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Published by , 2017-04-13 22:27:00



In memoriam

1. Benjamin Hawk, 20, of from a ski accident on Park 6. Chris Bove, 35, died Feb. Aspen Highlands. He was 13. Mark Joseph Stout,
Lane run at Breckenridge. He wearing a helmet.
Portland, Oregon, died Dec. was not wearing a helmet. 11, 2007, of 45, of Ottsville, Pennsylva-
10, 2006, at Keystone Resort. multiple blunt- 9. James Somrak, 61, nia, died Jan. 15, 2008, of
The Oklahoma college stu- 4. Asher Crank, 17, of force trauma suffocation after falling into
dent died after losing control injuries to of Gunnison, died April 26, a tree well on the Cowboy
and hitting a tree while skiing Crested Butte, the abdomen 2007, after an accident on Coffee intermediate run at
on Spring Dipper, an interme- died Jan. 14, suffered while March 17 on an unknown Steamboat Ski Resort. He
diate run. He died of a severe 2007, after skiing on an run. It is unknown whether he was wearing a helmet.
head injury. He was not wear- crashing on unknown run was wearing a helmet.
ing a helmet. Copper Moun- at Snowmass Ski Area. He 14. James McLean, 33,
tain Resort was wearing a helmet. Bove 10. Mitchell Maltsberger,
2. Nicholas Blake the day before had been an instructor at of Leawood,
Davidson, 25, of Snowmass while warm- Challenge Aspen since 1998. 15, of Oologah, Oklahoma, Kansas, died
ing up for a competition. He died Dec. 28, 2007, after Jan. 20, 2008,
Village, died Dec. 21, 2006, fell about 30 feet after going 7. Logan Bastedo, 18, of hitting a tree while trying to on an inter-
of asphyxia in an avalanche at off a jump in the terrain park, turn a corner on a ski run at mediate run in
Aspen Snowmass. Davidson landing on his head. He was Charlotte, North Carolina, Wolf Creek Ski Area. He was the Park Lane
was skiing in the Lower Lad- wearing a helmet. died March 13, 2007, from wearing a helmet. Terrain Park at
der section of the Hanging massive internal injuries after Breckenridge
Valley Wall. He was jumping 5. Pieter Stolk, 56, of Rot- colliding with a tree on Duke’s 11. Benjamin Trichler, 11, Ski Resort. Witnesses said he
off cliffs when the avalanche Run, an intermediate trail at went airborne and landed on
occurred. The Ladder area terdam, Netherlands, died Jan. Breckenridge Ski Resort. The of the United Kingdom, died his head, suffering a fractured
is within the Snowmass Ski 28, 2007, after an accident on teen had arrived to the county Jan. 3, 2008, after crashing into neck. McLean, a doctor, was
Area boundary, but it was an unknown run at Keystone with a church group, and may a tree on the blue intermediate wearing a helmet. Family
closed at the time of the acci- Resort. Evidence suggested have taken a lesson but was an trail, Bonanza, on Peak 9 of members said McLean was an
dent, according to an Aspen Stolk hit a bump, lost control inexperienced skier. Witnesses Breckenridge. He was wearing intermediate-level snowboard-
Skiing Co. spokesman. and was airborne for about reported that he was skiing a skateboard helmet. er who had been riding for
2 feet before hitting a tree very fast before the collision. seven years.
3. William McDonnell, 21, with his left side. He died of He was not wearing a helmet. 12. Logan Jameson, 19, of
internal injuries. There were 15. Jared Daniel, 22, of
of Abita Springs, Louisiana, no witnesses. Stolk, a civil 8. Wilhelmus Verdonck, Durango, died Jan. 6, 2008, of
died on Jan. 9, 2007, from engineer, was vacationing in a head injury after skiing off Auburn, Massachusetts, died
blunt-force trauma resulting Colorado. It is unknown if he 51, of Holland, died on April a cliff on the Purgatory run at Jan. 25, 2008, after falling
in multiple skull fractures was wearing a helmet. 1, 2007, after skiing into a Purgatory Resort and suffocat- headfirst into a tree well on
tree on Deep Temerity at ing. It is unknown whether he Snooze Bar, an intermedi-
was wearing a helmet.

