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Published by Maria Tsikerdanos, 2020-12-21 21:55:53

The Wild Oracle D&D 5E Class (v0.5)

The Wild Oracle D&D 5E Class (v0.5)

Note: This is playtest material for the To test this class, you will need some form of a
Adventurer’s Tarot Kickstarter. If you have deck. We recommend you use blank index card
feedback, please send it to: [email protected]. to write the cards you want to add to your deck.

Wild Oraclehrough a forest clearing, the sound of Creating a Wild Oracle
shuffling paper dances on the cool night While wild oracles are marked by the seeming randomness
wind. A slender finger draws an ornate card of their decks, the deck is shaped by you, and you can
from a fold of a colorful robe. It traces an dictate exactly what kind of powers will most commonly
manifest when a card is drawn. Wild oracles all start with
Tillustration of a barbarian in the air before it similar decks, but as your character grows, you will be able
fades from existence. The cloaked figure to add and remove cards making the deck unique to your
tosses her robe aside as she lets loose a character.
primal scream. Her body transforms,bristling with power
and growing in size as the once-overconfident bandits Do you want an oracle who specializes in martial-
shrink in her shadow. enhancing power? Or would you like to focus on providing
extra benefits to your party? Does absolute arcane power
Surrounded by a circle of his companions, the entice you? Shape your deck to build your destiny.
adventurer clad in leather armor reveals one card after
another. The first seals the wounds of the warrior, while the Quick Build
next erects an enchanted sentry to shield his compatriots.
The last erupts into a shower of golden sparks, You can make a wild oracle quickly by following these
emboldening the party with a blessing. suggestions. First, Wisdom should be your highest ability
score, followed by Constitution or Dexterity. If you plan to
A firbolg stands among green hills, her glaive glinting in use non-finesse weapons in melee combat, Strength is a
red moonlight as her eyes survey the mass of dark warriors good second or third choice. Next, choose the Hermit
gathering below. She closes her eyes, and a moment later, background. Finally, choose The Rogue and The Wizard
her hand glows with soft, blue light. A finger draws the top cards to complete your starting deck.
card from a deck attached to her belt. After a quick glance,
she tosses it into the air, and it grows into a ball of fiery
heat. The flames burst in the night air, raining chaos and
destruction upon the unsuspecting orc encampment in the
valley below.

Magic and Cards
Wild oracles seek knowledge from the Fates and harness
power through their arcane decks. Built over years, a full
deck can consist of dozens of cards, each selected and
crafted by the oracle to aid their allies, inhibit their
enemies, and occasionally tap into unspeakable power.

While there is no doubt that the cards are powerful, the
apparent randomness of the Fates can bemuse those who
cross the oracle’s path, be they ally or enemy. The oracle
has access to an array of martial and magical abilities, but
their ultimate potential comes from mastering their decks.

Arcane Artisans
Wild oracles study the arcane just as much as their craft,
researching the signs of power to design and create each
card in their deck. Each oracle’s deck is rendered by hand,
and therefore, unique to them. Each gold-flecked line is
carefully constructed to shape the raw magic at the heart of
their decks. The deck serves as an instrument, taking the
oracle’s arcane power, and shaping it into useful spell-like
effects. However, the deck is also a connection to
mysterious powers beyond the reach of most mortals.

The “wild” is always present, even with those who have
mastered their profession. The deck gains as much
strength from the whims of fortune as it does from the soul
of the bearer. For the wild oracle, chaos is power and part
of the balance of the Fates.


The Wild Oracle Equipment

Proficiency Max You start with the following equipment, in addition to the
Level Bonus Features Cantrips Card Card equipment granted by your background:
1st +2 Spellcasting, Known Draws Level
(a) a heavy crossbow or (b) a glaive or (c) a whip
Wild Tarot 2 2 1st (a) padded armor or (b) leather armor
2nd +2 Scrying (a) a scholar’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack
2 3 1st a wild tarot deck, any simple weapon

3rd +2 Wild Oracle 2 3 2nd Multiclassing
Multiclassing a wild oracle can be done, but is extremely
4th +2 Ability Score 3 3 2nd rare. A player wishing to do so must have some way to
Improveent create their wild tarot deck before taking their first level.
3 3rd This can be done by apprenticing with another oracle, or
5th +3 ─ 3 4 3rd spending considerable time studying the ways of the wild
6th +3 Convergent 3 4 3rd
Return I, Path 4 4th Ability Score Prerequisite: Wis 13
Feature Proficiencies Gained: light armor, simple weapons,
4 4th calligrapher's supplies
7th +3 ─ 3
5 4th
8th +3 Ability Score 3 5 4th Note: Card Draws may not be used as Spell Slots, or vice
Improvement 5 5th versa.

9th +4 Convergent 3 5 5th Spellcasting
Return II Part of your quest to craft your deck includes studying the
6 5th arcane arts. You gain access to a limited repertoire of spells
10th +4 Path Feature 4 6 5th to help you when the Fates are not in your favour. You are
6 6th able to use your advanced understandings of the mysteries
11th +4 ─ 4 of magic to cast spells with a focus. Your deck is your
6 6th default focus, but if it is unavailable it is possible to co-opt
12th +4 Ability Score 4 7 6th another arcane focus for this purpose.
Improvement 7 6th

13th +5 Convergent 4 8 6th
Return III

14th +5 Path Feature 4 Cantrips

15th +5 ─ 4 At 1st level, you know two cantrips of your choice from the
wild oracle spell list. You learn additional wild oracle
16th +5 Ability Score 4 cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the
Improvement Cantrips Known column of the Wild Oracle table.

17th +6 Limitless Draw 4

18th +6 ─ 4 Spellcasting Ability

19th +6 Ability Score 4 Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for your wild oracle
Improvement spells. You use your Wisdom whenever a spell refers to
your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Wisdom
20th +6 Embodiment of 4 modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a wild
Destiny oracle spell or card modifier you cast and when making an
attack roll with one.

