - @indialove .4
LaMiyia Good - @lamyiagood .5
Meagan Good - @meagangood .6
Mila J - @milaj .7
Dawn Richard - @dawnrichard .8
Masika Kalysha - @masikakalysha . 9
LisaRaye - @thereallraye1 .10
Zena Foster - @zenafoster .11
Tamara Simmons - @thetamrasimmons .12
Angie CEO of Shaderoom @theshaderoom .13
Kimberly Elise -@ikimberlyelise 14
Elise Neal - @eliseneal .15
Syleena Johnson -@syleenajohnson .16
Salma silm - @salmaslim .17
Sonyae -@sonyae .18
Dora Owusu - @doraowusu .19
Megan Sumpton - @megyuup .20
Liane V.- @lianev .21
Kahara Hodges - @kaharahodges .22
Laura - @lauracatlady .23
Ciara Lebamoff - @ciaralebamoff .24
Madi Urban - @madiurban .25
Alexis Marie Beaulieu - @alexisbeaulieu1 .26
Acksanna Witherspoon -@acksanna .27
_Sentrik - @sentrik 28
Chanel Westcost - @chanelwestcoast .29
Maya Washington- @mayasworld .31
Ajableu -@ajableubird .32
Garcelle Beauvais - @garcelle .33
Malory N. - @malory.n .34
Isa - @isamessiah .35
Regal Wrench -@regalwrench .36
Brooklyn - @aliyah.monet 37
Karine Delage @karyzmaagency.38
Jessica Rich - @jessicarich .39
Renee- @hafsa.nads .40
Naomi Mereta- @naomimereta .41
Kalli Minor - @kalliminor .42
Nicole Ari Parker - @nicoleariparker .43
Candy Farmer - @candyforhair1 .44
Fabiola Quintana - @fabiola24quintana .45
Angelica Ross - @angelicaross .46
Dayanana Cisse - @dayananarcisse .47
Medgiine - @medgiine .48
XIXI Yang - @xixiyang .49
Tabatha Robinson - @dreamdoll .50
Lola Modonna - @lola_madonna .51
Adri Grace - @who_is_adrigrace .52
AMARA “ LA NEGRA” - @amaralanegraaln .53
Josline Hernandez - @josline .54
What to do, Who to know, Where to
What to spend money on
Where to find help, Causes to
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Editorial Director
[email protected]
This is to all the women in my
life, for you are my
This is to all the women in my life, for you are Respect for your elders
my “Village”.
No profanity have they ever heard from my lips
My past, present and future has been in your My Village, My Village
hands to mold and make, to polish and shine.
Some of the residents have earned their wings,
You have been my strength, my anchor when I
became weak gone home to be with the King
Guided me in the right path when I couldn’t see Their perception and my reflection of me is
the forest for the trees
on the same sheet of music, playing the same
My tools of the trade was your shared
experiences and wisdom song
God is Great, God is Good, In the key of G
You betta’ pray before you eat that food
Clean your plate, wash your hands On the days when I am ‘Kicking, but not too
high”, and “ugly has met me and stayed”
Brush your teeth and bathe regularly
On my knees before bed, eyes closed, little I feel their presence and I still hear them praying
hands together with us
Lord lay me down to sleep, I pray the lord my
soul to keep My Village, My Village
Peace and blessings for the whole world, God… Did not and do not wear fancy costumes and
Please and Thank You
I learned morals and values from the best of
em’ No super powers or fight crime
However, when I deviated
They gave me what money could never buy
You chastised and whipped me when I needed
my “hind parts tore’ out da frame” Time, Strength, Wisdom, Friendship, Courage
You taught me about God and his Son and Unconditional Love
Said, “Give from the heart, and God will bless
you for it” My Village
Yes Ma’am, No Ma’am My Super shero’s in my life
Instagram: @kalliminor
Photographer: @davarstephen
Campaign: @nike
Model- Sonyae Blu | @sonyae
Photographer: @brianchristopher__
Stylist: @eburnsprepjerks
Hair: @shorthairxpress
MUA: @heflawless
Sophie Chandauka
Model - Meagan Good | @meagangood
Stylist/ Creative Director - @hollylarry_
Photographer - @shannonlaurine
Hair: @maishaoliver
Makeup: @makeupbyglara
Model - Lamiyia Good | @lamyiagood
Stylist/ Creative Director - @hollylarry_
Photographer - @shannonlaurine
Hair: @maishaoliver
Makeup: @makeupbyglara
Sendi commodit voluptatest quis
eum eationsequi quossequis
escia eat idebist, int post omnihilla
volupis tiassitis es quibusci ute
dolupta temperu mquae.
