From the Courts
Tennis Dress Code
General | Proper tennis-specific attire is required
at all times. Proper attire does not include:
tee shirts normally worn as undergarments,
surf tee shirts, tank tops, bathing suits,
cut-off shorts, board shorts, khakis, golf
apparel, Soffe shorts, non-tennis name brand or other attire
determined to be inappropriate by the Board of Directors and Tennis Team. Shoes
must be tennis specific and have non-marking soles for hard courts and smooth soles
for clay courts. Cross-training, basketball and jogging shoes are not permitted.
Ladies | Color coordinated tennis attire and warm-ups may be of any color. Exposed
midriffs for any reason are inappropriate.
Gentlemen | Fifty percent white is required, unless it is a coordinated, matching logo
and tennis-specific outfit. Shirts with collars and sleeves are required unless the shirt
is tennis specific.
Members are responsible for ensuring that their children & guests follow the dress
code policies.
If you have any questions regarding the dress code, please do not hesitate to call the
Tennis Pro Shop.
Summer Camp!
Summer is right around the corner and it is time to think about signing your
child up for tennis! The summer camp runs for three hours in the morning and
three hours in the afternoon, Monday through Friday. Kids can come for the
first, second or third hour, or any combination and be charged by the hour. The
pricing is $15/hour with advanced sign up and $18/hour for dropping in. See all
the details below:
Quickstart / 36/60 / Ages 4-11 / 9:00 am - Noon
JTT Teams / Academy Elite / 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
6.12 - 6.16 | Session I 7.24 - 7.28 | Session VII 8.07 - 8.11 | Session IX
7.17 - 7.21 | Session VI 6.26 - 6.30 | Session III 7.10 - 7.14 | Session V
6.19 - 6.23 | Session II 7.31 - 8.04 | Session VIII 8.14 - 8.18 | Session X
7.03 - 7.07 | Session IV
Princess Anne Living | Summer 2017 50
FitnessLifestyles & Fitness
Group Exercise:
Your Summer Favorites!Fe
Aqua Aerobics | Begins in June
Deep Cardio Combo with Cindy l Tues & Thurs l 7:00 am
Aqua Fun with Larissa l Sat l 11:15 am
Get more details on the online fitess calendar!
Sunset Yoga on the Tees SUMMER
1st Monday of the month: Yoga Flow with Cindy
3rd Monday of the month: Restora ve Yoga with Summer KICKOFF ~
Par cipants are encouraged to bring a bo le of wine and MAY 15!
enjoy the sunset a er class. Classes are weather dependent.
Blankets and relaxaƟon provided.
Summer Yoga Workshop Series
Thursdays | 5:30 pm | Fitness Center | $15
Instructor: Summer Paradiso
May 18: Yoga for Runners | June 22: Yoga for Tennis/Golf
July20: Yoga for Kids | August 24: Yoga for Core
VINO & VINYASA 6:3M0opnmda|y7, tMh aTyee15| t$h20
½ hour Flow | ½ hour Restorative with Cindy and Summer
Flow into summer relaxation mode with this fun, low-key yoga class and
enjoy wine and light snacks with friends afterwards.
51 Princess Anne Living | Summer 2017
Lifestyles & Fitness
Fitness Mimosas Fun
Local health vendors and practitioners
Ready for summer? will join us monthly to discuss current health
Find out with this fun, anything trends and local offerings.!
goes outdoor workout! Start your WEDNESDAY, MAY 10
with Charles, Tony, Crissy & Sabine with a killer
workout! with Jennifer Van Horn
This workout experience is sure WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14 @ 11:00 AM
to get your summer started off right! TPI FUNCTIONAL SCREEN
Enjoy a post-workout smoothie demo
with Dr. Robert Thoma
then kick-start summer with mimosa
specials at Breakers. HEALTHY COOKING TIPS
with Chef Benson
SUNDAYS | 10:00 AM
MAY 7 | JUNE 4 | JULY 9
After Party!
Family Zumba on the Boulevard | Train the Trainer Raffle
Surfset Demo with Mallory
MONDAY eight o’clock am
Princess Anne Living | Summer 2017 52
Lifestyles & Fitness
Keys for Easing Back into a Program after a Break
By Charles Kawadza
Getting back into working out after a break can be a bit intimidating and overwhelming. Knowing
that consistency is the key to seeing the progress towards your goal, here are a few other things to
keep in mind to make the transition less daunting.
