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2018-19 Media Kit for The Daily Evergreen.

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Published by WSU Office of Student Media, 2019-01-23 17:17:44

WSU Student Media Advertising Rates

2018-19 Media Kit for The Daily Evergreen.

Washington State University Student Media

2018-2019 Media Kit

The free Daily Evergreen is delivered to 200 locations in high-traffic areas, including central
locations at WSU Pullman. It is also direct-mailed to 1,300 WSU faculty and staff on campus.
The online Evergreen reaches 70,000 web visitors a month, including WSU alumni across the

By the numbers

 33,000 people in distribution area.  5,000 faculty/staff members
 70,000 people visit The Daily at WSU Pullman.

Evergreen website each month.  5,200 free copies distributed daily.
 20,000 students at WSU Pullman.  200 distribution points.

Questions? Table of contents

Let us help. Display Ads ..................................Page 2
Contact your ad Online Ads....................................Page 3
representative, Sports Weekends ......................... Page 4
or ask our ad Inserts/Sticky notes..................... Page 4
manager. Special Editions............................ Page 5
Photo Booth..................................Page 6
You can reach us at [email protected] Visitors Magazine ........................ Page 6
or (509) 335-1572. Policies..........................................Page 7
For classifieds, contact Tracy Milano at (509) 335-4573. Publication Dates ......................... Page 8

All prices effective Aug. 1, 2018-July 31, 2019


Evergreen print ads

Size National Regional WSU

Full $995 $895 $750

Half $650 $550 $450

Quarter $395 $295 $245

(All ads quarter page or larger include free color)

Full column $250 $195 $150

1/8 $150 $125 $100

BizCard $55 $45 $35

Page 1 banner $499 $399 $349

(includes free color)

Inside banner $250 $200 $150

Get a Discount Free ads for student groups. Student groups can
apply for free ads, thanks to a contribution from
Buy three, get one free. WSU’s Services and Activities Fees Committee. Pref-
Schedule three of the same print ads and we’ll run erence is given to Registered Student Organizations
the fourth for free within two weeks. but any student group may apply. Contact your ad
rep, and ask about the Ad Fund.
Bulk Contract Discounts
Plan out 12 months of spending, and save a lot: New! Cougpons
Plan 1: Spend $2,500/All ads reduced by 10% Five weeks of ads for $250
Plan 2: Spend $5,000/All ads reduced by 20%
Plan 3: Spend $7,500 or more/Ads reduced by 30% Low-c0st bottom banner color ads run every
Thursday in our entertainment section for five
Note: You can’t use both the Quick Discount and weeks. Total cost: $250
Bulk Contract Discount at the same time. Your ad
rep will be glad to help you find the best deal.

Additional information:
 See Page 8 for info on formats, deadlines and

other advertising policies.
 For full color, add $99.
 Regional is Whitman, Latah, Spokane counties
 Other sizes: $10 column inch ($12 non-WSU).
 Add 25% for position guarantee.
 Agency rate discount: 15% off national rate.

No other discounts apply.
 Ads 14 inches or more charged at full page rate.
 Creative services are available for $20 an hour.

Student groups may qualify for free design ser-
vices from WSU’s Student Organization Center.


Online ads Top Banner
Maximum size 1400x150
In a typical month, the online Daily Evergreen reaches about 70,000
people, and your ad will be seen about 250,000 times.

A maximum of two ads rotate in each spot, except for flash ads, which are
limited to five. All prices effective Aug. 1-July 31.

Position/size Daily Weekly Four weeks LLaarrggee
Top Banner/Max size 1400x150 $75 $495 $995 RRiigghhtt

Large Top Right/Max size 300x600 $50 $295 $895 MMaaxxssiizzee
Flash Ads/Max size 300x150 $10 $50 $250
Flash Ads
Med Top Right/Max size 300x450 $45 $275 $850 MMeadxiusimze

Top Center Page/Max size 900x500 $45 $275 $850 Top Center Page 3T00oxp150
Max size 900x500 Right
Mid Center Page/Max size 900x450 $40 $250 $825 Top Center Page 3MM0aR0exTixdgos4ihpiu5ztm0e
Max size 900x500
Lower Right 1/Max size 300x300 $25 $150 $550 Max size
Mid Center Page 300x450
Lower Right 2/Max size 300x300 $20 $135 $500 Max size 900x450
Mid Center Page
Business Card 1/Max size 300x180 n/a $100 $350 Max size 900x450