Alpha Model - KHALÍ @khalicarela
Photographer @joyannepanton
If I had a dime for everytime I heard my
The war cry of the masses On a pedestal
The female Praised for her presence on this earth
Made in God’s image She so wishes
A mother The reality of this fable
A wife Is not a Cinderella tale
A sister The shoe she left on stairs
An Auntie Has the same velocity when fired as a sawed shotgun
A niece blast
She is an equal BANG!
Her brain works the same as any man Point blank range to her head
She is the glue in any type of situation Man from her view of life
SHE Its easier to just die…DEAD!
Holding it down, the best way she know how If I had a dime for every time I heard my Brotha Speak…
Making a way out of no way Halleluiah and Amen
A magician with hardly any recognition, no Penn & Teller From birth to eighteen
BUT IF YOU On a sacred path
Give her five kids, In search of answers of what does it mean to really live?
A part- time job making minimum wage and a His past is threatening his future
sometimey mate, He was privileged,
Who BY THE WAY Born with a rusty spoon in his mouth
Claim to fame is making a high score on the kid’s video Cars, clothes, money, rats and roaches
game Five siblings plus self in one bedroom
She will return a meal Sharing one King sized mattress
Shelter Two blankets and one pillow
Be Momma to a chronologically grown individual Once you got up to go pee
And still somehow Lost your space
Make a dollar outta 15 cent Come back to
If I had a dime for every time I heard my Sista Speak… Sleep next the one that is not potty trained
Beat down for thinking, dreaming, and reading Baby Soggy Bottoms
Domestic violence at an all-time high Nicknamed stuck till he was struck down in his prime
She suffers from PTSD Aged 9
All her life she had to fight Outside playing tag
Just once she wants to relax relate release Shot by a bullet, no name attached
Dress up, Police said they were sorry,
Get her hair “did” Uncle Stepdaddy was the target
Feel pretty and appreciated I guess Soggy Bottoms prayers were answered that day
Be the envy of her few friends He got to escape the sexual abuse he prayed to end
Cuz Go home to God
She knows and feels she is the queen to her king Uncle Stepdaddy
Respected to the fullest His fate for rape
Cars, clothes, money, rats and roaches A college degree
Five siblings plus self in one bedroom
Sharing one King sized mattress A celebrity in his hood
Two blankets and one pillow
Once you got up to go pee A legend in his own mind
Lost your space
Come back to As it flashes before his eyes
Sleep next the one that is not potty trained
Tears form as his breathing becomes shallow
Baby Soggy Bottoms
Nicknamed stuck till he was struck down in his prime
Hands up
Aged 9
Outside playing tag
Please don’t shoot officer
Shot by a bullet, no name attached
Police said they were sorry, A late night run on the riverfront
Uncle Stepdaddy was the target
I guess Soggy Bottoms prayers were answered that day Making plans for the last day of class at the university
He got to escape the sexual abuse he prayed to end
Go home to God Hush little baby
Uncle Stepdaddy
His fate for rape Don’t say a word
Two years house arrest in his elderly momma’s base-
ment… Another statistic
If I had a dime for every time I heard my Brotha Speak…
Meditating and praying for Ms. Right instead of Ms. Right First one graduated with honors
Good guys always seem to finish last Valedictorian
Chivalry is wrong
Respect is not respected Promised Momma
Get mad love
If he a gun-toting, no job having thug 15 cents times infinity
Romancing is writing poetry
Roses are Red All she is left with is a penny wit a hole in it….
Violets are Blue
You my main B*tch If I had a dime for every time I heard my Sista Speak..