Seeking approval of others can be challenging, Don’t skimp on sleep. It is one of the best ways to
especially since this approval is not something you improve your health and speed the recovery (and
can define concretely. This creates inconsistency and therefore the results) from your workouts. Respect
frustra on. Just make it about you. Focus on the way your evening ritual, perhaps se ng a sleep alarm on
you want to feel…confident, healthy and vibrant. your phone, and then turn off the devices that will
keep you distracted and up longer than planned.
If one day a week is all you can do, make it count. Taking me to slow down and focus on your form,
Find a good trainer that can accommodate your breathing and control will pay off as you are star ng
needs, understands your limita ons and is willing to to rebuild your fitness base. Learn the why and how
work with you at your current fitness level or look for of each exercise and how it will benefit you long-
a good group class that focuses on slow movement term. Everything will be built upon this base, so make
pa erns and addresses proper mechanics. it a good one to avoid injuries and see be er results.
Find a friend that is at a similar fitness level, then When first ge ng back into fitness, your body
help each other stay on task and mo vated. Go will feel stressed and you will start to ques on
for a walk or a end a class together. Playing with yourself. Preparing your body with mobility drills and
your kids or grandkids at the park is a great way of incorpora ng proper stretching on workout and rest
incorpora ng func onal fitness into your day. days will mi gate this stress and help you feel be er
Set Specific, Measurable, A ainable, Realis c and This is the one day a week that you get a complete
Time-sensi ve (SMART) goals. Breaking your break from exercise. Spend me with family and
ul mate goal down into small plans with clear friends, maybe going for a leisurely walk. Recovery
expecta ons and deadlines, and staying consistent is just as important for progress as the work itself.
with what you know you can do will build confidence
and reinforce your posi ve changes.
Especially if your goal is weight-related, nutri on will Pay a en on to those aches and pains. Working
be responsible for approximately 80% of the results out is not punishment and, though can be
you will see. I recommend visi ng with a nutri onist uncomfortable, it’s ul mately meant to make you
who can help you develop a good plan. Make feel good. Don’t use it as a way to beat yourself up.
it simple and remember that staying hydrated is part When in doubt, ask the right professionals. You only
of good nutri on as well. have one body. Respect it, cherish it and pamper it.
53 Princess Anne Living | Summer 2017
Lifestyles & Fitness
FITNESS SUCCESS STORY Have you noticed changes in other
Kathy Hershey areas of your life as a result of your
training program?
What prompted you to begin working with Sabine? Coming back I definitely have more energy!
from an injury, I needed a trainer to show me how to work
out in safe way that would prevent me from reinjuring myself. What would you say is the most
Learning how to use correct form is very important to me. important factor in success?
Changed eating habits?
How would you describe the workouts? My experience with Exercise? Changed thinking?
Sabine has been fun and challenging! Something else? Changed
thinking! For me, the most
Do you do other workouts/activities when not with your trainer? important factor is that
I enjoy walking the beach on a regular basis! I am no longer afraid to
tackle exercise. After my
Has your diet changed? If so, how? There is no need to change injury I had to get over
my diet since I eat balanced and healthy meals and I am not the mental part that was
looking to lose weight. holding me back from
working out.
Are there any obstacles you had to overcome with regard to eating or What do you like best about working with Sabine? Sabine is very
exercising? After a long painful back injury I was hesitant to go encouraging! She makes me feel like ‘I can do it’ and she
back to a regular exercise routine. pushes me to challenge my body with different workouts using
a variety of tools and equipment.
What physical results have you seen? I feel much stronger! My
balance has improved and I feel more confident! I enjoy What advice would you give someone considering workout with a
working out! trainer! DO IT!!!
Summer is coming! This is a great time to change your workout Tuesdays at 10:30 AM
routine and add some Pilates to your workout! Saturdays at 9:15 AM
Pilates helps you strengthen your core — the abdomen, oblique muscles, lower back, inner Also try Yogalates, a
and outer thigh, butt, the deep muscles of the pelvic floor and many other deep muscles fusion of Yoga and Pilates,
that aid in stabilization and properly transferring force. Wednesdays at 8:00 AM
Pilates develops strength, flexibility, muscular endurance, coordination, balance and good
posture, with a much lower chance of injury than with other forms of exercise.
What I like about Pilates. Pilates moves require you to engage virtually your whole body. At times,
you may try to strengthen one muscle while stretching another.The moves take lots of
concentration, so it is truly a mind-body workout.
Pilates improves not just your daily activities, but also your golf and
tennis game and any other kind of sport.