In memoriam

of 4’Oclock and Saw Mill 48. Sean Bender, 38, of Two companions — one who elsen Hill 13 years prior in 1986, Wade
ski runs – both intermediate skied safely down the chute order to install an alpine slide. continued to
trails on Peak 8. Ski patrollers Centennial, Florida, died Jan. first and one who picked a During the winter, that area be active as
tried to revive Dunkel before 2, 2011, of blunt-force trauma new route down after the was supposed to be closed to a paraplegic
determining he was deceased. to the chest after skiing into a slide caught Zukoff — locat- skiers and was roped off at cyclist and
tree on Prospector, an inter- ed and dug out their friend the bottom and sides but not sit-skier. It’s
43. Scott Kay, 41, ski mediate run at Keystone. He and determined he was dead. at the top. In 2014, a lawsuit not known
was wearing a helmet. He left He was wearing a helmet. against the city of Steamboat where Wade
patrol director behind a wife and a 9-month- Zukoff was an avid skier Springs (owner of the ski hill) crashed. He was wearing a
at Wolf Creek, old daughter. and outdoor enthusiast who filed by Cooper’s mother was helmet.
died Nov. played college football. settled.
22, 2010, in 49. Thomas Berglund, 63. Evan Massini, 20, of
an avalanche 54. Michael Bettley, 32, 58. Danielle Busboom,
while doing 77, of Kalamazoo, Michi- Westbrook,
mitigation gan, died Jan. 18, 2011, after of Redford 21, of Ayr, Connecticut,
work at the struggling to get out of deep Township, Nebraska, died Nov. 18,
ski area. When Kay did not snow on the side of the lower Michigan, died March 2011, after
respond to radio contact, Green Cabin trail at Snow- died on Feb. 23, 2011. hitting a tree
fellow ski patrollers respond- mass. He suffered cardiac 23, 2011, after Busboom and and suffering
ed to find him. They located arrest. Ski patrollers tried to a bad fall on friends were massive in-
him with avalanche beacons help him but he couldn’t be Larkspur, an skiing on Hot ternal injuries
and probes. They dug him out resuscitated at the hospital. intermediate Dog Alley, an at Breckenridge. Massini,
of about 4 feet of snow. Kay Berglund reportedly told run at Arapahoe Basin. A fire- intermediate run at Eldora a CU-Boulder student, was
was a husband and father of a passerby that he’d been fighter, Bettley died of blunt- Mountain, when she veered wearing a helmet, but the
two young children. forced off the slope by a force trauma to the chest after off into an area with trees and coroner’s report said his torso
“kid.” he apparently lost control hit one. She was not wearing hit the tree. The trail he was
44. Kiera Tongish, 22, of while moving at a high rate a helmet. on, Northstar, is considered
50. Jennifer of speed and tumbled several an intermediate run.
Aspen, died Agule, 22, of times. He was not wearing a 59. Louis Alten, 39, of
Dec. 3, 2010, helmet. 64. Charles Tuft, 62, of Vail,
after a skiing Breckenridge, Houston, Texas, died of
accident at died Jan. 26, 55. James E. Juckett, “multiple blunt-force inju- died Nov. 18,
Snowmass, ap- 2011, after ries” when he struck a tree 2011, after a
parently caused colliding with 73, of Bath, Pennsylvania, adjacent to the trail Round- ski accident on
after she lost a tree while died March 11, 2011, after house, an intermediate run at Vail Moun-
control on the skiing alone at colliding with a fellow Mary Jane at Winter Park. He tain’s opening
upper third of the Grey Wolf Keystone on the Frenchman skier on the Log Deck run at was wearing a helmet. day. Tuft
trail, before striking a tree on run. Agule was not wearing Snowmass. Juckett and the apparently lost
the intermediate run. She was a helmet at the time of the man he collided with knew 60. Adam Dennis, 38, of control when
wearing a helmet. Kiera was accident. each other and had been ski- he went off an embankment
an Aspen Skico employee. ing in the same group. The Aspen, died on and suffered bodily trauma.
51. Scotty Goodale, 35, of other man was not injured April 4, 2011, He was wearing a helmet. Tuft
45. Christian “Chris” and skied away under his in a backcoun- was a longtime local doctor.
David Rea, 35, from Tucson, Boulder, died Feb. 6, 2011, own power. Neither skier try avalanche
at Eldora Mountain Resort. was wearing a helmet. on Desolation 65. Gregory Schulz, 50,
Arizona, died Dec. 18, 2010, Goodale was snowboarding Row between
after snowboarding off a cliff in a closed area inside the 56. Richard Cullinan, 18, Maroon and died on Jan. 6, 2012, of closed
at Wolf Creek. He was snow- resort with four friends when Tonar Bowls head and chest injuries from
boarding with two friends in he hit a tree, dying of blunt- of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on the west side of Highlands blunt-force trauma following
the closed waterfall area at force trauma. died March 14, 2011, on his Ridge. Dennis was buried a collision with a tree after
Wolf Creek when he jumped first run of the day, warming and then located by the other skiing off a catwalk on an un-
off a 40-50 foot precipice. The 52. Joe Lubar, 21, of Mil- up on Red Tail, an interme- four people in his party. He known run at Vail Mountain.
location was closed by two diate run at Beaver Creek. couldn’t be revived by resus- He was wearing a helmet.
ropes due to the area’s danger. waukee, Wisconsin, died Feb. Cullinan, who was described citation efforts. Dennis was a
Upon landing in the creek bed 11, 2011, two weeks after as an excellent skier, caught self-employed photographer 66. Sydney Owens, 25,
at the base of the waterfall, he was injured in a skiing an edge and fell. He careened and worked in the hospitality
Rea lost balance and fell head accident at Copper. Lubar into a tree and suffered a ma- business. “He was just the of San Antonio, Texas, died
first, hyperextending his neck was skiing above tree line jor head injury. Cullinan was best person in the world. He Jan. 14, 2012, of blunt-force
backward, rupturing an artery on a double-black-diamond, wearing a helmet. was full of life, full of spirit,” trauma after falling and slid-
in the neck responsible for Schaefer’s run, when he lost said friend Tim O’Connell. ing 1,500 feet after potential
supplying blood to the brain control and tumbled over 57. Cooper Larsh, 19, of He was wearing a helmet. equipment failure. Owens
stem. It is unknown if he was some rocks, suffering trau- was accompanied by friends
wearing a helmet. matic brain injuries. He was Boulder, died 61. Tyler Safarriye, 11, and skiing “Riff Run” as part
wearing a helmet. He was a March 17, of a guided ski tour by Silver-
46. James Wilson, 59, junior at University of Den- 2011. Larsh of Alpharetta, Georgia, died ton Mountain employees. She
ver majoring in economics. was skiing April 8, 2011, after collid- was wearing a helmet. Owens
of Colorado Springs, died Howelsen Hill ing with two other skiers on attended the University of
of blunt-force trauma on 53. Brandon John Ski Area for White Rabbit, an intermediate Virginia.
Dec. 21, 2010. The accident Zukoff, 26, the first time run at Winter Park.The acci-
happened in a gladed area ad- when he skied dent involved an instructor 67. Gabriel Hilliard, 30, of
jacent to Goshawk, an expert of Snowmass through a 20-foot opening and student in the disabled
trail at Beaver Creek Resort. Village, died between a wooden fence and ski program riding on sit-ski Aspen, died on Jan. 18, 2012.
He was wearing a helmet. Feb. 21, 2011, a shed at the top of the Town devices. He was wearing a Hilliard was snowboarding
in an ava- View ski run. Soon after, helmet. on Canopy Cruiser at High-
47. John Greene, 77, of lanche in the Larsh skied over a retaining lands when he struck a tree,
backcountry wall for the alpine slide, dou- 62. Jack Michael Wade, continued down the slope,
Carbondale, died Dec. 27, outside Snow- ble ejecting from his skis. He struck another tree and was
2010, on an unknown run at mass. Zukoff died when fell headfirst into the snow 51, of Golden, died on March impaled by a branch on the
Aspen Mountain. He suffered he triggered, and was then and suffocated. Steamboat 26, 2011, when he crashed left side of his chest. He was
a cervical spine injury while caught in, an avalanche as he Springs closed part of the on his sit-ski at Arapahoe apparently riding alone at the
skiing; he was wearing a skied down Sand’s Chute off Town View ski run on How- Basin. After a traffic acci- time of the accident, with a
helmet. the west side of the ski area. dent left him a paraplegic in helmet.