Class Features Spell save mDCod=iWWf8ieii+ssrddy=oooymmuorummprroopoddrfiioiffcfiiieeiecrrniecnycbyobnounsu+s your
Spell attack + your
As a wild oracle, you gain the following class features.
The Wild Tarot
Hit Points Each card in your tarot deck releases a particular power.
When you finish a long rest, you must shuffle all the cards
Hit Dice: 1d8 per wild oracle level that make up your deck to refresh the Fates and provide
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier guidance for the day.
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your
As an action, you may draw from the top of the deck and
Constitution modifier per wild oracle level after 1st reveal a card. Use the Wild Oracle card list to determine
the effect that activates from the card. The Wild Oracle
Proficiencies table shows how many draw actions you can perform. You
regain all of your draw actions when you finish a short or
Armor: Light armor long rest.
Weapons: Simple weapons, hand crossbows, heavy

crossbows, glaives, whips, and shortswords
Tools: Playing cards, calligrapher’s supplies
Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma
Skills: Choose two from Arcana, History, Insight,

Investigation, Perception, Religion, and Sleight of Hand

After you draw a card, the card disappears from your deck Ability Score Improvement
and may not be drawn again until after you complete a long When you reach the 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th,
rest. In game terms, this means it is placed in a "discard and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your
pile." When you take a long rest, you may shuffle your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your
discard pile into your main deck. Additionally, some class choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score
abilities allow you to pull cards out of your discard pile and above 20 using this feature.
place it back into your draw deck.
Your Deck
Starting Deck
The cards in your deck were handcrafted by you.
At 1st level, you have constructed the beginnings of a wild You have learned how to create the cards
tarot deck, made up of 8 cards. Your character’s deck starts through years of study and practice. If you were
with the following cards: to find another wild oracle's deck, you would not
be able to use its cards as they are personalized
I of Adversaries to the oracle who has created them. The cards
The Ally themselves hold no power without the creator's
The Companion spirit.
I of Constructs
I of Elementals The Draw Deck. Your draw deck consists of all
The Familiar cards you have not used since the end of your
last long rest. In real-life terms, this means you
Additionally, you add any two cards from the first level need to keep your used cards separate from your
cards list. This forms your initial deck of eight cards. unused cards. You can indicate this by wrapping
different colored rubber bands around the cards
Alternatively, if your Dungeon Master allows it, you may that represent your unused cards (draw deck),
choose all eight of your 1st level cards. expended cards (your discard pile), and the card
pool (cards you have outside of your deck).
Spell-Like Effects
Replacing Lost Cards. While cards temporarily
Many of the cards in the wild oracle's card list feature spell- dematerialize after they are cast, and reappear
like effects, or give you the ability to cast a spell. While after you have completed a long rest, the very act
these cards manifest in ways similar to a spell, they do not of drawing from the deck is a magical one. This
require a focus, or spell components are needed beyond means that without intense magical interference,
the drawn card. it is not possible to "lose" cards without
activating them (such as throwing them away.)
Additionally, spells that normally require concentration However, it is possible that you might lose your
do not require concentration when cast via a card. entire deck due to a mishap. If this is the case,
you need to meditate for at least one hour in
Card effects that require a saving throw use your spell order to magically resummon the deck back into
save DC. your possession. When you do this, the deck
materializes in your palm in the same state it was
Further Advancement when you lost it.

When you gain a level in this class, you may choose to add Convergent Return
one card to your deck and/or remove one card from your At 6th level, you have begun to feel a flicker of connection
deck. Each card added must be of a card level less than or with the Fates themselves. You control fate, and are able to
equal to the Max Card Level shown in the Wild Oracle return expended cards to your deck. As a bonus action, you
table, and must not already exist in your deck. may expend one or more uses of this feature. For each use
Scrying expended, reshuffle one expended card back into your
At 2nd level, you gain the ability to scry your wild tarot deck. You have one use of this feature at 3rd level, and gain
deck. If you spend at least 10 minutes studying your deck, a second use at 9th level, and a third use at 13th level. You
you see glimpses of the future. You may reveal a number of regain all expended uses of this feature when you finish a
cards from the top of the deck equal to your proficiency short or long rest.
bonus. Then, in any order, place each revealed card on Limitless Draw
either the top or bottom of the deck. At 17th level, when you roll initiative and have no cards left
in your deck, randomly shuffle 4 used cards to form a new
You may use this feature once. You regain the use of this draw deck. You have one use of this feature which you
feature at the end of a short or long rest. regain at the end of a short or long rest.

Oracle Fate
At 3rd level, you have learned enough of the ways of the
wild oracle to choose a focus: Fate of Chaos, Fate of the
Chosen, or Fate of the Frenzied, each of which are detailed
at the end of this class description. Your choice grants you
features at 3rd level, and again at 6th, 10th, and 14th


Embodiment of Destiny Discarded Future
At 20th level, you gain first hand knowledge of the fates and
how their power is drawn into your cards. You may now At 3rd level, as a bonus action, you may discard the top
effortlessly call on the power of your deck. As an action, card of your deck and choose a creature you can see within
you may draw two cards, fully resolving the first card draw 60 feet of you. That creature gains disadvantage on its next
before the second card. attack roll. (Contributed by Kristen Matthews)