Who can do Pilates? We modify every exercise so beginners and
advanced students can take the same class.
What do I need to do Pilates? Just a mat! No shoes needed!
Bring a good attitude and expect to have fun working out!
Princess Anne Living | Summer 2017 54
Lifestyles & Fitness
PHILOSOPHY: “Live without limitations.” PHILOSOPHY: Working out is the way
Regardless of one’s limitation, I believe to keep your body healthy and your
each person is very capable of achieving brain sharp. Exercise should be fun and
their desired fitness goals as long as they enjoyable and make you feel strong, both
stay committed and are willing to dig physically and mentally.
deep into their will power. MISSION: My goal is to share my passion and love for
MISSION: To help individuals who have been away from working out and living healthy with my clients and students.
training or who have not tried training before bridge the gap I love helping people get fit and healthy in a fun and safe
into a healthier lifestyle. way.
INTERESTS: Spending time with family, traveling, Rugby, INTERESTS: Working out, hiking, cycling, gardening, painting,
playing soccer and watching my favorite team-Arsenal FC meeting new people
CREDENTIALS: NASM Certified Personal Trainer, Power House Pilates
CREDENTIALS: B.S. Kinesiology, Cooper Certified Physical Fitness
Instructor, Yoga Fit Instructor, Mad Dogg Spinning Instructor. Specialty
Specialist, IDEA Health & Fitness Association Member, BLS CPR and Certifications: Training the Pregnant and Postpartum client, NASM
Basic First Aid Certified, Health Care Provider CPR, BOSU & TRX Special Populations (Senior and Youth), BOSU Integrated Balance,
Trainer, IDEA Effective & Complete Program Design for the Fitness NASM Integrated Stretching, TRX Suspension, Kettlebell Concepts,
Professional: 4Q Model of Programming, PTA Global Behavior Change Principle of Effective Weight Loss
in Exercise, PTA Global Exercise & Stress Management
Members and guests under age 18 must SPORT COURT REMINDERS
have a parent-signed waiver/liability release All sport court users must check in at the fitness center desk
prior to using the fitness facility. Youth ages prior to court use. Children under 9 must be signed-in and
14-15 must participate in a fitness orientation accompanied by a parent or sibling 12 or older. Equipment is
prior to using the fitness center. Ages 13 and under the responsibility of the user. It must be used appropriately and
are not permitted in the center. safely then returned to the fitness desk after use. A member’s
account will be charged for unreturned equipment.
Guests without a guest card or pool pass are charged a $5.00 No food or beverage is permitted in the court area.
guest fee for use of the fitness center or sport court.
WEIGHT TRAINING FUNDAMENTALS $30/person with group fitness supplement
$20/person/session or $50/person/month
2-4 parƟcipants | RegistraƟon required 5-10 parƟcipants
Wed & Fri: 1:00 pm I 2:00 pm I 3:00 pm RegistraƟon required | Wed & Fri: 12:00 pm
Sat: 2:00 pm I 3:00 pm I 4:00 pm A fun and engaging class emphasizing
For Girls l Focus on teaching and progressing coordina on, agility and balance.
the squat, and other exercises important for a A variety of equipment will be
base of strength for females. introduced with special a en on
For Boys l Focus on teaching and progressing to learning proper form.
the bench press, and other exercises important
for a base of strength for males.
55 Princess Anne Living | Summer 2017
Lifestyles & Fitness
We are happy to welcome wonderful new team members. Please stop by and say hello.They are anxious to get to know you too!
FITNESS DESK TEAM I was born and raised in Northern Pennsylvania. Most of my me was spent outdoors play-
ing sports, hiking and 4-wheeling. My summers were spent lifeguarding by the pool.
Fitness Desk I studied physical fitness at Pennsylvania College of Technology and worked as a physical
Manager therapy assistant before moving to Virginia Beach with my family in 2006. Our son a end-
ed Alanton Elementary and now a ends Lynnhaven Middle School, keeping us busy playing
ALYSSA ALBERT basketball and baseball through the Great Neck Rec League.
Fitness Desk
A endant I have been working in the fitness industry in Virginia Beach for the past ten years and had
the pleasure of working with Charles and Tony prior to joining the team here at the PACC,
BRYAN DUNCAN where I am so happy to be your new Fitness Desk Manager!
Fitness Desk
A endant I love running, cooking, cra ing, concerts and most importantly my family and friends.
Hi, I’m Alyssa Albert (but soon to be Alyssa FitzGibbions as I just got engaged!) I am also a
LINDSEY GORSUCH part of the banquet staff here at the PACC and a nanny to two li le boys.