In memoriam

ate run at Steamboat. It was skiers through the trees at ate trail at Keystone. Howe a hydrant. tionary biology at the Univer-
the second snow-immer- Arapahoe Basin when he was trying to stop when he The accident sity of Colorado-Boulder.
sion death at the ski area in sustained a massive brain struck the tree with his head occurred on
10 days that year. A friend injury after a fall on Monday, and chest. He was wearing a Golden Bear 36. Michael Crim, 41, of
snowboarding with Daniel Feb. 11. He never regained helmet. run at Beaver
was unable to pull him out on consciousness. It’s not known Creek, an Temple Terrace, Florida, died
his own, and it took about 15 whether he was wearing a 26. Wallace Westfeldt, intermediate Dec. 24, 2009, after missing
minutes before the friend and helmet. Guthrie worked to run. She was a turn from Breckenridge’s
others who stopped to help create the Swan Mountain 22, of Aspen, wearing a helmet. Neighbors intermediate Angel’s Rest
were able to free Daniel. He Recreational Path, and was fell to his said Kang loved golfing, cook- trail at the Monte Cristo trail
was wearing a helmet. co-coordinator of the Sum- death in the ing, skiing and her family. and skiing into a tree. Crim
mit Biking Group. He was Tonar Bowl was not wearing a helmet and
16. Michael Gruber, a congregant of Lord of the near Aspen 32. David Gilletti, 54, of died from trauma to his head
Mountains Lutheran Church Highlands on and pelvis.
40, of Dillon, died Jan. 31, in Dillon and president of April 4, 2008. Ledyard, Connecticut, died
2008, of a head injury re- the church council, as well Westfeldt, a March 2, 2009, after skiing 37. Madeline Milner, 14,
ceived while skiing the day as a spinning instructor at the world-class freeride snow- into a tree just off Stella, an
before at Arapahoe Basin. It Silverthorne Recreational boarder, was part of a Ski- intermediate run in the Pros- of Bayfield, died Jan. 5, 2010,
is unknown whether he was Center. co-sponsored backcountry pect Bowl area of Telluride. after hitting a tree on an inter-
wearing a helmet. The ski film shoot by Futuristic Film, He suffered trauma to his mediate run at Purgatory. She
run where the injury oc- 21. Kenneth Joyce, 13, a Denver-based production chest. It is unknown if he was was wearing a helmet.
curred is unknown. company, when the accident wearing a helmet. Gilletti was
of Glastonbury, Connecticut, occurred. Westfeldt died after an engineer and left behind a 38. Grace Lynn McNeil,
17. John McWethy, 61, of died Feb. 19, 2008, at Key- dropping a cliff and landing wife and two grown daugh-
stone. Joyce was found near on his back in firm snow. He ters. 23, of Dil-
Boulder, died some trees with chest trauma. had suffered broken bones lon, died Jan.
Feb. 6, 2008. He was wearing a helmet. His and died of internal bleeding. 33. Chris Polk, 30, of 6, 2010, of
McWethy lost cause of death was blunt- He was wearing a helmet. suffocation
control on force trauma to the chest due Glenwood after falling
Keystone’s to skiing into a tree. Joyce 27. Martin Fierro, 32, Springs, resid- into a tree well
intermediate was visiting the resort with ing in Aspen, at Steamboat.
Porcupine his family. of Lakewood, died April 5, died March 5, Patrollers
trail and slid 2008, of internal bleeding 2009, after he found the woman’s body the
chest first into a tree. Wit- 22. John Bosman, 46, of and massive chest injuries collided with a next day at the base of Chute
nesses said he was skiing from blunt-force trauma after tree at Butter- 3, a double-black-diamond
fast when he missed a turn Orlando, Florida, died Feb. colliding with a tree at Vail milk ski area. run in the Christmas Tree
and lost control. He was 27, 2008, after suffering head Mountain. He was wearing He sustained multiple injuries, Bowl area. McNeil was found
wearing a helmet. McWethy injuries near the junction of helmet. He was skiing with including blunt-force trauma to with about 2 feet of snow
was a retired national secu- the West Ridge and Cascade a friend in the trees on a blue his head, chest and abdomen, over her head in a tree well
rity correspondent for ABC runs at Eldora Mountain run in the Wuides. and was not wearing a helmet off the side of the run, and she
News. He joined ABC News Resort. West Ridge is a dou- at the time. Polk was a snow- was at a downward angle with
in 1979 as chief Pentagon ble-black-diamond run, and 28. Adam Delaney, 28, of board instructor at Aspen Ski- her head lower than her feet.