Wild Oracle Spell List Mulligan

Cantrips (0 Level) Starting at 6th level, as part of your draw action, you may
immediately place a card into your discard pile after
Bespeak drawing it, before its effect activates. If you take this action,
Blade Ward you immediately draw another card and put it into play.
Guidance Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long
Mage Hand rest before you can use it again.
Prestidigitation Burnt Luck
Ray of Frost
Resistance Starting at 10th level, as a reaction to making a roll, you
Shocking Grasp may discard any number of cards from the top of your deck,
Thaumaturgy and add the number of cards discarded to the roll. You
True Strike must declare you are using this feature before your DM
determines if the roll was a success or a failure.
Wild Wish
Divination Cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action At 14th level, you form a "wish deck" by shuffling all cards
Range: Self not currently in your main deck into a new deck. This deck
Components: V, M (the Wild Tarot) sits to the side of your main deck. As an action, you may
Duration: 1 round As you cast this spell, you must draw and resolve a card from your wish deck as if it were
drawn from your main deck. If you do, the card you draw is
simultaneously draw the top card of your deck, and immediately activated as if it was drawn from your main
declare a request for an omen regarding a person, deck. This feature may be used three times per long rest.
relationship, challenge, or idea. The top card of your (Thanks to Jacob Visca for the inspiration for this feature.)
deck is used, and the DM will relay whether you intuit a Fate of the Chosen
good omen or a bad omen concerning your target While chance and the Fates will always have a hand in your
subject. This does not count as a card draw action. path, you have studied divination extensively enough to
Subsequent draws on the same subject may not be taken shape and control your deck and its power. Those with this
again for 24 hours. (Contributed by Molly Harris) Fate have fewer cards, more refined decks, and better
control of their futures. They also have the unique ability of
Oracle Fates sharing wild oracle effects with their allies.

Wild oracles follow an infinite number of paths, but there Enhanced Card Selection
are roads that offer special powers and abilities above and
beyond the power of the Tarot. Each of these paths is When you commit to the Fate of the Chosen, starting at 3rd
tailored to giving the oracle new abilities to shape their level and every wild oracle level gained thereafter, you may
decks and help advance in their disciplines. Will they focus pick up to two cards to add to your deck, and/or remove up
on using power of the Tarot to enhance their martial to two cards from your deck. This replaced the base rules
prowess? Or will their focus be to collect as many cards as of "Further Advancement" in the Wild Oracle class.
possible for their deck? The path determines the tools the
oracle has to shape their destiny. Fate's Hand

Fate of Chaos Also at 3rd level, you may place cards in your Fate’s Hand.
Those with the Fate of Chaos revel in unpredictability. To create a Fate's Hand, after a long rest draw cards to your
Their decks bulge with awesome, but indiscriminate power. maximum hand size, and place them face up next to your
Not everyone appreciates the unplanned surprises that deck. When taking the draw action, instead of drawing a
crop up when allied with a chaos weaver, but no one likes card from your deck, you may instead play a card from your
having one as an enemy. Fate’s Hand, acting as if it were drawn from the top of your
deck. Your maximum hand size is three cards. Your
Enhanced Card Selection maximum hand size changes when you reach certain levels
in this class. It becomes four cards at 10th level, and five
When you commit to the Fate of the Chosen, starting at 3rd cards at 15th level. (contributed by Kristen Matthews)
level and every wild oracle level gained thereafter, you must
add three cards to to your deck, and remove up to one card
from your deck. This replaces the base rules of "Further
Advancement" in the wild oracle class.


Altered Outcome

Starting at 6th level, you gain the power to reverse the tide
of bad fortune. As a reaction, you may discard the top card
from your deck, and reroll any attack roll, ability check, or
saving throw you have just made. This feature may only be
used once per roll, and you must take the results of your
second roll. You may choose to use this feature after
determining whether or not the roll was successful. You
regain uses after completing a short or long rest.
Performing this action does not use one of your draw

Shared Destiny

Starting at 10th level, as a part of the normal card draw
action, you can allow one of your allies to use your deck's
power. Choose a willing creature within 30 feet of you.
That creature activates the effect of the card expended as if
they had used it themselves. You may take this action twice.
You regain uses after completing a short or long rest.
(Contributed by Kristen Matthews)

Card Summon

Starting at 14th level, as a bonus action, you can summon
any card in your deck to your Fate's Hand. To summon a
card, search your deck for the card of your choice. After
summoning a card, you must shuffle your deck. You may
perform this action once. You regain uses after completing
a short or long rest.
Fate of the Frenzied
You have not only studied the artistry of crafting the cards
in your deck, but you've also extensively studied the combat
arts. You thrive on using the cards to enhance your combat

Bonus Proficiencies

When committing to the Fate of the Frenzied at 3rd level,
you gain proficiency with medium armor, shields, and
martial weapons.

Card Lock

Also at 3rd level, you learn to lock your most useful cards in
place so they are always available to use when you need
them. After completing a long rest, choose one card in your
deck and place it face up in front of you. When using your
Wild Tarot feature, instead of drawing from the deck, you
may instead activate the card in front of you. Doing so
expends the card and it is placed in your discard pile. At
10th level, you may select two cards to lock, and at 15th
level, you may select three cards.

Extra Attack

Starting at 6th level, you can attack twice, instead of once,
whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Nimble Fingers

Starting at 10th level, whenever you take the Attack action,
you can use a bonus action to simultaneously make a card
draw. The card draw resolves before the attack action.

Third Eye Scry

Starting at 14th level, you may first use your Scrying
feature as a bonus action. Additionally, you may now use
Scrying three times before a rest.