Fitness Desk
A endant All aspects of fitness excite me, but my passion is running. I have run two half marathons
and hope to train for a full marathon in the future.
I love reading anything and everything, going to concerts, hiking, camping, traveling (I’m
going to Europe for my honeymoon this summer!) and going on adventures with my
friends and family.
My family started in the biggest li le city in the world, Reno, Nevada. My career as a
Naval tac cal operator in the advanced electronics and computer field sent me all over the
world and taught me how to challenge myself and overcome obstacles.
My wife and our two daughters live in Chicago. Our oldest is a ending the University of
Illinois studying computer engineering and our youngest a ends high school at Chicago
Academy for the Arts.
Fitness gives me a sense of balance and helps keep my focus on my real priori es. During
my me on an aircra carrier I was cer fied as an instructor for group aerobics, yoga, spin-
ning and TRX. This is when I learned that I really enjoy encouraging others to find and keep
their own sense of balance and focus.
A Richmond na ve, I moved here to pursue a degree in marine biology. I am a cer fied
personal trainer and a lifelong athlete. I’ve always been involved with sports and more
recently have found a love for crossfit.
Outside of the gym, I love spending me outdoors with my two dogs. I also love traveling
and exploring the world whenever I get the chance.
NATHALIA MATTHEWS My favorite quote: “I don’t do fashion, I am fashion.” —Coco Chanel
Fitness Desk I majored in fashion design and spent two years in the UK where I was able to obtain my
A endant founda ons diploma with a focus in fashion. I co-coordinated Vancouver Fashion Week
where I will be returning for spring/summer 2018 this September. I also have a growing
fashion consul ng firm.
I’ve been prac cing yoga for six years, including Dharma, Hatha-Raja, Bikram and Ashtanga.
I am looking to achieve my cer fica on for the 200-hour teacher training.
I love to contribute to my community and am part of the staff at Samaritan House as a
crisis counselor dealing with domes c violence and human trafficking.
Princess Anne Living | Summer 2017 56
AquaticsFrom the Deep End
Hello Summer!
–Brian Triolet, Aquatics Director DATES TO REMEMBER l POOL SCHEDULE
As summer begins I would like to welcome you and your Mon, May 1 Pool opens for Adult Swim
family back for the 2017 aquatic season at PACC.This Sat, May 6 Pool opens on weekends for Members &
summer’s Aquatics Operations Team looks forward to Guests
making this an awesome summer for all of our members. Adult Lap Swim 5:30 - 10 am
We’re excited to bring back Mini-Breakers swim lessons, Members/Guests 11 am - 5 pm
Dive-in Movie Nights as well as activities around the pool Mon, May 22 First day of Swim and Dive Practice
to include Kid’s Corner and Thankful Thursdays. Please take Wed, May 24
time to see what programs and activities may best fit your Swim/Dive Team Suit Day
family’s interests. Mon, May 29
Pool open daily for Members & Guests
As in year’s past, the pool safety guidelines and “accident” Sat, June 17 Adult Lap Swim 5:30 - 7:55 am
prevention information will be sent with your May billing Sat, June 24 Members/Guests 11 am - 9 pm
statement. Although this pamphlet may be self-explanatory, Wed, June 28
it is important that if your child is not fully potty-trained that Sat, July 1 Swim Meet | Away | Chesapeake
they wear “little swimmers” diapers that are made for pool Wed, July 12
use. If you forget to bring this item to the pool, please feel free Sat, July 15 Swim Meet | Away | Larkspur
to stop by the pool office and we will provide them for you. Dive-in Movie Night at the Pool
Swim Meet | Away | Norfolk Yacht & CC
Teen Dive-in Movie Night at the Pool
Swim Meet | Home | Mallory
Please review these guidelines with your family and guests to Thu, July 20 Swim Meet | Home | VBTCC
help us all have a safe and “accident-free” summer. Sat, July 29 Divisionals | Away | Norfolk Yacht & CC
During the season it will be necessary to close the pool early Wed, August 2 Dive-in Movie Night at the Pool
to set-up for home swim meets and to open later to clean- Sat, August 5 All-Stars
up and reset the pool deck.Thank you in advance for your
patience during these times.The swimmers and divers work
hard to compete in meets and reach their personal best. We invite all members to come to the meets and cheer on our team! The
Aquatics Operations Team, swim and dive coaches and I look forward to a busy and fun-filled summer. If you have questions
about any of our programs or if there is anything we can do to make your time around the pool more enjoyable, please feel free
to contact me by phone (425-1117), email ([email protected]) or stop by the pool.