correspondent, covering the Cascade is a single-black-di- ing Co. “Chris absolutely lived She was wearing a helmet.
Iran hostage crisis and the So- amond run. He was not Englewood, died Dec. 13, for snowboarding. His love McNeil was a ski instructor at
viet invasion of Afghanistan. wearing a helmet. It appeared 2008, after hitting a tree while for the sport was infectious, Arapahoe Basin.
He reported for “World News that he caught his skis on an snowboarding on the Pros- and he was universally loved
Tonight With Peter Jennings,” unexposed rock, causing him pector Run at Keystone. He by everyone who worked with 39. Randy Schnicker,
“Good Morning America,” to fall at a high rate of speed. suffered a closed head injury him. He was an all-around
“Nightline” and other ABC and skull fractures. He was mountain guy and was always 56, of Denver, died Jan. 17,
News broadcasts. 23. Gabrielle Hutter, 39, not wearing a helmet. on the last lift up the mountain 2010, after hitting a tree on
at the end of the day. He will an unknown run at Copper
18. John Dobbie, 67, of of Centennial, died March 1, 29. Cory Brettman, 52, of be dearly missed,” said Mark Mountain. He was wearing a
2008, of blunt-force trauma Wilkinson, Buttermilk snow- helmet.
Downers Grove, Illinois, died to the head after a collision Old Snowmass, died Dec. 14, board coordinator.
Feb. 12, 2008, from a head with a tree while skiing on 2008. Brettman was caught 40. Ericka Schriefer, 24,
injury suffered on Feb. 1 at the lower Mary Jane trail at in an avalanche while skiing 34. Haley Rose Gans, 14,
Crested Butte on an unknown Winter Park. Hutter was not alone in the Power Line area of Fort Collins, died Jan. 31,
run. He was not wearing a wearing a helmet. outside of the Aspen Moun- of Colorado Springs, died 2010. She was found in car-
helmet. tain ski area. He was a ski Nov. 20, 2009, after a ski diac arrest on Copper’s black
24. Jennifer Ash, 28, of patroller at Aspen Mountain accident resulted in blunt- Formidable trail, near some
19. Brian Irvin, 33, of from 1981 until 2006. He was force trauma to the chest. She trees. She suffered head and
Indianapolis, Indiana, died wearing a helmet. was reportedly skiing very neck fractures. Schriefer was
Mesa, Arizona, was racing a March 23, 2008, eight days fast and into a tree. She was wearing a helmet.
friend down Telluride’s inter- after she was injured in a 30. William “Billy” wearing a helmet.
mediate Marmot run when he snowboarding accident at Khourie III, 22, of Elk City, 41. Kevin Green, 51, of
lost balance and sailed out of Keystone. She fell on Ina’s 35. Alex Singer, 22, of
a stand of trees. Irvin was not Way, a beginner run, and Oklahoma, died Jan. 7, 2009, Lewis, died Feb. 1, 2010, after
wearing a helmet and died originally Ash and her friends after suffering a fatal head in- Chappaqua, colliding with a rope at the
on the mountain from head believed she had minor inju- jury when he struck a wooden New York, main access portal to Prospect
injuries. He was a Southwest ries. But the hospital discov- post at the bottom of Frosty’s died Dec. 9, Bowl at Telluride. The fall, or
Airlines pilot, who left behind ered Ash had suffered indirect Freeway, an advanced-inter- 2009, after the collision, fractured Green’s
a pregnant wife and 1-year- trauma that damaged arteries mediate trail at Breckenridge. falling into a skull near the base of his brain
old child. in her spine and eventually He was declared brain-dead tree well at and killed him instantly. The
caused a fatal stroke. Ash was the next day. He was not Wolf Creek. longtime local was one of the
20. Robert Guthrie, 68, of a pharmacist from Indianap- wearing a helmet. Khourie It is unknown region’s pioneering skiers.
olis. was a senior at the University whether he was wearing a
Silverthorne, died on Feb. 15, of Oklahoma. helmet. Singer was an avid 42. Todd M. Dunkel, 27, of
2008. Guthrie, coordinator 25. Michael Howe, 43, of skier, and was training to
and lead guide of Arapahoe 31. June Kang, 65, of Ar- work on ski patrol at Copper Federal Heights, died April
Basin’s Over the Hill Gang, Andover, Kansas, died March Mountain. He was a senior 14, 2010. He was found by
International ski program, 30, 2008, after striking a tree rowhead, died Jan. 16, 2009, studying ecology and evolu- Breckenridge ski patrollers
was leading a group of expert on Frenchman, an intermedi- after suffering major chest as they were doing their final
injuries after falling and hitting sweep of the mountain. He
was located at the intersection