Cards By Level Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6

Level 1

I of Aberrations II of Aberrations III of Aberrations IV of Adversaries V of Adversaries IV of Aberrations

I of Adversaries II of Adversaries III of Adversaries IV of Beasts III of Celestials VI of Adversaries

The Ally The Artificer III of Beasts The Blood Hunter III of Dragons IV of Celestials

The Barbarian The Bard III of Constructs II of Dragons III of Fiends IV of Constructs

I of Beasts II of Beasts I of Dragons IV of Elementals IV of Humanoids IV of Dragons

I of Celestials II of Celestials III of Elementals III of Fey III of Monstrosities IV of Fey

The Cleric II of Constructs II of Fey II of Fiends The Mystic IV of Fiends

The Companion The Druid I of Fiends III of Giants III of Oozes IV of Giants

I of Constructs II of Elementals II of Giants III of Humanoids IV of Plants IV of Monstrosities

I of Elementals I of Fey II of Monstrosities II of Oozes The Ranger IV of Oozes

The Familiar The Fighter I of Oozes III of Undead IV of Undead

I of Humanoids I of Giants II of Plants III of Plants

The Monk II of Humanoids The Sorcerer The Paladin

I of Monstrosities The Rogue The Warlock

I of Plants The Wild Oracle II of Undead

I of Undead

The Wizard

Level 1 Cards I of Adversaries

I of Aberrations Reversed Polarities. For the next
minute, gravity is warped within a 5 foot
You gain the Blinding Spittle feature. A radius around you. Any large or smaller
large glob of phlegm is lodged in your creature that ends its turn within the
throat. You gain the ability tom as a radius, or that is within the radius when
bonus action, spit the glob at a point you you end your turn, must make a Strength
can see within 15 feet. The glob explodes saving throw. On a failed save, the
in a blinding flash of light on impact. creature is pushed 10 feet away from you
Each creature within 5 feet of the flash and is knocked prone.
must succeed on a Dexterity saving
throw or be blinded until the end of your
next turn. If you do not spit the glob
within one minute of gaining the feature, you are forced to
swallow it inflicting 1d4 acid damage on yourself, and
losing the ability to spit it.


The Ally A creature of your choice within 30 feet The Companion
of you immediately regains a number of
hit points equal to 1d8 + your Wisdom Heroic Companion. For the next
modifier. This ability has no effect on minute, you are immune to being
Undead or Constructs. The healing frightened and gain temporary hit points
increases to 2d8 at 5th level, 3d8 at 10th equal to your Wisdom modifier at the
level, and 4d8 at 15th level. start of each of your turns.

The Barbarian I of Constructs

You immediately enter a barbarian Constructed Shield. An animated shield
rage, gaining all of the benefits listed in appears before you. The shield leaps in
the barbarian's Rage feature, using front of you and hovers in your space to
your Wild Oracle level instead of protect you from incoming attacks, giving
barbarian level to determine the bonus you a +2 bonus to AC. After one minute,
damage bestowed by your Rage. the shield disappears.
Additionally, when you attack with a
melee weapon, you may use your I of Elementals
Wisdom modifier for both attack and
damage rolls. After drawing this card, You may immedietely cast one of the
you may immedietely make take a following spells at your highest card
melee attack action. level: burning hands, thunderwave, or
witch bolt.
I of Beasts
The Familiar
You gain the feature Spider Climb. You
gain the ability to move up, down, and A familiar materializes and will aid you
across vertical surfaces and upside down as with the spell find familiar until the
along ceilings, while leaving your hands end of your next long rest. You may name
free. You also gain a climbing speed the familiar while it is present. If you do,
equal to your walking speed. This effect whenever this card comes up again, the
lasts for four hours. same familiar will return to aid you. To
determine which familiar appears, roll a
I of Celestials 1d8:

Divine Regeneration. For the next Result Familiar Type
minute, at the start of each of your turns, 1 Owl
you regain a number of hit points equal 2 Cat
to your Wisdom modifier. If you drop 3 Octopus
below 0 hit points or are incapacitated, 4 Crab
this effect ends. 5 Imp
6 Pseudodragon
The Cleric 7 Gazer
8 Almarij
A 30 foot sphere of daylight erupts
from your hand. You may use the I of Humanoids
Cleric's Channel Divinity: Turn Undead
and Destroy Undead features on all Inspiring Leader. For the next 10 min,
undead within the sphere of daylight. as a bonus action, you may inspire an ally
Use your Wild Oracle level instead of within 30 feet of you. That ally gains
your Cleric level for consulting the advantage on their next attack roll.
Destroy Undead Table. Alternatively,
instead of using those features, you
may immediately cast healing word at
your current card level. If you choose
not to Turn Undead or cast healing word, the sphere
disappears after one minute, otherwise it disappears at the
end of your turn.


The Monk I of Undead

For the next 10 minutes, you gain up to You are instilled with the unquenchable
two of the effects below: stamina of a zombie and gain the
Monk Feet - your speed increased by Undying feature for 1 hour. While this
10 feet. effect is active, if damage reduces you to
Slow Fall - as a reaction you can 0 hit points, you do not fall unconscious,
reduce any falling damage taken by five instead you may continue fighting until
times your wild oracle level. the end of your next turn. If you are not
Ki-Imbued - your weapon attacks healed by the end of your next turn, you
become magical. fall unconscious and lose the Undying
Monastic Endurance - gain advantage feature.
on Strength and Dexterity saving throws.
The Wizard
I of Monstrosities
You immediately cast the spell magic
Two-Headed. A second head grows out missile. You cast this spell at the highest
of your shoulders. The head is a perfect card level you have access to. (So, if you
facsimile of your own, but the eyes rove have access to level 4 cards, the magic
independently. For the next four hours, missile must be cast as a level 4 spell.)
the head is silent, but you automatically Note: you must target a creature with this
tap into its senses. You have advantage spell. If there are no valid targets, under
on Wisdom (Perception) checks, and on normal circumstances you are a valid
saving throws against being blinded, target. In the rare scenario there are no
charmed, deafened, frightened, stunned, valid targets, the spell fizzles.
or knocked unconscious. Level 2 Cards

I of Plants II of Aberrations

Choose a point within 90 feet of you. Helper. You grow an extra arm. The arm
Weeds and vines sprout from the 30-ft creates a hole in any armor you are
square of ground centered on that point, wearing, which disappears along with the
turning the area into difficult terrain. A arm at the end of the effect. This arm is
creature in the area where the plants controlled by a separate consciousness,
sprout must make a Strength saving but will follow your orders precisely. If
throw or be Restrained by the plants. A you give it a melee weapon. As a bonus
creature Restrained by the plants can use action, you can command it to attack
its action to make a Strength check using your Wisdom modifier in place of a
against your spell save DC. On a success, Strength or Dexterity modifier.
it frees itself. After a minute, the conjured plants wither Alternatively, you may give the arm a shield and receive the
away. bonuses of the shield, even if you are not proficient in
shields. It is not possible for the arm to attune to an item
The Rogue you give it. This effect lasts for one hour.