And ya’ Momma is too
Just once he would like to
Dress up
Get a nice fade, beard shaped ©2015 Tina M Campbell
Feel like a million bucks Instagram:@IAmAPoetDammit
Be legit,
No criminal past [email protected]
No even a parking ticket
A-1 credit
Alpha Female : Amber Rose
Photographer: sarahorbanicphotos
Model - Zena Foster - @zenafoster
Photographer- @kincordell
Creative Director/ Stylist- @zenafoster
Hair: @anittriaw
Makeup: @akiko.artistry
Suit : @nowprla
Model - Chanel Westcost
Makeup - @mugopus
Hair - @pelos_de_eloteee
Wig installment- @pelos_de_eloteee
Creative Director/ Stylist- @hollylarry_
Photographer: @shannonlaurine
Alpha Chef - @eat310
Model- Fabiola Quintana -
Photographer- @joyannepanton
Makeup @thenatalieblackexperience
Q: I have combination skin and my makeup tends to
make me look like a ball of grease by the
end of the day. What is the best foundation for me to
use? -Tiffanee S.
A: Combination skin is skin that has oily and dry areas.
It is usually oily in the “T-zone” and dry
around the eyes and perimeter of the face. The best
foundations to use are those formulated
for combination/oily skin. Look for products that say
longwear, or 16+ hour stay. A lot of drug
store brands like Revlon, will specify skin type on the
packaging. One of my favorite
foundations for combination/ oily skin is MACs Pro
Longwear Nourishing Waterproof
foundation. It helps control the oils in the center of the
face and nourishes enough to keep the
dry areas moisturized.
Q: My dark under eye circles drive me crazy. I find
myself constantly applying concealer
throughout the day to to cover them and it ends up
looking heavy and grey. Help! How can I
cover these dark circles? -Shannon P.
A: Great question! The first step is to hydrate and
moisturize. Make sure your under eye area is
well hydrated. Eye creams should be implemented
into your skincare routine.
Chose a color corrector.
orange depending on your skin tone. Color correctors
assist in hiding discoloration by
Alpha Female’s @dayananarcisse @medgiine
Hair/Makeup @stephaniefaiirah
Photographer; @joyannepanton
Styled by: @tameyourstyle assistant:@kadeem.stewart
Model: Angelica Ross (@AngelicaRoss)
Photographer: James Anthony at crowdMGMT (@iAmJamesAnthony)
Hair: Nikay Higgins at crowdMGMT (@NikayHigginsHair)
Makeup: Nichole Ray (@NicholeRayArtistry)
Fashion Stylist: Apuje Kalu (@Apuje)
Production: crowdMGMT (@crowdMGMT)
Alpha Female -Angelica Nwandu
@beautybytayrivera (makeup )
@candy4hair (hair)
@thetaylorjanet (stylist)
@aarondsmallsphoto ( Retouch/Editor )
@modernlalaland ( Photographer)
Model - Karen Civil | @karencivil
Photographer- @aarondsmallsphoto
Makeup - @beautybytayrivera
Hair @candyforhair1
Creative Director / Stylist @otheezystyledit
Karen Civil... you likely already know the name. This Alpha Female is a force to be
reckoned with in the entertainment industry. She is an entrepreneur, a brilliant speaker
and a philanthropist. Karen’s success in global marketing and content creation has
provided this queen with commanding influence in culture and has bridged the gap
between brand powerhouses and mainstream artists.
Karen Civil first developed an interest in the impact of social media when she began
bolstering online communities via a fan site for the best selling boy band of all time, The
Backstreet Boys. This passion would soon evolve into a profession when she landed an
internship with HOT 97’s DJ Funkmaster Flex. Karen’s expertise allowed Flex’s online
presence to explode, and she continued to successfully unite hip-hop with digital media
by shaping artists brands. Karen established herself as a reputable and necessary
player in the entertainment world and gained momentum to launch KarenCivil.com
along with @AlwaysCivil Enterprise. This “Civilized” foundation provided a digital
platform for exclusive interviews, entertainment and music news and artist growth. She
was named Digital Marketing Director for Beats by Dre, and later used her marketing
skills to cultivated unprecedented branding partnerships with giants like Nike, Louis
Vuitton, AT&T, Verizon, Fashion Nova, Toyota, and many more. Her achievements have
been publicly recognized with awards from The National Black Public Relations Society,
the Next Innovator Award, Black Enterprise Social Influencer Award, MTV’s HipHop
MVP Award, and more.