In memoriam

of 4’Oclock and Saw Mill 48. Sean Bender, 38, of Two companions — one who elsen Hill 13 years prior in 1986, Wade
ski runs – both intermediate skied safely down the chute order to install an alpine slide. continued to
trails on Peak 8. Ski patrollers Centennial, Florida, died Jan. first and one who picked a During the winter, that area be active as
tried to revive Dunkel before 2, 2011, of blunt-force trauma new route down after the was supposed to be closed to a paraplegic
determining he was deceased. to the chest after skiing into a slide caught Zukoff — locat- skiers and was roped off at cyclist and
tree on Prospector, an inter- ed and dug out their friend the bottom and sides but not sit-skier. It’s
43. Scott Kay, 41, ski mediate run at Keystone. He and determined he was dead. at the top. In 2014, a lawsuit not known
was wearing a helmet. He left He was wearing a helmet. against the city of Steamboat where Wade
patrol director behind a wife and a 9-month- Zukoff was an avid skier Springs (owner of the ski hill) crashed. He was wearing a
at Wolf Creek, old daughter. and outdoor enthusiast who filed by Cooper’s mother was helmet.
died Nov. played college football. settled.
22, 2010, in 49. Thomas Berglund, 63. Evan Massini, 20, of
an avalanche 54. Michael Bettley, 32, 58. Danielle Busboom,
while doing 77, of Kalamazoo, Michi- Westbrook,
mitigation gan, died Jan. 18, 2011, after of Redford 21, of Ayr, Connecticut,
work at the struggling to get out of deep Township, Nebraska, died Nov. 18,
ski area. When Kay did not snow on the side of the lower Michigan, died March 2011, after
respond to radio contact, Green Cabin trail at Snow- died on Feb. 23, 2011. hitting a tree
fellow ski patrollers respond- mass. He suffered cardiac 23, 2011, after Busboom and and suffering
ed to find him. They located arrest. Ski patrollers tried to a bad fall on friends were massive in-
him with avalanche beacons help him but he couldn’t be Larkspur, an skiing on Hot ternal injuries
and probes. They dug him out resuscitated at the hospital. intermediate Dog Alley, an at Breckenridge. Massini,
of about 4 feet of snow. Kay Berglund reportedly told run at Arapahoe Basin. A fire- intermediate run at Eldora a CU-Boulder student, was
was a husband and father of a passerby that he’d been fighter, Bettley died of blunt- Mountain, when she veered wearing a helmet, but the
two young children. forced off the slope by a force trauma to the chest after off into an area with trees and coroner’s report said his torso
“kid.” he apparently lost control hit one. She was not wearing hit the tree. The trail he was
44. Kiera Tongish, 22, of while moving at a high rate a helmet. on, Northstar, is considered
50. Jennifer of speed and tumbled several an intermediate run.
Aspen, died Agule, 22, of times. He was not wearing a 59. Louis Alten, 39, of
Dec. 3, 2010, helmet. 64. Charles Tuft, 62, of Vail,
after a skiing Breckenridge, Houston, Texas, died of
accident at died Jan. 26, 55. James E. Juckett, “multiple blunt-force inju- died Nov. 18,
Snowmass, ap- 2011, after ries” when he struck a tree 2011, after a
parently caused colliding with 73, of Bath, Pennsylvania, adjacent to the trail Round- ski accident on
after she lost a tree while died March 11, 2011, after house, an intermediate run at Vail Moun-
control on the skiing alone at colliding with a fellow Mary Jane at Winter Park. He tain’s opening
upper third of the Grey Wolf Keystone on the Frenchman skier on the Log Deck run at was wearing a helmet. day. Tuft
trail, before striking a tree on run. Agule was not wearing Snowmass. Juckett and the apparently lost
the intermediate run. She was a helmet at the time of the man he collided with knew 60. Adam Dennis, 38, of control when
wearing a helmet. Kiera was accident. each other and had been ski- he went off an embankment
an Aspen Skico employee. ing in the same group. The Aspen, died on and suffered bodily trauma.
51. Scotty Goodale, 35, of other man was not injured April 4, 2011, He was wearing a helmet. Tuft
45. Christian “Chris” and skied away under his in a backcoun- was a longtime local doctor.
David Rea, 35, from Tucson, Boulder, died Feb. 6, 2011, own power. Neither skier try avalanche
at Eldora Mountain Resort. was wearing a helmet. on Desolation 65. Gregory Schulz, 50,
Arizona, died Dec. 18, 2010, Goodale was snowboarding Row between
after snowboarding off a cliff in a closed area inside the 56. Richard Cullinan, 18, Maroon and died on Jan. 6, 2012, of closed
at Wolf Creek. He was snow- resort with four friends when Tonar Bowls head and chest injuries from
boarding with two friends in he hit a tree, dying of blunt- of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on the west side of Highlands blunt-force trauma following
the closed waterfall area at force trauma. died March 14, 2011, on his Ridge. Dennis was buried a collision with a tree after
Wolf Creek when he jumped first run of the day, warming and then located by the other skiing off a catwalk on an un-
off a 40-50 foot precipice. The 52. Joe Lubar, 21, of Mil- up on Red Tail, an interme- four people in his party. He known run at Vail Mountain.
location was closed by two diate run at Beaver Creek. couldn’t be revived by resus- He was wearing a helmet.
ropes due to the area’s danger. waukee, Wisconsin, died Feb. Cullinan, who was described citation efforts. Dennis was a
Upon landing in the creek bed 11, 2011, two weeks after as an excellent skier, caught self-employed photographer 66. Sydney Owens, 25,
at the base of the waterfall, he was injured in a skiing an edge and fell. He careened and worked in the hospitality
Rea lost balance and fell head accident at Copper. Lubar into a tree and suffered a ma- business. “He was just the of San Antonio, Texas, died
first, hyperextending his neck was skiing above tree line jor head injury. Cullinan was best person in the world. He Jan. 14, 2012, of blunt-force
backward, rupturing an artery on a double-black-diamond, wearing a helmet. was full of life, full of spirit,” trauma after falling and slid-
in the neck responsible for Schaefer’s run, when he lost said friend Tim O’Connell. ing 1,500 feet after potential
supplying blood to the brain control and tumbled over 57. Cooper Larsh, 19, of He was wearing a helmet. equipment failure. Owens
stem. It is unknown if he was some rocks, suffering trau- was accompanied by friends
wearing a helmet. matic brain injuries. He was Boulder, died 61. Tyler Safarriye, 11, and skiing “Riff Run” as part
wearing a helmet. He was a March 17, of a guided ski tour by Silver-
46. James Wilson, 59, junior at University of Den- 2011. Larsh of Alpharetta, Georgia, died ton Mountain employees. She
ver majoring in economics. was skiing April 8, 2011, after collid- was wearing a helmet. Owens
of Colorado Springs, died Howelsen Hill ing with two other skiers on attended the University of
of blunt-force trauma on 53. Brandon John Ski Area for White Rabbit, an intermediate Virginia.
Dec. 21, 2010. The accident Zukoff, 26, the first time run at Winter Park.The acci-
happened in a gladed area ad- when he skied dent involved an instructor 67. Gabriel Hilliard, 30, of
jacent to Goshawk, an expert of Snowmass through a 20-foot opening and student in the disabled
trail at Beaver Creek Resort. Village, died between a wooden fence and ski program riding on sit-ski Aspen, died on Jan. 18, 2012.
He was wearing a helmet. Feb. 21, 2011, a shed at the top of the Town devices. He was wearing a Hilliard was snowboarding
in an ava- View ski run. Soon after, helmet. on Canopy Cruiser at High-
47. John Greene, 77, of lanche in the Larsh skied over a retaining lands when he struck a tree,
backcountry wall for the alpine slide, dou- 62. Jack Michael Wade, continued down the slope,
Carbondale, died Dec. 27, outside Snow- ble ejecting from his skis. He struck another tree and was
2010, on an unknown run at mass. Zukoff died when fell headfirst into the snow 51, of Golden, died on March impaled by a branch on the
Aspen Mountain. He suffered he triggered, and was then and suffocated. Steamboat 26, 2011, when he crashed left side of his chest. He was
a cervical spine injury while caught in, an avalanche as he Springs closed part of the on his sit-ski at Arapahoe apparently riding alone at the
skiing; he was wearing a skied down Sand’s Chute off Town View ski run on How- Basin. After a traffic acci- time of the accident, with a
helmet. the west side of the ski area. dent left him a paraplegic in helmet.