57 Princess Anne Living | Summer 2017
From the Deep End
Swim & Dive Team Update 2017 SUMMER SEASON
The Swim and Dive Coaching Team is excited to start the 2017 Swim Team Prac ces | May 22 – June 9
swim and dive season. We would like to see all of our children, AGE DAY TIME
ages 5-18, become members of the swim and/or dive team. 6 and under Monday - Friday 4:30 - 5:15 pm
New this year, swim and dive team registration will be done 8 and under Monday - Friday 5:00 - 5:45 pm
through the PACC mobile app or online through the website. 10 and under Monday - Friday 5:30 - 6:15 pm
Swim suits, as well as other swim/
If your child is dive related merchandise, will be 18 and under Monday - Friday 6:15 - 7:15 pm
between the ages available for fitting and purchase Dive Team Prac ces | May 22 – June 9
of five and 18, on the pool deck during swim/ All Ages Monday - Thursday 4:30 - 6:00 pm
please consider dive practice on May 24. Our
leƫng them join competition for the 2017 season Swim Team Prac ces | Star ng June 12
the Swim & Dive includes Chesapeake Golf Club,
Teams! Larkspur, Mallory Country Club, AGE TIME
Norfolk Yacht and Country Club,
Morning Prac ce: Monday - Friday
7 and 8 8:00 - 8:45 am
and Virginia Beach Tennis and 11 and up 8:45 - 9:45 am
Country Club. We look forward to continuing our successful 9 and 10 9:45 - 10:30 am
Mini-Breakers program. It not only teaches children to 6 and under 10:30 - 11:15am
appreciate the water, but also helps develop competitive strokes, A ernoon Prac ce: Monday - Wednesday
which will prepare them for swimming as a sport or a life skill. 9 and under 4:30 - 5:15 pm
Instructors are Water Safety Instructor Certified and will follow 10 and up 5:15 - 6:15 pm
the American Red Cross swim lesson guidelines. Dive Team Prac ces | Star ng June 12
Make a Splash @ Mini Breakers Monday - Thursday 9:00 - 10:00 am
or 10:00 - 11:00 am
Mini-Breakers is an instructional swim program focused AND 4:30 - 5:30 pm
on individual development starting with beginners up to
competitive swimmers. Limited to eight swimmers. Register AQUA AEROBICS
through the mobile app, the website, or by calling the front
desk at 428-4141. • Deep Cardio Combo with Cindy STARTS
Tues & Thurs l 7:00 am IN JUNE!
(Ages 3-5) | Mondays - Thursdays | 3:00 - 3:30 pm
$70 per Child • Aqua Fun with Larissa
Wed & Sat l 11:10 am
5.08 - 5.18 | Session I
5.22 - 6.01 | Session II Get more details on the online fitess calendar!
Princess Anne Living | Summer 2017 58
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Social/Dining Adult Lap Swim PALG PASMGA GGR Tennis Ladies Lunch Jr. League Match
Golf PALG Bootcamp Chicken & Beer Pool Open Weekends
Tennis Begins 5:30 - 10 am PALG Bootcamp Tennis Ladies Lunch League Demo Day
Aquatics Chesapeake Tidewater Cup
Fitness 1 Jr. Golf Academy League 5
Youth 4 Kentucky Derby Party
Spring Session 1/2 Price Wine
Breakers Blvd
(--6/02) Night Clubhouse
Spark Spring Session 3
Get Golf Ready
Breakfast/Lunch/ Mini-Breakers GGR PASMGA GGR Tennis Ladies Lunch Jr. League Match
Prix Fixe Chesapeake Putt & Sip Mixed Pairs Cocktail
Dinner Breakers Session I (through 5/18) Tennis Ladies Lunch Chicken & Beer League
Sunday Brunch 89 League Chesapeake Karaoke Party
Special Craft
Chesapeake Wellness Wed Fitness 11 Men’s Lounge
Mother’s Day project
7 Evening Speaker 12