Business Card 2/Max size 300x180 n/a $85 $300

Bottom banner/Max size 1400x150 $45 $275 $850

Media bundles

Today’s audience gets information from a variety of sources. That’s why
we offer comprehensive campaigns that combine print and online ads,
reinforcing your message at a discounted price. Buy simultaneous ads
online and in print, and receive 10 percent off the package. Talk to your
ad rep about how we can create the best deal for you.


We run your posts on our Facebook and Instagram pages, and also Lower Right 1
promote them through our Twitter account. Max size
 Facebook: $59 for a week-long post. $99 with image
 Instagram: $99 a week Lower Right 2
 Twitter: $49 per post Max size

Deadlines Lo3w0e0rxR3i0g0ht 1
BBuussMi3MMinn0aaaee0xsxxsxsssss3iCiiC0zzzaae0eerrdd 11
Orders and materials are due at 4 p.m. three business days before
publication. Late ads are subject to a $35 rush fee. Ads canceled after 330000xx118800
deadline will be billed at full cost. Lower Right 2
BusiMneasxssCizaerd 2
Business Card
Max size

BBoottttoomm BBaannnneerr
MMaaxxiimmuumm ssiizzee 11440000xx115500

Sports Weekend Editions

Pullman is flooded with visitors on football weekends. Take
advantage of this unique opportunity to reach WSU students,
family me☺mbers, and alumni by advertising in our football
weekend editions.

5,200 copies of this special edition are inserted into the
regular paper and 3,000 are distributed the day of the game
at key campus and Pullman locations.

This is a great way to reach both residents, and thousands
of visitors who pour into Pullman for home games.

Game schedule

Sept. 8/San Jose State
Sept. 15/Eastern Washington
Sept. 29/Utah (Homecoming)
Oct. 20/Oregon
Nov. 3/California (Dad’s Weekend)
Nov. 17/Arizona
Nov. 23/UW (Apple Cup)

Put your message on mini-billboards Inserts

Cost includes printing $500 for inserts in 5,200 newspapers.
and placement of 17” x Maximum size 8.5” x 11”. Minimum size 2.5” x 5”.
11” weatherproof plas- Sample copy required before run date. Deadline to
tic cards in Evergreen order is seven days before publication.
news boxes. Advertiser-provided materials must be received
for review two days before publication.
38 on-campus racks Label shipments: “Insert into Daily Evergreen”
and 10 off-campus Ship to:
racks: $599 a month. Tribune Publishing Co.
505 Capital St.
For-profit clients Lewiston, Idaho 83501
are limited to off-
campus boxes: Sticky notes
$299 a month
3”x3” notes placed on the top of the front page.
4 Need help getting these printed? Just contact us.
Deadline is three weeks before publication. Mate-
rials due 10 days before publication. $700.

Special Editions Sponsor a special edition.
You’ll get a full-page color
Sex Edition: Oct. 26 ad, full color banners on the
This very popular annual edition bottom of up to 12 pages, a
is devoted to sexual issues. 3x3 full-color stamp on the
front page—and we’ll even
Dads Weekend: Nov. 2 post your message on Face-
Published on a home-game book during the day of spon-
Friday and paired with a Sports sorship. $1,999.
Weekend edition, this paper lets
advertisers reach both students Sponsor a daily paper
and parents. You’ll get full color banners
on the bottom of up to 12
Students Choice pages, a 3x3 full-color stamp
Awards on the front page— and we’ll
“Best-of” edition even post your message on
highlights top Facebook during the day of
picks for dining, sponsorship.
shopping, relax-
ing and more in the Pullman- Unlike sponsoring a special
Moscow area. Appears in late edition, this does not include
spring. a full-page ad, so is offered at
a reduced rate of $1,200.
Student Housing Guide
An excellent way to reach Sponsor a high-readership
students as they make housing part of the paper
choices. This edition runs the
same week as the WSU Housing  Sudoku
Fair. Published at end of January.  Community Calendar
 Horoscope
Mom’s Weekend/April 12  Crossword
Published on one of the biggest weekends of the year, this paper lets advertis-  Police Blotter
ers reach both students and parents, and is a top choice for advertising activi-
ties and events. One issue: $40.
10 issues: $300.
Classified ads Entire semester (about 75
issues): $2,000.
Display ads Entire academic year (about
Reach a large audience at a low cost. 157 issues): $3,500 –
$10 column inch/$12 non-WSU clients. that’s just $22 an issue for a
Text ads year-long spot on Page 2.
$1.30 per line per day. 3-line mini-
mum. Submit by 1 p.m. the day before
publication. To place an ad, call Tracy
Milano at (509) 335-4573.