For the next hour, your appearance and II of Adversaries
your voice change. You determine the
specifics of the changes, including your Rendererak’s Revenge. For the ten
skin type, hair length, and sex. You can minutes, you become charged with
also adjust your height and weight, but electricity. Whenever an enemy hits you
not so much that your size changes. with a melee attack, you may use your
You can make yourself appear as a reaction to send a bolt of lightning at the
member of another humanoid race, attacker, forcing them to make a
though none of your game statistics Dexterity saving throw. On a fail, they
change. Your clothing and equipment take 4d8 lightning damage.
aren’t affected by this change. You gain
advantage on Intimidation, Persuasion and Deception The Artificer
checks made to convince others of your new identity.
Alternatively, you can forgo this transformation and instead You imbue five weapons within 30 feet of
become invisible for the next hour. The invisibility ends if you with the Technology of Magic. This
you cast a spell or make an attack. (Contributed by Michael manifests itself in a multitude of ways; a
Stybert) longbow may magically acquire a scope,
a hammer, wicked buzzsaw blades; a
flail's striking heads may elongate and
sharpen. For the next minute, the
weapons are considered magical and
gains a +1 bonus to attack and damage
rolls (stacking up to +4.)


The Bard You gain the bard's Bardic Inspiration The Druid
feature. You may use this feature a
number of times equivalent to your You immediately activate the Druid's
Wisdom modifier. Any unexpended uses Wild Shape ability, using your Wild
at the end of your next short or long rest Oracle level instead of your Druid level to
are lost. Your Bardic inspiration die determine which beasts you can
starts at a d6, and increases with your transform into. While you are in beast
wild oracle level; at level 5, it becomes a shape, you have the added restriction
d8, at level 10 a d10, and at level 15 a that you may not take the draw card
d12. action.

II of Beasts II of Elementals

Twisting Talons. Your fingers transform You may immediately cast one of the
into wickedly sharp three-inch talons. following spells at your current card
These talons count as simple weapons level: flaming sphere, gust of wind, or
that you are in proficent in. Your talons Melf's acid arrow.
have the following statistics:

Oracle Talons. Melee Weapon I of Fey Healing Sparks. For the next minute, at
Attack: reach 5ft., one target. Hit the start each of your turns you may
2d6 + Strength modifier slashing damage. The point your finger and fire a pastel-colored
target must make a Consitution saving throw or bubble at a creature within 60 feet. The
suffer an additional 2d6 slashing damage as the bubble drifts toward the creature and
claws rend their flesh. pops in an explosion of healing magic,
restoring 1d4 + Wisdom modifier
If this card is drawn by a 8th or higher level wild oracle, the hitpoints.
talons instead deal magical slashing damage. The Talons
will stay for eight hours. The Fighter

II of Celestials For the next ten minutes, your weapon
attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19
Once within the next 10 minutes, you or 20. In addition, twice before the end of
may cast the calm emotions spell, your next short or long rest, you may take
affecting all creatures within a 30 ft an additional action on your turn.

II of Constructs I of Giants

Marvelous Clockwork Animals. Gears You gain the strength of a Hill Giant.
form from the artwork on this card, Your strength becomes 21 (+5) for 1
unfold, and shape into three whirring hour.
automatons. The automatons come as an
owl, a weasel, and a cat, and they share II of Humanoids
the statistics of their animal counterparts
except the automatons have a size of Commander's Strike. For the next 10
Tiny. As an action you can pick up an min, as a bonus action, you may rally an
automaton, wind its clockwork, and ally. That ally may immediately make one
whisper a command into its mechanical weapon attack.
ear. It will follow your directions as best as possible for one
minute. After one minute, the magic of the automaton's
clockwork expires, and the creature no longer functions. If
you still have an unused automaton at the end of your next
short rest or long rest, it disappears.