In memoriam

68. Keith Ames, 43, died Easter impact- 75. William Emberton, 72, 78. Joshua Allen, 24, of 82. Matthew Bowers, 36,
ed the ground
Jan. 18, “very hard” of Stonington, Connecticut, Tampa, Florida, died Feb. 26, of Greenville, Texas, died
2012, in an and twisted his died Feb. 9, 2012, from a 2012. He was found in the trees March 14, 2012. Bowers
avalanche on neck causing a broken neck and a brain injury. of the Elk Run underneath the was on Lower Gallowich, an
Burnt Moun- severe carotid He was found face-down in Outback lift at Keystone and intermediate trail at Crested
tain. Ames artery injury, the snow on the expert-level airlifted to St. Anthony Summit Butte, when he hit a tree at
was skiing which led to Geronimo Trail at Keystone Medical Center, where he later what witnesses said was a
out-of-bounds a heart attack and an anoxic Resort two days earlier. He died of massive facial injuries high rate of speed. He was
just east of the brain injury caused by a lack was wearing a helmet. Bill and brain trauma. He was not wearing a helmet.
Snowmass ski-area boundary of oxygen to the brain. The spent more than 40 years in the wearing a helmet.
with two acquaintances. He impact broke one of Easter’s computer industry and had a 83. Garrett Spencer, 19,
was caught in a slide that ribs, caused whiplash and lifelong love of the water and 79. Patrick Sievert, 18, of
was 50- to 60-feet long and bruised his lung. Easter was was an early member of the of Hesston,
20-feet wide. The other skiers riding alone and was found Stonington Harbor Yacht Club, Pewaukee, Wisconsin, died Kansas, died
were a few hundred feet unresponsive at the inter- according to his obituary. March 8, 2012, after veering March 24,
lower on the slope when the section of the intermediate off Andy’s Encore, an inter- 2012, after
slide occurred and hiked up Quickdraw and Buckshot 76. Nathaneal Soules, mediate trail at Copper, and crashing into
to dig him out. Ames was de- trails in the Sunshine Bowl striking a valve shed used for a tree at Wolf
clared dead at the scene after area. He was wearing a 38, died Feb. 13, 2012, in an snowmaking. He was wear- Creek. The
attempts by bystanders and helmet. avalanche in Telluride’s Lower ing a helmet. novice skier
the Snowmass Ski Patrol to Bear Creek in an area known was a student at Kansas State
revive him were unsuccess- 72. Vesselin Vlassev, 54, as The Fingers. Soules had 80. Joseph Shematek, University. He was not wear-
ful. Avalanche experts said he deployed his avalanche airbag ing a helmet.
was caught in a “terrain trap.” of Westminster, died Jan. 25, but was buried under ap- 71, of Windsor, died March
2012. He was found dead on proximately 4 feet of snow. It 11, 2012, after an incident 84. Patsy Hileman, 49,
69. Taft Conlin, 13, died Keystone’s Jacques St. James appeared that his death was the while skiing in Patrol Bowl,
ski trail by a passing skier. He result of massive trauma rather an expert run at Loveland, the of Snowmass Village and a
Jan. 22, was found without a helmet. than asphyxiation. Soules day before. 26-year veteran of the moun-
2012, in an was a local who had worked tain’s ski patrol, died Dec. 30,
in-bounds 73. Odo Lessacher, 58, as a real estate broker and for 81. Truitt Hunter, 23, of 2012, after a small in-bounds
avalanche Telluride Ski & Golf Co. in his slide swept her off a cliff. She
on the Prima of Griffin, many years in Telluride. He Castle Rock, died March was skiing alone in the per-
Cornice run Georgia, died left behind a wife and son. 12, 2012, after hitting a tree manently closed Ship’s Prow
at Vail Moun- Feb. 5, 2012, while skiing at Keystone. Glades area of Snowmass,
tain. Conlin of blunt-force 77. Hanna Rudolph, 15, Witnesses reported seeing adjacent to Upper Ladder,
and his friends accessed trauma to the Truitt on the intermediate run when the incident occurred.
Prima Cornice trail through chest and in- of Wellesley, Massachusetts, Spring Dipper trail when he When she failed to check in
the lower gate, which was ternal bleeding died Feb. 19, 2012, after caught a ski edge and veered with the patrol as scheduled,
open. The run’s upper gate at Keystone. colliding with a tree on the into a tree. He was not wear- a search was initiated. Her
was closed following the first He was found in the trees at black-diamond CDL run at ing a helmet. body was located about 25
big storm of a snow-starved the intersection of Alamo and Copper. She was wear- minutes later and she was
season. Conlin and a friend Prospector (both intermediate ing a helmet.
sidestepped about 120 feet to runs). He was not wearing a pronounced dead at
a cliff above the lower gate. helmet. the scene.
The avalanche swept them
away and Conlin was killed. 74. John Sadl, 37, of St.
The Vail Ski Patrol found his
body wrapped around a tree. Louis, Missouri, died
A wrongful death lawsuit Feb. 7, 2012, after a ski
against Vail Resorts, filed by accident on the black
Taft’s parents, is still pending. diamond Berries
trail on the front-
70. Christopher Norris, 28, side of Vail. He
was wearing a
of Evergreen, helmet.
died Jan. 22,
2012, of suf- Colorado
focation from ski country
an inbounds
avalanche that
buried him
about 2 feet
while skiing in the Trestle
trees at Winter Park. He was
not wearing a helmet. The
Norris family filed a lawsuit
against Winter Park, and in
2016, the Colorado Supreme
Court ruled that avalanches
are an inherent risk of skiing,
ending a contentious debate
over a ski area’s liability when
a skier is killed by avalanche
inside a resort boundary.

71. Aaron Easter, 31, of

Champaign, Illinois, died Jan.
24, 2012, after a snowboard-
ing accident at Steamboat.