Other media options


Countdowns are ads that run for five
days and lead up to one of four events:
Valentine’s Day, Mom’s Weekend, Dad’s
Weekend and Homecoming. Your ad will
be packaged with relevant content. Par-
ticipants will receive 25% off the entire
package. (No other discounts apply.)

Photo booth

The Daily Evergreen photo booth is a
memorable and fun addition for event
guests. We bring the booth and props to your event, we assemble and staff it, and we take the photos. $299 for
two hours. $99 each additional hour. If you’ve advertised your event with an Evergreen display ad, we’ll even
give you a 10% discount on the photo booth. Contact your ad rep for complete details.

Standby advertising

Here’s a great money-saver! We sometimes have extra space or a last-minute cancellation. If you have an ad
that isn’t time-sensitive, we’ll put it on standby, and run it at half price. Applies to display ads an eighth page
or larger only.

Annual WSU
Visitors Magazine

WSU’s annual Visitors Magazine is
produced by Daily Evergreen staff, and
distributed on campus, at area hotels,
restaurants, the airport, the Brelsford
WSU Visitor’s Center – everywhere
that students, residents and travelers

Topics includes student picks from our Students Choice Award issue, and
lists of area hotels, restaurants and entertainment. Because the magazine
is annual, your ad will be on the stands for a full year.

Full Page $1,299 Business Card $399 Advertise in the
Half Page $999 Inside Front Cover $1,499 Religious Directory
Quarter Page $599 Inside Back Cover $1,499 $5.95 a column inch.
Banner $799 Back cover $2,999 Limited copy changes.



All advertisements must be paid in advance of publication unless billing has been arranged. MasterCard and
Visa are the only credit cards accepted. WSU departments must pay with an IRI. All political ads must be paid
in advance. Balances not paid within 60 days are subject to a finance charge of 1.5% per month (18% per
annum). If an advertiser is delinquent in payments, The Daily Evergreen may refuse further advertising or
require advance payment. The account may also be turned over to collections.

Mailing address

The Daily Evergreen P.O. Box 642510
Washington State University Pullman, WA 99164-2510

Submission format
 Camera-ready artwork must be sent in PDF or JPG format. Minimum resolution 300 dpi.
 Ads must be in CMYK or Grayscale. No RGB. All Grayscale (BW) ads must have K only values or will be

charged the full color price.

Deadlines and cancellations
Orders and materials are due at 4 p.m. three business days before publication. Late ads are subject to a $35
rush fee, and must be approved by both the creative manager and the ad manager. Ads canceled after dead-
line will be billed at full cost.

WSU Student Media will not accept ads that its staff considers libelous, indecent, salacious, or that promote
academic dishonesty, violate federal, state or local laws, or encourage discrimination against any individual
or group on the basis of race, sex, sexual orientation, age, color, creed, religion, national origin or disability.
We reserve the right to edit or reject any ad copy, photos, graphics or entire ads. We also reserve the right to
add the word “advertisement” to ads that our staff believes could be mistaken for editorial content.

WSU Student Media does not edit comments on social media ads.

The Daily Evergreen is not liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of the
ad. Any liability is strictly limited to a refund for the cost of the ad.

The advertiser warrants to be in full compliance with all laws, including licensing requirements, related to
the product or services advertised. The advertiser assumes sole responsibility for the content of the ad, and
indemnifies The Daily Evergreen against loss, liability, or expenses arising from any and all claims, allega-
tions or judgments resulting from publication of the advertiser’s materials.

All prices effective Aug. 1, 2018-July 31, 2019



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