II of Plants III of Beasts

Spore Blight. Spore sacs erupt from You grant the feature Pack Tactics to six
along your arms. You have control over creatures within 60 feet of you for the
these sacs, and may use an action to next minute. Creatures with the feature
release a spore cloud at a creature they gain advantage on attack rolls against a
can see within 120 feet. A targeted creature as long as at least one of their
creature must make a Constitution allies is within 5 feet of the creature, and
saving throw. A target suffers 1d8 the ally is not incapacitated.
necrotic damage and 1d8 poison damage
or half that much on a successful save. III of Constructs
You may use this feature four times. After
using spore blight four times, or eight hours pass, your Carpet of Flying. As you draw this card,
arms return to normal. If the Wild Oracle draws this card it transforms into a small carpet of flying.
has access to level 4 cards, the damage increases to 2d8 This carpet is 3 feet x 5 feet and can
for each type; at level 6, the damage increases to 4d8. carry up to 200 pounds with a flying
speed of 80 feet, or up to 400lb with a
The Wild Oracle flying speed of 40 feet. The carpet moves
according to your spoken directions
For the next one hour, as an action you provided you are within 30 feet of it. The
may see the auras of creatures around carpet lasts for 10 minutes.
you. Auras indicate a creature's general
disposition towards you. (Contributed by I of Dragons
Jamie Cheeseman)
Wing Attack. Gigantic 20 foot
Blue: The creature views you favorably and is willing to phantasmal dragon wings sprout from
aid you. your shoulders. As an action, you may
Green: The creature intends you no harm and is not beat your winds creating tremendous
attempting to deceive you. wind forces. Each creature within 10 feet
Yellow: The creature is wary of your intentions, and may of you must make a Dexterity saving
be hiding something from you. throw or take 2d6 bludgeoning damage
Red: The creature intends you harm. and be knocked prone. As part of this
Flashing Colors: The creature is currently taking action action, you may immediately fly up to half
to harm you, or your allies. of your speed. The wings last one minute.
Level 3 Cards
III of Elementals
III of Aberrations
You immediately may cast one of the
Eye Stalk. After you draw this card, an following spells at your current card
eye stalk emerges from an exposed area level: sleet storm, fireball, or lightning
of your flesh. You may determine where bolt.
this stalk appears. It extends one foot
and gives you the ability to see 360 II of Fey Blink Dog Teleport. As an action, you
degrees with darkvision out to a range of may magically teleport, along with any
120 feet. The additional eyesight grants equipment you are wearing or carrying,
you +2 bonus to Armor Class, allows you to an unoccupied space you can see
to take the Dodge action as a bonus within 40 feet. Before or after teleporting,
action on each of your turns, and makes as a bonus action, you may make an
you immune to the blind condition. The eye stalk sticks attack action.
around until you use an action to dismiss it, or at the end of
your next short or long rest.

III of Adversaries

Noj’s Dismay. You point at a creature
you can see within 30 feet of you. The
creature make a Wisdom saving throw or
loses the ability to use one of their
features for the next 24 hours. The
feature lost is determined by the
Dungeon Master.


I of Fiends The Sorcerer

Gravitation. Up to 12 creatures tha you When you draw this card, you gain
can see within 30 feet of you immediately unlimited uses of the Sorcerer's Tides of
fly upward as if gravity has reversed. A Chaos for the next 10 minutes. You
creature can make a Dexterity saving manipulate the Fates to gain advantage
throw to grab onto a fixed object it can on an attack roll, ability roll, or saving
reach, thus avoiding the effect. You can throw. Each time you utilize this feature,
elevate the creatures up to 40 feet off the you must roll on the Wild Magic Surge
ground. You keep the creatures in the air table as described in the sorcerer entry
for one full turn, dropping them to the of the Player’s Handbook. Roll on the
ground automatically at the end of your table, and resolve the result. Like with
next turn, at which time they each take falling damage. the regular version of the table, you may only use this card
with permission from your Dungeon Master.
II of Giants
II of Undead
Chieftan's Frenzy. You immediately
grow to double your current size. This You gain the ability to cast the revivify
newfound size bestows advantage on all spell until the end of your next long rest.
Strength skill checks and saving throws, You must have a diamond worth at least
and adds one damage die on successful 300gp to cast this spell, and it is
melee attacks. This effect lasts 10 consumed.

II of Monstrosities The Warlock

Grip of Horror. Tentacles erupt from Eldritch Orbs. Six globes of black
your torso. As a bonus action, you may eldritch energy begin swirling around
command these tentacles to restrain a you. On your turn, as a bonus action you
Large or smaller creature within 10 feet can expend one of the globes to perform
of you. The creature must succeed on a one of the following actions:
Strength saving throw or recieve the
restrain condition. On a restrained Send the orb to a point you can see up to
creature’s turn, they may use an action to 120 feet away. You may close your eyes and see through
retry the saving throw. You must use a the orb. While looking through the orb, you have
bonus action on your turn to maintain the darkvision out to a distance of 120 feet. The orb
restrained condition on a creature. At any time, you may evaporates at the end of your turn.
use your reaction to release a restrained creature. The Fire the orb at a creature within 60 feet, make a ranged
tentacles last for four hours. spell attack against that creature. On a hit, you deal
2d10 + your Wisdom modifier force damage.
I of Oozes Harvest the eldritch energy of one orb to cast the spell
mage armor on yourself.
Oozing Terrain. Choose a point that you This effect ends to the end of your next long or short rest.
can see within 120 feet. The ground Level 4 Cards
within a 30-foot radius from that point
takes on the properties of an ooze. IV of Adversaries
Creatures sink into the terrain like it is
quicksand. They must make a Strength A bead of force materializes into your
saving throw at the start of their turn or hand. (See Magic Items in the Dungeon
become immobilized in the terrain and Master’s Guide.) The bead must be
take 2d6 acid damage. If a creature has thrown within one minute, or it
failed two of these saving throws in a detonates in your hand.
row, they become engulfed, and take 3d6 acid damage at
the end of teach of their turns. An engulfed creature can
attempt to escape by succeeding on a Strength saving

The Paladin

Aura of Protection. Whenever you or a
friendly creature within 10 feet of you
must make a saving throw, the creature
gains a bonus to the saving throw equal
to your Wisdom modifier (with a
minimum bonus of +1). You must be
conscious to grant this bonus. If you are
18th or higher level, the range increases
to 30 feet. Access to the feature lasts 4