Series Chesapeake
Dinner Breakers
Girl’s Night Out
101/2 Price Wine
Night Clubhouse
Mother’s Day PALG Rules Walk Ladies’ Spring Ladies’ Spring GGR McClanan Memorial Jr. League Match
Vino & Vinyasa Paint & Sip Night Eyeline Putting
Brunch Chesapeake Handicap Handicap Chicken & Beer Member-Member
15 Clinic
Breakfast/Lunch/ GGR PASMGA Chesapeake Tennis Ladies Lunch
Prix Fixe Chesapeake Wine Tasting -
Dinner Breakers Drinks & Divots 18 League
16 Willamette Valley, OR
14 Party Flagpole/Golf 19
Shop Breakfast/Lunch/
Tennis Ladies Lunch Dinner Breakers
League 20
1/2 Price Wine
17Night Clubhouse
Sunday Brunch First Day of Swim/ PALG @ 1:00 pm PASMGA GGR Tennis Ladies Lunch Pool Open Daily
Chesapeake Dive Practice Swim/Dive Team Suit Daytime Speaker League Breakfast/Lunch/
Prix Fixe Chesapeake
Breakfast/Lunch/ Mini-Breakers Day Series Chesapeak Effen Vodka Tasting Dinner Breakers
Dinner Breakers Session II (--6/01) Tennis Ladies Lunch PALG Mixer (@ Breakers Blvd
Mixed Pairs League Cavalier) Grillin’ & Chillin’
Opening Day 1/2 Price Wine Night Chicken & Beer Breakers Blvd
Clubhouse Chesapeake
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Sunday Brunch Memorial Day PALG PASMGA
Prix Fixe Chesapeake
Chesapeake Celebration Cookout Tennis Ladies Lunch
Breakfast/Lunch/ Golf course is open League
Dinner Breakers Summer Workout Membership Mixer-
Kickoff Party Breaker’s Blvd.
1/2 Price Wine Night
28 29 30 31
59 Princess Anne Living | Summer 2017
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Chicken & Beer Tennis Ladies Lunch Jr. League Match
Drive, Chip & Putt
Chesapeake League
Grillin’ & Chillin’
Breakers Blvd
Dinner Breakers
Sunday Brunch Kid’s Corner PASMGA (@ Bay Thankful Thursday Dinner & Dancing Jr. League Match
Chesapeake Squirt Gun Painting Creek) Chicken & Beer Chesapeake - Frank Playoffs
Sings Frank
Breakfast/Lunch/ Ladies’ Golf Kid’s Corner Chesapeake Breakfast/Lunch/
Dinner Breakers Member-Guest Water Balloon Baseball Dinner Breakers
Mixed Pairs Tournament Ladies’ Golf
4 Prix Fixe Chesapeake Member-Guest
Tournament / Lunch
1/2 Price Wine
Night Clubhouse
5 6 7 8 9 10
Sunday Brunch Pool Hours Change PALG PASMGA Thankful Thursday Men’s Golf Low Country Crab
Kid’s Corner Kid’s Corner
Chesapeake Adult Lap Swim Men’s Golf Member-Guest Boil Breakers Blvd.
5:30 - 7:55 am Snake Bubbles Tye-Dye T-Shirts
Breakfast/Lunch/ Members/Guests Member-Guest Practice Anderson Cup Swim Meet
11 am - 9 pm Prix Fixe Chesapeake Tennis Ladies Lunch Round
Dinner Breakers 16 Away w/Chesapeake
Tennis Camp Session I League Daytime Speaker Series
11 Men’s Golf
12 13 Wellness Wed Fitness Chesapeake
Father’s Day Brunch Member-Guest
Girl’s Night Out Chicken & Beer
Chesapeake Anderson Cup
Chesapeake Chesapeake Special Craft
141/2 Price Wine 15 Father’s Day project
Dinner Breakers
Night Clubhouse 17Breakfast/Lunch/
Mixed Pairs
Tennis Camp PALG PASMGA PASMGA Grillin’ & Chillin’ Dinner Breakers
18 Kid’s Corner Member-Member
Session II Member-Member Breakers Blvd - Dr. Bob Grapes on the Greens
Make your own Lei Etiquette Class
Kid’s Corner 23 French Wine Class
Prix Fixe Chesapeake Clubhouse
Rock Painting Clubhouse
19 20 Thankful Thursday
Paint & Sip Night Dive Meet Swim Meet
1/2 Price Wine Night
Chicken & Beer Away w/Larkspur
Chesapeake Jr. Country Club Cup
22 at FCC
Dinner Breakers