In memoriam

85. Tristan Bartlet, 13, of to compete 7, 2014, skiing an interme- Aspen ski resort. He was enced member of his group.
in the NAS- diate run in Beaver Creek’s wearing a helmet. He was wearing a helmet.
Houston, Texas, died Jan. 4, TAR National Larkspur Bowl.The oil ty- Lindsey was just into the start
2013, after striking a tree on Championships coon was found unresponsive 103. Robert Miles, 22, of of his second semester at the
Copper’s beginner trail Vein but was not on with trauma injuries and died military academy in Colorado
Glory. He was not wearing a the course at after transfer to Denver. Boulder, died Springs and the early stages
helmet. the time of the Dec. 8, 2014. of his engineering degree. He
incident. 97. Adam Heller, 46, Feb. The University was in the middle of some
86. Doae Oh, 20, of Austin, of Colorado downtime, as part of the
92. Scott Harlow, 57, of 8, 2014, died after striking student appar- SnoFest military ski weekend.
Texas, died Jan. 9, 2013, after a tree while skiing between ently struck
she lost control and struck Norwood, died on Dec. 11, Porcupine and Bighorn, a tree while 108. Christopher Martin,
a tree on Frenchman, an 2013, on the Pick’N Gad ski intermediate trails, at Key- skiing on the
intermediate run at Keystone run at Telluride, after collid- stone. Ski Patrol performed Jolly Jug run at Eldora Moun- 43, of Conifer, died Feb. 11,
Resort. She was not wearing ing with a tree. He was not advanced life support prior tain Resort. He was wearing 2015, of blunt-force trauma
a helmet. wearing a helmet. to transporting the patient to a helmet. after hitting a tree on Antici-
the Keystone Medical Center pation, an intermediate run at
87. Jack Hummel, 70, of 93. Sean Teater, 19, of where advanced life support 104. Eric Haiar, 26, of Keystone. He was wearing a
was continued. Medical per- helmet.
Pagosa Springs, died Jan. 9, Fort Collins, sonnel were unsuccessful in Silverthorne
2013, of extensive internal died Dec. 21, resuscitating Heller. He was and Texas, 109. John Martin
injuries to his chest, lungs 2013, of blunt- wearing a helmet. died Dec. “Marty” Gancsos, 64,
and rib cage after skiing into force trauma 13, 2014, of
a tree at Wolf Creek. He was to the head 98. Jonathan Belle, 22, of blunt-force of Aspen,
wearing a helmet. from a hard trauma after died Feb. 23,
fall on Butch’s Denver, died March 10, 2014, losing control 2015, in an
88. Natalie “Nancy” Breezeway, after snowboarding into a tree on Spring out-of-bounds
Egleston, 48, of Ardmore, a blue run at Winter Park. on Vein Glory, a beginner Dipper, an intermediate run avalanche
Teater was a fairly new trail at Copper. Belle was not at Keystone. He was wear- on the west
Pennsylvania, snowboarder and had been wearing a helmet. ing a helmet. side of Aspen
died on Feb. snowboarding without a hel- Mountain. The
4, 2013, from met earlier in the day and had 99. Uwe Breitkreuz, 54, 105. Suzann Pennington, longtime local was said to
a traumatic fallen several times. He chose have two passions: skiing and
brain injury to wear a helmet after lunch of Germany, died March 18, 55, of Reeds whitewater kayaking, and that
after she was and had become separated 2014, of hemorrhagic shock Spring, Mis- he skied every day. “He lived
hit by another from his friends at the time of due to pelvic trauma after souri, died Jan. his life the way he wanted to,
female skier at the accident. hitting a tree on Gunner’s 19, 2015, of and his love was Aspen, the
Aspen. The incident occurred View, an intermediate run at a closed head mountain and the river,” his
on Spar Gulch just below 94. Tony Seibert, 24, of Snowmass. He was wearing traumatic brain brother, Tom Gancsos, said in
where Jackpot exits. Egleston a helmet. injury. She had 2015. It’s not known whether
was wearing a helmet. There Vail, died Jan. fallen several he was wearing a helmet.
was an investigation into the 6, 2014, in 100. Lee Hurley, 60, of times on the beginners slope,
incident, but no charges were an avalanche but her family also said she 110. Jacob Koltun, 22,
filed. in the East Charlotte, North Carolina, had a pre-existing medical
Vail Chutes, died March 24, 2014, of condition. A newspaper at of Alameda,
89. Robert Redmond, 45, outside of Vail blunt-force trauma after the time reported that Pen- California,
Mountain ski hitting a tree on an unknown nington’s sister-in-law, Sarah was attending
of Virginia, area bound- intermediate run at Keystone. Garoutte, said Pennington school at the
died Feb. 13, aries. The avalanche was He was visiting Summit had been complaining about University
2013. Red- triggered as Seibert and three County on a ski vacation with her neck and head for weeks. of Colora-
mond was other “sidecountry riders” de- his family. Ski patrol re- do-Boulder
descending scended the chutes. The four sponded and took him to the 106. Luis Olide, 13, of when he died
Breckenridge’s were all carrying avalanche clinic but he did not survive on Feb. 23, 2015, at Brecken-
intermediate safety equipment and were the injuries. It is unknown Montrose, ridge. Koltun had been skiing
Columbia all familiar with the terrain in whether he was wearing a died Jan. 23, without a helmet on expert
run on Peak 8 when he lost the East Vail Chutes. CAIC helmet. 2015, after an terrain off Peak 7.
control and collided with a danger rating that day showed accident on
tree. He died three days later considerable risk in the area. 101. Paul Cohen, 45, of the interme- 111. Krzysztof Kostelic,
at a hospital. He was wearing Seibert was Vail Mountain diate Upper
a helmet. founder Pete Seibert’s grand- Cincinnati, Ohio, died March Treasury run at 46, of Rolling Meadows,
son. 28, 2014, from injuries he Crested Butte Illinois, died Feb. 26, 2015,
90. Arthur M. Glaz, 27, of suffered after colliding with resort. The eighth-grader after skiing into a tree on
95. Jonathan Stuart, 56, another skier and then hitting had been skiing as part of Northstar, an intermediate
Palos Hills, a tree on an unknown run his school’s ski club. He was run between Peaks 7 and
Illinois, died of Aspen, died at Snowmass. He suffered wearing a helmet. 8 at Breckenridge. Kostel-
Feb. 18, 2013, on Jan. 11, severe brain trauma, despite ic veered off the run and
after a colli- 2014, after wearing a helmet, and fell 107. John “Jack” collided with a tree, resulting
sion with a colliding with into a coma. He was trans- Lindsey, 18, of Louisiana, in laceration of aorta and
tree on the a tree on the ported to a hospital but never liver from blunt-force trau-
intermediate lower Bellisi- regained consciousness. died Jan. 24, ma. Kostelic was wearing a
trail Porcupine mo, an inter- Cohen was a neurosurgeon 2015, after helmet and may have had a
at Keystone. He was wearing mediate run, with the Mayfield Clinic in losing control medical issue that led to the
a helmet. Glaz was an Air on Aspen Mountain. Stuart Cincinnati. on Elk Run accident.
Force lieutenant stationed in was wearing a helmet. He and hitting a
New Mexico. had two children, Hallie and 102. Jeffrey Beadle, 47, lift tower at 112. Zane Mason, 33, of
Jeffrey, and a wife, Stacey. Keystone. On
91. David Schreitmueller, He worked as a private chef of Snowmass Village, died just his fourth Crested Butte, died March
for several Aspen families. April 3, 2014, of multiple day on skis, the certified pri- 16, 2015. A paraglider in the
42, of Kensington, Maryland, chest injuries suffered while vate pilot and former football air spotted Mason’s body at
died March 22, 2013, after 96. Gary R. Parker, 64, of skiing the Cirque Headwall defensive back had accepted the base of a 250-foot cliff at
hitting a tree on the Coney on Snowmass. Beadle, origi- the challenge of keeping the bottom of a rocky chute in
Glade run at Snowmass. He St. Louis, Missouri, died Feb. nally from Centralia, Illinois, pace with a more experi- an area known locally as the
was wearing a helmet. Sch- worked as a lift operator at
reitmueller was at Snowmass