IV of Beasts II of Fiends

Friend of Elephants. You summon an Best Fiends. One humanoid you can see
elephant to fight by your side for the next within 30 feet must make a Wisdom
hour. The elephant appears in an saving throw or is magically charmed for
unoccupied space within 30 feet of you. the next 10 minutes. The charmed
The elephant comes equipped with a creature obeys your commands unless it
saddle to allow you to ride it, and it obeys involves self-harm or harming one of
your every verbal command. If you their allies. When the spell ends, the
choose to name your elephant while you creature knows you charmed them.
are controlling it, the same elephant will
return when you draw the card again. If III of Giants
the elephant reaches 0 hitpoints or at the end of eight
hours, it disappears into a gray mist. Cloud Giant's Strength. Your strength
becomes 27 (+9) for the next hour.
The Blood Hunter
III of Humanoids
This card calls on you to sacrifice your
blood to imbue your weapon with Butcher’s Wisdom. For the next minute,
crackling psychic power. Immediately you teveal your opponents' weaknesses
lose 1d8 hit points. A weapon you are telepathically to your allies. All allies
holding is imbued with Rite of the within 30 feet of you may add your
Oracle, and deals an additional 2d8 proficiency modifier to their damage
psychic damage on hit. This can be used rolls. Additionally, you now the damage
to charge a melee or ranged weapon. vulnerabilities of all creatures within 60
Your blood keeps the blade imbued for feet of you.
one minute. You can further extend the
duration by cutting yourself again and taking another 1d8 II of Oozes
psychic damage. Each additional cut adds one minute to
the duration. Corrosive Blood. This card turns your
blood to acid (but does not harm you).
II of Dragons For the next one minute, any creature
that hits you with an attack must make a
You immediately use Fire Breath, Dexterity saving throw, or be subject to
exhaling superheated gas in a 90-foot 4d6 acid damage, or half that on a
cone.Each creature in that area must successful save. Additionally, if they
make a Dexterity saving throw, taking attack you with a non-magical melee
10d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half metal weapon, and fail the save, the
as much damage on a successful one. weapon is destroyed.

IV of Elementals III of Plants

You may immediately cast one of the Apple-Thing. You turn into an apple tree
following spells at your current card for one minute. While an apple tree you
level: control water, fire shield, ice storm, are 5-feet in diameter and 30 feet tall. If
or wall of stone. you are in a place that does not have
enough room to grow to that height, you
III of Fey Fey Flight. You may touch up to six grow to the maximum available height.
willing creatures. Each target gains a While you are an apple tree, you have 8
flying speed of 60 feet for the next 10 AC and 160 hitpoints and are vulnerable
minutes. When the spell ends, the target to fire damage. Additionally, your
falls if it is still aloft, unless it can stop movement becomes 0 feet. If your
the fall. hitpoints are reduced to 0, you revert back to your normal
form. As an action on each of your turns, you may make a
ranged spell attack to throw a poisoned apple at a creature
within 30 feet. On a hit, the creature takes 1d4 bludgeoning
damage, and must succeed on a Constitution saving throw
or be poisoned. A creature poisoned in this way
immediately takes 2d8 poison damage, and takes an
additional 1d8 poison damage at the start of each of their
turns. A target can repeat its saving throw at the end of
each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.


III of Undead IV of Humanoids

For the next one minute, you have Inspiring Presence. This card reveals
resistance to magical and non-magical your true fate as a leader of your people.
bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing For the next one minute. All allies within
attacks. However, you also gain 15 feet of you gain advantage on saving
vulnerability to radiant damage. throws against spells and other magical
effects. Additionally, when an affected
Level 5 Cards creature succeeds on a saving throw
made against a spell or magical effect
V of Adversaries that allows it to make a saving throw to
take only half damage, it instead takes no
Rogers’ Lament. Once within the next damage if it succeeds on the saving throw.
10 minutes, you may cast the greater
restoration spell." III of Monstrosities

III of Celestials Chilling Gaze. For the next 30 seconds,
you may use an action, to target one
Aura of Impenetrability. All Aberrations, creature within 30 feet of you, focusing
Fiends, and Undead within 30 feet of you your gaze on it. If the target can see you,
must make a wisdom saving throw, or it must succeed on a Constitution saving
have their speed reduced to 0 feet for the throw against this magic or take 6d6 cold
next one minute. At the start of the turn, damage, and then be paralyzed for 1
an affected creature is not within 30 feet minute, unless it is immune to cold
of you, their speed returns to normal. No damage. The target can repeat the saving
outside effect can increase the speed of a throw at the end of each of its turns,
creature affected by this ability. ending the effect on a success. If the target’s saving throw
is successful, that creature is immune to this card's effect
III of Dragons for 24 hours.

Sleep Breath. You must immedietely The Mystic
exhale sleep gas in a 60-foot cone in a
direction you choose. Each creature in Spectral Form. You, along with anything
the area must succeed on a Constitution you are wearing or carrying,
saving throw or fall unconscious for 10 dematerialize into an unearthly state, for
minutes. This effect ends for a creature if the next 10 minutes. This form gives you
the creature takes damage or someone resistance to all damage, you move at
uses an action to wake it half speed, and you can pass through
objects and creatures while moving, but
III of Fiends you cannot end your movement in their
spaces. Additionally, you gain flying
Blood War Gaze. Your eyes glaze into speed equal to half your regular
two sparkling black spheres. As a bonus movement speed. While you are in Spectral Form, you can
action, you may target one creature read the surface thoughts of any creature within 60 feet of
within 30 feet. If the target can see you, it you. This allows you to perceive the general temperament a
must make a Wisdom saving throw, or be creature has towards you, detect lies, and understand
paralyzed until the beginning of your next motivations, even if the creature is alien to you, or does not
turn. If a creature succeeds on a saving speak your language. If you spend an action focusing on
throw against the feature, it is immune to any one creature, deeper thoughts may be revealed at the
its effects for the next 24 hours. This Dungeon Master's discretion. Additionally, any invisible
feature lasts for one minute. creature within 60 feet of you is visible to you, and you may
make this creature known to any other willing creature
within range.

III of Oozes

Paralyzing Goo. A toxic blast of black
goo erupts from your hand. You may
immediately turn this stream onto a
creature within 60 feet. The black goo
coalesces on the target; it must make a
Strength saving throw or be completely
paralyzed for the next one minute. At the
beginning of each of a trapped creature's
turns they suffer 6d6 Acid damage, at the
end of each of its turn it may repeat the
saving throw to escape the goo.