Sunday Brunch Els for Autism PALG PASMGA Men’s Summer League Tennis Member-
Jr. Golf Academy Chip & Sip
Chesapeake Outing Dive-in Movie Swim Meet Guest Doubles
Summer I Session Tournament
Jr. Country Club Cup Sports of All Sorts (--7/28) Night Home w/CGC (--7/2)
at FCC Camp Ages 4-6 Jr. Golf Camp I 1/2 Price Wine Chicken & Beer
Breakfast/Lunch/ (--6/30) Night Clubhouse Chesapeake
Tennis Camp
Dinner Breakers Kid’s Corner 28 29 30
Session III
25 Bucket Ball
Prix Fixe Chesapeake
Princess Anne Living | Summer 2017 60
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Social/Dining Swim Meet
Tennis Away w/Norfolk Yacht
Fitness Hot Havannah
Nights Party
Breakers Blvd -
JuJu Drum Duo/
Vinyl Headlights
Breakers is closed
1due to the Tennis
Member-Guest Party
Tennis Member- Special Craft July 4th Carnival PASMGA PALG Grillin’ & Chillin’ Breakfast/Lunch/
Teen Activity 1/2 Price Wine Men’s Summer
Guest Doubles 4th of July Activity Prix Fixe Chesapeake Breakers Blvd Dinner Breakers
Tournament Night Clubhouse League
Tennis Camp 4 Op 36 Match
Mixed Pairs 5 Thankful Thursday
Session IV Chicken & Beer 78
Sunday Brunch
Golf Course is open Chesapeake
3 6
Dinner Breakers
Wooden Raquet Golf Course Closed: Golf Course Closed: PASMGA PALG Grillin’ & Chillin’ Swim Meet
Wellness Wed Men’s Summer
Tennis Tournament Greens Aerification Greens Aerification Breakers Blvd Home w/Mallory
Fitness League
Sunday Brunch Tennis Mens/ Spark Summer 14 Op 36 Match
Girl’s Night Out Thankful Thursday Farm to Table Dinner
Chesapeake Womens Singles Session (--8/08) Kid’s Triathlon
Championship Chesapeake Chicken & Beer Chesapeake
Breakfast/Lunch/ Kid’s Corner
Tennis Camp 1/2 Price Wine Chesapeake Breakfast/Lunch/
Dinner Breakers Make your own Pizza
Session V Night Clubhouse 13 Dinner Breakers
9 Prix Fixe Chesapeake
Sports of All Sorts Teen Dive-In 15
Sunday Brunch 11
Camp Ages 4-6 Movie Night Junior Club
Chesapeake PALG
10(--7/14) Jr. Golf Camp II 12Kid’s Corner Championship
Sports of All Sorts (--7/21) Ice Cream Sundaes French Wine Dinner
Dinner Breakers Breakfast/Lunch/
Camp Ages 7-9 GGR PASMGA/PALG Men’s Summer Lg. Grillin’ & Chillin’
Mixed Pairs (--7/21) Kid’s Corner GGR Chip & Sip Dinner Breakers
Mixer Swim Meet Breakers Blvd
16 Tennis Camp Corn Hole 22
Kid’s Corner Home w/VBTCC 21
Session VI Prix Fixe Chesapeake
S’mores/Knockerball Daytime Speaker Series
17 18
1/2 Price Wine Night Chesapeake
Clubhouse Chicken & Beer
19 Chesapeake
Junior Golf Tennis Camp PALG GGR PASMGA Men’s Summer Grillin’ & Chillin’ Divisionals Swim Meet
Ladies’ Triumvirate (Bayville)
Championship Session VII League Breakers Blvd Away/MCC
Member-Member Ladies’
Sunday Brunch 24 Golf Tournament GGR 28 Op 36 Match
Member-Member Breakfast/Lunch/
Chesapeake Kid’s Corner Golf Tournament Thankful Thursday
Dinner Breakers
Breakfast/Lunch/ Pinata Night Kid’s Corner PA Under 40 Cocktail
Dinner Breakers Prix Fixe Chesapeake Friendship Bracelets Party Pool Deck
23 25 1/2 Price Wine Night Chicken & Beer
Clubhouse Chesapeake
26 27
61 Princess Anne Living | Summer 2017
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Parent/Child Tennis Camp PALG PASMGA Men’s Summer Grillin’ & Chillin’ Swim All-Stars
GGR Op 36 Match
Golf Tournament Session VIII Jr. Golf Academy Kid’s Scavenger League Breakers Blvd Breakfast/Lunch/