In memoriam

Terminator Chutes, outside known inter- 123. David Carr, 32, of 128. Ricardo Cohen, 26, 134. Tien Tran, 24, of Hawaii,
the boundary of Crested Butte mediate run at died March 7,
Mountain. The snowskater had Beaver Creek. Frisco, died of Mexico City, Mexico, died 2017. He was
been seen leaving the peak of Beall died of April 6, 2016, Feb. 10, 2017, while skiing an intelligence
Crested Butte Mountain by blunt-force of blunt-force on Breckenridge’s Volunteer analyst with
passing underneath the rope trauma to the trauma injuries run off Peak 9’s C-Chair after assigned to the
lines marking the edge of resort chest after a after colliding slamming hard into snow. He 566th Intelli-
property. It is unknown wheth- collision with a with a tree on was wearing a helmet. gence Squad-
er he was wearing a helmet. wooden post. He was wear- on Claimjump- ron in the Air
ing a helmet. Beall was the er, an interme- 129. Alicyn Mitcham, 17, Force. He
113. Logan Salviano, 25, owner of a luxury hotel and diate run on Peak 8 at Breck-
event destination in the Great enridge. He was wearing a of Colmesneil, collided with a tree on Mule
of Avon, died Smoky Mountains. helmet. Carr, originally from Texas, died Shoe, an expert run at Eldora
Jan. 11, 2016, Georgia, introduced many Feb. 15, 2017, Mountain. He was wearing a
of suffocation 118. Christopher Dutko, to the mountains, whether after skiing helmet.
in a tree well through rock climbing, reach- into a tree on
on Vail Moun- 26, of Pennsylvania but ing the summit of a challeng- Forget-Me- 135. Cole Barker, 35, of
tain. Salviano working in Breckenridge, ing peak or trekking out to Not, an inter-
was found off died March 1, 2016, at the backcountry on a perfect mediate trail at Silver Plume, died March 24,
of an expert Breckenridge. Witnesses powder day. Since moving to Winter Park Resort. 2017, following an incident
run on the front side of the say Dutko lost control while Colorado, Carr had summited near the bottom of Loveland’s
mountain near Chairs 3 and 4. skiing on blue run Sundown all 53 14ers. 130. Unknown. Colorado Lift 8. He collided with a tree,
It is unknown whether he was after he ran into another ski- which appeared to have bro-
wearing a helmet. er and then a tree. He was 124. Catherine Abeyta, Ski Country USA confirmed a ken his neck. A ski patroller
not wearing a helmet and fifth death this season be- pronounced Barker dead, and
114. Donald Hinckley, died due to severe loss of 20, of Denver, died April 24, tween Feb. 16 and March 6 at his body was removed before
blood following the blunt- 2016, from blunt-force trau- a member resort but will not investigators arrived on the
51, of Austin, Texas, died force trauma. ma injuries after hitting a tree provide any other details. scene. Colorado law prohibits
Jan. 20, 2016, after falling on the Monte Cristo run on moving a dead body from the
head-first on a snow-covered 119. Nathan Rom, 19, of Peak 7 at Breckenridge. 131. Andrew Garcia, 20, scene of the accident without
stump on the expert Far East the authority of the coroner.
Run at Copper Mountain. He Arlington, 125. Kevin Pitts, 48, of of Fort Sill,
died of traumatic brain injury Virginia, died Oklahoma, died 136. Michael Black, 56,
and a fractured neck. He was March 9, 2016, Longmont, Feb. 23, 2017,
wearing a helmet. of blunt-force died Dec. 19, after hitting a of Florida, died March 25,
trauma injuries 2016, of acci- tree at Butter- 2017, after an accident at
115. Jason “Jay” Taylor, after hitting dental blunt- milk on Feb. 19 Wolf Creek on March 21.
a tree on the force trauma and suffering Black was traveling at a high
27, of Boul- intermedi- after hitting a head injuries. Garcia was not rate of speed on the fresh-
der, died Jan. ate American Flyer run at tree on Alpine wearing a helmet. ly-groomed Summer Day
20, 2016, of Copper Mountain. Rom was Alley, a black intermediate run by the edge
multiple skull visiting the area on spring run at Breckenridge. He was 132. Kressyda Ming, 34, of the trail near some trees
fractures and break with his family and lost wearing a helmet. Pitts was when he lost a ski, and began
a broken neck control while skiing when he director of product marketing of Farmington, New Mexi- to uncontrollably somersault
after colliding crashed. Rom was wearing a in Oracle’s communications co, died Feb. 25, 2017, after before coming to a rest when
with a tree just helmet. global business unit. He left a hitting a tree on the lower he collided with a downed
12-to-15 feet into a forested wife and two children. Demon Trail, an intermediate tree. He suffered neck, rib
area on the blue trail known 120. William Scott run at Purgatory Resort. She and internal injuries consis-
as Elk Run at Keystone. He Elligott, 49, of Colorado 126. Kelly Huber, 40, of was wearing a helmet. tent with blunt-force trauma,
was not wearing a helmet. and experienced complica-
Jay, a self-taught and self-em- Springs, died March 9, 2016. San Antonio, 133. Tess Smith, 15, of tions from a blood clot. He
ployed glass artist, moved to He was skiing a traverse Texas, died was wearing a helmet.
Boulder from his northeast- over the Rose Bowl with his Dec. 29, 2016, Wichita, Kan-
ern Massachusetts home in 20-year-old daughter when after falling sas, died March 137. Logan Goodwin, 12,
mid-July 2015. He was an he fell about 300 feet through 25 feet from a 5, 2017, at
experienced skier, and a rock trees and hard snow. It was chairlift at Ski Breckenridge. of Hermosa
climber, trekker, mountain the first time the man had Granby Ranch. Smith, a sopho- Beach, Cal-
biker and photographer. skied in Telluride. He was on A six-day more at Wichita ifornia, died
a days-long trip to various investigation revealed that a Northwest High while skiing at
116. Donald G. Drapkin, Colorado ski areas with his “rare dynamic event” related School who Breckenridge
daughter. to the electrical control sys- was skiing for the first time, Ski Resort on
67, of Aspen, died Feb. tem was the cause of the fall. reportedly broke her leg in April 8, 2017,
22, 2016, after a weeklong 121. George A. Nolan, 69, Her two daughters were also the accident. She was alert after reported-
hospitalization from a ski fall injured after falling with her. and speaking with ski patrol ly hitting a tree stump while
on Aspen Snowmass. He was of Greenwood, South Car- responders when they arrived skiing near upper Springmeier,
skiing with his son and a ski olina, died March 19, 2016, 127. Sean Haberthier, after the crash, but lost con- a beginner run on Peak 8 at
instructor Feb. 15 when he after crashing into trees on sciousness shortly after that and Breckenridge. Goodwin was
had a seemingly minor fall. Coonskin run in Telluride. 47, of Denver, died of a se- never woke up. She was kept taken to Children’s Hospital in
He fell down from a standing His daughter-in-law told sher- vere skull fracture after ski- on life support until her organs Aurora via Flight for Life.
position and hit his head, iff’s deputies that Nolan was ing into a tree on the expert could be donated. Smith was
and then later became dizzy slightly behind her but then Lower Boneyard run off the not wearing a helmet.
and nauseous. He was later passed her as he was sliding Peak 8 6-Chair in Brecken-
airlifted to a Denver hospital, headfirst on his side. ridge. He was not wearing More online
where he underwent surgery a helmet. After graduating
to relieve pressure on his 122. John Sherwood, 43, from Powell High School in Learn more about the skiers
brain. It is unknown whether 1987 as a standout state-lev- and snowboarders who died on
he was wearing a helmet. of Randolph, New Jersey, el wrestler, Haberthier Colorado’s slopes online at
died April 4, 2016, after moved to Colorado with his
117. Sam Beall, 30, of colliding with another skier brother Tony in the early skierdeaths
on the Tiger double black 1990s to start a construction
Walland, Tennessee, died diamond run on Peak 8 at business. An interactive map includes links for
Feb. 25, 2016, on an un- Breckenridge. more information and marks the ski
trail where each accident took place.

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