IV of Plants IV of Celestials

Your limbs and torso bulge, grow, and Exalt. All nonhostile creatures within
turn green as you are magically 120 feet of you are exalted and filled with
transformed into a Shambling Mound. celestial power until the end of your next
While you are the Mound, your statistics turn. Exalted creatures can't be charmed
are replaced by the statistics of the Plant. or frightened, and gain advantage on
When you transform, you assume the attack rolls, ability checks, and saving
Mound's hit points. While the effect is throws until the end of your next turn.
active, you may not cast spells or draw Additionally, all hostile creatures must
additional cards. This effect lasts one succceed on a Wisdom saving throw or
minute, and you cannot transform back suffer 4d8 radiant damage.
into your normal form until the one minute has elapsed or
you drop to 0 hit points. If you revert as a result of dropping IV of Constructs
to 0 hit points, any excess damage carries over to your
normal form. Armor of Aveneg Animated gray and
bronze plate armor materializes out of
The Ranger thin air and encases your body with
perfect-fitting invulnerable armor. If you
For the next ten minutes, you gain the are wearing armor, it disappears until the
sense True Sight out to a range of 120 end of the effect. The armor has a
feet. You can see in normal and magical duration of 4 hours. While this effect is
darkness, see invisible creatures and active, you have resistance to fire, cold,
objects, automatically detect visual electricity, and force damage, as well as
illusions, and succeed on saving throws bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing
against them. You also perceive the damage from non-magical sources.
original form of any shapechanger or
creature transformed by magic. IV of Dragons
Level 6 Cards
Paralyzing Breath. You immedietely
IV of Aberrations exhale a 90-foot cone of paralyzing gas in
a direction of your choice. Each creature
Anti-Magic Cone. A 3rd eye emerges in that area must make a Constitution
from your forehead, much larger than saving throw or be paralyzed for 1
your two normal eyes. For the next one minute. A creature can repeat the saving
minute, you may project a 90-foot Anti- throw at the end of each of its turn,
Magic cone from this eye at will. At the ending the effect on itself on a success.
start of each of your turns, you decide if
you want to keep the cone active or not. IV of Fey
The direction you are facing at the end of
your turn determines the direction of the Hag's Glare. You are compelled to
cone. Within this cone, all magic is immediately target a creature within 30
divorced from the magical energy of the multiverse. Magic feet. The target creature must succeed
items become mundane, summoned creatures disappear, on a Wisdom saving throw or become
and spells can't be cast. frightened. If the creature fails this saving
throw, they must succeed on another
VI of Adversaries Wisdom saving throw or their hit points
drop to 0.
Katonic’s Dark Bargain. For the next
minute, you are transformed into a IV of Fiends
greasy, hairy, demonic monstrosity with
wings, and are surrounded with a dark Burning Vision. Your eyes glow bright
aura. While transformed, you gain a red. As an action on each of your turns
flying speed of 60 feet, your Strength for the next minute, you may release a
becomes 21 (+5), you gain advantage on beam of fiery red energy from both eyes
all Charisma saving throws, and you can at a single target. Make a ranged spell
attack twice whenever you take the attack. On a hit, the target suffers 5d10
Attack action on your turn. When you hit fire damage and its clothing or fur, if any,
a target with a melee attack, it takes an additional 2d12 ignites; until someone takes an action to
necrotic damage, and you gain that many temporary hit douse the fire, the target takes 2d6 fire
points. While transformed, you may make a Darker Bargain damage at the start of each of its turns.
as a free action. If you do, the transformation lasts for 10
minutes, but once the transformation ends, you suffer one
level of exhaustion.


IV of Giants Concept by Thom Denick & Brenda Ho. Writing by Thom
Denick. Major additional contributions by Jon Van Schaik.
Lightning Strike. For the next 30
seconds, as an action, you can hurl a Special Thanks to the many people who wrote in
giant magical lightning bolt at a point you suggestions, feedback, and editing to the beta version of
can see within 500 feet. Each creature this class including: Justin Merrick, Kritsten Matthews,
within 10 feet of that point must make a Michael Stybert, Meg Normandin, Molly Harris, Louie
Dexterity saving throw, taking 12d8 Sloven, Linda Effinger, Eliza Cormick, Jamie Cheeseman,
lightning damage on a failed save, or half Jacob Visca, Alexander Cerny, Taylor Doiron, Shaun
as much damage on a successful one. Callaghan, Christopher Clayton, Albert Iannuccilli, Benson
IV of Monstrosities

Medusa's Petrifying Gaze. When a
creature that can see your eyes starts its
turn within 30 feet of you, you can force
it to make a Constitution saving throw, if
you are not incapacitated and can see the
creature. If the saving throw fails by 5 or
more, the creature is instantly petrified;
otherwise, a creature that fails the save
begins to turn to stone and is restrained.
The restrained creature must repeat the
saving throw at the end of its next turn, becoming petrified
on a failure, or ending the effect on a success. For rules on
targets averting their eyes, and seeing your own reflection
in the mirror, see the main Medusa entry. This feature lasts
until the end of your next turn.

IV of Oozes

Restorative Slime. Choosing a creature
you can see within 60 feet, you project a
column of gelatinous goo onto them. The
goo is completely restorative, mending
wounds, instantly salving burns, and
revitalizing their fortitude. The creature
regains 100 hit points, loses a level of
exhaustion, and any active poisons are

IV of Undead

Frightful Presence. A terrifying totem of
a powerful dracolich surrounds your
body. For the next minute, as a bonus
action, each creature you choose to
frighten must make a Wisdom saving
throw or become frightened for 1 minute.
A creature can repeat the saving throw at
the end of each of its turns, ending the
effect on a success.


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