Mixed Pairs Summer II Session Hunt GGR 4 Dinner Breakers
(--9/01) Chicken & Beer
Sunday Brunch Dive-in Movie 5
Prix Fixe Chesapeake Chesapeake
Chesapeake Night
Breakfast/Lunch/ 1/2 Price Wine
Dinner Breakers Night Clubhouse
30 31 12
Sunday Brunch Sports of All Sorts PALG PASMGA Men’s Summer Men’s & Ladies’ Club Men’s & Ladies’ Club
Jr. Golf Camp III
Chesapeake Camp Ages 4-6 Girl’s Night Out League Championship Golf Championship
(--8/11) (--8/11) Tournament Golf Tournament
Breakfast/Lunch/ Chesapeake Chicken & Beer
Tennis Camp Magic Show Dinner & Dancing Op 36 Match
Dinner Breakers 1/2 Price Wine Chesapeake
Session IX West Lawn Chesapeake - Walter Breakfast/Lunch/
Night Clubhouse Nonna Trio
Prix Fixe Chesapeake Dinner Breakers
Grillin’ & Chillin’
Breakers Blvd
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Men’s & Ladies’ Sports of All Sorts PALG PASMGA Men’s Summer Grillin’ & Chillin’ Op 36 Match
Mermaid & Pirate
Club Championship Camp Ages 7-9 1/2 Price Wine League Breakers Blvd Wine Tasting - South
Golf Tournament (--8/18) Breakfast
Night Clubhouse Chicken & Beer America Clubhouse
Mixed Pairs Tennis Camp Prix Fixe Chesapeake
Chesapeake Breakfast/Lunch/
Sunday Brunch Session X 15
Dinner Breakers
Chesapeake 14
16 17 18 19
Dinner Breakers
Sunday Brunch PALG PASMGA Men’s Summer Grillin’ & Chillin’ Senior Tidewater Cup
Fire Engine Visit
Chesapeake Prix Fixe Chesapeake 1/2 Price Wine Night League Breakers Blvd Op 36 Match
Breakfast/Lunch/ Clubhouse Chicken & Beer Luau Party
Dinner Breakers Chesapeake Breaker’s Blvd.
Dinner Breakers
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Sunday Brunch PALG PASMGA Men’s Summer
Prix Fixe Chesapeake
Chesapeake 1/2 Price Wine League
Breakfast/Lunch/ Night Clubhouse Chicken & Beer
Dinner Breakers Chesapeake
Mixed Pairs Jr. Golf Banquet
27 28 29 30 31
Princess Anne Living | Summer 2017 62
Princess Anne Country Club
3800 Pacific Avenue
Virginia Beach, VA 23451
Summer Hours
Chesapeake / Linkhorn Lounge Golf Pro Shop
Breakfast Sunday 9 am - 2 pm (Through October 1)
Brunch Sunday 11 am - 2 pm
Lunch Tuesday - Saturday 11 am - 2 pm Day Golf Shop Bag Room/Range Tee Times
Dinner Tuesday - Thursday 6 pm - 9 pm 9 am - 8 pm Course Closed
Dinner Friday - Saturday 6 pm - 10 pm Mon Closed 7:30 am - 8 pm Begin at 8 am
6:30 am - 8 pm Begin at 7 am
Tues - Fri 7:30 am - 7 pm
Sat & Sun 6:30 am - 7 pm
Men’s Lounge Monday, May 29 ~ Memorial Day the course will be open
with 7:00 am Tee Times.
Lunch Tuesday - Friday 11 am - 2 pm
(à la carte or buffet) Tuesday, May 30 ~ The Golf Course and Golf Shop will be open!
Ladies’ Lounge Monday, July 3 the Golf Course and Golf Shop will be open!
Lunch Tuesday - Friday 11 am - 2 pm Monday, July 10 and Tuesday, July 11, the Golf Course will be closed
due to Greens Aerification.
(à la carte or buffet)
Breakers Pool
(May 23 - September 4) (May 1 - May 28)
Daily Adult Lap Swim
Breakfast Saturday & Sunday 8 am - 11 am (May 6/7, 13/14 and 20/21, 27/28) 5:30 - 10 am
11 am - 2 pm Adult Lap Swim
Brunch Sunday 11 am - 10 pm Members/Guests 5:30 - 10 am
(Monday, May 29 - Pool Open Daily) 11 am - 5 pm
Lunch/Dinner All Week Adult Lap Swim
Members/Guests 5:30 - 10 am
Tennis Pro Shop (Monday, June 12 - Hours Change) 11 am - 9 pm
Adult Lap Swim
Daily 8 am - 5 pm Members/Guests 5:30 - 7:55 am
11 am - 9 pm
Fitness Center
Daily 5 am - 11 pm