Far greater than any of her titles or awards, Karen Civil is a humanitarian. The @LiveCivil
outreach specifically seeks to benefit children, women of color and Haiti. Karen is of
Haitian descent, and Haiti is very special to her. She founded the Live Civil school and
playground there in 2015. But her desire to uplift others did not end there. In true Alpha
Female fashion, Karen self-published her first book, “Be You & Live Civil: Tools for
Unlocking Your Potential & Living Your Purpose.” The book is meant to build awareness
of the Live Civil brand and to provide the reader with the necessary tools for
empowerment and entrepreneurship. For these reasons and so many more, Karen Civil
truly embodies all that it means to be an Alpha Female.
Model - Candy 4 Hair
Photographer: @aarondsmallsphoto
Model - Dawn Richard - @dawnrichard
Hair - @fingazbeauty
Makeup - @akiko.artistry
Creative Director / Styled by @otheezycreatedit
Alpha Magazine: What is your zodiac sign?
Tay Rivera: I’m a Leo. I was born on August 11th, 80s baby .
1. Tell our Alpha women readers a little about yourself was an incredible experience.
and how you got your start?
Because I wanted to work with more celebrities I
I went to makeup school about 16 years ago. I started decided to make the move to LA . I started working
out in Chicago and worked for a cosmetic brands in with an artist/singer in NYC and the project brought
retail and continued to grow from there working on me to LA.
weddings, parties, etc.
Since I’ve had so many amazing opportunities here
I moved myself to New York City because I always
wanted to work in fashion and always admired in LA.
fashion makeup. I’ve worked with so many celebrities, tv shows ,
Thankfully through hard work and determination I award shows, red carpets etc .
was able manifest that.
I’ve never imagined I would get the incredible
While in NYC I worked at Bryan Park, Lincoln Square opportunities I’ve been blessed with and I am grateful
etc and did fashion week for about 7 years, which and thankful.
2. Being the creator of This Lash Cosmetics, tell us
what inspired you to create this brand?
I’ve always been obsessed with curling my lashes
and I feel lashes are one of the most impactful parts
of your makeup .
So it was important that my first product was
something I used in my everyday routine as well as
one of the first steps I take when prepping my clients
for their makeup.
3. Can you give our Alpha Women some Pro tips and
product recommendations?
Pro tip 1- moisturize and prep your skin
Pro tip 2 - curl your lashes before applying mascara
Pro tip 3- exfoliate and hydrate lips before applying
Prepping is an important step in all areas to ensure
long lasting, flawless makeup .
Some of my favorite products are :
Charlotte Tilbury Magic cream to moisturize and
prep your skin .
Mario Badescu facial spray, I love the cucumber and
green tea one to refresh and hydrate your skin.
L’Oreal Paris Telescopic is my favorite mascara.
KKW Concealer, contour kits and their lipsticks are
amazing !
Huda beauty #fauxfilter foundation
Laura Mercier setting powder .
Instagram - @beautybytayrivera
Tay Rivera
Model - Salma Slims
Model: Salma Slims
Photographer: @drew.casta
Hair: @elysianglamextensions
Makeup: @glambyzulema
Alpha Female - AMARA “LA NEGRA”
PHOTOGRAPHER: @joyannepanton
Makeup: @thefashionistis
Hair : @ronnieslocs / @dramaticgroupllc
Nails : @ivaniasnails_miami
Styled by: @styledbybnicole
Location : @rcrstudio
Alpha Female - AMARA “LA NEGRA”
PHOTOGRAPHER: @joyannepanton
Makeup: @thefashionistis
Hair : @ronnieslocs / @dramaticgroupllc
Nails : @ivaniasnails_miami
Styled by: @styledbybnicole
Location : @rcrstudio
Model - Hazel E
Photographer: @rubenstunner